German pictures. Terrible photos of the Second World War (16 photos)

German pictures. Terrible photos of the Second World War (16 photos)
German pictures. Terrible photos of the Second World War (16 photos)

The Second World War (September 1, 1939 - September 2, 1945) - the war of two world military-political coalitions, which became the largest war in the history of mankind. 61 states from 73 existed at that time (80% of the population participated in it globe). The fighting was carried out on the territory of three continents and in the waters of the four oceans. This is the only conflict in which nuclear weapons were applied.

On the top: 1941. Belarus, the German reporter eats the cucumber proposed by the peasant

1941. Artillery players of the 2nd battery of the 833rd heavy artillery battalion of the Wehrmacht are preparing for a shot of 600-mm self-propelled mortar "Karl" (Karl Gerät 040 Nr.III "Odin") in the Brest area.

1941. Battle for Moscow. Legion of French volunteers against Bolshevism or LVZ (638 Infantry Regiment of the Wehrmacht)

1941. Battle for Moscow. German soldiers during the fight dressed in the weather

1941. Battle for Moscow. German soldiers captured Russian prisoners of war in trench

1941. Waffen-ss

1941. Lieutenant Yakov Jugashvili among prisoners of war during the battle for Smolensk

1941. Leningrad, Colonel-General Erich Göpner and Major General Franz Landgraf

1941. Minsk, German soldiers in the occupied city

1941. Murmansk, Mountain arrows made a stop in the way

1941. German artillery inspect the remains of heavy artillery tractor "Voroshilovts"

1941. German prisoners of war under the protection of Russian soldiers

1941. German soldiers in position. For them in the ditch Russian prisoners of war

1941. Odessa, Romanian soldiers inspect the captured property of the Soviet Army

1941. Novgorod, rewarding German soldiers

1941. Russian soldiers inspect trophies taken from the Germans and detect potatoes in a gas mask case

1941. Soldiers of the Red Army are studying military trophies

1941. SonderKraftFahrzeug 10 tractor and soldiers of the SS Reich Division pass through the village

1941. Ukraine, Reichsführer SS Henry Himmler talks with peasants

1941. Ukraine, columns of Russian prisoners of war including women

1941. Ukraine, Soviet prisoners of war before execution on charges that he is a GPU agent

1941.Weva Russian prisoners of war talks with German soldiers from Waffen-ss

1941.Moscow, German in the vicinity of the city

1941.Neetsky regulars

1941.Ukraina, German soldier accepts the proposed glass of milk

1942. Two German sentries on the Eastern Front

1942. Leningrad region, column of German prisoners of war in a deposited city

1942. Leningrad region, German troops on the checkpoint on the outskirts of the city

1942. Leningrad region, one of the first pz.kpfw. Vi Tiger.

1942. German troops are moving Don

1942. German soldiers brush the road after the snowfall

1942. Pechors, German officers are photographed with priests

1942. Russia, the Efreitor checks the documents from the peasant

1942. Russia, the German gives a cigarette Russian prisoner of war

1942. Russia, German soldiers leave the burning village

1942. Stalingrad, the remains of the German Bombarder HE-111 among urban ruins

1942. Theory Cossacks from self-defense detachments.

1942. Unter-Officer Helmut Rod 561st Brigade of the Wehrmacht with the crew on his SAU "MARDER II", the next day he received the German Cross in Gold and the Honorary Buckle

1942. Leningrad region

1942. Leningrad region, Volkhov Front, German gives a piece of bread

1942. Stalingrad, German soldier cleans the K98 Mauser in the break between battles

1943. Belgorod region, German soldiers talk with women and children

1943. Belgorod region, Russian prisoners of war

1943. The peasant woman tells Soviet intelligence on the location of the enemy parts. North of the city of Eagle

1943. German soldiers just caught the Soviet soldier

1943. Russia, two German prisoners of war

1943. Russian Cossacks in the Wehrmacht during the blessing (priests in the foreground)

1943. Sapiers neutralize German anti-tank mines

1943. Snipers division of senior lieutenant FD. Lunina lead a volley fire on opponent aircraft

1943. Stalingrad, a column of German prisoners of war on the edge of the city

1943. Stalingrad, column of German, Romanian and Italian prisoners of war

1943. Stalingrad, German prisoners of war passing by women with empty buckets. Good luck will not.

1943. Stalingrad, prisoners German officers

1943. Ukraine, Znamenka, Driver Panzerkampfwagen Vi Tiger from Luke Machine Considers stuck in the dirt on the river Tank River

1943. Stalingrad, city center on the day of the passage of German troops

1944. Commander of the 4th Aviation Command General Colonel Luftwaffe Otto Decalo and Commander II./stg2 Major Doctor Makhsismilian Otee (shortly before death)

1944. Crimea, seizure of German soldiers with Soviet sailors

1944. Leningrad region, a column of German troops

1944. Leningrad region, German prisoners of war

1944. Moscow. Passage of 57,000 German prisoners of war on the streets of the capital.

1944. Lunch of prisoners of German officers in the Krasnogorsk special camp №27

1944. Romania. Evacuated from Crimea German parts

1945. Poland, the column of German prisoners of war crosses the bridge over the Oder in the direction of Ukraine

Without date. Two Soviet partisans inspect a trophy German machine gun MG-34

Without date. German soldiers brush personal weapons. One of the soldiers trophy Soviet pistol-machine gun PPS

Without date. German Military Field Court

Without date. The Germans are selected cattle among the population.

