The Moscow City Palace of Children's and Youth Creativity (former Palace of Pioneers). Moscow City Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity House of creativity on Sparrow Mountains

The Moscow City Palace of Children's and Youth Creativity (former Palace of Pioneers). Moscow City Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity House of creativity on Sparrow Mountains
The Moscow City Palace of Children's and Youth Creativity (former Palace of Pioneers). Moscow City Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity House of creativity on Sparrow Mountains

The Central Council established in early 1958 decided to build in 1958-59. In Moscow on the Lenin Mountains Palace of Pioneers. On October 29, in honor of the 40th anniversary of the WLKSM, the "Moscow City Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren" was held in the Leninist Mountains. On that day, a solemn rally was held, at which the Secretary of the Central Committee of the VLKSM L. Balyasnaya, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Mossovet Z. Mironova, Secretary MGK VLKSM V. K. Tucalin, Young Worker E. Michurin, Student L.Judina and Pioneer Vaita V. Kudinova. They stressed that the dream of young Muscovites will soon come true - they will have a big, bright and comfortable palace for classes and recreation.

The authors of the project of the Palace became young architects "Mosproekt-2" V.S. Vejev, V.S. Kubasov, F.A. Novikov, B.V. Palaui, I.A. Pokrovsky, Designer Engineer Yu.Ionov. Together with them worked, one of the oldest architects of the country M.N. Khazhakyan.
When designing, the promising development of infrastructure was taken into account. The transport accessibility of the building of the Palace for children of Moscow was one of the main factors determined the choice of place for its construction. With the arrival of the metro on Leninsky Mountains, it was possible to consider their modern transport development completed. The metro station through the river was built in 1958, the station "Lenin Mountains" was opened in 1959. The escalator, moving up the slope, allowed to rise to Leninsky mountains, not making significant physical efforts. He became another one joy for children sent to the palace.

The construction of the new building was started at the end of 1958, and by the autumn of 1960 the construction of the main building was completed.
In September 1961, a special decree of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the W CLKSM was adopted, through which the palace was declared a shock Komsomol construction. At the construction site, boys and girls who came to the capital from all over the country worked; Moscow schoolchildren and students in their free time also participated in this business; In total, the number of young participants in this construction was 50 thousand. Over 3 million hours worked on Sundays and Saturdays the youth of the capital, and pioneers are over 21 thousand hours. Curakovtsy often resorted to a construction site, so that through the huge glass stained glass windows to see what is happening inside, and find out when construction ended.
2 thousand trees and 100 thousand colors were planted on the territory of the palace. In work on the improvement of territory, students of nearby schools took an active part. The palace was ready for delivery.
By June 1, colorful artistic postcards were released with the image of the interiors of the Palace and its appearance. More than 300 plants, factories and research institutes and other cities participated in its equipment.

Such joy like this work, the guys could not bring anything.

On June 1, 1962, the opening of the palace took place. It was attended by the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR N.S. Khrushchev, Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the first secretary of the Ministry of Communist Party of the Ministry of Communist Party of the CPSU P.N. Lemacian, governing party and Komsomol workers of the capital, architects and builders of the palace. Khrushchev and those who accompany his faces sat down in the road train, specially driven from the VDNH, and went on a trip around the entire architectural complex of the Palace of Pioneers. At times, the road train stopped, and the architects were described in detail about how artistic and thematic compositions laid out by bricklayers on the sketches of artists were created about green plantings.

In the architectural plan, the building of the palace was innovative for its time and caused a broad discussion in special printing. The palace became a notable phenomenon of the transitional stage of the development of Soviet architecture.

The architecture of the palace is distinguished by the geometric clarity of forms and organic merging with a picturesque landscape. Distance from roadway, free placement of housings, large glazed planes and terraces organically associate the palace with the surrounding nature.

The building of the palace was built in the depths of the territory, and the role of the front entrance was assigned to the colonnade, near which the sculpture of Cherish-Kibalchish was established in 1972, the authors of which are the sculptor V.K.Forolov and architect V.S. Kubasov.

Home Alley.

Main building.

Rear facade.

Concert hall.
Rear facade.


A special role in the ideological and artistic form of the Palace of Pioneers belongs to works of monumental-decorative art. Artists E.Abalin, V.Golubev, I.Derviz, A.Gubarev, I.Dobyshev, and. Schelnikov not only convincingly determined their place and chose the plots of works, but also found new techniques for the disclosure of the theme and new materials. Above the entrance to the main case - panels from the colored smalie "Young Leninists".

Photo of the 60s.

Stone bowl (currently there is a flower bed and a man with a shovel) to the left of the alley leading to the main entrance, according to the plan, was intended for a huge gas campfire.

View from above.

On December 7, 2016, the Moscow Palace of Pioneers at Sparrow Mountains celebrates the 80th anniversary. Over half a million young Muscovites found friends and like-minded people here, many have decided on a future profession. The site and the main archival department of Moscow recall important events from the history of this unique institution.

The palace begins ... from home

In 1936, in the house 6 in the stalk alley (now the town of Sloy Sloboda, near the metro station "Clean ponds") opened the Moscow City House of Pioneers and October (MHDPIO). This out-of-school institution of a wide profile knew everything, and in the surprise, it was called simply "Gord", or the "house on stops". The magazine "Department" called him "the first of the laboratories, which are created in the Soviet country to educate a new person, a cultural citizen of the socialist homeland."

A beautiful mansion, where the house of the pioneers is located, to the revolution, belonged to the Vysotsky family, which owned one of the largest chain firms in Russia. Being a gymnasium, Boris Pasternak often visited: falling in love with the owner's daughter, he quickly turned from a tutor in a family friend. Then the building occupied trade unions, the central club of communication workers and the society of old Bolsheviks.

For children, the house was re-separated from the inside, reinforcing the "merchant chamber and wealth" in the spirit of the era. This is how the historian is described by Vladimir Cabo: "It was a beautiful white Renaissance style mansion, surrounded by an old garden ... In a huge lobby, I was making a panel, depicting good-naturedly smiling Stalin with a dark-haired girl on his hands. In the middle of the Hall - Fountain; Before the new year, there was always high, all in the lights of the Christmas tree. From the hall of the door led to a large concert hall and in a buffet, decorated in the form of a grotto. I climbed the stairs first on the second floor, there was a lecture, where we were lectured on all sorts of topics and where we met with famous writers, and there was a room decorated with frescoes on the plots of folk fairy tales. Above, on the third floor, our literary studio gathered. "

One year after the opening, 173 mugs and sections were working in the MHDPI, which attended about 3,500 children and adolescents. They had a little building, and Gorde took the neighboring mansion (house 5) under the studio of technical creativity. This building housed the office of young inventors, aircraft model and woodworking workshops, and six more laboratories - railway and water transport, communications, photo laboratory, chemical and energy. The technical direction at that time was priority, since the Soviet Union was experiencing a stormy industrialization.

