Unfinished novel. Women in the life of Igor Cool

Unfinished novel. Women in the life of Igor Cool
Unfinished novel. Women in the life of Igor Cool

Wife Igor Cool Olga is an independent and self-sufficient woman. She sought everything herself, went his dear, not eclipping the glory of his beloved spouse. This attractive woman in her 53 years old looks amazing, she managed to preserve not only the youth of the skin, but also by the maiden figure. About all her personal secrets and family life with the great composer of our time will be speech today.

Early years Olga

Olga Kulya was born and grew up in Russia. Her hometown is St. Petersburg, in which it appeared on November 11, 1963. In the family of the girl, the chapter was father, ideological communist. Mom did not work at his insistence, brought up daughter and son, balung a family with delicious dinner dinners.

Dad from an early age brought up a docile character, strict temper. In his opinion, the main in the family is necessarily a man. Only during the upbringing, he did not take into account an important factor: Olga was a real daughter of his father, heaven his character!

As a child, Olya was a good and calm child, did not show too vivid emotions. Grew with meek, there was a parents in everything, until he began to grow up.

In adolescence, the girl with his father had many differences, Olga simply could not live on the rules supplied, within. She tried to convince the head of the family that in his 17 years he is an adult man, has the right to walk late, and not up to seven in the evening, wearing jeans. Olga's temporary limitations did not defend, but was able to get the right to wear not only the dresses below the knee, but also trend jeans.

In the future, strict upbringing and restless character did their job: Olga Cool, whose biography is consecrated in this article, has become a successful business woman.

Education steep Olga

Olga is recognized that it was specifically, called his father, chose not the direction to which she sought. The girl at the end of the school entered the Economic University of his hometown, and did not regret the choice in the future.

Now Cool has its own real estate, and Olga professionally leads a family budget, unlike her husband, who has adopted this duty. This education helped cool to build and develop a rather successful business behind the territory of Russia.

Moving to America

Before the student of Olga Khulya was an opposed, but still afraid to move the father. When the girl crossed the threshold of the highest educational institution, everything changed. She decides to get married at the nineteenth age, and it certainly does not like a strict parent. But Olga is simply no case before his opinion, she decided so, that's all. Soon the young couple was born her daughter Victoria.

After graduating from the institute, Olga makes a decision to live a little from his passage friend in America. Initially, there were no plans to stay for a long time, but Olga just fell in love with this free country, and she wanted to stay terribly there. Fortunately, the yard was already 1991, and she did not become the enemy of the USSR!

The husband did not mind, but the parents were against. Ole was 28 years old at that time, and she understood that in their resolution she had no need for a long time. After half a year, a daughter in America, a woman begins his new life. She does not even represent that it is in this country far from his homeland, she will soon be awaiting a fateful meeting with a man of his whole life - Igor Cool, who lived in Russia.

First meeting and memories of her

In 1995, four years after moving from Russia Olga, the composer arrived in America with the program "Song of the Year". Olya and her girlfriend decided to go to the concert, listen to native music, chat with countrymen. By the will of the case of the table Igor and Olga were near, and they had to meet them.

Igor Krutoy was accompanied by sisters and mom, but Olga thought he was with his wife, so he did not pay much attention to a man. Igor, on the contrary, became interested in a new acquaintance, and asked her a phone number so that you could communicate with the next arrival to America. Only the thoughts of the composer were far from lifeless, he just fell in love with an excellent woman, although for a moment before the meeting was worried about the divorce with the first spouse.

A month later, Igor Krutoy decided to score a cherished number, as he understood that such a gorgeous woman could simply lead from under the nose, and he would remain "a random acquaintance."

Return to America Igor

Wife Igor Cool Olga, whose biography is interesting and saturated, did not expect a call from the composer at all, and even more so dating him. The woman was still married, and the fleet novels did not interest her at all. Perhaps that is why it so easily agreed to meet, when he heard in the tube, the unfamiliar voice of Igor Cool. As Olga told, she didn't even think that everything would end exactly that, she seemed completely harmless to just meet with a countryman who arrived in America.

The second meeting closer to new acquaintances, and they began to rapidly develop a novel. Already on the third date, Olga Kulya accepted the proposal of his hand and hearts, but they decided to legitimize the relationship only in two years.

