General parent meeting at the preschool educational institution "Healthy eating is the basis of education!" lesson plan on the topic. Parent meeting on the topic of healthy eating in preschools General parent meetings in preschools on catering

General parent meeting at the preschool educational institution
General parent meeting at the preschool educational institution "Healthy eating is the basis of education!" lesson plan on the topic. Parent meeting on the topic of healthy eating in preschools General parent meetings in preschools on catering

Especially if an institution with a 12-hour operating schedule and the main part of children’s nutrition is assigned to the area of ​​​​responsibility of the preschool institution.

We have to answer parents’ questions: “Why exactly these dishes are prepared for children in the garden?”, “Why such a set of products?”, “Why such standards?” etc. They ask their children, “What did you have for lunch today? What about for dinner? Or, standing at the “Menu” stand, mothers often utter the phrase “Oh, again fried fish, macaroni and cheese or cottage cheese casserole with semolina! They are especially alarmed when a product that is little used in home nutrition, for example, green beans, appears in the child’s diet. Listening to this, we realized that there is a problem in educating parents about nutrition.

That is why during the year we organized visual exhibitions for parents “Pharmacy in the garden, vegetable garden, in nature”, and consultations were held with medical workers on nutrition issues. The nutrition council of the preschool educational institution includes a representative of the parent community, who takes an active part in discussing all issues and solving problem situations related to nutrition. However, it turned out that the measures taken were not enough. That’s when the idea of ​​holding a round table for parents with a tasting of dishes and drinks from the children’s menu arose.

Parent meeting on healthy eating in the form of a round table

Target: educating parents on child nutrition issues.


1. Introduce parents to the regulatory documents regulating the activities of preschool educational institutions in matters of nutrition, the basic principles of organizing children’s nutrition in a preschool educational institution.

2. Reveal the principles of rational nutrition for preschool children, features of the 10-day menu.

3. Present tasting possibilities.

Preparatory work: invitations for parents, design of the literature exhibition “Proper nutrition is the key to health”, exhibition of visual material “Vitamins all year round”, tasting tables with dishes from the 10-day menu.

Parent meeting plan:

1. Introduction of meeting participants.

2. Lecture with the participation of nutrition specialists. (Head nurse, cooks.)

3. Tasting dishes “You will lick your fingers”

4. Questioning parents.

By the beginning of the parent meeting in the music room the following was decorated:

Literature exhibition “Proper nutrition is the key to health,” including manuals on organizing healthy nutrition for children.

Tasting tables on which beautifully decorated dishes from the children's menu were presented: “Rustic pickle”, “Liver pancakes”, “Sea and white cabbage salad”, “Sea vinaigrette”, “Student” bun, dried fruit compote.

The event was opened by the head of the kindergarten, who spoke in detail about the organization of meals in the kindergarten, and introduced parents to the regulatory documents that guide preschool educational institutions when organizing meals for children. Next, the head nurse revealed the principles of rational nutrition for children and elaborated on the features of the 10-day menu. Parents had the opportunity to ask numerous questions that interested them and receive comprehensive answers.

Parents also answered questionnaire questions, the purpose of which was to assess the effectiveness and significance of this form of work and determine prospects for the future. This, I am sure, will help us better structure our work, taking into account opinions and requests.

Parent meeting “Proper nutrition is the key to health”

Goal: to develop in parents an idea of ​​the importance of proper nutrition for children as an integral part of a culture of health.

develop parents’ ideas about proper nutrition and its importance for children’s health;

to form the idea that a person’s health largely depends on his lifestyle and behavior;

to cultivate a responsible attitude of parents towards the health of children;

by surveying, obtain data on the nature of schoolchildren’s home meals;

As you may have guessed, today we will talk about feeding our children. I would like to start my meeting with this aphorism:

“The simpler the food, the more pleasant it is - it doesn’t get boring, the healthier it is, and the more accessible it is always and everywhere.”


Healthy eating means a healthy child. A healthy child in the family is the most important thing for parents. The health of a child is primarily based on the restraint of his parents and the desire to understand the child. One of the important components of a child’s successful development is healthy nutrition. Nutrition can help prevent the onset of disease or, conversely, accelerate its onset. Therefore, in matters of child nutrition, parents should show maximum care and vigilance.

We all know: in order to successfully gnaw on the granite of science, you need to eat right. But what is useful and what is not so useful for a school-age child?