Without date. Unter-Officer Luftwaffe poses with a bottle sitting on the head of Bust I.V. Stalin

If you carefully look at this military beauty, you can imagine her teeth, and the gaps are scored by human meat. Yes, so it was: any military beauty is human death.

(Total 45 photos)

1. Defensive line "Siegfried" on the western border of Germany. Very powerful and beautiful line. Stormed Americans line for more than six months. We coped with the lines where much more quickly, the famous business: we did not stand for the price.

2. German soldier with children in the occupied Soviet village. Two youngest boys will sneak cigarettes. German, as a good kind person, embarrassed his kindness

3. Irma Hedwig Zilka, serving an acouver encryption department. Beautiful perky girl. It would be the happiness of a man of any nationality. And looks like !!! ... if it was kissed, the eyes would closed.

4. German mountain rangers in the Narvika area in Norway. 1940. Brave soldiers, they really seemed death. We, without combat experience, their knowledge "and did not dream," no matter how much they read. However, they have not changed. Maybe not long ago, the new experience did not have time to stand out in the changes recorded by wrinkles, but here, they survived and look at us from there, from their own. The easiest to dismiss: "Fascists". But they are the fascists in the second, or even the fourth place (as the commander of the "graph von Spea" commander, the price of his life bought the life of his people), - in the first they are people who have just survived and won. And others went forever. And this experience we can only take. Yes, and well, that we only occupy, and not get. For ... - Clear.

5. The crew of the two-dimensional messer - 110E ZERSTÖRER after returning from a combat departure. Rada, not because alive, but because very young.

6. Eric Hartmann himself. Eric Dreifil in the first flight, lost the lead, was attacked by the Soviet fighter, barely pulled away and, finally, put the car in the field, on the belly - fuel. He was attentive and neat, this pilot. And quickly studied. Only and everything. Why didn't we have such? Because they flew to shit, and we were not allowed to learn, but only to die.

7. ... How much it is easy to distinguish the best fighter even among war professionals. Find here Dietrich Lesbaka, Hauptman, hitting 109 aircraft on the Eastern Front and 16 more on Western, as if finished, to remember enough to remember. On this photo, made in the 41st, on the tail of his car (IU 109) only 24 Muskika - Victory signs.

8. Rasteist of the German submarine U-124 writes something in the journal reception telegrams. U-124 is a German submarine type IXB. A small one, very strong and deadly pose. For 11 trips, it sank 46 vehicles with common waters. 219 178 t., And 2 warships with a common displacement of 5775 tons. Very lucky to people in it and was not lucky with whom she met: death in the sea - a cruel death. But no more sweet waiting for submariners - just a little bit easier for them fate. It is strange that we, let's look at this photo, can somehow talk about them. About these who survived there, beyond the mark "100" hiding from the deep bombs, you can only be silent. They lived, and, oddly enough, they were saved. Others died, and their victims - which, that was war.

9. Arrival of the German submarine U-604 on the base of the 9th flotilla of submarines in Brest. Penntes on the cutting show the number of ached ships - there were three of them. In the foreground on the right - the commander of the 9th flotilla Captain-Lieutenant Heinrich Lehmann-Villenbrok - a full, cheerful man who knows his job well. Very accurate and very hard thing. And - deadly.

10. Germans in the Soviet village. Heat, but soldiers in machines are not relaxing. After all, they can kill them, and almost everyone killed. Tea is not Western Front.

12. German and killed horses. Smiling soldier - habit of death. But how was it otherwise, when was such a terrible war?

15. German soldiers in the Balkans play snowballs. The beginning of 1944. In the background, the Soviet tank T-34-76 is listed. - Which of them is needed now? And does someone remember now, chasing the ball that each of them killed?

16. Soldiers of the Division "Great Germany" sincerely hurt for their football team. 1943-1944. Just people. This is a frivasca of peaceful life

18. The German units, as part of which the T-34-76 trophy Soviet tanks are preparing for an attack during the Kursk battle. I placed this photo, because it is better than many shows that only one madness on the throne, and badges on the armor and denoted the polar poles. The screening phrase, but here, the screening Soviet tanks, under the stencils of other icons are ready to go fight fellow with other icons from other stencils. Everything is done for the cute soul. Not managed by people in iron boxes, others, can hardly and altogether.

