Found a phone in the cemetery, you can take it home. The most famous signs at funerals and cemeteries

Found a phone in the cemetery, you can take it home.  The most famous signs at funerals and cemeteries
Found a phone in the cemetery, you can take it home. The most famous signs at funerals and cemeteries

In different countries, it is common for a person to visit the graves of their ancestors. But only a Russian person has the most reverent attitude to the cemetery, to the graves. As Pushkin wrote:

Two feelings are wonderfully close to us -

In them, the heart finds food:

Love for the native ashes,

Love for fatherly coffins.

Note that the cemetery comes from the word treasure, which, in turn, comes from the verb to put, to believe lying down. But at the same time, as you know, treasure is a word meaning something valuable, buried in the ground. And buried for the time being. So the word cemetery means that a treasure is buried there for the time being - the body of an Orthodox Christian, which will certainly rise on the day of the General Resurrection. The Russian cemetery is not a necropolis, as it has become fashionable to say. Necropolis means the city of the dead, but according to Orthodoxy, God has no dead. Therefore, the Russian cemetery is a place where the departed / fallen asleep for a while / people rest in anticipation of the resurrection. That is why our people treated the cemetery, the grave of their ancestors, as a sacred place.

Unfortunately, this concept has been largely lost today. But it remained in the genetic memory of the people. This is evidenced by the fact that even unchurched people tend to visit the graves of relatives or friends. God has no dead ... And our people come to the departed relatives, as if they were alive, as if they were on a date. People indulge in memories, reflect on their lives and try to somehow honor the memory of the deceased. They take care of the grave, renovate crosses, tombstones and monuments. And that's not bad. However, we need to know that the deceased will not feel any relief from the fact that their graves are well-groomed, not forgotten. It will not be easier for them either from our reflections on them, from the wish "May the earth rest in peace to you." And is such a wish better than a prayer-request "With the saints, Lord, rest the soul of Your deceased servant ..."

When we look after the grave, we show our respect, our love for the deceased in some way. Of course this is good. The graves of the dead, people close to us are a reflection of our soul. Neat and well-groomed, it expresses our love and memory. But after all, the external manifestation of love for the soul of the deceased means practically nothing. But prayer is the greatest deed that we can accomplish in the memory of the deceased, it is the deepest manifestation of our love for him. When praying, the soul of the person praying receives peace and the soul of the deceased. And without prayer in the cemetery, you may feel melancholy and even despondency. And this, in turn, will be felt by the soul of the deceased, and then what kind of peace can we talk about?

The elder of our time, Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov), spoke very well about the meaning of prayer for the deceased. “Often death strikes a person suddenly, and he, without having brought any repentance, also departs with sins. He himself can no longer help himself by any means. A person can change his fate only when he is alive, doing good deeds and praying for his salvation to the Lord. It is in such and such cases that prayer for the departed is very necessary and brings them the greatest benefit.

The time will come when we will see them. How glad it will be to hear from them a word of gratitude for the prayer! They will say: "You remembered me, did not forget me and helped me in time of my need. Thank you." And on the contrary: how bitter it will be to hear a reproach to one who did not pray for the dead! "You didn’t think about me, you didn’t pray for me, you didn’t help me in my hour of need, I reproach you."

The condition of the departed is similar to that of a person floating on a very dangerous river. Prayer for the dead is like a lifeline that a person throws to a drowning neighbor. If somehow the gates of eternity were opened in front of us and we would see these hundreds, thousands of millions of people striving for a peaceful haven, then whatever heart would be struck and crushed at the sight of their fellow believers and blood relatives, without words calling out to our prayer help! "

The best prayer for the departed is the congregational prayer of the entire Church. Therefore, before visiting the cemetery, one of the relatives should come to the church at the beginning of the service, submit a note with the name of the deceased for commemoration in the altar (it is best if it is a commemoration at a proskomedia, when a piece of the deceased is removed from a special prosphora, and then, as a sign of washing away his sins, they will lower him into the Chalice with the Holy Gifts).

Prayer will be more effective if the one who commemorates this day himself takes part in the Body and Blood of Christ. After the liturgy, a panikhida should be served.

When you visit the cemetery, you need to light a candle on the grave. And since the candle is often blown out by the wind, then you should have a special closed candlestick for it, which is sold directly in Orthodox Christian shops, or in Orthodox shops. You can recommend contacting the Orthodox Internet store "Grain", where there is a large selection of such candlesticks. There are also special lanterns for lighting candles. These lanterns were traditionally used by our ancestors. The renewal of such a tradition promotes respect for the Orthodox culture of lighting candles in the cemetery. Such a lantern is especially useful when lithium is performed on the grave of a loved one.

