Proverbs, sayings, winged words in which numbers are found. Doom.chers in verses, riddles, proverbs himself do not fight, not afraid of seven

Proverbs, sayings, winged words in which numbers are found. Doom.chers in verses, riddles, proverbs himself do not fight, not afraid of seven
Proverbs, sayings, winged words in which numbers are found. Doom.chers in verses, riddles, proverbs himself do not fight, not afraid of seven

Do you know the proverbs, sayings, winged expressions? Their countless many, so let's remember only those in which there are numbers.

Zero without a stick (simple). Nothing worthless, not meaningful man.
Zero attention (simple). Full indifference, indifference by anyone to anyone or anyone.
Absolute zero, round zero. The man is insignificant, perfectly useless in any kind.
Reduce to zero, reduce to zero. Deprive of any meaning, meaning. (comparable. "Downt no").
Nothing arises from nothing. This expression belongs to the Greek philosopher Melissa, often quoted by ancient philosophers, writers.
Nothing new under the moon. This expression that has become a winged is taken from the poem of the Russian writer N.M. Karamzin (inspired by biblical scriptures).
Nothing is given nothing. Quote from the poem N.A. Nekrasov "in the hospital".

One - Zadirich, the other - the failure.
One spring is better in the homeland than one hundred Spring on a foreign land.
One bee is a little honey.
One tree will cut down - ten puts.
One hand in your hands will not slaughter.
One truth lives in the world.
Once not counting.
There is safety in numbers.
One in the sea is not a fisherman.
One hand knot does not knit.
One plows, and seven arms are mahut.
One head on the shoulders.
One leg is here, the other is there.
One wise head of a hundred goals is worth.
One bee is better than the swarm of flies.
It is better to see once than hear a hundred times.
In one place and the stone moss overgrow.
One thing today is better than two tomorrow.
One hand and knot are not covered.
From one word and forever quarrel.
Hergehog has one power - spines.
One ride - and the road is long.
Once lied - forever the liar became.
Hands will overcome one, knowledge - a thousand.
The coward dies a hundred times, and the hero is once.
Business before pleasure. Own attack of the king Alexei Mikhailovich (1629 - 1676) to the collection of the rules of falconry, the favorite fun of the time. It is usually said as a reminder to a person who, having fun, forgets about the case.

The first pancake com. It often happens that the first damn does not manage the hostess (poorly removed from the frying pan, burns), but the hostess determines it, whether the dough is well kneaded, whether the frying pan does not need to add oil. It is said to justify the unsuccessful starting new, difficult business.

Mount for two - half aige, the joy for two is two joys.
Two of a Kind.
Two hours was going, washed two hours, I was wounded, the day was dressed.
The same.
Who soon helped, he helped twice.
Lazy two works twice.
Between two fires.
Two words.
On two fronts.
Cannot link two words.
Neither two nor one and a half.
One head it's good, but two better.
From the pot two tops.
Stick about two ends.
Sit between two chairs.
Miser pays twice.
Kill two hares.
Take up for both cheeks.
Chrome on both legs.
Grandmother told her grandmother. Superior (simple) - vaguely, with the possibility of understanding one way or another. It is not known whether what they suggest; It is still unknown, as will: anyway. They say when they doubt the implementation of what they intend.

Second wind. Sometimes in long distances to the athlete comes unbearable fatigue: legs refuse to run, there is not enough breathing. Inexperienced stops, and the master continues to run through strength, and - about a miracle! - After a few seconds, fatigue passes, the forces are restored, the chest breathes it easily. Second breathing came.

Two-mounted Janus. In Roman mythology, the god of time depicted with two persons facing opposite sides: in the past and the future. Hence, this expression has gone in the meaning person value.

There are no two deaths, but one not to power. The inevitable will still happen, risk or not. It is stated about determining to do something related to risk, danger, and at the same time with the hope that the dangers will still be avoided.

(Wed: where ours did not disappear.
Seven troubles - one answer.
Which have not be avoided.)

For two hares, you will not catch one. It is said when someone takes immediately for several (usually beneficial for themselves) affairs and therefore no one can do well or bring to the end.

For one bit of two unbounds give. For one scientist of the two unsuccessful give. They say when they understand that the punishment for admitted mistakes is beneficial to a person, because it acquires experience.

Of the two evils (choose) less. This expression that has become a winged belongs to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. It is found at Cicero, many famous philosophers, antiquity writers and modernity.

An old friend is better than two new ones. It is said when they want to emphasize loyalty, dedication and indispensability of an old friend.

The mind is good, and two are better. Says when when deciding some question about advice to someone when they decide to

Bouncer price - three kopecks.
Do not recognize a friend at three days - learn in three years.
To learn hardworking, you need three years to learn laziness - only three days.

Get lost in three pines. Do not be able to deal with something simple, simple, not to be able to find a way out of the simplest difficulty.

From third-time, from third hands. Through intermediaries, not from eyewitnesses, not directly (find out, get, hear).

From the pot three tops. Very low, low growth, small.

With three boxes. Very much (talk, promise, rewind, etc.).

Third day. Day before yesterday.

The promised three years are waiting. They say jokingly, when they do not believe in the soon fulfillment of some promises or when the execution of what is promised is delayed indefinitely.

Cry in three streams. That is, very bitter cry.

Three Graces. Ancient Romans - three goddesses, personifying youth, charm, fun. Depicted in the form of three beautiful women. Sometimes used with irony.

Three whales. Previously, the ancient believed that the land was on three whales. The expression is used in the foundation of the foundation of the foundation.

Three years of downloading - to any state that the state is not shooting. These words, which have become covered, belong to the guests from the comedy N.V. Gogol "Auditor". He speaks of a deaf, forgotten, abandoned place.

Without four corners, the hut does not cut.

Horse about four legs, and it stumbles.

On all four sides. Wherever, where only wants to (go, get out, drive, let go).

Live in four walls. Not communicating with anyone who is in solitude. Without leaving home.

As your five fingers. Know very well, thoroughly, thoroughly.

Fifth wheel in the cart. Excess, unnecessary person in any business.

Sixth Sense.

Seven with a spoon - one with a blue.
Onions from seven ailment.
Behind the seven seas.
One feather seven is killed.
Do not fight himself, I'm not afraid of seven.

Before the seventh knee. To the most remote generations.

On the seventh sky. The expression coming to us from the Greek philosopher Aristotle. It means at present the highest degree of joy, happiness.

Seven mortal sins. Biblical expression. Over time, the meaning of any bad, unforgivable misconducts.

Seven one is not waiting. So they say when they start some reason without the one who is late, or with reproaches who forces many (not necessarily seven) waiting for themselves.

Seven troubles - one answer. We must risk again, and if you have to answer - so for everything at once, at the same time. It is said about determination to do something else risky, dangerous to add to the already made.

Seven times for example (death), once again. Before you do something serious, we carefully think about everything, let's observe everything. It is said as a council to think about all possible options for action before starting any business.

Too many cooks spoil the broth. Without an eye (the statute.) - Unattended, without supervision. The case is performed bad, unsatisfactory when several people are responsible for him. It is said when several people (or even organizations) responsible for the work hope each other and each individually refers to their duties unfair.

Seven wonders of the world. In ancient times, the seven miracles of the world were called seven facilities hit their grandeur. In the (conversational) speech one of the seven wonders of the world call something wonderful, great.

