Simple games with cards. Best Card Games for Children

Simple games with cards. Best Card Games for Children
Simple games with cards. Best Card Games for Children


It is believed that the cards are a gambling game. Yes, you can get carried away and forget to make some things. But now there are more gambling and dangerous classes. Computer entertainment take away many time, make them nervous. If your child sits too long for a laptop, then distract it with card games.

Most young will be interested in playing "drunk". Yes, the name is nonsense, so before you decide the grandson, son or daughter to entertain this way, come up with your name.

Take a deck of 36 cards and distribute them so that each has a stack of 18 pieces. They must lie shirt up. Consider your wealth is prohibited. Agree, whose first move, if yours, then put the top card from your stack on the table, and a small partner is yours. This bribe gets something whose map is older. Whoever will take the whole deck, he won.

In the "fool" can play almost everything, but the French version is not so famous. Distribute cards starting with a partner. You should be 4, and it has 5 pieces. Do not open a trump card, here it is not. Starting a partner. You must put a map of the same suit or the same meaning.

For example, it is possible to put 8 any suit to its oight peak. If you do not have neither the other, and there is a lady, then it will fit perfectly and even give the right to name any suit. Map is such a suit must put your opponent.

If not and ladies, take from the general deck on top of the card until you see the desired. If you go with the seven, the partner must take 2 cards from the overall deck. The six is \u200b\u200bencircled it to 1 extra, the ace causes the move.

Wins the one who got rid of all the cards. The defeated believes his glasses. The game consists of several rounds, loses in it the one who first scored 100 points.

If you do not want to bore yourself with calculations, then you take time together for the "Sunny" card game. Spread these attributes in a circle in the shape of a big ring, shirt up. Take the turn and put in the center. If the card is already lying there, you will have to take them all and play this set.

Play together in the Bura Card game. Distribute 3 cards to yourself and partner since it. The next one, the seventh - the trump card. Task - dial first 31 points.

We go with one, two or three cards of one suit. With the last situation, the chance to dial a lot of points most, as the second participant is forced to throw off all 3 of their cards. If he does not beat them, then boldly take a bribe and attribute points to yourself.


When counting points in the game "Bura", remember what is given for: Ace 11, for the top ten 10, King 4, ladies 3, currency 2 points. For other cards, scores are not accrued.

Helpful advice

If a person has a difficult day tomorrow, he cannot sleep and nervous about this, play a horse with him to the card. Such a distracting maneuver will help him not worry and easily sleep.

Black Jack is one of the most popular and well-known card games in the world. Her rules are simple and understandable, but according to Azart, it is not inferior to poker.

You will need

  • - Maps


If the game occurs in a casino, then players betting on boxes. On one box can from one to three players. All solutions takes. The rate of each player on the box should not be less than a minimum, and the overall rate of players should not exceed the maximum of the table. Each player can play on any number of boxes.

At the beginning of the game, the dealer distributes two players and one for themselves. The player can stop, or continue the set of cards. After all the players have decided, the dealer is gaining a map of themselves. The dealer is obliged to take the map to 16 points inclusive, and on 17 or more cards to stop. According to the result of a set of cards, the dealer determines and pays or takes the rates. If the dealer and player have the same amount of points, then the bet does not lose, and does not win.

When counting the glasses, all cards - currencies, lady, king, have a dignity of 10 points. Maps from twos to dozen correspond to their nominal. Ace is considered as 1 or 11 points. Black Jack is a combination of two originally distributed cards: ace and any card worth 10 points. Black Jack wins always, with the exception of those cases when the dealer Black Jack. In such a situation, the player's rate remains the same and does not burn.

If the dealer is the first card - ace, it can offer players to insure from possible Black Jack at the dealer. The amount of insurance should not exceed half the player's bet. If the dealer drops Jack, the player's rates lose, and insurance is paid at the rate of 2 to 1. In other cases, insurance loses.

Before reaching the third card, the player may refuse to play the following game (do surrender). At the same time, he loses half of his bet.


  • What is the most popular card game? Answer to the question for the game

The rules of the Card game "Fool" knows almost everyone. It is usually believed that it is to a large extent the game for luck. Wins the player who was lucky, the one who got the best cards. However, do not forget that in the game of the game, everyone also uses its intelligence, memory, and possibly acting talent.
You will not be a fool, even having not very good cards in your hands, if you enjoy some good strategy and do not make obvious nonsense.


Use all kinds of tactical techniques depending on the circumstances. When it becomes obvious to you that the enemy clearly begins to win, proceed to active actions. Your task is to limit the opponent's access to the deck. Take it under control. To do this, you will have to stop getting rid of younger cards and sacrifice your major cards (but not large trumps!). Then you will have the opportunity to get valuable trump cards from the deck. If from the very beginning of the game you are lucky, it is worth "to hold" them.

Do not spare small trumps. Suppose you need to beat the card of the table that you do not have. Give the trump card (from the "six" to "nine"), without thinking. Keep in mind that according to statistics, each enemy card taken by you reduces the likelihood of obtaining any next trump card from a deck by 43.5%. Of course, the trump king and the ace give extremely undesirable, especially at the beginning or middle of the game.

Avoid passive tactics. Do not take the enemy cards without a fight, it will increase its chances of receiving the valuable trumps remaining in the deck.

Remember cards. Memory is your "tenth trump card." Come up with a scheme for which you will be easier to memorize. Having good memory, you can easily assume exactly which cards are in the hands of the opponent.

Collect pair cards. At one time they will be very useful. Maps in two, three and four copies, even if they are small dignity, will undoubtedly help you win.

Make an enemy to give a large trump card. If you can confidently assume that the opponent has leading trump cards, let your own trump cards of lower advantage.

Take care of the lead trumps. The visor king and the ace will save you even in the most hopeless situation. In the final part of the game, these cards are a guarantee of success.

Closer to the end of the game, pay attention to the open trump card at the bottom of the deck. You need to calculate how many cards left to take in front of the latest trump card. It is advisable to do it in advance, for five or six moves before the end of the game. If the visor underlying at thenime is great, do not miss it. Get your opponent to start your next move when only four cards remained in the deck, including the very lowest trump card. With this scenario, it will almost certainly get to you.


  • world of Intelligent Games Online

Card games are a popular way of time in the company. The deck of cards does not occupy a lot of space, and it can be easily taken with you in a campaign or trip. If you have already spent hundreds of evenings, bending over the deck, and you are tired of the existing games, you can always come up with your own.


You can modify the existing game, changing her rules slightly. If you like to play, you are sure to know such games as "fool" and one of his versions is "podkinny". If you wish, you can create your own version of "fool" by entering the rule that the trump cards are not used in the game, or the red suit card beats a similar map of black suit, and you can throw up until the player who goes, will not end on the hands of the card. Change the number of cards that the player can dial: let them be not six, but eight or ten.

You can create a game from scratch, using the usual deck of cards or drawing your own. The drawing can be any: from funny cartoons on your friends (if there is an artist in your company) before the reproductions of the famous Masters of the Renaissance. Align the cards so that they do not deteriorate during the game.

To create a new card game, you can connect two existing ones. Try to combine the game "Fool" and "Uno". For example, if the player has two cards in his hands, and he did not have time to say the code word (which can also be invented independently), then he gains a certain number of cards from the penny and continues the game.

You can come up with your game any rules that you will come to mind. It is only important that the game is not infinite, there were victorious and losers in it, otherwise she simply will lose their meaning. In the card game you can enter

Who said the maps of children are not a toy? Which of us in childhood did not play with friends in "fool" or in the "shark"? Despite the abundance of all sorts of board games, ordinary playing cards occupy far from last place in a number of favorite children's entertainment.

Children's card games are distinguished by simple rules, to master that even preschoolers. In addition, many of them develop logical thinking, reaction and attention. That is why children can combine pleasant with useful children.


The goal of the game is to get rid of your cards. Maps equally share between the participants. Each player puts a stack of shirt cards up. Watch your cards are not allowed. The participants of the game go in turn, clockwise, and the right of the first turn is determined by drawing. Players in turns open the top card lying in the stack, and put it up with a picture next to a stack. The player is obliged to put his card on an open card of any of the players if his card is as follows in as early as an increase. For example, the second player opened the eight, and the first player lies an open seven. The second player puts his eight on the seven of the first player. Or the player has opened a lady, and his neighbor has an open currency. The lady goes to the valve. Six put on the ace.

Attention! Laying cards in descending order. For example, it is impossible to put the currency at the launch, and on the nine eight. When the player has a choice - immediately from several participants of the game, the cards are open to which he can put his card, then it acts at his discretion and puts the map of that who wants. If the player puts his card on someone else's open stack, then it remains from him. He continues to open his cards and shift them to other participants as long as the cards discover themselves for this. As soon as the player lay out the card, which cannot be put on anyone from other participants in the game, the move goes to the next player. All players carefully follow the game process and the actions of the one who opens cards. If the player had the opportunity to put his open card on someone else's stack, and he did notice this opportunity, he opened the next closed card and put it on his own - such a "zooaku" is fine. Each of the players puts him on one map of his stacks, and the move moves to the next participant. For example, the player lies open nine, and his neighbor lies open eight. Instead of putting your nine neighbor, the player opens the next card. This means that he "yawned".

As soon as the closed stack of the player ends, he is obliged to wait for his turn, turn her shirt up and continue the game. At the same time, the cards cannot be drawn.

The game wins the one who was the first to get rid of his cards. And loses, respectively, that player who has a full deck in his hands at the end of the game. As a rule, the winners are more attentive players. But it also depends on the scenario: very often in "ZEVAKA" it turns out to be the one who has never been mistaken for the whole game!

Akulina (Witch)

An ordinary deck of 36 cards is used for the game, from which the lady TREF is pulling out in advance. It is not used in the game. The game can take part from 2 to 6 people.

The goal of the game: Get rid of your cards and not stay with a peak lady in your arms. The game passes in two stages. Maps equally are distributed between all the participants of the game, although in most cases the last player gets less than one card. At the first stage of the game, participants dump paired cards, strictly two. For example, two six, two kings, two aces. Three identical cards should not be thrown off. At the same time, the matset of the cards does not have the values, in a little exception: the bubnic lady is reset together with the worry lady, and it is impossible to throw out the peak. This is a witch or akulin. After the players have no paired cards left, each of them, in turn, suggests the next player to pull out one of his cards. Of course, your cards cannot be shown to other participants of the game. Usually they are kept in front of a fan, picture to themselves. The player pulls the map and, if there is an opportunity, drops pair cards or - if you have nothing to reset - leaves an elongated card to myself, and the move goes to the next player.

The game is underway until all pair cards are reset from all participants of the game. The loser remains with a single card - a lady of peak. Sometimes the one who stayed with sharul has to be taped on the head of a slam and sit in it throughout the next Kona until a new loser appears. In this game, there is another version of credit cards. If they play a little or they are inconvenient to keep a large number of cards in their hands at the same time, then you can hand over all players for five cards and put a deck in the center of the table. After resetting pair cards, each player gets missing cards from a deck. If the steam cards of the players ended even before the deck is dismantled, then you can go to the second stage of the game. The player who has stretched the map takes the missing card from the deck and, if necessary, resets pair cards during the game. It should be noted that "Akulina" is a well-known game not only in Russia, but also in other countries. Only there it is called "Old Virgo", play it a "long" deck out of 52 cards. No cards from the deck do not pop out in advance, and the role of "shark" performs a joker.

Hi, curren!