Of the children seriously prepared qualified specialists: for example, in the railway laboratory there was a valid metro station with electric locomotives, escalators and dispatch installation. Made here and the train for the miniature railway, which was planned to arrange in the garden, but prevented the war ...

Not only technique

Artistic creativity was actively developed: an orchestra, choir, music school, dance school, theater studio, dolls, sculptural and architectural workshops, literary and izostudia worked in the house of the pioneers. Only one pioneer ensemble of songs and dance in 1937 he had 500 participants in 1937, and in the formulation of a "fairy tale of the dead princess and seven heroes" 750 people were employed for Pushkin days!

Frequent guests of the literary studio were Samuel Marshak, Agnia Barto, Lev Cassille, Arkady Gaidar, Rouvim Fraerman, Chukovsky's roots. It is not surprising that the well-known writers: Yuri Trifonov, Sergey Bajajdin and Anatoly Aleksin came out. It is proud of its graduates and theatrical studio: among them the directors Stanislav Rostotsky and Alexander Mitta, Artists Natalya Gundareva, Lyudmila Kasatkina, Igor Kvasha and Rolan Bykov. Sergei Nikonenko's actor recalls: "The spirit of kindness and commitment reigned in this house. We all loved their teachers before selflessly ... We had a common deal with them. We did not feel pile, like at school. And they, and we wanted the same thing - so that we get as much as possible. They did not believed that childhood is a transitional period to the real, that is, adult life. They understood that childhood was also the real life. They in each of us respected personality. "

In the House of Pioneers paid great attention to the study of domestic history and geography, especially by Moskiv. The work was not only a cabinet: for example, young historians visited the Hermitage Foundations, and in the summer they went to excavations to the Crimea; Geographers arranged expeditions in the suburbs and the Caucasus.

About sports, too, was not forgotten, but mainly in applied disciplines. "At the Time of Time", the military-sports and patriotic direction actively developed. Already from December 1936, a consolidated pioneer regiment was acted, where they were preparing future snipers, tankers, parachutists, cavalryists, sanitary workers, sensestiles, dog breeders and pigeons. And in 1938 they created the defense (later military) department, which included the shooting office, the naval laboratory, the school of instructors in chemical and air defense, mugs of machine gunners and grenaderators.

In the prewarked years, the foundation and chess club Gordoma was laid, which then became one of the strongest schools of this sport in the capital. Young chess players produced a handwritten newspaper, participated in various tournaments and sessions of simultaneous game with famous grandmaster.

Creative space

In the small territory of the house of the pioneers, everything that could attract and hit children was collected. Want to ride on the rollers? Here is an asphalt playground in front of the gate. Children's pedal cars are immediately driven; Later for them and garage built. Want to read and cook lessons in the fresh air? On shady allys - cozy benches. I want to cut down - go to the sports ground. Even in the zoo, it is not necessary to go: a garden with fruit trees was located in the yard, and in it - a pool with waterfowl, nearby - a living corner with cells for young animals and a small stable stallion. The space of the pride was a real masterpiece landscape design.

And most importantly, the whole house of Pioneers was a single whole, a huge creative laboratory, where passionate people worked, who inspired and fueled each other. From the memories of the historian Nikolai Merpert: "This whole house of pioneers ... was very valuable and, in the best sense of the word, a deep institution. Different circles communicated with each other, there was a magnificent theater hall, where we usually met, and then a lot of hols, transitions, very cozy corners - this old brick mansion in the stave alley was rebuilt extremely successfully. Therefore, we or the youth theater, created at the same time and led by the beautiful directors, a geographical circle, as part of the historical Cabinet of the history of Moscow - we all communicated very, very closely. "

Adult assistance during the war years

Despite all the difficulties, the house of Pioneers worked and during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). Mugs were mainly active, which could help the front: sewing, carpentry, plumbing, electrical. But the classes continued and creative studios, especially theatrical, dance and chorus: young artists arranged concerts for the Red Army.

In January 1942, Gorde took the patronage of one of the military hospitals. The joinery circle did for the wounded mouthpieces, sewing - brushes, collars and handkerchiefs. For the holidays, pioneers were collected for fighters books and records, gave them a gramophone and aloskop (a variety of filmoskopa, devices for projecting the diafrals. - Approx. Site).

The guys brought suprate written accessories - envelopes, postcards, paper and pencils, they themselves wrote to the dictation of the news relatives and louds read the soldiers of the newspaper. Young artists decorated with their drawings not only the premises of the hospital, but also the cars of the sanitary train.

The "Pioneer" tradition of Tuesdays and Fridays were a good tradition, when the circles were held in the hospital, they sang, danced, played scenes and read excerpts from artistic works. And the guys took over the duties of postmen, delivering a fresh press and correspondence.

All this was done so easily and fun, that the fighters happily waited for new meetings with pioneers. Even the commissar of the hospital, which at first reacted to the proposal to help quite skeptical, a few months recognized as a proud full chief.

In addition, during the war, the House of Pioneers continued to provide methodological and practical support to extracurricular institutions and child organizations in all parts of Moscow: developed classes and prepared the counselor and instructors.

After the war: patriotism and expansion of borders

In the post-war years, the country experienced an unprecedented patriotic rise. With a new force, interest in native history flared up. It could not not affect the work of the pioneers' house: historical circles became one of the main directions. They actually actually acted in preparation for the celebration of the 800th anniversary of the capital (1947). Back in November 1945, the society of young historians of Moscow was created, which united the efforts of the house of pioneers and historical circles in schools.

Members of the Company read lectures, participated in excursions and travels, archaeological excavations and various contests. In 1946, schoolchildren sent 25 thousand creative works dedicated to the history of Moscow, in 1947 - 80 thousand. There were stories, poems, drawings, layouts, embroidery, photos ...

Due to the large-scale activity, the Company received many awards from the Ministry of Education, such as a library of historical literature and tickets on excursions in the country. The active activity of historical circles continued in the following years: in 1948, the competition "Wonderful people of Moscow" was held, in April 1956 - the citywide school conference on the study of Moscow.

Other studios and laboratories, open earlier, developed. According to statistics, more than three thousand schoolchildren were engaged in the first post-war year in the house of the pioneers, and the number of participants in concerts, competitions, sports holidays and other mass events reached up to 35 thousand per month.