Future life

The wedding of lovers decided to note with all the scope, and the guest guests were such a quantity that the celebration had to stretch for two days. On the first day, the youngsters celebrated an event with the most close and friends, and on the second day they saw with the stars of the Russian show business. There were Lev Leshchenko, and Lyme Vaikule, and Allegrova Irina, and many other famous personalities.

In the future, the pair could not find a compromise, and they remained to live at different ends of the world. Igor could not leave Russia, as this is his house, work, life, and Olga does not want to return to his native land, she likes in America, she has a successful business there.

The couple communicates on the phone, and about twice a month suits himself a date. In such a life, they were able to find a certain plus: rare, but very passionate meetings, they will not quarrel, because they do not have time to get bored. How to know, maybe their marriage would have collapsed in the same way as hundreds of others, not withstanding family life?

In 2003, a joint daughter of Alexander appeared in the family, but also Victoria composer considers his own. He brought it up as his native, entered his documents, and Victoria is also cool. They quickly found a common language and were able to go. Vika at the time of dating Igor was 10 years old.

What kind of business from Olga?

Few people know, but the perfume brand OKKII belongs to exactly Olga. Cool Olga's wife began producing his own line of aromas in 2011, when the famous French perfume and a good friend of the steep family did not fall as a barbier, inspired by Igor's music, offered to create a joint composition, not only musical, and perfume.

Initially, Men's perfume Opus Pour Homme appeared, and produced a real extension in the perfumery world. Neither Olga, nor nevent did not even imagine, for which short term perfume will become popular. After stunning success, they with double excitement began to develop the female line of aromas Opus Pour Femme. The new fragrance was presented in Riga, and it became no less popular than previous men's flavors. After the success of the second fragrance, an abbreviation was created, consisting of Igor's initials and Olga, it is the brand of aromas - Okkii.

How does Olga do look so good?

Many, having learned how many years Olga Cool, are ready to argue that this woman did a lot of plastic operations. But Olga denies, saying that she has excellent genetics, and its appearance is obliged only to nature and ancestors. She says that he never resorted to the help of plastic surgery, uses only creams suitable by age.

Olga is cool, whose photo is decorated with many magazines, has become a real standard of beauty and style. It never allows themselves to recover, and at the first signals that the forms become magnificent, trying to get rid of surplus faster.

Olga steeply walks daily on foot, engaged in sports, conducts whole cosmetic rituals in the evening in front of the mirror. But all her works are not in vain - the woman looks at a maximum of 45 years, and not 54, which turns cool in November of this year.

Cool daughters

Victoria Krutaya was brought up by Igor, and throughout her life he helps the girl to arrange his life. Victoria builds a career on stage, married. Under the crown, she led, of course, Igor Krutoy, the celebration was simply ambitious.

Sasha is cool - another child, but already appeared on stage as a singer. Parents are doing everything possible to make the girl selected personally, and not in their footsteps. But she assures that he dreams about the stage, and had to give a child to vocational training for educators.

Olga Cool - a truly happy woman. She admits that about that family, what she has, she did not even dreamed. Olga says he is grateful to the fate for bringing her with Igor.

Igor Cool: Biography, the personal life of the famous maestro is interesting to his fans, as its fate, like any truly creative and extraordinary person, consists of takeoffs and falls. All that Igor Yakovlevich has now - prosperity, recognition and unprecedented popularity - he owes many years of work, sincere devotion to his beloved business and, of course, talent and Charizme.

Hard way to music

Igor Cool is an interesting person in all respects, he is also interesting as a musician, and as a man. At the same time, women don't matter how much years old. He is absolutely not amenable to age.

The future famous composer was born and grew by no means in a creative family: Jacob Alexandrovich, the father of the musician, worked at the factory by the forwarder, and his mother, Svetlana Semenovna - a former laboratory assistant SanEpidism.

Igor was not the only child in the family: he has a younger sister Alla, after which Svetlana Semenovna left the job and devoted himself to care for children and ensure a strong rear for her husband. Currently, the sister lives in the United States and has a TV presenter.

From early childhood, Igor literally lived music, the ability to appear already at such a gentle age. And then mom decided to take a boy to a music school. Already in school years, the boy could rightfully be considered a real star:

  • at all holidays, Igor accompanied the Bayan school chorus;
  • in the sixth grade, he created the first creative brainchild - his ensemble.