One famous author said that children should be fed the same as adults, only better. These words perfectly characterize the correct approach to nutrition for schoolchildren. Rational nutrition of any person requires a balance of quantity, quality and timeliness, that is, foods consumed must most fully and promptly provide the body with the necessary amino acids and microelements for its normal functioning. This is especially important for a child!

Even in ancient times it was known that proper nutrition is an indispensable condition for a long life. Modern scientists have found that the main nutritional disorders are an excess of carbohydrates and fats of animal origin, a deficiency of vegetables, fruits and berries, and a violation of the diet. Eating disorders lead to loss of attention, weakness and rapid fatigue of the child, deterioration of brain function, decreased immunity, and chronic disease. According to the All-Russian medical examination of the children's population in 2002 (medical examination takes place once every 10 years), out of 30 million 400 thousand children, 24.7% suffer from diseases of the digestive system. The statistics are disappointing.

To eliminate dietary irregularities (60% of children do not comply with it), adults need to remember: children of primary school age should eat 4-5 times a day. Basic rules of nutrition: variety, moderation and timing. Before the meeting, we conducted a survey of parents in our class. These are the results we got:

Does your child eat breakfast?

What products does breakfast consist of?

Sandwich, omelet, porridge, yogurt, cereal with milk, tea.

How many times a day does your child eat?

Is your child eating junk food? (fast food)

What is your child's favorite food? Dumplings, dumplings, fried potatoes, pies, pilaf, mashed potatoes, cutlets, meatballs.

Do you think that not following the rules of rational nutrition can somehow affect the health of your child? Having studied the diet of schoolchildren, I found out that most students eat incorrectly. Little vegetables and fruits, cereals, and fish products enter the child’s body. Therefore, hot meals for children while at school are one of the important conditions for maintaining their health and ability to learn effectively. How to feel about school meals? During school and adolescence, children develop sexual development and grow rapidly, gaining weight and muscle strength. Sports and physical labor lead to a sharp increase in energy expenditure. The nervous system of children of this age is in a state of significant tension under the influence of intense cognitive information and the complexity of school learning. That is why it is so important to provide schoolchildren and adolescents with nutritious food and to properly organize their diet.

It is advisable to include dietary butter and sour cream in your diet. Schoolchildren should receive meat, milk, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, and bread daily. In the morning you can give a snack (salad or cheese, sausage), then a meat or fish dish with a side dish or porridge, cottage cheese or egg dishes, tea, milk, coffee, bread and butter. For lunch - salad or vinaigrette, soup, meat or fish with a side dish, compote or juice. In the afternoon - milk, kefir, pastries, fruit. For dinner - dishes from cottage cheese, vegetables, eggs and drinks. At this age, unfortunately, children often violate their diet, eat randomly, often dry food, on the go. These bad habits have a detrimental effect on the growing body. Parents should teach their children how to eat from early childhood!

Bottom line. Proper nutrition - the presence of all the necessary nutrients in the menu. Proper nutrition is a balanced diet with all the necessary substances, including cholesterol, carbohydrates and fiber, the required amount of vitamins, minerals and microelements. Proper nutrition means limiting the intake of harmful substances. You need to start limiting yourself from more harmful to less harmful - for example, from carbonated water to refined foods such as sugar, refined

L.V.Bunina, teacher, first qualification category

E.A.Bunina, teacher, first qualification category

MDOU combined type kindergarten No. 301 of the Krasnoarmeysky district of Volgograd

T.A. Terpak, senior teacher, highest qualification category

MDOU combined type kindergarten No. 301 of the Krasnoarmeysky district of Volgograd

Parent meeting in the senior group.

Topic: “Proper nutrition is the key to a preschooler’s health”

Goal: Improving constructive interaction with parents on organizing rational nutrition for children in the family.

Form of implementation: Business game in teams. During the game, teams receive tokens for correctly completing tasks and the winner is determined based on the number of tokens.

Progress of the game:

Presenter: In order for a child to develop harmoniously, he, of course, must be healthy. All life processes in the human body are highly dependent on what the child’s nutrition consists of from the first days of his life, as well as on the diet. The future of Russia is children, whose health depends on proper and healthy nutrition. The problem of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle is especially relevant in our time. And if we want to raise a morally healthy generation, we must solve this problem “with the whole world” - the family, the kindergarten, the public.

Dear parents! I invite you to a business game in teams

"We teach you how to eat properly." (A group of experts is selected to monitor the completion of tasks and summarize the teams’ findings. Parents are divided into two teams and complete the proposed tasks).