In the late 1950s it became clear that the proud could not accommodate everyone. In the report for 1956, the director of the house of Pioneers V.V. String wrote: "In terms of its conditions, our house of pioneers cannot reach the circle work of more than 3800-4000 people ... If there were appropriate conditions, the composition of the ensemble choir could be taking up to 2000-3000 ... given the desires of schoolchildren to creative amateur time and importance Circle work in educating students, it is necessary to achieve the creation of a wide network of circles in each school, to solve the issue of construction in Moscow of the new city house of pioneers in Moscow. "

Brave project

In 1958, the Central Council of the All-Union Pioneer Organization decided to build on the Lenin Mountains is not just a new home, but the Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren. The memorable stone was laid in the autumn of the same year - October 29, on the day of the 40th anniversary of the WLKSM; Now he is on the left of the alley leading to the main entrance of the palace.

The place was chosen beautiful - on the high shore of the Moscow River, along the Sparrow Highway (now Kosygin Street). It turned out to choose the project. It turned out more difficult: proposals were several dozen, one more interesting than the other. As a result, the application of the team of young architects led by Igor Pokrovsky defeated; Also in this group, Mikhail Khazhakyan entered, who at his time participated in the reconstruction of the MHDPIO building in the stalk alley.

The project was so unusual and innovative that the authors did not hoped to embody him, but, apparently, this courage and accounted for the jury. First, the architects wanted to oppose the new structure to the palaces of the past - lush and ambitious, but hardly suitable for children's studies. Secondly, they decided to harmoniously enter the building into the established green array - because of this, they abandoned the symmetric composition, and then, already during construction, the initial plan was not corrected. Thirdly, for reasons of security and aesthetics, the palaces placed not at the road, but on the lawn in the depths of the grove. For complete unity with nature - "smaller massive masonry and more stained glass windows, transparent glass walls."

As a result, it turned out the free layout building, bizarrely scattered along the landscape park. The walls were decorated with monumental multicolored panels with pioneer emblems: fire, mountain, stars; At the end facades there were pictures "Water", "Earth" and "Sky", which symbolize the conquest of the elements of the person. Even the front area in front of the palace was not poured with concrete or asphalt - left a natural lawn, only dividing it with white stone paths. The center of the composition was the 60-meter flagpole, which turned the territory around himself in the allegory of the Grand Ship.

One of the business cards of the palace was the winter garden: "This is a space, air, light, height. And of course, palm trees, araucaria, liana, papyrus. However, exotic to grow, normal tropical conditions are needed. The tropics were created using a special automated soil heating system, water, air. I had to think about the spectacular falling on the greens of sun glare, about the glass domes, through which the sky would be viewed, about the pool with water plants, about the fountain, about the grid, separating the through gallery from the winter garden. The grille was made openwork, decorative, with fish, birds, insects, in order to fit the rest. "

Komsomol Building

Construction, started in 1958, turned out to be large-scale: 18 design organizations were attracted for him, and more than 300 enterprises supplied construction and finishing materials, engineering structures, equipment and furniture. In addition to hundreds of skilled workers, 40 specialties, more than 50 thousand volunteers - boys and girls from all over the country took part in the subbotnik and resurrectors. According to official calculations, schoolchildren and students worked here over three million human-hours! At the end of construction, more than two thousand trees and about 100 thousand colors landed on the territory of the palace.

The opening of the Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren took place on June 1, 1962, on the day of the protection of children. The first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Nikita Khrushchev took part in the solemn ceremony. According to eyewitness memories, he said: "I don't know what others will say, and I like this palace."

In 1967, the architects and designers of the Palace of Pioneers were honored with the State Prize of the RSFSR. But the best reward, they probably considered the words of the famous French architect Bernard Zerfus: "I consider it a truly good architecture, which, being modern, does not lose signs of modernity, even after many years. I am sure that the building on the Lenin Mountains will withstand the time test. "

Test time

After the opening of the complex on the Lenin Mountains, the Gorde at stops also became the palace - the district Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren named after N.K. Krupskaya (now the Palace of Creativity of Children and Youth Cao).

And the Palace of Pioneers (now on the sparrow mountains) for half a century grew more than doubled: if in 1962 he included 400 premises, now they are already about 900, with a total area of \u200b\u200bnearly 40 thousand square meters. In laboratories, studios, artistic and technical workshops, sports schools and sections of the Palace (including branches), about 27.5 thousand children from three to 18 years old. In total there are over 1,300 training groups in 10 directions: science and culture, technical, artistic and social creativity, information technology, ecology, ethnography, physical culture and sport. In 93 percent studios and circles, classes are held free.

The institution has repeatedly changed status and title: In 1992, he was renamed the Moscow City Palace of Creativity of Children and Youth, in 2001 - in the Moscow City Palace of Children's (Youth) creativity. In 2014-2015, a state budget professional educational institution (GBPOU) "Sparrow Mountains" was created during the reorganization, which in addition to the palace includes 16 more educational institutions - kindergartens, general education schools, college of professional technology and additional education centers.

The essence of the Palace remains unchanged: people who are passionate about their business are still working. They help children and teenagers to develop abilities and talents, find a vocation and the road in life.

And also the Palace of Pioneers, who can simultaneously accommodate up to 20 thousand people, is an excellent platform for festive events. Children and parents willingly gather here for Christmas and New Year, on the day of the family and the day of the protection of children, the day of the city, at the week of children's book and. Of course, and the Palace's own 80th anniversary will also notice to be held on December 7th.

Used sources

  1. Alley of the old Moscow. History. Monuments of architecture. Routes / Romanyuk S.K. - M.: Centerpolygraph, 2016. - P. 697-698.
  2. Cabo V.R. Road to Australia: memories. - New York: Effect Publishing, 1995. - P. 63-65, 73.
  3. Extractor. - 2004. - № 4. - C. 24-25.
  4. Our winter garden. Issue No. 1. - M.: Center for Environmental Education MHDD (Y) T, 2010. - P. 3-12.
  5. Under the sign of goodness: Memories of the former students of the tourism and regional department. - M.: MHDDIU, 1997. - P. 2-6.
  6. Novogrudsky GS Happy architect // Comrade Moscow: Collection of essays. - M.: Soviet Russia, 1973. - P. 386-393.