19. The soldiers of the regiment of the SS "Labishtandandart Adolf Hitler" rest during the prival near the road towards Pabianitsa (Poland). The scarfurore is armed with a MP-28 automatic machine, although, what's the difference than soldiers are armed. The main thing is that he is a soldier and agreed to kill.

20. German paratrooper with Ranger flammenwerfer 41 with a horizontal reservoir location. Summer 1944. Brutal people, terrible things. Is there a difference with the machine gunner, or the shooter? I do not know. Perhaps it would be a tendency to take the trust of burning and running enemies from the tablet weapons? So as not to suffer. After all, you will agree, not in the duties of a flamethrower with a tarpaulter to knock down the flame and save them. But to hold - merciful. It seems.

21. IS, TOLLAPY WHAT. ... Dobryak, hard worker, - wife, appear, did not drage. Tanker, which means that the mechanic, the name of the family. If survived, but most likely survived, the photo was made in the Balkans, then after the war and raised the modern giant of Germany.

22. Shooter-motorcyclist 3rd Tank Division SS "Totenkopf". 1941 year. Totenkopf - Dead Head. SS soldiers really fought better than ordinary units. And the officers of any level did not say "Mr.". Just a position: "Scarfürer ...", or "Grupenfüher ..." Party of German socialocrats emphasized that it is a party equal.

23. And fell on ice equally. (Police battalion soldiers)

24. Homemade and hardening officer's cortica, made in a combat campaign. They had time under water. Shot and - time. ... or on top of the screws and - there is nothing immediately.

25. My favorite, one of the humane generals of the Second World War, from the best then the generals who preserved humanity in the war - Erwin Rommel. Oh neither twist, namely that the urban man.

26. And Rommel. With the Knight's Cross, somewhere in France. Tank stood, and the general here is like here. Rommel was famous for his unexpected trips in the troops, where even the staff rats lost him, but Erwin Rommel was not lost and again and again overthrow the enemy defense, being close to his soldiers.

27. Adjustable by them. ... Subsequently, the Feldmarshal General Erwin Rommel was forced to die, because he participated in the attempt on Hitler and the poison, adopted by him, was the price that Gestapo retreated from his family.

28. ... at work. It was their work, like both our soldiers - the same. Also scalded knocked out or, under the fix, teeth. War eating hard work with increased mortality of participating.

29. Krupt. Before the start of the Western campaign, the MRS Rosinhard Geydrich, the Security Chief and SD, finished the preparation and participated in air battles in France as a fighter pilot at his Messerschmitte BF109. And after the fall of France, Heydrich made intelligence flights over England and Scotland at Messerschmitte BF110. During his service in the Air Force, Heydrich hit three opponent aircraft (already on the Eastern Front), received the title of Major Luftwaffe Stock and earned the Iron Cross of the 2nd and 1st Classes, the sign of the Observer pilot and the sign of the fighter in silver.

30. German cavalryrs in classes before the Second World War. Showing, percent of 99 showing, however, characterizes "their kubans". It must be the most, to persevers, to govern the riders of any tribe common. We ... They ... Is there any difference? Is the difference limited only by one direction of the weapon blowing?

31. English soldiers taken captured in Dunkirk, on the square of the city. Later, these soldiers were assisted through the International Red Cross. The USSR also refused the Geneva Convention, declare his prisoners of war traitors. After the war, the Soviet soldiers who survived in German concentration camps came to our camp. Where did not get out. "Good, rushing ..."

32. Wedding of the Unterstand MOP from the "Leibstandard SS Adolf Hitler" passes outdoors (possibly a airfield), because SSEsovtsy were not crowned in the church. Behind his friends from native Luftwaffe

33. German in a trophy Belgian tanket. Very, well, very happy to ride. Like any of us.

34. "Tiger" failed to the glaced drainage drank near Leningrad, February 19, 1943. The person seems to not come to himself. It would still have not been stronger than him not to be no one in the radius of the sighting shot of 88-mm guns. And suddenly ... poor fellow.

43. But, in a word, because of the few. Than to shoot each other, they would have learned to distinguish between their people, scounded in the scoundrels. But unfortunate poor people do not know how

44. - All-all do not know how to. Just know, dragged each other because of the Ural, Kruppovsky armor:

Fresh selection of photos with description.

1. The British soldier smiles at the captive Germans captured under El Alamein
At a famous gesture that demonstrates a fighter, there is a dual value: in the UK, if the hand is turned on the back of the palm, he also means a female sexual body.

