The Tale of Bygone Years, the original is read in Old Russian. Chronicler nestor

The Tale of Bygone Years, the original is read in Old Russian. Chronicler nestor

The Tale of Bygone Years

The Tale of Bygone Years

The Tale of Bygone Years is the earliest surviving chronicle collection. Belongs to the beginning of the XII century. This set is known as part of a number of chronicle collections preserved in lists, of which the best and oldest are Laurentian 1377 and Ipatiev 20s of the 15th. The chronicle has absorbed a large number of materials from legends, stories, legends, oral poetic legends about various historical figures and events. Published in translation by D.S. Likhachev.



So let's begin this story.

By the flood, the three sons of Noah divided the earth - Shem, Ham, Japheth. And the east went to Sim: Persia, Bactria, even to India in longitude, and in width to Rinokorur, that is, from east to south, and Syria, and Media to the Euphrates River, Babylon, Korduna, Assyrians, Mesopotamia, Arabia the Oldest, Elymais, Indy, Arabia Strong, Colia, Commagene, all of Phenicia.

Hamu got the south: Egypt, Ethiopia, neighboring with India, and another Ethiopia, from which flows the Ethiopian Red River, flowing to the east, Thebes, Libya, neighboring Kirinia, Marmaria, Sirte, another Libya, Numidia, Masuria, Mauritania, located opposite Gadir. In his possessions in the east there are also: Kiliknia, Pamphylia, Pisidia, Mysia, Lycaonia, Phrygia, Kamalia, Lycia, Caria, Lydia, another Mysia, Troada, Eolis, Bithynia, Old Phygia and the islands of Nekia: Sardinia, Crete, Cyprus and the river Geona, otherwise called the Nile.

Japheth got the northern and western countries: Midia, Albania, Armenia Small and Great, Cappadocia, Paflagonia, Galatia, Colchis, Bosphorus, Meoty, Derevia, Capmatia, inhabitants of Taurida, Scythia, Thrace, Macedonia, Lokrida Dalmatia, Thrace Pelenia, which is also called the Peloponnese, Arcadia, Epirus, Illyria, Slavs, Lychnitia, Adriakia, the Adriatic Sea. The islands also got: Britain, Sicily, Euboea, Rhodes, Chios, Lesbos, Kythira, Zakynthos, Kefallinia, Ithaca, Kerkyra, a part of Asia called Ionia, and the Tigris river, flowing between Media and Babylon; to the Pontic Sea to the north: the Danube, the Dnieper, the Caucasus Mountains, that is, the Hungarian, and from there to the Dnieper, and other rivers: Desna, Pripyat, Dvina, Volkhov, Volga, which flows east to part of Simov. In the Japheth's unit there are Russians, Chud and all kinds of peoples: Merya, Muroma, all, Mordovians, Zavolochskaya Chud, Perm, Pechera, Yam, Ugra, Lithuania, Zimigola, Kors, Letgola, Livs. Lyakhs and Prussians, chud sit near the Varangian Sea. On this sea the Varangians sit: from here to the east - to the limits of the Simovs, they sit along the same sea and to the west - to the lands of English and Volosh. The offspring of Japheth are also: Varangians, Swedes, Normans, Goths, Rus, Angles, Galicians, Volokhs, Romans, Germans, Korlyazi, Venetians, Fryagi and others - they adjoin southern countries in the west and neighbors with the Khamov tribe.

Shem, Ham, and Japheth divided the land by casting lots, and decided not to share with anyone in his brother's share, and each lived in his own part. And there was one people. And when people multiplied on earth, they planned to create a pillar to the sky - this was in the days of Nectan and Peleg. And they assembled in the place of the field of Senaar to build a pillar to the sky, and near it the city of Babylon; and they built that pillar 40 years, and did not complete it. And the Lord God came down to see the city and the pillar, and the Lord said: "Behold, there is one generation and one people." And God mixed the nations, and divided them into 70 and 2 nations, and scattered them throughout the whole earth. After the confusion of the nations, God destroyed the pillar with a great wind; and its remnants are between Assyria and Babylon, and are 5433 cubits in height and width, and these remnants are preserved for many years.

After the destruction of the pillar and after the division of the peoples, the sons of Shem took the eastern countries, and the sons of Ham took the southern countries, while the Japheths took the west and the northern countries. From the same 70 and 2 languages ​​came the Slavic people, from the tribe of Japheth - the so-called noriks, who are the Slavs.

After a long time, the Slavs settled down the Danube, where now the land is Hungarian and Bulgarian. From those Slavs, the Slavs scattered across the land and were nicknamed by their names from the places where they sat. So some, having come, sat down on the river by the name of Morava and were nicknamed Morava, while others called themselves Czechs. And here are the same Slavs: White Croats, and Serbs, and Horutans. When the Volokhs attacked the Danube Slavs, and settled among them, and oppressed them, these Slavs came and sat on the Vistula and were called Lyakhs, and from those Poles came the Poles, other Poles - lutichi, some - Mazovians, others - Pomorians.

Likewise, these Slavs came and sat down the Dnieper and called themselves glades, and others - Drevlyans, because they sat in the forests, while others sat between Pripyat and Dvina and called themselves Dregovichi, others sat down the Dvina and called themselves Polotsk, along the river flowing into the Dvina , called Polota, from her and named Polochans. The same Slavs who sat down near Lake Ilmena were called by their name Slavs, and they built a city and named it Novgorod. Others sat along the Desna, and along the Seim, and along the Sule, and called themselves northerners. And so the Slavic people dispersed, and after his name and the letter was called Slavic.

When the glades lived separately along these mountains, there was a way from the Varangians to the Greeks and from the Greeks along the Dnieper, and in the upper reaches of the Dnieper there was a drag to Lovoti, and along Lovoti you can enter Ilmen, a great lake; from the same lake the Volkhov flows out and flows into the Great Nevo Lake, and the mouth of that lake flows into the Varangian Sea. And on that sea you can sail to Rome, and from Rome you can sail along the same sea to Constantinople, and from Constantinople you can sail to the Pontus Sea, into which the Dnieper River flows. The Dnieper flows out of the Okovsky forest and flows to the south, while the Dvina flows from the same forest and heads north, and flows into the Varangian Sea. From the same forest the Volga flows to the east and empties into the Khvalisskoe Sea with its seventy mouths. Therefore, from Russia you can sail along the Volga to the Bulgarians and to Khvalis, and to the east go to the inheritance of Shem, and along the Dvina - to the land of the Varangians, from the Varangians to Rome, from Rome to the Khamov tribe. And the Dnieper empties into the Pontic Sea; this sea is reputed to be Russian, - as they say, Saint Andrew, Peter's brother, taught it along the shores.

When Andrei taught in Sinop and arrived in Korsun, he learned that the mouth of the Dnieper was not far from Korsun, and wanted to go to Rome, and sailed to the Dnieper estuary, and from there went up the Dnieper. And it so happened that he came and stood under the mountains on the shore. And in the morning he got up and said to the disciples who were with him: "Do you see these mountains? On these mountains the grace of God will shine, there will be a great city, and God will raise up many churches." And ascending these mountains, he blessed them, and set up the cross, and prayed to God, and descended from this mountain, where Kiev will later be, and went up the Dnieper. And he came to the Slavs, where Novgorod now stands, and saw the people living there - what is their custom and how they wash and whip, and was surprised at them. And he went to the country of the Varangians, and came to Rome, and told about how he taught and what he had seen, and said: “I saw a miracle in the Slavic land on my way here. naga, and doused with leather kvass, and lifted up the young rods and beat themselves, and finished themselves to such an extent that they barely crawl out, barely alive, and doused with cold water, and only so they revive. And they do this constantly, not tormented by anyone but they torture themselves, and then they do washing for themselves, and not torture. " Those, hearing about this, were surprised; Andrew, having been in Rome, came to Sinop.

The glades lived separately in those days and were ruled by their own families; for even before that brethren (which we will talk about later) there were already meadows, and they all lived in their own families in their places, and each was ruled independently. And there were three brothers: one named Kyi, the other Shchek, and the third Horeb, and their sister Lybid. Kiy sat on the mountain where Borichev is now ascending, and Shchek sat on the mountain, which is now called Schekovitsa, and Khoriv on the third mountain, which was nicknamed by his name Horivitsa. And they built a city in honor of their elder brother, and named it Kiev. There was a forest around the city and a large forest, and they caught animals there, and those men were wise and meaningful, and they were called glades, from them the glade is still in Kiev.

By the flood, the three sons of Noah divided the earth - Shem, Ham, Japheth. And the east went to Sim: Persia, Bactria, even to India in longitude, and in width to Rinokorur, that is, from east to south, and Syria, and Media to the Euphrates River, Babylon, Korduna, Assyrians, Mesopotamia, Arabia the Oldest, Elymais, Indy, Arabia Strong, Colia, Commagene, all of Phenicia.

Hamu got the south: Egypt, Ethiopia, neighboring with India, and another Ethiopia, from which flows the Ethiopian Red River, flowing to the east, Thebes, Libya, neighboring Kirinia, Marmaria, Sirte, another Libya, Numidia, Masuria, Mauritania, located opposite Gadir. In his possessions in the east there are also: Kiliknia, Pamphylia, Pisidia, Mysia, Lycaonia, Phrygia, Kamalia, Lycia, Caria, Lydia, another Mysia, Troada, Eolis, Bithynia, Old Phygia and the islands of Nekia: Sardinia, Crete, Cyprus and the river Geona, otherwise called the Nile.

Japheth got the northern and western countries: Midia, Albania, Armenia Small and Great, Cappadocia, Paflagonia, Galatia, Colchis, Bosphorus, Meoty, Derevia, Capmatia, inhabitants of Taurida, Scythia, Thrace, Macedonia, Lokrida Dalmatia, Thrace Pelenia, which is also called the Peloponnese, Arcadia, Epirus, Illyria, Slavs, Lychnitia, Adriakia, the Adriatic Sea. The islands also got: Britain, Sicily, Euboea, Rhodes, Chios, Lesbos, Kythira, Zakynthos, Kefallinia, Ithaca, Kerkyra, a part of Asia called Ionia, and the Tigris river, flowing between Media and Babylon; to the Pontic Sea to the north: the Danube, the Dnieper, the Caucasus Mountains, that is, the Hungarian, and from there to the Dnieper, and other rivers: Desna, Pripyat, Dvina, Volkhov, Volga, which flows east to part of Simov. In Japheth's unit there are Russians, Chud and all sorts of peoples: Merya, Muroma, all, Mordovians, Zavolochskaya Chud, Perm, Pechera, Yam, Ugra, Lithuania, Zimigola, Kors, Letgola, Livs. Lyakhs and Prussians, chud sit near the Varangian Sea. On this sea the Varangians sit: from here to the east - to the limits of the Simovs, they sit along the same sea and to the west - to the lands of English and Volosh. The offspring of Japheth are also: Varangians, Swedes, Normans, Goths, Rus, Angles, Galicians, Volokhs, Romans, Germans, Korlyazi, Venetians, Fryagi and others - they adjoin southern countries in the west and neighbors with the Khamov tribe.

Shem, Ham and Japheth divided the land, casting lots, and decided not to share with anyone in the share of his brother, and each lived in his own part. And there was one people. And when people multiplied on earth, they planned to create a pillar to the sky - this was in the days of Nectan and Peleg. And they assembled in the place of the field of Senaar to build a pillar to the sky, and near it the city of Babylon; and they built that pillar 40 years, and did not complete it. And the Lord God came down to see the city and the pillar, and the Lord said: "Behold, there is one generation and one people." And God mixed the nations, and divided them into 70 and 2 nations, and scattered them throughout the whole earth. After the confusion of the nations, God destroyed the pillar with a great wind; and its remnants are between Assyria and Babylon, and are 5433 cubits in height and width, and these remnants are preserved for many years.