1 round. "What should children know about food and nutrition?" (teams write their thoughts within one minute, give them to experts, and they voice them).

    where and how food is prepared;

    how to eat properly;

    what you need to eat if you want to become strong;

    how to quench your thirst;

    vegetables, fruits - vitamin products;

    how to set the table correctly;

    how they ate in Rus';

    different products are needed, different products are important (what can be prepared from vegetables, cottage cheese, fish, etc.);

    cuisines of different nations.

Round 2 "Discussion swing".

Host: What is a diet? Eating food at a certain time. If the regime is followed, the body begins to prepare for food intake in advance and thanks to this, food is better absorbed and digested.

Should a child be forced to eat? Persistent persuasion and demands can form a persistent aversion to food in a child, and lead to the development of anorexia - a neurotic disorder that causes food refusal.

Teams are asked to name techniques that help improve the feeding process:

    Interesting story about the dishes.

    You can reduce the portion by removing some of the side dish.

    Divide the dish into several parts.

    Just ask to try the dish.

Round 3 “Competition of experts” (a token is given for each correct answer).

    At what age are children given a fork for the second one?

    At what age is a knife given, and for what dishes?

    What is the daily water requirement of preschool children? (60 ml per 1 kg body weight)

    Which juice is richest in vitamins and microelements? (freshly squeezed)

    Which vegetable is good for the eyes? (carrot)

    What vegetable helps your teeth be strong? (cabbage)

    Which vegetable helps with the “seven ailments”? (onion)

    What vegetable is called the "Peruvian golden apple"? (tomato)

    What vegetable is called the Indian vine, and it grows there, twining around trees and fences? (cucumber)

    What fruit are raisins made from? (grapes)

    Which vegetable helps your intestines work well? (beet)

    What drinks are strictly contraindicated for preschool children? (alcoholic and carbonated)

    Should a child drink solid food? (No)

    What drink best quenches your thirst? (water)

Round 4 “Table setting” (Teams must set the table for dinner within two minutes, experts evaluate the correctness of the task)

Round 5 "Dining etiquette".

A specially prepared character portrays a person sitting at a table and actively violates the rules of etiquette. Teams analyze his behavior, draw up rules, and experts write them down.

Behave in such a way as not to spoil the appetite of those around you (don’t smear food on the plate; don’t pick your teeth; don’t lick your fingers; eat carefully; try not to slurp).

Learn to behave civilly at the table (Remember: what dishes and products are eaten with what utensils; sit nicely; do not hang over the plate and do not put your elbows on the table; do not reach across the table for the dish, ask a neighbor to pass it; wipe your hands and mouth with paper napkins ; after eating, leave the spoon; fork and knife on the plate).

Do not spoil the appetite for yourself and those present at the table. Don't watch TV while eating. Don't play with animals, toys, don't read.

Remember, while eating, it is dangerous to talk with your mouth full and wave cutlery. Eat hastily, without chewing food.

Host: What to pay attention to while eating:

1. The sequence of dishes must be constant.

2. Only one dish can be placed in front of a child of primary preschool age, but for children of older preschool age, all dishes are placed at once.

3. The dish should not be too hot or cold.

4. It is useful to put food in your mouth in small pieces and chew well.

5. Wipe your mouth and hands with a paper napkin.

What should not be allowed while eating:

1. Loud conversations.

2. Pushing and hurrying the child.

3. Force feeding or supplementary feeding.

4. Convicting the child for carelessness, untidiness, and improper use of cutlery.

5. Unaesthetic table setting, improper presentation of dishes.

6. After finishing a meal, the baby should be taught to rinse his mouth.

Round 6 Competition of proverbs about food. (Teams name proverbs based on the principle of who can name the most)

Fish on the table, health in the house.

He ate the cabbage soup as if he were wearing a fur coat.

Health is close - look for it in a bowl, etc.

Round 7 Presentation of healthy dishes “If we eat right, we plan to live long” with tasting of dishes.

1. Introduce more seasonal fruits and vegetables into your home menu.

2. Eliminate harmful foods from the baby's diet.

3. Form a nutritional culture in children.


1. O.L. Zvereva Parent meetings in preschool educational institutions. Toolkit. - 2011

2. M.V. Leshchenko, I.A. Prilepina Nutrition of children in preschool educational institutions. Education. Rosman - 2007

Sections: Working with parents

Goal: to develop in parents an idea of ​​the importance of proper nutrition for children as an integral part of a culture of health.

