Past in the play cherry garden. Writing: Past, present, future in the play "Cherry Sad" (A.P

Past in the play cherry garden. Writing: Past, present, future in the play "Cherry Sad" (A.P

The end of the nineteenth is the beginning of the twentieth - the time of change. At the turn of the century, people live on the eve. On the eve of what, few people understand. There are already new generation people appear, whereas the people of the past continue to exist. There is a conflict of generations. Such already depicted Turgenev in the novel "Fathers and Children". He has a bright conflict, often resolved by disputes. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov looked in a different way. He has no external clashes, but the reader feels a deep inner tragedy. Communication between generations is torn, and that the worst thing, rush ordinary. For a new generation, which in the play, Anya and Peter, no longer exist for those values, without which the life of the elder, that is, Ranevskaya, Gaeva, does not make sense.
These values \u200b\u200bin the play personifies the cherry garden. He is a symbol of the past, over which the ax is already listed. Life of love Andreevna and her brother cannot exist separately from the Cherry Garden, but at the same time they can do nothing to save it. Ranevskaya just runs from his problems. After the death of his son, she throwing everything, leaving to Paris. After the gap with the lover again returns to Russia, but, finding unresolved problems in his homeland, again wants to flee to France. Gaev Silen only in words. He speaks of a rich aunt, about many other things, but in reality, and he understands that many recipes are offered only with the incurable disease. Their time has already passed, and the time of those for whom beauty is only in benefit.
Such was a lopahin. They talk about him differently: he is "predator", then - "thin and tender soul." It combines incompatible. A person who loves the love of Andreevna, all soul sympathizes her, does not understand the charms of the Cherry Garden. He suggests to rent an estate, break it at the cottages,
Without aware that it will be the end of not only the Cherry Garden, but also his owners. Two opposites fought in this person, but in the end, the rationalistic grain won. He cannot hold back the joy that he, a former slave, becomes the owner of the Cherry Garden. He begins to cut it off without unfortunately. Lopahin will concern the love of Ranevskaya, did not have enough courage from him and marry Vare.
Varya is the receptional daughter Ranevskaya - essentially was the horsepower of the Cherry Garden during the long lack of his mother. She has the keys to estate. But she, in principle, could be the mistress, does not want to live in this world. She dreams of monasticism, about wanderings.
The actual heiress of the love of Andreevna and Gaeva could consider Any. But, unfortunately, it is not. Anya with Petya personifies the future. He is the "Eternal Student," with his philosophical speeches resembles Gaeva; She is an educated girl, his bride. Petain speeches are very influenced by Anya. He tells her that the cherry garden in the blood, which should be hated, and not to love. She agrees in everything with Peter and enthusiasm him. And how a terrible question sounds the question of Ani: "Why am I no longer love a cherry garden?" Anya, the love of Andreevna, Gaev - all of them, essentially, betray their garden, the garden, which they tamed, but for which they are not able to stand. The tragedy of the older generation in the inability to protect its past. The tragedy of the present and future generations is to evaluate and understand the values \u200b\u200bof the past. After all, it is impossible that the symbol of the whole generation becomes an ax. Czechs in the play described three generations, revealed the tragedy of each of them before the reader. Nowadays, these problems are also relevant. And at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries, the work of Chekhov acquires a shade of some warning.

The play "Cherry Garden", the last dramatic work of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, can be considered a peculiar testament of the writer, in which the cherished thoughts of Chekhov were reflected, his meditation about the past, present and future of Russia.

At the heart of the plot of the play lies the history of the noble estate. As a result of the changes in the Russian society, the former owners of the estate are forced to give the place new. This plot canvas is very symbolic, it reflects the important stages of the social and historical development of Russia. The fates of Chekhov characters are related to the cherry garden, in which the past, present and future intersect. Heroes remember the past estate, about those times when the cherry garden is processed by serfs, still brought income. This period coincided with childhood and youth Ranevskaya and Gaeva, and about these happy, carefree years they remember with involuntary nostalgia. But the serfdom has long been canceled, the manor gradually comes into decay, the cherry garden ceases to be profitable. There comes the time of telegraphs and railways, the era of business people and entrepreneurs.