2. Funny deck of the aircraft carrier "Roho", damaged by the ingress of American 227-kg Avia bombs as a result of the nourge of March 19, 1945

3. The first in the history of the jet bomber Arado Ar-234 "Blitz" ("Zipper")

4. A group of German transport aircraft JU-52 dies under the fire of American machine guns in the Sicilian Strait
Junkers, which goes at a low height, was not lucky to run into a group of B-25 and the R-38 escorting them. Nick's not covered junkers suffered large losses: Americans shot down 25 out of 35 aircraft. In general, it was one of the main reasons for the defeat of the Germans in Africa - the inability to ensure reliable supply, partly due to huge losses in transport aviation (which inevitably the most adversely affected almost all subsequent operations of the Wehrmacht), partly due to the threat of shipping.

5. Pilot III./JG54, ONTER-Officer Gerhard Raimann at his damaged BF-109F-4

6. Red Army launched from boats

7. Packed garrison of Konigsberg. 3rd Belorussian Front

8. Japanese transport ships under the attack of American bomber in Simpson Harbor Bay
A snapshot made from the B-25D Mitchell from the 3rd bombarding group, captured a direct hit.

9. The Germans are tested by unusual defensive arms - aviation flamethrower
In practice, the weapon turned out to be pretty stupid, and refused to be applied.

10. Pretty rare snapshot, imprinted the results of the use of Soviet anti-tank cumulative air bombs PTAB caliber 2.5 kg
And the rarity is this: despite the obvious effectiveness of this type of ammunition and its active introduction to the assaults ailers, the mass application on the battlefield and enthusiastic feeders, snapshots of damage from Ptab-2.5 was made extremely small, especially, close-up - Almost a single one. Moreover, even accounting for the destroyed technique specifically, Ptabami for some reason did not go - the whole she was counted as destroyed by airbabes without taking into account the type of ammunition. Therefore, now the effectiveness of this interesting aerial bombability can be estimated only indirectly - in the memoirs of pilots and secondary documents.

11. Damage to the tail part of the German night bombarder non-111n from the hitting of a zenith projectile

12. Captured by Americans German 88-mm gun Flak 36/37 on the streets of Cologne

13. Famous German aircraft designers, Ernst Hakel and Claude Dornery, in the Hitler's Residence "Berghof"

14. German parachute is preparing for jump from JU-52
Probably staged photos. France, 1944. Pose delivers, although it is undoubtedly there is a good reason: due to the design of the German parachute, it accumulated head down, spreading his legs.

15. 51st Army on the approaches to Rostov. February 1943.
The author of the snapshot Leonid Isaakovich Yablonsky.

16. A series of pictures made by the Americans during the storming of Cologne

The famous "Panther" near the station building behind the Cologne Cathedral, destroyed by American Tank M26 "Pershing" on March 6, 1945.

17. The pilot of the damaged "superreprost" could not manage to manage, making an emergency landing on iodzima, and rammed the parking of fighters, damaging 9 "Mustangs". April 24, 1945

18. Captured by the Germans Polish bombers PZL P-37 LOS ("Elk")

19. German fighter FW-190A-4 comes out of the attack above the road Via Balbia, Libya

20. American Marine Infantry on the way to Omaha Beach. Operation "Overlord"

21. American marines overcome Japanese defense in the battle for Okinawa. At the air soared dot

22. A little acceleration for the captured Germans. Leipzig, 1945

23. Search for those who are still alive. Operation "Overlord"

24. The Frenchman of the 2nd Shock Battalion Commandos takes pronounced German soldier, hiding in a ditch under a broken car

25. "Okinawa minibus." American marines on the sherman armor. Battle for Okinawa

26. The fighters of the Australian horse troops move on the armored transportation "Bren Carrier". Africa, January 7, 1941

27. German Double Educational Fighter FW-190A-8 / U1 Moves on the airfield by a manpiece

28. Red Army teams fight in Stalingrad

29. German BTR SD.KFZ.251 from 14 MCs passing by the pz.kpfw II tank columns in the Serbian city of Niche, Yugoslavia

30. JU-86K bombers with Hungarian identifiable signs in flight

31. German soldiers launder their BTR from winter camouflage

32. T-34-85 of the 3rd Belorussian Front in Konigsberg

33. Remembering the Volyn Rubber, Poles tend to forget about the actions of their nationalists
On June 6, 1944, NSZ militants were attacked by Verkhovin ("Peopling forces of Zbroman"), the ultra right of the underground organization, competing with AK. 194 Ukrainians killed. In the photo Verkhovyna village, Soviet officers (East Poland at that time was already busy with the Red Army) investigate the massacres of Ukrainians in the village.

34. Weekdays of British Pilots Fairey Swordfish and Deck Team

35. Columns of the British servicemen are marching through the Acropolis in the liberated Athens

36. Minute German humor
Well, I have to recognize wishing to take pictures with weapons in your hands with a stupid view and is enough now.