Spring Yes Autumn - on the day of weather eight.

For thirty lands, in the trident kingdom. Three Hand \u003d 27 (3 * 9) In the old days, the bill was conducted on nine.

Case tenth. Not so important, absolutely not essential.

Not a cowardly dozen. Brave, skillful.

From the fifth to the tenth. Inconsistently, incoherently, missing details.

Personal site of teacher Mathematics and Informatics Zaitseva Irina Aleksandrovna

Proverbs, sayings, winged words

(about numbers)

Proverbs - Brief folk spares with assessed content, popular aphorisms.

Sayings - Brief sustainable expressions, mainly figurative, not constituting, in contrast to proverbs, completed statements.

Winged words - figurative, talented expressions, sayings included in general consumption.

In the Russian people, as well as in any other, there are countless proverbs and sayings. It is difficult to say, since when the proverbs and sayings began to go among the people. These little wise sayings were created and accumulated by the people during the centuries-old history. They reflect his life, working conditions, culture. The proverb is always instructive. It always has a conclusion that it is useful to remember everyone.

Proverbs and sayings firmly fall into memory, their memorization is facilitated by different consonents, rhymes. They are brief, there are no extra words in them, every word is weighty, meaningfully and accurately:

The proverb is not a gift pall.

Stupid not a proverb.

Proverb - All Affairs Affairs.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, the compiler of the intelligent dictionary of the living Great Russian language, wrote that the proverb "This is the color of the people's mind, this is the life of the People's True." Mikhail Sholokhov called the proverb "Circles of Mind", "winged wisdom."

In our speech, we are using not only proverbs and sayings, but also very similar winged expressions: brief quotes, figurative expressions, saying historical persons entering our speech from literary sources.

The winged expressions are as if halfway to the proverbs: like proverbs, they are widely in speech, but, in contrast to the proverbs, usually belong to the author who is known.

Do you know the proverbs, sayings, winged expressions? Their countless many, so let's remember only those in which there are numbers.

Zero without chopstick (simple). Nothing worthless, not meaningful man.

Zero attention (simple). Full indifference, indifference by anyone to anyone or anyone.

Absolute zero, round zero. The man is insignificant, perfectly useless in any kind.

Reduce to zero. Deprive of any meaning, meaning. (comparable. "Downt no").

Nothing arises from nothing. This expression belongs to the Greek philosopher Melissa, often quoted by ancient philosophers, writers.

Nothing new under the moon. This expression that has become a winged is taken from the poem of the Russian writer N.M. Karamzin (inspired by biblical scriptures).

Nothing is given nothing. Quote from the poem N.A. Nekrasov "in the hospital".

One - Zadirich, the other - the failure.
One spring is better in the homeland than one hundred Spring on a foreign land.
One bee is a little honey.
One tree will cut down - ten puts.
One hand in your hands will not slaughter.
One truth lives in the world.
Once not counting.
There is safety in numbers.
One in the sea is not a fisherman.
One hand knot does not knit.
One plows, and seven arms are mahut.
One head on the shoulders.
One leg is here, the other is there.
One wise head of a hundred goals is worth.
One bee is better than the swarm of flies.
It is better to see once than hear a hundred times.
In one place and the stone moss overgrow.
One thing today is better than two tomorrow.
One hand and knot are not covered.
From one word and forever quarrel.
Hergehog has one power - spines.
One ride - and the road is long.
Once lied - forever the liar became.
Hands will overcome one, knowledge - a thousand.
The coward dies a hundred times, and the hero is once.

One pancake and then in half a break.
One in the harrow, and all aside.
One in sin, and all in response.
One in the case is one and in the pallet.
One in the sea is not a fisherman, but without the artel is not a sailor.
One in Moscow, the other in Vologda, and both hungry.
One in the field is not a warrior (... not a warrior).
One warrior is a thousand leaders.
One wolf chases sheep shelves.
One Wolf, and that in Kush's Hungry War.
One thief is the whole world ruin.
One eye on us, and the other in Arzamas.
One speaks about peas, and the other about the pod.
One speaks about Taras, and the other: the devices of the one and a half.
One grows, and the artel fights.
One goose grass will not fulfill.
One other is not a decree.
One is a fool, and the other is not intelligent.

One fool said, another listened (... Repeated).
One hero - Eyes Pot.
One for all and all for one.
One - Zadirich, the other - the failure.
One and the porridge will be sorry.
One, as a month in the sky.
One as a stump, and the other as a deck.
One on the wall you will not go.

One finger is not a fist.

One cake does not eat, one and the porridge does not spore.
One thing about foma, another about Eres.

Once the candle, the other times the candle, perhaps, and a fur coat from the shoulder.
One collapse - the other will not believe.
One mouth and that tower.
One chop, and the other in the drawing is a pipe.

One boot is stolen, another thieves.
One sewers, another yawns.
One blindfalls from hunger, the other - from gold.
One with fear died, the other came to life.

One in Mirone Son, and that Mironovich.

One bread picking.
One walks in the cloth and in silk, and another teeth on the shelf.
The same mellow, but not the same handle.
Lonely lay down - curled, got up - I was fixed.
Lonely everywhere house.
Lonely where bread, there is an angle.
One trouble goes, the other leads.
One trouble rolls, the other in the doorway looks.
One trouble is not trouble, just did not come yet.
One trouble did not fade, the other caught fire.
One trouble does not go: trouble misfortune.
One head is not poor, but also poor, so alone.

One head and in the furnace does not burn, and two - and in the field flared up.
One head and goes out in the oven, and two are smoking in the field.
One door to the castle, and the other manifest.

One penny - and that edge.
One swallow does not make spring.

One spoonful spoon spoils honey barrel.
One May dew horses is better than oats.
One fly does not work and belly.
One meal, but not alone sticks baked.
One leg in the laptice, the other in the boot.

One clothes - both in the world, and in a feast, and on the back.
One clothes - both in a gol, and in mole, and in a good feast.
One puffy sheep will spoil all herd.
One bee is not a lot of honey runs.
One shirt - and that jumper.
One hand in honey, the other in the molasses.
One side is always wrong.
One caravel road - on warm water.
One luck goes, the other leads.
Some gates: What to the courtyard that from the yard.
Some eyes and cry and laugh.
Some cry, while others jump.

Sleep with one eye, and other units.
One stone is a lot of pots throw.
One horse all fields are not name.
One thing in all the way will not jump.
One feeh field will not open.
One feather a hundred broom, and others do not count.
One evening, and different speeches.

Do one thing, and not to spill another.
One grain handles gives.
One grain pound brings.
One thing is better than two tomorrow.
One eye, but sees far away.
One word bone lomit, the other - sprows.
One ear - and then deaf.
One beat, and another viscosity give.
One sparrow on twelve dishes will not spread.
Birds of a feather.
One cancer death colors.
One brave and a thousand panties will not replace.
Do not rejoice in one swallow.
Alsi's hand, and the other is this.
One hand and knot are not covered.
One eye of Mignei, another baton of the podtolkni.
One ride - and the debt road.
One is not a hand: the road is far away.
One to live is to calm down, and in humans and death is red.
One and token to go boring.
One and the porridge does not spore.
One nodded, blinked to another, and the third self guessed.
One start is not two ends.
One is not scary, and two more fun.
One will submit to another.
One fun, another not to laughter.