  • develop parents’ ideas about proper nutrition and its importance for children’s health;
  • to form the idea that a person’s health largely depends on his lifestyle and behavior;
  • to cultivate a responsible attitude of parents towards the health of children;
  • by surveying, obtain data on the nature of schoolchildren’s home meals;
  • give recommendations on proper nutrition for children;
  • produce booklets for parents about healthy eating;
  • make a multimedia presentation based on the results of the work. (Annex 1)

Progress of the meeting

Vietnamese fairy tale.

A passerby was walking along the road. He walked from afar, was very tired, very hungry, and he didn’t have a penny in his pocket. He knocked on the first house he came across on the way and asked the owner for something to eat:

“I’m dying of hunger,” he said. - I don’t have money, but I can pay you for food that is more valuable than money. I will tell you the secret of a precious medicine that can heal the dying. Until now I have not told anyone about my secret, but if I die, my secret will die with me and no one will know about it. Feed me and I will tell you about him.

The hostess did not take long to beg and hurried to serve it. And when the guest was satisfied, she handed him a pen and paper and said:

Now write your recipe!

ABOUT! “This is a very necessary and precious medicine,” the passer-by answered, “I’ll tell you, but you don’t need to write it down on paper.” Follow me! You will see everything for yourself!

The guest and the hostess left the house and walked along the road. The companion was silent, and the hostess became worried:

Well, will we be there soon?

There's still a little way to go. You will see everything with your own eyes, I will put the recipe in your own hands.

When they approached a field where rice was ripe, a passer-by stopped, pulled out one ear of rice and handed it to the woman.

This is the miracle I told you about. This medicine saves people. After all, think about it, if there was no rice, I would have died before I lived to this day.

The hostess was dumbfounded: everything turned out to be simple, but she was expecting a miracle. She looked at the rice field as if she was seeing it for the first time. And the man continued:

Is that right what I say? This precious medicine has saved many people, try to have more of it too. The passer-by said this, bowed to the woman and walked along the road again.

Did you like the parable?

As you may have guessed, today we will talk about feeding our children. I would like to start my meeting with this aphorism:

The simpler the food, the more pleasant it is - it does not become boring, the healthier it is, and the more accessible it is always and everywhere. L.N. TOLSTOY

Healthy eating means a healthy child. A healthy child in the family is the most important thing for parents. The health of a child is primarily based on the restraint of his parents and the desire to understand the child. One of the important components of a successful child development is healthy eating. Nutrition can help prevent the onset of disease or, conversely, accelerate its onset. Therefore, in matters of child nutrition, parents should show maximum care and vigilance.

We all know: in order to successfully gnaw on the granite of science, you need to eat right. But what is useful and what is not so useful for a school-age child?

One famous author said that children should be fed the same as adults, only better. These words perfectly characterize the correct approach to nutrition for schoolchildren. Rational nutrition of any person requires a balance of quantity, quality and timeliness, that is, foods consumed must most fully and promptly provide the body with the necessary amino acids and microelements for its normal functioning. This is especially important for a child!

Even in ancient times it was known that proper nutrition is an indispensable condition for a long life. Modern scientists have found that the main nutritional disorders are an excess of carbohydrates and fats of animal origin, a deficiency of vegetables, fruits and berries, and a violation of the diet. Eating disorders lead to loss of attention, weakness and rapid fatigue of the child, deterioration of brain function, decreased immunity, and chronic diseases.

According to the All-Russian medical examination of the children's population in 2002 (medical examination takes place once every 10 years), out of 30 million 400 thousand children, 24.7% suffer from diseases of the digestive system. The statistics are disappointing.

To eliminate dietary irregularities (60% of children do not comply with it), adults need to remember: children of primary school age should eat 4-5 times a day. Basic rules of nutrition: variety, moderation and timing.

Before the meeting, we conducted a survey of parents of our 6th grade. These are the results we got:

Does your child eat breakfast?

What products does breakfast consist of?

Sandwich, omelet, porridge, yogurt, cereal with milk, tea.

How many times a day does your child eat?

Is your child eating junk food? (fast food)

What is your child's favorite food?

Dumplings, dumplings, fried potatoes, pies, pilaf, mashed potatoes, cutlets, meatballs.

Do you think that failure to follow the rules of balanced nutrition may somehow affect the health of your child?

Having studied the diet of schoolchildren, I found out that most students eat incorrectly. Little vegetables and fruits, cereals, and fish products enter the child’s body. Therefore, hot meals for children while at school are one of the important conditions for maintaining their health and ability to learn effectively.

How to feel about school meals?