To perform the rite of litiya at the commemoration of the dead, a priest must be invited. If, for some reason, it is difficult to do this, then you can perform a short rite on your own, according to the book "The Rite of Lithium Performed by a Layman at Home and in the Cemetery". And you can even pray in your own words. After all, the main thing in prayer is our heartfelt disposition, a sincere appeal to God for the repose of the soul of a loved one.

Then clean up the grave and remember the deceased. But not to those who offend his memory, but to those that move us to soulful reflections.

There is no need to eat or drink at the cemetery, it is especially unacceptable to pour vodka on the grave - this insults the memory of the deceased. The custom to leave a glass of vodka and a piece of bread on the grave "for the deceased" is a relic of paganism. There is no need to leave any food on the grave; it is better to give it to the beggar or the hungry. Archbishop John (Maksimovich) spoke about it this way: “Relatives and friends of the departed! Do for them what they need and what you can. Spend money not on external decorations of the coffin and grave, but on helping those in need, in memory of deceased loved ones, on churches where prayers are offered up for them. "

Unfortunately, external grave decorations are becoming more common. But take a closer look at different graves and you will see that a simple cross on a grave grass mound with fresh flowers looks natural, evokes a feeling of peace. Because the cross on the grave of an Orthodox Christian reminds us that God has no dead, that all the dead will someday be resurrected. That is why it is soothing.

But the grave, crushed by granite and a huge block of the monument, evokes a heavy feeling. Isn't that why we often hear sobs at such graves instead of prayers, drink vodka to keep the earth in peace for the deceased, then weep again and leave, crushed by melancholy, like granite, which crushed the grave.

The cross, whether it is made of metal or wood, is more befitting the resting place of an Orthodox Christian than expensive monuments and marble tombstones. But, of course, the solution to this very delicate issue is a personal matter and is decided by each family individually.

“Let us try, as much as possible, to help the departed, instead of tears, instead of sobbing, instead of lush tombs - with our prayers, alms and offerings for them, so that in this way both them and us receive the promised blessings,” said St. John Chrysostom.

That is why it is so soulful to make a donation to the temple or give alms to the poor with a request to pray for the deceased servant of God, calling his name. It is good to bring food for the commemoration to the church, a special place for this is the eve. Usually they buy cereals, candies in boxes, juice, red wine, vegetable oil, eggs, pasta. These products are then passed on to the needy and will be a sacrifice made for the deceased.

However, as mentioned above, first of all, it is necessary to pray for the departed ourselves. This is the most important thing that we can do for those who have passed away.


And these rules must be followed by every visitor.

A mistake, ignoring or not knowing these rules, can lead to sad consequences, which are sometimes very difficult to fix.

When planning to visit a cemetery, it is important to properly prepare for the visit.

First of all, pay attention to your clothes and shoes. The color scheme of clothing for visiting the cemetery is usually black. White clothes are also allowed. If there are no such color schemes in your wardrobe, then try not to dress brightly - give preference to clothes in muted tones - the dead do not like bright and variegated colors.

You should be wearing pants or a long skirt so that your legs are completely covered. Wearing shorts or a mini skirt is not allowed!

In addition, you should not wear flip-flops, slippers, or other open shoes. Better to give preference to shoes, sneakers or other closed shoes without a heel. It is unacceptable to wear high-heeled shoes for a visit to the cemetery.

If for some reason it is not convenient to walk in closed shoes, you can take a change of shoes with you. In extreme cases, it is permissible to put shoe covers or plastic bags on your feet, which will then be immediately thrown into the trash can.

Why is it important? Cemetery soil, dust from graves and paths between them - all this carries "dead energy". Getting on the body of a living person, dead energy is superimposed on the living one. This usually leads to various ailments and painful conditions.

According to statistics, the legs most often suffer - fatigue appears, heaviness occurs, congestion with impaired blood circulation and lymph flow, swelling increases, varicose veins develop, etc. etc.

Pay attention to your head. Since ancient times, when visiting the cemetery, it was customary to tie the hair with a scarf. Hair tends to fall out. Having fallen on cemetery ground, your hair, like any other biomaterial, can attract various negativity to you. Therefore, do not brush your hair in the cemetery.

Also, one should not spit on the territory of the cemetery and it is not recommended to go to the toilet. If you are really "impatient", it is better to go out and do it outside the cemetery. Public toilets located in the cemetery should also not be visited. Toilets should be located outside the burial area.

