Space Olympiads for primary school students. Summary of the game - Quiz "This amazing space"

Space Olympiads for primary school students. Summary of the game - Quiz "This amazing space"

Quiz for students 2 - 3 classes on the topic "Space space"

Smekalova Galina Aleksandrovna
Position:primary school teacher
Place of work: MBOU SOSH №26 Vladimir
Work description: Methodical development contains a "Cosmonautics Day" contempt. The material will be useful and interesting to teachers of primary classes, class managers, educators, primary school students.

Purpose: Formation of educational competencies of students 2 - 3 classes in the subject area of \u200b\u200bmathematics and the world around the topic "Space space"
- development of memory, attention, imagination;
- Development of the ability of respect for other point of view;
- the formation of the ability to listen and hear each other;
- formation of knowledge about space, cosmonauts Y. Gagarin, A. Leonov, Titov.

On the board hang portraits of astronauts (Appendix 3), the name of the stars, the rocket puzzle.

Event flow

Hello guys. We are very pleased to welcome you on an exciting, cognitive game "Space space"!

Rules of the game. Presentation of the jury, teams, fans and guests. Sounds anthem - Earth in the porthole.
Teams are sitting per desk. The quiz was attended by students 2 "b" class, 2 "a" class and 3 "b" class.

Our game is "outer space" - consists of 6 stages: team greetings, we are sages, task for captains, magic puzzle, crossword and award.

On April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin on the East-1 spacecraft launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome and for the first time in the world, the orbital deployment of the planet Earth was performed. The flight in the near-earth outer space lasted 108 minutes.
In the Soviet Union, the holiday was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 9, 1962. Notes called Cosmonautics Day. This holiday is installed at the suggestion of the second pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR German Titov.
On March 18-19, 1965, Alexey Leonov, together with Pavel Belyaev, was flying into space as a second pilot on the spacecraft "Voskhod-2". During this flight, Leonov made the first in the history of cosmonautics to enter outdoor cosmos duration of 12 minutes 9 seconds. During the exit, exceptional courage was shown, especially in an abnormal situation, when a swollen space skateman prevented his return to the spacecraft. Log in the gateway Leonov managed, only by hiding out of the square of excessive pressure, while he climbed into the hatch of the ship is not legs, but head forward, which is prohibited by the instruction.

Stage 1. Greeting teams. The guys come up with the name of the team and the motto and represent themselves in front of other teams.

Stage 2. We are wise men.
The teams are distributed pencils, a clean sheet with a blank table grid, a handle, a sheet with encryption. Guys perform tasks.
1) from 12 pencils to make a geometric shape consisting of 5 squares (1Ball).

2) Remove 4 pencils so that 2 square remains (1 point).

3) Remember the location of the figures in the square, and then sketch the data of the figures (2 points)

4) Place the proposed stars in an increase in their size.
Sun - diameter 1,391,400 km,
Sirius - Diameter 2 million meters,
Regul - massive sun 3.5 times,
Aldebaran can be represented as an orange, and the sun is a pea.

5) In this encryption, you are invited to find as much encrypted words as possible, for each word the team gets-1 score, letters in words are not repeated (Appendix 1). (Heart, dream, courage, faith, happiness, good, sincerity, love, sympathy)

6) Answer questions:
- Why can you live on the moon? (no air)
3 stage. Task for team captains.
Build a rocket on the board, making up equality (they can be prepared as a task consolidation on the topic).

Guess the riddle:
The wings do not have this bird
But it is impossible not to marry:
Only blossoms the bird tail -
And rises to the stars.
Next, we look at the video of the first animals.

4 stage.Collect puzzles.
The guys are issued 3 pictures cut, as a puzzle (Appendix 2). Students are harvested for speed. Accordingly, it is obtained - 3 points, 2 points and 1 point. Try to tell about what is depicted on the puzzle. Teacher hangs an illustration on the board.

5 stage. Crossword.
Teams receive crossword puzzles. We carry the photo printing of crossword puzzle on the board, so we all check the answers together.

6 stage. Award.
While the jury summarizes the word fans - classmates.

We render every team of diploma.

Together with me, this quiz was held by my colleagues: Zagodko Anna Alekseevna

And Antonova Maria Alexandrovna.

Dear colleagues, thank you so much! Together we did everything!