One with his wife joy, the other is grief.
One came true, and the other failed.

Business before pleasure. Own attack of the king Alexei Mikhailovich (1629 - 1676) to the collection of the rules of falconry, the favorite fun of the time. It is usually said as a reminder to a person who, having fun, forgets about the case.

The first pancake com. It often happens that the first damn does not manage the hostess (poorly removed from the frying pan, burns), but the hostess determines it, whether the dough is well kneaded, whether the frying pan does not need to add oil. It is said to justify the unsuccessful starting new, difficult business.

Mount for two - half aige, the joy for two is two joys.
Two of a Kind.
Two hours was going, washed two hours, I was wounded, the day was dressed.
The same.
Who soon helped, he helped twice.
Lazy two works twice.
Between two fires.
Two words.
On two fronts.
Cannot link two words.
Neither two nor one and a half.
One head it's good, but two better.
From the pot two tops.
Stick about two ends.
Sit between two chairs.
Miser pays twice.
Kill two hares.
Take up for both cheeks.
Chrome on both legs.
Give fool to the will, and he will take two.
Two brothers on the bear, and two sly people - on Kisel.
Two centuries do not live, and the age - not to rush.
There are no two centuries, you won't get two youth.

Two pennies - a pile is good.
Two demida, and both do not see.
Two friends - frost Yes blizzard.
Two fools, yes every two fist.
Two fools about one mind.
Two cats in one bag do not lie down.
Two bear in one burgher do not live.
Two one - Raint.
Two times not to die.
Two of a Kind.
Two boots - couple, and both on the left foot.
Two lamp on empty calane (beautiful eyes, yes empty head).
Two features do not live in a swamp.
Two chirry - the same duckling.
Twice a year summer does not happen.
Twice the violent will not be.
Two brands of heads in one boiler do not climb.
Two heads and in the field will smoke, and one and in the oven goes out.
Two little dogs eaten big.
Two shirts are moathed in the tub, and the two port will dry on a plug.

Two bright - the same sheep.
Two in the field are fighting, and one and at home flashes.

Two plows, and seven arms are mashed.
Two looshy for the comb fights.

There are no two deaths, but one not to power.
Two Zaitsev to drive - not to catch one.
One with his wife's grief, another twice.
One start is not two ends.
One grief is not grief, no matter how two it was.
One shot of two hares to kill.
One woman - Baba, two women - bazaar, and three-merchandas.
One head it's good, but two better.
One mind is good, and two is better.
One - mystery, two - half hundred, three - no secrecy.
One son is not a son, two sons - Palsyna, three Sons - Son.
One ruble is one mind, two rubles - two minds.
One bit of two unbound stands.

Grandmother told her grandmother. Put on simple.) - vaguely, with the possibility of understanding one way or another. It is not known whether what they suggest; It is still unknown, as will: anyway. They say when they doubt the implementation of what they intend.

Second wind. Sometimes in long distances to the athlete comes unbearable fatigue: legs refuse to run, there is not enough breathing. Inexperienced stops, and the master continues to run through strength, and - about a miracle! - After a few seconds, fatigue passes, the forces are restored, the chest breathes it easily. Second breathing came.

Two-bit Yanus. In Roman mythology, the god of time depicted with two persons facing opposite sides: in the past and the future. Hence, this expression has gone in the meaning person value.

Two deaths will not be, but one can not. The inevitable will still happen, risk or not. It is stated about determining to do something related to risk, danger, and at the same time with the hope that the dangers will still be avoided.

(Wed: Where ours did not disappear.

Seven troubles - one answer.

Which have not be avoided.)

For two hares, you will not catch anyone. It is said when someone takes immediately for several (usually beneficial for themselves) affairs and therefore no one can do well or bring to the end.

For one broken two non-body give. For one scientist two unsuccessful give. They say when they understand that the punishment for admitted mistakes is beneficial to a person, because it acquires experience.

Of two evils (choose) less. This expression that has become a winged belongs to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. It is found at Cicero, many famous philosophers, antiquity writers and modernity.

an old friend is better than two new ones. It is said when they want to emphasize loyalty, dedication and indispensability of an old friend.

Mind is good and two better. Says when when deciding some question about advice to someone when they decide to


Bouncer price - three kopecks.

Do not recognize a friend at three days - learn in three years.

To learn hardworking, you need three years to learn laziness - only three days.

Three money a day - where you want, there and the day.
Three days Molt, and a half a day ate.
Three wives had, and tolerated from all.

Three Sons, and in force.
Three sings three times, and in the fourth Amen gives.
Two - any, the third is not falling.
Two fights - do not fall.
Two dogs fight - the third does not stick.
Two grief together, the third in half.
One foot of the shove, the other is swolling, and if the third was - I do not know how I would go.
One woman - Baba, two women - bazaar, and three-merchandas.
One - mystery, two - half hundred, three - no secrecy.
One son is not a son, two sons - Palsyna, three Sons - Son.
One wears, the other asks, is waiting for the third line.

Linger in three pines. Do not be able to deal with something simple, simple, not to be able to find a way out of the simplest difficulty.

From thirdstairs, from third hands. Through intermediaries, not from eyewitnesses, not directly (find out, get, hear).

From pot three. Very low, low growth, small.

With three boxes. Very much (talk, promise, rewind, etc.).

Third day. Day before yesterday.

Promised three years waiting. They say jokingly, when they do not believe in the soon fulfillment of some promises or when the execution of what is promised is delayed indefinitely.

Cry in three streams. That is, very bitter cry.

Three Graces. Ancient Romans - three goddesses, personifying youth, charm, fun. Depicted in the form of three beautiful women. Sometimes used with irony.

Three whales. Previously, the ancient believed that the land was on three whales. The expression is used in the foundation of the foundation of the foundation.

Three years of download - to no one state. These words, which have become covered, belong to the guests from the comedy N.V. Gogol "Auditor". He speaks of a deaf, forgotten, abandoned place.

Without four corners, the hut does not cut.

Horse about four legs, and it stumbles.

Sorry for three times, but in the fourth guise.
Bromo - four, and the fifth - help God.
Four floors, and sides goals.

All four sides. Wherever, where only wants to (go, get out, drive, let go).

Live in four walls. Not communicating with anyone who is in solitude. Without leaving home.

How is your five fingers. Know very well, thoroughly, thoroughly.

Fifth wheel in cart. Excess, unnecessary person in any business.
Mad dog and five kilometers are not a circle.
Forward look at once, looking back five times.
Have at one's fingertips. (popular expression)
Like a dog fifth leg. (popular expression)
Three Altyna trade, and five - debt.

One hive - hive, and five - apiary.
Five wolves are not as scary as a flattened villain.
Bromo - four, and the fifth - help God!
Two went two - found five rubles, seven will go - they will find a lot.
God is not a fool, loves Pyatk.

Sixth Sense.


Living dress, and died - six boards.
The lapties were confused, they were looking for in the yards: there were six, they found seven.
The spoon is narrow, pulls three pieces: it is necessary to dilute it, so that I tusk on six.
What is smart for six days, then cunning will make five.
What to be six days to Merin, it's better to one day with a stallion.
Six boards daily shawl.

Seven with a spoon - one with a blue.

Onions from seven ailment.

Behind the seven seas.

One feather seven is killed.

