Approximate contractual maintenance of water consumption metering. Sample contract for maintenance

Approximate contractual maintenance of water consumption metering. Sample contract for maintenance
Approximate contractual maintenance of water consumption metering. Sample contract for maintenance

Contract No. 182016.

for the execution of the order

Federal budget institution of health "________",hereinafter referred to as "Customer", represented by _________, acting on the basis of the situation and power of attorney No. ___________, on the one hand, and a limited liability company "______________, referred to as the" Contractor ", represented by the General Director of Eliseeva Alexander Gennadevich, acting on the basis of The charter on the other hand, together here, the "Parties" and each separately, on the basis of the decision of the Unified Commission No. 3160987181-01 from "May 30", 2016 concluded this Agreement on the following:

Article 1. Subject of the Treaty

1.1. The customer entrusts, and the Contractor assumes the obligations to provide services for maintenance, repair and verification of thermal energy accounting sites in the building located at the address: Moscow, Krasnogvardeisky Boulevard, House 17, p.1 in the amount and range specified in the specification Supplied services (Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement), which is an integral part of this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Specification of the Services supplied), within the time limits established in the provision schedule (Appendix No. 2 to this Agreement), which is an integral part of this Agreement (hereinafter referred to providing services) and technical specifications (Appendix No. 5 to this Agreement), which is an integral part of this Agreement.

1.2. The provision of services is carried out by the forces and at the expense of the artist in the places specified by the Customer.

1.3. The customer provides payment for services in the procedure established by the contract, form and amount.

Article 2. The price of the contract and the procedure for calculations

2.1. The contract price is 60,840.00 (sixty thousand eight hundred forty) rubles 00 (zero zero) kopecks, including 18%, 9,280,68 (nine thousand two hundred eighty) rubles 68 (sixty-eight) kopecks (hereinafter - the contract price ).

2.2. The contract price includes the total cost of all services (and related services) paid by the Customer to the Contractor for the full implementation by the Contractor's fulfillment by the Contractor (and the provision of related services) under the contract.

2.3. The cost of packaging, loading and unloading, lifting, transportation costs, the costs of cleaning and exporting packaging material, except for individual, customs clearance and insurance included in the contract price.

2.4. Payment under the Agreement is carried out on non-cash payments by transferring funds to the Customer to the executive account specified in Art. 13 of this Agreement.

In the event of a change in its current account, the Contractor shall be obliged within 1 (one) of the working day in writing to report this to the Customer with the indication of the new details of the current account. Otherwise, all the risks associated with the transfer of funds to the Customer for the Contractor's account specified in this Agreement are the Contractor.

2.5. Customer's obligations to pay the price of the contract are considered executed since the write-off of funds in the amount of the contract price, from the Customer's bank account specified in Art. 13 of this Agreement.

2.6. The cost of the contract is made by the Customer on the basis of properly decorated and signed by both parties an act of acceptance and service acceptance in accordance with paragraph 4.13 of this Agreement within 5 five banking days from the date of the depositor of the account by the Contract pay.

Article 3. Terms of provision of services (supplies)

3.1. As part of the execution of this Agreement, the provision of services to the Customer is carried out in accordance with the schedule for the provision of services (Appendix No. 2 to this Agreement), which is an integral part of this Agreement.

3.2. Simultaneously with the signing of this agreement, the parties are obliged to sign a chart of providing services.

3.3. The term of execution by the Contractor of its obligations under this Agreement in full until "31" May 2017.

Article 4. Procedure for acceptance of services (goods)

4.1. Acceptance of services in quantity and quality is made in the manner established by the state policy orders at the Council of Ministers of the USSR in the instructions:

- "On the procedure for accepting production and technological products and consumer goods in quality" No. P-7 of April 25, 1966;

- "On the procedure for accepting production of production and technical purposes and consumer goods by quantity" No. P-6 of June 15, 1965

4.2. The Contractor must accompany the exact time and the date of delivery with the customer (if the latter is not recorded in the provision schedule (Appendix No. 2 to this Agreement).

4.3. The performer delivers services to the customer with its own vehicle or with the involvement of transport of third parties at its own expense. All types of loading and unloading works, lifting on floors, including work with the use of lifting facilities, are carried out by the Contractor with their own technical means or at their own expense.

4.4. The services supplied by the Contractor to the Customer must comply with the technical specifications specified in Appendix No. 3 to this Agreement, which is an integral part of this Agreement and Technical Objective (Appendix No. 5 to this Agreement), which is an integral part of this Agreement.

4.5. Packaging and labeling services must comply with the requirements of the GOST, and the packaging and marking of import services - international packaging standards.

4.6. Marking services should contain: product name, manufacturer's name, legal address of the manufacturer, release date and warranty service life.

4.7. Packaging marking should strictly match the labeling of services.

4.8. Packaging should ensure the safety of services during transportation and loading and unloading operations to the final place of operation.

4.9. Cleaning and removal of packaging are produced by the artist's forces on the day of delivery of services or by his account.

4.10. On the day of delivery, the Contractor is obliged to transfer the original accounts and invoices to the Customer, the acceptance and transmission certificate, compiled under the form of Appendix No. 4 to this Agreement, signed by the Contractor, in two copies, certificates, mandatory for this type of service, and other documents, Confirming the quality of services, decorated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.11. In the case of the provision of poor-quality services, the Contractor must freely eliminate the shortcomings within 3 (three) days from the date of the statement of them by the Customer or compensate the Customer's expenses to eliminate the shortcomings of the Services.

In the event of a significant violation of quality requirements, the Contractor must fix these violations within 2 (two) days.

4.12. In the case of the provision of noncompliament services, the Contractor must complete the services within 1 (one) day from the date of the application by the Customer of such a claim.

4.13. According to the results of acceptance of services (and related services), if there are documents specified in clause 4.10 of this Agreement, and in the absence of claims regarding the quality, quantity, range, completeness and other characteristics of services (and related services), the Customer signs the act of acceptance and transfer of services in 2 (two) copies and transmits one instance by the Contractor.

Article 5. Rights and obligations of the parties

5.1. The customer is entitled:

5.1.1. Require from the performer of the proper fulfillment of obligations in accordance with the terms of the contract and all its applications.

5.1.2. Require from the Contractor with the properly decorated documents specified in Art. 4 agreements confirming the fulfillment of obligations in accordance with the terms of the contract.

5.1.3. Request from the Contractor about the progress and state of fulfillment by the Contractor under this Agreement.

5.1.4. Implement control over the order and timing of the services.

5.1.5. To verify the compliance of the quality of the services provided to attract independent experts, the choice of which is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law.

5.1.6. To refer to the shortcomings of the services provided, including in the number of quantities, the range, completeness and value of these services, according to the results of the inspections of the use of funds conducted by authorized control bodies.

