Cute Japanese surnames for a girl. All about real Japanese names: from writing to value

Cute Japanese surnames for a girl. All about real Japanese names: from writing to value

Japanese name (Yap. 人 名 Dzimmey) Nowadays, as a rule, consists of a generic name (surname), and following his personal name.

Names are usually recorded with Kanji, which in different cases may have many different pronunciation options.

Modern Japanese names can be compared with names in many other cultures. All Japanese has the only surname and the only name without patronymic, with the exception of the Japanese imperial family, whose members do not have a surname. Girls marrying princes also lose their last names.

In Japan, first goes the surname, and then the name. At the same time, in Western languages \u200b\u200b(often in Russian), Japanese names are recorded in the reverse order name - surname - according to the European tradition. For convenience, the Japanese sometimes write their surname with capital letters so that it is not confused with the name.

Names in Japan are often creating independently from available signs, so there is a huge number of unique names in the country. The names are more traditional and most often go to toponyms. Names in Japanese are much larger than the names. Male and female names differ due to the components and structure characteristic of them. Reading Japanese names of own - one of the most complex elements of the Japanese.

Surname in Japanese is called "Möji" (苗字 or 名字), "UDI" (氏) or "Say" (姓).

The vocabulary composition of the Japanese language for a long time shared for two types: Vago (Yap. 和語 "Japanese") - original Japanese words and kango (Yap. 漢語 Kitaism) - borrowed from China. The same types are also divided by names, the truth is now actively expanding the new type - Guyraygo (Yap. 外来語) - borrowed from other languages \u200b\u200bof the word, but in the names of the components of this type rarely are used.

Modern Japanese names are divided into the following groups:
Kunt (consisting of Wago),
onny (consisting of kango)
The ratio of kunty and mental surnames is about 80% by 20%.

The overwhelming majority of surnames in Japanese consist of two hieroglyphs, there are less often in the names from one or three characters and is very rare four and more knowledgeable surnames.

Men's names are the most difficult to read part of the Japanese names of their own, it is in male names that non-standard readings of nanori and rare readings, strange changes of some components, although there are simple names for reading. For example, in the names of Kaoru (Yap. 薫), Sigekadzu (Yap. 薫) and Kungore: (Yap. 薫五郎) The same hieroglyph 薫 ("aroma") is used, but in each name it is read in different ways; And the widespread main component of Yoshi names can be recorded by 104 different signs and their combinations. Sometimes reading is not at all connected with written characters, therefore it happens that only its carrier itself can read the name correctly.

Japanese women's names, unlike male, in most cases have simple reading for kunu and clear and understandable meaning. Most female names are compiled according to the "Main Component + Indicator" scheme, but there are no names without the indicative component. Sometimes female names can be recorded fully chiragana or catacan. Also, sometimes, there are names with onin reading, as well as only in female names there are new non-Chinese borrowing (Gayrigo).

Ancient names and surnames

Before the start of the restoration of Maidzi, the names were only among the aristocrats (KUGE) and samurai (Bushi). All the rest of Japan's population was content with personal names and nicknames.

Women of aristocratic and samurai families also did not usually be surnames, as they did not have inheritance rights. In cases where the names in women were still, they did not change them when married.

The names were divided into two groups - the names of the aristocrats and the names of Samurai.

Unlike the number of samurai names, the number of the names of the aristocrats almost did not increase from ancient times. Many of them were adjacent to the priest past Japanese aristocracy.

The most complicated and respected clans of the aristocrats were: Conoe, Takasi, Kudzo, Ihidzo and Godzu. They all belonged to the family of Fujiwara and had a common name - "Gosetsuk". From among men of this kind, Regents (SESSU) and Chancellors (Campak) of Japan were appointed, and from among women - wives were chosen for emperors.

The following are clans of Hirokhate, Diago, Kuga, Oymikado, Sayondi, Sandjo, Imaidagawa, Tokundayji and Kaine. Of their numbers, the highest state dignitaries were appointed. Thus, the representatives of the Saiondi clan served by the imperial stables (mayoro but Gogan). Next, all other aristocratic clans have already followed.

The hierarchy of the knowledge of aristocratic genera began to develop in the 6th century and existed until the end of the XI century, when power in the country moved to samurai. Among them, the clans of Genzy (Minamoto), Heike (Taira), Hodzo, Asicaga, Tokugawa, Matsudayra, Hosokawa, Simaja, Oda were used. A number of their representatives at different times were signes (military rulers) of Japan.

The personal names of the aristocrats and high-ranking samurai were formed from two kandzi (hieroglyphs) of the "noble" meaning.

Personal names Samurai servants and peasants were often given on the "numbering" principle. The first son is Itiro, the second - Dziro, the third - Saburo, the fourth - Siro, the fifth - Goro, etc. Also, except for "-ro-", for this purpose, the suffixes "-Emond", "-die", "-DZO", "SUKE", "-BE" were used.