After graduating from school, Igor, like any graduate, got up before choosing a profession. On the advice of Svetlana Semenovna, who hosts the most active participation in the musical life of the Son, the guy tried to enter the music school. But here he was waiting for the first creative failure: one of the mandatory conditions for the passage of the entrance exams was the possession of piano. I had to postpone the receipt for a year and study the instrument that the career of the musician went only to benefit.

Barriers and achievements

Igor cool youth was also filled with music. And on the creative path to the star skyskogon, he was waited for new thorns.

Having finished with a red diploma in 1970, the theoretical department of the Kirovograd musical school, the young man decided to try his happiness in the Kiev Conservatory, but did not do.

Having worked out during the year by the teacher of the music school in his native Gaivoron, Steep became a student of the Carrier Branch of the Music and Pedagogical Institute of the city of Nikolaev.

Combining the work with the work of the waiter in the restaurant, Igor met Alexander Serov. The meeting was a fateful - he began to write for the artist.

Further creative fate of steep interesting and saturated:

  • In 1979, a steep was invited to work at the Moscow Orchestra "Panorama", where Vladimir Migulya worked. And later he switched to the "Blue Guitar" ensemble;
  • After 2 years, Igor Steep was offered a pianist's place in the Valentine's ensemble Tolkunova, with subsequent guidance;
  • In 1986, the steep again became a student, but he studed the year in the Saratov Conservatory, took the documents.

Glory comes to the maestro

A year later, his first hit "Madonna" was published on the poems of Rimma Cossack, who, as you know, executed Alexander Serov. Following the "Madonna" appeared on the light "How to be", and "Music Wedding", also performed by Serov. The talented composer noticed Megazvyzda Valery Leontyev, Sofia Rotaru, Lion Leshchenko and other equally famous performers.

They have been using its services to today. Moreover, performed songs on his music and the younger generation of performers:

  • Marina Khlebnikova;
  • Alsa;
  • Nikolay Baskov;
  • Zhenya Mountains and some graduates of the Star Factory.

In 1997, Igor Krutoy himself, sang: the song "Unfinished novel", which he fulfilled a duet with Irina Allegrova, became a real hit.

In 1989, Igor Cool became artistic director "ARS" - the youth center.

For 9 years of the company's existence, a cool rose to its president. ARS contributed to popular programs: "Song of the Year", "Sound Track" and "Morning Mail" (later - "Good morning, Country!").

In 1994, Igor Cool began to arrange creative evenings, where already famous performers were invited, and young, for whom such evenings were a chance to show themselves. The event has gained success in other countries.

In 2000, a cool released his own album called "no words".

In 2003, due to the scandal with the "Star-4 factory" steep for several years, became a unwanted person for the first channel.

Personal life of the composer

In Leningrad, in 1979, after 3 days of dating, Igor made an offer to the Girl Elena, which she agreed. In 1981, Elena gave birth to the son of Nicholas. The divorce on its initiative was so painful so much that Some Elena prevented the meetings of the Father and Son.

At the celebration of the New Year in New York with the Light Hands, Primadonna Igor met Olga, who later became the second wives of steep. At that time, Olga was married and had a daughter Victoria. And Igor was still worried about parting from the previous family.

Biography Olga Cool is notable. Olga was born on November 11, 1963 in St. Petersburg in the family of a convinced communist and housewives. Parents tried to instill with the daughter of rigor and modesty. According to the Father, a woman should be engaged in the economy that his wife did - supported the home hearth and raised her daughter and son.

Olga was calm and downtown, but by 17 years old, being a true daughter of his time, Olga noticed that her age girl could walk stayed and wear jeans. With late walks, nothing happened, but the right to walk in Jeans Olga defended.

But strict upbringing with a bud with a rebellious character was brought their fruits: as a result, Olga Kratuya is a successful businesswoman.

After graduating from school, Olga, in the peak of his father, received economic education. But despite the fact that she chose such a road according to the principle "called", in the future, economic education served her good service - both in business, and in competent jurisdiction of the family budget.

In Olga's student, married and gave birth to a daughter Victoria. And at the end of the university, she decided to live at a friend in America, yes there remained, taking a day after six months and daughter.