After the destruction of the pillar and after the division of the peoples, the sons of Shem took the eastern countries, and the sons of Ham took the southern countries, while the Japheths took the west and the northern countries. From the same 70 and 2 languages ​​came the Slavic people, from the tribe of Japheth - the so-called noriks, who are the Slavs.

After a long time, the Slavs settled along the Danube, where now the land is Hungarian and Bulgarian. From those Slavs, the Slavs dispersed throughout the land and were nicknamed by their names from the places where they sat. So some, having come, sat down on the river by the name of Morava and were nicknamed Morava, while others called themselves Czechs. And here are the same Slavs: White Croats, and Serbs, and Horutans. When the Volokhs attacked the Danube Slavs, and settled among them, and oppressed them, these Slavs came and sat on the Vistula and were called Lyakhs, and from those Poles came the Poles, other Poles - lutichi, some - Mazovians, others - Pomorians.

Likewise, these Slavs came and sat down the Dnieper and called themselves glades, and others - Drevlyans, because they sat in the forests, while others sat between Pripyat and Dvina and called themselves Dregovichi, others sat down the Dvina and called themselves Polotsk, along the river flowing into the Dvina , called Polota, from her and named Polochans. The same Slavs, who sat near Lake Ilmenya, called themselves by their name - the Slavs, and built a city and named it Novgorod. Others sat along the Desna, and along the Seim, and along the Sule, and called themselves northerners. And so the Slavic people dispersed, and after his name and the letter was called Slavic.

When the glades lived separately along these mountains, there was a way from the Varangians to the Greeks and from the Greeks along the Dnieper, and in the upper reaches of the Dnieper there was a portage to Lovoti, and along Lovoti you can enter Ilmen, a great lake; from the same lake the Volkhov flows out and flows into the Great Nevo Lake, and the mouth of that lake flows into the Varangian Sea. And on that sea you can sail to Rome, and from Rome you can sail along the same sea to Constantinople, and from Constantinople you can sail to the Pontus Sea, into which the Dnieper River flows. The Dnieper flows out of the Okovsky forest and flows to the south, while the Dvina flows from the same forest and heads north, and flows into the Varangian Sea. From the same forest the Volga flows to the east and empties into the Khvalisskoe Sea with its seventy mouths. Therefore, from Russia you can sail along the Volga to the Bulgarians and to Khvalis, and to the east go to the inheritance of Shem, and along the Dvina - to the land of the Varangians, from the Varangians to Rome, from Rome to the Khamov tribe. And the Dnieper empties into the Pontic Sea; this sea is reputed to be Russian, - as they say, Saint Andrew, Peter's brother, taught it along the shores.

When Andrei taught in Sinop and arrived in Korsun, he learned that the mouth of the Dnieper was not far from Korsun, and wanted to go to Rome, and sailed to the Dnieper estuary, and from there went up the Dnieper. And it so happened that he came and stood under the mountains on the shore. And in the morning he got up and said to the disciples who were with him: “Do you see these mountains? The grace of God will shine on these mountains, there will be a great city, and God will raise up many churches ”. And ascending these mountains, he blessed them, and set up the cross, and prayed to God, and descended from this mountain, where Kiev will later be, and went up the Dnieper. And he came to the Slavs, where Novgorod now stands, and saw the people living there - what is their custom and how they wash and whip, and was surprised at them. And he went to the land of the Varangians, and came to Rome, and told about how he taught and what he had seen, and said: “I saw a miracle in the Slavic land on my way here. I saw wooden bathhouses, and they will heat them strongly, and they will undress and be naked, and drench themselves with tanning kvass, and the young ones will lift up the rods and beat themselves, and they will finish themselves to such an extent that they will barely crawl out, a little alive, and will be doused with icy water, and only in this way will they come to life. And they do it constantly, they are not tormented by anyone, but they torment themselves, and then they do washing for themselves, and not torture. " Those, hearing about this, were surprised; Andrew, having been in Rome, came to Sinop.

The glades lived separately in those days and were governed by their own families; for even before that brethren (which we will talk about later) there were already meadows, and they all lived in their own families in their places, and each was ruled independently. And there were three brothers: one named Kyi, the other Shchek, and the third Horeb, and their sister Lybid. Kiy sat on the mountain where Borichev is now ascending, and Shchek sat on the mountain, which is now called Schekovitsa, and Khoriv on the third mountain, which was nicknamed by his name Horivitsa. And they built a city in honor of their elder brother, and named it Kiev. There was a forest around the city and a large forest, and they caught animals there, but those men were wise and meaningful, and they were called glades, from them the glade is still in Kiev.

Some, unknowingly, say that Kiy was a carrier; There was, then, at Kiev a ferry from the other side of the Dnieper, which is why they said: "To the ferry to Kiev." If Kiy had been a carrier, he would not have gone to Constantinople; and this Kiy reigned in his family, and when he went to the king, they say that he was rewarded with great honors from the king, to whom he came. When he was returning, he came to the Danube, and chose a place, and cut down a small town, and wanted to sit in it with his kin, but those who lived around him would not give him; this is how the Danube inhabitants still call the ancient settlement that - Kievets. Kiy, returning to his city of Kiev, died there; and his brothers Shchek and Horeb and their sister Lybid immediately died.

"So let's start this story ..."

By the flood, the three sons of Noah divided the earth - Shem, Ham, Japheth. And the east went to Sim: Persia, Bactria, even to India in longitude, and in width to Rinokorur, that is, from east to south, and Syria, and Media to the Euphrates River, Babylon, Korduna, Assyrians, Mesopotamia, Arabia the Oldest, Elymais, Indy, Arabia Strong, Colia, Commagene, all of Phenicia.

Hamu got the south: Egypt, Ethiopia, neighboring with India, and another Ethiopia, from which flows the Ethiopian Red River, flowing to the east, Thebes, Libya, neighboring Kirinia, Marmaria, Sirte, another Libya, Numidia, Masuria, Mauritania, located opposite Gadir. In his possessions in the east there are also: Kiliknia, Pamphylia, Pisidia, Mysia, Lycaonia, Phrygia, Kamalia, Lycia, Caria, Lydia, another Mysia, Troada, Eolis, Bithynia, Old Phygia and the islands of Nekia: Sardinia, Crete, Cyprus and the river Geona, otherwise called the Nile.

Japheth got the northern and western countries: Midia, Albania, Armenia Small and Great, Cappadocia, Paflagonia, Galatia, Colchis, Bosphorus, Meoty, Derevia, Capmatia, inhabitants of Taurida, Scythia, Thrace, Macedonia, Lokrida Dalmatia, Thrace Pelenia, which is also called the Peloponnese, Arcadia, Epirus, Illyria, Slavs, Lychnitia, Adriakia, the Adriatic Sea. The islands also got: Britain, Sicily, Euboea, Rhodes, Chios, Lesbos, Kythira, Zakynthos, Kefallinia, Ithaca, Kerkyra, a part of Asia called Ionia, and the Tigris river, flowing between Media and Babylon; to the Pontic Sea to the north: the Danube, the Dnieper, the Caucasus Mountains, that is, the Hungarian, and from there to the Dnieper, and other rivers: Desna, Pripyat, Dvina, Volkhov, Volga, which flows east to part of Simov. In Japheth's unit there are Russians, Chud and all sorts of peoples: Merya, Muroma, all, Mordovians, Zavolochskaya Chud, Perm, Pechera, Yam, Ugra, Lithuania, Zimigola, Kors, Letgola, Livs. Lyakhs and Prussians, chud sit near the Varangian Sea. On this sea the Varangians sit: from here to the east - to the limits of the Simovs, they sit along the same sea and to the west - to the lands of English and Volosh. The offspring of Japheth are also: Varangians, Swedes, Normans, Goths, Rus, Angles, Galicians, Volokhs, Romans, Germans, Korlyazi, Venetians, Fryagi and others - they adjoin southern countries in the west and neighbors with the Khamov tribe.

Shem, Ham and Japheth divided the land, casting lots, and decided not to share with anyone in the share of his brother, and each lived in his own part. And there was one people. And when people multiplied on earth, they planned to create a pillar to the sky - this was in the days of Nectan and Peleg. And they assembled in the place of the field of Senaar to build a pillar to the sky, and near it the city of Babylon; and they built that pillar 40 years, and did not complete it. And the Lord God came down to see the city and the pillar, and the Lord said: "Behold, there is one generation and one people." And God mixed the nations, and divided them into 70 and 2 nations, and scattered them throughout the whole earth. After the confusion of the nations, God destroyed the pillar with a great wind; and its remnants are between Assyria and Babylon, and are 5433 cubits in height and width, and these remnants are preserved for many years.

After the destruction of the pillar and after the division of the peoples, the sons of Shem took the eastern countries, and the sons of Ham took the southern countries, while the Japheths took the west and the northern countries. From the same 70 and 2 languages ​​came the Slavic people, from the tribe of Japheth - the so-called noriks, who are the Slavs.

After a long time, the Slavs settled along the Danube, where now the land is Hungarian and Bulgarian. From those Slavs, the Slavs dispersed throughout the land and were nicknamed by their names from the places where they sat. So some, having come, sat down on the river by the name of Morava and were nicknamed Morava, while others called themselves Czechs. And here are the same Slavs: White Croats, and Serbs, and Horutans. When the Volokhs attacked the Danube Slavs, and settled among them, and oppressed them, these Slavs came and sat on the Vistula and were called Lyakhs, and from those Poles came the Poles, other Poles - lutichi, some - Mazovians, others - Pomorians.

Likewise, these Slavs came and sat down the Dnieper and called themselves glades, and others - Drevlyans, because they sat in the forests, while others sat between Pripyat and Dvina and called themselves Dregovichi, others sat down the Dvina and called themselves Polotsk, along the river flowing into the Dvina , called Polota, from her and named Polochans. The same Slavs, who sat near Lake Ilmenya, called themselves by their name - the Slavs, and built a city and named it Novgorod. Others sat along the Desna, and along the Seim, and along the Sule, and called themselves northerners. And so the Slavic people dispersed, and after his name and the letter was called Slavic.

When the glades lived separately along these mountains, there was a way from the Varangians to the Greeks and from the Greeks along the Dnieper, and in the upper reaches of the Dnieper there was a portage to Lovoti, and along Lovoti you can enter Ilmen, a great lake; from the same lake the Volkhov flows out and flows into the Great Nevo Lake, and the mouth of that lake flows into the Varangian Sea. And on that sea you can sail to Rome, and from Rome you can sail along the same sea to Constantinople, and from Constantinople you can sail to the Pontus Sea, into which the Dnieper River flows. The Dnieper flows out of the Okovsky forest and flows to the south, while the Dvina flows from the same forest and heads north, and flows into the Varangian Sea. From the same forest the Volga flows to the east and empties into the Khvalisskoe Sea with its seventy mouths. Therefore, from Russia you can sail along the Volga to the Bulgarians and to Khvalis, and to the east go to the inheritance of Shem, and along the Dvina - to the land of the Varangians, from the Varangians to Rome, from Rome to the Khamov tribe. And the Dnieper empties into the Pontic Sea; this sea is reputed to be Russian, - as they say, Saint Andrew, Peter's brother, taught it along the shores.