Upon joining a samurai during the day, he chose a different name, rather than what was given to him at birth. Sometimes samurai changed their names and for adulthood, for example, to emphasize the onset of her new period (promotion or relocation to another service place). Mr. possessed the right to renaming his vassal. In the case of a serious illness, the name was sometimes changed to the name of the Buddha Amida to appeal to his grace.

According to the rules of samurai fights before the fight, Samurai had to call his full name so that the enemy could decide whether he was worthy of such an opponent. Of course, in life this rule was respected much less frequently than in novels and chronicles.

At the end of the names of girls from noble families, suffix "-Hime" was added. It is often translated as a "princess", but in fact it was used in relation to all the notable young ladies.

For the names of Samurai, the sulfix "-dzen" was used. Often they were called simply by the name and rank of her husband. Personal names of married women were practically used only by their close relatives.

For the names of monks and nuns from the noble classes were used suffix "-in".

Modern names and surnames

During the restoration of Maidzi, all the Japanese were assigned surnames. Naturally, most of them were associated with various signs of peasant life, especially with rice and its processing. These surnames, as well as the surnames of the highest estate, were also usually made up of two kanzi.

The most common now Japanese surnames - Suzuki, Tanaka, Yamamoto, Watanabe, Saito, Sato, Sasaki, Kudo, Takahasi, Kobeayasi, Kato, Ito, Murakami, Oonishi, Yamaguti, Nakamura, Kuroka, Higa.

Male names changed less. They are still often dependent on the "ordinal number" of the Son in the family. Frequently used suffixes "-Iti" and "-Kadzu" meaning the "first son", as well as the suffixes "-die" ("Second Son") and "-DZO" ("Third Son").

Most Japanese female names end on "-ko" ("child") or "-mi" ("Beauty"). Girls, as a rule, are given names associated with all the beautiful, pleasant and feminine. Unlike male names, female names are usually recorded not Kanji, but the Hiragas.

Some modern girls do not like the end of "-ko" in their names and prefer to lower it. For example, the girl named "Yuriko" can call himself "yuri".

According to the law, adopted during the Emperor Maidzi, after making a marriage, her husband and wife are obliged to take one surname. In 98% of cases, this is the surname of the husband.

After death, the Japanese receives a new, posthumous name (Kaimo), which is written on a special wooden plate (Yikhai). This sign is considered to be an embodiment of the spirit of the deceased and is used in the memorial rituals. Kaimo and Yikhai are bought from Buddhist monks - sometimes even before the death of man.