The representative of this new formation acts in the Chekhov play of Lopakhin, leading its origin from the family of the former Ranevskaya. His memories of the past wear a completely different character, his ancestors were slaves in the very estate whose owner he now becomes.

Conversations, memories, disputes, conflicts - the entire external action of the Chekhov play focused around the destinies of the estate and the cherry garden. Immediately after the arrival of Ranevskaya, talk about how to save the laid and restained estate from trading. In the course of the action of the play, this problem will acquire increasing sharpness.

But, as the most often happens at Chekhov, the real struggle, the present clash of the former and future owners of the cherry garden in the play is not. Just the opposite. Lopahin does everything possible to help Ranevskaya save the estate from the sale, but the complete lack of business skills prevents the unlucky owners of the estate to take advantage of useful advice; They are enough only on netting and empty ranting. It is not a struggle between the emerging bourgeoisie and inferior to her his place is interested in Chekhov, much more important for him by the fate of concrete people, the fate of all of Russia.

Ranevskaya and Gaev doomed to lose the estate, which they are so expensive and with which is connected

so many memories, and the reason for this lies not only in their inability to ride the delometric advice of the blades. Time comes to pay for old accounts, and the debt of their ancestors, the debt of their kind, the historical wines of all their estates are not redeemed. The present stems from the past, their connection is obvious, not in vain dreams of love Andreevna in the blooming garden The late mother in a white dress. It reminds of itself the past. It is very symbolic that Ranenevskaya and Gaev, fathers and grandfathers who did not let those, at the expense of which they fed and lived, even in the kitchen, now they themselves are entirely dependent on the rich blades. In this Chekhov, he sees retribution and shows that the Barsky lifestyle, although he Andéyan is a poetic haze of beautiful, disburses people, destroying the souls of those who are involved in it. Such, for example, Firs. For him, the abolition of serfdom is a terrible misfortune, as a result of which he, no one needs and everyone forgotten, will remain alone in the empty house ... the same Bar district is generated by Yasha's Lackey. In it, there is no longer a devotion to the gentlemen who is distinguished by the old man of Firs, but he has been using all the benefits and amenities without a clear conscience, which can extract from his life under the wing of the kindest ranenevskaya.

The lopahin is the person of another warehouse and other formation. He is delivered, has a strong grip and firmly knows what and how to do today. It is he who gives concrete advice on how to save the estate. However, being a person's business and practical and beneficially distinguished by this from Ranenevskaya and Gaeva, Lopahin is completely deprived of spirituality, the ability to perceive the beautiful. The magnificent cherry garden is interesting for him only as an investment of capital, it is remarkable only by the fact that "very big"; And on the basis of purely practical considerations, Lopakhin proposes to cut it out to give the land for rent under the country areas, is more profitable. Not believing with the feelings of Ranenevskaya and Gaeva (not on malice, no, but simply because of the lack of mental subtleties), he orders to start cutting down the garden, without waiting for the departure of the former owners.

It is noteworthy that in the play Chekhov is not a single happy person. Ranevskaya, who came from Paris to repent in perfect sins and find peace in the labor estate, is forced to return back with old sins and problems, as the estate is sold from the hammer, and the garden is cut down. The faithful servant Firs is buried alive in the encircling house, where he served his whole life. Future Charlotte is unknown; Years pass, without bringing joys, and dreams of love and motherhood are not implemented. Varya, who did not wait for the proposal of the lopakhin, hires to some Ragulin. Perhaps, a little better is the fate of Gaeva - he receives a place in the bank, but hardly from it will succeed in a successful financier.

With a cherry garden, in which the past and real, and revealing about the future are fadedly crossed.