When Andrei taught in Sinop and arrived in Korsun, he learned that the mouth of the Dnieper was not far from Korsun, and wanted to go to Rome, and sailed to the Dnieper estuary, and from there went up the Dnieper. And it so happened that he came and stood under the mountains on the shore. And in the morning he got up and said to the disciples who were with him: “Do you see these mountains? The grace of God will shine on these mountains, there will be a great city, and God will raise up many churches ”. And ascending these mountains, he blessed them, and set up the cross, and prayed to God, and descended from this mountain, where Kiev will later be, and went up the Dnieper. And he came to the Slavs, where Novgorod now stands, and saw the people living there - what is their custom and how they wash and whip, and was surprised at them. And he went to the land of the Varangians, and came to Rome, and told about how he taught and what he had seen, and said: “I saw a miracle in the Slavic land on my way here. I saw wooden bathhouses, and they will heat them strongly, and they will undress and be naked, and drench themselves with tanning kvass, and the young ones will lift up the rods and beat themselves, and they will finish themselves to such an extent that they will barely crawl out, a little alive, and will be doused with icy water, and only in this way will they come to life. And they do it constantly, they are not tormented by anyone, but they torment themselves, and then they do washing for themselves, and not torture. " Those, hearing about this, were surprised; Andrew, having been in Rome, came to Sinop.

The glades lived separately in those days and were governed by their own families; for even before that brethren (which we will talk about later) there were already meadows, and they all lived in their own families in their places, and each was ruled independently. And there were three brothers: one named Kyi, the other Shchek, and the third Horeb, and their sister Lybid. Kiy sat on the mountain where Borichev is now ascending, and Shchek sat on the mountain, which is now called Schekovitsa, and Khoriv on the third mountain, which was nicknamed by his name Horivitsa. And they built a city in honor of their elder brother, and named it Kiev. There was a forest around the city and a large forest, and they caught animals there, but those men were wise and meaningful, and they were called glades, from them the glade is still in Kiev.

Some, unknowingly, say that Kiy was a carrier; There was, then, at Kiev a ferry from the other side of the Dnieper, which is why they said: "To the ferry to Kiev." If Kiy had been a carrier, he would not have gone to Constantinople; and this Kiy reigned in his family, and when he went to the king, they say that he was rewarded with great honors from the king, to whom he came. When he was returning, he came to the Danube, and chose a place, and cut down a small town, and wanted to sit in it with his kin, but those who lived around him would not give him; this is how the Danube inhabitants still call the ancient settlement that - Kievets. Kiy, returning to his city of Kiev, died there; and his brothers Shchek and Horeb and their sister Lybid immediately died.

And after these brothers their clan began to hold the reign at the glades, and the Drevlyans had their reign, and the Dregovichs had their own, and the Slavs in Novgorod had their own, and another on the Polota River, where the Polotsk people were. From these latter came the Krivichi, sitting in the upper reaches of the Volga, and in the upper reaches of the Dvina, and in the upper reaches of the Dnieper, and their city is Smolensk; it is there that the Krivichi sit. The northerners also come from them. And on the Beloozero the whole sits, and on the Rostov lake there is a measure, and on the Kleshchina lake there is also a measure. And along the Oka River, where it flows into the Volga, there are Muroma speaking their own language, and Cheremis speaking their own language, and Mordovians speaking their own language. Here are just who speaks Slavic in Russia: glades, Drevlyans, Novgorodians, Polotsk, Dregovichi, northerners, Buzhanians, so called because they sat along the Bug, and then became known as Volynians. But other peoples giving tribute to Russia: Chud, Merya, all, Muroma, Cheremis, Mordovians, Perm, Peches, Yam, Lithuania, Zimigola, Kors, Narova, Livs - these speak their own languages, they are from the tribe of Japheth and live in northern countries.

When the Slavic people, as we said, lived on the Danube, they came from the Scythians, that is, from the Khazars, the so-called Bulgarians, and settled along the Danube, and were settlers in the land of the Slavs. Then the White Ugric peoples came and settled the Slavic land. These Ugrians appeared during the reign of Heraclius, and they fought with Khosrov, the Persian king. In those days, there were also cliffs, they fought against the king Heraclius and almost captured him. These cliffs fought against the Slavs and oppressed the Dulebs - also Slavs, and committed violence to the Dulebsk wives: it happened, when the Obrin went, he did not allow to harness a horse or an ox, but ordered to harness three, four or five wives to the cart and carry him - Obrin, - and so they tortured the Dulebs. These cliffs were great in body, and proud in mind, and God destroyed them, they all died, and not a single obrin remained. And there is a proverb in Russia to this day: “They perished like cliffs,” - there is no tribe or offspring of them. After the Obrov, the Pechenegs came, and then the Black Ugrians passed by Kiev, but that was after - already under Oleg.

The glades, who lived by themselves, as we have already said, were from a Slavic family and only later were called glades, and the Drevlyans descended from the same Slavs and also did not immediately call themselves the Drevlyans; Radimichi and Vyatichi are from the Poles clan. After all, the Poles had two brothers - Radim, and the other - Vyatko; and they came and sat down: Radim on the Sozh, and from him they were nicknamed Radimichi, and Vyatko sat down with his kin along the Oka, from him they got their name Vyatichi. And the glades, Drevlyans, northerners, Radimichi, Vyatichi and Croats lived among themselves in the world. The Dulebs lived along the Bug, where the Volhynians are now, and the Uliches and Tivertsi sat along the Dniester and near the Danube. There were many of them: they sat along the Dniester to the sea, and their cities have survived to this day; and the Greeks called them "Great Scythia".

All these tribes had their own customs, and the laws of their fathers, and traditions, and each had its own disposition. Glades have the custom of their fathers meek and quiet, shy in front of their daughter-in-law and sisters, mothers and parents; they have great modesty before mother-in-law and in-law; they also have a marriage custom: the son-in-law does not go after the bride, but brings her the day before, and the next day they bring her for her - whatever they give. And the Drevlyans lived in a bestial custom, lived in a bestial manner: they killed each other, ate everything unclean, and they did not have marriages, but they abducted the girls by the water. And the Radimichi, Vyatichi and northerners had a common custom: they lived in the forest, like all animals, ate everything that was unclean and scolded in the presence of their fathers and daughters-in-law, and they did not marry, but games were arranged between villages, and converged on these games, on dances and all sorts of demonic songs, and here they snatched their wives by conspiracy with them; they had two and three wives. And if someone died, then they arranged a funeral feast on him, and then they made a large deck, and they laid the dead man on this deck, and burned, and then, after collecting the bones, they put them in a small vessel and put them on pillars along the roads, as they do now. vyatichi. The Krivichi and other pagans, who did not know the law of God, but established the law for themselves, followed the same custom.

George says in his chronicle: “Every nation has either a written law or a custom that people who do not know the law observe as the tradition of the fathers. Of these, the first are the Syrians living at the end of the world. They have a law for themselves the customs of their fathers: do not engage in fornication and adultery, do not steal, do not slander or kill, and, especially, do not do evil. The same is the law with the Bactrians, otherwise called Rahmans or islanders; these, according to the precepts of their great-grandfathers and out of piety, do not eat meat and do not drink wine, do not commit fornication and do no evil, having a great fear of God's faith. Otherwise - with the neighboring Indians. These are murderers, foul-makers, and angry beyond measure; and in the interior regions of their country, they eat people, and kill travelers, and even eat like dogs. Both the Chaldeans and the Babylonians have their own law: take mothers on the bed, do fornication with brothers' children and kill. And they do all shamelessness, considering it a virtue, even if they are far from their country.

Another law for the Gilias: their wives plow, and build houses, and do men's deeds, but they also surrender to love as much as they want, not being held back by their husbands and not being ashamed; among them there are also brave women, skilled in hunting animals. These wives rule over their husbands and command them. In Britain, several husbands sleep with one wife, and many wives have a relationship with one husband and commit lawlessness as the law of the fathers, not condemned or restrained by anyone. The Amazons do not have husbands, but, like dumb cattle, once a year, close to spring days, they leave their land and combine with the surrounding men, considering that time as a kind of triumph and a great holiday. When they are conceived from them in the womb, they will again scatter from those places. When the time comes to give birth and if a boy is born, then they kill him, but if a girl, then they will feed her and diligently educate her. "

So now, with us, the Polovtsians now adhere to the law of their fathers: they shed blood and even boast about it, eat carrion and all uncleanness - hamsters and gophers, and take their stepmothers and daughters-in-law, and follow other customs of their fathers. We, Christians of all countries where they believe in the Holy Trinity, in one baptism and profess one faith, have one law, since we were baptized into Christ and put on Christ.

Over time, after the death of these brothers (Kiya, Shchek and Khoriv), the Drevlyans and other surrounding people began to oppress the glades. And the Khazars found them sitting on these mountains in the forests and said: "Pay us a tribute." The meadows, after consulting, gave a sword from the smoke, and the Khazars carried them to their prince and to the elders, and said to them: "Behold, we have found a new tribute." The same asked them: "Where did it come from?" They answered: "In the forest on the mountains above the Dnieper River." Again they asked: "What did they give?" They showed the sword. And the Khazar elders said: “This is not a good tribute, to the prince: we got it with a weapon sharp on one side only - sabers, and these have two-edged weapons - swords. They are destined to collect tribute from us and from other lands. " And all this came true, for they did not speak of their own free will, but according to God's command. So it was under Pharaoh, king of Egypt, when they brought Moses to him and said the elders of Pharaoh: "This is destined to humiliate the land of Egypt." And so it happened: the Egyptians were killed by Moses, and at first the Jews worked for them. Likewise, these: at first they ruled, and then they rule over them; and it is: the Russian princes have owned the Khazars to this day.

In the year 6360 (852), indict 15, when Michael began to reign, the Russian land began to be called. We learned about this because under this tsar Russia came to Constantinople, as it is written about it in the Greek chronicles. That is why from now on we'll start and put the numbers. “From Adam to the flood of 2242, and from the flood to Abraham, 1000 and 82 years, and from Abraham to the exodus of Moses, 430 years, and from the exodus of Moses to David, 600 and 1 year, and from David and from the beginning of the reign of Solomon to the captivity of Jerusalem 448 years "and from the captivity to Alexander 318 years, and from Alexander to the Nativity of Christ 333 years, and from the Nativity of Christ to Constantine 318 years, from Constantine to Michael this 542 years." And from the first year of the reign of Mikhail to the first year of the reign of Oleg, the Russian prince, 29 years old, and from the first year of the reign of Oleg, since he sat down in Kiev, to the first year of Igor, 31 years, and from the first year of Igor to the first year of Svyatoslavov 33 years old, and from the first year of Svyatoslavov to the first year of Yaropolkov is 28 years old; and Yaropolk reigned for 8 years, and Vladimir reigned for 37 years, and Yaroslav reigned for 40 years. Thus, from the death of Svyatoslav to the death of Yaroslav 85 years; from the death of Yaroslav to the death of Svyatopolk, 60 years.

But we will return to the past and tell what happened in these years, as we have already begun: from the first year of the reign of Michael, and we will arrange in the order of the year.

In the year 6361 (853).

In the year 6362 (854).

In the year 6363 (855).

In the year 6364 (856).

In the year 6365 (857).

In the year 6366 (858). Tsar Michael went with soldiers to the Bulgarians along the coast and the sea. The Bulgarians, seeing that they could not resist them, asked to baptize them and promised to submit to the Greeks. The tsar baptized their prince and all the boyars and made peace with the Bulgarians.

