New Year's patterns on the windows of gouache do it yourself. How to decorate windows for the New Year: simple ways to create a fabulous atmosphere

New Year's patterns on the windows of gouache do it yourself. How to decorate windows for the New Year: simple ways to create a fabulous atmosphere
New Year's patterns on the windows of gouache do it yourself. How to decorate windows for the New Year: simple ways to create a fabulous atmosphere

The new year is a family celebration, a holiday that all relatives and friends are going to.

Also this is the time of light hopes, anticipation of gifts and the most important thing - fairy tales. After all, everyone in childhood was told about the Good Grandfather Frost, who will bring long-awaited gifts.

Therefore, it is not surprising that many during the New Year's design of their house do not just want to create a festive topics, and return, albeit for a while, in that very fairy tale that was so loved by childhood.

Of course, for the implementation of the home decor in the store you can find many different items, such as stickers, garlands and figures, including entire sets with ready-made stories.

But today the fashion is returned to the New Year's design of the houses made by their own hands and with the help of the easiest and most affordable funds.

In addition to the fact that the room can be decorated with the use of figures, stickers and Christmas tree toys, now gaining great popularity and such a way as the New Year's painting window.

A distinctive feature of such a decor is that all images on the glass are extremely painted, and also personally.

Naturally, such a process will take a lot of time, but it allows you to create a truly original entourage, which will further increase the pre-holiday mood, rather than just glued on the window paper snowflakes.

Pictures on the window of toothpaste, 2 ways

In stores you can find special sprays for coloring glass.

But much more interesting, and at the same time and economical is the use of submitted means, such as soap or toothpaste. Some people even remember since the time of their childhood, as they decorated with such "paints" of the windows. Now it's time to teach this and your children.

  • If we talk about soap, then everything is simple: you need to take a white or economic soap that does not have dyes, and just drive them on the glass, pursuing the necessary patterns on the glass.
  • As for the toothpaste, it allows two types of painting - ornamental and negative, that is, such where bright places are dark, and the dark on the contrary is light as on the film.

Ornamental painting

If there is a fantasy and at least the slightest skills in drawing, you can create patterns on the toothpaste window manually.

To do this, you need to make an improvised brush. It is made with the help of a stick, one end of which a piece of sponge or foam rubber of the desired size is wound.

But if there are no sticks, you can simply twist the foam into the tube and wrap a scotch. To create more complex images, it is recommended to prepare several brush sizes in advance.

Now you need to squeeze the paste into a suitable saucer, it is possible for convenience worth adding a bit of water to the paste, but first you need to try to draw something undiluted paste. It, by the way, is also convenient for the fact that it is easily wiping from the glass surface a little wet sponge.

So, when the paste of the desired consistency is ready, proceed to work. The improvised brushes need to be studded in a saucer and, applying to the glass, find the basis consisting of lines, circles, triangles and other figures that will be combined into common items.

For example, winding thick lines can turn into fir branches, circles - in snowmen or balls on branches, triangles - in small Christmas trees, and squares in the houses. The main thing is to initially understand the entire composition that will be drawn.

And you can also turn all windows in different rooms into one single composition, where some story will tell in parts.

Now, when the basis is ready and the paste dried a little, but did not dry completely, take a thin wand from the tree or plastic and proceed to the dotting by the details by creating contour lines, applying thin scratches based on the paste. Thus, the snowman will have eyes and mouth, the house has a window and the door, and the spruce branches will be visible needles.

If the drawing skills are not very good, then you can use various plastic stencils, cardboard and simply paper. In stores there are many different samples, you can also find them on the Internet, print on paper, redraw on the cardboard and cut the desired drawing along the contour.

Negative painting

Unlike the first option, here without a stench cannot do. But then such a drawing can make a person even with the lack of abilities for drawing.

Negative painting is when bright items are depicted dark, and the rear background, which should be dark, on the contrary turns into light, which allows you to create an impression of the windows covered with incredibly beautiful frosty patterns.

