Design work "Adygean dances. Adygei folk dances Adygei folk dances

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Design work "Adygean dances. Adygei folk dances Adygei folk dances

At Adyg, there are two varieties of Islam dance, which can be determined as Western and Eastern. They have one name, but belong to different genre groups are distributed in different territories and are associated with different legends. West Islamey dance in the Republic of Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia and in the Black Sea Chapsugia. This is a pair dance that could be ranked with a gastroin genre if not two specific characteristics: the scap can be executed under a variety of melodies, and Islamey is only under one single melody that wears the same name as the dance; A drawing of a dance in Islam is different from Zathak - the guy and the girl imitate the eagle and the eagle at the time of love courtship.

Adyge Island - Adyg Islamey - original and popular smooth pair dance with lyrical content, performed in a moderately fast pace.

Dance is quite rarely executed in the ritual space of weddings, but widespread on the scene of amateur amateur, in school and student folklore groups, at student youth parties. It is important for performers to dance Islamey in national costumes, as the dance is directly related to their features. For example, dancing on socks in European shoes is very difficult, as well as portraying wings only with hands (in comparison with the hands-wings of the national costume).

There is an ancient legend about the origin of the dance. In one robbery, the day of the young shepherd named Islam drew attention to the eagle and the eagle, who batted in the azure sky in a circle, as if admiring each other from afar, and then flowed, as if whatever to express something intimate. Their flight excited the young man and slaughtered the cured feelings in his heart. He remembered his beloved, and he also wanted to admire her, to express it all that had accumulated on the soul during separation. But it did not soon manage to Islam, and not so simple was to meet and talk to his chosen. However, at one of the wedding celebrations he was lucky: he was invited to the dance with his beloved girl. Here he, imitating the manner of Orlov, applied a new dance drawing - movement in a circle. The girl understood his idea, and the young in the dance managed to pass all their feelings to each other. So the dance of "Islamey" originated ...

In all likelihood, Islames originated from Adygei after Zathack, as some of the same dance elements apply in both dances. Given that more complex choreographic techniques apply in Islam, it should be considered later.

The dance is accompanied by a special naigry, which has been performed on the Adyg harmonic for the XX century - pshchen. The earliest record of the naigry "Islamey" belongs to the legendary Adyg Harmonist M. Haguahu. It was made in 1911 in Armaviru english engineers, representatives of Gramophon. M. HagUllo played the Melody "Islam" with almost no decorations, to a long sound (Long) "adjusted" chord (sober), bass on the left griem used very rarely. The entire naigership in the performance of Haguahi consisted of one knee, which was repeated 12 times.

In the future, other performers record an increase in the number of knees and textural changes. For example, "Islamey" Pago Belmekhova, recorded on a phonograph and deciphered by Gregory Kontsevich in 1931, consists of three knees, and only the average is "Hagudzhevsky Heritage". It is added to it (first knee) and functional kadans (third knee) - the beginning and end of the naigry. The staine consists of two sound complexes: a long-weathered sound (the highest sound of the naigry) and a downward sequence, in which there are sequenced, return and descending sects in the amount of translational constructions. Harmonica P. Belmekhova was leading in a small ensemble with the participation of ratchets and vocal pegs, so the performance was solven and saturated. Instead of a long-weathered sound, the same Pago belmes used his rehearsal repetition, which reflects the new version of the record proposed by G. M. Kontsevich. At the same time, it is possible that the performer used the work of the fur, imitating the rehearsal repetition (audio 02).

In the Performing version of Kim Tleccaruk in Islam, 7 knees (Audio 05) are canonized. An option, noted by K. Tleccaruk, began to be executed by professional musicians as a concert play. None of the folk musicians plays all 7 knees in one composition. Depending on the skill level of the musician, 4-5 knees are used in the nailers, but none of the folk harmonists also play 2-3 knees, because in this case the naigership seems to them incomplete, unfinished, deprived of beauty and perfection.

For HagUll, the end and climax longs are characterized in the form of long durations. In the terminal lanes to the support sound, the sober, and the climax longs are peculiar hangs on high sounds that label the most "temperamental" fragment of the naigry. After 100 years, the terminal and climax longs are fulfilled only with textured "coloring" - the "flickering" policy or quint "rolls". The last reception very accurately imitates the sounds of a two-string shychkin - the sound of strings configured in Quint. In the traditional shooting game, the alternate sound of open strings, along with a harmoniously taken quint - a typical staining or an end constant. Therefore, similar use of the reference quintes in the game on harmonic is perceived by rumor as imitation of the sound of a traditional violin. The "flickering" policy is also partly related to the simulation of Shycepshna, but the pulsating terry tone, which determines the root base of the melody, is most associated with the rhythmic base of the naigry and the new temperature paint added to the Rhythm of Phachicha (Adyg's Pretch), accompanying Naigesh (Audio 03, 04) .

