Folk chastushki about school. Cheerful and funny chastushki about school: children, from teachers and parents

Folk chastushki about school. Cheerful and funny chastushki about school: children, from teachers and parents
Folk chastushki about school. Cheerful and funny chastushki about school: children, from teachers and parents

The academic year began,
Chasiki Protasiki,
And I will oppress me:
Is vacation soon?
I am a teacher on the board
Wrote task
Well, I'm sitting in longing,
On the face of suffering.
Even in Tanin Birthday
Yura in habit
Tanya instead of congratulations
Shoot for pigtails!
For avid Drachunov
Our advice can be new:
Those who are less and weaker
You do not twitch and do not bay!
Our teacher in silence
Explains the topic ...
And the neighbor whispers me:
That would change!
Time time - hour fun!
I come to the lesson on time!
Do not threaten the successes
Who did not learn lesson,
Who during a change
Run, shaking walls!
I ran to change
Organism your knead
Put his forehead about the wall,
What taught - I forgot again!
In classics it is easy - cheers! -
Jump into the senior class.
Only school is not a game
This is a work for you!
It is hard to learn from suddenly -
Let the best friend help!
Mom, Pope, Teacher
Ask you to help a little!
We are laughter girls,
We always have fun:
We will sing now chastushki,
Yes about school cases.
Every day goes into battle
My buddy Kohl.
And study does not go
That reason is Olya!
I'm not ready for a lesson
And I sit in Tikhonechko,
In the head is full of brains,
And in the notebook two.
Nikolai solved an example
And Sergey interfered with him.
Here, guys, you example,
How can not solve an example!
Letters in a notebook
Do not stand like a parade.
Letters jump and dance
Masha's tails are mashed.
Mathematics wrote
Allowed Lenka,
Well, you have to kiss
With her on a change!
Our teacher is very strict
We did not go to the lesson!
Just as he was happy
What is from us pervobored!
Firewood is lying on the grass
And on the chair - the button.
Woke up head
And the ass suffers!
Although estimates are not very
Petya is very famous
Because, by the way,
He makes her ears.
Lesha ours on change
Engaged smiling,
Was always ruddy he
He became yellow as lemon.
In the lesson we chatted,
Not noticed.
And then looked for a long time
In the Himalayas, our Volga.
To the twins we do not get used to
Twos are so easy enough
Not necessary to learn -
That's the reward.
Gorget is bitter from Kati,
I feel sorry to all Katyush
From the hole in the pocket dresses
Cheat sheet dropped.
What kind of whisper is heard in class?
Who bothers us so much?
It's just someone with someone
Something discusses.
Petya Katya Kolotil
- Even Trew:
Pereztostaty Vupil,
Maybe he fell in love?
Once with a buddy in the day of laughter
Changed - here's fun! -
In school we are on the floor
All signs "M" and "F".
In our class, all the guys
Love to distinguish yourself.
Who draws who sings
If not to learn.
I sat on the exam and did not know FIG,
I did not give a write off
In the examination!
Vova to school late
Explains simply:
- And learn, Marivanna,
It's never too late!
We wrote an essay
All day before the formation,
And when work passed,
That with difficulty everyone has been pounding!
I dare you a chastushki
About guys and about things.
Continue who can
Well, I went home.
Mathematics learning
Three hundred forty days a year!
The remaining twenty days
Just think about her!
In our school I'm not too lazy
Do every day.
For a top five
Sunday will come!

School chasts for younger students

Description: Chastushki for use on children's holidays is distributed on topics.
Purpose: Assisting teachers in replenishing the pedagogical piggy bank.
Tasks: To search for chastushki on topics, diversify the theme of the chastushki ..
Chastushki about the boy
1. The boys we sing,
Names will call them.
Let not be offended:
They really like them.
2.We the boys respect
We recognize their strength
But what are the shortcomings
We still find them in them.
3.To vova as always
The handle disappeared without a trace.
How the control will pass,
Immediately he will find it.
4.Sash, to the joy of universal,
Studies, not fool.
Only here with a pretext something
Still not friendly.
5. Sorry Ours
Does not come long to class.
You, Seryozha, somehow
Do not forget to school!
6.Vice so with us reads
As if the machine gun shoots.
Vitya, Vitya, do not rush
The third class is not a mix!
7. How are our artho
Always everything breaks.
And in his mouth his castle
It does not close.
8.The view of your own
Yura dely explained:
Tea to him in the morning
The boy from Mars came.
9. The boys love the boys
Never borrow:
In the morning, in the evening and day
We sing the chastushki
10.Same the chastushki you sang
All tried from the soul,
After all, boys in our class
Very nice.