Stencils on the Internet for this can be used simple, as too many drawings should not be on the window. There will be enough snowflakes on a window of toothpaste, Christmas trees, crescent with stars or bells with a bow.

Initially, the sample must be printed and cut. Now the resulting template is a little wet water, shake all the drops so that there are no flocks on the surface, and gently glue the glass.

Excessive moisture carefully, in order not to damage the paper, wipe it with a dry cloth.

After the template is ready, dilute a toothpaste in a plate and proceed to drawing.

For this there are two ways:

  1. A common sponge is used as a tassel. It should be scattered into the paste, then shake or get rid of get rid of the extra liquid, and slow movements, not strongly pressing the sponge to the surface, apply a paste on the glass.
  2. Pictures on the window toothpaste with splashes - is carried out using a conventional toothbrush. Sloking it in the paste, shake the first splashes somewhere aside, as they are getting too big and ugly. After this, spending a finger on the brush, evenly cover with small splashes window.

When the entire planned area will be covered, you can remove the stencil, and the frosty pattern on the glass toothpaste is ready!

Video on how to draw on the window of the tooth paste

Dear friends, today I continue to decorate windows to the new year. I will share the stencils with you, which I especially like. I will tell you how to make with their New Year's drawings on the windows. Let's talk about whether it is possible to change the size of the template in Word and Ehcel and what to do if there is no printer at home, and the image must be transferred to paper.

Well, of course, we will analyze the most painstaking work - cutting out. Its result directly affects the beauty of the New Year's window. Well, let's understand in all the intricacies of New Year's drawings from paper, which are also called dottanks.

Stencils of New Year's drawings on paper windows

How do you like this winter tale from ordinary paper? The wonderful composition is obtained. As you can see, it consists of several stencils: Forest glade, deer, snowflakes, a moon and still in trifles.

I really like this new year plot on the window, just fascinate.

And another stencil of the New Year's city.

If you make a window from paper that Santa Claus, although it looks more like Santa Claus, it will be fun.

Here is another stencil of the Main Wizard of the New Year.

If you want to decorate the window of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden's drawing, familiar to us since childhood, then take this pattern.

You can decorate the New Year's Christmas tree window and sleigh with gifts. Look at what wonderful they are.

Very elegant and gently look at the window here such templates of festive balls, icicles and bells.

I want to introduce you another template - this stencil, in my opinion, is very interesting to go out.

And how do you like this template? I think there will be an ideal New Year drawing.

Well, of course, what kind of snowman and festive candles. I think you will like these templates as well as me.

New Year stencils for paper windows
How to print

After you have decided on a template for the New Year's drawing, the newbies may have a question: "How to print a New Year's stencil and how to make it more if it is small."

There is nothing complicated in this. I will offer you three options, and you prefer the one that you will be comfortable and easier.

Work in Word.

In order to start working in the Word of your chosen pattern, save yourself to your computer. Then open the Word. Further click "Insert" and "Figure". A window will appear in which you want to select your template.

As you can see, the drawing is small, on the window it will be barely noticeable. In the Word, it is possible to stretch it up to the magnitude of the sheet. To do this, we guide the arrow to the image, press the left mouse button. A frame appears around it. Stretching it, increases the picture.

If your drawing lines came out pale them can be strengthened. Again, move the arrow to the picture, press the left mouse button and when the frame appears, at the top of the screen you will see the inscription "Format". Click on her. We are looking for the word "correction" on the same panel, click. The drop-down menu opens. In the "Configuration Setting" section, select your template with a 50% increase.

I reduced the page to be able to look at how I could stretch the image to the entire sheet.

Work in Excel

If you want to get a picture much more, then without Excel you cannot cope. We go into this program. As well as in the Word, click "Insert" and "Figure". In the window that appears, we are looking for your template.