In the year 6367 (859). The Varangians from the overseas levied tribute from the Chudi, and from the Slovenes, and from the Mary, and from the Krivichi. And the Khazars took from the field, from the northerners, and from the Vyatichi, a silver coin and a squirrel from the smoke.

In the year 6368 (860).

In the year 6369 (861).

In the year 6370 (862). They drove the Varangians across the sea, and did not give them tribute, and began to dominate themselves, and there was no truth among them, and clan after clan, and they had strife, and began to fight with each other. And they said to themselves: "Let us look for a prince who would rule over us and judge by right." And they went across the sea to the Varangians, to Russia. Those Varangians were called Rus, as others are called the Swedes, and some Normans and Angles, and still other Gotlandians - that's how these are. Chud, Slovenia, Krivichi and all said to Russia: “Our land is great and abundant, but there is no order in it. Come to reign and rule over us. " And three brothers were elected with their families, and took all Russia with them, and came, and the eldest, Rurik, sat in Novgorod, and the other, Sineus, on Beloozero, and the third, Truvor, in Izborsk. And from those Varangians the Russian land was nicknamed. The Novgorodians are those people from the Varangian family, and before they were Slovenes. Two years later, Sineus and his brother Truvor died. And one Rurik took all the power, and began to distribute cities to his men - to Polotsk, to this Rostov, to another Beloozero. The Varangians in these cities are discoverers, and the indigenous population in Novgorod is Slovenia, in Polotsk - Krivichi, in Rostov - Merya, in Beloozero - all, in Murom - Murom, and Rurik ruled over all of them. And he had two husbands, not his relatives, but boyars, and they asked to go to Constantinople with their kin. And they set off along the Dnieper, and when they sailed past, they saw a small city on the mountain. And they asked: "Whose town is this?" The same answered: "There were three brothers" Kyi "Shchek and Khoriv, ​​who built this town and disappeared, and we sit here, their descendants, and pay tribute to the Khazars." Askold and Dir remained in this city, gathered many Varangians and began to own the land of the glades. Rurik reigned in Novgorod.

In the year 6371 (863).

In the year 6372 (864).

In the year 6373 (865).

In the year 6374 (866). Askold and Dir went to war against the Greeks and came to them in the 14th year of the reign of Michael. The tsar was at that time on a campaign against the Hagarians, had already reached the Black River, when the eparch sent him the news that Russia was marching on Constantinople, and the tsar returned. These same went inside the Court, many Christians killed and besieged Constantinople with two hundred ships. The Tsar entered the city with difficulty and prayed all night with Patriarch Photius in the Church of the Holy Mother of God in Blachernae, and they brought out the divine robe of the Holy Mother of God with songs, and moistened its floor in the sea. There was silence at that time and the sea was calm, but then a storm with wind suddenly arose, and huge waves arose again, scattered the ships of the godless Russians, and washed them ashore, and broke them, so that few of them managed to avoid this trouble and return home ...

In the year 6375 (867).

In the year 6376 (868). Vasily began to reign.

In the year 6377 (869). The whole Bulgarian land was baptized.

In the year 6378 (870).

In the year 6379 (871).

In the year 6380 (872).

In the year 6381 (873).

In the year 6382 (874).

In the year 6383 (875).

In the year 6384 (876).

In the year 6385 (877).

In the year 6386 (878).

In the year 6387 (879). Rurik died and handed over his reign to Oleg, his relative, giving him his son Igor, for he was still very small.

In the year 6388 (880).

In the year 6389 (881).

In the year 6390 (882). Oleg set out on a campaign, taking with him many soldiers: Varangians, Chud, Slovens, Meru, all, Krivichi, and came to Smolensk with Krivichi, and took power in the city, and put his husband in it. From there he went down, and took Lyubech, and also sat down his husband. And they came to the mountains of Kiev, and Oleg learned that the princes were Askold and Dir. He hid some of the soldiers in the boats, and left others behind, and he himself proceeded, carrying the baby Igor. And he swam to the Ugorskaya mountain, hiding his soldiers, and sent them to Askold and Dir, telling them that “we are merchants, we are going to the Greeks from Oleg and Prince Igor. Come to us, to your relatives. " When Askold and Dir came, all the others jumped out of the boats, and said to Oleg Askold and Dir: "You are not princes and not a princely family, but I am a princely family," and showed Igor: "And this is the son of Rurik." And they killed Askold and Dir, carried to the mountain and buried Askold on the mountain, which is now called Ugorskaya, where now Olmin's court; on that grave Olm built the church of St. Nicholas; and Dirov's grave - behind the church of St. Irene. And Oleg, the prince, sat in Kiev, and said Oleg: "May this be a mother to the Russian cities." And he had the Varangians, and the Slavs, and others, who were called Rus. That Oleg began to establish cities and established tributes to the Slovenes, and Krivichs, and Mary, and ordered the Vikings to give tribute from Novgorod to 300 hryvnias annually for the sake of preserving peace, which was given to the Vikings until the death of Yaroslav.

In the year 6391 (883). Oleg began to fight against the Drevlyans and, having conquered them, took tribute from them for a black marten.

In the year 6392 (884). Oleg went to the northerners, and defeated the northerners, and imposed a light tribute on them, and did not order them to pay tribute to the Khazars, saying: "I am their enemy" and you (them) have no need to pay. "

In the year 6393 (885). He sent (Oleg) to the Radimichs, asking: "To whom are you giving tribute?" They answered: "Khazaram". And Oleg told them: "Don't give it to the Khazars, but pay me." And they gave Oleg a shit, just like the Khazars were given. And Oleg ruled over the glades, and the Drevlyans, and the northerners, and the Radimichs, and fought with the streets and Tivertsy.

In the year 6394 (886).

In the year 6395 (887). Leon, the son of Basil, who was called Leo, and his brother Alexander reigned, and reigned for 26 years.

In the year 6396 (888).

In the year 6397 (889).

In the year 6398 (890).

In the year 6399 (891).

6400 (892) per year.

In the year 6401 (893).

In the year 6402 (894).

In the year 6403 (895).

In the year 6404 (896).

In the year 6405 (897).

In the year 6406 (898). The Ugrians walked past Kiev as a mountain, which is now called Ugorskaya, they came to the Dnieper and became towers: they walked the same way as the Polovtsians do now. And, coming from the east, they rushed through the great mountains, which were called the Ugric Mountains, and began to fight with the Volokhs and Slavs who lived there. After all, the Slavs sat here before, and then the Slavic land was captured by the Volokhs. And after the Ugrians drove out the Volokhs, inherited that land and settled with the Slavs, conquering them for themselves; and since then the land was nicknamed Ugorskaya. And the Ugrians began to fight with the Greeks and enslaved the land of Thracian and Macedonian to the very Seluni. And they began to fight with morals and Czechs. There was a single Slavic people: the Slavs who sat along the Danube, conquered by the Ugrians, and the Moravians, and the Czechs, and the Poles, and the glades, which are now called Rus. For them, after all, the Moravians, the first letters were created, called the Slavic letter; the same letter was written by the Russians and the Bulgarians of the Danube.

When the Slavs were already baptized, their princes Rostislav, Svyatopolk and Kotsel sent them to Tsar Michael, saying: “Our land is baptized, but we do not have a teacher who would instruct us and teach us and explain the holy books. After all, we do not know either Greek or Latin; some teach us this way, and others differently, from this we do not know either the outline of the letters or their meaning. And send us teachers who could interpret the words of the book and their meaning to us. " Hearing this, Tsar Michael summoned all the philosophers and conveyed to them everything said by the Slavic princes. And the philosophers said: “In Seluni there is a man named Lev. He has sons who know the Slavic language; his two sons are skilled philosophers. " Hearing about this, the king sent for them to Leo in Selun, with the words: "Send your sons Methodius and Constantine to us without delay." Hearing about this, Leo soon sent them, and they came to the king, and he said to them: "Behold, the Slavic land sent ambassadors to me, asking for a teacher who could interpret the sacred books for them, for this is what they want." And the king persuaded them, and sent them to the Slavic land to Rostislav, Svyatopolk and Kotsel. When (these brothers) came, they began to compose the Slavic alphabet and translated the Apostle and the Gospel. And the Slavs were glad that they heard about the greatness of God in their own language. Then the Psalter and the Octoechos and other books were translated. Some began to blaspheme Slavic books, saying that "no nation should have its own alphabet, except for Jews, Greeks and Latins, according to the inscription of Pilate, who wrote on the cross of the Lord (only in these languages)." Hearing about this, the Pope condemned those who blaspheme the Slavic books, saying: "May the word of Scripture be fulfilled:" Let all nations praise God ", and another:" Let all nations praise the greatness of God, since the holy spirit gave them to speak. " If anyone scolds the Slavic letter, let him be excommunicated until he is corrected; they are wolves, not sheep, they should be recognized by their actions and beware of them. But you, children, listen to the divine teaching and do not reject the church teaching that your mentor Methodius gave you. " Constantine returned back and went to teach the Bulgarian people, while Methodius remained in Moravia. Then Prince Kotsel installed Methodius as bishop in Pannonia on the table of the holy Apostle Andronicus, one of the seventy, a disciple of the holy Apostle Paul. Methodius planted two priests, good cursive writers, and translated all the books completely from Greek into Slavic in six months, starting in March and ending on the 26th day of October. Having finished, he gave worthy praise and glory to God, who had given such grace to Bishop Methodius, the successor of Andronicus; for the teacher of the Slavic people is the Apostle Andronicus. The apostle Paul also went to morals and taught there; there is also Illyria, to which the Apostle Paul reached and where the Slavs originally lived. Therefore, the teacher of the Slavs - the Apostle Paul, from the same Slavs - and we, Russia; Therefore, for us, Rus, the teacher Paul, since he taught the Slavic people and made Andronik the bishop and governor of the Slavs. And the Slavic people and the Russian are one, from the Varangians they were called Rus, and before there were Slavs; although they were called glades, the speech was Slavic. They were called glades because they sat in the field, and they had a common language - Slavic.

In the year 6407 (899).

In the year 6408 (900).

In the year 6409 (901).

In the year 6410 (902). King Leon hired the Ugrians against the Bulgarians. The Ugrians, having attacked, enslaved the whole Bulgarian land. Simeon, having learned about this, went to the Ugrians, and the Ugrians moved against him and defeated the Bulgarians, so that Simeon barely fled to Dorostol.

In the year 6411 (903). When Igor grew up, he accompanied Oleg and listened to him, and they brought him a wife from Pskov, named Olga.

In the year 6412 (904).

In the year 6413 (905).

In the year 6414 (906).

In the year 6415 (907). Oleg went to the Greeks, leaving Igor in Kiev; He took with him a multitude of Varangians, and Slavs, and Chudi, and Krivichi, and Meru, and Drevlyans, and Radimichs, and Polyans, and Northerners, and Vyatichi, and Croats, and Dulebs, and Tivertsy, known as Tolmachi: all of them were called Greeks “Great Scythia”. And with all of these Oleg went on horses and in ships; and there were 2000 ships. And he came to Constantinople: the Greeks closed the Judgment, and the city was closed. And Oleg went ashore, and began to fight, and committed many murders in the vicinity of the city to the Greeks, and they broke many chambers, and burned churches. And those who were captured, some were excised, others were tortured, some were shot, and some were thrown into the sea, and the Russians did many other evil things to the Russians, as enemies usually do.