Attachment 1.
Good luck!
Team name:
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C m o d u s a h in b
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1. Which scientists of our country appeared the founder of astronautics?

2. Name the outstanding constructor of rocket-space systems, with the name of which the first victories of our country are connected in the development of space.

3. What date was the beginning of the cosmic era of humanity?

4. What event is timed to the celebration of the Day of Cosmonautics?

5. Name the first outstanding achievements of domestic specialists in the development of the Moon.

6. What planet of the solar system was first delivered by the pennants of our country?

7. If you send a 120 kilograms from the ground to the moon, then how many people need to be highlighted on the moon for carrying this cargo?

8. Can barometer-aleroid work on the moon?

9. Is it possible to navigate the moon surface with the help of a compass?

10. How long will the match burn on the moon?

11. Is it possible on the surface of the planet Venus to navigate through the sun and the stars?

12. Cosmonaut, being on Mars, considers the starry sky. Will the drawing of constellations, familiar astronaut on observations from the ground?

13. Is it possible to remove the satellite ship in orbit lying on the polar circle?

14. Is it possible to remove the artificial satellite of the Earth on such an orbit so that it is "hung" over any point of the earth's surface?

15. If we assume that in space, in conditions of weightlessness, from blocks that have fun on Earth hundreds of kilograms, an orbital station is mounted, should the astronauts be feared to be clamped between these blocks?

16. Cosmonaut in flight must be engaged in physical exercises. Can dumbbells come in handy for this, Espander?

17. What is the planet known under the name of the morning or evening star?

18. Is it possible to distinguish the planet from the star with the naked eye?

19. Where can I build a house, all parties to which would be facing north?

20. What is the difference between the meteor and meteorite?

21. When are we closer to the sun, in winter or summer?

22. How to distinguish with the appearance of the sickle of the growing moon from decreasing?

23. Name five actors of scientific fiction novels about the development of space.

Answers to the quiz of a young cosmonaut

1. K. E. Tsiolkovsky.

2. Academician S. P. Korolev.

3. October 4, 1957. On this day, in our country, an artificial satellite of the Earth was bred in orbit.

4. The day of cosmonautics in our country is celebrated on April 12. On this day, in 1961, Yu. A. Gagarin on the East satellite ship made the first space flight in the history of our planet.

5. 1959 - delivery of domestic pennants to the moon, photographing the reverse side of the lunar ball; 1966 - Implementation of a soft landing on the lunar surface, creating the first satellite of the moon.

6. On the planet Venus on March 1, 1966, the Vena-3 station delivered the pennant of our country. So the first interplanetary flight was completed.

7. No more than two, as the strength of gravity on the moon is 6 times less than on Earth.

8. This device will not act on the moon, since there is no atmosphere on its surface.

9. It is impossible, since the moon has a magnetic field.

10. Only the match of the match will flash, which contains oxygen in its composition. Normal burning in airless space is impossible.

11. It is impossible, since the sky of Venus is covered with a powerful layer of opaque clouds.

12. The pattern of constellations practically will not change, since the distance between the earth and Mars is negligible compared to the distance to the stars.

13. It is impossible. After all, the satellite is moving around the center of mass of the planet, and, therefore, its orbit should lie in the plane passing through the center of the Earth.

14. You can. To do this, it is necessary to remove the satellite into a circular orbit lying in the plane of the equator, and inform him the speed in the direction of the earth's rotation. At a certain height (about 40,000 km), the angular speed of rotation of the satellite coincides with the angular speed of rotation of the Earth around the axis. The circular equatorial orbit in such height is called stationary.

15. In the state of weightlessness, the body is losing weight, but not a mass. Therefore, with a convergence of two enough massive blocks, careless cosmonaut risks to be crushed.

16. Dumbbells in conditions of weightlessness are not advisable, as they will lose weight, and their mass is small; But the Eppender can be successfully used in weightlessness - after all, physical efforts have to be used when stretching its springs.

17. Venus.

18. Stars flicker, and planets shine with smooth light.

19. In the South Pole.

20. Meteor is an atmospheric phenomenon (combustion of cosmic particles in the air); Meteorite is a heavenly stone that fell on the ground.