5.2. The customer must:

5.2.1. Take timely accept and pay for services in accordance with the terms of the contract.

5.2.2. In case of non-fulfillment or improper execution due to the fault of the obligations stipulated by this Agreement, no later than 30 days from the time of the emergence of the relevant right to demand from the Contractor to pay the penalty (penalties, penalties) by sending a notice to the Contractor to pay the amounts of penalties (penalties) voluntarily .

5.2.3. In case of non-payment by the Contractor in voluntary procedure, the amounts of penalty (penalties, penalties) provided for in this Agreement (penalties).

5.2.4. When detected by authorized control bodies of the inconsistency of the number, range, completeness and value of the services delivered services, the terms of the contract call the authorized representatives of the Contractor to submit clarifications for the services delivered.

5.3. The artist is entitled:

5.3.1. Require signing in accordance with clause 4.13 of this Agreement by the Customer of the Act of Acceptance Services under this Agreement.

5.3.2. Require timely payment for the services provided in accordance with Art. 2 contracts.

5.3.3. Request from the customer providing clarification and clarifications on the provision of services under this Agreement.

5.4. The Contractor must:

5.4.1. Timely and properly deliver services in accordance with the terms of the contract and all of its applications.

5.4.2. Provide the customer a declaration of the country of origin of services and / or documents confirming that the goods are made on the territory of the Russian Federation, if the presence of such a document is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and such documents in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation are transferred along with the goods.

5.4.3. To submit to the customer's request within the time specified in this query, information on the implementation of liabilities under this Agreement.

5.4.4. Submit to the customer information about changing its actual location for a period no later than 5 days from the date of the corresponding change. In case of failure to submit a deadline for changing the address to the actual location of the Contractor, the address specified in this Agreement will be considered.

5.4.5. Perform other obligations stipulated by the current legislation and the contract.

5.5. The Contractor guarantees that at the time of the conclusion of this Agreement:

5.5.1. There is no liquidation procedure for it, there is no decision of the Arbitration Court to recognize it with bankrupt and on the opening of competitive production, activities are not suspended in the manner prescribed by the Code of Administrative Offenses, as well as the amount of debt on accrued taxes, fees and other mandatory Payments to budgets of any level or state extrabudgetary funds for the past calendar year does not exceed 25% of the balance sheet value of assets according to the financial statements for the last completed reporting period.

5.5.2. Not burdened with the obligations of a property character that can prevent the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement.

5.5.3. Over the past two years, has not violated contractual obligations and did not cause damage (or rejected the damaged) for similar agreements.

Article 6. Guarantees

6.1. The Contractor guarantees the quality and safety of the services supplied in accordance with the current standards approved for this type of services and the availability of certificates that are required for this type of services issued in accordance with the current Russian legislation.

In the event that the legislation of the Russian Federation to persons carrying out the supply of services that are subject to the contract, the requirement to compulsory membership in self-regulatory organizations has been established, the Contractor is obliged to ensure the availability of documents confirming its compliance with such a requirement during the entire period of the contract.

6.2. The quality of services provided under this Agreement must comply with state standards established in the Russian Federation, technical regulations or specifications of manufacturers of services supplied and the requirements of this Agreement, set out in the quality of technical characteristics (technical specifications), determined when placing the order of the city of Moscow.

6.3. The Contractor provides the quality guarantee in accordance with the regulatory documents on this type of service.

The warranty period for the services provided is determined in the technical characteristics (Appendix No. 3 to this Agreement).

The presence of quality assurance is certified by issuing a guarantee coupling (certificate) or an affiliation of the relevant entry.

Article 7. Responsibility of the parties

7.1. For non-fulfillment or improper performance of its obligations under this Agreement, the parties are responsible in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.2. In case of delay in execution by the Customer obligations to pay the price of the contract, the Contractor is entitled to demand from the Customer to pay the penalty. The penalty is charged for each day of the delay in the fulfillment of the obligation to pay the price of the contract beginning from the day following the expiration date established by this agreement of the fulfillment of the obligation to pay for the price of the contract. The size of such a penalty is established in the amount of one three hundred acting on the day of payment of the penalty rate of refinancing of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the price of the contract.

7.3. In case of delay in the execution of its obligations to provide services in one or another period of delivery established in the delivery schedule (Appendix No. 2 to this Agreement), the Contractor must within 5 (five) banking days after receiving the appropriate notification from the Customer to pay a penalty in the amount of 0.3 (three tenths) percent, but not more than 30 (thirty) percent, from the cost of services to be delivered in the relevant period, for each day of delay in the fulfillment of the obligation to provide services in the relevant period of delivery, starting from the day following the expiration day This period established by the delivery schedule.

7.4. In the case of the provision of poor-quality services, the Contractor must within 5 (five) banking days after receiving the appropriate notification from the Customer to pay a penalty in the amount of 0.3 (three tenths) percent, but not more than 30 (thirty) percent, from the value of the services provided In accordance with the specification of the services supplied (Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement), for every day from the date of the direction of the Contractor of such a notification containing the requirement to freely eliminate the shortcomings of the services (or refunds to eliminate the deficiencies of the services, or the replacement of low-quality services, the services of good quality ), until the executive execution is executed by the appropriate obligation (eliminating the shortcomings of the services of inadequate quality / admission to the Customer's bank account, the amount of its costs to eliminate the shortcomings of the services / acceptance by the Customer of high-quality services supplied in return services of inadequate quality).

7.5. In the case of the supply of noncompliament services, the Contractor shall be obliged within 5 (five) banking days after receiving the appropriate notification from the Customer to pay a penalty in the amount of 0.3 (three tenths) percent, but not more than 30 (thirty percent) from the cost of such services for each Day from the date of the direction of the Contractor, the Requirement Requirements of the Services before the fulfillment of the fulfillment of the appropriate obligation (supporting services / acceptance by the Customer of services supplied with noncompliament services).

7.6. In the event of termination of the contract by agreement of the parties in connection with the improper execution by the Contractor of its obligations, the latter within 5 (five) banking days from the date of signing an agreement on termination of the contract pays the customer a penalty in the amount of 30 (thirty) percent of the amount of non-sufficient services provided for by the Treaty.

7.7. The sides of this Agreement are exempt from the payment of a penalty (fine, penalties), if they prove that the proceedings of the fulfillment of the relevant obligation occurred due to an insurmountable force or the fault of the other party.

7.8. Responsibility for the accuracy and compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation of information specified in the documents submitted is carried out.

7.9. In the case of the establishment by authorized control bodies of the uncomplication of services and / or overstaving its value, the Contractor returns overly paid funds to the Customer.

Article 8. The procedure for termination of the contract

8.1. This Agreement may be terminated:

By agreement of the parties;


8.2. The customer has the right to apply to the court in the prescribed manner with the requirement of termination of this Agreement in the following cases:

8.2.1. With a significant violation of the contract by the Contractor.

8.2.2. In case of delay in supply of services by more than 2 (two) days.

8.2.3. In case of impracting the information contained in the documents submitted by the Contractor at the stage of placement of the order specified in the preamble of this Agreement.