And Oleg ordered his soldiers to make wheels and put ships on wheels. And when a fair wind blew, they raised sails in the field and went to the city. The Greeks, seeing this, were frightened and said, sending to Oleg: "Do not destroy the city, we will give you the tribute you want." And Oleg stopped the soldiers, and brought him food and wine, but did not accept it, since it was poisoned. And the Greeks were frightened, and said: "This is not Oleg, but Saint Dmitry, sent against us by God." And Oleg ordered to give tribute to 2000 ships: 12 hryvnia per person, and there were 40 men in each ship.

And the Greeks agreed to this, and the Greeks began to ask the world not to fight the Greek land. Oleg, moving a little away from the capital, began negotiations for peace with the Greek kings Leon and Alexander and sent Karl, Farlaf, Vermud, Rulav and Stemis to the capital with the words: "Pay me tribute." And the Greeks said: "What you want, we will give you." And Oleg ordered to give his soldiers 2,000 ships for 12 hryvnia per oarlock, and then give tribute to Russian cities: first of all for Kiev, then for Chernigov, for Pereyaslavl, for Polotsk, for Rostov, for Lyubech and for other cities: for by these cities sit the grand dukes, subject to Oleg. “When the Russians come, let them take as much as they want for the ambassadors; and if merchants come, let them take a monthly fee for 6 months: bread, wine, meat, fish and fruits. And let them arrange a bath for them - as much as they want. When the Russians go home, let them take food, anchors, ropes, sails and whatever they need from the tsar on the road. " And the Greeks pledged, and the tsars and all the boyars said: “If the Russians do not come for trade, then let them not take a month; let the Russian prince, by his decree, forbid the Russians who come here to commit atrocities in the villages and in our country. Let the Russians who come here live near the church of St. Mammoth, and send them from our kingdom, and rewrite their names, then they will take the monthly due to them - first those who came from Kiev, then from Chernigov, and from Pereyaslavl, and from other cities ... And let them enter the city only through one gate, accompanied by the tsar's husband, without weapons, 50 people each, and trade as much as they need, without paying any fees. "

Tsars Leon and Alexander made peace with Oleg, pledged to pay tribute and swore allegiance to each other: they themselves kissed the cross, and Oleg and his husbands were taken to swear oath according to the Russian law, and they swore by their weapons and Perun, their god, and Volos, the god of cattle, and established the world. And Oleg said: “Sew for Russia sails from pavoloks, and for the Slavs they are co-prints,” and it was so. And he hung his shield on the gates as a sign of victory, and departed from Constantinople. And the Rus raised sails from the pavoloks, and the Slavs were koprinny, and the wind tore them apart; and the Slavs said: "Let's take our fat, the sails from the pavoloks were not given to the Slavs." And Oleg returned to Kiev, carrying gold, and pavoloks, and fruits, and wine, and all kinds of patterns. And they called Oleg the Prophetic, since they were pagans and unenlightened people.

In the year 6417 (909).

In the year 6418 (910).

In the year 6419 (911). A large star in the form of a spear appeared in the west.

In the year 6420 (912). Oleg sent his husbands to conclude peace and establish an agreement between the Greeks and the Russians, saying: “The list from the agreement concluded under the same kings Leo and Alexander. We are from the Russian clan - Karla, Inegeld, Farlaf, Veremud, Rulav, Guda, Ruald, Karn, Freelav, Ruar, Aktevu, Truan, Lidul, Fost, Stemid - sent from Oleg, the Russian Grand Duke, and from everyone who is at hand him, - the bright and great princes, and his great boyars, to you, Lev, Alexander and Constantine, the great autocrats in God, the Greek tsars, to strengthen and to certify the long-term friendship that existed between Christians and Russians, at the request of our great princes and by command, from all Russians under his hand. Our lordship, above all wishing in God to strengthen and confirm the friendship that constantly existed between Christians and Russians, judged in justice, not only in words, but also in writing, and by a firm oath, swearing by his weapon, to confirm such friendship and certify it by faith and according to our law.

This is the essence of the chapter of the treaty, regarding which we have committed ourselves by God's faith and friendship. In the first words of our agreement, let us make peace with you, Greeks, and we will begin to love each other with all our hearts and in all our good will, and we will not allow any deception or crime from those under our light princes to happen, since it is in our power; but we will try, as far as we can, to preserve with you, Greeks, in future years and forever an irrevocable and unchanging friendship, through the expression and tradition of a letter with confirmation, certified by an oath. Likewise, you Greeks, observe the same unshakable and unchanging friendship for our bright Russian princes and for everyone who is under the hand of our bright prince always and in all years.

And about the chapters concerning possible atrocities, let us agree as follows: those atrocities that will be clearly attested, let them be considered undoubtedly committed; and whom they will not believe, let the side that aspires swear, so that they do not believe this atrocity; and when that side swears, let there be such punishment as the crime.

About this: if someone kills - a Russian Christian or a Russian Christian - let him die at the scene of the murder. If the murderer escapes, but turns out to be possessors, then let the relative of the murdered man take that part of his property that is due according to the law, but let the murderer's wife also keep what is due to her according to the law. If the escaped murderer turns out to be indigent, then let him remain on trial until he is found, and then let him die.

If someone strikes with a sword or beats with some other weapon, then for that strike or beating let him give 5 liters of silver according to the Russian law; if the one who has committed this offense is indigent, then let him give as much as he can, so that let him take off the very clothes in which he walks, and let him swear on the remaining unpaid amount by his faith that no one can help him, and let him not this remainder is recovered from him.

About this: if a Russian steals from a Christian or, on the contrary, a Christian from a Russian, and the thief is caught to the victim at the very time when he commits the theft, or if the thief prepares to steal and is killed, then his death will not be required from either Christians or from the Russians; but let the victim take what he has lost. If the thief voluntarily surrenders himself, then let him be taken to those from whom he stole, and let him be tied up, and give what he stole in threefold amount.

About this: if one of the Christians or the Russians, by means of beatings, encroaches on (robbery) and obviously by force takes something belonging to another, then let him return it in threefold size.

If a boat is thrown by a strong wind on a foreign land and one of us Russians is there and will help to save the boat with a load and send it back to the Greek land, then we will take it through any dangerous place until we come to a safe place; if this boat is delayed by a storm or stranded and cannot return to its places, then we, the Russians, will help the rowers of that boat and see them off with goods for their good. If the same misfortune with a Russian boat happens near the Greek land, then we will escort it to the Russian land and let them sell the goods of that boat, so if we can sell something from that boat, then let us, the Russians, take it (to the Greek coast). And when we come (we, the Russians) to the Greek land for trade or by the embassy to your king, then (we, the Greeks) will let through the goods sold by their boat with honor. If it happens to any of us Russians, who arrived with the boat, to be killed or something is taken from the boat, then let the perpetrators be sentenced to the above punishment.

About these: if a prisoner of one side or another is forcibly held by the Russians or Greeks, being sold to their country, and if, indeed, it turns out to be Russian or Greek, then let them redeem and return the ransomed person to his country and take the price of those who bought it, or let it be offered for him a price relying on the servant. Also, if in the war he is taken by those Greeks, - all the same, let him return to his country and his usual price will be given for him, as already mentioned above.

If there is a recruitment into the army and these (Russians) want to honor your tsar, and no matter how many of them come at what time, and want to stay with your tsar of their own free will, then so be it.

More about the Russians, about the captives. Those who came from any country (captive Christians) to Russia and sold (by Russians) back to Greece, or captive Christians brought to Russia from any country - all of these should be sold for 20 gold coins and return

The Tale of Bygone Years is an ancient Russian chronicle created by the monk Nestor at the beginning of the 12th century.

The story is a large work that describes the events taking place in Russia from the arrival of the first Slavs to the 12th century. The chronicle itself is not a complete narrative, it includes:

  • historical notes;
  • year articles (since 852); one article tells about the events that happened in one year;
  • historical documents;
  • the teachings of the princes;
  • the lives of the saints;
  • folk legends.

The history of the creation of the "Tale of Bygone Years"

Before the appearance of the "Tale of Bygone Years" in Russia, there were other collections of essays and historical notes, which were composed mainly by monks. However, all these records were of a local nature and could not represent the complete history of the life of Russia. The idea of ​​creating a unified chronicle belongs to the monk Nestor, who lived and worked in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery at the turn of the 11th and 12th centuries.

There is some disagreement among scholars about the history of the story. According to the generally accepted theory, the chronicle was written by Nestor in Kiev. The original edition was based on early historical records, legends, folklore stories, teachings and records of monks. After writing, Nestor and other monks revised the chronicle several times, and later the author himself added Christian ideology to it, and this edition was already considered final. As for the date of the creation of the chronicle, scientists name two dates - 1037 and 1110.

The chronicle compiled by Nestor is considered the first Russian chronicle, and its author is the first chronicler. Unfortunately, the ancient editions have not survived to this day, the earliest version that exists today dates back to the 14th century.

Genre and idea of ​​the "Tale of Bygone Years"

The main goal and idea of ​​creating the story was the desire to present consistently the entire history of Russia from biblical times, and then gradually supplement the chronicle, painstakingly describing all the events that take place.

As for the genre, modern scholars believe that the chronicle cannot be called a purely historical or purely artistic genre, since elements of both are present in it. Since "The Tale of Bygone Years" was rewritten and supplemented several times, its genre is open, as evidenced by the parts that are sometimes not consistent with each other in style.

The Tale of Bygone Years was distinguished by the fact that the events told in it were not interpreted, but simply retold as dispassionately as possible. The task of the chronicler is to convey everything that happened, but not to draw conclusions. However, it should be understood that the chronicle was created from the point of view of Christian ideology, and therefore has a corresponding character.

In addition to its historical significance, the chronicle was also a legal document, as it contained some codes of laws and instructions of the great princes (for example, "The Teaching of Vladimir Monomakh").

The story can be roughly divided into three parts:

  • at the very beginning, it tells about biblical times (Russians were considered the descendants of Japheth), about the origin of the Slavs, about for reigning, about the formation, the Baptism of Rus and the formation of the state;
  • the main part consists of descriptions of the life of princes (princess Olga, Yaroslav the Wise, etc.), descriptions of the lives of saints, as well as stories about conquests and great Russian heroes (Nikita Kozhemyaka, etc.);
  • the final part is devoted to the description of numerous wars and battles. In addition, it contains princely obituaries.

The meaning of the "Tale of Bygone Years"

"The Tale of Bygone Years" became the first written document in which the history of Rus was systematically presented, its formation as a state. It was this chronicle that later formed the basis of all historical documents and legends, it was from it that modern historians drew and draw their knowledge. In addition, the chronicle has become a literary and cultural monument of Russian writing.

Old Russian text

Behold, let us begin this story.

By the flood triye son of Noev, she divided the land, Shem, Ham, Afet. And Yasya Vostok Simovi: Persis, Vatr, even to Indy in longitude and in width and up to Nirokuria, as if they were cutting from the outlet until noon, and Surya, and Mussel along the Euphrates river, Babylon, Korduna, Asurians, Mesopotamia, Arabia Oldest, Elmais, Indy, Arabia Silnaya, Kolia, Komagini, Phenicia all.

Hamov is the midday country: Eyupet, Ethibopia, adjacent to Indom, the other Ethibopia, from which the Ethiopian river Chermna proceeds, flowing to the side, Thebes, Libya adjacent to Curinia, Marmarya, Suryti, Libya the other, Numidia, Masuria, Mauritania against existence Gadire. To the east to have Cilicia, Pamphylia, Pisidia, Mission, Lukaonia, Frugia, Kamalia, Lycia, Caria, Ludia, Mission another, Troas, Eolidou, Bifunia, Old Frugia; and islands some have: Sardani, Crete, Kupr, and the river Geonu, called Nile.