Some parents believe that school breakfasts are not nutritious and tasty enough or are expensive, and prefer to give their child their own breakfast - a sandwich and, at best, fruit. Children, especially younger ones, eat it as a snack, often at the wrong time, and sometimes even forget to have breakfast. All this leads to eating disorders and the development of various diseases.

More than once an appeal was made at parent meetings: “Do not give children money for breakfast at their own discretion. They often spend it on chewing gum, candy, chips that disrupt their appetite. Constantly instill in your son or daughter that proper nutrition is of great importance for their normal development and successful studies."

By type of morbidity, an increase in gastrointestinal diseases is revealed - from 19 people in 2005 to 28 in 2007, endocrine diseases - from 11 students to 14, respectively, delayed physical development from 5 to 11 people.

Our health directly depends on what we eat. With food, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements, and minerals enter our body; and in the required quantities. It is very important that this amount is not excessive.

Nutrition can be considered normal only when food fully meets the body's needs, ensures constant body weight and promotes the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body. Many diseases are just the result of poor nutrition. You can stay healthy if you watch your diet.

Very often it turns out that the food we love is very harmful. But poor nutrition is a direct road to heart disease, gastrointestinal diseases, and obesity. Fatty foods lead to weight gain; a large number of flavors, dyes, substitutes and other things poison the body and are also addictive. Food that has been cooked dulls the feeling of fullness.

The daily diet should include as many vegetables and fruits as possible, since coarse plant foods stimulate the digestive system well. Such nutrition is called “rational”, i.e. nutrition that satisfies a person’s physiological needs for basic nutrients and energy, ensures the maintenance of health, well-being and mood, high performance, resistance to infections and other adverse external factors. Rational nutrition is often also called “correct”, “healthy”, “balanced” nutrition.

Nutrition culture is not only behavior at the table, but also the optimal amount of food taken by a person. The main rule is the ratio of quantity and calorie content to energy costs and the physiological needs of your body. At school during lessons you work mentally, “energy is expended, “which the body needs to restore. The schoolchild is recommended to eat food consisting of 15-20% proteins (meat, fish, dairy products, nuts, eggs, cereals), 20-30% fats (butter and vegetable oils, sour cream, cream, cheese, nuts, oatmeal), 50-55% from carbohydrates (vegetables, fruits, grains, cereals).

Nutrition for schoolchildren and teenagers.

During school and adolescence, children develop sexual development and grow rapidly, gaining weight and muscle strength. Sports and physical labor lead to a sharp increase in energy expenditure. The nervous system of children of this age is in a state of significant tension under the influence of intense cognitive information and the complexity of school learning. That is why it is so important to provide schoolchildren and adolescents with nutritious food and to organize their diet correctly

It is advisable to include dietary butter and sour cream in your diet.

Schoolchildren should receive meat, milk, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, and bread daily.

In the morning you can give a snack (salad or cheese, sausage), then a meat or fish dish with a side dish or porridge, cottage cheese or egg dishes, tea, milk, coffee, bread and butter.

For lunch - salad or vinaigrette, soup, meat or fish with a side dish, compote or juice.

In the afternoon - milk, kefir, pastries, fruit.

For dinner - dishes of cottage cheese, vegetables, eggs and drinks.

At this age, unfortunately, children often violate their diet, eat randomly, often dry food, on the go. These bad habits have a detrimental effect on the growing body. Parents should teach their children how to eat from early childhood!

I suggest you now play the game "Troubles from the Basket".

I have something in my basket. What is there, you have to guess.

(The teacher has a basket covered with a towel in his hands, he approaches each parent’s table and offers to name the fruit or vegetable lying in the basket by touch.)

There may be: apples, carrots, cucumbers, potatoes, onions, garlic, radishes, radishes, beets... Everyone who guessed correctly gets a fruit or vegetable.

Well done ! Did a good job! Indeed, berries, fruits, and vegetables are the main sources of vitamins and minerals. Most vitamins are not formed in the human body and do not accumulate, but come only with food. This is why fruits and vegetables should be included in your diet every day and regularly. Vitamins is a Greek word. Translated, it means “carriers of life.” If there are few or none of these substances in the body, people get sick.

Vitamins play a huge role in human life. As an example, I will cite the tragic fate of the expedition of the Russian traveler Georgy Sedov, who went to the Arctic. For a very long time, the expedition members ate canned food and crackers. They did not consume vegetables, fruits, or milk at all. After some time, people fell ill - they became very weak, and their teeth began to fall out. Many members of the expedition, including its leader Georgy Sedov, died. Those participants who returned began to eat fresh meat, vegetables, fruits and quickly recovered.