Tomorrow, which, according to Chekhov, should be better than today's day, personify in the play Anya and Peter Trofimov. True, Petya, this thirty-year-old "Eternal Student", is hardly able to real affairs and actions; He only knows how much and beautiful to speak. Another thing is Anya. Realizing the beauty of the Cherry Garden, she at the same time understands that the garden is doomed, as the past slave life is doomed, as is doomed and the present, full of poor practicism. But in the future, Anya is sure, the celebration of justice and beauty should come. In her words: "We will put a new garden, luxuriously" not only the desire to console the mother, but also an attempt to present a new, future life. Inheritating the Ranev's soullessness and susceptibility to the beautiful, Anya at the same time full of sincere desire to change, remake life. She is directed to the future, ready to work and even sacrifice him in the name; She dreams of time when it changes the whole way of life when it turns into a flowering garden, gives people joy and happiness.

How to arrange such a life? Recipes on this account Chekhov does not give. Yes, they can not be, because it is important that every person having experienced dissatisfaction with what is, caught fire about the beautiful thing that he himself searched the way to a new life.

"All Russia is our garden" - these significant words are repeatedly sounded in the play, turning the history of the ruin of the estate and the death of the garden in the capacious symbol. A play is full of thoughts about life, its values, genuine and imaginary, about the responsibility of each person for the world in which he lives and in which his descendants will live.

Theme lesson: "Past, present and future in the play" Cherry Sad "A.P. Chekhov.

An innovation of Chekhov - playwright.

Objectives lesson:

    Deepen the presentation of students about the play A.P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden": Determine the principles of grouping actors.

    Describe the originality of the image by the playwright of various types of people in the turning point of their lives.

    Continue to form interest in Russian literature.

    Develop the oral speech of students, develop the ability to reflect on moral and philosophical topics.

Methods and techniques: test, conversation on issues, analytical reading, analysis of episodes, the word of the teacher.

During the classes.


Greeting, the establishment of discipline, record the number of lesson on the board, check the availability of educational material.

Epigraph to the lesson.

2. Take the same way to the path, leaving soft youthful years in the harsh faster courage, take all human movements with them, do not leave them on the road, do not fit!

A.P. Chekhov


1 In which city was born A.P. Chekhov?

a) Tula;

b) Taganrog;

c) Tarusa;

d) Tyumen.

2 Who was Anton Pavlovich Chekhov by Education?

a) lawyer;

b) teacher;

c) doctor;

d) diplomat.

3 Where was the estate purchased from the Chekhov 1892, where did the writer grow a garden and built a school?

a) Tarkhans;

b) Clear Polyana;

c) Melikovo.;

d) Boldino.

4 What was called the St. Petersburg weekly artistic and humorous journal, in which in 1878. Debuted A.P. Chekhov?
a) "crocodile";

b) "Yersh";
c) "Dragonfly";

d) "Butterfly".

5 Name one of the pseudonyms A.P. Chekhov, who he signed his stories.
a) "Man without a heart";

b) "no stomach man";

c) "man without spleen";

d) "Man without humor".

6 Who these famous artists was a friend A.P. Chekhov?

a) V.I. Surikov;

b) I.I. Levitan;

c) O.A. Cyprosen;

d) V.D. Polenov.

7 like A.P. Chekhov determined brevity?
a) the mother of the teaching;

b) mother order;

c) sister talent;

d) sirota Kazan.

8 What fish swims in the collection of writings A.P. Chekhov?
a) wisdom piscal;

b) crucian idealist;
c) Nalim;

d) shark doodle.
("Nalim" - the story of A.P. Chekhov.)
9. Writers, making dogs characteristics of their works, sought to show the parties to the character of a person. Which of these literary masterpieces with four-legged heroes belongs to Peru A.P. Chekhov?
a) "White Poodle";
b) "Mu-Mu";
c) "Chestanka";
d) "White Bim Black Ear."
("Mu-mu" wrote by I.S. Turgenev, "White Poodle" - A.I. Kubrin, "White Bim Black Ear" - G.N. Troypolsky.)