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V. Talaliahina Gapow PC number 8. I.F. Pavlova Gapow TK No. 24 GAU "Moscow Zoo" GAU "SS" MCBI "Moskomport GAU Mtsop Gaudo" Domisolka "GAUKS GUKVY" GMZ "Kuzminki-Lublino" GAUK Moscow "Cultural Center ZIL" GAUK Moscow "KC" Zelenograd "GAUK MOSCOW" Pkio "Khodynskoye Field" GAUK MOSCOW "Poklonnaya Mountain" GAUK Moscow "Manor Vorontsovo" GAUK MGS MGS "Hermitage" GAUK Moscow Pkio "Babushkin" GAUK in Moscow Pkio " Krasnaya Presnya "GAUK in Moscow Pkio" Tagansky "GAUK in Moscow Pkio" Fili "GAUK in Moscow Pkio" Lianozovsky "GAUKS GAKVY" MPK "North Tushino" Gaguk G. Moskvi "Park" Charity "GAUK "Pkio" Sokolniki "GAUKY G. Moskvi" Pkio Izmailovsky "GAUKS GUKVY" Garden Kio them. N. E. Bauman "Gaguk Moskva" CPKIO them. M. Gorky "Gaguk G. Moskvi Pkio" Perovsky "GBDOU children's Garden number 754 "Sunny" GBDOU Kindergarten № 766 GBNU "Sports board" ATI-School of MTSKO "GBOU" Kurchatovskaya School "GBOU" Moscow International School "GBOU" Sports Center and education "Sambo-70" Moskomports GBOU "School No. 1212 Schukino" GBOU "School № 1270" Vector "GBOU" School No. 1595 "GBOU" School No. 167 named after Marshal L.A. Gotovov "GBOU" School No. 2100 "GBOU" School number 354. D.M. Karbyshev "GBOU" School No. 448 "GBOU" School No. 58 "GBOU" School No. 597 "New Generation" GBOU "School No. 760 named after A.P. Mareseva" GBOU "School No. 842" GBOU "School in Nekrasovka" GBOU " Gloria School "GBOU" School on Jauza "GBOU" School of Novokosino "GBOU" Sport and Education Center "Sambo-70" Moskomport "Bitz" Bitz "Sports and Education Center" SAMBA-70 "Moskomport" Gagarinsky "Gagarinsky" Sports Center and Education "Sambo-70" Moskomports "Konk Tchaikovskaya" GBOU "Sports and Education Center" Sambo-70 "Moskomportov Office" Olympia "GBOU" Sports and Education Center "Sambo-70" Moskomport "Sambo-70" GBOU "Center Sport and Education "Sambo-70" Moskomport Branch "Crystal" GBOU "Sports and Education Center" Sambo-70 "Moskomport" Cheryomushki "GBOU" Sports and Education Center "SAMBA-70" Moskomport "Youth" Department "Sports and Education "Sambo-70" Moskoscope "Yasenevo" Department of the GBOU "TsOIS" Moscow-98 "Moskomport GB OU "TsSIO" MESS "MOSCOMPORT GBOU" TsSIO "OLIMP" Moskomport GBOU "CSIO" Sambo-70 "Moskomport" Sevastopol "MSCO Veshnyakovskaya School GBOU VPO MGPPU GBOU GMT DMH GBO GBOU to the city of Moscow" DMSH №8 named after Arkady Ostrovsky "GBOU to Dtim "On the stops" of GBOU to Dtim "Sevastopol" GBOU to DTDM "Khoroshevo" GBOU to DTDM at Mussies GBOU to DC "Victoria" GBOU to CVR "Sumy" GBOU to TsDT "Novo-Peredelkino" GBOU to TsDT "Strogino" GBOU To Tsdut "Bibirevo" GBOU to TsGDU "Hermes" GBOU to the TSRTU "Presnya" GBOU to the CTR and MEO "Joy" GBOU DOD G. Moscow "Voskresensk Children's School of Arts" GBOU DOD G. Moskva "Children's Music School No. 66" GBOU DOD G. Moskvy "Children's Music School named after M.M.Ippolitov-Ivanova" GBOU DOD G. Moskva "Children's Music School named after R.M. Glyaer »GBOU DOD G. Moskvi" Children's Art School named after V.A. Serov "GBOU DOD G.Moskva" Children's School of Arts named after S.Mamontov "GBOU DPO TSPVSH GBOU Engineering School No. 1581 GBOU Engineering and Technical School GBOU IT -Shkol Topicenter GBOU Cadet School No. 1784 GBOU Lyceum "Second School" GBOU Multidisciplinary School No. 1220 GBOU Multidisciplinary School No. 1577 GBOU Educational Center "Proton" GBOU Open School No. 88 GBOU OSHO No. 1 GBOU Romanovskaya School GBOU ROC No. 105 GBOU ROC № 20 GBOU ROC № 76 GBOU RROSH No. 32 GBOU Sanatorium boarding school - boarding school № 4 GBOU SLR №11 GBOU SPETSKOLKOL № 1 GBOU SPO (College) Moskva "Moskovskaya State Choreographic School named after L.M. Lavrovsky "GBOU SPO Moscow Moskva" Moscow Secondary Special Music School (College) named after Gnesiny "GBOU SPO G. Moskva" Moscow Theater College with the State Budgetary Institution of the Culture of the City of Moscow "Moscow Theater under the leadership of O.Tabakov" GBOU Digital School GBOU TSO " School of Health "№ 1679 GBOU TsRO № 7 GBOU TsSIO" OLIMP "Moskomport GBOU School" Beskudnikovo "GBOU School" Dmitrovsky "GBOU School" Integral "GBOU School" Intellectual "GBOU School" Kuzminki "GBOU School" Maryino "GBOU School" Pokrovsky Quarter "GBOU School" Sviblovo "GBOU School" Commonwealth "GBOU School" Spectrum "GBOU School" Troparevo "GBOU School No. 1000 GBOU School No. 1002 GBOU School No. 1015 GBOU School No. 1018 GBOU School No. 1021 GBOU School No. 1034 GBOU School No. 1056 GBOU School No. 1065 GBOU School No. 1078 GBOU School No. 108 GBOU School No. 1080 GBOU School No. 109 GBOU School No. 1095 GBOU School No. 1101 GBOU School No. 1103 GBOU School No. 1115 GBOU School No. 1125 GBOU School No. 113 GBOU School No. 1 130 GBOU School No. 1133 GBOU School No. 1150 GBOU School No. 1151 GBOU School No. 1155 GBOU School No. 1158 GBOU School No. 1159 GBOU School No. 1161 GBOU School No. 1164 GBOU School No. 117 GBOU School No. 1173 GBOU School No. 1179 GBOU School No. 118 GBOU School No. 1186 GBOU School No. 1190 GBOU School No. 1191 GBOU School No. 1194 GBOU School No. 1195 GBOU School No. 1205 GBOU School No. 1206 GBOU School No. 1207 GBOU School No. 1208 GBOU School No. 121 GBOU School No. 1210 GBOU School No. 1212 GBOU School No. 121 1213 GBOU School No. 1222 GBOU School No. 1223 GBOU School No. 1228 "Lefortovo" GBOU School No. 123 GBOU School No. 1231 GBOU School No. 1232 GBOU School No. 1234 GBOU