It is also important to know that in cemetery toilets dark specialists can throw off other people's illnesses, negative programs and troubles on visitors. Thus, after visiting such a toilet, you can receive an unexpected "gift" for yourself.

It is important to understand that dead energy is not only found underground and in graves. It is distributed everywhere within the cemetery fence, and if there is no fence or its integrity is violated, then this energy is also present outside the cemetery.

Many cemeteries have water sources - columns, wells or taps. The water collected in them should only be used for cleaning, watering flowers and plants at the grave. You should not drink ’ne water and wash your face with it - for this purpose, you should bring water from home.

While in the cemetery, walk along special paths or paths. Never step on graves, step over or jump over them. This is not only disliked by the inhabitants of the world of the dead, but also unacceptable for the world of the living. In addition, the spirit of a restless person can follow you on the trail you left - this will also not lead to anything good.

Cemeteries are sacred places where the bodies of the departed rest. Even according to the laws of pagan states, tombs have always been considered sacred and inviolable. While on the territory of the cemetery, it is necessary to behave with respect towards the deceased and with moderation in relation to the expression of emotions. Do not be overly emotional.

Avoid laughing and crying. Suffering and groaning are undesirable, since these emotions can cause the formation of a communication channel with the deceased, and the deceased can take a relative who is killing him with him.

According to the rules of conduct for Orthodox Christians, having come to the grave of the deceased, one should light a candle (preferably a church one) and perform a litiya (intensified prayer). You can read special memorial prayers and an akathist for the repose of the dead. Then you should be silent, remembering the deceased.

Saint John Chrysostom wrote: "Let us try, as much as possible, to help the departed, instead of tears, instead of sobbing, instead of magnificent tombs - with our prayers, alms and offerings for them, so that in this way they and us will receive the promised blessings"

The most valuable and important thing that can be done for the departed is prayer for them. The deceased does not need a coffin or a monument - all this is a tribute to traditions. His eternally living soul feels a great need for our constant prayer, since she herself cannot do this. That is why prayer for a deceased loved one, performed at home and at the grave of the deceased, is very important.

Commemoration in the Church provides special assistance to the deceased. Therefore, before visiting the grave of a deceased relative, one of his relatives is advised to go to church and submit a note with the name of the deceased for commemoration at the altar.

Best of all, if it will be a commemoration at the proskomedia - in this case, during the service for the deceased, a particle is removed from a special prosphora, and then, as a sign of washing away his sins, it will be lowered into the Chalice with the Holy Gifts.

You should not eat at the grave or in the cemetery, as particles of dead dust and dead energy can get inside. It is also recommended to pour vodka on the grave of the deceased - this insults his memory. The custom to leave a piece of bread, a glass of vodka and sweets on the grave "for the deceased" is an echo of paganism. You should not leave food in the cemetery, it is better to give it to a beggar or a hungry person.

During a visit, in addition to commemorating a loved one, it is sometimes necessary to put things in order at his grave. When cleaning, it is important to remember that the dead do not like it when things or what belongs to them are taken from the cemetery. Therefore, when removing garbage, picking off dried grass and fallen leaves, on the grave, explain to the deceased that you are doing this only for the purpose of maintaining cleanliness.

And it is very important - if you took something from the grave, put something back. When tidying up and removing trash, visitors usually leave flowers, or some kind of treat for the deceased. Taking the broken vase from the grave, replace it with a new one.

Usually, to put things in order at the grave of a loved one, people take with them some rags and other equipment. It is important to know and always remember: the rags that you use to clean the cemetery should not be your personal old and now unnecessary things for you, or the things of your loved ones !!!

Never wash or wipe monuments with old T-shirts, underpants or socks, as well as any other personal belongings, or their scraps if they belong to living people. For this purpose, it is better to purchase a set of disposable rags in the store, which can be thrown into the trash after cleaning.

This law also applies to other items brought from home. You should not take a broom to restore order to the cemetery, even an old and no longer needed one, which you used to clean your apartment, house, or the area near your home. It is better to buy a new broom in the store specifically for cleaning the cemetery, and leave it near the grave.

It is generally not recommended to take things for the cemetery from an apartment or house - it is better to buy vases for flowers, rags, dishes, etc. for these purposes in a store. It is allowed to bring the deceased from home only those things that only he used during his lifetime. For example, a favorite cup from which he drank (only he and no one else!), Or a plate from which he liked to eat (only he and no one else!) Can be brought and left at the grave.

Take back all the things that you brought with you. If it is used rags, napkins and other rubbish, throw it into a trash bin. Do not drop or leave objects that may contain your biological material on dead ground.