It was there that she met Igor, who immediately fell in love with her. But Olga, having accepted the sister of steep, who, together with his mother, was accompanied by his wife, the acquaintance did not give.

A month later, understanding that he could not forget the beauty, scored her number. So the novel began. He developed rapidly - already on the third date Igor made an Olga sentence, but they got married only after 2 years.

The wedding was noted with a scope: we walked two days, a huge number of celebrities were invited - Alla Pugacheva, Irina Allegrova and many, many ...

Composer and producer Igor Krutoy in circles of the Russian Showubusham gained the glory of a man's stubborn, hard and harsh. It is said that only before one person, Igor loses his whole hardness, becomes white and fluffy. It is his wife, Olga cool. She, in turn, is surprised: "Yes, but it seems to me that he listens to anyone, but not me."

Honoraous girl from a good family

Olga Khuty was born on November 11, 1963 in Leningrad, in the family of party functionar and housewives. She got very strict upbringing, at seven hours was at home, while the peers walked up to nine. The right to wear jeans defended only in seventeen years. After school, Olga entered the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute, with success, graduating.

At 19, she was completely unexpected for his parents married and gave birth to a daughter Victoria. Marriage for the reasons that Olga refuses to disclose, turned out to be unsuccessful, and Olga was alone with a little girl in her arms.

Meanwhile, large changes took place in the country, the iron curtain fell, borders opened. The girl, since childhood, living in a privileged position, revealed a desire to go abroad, to visit the girlfriend. It was 1991.

From the trip, she did not return. She just called his parents and said that he had to live in the United States. Six months later she took to her and daughter. In America, Olga worked a little model, without much enthusiasm.

According to her own recognition, the decision to remain in the United States was dictated by the desire to create the best conditions for his child, because at the homeland at that time was restless.

She married a wealthy American of Russian origin, but does not like to remember this marriage. It may be unpleasant to her husband, she explains. In general, all personal life to steeply categorically Olga is not advertised. As if she had no personal life. As if Igor is her first man.

Football meeting

Igor Krutoy himself also considers his wife the main woman in life. In the first marriage, in which the Mother had a son, the producer was not happy. The spouse could not endure the material difficulties that the most of the people of the creative profession inevitably lie down at the beginning of the road. As a result, she found another and seven broke up.

After that, Igor walked in bachelors. Olga he saw by chance, in 1994 in Atlantic Citywhere he arrived with a large company of Russian artists: Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontyev, Lime Vaikule, Irina Allegrova, Lev Leshchenko ... Igor Kruta recalls: "The head turned 180 degrees, and so remained."

He was amazed by the beauty of Olga, who was married at that time. Familiarity did not continue, as it was fleeting, and Olga did not know at all what it is for a person. By the way, the recognition and real glory came to steep just in the early years of his marriage with Olga.

In the next visit to America, the beauty was found in the beauty, which was striking his imagination. And on the third date made an offer. When you live on different continents, there is no time for long romantic games. Olga immediately agreed, since he was very strong.

Interesting notes:

Informal honeymoon (at that time Olga was still married) spent in Miami.

The song "I love you to tears" was written steep in the period of strong love, and was called the originally "Olenka". For the first time, Olga appeared to the general public in Palma de Mallorca video, and many viewers remembered a refined beauty, not knowing that she was the wife of the author.

Love across the ocean

After the wedding, little changed - Olga was left to live in the United States, and worked in Moscow, where his work suddenly became incredibly sought-after. Cool provided his beloved wife and Padherce, but a little later, and his native daughter Alexandra is a very comfortable life.

His favorite girls live in Miami, then in Spain, then in Monaco, and do not need anything. In Miami, for example, on the island of Fisher, the steep magnificent apartment. The island itself is famous for its unique security: "Try to lose the wallet - you will bring it in half an hour," says Olga.

Around dozens of tennis courts, golf courses, pink flamingos and other attributes of luxurious life. In this area you can find stars of the first magnitude without any security, Olga even once ran into the street with Bill Clinton.

Olga's eldest daughter, Vika, is engaged in music from childhood, and tried herself like a singer. Now she is married and already gave birth to a daughter, granddaughter for his beloved milf.