The development of the instrumental naigry of "Islamey" is inextricably linked with the formation of Adyg Harmonic Music as a whole. The widespread harmonic in the Adygin environment coincided with the advent of radio, which changed the auditory musical space of ethnic culture. If the "public ear" was content with the game of local musicians, i.e. the harmonists of this aul or nearby settlements, then with the arrival of the radio, the playful space of musicians expanded to the limits of the reach of the radio. It is likely that by selecting the oral tradition, the most expressive elements were recorded, easily memorized and assimilated by the subsequent generation of harmonists. Almost all Soviet times, the ether of Adygea included a mandatory 15-minute morning music programs and programs on the requests of radio listeners. There are cases when novice harmonists tried to play unison with the performers who loved them. Some taught the text on the plates, seeking synchronous sound. Thus, the radio accelerated the hearing-motor processes of mastering the harmonic performers and provided a wide field of various performing options and intonation complexes, characteristic of both sub-flock tradition and for the entire West Adyg region. On the one hand, through the variation and selection of the "best" intonation complexes, the number of knees in the naignesses increased, and on the other, the contents of the knees themselves changed towards greater completeness and expressiveness of the sound. The harmonic brought a new lado-harmonic basis of music, which fundamentally changed musical thinking. The latent struggle between the old and new is read in constantly changing structures of harmonics and its stabilization in the second half of the twentieth century.

The solo-bardon (multi-voice) traditional Adyg Song, practically not sounding on the radio and rarely distributed in consumer culture, still remained a sign of the ethnic identity and cultural self-determination of Adygs. Harmonic thinking did not become decisive for the West Adyg region. Ready bass were perceived as an alien element, the resistance to them was powerful and efficient. In the classical diatonic harmonic, which Madin Huad created, Basi still remained fondic, their harmonic nature was overcome as the most structurally disgraced harmoniously with the main build of harmonics and performing forms.

Consider or not to consider the harmonic music and - wider - the harmonic culture of traditional or agree with the opinion of individual scientists, determining the entire musical culture of the oral tradition of the twentieth century post-pholklore, i.e. the folklore, existing in another cultural space associated with the means of mass communication, amateur and Academic art, in other interacting with inhanitical cultures? It is impossible to disagree with the statement of I. Zhtsovsky on the presence of five "civilizations" within any modern ethnic culture. We are talking about the folklore (peasant), religious, oral-professional, written-professional (professional composer creativity of the European tradition) and mass "civilizations" of cultures that exist in parallel and uneven, having different sources intersecting and eating each other. Indicated integrity is called scientist "systemic stratigraphy of ethnic culture." Analyzing the intonational complexes of Adyg's traditional violin and harmonic harshs, we are convinced that the systemic stratigraphy of ethnic culture has horizontal ("civilizational") and vertical (historical) communications. The latter are caused by environmental laws of culture aimed at preserving and conservation of ethnic-iconic intonation complexes.

So, during the entire twentieth century, Adygh Harmonic Musicians did a huge way in mastering Pszne - Adyg harmonic. They learned how to extract sounds at the same time with two hands, play in different positions, change the rate of execution, accelerate it to limit possibilities. Adygi reworked the borrowed harmonics in such a way that it was as close as possible to the traditional sound. The finished baces of harmonics are not used at all or are used only as a phonic paint. But the main thing - the harmonists have learned to reproduce the treasured "blocks-complexes" preserved in historical memory, adapting them to an unusual Menzure of the Harmonic Right Grid. As a result, the dictional harmonic at the end of the twentieth century sounded "in ancient", began to transmit intonation and melodic revs inherent in traditional violin music.


Budget general education


"Basic School number 27"


"Adygean Dances"

I've done the work:

Getz Maria


Teuzhezh L.B., Teacher of the Adygei language

2017-2018 academic year

Passport ……………………………………………….

Introduction ........................................................................................................

The relevance of the topic, the problem, the purpose and objectives of the project ............ ..................................... ....

The main content of the project



Final .................................................................. ..

II Collection and processing and study of information:

What is a dance?