School No. 1236 GBOU School No. 1238 GBOU School No. 1239 GBOU School No. 1241 GBOU School No. 1245 GBOU School No. 1246 GBOU School No. 1247 GBOU School No. 1248 GBOU School No. 1249 GBOU School No. 1250 GBOU School No. 1251 named after General Charles de Galle GBOU School No. 1252 named after Servantes GBOU School No. 1253 GBOU School No. 1256 GBOU School No. 1257 GBOU School No. 1259 GBOU School No. 1265 GBOU Schools A 1272 GBOU School No. 1273 GBOU School No. 1279 "Eureka" GBOU School No. 1280 GBOU School No. 1282 "Sokolniki" GBOU School No. 1284 GBOU School No. 1285 GBOU School No. 1286 GBOU School No. 1287 GBOU School No. 1288 GBOU School No. 1290 GBOU School No. 1293 GBOU School No. 1296 GBOU School No. 1297 GBOU School No. 1298 "Profile Kurkino" GBOU School No. 1302 GBOU School No. 1310 GBOU School No. 1311 GBOU School No. 1315 GBOU School No. 1317 GBOU School No. 1321 "Ark" GBOU School No. 1324 GBOU School No. 1329 GBOU School No. 1347 GBOU School No. 1352 GBOU School No. 1353 GBOU School No. 1354 "Vector" GBOU School No. 1355 GBOU School No. 1356 GBOU School No. 1357 GBOU School No. 1358 GBOU School No. 1359 GBOU School No. 1360 GBOU School number 1362 GBOU School No. 1363 GBOU School No. 1367 GBOU School No. 1368 GBOU School No. 1370 GBOU School No. 1371 "Krylatskoe" GBOU School No. 1373 GBOU School No. 1374 GBOU School No. 1375 GBOU School No. 1376 GBOU School No. 138 GBOU School No. 1381 GBOU School No. 1383 GBOU School No. 1384 GBOU School No. 1387 GBOU School No. 1391 GBOU SHKO La No. 1392. D.V. Ryabinkina GBOU School No. 1394 GBOU School No. 1399 GBOU School No. 14 GBOU School No. 1400 GBOU School No. 1404 "Gamma" GBOU School No. 1409 GBOU School No. 141 GBOU School No. 1411 GBOU School No. 1412 GBOU School No. 1413 GBOU School No. 1415 "Ostankino "GBOU School No. 1416 GBOU School No. 1420 GBOU School No. 1429 GBOU School No. 1430 GBOU School No. 1432 GBOU School No. 1434 GBOU School No. 1440 GBOU School No. 1448 GBOU School No. 1449 GBOU School No. 1450" Olympus "GBOU School No. 1454" Timiryazevskaya "GBOU School No. 1465 GBOU School No. 1466 GBOU School No. 1467 GBOU School No. 1468 GBOU School No. 1474 GBOU School No. 1476 GBOU School No. 1482 GBOU School No. 149 GBOU School No. 1492 GBOU School No. 1494 GBOU School No. 1498 GBOU School No. 1499 GBOU School No. 15 GBOU School No. 1500 GBOU School No. 1501 GBOU School No. 1502 GBOU School No. 1502 at MEI GBOU School No. 1503 GBOU School No. 1504 GBOU School No. 1505 GBOU School No. 1506 GBOU School No. 1507 GBOU School No. 1508 GBOU School No. 1512 GBOU School No. 1514 GBOU School No. 1515 GBOU School No. 1516 GBOU School No. 1517 GBOU School No. 1519 GBOU School No. 152 GBOU School No. 1520. Koptsov GBOU School No. 1522 named after V.I. Churkin GBOU School № 1523 GBOU School No. 1524 GBOU School No. 1525 GBOU School No. 1526 at the Pokrovskaya GBOU School No. 1527 GBOU School No. 1528 GBOU School No. 1529 named after A.S. Griboedova GBOU School No. 1530 "School Lomonosov" GBOU School No. 1531 GBOU School No. 1532 GBOU School No. 1533 "Lit" GBOU School No. 1534 GBOU School No. 1534 "Academic" GBOU School No. 1535 GBOU School No. 1536 GBOU School No. 1537 GBOU School No. 1537 1538 GBOU School No. 1539 GBOU School No. 1540 GBOU School No. 1541 GBOU School No. 1542 GBOU School No. 1543 GBOU School No. 1544 GBOU School No. 1547 GBOU School No. 1550 GBOU School No. 1551 GBOU School No. 1552 GBOU School No. 1553 named after V.I. Vernadsky GBOU School No. 1554 GBOU School No. 1557 GBOU School No. 1558 named after Rosalia de Castro GBOU School No. 1560 "Leader" GBOU School No. 1561 GBOU School No. 1564 GBOU School No. 1566 GBOU School No. 1568 GBOU School No. 1569 "Constellation" GBOU School No. 1569 1570 GBOU School No. 1571 GBOU School No. 1573 GBOU School No. 1574 GBOU School No. 1575 GBOU School No. 1576 GBOU School No. 1579 GBOU School No. 158 GBOU School No. 1580 GBOU School No. 1582 GBOU School No. 1583 GBOU School No. 1584 GBOU School No. 1586 GBOU School No. 1589 GBOU School No. 1590 GBOU School No. 1591 GBOU School No. 1593 GBOU School No. 1596 GBOU School No. 1598 GBOU School No. 1601 GBOU School No. 1613 GBOU School No. 1619 GBOU School No. 1621 GBOU School No. 1636 GBOU School No. 1637 GBOU School № 1637 166 GBOU School No. 1678 "Eastern Degunino" GBOU School No. 1694 "Yasenevo" GBOU School No. 17 GBOU School No. 170 GBOU School No. 1708 GBOU School No. 171 GBOU School No. 1741 GBOU School No. 1747 GBOU School No. 1748 GBOU School No. 1770 GBOU School No. 1786 GBOU School No. 1788 GBOU School No. 179 GBOU SK OLA No. 1793 GBOU School No. 1794 GBOU School No. 1795 GBOU School No. 1797 GBOU School No. 1798 GBOU School No. 1799 GBOU School No. 1811 GBOU School No. 183 GBOU School No. 185 GBOU School No. 1852 GBOU School No. 1861 "Zagory" GBOU School № 1862 GBOU School No. 1874 GBOU School No. 1883 "Butovo" GBOU School No. 1900 GBOU School No. 1905 GBOU School No. 1912 GBOU School No. 192 GBOU School No. 1935 GBOU School No. 1944 GBOU School No. 1945 GBOU School No. 1948 GBOU School No. 1950 GBOU School № 1950 1955 GBOU School No. 1980 GBOU School No. 1981 GBOU School No. 1985 GBOU School No. 1987 GBOU School No. 199 GBOU School No. 1995 GBOU School No. 1998 GBOU School No. 2000 GBOU School No. 2001 GBOU School No. 2005 GBOU School No. 2006 GBOU School No. 2007 FMS GBOU School No. 2009 GBOU School No. 201 GBOU School No. 2010 GBOU School No. 2016 GBOU