A very fun game for the smallest, which develops a quick response and attention. The game is designed for a large number of players (minimum 3). If players are a bit, then you can use a deck of 36 cards. Also for the game fits and a deck of 52 cards, without jokers.

Maps equally are distributed between the participants of the game. Each player puts his stack in front of himself, shirt up. It is impossible to watch your cards. Then players in turn (clockwise) open their cards and lay them on the table. Cards advantage from six o'clock (or from twos on nine, if the "long deck" is used) do not require any actions from players and stay on the table. But the cards from dozens to the ace require from other participants in the game, except for who opens a map, certain actions.

If a dozen appears - whistle!

If the curren appears - say: "Hi, curren!"

If a lady appears - say: "Hi, lady!"

If the king appears - "take a visor" or "give honor" (army greeting).

If ace appears - slammed with palms on the table.

The player who completed the task is incorrectly takes itself all the cards lying on the table (including those that were posted earlier). If all the players did everything right, then the card takes on the player who fulfilled the task last. If the players cannot decide who was the last (all completed the required action at the same time), then the cards remain on the table, and the move goes to the next player. In another case, the move goes to the one who took the cards. Wins the one who was the first to get rid of his cards. Of course, a list of actions that are required from players when certain cards appear, it is possible to change. But you need to discuss them before the start of the game.


One of the first card games that children are mastered. For the game uses a deck of 36 cards. Usually the game is designed for 2 players, but they can be more.

The goal of the game is to collect a full deck of cards. Maps equally are distributed between the participants of the game. It is impossible to watch your cards. Each of the players takes his stack, shirt up, and opens up the top card. That of the participants of the game, who had a map of older than the other player (other players), takes a bribe and puts it into a separate stack. For example, one player has a lady, a second currency, and the third eight. Cards picks up the player who has fallen a lady. The youngest map is the six, and the most senior is ace. But the six is \u200b\u200bthe only card that takes the ace.

If the participants are laying at the same time the cards of the same dignity (two ladies, two dozen, two aces and so on), there is a dispute between them. Each of them puts on one closed map to his "arguing" card ("surprise"), and from above - another open card. In the dispute wins the one whose top open map older. If more than two players take part in the game, only those players who have had the cards of one dignity participate in the dispute. The remaining players skip the move. When the stack of cards, which is in the hands of the player, ends, he takes from the map card scored during the game, turns the stack with a shirt up and continues the game. Players must agree in advance whether it is possible to put cards in this stack or you need to lay out them in the sequence in which they were scored.

Wins, respectively, the player who took himself all the cards. And he plays the one who has no cards in their hands. He is a "drinker", which "propyl" all his cards. In this game, no mental process is required from the participants, and the winnings or losses depend solely on the sampling of cards. But for children this game usually likes.

Children's Solitaire "Four Aces"

For solitaire, a deck of 36 cards is taken. Maps are folded into 4 equal stacks, shirt up. The player takes the first stack, turns her picture up, takes off and puts away with any cards from the six to the king, until the appearance of the first ace. Cards lying under ace can not be removed. As soon as the ace appears, the player takes the next stack, turns it over, puts over the first pile and continues to take cards before the appearance of the ace. The same is done with the third and fourth stack. Then the remaining maps turn over the shirt up and laid out on three stacks. It is impossible to interfere with the card. When all the cards lying on top of aces are taken out of all three stacks, cards are folded into two stacks. The process is repeated. The remaining cards are put in one pile and turn over. All cards lying on top of the aces are also removed. Solitaire fell asleep if only four aces remained in the stack, and there are no other cards under them between them.

"... ahead was ten soldiers with peaks in her hands; they were very similar to gardeners - the same flat and quadrangular, with hands and legs in the corners. Behind them were ten courtesy; their clothes were embroidered with crosses, but they went to two, as Soldiers. The royal children fled behind the courtes, on the clothes of which were kicked by the worms of the Chervon Golden Hearts ... The guests were marching, more and more kings and queens. The guests were Chervoy Vallen, he did a crown on the scarlet pillow. And it was closed by a magnificent procession .

Alice swapped; Maybe, and she need to fall NIC at the sight of such a brilliant procession? However, she did not remember any rules on this score ... "

L. Carroll. "Alice in Wonderland"

For some reason, it is believed that card games are a passion for a detrimental, the lot of adults and more than serious people. The question is controversial, because, appearing almost a thousand years ago, successfully surviving Chinese emperors and the German kings, these funny pictures at the time did not lose their magical, charming properties. One who at least once took part in the simplest game, knows what passions are boiled in the soul of each player. And if many adults cannot resist the card party with friends, then what to talk about children are creatures from the nature of the most fondant and gambling? Putted grandmother's deck can be injured for long hours, and even with a lazy man, flatly refuse to study the foundations of mathematics, it is able to create wonders: several parties - and all these boring three, five and nines learn to the omens!

Simple games teach us logical to argue before making one or another. They teach us caution, care. As well as discipline. They teach us more seriously to life, to solving it many practical, and theoretical problems. In addition, they produce in us the ability of young years to adhere to certain rules, laws.

Elementary games include children's cards. Here are your simple rules that should be performed. And these rules are simple, but they will be very useful when there are much more complex card games: King, Preferenta, Rams, Picket, Solitan, etc. The main thing is that children's and youthful card games teach us how to behave at the table . So, you can give the following advice to young admirers of card games, which in their free time decided to entertain themselves:

  • by drawing, choose a place at the table (we have already spoken about the draw);
  • avoid unnecessary conversations, speak only essentially;
  • do not interfere with your partners by those or other advice, do not distract them;
  • remember the "map place" rule. If the card is posted on the table, then it cannot be taken it back, i.e. it is not allowed to relocate. Accurate yourself to this;
  • agree in advance about the rules of the game, bring if you think necessary, certain options in the game, diverse it. It is allowed;
  • a pre-planned game helps to assess their strength, develops a sense of responsibility, discipline. Take it for the rule;
  • preparing a place for the game, you need to check everything around so that nothing bothers to players would distract them;
  • play honestly, friendly, observing the established rules;
  • do not get hot, show more fiction and smelting;
  • try not to be angry, if something happened in the game;
  • play boldly, with an initiative, agreeing with partners, if necessary.

"Hrew" and "drunk" (she "war") is the simplest of them. All that is needed for them is attention and free time, as these games can last for hours.

"Hrew"- Players sit down to each other face and lay a deck of cards in half. By the way, the child immediately learns to divide the robust -" To you, I ". Then players are at the same time open on the same map and fold them into one stack until both are opening. Maps of the same dignity are two ladies or two dozen. The first who will notice this and crying "Hrew!" - wins all open cards and puts them under their stack. The game continues until anyone takes all the cards.

"Drunkard"- Explodulate the deck of equally, remind that the deuce is the lowest card, the ace is the highest. All suites are equal. Players simultaneously turn over the top card in their stack. The one who has the value of the card above, wins both cards and folds in the bottom of the stack. If you have had two cards of equal dignity - an argument is announced: players put one face down on his card from above, and on her other face up. The one whose open card is higher to advantage, wins all three cards. If again the cards are equal, then we continue posting Another two cards with the same method (one shirt up, one down) and compare open cards, etc. The game continues until anyone takes all the cards.

Now it's time to take the memory. We play in " Memberu ", analogue of the famous" Memori ". The deck of 36 cards and free place plus good memory - everything you need in this game. Pull the cards and spread them into six rows of six cards. Make moves, turning two cards and trying to find Couples. The color and suit do not matter. remember where it lies which card. If you have a couple, write down the point, put this pair face down and take another move. When all the cards are disassembled by couples, count the glasses. Who They are more - he won.

If a small company of children gathered - offer them to play " Zewaka"By the way, in the train - an indispensable game, it goes very fun, and time flies unnoticed. Sort the maps of families - all aces, all the kings, etc. If three people take part in the game, put six card families in the qtyol Four people, then eight families. Dragize a deck and distribute to eight cards to each. Arrange who will walk first. After analyzing your cards, each participant of the game decides which family he will collect. The first player exchanges with a neighbor on the left of the card that puts face down . Giving your unnecessary card, each participant hopes to get the necessary for him. The second player participating in the exchange analyzes now its cards and also exchanges cards with a neighbor on the left. If some player gathered a family, for example, all the ladies, he tries unnoticed (or On the contrary, quickly and noisy) put your cards on the table. And all players repeat it behind him. The one who will last charts on the table - "ZEVAKA".

I" Bonzhur, Monsieur! "(BB of the simplified version of the" Baken for Valtu "). This game is well developing the reaction, and even kids can play in it. You can play together, threesome and four times. Distribute all the deck players and agree, what actions you will do with a certain map . For example, in our game, seeing the currency, we had to exclaim "Bonzhur, Monsieur!", If you saw a lady - "Bonzhur, Madame!", King - "give honor", i.e. make hand to the head, and when Ace fell out - cover it with his palm.

The game can be simplified: only clap with a hand on the currency. Players play blindly, i.e. No one sees her cards. They put their stack in front of themselves and go to the top card, and the mined are put on the bottom. The first player goes, opens his card and puts on the middle of the table. If you got a picture playing perform actions corresponding to this picture. Who fulfilled the first, takes the cards to themselves. Playing in turns open on the same map and put them on each other in the middle of the table. The game should pass in the fast pace and continue until the whole deck has one player, and the rest will not remain without cards.

If you want to develop in your children observation, restraint, acting skills - teach them to play "in eating". This game is played from three to six participants. Before starting the game, postpone the lady peak, and then distribute other cards. Players consider their cards and throw pair (any two eights, two kings, etc.). At the same time, the kids learn Find the same, more precisely, similar maps. Then you need to decompose the remaining cards in front of yourself on the table. The one who walks the first one card from a neighbor, and if the pair is found, ejects both of these cards. Staying his cards, and now the map Tent from him. The game continues until someone has a peak lady - a witch.

Playing with children in the "Witch", teach them to own your face. Let them not look all the time to the place where they put a "dangerous" card. Let, worrying, all the time look at a completely harmless card, it will deceive the enemy, who, who knows nothing, will take a "witch."

What games are still available to kids? Here is perhaps one more - " Go to the bazaar"Usually, four, it takes part in this game, but you can play together, threesome and guards. If two or three play, everyone gets six cards, if the people are more - five cards. The remaining deck holds into the center of the table face down. The game is concluded In order to collect as much as possible cards of one dignity - all currencies, all aces, etc. If you think you need a dozen, you ask her from the next player: "Give it, please, dozen". If at Togo there is a dozen, he must give her if not, says: "Go to the bazaar!". This means that you must open the first card from the deck or take out anyone. If an open card turned out to be a dozen, you take it and get the right to do yet One move. If an open card is not a dozen - you again take it yourself, and the move goes to another player. As soon as the player gathered four cards of one dignity, he puts them on the table next to him and continues to play. If the deck of cards has already ended, The game nevertheless continues But without "bazaar". If the player has ended the cards, he drops out of the game. When all players ended the cards - the game is completed. The one who mostly collected the cards of one dignity.

This is a simple children's game in which you can play two or more partners. The basis of this entertainment card game is the desire, as in other card "battles", as soon as possible to get rid of their cards.

For playing in "May-may", one or two decks of cards are used, each containing 32 sheets (i.e., with the exception of six). The following cards are prioritized here: ace, seven and currencies. They, being paramount in this game cards, give it a special appeal.

The game begins with the draw, and the one who turned out to be the winner, firstly, chooses a place at the table, secondly, first begins to take cards. Before passing, as it is accepted, it is necessary to shifted the deck of cards. Cards for one and clockwise arrow, i.e., left to right (from passing). Each must be given five cards, and the remaining part of the deck is put in the bite.