Alexandra shows an interest in music. Olga itself has been engaged in perfume business since 2011. Her goal is to create the first Russian perfume brand, but fully produced in France. All - bottle, technology, raw materials, production, must be "Made in Franse".

Many people think that the composer took himself a beautiful and speaking for himself in the show-business pseudonym, but in fact the sonorous surname got inheritance. Igor Krutoy was born on July 29, 1954 in Ukraine, in the district center of the Gaivoron region of the Kirovograd region. His family was far from music and, especially, show business. Father, Jacob Alexandrovich Krutoy, worked as a forwarder at the Radioetal Plant, Mother, Svetlana Semenovna - a laboratory assistant on the city SanEpidemstancy. However, the father had a stunning hearing, he brought the trophy accordion from war, which was perfectly played and could pick up any melody on his rumor. Igor was not the only child in the family: in five years he had a sister Alla, who later became a TV presenter.

To music, the future composer began to be in early childhood, the younger schoolboy himself learned to play the accordion, then entered the music school. Igor always Muzitsy - at first he accompanied the school chorus, and in high schools - played dancing. As the composer subsequently recalled, thanks to this, he was famous in the area "almost like" Beatles ".

After the accordion, Igor Krutoy mastered the piano - it was required to enroll in the Kirovograd Music School. Upon arrival, teachers made the young man in a congestion - theoretical knowledge he was missing, but absolute hearing and ability to speak for themselves - Igor accepted the School with the condition that for the first course he will fill the "gaps" in his musical education, which was more self-education.

Cool graduated from the school in 1974 with a red diploma, after which he went to the exams in the Kiev conservatory, but did not pass through the competition. The next year, the young man worked as a music teacher in a rural school, and then entered the Nikolaev State Pedagogical Institute. Belinsky. In 1979, he became a grated music teacher and conductor - he received the composer's diploma after ten years, finished the composer faculty of the Saratov Conservatory named after L.V. Shanovova

During his studies in Nikolaev, a young musician was not sitting without a business: he worked up, worked in Philharmonic, played in the restaurant. In the restaurant he met the novice singer Alexander Serov, accidentally acquainted with time turned into friendship and many years of cooperation.

At the end of the seventies, Igor went to Moscow: at first he worked at the Moscow Concert Orchestra "Panorama", then in the ensemble "Blue Guitars". At that time he began to write the first songs. In 1981, Igor Cool called to work in Valentina Tolkunova ensemble - at first a pianist, and later the leader of the ensemble, also at the beginning of the eighties, he often toured with concerts with actor Evgenia Leonov. A great success came to the young composer in 1987, when he wrote for Alexander Serov "Madonna" to the poems of Rimma Cossack. It was the first recognition, and some more: sulfur with his song immediately became the winner of the "Song of the Year". Successful tandem continued: in collaboration with the Cossack Cool, he wrote such hits for a singer as "Wedding Music", "How to Be", "you love me." Although the composer himself believes that his first hat has become the song "Recognition" on the poems of his friend Alexander Zhigarev, which serov performed. As Igor Cool recalls, when he came home, he heard the whole Ukraine sang: "I will love you always, I divide my life ...".

Cooperation with Serov was long enough - but as it often happens when a business enters into the case, a crack arises in the relationships. However, a long-term quarrel with serovov did not lead to a creative donkey - gradually Igor Krutoy became more and more popular composer, the glory of one of the main domestic hitters was entrusted to him. In the middle of the nineties, Alla Pugacheva, Irina Allegrova, Valery Leontyev, Alexander Buynov, Igor Nikolaev and other stars. And in 1997, after the release of the clip "Unfinished Roman", in which he sang a duet with Allegrova, "the whole country recognized the composer in his face, autographs began to take on the streets. Many were worried about the question: "Was a novel in Igor cool with Irina Allegrova?" Of course, it was not.

With his first wife Lena Igor Krutoy met when he came to Leningrad on tour, at the end of the seventies. And in 1979 they got married. The first time the young lived in Leningrad, but Igor could not stir up to work in the city of Neva. And then it was just invited to Moscow, in the Orchestra "Panorama". In the same year they were born the son of Nikolay. Initially, the spouses filmed housing, then Elena exchanged a Leningrad apartment for Moscow. However, after a while, family relationships gave a crack - and as a result, Elena filed for divorce. After Igor Steepy about a year, I wandered over the removable apartments, until Evgeny Leonov and Valentina Tolkunova "knocked out" for him in the workman's work in a communal - there he lived for a long time.