10. What a character is A.P. Chekhov?
a) Ionch;
b) codes;
c) electronic;
d) Protons.

11. Who was the Czech Character Ionchool by profession?
a) doctor;
b) the teacher;
c) artist;
d) a writer.

12.Who from relatives A.P. Chekhov was an outstanding actor?
and the father;
b) uncle;
c) nephew;
d) brother.
(Mikhail Alexandrovich Chekhov.)

- Guys, you were set to the house written homework: Write an essay on the topic: "How is the degradation of the Zemstvo doctor Starcev in Ionchcha?

Output: Chekhov, like a doctor, writing the history of the disease, shows the process of gradual death of the soul. At the same time, as always, Chekhov, in the moral death of a smart and educated person, not only circumstances, conditions of provincial life, a severity, but also he himself: he did not have enough vitality and resilience to resist the effect of time and environment.

In this story, anxious thought was expressed about the most terrible loss for a person - the loss of a living spiritual principle, about any reciprocal waste of time, the most valuable heritage of human life, about the personal responsibility of a person in front of himself, to society. Thought, relevant at all times ...

And now let's move on to the most important issue of our classes: "As submitted past, present and future in the play" Cherry Garden ".

In your opinion, as represented by the past in the play?

    Pone in the play.

Ranevskaya love Andreevna

What are the last owners of the Cherry Garden, living more than the past than the real?

The rich nobleman, who traveled to Paris on horseback and on the balas whose generals danced, Baron, Admirals, had a gift even in the south of France. The past is now before Ranenevskaya in the form of a blooming cherry garden, which will be sold for debts.

Distinctive features of the heroine:

    Silence, invisibility, romantic enthusiasm, the instability of the psyche, the inability to live.

    In her character, at first glance, a lot of good features. She is externally charming, loves nature, music. This, according to the reviews of others, dear, "kind, glorious" woman, simple and immediate. Radane trusting and sincerely to enthusiasm. But in spiritual experiences there is no depth: his mood is fleeting, it is sentimental and easily moves from tears to a carefree laughter.

    She seemed sensitive, attentive to people. Meanwhile, what a mental emptiness is hidden behind this external well-being, what kind of indifference and indifference to everything that goes beyond her personal well-being.

Guys, homework will be as follows:

a) Write a mini essay on the next TNA true love? ".

Results for the lesson.

(All heroes feel growing concern, but it doesn't go further. People are trying to deceive the time and even on the day of trading in the estate, you can pass the party "I heard how the orchestra is played. Evening. Evening. In the Hall Dance.")

With the sale of the garden, the fate of Ranevskaya is solved. And she and her brother love the garden, but childishly hide the rejection of this issue.

Tell me, how belongs to Ranevskaya to their daughters?

(In words, she loves them, but leaves for an arbitrary of fate, taking the last money, and leaves for Paris. Moreover, it is going to live on the money that Anina grandmother sent to the purchase of estates.)

Gaev Leonid Andreevich, Radane's brother

    Silent, worthless, all my life lived in the estate, not doing anything.

He confesses that he had his condition on lollipops. The only thing his occupation is billiards. It is all immersed in reflections on various combinations of billiards: "Yellow in the middle ... Wasplet in the corner!"

Representatives of the past

    People who are accustomed carelessly live without working. They can not even comprehend their position. These heroes are the latest representatives of the degenerate nobility. They have no future.

    Present in the play.

- Which of the heroes is a representative of the present?


A merchant, who came out of the rows of serfs, intelligent, energetic leader of the new formation.

Distinctive features of the heroine:

    Huge energy, enterprise, wide work sweep, lopahin is correctly versed in the position of the owners of the Cherry Garden and gives them the practical advice, from which the owners of the garden refuse.

    Lopakhin becomes the owner of the estate created by his great-grandfather. He speaks with a celebration: "If my father and grandfather got up from coffins and looked at all what was happening as their Yermolai, a broken, little Ermolai, who ran in the winter barefoot, as this Yermolay bought the estate, which is nothing more than in the world!"

The place and significance of the blades in the play can be explained by Petit Trofimov: "This is how the predatory beast is needed in the sense of metabolism of substances, which eats everything that comes across on the way ..."