Afetu the same midnight country and western: Mussel, Al'wanya, Armenia Small and Great, Cappadocia, Theflagia, Galat, Kolkhis, Posporii, Meoti, Derevi, Sarmati, Tavriani, Skufia, Fratsi, Makidonya, Dalmatia, Malosi, Thesalya, Locria, Pelenia, Yazhe and Poloponis are called, Arkad, Yapironya, Ilyurik, Slovenia, Luhitia, Andriokia, Ondreyatinsky abyss. Have the same islands: Vrotania, Sicily, Yavia, Rodon, Khiona, Lezovona, Kofirana, Zakunfa, Kefalinya, Ifakinu, Kerkuru, part Asia the country called Onia, and the Tigger river, the current the boundary between Medes and Babylon; to the Ponetsky Sea, to the full-time countries, the Danube, Dniester and Kavkaisinsky mountains, rekshe Ugorski, and from there even to the Dnieper, and other rivers: Desna, Pripet, Dvina, Volkhov, Volga, even go east, to part of Simov. In Afetov, part of Russia is gray, chyud and all languages: Merya, Muroma, all, Mordovians, Zavolochskaya chud, Perm, Pechera, Yam, Ugra, Lithuania, Zimegola, Kors, letgola, love. Lyakhove, and the Prussians, who can sit down to the Varyazh Sea. Along this sea, graze the semo varaz to the upstairs to the limit of Simov, along the same sea, graze to the west to the land of Agnyansk and to Voloshski. Afetovo bo and that knee: varyazi, svei, urmane, gothe, rus, agnians, galicians, sorcerers, romans, germans, korlyazi, wenditsi, fryagove and others, the same squat from west to midday and sit down with the Khamov tribe.

Sim the same and Ham and Afet, dividing the land, the lots are different, do not cross anyone else's lot brother, and live kojo in its part. The language is one and multiplied by man on earth, and thinking to create a pillar to heaven, in the days of Nectan and Peleg. And gathered together in the place of Senar poly, build a pillar to heaven and a hail near it Babylon; and created a pillar in 40 years, and not completed byst. And the Lord God sees the city and the pillar, and the Lord speaks: "This race is one and the language is one." And mixtures of god tongues, and divided into 70 and 2 tongues, and scattered throughout the earth. By stirring the tongue, God with the great wind destroy the pillar, and there is a remnant of it between Asura and Babylon, and there is in height and cubit wide 5433 cubits, and in the summer we keep the remains much.

By the stirring of the pillar and by the division of the tongue, the son of Simov received the eastern country, and Hamov was the son of the noonday country. Afetovi priyasha west and midnight country. From the same 70 and 2 the language was the language of Slovenes, from the Afetov tribe, Narci, the hedgehog is the essence of Slovene.

Along the same time, they settled the essence of Slovenia along the Dunaevi, where there is now Ugorsk land and Bolgarsk. From those words, I scattered across the earth and were nicknamed by their names, where they sit in which place. As if we came to the river, we name Marava, and we call ourselves morava, and we call the friends of the chasi. And the whole Slovenia: khrovate beliy and silver and khorutane. Volkh bo found in Slovenia on the Danube, and Sitting in them and raping them, Slovenia Ovi came to Sedosha on the Vistula, and was nicknamed the Poles, and from those Poles, they were nicknamed Glade, Lyakhov Druzii Lutichi, Ini Mazovshans, Ini Pomoryans.

Likewise, these Slovenes came and saddled along the Dnieper and sloped into a clearing, and the Drevlyans who drove along the Drevlyans drove into the forest; and the friends were saddled between Pripet and Dvina and drew Dregovichi; inia sadosha on the Dvina and nagoshaya Polochans, for the sake of speech, even flowing into the Dvina, we name Polota, from sowing we call ourselves Polotsk. Slovenia is saddled near the lake Ilmeri, and called by your name, and made hail and narekosha and Novgorod. And the friends of the saddle along the Desna, and along Seven, according to Sule, and twisting north... And so the Slovenian language is undone, and the Slovenian literacy is also nicknamed.

A glade who lived a person in this mountains, there was a way from the Varangians to the Greeks and from the Greeks along the Dnieper, and the top of the Dnieper was dragged to Lovoti, and along Lovoti, bring the great lake into Ylmer, from which the Volkhov lake will flow and flow into the great lake Nebo, and of that lake, enter the mouth of the Varyazhskoe Sea. And go along that sea to Rome, and from Rome come along the same sea to Tsaryugorod, and from Tsaryagorod come to Pont sea, the Dnieper river does not flow into. Dnieper more poteche from Okowski forests, and flow at noon, and the Dvina from the same forest will flow, and go at midnight and enter the Varyazhskoe Sea. From the same forest, the Volga flowed to the upstream, and seventy vents flowed into the Khvaliskoe Sea. The same and from Russia can it come according to Volza to Bulgarians and to Khvalisy, and on milking in the lot of Sims, and along the Dvina to the Varangians, from the Varangians to Rome, from Rome the same and to the tribe of Hamov. And the Dnieper flows into the Ponetskoe sea like a veil, the hedgehog sea to say Ruskoe, according to which Saint Ondrej, brother Petrov, taught as well.

Ondrei teaching in Sinopia and came to him in Korsun, take away, like is Korsun near the mouth of the Dnieper, and whisk to Rome, and go to the Dnieper river, and then go along the Dnieper mountain. And on adventures come and a hundred under the mountains on a birch. And in the morning he got up and spoke to the disciple who was with him: “Do you see these mountains? - as if the grace of God will shine on these mountains; hail is great to be and God will move many churches ”. AND entered this mountain, bless me, and put up a cross, and having prayed to God, and sowed down from the mountain, where afterwards came Kiev, and go along the Dnieper mountain. And when you come to Slovenia, where Novgorod is now, and see what people are, what is their custom, and how to wash and horrified, and wondered at them. AND ide in Varangians, and come to Rome, and confession, teach great and great, and speak to them: “Wonderfully I saw the Slovenian land walking my semo. Videh baths are ancient, and burn it out, and to coexist, and be called, and they will pour over the kvass, and stir up a young rod and beat yourself, and achieve that, one will come out le live, and doused with water with chill, and taco come to life. And then do it all day long, not torturing anyone, but torturing yourself, and then doing it for yourself, and not torture. " You hear wonder. Ondrej, being in Rome, came to Sinopia.

The person who lived in the field and who lives with his clans, like and to this, brothers byahu glade, and live coho with his clan and in their places, owning coho his clan. And there were 3 brothers: the name of one was Kiy, and the other was Cheek, and the third was Horeb, and their sister Lybid. Sedyasha Kiy is on the mountain, where Borichev is now being taken away, and Shchek is sitting on the mountain, where Shchekovitsa is now called, and Khoriv is on the third mountain, from him he is nicknamed Khorevitsa. And he built the city in the name of his brother, the elder, and gave his name Kiev. Byashe near the city Forest and the forest is great, and byahu catching the beast, byahu men are wise and meaningful, the clearing is scattered, from them there is a clearing in Kiev to this day.

Ini, not knowing, rekosha, as Kiy was a ferry, there was more ferry at Kiev then from this side of the Dnieper; dark verb: for transportation to Kiev. If it were the ferryman Kiy, he would not go to Tsaryugorod; but behold, Kiy is a prince of his kind, who came to him to the king, as if I say that he received a great honor from the king, with whom the tsars came. Going to him again, coming to Dunaevi, and love the place, and cut down a small hail, and at least sit down with your kin, and do not give him that close to the living; hedgehog and still call Danube ancient settlement Kievets. Kiev will come to your the city of Kiev, die that belly; and his brother Cheek, and Horeb, and their sister Lybid, died.

And to this day, brothers keep more of their clan reign in the fields, a in their trees, and the Dregovichi are theirs, and their Slovenia is in Novgorod, and the other is in Polot, others of the same kind. From them you shriek, like sit on the top of the Volga, on the top of the Dvina and on the top of the Dnieper, their own city is Smolensk; there more gray krivichi. Also north of them. On the Beleozero it is all gray, and on the Rostov lake it is measured, and on the Kleshchina lake it is measured. A according to Otse rece, where flow in to the Volga, Murom your tongue, and cheremis your tongue, Mordovians your tongue. This is the only Slovenian language in Russia: glade, derevlyans, nougorodtsi, polochans, dregovichi, north, buzhany, zanedosha along the Bug, after the same Velynians. And this is the essence of the yazytsi, who give tribute to Russia: chyud, measure, all, muroma, cheremis, Mordovians, Perm, pechera, yam, lithuania, zimigola, kors, neroma, lib: si is your own language of property, from the tribe of Afetov, others like live in the countries of the midnight.

The Slovenian language, like a rekoch, living on the Danube, coming from skuf, rekshe from kozar, recommendations to the Bulgarians, and sadosha down the Dunaevi, and the population was Slovenian. Seven came Belia eels, and inherited the land from Slovenia. Si bo eels are more often pr-Heraclius tsars, others like him are found on Khozdroi, the king of the Persian. At the same time, you were and aubri, like going to Heraclius king and little of him is not yasha. Si the same Aubrey warriors in Slovene, and torturing the dulebs, who are Slovenes, and violence to their wives Dulebsky: If I go, if I’m going to shave off, I don’t let you harness a horse or an ox, but you tell me to harness whether 3, 4, 5 wives in a cart and a story is found, and taco torment duleba. Bysha bo got a body of greatness and a proud mind, and God consume me, having grown all, and not a single obrin remains. And there is a parable in Russia to this day: aki obre perished; they are neither the tribe nor the inheritance. On these same pechenezi came; packs idosha blackheads past Kiev, later at Olza.

A glade living person, like a river, existing from the Slovenian clan, and skewed the glade, and derevlyans from the same words, and the Drevlyans were nibbling; radimichi bo and vyatichi from the Poles. Byasta bo 2 brothers in lyasekh, - Radim, and other Vyatko, - and when we come, we Radim to Szhu, and she was nicknamed Radimichi, and Vyatko was gray with his family after Otse, from him she was nicknamed Vyatichi. AND live in the world the glade, and the derevlyans, and north, and radimichi, vyatichi and hrvate. Dulebi live along the Bug, where the Velynians are now, but take and tivertsi seyahu bo along the Dniester, squatting to the Dunaevi. Not a multitude of them; seyahu bo along the Dniester oli to the sea, the essence of their hail and to this day, and then sya zvaku from the Grek the Great Skuf.

I have my own customs, and the law is the father of my own and traditions, but my own disposition. The meadows are for their fathers the custom of being meek and quiet, and shame for their daughters-in-law and for their sisters, for their mothers and for their parents, for their mother-in-law and for their brother-in-law, I have great shame, the marriage custom is not you like son-in-law for the bride, but I bring the evening, and tomorrow I will bring something for her. And the Drevlyans live in a bestial manner, alive beastly: they kill each other, the yadyakhu is all unclean, and they have never had a marriage, but a girl is snatched by the water. And radimichi, and vyatichi, and the north, one custom is imyakhu: I live in the forest, like and every beast that is poisonous, everything is unclean, and shame in them before fathers and before daughters-in-law, and brothers have not been in them, but games between the village, I resemble games, dancing and all the demonic songs, and that umykahu wife's own, with her who hangs up; I have two and three wives each. And if anyone dies, I do gnaw over him, and seven creations I put in a great one, and put it in and in the treasure, I will burn the dead man, and I will put together seven bones in a small vessel, and supply on the pillar on the tracks, the hedgehog to create Vyatichi and now. Si same creation of the krivichi custom and other abominations, not knowing the law of God, but creating the law of its own accord.