After distributing the cards, the game begins with the fact that the partner sitting on the left of the serve puts one card on the table, for example, nine tambourine, close to the bakery deck. The next (left) player must put on the card laid out its same suit (tambourous), and if it did not turn out, then another suit, but the same dignity (for example, nine worms). If he did not have such a card (one of the above), he is obliged to take one card from the bakery deck, and when it did not come up according to the rules of the game, then it should be continued to take alternately on one card from the deck until It will not get the desired card, which should be put on the playing stack of cards.

We remind you that "May-may" have special cards (ace, seven, curren). For example: if the player puts the ace on the table, then the partner must miss the part for him. If a seven is laid on the table, the next player is obliged to take three cards from the bake-up deck. And if there was already a fourth seven on the table (along the game), the next player takes eight cards from the bake deck. The same player who has a curren on his hands, has the right to name any suit.

At the very first opportunity (when someone has ended on the hands), it is necessary to refer to partners with the exclamation word "May!". And when the player finishes the game by this word, the party is considered to be played. The same thing happens if the player finishes the game of the currency. Only in this case he pronounces: "May-May". If the player finishes with a seven, the rest of the partners have the right to reset from their hands to seven any cards, after which the result of the game is supplied, for which it is necessary to calculate the goggles.

Glasses are counted for each card separately. All this is summed.

It is necessary to know that the remaining cards have negative glasses. Card glasses are divided as follows: Lady - 3, King - 4, seven - 7, eight - 8, nine - 9, dozen - 10, ace - 11, currency worms - 30, the remaining currencies of 20 points (of course, minus ). And the winner is determined.


This game refers to one of the most elementary games: it is also available to the preschooler. "Akulin" contributes to the development of attention in children and intelligence. It can be played as in the previous game, together, three of us, four. You should not recruit a big company, as it does not only make it difficult to perform the game, but also makes it less interesting. In Akulina, the decks of cards at 32 or 52 sheets are used, which depends on the number of participants in this entertainment.

Initially, as in the previous game, you need to choose a passing (by drawing). We remind you that the draw is carried out as follows: from a deck of cards, put on the table with a shirt up, alternately are pulled out by participants on the same map. Let's say the greatest value you decided to make a peak suit, and the older car of the ace. The one who pulled the older card of this suit, chooses a place at the table and acquires the right to pass the cards. The second person (it is located on the left hand from the first hand, like the other ordinary players behind him) is the one who chose a peak card of older dignity. If this did not happen, then the following priorities are trephing cards, then a bubnova and, finally, worm texts. Do not forget to follow the rule of the moves "clockwise".

All cards of the decks for each player are surreated. At the end of the distribution, everyone is watching their cards. The goal of the game is to select steam signs from the hands on the hands of the hands (say, ace and ace, currency and currencies, nine and nine, etc.) and postpone them aside. But one of the cards of the deck should not have a couple. This applies to the "fatal" peak lady, which they ordered sharul.

After the demolition of pair cards, each player will still have several cards with which they continue to play. Partners in turn (usually clockwise) offer a neighbor (sitting, understandable, left) pull one card blindly, i.e., pulling does not see what map he will take from a neighbor who keeps his cards, as they say in the preference players, Closer "to orders", i.e. the face of the face. After that, the captured card looks, whether he has a steam room for this card, and if there is such a couple, such a couple is deposited to the side, while on the hands of this player will have less cards. If he pulls out "Akulin", it should not demolish it, even if he has a pair lady. And the game continues on.

The game is considered complete in the case when one of the participants in the hands will remain a peak lady with another lady. Next, you can already play the next game. At the same time, the surrender will be the neighbor on the left (in turn from the previous serve). As you can see, this card game does not require any special knowledge. She is simple. But she is one of the first lessons, first experiments to master more complex games. And "Akulin" and "May-May" are just promoted.


This game for young children is considered the most fun and entertaining. And not only with its "puzzles", but also the fact that "Shalashik" contributes to parenting in children of such qualities in life, as attentiveness, intelligence, accuracy. It helps also develop the eye. When playing in Shalashik, the number of participants should not exceed six people. To play "Shalashik" uses a deck in 36 sheets.

In this game, any player may be the first passing if the remaining participants do not object against this, otherwise everyone should solve the lot.

I received the right to hand over the cards takes a deck and scatters it in dick so that the corners of most cards thrown on the playing table with a shirt up, peeking out each other. After that, the serve takes any five cards lying on top and builds from them on the remaining scattered shattered shalashik. This is done as follows: they take from the five-two cards taken and put so that their tops (the upper side edges) fit tightly to each other and that, of course, they stood reliably on their "feet." The following two cards are joined by the already built on the sides, also "standing". From above, the last, fifth card, the so-called roof is placed on such a "shalashik". And it turns out Shalashik.

Now the guys can start playing. The next, sitting on the left of the distributing card, the player and then take turns pulls out for himself from under shalashika on one map. Such a procedure requires care and attentiveness, since the one who embarrassing the next card out of her shalashka and destroyed it, picks up the remaining cards on the table. Then players, rash in their maps (it is better to decompose them in their hands on the hands) and arranged them in the hand more comfortably, start the bulk of the game.

A player who destroyed Shalashik makes the first move - with any small map. In this game (as well as in other children's card games), the presence of any of adults is very desirable for the necessary advice. An adult will help to figure out not only in the seniority of the cards (and at the same time), but also will give advice on a more effective course.

So the player made a way out with a younger map. The next should try to "beat" her older on this masta card. For example, if the first move was made by a seven peak, then the partner next to him should "beat" her older peak masta card (naturally, except for the six). Then he throws his (another) card to the top, which the next partner must "beat".

The game in "Shalashik" goes without a trump card. Therefore, if the next player was unable to "beat" the older card laid under him, he must remove three cards from the resulting deck. And opened after the removal of three cards is the one that can be "beat". By this scenario and the game continues. It ends when any of the players frees from their cards, i.e., "beat" with his last card card laid down by a neighbor.

At the end of the game, glasses are counted on those maps that remained by playing. Each player summarizes his glasses. The overall sum of the points of all players who remain unstable cards, goes to win the winner.


From this game, the child's learning game is usually begins. Its allegorical value is very transparent: cards symbolize money. One who in the end remains with a deck in his arms, is as if sober capitalist. His opponent who lost all the cards is a sample of the one who in the kitsuch droked all its state.

If many players are involved, then take a full deck in 52 cards. If you play only together, then enough and 36 cards. The serve distributes his entire deck. Players collect them in hand - every miniature deck, without worrying about masters and ranks.

The right of the first move belongs to the serve. He puts the top card of his deck on the table. Other players come in the same way. The one whose map will be older, takes himself the whole bribe and puts it under the bottom of his cards. Following the neighbor of the serve - he puts his top card on the table in the same way. The game continues according to the sample. As soon as one of the players "will lower all its condition," he is deprived of all the cards. The game ends.

If there are two identical cards (two currencies, two six), players are released on the map again and put them on top of controversial - and then the older takes. The owner of the first card should not get another - behind it is preserved the right of the first card. If controversial cards - aces, then the senior is the one that came out first. It is clear that in this game should strictly follow the sequence, it is impossible to dump cards. The order is obliged to follow the survey.

Under such a formidable name, just the option of "drunks". Play two dealers in 32 sheets.

The deck is divided in half. Before each player on the table is a stack of 16 cards. Participants turn over one top map. Who has older's card (Neither is not taken into account), takes itself both open cards and puts them under the bottom of his stack. If the cards coincide in advantage, they are deposited to the side. Then the players turn three cards at once. From seniority, the latter depends on who takes all the cards. With repeated card equal, the principle of resolution dispute is preserved. Loses a player left without cards.

Bonjour, Madame!

The number of participants can be any. The deck can be taken both in 36 and in 52 cards. This game produces a lot of noise and very brings parents with children during family games.

In this game, two options: a) the maps of one throws the serve from the deck; b) Maps are distributed between players in an equal number, and each puts one to the table. The game requires stress attention and fast reaction. The king thrown on the table is honored, at the sight of the ace you need to clap the palm on the table, the lady need to shout: "Bonzhur, Madame!", And Vallenu - "Pardon, Monsieur!" If a player confuses something or responds later, he has to pick up all the cards that were open. Wins the player, the first to get rid of his cards.

In this game, you can put forward additional conditions: for example, to go to the six, and shout to the top ten "Hurray!"

Akulina, she is witch, or witch

The number of participants is not limited. If they play from two to six, then take a block of 32 sheets, if more than six - 52 cards.

The serve distributes all the cards in turn to the right left. After that, each, starting to the left of the serve, pulls out one card at the neighbor on the right. After that, all players are discharged from two cards with pairs (two kings, two seven, etc.). It is impossible to drop the witch (sorceress, sharul). It represents, of course, the peak lady. During the exchange of cards and their discharge, this rock lady can repeatedly change its sacrifice. At the end of the game, the loser remains on their hands two ladies - a witch and any of the three others.

Attention, or memory

The number of players can be any. The deck is used in 32 sheets. Maps are laid out on the table with crap up, watching they do not impose on each other. Players in turn turn over any two cards. If they make up a couple, the player takes them out and gets the right to turn the next two cards. If these cards make up a couple, the player continues the party according to the same rules. If the cards did not coincide, the move goes to another player (left).

The essence of the game is that the attentive player can remember the location of the cards and in its progress to choose a couple to the first card inverted by them. Wins the one who gains the greatest number of cards.

This game develops several types of attention. The player must follow not only for his cards, but also for the behavior of other players. The number of participants is not limited. The deck is also chosen arbitrarily. Four cards are chosen from this deck, according to the number of players: at five players, four aces, kings, ladies, currencies and a dozen can be selected.

The serve is tausing the card and distributes to players equally. He starts the game, after which each player exchanges one on one card with a neighbor. The task of the game is to collect four cards. The one who managed to do the first, in full silence and restraints the thumb. As soon as other players noticed, they should immediately notice and repeat the gesture. The player who made it last and becomes Oll.


The deck is used in 36-52 cards. It is usually played by four, but players can be more - then the full deck is used. The survey is determined by the lot. He is having a deck and takes out one map at random, which does not show anyone and hides in his famous place. Then the cards are distributed equally.

Each player, appreciating his cards, pair drops to the side. The rest leaves. Sitting to the left of the serve unfolds his cards by fan and offers their neighbor clockwise. Neighbor takes the map at random. If this card makes up a pair with one of those in his hands, he throws this pair, after which, in turn, offers his maps to the next player.

The game continues until one of the players remain the last map - in a pair of hidden Fofan.

Lady, or shark

An old game that came to us from English sailors. In it, the peak lady also plays a noticeable and fatal role, but with the previous game, the shark converges a little, rather it resembles a very simplified version of the fool.

Many can play, but the deck is allowed only in 36 cards. For rent six cards one, after which the trump card is open. Go with one suitable cards available on the hands of the maps, for example, from three or four trephs. It is necessary to try to cover the proposed maps, but it is not worth the "silence" to the trumps. Sometimes it is even more profitable to take a bribe, especially if you think that in the future you can manage this card to the detriment of the partner and benefit. Maps dropped from hand are replaced by cards from the deck.

The main feature of this game is that the peak lady can not be the root of her mother or the goat. A player who offered her partner is obliged to take it.

Having received a peak lady in his hands, you should not immediately try to sell it from the hands. The lady from which got rid of prematurely, can return to the most inopportune moment. It is better to hold it almost until the end of the game to get out of her for sure.