School No. 2025 GBOU School No. 2026 GBOU School No. 2030 GBOU School No. 2031 GBOU School No. 2033 GBOU School No. 2036 GBOU School No. 2042 GBOU School No. 2044 GBOU School No. 2045 GBOU School No. 2048 GBOU School No. 2051 GBOU School No. 2053 Bow School No. 2054 GBOU School No. 2055 GBOU School No. 2057 GBOU School No. 2065 GBOU School No. 2070 GBOU School No. 2072 GBOU School No. 2073 GBOU School No. 2075 GBOU School No. 2083 GBOU School No. 2086 GBOU School No. 2087 GBOU School № 2089 GBOU School № 2090 GBOU School № 2094 GBOU School No. 2097 GBOU School No. 2098 named after the Hero of the Soviet Union L. M. Dovator GBOU School No. 2099 GBOU School No. 2101 GBOU School No. 2103 GBOU School No. 2104 on Taganka GBOU School No. 2107 GBOU School No. 2109 GBOU School No. 2114 GBOU School No. 2115 GBOU School No. 2116 GBOU School No. 2117 GBOU School No. 2120 GBOU School No. 2121 GBOU School No. 2122 GBOU School No. 2123. M. Hernandez GBOU School No. 2126 "Perovo" GBOU School No. 2127 GBOU School No. 2129 GBOU School No. 218 GBOU School No. 2200 GBOU School No. 222 GBOU School No. 224 GBOU School No. 236 GBOU School No. 281 GBOU School No. 283 GBOU School No. 285 GBOU School No. 293 GBOU School No. 305 GBOU School No. 315 GBOU School No. 319 GBOU School No. 324 GBOU School No. 338 GBOU School No. 345 GBOU School No. 368 "Losina Island" GBOU School No. 37 GBOU School No. 384 GBOU School No. 402 named after Aliya Moldagulova GBOU School No. 41 GBOU School No. 423 GBOU School No. 429 GBOU School No. 444 GBOU School No. 45 named after L.I. Milgram GBOU School No. 46 GBOU School No. 460 GBOU School No. 463 GBOU School No. 480 GBOU School No. 482 GBOU School No. 49 GBOU School No. 491 GBOU School No. 498 GBOU School No. 504 GBOU School No. 507 GBOU School No. 508 GBOU School No. 51 GBOU School No. 518 GBOU School No. 534 GBOU School No. 536 GBOU School No. 538 GBOU School No. 544 GBOU School No. 554 GBOU School No. 556 GBOU School No. 56 named after Akademika V.A. GBOU School № 57 GBOU School № 587 GBOU School No. 609 GBOU School No. 618 GBOU School No. 625 GBOU School No. 626 GBOU School No. 627 GBOU School No. 629 GBOU School No. 630 GBOU School No. 64 GBOU School No. 641 named S. Yesenin GBOU School No. 648 GBOU School No. 654 named after A.D. Friedman GBOU School number 656 named after A.S. Makarenko GBOU School No. 657 GBOU School No. 664 GBOU School No. 667 GBOU School No. 67 GBOU School No. 69 GBOU School No. 7 GBOU School No. 705 GBOU School No. 709 GBOU School No. 710 GBOU School No. 712 GBOU School No. 717 GBOU School No. 718 GBOU School No. 719 GBOU School No. 734 GBOU School No. 74 GBOU School No. 763 GBOU School No. 771 GBOU School No. 777 GBOU School No. 806 GBOU School No. 814 GBOU School No. 825 GBOU School No. 827 GBOU School No. 830 GBOU School No. 843 GBOU School № 843 851 GBOU School No. 852 GBOU School No. 853 GBOU School No. 854 GBOU School No. 86 named after M.E. Katujukh GBOU School No. 867 GBOU School No. 868 GBOU School No. 875 GBOU School No. 878 GBOU School No. 883 GBOU School No. 887 GBOU School No. 89 GBOU School No. 90 GBOU School No. 902 "Dialogue" GBOU School No. 904 GBOU School No. 91 GBOU School No. 920 GBOU School No. 924 GBOU School No. 935 GBOU School No. 937 GBOU School No. 939 GBOU School No. 947 GBOU School No. 949 GBOU School No. 950 GBOU School No. 953 GBOU School No. 956 GBOU School No. 962 GBOU School No. 967 GBOU School No. 97 GBOU School № 991 GBOU School No. 996 GBOU School No. 998 GBOU School Bibirevo GBOU School in Kapotny GBOU School. A. Borovik GBOU School them. N.M. Karamzin GBOU School named after E.N. Chernysheva GBOU School named after Marshal V.I. Chuikova GBOU School named after Mayakovsky GBOU School named after F.M. Dostoevsky GBOU School Maryina Grove GBOU School on Prospekt Vernadsky GBOU School Perspective GBOU School - boarding school № 17 GBOUDO "DDT on Taganka" GBOTO "Dtim" Preobrazhensky "GBUDIM DTEM" EASTERN "GBAVOO DTIDM named after A.P.Gaidar GBUDM DTDM" Unopened Islands " GBOTO ZDDYM GBDUDO named after A.V. Kosareva GBUDO MDUTS ETT GBUDO CVR "Sonioria" GBAVO TSDT "SVIBLOVO" GBODO TSDT Zamoskvorechye GBUDO CEVD GBUDOD MOSCOW "DMSH them. V.A. Motzarta "GBOADOD MOSCOW" DMSH them. S.M. Maikapara "GBUDOD MOSCOW" DSHI named I.S. Kozlovsky "GBUDOD G.Moskva" MHDMSH named after I.O. Dunaevsky "GBUDOD G. Moscow "DMSH them. A.P. Borodina" GBUDOD G.Moskva "DMSH them. G. P. Handel" GBUDOD G.Moskvi "DMSH. F.I.Schayapin" GBUOTOD G.Moskva "DMS named after M.L. Tariverdiyeva "GBOTODOD G. Moskva" DMSH named after N.M.Musovsky "GBUDOD G. Moskvi" Deshi them. S.I. Mamontova GBUDOD G.Moskvi "MHDMSH them. S.Prokofeva" GBUDOD G. Moskva "Schapovskaya Disthy" Harmony »GBPOU GBP Moscow" MHTK named after L.A. Filatova "GBPOU" 1st IOC "GBPOU" 26 Frame "GBPOU" Vorobyev Mountain "GBPOU" Police College "GBPOU" MKAG "GBPOU" KFKS "Sparta" Moskomport GBPOU " MSSUOR № 1 "MOSCOMSPORT GBPOU" MSSUOR № 2 "MOSCOMSPORT GBPOU" MSSUOR № 3 "MOSCOMSPORT GBPOU" MSSUOR number 4 them. A. Ya. Gomelsky "Moskomport GBPOU Moscow" State School (College) of Overall Art "GBPOU Moscow "KMTI them. G.P.Vischnevskaya" GBPOU Moscow "TKTK" GBPOU MOSKVA "Moscow State Venny College of Music Performance named F.Sopen »GBPOU MOSCOW" MOSCOW MUSIC-PEDAGOGICAL COLLEGE "GBPOU DRM MK №1 GBPOU DRM MK №2 GBPOU ZKNO GBPOU CAP № 20 GBPOU CAS № 7 GBPOU CAT number 9 GBPOU CBT GBPOU KHTIT № 41 GBPOU KDPI them. Karl Faberge GBPOU KZHGT GBPOU