8.2.4. In the case of the procedure for the elimination of the Contractor - a legal entity or the presence of a decisions of the Arbitration Court on the recognition of the Contractor with bankrupt and on the opening of competitive production.

8.2.5. In the event of the establishment of the suspension of the artist's activities in the manner prescribed by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

8.2.6. If the Contractor has debt on accrued taxes, fees and other binding payments to the budgets of any level or state extrabudgetary funds for the past calendar year, the amount of which exceeds 25% (twenty-five percent) of the balance sheet value of the Contractor's assets according to the financial statements for the last completed reporting period , provided that the Contractor does not appeal the presence of this debt in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.4. The party to which the proposal to terminate the contract by agreement of the Parties should give a written response on the merits no later than 5 (five) calendar days from the date of its receipt.

8.5. The termination of the contract is made by the parties by signing the relevant termination agreement.

8.6. In case of termination of this Agreement on the initiative of any of the parties, the parties are reconciled by calculations, which is confirmed by the amount of services (goods) transferred by the Contractor.

Article 9. The circumstances of force majeure

9.1. The parties are exempt from liability for the full or partial failure to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement in the event that it was due to the circumstances of force majeure, namely: floods, fire, earthquake, sabotage, hostilities, blockade, changes in legislation that impede the proper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, as well as other emergency circumstances confirmed in the procedure established by law, which arose after the conclusion of this Agreement and directly influenced the parties to the parties of their obligations, and which the parties were not able to foresee and prevent.

9.2. Upon the occurrence of such circumstances, the deadline for the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement is adjusted in proportion to the time of the circumstances of the circumstances of the circumstances at all, since these circumstances significantly affect the execution of this Agreement on time.

9.3. The party for which the proper fulfillment of obligations was impossible due to the occurrence of force majeure circumstances, is obliged within 5 (five) calendar days from the date of such circumstances to notify the other side of their occurrence, the form and possible duration of action.

9.4. If the circumstances specified in paragraph 10.1 of this Agreement will last more than 2 (two) calendar months from the date of the appropriate notification, each of the parties have the right to terminate this Agreement without the requirement of damages incurred in connection with the onset of such circumstances.

Article 10. The procedure for resolving disputes

10.1. In the event of any contradictions, claims and disagreements, as well as disputes related to the execution of this Agreement, the parties are taking

efforts to resolve such contradictions, claims and disagreements in a voluntary basis with the design of a joint dispute settlement protocol.

10.2. All the agreements reached are drawn up in the form of additional agreements signed by the parties and fastened by the seals.

10.3. Before the transfer of the dispute to the permission of the Arbitration Court of the city of Moscow, the parties will take measures to settle it in claim.

10.3.1. Planning should be directed in writing. According to the claim received, the Party must give a written response on the merits no later than 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the date of its receipt. Leaving a claim without an answer within the deadline means recognition of claim requirements.

10.3.2. The claims should indicate: the name, postal address and details of the Organization (institutions, enterprises) presented a claim; Name, postal address and details of the organization (institutions, enterprises), which aims to make a claim.

10.3.3. If claims are subject to monetary assessment - the claim is indicated in the claim and its full and reasonable calculation.

10.3.4. In confirmation of the claims, the claims must be applied properly decorated and certified necessary documents or discharge from them.

The claims may indicate other information that, according to the applicant, will contribute to a more rapid and proper consideration, an objective settlement of the dispute.

10.4. In the event of non-fulfillment by the parties to the obligations and unacceptable agreement, disputes under this Agreement are permitted in the Arbitration Court of Moscow.

Article 11. Term of validity, procedure for changing the contract

11.1. The contract comes into force from the date of its signing by the Parties and is valid until "31" May 2017

11.2. The obligations of the parties not executed before the expiration date of this Agreement specified in paragraph 12.1 of the Agreement are subject to execution in full.

11.3. The contract must be registered by the Customer in the Contract Register within 3 (three) working days from the date of its signing by both parties.

11.4. The change and addition of this Agreement is possible by agreement of the parties. All changes and additions are made in writing by signing by the Parties with additional agreements to the Agreement. Additional agreements to the contract are its integral part and come into force from the moment they are signed by the parties. Additional agreements to the Agreement are subject to registration in the register of contracts in accordance with the procedure established in paragraph 12.3 of the Treaty.

Article 12. Other conditions

12.1. All notifications of the Parties associated with the execution of this Agreement are sent in writing by mail by registered mail to the actual address of the Party specified in Art. 14 of this Agreement, or using facsimile, e-mail with the subsequent provision of the original. In the case of the direction of notifications using mail, the notifications are considered to be obtained on the day of the actual receipt, confirmed by the mail mark. If notifications are sent by facsimile and e-mail, the notifications are considered to be received on the day of their dispatch.

12.2. The contract is drawn up in 2 (two) copies, one for each of the parties that have the same legal force.

12.3. In all, which is not provided for by this Agreement, the parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

12.4. Inalienable parts of the contract are: Appendix No. 1 "Specification of the goods supplied", Appendix No. 2 "Schedule of Service", Appendix No. 3 "Technical Specification of the Services Committed", Appendix No. 4 "Form of Act of Acceptance Services", Appendix No. 5 "Technical the task".

12.5. The fulfillment of the fulfillment provided for by this Agreement, the Customer and the Contractor, is the basis for registration of information on the execution of the contract in the register of contracts in the manner prescribed by the current regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.

Article 13. Addresses, details and signatures of the parties

Appendix No. 1.

to the contract


Supplied services


Units. change

Price per one.
in rubles.
(in view of VAT)


The amount in rubles.
(in view of VAT)

VAT sum
in rubles.

Maintenance, repair and verification of IWTE thermal energy accounting sites during the year:

  • Removing testimony from UWE devices, passing them and certificates about the number of thermal energy of the monthly heat supply organization of the 1st day of each month;


60 840 ,00

60 840 ,00

9 280,68


60 840 ,00

60 840 ,00

9 280,68

Customer executive:


Appendix No. 2.

to the contract

Schedule provision of services

No. p / p

Services list

Period of execution


once a week

once a month

Representing the interests of the customer in the heat supply organization, providing monthly reports of electronic printouts of UWE tests, for mutual settlements for the heat gained.

with any need

According to plan

According to the period of verification

Summer Winter


Every month

Customer executive:

____________________ ____________________


Appendix No. 3.

to the contract


Supplied services

P / P.