Another game with a "fatal" peak lady. Gypsy is played by a four-time deck in 36 cards. Permissible and more players, but then take a deck in 52 sheets.

The survey lays out all the deck with a mug and puts only a trump card in the middle. Celebrator and walks first by rejecting the map from the circle laid out. The same makes his neighbor. If he finds the eldest card in the suit, then covering the first card, takes a bribe. If the neighbor's neighbor will get the younger card in the suit or a map of another suit, then the bribe gets to the survey. Lady Peak (Gypsy) can not be covered, and she herself does not cover anything. After determining the host of the bribe, the next move does a neighbor to the player sitting near him. When the deck is dismantled in this way, the next stage of the draw is coming: Each player turns his cards to fan (tapping up) and gives a neighbor. He takes out the map, puts it closed on the table and, appreciating his cards, crumbling or accepts this card. The game continues until all the cards disperse. With peak lady you can not walk. Gypsy goes out of hand to hand until finally, one of the players remains one of the hands.

Children's trick: feeding cards for choice, you need to diligently mix them behind your back and, feeding a neighbor, keep the fan very low above the table so that the cards cannot be spacked.

Black Dong

Four players are involved. Used a deck in 52 cards.

This game is also based on the desire to avoid the lady of the peak. An additional condition is the need to assemble as few cards of worm suit as possible.

The whole deck is surrendered on the same map to each player. In total, each participant has 13 cards. Enters the player to the left of the serve. He is forbidden to make a move with peak and with worms. Condition to answer the suit in the suit absolutely necessary in this game. Takes senior card. If there is no need for your hand on hand, you can put any worm card or peak lady ("black donka"). There is no need to put the older card. The player who climbed the bribe begins a new circle.

If the player took the black donka, he recorded 13 points fine. For the cards of the Chervonna, only one penalty glance is written for any.

The game continues until any of the participants will drop 101 (or more) the penalty point. He who has fewer points wins.

In this game, there is an option with the name "Injection". If some player who has at the same time courage and excerpt, will dare to collect all the Cherry and the Black Donku itself, all other participants in the game record 26 points of the fine.

Black Peter

In this game, the firing role is played by peak (sometimes trephy) ace, called "black Peter". The number of participants is possible from three or more. Play a deck in 52 cards.


Number of participants: from three to six. The deck is 36 cards.

All cards for one are given on the hands. The goal of the game: Share all your cards first. Maps lay out in a row in four horizontal series by masters.

The winner of the nine treph is coming. The next player can continue the row in one direction or the other, that is, to report to the eight or ten Treph. You can also start a new row, laying out the nine other suit. The moves are made in turn, in the absence of the desired suit, the move is skipped. If possible, you should try to prevent other players to lay out the cards available from them, holding the cards important for them.

This game is nice to teach children even to school. Masters "Nine" perfectly succeed in oral account.


The number of participants is from three or more. Deck - 52 cards. Each player receives seven cards from the serve. The remaining cards remain in the deck, from which the serve takes the top card and puts on the table in the open form. The game continues to sit down from the left of the serve. It can put one or even a few of his cards on an open card, accurately observing ascending or downward order. At the same time, the suit does not matter. For example, the survey opened a lady. The next player puts on it or the currencies, the top ten and so on the downward, or king, ace, twice, and so on. Ace - transition card. When all the possibilities are exhausted, the same player takes the top card from the deck. It can choose: a) reset it and all suitable cards; b) Leave the card on hand if he has nothing to dump. After that, the third participant comes to the game.

The goal of the game is to free yourself from all your cards. After the deck has been exhausted, players continue to draw. The one who does not have the opportunity to make a move must declare "PAS". Pass on purpose, holding the cards that you can use in the game is not allowed by the rules of the game.

Quartet, or kara

Play from three to five people a deck of 32 sheets. The initial version of this game was called the "authors". They played a special deck with the image of portraits of writers.

Having shuffled the cards, the survey distributes them, and with the odd number of players, someone appears for one more. The participant sitting on the left of the serve begins the game. He must demand from an arbitrarily chosen player who has any specific card, for example: "Nine Tuben!" If this card is a selected player, he gives it. Request continues the game. If the player did not turn out the required card, then the move goes to it.

Sometimes this game is called "Fish". In this case, one who does not have the required card in his hands, announces the refusal of the exclamation "Fish!" The collected Karea in this case is called the "book".

The goal of the game is to collect as many quartets as possible (Kare), that is, sets of four cards of one dignity (four valves, four seven, etc.).

It is known that from 36 cards made up eight kara. Each collected quartet player postpones. The participant wins the greatest number of cards for one or more game tours. There is an option that implies the alternation of the servers.

Card lottery

Participants can be as much as you like, even the more, the better. Two decks of 52 cards are used.

In the game, except cards, chips are applied. Their definite amounts each contributes to the total box office.

Determine the banker and the serve. Both are obtained by the deck of cards.

Four cards from their deck banker folds up in one row. On these cards, it puts chips, and so that there are different quantities on each map (which is determined arbitrarily). This is a lottery win.

Players get from the serve three cards and look at them. After that, the banker opens the winning cards one after another. He, who in his hands will be a card corresponding to the winning, takes itself the number of chips set on this card. The banker removes the won card from his deck. The player who won the chip, also says goodbye to the winning card. For each card, which remained in the arms, the contribution of chips is renewed. The banker adds them to the card, which he replaces the winning.

The serve turns back three cards. Players repeat the above. Those who have had no winning card, have the right to look into the cards lying on the table. However, the banker will pay only what is on hand. This game order is repeated several times. By the end of the delivery of each player, a certain amount of not playing cards is recruited.

The player who received winning the latter continues to play with any card to the neighbor on the left. After breaking this card, the neighbor makes his turn. And so until all the cards be played. When the player has exhausted the possibility of traveling to someone, and his cards remained in his arms, he is obliged to pay his penalty for them with a chicken.

If you want to speed up the course of the game, you can walk at a time with paired cards. If a neighbor is not hidden, he takes the map. He can also put the younger on the proposed map. It is very unprofitable to someone who walked: he is forced to take both cards, thereby increasing the number of their own. He will have the right move only in turn.

Option: A participant who received the last win comes from the younger card with its most strong suit. The remaining players must answer in the suit. Who has the most eldest card of this suit, takes a bribe and can go with any suit.

At the end of the game, the player pays the player in the hands of the Card in accordance with the dignity of the masters adopted in the lottery: Cherves - 4 chips each card; Trephs - 3 chips; Bubnes - 2 chips; Peaks - 1 chip.


In many respects, the game described earlier. The number of players is not limited. Two any decks are used. Success and enormality depends on the manager. From one deck he removes at random four or five cards and laying them on the table with a shirt up. On these maps there are chips of all players.

The second deck is distributed equally between all. Each participant decides them in front of them on the table in a convenient order for rapid settlements - in ranks and masters. Do not give yourself a manager card. However, he may be engaged in the game when the deck has already separated by players. In this case, he offers to "sell" a few cards. If (it depends on the number of players), extra cards remain on the hand, the rest of the players have the right to buy them. When the buyer is not located, the cards remain in the hands of the manager who joins the game and often wins. At the end of the trading, the manager utters "Basta", and negotiations stop.

The manager takes a deck (without removed cards) and is accepted to declare the cards one after the other way, as is done in the game in the lotto. He, who in the composition posted on the table there is the same card, closes it. The manager must combine not only clarity in the ads, but also the pace, and the players should not suggest each other.

This game is a peculiar test for the concentration of attention and the speed of the reaction. Its interest is precisely in order not to miss in its scenario announced by the map by the manager. Assist is not allowed.

As soon as the manager will remain on the hands of only three cards, he should ask a question: "Who wishes to buy them?" Players who closed almost all their cards, hoping that on the hands of the manager are those who lack them in their default, often express their desire to buy them. Sometimes it leads to a win, sometimes to losing.

Since human attention is imperfect, there are misses in the game: not only those cards remain open, which does not correspond to the cards of the loss. So after opening the winnings, some cards (with chips) turn out to be empty. Chips from these cards remain in favor of the next lottery lottery draw. If the game is decided to stop, the manager joins the chips equally to winnings.

In case the player close his card, although it was not named as a winning (scattered or intent?), The chips of his fine double. The game is considered to be completed when the manager does not have more cards or when players refuse to purchase three last cards.

Meow meow

The number of participants can be any. The deck is 32 sheets.

The game is carried out without a trump card. Starting cards also does not matter. It is important, however, their value: Ace - 11 points, king - 4 points, lady - 3 points, currens - 2 points. All other cards are according to their own nominal.

In this game, it is necessary to get rid of as soon as possible from all cards, having received the smallest number of penalty points.

The survey is determined by the lot. In the future, take turns. Always comes the neighbor of the serve to the left.

Every five cards give up. In the remaining deck, the upper card opens, the rest remain closed.

Players in turn lay out on one map. Each regular card in a stack must coincide with the previous or in touch, or in dignity: Trephs are put on the trephies, the currencies are enjoyed on special advantages:

this card can always be postcated with the announcement of a new one, even if it does not coincide with the actual (putting the jack of tambourine, declare a trephous suit). The next participant should already reset the card of this particular one. If a player does not have the opportunity to lay out any card, he must take the top of the deck. If this card does not give him the opportunity to go out, you have to skip the move.

As soon as one of the players drops its last map, the draw is completed. Other players suggest penalty points according to the cost of their cards.

The game is underway up to 100 points.

By the name, this game coincides with the famous gambling game. However, in fact, it looks more like a fantan.

The number of players - from two to five. Two full decks play without jokers - 104 cards. Cards have their cost when counting points: Two - 20, Troika - 30, nines - 40, worm kings and aces - 50, eight and cards below them - 5 points, dozens and above them - 10 points.

Rent in turn. The first move belongs to the neighbor's neighbor. Each receives five cards. After passing the players, a map opens, which gives rise to an open deel - the so-called "bank". The remaining cards are placed in a closed deeline - it is also called (unlike the "bank") "deck". From the closed deck players take during the game for one or more cards.

Players alternately lay out to the bank on one map. The calculation is made or on suit, or rank: dozen to dozen or a tambourine on the tambourine. If there is a need to change the suit, you can do it, putting a nine or ace on any upper map of the bank. The nine changes the suit on his own, and the ace - to any player with his announcement. The exception in this rule is penalty twos, three and a worm king, not rejected by a fine.

Penalty cards are put on their suit. The following players are required to put the card on them in the rank: for example, the top three. A player who has not placed a penalty card, takes a fine. Two cards are taken from the deck onto the top three - three. The king worm takes five cards. Only after that the penalty card is considered redeemed.

The next player can already put a card on it for general rules: according to one or rank. The player who took the penalty from the deck loses the move. The fine is summed up if to the player who did not put the next penalty card to the bank, he himself and other players have already posted five triples there. In this case, the player will have to take from a deck of 15 cards.

If there is nothing to put a player in a bank on a suit or rank (and there are no aces or nines for changing the suit), it should be taken from a deck one card. The course is not lost. If this card is suitable, it can be put in the bank. It is allowed to take a card from the deck and without losing the course and without dropping the card to the bank, even if there are necessary cards in the hands. It is possible under the same conditions to pull the penalty. It depends on the personal tactical considerations of the player.

The word "Macau" serves as a warning signal about the possible ending of the game in the next round. This word warns the other player who puts the latter card to the bank. If the one who should declare Macao, will not make it up to the course of another player, he is obliged to take two penalty cards from the deck.