The history of Adygei dance

The name of Adygei dance

Conclusion ...................................................................................... ..

Conclusions, results of the project .......................................... ................... ...



Project passport

Adygean dancing


Getz Maria

Project executives

Teuzhech Larisa Bayzetovna

The academic year in which the project was developed

2016-2017 academic year

Rail a feeling of cohesion and friendship.

Subject (s) to which project


Adygei language

Project type


Terms of project implementation


Product of project activities



Introduce and interest the guys of Adyg Culture

Dance - is one of the most ancient art types. The Adygh people have created his own original choreography for thousands of years. Dancing, general music, played and play an important role in the life of Adygs. Children of Circassians from an early age began to dance ... The first step is the first dance, the kids did their first steps to the music.

Project topic: Adygean dances

purpose: Raise the feeling of cohesion and friendship.

Project tasks:

Explore the literature related to the history of Adyg Culture;

Bring up a sense of respect for culture, interest in past, traditions and dancing of the Adyghe people;

Improve the skills of working on a creative project.

The main content of the project

They love adygi dances expressing the soul of the people. Without them, neither a wedding nor a holiday.

What is a dance?

Dance is a type of art. In it through the movement of the body, the music creates images, a special meaning is transmitted. All action in dance is accompanied by music that sets the rhythm, speed and mood of the dance, which is reflected in the movements of the dancer, in the figures that the choreographer plots, in the overall composition of the dance.

History of adyg dance

The emergence and development of adyg dances have an interesting and deep story. They are based on religious and cult dances. In the gray antiquity of the dance with the participation of large masses of people were magical acts that were to ensure good luck in the fight with the forces of nature, bring success in labor, on the hunt, in battle with enemies, etc.

Adyg's dances are part of the culture of the peoples of the Caucasus, which remained almost untouched and reached the present day in their unchanged form. KCR is famous for a large number of dances

The names of Adyg's dance

"Islamey" - a smooth pair dance with lyrical content. There is a version of Islame origin. In one robbery, the day of the young shepherd named Islam drew attention to the eagle and the eagle who spilled in the azure sky, which Barley in a circle, as if admiring each other from afar, and then flew together, wanting to express something intimate. Their flight reminded the young young man about the hidden feelings in the heart and excited him. He remembered his beloved, and he also wanted to admire her, to express it all that he had accumulated from him during the separation, but it did not soon succeed in him, and it was not so easy to meet with his chosen. However, at one of the wedding celebrations he was lucky: he was invited to the dance with her beloved girl. Here he, imitating the manner of Orlov, applied a new dance drawing - movement in a circle. The girl understood his idea, and the young in her dance managed to express all their feelings to each other. Since then, this dance originated, which was called "Islamy" - "Islam belonging."

"UDG" is an ancient Adygh festive dance, usually executed by young people in pairs. Plastic, the movements of this dance are natural and easy to technology, which allows performers to build intricate drawings. "UDG" is universally distributed and has numerous options.

Dance Udzh.

KAFE - Dance of the princes of Circassia. In the old days he danced only people of noble origin, which gave him such a title. Smooth, unhurried dance, with strict and clear design. Today, few people dance him correctly, but it is believed to keep the traditions of ancestors owed every dancing. The ancient dance "KAFE" is the soul of the Adyghe people, his character, face, his pride. It shows the beauty, greatness and internal dignity of a person, folds the anthem to courage and nobility.

Dance Käfe

Ensemble "Islamey"

The State Ensemble of People's Song and Dance Adygea "Islamey" was created in 1991. The main goal of creating a team is the revival and preservation of folk songs of Adygs.

Ensemble "NalmP"

The word "NalmES" translated from the Adyg language means "precious stone". Created in 1936, NalmES immediately took a special place among the creative teams of Adygea. For 75 years of the existence of the collective, many vintage dances are revived.

Ensemble "Cafe"

The university ensemble was established in 1957 on the initiative of the student. Initially, the ensemble was called "Kabardinka", but in 1982 he was renamed the "Cafe People's Dance" ensemble. During its existence, and this is more than 50 years, he became a genuine school of education of love for culture, folk choreography.

Ensemble "Highlander"

The national ensemble of the Caucasian dance "Highlander" was formed in 1971. The title of the People's Group received in 1985 for a significant contribution to the development of the national culture of student youth of the North Caucasus. The ensemble is the brightest example of a large friendly multiethnic family, in which everyone is standing for each other.