We bring the arrow to the picture and click on the left mouse button. A frame will appear, with which you need to stretch the picture. In Excel, it can be done to very large scales as down and to the side, only then the picture will consist of several parts. The program itself splits the print pattern. I got 8 sheets.

Transfer stencils with paper and pencil

If your house has no printer Take advantage of the third way. It, by the way, can be applied after work in Word and Excel when the picture is increased.

We take anyone template that you liked.

We guide the arrow to the picture, press the right mouse button. A list appears in which you want to select "Open Image".

The image opens in a separate window. It will be small, but you can make it full screen. To do this, clamp the Ctrl button, and not releasing it, click still "+" until the picture is full.

After that, we take a blank sheet of paper, apply to the screen. Arming a pencil and redraw a picture. With a backlit from the monitor, it will be done easy.

How to cut paper stencils on the windows

To cut the stencil, you will need small scissors, a knife and some wooden or plastic plank, so that the table does not suffer in the process of working with a sharp tool. The perfect knife for this is a bulk. It can be bought in any construction store.

The main drawing is cut out with small scissors, but all internal contours - a small knife. We carry out everything so that the black lines of the stencil are on the part that will be deleted.

How to glue paper stencil on the window

It seems that it is elementary, however, there are many but ... one is glued by ordinary water or soap solution, other such stencils disappear. Why is this happening? It all depends on the window itself. If it is dry, then it is enough to moisten the stencil with a liquid composition of the soap or go through the glass and then stick. But not always the drawing will stay on the glass that sweats. Therefore, to say: "Cland guys like this and everything will be fine." This is not quite honest.

Each window needs an individual approach. It must be taken into account, as I said, it cries or not. What temperature in the room is cold or warm, it also affects. Here everything is individually, as the present method says, - keeps, does not hold. All I can offer you is to tell about all sorts of ways used for stickers of paper stencils. I think some of these versions will be suitable for you.

  1. Soapy composition or simply rub the well-splashing soap.
  2. Transparent Scotch, but he leaves a handprint on the glass.
  3. Diluted toothpaste, but not very rare.
  4. Kefir, as it does not seem strange, people glue and such a drink, the truth will also be divorces on the window and if you have a cat, the decoration will last will not be able to do, as you understand.
  5. Flour Clauster, which is prepared on the basis of flour and water. The consistency should be like sour cream. But again, the question of divorces on the glass during the washing in the spring.
  6. Starch Clauster is a diluted starch.
  7. Dry glue pencil.
  8. Another embodiment is ordinary milk.
  9. Sugar syrup - cook and then glue.
  10. Fluid from gelatin is to prepare as usual, but we add a few more water than indicated in the recipe.
  11. Double-sided scotch, it is minorial on the glass, it is easily removed, but then you need to carefully launder traces.
  12. Male shaving cream, dissolve in a small amount of water. The composition should not be liquid.

As you can see, everyone sticks in different ways, so make a choice, try and then you will know exactly what kind of way it is suitable for you.

The article about New Year's drawings on the windows I got pretty volumetric. I hope you attracted stencils for cutting and master class was interesting for you and clear. I wish everyone good luck and, of course, patience, because in order to prepare such templates you need the resistance of the spirit and inspiration.

I wish you all happiness, Natalia Murga

After all, the windows are peculiar eyes of your home, they are always in sight, and through them you can pass through the city, what is your mood now and give a part of your joy to passersby.

To decorate your window, it is not necessary to buy stickers in special stores, it's much better to make them with your own hands, so you will penetrate the spirit of the New Year. There is a huge number of ways to decorate the New Year's window. Below we made a selection of the most original, and at the same time simple window decors. After all, you can easily and quickly create a fairy tale for the new year, giving it and others.

The simplest and inexpensive decoration for windows is cut from white paper snowflakes. But how to glue them to the glass? Now we will tell about this, by the way, the glue for such a classes will not work. And you will need the usual baby soap, they need to wash the sponge and wash the snowflake well. Such stickers are not only easy to remove after the New Year holidays, but the glass will just wipe the rag.