The second time Igor Krutoy married in 1995, his wife Olga is engaged in business, lives in New York, but the spouses often fly to each other. As the composer laughs, there is no such thing so that they do not see each month. To the Olgina daughter from the first marriage of Victoria (she was born in 1985) he was always treated as his own, and in 2003, Igor and Olga Krutnoy was born daughter Alexander.

In addition to the composer at the end of the eighties, Igor Krutoy took up production activities - in 1989, thanks to his efforts, ARS company appeared (at first she was called the "Youth Center ARS"), which quickly became one of the largest concert-producers engaged in not only "promotion" Artists and the release of audio and video, but also by the production of television programs, organizing the tour of foreign stars. Since 1994, Igor Krutoy began to hold his annual creative evenings with the participation of Russian pop stars. These concerts prove once again, how much works cool: every year participants in concerts represent new songs on his music.

In 2003, Igor Krutoy, together with Raymond Pauls, organized a contest of young performers "New Wave", and then "Children's New Wave", and in 2004 he became the producer of "Star Factory-4". In addition to songs for artists, a cool writes a lot of instrumental music, in addition, he wrote music to the films "Souvenir for the prosecutor" (1989), "Thirst for passion" (1991), "Devil's hostages" (1992). In total, the composer came out more than fifteen albums, for all the hours of work they are written more than three hundred compositions for Russian pop stars.


  • Igor Cool has a sister Alla, which is henger for 5 years. In 1992, she married American Italian origin and left in the United States, Philadelphia. There, she began working the TV presenter, after a divorce with her husband returned to his homeland and began to transfer on Ukrainian television.
  • Igor Krutoy, with honors, graduated from the Faculty of Music Theory of the Kirovograd Music School.
  • Having arrived after the school in the pedagogical institute in the city of Nikolaev Igor Krutoy also worked, playing in the philharmonic and in the restaurant. In the restaurant, he met the novice singer Alexander Serovov, who sang there in the evenings, and accompanied him cool. It was Serov who began to persuade him to move to Moscow.
  • The first time the composer married in 1979. In 1981 he had a son of Nikolai, but they soon broke up with his wife. The second spouse of Igor Cool - Olga (they got married in 1995) lives in America, engaged in business. In 2003, they were born daughter Alexander. Also, Olga has an adult daughter from First Marriage Victoria. When she got married, Igor Cool led her under the crown.
  • An excellent rumor went to the composer from his father - he could choose almost any melody for rumor and played with his trophy chordon brought from the war

1988 Leninsky Komsomol Prize

1991 Honored Artist of the Russian Federation

1996 People's Artist of Russia

2004 Order of Friendship

2009 Order "For Services to Fatherland" IV degree

2011 People's Artist of Ukraine

2012 MUZ-TV Award

1989 Souvenir for the prosecutor

1991 Thirst Passion

1992 hostage Devil


2011 Madmoiselle Zhivago

1986 Recognition. Songs Igor Cool

1987 Alexander Serov. Madonna

1991 Alexander Serov. I'm crying

1992 sisters Rose. How is there in Russia?

1994 Cool Song Song Collection. Starfall

1995 Cool Song Songs Collection. Love like a dream

1995 Arkady Arkanov. Arkanov - Cool

1996 Irina Allegrova. I have clouds to explore your hands

1996 Vadim Bikes. Queen of my dreams

1997 Alexander Buynov. Islands of love

1997 songs of the composer Igor Cool. Part 1 and 2

1998 Irina Allegrova. Unfinished romance

1998 songs of the composer Igor Cool. Part 3 and 4

1998 Mikhail Shufutinsky. Once upon time in America

1998 sisters Rose. You are me

1998 Lyme Vaikule. Latin Quarter

1998 Alexander Buynov. My finance sing romances

1999 Valery Leontyev. Ropewalker

1999 songs of the composer Igor Cool. Part 5.

2000 Igor Cool. Friends and songs

2000 Igor Cool. Without words. Part 1

2001 Creative evening Igor Cool in GKD

2001 on the composer Igor Cool. Part 6.