21. Winter northern hemisphere. The land is in the perigelia, that is, in the next to the sun, the point of its orbit.

22. If the moon is visible in the form of the letter "C", then this is an old, decreasing moon.

23. You can call, for example, such names: Michelle Ardan and Mr. Barbiken from Roman J. Verne "From the cannon on the moon", Caver - from Roman Hwells "First People on the Moon", Gusev - from Roman A. Tolstoy "Aelita ", Erg Nor from Roman N. Efremova" Timbal Andromeda ", Gorbovsky, Walkenstein, Percy Dixon from Arkady's novels and Boris Strugatsky.

Cognitive quiz of Cosmonautics Day for students of younger, middle and senior classes.

Cosmonautics Day Scenario:

The purpose of this event is:

  • show the chronology of events in the history of cosmonautics;
  • to form interest in the younger schoolchildren to the study of astronomy and cosmonautics;
  • to form a sense of patriotism and pride in achieving their country in the development of space;
  • develop speech and ability to submit information to listeners.

Equipment: Artificial Earth Satellite Model - Gymnastic Ball with 58 cm diameter, Scales Outdoor, model Rocket, Personal computer, Multimedia projector, Presentation "Virtual Cosmonautics Museum"

Event flow

1) Excursion through the virtual museum of cosmonautics using the presentation is conducted by students of high schools (the text of the presentation "Virtual Museum of Cosmonautics"
2) Quiz "What do I know about space?" Conduct students of senior classes.

Quiz rules

Movement take turns ask questions. The participant is responsible, the first rising hand. For the correct answer, he is aware of a token with a portrait of Gagarin. Other participants can add the answer and also get a token. When conducting quiz, models and instruments associated with questions (satellite model, rocket, etc.) are demonstrated.

Quiz questions

1) What does the word space mean? (Universe)
2) What objects in the universe do you know? (Stars, planets, comets, asteroids, etc.)
3) what is the star closest to us? (The sun)
4) How many planets in the solar system? (nine)
5) List all the planets of the solar system known to you. (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto)
6) What is the name of the largest solar system planet? (Jupiter)
7) What does the word cosmonautics mean? (Art Traveling through the Universe)
8) Why is October 4, 1957 considered the beginning of the cosmic era of humanity? (Because on this day the first artificial satellite of the Earth was launched)
9) What sizes had the first artificial satellite of the Earth? Show your hands. (58 cm) So that children can estimate the size of the first artificial satellite of the Earth, high school students show its model.
10) How much has weighed the first satellite? How much is it in boys (girls)? (83 kg 600 g) To compare the mass of the satellite with a mass of the child weigh on the floor weights of all those who want boys and girls.
11) How many dogs for the first time flew into space? (1 - Like)
12) What holiday we celebrated on April 12, 2011? (50th anniversary of cosmonautics)
13) Name the cosmonaut who has committed the first space flight. (Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin)
14) How many minutes did the first cosmic flight of a person lasted? And how much is it in the clock? (108 min or 1 h 48 min)
15) How many times did Gagarin shut off around the earth? (one)
16) What words did Gagarin pronounce during the start of the spacecraft? ("Go!")
17) Who is Herman Titov? (This is a cosmonaut who made the first in the history of the daytime flight into space)
18) Who was the first to enter outdoor space? (Alexey Leonov)
19) Which call sign was Valentina Tereshkova in flight: Squirrel, arrow or seagull? (Gull)
20) What are the main cosmodrome from which the first space ships started? (Baikonur)
21) What was the name of the self-propelled apparatus, which took the journey through the surface of the moon? ("Lunohod")
22) Call the place in the solar system, except for the earth, where did the leg of a person go? (Moon)
23) How many long-term orbital stations "Salute" worked in orbit? (7)
24) How is the ISS decryp? (International Space Station)
25) Who was the chief designer of the first spacecraft? (Sergey Pavlovich Korolev)
26) what is the name of the place where the rocket is running into space? (Cosmodrome)


1) award. Counting the number of tokens from the participants of the quiz. The most active participants who scored their largest number are awarded with medals. Counting the number of awarded participants in each class and the presentation of grades for the I, II, III of the place.
2) Festive launch of the rocket (the flight of the model of the rocket created by high school students is demonstrated).

Holiday for high school students

Intelligent game "Brain Ring"

Purpose:develop the interest of secondary and senior students to study astronomy and astronautics.