And if you use snowflakes of different sizes, you can create an original composition, for example, construct an openwork Christmas tree.

Snow in the canister

It is not necessary to use snowflake stickers, using special snow in the can also decorate the window to the new year. From the beginning it is necessary to cut the snowflake, then it is necessary to moisten with water and glue the window, then spray the artificial snow on the glass, and open the snowflake. Original decor ready!

Draw a toothpaste

An excellent decoration of the window for the new year will be drawings of toothpaste. To do this, it is enough to breed it quite a lot, and paint is ready. Apply decor in two ways:

Method first. Take a small piece of foam rubber, turning it into the tube, it will be a kind of brush. In the saucer, squeeze a little toothpaste, spread it with water, now macaite in a mixture of foam rubber. And the same macating movements draw fir sprigs on the glass. When the paste is driving, do chilk needles toothpick.

You can buy stencils with animals or flowers, attach them to the window, and with the help of the same foam and a solution from the toothpaste to translate the pictures on the window. And you can simply cut a circle from paper, and the resulting hole in the sheet is used to create on the glass of the New Year's bowl.

The method of the second. You need to take a carved snowflake, moisten it with water to stick to the window, then take a diluted toothpaste and brush. With the help of a toothbrush with splashing movements, apply the solution. When the paste dries a little, you need to spare the snowflake. It turns out a stunning decor for the new year!

You can decorate the window not only with stickers and toothpastes, it is perfectly drawing to the usual piece of soap. If there are no skills of the artist, you can trim the figures on the stencil, snowflakes or thematic stickers. Do you draw well? Use your fantasy, perform original curls or ornament.

Snowballs from thread

In addition to the stickers, the snowflakes window can be decorated with real bulk snowballs, which are easily performed from the threads. For such a decor you will need:

  • several coils of thread (after all, snowballs must necessarily be white);
  • glue;
  • air balloons.

I inflate the balls so that they were small, then wind their threads. You can make tight snowballs, and you can make openworks, for this, leave spaces between threads. Next, you need to deceive the thread by glue, after the glue dries, the air ball inside must burst.

Such balls can be put on the windowsill, or glue fasteners and hang to the eaves. And if you connect the snowballs with each other, it turns out a very original garland.

Snowfall made of foam

Another of the original decorations for your window for the new year will be real snow from foam balls. For such creativity it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

  • a piece of foam;
  • fishing line;
  • needle with a wide ear.

First you need to open the foam on small balls. Next, insert the fishing line in the needle and start riding the balls so that the garland from the foam looked more original, it is better to leave large spaces between foam grains. The threads will be better to keep the shape if they are sprinkled by ordinary hair lacquer. The fishing line with the balls is glued to the eaves. From the street such a New Year's decor looks just incredible!

PVA glue figures

Original stickers for the new year can be made from conventional PVA glue. Such glue is safe, and stickers can be used more than once. The decor is obtained by translucent, it does not prevent a review from the windows, and in the evening it is perfectly painted with street lighting. In the evening, the adhesive figures acquire special flicker.

To perform such stickers for the new year, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • pVA glue;
  • various stencils;
  • thin files for papers;
  • paint brush;
  • medical syringe without a needle.

In order not to be staining the stencil with glue, you need to put it in the file. Next, fill the PVA Figure, best dial it into the syringe, it will be more convenient. Small Tip: Choose large figures without complex parts. Then you need to dry the drawings, after the glue dries, it will easily take off the file. Now it remains gently put stickers on the window.

If suddenly, in the process of operation, glue slightly and the drawing was smeared, it was not trouble. After drying, the figure is easily corrected using manicure scissors. And the adhesive gun can be drawn, for example, snowflakes right on the window.

