Congratulations to the man writer. Funny greetings on the writer's day

Congratulations to the man writer. Funny greetings on the writer's day

Congratulations for an extraordinary personality

Today is the birthday of a young, talented person. (NAME)

The most sincere congratulations and wishes to you, dear birthday man. Let only success be found on the creative path, and sincere love on the life path.

Be happy! God bless you!

We are proud that our team has such an interesting, extraordinary, sincere and inspired person like you.

Congratulations for a creative man in prose

Congratulations to the poet

Today is the birthday of the magician and the magician of the word…. God gave him an incredible poetic talent, which he sincerely shares with everyone around him.

And there is no objection to this.

We join all the words that will sound to this person today, and we wish you new creative achievements, sunny rainbows of life, warmth at home, and good health. May the most cherished dreams come true, and nothing will disappoint.

Congratulations to the writer

The poet, writer is celebrating his birthday. His works are inspiring and exciting. sincerity and light aura. I would like to wish this talented person a lot, a lot of good, the realization of the most cherished desires and the successful implementation of all creative ideas. May only kind people be around, may a warm, happy spring always reign in your heart. God bless you and good luck on the long, long road of life.!

Congratulations for a young writer

Today the writer is celebrating his birthday ... On this occasion, we send sincere wishes to the birthday man. You are young, talented, promising. Let everything in life turn out the way you want it. Dream, create, love, give your friends smiles, please your loved ones with success, readers - with new books. Let everythnig will be alright! May the Guardian Angel protect you from misunderstandings and failures in life

Congratulations to the writer

Today is the birthday of a wonderful writer! ... We congratulate him and wish him peace, good .. May your talented soul be always comfortable, inexhaustible creative energy of the heart constantly streams. To make the most cherished dreams and desires come true, friends did not betray, happiness and joy reigned in the family. May spring give a lot of warmth! Life does not upset, but only enchants and gives new exciting stories.



Today is the birthday of a wonderful person, talented, sincere in heart and thoughts. Spring today gives you a warm and fine day. Therefore, cast aside all sorrows and worries - let the sunbeams of inspiration and love caress your soul. May it always be joyful, light, peaceful. Thank you for your friendship and support. Health, well-being in the family, God's blessing!

We read books excitedly
We love lyrics, poems,
Please write to us more,
Romanov on love themes ..
Writers day today, we congratulate you,
And we wish you creative success from the bottom of our hearts,
Let more fees be offered to you,
God grant you a sip so that you give us joy.

You are a genius, you are a talent, you are a writer,
You are the owner of the reader's sympathies,
You sometimes intrigue us with your novels,
And you often deprive us of sleep.
On writer's day, we wish you
Catch luck by the tail
Critics calm to you,
And the fees are not small to boot.

You always write novels with a friend,
With a winged, creative muse,
She gives you a lot of inspiration,
And leads you by the hand into the world of good.
We sincerely congratulate you on the writer's day,
We wish you a grateful reader,
Let your circulation be sold quickly,
May everything in life be easy for you.

The soul of the writer is a subtle nature,
Novels and stories the string is taut,
In the development of culture, you are the main nature,
You are a prisoner of the pen.
Happy writer's day, I congratulate you,
I wish you inspiration in your work,
Let the cherished dream come true
So that the muse was always nearby.

Writers of great talent are people
All that is written with a pen, we will read,
All fictional characters.
Borrowed from our real life.
Congratulations to all writers today,
May creative success await you,
Let the muse come to visit you often,
Let luck, and luck does not bypass.

You through the prism of blood and tears
You create everything good in the world.
And sometimes sincerely
You open people's eyes to the past.
Let the truth be reckoned to you
Let the prize be given
And let fortune smile
For your invaluable and hard work!

The life of a writer is amazing
He knows a lot about poem and prose.
He does not expect recognition from people.
The writer creates his works.
We wish you cordially
Only twisted plots
Huge circulations
And attentive listeners!

Dear writers, playwrights, journalists, historians, chroniclers, poets, publicists - everyone for whom writing is work. I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday - World Writers Day!
No one will deny that your fruitful educational activities, great selfless work to create diverse and diverse genres of works affect the cultural and social life of the country, develops and strengthens the traditions of domestic and even world literature.
Thanks to you, people of different views and moods, occupations and wealth, age and preferences have a huge selection of literary creations that they can fully enjoy not only today, but also return to the most beloved and dear ones when they want to re-read them again and again. Fortunately, the printed word does not disappear without a trace, but lasts for centuries.
People are looking for books, publications of their favorite authors, eagerly awaiting the release of new products, they are happy to discover new names and literary works, the topics of which are consonant with their thoughts and moods. It costs a lot and obliges a lot, because the printed word, especially for the Russian person, has always been respected and valuable.
In your hands, dear such levers of influence and influence on people that others can only dream of. It is you who can control the minds of thousands of your fellow citizens, and even the world consciousness. And thank you very much for using this for good. With your works - artistic, historical, scientific and journalistic, you educate today's readers, raising the themes of morality and spirituality, citizenship and patriotism, creativity and love, compassion and mercy, justice and humanism.
Based, as a rule, on the best literary traditions, you devote years, decades, and sometimes your whole life to writing.
You put part of yourself and your soul, accumulated knowledge, life and professional experience into your works, and this deserves deep respect and gratitude.
Happy Holidays - World Writers Day, dear writers.
With all my heart I wish each of you good health, family well-being, happiness, inexhaustible vitality, peace and kindness, creative longevity.
May inspiration never leave you. May the fruit of your labors bring satisfaction to you as authors and your admirers. Let your word resonate in people's hearts, do not leave indifferent, push the reader to achievements and creativity. Let your talent add more bright new pages to your creative biography. Let the masterpieces emerge from under your hand that are worthy of being included on a par with the works that brought their creators fame and world fame.

