Organizing time. Psychological training

Organizing time.  Psychological training
Organizing time. Psychological training

Class hour "Family and family values"


To instill in students a sense of love and pride in their family, respect for their parents.


To form in students a respectful attitude towards their home, family;

To draw the attention of students to the meaning of the word "family" in their lives;

Promote rapprochement between adults and children, the formation of positive emotions;

Promote team building.

    Organizing time.

Good afternoon students, dear guests !!!

Let's turn around and say hello to the guests !!!

    Statement of a problem situation.

- Listen to the story that happened to one boy.
Once upon a time there was a boy. He lived all alone. No one raised him, no one punished him, he did not share with anyone. And this boy was very sad. One day he went to the seashore. And suddenly a gray-haired old man came out to meet him. And he was very old, but very wise.
- Where are you going? - asked the old man.
-I'm going to look for a place where I will not be so lonely.
-I know how to help you. Come with me, - suggested the old man. He brought the boy to his house, where his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren lived.
“Look!” Said the old man. - We all live in the same house, we rejoice together, we are sad together, we eat together what nature has given us, we help each other. Stay! I will be your grandfather, my son and his wife will become your father and mother, and my grandchildren will be your brothers and sisters.
The boy stayed, and after a while realized that only now he learned to rejoice and became truly happy. And this happened because he had a FAMILY.

3. Setting the goal and objectives of the class hour.

What are we going to talk about in class today? (CHILDREN'S ANSWERS ) SLIDE

Yes, today we will talk about the family, about our families, about the traditions of our family, about the values ​​of the family.

- What is family?("family" is defined as a group of relatives living together. But for modern reality, the family, first of all: it is not just relatives, but children and parents, a family is people who are close to each other, living together).

Family values are the common interests of the whole family. We are not born with them, family values ​​are not inherited, they cannot be bought, but you can only bring them in and cherish our whole life, cherish like the apple of our eye .

- Traditions - this is what makes the family unique, they bring all members of the family together.

TEACHER. A FAMILY- these are the closest and dearest people. They will never leave or betray. With them we are happy and sad, work and rest. In any situation, native people will never turn their backs on us.

- What do you think, why does a person need a family? (CHILDREN'S ANSWERS)

(The family is all each other understand, love, respect; take care of each other, help).

Teacher. The family from the first minutes of our birth is next to each of us. If we feel bad, if a misfortune happened to us - who will listen to us, help, calm us down, give advice, protect us? Of course, people who are dear to us: mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers are our family, the closest and dearest to us people.

5. Poems(in the hands of the inscriptions with highlighted words)

Our children have prepared poems. Let's listen to them.

1. What does my family mean to me?
Of course - happiness and home comfort,
Seven rules of obligatory keeping,
Only seven, but very, very important

2. Firstly, this is the main thing - love.
With all my heart and with all my soul, and with my mind.
Not just so that the blood rages with passion,
And it is reverent, and every day in a different way.

3. Second - children... What's a house without them?
A desert without a well - don't get drunk.
And children are life, this is a spring
And the continuation of the family. Let it flow!

4. Then care. She alone
The family hearth will save from the wind.
Try to spring with a smile
Was always with you, and not somewhere

5. Fourth - patience. It
It will help to survive adversity, troubles ...
And the sun will warm the window.
That frost is icy white.

6. And the fifth - a responsibility and home
There is a weighty stone in the foundation of the family.
They will help protect love
Protect the soul's flame from the wind

7. Sixth - respect. Only with him
You will gain success, recognition is common
Always considering the opinions of others,
Teach you to be considered your own

8. And finally, the seventh - purity
Everywhere - in the house, in your soul and thoughts ...
This is how I imagine my hearth
Where I am loved, happy where completely .

Let's once again pay attention to the words that are important and needed in the family.

6. Look at these words. CONVERSATION

"They found a corner in the heart for everyone." SLIDE

- How do you understand these words? (CHILDREN ANSWERS)

- Who is closer and dearer to you in your family than anyone else in the world? (parents, mom and dad).

- Why mom and dad are the closest in the world? Tell us, what are your mothers like? What is he doing mom for her children? (CHILDREN'S ANSWERS)

-TEACHER. Mama. She is always worried and caring for her children. Whatever mood she is in, no matter how tired, mom will always listen to you, caress you. Will give you good advice. Is not it?

- Remember: when you are sick, how your mother takes care of you, she tells you such kind - affectionate words.

And how many different things mothers have time to do in just one day!

Not a single fairytale sorceress can do so many things in a day! Even though the sorceress has a magic wand ... But my mother does not have such a wand. However ... Maybe my mother would not have coped with all these matters if she had not been helped ... Who? (dads)

- And what kind of dads do we have? (CHILDREN ANSWERS)

Dads- smart, kind, strong. They know about everything in the world. They can teach a lot, suggest something.

Do not upset your moms and dads, take care of them.

- How do you help your parents? (children's answers).

Well done! Wonderful helpers!

- And if your loved ones are resting, how should you behave?

- Raise your hands who have grandparents. How often do you see them? How do you communicate? (students' answers)

Teacher-Yes. The older members of your family - grandparents, and maybe great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, must be loved and respected, treated with respect, not upset, and taken care of. After all, they love their grandchildren very much.

7. Practical part 1 (individually) SLIDE

Now let's play a little. There are hearts in front of you. Imagine that this is your heart. Think about who you would like to let into your heart? This could be your family members, or it could be someone else. Now write in your heart who you let into it, do not forget about yourself.

Children read the list of those people whom they have admitted into their hearts.

8. Teacher: A real family necessarily has moral principles, laws, traditions, holidays.

At home, you should have written in the card that I gave you in advance the values ​​of your family, write the traditions of the holidays that exist in your family. SLIDE

I would like you to tell the values ​​of your family, what traditions, holidays do you have in your family? (ANSWERS of children)

Who do you live with? _________

Your family's values ​​__________

Your family's traditions _________

Your family's holidays _________

Relationship between your family members________

Your family's motto and proverbs ________________

(You can bring a photo of your family)

9. Reading the legend.

“How a friendly family appeared”.