Mushroom Chastushki.
1.We Soft funny lines
About forest about mushrooms.
2. On the shirt at the gate
Pleaches the whole mushroom people.
Family Family Way -
Their pieces, probably, twenty five.
3. Self-serving in the morning
I was going to visit.
Proteins hat dragged -
He stayed at home.
4. How far has red
There were three sisters.
Good boy -
Red handsome man.
5. Dressing bags
In multicolored dress.
Look for us,
What are your beauties!
6. Smerachkov again trouble!
Dried as always:
Wallowed spouts
Kurnos Kurni.
7. And the oils of the case went Boyko,
Yes, the oil broke.
"How we will be, brothers,
Nature people be called?
8.Mochomhomor ran home,
All polka dots rubbed.
And the answer of his wife was strict:
Did not let the threshold.
9. List aspen on a hat
Very fungus to face.
Support with Gorki
It can be seen even for the mile.
10. On the edge of the river
Mushroom skins lost.
Clear scams
Play with them in hide and seek.
11.With and we sang you lines
And on this we put the point!

New Year's Chastushki.
1.To holidays come,
Winter-winter came.
All friends on skis got up,
2. Snegovik stands on the hill,
Two icicles instead of hands.
It's long so Egor
Cooked around the skiing circle.
3. Film holiday - Saama is the best!
This holiday is a new year!
Santa Claus from the forest to school
We will bring gifts.
4. Female scarves, coat and fur coat
Oleg put on yourself.
And he went to Frost to a friend
Yes, fell like a ball, in the snow.
5. Sculled us to the ears.
Pluglet ears, pinch nose.
Anyway, we love winter!
Santa Claus is joking with us!

Student Chastushki.
1.We gathered dad and mothers,
But not for fun.
We are reporting today
About your progress.
2. I love on change
Run, jump and jump.
In Guinness Book I dream
On jumping to get!
3. Here I sit on the lesson,
Fit all the sides.
How many girls are beautiful -
I do not see!
4.Name write off I will not give me
Let everything in a harmony name.
Maybe I then for harm
Early pension will give!
5. In school uniform, I go,
All so solid!
Then jacket melting glue,
Then I'll get a joke!
6.A.A. Our teacher
All day torments us
Does not allow walking
Everything teaches anything!
7.The two twins immediately -
Do not be sad and not fuss.
Two plus two equals four -
So you dad and say!
8.And time teacher Yule
Explained that the know is light.
Julia went to sleep at the light,
And woke up - there is no knowledge.
9. Decaying case
Today ahead of time:
Two braids braid
In just two lessons.
10.Nash Sergey with great success
In the ski cross, performed:
Halfing on skis rode
Halfway in the snow lay.
11. It was necessary to distinguish between Ya
Dollars and lira.
I can see, I need to go
In large bankers.
12.Dve girlfriends - first grades,
Long pigtails.
Very love to chat
Like two cinemas.
13. Caulus tormented
I made a hairstyle to school.
Tormenting something tormented
And it turned out the scarecrow!
14.The school rang the call,
We all hurry on the lesson.
And Maxim fell into the class
Late for an hour.

About us and school
1.We fun girlfriends,
We always go together
And today you have a chastushki
Together with Ira Raucose.
2. Fresh Dima Nose,
As a big boss,
And puffed like steam locomotive
And brown like a kettle.
3. Vadim has no patience -
He did not reach the lesson.
And for amateur
Full-term received.
4.Anapal and Nina at home
What the cow lives in the forest.
More Nina, write:
In the garden - reeds.
5. Tatyana Cumshots
Today ahead of time:
Tiled, speced
As many as three lessons.
6.If each word
Will become grape
We press, of course,
Chatted nadine.
7. Quick Andrei runs
And drives off the slide
And at the desk he trembles,
Like a mouse in mink.
8. Tanya pure his eyes,
Answering at the board.
She is waiting for us tips,
Dying at the board.

To the Day of Defender of the Fatherland
1. On the army, guys, -
As if before the Moon on foot!
Better sit down, labeam
We are about the army row.
2. Sports soldier really need -
I started training.
Ran so on the corridor -
Zagaism just caught me!
3. Better no soldier porridge.
I will learn to cook it -
I will be in the army at the kitchen.
Do not forget to salute!
4. Make sure to become a radioist,
Dash, point to beat.
In the lesson in silence I
I'll teach the foot to knock.
5. Come on, to learn
Need to now.
I'll take a junction with a needle
And I see, look, in an hour.
6. On the lesson, I chat,
Just the mouth does not close.
I will be silent to learn
So that in the dosor is not easy!