    Future time in the play.

- with whom of the heroes binds their ideas about the future by the author of the play

Peter Trofimov

Poor student is a dispenser, honest work that breaks his way into life. His life is not easy. He has already fired twice from the university, he always happens and may be without a roof above his head.

Distinctive features of the hero:

    Trofimov lives faith in the bright future of the Motherland. "Forward! We go uncontrollable to a bright star, which burns there, away! Forward! Do not fall behind, friends! "

Petya Trofimov acutely sees today's misfortunes and animate dream of a dream about the future. In dreams he overtook time, but really he is helpless no less than Ranevskaya. He is endowed with self-esteem.

    He is uncanyten and touching, the smart and fair. But he is not a hero.

Monologists Petit in the play do not lead to any particular actions. Maybe, therefore, Peter sometimes seems to be a ranting empty, which in incomprehensible excitement refutes everything, but nothing can offer in return.

He takes upon himself an unbearable task, but so far it cannot solve it.

Output: Chekhov empowers the absolute rightness of the Lords (representatives of the outgoing time), nor the merchant of the Lopakhina (hero of the day of today), nor a student Trofimova (boldly looking into the future). None of them can save Russia, indicate the path of its development and participate in its transformation.

- Tell me, who says that it is in the image of a cherry garden that a play is shown? ( It says Petya Trofimov "All Russia is our garden ... From every cherry, with each piece, with each trunk, human beings look at you, don't you hear votes" (second)

- The garden is a symbol of historical memory and eternal updates of life.

Of all the above, we can conclude that all the heroes of the plays are divided into three groups: 1. The heroes of the past; 2 heroes of the present; 3 rods of the future

This division of Chekhov shows that the representatives of the past cannot live in the present, in no future, they always remained in the past. The heroes of the present - live today and think about the future, create it the basis. And the future in the play is vaguely, and no one knows what it will be, although the heroes of the future believe that it is happy.

What is the innovation of Dramaturgia Chekhov? (Chekhov depicts the municipality of life using the psychological subtext as a means of identifying the internal life of the character. Chekhov denounces vulgarity of life, blessing. But at the same time he shows faith in the future of the Motherland, in the ability to change life, shows new people who have forces to change .)

Emotional lesson final

- A.P.chekhov loved to breed the gardens. Let us grow by cherry in the window today despite the stupus. And we will now see what fruits will appear on it.

- Guys, you have cherries of two colors, read that they are written on them, make a choice and attach on the tree.

(Students attach cherries to a poster, the result of the lecture is immediately clear in the color of the fruits)


it was difficult

it was boring

i did not like the lesson

worried (a) excitement

fear experienced (a)


it was interesting

it was comfortable

nice communication with the teacher

i learned a lot (a)

surprised by the fate of Chekhov

i liked the lesson

Features of Dramaturgia Chekhov

The Russian theater was experiencing a crisis to Anton Chekhov, it was he who made an invaluable contribution to its development, breathing in him a new life. The playwright snatched small sketches from the everyday life of their heroes, approaching the playwright to reality. His plays forced the viewer to think about it, although they did not have intrigue, open conflicts, but they reflected the internal alarm of a turning point of history, when society froze in the premonition of fast changes, and the heroes became all social strata. The visible simplicity of the plot acquainted with the stories of characters to the events described, giving an opportunity to advise, what will happen to them after. So surprisingly mixed past, the present, the future in the "Cherry Garden" play, by connecting people not so much different generations, how many different eras. And one of the "submarines", characteristic of the writer Chekhov, was the reflection of the author about the fate of Russia, and the theme of the future took a central place in the "Vishnevian Garden".

Past, present and future on the pages of the "Cherry Garden" Pieces

So how did the past, present and the future met on the pages of the "Cherry Garden" pages? Chekhov, as it were, divided all the heroes on these three categories, depicting them very brightly.