A long time ago, there was a family in which there were 100 people, but there was no agreement between them. They are tired of quarrels and strife. And so the family members decided to turn to the sage to teach them how to live in harmony. The sage listened carefully to them and said: "Nobody will teach you to live happily, you yourself must understand what you need for happiness, write down what you want your family to be." This huge family gathered for a family council and they decided that the family was friendly, it is necessary to treat each other, adhering to these qualities:

Guys, what do you think, what words make every family strong and happy? We have a hint in the class.

Let's read the names of these qualities. Remember, guys, this legend.

If each family member follows these rules, then the family will reign: peace and harmony. This means that everyone will be happy.

10. Practical part 2 by groups (3 gr.) "Unfinished sentence" SLIDE

Now I will give each group a task with unfinished sentences. The task of your group is to carefully read the beginning of the sentences and add the way you understand, how you feel, represent.

1. The joy in my family is …………….

2. It is great if a person lives in a family in which…………. (Peace and harmony reign).

3.Children are happy if parents………………… .. (take care of them, love, understand and do so that they do not experience all the difficulties of life)

4. Parents are happy if ……………………………………… ( feel the mutual love of the side of children, their attention and warmth).

5. Far from my home, I will remember ...

We read the answers.

    And now guys, we will play a little and will be in the role of your parents. "Parents through the eyes of children."

I have 4 envelopes in my hands, each containing 1 situation.

Each team will represent themselves in the place of their parents.

You will collectively read the situation, discuss it, and try to play around with your situation. There can be one or two participants from the team, you can provide two answers to the question.

Tasks for children:

    You opened the diary and saw that your child has a deuce. You need to find out the reason for this and make a decision.

    The child came home from school without replacement shoes, lost them at school. Your reaction.

    You instructed the child to clean up and wash the dishes, and he (she) played all this time in the computer, did nothing. What is your reaction?

    Your child is late for school, and your classmates told you about it. Your reaction.

Solving these situations, each of you looked at yourself from the side of your parents, perhaps, you learned your actions, your words, and maybe your behavior.

I think that everyone can now better understand the behavior of their parents. Try never to upset your parents, but more often to please them, show care and respect for your elders, and help them.

12. "School family".

- CONVERSATION. Teacher. You see how great it is when you have a family. Can you call our class a family?

Teacher: That's right, our class can be called a family. Of course, we are not relatives, but we see each other every day at school and in the yard, together we learn something new, we rejoice together and we grieve over failures. And I would like our class to become even more friendly and remain such a close-knit family until graduation.

We also have a school family. And there are years of joint study and life ahead. And as in any family, we also need: warmth, respect, comfort ... We will also take care of each other and help each other. This means that each of us will have our own responsibilities.

What are your responsibilities in the family? (CHILDREN'S ANSWERS)

In the same way, in our class - no one will come for us and put things in order, no one can study for us, take care of each other.

Each of us can contribute to make our school family warm and comfortable.

Exercise 1.

And now let's play the game "Tell me a word". I will begin the quatrain, and you will end with the words: "This is our 4th grade", but in the last quatrain, be careful!

Our class at school is the smartest

There are always excellent students!

We will tell you without hesitation:

This is our 4th grade

Our class at school is the most friendly

Trouble does not scare us!

We will tell everyone without a doubt:

This is our 4th grade

And what is the funniest one?

Always smiling!

We will all exclaim to you:

This is our 4th grade


Our class at school is the best

We are reliable friends!

Let's open the secret to everyone:

Because we are a family!

Assignment 2... Each of us can contribute to make our school family warm and comfortable. And for this, let's read the rules that are on the screen and live by them.

SLIDE We will

Call each other by their first names.

Protect our friends if they are offended.

Help them in trouble.

Help them learn.

We will not

Be rude to each other.

Use your fists.

Saying hurtful words to friends.

Teacher. This is our friendly school family. She is already four years old. And from year to year she will be more and more friendly, more and more strong

- Can you apply words from the blackboard to the class?

13. Conversation. The words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky appear on the slide "The family is the environment where a person must learn to do good." SLIDE

Teacher: Read the words of the great teacher Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky.

- How do you understand the meaning of this statement? (children's opinions)

Teacher: Guys, what qualities must be adhered to so that the family is friendly, happy; (CHILDREN ANSWERS)

Teacher: Quite right, the family is built on trust and love, on mutual respect and understanding.

- It is good when the family is large, however, the family can be small: for example, a grandmother and a child, a mother and a daughter. But if they love each other, are attentive and caring, then this is a good, real family.

14. QUIZ. Many serious words were said about the family. Now I bring to your attention the quiz " And jokingly and seriously. " SLIDE

1. What expression has become a symbol of a large family:

a) Three men in a boat;

b) Four at the computer;

c) Five in the bathroom;

d) Seven in the shops.

2. There is a letter family in which, according to numerous verses,

"33 sisters". What kind of family is this? ( alphabet)

3. Flower - a symbol of the family(chamomile).

4. Which plant represents both a sibling and an adoptive relative at the same time? (coltsfoot)

5. What Russian toy is this quote about: “It embodies the idea of ​​a strong family, prosperity, procreation, carries the idea of ​​unity ”? ( about matryoshka)

6. What weather cannot forecasters predict? (in the House)

7. In Russia, when the whole family gathered at the New Year's table, the children tied the legs of the table bast rope. What did this New Year's custom symbolize? (this meant that the family in the coming year will be strong and should not be separated).

15. Exhibition of children's works

Exhibition of drawings... You were supposed to paint at home drawing on the topic "My family"... Let's look at these drawings and tell us about your drawing.

16.Practical work 3SLIDE

End the proverb about family

Where there is love and advice, there is grief ... (no)

Where peace and harmony are not needed and ... (treasure)

The best treasure, when in the family ... (harmony)

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better)

In your house and walls ... (help)

There is discord in the family, so at home ... (not happy)

Good brotherhood is better ... (wealth)

The whole family together, ... (and the soul is in place)

17.Practical group work

"Make a word" by groups. ( "Strange" words are written on the sheets. Letters must be rearranged in them so that the word ceases to be "strange").