Japanese surnames and their meaning

Abe - 阿部 - angular, shadow; sector
Akiyama - 秋山 - Autumn + Mountain
Ando: - 藤藤 - calm + wisteria
Aoki - 青木 - Green, young + tree
Arai - 新 井 - new well
Arai - 荒井 - Wild Well
Araki - 荒木 - Wild + Tree
Asano - 浅野 / 淺野 - Small + [Non-Field] field; plain
Baba - 馬場 - Horse + place
WADA - 和田 - Harmony + rice field
Vatanabe - 渡辺 / 渡邊 - crossing + neighborhood
Vatanabe - 渡部 - transfer + part; sector;
Goto: - 後藤 - Behind, Future + Wisteria
Okota - 横田 - side + rice field
Okyama - 横山 - side, side mountain
Yosida - 吉田 - Happiness + rice field
Yosikava - 吉川 - Happiness + River
Yoshimura - 吉村 - Happiness + Village
Yosyoka - 吉岡 - Happiness + Hill
Ivamoto - 岩本 - rock + base
Ivasaki - 岩崎 - Rock + Cape
Iwata - 岩田 - rock + rice field
Igaracy - 五十 嵐 - 50 storms
IEENDO: - 遠藤 - Far + Wisteria
IIDA - 飯田 - boiled rice, food + rice field
Ikeda - 池田 - pond + rice field
Imai - 今井 - now + well
IOE - 井井 - Well + top
Isibasi - 石橋 - Stone + Bridge
Isis - 石田 - stone + rice field
Icy - 石井 - Stone + Well
Isikawa - 石川 - Stone + River
Isyhar - 石原 - stone + plain, field; steppe
ITICAVA - 市川 - city + river
Ito - 伊東 - that, he + east
Ito: - 伊藤 - and + wisteria
Kawaguti - 川口 - River + Roth, entrance
Kavakas - 川 上 - River + top
Cavamura - 川村 - River + Village
Kawasaki - 川崎 - River + Cape
Kamata - 鎌田 - Sickle, Spit + Rice Field
Kaneko - 金子 - Gold + child
Kathama - 片山 - a piece + mountain
Kato: - 加藤 - add + wisteria
Kikuti - 菊地 - Chrysanthemum + Earth
Kikuti - 菊池 - Chrysanthemum + Pond
Kimura - 木村 - Wood + Village
Kinosita - 木下 - tree + under, bottom
Kitamura - 北 村 - North + Village
Ko: But - 河野 - River + [Non-Field] field; plain
Kobayashi - 小 - Little Forest
Codisima - 小 島 - small + island
Koike - 小 池 - small + pond
Komatsu - 小 松 - Little Pine
Condo - 近藤 - Close + Wisteria
Concyc - 小 西 - Little + West
Koyama - 小 山 - Little Mountain
Cubo - 久保 - Long + support
Cubot - 久保田 - Long + maintain + rice field
Kudo: - 工藤 - working + wisteria
Kumagai - 熊谷 - Bear + Valley
Kurikhara - 栗原 - chestnis + plain, field; steppe
Kouroda - 黒田 - Black rice field
Maruyama - 丸山 - Round + Mountain
Masuda - 増田 - Enlarge + rice field
Matsubara - 松原 - pine + plain, field; steppe
Matsuda - 松田 - pine + rice field
Matsui - 松井 - Pine + Well
Matsumoto - 松本 - pine + base
Matsumura - 松村 - Pine + Village
Matsuo - 松尾 - Pine + Tail
Matsuoka - 松岡 - Pine + Hill
Matsushita - 松下 - pine + under, bottom
Matsuura - 松浦 - Pine + Bay
Maeda - 前田 - Behind + Rice Field
Midzuno - 野野 - Water + [Non-Non] field; plain
Minami - 南 - South
Miura - 三浦 - Three Bays
Miyazaki - 宮崎 - Temple, Palace + Cape
MIKE - 三 宅 - Three houses
Miyamoto - 宮本 - Temple, Palace + Found
Miyata - 宮田 - Temple, Palace + Rice field
Mori - 森 - Forest
Morimoto - 森本 - Forest + Found
Morita - 森田 - Forest + rice field
Motifezuki - 望月 - Full Moon
Murakov - 村村 - Village + top
Murata - 村田 - Village + rice field
Nagai - 永井 - Eternal Well
Nagata - 永田 - Eternal rice field
NATO - 内藤 - inside + wisteria
Nakagawa - 中 川 - Mid + River
Nakadzima / Nakasima - 中 島 - Mid + Island
Nakamura - 中 村 - Mid + Village
Nakanisi - 中西 - West + Mid
Nakan - 中 野 - middle + [Non-Field] field; plain
Single / Nakada - 中 田 - Mid + Rice Field
Nakayama - 中 山 - middle + mountain
Narita - 成田 - to form + rice field
Ning - 西田 - West + rice field
Nisikawa - 西川 - West + River
Nisimura - 西村 - West + Village
Niciima - 西山 - West + Mountain
Nogi - 野口 - [Non-Non] field; Plain + mouth, entrance