If in the process of the game the decks disassembled by participants to the end, from the bank leave one upper card. The rest are required to shock and use as a deck.

As soon as one of the players will put the last card in the bank, the game can end. However, if this is a penalty card, the next player needs to still put an appropriate penalty map on it or take a fine of the deck. Then the game is also considered completely finished.

The remaining cards are counted. Their glasses are recorded in minus losers. The game continues until one of the participants will take a predetermined loss amount (from 200 to 1000 points).

Piggy bank

Participants can be quite a lot - up to fifteen. Play a deck in 52 cards.

In this game, like in the lottery, chips are also used: 12 or more. Three chips are placed by a player in a common piggy bank (in a box or on a saucer). The serve distributes players on one map, including himself. The remaining cards are moved to the side.

After putting the players open their cards. For the king, the award is assumed - 3 chips, for the lady - 2, for the valve - 1, for the top ten, nothing is supposed. There is a system of fines: if ace got caught, the player donates one chip neighbor on the left; If four, six or eight lay on the hands, you need to give 2 chips into the piggy bank; And on the top five, seven or nine you need to give 1 chip in the piggy bank.

Upon completion of the payment of awards and fines, the first player joins all the playd cards to the remaining in the deck, hacking a deck, removes and distributes each participant across one map. It is believed that the player losing all his chips, "dies." Only a neighbor who received a ace can "revive" him. Then even with one chief "Died" player has the right to play. Having lighted more than one chip, this player is finally coming from the circle.

The player remaining the latter receives all the contents of the piggy bank.


They usually play three-four deck in 36 cards.

The serve distributes to each five cards (one for delivery). One card opens and places next to the deck. The first move belongs to the left hand of the serve.

Before making a move, the player must take the top card from the deck, after which he puts any of his cards another suit on an open map near the deck. If the player does not have suitable cards for the stroke, he must pick up all open cards. However, at the same time, he can get rid of all kara (four valves, dozens, etc.). Since the purpose of the game is to get rid of all its cards, open cards are sometimes taken to achieve the goal.

It happens that the deck ends, and the cards of all players still remain in their hands. Then open cards turn over and form a new deck.


Play four deck in 36 cards. The game is divided into two parts: the introduction and king of the king.

In the introduction, the roles are determined: who will be the king, and who is a prince, a soldier or a peasant. The one who is announced by the king must dial the first nine bribes. The remaining players get the title listed above according to bribes - from more to a smaller one.

The serve determines the lot, from the cards laid down by fan shirts up, the players take turns pull on one. Gives one who pulled younger. In the subsequent draws, the one who scored the greatest bribes becomes.

Remove the deck and the top card are prescribed a trump card. All cards are distributed one - each gets 9 cards. The first move belongs to someone who sits to the left of the serve. The number of bribes recruited.

If someone from the players have already entered the kings, and among the remaining there are players with the same amount of bribes, continue to play without the king. In this case, the prince is revealed - one who next scored nine bribes.

At the end of the role distribution begins the so-called kingdom. At this stage, a peasant becomes the serve. Cards first give up the king, then - the prince, a soldier and, finally, the peasant himself.

In the kingdom, the soldier must sacrifice the king of his senior trump card. In return, the king falsify the soldier is also a good card, but it cannot coincide in touch with ace with a soldier in his arms. The peasant is also obliged to give his tribute to the king - filmed from the deck of a trump card. On the soldier imposes a duty to constantly remove the cards.

The priority of the stroke is determined by seniority. Bribes are recorded - the same as in the previous stage. When the king comes out again, the cards are surrendered until the prince decides. It becomes clear that the king is practically in the game does not participate. However, he must play as a soldier, provide him with his good cards instead of unfit.

If the prince also comes out again, he must play the peasant.

This game excites in children the desire to comment on her according to the determined titles, which makes it a kind of "theater of cards".

Four players participate in this game. A blockage of 32 cards is used. Ace is estimated at 11 points, the king - in 4, the lady - in 3 and the currencies - at 2. A dozen gives 10 points, the remaining three cards are not accepted into the calculation. They are called "empty".

Wins the one who will have more than sixty points at the end of the game.

Rent 16 cards. Remove the deck. Top card deck - a trump card that does not change two games in a row. It belongs to the trump card to the neighbor to the left, which goes first. Dump your neighbor should be empty maps or unsuitable points. In this case, you need to decide on the draws. In the "goats" they play a significant role, especially Trephic, it is considered the most important of the cards and beats even a trumping ace. In addition, it is necessary to keep in mind that the rockets of the peak beats the trumps and red currencies, the worm currency beats the trumps and a bubernoy currency, but the tambourine hits only some trumps. However, these important cards at the end of the game are considered only two points.

Aces and dozens are the most significant cards for calculations. Try to hold them until the last moment so that they are not "eaten by" a trump card or any currency.

When the first part of the deck is fully used, rent a second half. Trumps in it, as already noted, remain the same. Calculation of 60 points make only after the second game. If no player drops 60 points, then the game is annulled and the draw starts again.

If the player picks up 60 points, then to the calculation, he chips himself in his favor two points from every 12 received by other players. Only one point is written off the serve. "The fun reception of this game is that by taking 12 points from partners, the player puts himself a" goat ", that is, puts two six card shalasik. This marks the winning of the cash register.


Play two or more. Two decks with jokers are used - in 54 cards.

The principle of the game is to collect as much as possible pairs of the same color: red (tambourine and tambourine, or cherry and cherry, or tambourine and worms) or black (trephies and trees, or peaks and peaks, or trephies and peaks).

The serve lays out the cards on the table so that the rectangle is formed. The first side of the singer to the left. Each player in his move opens two any cards from the drop-down. If they form a pair, the same player has the right to open the two next. If the cards did not form a couple of one color, they return to the place. The move goes to another. Participant.

Couples compiled by players are measured in glasses. Ace stands 1 point, king - 4, lady - 3, currency - 2. All other cards are evaluated according to their nominal.

I believe the wrongness

The more players, the better. With the number of participants from six to twelve, two full decks are accurately drawn together. With five and less participants, you should take one deck in 36 sheets.

Cards are handed over two before the end of the deck. It does not matter if the player has more cards than others.

Starts player to the left of the serve. He spreads a few cards to the table with crap up (one can one) and calls them dignity. The game begins with the aces. Maps can really be aces, and may be other, unnecessary player cards. The number of cards must be called melting. The next player must lay out already kings and declare their number. The kings are ladies and so on, downward. After the two in the aces are coming again, and the game continues in a circle. In the event that the next player is wrong, calling not the dignity of seniority (for example, pops up with its nines, when there must be tens), he is obliged to pick up all the cards from the table for himself.

Any participant of the game has the right after each lad out of the group to express his distrust of the lays down and say "I doubt." In this case, the group is open. If at least one card does not comply with the announcement (for example, the currency in the kings group), then the player posted these cards is obliged to take all previous maps. If the announcement turned out to be true, the card is obliged to pick up the doubted.

About doubt it is impossible to declare the demolition of the last map of the composition. If several players doubt, the first advantage. If the participants of unspecifically confident who announced a doubt first, the advantage has the left neighbor of the player who has posted a composition.

The party wins the one who will first demolish all the cards. The last group is laid out on the table face up.

Little tricks.

In the last few demolitions it is more profitable to be "honest." Truck groups should be reset as early as possible. If you see that you have any maps in your hands for the latest "honest" combinations, it will be advisable to declare doubts at the beginning of the game: perhaps you will come to the cards that will make gaps.

Play three or more people. A blockage of 32 cards is used.

In this game, the main thing is not to go abroad one hundred points.

The deck is taped, removed and he is sipped on one map.

The neighbor of the hand to the left hand comes from any card. The next player can also put any card on the previous one, but reports the total amount according to the cost of both maps.

Cost of cards in the game: Ace - 11 points; dozen - 10; nine, eight and seven - according to their nominal 9, 8 and 7; King - 4: Lady - 3; Valts - 2.

Thus, if the first player put the top ten, and the second - a lady, then the second reports the amount of 12 points. It is recommended to get rid of the game primarily from maps of greater cost.

The one who first scored the amount of more than one hundred points loses. And the loss is charged penalty points in the amount, the corresponding number of exceeding the resulting turning. The player who reached the amount of 100 points exactly, has the right to write off 5 points of the fine.

As soon as the first loser appears, the game is considered to be finished.

In this game, a particular chic is considered to be more famously slapped with the cards about the table. So do not be angry with children, if at the end of a particularly successful party in "damn" the deck will return to you in the disheveled form. Let it be in the future and play!

All the deck is surrender to one. It doesn't matter if some players get an unequal number of cards.

Play from two to eight people.

Each folds its cards in a stack on the table. Begins the player sitting on the left of the serve. He opens one of his card and invests it into the center, forming a shared stack. It walks the next one, behind him - and so, until it turns out to be open currencies.

The owner of the currency loudly splits the card about the table and takes a shared stack under his deck. If any player has time to slap the currencies with another card, he picks up a deck from the table for himself. The following player again starts displaying cards. The goal of the game is to collect all 52 cards of the deck.

The last remaining in the game wins the party. The player must open and lay out the cards closer to the center. Operate the currency and spank them with one hand. If several players split at the same time, the deck receives the one who first slapped the currencies with another card. If the slap came the card is not valnet, then the missing player must give one card with a crap up to the one who opened the currency. The penalty card is placed on the top of the stack of winning.


Two play. Two decks are used for 52 cards, each one by one.

The decks are carefully dragging. The first goal is determined by lot, everyone throws out of his deck on one map. The one who threw the older, get the first move.

The first player makes the move from the card, located at the top of the deck. The partner puts its own on it, and neither the rank nor the suit is observed. So the players drop the cards alternately until one of the players open the king (the suit does not matter). This player misses the move, and his opponent puts two cards on a stack. If ace is open, three moves are passed - the enemy puts three cards in a row on a stack. And in that and in another case, the owner of the ace or the king takes itself all the stack from the table and puts under his bottom.

So continues until one of the players remain at all without cards, and the second will collect all the deck in his hands.

His trumps

The English version of this game is called "Call". Two usually play. Used a deck from 24 to 32 cards. Before the game, each of the participants chooses the color of the table and the trump card. For example, the first player chooses the color of red and trumps - tambourines. The second calls the tinsel of black and trumps - peaks.

After the distribution, the first player, having received his half of the deck, takes out his suit (red), makes his choice of the enemy, and extra cards (that is, not his suit) gives. The partner enters "exactly the opposite": he takes away from his part the deck "his trumps" (that is, peaks), and the rest of the card gives the enemy. Thus, after such a "black-red redist", players have on hand as it were to a mirror mapping of enemy cards: the rank is the same, but the other one.

The first move belongs to the enemy of the serve. The latter is obliged to kill the map of the older card of the same suit or his trump card, after which he puts up his card (makes move). The enemy or interrupts this card, or takes itself the entire stack of broken cards. The challenged card loses the right move. The goal of the game is the first to reset all the cards from the hands. Option: the game in four. In this case, the deck is used in 36 cards - each player is handed over 9. In this case, a real dump of discarded cards is formed on the table. In the game, even there is a term "dump" (stack of broken cards) and "pour" (make a move). Inexperienced players are lost before the need to remember the trumps of opponents, the experienced just rejoice in this confusion. Khitresians are trying to squeeze, covering cards not "by their trump card." The game trains composure and branched attention.

AP end-down, or up-down

Play three-four full deck in 52 cards. The seniority of the cards is from the ace to twice.