Each vitamin performs a very specific task in the body.

Vitamin A - improves vision. It is found in: eggs, milk, cottage cheese, carrots.

Vitamin B - takes care of digestion. It is found in: bread, buckwheat, meat, potatoes.

Vitamin C - increases the body's resistance to diseases. It is found in: apple, rose hip, orange, sea buckthorn,

Vitamin D - needed to strengthen bones. It is found in: fish oil, milk, fish, egg yolk.
Vitamins are necessary to maintain and improve health. They are especially abundant in vegetables and fruits.

Teenagers should have four meals a day, with the following food distribution:

breakfast - 30%,

lunch - 40% - 50%,

afternoon snack - 10%,

dinner - 15% - 20%.

The last meal should be 1.5 - 2 hours before bedtime.

Breakfast should be healthy and varied, but in no case monotonous.

Sample breakfast menu:

2. Bread and butter.

3. Sweet tea.


Good breakfast- a combination of products containing proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and other beneficial substances needed by the body.

1. Cutlet (fish, meat), goulash, etc.

3. Juice, compote, drink, tea.

Sample menu for lunch:

As a rule, on dinner hot food served:

2. Beats

4. Dried fruit compote.

Possible at afternoon tea There are buns, waffles, cookies with tea, juice or milk.

Sample menu for dinner:

Dinner is the last meal before bed. To sleep well and rest at night, you can eat only light food for dinner:

  • casseroles
  • cottage cheese
  • omelette
  • kefir
  • curdled milk


Proper nutrition is the presence of all necessary nutrients in the menu.

Proper nutrition is a balanced diet with all the necessary substances, including cholesterol, carbohydrates and fiber, the required amount of vitamins, minerals and microelements.

Proper nutrition means limiting the intake of harmful substances. You need to start limiting yourself from more harmful to less harmful - for example, from carbonated water to refined foods, such as refined sugar.


Please continue the phrase “Food should be for your children:”

I would like to end our meeting with the well-known wisdom: “You need to eat to live, and not live to eat.” The state of their health, ability to work, protective and adaptive capabilities of the body, morbidity and life expectancy largely depend on how our children eat. Only a moderate, balanced diet can guarantee a long life.

Summary of the parent meeting at the preschool educational institution. Topic: Healthy eating - healthy children

The methodological development represents a parent meeting from the cycle of parent meetings “Open Conversation”

Form of work: parents' living room (group work).
Semenkova Oksana Gennadievna, primary school teacher at MOAU Secondary School No. 15, Raichikhinsk, Amur Region.
Target: determine the principles of rational healthy nutrition for children as a result of joint discussion, and aim to implement these principles in everyday life.
- identify the position of the main criteria for the comprehensive development of a child and determine the place of nutrition among them;
- develop proposals for organizing healthy nutrition at school;
- create a draft booklet to help parents “Healthy eating is the basis of a healthy body.”
Main part.
Organizing the work of the parents' living room:
as a result of working on the proverbs “Friendship is a great power”, “Friendship loves business”, “All for one, and one for all, then there will be success in business”, the parents are divided into 3 groups (part of the proverb “Friendship is great...”, “Friendship loves...”, “All for one, and one for all, then in reality it will be...” written on pieces of paper and distributed to parents, the end of the proverb is printed on tablets, the tablets are placed on different tables).
Equipment: media projector, felt-tip pens, A3, A4 sheets, glue, scissors, Whatman paper for the booklet project.