Christmas decorations

An excellent decor for the New Year can be Christmas balls suspended on satin ribbons. It is better to take multi-colored balls of small size, tie to them thin satin ribbons and attach to the eaves. From the street, such an unusual garland of colored Christmas tree toys will look very original.

Garland of multicolored cones

Such a garland will become the most beautiful and unique decoration for the New Year's window. To perform a decor made of pine cones, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • several pine cones;
  • thin wire or dense fishing line;
  • multicolored paint;
  • newspaper sheets.

Attach the wire or the fishing line to the chish, it is done in order not to stain your hands when you make a bumps in a jar in a can with paint. And then on the same fishing line you need to hang the bumps for drying. By the way, it is not necessary to immerse them completely into the paint, it is enough to paint only the top.

So that the dripping paint did not drink the floor or furniture, you need to raise the newspaper. When the bumps dry, you can make a whole composition of them. Slide a few cones on a wire and attach to the eternity. Passers-by will define such a stunning decor for windows.

Christmas tree of hangers

Probably the most unusual decoration for your window will be a Christmas tree made of simple clothes hangers. You will need:

  • several green hangers;
  • thin wire;
  • christmas decorations;
  • braid.

With wire, connect the hangers in the shape of a Christmas tree, decorate it with various toys and balls. Finished Christmas tree attach to the eternity.

We showed you that make the decor for the new year for your window very easily and quickly. The main thing is a little fantasy, patience and free time.

How to make beautiful thematic drawings on the windows to the new year 2018 at home, in kindergarten or school, tell detailed workshops with phased photos and videos. Templates and stencils are needed for work, and the image of frosty patterns, ornaments, dog symbol, or various traditionally winter characters can be applied with a sponge or tassel toothpaste, soap, gouache and stained pares. Such a bright, original and colorful picture will be an excellent addition to the New Year's entourage of any room and be sure to raise the mood, both defers and adults.

What to draw on windows for the new year of dogs in kindergarten and school - simple ideas for registration

Thinking out festive decorations for educational facilities and choosing that they should draw on the windows for the new year of dogs in kindergarten or school, how old the children will perform the task. Guys 3-5 with a complex image will not be copied yet. It is better to make the composition pattern on the glass for them, and then suggest praise with simple gausea paints.

For 6-8 years kids, you can already instruct the task of though. They are easily asset independently portray on the window of simple New Year characters like a snowman, Santa Claus, Zaitsev or Snow Maiden.

Pupils of medium and older classes appropriate to offer independently developing a window decoration pattern, including not one, but at once several heroes of New Year's stories and fairy tales.

If you want to make a large window in a single style, you need to think over a one-piece composition, where a separate fragment of the plot will be made in each glass.

To create such an image, it is better to take color paints to make a New Year's picture to be brighter, rich and colorful.

It is desirable to attract the maximum number of children. Let each of the kids contribute to the contribution and in such a way that in the creation of a kind winter miracle.

Master class on video - what to draw on the window for the new year 2018 at school and kindergarten

Santa Claus is a classic winter holiday character. It can be drawn on the window for the new year 2018 and at school, and in kindergarten. How to do this correctly, will tell below the outlined video master class. Following these ordinary tips, the kids can also decorate the windows, and the guys older age.

Interesting Drawings on the windows for the new year Dogs 2018 - Stencils and Templates

To the apartment, the school class or gaming room in the kindergarten looked elegantly and festively, not enough to decorate the walls and doorways with winter attributes. In addition, you need to apply interesting drawings on the windows, symbolizing the new year of the dog 2018. To create thematic pictures, templates and stencils will need. They will help make images clearer and attractive.

Examples and variants of stencils and templates for New Year's drawings on window glass

Santa Claus template is always relevant and is perfect for any New Year's composition.

It can be connected to other characters, for example, with a dog, a symbol and patron of 2018.

Or with the Snow Maiden - an indispensable companion and granddaughter of a good bearded old man.