Node - 野田 - [Non-Non] field; Plain + rice field
Nomura - 野村 - [Non-Non] field; Plain + Village
Ogawa - 小 川 - Little River
Oda - 小田 - Little Rice Field
Odzava - 小沢 / 小 澤 - Little swamp
Sandesack - 尾崎 - Tail + Cape
Oka - 岡 - Hill
Okada - 岡田 - Hill + rice field
Okazaki - 岡崎 - Hill + Cape
Okamoto - 岡本 - Hill + Found
Okumura - 奥村 - Deep (Hidden) + Village
It is 小野 - small + [non-void] field; plain
Ooisi - 大 石 - Big Stone
Ookup - 大 久保 - big + long + support
Oomori - 大森 - Big Forest
Oonysty - 大西 - Big West
UNO - 大野 - Big + [Non-Non] field; plain
Oozava - 大沢 / 大澤 - big swamp
Oosima - 大島 - big island
Ota - 太田 - big + rice field
Otani - 大谷 - Big Valley
Oohasi - 大 橋 - Big Bridge
Ootsuka - 大 塚 - Big + Hill
Sawada - 沢田 / 澤田 - swamp + rice field
Saito: - 斉藤 / 齊藤 - equal + wisteria
Saito: - 斎藤 / 齋藤 - purification (religious) + wisteria
Sakai - 酒井 - Alcohol + Well
Sakamoto - 坂本 - Slope +
Sakurai - 桜井 / 櫻井 - Sakura + Well
Sano - 佐野 - assistant + [Non-Non] field; plain
Sasaki - 佐々木 - Pickup workers + tree
Sato: - 佐藤 - Assistant + Wisteria
Sibata - 柴田 - Brushwood + rice field
SIMADA - 島田 - Island + rice field
Simiza - 清清 - clean water
Sinohara - 篠原 - low bamboo + plain, field; steppe
Sugavara - 菅原 - Single + plain, field; steppe
Sugimoto - 杉本 - Japanese cedar + roots
Sugia - 杉山 - Japanese cedar + mountain
Suzuki - 鈴木 - Bell (Call) + Tree
SUTO / SPEA - 須藤 - certainly + wisteria
SEKI - 関 / 關 - Zavada; barrier
Taguti - 田口 - Rice floor + mouth
Takagi - 高木 - High Tree
Takada / Takata - 高田 - High + Rice Field
Takano - 高野 - High + [Non-Non] field; plain
Takahasi - 高橋 - High + Bridge
Oakama - 高山 - High Mountain
Taked - 武田 - military + rice field
Takeuti - 竹内 - Bamboo + inside
Tamura - 田村 - Rice field + village
Tanabe - 田辺 / 田邊 - rice field + surroundings
Tanaka - 田中 - Rice field + middle
Tanyiguti - 谷口 - Valley + mouth, entrance
Tiba - 千葉 - one thousand leaves
Fuck - 内田 - inside + rice field
UTIA - 内山 - inside + mountain
WEDA / Weta - 田田 - top + rice field
Weno - 野野 - Top + [Non-Non] field; plain
Fujiwara - 藤原 - wisteria + plain, field; steppe
Fuji - 藤井 - Wisteria + Well
Fuzzimoto - 藤本 - Wisteria + Basis
Fujitite - 藤田 - Wisteria + Rice field
Floom - 福田 - Happiness, well-being + rice field
Fukui - 福井 - Happiness, well-being + well
Fukushima - 福島 - Happiness, well-being + island
Furukawa - 古川 - Old River
Haagivara - 萩原 - Lestec two-color + plain, field; steppe
Hamada - 浜田 / 濱田 - shore + rice field
Hara - 原 - plain, field; steppe
Harada - 原田 - plain, field; steppe + rice field
Hasimoto - 橋本 - Bridge + Basis
Hasegawa - 長谷川 - Long + Valley + River
Hattori - 服部 - clothes, subordinate + part; sector;
Hayakawa - 早川 - Early + River
Hayashi - 林 - Forest
Higuta - 樋口 - Gulb; stock + mouth, entrance
Hirai - 平井 - Smooth Well
Hirano - 平野 - smooth + [non-void] field; plain
Hirata - 平田 - Smooth + rice field
Hires - 広瀬 / 廣瀬 - wide rapid flow
Homma - 本 間 - base + gap, room, good luck
Honda - 本田 - Basis + Rice field
Hori - 堀 - Channel
Hoshino - 野野 - Star + [Non-Non] field; plain
Tsuji - 辻 - Street
Course - 土屋 - Earth + House
Yamaguchi - 山口 - Mountain + Roth, entrance
Yamada - 山田 - Mountain + Rice Field
Yamadzaki / Yamasaki - 山崎 - Mountain + Cape
Yamamoto - 山本 - Mountain + Basis
Yamanaka - 山 中 - Mountain + Mid
Yamasita - 山下 - Mount + Under, bottom
Yamauti - 山 内 - Mount + inside
Yano - 矢野 - Arrow + [Non-Non] field; plain
Yasuda - 田田 - calm + rice field.