The things that were in the cemetery should never be taken home. Leave all the trash that was removed from the grave in the graveyard trash. If something needs to be taken for some special reason (for example, something needs to be repaired in different conditions), leave something instead of this thing, and then be sure to bring it back.

The photograph of the deceased should never be taken home from the cemetery - the best thing is to bury it in the grave.

Sometimes a visitor may accidentally drop keys on the cemetery ground, or any other object. According to the laws of the cemetery, a thing that falls on dead ground belongs to the dead. Therefore, if you are not sorry for this thing, leave it there or throw it into the trash can on the territory. If you need this thing, then picking it up and taking it with you should put something else instead. It could be candy, cookies, or some other treat.

It is definitely never, under any circumstances, recommended to approach the territory of the cemetery and go inside pregnant women, nursing mothers, women with babies and women on critical days.

A pregnant woman should not visit the cemetery for any purpose and for any reason, even:

To honor the memory of deceased loved ones, including anniversaries and days of remembrance;

In order to participate in the funeral procession, even if a very close and beloved person is being buried, and one really wants to see him off on his last journey;

For the purpose of performing any rituals or ceremonies;

In order to visit the church, which is located on the territory of the cemetery;

Not on any memorial day, not on a church holiday, not even on a big church holiday (on Easter, Trinity, etc.).

The protective energy field of a pregnant woman is divided into two - one part is used for herself and her protection, the other is used to protect the baby. Thus, a pregnant woman has two energy fields at the energy level. Both of these fields are easily vulnerable - one of them is temporarily weakened, while the other is still being formed.

Therefore, any negative impact will have a more devastating effect on a pregnant woman than on any other person. Also, the expectant mother shares any negative with her baby, which can lead to serious, sometimes even critical consequences for the child.

Pregnant women are very sensitive to negative energy. On the territory of the cemetery, the following dangers can lie in wait for them:

Dead energy everywhere;

Essences, beings from a parallel world, restless spirits and souls;

Specialists who possess knowledge and use this knowledge to harm others are sorcerers, sorceresses, magicians.

Dark specialists can wait for their prey for a long time. If their goal is the "living", not the dead, then they need a person who breaks the rules. And it doesn't matter - the rules will be deliberately violated, or because of not knowing - such a violator will still become a victim. What can happen in this case? Anything. The evil eye, damage, disease ...

For example, a specialist - a magician or a sorcerer - has the task of saving the life of a terminally ill person. On the territory of the cemetery, he can exchange the life of his "patient" for the life of an unborn child, unnoticed by a pregnant woman. Ultimately, the patient will recover, and the unborn child will die in his place ...

After visiting a cemetery, do not bring with your unwashed shoes into your apartment or house the cemetery soil, which may be on the sole or on the sides of the sole. Be sure to take off your shoes to the front door, rinse your shoes thoroughly with clean running water, removing dead soil from them, and then bring your shoes home. This is not difficult to do, especially since by doing this you will save yourself and your loved ones from many possible problems.

If you drove into the territory of the cemetery in your car - do not rush to drive it to the garage - you should definitely go to a specialized car wash and wash off the cemetery soil and dust from the car.

Tools that you used in the cemetery should be rinsed with running water and wiped off. It is not recommended to store it in an apartment.

Of course, this article does not contain all the rules of conduct, but only some of them.

However, the violation of these rules of conduct due to ignorance of these rules, or due to unwillingness to comply with them, out of stubbornness or due to the unwillingness of an atheist-minded person to believe in their effectiveness, does not absolve anyone of responsibility, and then there is a risk that the mistakes will have to be paid for.

It is important to remember that the cemetery is a "temple of the dead", and there are laws.

Sooner or later, each of us faces death. Unfortunately, it is an integral part of the circle that all living things on our planet go through. We are born, grow and die at a moment unknown to us until that very last fateful moment. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with having information about the signs in the cemetery. After all, most of them are the result of long observations and secret knowledge that our people possessed in ancient times. It is worth noting that signs at a funeral and at a cemetery represent a certain set of rules. If you observe them, then the dead will never harm you, but, on the contrary, always and in any situation will come to your defense. We think that this alone should draw your attention to this article.