  • in the game form to systematize students' knowledge obtained during the week of cosmonautics;
  • raise a sense of collectivism, skill working in a team;
  • form an active life position;
  • develop a sense of patriotism and pride in achieving their country in the development of space;
  • develop speech, thinking, the ability to correctly express your opinion.

Breun Ring is held in three rounds. In the first round participates on the same command from each class. Each team can consist of 4-6 people.

Rules of the first (qualifying) tour

Selection tour or blitz. Consists of 10 questions. The presenter reads the question. Teams are responsible in writing. For each answer is given to 15 seconds. For the right answers can be accrued from 1 to 6 points. Following the qualifying round, 2 teams remain in the game. With a controversial situation, the presenter sets 2 additional questions.

Questions of the first round

Main questions

1) Who first conducted the observation of space objects in the telescope? (Galileo Galilee) - 1 point.
2) Name the name, first name and patronymic of the main designer of the first Soviet spacecraft. (Sergey Pavlovich Korolev) - 2 points for a complete answer, 1 point, if only the name or name and surname are named.
3) How many dogs flew into space for the first time? (1) - 1 point
4) The first flight into space on April 12, 1961, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was performed on the ship ... (ship name) (Vostok-1) - 1 point.
5) The first flight lasted ... (Name the duration in minutes and in hours) (108 minutes or 1 hour 48 minutes) - 1 point.
6) How many compatriots flew into space? Name them. (3 - Valentina Tereshkova, Svetlana Savitskaya, Elena Kondakova) - 4 points, if the correct number and all names are named, otherwise one score for the name.
7) For the first time, the entry into open space has accomplished ... (Name the name and surname) (Alexey Leonov) - 2 points for the name and last name, 1 point for last name.
8) The joint flight program of Soviet and American ships was called ... (Name) (Soyuz - "Apollo") - 1 point.
9) What is the name of the place where they are preparing for the flight and launch space ships and satellites? (Cosmodrome) - 1 point.
10) Name the place outside the land where the person has grown out. (Moon) - 1 point.

Additional questions

1) Write your own names of self-propelled automatic devices for the study of the Moon and Mars. ("Lunohod-1", "Lunohod-2", "Mars-1", "Sostrunor (Sodegorner)", "Spirit", "Reference") - 1 point for each name, just 6 points.
2) What is the name of the spacecraft, which went beyond the limits of the solar system? ("Voyager-1") - 1 point.

Rules of the second round

Two teams participate in the second round. The tour consists of 10 questions. The master reads the question and gives a beep to start the discussion. If the team is ready to answer, it raises the checkbox. The answer right is provided to the team, the first lifting check box. If the first command gives the wrong answer, the answer right is going to the second team. In the event of an incorrect response, the audience responds to the question of question. For the correct answers, the audience is handed tokens. For each correct answer, accrued one point.

Questions of the second round

(1 point for each correct answer)
1) What is cosmonautics? (Art travel in the universe)
2) Who belongs to the words: "Humanity should not always stay in the cradle?" (K.E. Tsiolkovsky)
3) What form was the descendable apparatus of the East spacecraft? (Ball)
4) What words did Gagarin pronounce during the start? ("Go!")
5) Can astronaut in a spacecraft pour tea from the thermos into a mug? (No, since in weightless water "rolls" by balls)
6) What is the name of the installation, which is used for training and cosmonauts, and submariners, as well as in medicine in the treatment of certain diseases? (Pressure chamber)
7) Soviet and Russian space ships have their own name and sequence number. Specify the correct objectivity of ships by names: "Sunrise", "Progress", "Union", "East". ("East", "Sunrise", "Union", "Progress")
8) After flying Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was awarded with a car - black "Volga" with registered numbers. At that time, the number consisted of four digits and three letters. What do you think the number was by Gagarin's car if he had a symbolic meaning? (12-04 yAG)
9) What are the Russian and American ships of reusable? ("Buran" and "Spies Shatla")
10) Could American astronauts observe the falling stars on the moon? (No, since there is no atmosphere on the moon)

Rules of the Third Tour

The third round consists of two tasks.

1) Computer test "The very first". The team chooses one representative for testing. The test contains ten questions, accrued one point for each correct answer.