Yamse - (family)

Redoilith - (parents)

Lauzi- (street)

Badus - (fate)

Burkno - (child)

Answers on SLIDE


Incomplete sentences are written on the board. SLIDE

Mom and Dad are the most ...

I trust my secrets ...

I love my grandmother for that….

I consider my family ...

I want to wish my relatives ...

17. At the end of our class hour, Arina will recite a poem about a family: SLIDE

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family is a summer trip to the country.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good, excitement, thrill.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family is a lot of homework.

Family is important!

Family is difficult!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

19. The song is performed by the students "Mama"SLIDE

The song "My family" / 1 verse - the girls are singing /

1. There are a bunch of toys in front of me,

But everyone has known for a long time

I'm pretty bored to play alone

And not at all, not at all interesting.

But when my relatives are with me,

And the people I love most

I immediately forget about despondency,

And it has always been, is and will be.

Chorus: There will be a happy and wonderful day,

If dad and mom are around.

I will be cheerful, I will be very glad

If the sister and brother are there.

And I will be infinitely happy

If grandfather is near, and grandmother is near.

Well, I will be glad most of all,

If the whole family is there.

All my family.

And now all of you will go or even run home, hug your loved ones who care about you and love you, and tell me again? how much you love and appreciate them and that you are grateful to them for everything they do to you !!!

And at the end of the class hour, I want to give you such beautiful memos, do not lose them, hang them at home.


- Keep the honor of your family holy.

- Be attentive and sensitive, always ready to help your family members.

- Give your parents joy.

- Be able to find and carry out a task for the benefit and joy of your family members.

-Life is a road full of trials, be ready to pass them with honor.

Class hour "We are all different"

Target: the formation of a culture of tolerance among children of primary school age.

Tasks: - to acquaint students with the concept of "tolerance", with the main features of a tolerant and intolerant personality;

To foster in children respect for themselves, peers, elders; the ability to live in a team and reckon with public opinion.

Develop the ability to act in accordance with the knowledge gained in real life situations.


    flashcards with key lesson concepts

    plot pictures for the scene “There are 2 roads in front of you. Choose ... "

    envelopes with cards (4 pcs.)

    markers for each group

    paper leaves

    Whatman with a picture of a tree without leaves

    poster "Rules of Tolerant Conduct"

    radio tape recorder

    photo exhibition


1. Organizational moment.

2. Introduction to the lesson. Game "I love myself for ..."

4. Conversation. Brainstorm.

5. Messages from children.

6. Conversation.

7. Teacher's story based on plot pictures “There are 2 roads in front of you. Choose ... "

8. Group work.

9. Exercise "Conflicts".

10. Creative work "Tree of Tolerance".

11. Summing up.

12. "Texas Embrace".

Epigraph: "Do to others as you want to be treated to you."

Event progress:

1. Organizational moment. Children are seated in groups. There are 5-6 people in a group.

("Joy", "Luck", "Kindness", "Beauty".)

2. Introduction to the lesson. Game "I love myself for ..." Each of the participants of the class hour gets up and says why he loves himself.

Teacher: Tell me, children, is it bad when a person loves himself for something?

3. Determination of the purpose of the event.

Teacher: What do you guys think we're going to talk about in today's classroom hour?

Let's talk about love.

Listen to the tale. (A calm melody sounds, a fairy tale is read)

Once upon a time there was a girl named Love on earth. It was boring for her to live in the world without a girlfriend. So she turned to the old, gray-haired wizard who had lived for 100 years:

- Help me, grandfather, to choose a girlfriend so that I can be friends with her all my life given to me by God.

The wizard thought and said:

- Come to me tomorrow morning, when the first birds start singing, and the dew will dry out even more ...

In the morning, when the scarlet sun illuminated the earth, Love came to the appointed place ... She came and saw: there are 5 beautiful girls, one more beautiful than the other.

- Here, choose, - said the wizard. - One is called Joy, the other is Luck, the third is Beauty, the fourth is Sadness, the fifth is Kindness.

“They are all beautiful,” said Love. - I don't know who to choose ...

- Your truth, they are all good, and you will meet with them in life, or maybe you will be friends, but choose 1 of them. She will be your lifelong friend.

Love for the girls came closer and looked into the eyes of each. Love thought ...

? Who would you choose? Why? (Music sounds and the continuation of the tale).

Love approached a girl named Kindness and held out her hand to her.

? Why did Love choose kindness? (Answers of children).

4. Conversation. Brainstorm.

Today our conversation will be about tolerance. International Day of Tolerance is celebrated annually on November 16. The word, perhaps, is not familiar to everyone, and it sounds completely incomprehensible. But the meaning it carries is very important for the existence and development of human society. A modern cultured person is not only an educated person, but also one who has a sense of self-respect and is respected by others. Tolerance is considered a sign of high spiritual and intellectual development of a person, group, society as a whole.

What is tolerance in your opinion? (Children's answers are placed on the board)

Let's summarize everything you said. I have depicted the word "tolerance" in the form of the sun. Let's represent your answers in the form of rays.


    Tolerance of other people's opinions, beliefs, behavior



    Accepting the other as he is

    Respect for the rights of others

    Collaboration, spirit of partnership


    Respect for human dignity

The term "tolerance" is explained as tolerance, the desire and the ability to establish and maintain communication with people.

Let's listen to how the word tolerance is defined in different languages ​​of the world.

5. Messages from children.

    In Spanish it denotes the ability to recognize distinct ideas or opinions about one's own.

    In french - attitude. In which it is allowed that others can think or act differently than yourself;

    In English - willingness to be tolerant, condescending

    In chinese - allow, accept, be in relation to others generous;

    In arabic - forgiveness, condescension, gentleness, mercy, compassion, patience, disposition to others;

    In Russian - the ability to endure something or someone (to be restrained, hardy, persistent, to be able to put up with the existence of something, someone.

- Which of the definitions did you like the most?

- Why are different definitions in different countries?

- What unites these definitions?

- Why is tolerance so urgent nowadays?