37. British aerodrome technicians serve the Harricsein fighter

38. Tower "Panthers", cracked after three hits 75 mm inclaric fugasic shells

39. Lieutenant Edwin Wright demonstrates damage to the blade of the screw of its P-47, obtained by a zenith projectile

40. Assembly shop of plant №18. Voroshilova. IL-2 assembly goes
Workers in the foreground are preparing to suspend test bombs.

41. Japanese heavy cruiser "Atago" (type "Takao")

42. Hawker Typhoon leads fire by unmanaged reactive projectiles in the railway station. 1944

43. Damaged F4F "Wildcat" on the island of Midway, June 1942

44. When the topic of France is rising 1940, a photo of a crying French man appears in it.
This photo always walks with a signature in various variations: "French citizens at the entrance of the Nazis to Paris."
Even the American archive Nara signed it like: a frenchman Weeps As German Soldiers March Indo Capital, Paris, On June 14, 1940, After the Allied Armies Had Been Driven Back Across France. "208-PP-10A-3

Although not everything is so unambiguous:
1. If you open Life magazine on March 3, 1941 (\u003diuoeaaaambaj&printsec\u003dfrontcover&hl\u003dru&source\u003dgbs_ge_summary_r&cad\u003d0#v\u003donepage&q&f\u003dfalse), then on page 28 and 29 you can Find a column "Photo of the Week" with a story about the evacuation of banners and standards of French parts in North Africa from Marseille February 19, 1941. And under it this photo with the signature: "The Frenchman from patriotic feelings mourns the banners of lost regiments of his country serving in Africa."
2. In the French newspaper dated March 30, 1941, an article about this event with a similar signature is also found.
3. Very often this photo is cropped on the left. On a more complete visible as a woman on the left applauses. A rather strange gesture with the occupation by the enemy of your capital. (although it can always be said that it sympathizes the Germans)
4. This is not a photo, it is a shot from the chronicle. For example, it is found in the third part of the film Frank Capra "Why We Fight" called Divide and Conquer at 54:45. It can be seen as a woman applauds, and on lips is read by Vive La France - Long live France. In the same chronicle you can see other applause and utter people.
5. In the book Lucien Gaillard - Marseille Sous L Occupation even gives the name of this Frenchman: Jerome Barzetti (this item is the most unfounded)

Of course, no one denies the opportunity to stay on the streets of sobbing French during the occupation of Paris, but specifically this photo is most likely not corresponding to the signature with which it is distributed over the Internet.

45. Captured by Americans "Royal Tiger"

46. \u200b\u200bSeveral photos on the topic of the experiments of German constructors in the field of aviation weapons
The "Rohrbatterie" block from 32 single-charged 30 mm guns MK 108, which was supposed to be installed on the reactive BA-349 "NATTER". Also, within the framework of the same project, a variant was considered with the installation of 7 blocks of 7 stems in each (Sonderger? T SG 119). However, the tests showed unsatisfactory results (spring-loaded platform did not provide sufficient mitigation of the return on the simultaneous volley of 49 large-caliber shells), and the project was closed.

As one of the developed means of controlling the Soviet tanks, SG 113 was developed, consisting of two efficient 75-mm guns installed vertically in the wings of the fighter. As an ammunition, subcaliber shells with a steel 50mm core were used. It was assumed that the shot was to be carried out automatically, without the participation of the pilot, at the moment when the aircraft passed to the goal. The idea was good, but when implementing the program there was a lot of problems. First, a very low flight height was required - from 3 to 8 meters to ensure reliable operation of the magnetic descent device and the accuracy of target damage. Already one imposed restrictions on the level of pilot. Secondly, the reliability of the magnetic trigger left much to be desired: to distinguish the tank from any other metal structure was problematic. Thirdly, among many contracting companies participating in the program reigned complete confusion, which resulted in large delays if necessary, to correct one or another flaw in the system. All this flow has led to the fact that SG 113 was approved for production only on March 14, 1945, but also it was assumed in parallel to the production of the system adjust.

And this is already a SG 116 system of three modified 30-mm guns MK 103, installed in the fuselage of the fighter. The system was tested in two versions: for firing up, by airplanes, and down - on tanks. Despite the fact that in principle, the test was successful, I also did not have time to introduce the system - the war rolled to my logical conclusion.

A block of 7 unfortunate versions of 30-mm guns MK 108, which was supposed to be installed behind the fighter cabin at an angle of 85 degrees backward (SG 117 / SG 118). After the first shot, which was initiated by the electric fake, the entire unit began to shift down under the action of recoil each subsequent shot, thus compensating for the load on the design of the aircraft, until each trunk is shot. The operation of the system was to occur automatically from a special photocell. 6 FW-190 was converted for tests, only 4 of them managed to get into troops. In addition, there were plans for installing the system on HE-162.