Services list

Compliance with the acting
Standards I.
Regulatory technical


All services

All services are provided in accordance with the regulations for the maintenance of engineering equipment of thermal points, developed by the State Unitary Enterprise "MosgorTeploh" in accordance with the requirements of GOST 18322-73 "System of maintenance and repair of technology", requirements of operational documentation for certain types of equipment and instruments

Customer executive:

____________________ __________________


Appendix No. 4.

to the contract


Act of acceptance services

moscow "___" _________ 20___

Federal budget health care institution ",hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", in the person, operating on the basis of the situation and power of attorney No. 17 dated April 14, 2014, on the one hand, and ____________________________ (name of company)

hereinafter referred to as the "performer", in the face of ________________________________,

(Position, Full name)

acting on the basis _______________________________________,

(Charter, position, power of attorney)

on the other hand, the following "Parties", amounted to this Act on the following:

1. In accordance with the Treaty No. _________ from "____" _____________ 20__ (hereinafter referred to as the contract), the Contractor fulfilled the obligations to provide services (and providing related services), namely:

Services list

Period of execution

Dates for the provision of services

Maintenance (TO-2)

once a week

Maintenance (TO-3)

once a month

Removal of testimony from UWE devices, passing them and certificates about the amount of thermal energy of the heat supply organization

monthly, 1 day of each month

Representing the interests of the customer in the heat supply organization, providing monthly reports of electronic printouts of UWE tests, for mutual settlements for the heat gained.

with any need

Performance of planned and non-planning repairs UWE

According to plan

Execution of planned and non-planned Utee melief

According to the term of the state

Setting up UWE operation on summer winter modes

Summer Winter

Control of the work of the calculator and primary devices


Analysis of the operation of heating systems and DHW

Every month

2. The actual quality of services (and related services) complies with (not complying) to the requirements of the contract:




3. The above services under the contract must be performed "___" ____________ 20___, actually met "____" __________ 20___

4. Disadvantages of services (and related services) identified / not detected)

________________________________ ___________________


5. Results of the contract:

Passed: accepted:

Contractor Customer

__________________________ ____________________


Appendix No. 5.

to the contract

Technical task

to provide a complex of maintenance, repair and maintenance of thermal energy accounting

This technical task defines the technical and organizational requirements for organizing the implementation of maintenance, repair and maintenance of thermal energy accounting nodes (UWE) in the amount, according to the rules for maintenance, repair and UWE, located on the territory of the branch at the address: Moscow, Krasnogvardeysky Boulevard, house 17, p.1. The Contractor provides health and a good condition of all elements of systems, as well as conducting testing work with the subsequent admission to the operation of the heat supply organization - in accordance with the timing of verification.

The purpose of maintenance is:

Maintaining performance and specified parameters of work with regard to seasonal and regulatory periodicity, regulations ;

-maintenance in order to restore health and maintain the specified operational indicators;

Compliance with the requirements of regulatory documentation on PB and passports for equipment, maintenance of technical documentation.

List of works performed during the maintenance of thermal energy accounting nodes located in thermal points

The composition of the work:

  • Weekly maintenance (TO-2) - produced once a week;
  • Monthly maintenance (TO-3) - held once a month.

Types of jobs:

Weekly maintenance (TO-2) provides for :

  • holding TO-1;
  • check the correctness of the functioning of the instruments in the automatic control system according to the testimony of instrumentation fixing the flow of technological processes. If necessary, the operation mode is adjusted;
  • checking the integrity of the signal lamps of automation devices and the status of the indication, replacement of burnt lamps;
  • checking the performance of the automated system of the heating node assembly;
  • checking the integrity of pressure gauges, thermometers and compliance with their readings with real values \u200b\u200bof controlled parameters;
  • topping machine oil in thermometer sleeves (if necessary);
  • checking the absence of foreign objects, moisture in automation cabinets, corrosion of fasteners parts;
  • checking the integrity of the electrollamp lighting the premises, replacing the blown electrollamps;
  • checking the performance of constipation of automation cabinets, troubleshooting;
  • checking the grounding of electrical equipment
  • troubleshooting identified during the inspection over the past week;
  • recovery (if necessary) damaged paint and varnish coatings of equipment and instruments;
  • analysis of technological parameters of the coolant (T1, T2, GMAX, GMIN, leakage, submeys);
  • record in the operational log on service performance.

Monthly maintenance provides for:

  • Carrying out weekly maintenance (TO-2);
  • checking the correctness of the operation of the automated heat leave (forced change in temperature modes);
  • checking for the functioning of the control system of the heating systems (opening of an electrothematcher);
  • carrying out preventive work on automation systems (inspection, cleaning, control of the tightness of places of compounds of gland seals, checking the tightness of the shutters of regulating valves, the reliability of electrical connections of electrical conductors, fixing devices);
  • check in appearance heating contact connections of current-handing parts (by darkening color);
  • verification, adjustment and adjustment of equipment and schemes of individual control circuits (automatic protection, relays, magnetic starters, push-button posts, etc.) of electric motors;
  • lubrication with consistency lubrication spindle valves and rods of control valves;
  • verification of the tightness of all laying compounds, elimination of water leakage (if necessary);
  • carrying out the purge of pressure gauges and impulse lines;
  • switching electronic automation to the backup hydraulic (if available) - checking the correctness of the operation of the hydroavtomatics;
  • troubleshooting identified during inspections, checks and in the process of everyday use;
  • check and inspection openly laid electrical wiring rooms with high humidity and operation of switches, switches, plug sockets, etc.;
  • partial color of engineering equipment, appliances, metal structures;
  • making a record in the operational journal on the implementation of monthly maintenance.
  • Translation of heat meters for seasonal regime or preservation for the absence of a coolant.
  • In case of failure of metering devices, make dismantling with the installation of technological inserts, inform the customer and call the representative of the heat supply organization to the object.
  • Sending faulty devices to repair and receiving instruments from repair with subsequent installation of repaired devices on the object
  • Challenge to the object of the representative of the heat supply organization for sealing and design the necessary documents.
  • Minor repairs:

Replacement of up, fuses;

Check interface;

Replacement of measuring and computing blocks;

Estimation of pressure sensors

Evaluation of the work of thermistorsisters (if necessary - replacement)

  • At the request of the heat executor, the provision of hourly printouts.

All services are provided in accordance with the regulations for the maintenance of engineering equipment of thermal points, developed by the State University "MosgorTeploh" in accordance with the requirements of GOST 18322-73 "System of maintenance and repair of technology", requirements of operational documentation for certain types of equipment and instruments. As well as perform the following works:

  • Performing planned and non-planned repairs UWE;
  • Performance of planned and non-planned Utee melief;
  • Technical inspection (TO-2) UWE;
  • Setting up UWE operation on summer and winter modes;
  • Monitoring the work of the calculator;
  • Control over the operation of primary devices;
  • Removing testimony from UWE devices, passing them and certificates about the number of thermal energy in a monthly heat supply organization of the 1st day of each month;
  • Analysis of the operation of heating systems and DHW;
  • Representing the interests of the customer in the heat supply organization, providing monthly reports of electronic printouts of UWE tests, for mutual settlements for the heat gained;
  • The performer at his own expense carries out:

Repair of advanced devices, purchase and replacement of instruments (cost up to two thousand rubles), instead of failed;