Pupils know and love adyg dances, respect the Adygh culture and seek to obtain more in-depth knowledge of the Adygea culture and the culture of other peoples. I want to continue working in this direction and share the knowledge gained with classmates and other students.


So, the dance is an oldest form of expression of feelings and emotions, and how the form of communication dance appeared in human society much earlier than the language. In every culture on our planet, the dance left a big mark, with its help important events were celebrated, sacred secrets were passed and the diseases were herald. The power of dance is capable not only to raise the mood, but also to gain a lost harmony in relation to others, with himself and his body.


    Mapleziev S. H. Adygi. Customs, Traditions (Adyghahabse)

    Christopher Ardavasovich Balajyan "Adygea"

    Bagales B. X. World of Culture

Dance - is one of the most ancient art types. The Adygh people have created his own original choreography for thousands of years. Dancing, general music, played and play an important role in the life of Adygs. Children of Circassians from an early age began to dance ... The first step is the first dance, the kids did their first steps to the music.
Adygi believe that the dances express the soul of the people. Without them, neither a wedding nor a holiday.
The emergence and development of adyg dances have an interesting and deep story. They are based on religious and cult dances.
Adyg's dances are also part of the peoples of the Caucasus, the remaining practically intact and reached our days in their unchanged form ...

"Islamey" - a smooth pair dance with lyrical content. There is a version of Islame origin. In one robbery, the day of the young shepherd named Islam drew attention to the eagle and the eagle who spilled in the azure sky, which Barley in a circle, as if admiring each other from afar, and then flew together, wanting to express something intimate. Their flight reminded the young young man about the hidden feelings in the heart and excited him. He remembered his beloved, and he also wanted to admire her, to express it all that he had accumulated from him during the separation, but it did not soon succeed in him, and it was not so easy to meet with his chosen. However, at one of the wedding celebrations he was lucky: he was invited to the dance with her beloved girl. Here he, imitating the manner of Orlov, applied a new dance drawing - movement in a circle. The girl understood his idea, and the young in her dance managed to express all their feelings to each other. Since then, this dance originated, which was called "Islamy" - "Islam belonging."

"UDG" is an ancient Adygh festive dance, usually executed by young people in pairs. Plastic, the movements of this dance are natural and easy to technology, which allows performers to build intricate drawings. "UDG" is universally distributed and has numerous options.
There are two types of drills:
1. Ancient ritual-cult circular danced UDZHUURAY (HUEY). Millennium passed and preserved today.
2. Modern mass paired dyzhas with varieties: T1 Udzh, UDZHEST and UDZHPY. Udzhhogurai is one of the climax of TKELE1U - this is not just a movement, but a rhythmically organized tactile convergence of groups of people of opposite sexes that produce common feeling, unity of will and actions from all participants. At the dance, Udzhogurai Adygi was in direct communication with TKEE. Udzhkhurai - appeal to God. The dance was accompanied by the exclamations of the dancing, concluded an appeal to God. Udzhyurai dance only unmarried and unmarried. During the dance, they get acquainted, they are prescribed. T1UT1U UDG - "pairs", sometimes called "Goschcheudzh", and this is due to the fact that this dance at the time began on the order of the household house (Guachet) or in honor of the Princess (also Guachet), which could lead the dancing couples.

"KAFE" is the dance of the princes of Circassia. In the old days he danced people of noble origin, which gave him such a title. Smooth, unhurried dance, with strict and clear design. The ancient dance "KAFE" is the soul of the Adyghe people, his character, face, his pride. It shows the beauty, greatness and internal dignity of a person, folds the anthem to courage and nobility.

"Khooreome" (ritual dance)
The rite of khuoreome consisted of three parts.
The first is the ritual bypass of the yards of the village with the wishes of well-being, health, success in the life of family members. Runs sang songs and wore baskets with them, the bags in which the collected products were collected, various sweets.
The second part of the rite is cooking from the products collected and the collective member trapez.
After her end (final, third part), young people had fun, sang, danced, played various games.
Losing his ritual functions, this rite moved to the children's sphere. How the game of Khooreome was in Circassian settlements in the 40s of the 20th century, but then finally UGAS.

"Zygletaat" - a pair lyrical dance, performed in a fast pace, but with lyric content. It is usually performed on the melodies of old folk songs.