2) The task is performed on a magnetic chalkboard using ready-made cards. It is necessary to place an event in chronological order:

- launch of the first artificial satellite
- Like dog flight
- The beginning of the study of the moon
- First flight of a person in space
- Beginning of the Research Venus
- Flying of the first woman-astronaut
- the beginning of the study of Mars
- the first human yield in open space
- launch of the first long-term orbital station
- Joint Soviet-American flight under the program "Union" - "Apollo"

In the text of the task, the event is arranged correctly. Teams receive cards located on the board in random order.
Participants can get up to 10 points (one score for each event installed correctly).


The jury summarizes each tour and a total result at the end of the game. Finalist teams are awarded with diplomas for the I and II of the Places.

Quiz Cosmonautics Day for primary classes

purpose : Expand the horizon of students.

Registration : drawings and illustrations on the topic.

Teacher . Good afternoon, dear guys. We gathered today to note one of the outstanding holidays, which arose in the 20th century, is the anniversary of the first flight of a person in space, or in other words - the day of cosmonautics.

With deep ancient times, the stellar sky manifested man, but it was possible only recently to achieve him.

Log and Torner was the path of man into space. It stretches this path in thousands of years. And here the dream of people was carried out - a person conquers space.

For centuries, man looked into the sky. He walked around the ground and was not afraid to float far into the sea, but the sky was huge and incomprehensible to him. The man settled in the sky of the gods. But man wanted to rise there by himself. And then there were legends about people who can fly, fantastic novels appeared, the aircraft and remaining on Earth were constructed.

And now the twentieth century has come. Airplanes have already been flying in the sky, and the first rockets rose into space. People believed, the day is not far away when a person will fly into space.

And now, finally, April 12, 1961, Friday, ordinary work day. In the morning he was interrupted by the message: "All radio stations of the Soviet Union work! For the first time in the world! Man in space! "

Day April 12 became evidence of any, the most bold, human dreams. Since then, he is celebrated annually by humanity as World Cosmonautics Day.

Records Guinness

1. Name the most important god in Roman mythology. (Jupiter)

2. Name the star close to Earth. (The sun)

3. Ask the very first in the history of humanity of the cosmonaut. (Yu.A.Gagarin)

4. Name the very first cosmonaut woman. (V.N. Nikolaeva-Tereshkova)

5. Name the planet of the solar system close to the sun. (Mercury)

6. Name the largest planet of the solar system. (Jupiter)

7. Name the northernmost star of the Northern Hemisphere. (Polar)

8. Name the very first piloted spacecraft. ("East")

9. Name the very first woman who has surrendered to space in Skafandra. (S.Savitskaya)

10. Name the most militant God of ancient Romans. (Mars)

11. Name the most remote from the Sun and the coldest planet of the solar system. (Pluto)

12. Name the biggest celestial body collided with the Earth in the 20th century. (Tunguska meteorite)

13. Name the very first word spoken by the first cosmonaut of the Earth after the start of the ship. ("Go")

14. Name the galaxy closest to the solar system. (Magellanovo cloud)

15. Name the very first person who pulled to the surface of the moon. (N.Armstrong, E.Oldrin)

16. Name the first cosmonaut, published in open space. (Leon)

History of astronomy

Which of the heroes of the ancient myths first overcame the power of earthly attraction and flew?(ICAR)

Which of Russian scientists has proven the presence of an atmosphere on the planet Venus?(Mikhail Lomonosov)

Who first suggested that the earth has a ball shape?(Pythagoras)

Who was one of the first to express the idea that the sun was in the center of the Universe?(Aristarh Samos)

Name the name of the academic rocket inventor.(K.E. Tsiolkovsky).

solar system

How otherwise called comets?(Translated from the Greek language means "tailed stars.")

How often new stars are born?(Every 20 days a new star is born.)

What sizes had the first artificial satellite of the Earth? Show your hands.(58 cm)

What does the word "planet" mean translated into Russian?(wandering)

What is a meteor, what is a meteorite?

Planets, Solar System

What planet is called red?(Mars in the sky looks red, because on the surface of Mars there are breeds containing iron, so-called rust-containing rocks).

What are the biggest (giants) of the solar system planet?(Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune)

The name of the sun planet our system and the smallest?(Pluto)

On what planet the sun goes back in the West, and sits down in the east?(On Venus, Venus revolves around his axis in the opposite direction than the Earth).

Which planet is the most satellites?(Saturn: Now there are 17)

Cosmonautics Related Devices

What is the name of the device for studying the night sky and who invented it?(Telescope, Galilee).