Japanese names and their meanings ...

Japanese name (Yap. 人 名 Dzimmey?) Nowadays, as a rule, consists of a generic name (surname), and following his personal name. This is a very common practice for Eastern and Southeast Asia, including for Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai and some other cultures.

Names are usually recorded with Kanji, which in different cases may have many different pronunciation options.

Modern Japanese names can be compared with names in many other cultures. All Japanese has the only surname and the only name without patronymic, with the exception of the Japanese imperial family, whose members do not have a surname.

In Japan, first goes the surname, and then the name. At the same time, in Western languages \u200b\u200b(often in Russian), Japanese names are recorded in the reverse order name - surname - according to the European tradition.

Names in Japan are often creating independently from available signs, so there is a huge number of unique names in the country. The names are more traditional and most often go to toponyms. Names in Japanese are much larger than the names. Male and female names differ due to the components and structure characteristic of them. Reading Japanese names of own - one of the most complex elements of the Japanese.

The tables below can be traced, how the addictions were changed when choosing names over the past almost 100 years:

Popular names for boys

Year / Place 1 2 3 4 5

1915 Kiyoshi Saburou Shigeru Masao Tadashi

1925 Kiyoshi Shigeru Isamu Saburou Hiroshi

1935 Hiroshi Kiyoshi Isamu Minoru Susumu

1945 Masaru Isamu Susumu Kiyoshi Katsutoshi

1955 Takashi Makoto Shigeru Osamu Yutaka

1965 Makoto Hiroshi Osamu Naoki Tetsuya

1975 Makoto Daisuke Manabu Tsuyoshi Naoki

1985 Daisuke Takuya Naoki Kenta Kazuya

1995 Takuya Kenta Shouta Tsubasa Daiki

2000 Shou Shouta Daiki Yuuto Takumi

Popular Names for Girls

Year / Place 1 2 3 4 5

1915 Chiyo Chiyoko Fumiko Shizuko Kiyo

1925 Sachiko Fumiko Miyoko Hirsako Yoshiko

1935 Kazuko Sachiko Setsuko Hiroko Hisako

1945 Kazuko Sachiko Youko Setsuko Hiroko

1955 Youko Keiko Kyouko Sachiko Kazuko

1965 Akemi Mayumi Yumiko Keiko Kumiko

1975 Kumiko Yuuko Mayumi Tomoko Youko

1985 AI Mai Mami Megumi Kaori

1995 Misaki Ai Haruka Kana Mai

2000 Sakura Yuuka Misaki Natsuki Nanami

AI - Well - Love

AIKO - Well - Favorite Baby

Akako - F - red

Akane - Well - Sparkling Red

Akemi - Well - dazzling beautiful

Akeno - M - Clear Morning

AKI - W - Born in the fall

Akiko - Well - Autumn Child

AKINA - W - Spring Flower

Akio - M - Handsome

Akira - M - intelligent, smart

Akiyama - M - autumn, mountain

Amaya - Well - Night Rain

Ami - friend

Amida - M - Buddha name

Anda - Well - Meeting in the Field

Aneko - Well - older sister

Anzu - Well - Apricot

Arata - M - inexperienced

Arisu - Well - Yap. The form of Alice

Asuka - Well - Aroma of tomorrow

Ayame - W - Iris

Azarni - f - thistle flower

Benjiro - M - enjoying the world

Botan - M - Peony

Chika - Well - Wisdom

Chikako - Wisdom Wisdom

Chinatsu - Well - Thousand Years

Chiyo - F - Eternity

Chizu - Well - one thousand storks (meant longevity)

CHO - W - Butterfly

DAI - M / F - Great / Aya

Daichi - M - Great First Son

Daiki - M - Great Tree

Daisuke - M - Great Help

Etsu - Well - delightful, charming

Etsuko - Well - Delightful Child

FUDO - M - God of fire and wisdom

Fujita - m / f - field, meadow

GIN - W - Silver

GORO - M - Fifth Son

Hana - F flower

Hanako - F - Flower Child

HARU - M - Born in Spring

Haruka - Far

Haruko - Well - Spring

Hachiro - M - Eighth Son

Hideaki - M - brilliant, excellent

Hikaru - M / F - Light Shiny

Hide - Well - prolific

Hiroko - g - generous

Hiroshi - M - generous

Hitomi - Well - doubly beautiful

Hoshi - W - Star

Hotaka - M - Mountain name in Japan

Hotaru - Well - Firefly

Ichiro - M - First Son

Ima - g - gift

Isami - M - courage

ISHI - W - Stone

Izanami - Well - Failing

Izumi - Fon Fountain

Jiro - M - Second Son

Joben - M - Loving Clean

Jomei - M - carrier light

JUNKO - Well - Clean Child

Juro - M - Tenth Son

Kado - M - Gate

Kaede - F - Sheet of Maple

Kagami - W - Mirror

Kameko - W - Child Child (longevity symbol)

Kanaye - M - Diece

KANO - M - God of water

Kasumi - Fog

Katashi - M - hardness

Katsu - M - Victory

Katsuo - M - Victory Child

Katsuro - M - Victorious Son

Kazuki - M - Joyful World

Kazuko - Well - Cheerful Baby

Kazuo - M - Cute Son

KEI - G - respectful

Keiko - Well - adored

Keitaro - M - Blessed

Ken - M - Healthy

Ken`Ichi - M - Strong First Son

Kenji - M - strong second son

Kenshin - M - heart sword

Kenta - M - Healthy and Brave

Kichi - Well - lucky

Kichiro - M - Lucky Son

Kiku - G - Chrysanthemum

Kimiko - Well - Child of Noble Blood

KIN - M - Golden

Kioko - Well - Happy Child

Kisho - M - Having his head on his shoulders

Kita - Zh - North

Kiyoko - Well - Clean

Kiyoshi - m - quiet

Kohaku - m / w - amber

Kohana - Well - Little Flower

Koko - W - Stork

Koto - Zh - Yap. Musical instrument "Koto"

Kotone - Well - Sound Koto

Kumiko - Well - forever beautiful

Kuri - Well - Chestnut

Kuro - M - Ninth Son

KYO - M - consent (or red)

Kyoko - W - Mirror

Leiko - Well - arrogant

Machi - Well - Ten thousand years

Machiko - Well - Lucky Child

Maeko - Well - Honest Baby

Maemi - Well - sincere smile

Mai - Well - Bright

Makoto - M - sincere

Mamiko - F - Child Mami

Mamoru - M - Earth

Manami - Well - Beauty of Love

MARIKO - F - Baby Truth

Marise - M / F - Endless / Aya

Masa - m / w - straightforward (person)

Masakazu - M - First Son Masa

Mashiro - M - Wide

Matsu - W - Pine

Mayako - Well - Child MAYA

Mayoko - Well - Child MAYO

Mayuko - Well - Child MAYU

Michi - Well - Fair

Michie - Well - elegant hanging flower

Michiko - Well - Beautiful and Wise

Michio - M - man with a force of three thousand

MIDORI - G - Green

Mihoko - Well - Child Miho

Mika - Well - New Moon

Miki - m / w - Sellek

Mikio - M - Three Woven Tree

MINA - Zh - South

MINAKO - Well - beautiful baby

Mine - Well - Brave Defender

Minoru - M - Seed

Misaki - Well - Beauty Flower

Mitsuko - W - Child Light

Miya - F - Three arrows

Miyako - Well - Beautiful Child Martha

Mizuki - Well - Beautiful Moon

Momoko - Well - Persix

Montaro - M - Big Guy

Moriko - Forest Child

Morio - M - Forest Boy

Mura - W - Rustic

Mutsuko - Well - Child Mutsu

Nahoko - Well - Child Naho

Nami - Well - Wave

Namiko - G - Child Waves

Nana - Well - Apple

Naoko - Well - obedient child

Naomi - Well - "First of all, beauty"