Do not fight himself, I'm not afraid of seven.

Seven Caprals, and one ordinary.
Seven not alone, no offense we will not give.
Seven one is not waiting.
Seven single straw rises.
Seven on the hares, but there are no skins.
Seven with a spoon, and one with a bump.
Seven troubles - one answer.
Seven miles to heaven, and all the forest.
Seven mesh kislie bread.
Seven miles are not a hook (... not the sideways).
Seven cases in some hands do not take.
Seven villages, and a horse alone.
Seven years Mac did not give birth, but there was no hunger.

Seven years have not seen each other, but they agreed - and there is nothing to say.
Seven changes, and all radish: Radish trich, radish slice, radish with kvass, radish with butter, radish in pieces, radish in storces and radish whole.
Seven times will die - one revenue.
Seven times in yours, and at least once in my opinion.
Seven rivers dried out, the canvas did not smeared.
Seven axes together lie, and two rifts - apart.
Seven Thursdays, and all on Friday.
One fox seven wolves will spend.
One with a compass, and seven with a spoon.
One drinks - Seven Moshnu River.
One plows, and seven arms are mahut.

To the seventh knee. To the most remote generations.

On the seventh sky. The expression coming to us from the Greek philosopher Aristotle. It means at present the highest degree of joy, happiness.

Seven mortal sins. Biblical expression. Over time, the meaning of any bad, unforgivable misconducts.

Seven one do not expect. So they say when they start some reason without the one who is late, or with reproaches who forces many (not necessarily seven) waiting for themselves.

Seven troubles - one answer. We must risk again, and if you have to answer - so for everything at once, at the same time. It is said about determination to do something else risky, dangerous to add to the already made.

Seven times for example (death), once a rejection. Before you do something serious, we carefully think about everything, let's observe everything. It is said as a council to think about all possible options for action before starting any business.

Too many cooks spoil the broth. Without glaze (Constand.) - Unattended, without supervision. The case is performed bad, unsatisfactory when several people are responsible for him. It is said when several people (or even organizations) responsible for the work hope each other and each individually refers to their duties unfair.

Seven wonders of the world. In ancient times, the seven miracles of the world were called seven facilities hit their grandeur. In the (conversational) speech one of the seven wonders of the world call something wonderful, great.

Eight hryvnia to the ruble lacks.
Seven years was silent, she cried on the eighth.

All seven, the owner eight, hostess - nine what exactly divides.
Spring Yes Autumn - On the Day of the weather eight.
Friends two, enemies eight.
Not counting, do not say " eight".


Bull costs ninety rubles, a swelling man and nine kopecks are not worth it.
Seven seven, the owner eight, the hostess - nine that exactly divides.
Nine mice were pulled together - the lid from the row was pulled.
Nine people are still a dozen.
Out of ten nuns nine - clutches, and one is not in your mind.
The brave of ten vales: one - courage, nine - dexterity.
Lifeling once, nine times stay in winnings.

Nine circles of hell (pass) - "Divine Comedy" Dante Aligiery.
9 kingdoms - according to the Scriptures of the Greek philosopher Plato, about Atlantis.
Nine Square Candlestick when celebrating Hanukkah
Nine Chins Angels - Serafima, Cherubims, thrones, domination (Angel Chin), strength, authorities, principles, archangels and angels.
Nine gifts of the Holy Spirit - "The word of wisdom is given to the spirit, another word of knowledge ...; Another faith ...; Another gift of healing ...; Another wonderfulness, other prophecy, other distinguishing of spirits, other different languages, other interpretation of languages \u200b\u200b"(1 Corp.12: 8-10).
Nine fruit of the Holy Spirit - "The fruit of the spirit: love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, mercy, faith, meekness, abstinence" (Gal.5: 22-23).
Nine evangelical bliss - Nagorno sermon
Nine promises "winning" From the revelation of John the Bogoslov (Rev..2-3).
The Roman number of IX Templars denoted Jesus (i) King (x).
The number 9 corresponds to Sephir Yesod on the Tree of Life - Kabbalah


Tenth water on a kiere.
Ten times tongue, once again.
The fool in the water will throw a stone, and ten smart will not be removed.
One tree will cut down - ten puts.
One smart ten crazy leads.
One fool will throw a stone into the water - the ten smart will not get.

The fool in the water is a stone kins, and the ten smart will not be removed.
Get rid of one vice - ten virtues will grow.
One says - ten listened.
One smart ten crazy leads.
So far, you will get to the boss, since ten stumble.
Nine people are still a dozen.
Ten knowledgeable do not stand one thing, which is doing.
Dear - five, and straight ten.
For one arrow along the top ten of the header.
One year ten years old.
Seven villages, one ox, and that goal, and ten devices.
Smart will hear times, and guesses ten times.
What you will not do one, will make a ten.
The brave of ten vales: one - courage, nine - dexterity.
Out of ten nuns nine - clutches, and one is not in your mind.
Friends - a little, one enemy - a lot (Turkish).
And a thousand rumors are still not true (Mongolian).
Talents are a thousand, and the heart is no (Japanese).
Incenchadz has a thousand ways, a thousand words (Russian).
And the thousand drawn lamps will not replace one real (Japanese).
And through a thousand barriers, water still flows into the sea (Chinese).
One who is scientist, from a thousand troubles is protected (Tatar).
From a thousand fuss of use is not (Turkmen).
It is better to see once than 1000 times to hear (chinese).
One stupid will throw a diamond in the sea - a thousand smart will not get (Georgian).
And the journey in a thousand countries begins from the first step (Mongolian).
If not one takes, and the thousand, then the hardest log will become light (Ethiopian).
One act can be judged by 1000 others (Vietnamese).

Proverbs sayings with numbers for schoolchildren, proverbs and sayings about the numbers, Russian folk proverbs for children with numbers. Proverbs about about numbers from 1 to 10 short.

Folk wisdom (sayings of the proverb with numbers).

Sayings with a number

One wolf chases sheep shelves. All for one one for all. One in the field is not a warrior one person's native mother, one of his homeland. From one torn apple, the whole drawer rotates. All the berry fields. Seven one is not waiting.

One swallow of spring does not.

One bee will not bring a lot of honey. At once, the tree will not cut down the trouble does not come alone from love to hatred, one step. In one ear he entered, another came out. The goat with the wolf traveled - one skin remained. One fool will say, one hundred wise men will not figure it out. Once a year and stick shoots.

One head it's good, but two better.

Sayings with a number- 2

Proverbs with a number 2 (two) two bear in one burgher do not take away. Two received, but at least in school was. Alien Mount Double joy. Two fights, two laugh. Lazy student - does twice. Miser pays twice. Gross for him to give little, and two - a lot. Two of a Kind. Audacity second happiness. One head is good, but 2 is better.

Stick about two ends.

Sayings with numbers- 3

Proverbs with a number 3 (three) Do not recognize a friend at three days, find out three years. God loves trinity. Where two stand, there is no third business. Although there are no three days, but from the furnace you can not get drunk. Two, three - not one. He said with three boxes on one slave three pro-gear. The promised three years are waiting. Bouncer Price - Three pennies of the penny yes three money postpone.

Proverbs with a number- 4

Proverbs with a number 4 (four) without four corners of the hut do not cut down. House of four corners. Village - four yards, eight streets. Four countries of light on four seas are laid. Cat is always on four paws falls. Four oaks near the river stand. Four was a good assessment.