6. Conversation.

We live with you in the 3rd millennium. Progress is gaining momentum, technology has come to the service of man. In theory, life should become calmer, more measured. But more and more often we hear “victim of violence”, “refugee” ... In the real world there is an active growth of aggressiveness, expansion of conflict zones. These social phenomena especially affect young people, who, due to their age characteristics, tend to quickly solve complex social problems. In recent years, the growth of adolescent crime has been increasing, there has been a catastrophic increase in all kinds of asocial behavior, and the number of antisocial organizations that involve our youth in extremist groups is growing.

Each of us does different things in life. In some cases, he does the right thing and shows his good qualities, but sometimes it happens and vice versa ...

7. Storytelling pictures “There are 2 roads in front of you. Choose ... "

The young man and his girlfriend were walking around the city. On the curb sat a poorly dressed elderly man. A battered bag lay beside him. He moaned softly, and there were tears in his eyes.

“Wait, I'll go to him,” the girl said.

- Do not even think about it. He is dirty, you will pick up the infection, - answered the young man, squeezing her hand.

- Let go. See, his leg is broken. He's got blood on his leg.

- And what is it to us. Himself to blame.

- Let me go, you're hurting me. He needs help.

- I tell you: he himself is to blame. It is necessary to work, and not to beg, steals, drinks. Why help him?

- I'll come anyway.

- I won't let you in. You are my girlfriend and do not dare to communicate with "everyone." Let's get out of here.

- You know what, I ... How can you? It hurts! It hurts, do you understand? No, you don't understand anything!

The girl pushed the guy away and walked over to the man. The guy tried to hold her down again. She pulled her hand back resolutely.

- What's wrong with you? She asked the old man. - What's with your leg?

- I broke her ... I have blood. I don't know what to do or where the hospital is in this city. I'm not from here. It's too painful for me.

- Now. Let me see. Be patient. We need to call an ambulance.

- Thank you lady, thank you ...

- Listen, - the girl turned to the young man who approached them, - do you have a mobile phone?

The guy said nothing. The girl looked at him inquiringly and suddenly felt disgust that emanated from all his posture, look ... She got up and approached the guy.

- Get out! Never call me or come again. I don’t want to know you anymore!

- Can you really do this because of some bum, an alcoholic? Silly! You'll regret it.

The girl shrugged and dropped to her knees again. The guy walked away.

- You have an open fracture. I'm going to call the doctor. Be patient, - she quickly went to the pay phone.

- Young woman! The man called out to her. - Thank you! - the girl turned around and smiled. - You will definitely find your happiness.

? Why did the young man refuse to help?

? What would you do in this case?

? What do you usually do if you see that a person is feeling bad?

? How should we deal with people who ask for alms?

Output: Having done good, a person becomes cleaner, better, brighter. If each of us is more attentive to any person with whom we interact, be it a vagabond, a homeless person, a random travel companion or a friend, this will be a manifestation of kindness.

8. Group work.

Task envelopes are distributed to each group. Divide the proposed word combinations into 2 groups.

Tolerant personality

Intolerant personality

Respect for the opinions of others




The desire to do something together


Understanding and acceptance



Expression of disdain









? Who thinks it's about him?

9. Exercise "Conflicts".

Each of the groups draws a task card for itself.

(Conflict is played out in the family, school, among peers, on the street.)

Time apreparation time - 7-10 minutes. Then the teams take turns performing.(After the performance of each team, they are asked questions about the feelings of the participants in the conflict. The subgroups give recommendations on how to behave in such situations, how to make it more tolerant.)

Output: Most often, it is impossible to make a behavior completely tolerant, but the main thing is the desire to make it so. The important thing is not what we said and what we played during the lesson, but what you take out of it into real life, how you change the relationship with the people you meet.

10. Creative work "Tree of Tolerance".

Each group is given 4-5 pieces of paper. The task is to write what needs to be done so that our school becomes a space of tolerance, so that relations in it become as tolerant as possible.

11. Summing up the results of the event.

So our event has come to an end. Who believes that today we did not spend time in vain and talked about serious things?

The conversation about tolerance is not over, we will often return to this problem. Also, I would like to say that our class is a small family. And I wanted our family to always have respect, mutual understanding, there were no quarrels, swearing. And joy, luck, kindness, beauty, love were our constant companions.

With your help, I have drawn up the rules of tolerant behavior. Whoever agrees with me - clap your hands.

    Respect the interlocutor.

    Try to understand what others are talking about.

    Defend your opinion tactfully.

    Look for the best arguments.

    Be fair, ready to admit that the other is right.

    Strive to take into account the interests of others.

12. "Texas Embrace".

Children stand in a circle with their faces, hold on to their shoulders, stretch their right leg forward and, at the command of the teacher, take a step forward. "Towards tolerance!"

To finish our class hour, I would like to "Prayer for an appointment":

I came to this world

Not to live up to your hopes

Not to serve your interests

Not to meet your expectations.

And you came to this world

Not to meet my expectations

Not to serve my interests

Not to meet my expectations.

Because I am me and you are you.

But if we met and understood each other, then this is great!

And if not - well, nothing can be done!

Until next time !!!


1. Bocharov I. Human Rights. Teaching methodology at school. Perm, 2004.

2. Baybakov A.M. Introduction to the pedagogy of tolerance: study guide for teachers and students / Ed. N.M. Borytko. - Volgograd: Publishing house of VGIPPK RO, 2002.

3. Bezlyuleva G.V., Shelamova G.M. Tolerance: look, search, solution. - M .: Verboom, 2003.

4. Grevtseva I.V. What is tolerance? // Class teacher, 2006, №4.

5. Declaration of the principles of tolerance // Teachers' newspaper. - 2003., September 13.

6. Samodelova T., Butorina S. Formation of tolerant attitude in the family. // Education of schoolchildren, 2007, №4.

7. Fopel K. Cohesion and tolerance in the group. Psychological games and exercises. Per. with him. - M .: Genesis, 2003.

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary comprehensive school with in-depth study

individual items No. 39 "

the city of Saransk, Republic of Mordovia

Class hour in 4th grade



primary school teacher

Osina Irina Vasilievna

Saransk 2014

Class hour in 4th grade


(round table)

Target: contribute to the formation of the moral positions of children: the formation of concepts about the basic principles of morality and ethics.