Nara - Well - Oak

Nariko - Well - Sleep

Natsuko - W - Summer Child

Natsumi - Well - Beautiful Summer

Nayoko - Well - Child Nayo

Nibori - M - famous

Nikki - m / w - two trees

Nikko - M - Daylight

NORI - F - Law

Noriko - G - Child of Law

Nozomi - Well - Hope

Nyoko - Well - Gem

OKI - G - Middle Ocean

Orino - Well - Peasant Meadow

Osamu - M - the hardness of the law

Rafu - M - Network

Rai - Well - Truth

Raidon - M - God thunder

RAN - W - Water Lily

Rei - g rather thanks

Reiko - G. Thanks

REN - W - Water Lily

Renjiro - M - honest

Renzo - M - Third Son

Riko - Well - Dity Jasmine

Rin - Well - Envoy

Rinji - M - Mirny Forest

Rini - Well - Little Bunny

Risako - Well - Baby Risa

Ritsuko - F - Child Ritsu

Roka - M - White Wave Comb

Rokuro - M - Sixth Son

Ronin - M - Samurai without a host

Rumiko - Well - Child Rumi

RURI - W - Emerald

Ryo - M - Excellent

Ryoichi - M - First Son RYO

Ryoko - Well - Child Ryo

Ryota - M - strong (fat)

Ryozo - M - Third Son RYO

Ryuichi - M - First Son RYU

Ryuu - M - Dragon

Saburo - M - Third Son

Sachi - F - Happiness

Sachiko - Well - Child of Happiness

Sachio - M - Fortunately Born

SAEKO - F - Baby SAE

Saki - F Cape (geographer.)

Sakiko - Well - Child Saki

Sakuko - Well - Child Saku

Sakura - Well - Cherry Flowers

Sanako - F - Child Sana

SANGO - W - Coral

Saniiro - M - Wonderful

SATU - W - Sugar

Sayuri - Well - Little Lily

Seiichi - M - First Son Sei

SEN - M - Tree Spirit

Shichiro - M - Seventh Son

Shika - Well - deer

Shima - M - Islander

Shina - Well - decent

Shinichi - M - First Son Shin

Shiro - M - Fourth Son

SHIZUKA - F - quiet

Sho - M - prosperity

SORA - W - Sky

SORANO - W - Heavenly

Suki - Well - Favorite

Suma - Well - asking

Sumi - Well - Claimed (religious)

Susumi - M - moving forward (successful)

Suzu - Well - Bell (Bubrenchik)

Suzume - Well - Sparrow

Tadao - M - helpful

Taka - Well - noble

Takako - Well - High Child

Takara - W - Treasure

Takashi - M - famous

Takehiko - M - Bamboo Prince

Takeo - M - like bamboo

Takeshi - M - bamboo tree or brave

Takumi - M - Craftsman

TAMA - M / F - Gemstone

Tamiko - Well - baby abundance

Tani - F - from the valley (child)

TARO - M - firstborn

Taura - M - Many lakes; Many rivers

Teijo - M - Fair

Tomeo - M - Caution Man

Tomiko - Well - Baby Wealth

Tora - W - Tigress

Torio - M - Bird Tail

Toru - M - Sea

TOSHI - F - Mirror Reflection

Toshiro - M - Talented

Toya - m / w - door at home

Tsukiko - W - Child Moon

Tsuyu - W - Morning Dew

UDO - M - Ginseng

UME - Well - Plum Flower

Umeko - Well - child of plum colors

Usagi - f - rabbit

Uyeda - M - from the rice field (child)

Yachi - f - eight thousand

Yasu - Well - calm

Yasuo - M - Mirny

Yayoi - w - March

Yogi - M - practicing yoga

Yoko - Well - Sun Child

Yori - Well - Certificate

Yoshi - g - perfection

Yoshiko - Well - Perfect Baby

Yoshiro - M - Perfect Son

Yuki - M - Snow

Yukiko - Well - Snow Child

Yukio - M - Sleeping God

Yuko - Well - Good child

Yumako - Well - Child Yuma

Yumi - f - like onions (weapon)

Yumiko - Well - Child

Yuri - Well - Lily

Yuriko - Well - Child Lily

Yuu - M - Noble Blood

YUUDAI - M - Great Hero

Nagisa - "Coast"

Kaworu - "Facely"

Ritsuko - "Science", "Attitude"

Akagi - "Red Tree"

Shinji - "Death"

Misato - "Beautiful City"

Katsuragi - "Fortress with walls, lucked grass"

ASUKA - letters. "Love-love"

Soryu - "Central Current"

Ayanami - "Fabric strip", "Wave pattern"

Rei - "Zero", "example", "Soul"

Kenshin-name means "sword heart".