47. Techniques target 75-mm tumbling anti-tank guns installed on the JU-87G-1 tank fighter

48. Direct hitting of bombs dropped from the IL-2 Air Force Ants attachment, according to the German auxiliary ship "Franken"

And this is what remained from Frankna after the attack of Soviet attacks.

49. Commander T-34-76 tank from the composition of the 51st Army

50. The German submarine is attacked by the American patrol aircraft B-24 "Libertor" in the Atlantic

51. The remains of the German tank Pz.IV AUSF. J, destroyed by the American fighter-bomber R-47

52. French guerrilla poses with a "Bren" machine gun in the era-et-lur

53. The troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front go to the Dnestra

54. Soviet watchdog Boat of the MO-4 project №1012 "Sea Soul"
The boat was built during the war of the Writer-Marinist Writer L. A. Sobolev, received from the Stalin Prize for the Book "Sea Soul".

55. The deceased Japanese tanker

56. non-162 "Salamadra" on tests in the USSR

57. The heavy German tank "Tiger" with several straight hits for the frontal armor without a single breakage

58. American soldiers near Tank M4 "Sherman", drowned in the mud in the Italian town of Lattoria

59. "Owl" in the forest. Scribed German Scout FW-189

60. Locked in the mud "Tiger"

67. British aircraft carrier HMS "Victorious" after hitting Kamikadze. May 9, 1945

68. Ruins of the Royal Castle in Konigsberg

69. The moment of the death of the Private 331th Infantry Regiment of the 83rd Infantry Division of the US Army Jack Rose
Jack Rose was killed by a shot into the head of a German sniper in the Belgian village of Bien, when he ran through a shot through the intersection. In the photo, ordinary Rose is already dead.

70. Finnish junior sergeant leads fire from the trophy Soviet anti-tank gun PDD-41

71. The remains of the French tank Char B1-BIS No. 309 Rhone, blown away by his own carriage on the street of the city of Bamon. May 16, 1940
Machine from the 1st platoon of the 1st company of the 37th Tank Battalion of the 1st Tank Division. When moving through the streets of the city, he stopped due to a lack of fuel, and the crew did not have another exit except to destroy the tank.

72. The HMS "Victorious" aircraft carrier team removes the wounded Observer from the Fairey Albacore deckled. March 9, 1942
The group of British torpedoes attacked the German Tirpitz battleship near the Norwegian coast. The attack did not have positive results - the goal did not receive a single hit, while the British lost two aircraft.

1. Related Jews protected by Lithuanian auxiliary security. 1941

2. Column of Jewish women and children under the convoy of Lithuanian "self-defense."

Shooting time: 1941
Place of shooting: Lithuania, USSR

3. The Jews of the city of Siauliai before sending to the shooting near the station Kuzhai.

Shooting time: July 1941
Place of shooting: Lithuania, USSR

4. The famous photograph of the shooting of the last Jew of Vinnitsa, made by an officer of the German Ainzattz group, who was executed by the execution of persons to be destroyed (first of all - Jews). The name of the photo was written on its reverse side.

Vinnitsa was occupied by German troops on July 19, 1941. Part of the Jews who lived in the city managed to evacuate. The remaining Jewish population was concluded in the ghetto. On July 28, 1941, 146 Jews were shot in the city. In August, the executions resumed. September 22, 1941 Most prisoners of Vinnitsa Ghetto were destroyed (about 28,000 people). Handicrafts were left alive, workers and techniques whose work was needed by the German occupying authorities.

5. Sending the Slovak Jews to the concentration camp of Auschwitz.

Shooting time: March 1942
Place of shooting: Poprad Station, Slovakia

6. Rabbi in Auschwitz concentration camp.

7. Rabbi Jews in Warsaw Ghetto

8. SS soldiers guard the column of prisoners in Warsaw Ghetto. The elimination of Warsaw Ghetto after the uprising.

Photo from the report of Yurgen Shtrrow Heinrich Gimmler in May 1943. The German original header says: "Forcibly pushed out of the asylum." One of the most famous photos of the Second World War.

9. Fay Schulman with Soviet partisans in the forest. Fay Schulman was born in a large family on November 28, 1919 in Poland. On August 14, 1942, the Germans killed 1850 Jews from Ghetto Lenin, including Parents Fay, sister and younger brother. They spared only 26 people, including Fay. Later, Fei fled to the forest and joined the partisan group, consisting mainly of runaway Soviet prisoners of war.