Dear writers and writers, with a professional and creative holiday to you! Let your muse never leave you, and the lines fall on paper easily and naturally. Good luck with all your creations and positive reader ratings. Congratulations!

Good congratulations on the Day of the Writer in Prose

Probably, as a person learned to write, you, masters of the word, immediately appeared ... Congratulations on Writer's Day! Let inspiration not run out, let ideas take on the best forms, let the most severe critics be supportive of you, and most importantly - let there be your own humble pride in your labors!

You write and rule, you crave criticism and listen extremely modestly to praise ... However, on Writer's Day you will have to admit - you are just a miracle! I always want to read every line that comes out from under your hand, and praise you what you deserve! Please accept my congratulations and best wishes! May all creative dreams come true!

Wishes for the Writer's Day in prose

It would seem that we all know Russian and can put words into sentences ... But only the most talented become writers, and today, on Writer's Day, I hasten to congratulate such a person and wish him sunny personal happiness and grandiose creative success!

On Writers Day, I urge you to take a break from sketching and editing your works for a moment and accept our humble congratulations! With all our hearts, we wish you to always be full of energy and ideas, to write in such a way that you would like to re-read a hundred times and always smile!

A word may disappear even after being published in a hundred thousand copies, or maybe it will sound in just a few copies through the centuries ... Congratulations on Writer's Day! I wish you a friendly muse, hard work and good luck! Add your creativity to the list of works that are translated into all languages ​​of the world and included in the school curriculum!

Cool congratulations on Writer's Day in your own words

Happy Writers Day! There is no limit to perfection in this business, and therefore I wish you to have a dozen muses and work tirelessly for your pride and for us, the readers, for the joy! Let your books be published and praised, let every sheet of your creations be read to the holes!

Happy Writers' Day Wishes to the Beginning Writer

Sometimes not a single line is written, and sometimes - all night long you create and a pile of papers or files grows ... Congratulations on Writer's Day! How glorious that already at the beginning of this glorious path you show great promise! I wish you to become famous and to write an immortal masterpiece as soon as possible!

Happy Writers Day! I want to say that you are a real creator of words ... You have a unique style, tricks of skill and even capricious music, and even we are admirers and humble critics of your talent! Please accept our best wishes!

You are my writer, dearest
I congratulate you on the holiday.
With your pen, you seem to rule the whole country,
And in your life honor and glory and praise.

I want to congratulate on spring day,
My dear writer, my poet.
May there be no regret in life
Welcome your dawn with joy.

You are my writer, you are a poet,
You are the eternal wanderer and hero.
You and I have been together for many years
I congratulate you, dear.

Today is your holiday
You have chosen a difficult profession.
The earth holds on to such,
Culture rules our world.

I wish you happiness
Health, affection, kindness.
May there be peace in the whole earth
Kohl you rule the world.

May the poet's soul fly!
May she soar over the world!
I thank him for that -
For teaching us to live beautifully.

Happy birthday just for you
My beloved friend, my affectionate writer.
I will read your poems, loving,
I wish you only to laugh in life.

You are an eternal wanderer for your soul
That's why you just love everything in the world
That all your creations are good.
Everyone on the whole planet knows about it.

My handsome, good, kind friend,
On Writer's Day I give you a bouquet.
And it will become sad - look around,
I only wish happiness for a hundred years.

I will give everything for you, writer,
And his heart, soul, beauty.
You are a heroic hero for the ladies,
I’ll read you a poem.

You have a beautiful holiday
And the table is set for all guests.
Everyone came to congratulate you
You hug everyone quickly.

We'll pour a glass in honor of you,
We'll drink champagne for you.
We will collect a gift from the heart,
Hold it by the very edges.

My gentle and affectionate, my kind and dear, sometimes brooding and somewhat mysterious writer! On your professional holiday, I want to wish you everything only what you yourself would like to wish for yourself. Let the distant bird of happiness fly right above you, showing you the way to a brighter future.

Writer, are you a prose writer or a poet?
And do you write for the body or the soul?
You know, for me, after all, a whole century
Your creations are very good.

You give your heart to people,
Sometimes forgetting about rest, about sleep.
But time will fly by and you will understand
Poems are not life, you look from the outside.

People don't need to belong to everyone
And sometimes you need to live for yourself.
So that you can remember in old age
Not only all people, but myself.

My dear friends! My favorite fellow writers! Let's raise a glass of wine for our professional holiday. May this glorious day bring us only victories. May our talents be always recognized and honored. I wish each of you peace, prosperity and goodness.