Akito - Sparkling Man

KURAMORI REIKA - "Treasure Defender" and "Cold Summer" Rurouni - Wandering Wanderer

Himura - "Burning Village"

Shishio Makoto - True Hero

Takani Megumi - "Elevated Love"

Shinomori Aoshi - "Green Bamboo Forest"

Makimachi Misao - "Manage the City"

Saito Hajime - "Human Life Start"

Hiko Seijuro - "Stopped Justice"

SETA SOJIRO - "Community Forgiveness"

Miraia - Future

Hudzima - Head

Mamorra - Defender

Gib - Earth

Hikari - Light

Atharase - Transfiguration

Namoid - Tears

Sora - Sky

Jean - Universe

Eve - Live

Iza - doctor

Usagi - hare

Tsukino - Moon

Rey - Soul

Gino - fire

Ami - Rain

Mitsuno - Water

Corey - Loda, Ice

Makoto - True

Cinema - Air, Forest

Minako - Venus

Aino - Loving

Sotsuna - Guard

Maine - Castle, Palace

Haruka - 1) Dal, 2) Heavenly

Teno - Heavenly

Michiru - Path

Kayo - Maritime

Hotaru - light

Tomo - friend.

Cory - soft, affectionate

Yumi - "Fragrant Beauty"

Hakufa-noble sign

How to call a child?

For future parents in Japan, special collections of names are produced in Japan - as well as we are in general - so that they can choose their own more suitable. In general, the selection process (or coming up) the name is reduced to one of the following paths:

1. The keyword can be used in the name - seasonal phenomenon, color shade, gem, etc.

2. The name may be the wish of parents to become strong, wise or bold, for which, respectively, the hieroglyphs of force, wisdom and courage are used.

3. You can also go from the choice of the most liked hieroglyphs (in various writing) and their combinations with each other.

4. Recently, it became popular to call a child, focusing on the rumor, i.e. Depending on how much the desired name is like hearing. By selecting the desired pronunciation, the hieroglyphs that this name will be recorded.

5. It was always popular to call a child in honor of celebrities - heroes of historical chronicles, politicians, pop stars, heroes of serials, etc.

6. Some parents rely different divination, believe that the number of features in the hieroglyphs of the name and the surname should be combined with each other.

The most frequent endings of Japanese names:

Men's names: ~ Aki, ~ Fumi, ~ Go, ~ Haru, ~ Hei, ~ Hiko, ~ Hisa, ~ Hide, ~ Hiro, ~ Ji, ~ Kazu, ~ Ki, ~ Ma, ~ Masa, ~ Michi, ~ Mitsu , ~ Nari, ~ Nobu, ~ Nori, ~ O, ~ Rou, ~ SHI, ~ Shige, ~ Suke, ~ Ta, ~ Taka, ~ To, ~ Toshi, ~ Tomo, ~ Ya, ~ zou

Women's names: ~ A, ~ Chi, ~ E, ~ Ho, ~ I, ~ Ka, ~ Ki, ~ Ko, ~ Mi, ~ Na, ~ No, ~ O, ~ Ri, ~ SA, ~ Ya, ~ yo

Nominal suffixes

Personal pronouns

Japanese personal suffixes and personal pronouns

Nominal suffixes

In Japanese, there is a whole set of so-called registered suffixes, that is, the suffixes added in colloquial speech to the names, surnames, nicknames and other words denoting the interlocutor or a third party. They are used to designate social relations between the speaking and those talking about. The selection of suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the nature of the speaker (normal, rough, very polite), his attitude to the listener (ordinary politeness, respect, enhancing, rudeness, arrogance), their position in society and the situation in which the conversation occurs (one on one, in a circle of loved ones Friends, between colleagues, between unfamiliar people, in humans). This follows the list of some of these suffixes (in ascending order of "respect" and their usual meanings.

CHAN (CHAN) is a close analogue of the "dimensional-cave" suffixes of the Russian language. Usually used in relation to the younger or lower in the social sense, with which close relationships are. In the use of this suffix, the element "Sysyukanya" is felt. Usually used when applying adults to children, guys to his beloved girls, girlfriends to each other, young children to each other. The use of this suffix in relation to not very close people equal to the speaker is impolite. Let's say if the guy appeals to the peevant, with which it does not "turn the novel", then it shows incorrectness. The girl, applying to the guy-row, with whom he does not "revolve the novel" - in essence, Hamit.

Kun (KUN) is an analogue of the appeal "Comrade". Most often used between men or towards guys. Indicates, rather, on some "official", nevertheless, close relationships. Let's say between classmates, partners or buddies. It can also be used in relation to the youngest or lower in the social sense, when in this circumstance do not need to focus.