Progress of the event

Teacher welcomes those gathered, draws attention to the correct connection of parts of proverbs, orients them towards friendly joint activities and invites them to discuss the issue:
- What is most important for us, parents, for the full and comprehensive development of a child?
(Parents' opinions are listened to).
Teacher:- Of the proposed criteria for the comprehensive development of a child (there is a table with criteria on the tables), put the most important, in your opinion, in first place, and the less important in last (make a ranking):
* health
* Good friends
* successful studies
* relationships with peers, adults, teachers
* nutrition
* love and attention of parents
* money
* education
* family
* hard work
(During the discussion, each group develops its positions and attaches ranked words - tablets - to the board). - Thank you.
Teacher:- Dear parents, joint work is already underway, but we do not yet know the topic of today’s meeting. (Presentation, slide 1). Look at the photo slides, try to find something in common, that single thread that unites these pictures. (Parents' opinions are heard)
Teacher:-You correctly grasped the idea of ​​the pictures, today we will talk about children’s nutrition, the theme of the meeting is “Healthy nutrition - healthy children” (slide 2). You and I are truly happy when our children are healthy, active, have a good appetite and have everything that children should have (friends, interests, a variety of games, etc.). To be honest, when I asked to rank the criteria in order of importance, I understood that this was a very difficult task, because, in principle, everything is important here. But today I would like to draw attention to the criteria of health and nutrition. Very often, parents do not sufficiently understand the role that proper nutrition plays in the development of a child and the promotion of his health. (Pay attention to the position of health and nutrition criteria in different groups and analyze). Today we will talk about organizing a healthy diet.
- 80% of positive emotions a person receives from nutrition. (From the program “Man in the Big City”, TVC). Question: when we want to feed our child delicious food, where do we go for groceries? (shop, market...) What should you pay attention to when buying groceries? (parents' opinions).
Teacher:- Let's highlight the main thing from everything that has been said, and thus formulate the principles of proper nutrition.
Teacher:- Immediately words were said about the expiration dates of products, i.e. we are talking about food safety (the sign is stuck on whatman paper). Food safety is ensured by three conditions: the child’s compliance with personal hygiene rules, the ability to distinguish between fresh and stale foods, and careful handling of unfamiliar foods.
Even the smallest children know that they need to wash their hands before eating. But, unfortunately, knowing does not always mean doing it. Gastrointestinal disorders are one of the most common diseases in childhood. In recent years, outbreaks of hepatitis have been increasingly observed, the main reason being non-compliance with basic hygiene rules. That is why teaching proper nutrition should also include the task of developing basic hygiene skills. By the age of 5-6 years, a child gains some independence in relation to his own nutrition - he can independently take out yogurt from the refrigerator and eat it, take cookies, an apple, etc. from a bowl. This means that by this age he should have formed an idea of ​​the signs indicating that the product is stale (changes in smell, color). It is important that the child knows: if there is even slight doubt about the freshness of the product, it should not be eaten.
The same cautious attitude should be formed towards unfamiliar products. Today, when the abundance of assortment in grocery stores dazzles your eyes, it is sometimes difficult to resist the temptation to try something new. There is nothing wrong with desire in itself. But the fact is that new, non-traditional foods for our food culture may contain substances unfamiliar to our body, which can become allergens for it. Therefore, it is important for the child to remember that introduction to a new product or dish should only occur in the presence of an adult.
- We are developing the following principles in groups. After studying the text, highlight its main idea and formulate the principle of nutrition. (Group work in progress).
Group 1 (each group receives its own text in the amount of 4-5 copies) “Our body needs a variety of plastic and energy material. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals - we must get all this from food. Each of the listed substances has its own functions: proteins are the main building material from which the body is formed and “repaired” (in case of problems that arise), carbohydrates and fats participate in the energy supply of systems and organs, vitamins are the most important regulator of biological processes occurring in the body and etc. So, to paraphrase the poet, we can say: “all sorts of substances are needed, all kinds of substances are important!” A lack of any of them can lead to serious disruptions in the functioning of the body. That is why it is so important to develop a child’s diverse taste horizons so that he likes different foods and dishes. The breadth of taste preferences is the key to the fact that in adult life a person will be able to properly organize his diet. It is necessary to include all food groups in a child’s diet – meat, dairy, fish, and vegetables. The same dish should not be given to the child several times during the day, and more than 2 times during the week. Often adults are faced with the problem of a child’s seemingly inexplicable conservatism regarding food. A boy or girl is ready to eat only potatoes or pasta all day, or eat sausages without stopping. In no case should you follow their lead (despite the fact that adherence to the same dish makes life much easier for mom), because such nutrition cannot be called complete.