What is the name of the self-propelled apparatus, which made a trip over the surface of the moon?(Lunohod).

What installation is used to train cosmonauts and submariners?(pressure chamber).

The largest telescope on earth?(The largest telescope in the world began to work on July 13, 2007 in the observatory on the Canary Islands.10.4 m.)

First cosmonaut

What cinder was Yuri Gagarin? (Cedar)

What was the name of the ship, on which April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin made the first flight into space?("East")

How long lasted the first flight in space Y. Gagarin(108 minutes)

What city of Russia, according to Y. Gagarin, gave him a ticket to heaven?(Saradov in 1954 he became a cadet of Saratov Aeroklub).

How many times did Gagarin take off around the earth?(1 time)


Name the world's first woman - astronaut?(V. Tereshkova)

Name the name of the cosmonaut, the first moon pulled to the surface. (Neil Armstrong)

Who and when did the world's first exit to open space?(Alexey Leonov, March 18, 1965)

Who was the general designer of the first spacecraft?(Sergey Pavlovich Korolev)

What does the word "cosmonautics" mean?(Art travel in the universe).

Cosmos and all that is connected with it

Cosmonaut overalls.(Suiter)

How many dogs for the first time flew into space?(One - husky)

What is the name of the place where the rocket starts into space?(Cosmodrome)

The Chinese believe that this is the "heavenly river with thousands of fish." And the inhabitants of Siberia thought that the sky was cut into two halves, held together with a light stripe, heavenly seam. What is it about?(Milky Way)

Why on wraps of chocolate bars "Milky Way" depicts stars?(In English Milky Way - Milk Road)

Today we will spend an interesting quiz from which you will learn a lot of new things, and perhaps someone wants to associate your life with space.

First Competition simplest. You need to answer questions only by two words - "yes" or "no". All questions - about space and about people who conquer him.

2. Only the earth has a satellite? (Not.)

3. Sun is a star? (Yes.)

4. The first astronaut was Yuri Gagarin? (Yes.)

5. The first in open space came out American? (Not.)

6. The closest star to Earth is Venus? (Not.)

7. Americans have already fly to the moon? (Yes.)

8. Planet is a relatively cold celestial body? (Yes.)

9. Cosmonauts flew to Mars? (Not.)

10. First Cosmonaut Woman - Svetlana Savitskaya? (Not.)

11. The flight of Gagarin lasted a day? (Not.)

12. Planet Earth approximately 4.6 billion years old? (Yes.)

13. Assyrians and Babylonians were the first to allocate the signs of the zodiac in the sky? (Yes.)

15. Constellation is a plot of starry sky? (Yes.)

Teacher. The second competition is called "Choose the answer". You are invited to a question, and to it - three answers, one of which is correct. You need to call this answer.

1. Who was the first to go to space?

a) Gagarin;

b) Leon;

c) Armstrong.

2. Who was the first to suggest that the earth has a shape of the ball?

a) Aristotle;

b) Pythagoras;

c) Ptolemy.

a) Mars;

b) land;

c) Pluto.

4. The nearest star to us:

A) Sirius;

b) Aldebaran;

c) the sun.

5. First Cosmonaut Woman:

a) Tereshkova;

b) Savitskaya;

c) Petrov.

6. Flight Yuri Gagarin lasted:

a) day;

b) 36 hours;

c) 108 minutes.

7. The world's first exit to open space accomplished:

a) titles;

b) Leon;

c) Gagarin.

8. Science studying celestial bodies:

a) biology;

b) anatomy;

c) astronomy.

9. In which month of the year, the land is closest to the Sun:

a) in July;

b) in May;

c) in january.

10. How many planets of the solar system can be seen with the naked eye:

a) ten;

b) five;

in one.

Task: Draw a picture.

The overall view of the space and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe study of outer space can cause many questions. Why is Pluto not planet? Is it possible to hear anything in space? How many space stations are currently in space? What happens when the cosmonaut eats gases in space?

Want to know the answers to these and many other questions? Before you - 25 cosmic facts that you always wanted to know!

25. How old is the sun?

Sun is about 4.6 billion years. Billion is a thousand million.

24. Are astronauts really go in diapers?

Yes: during the start of the spacecraft, return to Earth and everything they make outside the spacecraft or space station. Although they are called not "diapers", but the "maximum absorbing garment" (Maximum Absorbency Garment, or Mag).