Commission agreement for the purchase of goods for the committee

Treaty for the supply of ELISA test systems

Treaty on trust management property (securities)

Treaty for maintenance of the maintenance of thermal energy and coolant (contract contract) G. Lipetsk "___" ____________20__ Open Joint-Stock Company "Lipetsk City Energy Company", hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, represented by the General Director of Smirnova Vladislav Anatolyevich, on the basis of the Charter , on the one hand, and _______________________________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the Customer, in the face of ________________________________________________________________________________________, on the other hand, the present agreement was concluded: 1. Subject of the contract 1.1. In accordance with this Agreement, the Contractor undertakes to carry out the maintenance of nodes of the metering of thermal energy and the coolant established in apartment buildings, and the Customer undertakes to accept and pay for the work performed in the manner and the deadlines provided for by the terms of this Agreement. 1.2. With the maintenance of accounting nodes, the Contractor carries out the following works: - carrying out a periodic inspection of the performance of the accounting node; - checking the reliability of electrical and mechanical compounds of the heat meter and its component parts; - Removing the flow of thermal energy. 1.3. The work performed by the Contractor under this Agreement should meet the requirements of the Security Standards System, the Rules and National Operations of the Housing Fund, the rules for the main property in an apartment building, rules for the provision of utilities to citizens, other regulatory acts regulating the relations of the parties to this Agreement. 1.4. The number and address of the placement of accounting nodes transferred to maintenance are listed in Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement. 2. Rights and obligations of the Parties 2.1. The customer undertakes: 2.1.1. Transfer by the Contractor the necessary technical documentation for the accounting sites (design and executive documentation, passports for measuring instruments). 2.1.2. To provide the Contractor to unhindered access to the accounting sites, having transferred it to a single set of keys from basement, in which the placements of the metering units are located, and a complete set of keys from the premises of the metering assemblies and means of protection against unauthorized interference with the operation of accounting nodes. 2.1.3. Payment for the work carried out by the Contractor in the manner and timing provided for by the terms of this Agreement. 2.1.4. Represent to the Contractor, in 3 days from the date of receipt, signed acts of work performed or the argued refusal of their signature. In case of failure to submit signed acts or reasoned refusal to the specified period, work is considered fulfilled. 2.1.5. To transmit service metering units to the Contractor only under the condition of the fulfillment of the equipment of the accounting nodes, as well as the proper condition of the premises in which they are located. 2.1.6. Provide proper protection of accounting nodes from unauthorized interference in their work. 2.1.7. Do not produce re-equipments from the domestic heat supply systems without notifying the contractor. 2.1.8. Conduct capital and current repairs of domestic engineering networks located in the premises of accounting nodes, in the framework of capital and current repairs of residential buildings. 2.1.9. Ensure the reliability of the power supply of accounting nodes. 2.2. The Contractor undertakes: 2.2.1. Before starting work, together with the customer, it is inspected to maintain metering nodes and their premises with the preparation of relevant acts. 2.2.2. In the event of a malfunction of the equipment of the accounting nodes, as well as the inadequate state of the premises, in which the accounting nodes are located, the Contractor has the right to eliminate the identified defects at the expense of the customer's funds in accordance with the agreed parties by the estimates, with additional agreements on the implementation of these works. 2.2.3. Ensure the performance provided by the Agreement appropriate. 2.2.4. No later than 2 working days before the end of the settlement month, to submit a report to the customer's address to remove the readings of the metering devices for the full calendar month. 2.2.5. Timing violations in a timely manner, failures in the operation of measuring instruments, failed in the mode of consumption of thermal energy and coolant. 2.2.6. To inform the customer about all violations identified in the process of maintenance in the work of accounting nodes. 2.2.7. Contain in the proper condition of the served metering nodes. 2.2.8. The Contractor has the right to do not start fulfilling its obligations under the contract or after the prevention of the Customer to suspend fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement in cases: - non-submission to the customer of the necessary technical documentation; - non-subordinates by the customer of one copy of the keys from basement, in which the metering nodes are located, and a complete set of keys from the premises, in which the metering components are located, and the means of protection against unauthorized interference with the operation of accounting nodes; - violations by the customer of the terms of payment established by Section 3 of this Agreement; - detection of the technical impossibility of further provision of services arising from the fault of the customer. 2.2.9. The Contractor has the right to replace if necessary, the established measurement tool to another corresponding to the technical requirements specified in the project. 2.2.10. The Contractor has the right to involve third-party specialized organizations for the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement. 3. Cost of the contract and the procedure for calculations 3.1. The estimated period under this Agreement is the calendar month. 3.2. The total cost of work under the contract is determined based on the number of serviced metering nodes and is for one metering node ________ (________________________) rubles, including VAT ________ (___________________) rub. 3.3. The total cost of work under the contract at the time of its conclusion is _________ (___________________) rubles, including VAT ________ (_____________________) rub. The specified amount is not final and subject to adjustment by coordination of the parties depending on the number of serviced accounting nodes. 3.4. The Contractor is no later than 5th day of the month following the calculated, presents the Customer of the Act of the work performed, account and invoice. 3.5. Payment of work The customer produces every month no later than the 10th day of the month following the calculated, payment orders for the details of the Contractor. 3.6. It is allowed to pay for work under this Agreement by third parties, while in the payment order must be the reference of the payer on the Customer, indicating its name, the number of the contract and the reference to the payment documents exposed by the Contractor. 3.7. Payment of work in accordance with clause 2.2.2. It is made by the customer before the start of work on the basis of the executive to the executor of payment documents, with the subsequent provision of the Customer of the act of work performed. 4. Term of the contract 4.1. This Agreement is valid from ___________________ on _____________________. 4.2. If none of the parties to the month before the expiration of this contract declares its termination or to conclude it in the new conditions, the contract is considered extended for the next calendar year under the same conditions. 4.3. Changes, additions to this Agreement are produced by issuing written agreements signed by authorized representatives of both parties. 4.4. After the expiration of this Agreement, or in the early termination of this Agreement, the parties are not exempt from the settlement of all controversial issues and fulfill obligations under the contract and additional agreements to it. 5. Responsibility of Parties 5. 1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of its obligations under this Agreement, the parties are responsible in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.2. The customer creates conditions to ensure the safety and safe operation of the accounting nodes. 5.3. The performer is not responsible for malfunctions of equipment and sanitary materials, which are a consequence of a factory marriage, and for the consequences of these faults. 5.4. The parties are exempted from liability for partial or complete non-fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement in case, during the period of this Agreement, there have been changes in the current legislation of the Russian Federation, making it impossible to fulfill their implementation; Either the failure to comply with the obligations was the result of an insurmountable force arising after the conclusion of this Agreement as a result of an emergency event. 6. Other conditions 6.1. The relationships of the parties not regulated by this Agreement are governed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 6.2. Disputes and disagreements arising in the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement are permitted by the parties through negotiations. In case of not reaching the consent, disputes and disagreements are subject to permission in court in the arbitration court of the Lipetsk region. 6.3. When changing details, addresses, etc. Party under the contract within 10 (ten) days is obliged to report this to the other party in writing. 6.4. This Agreement is drawn up in two authentic copies that have the same legal force, one for each of the parties. 7. Addresses, details and signatures of the parties Customer CAT INN Full name of the organization Brief name Organization Legal address Postal address OKPO check-out account number Corscheta Artist 482501001 4825066916 Open Joint-Stock Company Lipetsk City Energy Company OJSC LGEK 398001, Lipetsk, Pl . Peter the Great, d. 4a 398001, Lipetsk, pl. Petra Great, d. 4a 71766450 40702810400000001512 30101810700000000704 30101810700000000704 Name of the bank Postal Code Bank Beach Contact Telephone Customer ___________________ OJSC Lipetskkombank 398600 044206704 Artist V. Sammnov Appendix No. 1 to the Treaty for maintenance of the maintenance of thermal energy and heat carrier from "___" _________ 20 ___ . № ____________________ № p / p Address installation Customer ___________________ Type Mark factory No. Artist V.A. Smirnov