KIGM № 23 GBPO KININOOLLYE № 40 "Moscow International Film School" GBPOU KMB № 4 GBPOU College "Tsaritsyno" GBPOU College of Moscow "MKU at Mgatt" Gzhel "GBPOU KPSR No. 16 GBPOU COP № 54 GBPOU KST GBPOU CSU № 10 GBPOU KSU № 3 GBPOU CSS No. 32 GBPOU MADK \u200b\u200bthem. A.A. Nikolaev GBPOU MGKEIT GBPOU MGK GBPOU MIPK. I. Fedorova GBPOU Mok West GBPOU Moscow Technical school creative industries them. L.B. Krasina GBPOU MTK GBPOU OK South-West "GBPOU OKG" CAPITAL "GBPOU FOOD COLLEGE № 33 GBPOU PC № 10 GBPOU PC No. 18 GBPOU PK № 50 named Twice Hero of Socialist Labor N. A. Zlobin GBPOU PC them. N.N. Godovikova GBPOU PC them. P.A. Ovchinnikova GBPOU PT No. 2 GBPOU PT No. 47 GBPOU Skolig GBPOU TK No. 21 GBPOU TK No. 34 GBPOU TPSC. V. M. Maksimchuk GBPOU Tsit No. 29 GBPOU FC № 35 GBPOU ETC № 22 GBPOU Legal College GBU "Aist" GBU "Almega" GBU "Harmony" GBU "Children-Children" GBU "Dialog" GBU "DMTS Perovo" GBU "DVOGO -Sportive Center "Friendship" GBU "Leisure Center Bogorodskoe" GBU "Leisure Center Sokolinka" GBU "DSC" Harmony "GBU" DSC "Nekrasovka" GBU "Zarya" GBU "CROC" GBU "KSTS" Success "of GBU" Krassen Krasnevsky "GBU "Laboratory of Travel" GBU "Lefortovo" GBU "Lomonomovets" GBU "MDN" GBU "Moscow Basketball Academy" SP School "Gloria" GBU "MOSCOW SERVICE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE POPULATION" GBU "MOTSVS" MOSCOMSPORT GBU "MC" GAMERS "GBU" NPTS " GBU "ROWER" GBU "SDK" Vnukovo "GBU" SDC "Alekseevsky" GBU "GBU" CENTAVR "GBU" SDC "Contact" GBU "SDC" Ostankino "GBU" SDC "Troparevo-Nikulino" GBU "SDC Lublino" GBU "SDC Triumph "GBU" SDC "inspiration" GBU "Slavs" GBU "Sports School of Olympic reserve № 28" Moskomport GBU "Sport and leisure center" Raduga "GBU" SS " Academy of Spartak "Moskomport GBU" SS №4 "Moskomport GBU" SS "Wrestler" GBU "Talisman" GBU "Favorit" GBU "FSO" Youth of Moscow "Moskomport GBU" FSO "Youth of Moscow" Moskomport GBU "FSO" Youth of Moscow "Moskomport1 GBU "TsDIK" South Butovo "GBU" CDS "Phoenix" GBU "TsDS" OBRUCHEVSKY "GBU" TSD "OLIMP" GBU "TSDS" ASTRA "GBU" CENTER "CENTER" TSENTR "REPREST" GBU "GBU" TSENTR "GBU" GBU "LEUG CENTER AND CREATIVE "Ogonek" GBU "Center for Leisure Kuntsevo" GBU "CENTER" BRANCH "DIALOG" GBU "TSENTR" BRANCH "KOVKHEG" GBU "TSENTR" BRANCH "KRASNOSELSKY" GBU "TSENTR" BRANCH "KRAVOVNIK" GBU "TSENTR" BRANCH "Yantar" GBU "CCS" Izmailovo "GBU" Crit "Union" GBU "CSD" Atlant "GBU" TSTM "Olymp" GBU "TSFKIS TINAO GBU" MOSCOMSPORT GBU "TSFKIS CAO GBO Moscow" GBU "ENERGY" GBU "DMTS Blue Bird" GBU "Leisure Center" Youth "GBU" Istok "GBU" Cultural and Sports Center "Forward" GBU "MGFSO" Moskomport School "Center for simultaneous swimming. Mary Kiselevoe "GBU" MGFSO "Moskomports School" Chess School Anatoly Karpova "GBU" MGFSO "Moskomport School for swimming GBU" MGFSO "Moskomport School for Rugby GBU" MGFSO "Moskomport School for sambo GBU" MGFSO "Moskomport School of Hockey" MGFSO »Moskomports SSHOR Boxing Boxing GBU" MGFSO "Moskomport School on cycling GBU" MGBSO "MOSCOMSPORT SUSHOR WATER FOLLO GBU" MGBSOP "MOSCOMSPORT SUSHOR SUSHOR PREPARATION ON KYARS AND CANOE GBU" MGPSO "MOSCOMSPORT SUSHOR FOR JUDO GBU" MGFSO "MOSCOMSPORT SUSHOR GBU "MGFSO" Moskomports SSHOR in winter sports GBU "MGFSO" Moskomport Sshor in athletics GBU "MGFSO" MOSCOMSPORT SUSHOR FROM TALK TENNIS GBU "MGFSO" MOSCOMSPORT SUSHOR ON PLANE FIGHT GBU "MGFSO" MOSCOMSPORT SUSHOR FOR SPORTS FIGHTING GBU "MGFSO" Moskomports SSHOR Sport Gymnastics GBU "MGFSO" Moskomport Sshore for tennis GBU "MGFSO" Moskomport Sshore for weightlifting GBU "MGFSO" Moskosport Sshore for fencing GBU "MGFSO" Moskomport SSHOR ON RIMER GYMNASTIC GBU "MGFSO" MOSCOPT SSHOR PRIMING IN WATER GBU "MGPSO" MOSCOPT SSHOR FOR SYXHRON FLOWING GBU "MOSCOW BASKETBOLOGICAL ACADEMY" MOSCOMSPORT STRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT SSHOR No. 71 "Timiryazevskaya" GBU "Moscow Basketball Academy" Moskomport (Structural Unit SSHOR NO 56) GBU "MOSCOW Basketball Academy" of Moskomport JV Sshor "Dynamo" GBU "SASH" Moskomport GBU "SDC" Inspiration "GBU" SDC "Shira Circle" GBU "Sports School No. 10" Moskomport GBU "Sports School No. 114" Record "Moskoscope GBU "Sports School № 26" Moskomport GBU "Sports School № 76" Moskomport GBU "Sports School No. 86" Moskomport GBU "Sports School No. 93" On Mozhaik "Moskomport GBU" Sports School of Olympic Reserve "Vorobyev Muskosport Moskomport GBU" Sports School Olympic reserve "Moskvich" Moskomport GBU "Sports School of Olympic Reserve" Russian Ski School - Capital "Moskomport GBU" Sportiv School of Olympic reserve № 24 »Moskomport GBU" Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 27 "Falcon" Moskomport GBU "Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 42" Moskomport GBU "Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 61" Fortune "Moskomports GBU" Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 64 " Moskomports GBU "Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 65" Nika "Moskomport GBU" Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 73 "Victoria" Moskomport GBU "Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 74" Moskomport GBU "Sports School of Olympic Reserve for Tennis" Olympian "Moskomport GBU" Sporty Complex "Megasport" Moskomport GBU "SS" Bitz "Moskomport GBU" SS Kosino "Moskomport GBU" SS No. 104 "Pearl" Moskomport GBU "SS No. 112" Satellite "Moskomport GBU" SS No. 2 "Moskomport GBU" SS No. 29 " Khamniki "Moskomport GBU" SS No. 55 "SK