The past in the play "Cherry Garden" is represented by Ranevskaya, Gaev and Firsa - the oldest character of all the acts. It is them most of all talk about what was, for them the past is the time in which everything was easy and fine. There were gentlemen and servants, everyone had their own place and purpose. For the Cancellation of serfdom, he became the greatest grief, he did not want will, remaining in the estate. He sincerely loved the family of Ranevskaya and Gaeva, remaining devoted to them until the very end. For the Aristocrats of Lyubov Andreevna and her brother, the past is the time when they did not need to think about such low things as money. They enjoyed life, doing that he brings pleasure, able to appreciate the beauty of intangible things - they are hard to adapt to new orders, in which values \u200b\u200bare replaced by the change of highly oral values. It is humiliating for them to talk about money, about the ways of their earnings, and the real offer of the leopard to rent the land is employed, in fact, a worthless garden, perceived as vulgarity. You are not able to make decisions about the future of the Cherry Garden, they are amenable to the flow of life and just float on it. Ranevskaya with the money of the aunts sent to Ani, leaving to Paris, and Gaev goes to serve in the bank. The death of Firs at the end of the play is very symbolic, as if to say that aristocracy as a social class has outlived herself, and she has no place, in the form in which she was before the cancellation of serfdom.

Lopakhin became the representative of the "Cherry Garden" in the play. "Guy a man," as he himself speaks of himself, thinking in a new one who knows how to earn using his mind and flair. Petya Trofimov even compares him with a predator, but with a predator with a thin artistic nature. And it brings a bladder with many spiritual experiences. He is well aware of all the beauty of the old cherry garden, which will be cut down his will, but can not do anything. His ancestors were serfs, the father owned a bench, and he became a "blizzard", sprouting a considerable state. Chekhov did a special emphasis on the character of the blades, because he was not a typical merchant, to whom many were negligious. He made himself, putting his way with his work and the desire to be better than his ancestors not only in terms of financial independence, but also in education. In many ways, Czechs revealed themselves with a blades, because their pedigree is similar.

Anya and Peter Trofimov personify the future. They are young, full of strength and energy. And most importantly - they have a desire to change their lives. But, that's just, Petya Master talk and reason, about the beautiful and fair future, and it is not able to obey their speeches into action. It is this that prevents him from finishing the university or at least somehow arrange his life. Petya denies all kinds of attachments - be it a place or another person. He captures his ideas naive Anya, but she is already ready to plan how to arrange his life. She was inspired and ready to "plant a new garden, even more preserved." However, the future in the play of Chekhov "Cherry Garden" is very uncertain and vague. In addition to educated Ani and Petit, there are also Yasha with the Duny, and they too - the future. Moreover, if Dunyasha, just a stupid peasant girl, then Yasha is already a completely different type. The shift of Gaev and Ranenevsky come to the replacement, but they also come to the blades, too, to change someone. If you remember the story, after 13 years, after writing this play, it was such such Yasha - unprincipled, empty and brutal, not attached to anyone and anything.

In the play of the "Cherry Garden" of the heroes of the past, the present and the future were collected in one place, just they are united by the internal desire to be together and share their dreams, desires, experience. The old garden and the house holds them, and as soon as they disappear, the connection between the heroes and the time they reflect.

Communication times today

Only the greatest creations are able to reflect reality even many years after their creation. So happened with the play "Cherry Garden". The history of cyclical, the society develops and changes, moral and ethical norms are also subjected to rethink. The life of a person is not possible without memory of the past, in the inaction in the present, and without faith in the future. A single generation comes to replace the other, some build, others destroy. So it was in the times of Chekhov, this is happening now. The playwright was right, saying that "all Russia is our garden," and only depends on us whether it will bloom and fruit, or will be cut down the root.

The author's argument about the past, present and future in the comedy, about people and generations, about Russia is forced to think about them in our day. These thoughts will be useful of 10 classes when writing an essay on the theme "Past, present, the future in the" Cherry Sad "play."