1.2 "Contractor" ensures the execution of work related to dismantling, installation
accounting devices for verification and / or repair.

1.3 "Artist" collects accounting data and provides monthly
kazchika »Accounting results.

2. Service order2.1 Service Maintenance Produced:

Daily by remote remote and control the testimony of the heat meter;

Once a month for the preparation and delivery of "customer" acts on the consumption of heat
oil energy;

In the inter-drinking period;

Upon receipt of the application from the "Customer".

2.1.1. Daily service includes reading a heating flow
chica through a block automatic registering "Bars-02", analysis of the testimony of the heat meter
and informing the "Customer" about leaks of coolant and other abnormal situations.

2.1.2. Monthly service includes printout of archive
heat Potcher and the provision of "Customer" of monthly reports (acts of metering thermal
energy) on the consumption of thermal energy. Delivery of acts of metering thermal energy "Customer"
carried out by transport "Contractor" or by email "Customer".

2.1.3. Service in the inter-drinking period includes:

2.1.3 * 1. Inspection of the external state of the heat meter and its component parts, in the process of which the presence of seals, the integrity of the connecting cables and the absence of leaks in the connections is checked. Check the good functioning of the heat meter. Dismantling and installation of the heat meter and its constituent parts for
rodinal calibration at the request of the "Customer". Carrying out preventive work provided for by operational to
kumentation on the heat meter and other components of the accounting node. Ensuring the technical readiness of the heat metering assembly to the annual
admission to the metering assembly in commercial accounting.

2.1.4. Service upon receipt of the application "Customer" includes: Departure to the "customer" by transport "Contractor" and performing work on
the establishment of the performance of the heat metering node. Replacement of the heat meter, the other components of the accounting node, in the case of their neis
leadership, at the expense of own funds "performer" if the operation of the refused
customer was carried out by the "customer" without violation of the requirements set out in operation

3. Rights and obligations of the parties3.1. The "performer" undertakes:

3.1.2. 3.1.1. Perform service maintenance of the heat metering unit with appropriate quality. Fix the applications "Customer" for service in a special journal with
date and arrival time.

3.1.3. Restore the performance of the accounting node for no more than 3 days with
cancer receipt of applications.

3.1.4. Create and maintain the exchange rate of heat meter
cove (other components of the accounting node) for the operational replacement of failed equipment.

3.2. The performer has the right to:

3.2.1. Suspend service service before paying debt, in case of violation by the "Customer" of the timing of the payment made by paragraph 5.2 of this Agreement.

3.3. "Customer" undertakes:

3.3.1. Appoint the commission of the responsible for operation and current maintenance of ultrasound
la Accounting and fulfill the requirements of section 9 rules for taking into account thermal energy and coolant.

3.3.2. Provide timely conducting periodic instrument calibration
(measuring instruments) Accounting node with the frequency specified in their operational document

3.3.4. With the current operation of the accounting node perform the requirements of operational
documentation on the instruments of the accounting node.

3.3.5. Ensure the access of representatives of the Contractor to the accounting node and the working conditions
indoors where it is installed.

3.3.6. Provide protection against unauthorized access to the room of accounting nodes and
prevent uniforms of unauthorized persons to the device and the work of the accounting node.

3.3.7. Accept from the "performer" and pay for the work performed on service

3.4. "Customer" has the right:

3.4.1. Call a representative of the "Contractor" for restoration work
the performance of the heat energy metering node.

3.4.2. Get advice from the performer for use and current service
the heat meter and its component parts.

3.4.3. On a separate request, receive additional information about the "performer"
the coolant parameters for the required time interval.

4. Responsibility of Party

4.1. The "Contractor" is not responsible for non-fulfillment of service commitments
maintenance in case of violation by the "customer" of its obligations of paragraph 3.3.1-3.3.7 on
standing contract.

4.2. In case of non-fulfillment or improper execution of the conditions of the present
the sides are responsible in accordance with the provisions of civil law.
russian Federation.

5. Cost of service and procedure for calculations

5.1. For the work performed on paragraph 1.1, the "Customer" pays the "Contractor" the amount
which is determined by the parties in the negotiation protocol of the contract price, which is not
separate part of the contract.

5.2. Payment cost of service is carried out monthly on account
"Contractor" equal shares in the amount of 44356.96 (forty-four thousand three hundred fifty
six rubles 96 kopecks) rubles for the term of the contract, no later than the 10th, after
blowing for the reporting month. Not subject to VAT.

6. Term of the contract

6.1. This Agreement was concluded for a period of October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013.

7. Additional conditions

7.1. All disputes under the contract are solved by the parties in the Arbitration Court.

7.2. All changes and additions to the contract are valid if they are decorated in
writing and signed by both parties.

7.3. "Customer" at the time of the contract appoints a representative with whom "Is
fastener "solves all the issues arising from the execution of the contract.

7.4. Services in periodic calibration of devices are paid by the "customer"
contracts. Responsibility for timely conducting the calibration of measuring instruments
la accounting carries the "Customer".

7.5. To fulfill the "performer" according to claim 2.1.1., Clause 2.1.2. "Customer" undertakes
purchase at your own expense block automatic registration "BARS-02",
which is the property of the "Customer".

The "Contractor" undertakes to acquire the data server, Sadko-Heat Software, and SIM cards for automatic registration "BARC-02" blocks and pay for cellular operators for using the data transmission channel. Server, Sadko-Heat and SIM cards and SIM cards are the property of the "artist".

Before acquiring the "Customer" of the BARC-02 block of work under paragraph 1.3, paragraph 2.1.1, paragraph 2.1.2, the performer does not fulfill.

7.6 In the case of early termination (change) of the contract on the initiative of the "Customer", in the absence of claims to the "Contractor", payment of the cost of service "Customer" is performed in full, on previously agreed periods.