Either with a permanent partner and faithful assistant snowman.

Supplement for such paintings will serve stencils of snowflakes and New Year's balls.

They will be able to fill the empty spaces of the picture, making it more rich and multifaceted.

What and how to draw frost patterns on the window to the new year - photo examples of pictures of toothpaste, soap, artificial snow

The easiest option to decorate windows for the new year is to draw original and unusual frosty patterns on them. For work it is not necessary to have a painter talent or use stained-in paints. You can make images of simpler pressing materials, such as toothpaste, soap or artificial snow. Such drawings will stay for a long time, and after holidays it is easily wrapped with ordinary water and a small amount of cleaning agent.

Options for winter frost patterns for decorating windows for the new year

Frosty patterns made on glass toothpaste are very attractive and look natural. In this way, you can decorate the window by creating a truly festive atmosphere in the room, even in the absence of snow on the street. It is enough to drain enough toothpaste to the consistency of thick sour cream, and for applying it is not a brush, but a rigid toothbrush. Then the image will look exactly as nature would create.

If there is a sufficient amount of time and a great desire to turn the window into a luxurious winter picture, it is worth arming a thin tassel and, dipping it into a diluted toothpaste, from hand draw New Year patterns. No stencils and patterns are needed here. You can improvise into your pleasure and create on glass unique, exclusive snow-white lace.

To create the thematic pattern on the glass, a piece of cream soap of white color will have to rub on a shallow grater, combine with a half cup of warm water and beat the mixer before forming a strong, thick foam. Then in this mixture you can make a brush or foam sponge and create a diverse Christmas patterns on glass.

To work with artificial snow, brandiles or patterns of snowflakes, patterns or New Year characters will be needed. They need to be glued to the glass, and then treat the surface around an artificial snow canister. The image will be very gentle and will be beautifully flicked both when the light is on and in the dark.

So that the window decor looks more original, you can portray the glass not only falling snowflakes, chips or candles, but also figurines of angels.

This version of the decoration will be relevant for the New Year holidays, and for the approaching christmas.

Thematic drawings on the windows to the new year toothpaste - an example of finished work with a description and step-by-step photos

In this lesson, it is described in detail how with your own hands at home to make a dental paste on the window glass. Beautiful thematic pattern. The work is pretty simple, but the finished image looks very attractive and harmoniously fits into any interior, filling a house or apartment with a festive mood and feeling a fairy tale.

Necessary materials for performing on the window of the thematic New Year drawing of dental paste

  • toothpaste
  • thorough sponge
  • thin brush
  • bamboo stick
  • scotch
  • plastic stencil

Step-by-step instruction, as with a toothpaste, draw on the window glass New Year's plot

Bright pictures on windows for the new year 2018 gouache and tassel - master class with photo and video

The master class with the photo describes how to apply a bright New Year drawing with gouache paints and a brush. There are no special difficulties in the work and it can be completely calmly entrusted to the child. And it is best to task together, having gained great pleasure and a lot of pleasant, positive emotions.

Required materials for creating a gouache and brush bright New Year's drawing on the window glass

  • set of gouache colors
  • pussy
  • stencil

Step-by-step instructions, as for the new year 2018 draw a gouache on the window bright, festive drawing

  1. With the help of the stencil, apply the contours of the snowman figure on the window. Locate it closer to the bottom of the glass so that more free space remains from above.
  2. White paint toned shape and wait when the gouache will dry.
  3. Draw a snowman smiling facet, christmas red cap, bright scarf, hands and buttons.
  4. Behind the figure of green paint different shades depicting a pine forest.
  5. Below to make blue-blue snowy snow robes.
  6. At the top of the window frame, draw a few bright balls and carved, white snowflakes. Give work to dry completely.