To verb George in the annals. “For the law is inscribed in the language of ovem; law puffiness seems to be a bezakonnik. From them the first Syria, alive at the end of the earth, the law has father their customs: do not commit fornication and adultery, neither steal, nor slander, or kill, or the evil of deeds is very high. The law also has Vactrian, verbalemi vrahmane and ostrovnitsi, hedgehog from great-grandfather showing and piety is not poisonous to meat, neither drinking wine, nor creating fornication, but creating no malice, fear for the sake of many and God's faith. For Java tache adjacent to them indiom- murder of a deyitsi, foul, more than there is in anger; whether in insides their country is poisonous and wandering to kill people, even worse to eat like psi. Eter the law of the Chaldeans and babilonyam: mothers, take the children of fornication with the brothers, and kill them. AND any workless deed yako virtue crumples really, no matter how far away my country will be.

In the same law giliom: wives in them scream, zizhyut temples and do man's deeds, but if you want to do too much, do not restrain yourself from your husbands very much, whether it will be hidden; they are the essence of a brave wife to catch the beast strong. Wives own their husbands and finish them off. In Vretanya there are many men with united sleep with my wife, and many wives with one husband to lust: unlawful like Father's law to create independently or restrained. Amazon, on the other hand, does not have a husband, but like the dumb cattle, in the summer to vernal will be on the ground in the afternoon; and are counted with surrounding husbands like some their triumph and great celebration is the time to imagine. From them conceived in the womb, packs will scatter from here all. During the same wanting to give birth, if a child is born, to destroy; yet girlish floor, then enter and diligently nourish ".

As well, and with us now, the Polovtsi have a law to keep their fathers: shed blood, and boasting O sem, and venomous slaughter and all uncleanness, hameks and suckers, and fuck my stepmother and yatrov, and other custom of their fathers. We, Christians, are a very large land, who believe in the Holy Trinity, in one baptism, in one faith, the law of the imam is one, we are only baptized into Christ and put on Christ.

To this day, after the death of the sowing brothers, they were offended by the trees and and let’s go. AND naidosha I am the Kozar, sitting on these mountains in the forest, and the Kozari resolves: "Pay us a tribute." Thoughtful the same glade and vdasha from the smoke of the sword, and carrying the goat to his prince and to elders, and deciding to them: "Behold, take a tribute new ". They decided to them: "Where will I come from?" They decided: “In the forest on mountains, over the Dnieper River ". They decided: "What is the essence in the distance?" They show the sword. And resolving the startsi kozarstia: “It's not a good tribute, prince! We are hunting with weapons on one side, rekshe sabers, and these weapons to both sharp, rexhe sword. They have to pay tribute to us and in other countries. " Behold, everything will come true: not from the will of the rekosh, but from God's command. Yako and under Faravon, the kings of her singing, always he brought Moses before Faravon, and the elder of the Pharaoh decided: “Behold, humble the region of Eyupet”; as it was: when the Yyupites perished from Moses, and the first was the one who worked for them. Tako and si: owning, and after samemi own; like and byst: volodeyut bo goats of rus riches and until the present day.

In the summer of 6360, indictment 15, I began to reign for Michael, and began to call Ruska the land. About this bo uvedahom, as with the seven tsars Rus came to Tsargorod, as it is written in the annals of buckwheat. From now on, let’s put the numbers, like “From Adam to the flood of years 2242; and from the flood to the Ovram in the years 1000 and 82, and from Abram to the exodus of Moses years 430; but from the passage of Moses before David years 600 and 1; and from David and from the beginning of the kingdom of Solomon until the captivity of Jerusaliml 448 years; and from captivity to Oleksandr, 318 years; and from Oleksandr to the birth of Christ years 333; and from Christ's Nativity to Konstyantin years 318; from Kostyantin to Michael of this age 542 ". And from the first summer of Mikhailov to the first summer of Olgov, the Russian prince, about 29 years old; and from the first summer Olgov, lower Sede in Kiev, before the first summer of Igor's age 31; and from the first summer of Igor to the first summer of Svyatoslavl years 33; and from the first summer of Svyatoslavl to the first summer of Yaropolch, about 28 years; and Yaropolk princes about 8 years old; and Volodimer princes years 37; and Yaroslav the princes were about 40 years old. The same, from the death of Svyatoslav to the death of Yaroslavl, about 85 years old; and from the death of Yaroslavl to the death of Svyatopolch, 60 years.

But we're on former come back and let's say INTO Xia here in the summer si, as if we had already missed the first summer by Michael, and put the numbers in a row.

In the summer 6361. In the summer 6362. In the summer 6363. In the summer 6364.

In the summer of 6365.

In the summer of 6366. Michael is the king of Isis with the war and the sea against the Bulgarians. The Bulgarians saw like I can’t resist, ask to be baptized and submit to the Greek. But the tsar baptize their prince and all the bolyars, and spread the world from the Bulgarians.

In the summer of 6367. Imahu tribute to the Varazians from the overseas on the chyudi and on the slovens, on the Mary and on all the Krivichi. And kozari imahu in the meadows, and on seserekh, and on vyatichi, imahu on whiteness and veveritsa from the smoke.

In the summer 6368. In the summer 6369.

In the summer of 6370. Having driven out the Varangians across the sea, and did not give them tribute, and if you yourself are in your own hands, and there is no truth in them, and you come from generation to generation, and there was strife in them, and fight for yourself more often. AND deciding in themselves: "Let us look for a prince, who would be like us and judge by right." And idosh across the sea to the Varangians, to Russia. Sice is afraid of zvakhu tyi varyazi rus, as all friends are called svie, druzii urmane, anglyane, druzii gte, taco and si. Resha rus chyud, slovenia, and krivichi and all:“Our land is great and abundant, but there is no dress in it. Yes, you will go and reign over us. " And 3 brothers got out of their clans, belted all Russia around them, and came; the oldest, Rurik, Sede Novgorod, and the other, Sineus, on Beleozero, and the third in Izbor'ste, Truvor. AND from those Varangian nicknamed the Rus land, Novgorodtsi, these are the people of the Nougorodtsi from the Varazhsk clan, most often more of Slovenia. In two years Sineus will die and his brother Truvor. And accepting the power of Rurik, and distributing the city to his husband, to the Ovom Polotesk, to the Ovm Rostov, to the other Beloozero. And for those cities, the essence of the find are the Varyaz, and the first inhabitants in Novgorod are Slovenia, v Polotski krivichi, in Rostov there is a measure, in Beleozero all over, in Murom there is Murom; and those all possessed by Rurik. And bysta he has 2 husbands, not his tribe, but boyar, and she asked for Tsaryugorod with her kin. And about a hundred to the Dnieper, and walking past and seeing a hail on the mountain. AND simplifies and Resta: "Whose Gradok?" They decided: “There were 3 brothers, Kiy, Schek, Khoriv, ​​others like you made it hail, and bend, and we sit, their kind, paying tribute with a goat. " Askold and Deer was left in the city of seven, and many Vikings swoopist, and begin to own the Polish land, while Rurik prince in Novgorod.

In the summer 6371. In the summer 6372. In the summer 6373.

In the summer of 6374. Ida Askold and Dir in the Greeks, and arrived at 14 summer Michael the Tsar. To the Tsar I will go to the Ogaryany, I will have reached the Black Rivers, the message of the eparch of the ambassador to him, as if Russia should go to Tsargorod, and the Tsar will turn back. But you went inside to the Court, there was a lot of murder by the peasant, and in two hundred the ship Tsargrad was left out. But the king is barely in the city, and with the patriarch with Foty to the existing church of the Holy Mother of God Blachernae throughout the night, the prayer of the estvorish, the same divine holy Mother of God robe with songs worn out, in mori skut wet. The silence of the sushi and taming the sea, abye storm is up with the wind, and the waves of the gods that have risen at once, godless Russia ship crumple, and closer to the shore, and beat me, as few avoid them from such troubles and returning on your own.

In the summer of 6375.

In the summer of 6376. Pocha reign Basil.

In the summer of 6377. Baptized the whole Bulgarian land was fast.

In the summer 6378. In the summer 6379. In the summer 6380. In the summer 6381.

In the summer 6382. In the summer 6383. In the summer 6384. In the summer 6385.

In the summer of 6386.

In the summer of 6387. I will die Rurikovi, betray my reign to Olgovi, from kind of him being, giving him his son on Igor's hand, be bo child velmy.

In the summer 6388. In the summer 6389.

In the summer of 6390. Poide Oleg, we will drink howling many, Varangians, chyud, Slovenia, meryu, the whole, krivichi, and come to Smolensk from krivichi, and receive a hail, and plant your husband. From there you will go down, and take Lyubets, and plant your husband. AND coming to the mountains x Kiev, and take away Oleg, like Oskold and Deer of the princess, and bury the voi in boats, and leave the others back, and come himself, carrying Igor as a child. And I sailed near Ugorskoe, burying her own voi, and sent to Askold and Dirov, the verb, “I am a guest, we go to the Greeks from Olga and from Igor the prince. May she come to us, to her kind. " Askold and Dir priosta, jumping out all the rest of the boat, and the speech of Oleg Askold and Dirovi: "You bear the prince, not the prince's clan, but I am the prince's clan", and carrying out Igor: "And behold, there is a son of Rurikov." And killed Askold and Dir, and carrying up the mountain, and cellar and on the mountain, the hedgehog now call Ugorskoe, where Olmin's yard is now; put on that grave Olma Church of St. Nicholas; and Dirov's grave is behind Saint Orino. AND sede Oleg the prince in Kiev, and Oleg's speech: “Behold mother with hail Russian ". AND he has madmen and slovenia and so on, nicknamed Rus. This Oleg began to set up cities, and set tribute in Slovenian, Krivich and Mary, and statutes Varangian tribute to give from Novgorod hryvnia 300 for the summer, dividing the world, hedgehog until the death of Yaroslavl giving a Varangian.

In the summer of 6391. Pocha Oleg fought the derevlyans, and having tortured a, imache there is a tribute to them on the black kuna.

Summer 6392. Ide Oleg on the northerners, and conquer the northerners, and pay tribute lightly on them, and will not give them tribute to pay tribute, rivers: "I am disgusted with them, but you have nothing to do."

In the summer of 6393. Ambassador to Radimich, Ryka: "To whom Do you give tribute? " They decided: "Kozar". And Oleg spoke to them: "Don't give it a goat, but give it to me." And Olga's vedasha for shlyag, like and goat dayahu. And without possessing Oleg Polyany, and derevlyany, and northerners, and radimichi, and from the ulici and tevertsi the name of the army.

In the summer of 6394.

In the summer of 6395. Levon reigned, son of Vasiliev, who was named Leo, and his brother Olexander, who reigned as king for 20 and 6 years.

In summer 6396. In summer 6397. In summer 6398. In summer 6399. In summer 6400. In summer 6401. In summer 6402. In summer 6403. Into the summer 6404. Into the summer 6405.