Test on the work

1. Problems of Plays A.P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden"
2. The embodiment of the past - Ranevskaya and Gaev
3. Expressive of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe present - Lopahin
4. The heroes of the future - Petya and Anya
List of used literature


Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is a writer of mighty creative talent and a peculiar fine skill, manifested with an equal shine, both in his stories and in the ones and plays.
The plays of Chekhov amounted to a whole era in Russian drama and the Russian theater and had an immeasurable effect on all subsequent development.
Continuing and deepening the best traditions of the drama of critical realism, Chekhov sought to ensure that life truth dominated by his plays, in all its usual, everyday life.
Showing the natural course of the daily lives of ordinary people, Chekhov puts the basis of their plots not one, but several organically related, intertwined conflicts. At the same time, the leading and unifying is the advantage of the conflict of acting persons are not with each other, but with their entire social environment.

Problems of Plays A.P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden"

Piece "Cherry Garden" occupies a special place in the work of Chekhov. Before it, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to change reality he awakened, showing the hostility to a person of life conditions, highlighting those features of his characters who ordered them to the position of the victim. In the "Cherry Garden" reality is depicted in its historical development. The topic of changing social styles is widely developed. Go to the past noble estates with their parks and cherry gardens, with their unreasonable owners. They are shifted by people business and practical, they are present Russia, but not her future. Only the young generation belongs to the right to clean, change life. Hence the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe play: the approval of the new social force opposing not only nobility, but also the bourgeoisie and designed to rebuild life on the basis of genuine humanity and justice.
Piece Chekhov "Cherry Garden" is written in the period of public lifting masses in 1903. It opens another page of its multifaceted creativity, reflecting complex phenomena of that time. The play is striking us with his poetic strength, drama, perceived by us as the acute impact of the society of society, the exposition of those people whose thoughts and acts are far from the moral norms of behavior. The writer brightly shows deep psychological conflicts, helps the reader see the display of events in the souls of heroes, makes us think about the meaning of true love and true happiness. Chekhov easily tolerates us from our present in the distant past. Together with his heroes, we live next to the cherry garden, we see its beauty, we clearly feel the problems of that time, together with the heroes we are trying to find answers to complex questions. It seems to me that the play "Cherry Garden" is a play about the past, present and future not only her heroes, but also the countries in general. The author shows a clash of representatives of the past, present and laid in this present. I think that Chekhov managed to show the justice of the inevitable care with the historical arena such, it would seem harmless to the owners of the Cherry Garden. So who are they, garden owners? What binds their lives with his existence? What's the roads of the cherry garden? Responding to these questions, Chekhov reveals an important problem - the problem of the outgoing life, its worthlessness and conservatism.
The very name of the Chekhov play is configured on a lyrical way. In our presentation there is a bright and unique image of a blooming garden, personifying beauty and desire for a better life. The main plot of the comedy is associated with the sale of this old nobility estate. This event largely determines the fate of its owners and inhabitants. Reflecting on the fate of heroes, unwittingly think about the larger, about the paths of Russia's development: its past, present and future.