Cards pass alternately. The first move belongs to the neighbor's neighbor. Each party consists of two stages - order and draw. When ordering, players declare the number of bribes that are going to take in this game. You can declare and zero bribes.

With the first hand, the players receive on one map. The first map of the remaining deck denotes the suit of a trump card. In the game, neither this card, nor the rest of the decks participate. In the first hand, you can order or one bribe or none.

For the second time, players distribute two cards, in the third - three and so on. In the last hand, there are 17 cards on three players, on six - on eight. The last distribution is vigorous.

During the drawing, the card is put in the suit. Cut the trump card in the absence of a suit not necessarily. After each draw, it is written on a glance for a bribe plus 10 prize glasses for executing your order. A player who has not fulfilled his order does not receive glasses at all, even if some bribes managed to dial. Each player or game manager writes glasses. Winners are the one who received the largest points after all distributions.

Option: After a complete distribution cycle, the game does not end, but continues on decreasing: the last distribution is again on one map.


Currently, this game is extremely popular among adolescents. However, the standards of the card table are not reversed from this game (sometimes it is called "Cassino") and consider it an excellent school of classical cards. Beginning of its casino leads from French gambling XV century.

The classic number of players is two. However, there are options for three and four participants. The deck is used in 52 sheets.

The glasses are calculated as: Ace is one point, cards from twos to seven - at par. Figures have the cost only in pairs.

The serve gives each six cards. Originally two cards to the enemy, then two cards on the table, followed by two cards to yourself. Next, he rents again two cards to the enemy, two cards and so for the third time. The card table is put only once. After the first draw, another surrender occurs. Six passing make up a deck. Before the sixth hand, it is necessary to declare: "Last". The game in the absence of a deck has another tactic. Points are recorded only after the whole deck passes. After the drawing of the whole deck and writing points, the delivery passes to the next player (or - by prior agreement - to winning in the last hand). Maps are collected and taped.

Purpose of the game: Send the cards of the table for obtaining points in the following combinations:

a) cards - for 27 or more (3 points);

b) peaks - for 7 or more (1 point);

c) "big casino" - for 10 tambourines (2 points);

d) "small casino" - for 2 peaks (1 point);

e) aces - 1 points for each (4 points);

e) seabilities (the player takes all the cards available on the table) for each - 1 point.

The first comes the opponent of the serve. Players in turn lay out cards. You can simply "closure" - put the card with the crap down. But partners will prefer pick up cards from the table or prepare with their help winning combinations. The cards taken by the player folds into the stack (crap up) next to you on the table.

The selection of a certain combination is declared that one of the cards turns over the front side up.

When the last map of the last delivery is retracted, the tables of the table move to the player who has taken what remains. However, this win can not be considered a selection.

Drawing up

The easiest way to take cards, making up a pair. Having a suitable card on the hands, you can take any card of the same advantage of the table. So - and only so! - You can take shapes: Vnet - Valet, a lady - a lady, etc. All other cards can be taken two, three and even four at once. If you have an ace on your hands, and on the table - three aces, you can all pick them up.


Several cards (two or more) from the table can be taken by a card equal to the sum of their cost. For example: Six and Troika can be taken from the table nine, and the top ten takes the four, five and ace.

One card can take both a pair and a combination. For example: nine can take 9 (as a pair) and 7 + 2 (as a combination).


In this case, you need to post cards with your hands on the card (or a few) on the table, creating a combination equal to another map on your hands. Example: You can put 7 by 2 than 9. But it is necessary to have a nine in your hands. The one who is building is obliged to declare the cost of its construction.

Building can be doubled or pick up a couple of it. Example: The player has a dozen, three and six. On the table there are 10 and 4. It can put his six on the four on the table and add a dozen tent to them from the table. This combination ends with the capture of this construction with a dozen from his hand.

If the player has an appropriate map, he can destroy the opponent's plans, capturing its construction. Example: The player puts 5 to 5 and announces: "Build a five" (or "build a dozen").

His opponent can capture the construction of a map of the named value - and only it! That is, if the five is declared, the combination is captured by the five, and if a dozen is declared, then the combination is captured with a dozen.

Increase construction

The player has the right to increase the construction and change the advantage of the card required for its capture. Example: The player has 10, 9, 3 and ace. He puts the troika on the six and thereby builds nine. And next turn, it can add ace, increasing the cost of building up to 10.

The cost of construction can be increased only by a hand card. So, on the six on the table you can add ace with hands than to increase the construction to seven. However, it is not allowed to bring the cost of building up to ten by adding to the aces from the table and the top three from the table.

But the capture of the construction (when it is finally accepted by you or an opponent) can be made by any card (or their combination) from the table.

Counting points

Once the deck is retracted and divided between two opponents, each counts taken. The total number of won points should be equal to 11, not counting the selection. Usually play a batch of 21 points. The most stringent players prefer to evaluate the batch of 11 points in two surrenders or 6 points in one hand. Selects in a strict game are not taken into account at all.

At any time, the player can declare a set of 21 points (or other quantity by prior arrangement). Glasses are taken into account and for the end of the game, and for the recorded cards. If the application is recognized as appropriate reality, the player is considered to be won. If the statement of reality does not match, then he loses the game.

Remember couple!

The main thing in the tactics of the casino is to remember the sequence of playable cards. The figures go pairs, therefore, if you have a figure in the last hand, then the pair should be either on the table, or the opponent. When receiving cards, give preference to peaks. Having received a valuable map (especially aces or casino!) In the surrender, think how to use it. The serve at the first opportunity should begin to build, as the advantage belongs to him.

Casino Royale

It is this option that is predominantly childish. Figures here are a different value: the king - 13, the lady - 12, the currency - 11. The cost of the ace determines its owner of choice (and on tactics) - 1 or 14 points. All these maps are included in the construction and can be taken two, three or four ridges (including in pairs). It may be (but not necessarily) the condition is added to consider the "small casino" for 2 or for 15 points, and a large casino for 10 or for 16 points. All other rules are taken unchanged.

Option: peak casino. All peaks bring glasses. Valts costs 2 points, "Small Casino" - also 2 points, each peak is one point. Party costs 61 points.

Shif, Shof and noise

Play five or more participants. The deck of 32 or 52 cards is used - it depends on the number of players. Draws each player alternately so that every person gets from six to nine cards per person. If there are several extra cards, they are postponed towards and they do not participate in the game. Each player takes itself five chips (buttons, pebbles or specially made). In the center of the table is placed box. Each participant puts there on one chicken.

The first player comes from any card, for example, from the eight. If a neighbor has eight in his arms, he postponing it and says: "Shif". This means that the first player must put another one his chip on the box office. If the third player also has eight, then he lays out it, saying: "Shof". In this case, the second player puts two chips at the box office (in addition to the one that is laid as an initial fee). If the eight will be on hand and at the fourth player, he says: "noise", which obliges the setting to put on the cashier already three chips.

The player who does not have a suitable card says: "Pass!" The right of the progress is transmitted to the next player who postponed a bribe with eights and is already with another card.

"Shif" happens quite often, "Shop" is a little less often, but "noise" almost never. At the end of the game, the discarded cards are completely formed by couples, which obliges the next survey to a particularly thorough shuffling.

As soon as the player loses all his chips, he throws his cards and comes out of the game. And so until two players remain. Of these two, the one who received "Shif" has the right

try to go again with a new card. In case the enemy can not repeat the "Shif" with this card, then he must go again. If the enemy be able to beat him with a suitable card, he already says "Shop" - that is, two chips should be broken.

Wins the player who had at least one chip to the time when the rest of the players have ended.

Fool Simple

Usually beginners are trained on this game to go to other, more complex and fascinating species. Play two or four people with a deck in 36 cards. Cards pass one at a time, just 6 each player. The remainder of the deck is placed on the table as a coupon. The top card of the coupon is removed and placed under the bottom of the chart face up (so that half the card is visible to playing). This card defines a trump card. The first move belongs to the player sitting on the left of the serve. The next game starts winning. Come from one card or from two one dignity. The player sitting on the left of the setting must beat (overlapping the senior card in the suit or the trump card) the proposed maps. If he has nothing to beat, he takes a map of himself. The right move goes to the next clockwise player. If the cards of the bits, then they are running in the back, which is not involved in the future game. You can not look at the end of the game. The battered player gets the right. Take up new cards without having. After each stroke, the players take a card from the coupon, missing up to six. The first takes the card by the one who went, then the one who fought off. During the game, the coupon disassembled all, including an open trump card.

Purpose of the game: Get rid of all cards in your arms. The one who stayed with the cards in his arms is considered to be a loser.

You can not go to the player the number of cards bigger than he has in his arms.

Option: English Fool. The player has the right to walk only two cards of one dignity at the same time. If he has no pair, moves to another.

Option: partial fool. The player has the right to beat some of the cards offered to him. Troubled cards he takes himself, beaten go to the back. If one card is still accepted, the move goes to the next player.

Fool pododynna

There are usually two or four people. Used a deck in 36 cards. Cards are rented one to each player, only six. In the first batch, the serve is determined by the lot, pulls out the lowered the younger card from the deck. In the subsequent parties gives the loser (fool). The neighbor loser comes to the left, which is determined by the steady expression "from under the fool's stroke." The remaining after the card is stacking on the table. This is a ticket. The top map of the coupon opens - this is a trump card. It is put under the bottom perpendicular to the front face up.

In the first game, the right of the first move belongs to the one who has a junior trump card. Apply from any single card or any number of cards of the same dignity. The move is under the neighbor on the left. You need to repel (cover the trump card or senior card) all data cards. All partners can throw cards of the same dignity as with those that have been made, and with those with which the player is fought. When you uplink, the sequence should be observed, the first thing that went, for him - all the rest clockwise. In sum, the number of climbing cards and the assessed should not exceed the initial number of cards on their hands, that is, six. At the end of the game, the participant can have less than six cards in his hands. In this case, the total number of cards offered for a penalty should not exceed the number of cards on the player's hands.

If the player broke all the cards, he throws them into a hanging, which in the future participation game does not accept. Looking into the post before the end of the game is prohibited. If a player failed to beat at least one card, he picks up all the duplicated cards and loses the right of the progress that the neighbor was going on the left. The fucking player goes to the neighbor on the left.

After each reception or discharge of cards, everything you need to get the card from the coupon to six. The entire coupon is disassembled, including an open trump card. The order of good is the same as in the simple fool.

Loses one who stayed with maps on hand. If the last move under "fool" is made by two six, it is considered a "fool with riding", which can watered on his shoulders.

In the podkin fool can play every self for itself, and you can also steam on a couple. In the second case, the players by agreement determine their partner who cannot be thrilled. It is also impossible to help partner to fight off. Seed according to the scheme: The enemy is a partner - an opponent partner, that is, partners are sitting against each other. Wins the couple that managed to get rid of his cards first. In the game, there should be a couple of pair with the progress not only your benefit, but also the benefit of the partner, developing a team strategy. To talk, specifying the partner maps, is prohibited.

Draw in a pododynka fool.

Most often, the draw, when karyt ended in both players (or steam) at the same time, recognized as a draw. You can specify an option in advance when draw is not recognized. In this case, the losers consider the player who chopped the latter.

Option: Japanese fool

This game differs from progress that in it initially trumps are puzzles. Peaks are not hit by trumps, but fight only peaks.

Fool transformer

Two-four players are involved in 36 cards. Rules for passing and priority progress common with simple fool. They only play for themselves.