Associations (circles and sections) of technical, scientific and technical creativity, environmental education, sports sections, associations of military-patriotic, tourist-local lore orientation, information technologies. Located on the right high bank of the Moscow River in the Sparrow Mountain area. He is the central palace of children's creativity in Russia.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

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    Built in 1959-1962. The building is one of the first buildings of a new type, which was charged with a group of Moscow artists and sculptors. The complex includes a wide variety of elements of monumental painting and sculpture - panels on the ends of large buildings, wall painting in the lobby of theaters, reliefs on the facades, sculptural signs, reliefs on the lattices. There are one lack of problems with ventilation. All this is united by a single style - lapidaric, conventional, with a sign expression, to symbolism, emblems, overcoming the descriptions. The project was selected as the best as a result of the competition.

    Designer: Yu. I. ions.


    History MHDD (Y) T

    The palace was founded in 1936 as the Moscow City House of Pioneers and October (Gord) on stops (now garden Sloboda, m. Clean ponds).

    The number of children seeking to engage in the Gordeau continuously increased by the end of the 1950s. It became clear that his walls cannot accommodate everyone. In 1958 at the state level, it was decided to build a new children's complex on the Lenin Mountains. On October 29, 1958, a solemn rally took place on the bookmark of the Palace of Pioneers and installed a mortgage stone on which the inscription was carved: "The city Palace of Pioneers was laid by Komsomol members and the youth of Moscow in honor of the 40th anniversary of the VLKSM." The palace was based on money left after the VI World Festival of Youth and Students held in Moscow in 1957. The construction of the palace was a shock Komsomol construction site.

    On June 1, 1962, the solemn opening of the new complex on the Lenin Mountains was held (in the future sparrow mountains). The first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Securities of the Central Committee of the Central Council of the Central Council of the All-Union Pioneer Organization, chairman of the Central Council of the All-Union Pioneer Organization, , Minister of Education of the RSFSR E. I. Afanasenko, Chairman of the Executive Committee Mosovet N. A. Dugai, 1st secretary of MGK VLKSM B. N. Pastukhov and other honored guests.

    On May 19, 1972, on the day of the 50th anniversary of the All-Union Pioneer Organization, a monument to Kibalchishka, a tale of A. P. Gaidar "Military Mystery" (Sculptor V. K. Frolov, Architect V. K. Frolov, was opened on the territory of the Poland of Pioneers . Cubasov). On May 19, 1974, the foot of the monument was buried the capsule with the land from the grave of Arkady Petrovich Gaidar, delivered by Moscow pioneers from the Ukrainian Khan. So the monument to the literary hero became the memorial of his creator.

    In 1971, for large successes in the communist education of the younger generation, the palace was awarded the Order of the Labor Red Banner. And in 1981 - awarded the honorary title "Executional out-of-school institution".

    On September 1, 1988, a branch of the Palace of Pioneers was opened: the home of the scientific and technological creativity of young people near the metro station Shabolovskaya. In 1992, he was reorganized from the Moscow City Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren in the Moscow City Palace of Creativity of Children and Youth. In 2001-2014, he wore the Moscow City Palace of Children's (Youth) creativity; And from September 1, 2014 he became (after uniting with a number of other educational institutions) of the GBPOU Moscow "Sparrow Mountains". Now the Palace is 1,314 training groups and groups (in 93% of them are free of charge) in 11 educational areas in which about 15,500 schoolchildren are engaged, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe Palace is 48.6 hectares, the total area of \u200b\u200bbuildings is 39.3 thousand. m², their volume is 219 thousand m³, the total number of rooms is 900 units.

    On January 6, 2007, one of the small planets in honor of the Moscow City Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity (Palace of Pioneers) was awarded the name "Palace of Pioneers" (International Name of Small Planet - 22249 Dvorets Pionern). The planet was opened on September 11, 1972 N. S. Black in the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory and registered in the international catalog at number 22249, its diameter is about 3 km, the minimum distance from Earth is 109 million km.

    In 2014, the organization was reorganized into the state budget professional educational institution "Vorobyev Mountains."

    MHDD (YU) T

    Director MHDD (YU) T

    Traditionally held conferences, seminars, contests and festivals in MHDD (Y)

    • "Day of the city"
    • "Week of Games and Toys" (held on the Days of the Autumn Vacation)
    • New Year's performances (held on the days of winter holidays)
    • "Christmas on Sparrow Mountains"
    • "Russian Maslenitsa"
    • "Week of Children's and Youth Books" (held in the days of the Spring Vacation)
    • "Sons of the Fatherland"
    • Festival "Tolerance Team" (June 12)
    • All-Russian youth readings. V. I. Vernadsky (annually, the correspondence tour in December-February, full-time tour in April on the basis of DNTTM)
    • City competition of research and design work of schoolchildren of Moscow and Russia "We and Biosphere"
    • Muscovy Young Talents Festival
    • Assembly "Culture and Children"