2003 Snow Queen

2004 Igor Cool. Without words. Part 2

2004 in life times ... 50

2004 Igor Cool. The Best. Part 1

2006 Igor Cool. What plays a pianist

2007 Igor Cool. Without words. Part 3.

2008 Igor Cool. The Best. Part 2

2009 Dmitry Khvorostovsky and Igor Krutoy. Deja

2010 Lara Fabian and Igor Cool. Mademoiselle Jivago.

2012 Igor Cool. Without words. Part 4, 5

His popularity does not weaken. What is her secret, read further.

Originally from childhood
Igor Krutoy was born in 1954 in Ukraine. In the Gaivoron region of the Kirovograd region and his childhood passed. Parents are ordinary people. Father worked as the forwarding company "Radioetal", mother worked with a laboratory assistant on a local SanEpidemstancy.
Igor with mom and sister
A good rumor in a child manifested itself early. Not a single school matinee did without an accompaniment of Igor at the accordion. It is thanks to the setting of the melodies and the natural ability to select the melodies, he did not have suspicious of the teachers of the music school: they were absolutely sure that the boy knows a good literacy. I had to start with Azov. But Igor was stubborn since childhood, justified his name. In grade 6, he was already led by the school ensemble, and in high schools under the bayan, dance evenings arranged. Therefore, with the choice of the future profession, they did not bother for a long time. On the way to musicians, Igor began to prepare for admission to the music school. To do this, it was necessary to learn to play piano. The guy from the provincial town had to play the gamma for a whole year before he went to the district center to submit documents. From 1970 to 1974 Igor Cool is a student of the Kirovograd musical school. He graduated his brilliantly and dreamed of entering the Kiev Conservatory. However, Igor cut off on the history of the CPSU (most likely there was another reason: the notorious fifth point then many talented people did not give a ticket life. 70s - the flourishing of anti-Semitism in the USSR. In the capital's universities, even having a red diploma or gold medal, people A certain nationality was almost impossible to do). Igor did not have anything to do, how to return to the native guide and engage in the district learning to the younger generation. But he did not betray dreams to learn. In 1975, Igor became a student of the Conductor Faculty of the Nikolaev Music-Pedagogical Institute.

The study was away from the house of a fear, you will not live for one scholarship, and Igor worked in the restaurant in the restaurant, where I was familiar with Alexander Serov, subsequently the first laurels brought the composer. In 1979, Igor graduated from the university, in its nearest plans - a conservatory. And again it was waiting for disappointment. But he did not give up: persistence, stated in the surname, manifested itself. Igor continues to work in restaurants, settled in VIA "Singing Yongs" under the Nikolaev philharmonic. This group was beloved on all the dancelords of the city, she performed not only the popular songs "Beatles", but also hits written cool.
Talent did not pass unnoticed, and Igor was invited to the Moscow Concert Orchestra "Panorama". Here he meets famous artists-musicians: L. Saintanenikov, V. Migulya, P. Bul-Bul Ogly. And in the 1980s he composes for "blue guitars". A year later, he is already led by the ensemble of Valentina Tolkunova. In 1986, Igor enters the Saratov Conservatory. He became a student of the composer faculty. And a year later, Alexander Serov with "Madonna" cool won the song of the year 87. And in 1988, the same artist ranks first in international competitions with the songs of steep "inspiration" and "fate called." After this triumph, Igor came the first recognition of merit. In 1988, she became a laureate of the Honorary Prize of the Lenin Komsomol.
Path to the top
The secret of its popularity Igor justifies not only talent. He believes that the name has played a certain role. In the late 80s - early 90s, the word "cool" received another meaning. To be such meant to be the most. Therefore, many believed that it was a pseudonym. In fact, the surname that there is a real one. She was wary not only by the father of Igor Yakov Alexandrovich, but also grandfather, and great-grandfather. "The surname is fate," the composer believes so. Successful confluence: sonorous surname, success of songs and take off the popularity of this word.