What not to do in a cemetery: a list of prohibitions

Regardless of religious beliefs and social status, each person should understand how to behave on the churchyard. Indeed, otherwise, through ignorance or carelessness, you can make a number of mistakes, including fatal ones. Knowledge will take in the cemetery will definitely save you from negativity and life problems that you are able to bring home after a funeral or visiting the graves of loved ones. So, what should not be done in the cemetery in any case:

  • For some reason it is customary among our compatriots to commemorate the dead with strong drinks. This is strictly forbidden both at funerals and in the case of a regular visit to the churchyard. The fact is that the soul of the deceased can get angry with his not too sober relative and contribute to the coming of some troubles into his life. In addition, all people related to magic know that a drunk person's energy field weakens sharply, so any negative easily clings to it. And the cemetery, as you know, is the place where a large amount of bad energy and various essences accumulate. You shouldn't take risks and attract their attention.
  • Be extremely careful when talking about your current affairs at the grave. Many people, coming to their deceased relatives, share with them joyful and sad news, plans for the future and their fears regarding this or that action in life. However, you do not need to be overly emotional, because the soul can take pity on you in case of trouble and call for you. And it is absolutely unacceptable, lamenting, to ask for death. In this case, the spirits of the churchyard will surely hear you and fulfill the voiced request.
  • Better not to take children under the age of twelve with you to the churchyard. They have not yet lost touch with higher powers, therefore they have the opportunity to see the souls of the departed. And those, in turn, can try to get in touch with the child. It seems that such an experience will not benefit your child.
  • Do not allow quarrels in the cemetery. Our ancestors argued that the one who swears at the grave will always be surrounded by problems and troubles. Esotericists confirm this sign, because the energy of the deceased is capable of increasing the negativity thrown out here several times.
  • Experienced people also advise visiting the graves of deceased relatives before noon. After lunch, a rampant of low energies begins at the cemetery, which can hook you too. Therefore, plan such trips early in the morning, in which case they will be safe.

As you can see, these rules are quite simple, but they are not the only ones regarding the signs in the cemetery. Therefore, we decided to analyze a few more important topics that reveal superstitions and the rules for visiting the churchyard.

Funeral: how to behave correctly

It's not a secret for anyone that it is necessary to accompany a person on his last journey, observing a lot of rituals. Not all of them are so significant as to influence the course of the life of a person participating in the process. In this section, we have collected only the most important rules that must be followed by anyone who had to attend a funeral:

  • Try to dress only in black, seeing off your loved one on their last journey. It is believed that white and colored clothing will become disrespectful to the deceased, and you can incur negativity on yourself.
  • Never speak loudly during a funeral, as the souls in the cemetery will definitely not like it.
  • You cannot tell stories, share news and events from life while you are at the churchyard. All conversations should concern only the deceased and the good that he did in life.
  • Even if you have a difficult relationship with the deceased, find good words for him during the funeral. In no case should one speak badly about the deceased.
  • You need to see a person off on their last journey only in closed shoes. Bare toes and heels will get you in trouble, because they can come into contact with the graveyard ground.

Any violation of the above rules entails a number of problems that will be difficult to somehow neutralize. Esotericists say that such a negative becomes a very heavy and unbearable burden that breaks the usual way of life. Keep in mind that in any case, you should take a bottle of water with you to the churchyard and wash yourself with it at the exit to get rid of the cemetery negativity.

Is it possible for pregnant women to go to the cemetery: signs

Many questions are raised by the fact that women are in a delicate position at the churchyard, because expectant mothers should experience only positive emotions. How much harm could it be for them to attend a funeral or visit a loved one’s grave?

Of course, pregnant women should avoid traveling to the cemetery. Their energy is very sensitive to the low vibrations that pervade this earth. In addition, signs warn women who are expecting a baby from visiting the churchyard for a number of the following reasons:

  • The souls of the departed and dark entities dwelling on the graves can take the baby with them. They can be attracted by him and the soul of the baby will be drawn to the call, leaving the womb.
  • In some cases, the soul of a deceased person can move into an unborn child if he really wants to find a body ahead of time.

To avoid all this, a pregnant woman should wear a red dress and tie a band of the same color around her wrist. This will scare off the spirits and protect the soul of the unborn baby.

Overnight at the churchyard

Cemetery Night is a hackneyed plot in most horror films. For many people, this is associated with something really creepy, which can be fatal.

But in fact, everyone can spend the night in the cemetery absolutely calmly. Especially if he comes to the grave of his loved one. Sorcerers say that the souls of relatives will never harm us. They will guard and protect their relatives from all the problems of the material and otherworldly world. Therefore, if, for one reason or another, the night found you in the cemetery. Just ask mentally for protection from your relatives, who will definitely take you out of the churchyard safe and sound.