Garden clubs
1. When you secretly
Garden plugs.
2. The vegetable vegetable garden
Solders praises:
"I'm in rainy weather
I will replace your sun. "
3. Sport with yellow pumpkin
Our green zucchini,
And now grows on the garden
Multicolored pumpkin.
4. "Takes tired of us! -
Carrots roared .-
Tomorrow beauty contest,
Strengthen us rather! "
5. The watermelon was very nice,
Cabbage to visit invited.
Until the cabbage dressed up
Causes left.
6.Vam sang in secret
Garden plugs.

Sources: Magazine "Pedsov" No. 6, 2005; № 10, 2006; № 11, 2008

About school - Merry children's songs:

1. On the computer in the game
Dedis Denis for the morning.
At school at Denis board,
As a computer, hangs himself.

Chorus: I will give you a verse -
Want - Believe, do not want - no.

2. With Petya Cone Volume
We calculated together
"Minus Eight" was the answer
There is a cone, no volume - no!

3. Running the Russian work,
I was waiting for the result on Saturday.
Dad received two -
Poor the topic lit up!

4. Dad decided to me the task,
I passed the notebook I cry -
Says teacher, took
Dad whose integral.

5. Katya to school so flew,
The form to school did not put on.
I considered the whole lesson from Kati
I am peas on a bathrobe.

6. Answered Egor Lesson -
Fal fainted teacher!
From his ignorance
Teacher unconscious.

7. Says teacher Tol:
- What are you wearing school?
- And to wear me?
What are the widen asking?

8. In school a long corridor.
Kostya rushes in full support.
On the race it is not a trunk,
He does not bone - a frisky horse!

9. Dima experienced
With ink etching.
Mom was very surprised:
"Where is the two?" "Evaporated!"

10. Stas - a diligent student,
He recorded in his diary:
"It is necessary to eat
Change sandwich.

11. In school, the Miss Spring Competition.
Who is a spring? Who is she?
Title he got a cola
Kohl was in Oli's clothes.

12. Resting on the sea somewhere,
Changed Gleb for the summer.
And what changes?
Pants steel knees.

13. Two sides of Galya with Valea
I was almost late to school,
Two lace they tied:
Left Galin, right valine.

14. There are two commercials in the classroom,
The same with the face.
At the board one first
With diaries - at once two.

15. At the lesson of singing
Viti has no patience -
Wants to sing. He sought he suddenly
As in the root of the cock.

16. Valentine is a singer.
He has a chic bass.
But how does the mouth open,
Do not singer, but hippopotamus.

17. Deftly I sit in the saddle
On a beautiful horse
Only rushes it barely ...
Eh! Skakun on the carousel!

18. Lönchka went to the gym.
Lie Muscles dripped.
Lenya, strong and healthy,
Vupit Gary mosquitoes.

19. Once he went Alyosha himself
For a cereal in the supermarket.
"Mom, and there are no cereals there
I had to buy candies! "

20. - Vasya, you suddenly why
In the "parachute" shoved two yu?
- Arithmetic is simple -
If the pair, then two!

21. Speaks in Russian Yura:
"I have a temperature,
I will not tell the poem
The memory fell into shock. "

22. The parents of the ring
Requests the julia: "With a heart!"
Dad her: "Go to the gym,
There I immediately saw two! "

23. Gave somehow above
On the birthday of sneakers.
Good! He is on trouble
With laces not in Lada.

24. Kosta called to the blackboard.
He was not long in longing.
Write an example wanted
But accidentally talked chalk.

25. Suggested Nikita to me
How a lesson to learn in a dream.
My paragraph about Europe
Split from the pillow to me under the ass!

26. From parents Diary
Hold a grief-student.
Pope with mom told
About all "failures" magazine.

27. Five minutes Ivan on the map
I was looking for Altai. In Azart
Poked pointer to Barnaul -
The city of Vanechka puled!

28. For warm-up of the body
Not enough change.
Genka on literature
Melted fist on jure.

29. Once in the control of the bear
Posted in Tetrade Fedya,
That the bear is always dressed
In a fur coat of fox like a neighbor.