The player under which the move is made, has the right to translate under the other player. To do this, he needs to lay out next to his asked as a map - the same dignity. Translation is possible only until the player began to fight back. If he beat off at least one card, others he translate is not right. Translation of the move is carried out at will, you can not do this, even if you allow cards on your hands.

If the player has the number of cards in the hands of the smaller than he is translated, the translation cannot be done. The previous player must or take cards or beat them.

There is a variant of the transfer player "with refusal". This option comes into force when only two players remain in the game. The penultimate makes the move, which remains without maps. The last player has the opportunity to translate the move - and does this, despite the fact that his partner has nothing to be fledged ("refuses"). These cards must be accepted and the game continues.

Durak Navalal

Play from two to six people a deck of 36 sheets. Cards pass one. In total, at the beginning of the game, each player must be on the hands of three cards.

The first player who has a junior trump card. Go to one card under the neighbor on the left. He must knock off this card and also go under the neighbor on the left. The hangback turns over, as in the canonistic fool, but the game is not excluded. If any participant of the game can not pick up the card, he takes himself all the hug. At the same time, he loses the right move, which goes to the next player. Sometimes it is set to pick up not all of the post, but only three top cards (if the unique card turned out to be unable) or five upper cards (if the trump card).

The coupon and the trump card are defined similarly to the rules of the fool of simple. After each move, the players take to three from the coupon. The first takes the map that the latter is the resulting. Maps get to the end of the coupon, including the trump card.

The goal of the game is to get rid of all the cards in your hands. The one who will remain with the cards is considered to be a loser.

Durak Road (Circular)

Play two six deck on 36 sheets. For rent all the deck as far as possible. The last map of the serve opens and shows everyone: this is a trump card. It belongs to the survey.

The first walks sitting on the left of the serve. He goes under the player to the left of one card that you need to beat. The next player needs to beat the top (overwhelmed first) card. So continues in a circle. Next, the number of open cards in the center of the table will not become equal to the number of players. Then these cards are sent to the hug and do not participate in the game.

If a player cannot take the top card, he must take the bottom. In this case, he loses the right move, which goes to the next player. If all the cards in the center of the table are disassembled, the right move belongs to the player sitting on the left of the one who took the last map.

Just as in all versions of this game, the winnings should be the first to get rid of all the cards on your hands.

Czech Dool

Such a name in Russia received the European game "Mau-Mau".

Play two-five players with a deck of 36 sheets. Cards pass one at a time at 5 per hand. The remaining deck is placed on the middle of the table as a coupon. The trump card does not open.

The player sitting on the left of the serve comes first with any convenient card to him. The next player puts on it a map or equal to suit or equal dignity. If he does not have a renovation card, he must pull the card from the coupon until such a card comes to it (or while the ticket will not end). When the coupon is exhausted, an upper one is removed from the stack of open cards. It is left open on the table. The remaining cards must be turned over and re-use as a coupon.

Armenian fool

This game is different from other options. "Fool. Play two deel on 36 sheets. The serve lays out a row of eight closed cards. On top of each closed card there is one open card. After that, 6 cards should be handed over to the enemy and yourself. The move can be made as a card with Hands and any open card from the table. Closed cards open only when everyone went outdoor.

The purpose of the game is exactly the opposite of the target of the canonical "fool": take as much bribes as possible. The party wins the one who first scored 21 bribes. The calculation is made by the difference in bribes.


The number of partners in the target game is limited to four people with a deck in 52 sheets.

The essence of the game is not to yawning; The slightest slip can be punished by the fact that one of the partners, taking advantage of the rotoselism of his opponent, in one reception can take the whole store with the opponent.

In the yawats, the cards are put without compliance with the masters to the shops of all playing. The card called the bitter, is removed from above the deck. The action of the aces is equal to all cards. Playing, putting cards to his store, declares: "Houses" and then deprived of all right to remove it back, despite the fact that he misses this card. The partner who will remain cards is considered to be a loser. The money set on the con kinda, if the game was carried out in money, divided equally between all partners, except for the loser.


The game in "Eroshki" can be attributed to children's games. The trumps in the game is not, there is only a suit.

The number of partners from two to ten people.

The start of delivery is determined by mutual consent of the players. Each player gives up three cards.

The course of the game is as follows: every partner, taking some of your three cards and turning the front side down, screames her on the table and then change it to another card with another player. Continuing this way, each of the partners tries to score three cards of one suit and, having achieved such an outcome, comes out of the game.

Leaving his own cards for consideration by partners, after which the latter continue the party until all players come out, except for one, which is considered to be a loser, why and gets the nickname of Eroshki and gets a retribution for it, which is as follows: Anyone from the released, stasovav All the deck, reveals on it on both sides on one map and, taking hands by half the collections, very quickly goes through them before the eyes of the loser, saying: "Fog on your eyes." Then, going down slightly, repeats this manipulation several times; At the same time, the loser should have at random from some side to grab some card, and if it succeeds, the loss says goodbye.

Seven sheets can play from two to five people a deck of thirty-six cards.

Delivery of maps depends on the preliminary condition. The serve to all the players gives over seven cards, then reveals the trump card, which expresses a trump-owned suit belonging. The first goes to the girlfriend. Each player must recruit seven bribes and then wait for the start of a new game. Drawing ends with the fact that I did not win the game that I did not win the game. On the card with which the eldest card should be put on, and if there is no need for the required, then beat the goatre. You can walk with any card.

As soon as the game is over, someone from the players hangs through the whole deck of cards, gives it to your handwritten and then looks the last map, by the number of points of which is calculated by a predetermined board for each point. Aces are considered to be 11 points, kings, ladies, currencies - 10, the rest, by the number of points, which are indicated.

The simple people for the lack of money pays to the famous number of shocks in three nose cards, for example: on the last map at the bottom of the deck deck, and all the players beat the loser every seven times on the nose.

The loser, in order to self-preservation of its physiognomy, takes in both hands on several cards and closes the person with them, leaving only one nose open open, which sometimes makes it like boiled cancer. During such an execution, laughter and scream on the whole street. That is why this game is called the game of socks.

This game is rather children than adult. You can play together, threesome, and so on, up to fifteen people.

It is played as follows. Anyone from the players, staining the deck of cards, puts it on the middle of the table and reveals the top card to which the other player should put a senior card, for example: if I gave the seven revealed, another player should put the eight on it, the third one, the fourth - Dozen and so on. Thus, the one who should be overlated, takes from the deck lying on the table on the same map until he is as long as he will not be able to take the desired seven to cover the six, unnecessary cards remain in his hands, they may need him for the next roof . Exactly so do all other players.

All covered cards are put in one pile, face up. If someone does not have the required card, and nothing remains in the deck, then he should be the top card lying on a heap, take, and the rest then the cards in a heap to move aside, which should not enter the game.

As soon as someone decides in this way, then the girlfriend who accepted comes from his card and the game continues in the same time until the players remain a single card. The same, whom one or more cards remained, loses and gets the name of Chukhny.


The game in the dump has a great similarity with the game in "His trumps".

The number of partners from two to six people, the deck must be in 36 cards. In this game, in contrast to "his trump card," there is one only trump suit, which is defined as follows: Having gone, stucking the card, gives them to her undergraduate, who, who, removed and looking at the last card, announces her trump card.

This game has two types: open and closed.

It is called when it is called only five cards, the rest make up the coupon and understand the hands during the game of the game, as in fools.

In the open dump, all the cards are distributed, and if not a single trump card, he, declaring it, should wait for a new delivery.

The course of the game in the closed dump. Going out of the card and the crumbling takes it from the decks of so many cards as it is spent on the output and dump.

If there is nothing to cover, then he takes the whole heap, as well as when playing "his trumps".

Let us give an example.

Four players: A, B, C, 1). Renting all five cards, and puts the rest on the table. In comes with some card to C and replenishes the demolished cards from the deck. C, covering a hanging map from B and making a dump to B, takes from the deck then the number of cards that he came out. In the same way and pinches, as the first partners. Thus, it goes until, not a single card will remain in the deck.

Open Navalka is a living like "his trumps", with the only difference that in the first one is only the goatury, as in fools, and in the latter - every player has his trumps.

In the dank, the reception of a pouch is not done as in the game in his trumps. It does not take on the hands of the whole heap, and they take only one top map; The rest are moved to the side and do not come more in the game.

In the dank, there is a rule so as not to let your girlfriend and all measures try to make him dumps and dismissed by trumps.

If it is noticed that the girlfriend does not have any suit, then they certainly go or pour out from it.

It is necessary to use all the means to focus in your hands one any suit or senior cards, which can serve as dumps in the dump.

You can only cover trumps only when there are many of them. If one or two small trump cards remain at the tumor, from which he intends to do Roskrysh, and the next approach is overlapping, in this case, it is necessary to drag them, but not the trumps, but that the owty he has.

When it is known that there is one or two cards at the girlfriend and there is a trump card between them, you should never pour a trump card, at least there were a lot of them.

Each player must take into a consideration, to what extent, he should attack his healthy. If he notices that sitting at hand comes out only because others go to the suit, he should try to delay him - making him dump.

5-6 people play a dump, but that it represents more interest, it is best to play threesome or four of us.


The number of partners in this game is three or four, although you can play and together, but it is not so interesting.

For the game uses a deck in thirty-two cards. Who will get to pass, he, having shuffling the card, gives them to remove their handicraft. After passing each nine card, the trump card is revealed.

Each player after passing the cards considers how many cards he has the same dignity, i.e. two or three six, four or three aces and so on.

The first exit is provided by a prudent surrender. Everyone goes to one only sitting under it; You can go out with any card, and more than two, three and four identity cards: 2 - 3 six, 2 - 3-4 kings, etc. If anyone came out with one or two six, then other players And the one to whom they go, if they have the third and fourth six, they must also attach them to one or another already the six. Any card can be pounded or a senior map of the same suit, or a trump card. Who does not want or unable to do this, he can accept cards to him; After that, it's already his healthy. If someone will reveal all the running moving towards him from other cards, then he comes out.

Who thus will lower all the cards from hand, while they are still from other players, he comes out, or, as they say, is right. If someone has one or more cards left, while other players have no one, then he loses, or, as they say, stayed ...

The punishment of the loser is that it should take cards for the next game. If the game is done for money, the loser pays to each playing conditioned fee.

All opened cards are postponed to the side and before the new delivery do not come to the game.

The drawing rules are as follows:

1. Go first from the smallest cards.

2. Hold with all ways to not be necessary to walk from the trump card.

3. You must try not to shake the cards of one value,

4. If you have two cards in different masters (two six, two aces) and need to be accessed, then you need to shake the senior dignity cards.

5. When a few trump cards happen on the hands, with two or more maps of the same value with them, Bates going to you by the visor cards, despite the fact that you could beat them with a master; And then go with that suit that hit the trump card.

6. If you happen on your hands one or two small trumps and someone goes to your handicraft with them, then drop it, although he was a senior, since in a similar case you can count on the best outcome at one remaining visor.


The number of players is from three to ten people. The deck must be in 52 cards. Each player must have several tokens, from which it is obliged to put one to one token at the rate, or to the con. Playing for money are prescribed to each token of a certain price.

Purpose of the game

Dial a poet or tricone.

Poems - consists of three cards of the same suit; Senior is preferred to younger, one card can not make a poe.

Session - Piece Terr.

The tricone is three cards of one dignity.

The survey, shifting the card, gives off the right neighbor and then alternately, starting with the right hand, gives each player three cards. The surveyor has the right to hand over the cards, as he wants, that is, one or three at once.