Photos in the cemetery

Esotericists speak extremely negatively about the photos taken at the cemetery. We think everyone knows that there is a very close connection between a person and his image. At the same time, the person himself can be easily influenced through photography, which happens in the case of cemetery photographs.

Judge for yourself: you firmly associate your image in the photo with the coffin, monument, wreaths and the deceased himself. All this carries a strong imprint of negative energy, which in the future can even cause an incurable disease. It is especially dangerous to be photographed at the grave, which is not yet forty days old. Until the expiration of this period, all the negativity that splashed out at the time of the death of a person remains on earth.

Also, photos can disturb the soul of the deceased, who through the photo will begin to come to his house, where he once felt good. We think that such a neighborhood will definitely make you uncomfortable.

Sorcerers claim that it is in the cemetery that many are committed to damage or summon dark energies. Absolutely by chance, you can capture yourself in a similar place, linking your image with low magical vibrations. The consequence of such a connection may even be the death of the person depicted in the photo.

from the funeral

If you do have to take a photo of the grave, try not to keep it at home. It will be a real negative funnel creating an unfavorable atmosphere in your home. It will suck in all the good things that you create. Children are especially susceptible to such vibrations, they begin to constantly get sick and naughty. There will never be peace, love and prosperity in such a house.

In the case when the photo still needs to be stored in the apartment, it is necessary to put them face down in a tight envelope. Put it away from all the things you use, in a part of the house where there are practically no family members.

Things from the grave

Remember that you should never, under any circumstances, take objects from graves. Flowers in a cemetery, for example, are often the subject of theft. Homeless people carry them away from their graves and resell them to traders. And those, in turn, again make them a means of their profit. Please note that such an act can greatly anger souls. After all, the flowers in the cemetery are intended for this or that deceased. Taking them away, you are committing a very unseemly act that will soon be punished.

Signs forbid taking away any things from the cemetery, they already belong to souls and must remain with them. Many magicians advise to come to the grave of relatives with a minimum amount of things. After all, a phone that has fallen out of your pocket by accident will have to be left in the cemetery, like any other thing that has fallen on this land.

If you are still greedy and pick up this or that object, then you will anger the soul, and it can go to your home for your thing. Peace in this case will become your unattainable dream.

Cemetery land

The earth from the cemetery is the most terrible thing that you can bring to your home. In this case, you not only attract all the negativity from the churchyard, but literally bring a piece of the grave into the apartment. The consequences of this oversight will be extremely sad.

In order not to accidentally take the earth with you from the cemetery, rinse the soles of your shoes with the water you brought, then wash your hands and face. This is the only way you neutralize the negative, focused on any churchyard.

Falling during a funeral

Falling into a cemetery is a bad omen, promising many problems. But nevertheless, it is worth considering the nuances of this fall, they significantly affect the situation.

If you accidentally stumble, then don't be upset. It means absolutely nothing, and you don't need to worry for no reason. However, try not to fall into the graveyard. This sign promises a quick death or a long illness. It is especially bad to get into a grave already prepared for someone, this incident may mean that the deceased pulls you to him and will try with all his might to maintain an energetic connection with you.

Those who fell during the funeral procession must immediately leave the churchyard. It is best to go to church after this incident, where you need to wash yourself with holy water, light a candle for the repose of the soul of the deceased, and read any prayer several times.

Pets in the cemetery

Cats or dogs in a cemetery are not the best omens. Our ancestors also said that if a deceased appears in the house, it is worth removing all domestic animals from it. This is especially true for cats. They are closely associated with the dark world and can attract a new misfortune on you - the death of another family member.

If you saw an animal during a funeral procession, then pay off from it. Perhaps this is how someone's restless soul is trying to approach you. Give your cat or dog a treat and gently push the animal away from you. Indeed, in such an image, an evil spirit may appear near you.


A lot of controversy is caused by the omen about birds in the cemetery. However, most esotericists agree that a bird that has flown to the grave is giving you a sign from the deceased. In ancient times, it was believed that the souls of people who did not manage to complete something during their lifetime were inhabited by birds. Therefore, they fly to their relatives, trying to remind them of their unfinished and important business.

Money at the churchyard

There are special signs in the cemetery associated with money. Never take out bills while on the churchyard. And even more so do not start counting them. Otherwise, you will lose not only the entire amount in your wallet, but also the money saved up for one occasion or another.

If your banknote fell, then leave it to the soul of the deceased - greed will not bring you good. After raising money, you offend the deceased and make him follow you in order to return what was intended for him. Remember that there is a rule that prohibits picking anything from the ground in the churchyard.