The borrowed three years are waiting for the fourth forget.

Proverbs with a number- 5

Sayings with a number 5 (five) Do not sue your income in someone else's business. Lost five, and found seven. This is what Divo - in a pig in Pyataka Ryl. Your inclination, someone else's ruble is more expensive. Of the five finger, the cunning little finger. Let me five if not a fool. Needed like a hare-fifth leg. Fifth wheel in the car.

Mad dog and five kilometers are not a circle.

Sayings with Nizhn- 6

Proverbs with a number 6 (six) You are the sixth, at the goal by the post! Letter go, far away. Among us there is a six. 6 is an inverted nine. Three six-Chery Duzen. Three hair lines are laid in six rows.

The number is six - the door lock: on top of the hook, bottom of the circle.

Sayings with Nizhn- 7

Proverbs with a number 7 (seven) fox seven wolves will spend. Seven with a spoon, one -C compass. Seven times measure cut once. At seven nannies child without eyes. For seven wool you hear you. Seven one is not waiting. In the lazy seven holidays a week. Behind the seven castles. Three plow, and seven hands are mahut. From one goat, seven skins do not fight. Seven spans in the forehead.

Seven troubles - one answer.

Sayings number - 8.

Proverbs with a number 8 (eight) at the Holy Konya - eight feet. Eight hryvnia to the ruble lacks.

Autumn - Change eight.

Fell in the seventh - get up in the eighth.

Sayings number 9.

Proverbs with a number 9 (nine) nine-good mystery. Nine mice were pulled together - the lid from the row was pulled. Nine people - anyway that a dozen. Miracle lasts only nine days.

9 months until the next summer.

Sayings number - 10.

Proverbs with a number 10 (ten) is better than ten guilty to justify than one innocent condemnation. Ten battles are not broken.

Man is not a timid ten.

Sayings number - 100.

Proverbs with a number 100 (one hundred) do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

If there is a hundred rubles - there will be many friends.

One hundred rubles is, and the truth is yours. A faithful friend is better than hundreds of servants. It is better to see once than hear a hundred times. There is a weaving, the yard is good weather.

5 times a hundred grambot.

Sayings and proverbs with numbers.

1 One Wolf chasing sheep regiment.

Two bear in one burgher do not sleep.

For two hares, you will not catch one

All for one one for all.

One in sin, and all in response.

There is safety in numbers

One person has a native mother, one of his homeland.

From one torn apple, the whole WHO is loading.

In one paw everything is not raking.

Seven times measure cut once.

They are one berry field.

For one bit of two unbounds give.

Seven one is not waiting.

The first pancake com.

One swallow spring does not

One bee will not bring a lot of honey.

Alone will not overcome and bump; Artel and through the mountain fit.

One hand in his hands does not beat.

Whoever knows one craft, he does not know.

At once, the tree will not cut down

For a spoon first, for the last work

Misfortune never comes alone

For Vatagu agenous one rich you do not fail.

Do not put all the money in one pocket.

From love to hate one step.

For twice and God for one guilt does not punish.

Some make so-so, others like yourself.

It is impossible to get to the paradise of one religion without hitting all others.

In one ear he entered, another came out.

Two, three - not one.

Everyone for himself, one God for everyone.

The goat with the wolf traveled - one skin remained.

It is better to justify ten guilty than one innocent condemnation.

It is better to see once than hear a hundred times.

One slave three pro-gear.

In one evening - yes not some speech.

In one place and the pebbles is moss.

Do not put all the eggs in one basket.

Not a kind thing remains unpunished.

One fool will say - one hundred wise men will not figure it out.

Once a year and stick shoots.

We live once.

From the Great to Funny - one step.

Brave dies once, and a lot of cowards.

At the wolf one song.

2 Two bears in one Berorgogue do not hurt.

For two hares, you will not catch one

Two hours going, washed two hours, it rubs off,

Day dresses.

Good business Two centuries live.

The guys do yes in two teeth

Two times not to die.

For one bit of two unbounds give.

Alien Mount - Double joy.

Two fights, the third - do not bother!

Upper the work of hard, two will substitute - it is easier to cope

Neraday twice does

Miser pays twice

The mother has two daughters of young, and there is no water in the bucket.

One "today" is better than two "tomorrow."

Mount - money, and twice - without money.

Gross for him to give little, and two - a lot.

On the ruble work, two praises.

Two peas on a spoon.

Two of a Kind.

Two nightingaws on one branch do not sing.

Two plows, and seven arms are mashed.

Two, three - not one.

Audacity second happiness.

One head it's good, but two better.

Stick about two ends.

Scripture is not easy: Two fingers write, but the whole body hurts.

Drunk Yes, the smart - two land in it.

3 Do not recognize a friend at three days, learn in three years.

God the Trinity loves.

Although there are no three days, but from the furnace you can not get drunk.

Three money a day - where you want, there and day

Two, three - not one.

One slave three pro-gear.

The promised three years are waiting.

For a penny yes three money postpone.

4 without four corners of the hut does not bother. House of four corners.

Four countries of light on four seas are laid.

5 lost five, and found seven

Your inclination, someone else's ruble is more expensive.

There are five kopecks - and grandmother in trade.

Needed like a dog - the fifth leg.

Fifth wheel in the cart.

7 fox seven wolves will spend.

Seven with a spoon, one - with a sosha

Seven times measure cut once.

At seven nannies child without eyes.

For seven wool kisli bread.

Seven one is not waiting.

Seven single straw rises.

Seven wool to heaven and all the forest.

Seven axes together lie, and two rifts apart.

In the lazy seven holidays a week.

Lost five, and found seven

For family seals

Mount Seven is barely pull, and under the mountain and one will fall.

Two plows, and seven arms are mashed.

From one cow seven skins do not fight.

Seventh water in kisel.

Seven along the becks are sitting.

Seven spans in the forehead.

Seven troubles - one answer.

Seven miles to heaven - yes everything is in the forest.

8 in the holy horse - eight legs.

Eight hryvnia to the ruble lacks.

Autumn - Change eight.

9 Nine mice pulled together - the lid from the row was pulled.

10 Better than ten guilty to justify than one innocent condemnation.

Not a timid.

11 Eleventh Commandment - Do not come.

Eleven for nothing.

20, 30, 40 at 20 years old no strength - and there will be no; In 30 years, there is no mind - and there will be no, there are no prosperity in 40 years - and will not.

100 Do not have a hundred rubles, and have a hundred friends.

How do you want to reason, and a hundred rubles - money

No hundred rubles, but the ruble is not money

One hundred rubles is, and the truth is yours.

Shaika - Kopeyk, Altyn - Head, one hundred rubles - beard

Loyal friend is better hundreds of servants

It is better to see once than hear a hundred times.

One fool may more ask more than a hundred smart - answer.

One fool will say - one hundred wise men will not figure it out.

1000 buddies are thousands, and each one.

There is no case from thousands of fuss.

Out of a rich thousand worries, and the poor one is concerned.

200,000 who steals the ruble, that is given to the court, and who are thousands of two hundred, that is kept in honor.

Proverbs about numbers | - all proverbs in one place.

Two bear in one burgher will not be seized.

For two hares, you will not catch one.

It is better to see once than hear a hundred times.