7.7. Parties of this Agreement it is known that the actual consumption of heat defined by the indications of the accounting node can be both less and more of the calculated value. The "Executive" is not responsible for the obligations of the Customer and the Energy Supply Organization for their Treaty on Heat Space.

8. Circumstances of force majeure

8.1. Parties are exempt from liability for partial or complete non-performance.
obligations under this Agreement, if improper performance by the parties of obligations
caused by insurmountable force, i.e., emergency unavailable circumstances, not
subject to reasonable control.

8.2. Party that is not able to fulfill obligations under the contract for
irresistible power standards, promptly informs the other side of
the beginning and termination of the above circumstances, but in any case no later than 14 Calen
darny days after the start or termination of their action.

Untimely notice of the circumstances of force majeure deprives the relevant side of the right to exemption from liability for partial or complete non-fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement due to these circumstances. The notice of the occurrence and termination of the circumstances of force majeure is documented by the relevant government organizations.

9. Legal addresses of the Parties and Signatures


in "IPSB" Saransk

27*03.-25 /1


address: Russian Federation, Republic of Mordovia,

p / s in Akksb "ks

tel. (8,342) 75-21g31

PROTOCOLharmonization of the contract price for service maintenance of thermal energy accounting

Address of the metering node

ul. Veselovsky, d.23.

2 st. Veselovsky, d.25

3 st. Veselovsky, d.27

4 st. Veselovsky, d.27a, bonds. one

5 st. Veselovsky, d.27a, UZ.2

6 st. Veselovsky, d.27a, bonds. Z.

7 st. Veselovsky, d.27a, UZ.4

8 st. Veselovsky, d.31

9 st. Pushkin, d.24.

10 st. Pushkin, d.26.

11 st. Pushkin, d.28.

12 st. Pushkin, D.30

13 st. Pushkin, d.32.

14 st. Pushkin, d.36.

15 st. Pushkin, d.38.

16 st. Semashko, d. 1, Uz. one

17 st. Semashko, d. 1, Uz.2

18 st. Semashko, d. Z

19 st. Semashko, D.5.

20 st. Semashko, D.5A.

21 st. Semashko, D.7.

22 st. Semashko, D.7A

23 st. Semashko, D.9.

24 st. Semashko, d. 11

"Ol-rubles in the node

Price for service, service. 1 node per month, rub

Term of the contract, month

25 st. Semashko, d. 13, Uz. one

26 st. Semashko, d. 13, Uz.2

27 st. Semashko, 15. Uz. one

28 st. Semashko, 15, Uz.2

29 st. Semashko, d. 17, Uz. one

30 st. Semashko, d. 17, Uz.2

Total for payment: 52 (five hundred and thirty-two thousand two hundred eighty-three rubles 52 kopecks.) Rubles. Not subject to VAT.


Service »" -


000 "House management №2"

  • Do we need a servicing organization?
  • Is there a law prescribing it to have?
  • What awaits us if we give up the service service?
  • What is included in the service service?

Let's deal with all questions in order.

Heat meter, from the owner, does not require special care. The lithium battery, from which the heat meter eats is not suitable for re-use, but requires disposal. No special care for the battery is not necessary, the service life declared by the manufacturer at least six years is usually not more than five years old and this is equal to the service life of the meter before it is inspected (the deadline for the melief is four five years for different heat meters). A specialist checking or serving heat meter, about four years, must change the battery. If you have consumption converters, also feed on batteries, then they must be changed every two years.

Thermal resistance - services do not require.

This theory - we will analyze in practice.

Treaty number _________

For the provision of maintenance services for thermal energy accounting node

kaliningrad "_____" _____________ 2016.

Municipal enterprise "Kaliningradeploset" of the city district "City of Kaliningrad", referred to as "performer", represented by ______________________ , acting on the basis of ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, represented (owners of legal entities or individuals, managers, budget organizations, HOA, HSSC, persons responsible for the content of the apartment building, which are transferred to the owners of the premises the right to conclusion and execution of this contracts) _________________________________________, which is valid on the basis of ______________________, hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", on the other hand, in the future, the collaboratively referred to as "Parties", concluded this agreement on the following:


1.1. Under this Agreement, the Contractor undertakes on behalf of the Customer to provide services for the maintenance of the maintenance of the Customer (nodes) of the maintenance of thermal energy (hereinafter referred to as UWE) factory No. _________________, located at: ________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the object).

1.2. List of services provided:

Checking the compliance of the parameters of the coolant Range of measuring instrument instruments


Removing the archive of average daily (time) parameters of heat consumption, drawing up a statement


Drawing up the account reading reports


Check the parameters of heat consumption and logic of the heat meter


Checking the integrity of the seal

no less than once a quarter

Checking the quality of grounding flow meters


Diagnostics of devices for error codes


Check the tightness of electrical connections

1 time in the quarter

Check devices for mechanical damage

no less than once a quarter

Checking the integrity of isolation

no less than once a quarter

Testing GSM Channel Communication


Recovery documentation


1.3. The Customer undertakes to accept those listed in paragraph 1.1., Section 1.2 of this Service Agreement and pay for their value in the manner established by Section 4 of this Agreement.

1.4. Services are considered rendered after signing by the Parties to the Act of Services (hereinafter - the Act).

2. contract price and settlement procedure

2.1. The price of this Agreement is 950.00 (nine hundred and fifty rubles 00 kopecks) rubles for each object, including VAT (18%).

2.2 Payment for the services rendered is carried out by the Customer monthly by making funds to the executor's cash register, or by transferring funds to the executive account.

2.3. Payment for the services provided is made no later than the 15th day of each month following the calculated, by making funds in the executive office or by transferring funds to the executive account.

2.4. In case of the impossibility of execution by the Contractor of the obligations arising from the fault of the customer, the services are subject to payment in full.

2.5. The cost of services provided under this Agreement does not include the cost of additional services in cases provided for by paragraphs. 4.3.6, 4.3.7, 4.3.8 of this Agreement, as well as operational Repair of UWE, the cost of materials and technical means used by the Contractor in the restoration of UWE operability.

2.6. The services provided by the Contractor listed in paragraph 2.4 of this Agreement are paid by the Customer within 3 banking days from the date of signing the act.

2.7. If you have the need to provide additional services, pay for materials and technical means not provided for by the estimate, the total cost of services can be changed, which is drawn up with an additional agreement.

2.8. In case of termination of the provision of services under this Agreement by agreement of the Parties or by the fault of the Customer, the latter is obliged to compensate to the Contractor actually produced costs according to the signed acts.

3. The procedure and deadlines for the provision of services

3.1. The Contractor conducts monthly maintenance UWE to the 25th day of each month.

3.2. The provision of UWE maintenance services is issued as an act, which is compiled no later than the 5th (fifth) number of the month following the calculated one.

3.3. The customer undertakes to accept the services rendered by signing the act on the day of completing their provision to the customer.