"Adyge Lypech1As"
(Lypech1ES - "Dance on socks"), Keberdy Islamy (Kabardinian Islamelas) - fast, high-tech dances, distinguished by a special manner of performance using the reception of movement on socks. A sharp changes of the hull, deep slopes to the sides, emissions of hands with floating fingers and so on - contrary to the adyg's concepts of pride, rigor. In the virtuoso movements of the legs, the upper part of the housing is usually held directly and strictly without sharp changes, hands with semi-bent fingers are always in strictly defined positions. It is possible that these traditions were developed even in those distant times when narts danced, held on the head 1Ene - a round table with disadvantages, producing a stable equilibrium of the case and its smooth movement.

"Zefak1u KAFE" - paired, lyrical dances performed in a seamless graceful form at a moderate pace. The species of Adyg's Zefak1ue are: Zygygus - "Abdomen", "Offended (Aya)"; Keeshovshchych - "Dance of Chrome", "Hyak1uak1" and others.

There are also many species of Adygh dance ("Kulkujn KaFE"
"Jylahsthereney Zek1ue" (male dance),
"Khuurashe", "Khafe K1y", "kili kuala", etc.).
"Such a magnificent heritage of the Adyghesky people, says how rich is the culture of Adygov (Circassians)."

Maykop, April 17 - AIF-Adygea.Each people have traditional dances, and despite new modern styles, every significant celebration of any people is accompanied by a folk dance. And, perhaps, this is not only tribute to tradition. After all, nothing reflects the character of a person as his movement.

Ancient art

At Adyzh, choreographic art originated in ancient times. The most ancient dance of Adyzh is called "Achekash", which means "dancing goat." The dance appeared in the early pagan period and was associated with the cult ritual in honor of God fertility and agriculture of Thaghalia.

One of the most first dances of the Adygs, which has been preserved to this day, "dji". He resembles a dance. "Freaky" dance, holding hands, and move in a circle in a certain rhythm. Each celebration was usually ended with this dance, and perhaps, through it, the unity of the gathered guests was emphasized. One of the researchers Sh.S. Shu in his book "Folk Dance of Adygs" noted that Adygi considered themselves the children of the Sun and gave the magic meaning of a circle. Therefore, in the choreographic drawings of many dances, the echoes of the cult of the Sun are reflected, for example, in the fact that the direction of the dance movement goes in a circle towards the sun. By the way, "Dji" was the only dance in which the young man could touch the girl by taking her hand.

In ancient times, there was a ritual "Chapsh". He was carried out in the treatment of the wounded and was that the bed of the patient gathered young people. They played games, performed songs and arranged dancing to distract the wounded from his pain. It was believed that such a ritual contributed to the recovery of man.

Types of dance

You can highlight a few traditional dances of Adygs with a certain plastic pattern and individual rules - Tlepex, Dji, Zatak, Zygetta, Islamey, Kabardian Islamey and Kabardian cafe.

An expressive dance can show their feelings and attitude towards a person (Adygh etiquette - "Adyge Habz"). It is most bright that this can be observed in the paired dances of Adyg. The movements were expressed as the nature of the adyg man and the Adyga woman and the nature of their relationship. Thus, the main male qualities were nobility and restraint, and female is sophistication and grace. Through the dance passed acquaintance and communication, therefore, it can be said, each dance had a certain task. For example, dancing "scatter", acquaintance. In it, the guy and the girl are approaching each other, they are moving away. The name "Zafak" itself is translated as "to meet".

The dance "Islamey" is one of the most beautiful and romantic dances. In it, the pair is more trust in each other and moves it harorily in a circle. All those who have seen this dance will agree that he is so weightless that it seems the impression of the lack of gravity. Feeling like a feeling of love, which reflects the dance.

"Dance Battle"

Modern professional plastic art of Adygs is built on these major dances. Today in the republic, the old Adygh dance tradition retains the State Academic Ensemble of Folk Dance Adygea "NalmES". He protects and promotes folk dances, and also creates new compositions, images and performances. NalmES traveled with tour almost all continents of the world. Visited the United States, France, Japan, Italy, Czech Republic, Turkey, Syria, Israel, India, UAE and Libya. And in each of the countries, the audience is hotly met adyg art.

Today, no solemn event is done without traditional dances. The youth of the republic loves to arrange "Jug". This is a playful game that has its own lead, and the behavior of the guests is governed by certain rules, "Jug" perform almost all solemn events. Everyone can go out to dance or invite the girl you like to the dance. This is a kind of communication of young people in traditional forms. This dance can be considered as "dance battle", which defines the best performers.

Already Aristotle spoke about the special impact of dancers on the audience. In the "poetics" he noted that through rhythmic movements, the dancers depict characters and mental state and action.