Equipment : posters with statements, the content of which will help reveal the topic of conversation.

Jean Paul ).

B. Franklin ).

E. Jung ).

4) A life of duty, if it is full ... We will measure it by actions, not time (Seneca ).

N.M. Karamzin ).

Proverb ).

Class hour

I ... Introduction.

Classroom teacher. Today we will talk with you about life, how it is diverse and difficult, beautiful and complex. There is an expression in which they say about people: "Spinning like a squirrel in a wheel." How do you understand it? This means that a person does something constantly, moves, works, thinks, that is, he lives a full life, he constantly does not have enough time. And the wheel of life revolves relentlessly. And as soon as this vital movement stops, then life ends. The wheel stops spinning, freezes. Each person has his own wheel of life.

Human life has two sides: dark and light. These sides of life in the wheel are the spokes that are attached to the axle.

II ... Main part.

    Working with words-antonyms.

I propose to work in pairs.

Match the words of the left column with the antonyms from the right column.

Friend is enemy

Poverty is wealth

Life death

Courage is cowardice

True False

Health is a disease

Joy is sadness

Good evil

Meeting - separation

Wisdom is stupidity

Happiness is unhappiness

Let's check the chain. Each pair names a couple of words.

2.– Hear how the Dagestani poet Rasul Gamzatov spoke about the wheel of life. (Children read ).

Millions of hands made it,

Rounding, striving for speed,

Carefully extended their wings

We made a connection with the future.

Millions of hands worked hard

To come to full perfection,

To spin for millions of years

A wheel familiar to the path.

Masters in all ages have tried

So that nothing happens on the road,

Yet the bushings sometimes broke,

Every now and then the axle junked.

There are no those craftsmen at all,

The turn is done, a century has passed,

And there is a lot of trouble to this day;

The axle is intact, a puncture occurs.

New hands got better

New minds are born

And, however, new holes

They also appear, alas.

The wheel works after experiencing

Smooth ground, bumps, ice,

There are joys and troubles in life,

Bitter recession and proud take-off.

Those who rush with the wheel,

Have experienced both good and evil,

The sun caressed their rays,

The frosty wind burned them.

Interspersed with this whirlwind -

Swampy swamps, mountain slopes,

Pathetic disgrace, light of immortality,

Loud feat and deaf shame.

Interspersed with silence and explosions

Age of stagnation, revival of the century,

Capture and profit viruses

Slow down the wheels of the run.

This means poverty with wealth,

To be at enmity with truth and falsehood in the future.

Countless obstacle courses

The walking circle is in a hurry to overcome.

He, stubborn, still spinning,

On its way meets again

Joy and sadness, delight and envy,

Fear and courage, rage and love ...

3 . Reflections on life.

Classroom teacher. Let's talk about how to live life as long and more useful for the person himself and for those around him. Do I need to think about how to live my life? Do your grandparents tell you about their lives? What do many elderly people think about when summing up their life path? There are wonderful words of a wonderful person: “Life must be lived so that later it would not be excruciatingly painful for the years spent aimlessly” - these words belong to the writer, patriot, who loves his country Nikolai Ostrovsky.

How do you understand these words?

Some people in their old age believe that they have lived their lives for a reason, while others do not know why they lived, why the sky was smoked.

What is the meaning behind these words? (Life is measured not only by the years lived, but also by deeds, accomplishments, deeds ).

    Examples are given from the life of some outstanding figures of science and art, military leaders - at the choice and discretion of the teacher.

Who were we talking about?

How they glorified the Fatherland? (Ivan Fedorov, Suvorov, Tsiolkovsky, Minin, Pushkin, Gagarin, Alekhin ).

4. Reasoning about a healthy lifestyle.

In order for a person to live on earth as long as possible, what should he care about? (About your health ).

Are there people who never get sick? (No Unfortunately ).

Health is one of the greatest values. What do you think you need to do to preserve your health?

Human health is in his own hands. A person needs to learn to take care of his health from early childhood. For the preservation and strengthening of health, the will and character of a person play a huge role. It is necessary to understand that movement is the basis of life. Move more, engage in physical exercises, sports, physical labor - this is what you simply cannot do without today.

How should the effects of the phenomena and conditions of the external environment - sun, air and water - be applied to promote health?

( It is necessary to deal with hardening. When the body gradually adapts to the influence of the external environment, it more easily tolerates heat, cold, wind, rain, slush, dampness, etc. Hardening protects a person from colds and infections. Improves sleep, mood, appetite).

What, to a greater extent, by a person's own will, is harmful to his health? (Bad habits of a person: smoking, alcohol, drug addiction, substance abuse ).

What harm to health do bad habits?

Classroom teacher. Sometimes, guys, in life it happens that misfortune, misfortune falls on a person - an unexpected illness, injury, physical illness that befell someone from circumstances beyond their control.

Have you heard about Alexey Maresyev?

Writer Boris Polevoy in "The Tale of a Real Man" told about the selfless pilot Alexei Maresyev. During the Great Patriotic War, while making another painful flight, he was shot down by the Germans. A misfortune happened - the pilot injured his legs, and besides, it took a long time to get to the village in the winter forest. Later, in the hospital, both legs were amputated. This misfortune, tragedy, separation from heaven put him out of balance. But the help and support of friends, perseverance, willpower, Maresyev's irrepressible desire to meet the sky again made it seemingly impossible. They put prostheses on him. He learned to walk, dance, fly on them. Alexey Maresyev - Hero of the Soviet Union.

So, it is necessary to strive to live in harmony, first of all, with oneself and with the surrounding world, try to overcome all life difficulties, thereby accumulating invaluable experience of human communication and being. And your relatives, friends, will always help you with this.

5. Continuing the conversation "Friend and foe, foe."

Classroom teacher.

Do you have any friends?

What does the word "friend" mean?

Who can be a friend?

Can a book, nature, a toy be friends?

Let's talk about human friendship.

Questions for conversation:

Why do people value friendship?

What does it mean to be friends?

What joys and sorrows are there in friendship?

What does it mean to help out a comrade?

What if your friend does not want to "share" you with someone else?

Can a sneak be a real friend?