------- Captured--

10. Sherny of the prisoners of war of redarmeys.

Propaganda signature to the photo read: "A woman stands among the prisoners of Soviet soldiers - even she stopped resistance. It is a "baba soldier" and at the same time the Soviet Commissioner, which forced the Soviet soldiers to be fiercely resist to the last cartridge. "

11. The German patrol leads caught disguised Soviet soldiers. Kiev, September 1941

Shooting time: September 1941
Place of shooting: Kiev, Ukraine, USSR

12. Killed Soviet prisoners of war on Kiev Street. One of them is dressed in a gymnaster and a hailifa, the other - in underwear. Both runs, bare feet in the mud - went barefoot. In killed - depleted faces. Eyewitnesses remember that when the prisoners drove through the Kiev streets, the escorts shot those who could not go.

The photo was made 10 days after the fall of Kiev by the German military photographer Johannes Hyule, who served in the 637th company of propaganda, which was part of the 6th German army who captured the capital of the Ukrainian SSR.

13. Soviet prisoners of war under the supervision of the SSPs fall asleep the land of the Babiy Yara section, where they are shot. The photo was made 10 days after the fall of Kiev by the German military photographer Johannes Hyule, who served in the 637th company of propaganda, which was part of the 6th German army who captured the capital of the Ukrainian SSR.

Babi Yar - a tract in Kiev, who received sad fame as a place of mass executions of civilians and prisoners of war, carried out by German occupying troops. 752 patients of the psychiatric hospital have been shot here. Ivan Pavlova, not less than 40 thousand Jews, about 100 sailors of the Dnieper detachment of Pinsk military flotilla, arrested partisans, political workers, underground workers, NKVD employees, 621 member of the OUN (fraction of A. Melnik), at least five gypsy ties. According to different calculations, in Babi Yar in 1941-1943, from 70,000 to 200,000 people were shot.

Semi-drive trees and bushes on the day show that the slopes of Yara were blown up. Some of the prisoners in civilian clothes. It is probably those who managed to change clothes, fleeing from captivity, but was identified. At the edges of Yara, there are escaper escorts, with rifles on the shoulder, with helmets on the belt.

14. Soviet soldiers who have fallen under Vyazma. October 1941.

Shot Time: October 1941

15. Packed Soviet Colonel. Bavenkovsky boiler. May 1942.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Barvenkovo, Kharkiv region at the end of May 1942, the 6th and 57th Soviet army fell into the environment. As a result of a failed offensive, 170 thousand soldiers and officers of the Red Army were captured, including the Commander of the 6th Army, Lieutenant A. Gorodynansky and Commander of the 57th Army, Lieutenant General K. Sublays.
Shooting time: May 1942

16. Packed Red Armyman, showing the Germans and Communist Germans.

17. Prisoners of war of redarmeys in the camp.

18. Soviet prisoners of war. In the center two wounded.

19. The German security guard gives his dogs to survive with a live toy.

20. Soviet workers for compulsory work at the mining enterprise in Boiten (Upper Silesia) during a break.

Shooting time: 1943
Shooting place: Germany

21. Captive Red Army teams in the winter.

22. Penal Lieutenant General A.A. Vlasov, the future chapter of the Russian Liberation Army, at the interrogation of Colonel-General Lindeman after passing the German captivity. August 1942

Shooting time: August 1942

23. Soviet prisoners of war with German officers in Germany. Neutralization of unexploded air bombs.

24. The Soviet prisoners of war, after complete liberation of the American troops of the Buchenwald camp, indicates a former guard, severely beaten prisoners.

Shooting time: 14.04.1945

25. The doctor of the US Army inspects the Soviet under-peer worker, patient with tuberculosis. He was hijacked for forced work to Germany for coal mines to Dortmund.

Shooting time: 04/30/1945

26. Soviet child next to the killed mother. Concentration camp for the civilian population "Ozarichi". The place of Ozarichi Domanovichsky district of the Polesa region. March 1944

Shooting time: March 1944

27. Released children from the concentration camp Auschwitz.

Shooting time: January 1945


28. Captive German soldiers in Leningrad.

Shooting time: 1942
Place of shooting: Leningrad

29. The French from the parts of the SS and Wehrmacht in front of the general lecturer from "Free France"

The captured French from the parts of the SS and the Wehrmacht in front of the general lecturer, the commander of the 2nd armored division "free France".

Captures held with dignity and even defiant. When General Leclerk called them traitors and stated: "How did you, the French, could we carry someone else's shape?" One of them answered: "You yourself wear someone else's shape - American!" (Division was equipped with Americans). They say it was angry with a lecturer, and he ordered to shoot prisoners.

30. German prisoners of war in line for the issuance of food. South of France.

Shooting time: September 1944
Place of shooting: France

31. German prisoners of war are carried out according to Majdanek concentration camp. Before the prisoners on Earth are the remains of the prisoners of the death camps, the krematory furnaces are also visible. The outskirts of the Polish city of Lublin.