One spring is better in the homeland than one hundred Spring on a foreign land

One bee a little honey

One choke a tree - ten puts

Spring Yes Autumn - on the day of weather eight.

Do not fight himself, I'm not afraid of seven.

One feather seven is killed.

Behind the seven seas.

Zero without sticks.

Zero attention.

Once not counting.

One truth lives in the world.

One thing today is better than two tomorrow.

It is better to forgive ten perpetrators than one innocent punish.

Better to turn out ten times than once a stranded to sit down.

Nine mice dragged together, the cap from the row was pulled.

Nine people - it's like a dozen.

If the head gets up, the number six nine will become.

Seven, eight - laziness throw

In the eight two rings without start and end.

Seven, eight - lazy to throw.

All seven, and I eight.

One extracted experience is more important than seven teachings.

One blind husband is better than seven devices.

One feather seven is killed.

About four, and straight - six.

Turukhtan in Tratayka: gears of dust, from the gate to the garden.

You are the sixth, at the goal of the post!

Needed like a cart fifth wheel.

You can't buy friendship on the Point.

Flower and chiter - five nose.

Cat with a noodle, bear five.

Without four corners, the hut does not cut.

Live in four walls

Horse about four legs, and that stumbles

All four sides

Where I will pass the fox, there are three years of chickens.

Three more: Father, yes Mother, and a faithful wife.

Baba on Bor walked, Three Laptes wear.

For two hares, you will not catch one.

Two of a Kind.

Not two months shine, not two sun sins.

Where two, there is not one

Two deaths will not be, but one can not

For one broken two non-body give

Absolute zero, round zero.

Zero without sticks.

Zero attention.

Reduce to zero, reduce to zero.

Proverbs and sayings with numbers - Mila Blog

Made such a selection - proverbs and sayings with numbers. Such proverbs and sayings turned out to be just an incredible amount! I think soon my daughter will come in handy.


Nothing is given nothing

Zero without sticks. Zero attention. Absolute zero, round zero. Reduce to zero, reduce to zero. Nothing arises from nothing. Nothing new under the moon.

Nothing is given nothing


Hergehog has one power - spines

There is safety in numbers. One with a compass, and seven with a spoon. One plows, and seven arms are mahut. One in the harrow, and all aside. One spring is better in the homeland than one hundred Spring on a foreign land. One bee is a little honey. One in the sea is not a fisherman. One swallow does not make spring. One tree will cut down - ten puts. One hand in your hands will not slaughter. One hand knot does not knit. One truth lives in the world. Once not counting. One head on the shoulders. One leg is here, the other is there. One wise head of a hundred goals is worth. One bee is better than the swarm of flies. It is better to see once than hear a hundred times. In one place and the stone moss overgrow. One thing today is better than two tomorrow. From one word and forever quarrel. Hergehog has one power - spines. One ride - and the road is long. One and token to go boring. Once lied - forever the liar became. Hands will overcome one, knowledge - a thousand. A coward dies a hundred times, and the hero - one time one warrior leads. One pancake and then in half a break. One wolf chases sheep shelves. One goose grass will not fulfill. One eye on us, and the other in Arzamas. One thief is the whole world ruin. One for all and all for one. One as a stump, and the other as a deck. One, as a month in the sky. One mouth and that tower. One about the foma, another about the erema. One chop, and the other in the drawing is a pipe. One in Mirone Son, and that Mironovich. One mind is good, and two is better. One head it's good, but two better. Lonely everywhere house. One trouble goes, the other leads. One luck goes, the other leads. One trouble does not go: trouble misfortune. One fox seven wolves will spend. One spoonful spoon spoils honey barrel. One clothes - both in the world, and in a feast, and on the back. One hand in honey, the other in the molasses. Sleep with one eye, and other units. One grain handles gives. One eye, but sees far away. One ear - and then deaf. Birds of a feather. One to live is to calm down, and in humans and death is red. One came true, and the other failed. First in the Council and the first in response

First damn room


Two of a Kind

Mount for two - half aige, the joy for two is two joys. Two of a Kind. Two hours was going, washed two hours, I was wounded, the day was dressed. The same. Who soon helped, he helped twice. Lazy two works twice. Between two fires. Two words. On two fronts. Cannot link two words. Neither two nor one and a half. One head it's good, but two better. From the pot two tops. Stick about two ends. Sit between two chairs. Miser pays twice. Kill two hares. Take up for both cheeks. Chrome on both legs. Grandmother told her grandmother. Second wind. Two-mounted Janus. There are no two deaths, but one not to power. For two hares, you will not catch one. Two Zaitsev to drive - not to catch one. For one bit of two unbounds give. Of the two evils choose the smaller. An old friend is better than two new ones. The mind is good, and two are better. Two bear in one burgher will not stay up two pairs of sandals immediately do not put on two truth does not happen for two work - you sing in three. Where more than two, there they say out loud, the old brother as the second father where two are worried, there are the third where two are worth it, there is a third business there are no two centuries, but the century is not to trust. Two brothers on the bear, and two sly people - on Kisel. There are no two centuries, you won't get two youth. Two fools, yes every two fist. Two demida, and both do not see. Two fools about one mind. Two pennies - a pile is good. Two times not to die. Two boots - couple, and both on the left foot. Twice the violent will not be. Twice a year summer does not happen. Two dogs fight - the third does not stick. There are no two deaths, but one not to power.

Two in the field are fighting, and one and at home flashes.


Bouncer Price three kopecks

Bouncer price - three kopecks. Do not recognize a friend at three days - learn in three years. To learn hardworking, you need three years to learn laziness - only three days. Get lost in three pines. From third-time, from third hands. From the pot three tops. With three boxes. Third day. Day before yesterday. The promised three years are waiting. Cry in three streams. Three women - bazaar, and seven - the fair to get started in three deaths, three sideways, a decades will be sorted, the friend is better than three in the distance three whales one son - not a son, two sons - Palsy, three sons - the son goes like three days not Justle one day will replace three, if you do everything on time if one plate has three cooks pushing - the dinner burns God loves the Trinity. Holy score that Trinity. Three fingers Cross are put. There are three cows, hotels - there will be six. For two work - you sing in three. For example, forgive three times for three days, Molol and a half days ate three troubles Seven misfortunes And there is no help where two are worried, here the third do not fall two dogs fighting - the third does not stick. Where two are standing, there is a third of the case, there are no three years old, nor to which state is not shooting. (These words that have become covered belong to Gogol "Auditor" by Gogol "Auditor". He speaks of a deaf, forgotten, abandoned place). Three Pyataks per day where you go there and day.

For a penny yes three money postpone.


Without four corners, the hut does not cut. Without the Trinity, the house is not built, without four corners, the hut does not become. Horse about four legs, and it stumbles. On all four sides. Live in four walls. There were four lakes in Make, and now Makay himself by Laki Brom - four, and the fifth - help God. Four floors, and sides goals. Four countries of light on four seas are laid.

Four corners of the house on the structure, four times for the commission


As your five fingers. Fifth wheel in the cart. Dear - five, and directly ten five oxes one hijah plowing with him six tricks and five deceptions without five seemingly no dinner, and the sixth in stock. One hive - hive, and five - apiary. From the fifth to the tenth. (Expression used instead of a detailed listing, names of something). Five is spacious, and two are closely. Who gives, there is a lot of volume; Whoever takes, this is not enough (Karakalpakskaya).