In fact, there may be few friends. True friendship must be cherished. And try to carry it on for many years.

6. Work on the content and semantic meaning of the statements.

1) Do not postpone anything until after, because after that it will not be easier for you (Jean Paul ).

2) One today is worth two tomorrow (B. Franklin ).

3) Postponement is a thief of time (E. Jung ).

4) A life of duty, if it is full ... We will measure it by actions, not time (Seneca ).

5) The most unbearable thing is that it is useless to live in the world (N.M. Karamzin ).

6) Killing time - shortening life (Proverb ).

III ... Lesson summary.

1. Questioning.

And now I will ask you to answer the questions of the questionnaire. Try to answer the questions honestly and score points for answers:

1) Do you try to postpone your business until tomorrow?

2) If you can do nothing, do you strive for it?

(Never - 1, sometimes - 2, often - 5, always - 7)

3) Do you try to come up with a secondary business, just not to do the main one?

(Never - 1, sometimes - 3, often - 5, always - 7)

4) How much time do you spend in front of the TV on average?

(Up to 1 hour - 1, from 1 to 2.5 hours - 3, from 2.5 to 4 hours - 5, over 4 hours - 7)

5) Is your best friend a time stealer?

(No - 1, to a certain extent - 3, rather "yes" - 5, yes - 7)

Count the points? Find the amount.

If you typedup to 15 points , you have something to be proud of. You are a purposeful active person, an interesting life awaits you.

If the amount wasfrom 16 to 25 points , you have a lot to work on. Urgent action is needed to get your lifestyle in order. Try to spend your time on business, otherwise in the future you may have problems with your studies, and then with your profession, work, salary.

If the amountexceeded 25 points , we recommend that you seriously think about your future. You, most likely, already have great difficulties with your studies, difficult relationships with adults. And if you do not change your attitude to time, to business, then the main difficulties lie ahead.

I think there is something to think about.

Teacher. Life flows endlessly, it connects us with the past and future, the wheel of life continues on its way.

2. Performance of the song.

Children perform the song "By the Way of Good" (or listened to in the audio recording). Moose. M. Minkova, lyrics Yu. Entina.

1. Ask a strict life:

Which road to go?

Where in the world is white

Head out in the morning?

Follow the sun

Though this path is unknown.

Go my friend always go

On the road of good.

2. Forget your worries,

Downs and ups.

Don't whine when fate behaves

Not like a sister.

But if it's bad with a friend,

Do not trust in a miracle.

Hurry to him, always

Go along the road of good.

3. Oh, how many different

Doubts and temptations.

Don't forget that this is life -

Not child's play.

And drive away the temptations

Learn the unspoken law:

Go my friend always go

On the road of good.

3. Classroom teacher. I would like to end our frank conversation with you today with the words of the poet Rasul Gamzatov.

Immortal wheel flying

Three times are true to him:

Past and present

They strive for the future.

And at home and under the skies of Asia

Today is open to us.

But we are connected with yesterday,

And with what lies ahead.

Let it rise above the heights

The heavens will not be darkened.

Dependent on our community

All wheel revolutions.

I think that today we had not only an interesting conversation, but also an important one, meaningful for each of you. I got great pleasure from communicating with you. Many thanks.

Used Books

1. Formation of citizenship of younger students: classes with students, conversations with parents / author-comp. O. A. Eshcherkina. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.

At school - an educational event aimed at forming a harmonious personality of students, expanding their knowledge about a person, society, the world around them, and a variety of relationships.

Interaction between teachers and parents

The leading role in holding the classroom hour is assigned to the teacher, however, the choice of the topic for such events and the preparation process should take place in close interaction with the children, which contributes to their interest, the realization of their creative potential, and the unification of the school collective.

Speaking about the importance of the class teacher in the upbringing of primary schoolchildren, one should not underestimate the importance of the family in which they are brought up. The effectiveness of the educational process largely depends on the "soil" that teachers cultivate. Only if the necessary efforts are made by parents and teachers is it possible to achieve the goal of forming a moral personality.

Classroom hours (grades 3, 4) should take into account the school audience.

Age characteristics of the psyche of primary school students

The most easily influenced audience is primary school students, which is explained by the age characteristics of their mental development. During this period, children develop voluntary behavior (planning - executing programs - self-control), which will further lead to the formation of theoretical thinking and consciousness. It is during this period that the child begins to realize his position in the social system of coordinates: moral values ​​are formed, which in the future will become the basis of the worldview.

This period of personality formation is very significant for teachers, and timeliness in correcting personality plays a key role here.

Based on the foregoing, you need to understand that the planning of class hours in elementary school must necessarily include consideration of moral topics that will make an invaluable contribution to the development of a socially oriented personality.

Classroom hours (grade 4), the developments of which are proposed in the methodological literature, first of all take into account the peculiarities of the physiology and mental development of schoolchildren, which predetermine the cognitive capabilities of students. The purpose of the event should be determined in accordance with the age of the children.

The theme of class 4 class hours offered by us allows for the moral education of students, instilling in them the skills of healthy and safe life.

Which theme should you choose?

The formation of students' moral values ​​is the most important element in their upbringing, therefore the main topics of class 4 class hours, recommended for discussion: "Tolerance", "Friendship", "Family".

In addition, given the insignificant amount of lesson time allotted for the study of topics on the basics of safe life, the topics "Health", "Rules of the road" will be useful.

They can be varied: quiz, theatrical performance, discussion, meeting with interesting people, going to the cinema, theater.

Let us dwell in more detail on the consideration of the above topics.

Class hour "Tolerance"

Grade 4 is the time when the formation of moral values ​​of primary schoolchildren takes place. One of the basic moral and ethical concepts is tolerance, which is literally translated from Latin - "patience".

The meaning of this concept is today more than ever great, which is due to the growth of such phenomena in society as intolerance, aggression, discrimination.

Based on the position that the personality manifests itself most organically in the civil society, to the construction of which we strive, the acceptance of the differences of other people is the key to a comfortable coexistence.

Tolerance as a principle of interaction in children's groups contributes to the upbringing of a tolerant society in the future.