Since 1988, Igor Krutoy songs in the repertoire of many famous singers: A. Pugacheva, Irina Allegrova, Valery Leontiev, Limes Vaikule, Alexander Buynov. His hits are performed by Alexey Glouxin, Laura Fabian, Abraham Russo, Alsu, Igor Nikolaev, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Joseph Kobzon, Philip Kirkorov, Christina Orbakayte, Vladimir Presnyakov, Lev Leshchenko, Sofia Rotaru, Nikolay Baskov and others. Igor Cool is known not only because of its songs: he is also a magnificent organizer, a talented and enterprising producer. His company ARS is engaged in promoting young talents. It is he who will produce a "new wave", "Song of the Year", "Morning Mail", "Good morning, Country!", "Hot Tens", "Sound Track". In addition, the projects of steep are the TV channel "MUZ-TV", "Star Factory", it supports Love-Radio and Radio Dacha, is the founder of the music site Music1.ru. As he himself says: "My most successful project is Igor Cool." You will recognize steep and as a composer on the movies. In 1989 he wrote music to "Souvenir for the prosecutor", in 1991 to the "thirst for passion", and in 1992 to the hostages of the devil. All these melodies, as well as instrumental music entered his disk "Without words", released in 2000. In 1992 he became a deserved worker of the arts of Russia, in 1996 he was awarded the honorary title "People's Artist of Russia", and in 2011 "He was recognized by the People's Artist of Ukraine. In 2004, he tried himself as a rap performer in a duet with Raymond Pauls at the New Wave Festival in Jurmala. In the same year, he received his first award - the Order of Friendship, and in July 2009 - the Order "For Merit to Fatherland".
My family is my treasure
Igor Cool was twice. The first his wife-Leningrad is Elena Khulya, who gave birth to the son of Nicholas.

His second wife, a traveling star Olga Khuty, living in New Jersey (USA), is engaged in business, brings up the daughter of Igor Alexander.
The adoptive daughter of Cool Victoria also carries his last name and went in the footsteps footsteps: it works in the genre of dance music with American DJs.

Alexander's sisters and Victoria cool
About his youngest daughter Sasha, the composer says that she is the coolest in their family.

Igor Cool - happy grandfather. The son of Nicholas presented him with his granddaughter Christina.
Interesting Facts
Igor Cool has the younger sister Alla Yakovlevna Baratta, now the American and Ukrainian TV presenter. Her husband American Italian origin. It began to work in Philadelphia in 1997, then on the satellite Russian-speaking channel RTVI with the transfer of "Visavi". Heroes of her programs in different years were Russian and foreign celebrities: Mstislav Rostropovich, Alexey Yagudin, Ernst Unknown, Evgeny Yevtushenko, Alla Pugacheva, Rudy Juliani and others. She has a daughter Natalia and the grandson of Yakov, named after the grandfather. Migre is sick for the Donetsk football club Shakhtar. "ARS" is not the "artistic joy of Serov," as many think. The producer center is named this because the word "ARS" with Latin translates as art. Alexander Serov really gave him the name.
Igor Cool is not only a composer. He performs his own songs and accompanies himself. In 2009, Igor received an unusual "Silver Kalosh" award. She is awarded for dubious achievements in show business. He won the Silver Calosh composer for the "plagiarism". The organizers of this award found in his song "My Finance Sew Romances" performed by Alexander Buynin "Bitlovsky" notes. By tradition, Igor Krutka celebrates his birthday in Jurmala at the New Wave Festival. Photo Yakovlevich loves to dress from Armani. Its culinary preferences - sushi, borsch. Maore Cool - the "Beatles" fan, Toma Jones and Muslim Magomaeva. It is a sex symbol for 65-70-year-old. To play the owner of the registered star on Square at the Russian Federation. Russia. Such stars with his name are in Jurmala, and in Kiev.

Name Star in Jurmala

Personal star in Kiev from 1987 to 1999 released 14 disks. Miore Cool lives and works in Moscow. In the rating of the most successful producers, Igor Matvienko competes, sharing the first place. The aegid of the ARS firm in Moscow in 1995 held a concert of José Carota in the Bolshoi Theater, and in 1996 at Dynamo Stadium - Michael Jackson.
In 2011, I purchased a luxurious apartment in Manhattan (New York) with an area of \u200b\u200b560 square meters for $ 48 million. Meters overlooking the central park.

The apartment is steep in New York on the 12th floor over the famous hotel "Plaza"

Luxurious interior