The embodiment of the past - Ranevskaya and Gaev

Expressive ideas of the present - Lopahin

Heroes of the Future - Peter and Anya

All this involuntarily pursues us to the idea that the country is needed completely different people who will be finished with other great things. And these other people are Petya and Anya.
Trofimov - Democrat in origin, in habits and beliefs. Creating Troprophimov's images, Chekhov expresses such leading features such as loyalty to the public case, the desire for a better future and propaganda of the struggle for it, patriotism, principle, courage, diligence. Trofimov, despite its 26 or 27 years old, has a big and heavy life experience by shoulders. It has already been excluded from the university twice. He has no confidence that he will not be excluded for the third time and that he will not remain a "eternal student."
Testing and hunger, and need, and political persecution, he did not lose faith in a new life, which will be founded on fair, humane laws and creative creative work. Peter Trofimov sees the failure of the nobility, mired in idleness and inaction. He gives a largely correct assessment of the bourgeoisie, noting its progressive role in the economic development of the country, but refusing to her in the role of the Creator and the Creator of a new life. In general, his statements are distinguished by direct and sincerity. With a sympathy, belonging to the blades, he nevertheless compares him with a predatory beast, "who eats everything that comes across on the way." In his opinion, the blades are not able to resolutely change the life, building it on a reasonable and fair principles. Petya causes deep meditation from the Lopakhina, who in the soul jealous of the conviction of this "smear Barin", which he himself is so lacking.
Thoughts of Trofimova about the future are too foggy and abstract. "We go uncontrollable to a bright star, which burns there away!" - He says ane. Yes, his goal is beautiful. But how to achieve it? Where is the main force that can turn Russia into a flowering garden?
Some belong to the pave with light irony, others with undisguised love. In his speeches, a direct condemnation of the dying life is heard, calling for a new one: "Doyut. I will go or point to another way, how to get. " And indicates. Indicates his ane, which he loves hotly, although it skillfully hides it, realizing that he was intended to be another way. He tells her: "If you have the keys from the farm, then throw them into the well and go. Be free as the wind. "
In the underworld and "Brown Barina" (how Ironically, Trofimova, Varya, Ironically, there is no strength and business grip of the blades. He encourages his life, steeply postponing her blows, but it is not able to master it and become the master of his fate. True, he fascinated by his democratic ideas Anya, who expresses his willingness to follow him, is holy believing in a beautiful dream of a new blooming garden. But this young seventeen-year-old girl who has surrendered information about life mostly from books, clean, naive and immediately, has not yet come across a reality.
Anya is full of hope, vitality, but there is still so much inexperience and childhood. According to the character's warehouse, it is largely close to the mother: it nourishes love for a beautiful word, to sensitive intonations. At the beginning of the play, Anya Burefin, quickly moves from concern to revival. Almost she is helpless, used to live carelessly, not thinking about the urgent bread, about tomorrow. But all this does not prevent an ane to break with her familiar looks and vital construction. Her evolution takes place in our eyes. New looks of Ani are still naive, but she is forever forgive with the old house and the old world.
It is not known whether she is enough spiritual forces, durability and courage to pass the path of suffering, labor and deprivation to the end. Will it be able to keep the hot faith in the best that makes her without regretful to say goodbye to the old life? These questions of Chekhov does not give an answer. And it is natural. After all, you can only talk about the future allegedly.


Life truth in all its sequence and completeness - that's what the Chekhov was guided by creating their images. That is why each character of his plays is a living human character that attracts a huge meaning and deep emotionality that repulses its naturalness, the warmth of human feelings.
According to its immediate emotional effects of Czechs, it is hardly the most outstanding playwright in the art of critical realism.
Dramaturgia Chekhov, who responded to current issues of his time, addressed to everyday interests, experiences and unrest of ordinary people, walked the spirit of protest against the cosiness and routine, called to social activity to improve life. Therefore, she always provided a huge influence on readers and audience. The meaning of Chekhov playwright has long been outside our homeland, it has become the world. The dramatic innovation of Chekhov is widely recognized abroad by our Great Motherland. I am proud that Anton Pavlovich is a Russian writer, and no matter how different Master of Culture, they probably agree that the Chekhov prepared the world to the best of life, more beautiful, more just, more reasonable.
If Chekhov looked out with hope in the 20th century, which just began, then we live in the new XXI century, we still dream about your Cherry Garden and about those who grow it. Flowering trees can not grow without roots. And the roots are the past and present. Therefore, that a wonderful dream becomes a young generation must combine high culture, education with practical knowledge of reality, will, perseverance, hard work, humane goals, that is, to embody the best features of Chekhov's heroes.


1. The history of Russian literature The second half of the XIX century / Ed. prof. N.I. Kravtsova. Publisher: Enlightenment - Moscow 1966.
2. Examination questions and answers. Literature. 9 and 11 graduation classes. Tutorial. - M.: Ast - Press, 2000.
3. A. A. Egorova. How to write an essay on "5". Tutorial. Rostovnadon, "Phoenix", 2001.
4. Chekhov A.P. Stories. Pieces. - M.: Olympus; LLC "Firm" Publisher AST, 1998.