What to draw on glass stained in paints for the new year - photo of the best ideas for home, kindergarten and school

Decoration of glasses painted - a long and very pleasant tradition. The windows in homes, apartments, shops, shopping centers, schools and kindergartens decorated with beautiful thematic patterns for the new year. To work, use a variety of materials, but the most successful and picturesque images made by special stained-glass paints. Plots choose depending on the placement location. For children's institutions, fabulous compositions are more suitable with such classic New Year characters, like a snowman, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and the Snow Queen. In office or commercial premises, congratulatory inscriptions, forest landscapes or lace garlands of colored snowflakes, balls and other festive attributes look appropriate.

Photo examples of interesting New Year's drawings on windows stained in paints

Beautiful, bright image of Santa Claus and a snowman in the frame of snowy snowdrifts and icicles - a good option for decorating windows in kindergarten or the younger school classes. The drawing is performed with children, as it is quite conditional and does not have a large number of complex parts. An educator or someone from his parents depicts the contour of the composition and figures, and the defortion is happy to take part in coloring favorite festive characters.

For decorating the winds of the elementary school classes, drawings are not only a snowman and Santa Claus, but also some forest inhabitants, such as fluffy hares. And the addition is the image of fir branches, Christmas toys and bells. They combine the entire composition in a single picture and make it more solid.

It looks good on windows traditional winter landscape. His children will easily make themselves, without even resorting to the help of parents. Templates and stencils for this work are not needed. It is enough to allow boys and girls to show fantasy and draw on the glass what they want. And it doesn't matter at all that the picture will be quite simple. The main thing is, it will be bright individuality and the reflection of the character of a child who invested in drawing a droplet of his soul.

Deer is another classic attribute of winter pictures. True, it is more often depicted on clothes and call such a Scandinavian ornament. But on the window glasses, it looks quite appropriate, especially in the context of the winter forest landscape and an elegant Christmas tree.

If the window of small size and does not allow any circumstances to be placed on the glass a large-scale composition, it is worth decorating the glass with a snowflake pattern. To do this, you will need stencils of suitable size, sponge or a piece of foam rubber and white paint.

Despite the simplicity, the image will be very attractive and elegant and will delight the eye as the inhabitants of the apartment and passing by people.

Beautiful drawings on windows for the new year with paints - master class with photo

A phased master class with a photo tells how to create a beautiful, bright and attractive drawing on the windows on the windows with stained glass in honor of the new year. Work is best to do together adults and children. Moms, Pope, Grandparents, Grandparents depict the main contours of the picture, and children with great pleasure paint the composition by catchy, spectacular tones. Thematic pattern will provide a festive atmosphere indoors and will create a joyful, optimistic mood in the shower.

Necessary materials for creating a beautiful New Year's drawing on the window glass

  • set of stained glass colors
  • pussy
  • marker
  • sponge or foam sponge
  • alcohol

Step-by-step instructions, as on the window draw the winter composition for the new year

  1. Immediately before starting work, degrease the glass surface, the protutus with ordinary medical alcohol or a special fluid for windows and wait for complete drying. After this procedure, the paint will fall on the surface exactly and there will be no stains in the picture.
  2. To create a picture, use a template or with a marker to draw a snowman figure from hand. There are no clear criteria for image. The manifestation of fantasy and creative approach to the drawing are allowed.
  3. When the contour is ready, to dip the sponge or foam rubber in white paint and cover it the main surface of the snowman figure. In order for the paint did not go beyond the boundaries, walking near the edge to walk with a tassel and bring white coating as close to the black contour.
  4. Red tint paint the bucket on the head of the snowman and the checkbox on which the congratulation will be written.
  5. Green toned scarf and mittens, yellow-brown to work out the grazing flag and hands of a snowman.
  6. When the drawing is completely dry, on the yellow paint flag to write New Year's congratulations, and the contour of the snowman figure draw in black, having dipped into it a thin brush.
  7. At the end draw a snowman smiling facet. Free space of the window additionally decorate snowflakes painted white paint, or cut out of shiny paper.