The lapties were confused, they were looking for in the yards: it was 5, and was 6 (Russian)


Three hair rows are laid

The sixth sense of "six" three hairstones in 6 rows are laid. I had 6, seven remained (jokingly talk to the one who was mistaken with the score, the Gypsy saying). Giving, take, share the mystery, ask, treat, take a treat - here are 6 signs of friendship (ancientindian). When 6 women go to mourning, each cries about their (Kyrgyz). He has 6 tricks and five deceptions (Tuvinskaya). Without five, there is no dinner, and the sixth in stock. It is impossible to be six spans in the forehead. Letter go - far away. Better six guilt to forgive than one innocent execution. Who gives, there is a lot of volume; Whoever takes, this is not enough (Karakalpakskaya). The lapties were confused, they were looking for in the yards: it was 5, and was 6 (Russian)

Gear - brigadier ride.


Seven Fridays in the week. Seven deaths - not to be, but one not to power. Seven at seven seven wools to heaven and all the forest. At seven nannies a child without an eye. Seven times they were treated, and at the table did not sit in seven mesh kisli bread. Seven one do not wait for the seven gates and all in the garden. For seven seals, seven wise men are cheaper than one experienced person seven feet under the keel of one lamb seven shepherds onions - from seven ailment one with a compartment, and seven with a spoon seventh water on a kiere. Seven misfortunes - one answer Seven spans in the forehead will die 7 times - 1 time rejection. Seven without four yes three flew away. Ros nose on seven - and one went to his loved one, Seven Spas Stool is not a sidier for seven seals. For a rabid dog, seven wool is not a circle is not great, and seven governors. Seven villages, one ox, and that goal, and ten devices. Makaru bow, and Makar on seven sides. Seven sweats sued. Do not fight himself, I'm not afraid of seven. And you, the seventh, at the goal by the seven brothers on one sister, are there much of all? (One.). Seven axes together lie, and two rifts apart. For seven miles Kisli bread. Three women - bazaar, and seven - Fair Martar put on seven port of houses 7, and Starost 8 (Tatar). The other sees 7 flaws, and 10 does not notice (Japanese). Seven villages, and a horse alone. Seven on the hares, but there are no skins. Seven single straw rises. Seven years was silent, she cried on the eighth. Seven years Mac did not give birth, but there was no hunger. Seven cases in some hands do not take. Seven years have not seen each other, but they agreed - and there is nothing to say. Seven rivers dried out, the canvas did not smeared. Seven Thursdays, and all on Friday. Before the seventh knee.

On the seventh sky.


Spring yes Autumn - on the day of weather eight

Spring Yes Autumn - on the day of weather Eight autumn - Change eight. Houses 7, and Starost 8 (Tatar). The eighth wonder of the world. (It is used in the meaning of something extraordinary, grandiose, but sometimes in an irony). All seven, and I eight. For future autumn, eight years. Eight hryvnia to the ruble lacks. Seven years was silent, she cried on the eighth.

Seven seven, the owner eight, the hostess - nine that exactly divides.


9 lives in a cat's cat is a ninth death manages. Nine nine, il nine, circus acrobat. If the head gets up, the number six nine will become. Seven years - trouble, nine years - misfortune nine people - it's like a dozen of the brave ten values: one - courage, nine - dexterity. Lifeling once, nine times stay in winnings. Bull costs ninety rubles, a swelling man and nine kopecks are not worth it. Seven seven, the owner eight, the hostess - nine that exactly divides. Nine mice were pulled together - the lid from the row was pulled. Out of ten nuns nine - clutches, and one is not in your mind. Nine circles of hell (pass) - "Divine Comedy" Dante Aligiery. The ninth month for the light is narrowing. The ninth tree is fatal. (Stormy, strong manifestation of something terrible: the highest rise, takeoff). Want to live 9 days - backing up for 10 (Turkish). If beauty is 10, then 9 out of 10 - clothes (Azerbaijani).

For thirty lands, in a threatened (thirtieth) kingdom. (Expressions that are often found in Russian folk tales. Tridoot \u003d 27 (3 * 9). In the old days, the bill was conducted on nine. Then came to another system - the score to dozens; therefore, next to the first expression is placed second, with the word "thirtely" (T . e. Three times ten).


In the top ten per arrow on the top ten, the ten knowledgeable do not stand one thing that does the matter. Smart will hear times, and guesses ten times. Dear - five, and straight ten. One year ten years old. One smart ten crazy leads. What you will not do one, will make a decante tenth water on an acid. Who overhears, under the top ten Sun land settles (Japanese). About the marriage of the son, advise with ten, about divorce - with a hundred (Avar) one tree will cut down - ten puts. On the hands, on the legs of ten fingers. No dozens and no account. So far, you will get to the boss, since ten stumble. Get rid of one vice - ten virtues will grow. Want to live 9 days - backing up for 10 (Turkish). Better 10 perpetrators to forgive than one innocent punish (Russian). If beauty is 10, then 9 out of 10 - clothes (Azerbaijani). The other sees 7 flaws, and 10 does not notice (Japanese). Think 10 times, say 1 (Uygur). Better 10 enviousness than 1 compassion dealers (German). In the house where 10 maids, the floor is not sweeping (Tatar). 10 wounds, and stand (Russian). Though the word honey you will say 10 times, will not be sweet on our lips (Turkmen). Where to say 10 words, 1 will not cost (Japanese). A clever man and without food 10 days will live (Mongolian). 1 Throng branch - 10 injected (Chinese). It is better to turn up 10 times than 1st stranded to sit down (Russian). 10 times say, until at least 1 about each other (Kurdish). Thieme to see what's ahead: I quit Chinara - 10 Posadi (Uzbek). Case tenth. (Not so important; absolutely not essential). Not a cowardly dozen. (Bold, not fearful). From the fifth to the tenth. (Incoherently, inconsistent, missing details (tell, report, say, etc.). The bear has ten songs and everything about honey.

Seven villages, one ox, and that goal, and ten devices


Eleven for nothing.


Poor to thirteen on a dozen put (and do not take). In the year twelve months, and in every berry .. twelve apostles and knees of Israeli.

True 12 chains break (Russian).


Poor to thirteen on a dozen put (and do not take). Thirteenth under the table.

Thirteen - unfortunate number (from Juda of the traitor).


A good person and in 15 years he does not refer to youth, and in 100 years it does not complain about old age (Kyrgyz). The one of whom the GOB will come out, already at 15 years old becomes a person, no longer and in 40 years remains a child (Uzbek).


Girl in 16 years old Hasi [Food wand] Rock - and already laughs (Japanese).


Where are my 17 years old!? (Russian). As it would be good, if the whole year continued April, there would always be a full moon, my wife would have 17, and I would have been 20 years old, there would be no debts and there would be three children (Japanese).


And the line is 18 years old, and the bad tea has the first infusion (Japanese).


Who at 20 is a child, at 21 - Donkey (Jewish). In 20 years, the guys are not chased (Karelian).

As it would be good, if the whole year continued April, there would always be a full moon, my wife would have 17, and I would have been 20 years old, there would be no debts and there would be three children (Japanese).


Again twenty five (again the same thing, all the time the same thing). Twenty-five years old - the soldier's age.