3.4. Claims Contractor can be brought by the Customer for 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of signing the act. If the Customer refuses to sign an act without a written substantiation of refusal within 3 (three) working days from the date of its receipt, it is believed that services are adopted by the Customer without comments, there are no complaints about the quality of services rendered.

4. Rights and obligations of the parties

4.1. The Contractor must:

4.1.1. Ensure the provision of services in the amount provided for by paragraph 1.1., Section 1.2 of this Agreement, appropriate quality and on time.

4.1.2. Upon receipt from the Customer noticeing about the problems arising in the work of UWE, to ensure the arrival of specialists within 5 (five) working days from the date of receipt of this notice.

4.1.3. To inform the customer, in case of circumstances, slowing the course of the provision of services or to further continue the performance of work (provision of services) is impossible.

4.2. The performer has the right:

4.2.1. Independently determine the number of specialists necessary for the provision of services and the schedule of their work, as well as provide them with all the necessary materials, tools and technical means.

4.2.2. If necessary, to engage in the execution of contractual obligations of third parties.

4.2.3. After the customer's warning, do not start fulfilling its obligations under this Agreement or suspend their implementation in cases:

Failure to provide the customer of copies of the necessary technical documentation (design and executive documentation for UWE, technical passport UWE);

Failure to submit to the customer of unhindered access to the object to fulfill obligations under this Agreement;

The lack of provision by the customer of the protection of UWE from unauthorized interference in its work of third parties;

Violations by the Customer of the Categories of payment established by Section 2 of this Agreement;

Detection of the technical impossibility of further provision of services arising from the fault of the customer.

4.2.4. Require payment for services provided in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

4.3 The customer must:

4.3.1. Provide the Contractor unhindered access to the facility of vehicles, mechanisms and specialists of the Contractor, the possibility of transporting the necessary tools, accessories and technical means UWE.

4.3.2. Transfer to the Contractor the necessary technical documentation for UWE (design and executive documentation, passports for measuring instruments).

4.3.3. To ensure the reliability of the power supply of UWE, as well as the proper protection of UWE from unauthorized interference in its work.

4.3.4. To ensure the drainage (in the case of flooding) and the proper sanitary condition in the working area, the trouble-free state of the premises of the working area.

4.3.5. It is committed to comply with the conditions and rules of operation of UWE, set forth in a technical passport and instructions for the instrument of accounting.

4.3.6. In case of violation of clause 4.3.1. This Agreement will pay for the re-departure of the Contractor's specialists for a separate account in excess of the cost of services specified by this Agreement.

4.3.7. In the event of a malfunction of the UWE, due to non-compliance with the Customer, the conditions and rules of its operation set forth in the technical passport and operating instructions, the cost of repair and restoration work the Customer pays for a separate account over the cost of services specified by this Agreement.

4.3.8. Ensure the preservation of UWE and the integrity of the seals of the heat supply organization and the manufacturer. In the event of a malfunction and detection of a breakfall disorder, the cost of repair and restoration work regarding this equipment the customer pays for a separate account in excess of the cost of services specified by this Agreement.

4.3.9. Within 3 (three) days from the date of troubleshooting in the work of Utee, notify the artist.

4.3.10. Immediately in writing to inform the performer about the occurrect or upcoming changes in part:

States of networks and power receiving equipment of the Customer who can affect the possibility of executing the contract by the Contractor, as well as to the work of UWE;

Changes for postal address, phone number, customer bank details,

Alienation, transfer of the rights of ownership, use, orders of UWE;

Reorganization, liquidation and other similar circumstances, entailing a significant change in the circumstances, of which the parties proceeded at the conclusion of this Agreement.

4.3.11. Do not make it possible to re-equip outdoor heat supply systems without prior approval with the Contractor.

4.3.12. Take the results of the services provided in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement and pay them.

4.4 Customer has the right:

4.4.1. Control the course of the provision of services by the Contractor under this Agreement without interfering with the operational and economic activities of the Contractor;

4.4.2. Considers on the quality of services rendered for 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of signing the Act on the provision of services.

5. Responsibility of Party

5.1. The parties are responsible for non-performance or improper performance of obligations assumed under this Agreement in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the terms of this Agreement.

5.2. When a party must fulfill its obligations arising from this Agreement, appropriately, providing the other party to all sorts of assistance in fulfilling its obligations under this Agreement.

5.3. In case of non-payment by the Customer of the Services provided for 2 (two) calendar months, the Contractor has the right to suspend the provision of services under this Agreement to full repayment by the customer formed debt, notifying the customer's customer at least 10 (ten) calendar days before the date of suspension of the provision Services.

5.4. The resumption of the provision of services is carried out within 5 (five) working days from the date of the total debt repayment by the Customer. Responsibility for the possible consequences of the suspension of the provision of services are assigned to the Customer.

5.5. If the Contractor does not adequately fulfill its obligations within the period provided for in this Agreement, the Customer has the right to demand a payment of penalties in the amount of 0.1 (zero one tenth) percentage of the total cost of services specified in paragraph 2.1. of this agreement, for each day of delay.

5.6. For violation of the timing of payment under the contract, the Contractor has the right to demand from the Customer payment of penalties in the amount of 0.1 (zero as much as one tenth)% of the payment by the payment under the contract, for each day of delay.

5.7. Payment or retention of penalties (penalties) does not relieve the parties from their obligations and responsibility under this Agreement.

5.8. The parties are exempt from liability for partial or complete non-fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, if it was due to the action of force majeure.

6. Term of the contract and the procedure for resolving disputes

6.1. This Agreement comes into force from the date of its signing by both parties and is valid until _____________________________________.

6.2. The contract is considered prolonged for the next year, unless less than 1 (one) month before the expiration date of the contract will not follow a written statement by one of the parties to the refusal of this Agreement or revising it.

6.3. All disputes and disagreements that may arise in connection with the implementation of this Agreement will be resolved through negotiations between the parties.

6.4. If the parties have not been reached on controversial issues, disputes are subject to permission to the judicial authorities of the Kaliningrad region.

7. Final provisions

7.1. All changes and additions to this Agreement are valid only if they are in writing and signed by both parties.

7.2. The party who decided to terminate this Agreement should send a written notice of the intention to terminate this Agreement to the other party no later than 30 (thirty) calendar days before the alleged day of termination of this Agreement.

7.3. In case of early termination of this Agreement, the Customer within 5 (five) banking days from the date of receipt by the Contractor of the notification of the termination of this Agreement pays the Contractor to the Services rendered at the date of termination of this Agreement.

7.4. This Agreement is signed in 2 (two) copies having the same legal force, one copy for each of the parties.

7.5. All applications, additions and other agreements to this Agreement are an integral part.

7.6. By signing this Agreement, the Customer confirms that they have received all the necessary and reliable information about the estimated service, its species and features to make an objective choice of services provided before the signing of this Agreement. All the provisions of this Agreement to the customer are understandable and clarified before its signing.

8. Addresses and details of the parties