30. The class sings, only Nina is silent.
I, say, angina.
After school, eats a swag.
Nina cured Fakir!

31. Five checks in the week,
And Matvey lies in bed.
On vacation Matvey
For some reason health!

32. I taught my sister Masha:
"We need a spoon to eat porridge!"
Eh! In vain taught -
A spoon in the forehead got.

Chastushki about school is one of the funniest numbers at a children's holiday. The school life of boys and girls is full of funny cases and curious situations that can be beaten with comic verses. For example, funny chastushki about students of grades 1-2 are perfect for a holiday in honor of September 1, which are not in a hurry to elementary school after the holidays. And for the day of the teacher, schoolchildren 3-4 classes can prepare purchase points about teachers. Yes, and the teachers themselves, like parents, are always ready to perform with chasts on any holiday. For example, such a number will be appropriate for graduation, including in kindergarten. The best chastushki for school themes for adults and children will be found in the next article.

Funny chastushki about school on children's graduation in garders from parents - words

Very often, funny chastruas about the school in the performance of parents become the best number on graduation in kindergarten. Such chastushki with humor talked about the upcoming school weekdays of future first-graders. Also in the chastushki there are jokes and on parents of graduates.

Examples of funny chastushki about school on children's graduation in kindergarten from parents

Time time - hour fun!
I come to the lesson on time!
Do not threaten the successes
Who did not learn lesson,
Who during a change
Run, shaking walls!

Letters in a notebook
Do not stand like a parade.
Letters jump and dance
Masha's tails are mashed.

We wrote an essay
All day before the formation,
And when work passed,
That with difficulty everyone has been pounding!

I dare you a chastushki
About guys and about things.
Continue who can
Well, I went home.

Merry chastushki about school for students of 1-2 classes - Best words

Pupils of 1-2 classes very often perform with funny chastushki about school on thematic holidays. For example, such a number in the execution of primary school students perfectly fits into the script on September 1 or the last call.

A selection of cheerful chastushki about school with words for students of grades 1-2

If you want to know a lot,
Achieve a lot
Be sure to read
Must learn.

Wake me up at night
In the middle room,
I will tell you alphabet
Without one knocker!

In our class, all the guys
Love to distinguish yourself.
Who draws who sings
If not to learn.

Comic chastushki for students of 3-4 classes about school from parents - a selection of texts

Sometimes instead of students in 3-4 classes with comic couples about school on holidays are parents. For example, funny chastushki performed by moms and dads can sound on graduation in elementary school.

Texts of comic chastushki about school for students of 3-4 classes from parents

Once with a buddy in the day of laughter
Changed - here's fun! -
In school we are on the floor
All signs "M" and "F".

To the twins we do not get used to
Twos are so easy enough
Not necessary to learn -
That's the reward.

Gorget is bitter from Kati,
I feel sorry to all Katyush
From the hole in the pocket dresses
Cheat sheet dropped.

Funny modern chastushki about school - Funny texts for children

A separate category should include funny and funny texts of modern chastushki about school for children. In contrast to previous options, modern terms and words from school help of students are used in these chastushki. Thanks to Slane, the chastushki about the life of schoolchildren becomes more funnier.

Modern options for funny chastushki about school with funny texts for children

I sat on the exam and did not know FIG,
I did not give a write off
In the examination!

Mathematics learning
Three hundred forty days a year!
The remaining twenty days
Just think about her!

The academic year began,
Chasiki Protasiki,
And I will oppress me:
Is vacation soon?

Funny school chastushki about girls from boys for holidays - selection of texts

Funny chastushki about school life for girls performed by boys on thematic holidays is perfectly suitable. For example, boys can perform fierce checklists about girls at a concert in honor of March 8. Also, such options can be used as comic numbers for graduation and last calls.

A selection of funny chastushki with texts about girls from boys for school holidays

Even in Tanin Birthday
Yura in habit
Tanya instead of congratulations
Shoot for pigtails!

If you are my girlfriend,
From the misquainment of misfortune.
Raise rather hand
So that I was not called!

Petya Katya Kolotil
- Even Trew:
Pereztostaty Vupil,
Maybe he fell in love?

Merry and Funny School Chasts About Boys From Girls - Best Texts

In turn, the girls can always prepare merry and funny options for school chastushki about boys. For example, such rooms are relevant at festive events in honor of February 23, which are held at school or class.

Funny texts of cheerful school chastushk about boys from girls

Vova to school late
Explains simply:
- And learn, Marivanna,
It's never too late!

We give you a chastushki,
Tighten your ears.
About boys to you sing
And applause are waiting! Uh!

In our class all boys
Wear different pants.
But when they go serve
Will be a form to go out! Uh!

Someone wants to be a tanker
Someone is just a pilot.
Someone will become a sailor
Or machine gun! Uh!