23. Is it true that in space no one will hear your scream?

Well yes. What we hear are sound waves that actually represent vibrations in the air. There is no air in space, so there is nothing to vibrate there. Light and radio waves apply to space, but they do not need air to spread like sound waves.

22. When will the Gallea comet again fly past?

Comet Halley will be visible from the ground in 2061. An interesting fact: Mark Twain (Mark Twain) was born a year when Comet Gallei flew (1835), and died when she flew past the earth next time (1910). A year before his death, Mark Twain said: "I came with Gallei's comet, and I must leave with her."

21. Why is Cosmos black?

Because in the overwhelming part of the universe there is nothing, including light. Or maybe in the black space to which we look, there is light - we simply cannot see it with a human eye, or light waves are in hundreds of light years from us.

20. When do we actually go to Mars?

Currently it seems that the Mission scheduled for 2030 is our most realistic schedule. One of the main problems associated with sending people to Mars is finance.
So far, more and more people require money for NASA from the government, looking at the success of private programs, such as SPASE X, it is possible that the private sector or cooperation can help deliver us to Mars.

19. Is there any spy satellites in space?

You may not doubt! In fact, Japan has just, in March, launched one such satellite - "Radar 5" ("Radar 5") - to follow North Korea. Thank you for your attention, Japan!

18. Full moon every month falls on different days, so how long does the moon cycle last?

27.3 days

17. What are the names of the planets in our solar system, and what do they mean their names?

With the exception of the Earth, all the planets in our solar system are named after the gods and goddesses of the ancient Greek or ancient Roman mythology.
Pluto was the God of the underground kingdom; Mercury was a messenger of the gods; Venus was goddess love and beauty. Uranus was the god of the sky; Saturn was an ancient Roman god of agriculture; Mars was the god of war, Jupiter (the largest planet of our solar system) was named after God-Ruzhozhitsa; Neptune was the God of the Seas.

16. Then why did the land given exactly this name?

In fact, it is unknown. What we really know is that the word "earth" ("Earth") is derived from the English and German words meaning "soil, soil". Our planet is stunningly beautiful, mostly covered with water, and we called it ... Earth. Hi, humanity!

15. Is there really a mysterious "Planet X", which we cannot see in our solar system?

Probably. NASA found evidence of the existence of the planet size with Neptune at an even greater orbit of the Sun than Pluto, which, according to the calculations of astronomers, makes one full rotation around the Sun for 10,000 years.

14. Is it possible to get sick "cosmic madness"?

Not? But problems with mental health on Earth would also exist in space, and if stress from flight into space was a trigger, astronauts could have a failure or case of a disease in space, so ... yes?
In NASA, there were two separate studies in the field of mental health of astronauts (one - on the ISS, another - on the already no existing space station "Peace"), and the only interesting thing that appeared in the reports is "some tension", which in principle is what can happen to any person living at work with their colleagues. On the general mood or cohesion of the group, it did not mean anything negatively.
The test, imitating the year on Mars, was started on earth and ended in 2016. Participants of the study could not leave their habitat for a distance further than 366 meters, if there were no scafflers. There was some tension and stress, as well as some interpersonal problems.
Like the neighbors on the room in the hostel, one becomes friends the rest of your life, while others will not be friends even in Facebook. So there are no specific evidence that the time spent in space causes any specific "cosmic" mental health problems. However, if they have a person on Earth, he will have them after will leave the land (theoretically).

13. What happens if you bump into space?

Well, first, the released gas will not move, because there is no gravity so that heavily air moves somewhere, and there are no air flows so that it spreads.
Man just remains one on one in this gas "cloud". Fortunately, the spacecraft are made with modifications that are filtered by such ... hmm ... gases, and astronauts find their own ways to minimize their gases on other crew members, such as, for example, to do this in less used compartments of the ISS.

12. Why do stars seem flickering or flashing?

Because their light should overcome various layers of gases in our atmosphere. Think about it like about the light passing through the water that distorts the light and makes it "sparkle". In this case, the same basic principle is valid.