Children have already formed general concepts of morality and immorality. However, the behavioral models of this age category have not yet been finalized.

When considering the concept of tolerance, the main emphasis should be placed on the recognition of not only the rights of children, but also on their responsibilities towards other people, respect for the personality of others, and acceptance of their worldview. In this sense, an important postulate for consolidation is the indisputable truth: "Do with others as you want them to do with you."

A class hour in grade 4 on the topic of tolerance will reduce the level of aggressive behavior of students, the threshold of conflict, which will have a positive effect on the general psychological climate in the team.

Forms of conducting a class hour on the topic "Tolerance"

In this regard, it is important to hold the classroom hour "Tolerance" in a timely manner. Grade 4 is ideal for this. The event should be held in a discussion form, when each of the participants will freely express their opinion, and the teacher will be able to differentiate significant similarities and differences in children's perception of the world around them, identify the concepts that unite all, which will further contribute to building a cohesive team, whose members interact constructively.

Role-playing games will also be a form of educational activities, which will allow us to model socially acceptable options for the behavior of children in situations of aggression, intolerance.


The continuation of the theme of tolerance can be the border theme of friendship. A class hour in grade 4 on this topic should be conducted based on an understanding of the importance of building friendships for younger students.

Unfortunately, taking into account the realities of today's life: total employment of adults, global urbanization, development of IT-technologies - communication of children is practically limited by the school environment, which increases the level of responsibility of teachers for the formation of schoolchildren's ideas about true friendship.

The basic setting for children when considering the issue of friendship should be an understanding of the uniqueness of each person, acceptance of its merits and demerits, that is, building equal relations. In addition, it is necessary to focus the attention of children on sincerity, disinterestedness, trust, devotion in friendly relations.

This approach should prompt students to reflect on their own ability to build relationships in accordance with the above criteria and the need to change themselves first. The class hour in grade 4 should be productive for the children.

Forms of conducting class hours on the topic "Friendship"

How to spend the Friendship class hour? Grade 4 is great for role-playing games. Thus, you can demonstrate visual life situations associated with the manifestation of true and false friendship. Not the last role in considering this topic is assigned to intersubject connections with literature, which can be realized through a preliminary reading of fiction and subsequent analysis of the works.

A family

Consideration of the topic of the family is the final stage of conducting class hours on moral topics, which is due to the all-encompassing nature of the concept of "family". Indeed, without tolerance and friendship, its construction is impossible. The class hour in grade 4 on the topic of the family should summarize and analyze the knowledge gained by students and their own experiences.

For children of primary school age, the family is a functional concept. Each of its members performs certain functions: mom - sews, cooks, cleans, dad - repairs, builds, etc.

Based on the above, for schoolchildren of this age, it is important to form the concepts of love, respect, mutual assistance. Emphasis should be placed on the complex interaction of these concepts, which will determine the formation of a prosperous family. Its most important indicator is the harmonious relationship between the older and younger generations, which, in turn, is based on the need to form the authority of adults, and not on unconditional love for children. In addition, an important aspect when considering the need to form the authority of adults in the family is the emergence of critical thinking in younger schoolchildren, which is often expressed in the denial of authority in general.

How to properly spend a class hour (4th grade)? Family is the most important value for everyone. An event on this topic can be held in the form of a competition, quiz, game.


The most important issue to consider during classroom hours in grade 4 is the topic of health. The class hour "Health" (grade 4) should generalize the previously acquired knowledge and form habits aimed at maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Considering that at this age habits are only being formed, which in the future will determine the way of life, the main attention of the teacher should be paid to the content of the correct way of life.

Primarily, this implies focusing on the importance of physical activity, hygiene procedures, proper nutrition, reducing the level of impact on human health of the environment and social sphere.

In addition, taking into account the age characteristics of primary school students, an important issue that should be given serious attention is planning the daily routine.

One of the basic points when considering topics about health in grade 4 is informing about bad habits and fostering persistent rejection of them.

Traffic Laws

In the context of considering issues of general health when planning extracurricular activities, attention should be paid to such a topic as traffic rules. How to properly spend a class hour on this topic (grade 4)? Traffic rules are something that even younger students should know. It is worth considering issues visually, creatively, touching upon aspects that have not been previously studied.

Taking into account the growth of child injuries and deaths during road traffic accidents, this topic is more than in demand.

Considering that the rules of the road were studied by pupils of the 4th grade in previous years, the body of accumulated knowledge is very significant. In this sense, it is important to set such events to form an understanding among children that unconditional compliance with the rules of the road is, first of all, a manifestation of respect for all participants in the road process, and in addition, a guarantee of the preservation of their lives and the lives of those around them.

Forms of conducting a class hour on the topic "Traffic rules"

In the form of role-playing games, you can spend a class hour (grade 4). Children will be able to remember traffic rules faster if the event is interesting and fun.

Also recommended for use at classroom hours are meetings with law enforcement officials who regulate road safety, which will allow you to learn the rules firsthand and realize all the risks and responsibility for rash actions on the road.

Thus, the themes of the 4th grade classroom hours presuppose the formation of basic moral concepts, which should be fixed in their minds and, over time, be transformed into established behavioral models. The successful implementation of educational tasks is possible with close interaction between the school and the family. Classroom hours (grade 4), the development of which is widely represented in the literature, in practice requires that it will form the moral personality of students.

Class hour in 4th grade on the topic "Guinness Show"

Goals: introduce students to the Guinness Book of Records; develop observation and imagination in students; contribute to the creation of a positive emotional atmosphere in the classroom.

Preparatory work: assign 2-4 students to the role of photojournalists (after the class hour, they draw up the wall newspaper "Class Records").

Equipment: camera; props for contests.

Classroom plan

I. Introductory conversation.

II. Information block "Guinness Book of Records".

III. Contests "Class record holders".

IV. Summarizing.

Class hour

I. Introductory conversation

Classroom teacher. Listen to the story and tell me which book it is about.