30 years old, as I saw a cow trail, and all the milk jumped (Russian). What through 30 teeth will be held - the whole world will bypass (Tatar).


In Moscow, forty forts of churches

Forty years old - Baby eyelids. Forty years not forty rap. The one of whom the GOB will come out, already at 15 years old becomes a person, no longer and in 40 years remains a child (Uzbek). In Moscow, forty forts of churches.

Looking for where for forty years old Maslenitsa and for three years small holidays.


In forty-five baba berry again


We do not have a hundred rubles and have a hundred friends (real friends will always help, will be helped). Where is just - here the angels one hundred, and where is wise - there is not one. It is better to see once than hear a hundred times. One wise head of a hundred goals costs one spring at home better than one hundred Spring on a hundred people will achieve one day, and one will fight for one day, and they stop one hundred people who are worried about a hundred people, he stands a hundred times a hundred times, hit, But at least once hear a hundred arts do not stand perfection in one art of a hundred ways - a thousand mistakes one hundred roads - one hundred people a hundred people - plow, and one grandmothers eating a hundred rubles, so the truth is your hundred fireflies will not replace one torch hundred goals - one hundred minds . The coward dies a hundred times, and the hero is once. One feather a hundred broom, and others do not count. A good person and in 15 years he does not refer to youth, and in 100 years it does not complain about old age (Kyrgyz). For the mother of the child up to one hundred years old Ditenok. The smart head has one hundred hands. The smart head of the head of the head feeds, and she does not contradict himself. A faithful friend is better than hundreds of servants.

Good friend is better than a hundred relatives.


The one who is scientist, from 1000 troubles is protected (Tatar). From 1000 misses the good of the case (Turkmen). It is better to see once than 1000 times to hear (chinese). One stupid will throw a diamond in the sea - 1000 smart will not get (Georgian). One night is not 1000 nights (Persian). If not one takes, and 1000 - then the hardest log will become easy (Ethiopian). I did not live and one hundred years, and tired of 1000 (Chinese). Not counting, do not say "1000" (Turkmen). The path to a thousand versts begins from the first step ("Dajesjin") Mountain to a thousand versts begins with one sand grasin ("Dadyjing"). Hands will overcome one, knowledge - a thousand. Strong win 1 knowing 1000 one warrior thousand leaders. One brave and a thousand panties will not replace. A thousand friends are not enough, one enemy is a lot (Turkish). And a thousand rumors are still not true (Mongolian). Talents are a thousand, and the heart is no (Japanese). Incenchadz has a thousand ways, a thousand words (Russian). And the thousand drawn lamps will not replace one real (Japanese). And through a thousand barriers, water still flows into the sea (Chinese). And the journey in a thousand countries begins from the first step (Mongolian).

One act can be judged by 1000 others (Vietnamese).

Child's crush for children

2. Do not fight himself, I'm not afraid of seven.

3. One inhabit seven killing.

4. For family seas.

5. Onions from seven ailment.

6. Seven with a spoon - one with a blue.

7. Sixth feeling.

8. Fifth wheel in the cart. Excess, unnecessary person in any business.

9. As your five fingers. Know very well, thoroughly, thoroughly.

10. Horse of four legs, and it stumbles.

11. Without four corners, the hut does not bother.

12. To learn hardworking, you need three years to learn Lena - only three days.

13. Do not recognize a friend at three days - learn in three years.

14. Bouncer the price is three kopecks.

15. Chrome on both legs.

16. Take up for both cheeks.

17. Kill two hares.

18. Basic pays twice.

19. Sit between two chairs.

20. Pick about two ends.

21. From the pot two tops.

22. One head is good, and two are better. - FortuneIDM2012 060. 20:44, October 24, 2012 (MSD) Put the Signature of the command by clicking on the "Signature Time" button in the article editing mode (the command name and ID number should be displayed!))

  • (Even the numbers, if they put them in the right order, may be sad, funny or romantic.

2 12 46
48 3 06
33 1 102
8 30 32
Cheerful verse:
2 15 42
42 15
37 08 5
20 20 20
--We are from 048 19:38, October 25, 2012 (MSD)!))

  • (poems, sayings about numbers

1. One in the field is not a warrior. One bee a lot of honey does not run. One hand in your hands will not slaughter. One head on the shoulders. One leg here is another there. One head it's good, but two better. The first pancake com. Seven times will die out, one - the detachment. Seven one is not waiting. For one bit of two unbounds give. There are no two deaths, but one not to power. 2. Two boots - steam. The same. Between the devil and the deep sea. An old friend is better than two new ones. 3. Getting lost in three pines. The promised three years are waiting. Riding in three streams. From the pot - three tops. 4. For all four sides. Close up in four walls. 7. At seven nannies Child is uncompressed. Seven times will die out, one - the detachment. Seven one is not waiting. Seven Fridays in the week. 9. For three nine lands. - People x IDM2012 041 21:21, October 25, 2012 (MSD))

  • Proverbs.1.Gore for two-half-by, joy for two or two joys. 2.Wall I was going on, washed two hours, I was wounded, the day dressed. 3.Who soon helped, he helped twice. Two words.6. On two fronts.7. It can bind two words. 8. Alive two, nor one and a half.9.On-zadirich, another non-citizen.10.One spring is better in his homeland than one hundred Spring on a stranger.11. Russer dies a hundred times - And the hero is once ..12.raz Lalga-forever the liar became 13. One ride-and the road is long. The hedgehog has one strength-strain. 15.-Toend hand and knot are not covered.16.Ont one today is better than two tomorrow. Winged words.1. The grandmother has said in half. Second breathing. Two-mounted Janus. - Pyaterochka IDM2012 034. 22:30, October 25, 2012 (MSD))
  • Skada:
  1. Five fingers, no bones, no meat. (Rake)
  2. Fifth brothers is inseparable.
    They are never sorry.
    They work in pen
    Pilot, spoon, ax. (Fingers)
  3. Five steps - Forest.
    On the steps - a song. (Notes)
  4. On the ladder-ladder
    Wavy rams.
    Schelk yes Shchelk - five yes five.
    So we learn to count. (Scores)
  5. Who has a patch
    Not squeezed into the cam?
    On the legs of his empty.
    He eats and drinks him from the empty. (Piglet) - Magnificent Five IDM2012 028 08:14, October 26, 2012 (MSD)

  • Poems about the number six
Six sits at the table.

Before her biscuit hill.
Six huge chocolates
Six transparent marmalades
Six boxes of marshmallows,
Six kefir bottles.
Ate all six, got up,
And then in the door stuck!
- ah, - sighs the number six,
- It can be seen, it is necessary to eat less!
Six mice above it laugh
Six bumblebees over the digit!
- Hey, six, your belly
The door will not be accurate!
To get into this door,
You need to sit on the diet!

No corners from the number six,

Only an arc with a circle is.
You start writing from arc
And a wubble circle.

Figure six to write easily:
Neither strokes or corners!
By the hand of your watch
Smoothly enieged a line!

Nine digit. It is -
Inverted six.
Upstairs draw a circle
Down - the arc of the maternity.
Start writing with a mug
Yes, do not make a corner.
Nine has no corners:
Circle, arc - and the sign is ready!

Athletes have a strange view.

Guess the quickly yourself -

Who will win on the ring?

Time for nothing do not pull

It is difficult only first move.

Figures each fold.

Who is stronger? Whose will take?