We hope we have told you in as much detail as possible about the signs and rules regarding behavior in the cemetery. Now, having come to the grave of a loved one, you will know how to behave correctly so as not to offend the deceased and the forces that rule on this earth.

The article gives an idea of ​​what to do in such a case and what to expect.

Signs in the cemetery a monument, thing, tree fell, a cross fell on the grave

To fall into a cemetery is not to trouble, to stumble is not to be good. You need to immediately leave the cemetery, wash your face with holy water and read Our Father.

If a cross or a monument has fallen on its own, then the soul of the deceased cannot find peace, worries about unfinished business. Broken cross or tombstone cracked - to the deceased. Those who deliberately destroy monuments, desecrate graves, will be punished, they will be pursued by evil fate.

Signs in the cemetery about birds

Birds are considered the embodiment of the souls of the departed, therefore food is left on their graves and there are always a lot of birds in the cemetery. It is believed that a bird that has flown through the window brings news of the imminent death of loved ones.

Why pregnant women should not go to the cemetery signs

The soul of an unborn baby can be taken by the souls of dead people, so pregnant women should avoid going to the cemetery.

According to legends, an alien soul can settle in a baby. If, nevertheless, a pregnant woman needs to go to the cemetery, then take a red shred with her, tie her hand with red thread and wear a red dress.

When you can't go to the cemetery and what you can't do there

You can't swear at the cemetery, it is believed that all bad words remain on the one who uttered them.

They do not take anything home from the cemetery, because this thing can harm the owner.
You can't count money in a cemetery, so you can lose it for a long time. If you still get the money, then leave it at the grave of a relative, there you will prevent poverty.

At the cemetery it is not customary to tell how well you live, so you can leave all the good here.

You cannot be photographed in the cemetery, because the spirits of the dead and evil spirits may remain in the photo, for which it will then be easy for them to find their way to you.

Folk omens at the cemetery during the funeral, a puppy appeared at the funeral, a black cat, a dog came up

If the cat lies down at the base of the coffin, then there will be another deceased. The cat that is walking with the funeral procession must be carefully driven away. A black cat in a cemetery means the restless soul of a sinner or a witch who has gone out for a walk.

Signs and superstitions in the cemetery about the dead

If the coffin does not fit in the pit, then the relatives should wait for more deaths. When there are old bones in a dug grave, it is a good sign. The soul of the deceased will find peace, and will not annoy the living in dreams. Clothes in the cemetery are dressed in black, if you come in a bright, colored outfit, the devil will notice, and you will become his victim.

Signs in the cemetery on parent's day

It is on parental day that it is customary to visit the graves of the deceased. Pregnant women should not go to the cemetery on this day. If those who came to the cemetery did not remember the dead, then no one will remember them after death either.

Signs on the red hill in the cemetery

On the first Sunday after Easter, the Red Hill holiday is celebrated, fun and joy is seething. On this day, it is not customary to go to the cemetery, but to commemorate the dead with sweets and food.

It is considered a good omen to see a deceased relative in a dream on this day. He is asked to fulfill his cherished desire, and it comes true.

Signs on the grave of ants, it started raining

Ants settle their homes on the graves of good people, this is a good omen, and there is no need to fight them.

The rain during the funeral washes away the sorrows from our souls, gives a petition and farewell.

They say that these are tears over the whole human race.

If it started raining after the funeral, it means that the soul of the deceased has found peace and tranquility.

Signs at the cemetery on rainbow (radonitsa)

On this day, the whole family visits the graves of relatives. It is imperative to say good things about them.

No need to worry about the death of loved ones, they rejoice at Radonitsa and believe in eternal life.

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The cemetery is a special place where two worlds are intertwined - the living and the dead. From time immemorial, a huge number of rumors, gossip circulated around the graveyards, they were constantly surrounded by an areola of mysticism and mystery. And to this day, the signs at the cemetery are of a special character, because even people far from superstition try to listen to them.

Cemetery rules: choosing the right clothes

Each person will sooner or later face the need to visit the churchyard. But not everyone knows the rules for visiting him, which will help to avoid further troubles. The first thing to do is choose the right clothes:

  • Preference is given to black, as it is considered mourning, but you can also choose clothes in other muted, pastel shades. You should not wear colorful outfits, even if you visit old graves, because it looks inappropriate and ridiculous. White clothing is also not the best choice, although in some countries it is also considered mourning.
  • You should only wear closed shoes on your feet, as skin contact with dead ground can bring a huge number of troubles and health problems. If the cemetery is visited in the summer, then in front of the gate you can put on shoe covers on the sandals or change into other shoes. The earth from the churchyard is saturated with negative dead energy, which has a destructive effect on living flesh.
  • It is better to cover the head with a scarf or any comfortable headdress. This is due to the fact that hair from an uncovered head can fall on the grave and thereby bind the deceased to the living. In addition, human hair is a valuable attribute used in black magic.