On Saturday November 10, 1951, Sir Hugh Beaver (1890-1967), manager of the Guinness Brewing Company, hunted with friends along the Slany River, County Wexford, in southeastern Ireland. But an unfortunate case - the hunters shot unsuccessfully, and several golden plovers did not hit the table. And in the evening, in the circle of friends gathered at the estate of Castle Bridge House, a heated dispute broke out over whether the golden plover is the fastest bird of Europe. Unfortunately, there was no handbook at hand that could satisfy the curiosity of the gentlemen.

In August 1954, a dispute among the hunters we already knew arose over the black grouse, which seemed to them to fly even faster. Sir Hugh Beaver thought that hundreds of such issues were surely being discussed in 81,400 pubs in England and Ireland, and that there was no book to help resolve the record controversy.

On September 12, 1954, Sir Hugh invited us, the brothers Norris and Ross McHuerter, to an audience to see if our London news agency could help create the necessary directory.

The publishing house was opened in London at 107 Fleet Street. And work on the first 198-page edition began. A signal copy of the then unknown book was printed on August 27, 1955 (The story of the book, told by its creator Norris McHuerter especially for Russian readers.)

II. Information block "Guinness Book of Records"

Classroom teacher. Even before the Christmas holidays, the Guinness Book of Records topped the bestseller list and never left it, with the exception of 1957 and 1959, when it was not reprinted. The first American edition was published in New York in 1965, followed by a French edition in 1962, and a German edition in 1963. In 1967, the book was published in Japanese, Spanish, Danish and Norwegian, and the following year in Swedish, Finnish and Italian. In the 1970s. it has been published in Dutch, Portuguese, Czech, Hebrew, Serbo-Croatian, Icelandic and Slovenian.

In the 1980s. translations of the Guinness Book of Records have been published in 13 languages: Greek, Indonesian, Chinese, Turkish, Malay, Arabic, Hungarian, Thai, Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam. In February 1990, it was first published in Russian, and in December of the same year, in Polish. In 1991, the Bulgarian, Romanian, Macedonian and Korean editions of the book appeared.

Thus, the Guinness Book of Records was published in 43 languages ​​of the world. In November 1974, the book was named the most popular copyright book in publishing history. By that time, its total circulation had reached 23.9 million copies. And by the middle of 1993, more than 74 million copies of the Guinness Book of Records were sold worldwide.

Why do you guys think this book has become so popular? (Students make assumptions.)

Do you know how to get into the Guinness Book of Records? (Answers of children.)

A record is considered to be that which surpasses the already existing achievements, that which can be compared and contrasted with them. This is the main criterion for selecting information. Unique cases, curiosities or something "very, very first" are not always records, but they are of interest. Disability records are not included in the book. Also, records are not included in the book that represent an extreme danger to human life: skydiving from low altitudes or excessive food intake.

Efforts have been made in recent years to set duration records in many activities, such as the stillness record, according to the book's authors. The length of such marathons, which included prolonged insomnia, often went to extremes and threatened the lives of applicants. Therefore, before venturing into such a record, the authors ask you to consult the national edition of the Guinness Book of Records about its feasibility.

Some types of marathons allow 5 minute rest breaks, but only after every hour. These breaks are voluntary and can be cumulative. The accepted record is the total time, that is, the time elapsed from start to finish, including breaks. The protocols should record the continuous observation of the attempt to establish a record, contain information about the chronological order, time, duration and rest breaks. The documentation must be certified with the signatures of witnesses indicating the time of attendance. At least two independent witnesses are desirable. The competitors' relatives cannot be witnesses. Where possible, standings are saved. Persons under the age of 14 are not allowed to participate. Individuals aged 14-18 need to have written permission from a parent or guardian to participate.

Applicants must obtain confirmation of the record in the local or national newspaper, and if the competition is hosted by a national or international body, an official document confirming the results. On newspaper clippings, you must indicate the name of the newspaper, the place of its publication and the issue number in which the article is placed. It is desirable that information about the event be broadcast by radio or television.

III. Contests "Class Records"

Classroom teacher. Today we will try to identify our champions in the class. First, you need to choose an independent jury, which will determine the winners in a particular competition.

(Invites several students to become members of the jury.)

Anyone can take part in the competition, but if someone wins in one of the competitions, he will not be able to take part in the next one. Everything that happens will be photographed by our correspondents.

So let's get started.

IV. Summarizing

Classroom teacher. Let's give our winners a round of applause! All memorable moments were captured, we are looking forward to the release of the wall newspaper "Class Records".

Additional material


1. Who will sit on a stool longer, raising their legs above the floor and not holding on to anything with their hands.

2. Who will quickly eat a piece of black bread and then whistle.

3. Who can do more squats while holding a pencil on the nose.

4. Who will raise and hold more balloons for 10 seconds.

5. Who will tie 5 knots on the line faster.

6. Who will put an old newspaper into a bottle faster without tearing it up.

7. Who can roll out the longest plasticine sausage in 1 minute.

8. Who will quickly drink a glass of water through a straw.

9. Who will be able to pronounce the sound I.

10. Who will stand longer on one leg in the "swallow" position.

Examples of Human Achievement from the Guinness Book of Records

The biggest damn

A pancake weighing 3 tons and a diameter of 15.01 m was baked in Manchester (UK) in August 1994 during the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the creation of the cooperative movement.

Apples cut with a sword in the air

On May 30, 2004, Kenneth Lee cut 21 apples in the air with a samurai sword in 1 minute at the Tiger Style Karate Academy (New Jersey, USA).

Jumping rope

In July 2005, Isabelle Bush (Alaska, USA) jumped 151,036 times in 24 hours. On average, she did 104 jumps per minute.


The record for the duration of applause (58 hours and 9 minutes) was set by V. Jeyaraman from Tamil Nadu (India) from February 12 to 15, 1988. At the same time, the pace was at least 160 claps per minute and they could be heard at a distance of 109.7 m.


On October 19, 2005 at the Open International Heavyweight Championship in Norwood (USA) British Barry Andersen lifted a 63 kg kettlebell with his little finger.

Climbing the piano up the stairs

On December 5, 2001, Jose Angel Aria Villanueva (Spain) in 6.37 seconds lifted a stool and then a 175-kilogram piano up a 15-step staircase, then a 175-kilogram piano, after which he played a three-minute sketch.

Scenario of extracurricular activities Grade 4