Group 2 “Recommendations to follow a diet are not a whim of hygienists and nutritionists; the need for regular food intake is determined by the laws of our body’s activity. All processes occurring inside us (breathing, heartbeat, cell division, vascular contraction, including the work of the digestive system) are rhythmic in nature, and regularity is an indispensable condition for the effective functioning of a complex biological system. The diet is designed to ensure an even load in the digestive system throughout the day, which is why there should be at least 4 meals. In preschool and primary school age - 4-5 doses every 3-4 hours (this is exactly how long it takes for food to be digested).
It must be said that eating “clockwise” is important at any age, but its importance is especially great for children and adolescents, when the body is actively growing and maturing. Irregular nutrition creates additional stress and tension in this process, and... fertile ground for the occurrence of various types of health problems, not only physical, but also mental. Research by scientists has shown that children who have a “free schedule” for eating have a higher level of anxiety, fatigue, they are more likely to have conflicts with peers and teachers, and it is more difficult for them to study. But you must admit, few adults, faced with similar problems in their own child, think about whether the diet (or, rather, the lack thereof) is the reason for this? It is clear that the habit of eating regularly should be cultivated from early childhood, and its basis is the organization of nutrition in the family, which allows one to form a “time reflex.” The goal is for the child to develop a desire to eat at the “right” hours.”
Group 3 “The food that a child eats during the day should replenish the energy expenditure of his body. And they are considerable - after all, the child grows, the most complex functional changes occur in him. But in each specific case, this figure may vary depending on gender, living conditions, type of activity, and health status. So, it is obvious that the diet and diet of a child actively involved in sports should differ from the diet and diet of his less active peers. Eating during illness is different from what you eat at normal times. Summer table - from the winter table, etc. Our children's nutrition must be adequate. Adults have the primary responsibility for monitoring nutritional adequacy. But you shouldn’t deprive your child of independence. Already a primary school student should have an idea of ​​what amount of food is insufficient, sufficient and excessive for him. It is important that a boy or girl understand that both undereating and overeating, for example, excessive indulgence in sweets, are dangerous to health. You can ask your child to independently control the amount of sweets he eats during the day. At the same time, your favorite delicacies are not outlawed, they are not classified as harmful products, as some teaching aids sometimes recommend. A child of primary school age needs 2400 kcal per day.
For some reason, when they write about the role and importance of nutrition, they often forget about the very important function of food - to give pleasure. But the pleasant sensations that arise while eating have a deep physiological meaning, being an indicator of the safety of the product (an unpleasant taste is perceived by our body as an alarm signal - you can’t eat it!). Therefore, the higher the level of development of taste sensitivity, the higher the level of protection of his body. A call to enjoy food is not a call to gluttony. After all, pleasure does not arise from the amount of food eaten (rather, there is an inverse relationship here - overeating “kills” pleasant sensations), but from the ability to distinguish, differentiate tastes and smells, evaluate the harmony of their combination, and the appearance of the dish. And the pleasure of eating directly depends on the atmosphere at the table. Here there should be a taboo on quarrels, showdowns (what kind of complete digestion is there when the blood is pulsating in the temples, the heart is beating wildly and African passions are boiling!) and educational conversations! Let the child form the idea from a very early age that the family table is a place where everyone is comfortable, warm, and, of course, delicious!”
The result of group work. During the discussion, the principles of proper nutrition appeared on whatman paper:
food safety
variety of food
nutritional adequacy
pleasure from eating.
Teacher:- We have developed the principles of nutritious nutrition. Based on them, it will be easier to organize meals at home. What about at school?
Teacher:- Make your suggestions for organizing healthy meals in schools.
(Work in groups). On the tables are sheets with sample proposals: organizing fruit and vegetable dishes, fish menus, limiting confectionery and banning carbonated drinks in school cafeterias, etc. Parents must defend a particular choice or their own solution to a problem. Ideas and suggestions are attached to whatman paper.
Teacher:- As a result of today’s live communication from the “Open Conversation” series of parent meetings, a draft booklet was created that can be kept as a reminder to every parent or teacher, cook or dietician of an educational institution to organize nutritious nutrition for our children.
Each group of parents is given the opportunity to express their opinion about the meeting in the form of the game “Continue the Phrase” (slide 3).
- Today I found out...
- For my child I...
- Now I'm sure that...
Bottom line.
“We have signs on our tables with the symbolic words of our meeting: “strength, business, success.” Today, a great work has been done by joint forces, and if it does not stand still, but is applied by us - the school, and you - the parents, then success and improved health will definitely and certainly await us.
1. Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2012 N 06-731 “On the formation of a healthy nutrition culture for students and pupils” GARANT.RU
2. Anastasova L.P., Uteshinsky D.D. Present and future health of children. M.: Education, 2006.
3. Balabanova V.V., Maksimtseva T.A. Subject weeks at school: biology, ecology, healthy lifestyle. Volgograd. Teacher, 2001
4. Bezrukikh M. M., Filippova T. A., Makeeva A. G. Conversation about proper nutrition / Methodological manual. - M.: OLMA Media Group, 2013.
5. Belousova I.A., Maksimtseva T.A. Organization of nutrition at school. Volgograd. Teacher, 2008