After returning from the necropolis, all clothes must be immediately removed and sent to the washing machine, even if visually it seems clean. Particular attention is paid to shoes that need to be thoroughly washed, especially the soles. Even a few specks of dust from the dead earth, left on the shoe, can bring its owner health problems, family problems, a streak of bad luck.

How to behave in a cemetery so as not to provoke the anger of the departed?

The necropolis is a special place where you need to follow the rules of behavior, because frivolous actions and inappropriate actions can anger both the deceased and the surrounding living people. Basic rules of conduct at the cemetery:

  • It is forbidden to talk loudly, and even more so, laugh, quarrel, discuss each other and the deceased. Conversations are allowed only in a calm voice, mentioning only the good things that happened in the life of the deceased.
  • It is recommended to give up the use of alcoholic beverages, because they are objectionable to either the deceased or the church. You should not come to the grave in a drunken state. If it is impossible to refuse to drink alcohol, then this should be done in moderation, avoiding the intoxicated state.
  • It is forbidden to take any things from the coffin and from the grave, since they are the property of the deceased. If it becomes necessary to replace a broken vase or any other item on the grave, then it must be immediately replaced with a new one.
  • In no case should you be photographed against the background of a grave or cemetery, or video should be filmed. A negative energy will be imprinted on the photo, which will constantly affect the person captured on it.
  • You should not bring children under the age of 12 to the churchyard, since their energy is not yet able to resist the spirits. Also, pregnant women and women should not visit the necropolis during critical days.
  • You can not step on the graves, as well as jump them, as this will cause the anger of the deceased. If this happens, then you need to immediately step back and ask the deceased for forgiveness.
  • Leaving the churchyard, in no case should you turn around, even if someone called out. The spirits constantly follow the living, and after such a turn they can follow, and not stay outside the gates of the necropolis.
  • Before visiting, it is worth removing all metal jewelry, as they attract and accumulate negative energy. You can only leave a pectoral cross, but it must be hidden under clothes.
  • If any extraneous things were found on the grave, and even more trifles, candles and other strange attributes, then in no case should they be picked up. It is allowed to sweep them off with a broom and burn them.

Most people are afraid of graveyards, because they are the largest accumulation of negative energy. But if you know how to behave correctly in a cemetery and follow all these rules, then they will not carry any danger to life. In addition, every living person is obliged to visit the graves of their ancestors, to keep track of their order, to remember the dead, and therefore one should not refuse a trip to the necropolis.

Signs in the cemetery: how not to incur trouble?

For millennia, a considerable number of omens and superstitions have been associated with cemeteries. Some of them have long been dispelled by science, and some are still considered true. Whether superstitions are taken seriously or not pay any attention to them, everyone decides for himself. But it is worth familiarizing yourself with common signs.

  • Don't count money on the churchyard - you'll lose it and never see it again. Not only counting, but even getting bills out of your wallet is not worth it, as this threatens to lose them. If the money was taken out of the wallet or even dropped to the ground, then they should be left in the cemetery for ransom. Also, do not pick up items lost by someone, even if valuable.
  • Fall into a graveyard to illness or death. But if this happens, then you need to immediately leave the churchyard, wash yourself with holy water and read Our Father three times.
  • If you tell about your successes at the necropolis, you will leave them there. Indeed, the cemetery is not the best place to brag, because it is a place of sorrow and memory. At the graves, it is customary to talk only about the deceased.
  • If a cross fell for no reason or a monument broke, then the deceased is restless and can harm others. It is believed that a spontaneously broken gravestone threatens a new deceased in the family. To find out what worries the deceased, you need to consult with a clergyman as soon as possible or make an appointment with a medium.
  • The grave collapses immediately after the burial - to the new deceased.
  • At the cemetery before noon, and after noon - in the church. Since ancient times, it has been customary to visit graves before sunset, and best of all before lunchtime, since at a later time, spirits can cause great harm.

A lot of signs apply to animals on graves, especially those associated with cats. It is believed that if a cat just lies on the grave or walks around only one place, then it is considered abnormal and it is better to bypass it. A black cat is the soul of a witch or a sinner, and a white one is a righteous one who warns of trouble. In any case, you should not offend the animal, because it can be the most common domestic cat just walking by the cemetery.