11. Can blood really boil in space if a person is without a skatera?

Yes. This is due to how pressure affects the boiling point of liquids. The lower the pressure, the lower the boiling point, because molecules are easier to move and begin to turn into gas from the liquid. That is why water on Elbrus, for example, boils faster than on the Caspian Sea coast. Thus, under the conditions of vacuum of outer space, the boiling point of blood can fall to normal body temperature.

10. What is the temperature in space?

Different. In some parts of the outer space, such as, near the stars, rather hot: there can be instantly evaporate, turning into a hot ash. Whereas in other parts, in deep darkness and on the surface of some planets, looking away from the suns or located far from them, quite cold.
In fact, it all depends on where you are. For reference, ISS (without a thermocontrol system!), Being on the sunny side, it would be raised to a temperature of 121 ° C, and would have a temperature of -157 ° C, while in the shadow of the sun.

9. How many garbage we left in space?

Hmm, well, we, people, little clog our own planet, so we began to litter and beyond it. Currently, there are more than 500,000 units of "cosmic garbage" in the Earth orbit, which are tracked because spacecraft may cause damage.
While some of them are small pieces of meteors, etc., who have fallen into orbit, most of the "cosmic garbage" represents the fact that we (humanity) raised into space and did not return back to Earth.

8. Were we really sent the Gold Plate of Aliens?

Yes. Or at least we sent it to where they could take it if they existed. The farthest artificial object in space is Voyager-1 (Voyager 1), and it was launched in 1977 together with Voyager 2 (Voyager 2).
Both automatic probe were to explore the distant planets of the Solar System, and Voyager-1 during the fulfillment of their mission went to the interstellar space.
Both "Voyager" on their board carry a gold record with greetings, music (for example, performed by Louis Armstrong, as well as some melodies performed on the Peruvian Swirls - a total of 27 different works of different styles and directions), the noise of the sea and the conversation of people, as well as images.

7. Is cosmos really look like "space pattern" that we see everywhere?

Not really. At least, not for the unarmed human eye, sorry. These superfantastics images are usually either processed in the wavelength range, which is usually not distinguished for the human eye, such as infrared or ultraviolet, or their color scheme is improving. But it does not mean at all that the cosmos is not fantastic and not beautiful - it just means that literally everything is exconed.

6. How many space stations are located in space?

Currently - two. International Space Station (ISS) and Space Agency Tiangong-1 (Tiangong-1), which belongs to China. While on board the ISS there is always a team, there are usually no people on Tianguna-1. The ISS is divided among themselves from Russia, USA, Japan, Canada and the European Space Agency (European Space Agency).

5. How far is the nearest star from us, except for our sun (which is the star)?

4.24 light year. It is called proxima Centaur. The best way to visualize is the distance: if you reduce the size of the sun and the proximation of the centaution to the size of the grapefruits, then they would still be from each other at a distance of about 4023 km (almost from Moscow to Krasnoyarsk). In reality, the sun is large enough so that more than 1 million lands could fit inside it.

4. Does any private companies exist such as Space X, plans to go to Mars?

Yes! In fact, Ilon Mask (Elon Musk) (Founder of Space X, Tesla and Paypal companies) in 2050-2100. Wants to establish a colony of people on Mars, consisting of a million people. While it sounds like a madness, Space X makes stunning things, and work schedules show that this is not a joke is a real goal.

3. Pluto was "reducing" from the planet to the dwarf planet, so what is the difference between them?

There is only one difference, and it is that the celestial body under consideration cleans the space around its orbit. The planet cleans the surrounding space, the dwarf planet - no.
Two other requirements applied to the planets and dwarf planets are as follows: 1) The planet under consideration is in orbit around the star, while herself is not a satellite; 2) has a sufficient mass to be round.

2. Since Pluto is now a dwarf planet, do other dwarf planets exist in our solar system?

Yes, in our solar system there are only 5 dwarf planets: Ceres (Ceres), Pluto (Pluto), Eris (Eris), Makemake (Makemake) and Haumea (Haumea).
Pluto is not even the biggest one. The largest dwarf planet of our solar system is Erida. It is almost 27% more pluto. Bonus fact: Erida - the goddess of contention in Greek mythology.

1. Is it possible to invade aliens to land?

Yes! Can it happen? Not really. And that is, there are several reasons: huge distances between stars and galaxies in space. (Most of us to realize it really can not.)
In addition, we have a lot of terrible problems of humanity. Why significantly advanced civilization spend years and resources to fly to us?