In the summer of 6406. Eels went past Kiev as a mountain, hedgehog now call Ugorskoe, which came to the Dnieper and stash vezha; madly more walking, like se polovtsi. Come from stock and striving over the great mountains, others nicknamed Ugorski mountains, and fight more often living that volokhs and Slovenia. Sedyahu more than tin, and Volokhov Priyasha land Slovenian. Wherefore will the eels drive away the magi, and inherit the land that, and saddled with Slovenia, I conquered under him, and hence the land was nicknamed Ugorsk. And you began to fight the eels against the Greeks, and spread the land to Frachska and Makidonska even to Selun. AND start fighting morava and on Czechs. There is no single Slovenian language: Slovenia, like I'm gray along Dunaevi, their eels are nice, and morave, and comb, and Lyakhov, and glade, even now calling Russia. Sim bo first offered books morave, even nicknamed Slovenian letter, there is also a letter in Russia and in the Bulgarians of the Danube.

Slovenian living baptized and their prince, Rostislav, and Svyatopolk, and Kotsel sent to Tsar Michael, saying: “Our land is baptized, and we have a teacher who would punish us, and teach us, and interpret the holy books. Do not understand bo neither the Greek language, nor the Latin; they are bon us onako to teach, and they are boni and onako. However, we do not understand the bookish image, nor their strength. And send us teachers, those like us can say the words of the book and their minds. " Behold, Tsar Michael heard, and all the philosophers convened, and the whole Slovenian prince told them the speech. And the philosophers resolved: “There is a husband in Seluni named Lev. The essence of his sons is to understand the Slovenian language, his 2 sons are cunning as a philosopher ”. Behold, the king heard his ambassador to Selun ko Lvov, verb: "Send to us soon your son, Methodius and Kostyantin." Behold hearing Leo, soon I was the ambassador, and I came to the tsar, and I spoke: “Behold, the Slovenian land has sent to me, asking the teacher for her, who would be able to interpret the holy books; this is what I wish for ”. AND begged for the king to be quick, and I sent to the Slovenian land to Rostislav, and Svyatopolk and Ktslovi. Shema, however, came, beginning to write letters in alphabetical Slovenian, and prelozhist Apostle and Euangelje. AND for the sake of Slovenia, as if hearing the gods of God with their tongue. Therefore prelogist The Psalter, and Okhtaik, and other books. Nezija oka nacasha blasphemy slovenian books, verbally, as "Not worthy of any language, have your letters, unless the Jews, and the Greek and Latin, according to Pilatov writing, written on the cross of the Lord ”. Behold, having heard the Roman papes, blasphemed those who complain about Slovenian books, the river: “Yes, fulfill the bookish word, like“ Praise God all yazy "; the other: "Glorify all the tongues of the greatness of God, as if to give them the holy spirit to answer." Yes, even if you want to blaspheme the Slovenian literacy, let him be excommunicated from the church, until now to correct: because they are wolves, not a sheep, I can deserve from the fruit of the nobility and keep them. You, children, listen to the teachings of God and do not reject the punishment of the Church, as you punished Methodius, your teacher. " Kostyantin, on the other hand, has gone backwards, and Ida teaches the Bulgarian language, while Methodius remains in Moravia. Therefore, put Kotsel the prince Methodia bishop in Pania, on the table of Saint Ondronicus the Apostle, one of 70, a disciple of the Saint Apostle Paul. Methodius, however, plant 2 priests of the cursive writer very much, and translate all the books from the Greek language into Slovenian for the 6th month, starting from March to the two tenth and 6th day of October. Having graduated, worthy of praise and glory to God enter, who gives such grace to Bishop Methodius, the table-top Andronikov. The same Slovenian language has a teacher Andronicus apostle. Bo went to Moravia and the Apostle Paul taught that; there is Ilyurik, his reached the apostle Paul; Tu bo besha Slovenia is the first. The same teacher for the Slovenian language is Paul, from him the same language we are Russia, the same teacher for us Russia is Paul, he has already taught to eat the language Slovenian and made a bishop and a lieutenant to eat on himself Andronica Slovenian language. And the Slovenian language and the Russian language are one, from the Varangians they called themselves Rus, and the first besha was the Slovenian; Even the glade zvakhusya, but Slovenian speech is not. The fields were nicknamed, they were in poly seedahu, and the Slovenian language is the same.

In the summer 6407. In the summer 6408. In the summer 6409.

In the summer of 6410. Leon is the king of the Ugrians against the Bulgarians. Ugra, having found all the land to the Bulgarian captive. Semionge taking away, climb up on the Ugrians, and I will oppose the eel against the poidosh and victory of the Bulgarians, like Odva Semion in Derstr.

In the summer of 6411. I will grow up Igorev, and walk after Olza and are you listening him, and brought him a wife from Pskov, named Olga.

In the summer 6412. In the summer 6413. In the summer 6414.

In the summer of 6415. Idea Oleg on the Greeks. Igor leaving Kiev, singing the same a lot of Varangians, and Slovenians, and Chyud, and Slovenes, and Krivichi, and Meru, and Derevlyans, and Radimichi, and Glades, and North, and Vyatichi, and Croats, and Dulebs, and Tivertsi, even the essence of the interpretation: si everything Greek Great Skuf. AND Oleg will go with them with all of them on horseback and on ships, and the number of ships is 2000. AND coming to Constantinople; and the Greeks were locked up Judgment, and the city was shuttered. And you will see Oleg on the shore, and fight the beginning, and do a lot of murder near the city by the Greek, and smash many of the walls, and burn the churches. And their imahu captives, oveh beaten, others are tortured, others I will shoot, and others are in the sea in the metah, and many are many evil Creation of Russia is a Greek, but how much to create a war.

And Oleg commanded howling his wheels to make products and put them on the wheels of the ship. And I will mow to the wind, flapping the sails from the field, and marching towards the hail. And seeing Greece and being afraid, and resolving, sending to Olgovi: “Do not destroy the city, we have by tribute, as you are good. " And make Oleg howl, and brought him wine and wine, and not with him - everything was arranged with poison. And being afraid of Greece and resolving: "There is Oleg, but Saint Dmitri, sent to us from God." And the commandment Oleg tribute give 2000 a ship, 12 hryvnia per person, and ships on 40 husbands

And the Greeks all over the world, and ask the Greeks of the world, so that the Greek lands do not fight. Oleg, however, step back a little from the city, start the world to create with the king of walnuts, with Leon and Alexander, ambassador to him in the city of Karl, Farlof, Velmud, Rulav and Stemis, the verb: "Take me for a tribute." And resolving Greece: “What do you want, ladies ty "...

And Oleg's speech: "Issue the sails are plowed by Rus, and the Slovenian cropping " and fast tacos. And hang your shield in the gates, showing victory, and go away from Constantinople. AND chanting russia the sails are flooded, and the Slovenian is cropped, and the wind is irritating; and resolving Slovenia: “We have our fat people, the essence of the slovenian pre pavolochita ". And Oleg came to Kiev, carrying gold, and pavoloks, and vegetables, and wines, and all kinds of patterns. And nicknamed Olga - prophetic: byahu bo devil and neveiglasi.

In the summer 6416. In the summer 6417. In the summer 6418.

In the summer of 6419. Appear a great star in the west kopeck way.

In the summer of 6420. The ambassador of his husbands Oleg to build peace and lay a row between Russia and the Greek ...

Tsar Leon is almost ambassadors ruskoy with gifts, gold, and shawls and fofuds, and put your men to them to show them church beauty, and zlata and they are rich, there is a lot of gold and stone and stone precious, and the passion of the Lord and a crown, and a nail, and a scarlet robe, and the relics of the saints, I participate in my faith and show them the true faith. And so let it go to your land with great honor. Olgom sent the message to Olgovi, and told all the speeches to both tsar, how he created the world, and put the order between the Gretzky land and Ruska and the oath not to break either by the Greeks or by Russia.

And living Oleg the world belongs to all countries, the prince in Kiev. And the fall is fast, and I will remember Oleg his horse, like Be put the feed and not all the feed on n. Be bo asked the Magi and sorcerer: "What is it from die? " And only one magician speaks to him: “Prince! Horse, love it and ride it, you will die from that ”. Oleg, on the other hand, accept in our minds, in other words: "Nicoli is everywhere, I don't see him anymore." And command him to feed him and not to lead him to him, and stay for a few years not in the sight of him, until the Greeks id. And I will come to him Kyev and stay for 4 years, for the fifth summer I will remember the horse, from him I will die. And the call of the elder by the groom, speech: "Where is there a horse my, his run set to feed and watch him? ". He said: "He is dead." Oleg, however, laughed and reproached the magician, the river: “It’s wrong to speak magic, but all that lies are: the horse is dead, but I am alive. " And command the horse to saddle: "Otherwise I see his bones." And he came to the place, where his bones were lying furiously and his bare forehead and his forehead were bare, and got down from the horse, and laughing at the speech: "Was it to take me from this forehead?" And step your foot on your forehead; and vyniknuvshis serpent iso forehead, and I'll bite in the leg. And from that you will get sick and die. And crying to people all crying great, and carrying and cellar his on the mountain, the hedgehog is the verb Schekovitsa; his grave is to this day, catch Olga's grave. And byst all the years of his reign 33.

Behold, it is not marvelous, as if from the sorcery it happens witchcraft. As well fast in kingdom of Domenianova a certain sorcerer, named Apolonius, Tiyanin, we know beache, marching and creating everywhere and in the town and in the village of demonia chydesa. Bo came from Rome to Byzantium, beseeching from those living that, create sia: driving away many snakes and haste from the city, as not bump into a person from them; rage horse having restrained, always close to the boare. Likewise, he came to Antioch, and was beseeching by them, tormented by anti-Achianism from haste and from a mosquito, making the brass of haste and its cellar in the earth, and set up a small pillar of marble above him, and commanded the man to hold the cane, and walk around the city and call, with a shaking cane: "Mosquito demon to hail." And taco disappeared from the hail of haste and mosquito. And ask for the packs about the next on the hail coward, I will sigh, write off the daughter sea: "Alas, you, surrounded by hail, as if you shake a lot, and you will be possessed by fire, mourn same cha and at birch Orontius'. The great Nastasius of God’s city spoke about him: storenaa standing ova to the disgust of animals, a quadruped, a bird that can harm people, the other is to abstain from the streams of the river, flowing intemperately, but there is no other way of decay and harm for a person to run away. Not exactly for his belly, such and such created the demon for his sake, but after his death, staying at his tomb, it is a sign of creation in his name to be seduced by a dodged man, who is stealing against such from the devil. " Who knows what talk about the creatures magic delusion of affairs? As such, such a great magic was, as if the warrior was blindly guided by Apolonius, as if he was frantic at the philosophical cunning of property; bend it more to him, cut it like "I doing, they are at least ”, and not by the accomplishment to create commanded from him. Same and all the weakening of God and the creation of demonic to be, such things are tempted by our Orthodox faith, if there is firmness and the spark of the abiding Lord, and is not attracted by the enemy mosque for the sake of chydes and sotonin affairs, perpetrated from enemies and servants of malice. Also, but in the name of the Lord, and you prophesied nezii, like Balam, and Saul, and Caiaphas, and Skeawli. Ubo and not worthy grace shows many times, let the eters bear witness, for both Balam syuzh- life is graceful and faithful, but both information in him grace and for the sake of watching. AND Pharaoh is not like that, but even that is a future preview. And Navkhodonovsor is criminal, but even this packs for many who exist, the last kind is open, so avlyaa, as if for many, preserve the mind of property, before the image of Christ signify a different mind for the delight of a person, not understanding good, like Simon the Magus, and Menander and ini are like that, their for the sake of true speech: befits ... ".