The serve is called a banker, and the deck he drops, the bank. The banker has a lot of advantages and at the same time flaws.

The trumps in this game is not and do not open them.

After passing the banker puts a deck in front of him and asks: who starts? Head, examined his cards, says: for money or on Menu? Thus come and all other players.

Starting for money means to demand a map from the banner from a deck instead of the hands given to him, which he should put a deck under the bottom. For the card received from the banner, the player must pay him one token.

Start on Menu, it means to swap a card with the right neighbor.

This order continues the circle purchase and mehana to the grandtel.

A player having poems, sessions or a tricone, shows it, without waiting for other players.

The winning game get all the rates set by players at the beginning of the game.

The benefits of the banker are as follows:

He receives from players to one token for each card issued to them from the deck, he himself does not give anyone anything.

If a banker happens to a suit, equal to the player's castle, then he is given an advantage.

The winning game should give him for surrendering one token.


The number of partners in this game from two to ten people. Each player is surrendered by three cards, and one card is revealed as a trump card.

The move of the game in Melnik can be divided into two stages.

1. The left neighbor of the passing makes the move towards his handicraft from some card, and the latter must reset the card on it the same top or lowest dignity. Hung the highest card takes a bribe. Camped cards are filled from coupon.

If the bribe goes to what happened, then the subsequent outputs belong to him until his reservoir arrives or does not cover the map similar to it.

Only one can take the card, who has no suitable suit and he does not want to be a trump card. In the same way, the player continues and between the second and third players and so on until all the cards come from the hands of the players and their coupons. After that, the guide of bribes gained by partners begins.

2. Anyone who had previously managed to play the card to his share of the card, enjoys the right of the first way out with what the cards do it.

Sitting near him should block this card or accept: In the first case, it will give these two cards to the third, which must be mapped to the second player, kill or accept. This third, the last player, the card must be killed or accept the fourth, etc., which continues until so many cards of all playing, with the exception of one; In this latter case, who will get to play a bunch, making a proper tire, postpones all these cards aside, which are no longer included in the playful game.

The whole bunch of revealed in this way comes on the other, what a cards will be pleased with him, and his girlfriend comes exactly as he arrived with the first heap.

Regarding the admission, the following rules are followed:

If someone becomes the first output card, then his healthy should go on the other, which he deems better.

If someone can not or does not want to cover someone's overlaps, then he takes one only a tire hiking to him, after that, sitting near it, you should cover the top card left then in a pile.

The general rule of the game is to keep your cards in the most secretive way.

Never leave with the highest and faithful cards. You do not need to go out with the trump card earlier, until you know that you have trumps, but only the younger.

On the suitable cards you need to always demolish the youngest cards. If you go with a small card, then it must be not covered, but take it.

When they go with a strong card and moreover with such a suit you do not have, you need to beat the goatre.

If there are three cards of one suit on the hands, then you need to walk with the older. When there are two or three trumps, then you need to walk with the average so that you can subsequently return it to the remaining senior trump card.

When the output of your card will be accepted, then in the next move it is necessary to demand it back.

It is more profitable to always drop the younger map, giving a bribe to a partner to you.

If you go with a card, which is unprofitable to leave for a draw, and you have a lot of trump cards in your hands, then it is better to take the card to you.

Doing more profitable with long suit. For discovers, do not regret the last trump card, while it is more profitable to hold the trumps, if you are not in the last hand.


The number of partners in this game is not limited, therefore, with a large number of players, the full deck should be used in 52 sheets, which places the open twice or six. Then all partners take turns from the decks on the same map and put them each in front of them, this card depicts the store of each player: the sixth or twice, lying in the middle of the table, depicts a pig to which cards are put in the upstream order.

On cards, depicting shops, put cards in the descending order, without disassembled byas. Since the aces do not go anywhere, they put kings on them. If the ace lies at the store, then it can not be removed even on a pig. Pig ends with the king and postponed to the side. The next pig begins with the first dukey or six coupon.

Winning Kona belongs to someone who will have time to tear all the cards, except for the aces, and the rule of the game requires that the cards are shining only two their neighbors, the right and left.

A card that goes in order for a pig card can no longer go to the partner store and should be put on a pig.


There can be no less than three and more than four games.

The deck is used in fifty-two cards. The right to handle the cards is solved by the highest card.

Three cards give up each playing. After delivery, when the game, the threes are revealed seven, and when playing four cards, four cards operate.

A box is put in the center of the table, in which each of the players puts on one chicken. His girlfriend surrender, having considered his cards, takes one of the open on the table, corresponding to the cards in his hands. He can take two, and three cards, if only the score of their points will be equal to the account of those cards that it has.

Who in his hands will not be such a card, which he could take the other from the table, should put his cards to lying on the table and put into a box as many tokens as cards.

Who will take others from the table with all the three cards, he wins the party and takes a bet.

If this in some surrender does not come out, then putting a box for the thrown cards, pass again, and thus the rate increases until anyone takes it by winning the party.

This type of game is intended only for two participants. Play with an incomplete deck in 24 cards from the ace before nine inclusive. Heart seniority: ace, ten, king, lady, currency, nine. Having distributes to himself and partner for 10 cards, 4 cards are demolished in a bona. Cards in the package are not put in the first and not least. Coupon must be stopped in the middle of the table, the cards are closed.

Alerts are announced in which players prescribe so many points as they could take in the process of drawing with their cards. Appointments are made from 60 to 120 points. You need to prescribe dozens, when counting points, they should also be rounded up to 10.

The one who does the highest appointment takes a bite. At your request, he can take or two last grazing cards, or two first. The cards remaining on the table has no right to watch none of the game before the end of the game. A bought a player demolides his unnecessary cards on the table closed and makes the first move. He also assigns a trump card to the game.

In some companies, the seaflet is put in two stacks for two cards. The bought has the right to take advantage of any coupon. Two remaining cards can not look. Sometimes four types of bake are included in the points counting points. This is happening when the winning trade declares 120 glasses without the announcement of Majazy and takes all the bribes to one.

If the older hand leaves in the first round of trading, the second has the right not to make an appointment, the bite still belongs to him. On the call map you should lay out or the card of the same suit, or to interrupt the goat. Bribe takes the highest card. The second and all subsequent moves belong to those who took the previous bribe.

After graduating from the game, points are counted. A player who has a bribe is the king and a lady of one suit, writes himself for the Marezh: A trump card - 80, unique-40 points. Points declared in the trading process are attributed to the player in the event that he scored no less appointed. Otherwise, they are written off from the counting account. Upon reaching the player in his record 850 points, he has the right not to participate in the auction, his opponent is not allowed to pass.

If, after a troops, the player sees that he will simply not be able to take declared points, he is allowed to "leave" - \u200b\u200bto record the declared points for yourself as a penalty, and the enemy has shoves 60 points to his record. This variety of thousands can be accommodated for four players. In this case, there are already 5 cards, and the player who takes a bite, demolitions on one of his unnecessary cards to opponents in a closed form.

Card games with children familyr_papa. wrote in july 31st, 2012

text: Dmitry Gingerbread

We have a grand journey - we are going on vacation, to relatives in Feodosia. We will almost two days on the road. Even adults to withstand such a move is not easy, which is to talk about the steady stepper. What to take it on the road? We take with you a few mini-board games, but you will not play a day in them!

I thought the position would save the card. In the Stepkin Aged, I very much loved to play with my grandmother in Akulin, and with my grandfather - I do not believe in "I believe." I tried to remember all the children's card games, and I got a good list.

Bonjour, Madame!

This game has two options. The first: Maps one throws the host. The second: all cards distribute players in an equal number and each in their turn lay out one on the table.

Each card corresponds to a certain movement or word:

Ace - clap your palm on the table
King - give honor
Lady - shout "Bonzhur Madame!"
Valts - shout "Pardon, Monsieur!"
Dozen - shout "Hurray!"
Nine - clap your hands
Eight - Meak
Seven - to proceed
Six - Gry

The player who confused the word or movement is dropped out of the game.

I believe - I do not believe

If players are more than six, then two decks mix. Cards are handed over two (and one player may have fewer cards than the rest - it does not matter).

Begins the game the one who sits to the left of the surrender card. He puts three cards cover up and calls the advantage of cards. The game begins with the aces. That is, the player can really put the aces and call them, or can put any other cards, but also call them aces. The second player lay out kings (again also - either puts the correct cards, or deceives). The third player lays out the ladies and so on the downward.

If someone has doubts about someone during the game, he says: "I doubt." Then all the cards posted on the table turn the pictures up. If at least one map "Povered" (that is, it was not called, and she was on the table), the player takes all the cards. If there was no deception, then the card takes the player who deceived.

The party wins the one who is the first to get rid of his cards.


The game can play from four to ten people. At the beginning, choose one wash - it will become the main one.

Each player is handed over three cards. One of them he puts on the table with a picture down and changing her with another player. Continuing the game in such a way, you need to collect three cards of one suit, expressed at the beginning of the game. He who gave out the game.

The player remaining the latter is considered to be a loser and gets the nickname of Eroska.


If players are over six, then take a deck in 52 cards. All cards distribute to the players equally left.

Each player considers his cards. If there are paired (two twos, two currencies ...), then he resets them. The rest of the card holds in the hands of the fan so that no one can spit, what cards he remained.

Players in turn, right-left, start pulling each other on one map. Again come in the same way if paired cards come across - they are reset. It is impossible only to drop acouhin - peak lady. During the exchange of cards, it moves from one player to another and one who at the end it will remain in their hands, is considered to be a loser.


This game is like shark. Leading at random pulls out one card from a deck and hides it. The rest of the cards are then distributed to all participants of the game. They reveal their cards and dump pair. Then in turn of each other on the right-left pull cards. As soon as paired cards come across - they are reset again. The game goes until one of the players remains the last card, in a couple of the one that hid the lead.


This is a game for attentiveness. Because you need to watch not only for your cards, but also for the behavior of other players.

So, from the deck choose the aces, kings, ladies, currencies and dozens.

The presenter is hanging cards and distributes to all players equally. The presenter begins the game - it exchanges one card with a neighbor (they will exchange at random, do not show each other). The goal is to collect four cards (aces, or kings, or ladies ...)

The game passes in complete silence. A player who will collect four cards, raises the thumb. As soon as other players notice, they also raise the thumb. The one who will notice and raise the finger of the latter becomes donkey. He must squeeze "IA-IA" three times.


This is a game for two. Cards are taushat and lay down on two decks (pictures down).

On one players lay out their cards on the table. If the first player has an older card, he takes both cards to himself and puts them down his deck.

If both players are laid out the same card seniority, or one Ace, and the other, the six, then the cards argue. This means that each player on his card puts one more (picture down), and from above another - picture up. And already on the third map, judge who won the dispute. Woning (that is, the one whose third card will be older) takes all the most participating in the dispute card.

The game continues until one of the players remain a single card. He loses and call him a drunkard.


The game takes part from three players and more.

Each player is given seven cards. The rest of the cards lie in the deck from which the host takes the top card and puts the picture on the table.

On this map, the second player lay out three cards from his cards - either by descending or by increasing. For example, the driving lady laid out. The second player puts the valve, dozen and nine. Either the king, ace and twice. Neither does not matter.

When all the possibilities are exhausted and there is no longer possible to put cards from those in hand, the player can take the top card from the deck. If it is suitable for making another three cards, then the game continues. If not, the move goes to the third player.

When the deck is exhausted, players continue the game. The one who does not make up the top three cards (says "PAS" and skips the move).

The goal of the game is the first to free from all of your cards.