Shooting time: 1944
Place of shooting: Lublin, Poland

32. Return of German prisoners of war from the Soviet captivity. The Germans arrived in Friedland border crossing.

Shooting time: 1955
Place of shooting: Friedland, Germany

------- Hitlergenda ----

33. Captive young German soldiers from the 12th Tank Division of the SS "Hitlergendan" under the convoy of the military police of the 3rd US Army. These guys were captured in December 1944 during the allies surgery in Ardennes.

Shooting time: 07.01.1945

34. Fifteen-year-old German Zenitchik from Hitlergent - Hans George Henke (Hans Georg Henke), captured by the soldiers of the 9th US Army in Gisssen (Giessen), Germany.

Shooting time: 03/29/1945
Place of shooting: Gisssen, Germany

35. Fourteen-year-old German adolescents, soldiers from Hitlergenda, captured by parts of the 3rd US Army in April 1945. Berstadt (Berstadt), Hesse Province, Germany.

Shooting time: April 1945
Place of shooting: Berstadt, Germany

36. Adolf Hitler in the Imperial Office Garden awards the young members of Hitlergend. This is one of the latest photos of Hitler. In the center, awarded iron crosses of the 2nd class, young natives of Silesia: the second right - 12-year-old Alfred Czech (Alfred Czech), the third right - 16-year-old Willie Hubner (Wilhelm Hubner), the latter is also known in photography with Dr. Goebbels in a laubane.

Shooting time: 03/23/1945

37. Adolf Hitler in the Border of the Imperial Office awards the young members of the Hitlergend.

38. The guitlegenda boy, armed with a grenade launcher "Parcelfaust". The so-called "Last Hope of the Third Reich".

39. Sergeant Francis Daggerrtt with a German soldier, the soldier is only 15 years old. Such in the German city of Kronech was caught a dozen and a half.

Shooting time: Croah, Germany
Shooting place: 04/27/1945

40. Column of prisoners on Berlin Street. In the foreground "The Last Hope of Germany" boys from Hitlergenda and Volkssturma.

Shooting time: May 1945
Place of shooting: Berlin, Germany


41. Soviet children clean the boots to German soldiers. Bialystok, November 1942

Shooting time: November 1942
Place of shooting: Bialystok, Belarus, USSR

42. 13-year-old Scout-partisan Fedya Pokhekov. The author's abstract to the photo - "The boy found a German rifle"; Probably, this is a standard Mauser 98K with a scooped butt so that the boy is easier to contact it.

Shot Time: October 1942

43. The commander of the rifle battalion Major V.Romanenko (in the center) tells Yugoslav partisans and residents of the village of Starcevo (in the Belgrade area) about the combat affairs of the young intelligence officer - Efreitor Viti Zhayvoronka. Back in 1941, under the city, Nikolaev Vitya went to the partisan detachment, in 1943 he voluntarily entered one of the parts of the Red Army, stormed by Dnepropetrovsk, for participating in battles with the fascists in the Yugoslav Earth was awarded the Order of the Red Star. 2nd Ukrainian Front.

Stars. 2nd Ukrainian Front.
Shot Time: October 1944
Place of shooting: Starchievo, Yugoslavia

44. Young partisan Peter Gurko from the detachment "For the power of the Soviets". Pskov-Novgorod partisan zone.

Shooting time: 1942

45. The commander of the partisan detachment presents the medal "for courage" with a young scout partisan. The fighter is armed with a 7.62 mm rifle of the MOSIAN system.

Shooting time: 1942

46. \u200b\u200bSoviet-teen-teen partisan Kolya Lyudichev from partisan compound A.F. Fedorov with a trophy German 9-mm machine gun MR-38 in the Winter Forest.

Nikolay Lyutchev survived the war and lived to advanced years.
Shooting time: 1943

47. Portrait of a 15-year-old intelligence officer Misha Petrova from Stalin detachment with a trophy German 9-mm machine gun-machine MR-38. The fighter subjected to the soldiers' belt of the Wehrmacht, behind the boot - the Soviet anti-pellet grenade RGD-33.

Shooting time: 1943
Place of shooting: Belarus, USSR50. The son of the regiment Volodya Tarnowsky puts an autograph on the column of Reichstag

The son of the regiment of Volodya Tarnowsky puts an autograph on the Reichstag column. He wrote: "Seversky Donets - Berlin", and signed for himself, the commander of the regiment and his union-sex, who supported it from below: "Doroshenko's artilleryrs, Tarnowan and Humsov."

51. Son Shelf.

52. Sergeant S. Villam TopPs with Son William Topps with Sound Shelf 169 Special Purpose Bases. The name is unknown, age - 10 years, served as an assistant technique for armament. Airfield Poltava.

Shooting time: 1944
Place of shooting: Poltava, Ukraine, USSR

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