Yang (YAN) is the Kansian analogue "-than" and "-kun".

Pon (Pyon) - Children's option "-KUN".

TTI (CCHI) - Children's option "-then" (cf. Tamagotti.

Without suffixes - close relationship, but without "Sysyukanya." The usual appeal of adults to teenage children, friends to each other, etc. If a person does not use suffix at all, this is a clear indicator of rudeness. The appeal by the surname without suffix is \u200b\u200ba sign of familiar, but "removed" relationships (a characteristic example is the relationship of schoolchildren or students).

San (SAN) is an analogue of the Russian "Mr. / Madam". General indication for respectful attitude. It is often used to communicate with unfamiliar people, or when all other suffixes are not suitable. Used in relation to the elders, including senior relatives (brothers, sisters, parents).

Han (HAN) - Kansian analog "-san".

SI (SHI) - "Mr." is used exclusively in official documents after the last name.

Fujin (Fujin) - "Mrs." is used exclusively in official documents after the last name.

Kohai (Kouhai) - appeal to the younger. Especially often - at school in relation to those who are younger than saying.

Sempai (Senpai) - appeal to the older. Especially often - at school in relation to those who are older than speaking.

Dono (Dono) is a rare suffix. Respectful appeal to equal or higher, but slightly different in position. Currently, it is considered obsolete and practically does not occur in communication. In antiquity, was actively used when contacting samurai to each other.

SENSEI - "Teacher". Used in relation to actually teachers and teachers, as well as to doctors and politicians.

SENSHU (SENSHU) - "Athlete". Used in relation to famous athletes.

Zeki (Zeki) - "Sumo Wrestle". Used relative to the known chances.

UE (UE) - "Senior". Rare and outdated respectful suffix, used in relation to senior family members. Not used with names - only with the designations of the situation in the family ("Father", "Mother", "Brother".

SAMA (SAMA) is the highest degree of respect. Appeal to the gods and spirits, to spiritual authorities, girls to the beloved, servants to hide-stone owners, etc. In Russian, approximately translated as "respected, dear, expensive."

Dzin (Jin) - "One of". Saya Dzin is "one of Saya".

Tati (Tachi) - "and friends." "Goku-Tati" - "Goku and his friends".

Gumi (Gumi) - "Team, Group, Tusovka". "Kencin-Gumi" - "Kencin Team".

Japanese names and their meanings

Personal pronouns

In addition to registered suffixes, in Japan, many different ways of appealing to each other are also used with personal pronouns. The choice of pronoun is determined by the above-mentioned social laws. Next follows a list of some of these pronouns.

Group with the meaning "I"

Vatakusi (Watakushi) is a very polite female option.

Vasi (Washi) is an outdated polite option. Do not depend on gender.

Wai (WAI) is the Kansian analogue of "Vasi".

Boku (Boku) is a familiar youth male option. Women are rarely used, in this case, "gentleness" is emphasized. Used in poetry.

Ore (Ore) is not very polite option. Purely male. Type, steep. ^ _ ^

Ore-Sama (ORE-SAMA) - "Great I". Rare shape, extreme degree of boasting.

Daiko or Naiko (Daikou / Naikou) is an analogue "Ore-Sami", but somewhat less boastful.

SESSHA (Sessha) is a very polite form. Usually used by samurai when contacting their gentlemen.

Hisø (Hishou) - "insignificant." Very polite form, now practically not used.

Gusei (Gusei) is an analogue "Hisø", but somewhat less humiliating.

Oir (Oira) is a polite form. Usually used by monks.

TIN (CHIN) is a special form that only the emperor has the right to use.

Ware (Ware) - polite (formal) form, translated as [I / You] "myself". Used when it is necessary to especially express the importance of "I". Let's say in the spells ("I spell". In modern Japanese, in the meaning "I" is rarely used. It is often used to form a return form, for example, "Forgetting about yourself" - "Warre Vasuremet".

[Name or speaker position] - used by children or when communicating with them, usually in the family. Say, the girl named Atsuko can say "Atsuko wants to drink." Or her elder brother, referring to her, can say "Brother will bring you juice." There is an element of "Sysyukanya", but such an appeal is quite acceptable.

Group Co "We"

Watasi-Tachi (Watashi-Tachi) is a polite option.

Ware-Ware - Ware-Ware - very polite, formal option.

Bokura (Bokura) - ignorable option.

Toho (Touhou) is the usual option.

Group CO value "You / You":

Anata (Anata) is a common polite option. Also the usual appeal of his wife to her husband ("Dear".

Anta (Anta) is less polite option. Usually used by young people. Easy shade of disrespect.

Otaku (Otaku) - literally translated as "Your Home". Very polite and rare shape. Due to the Ernic use by Japanese neformals in relation to each other, the second meaning was secured - "Feng, Psych".

Kimi (Kimi) is a polite option, often between friends. Used in poetry.

Kijou (Kijou) - "Madam". A very polite form of appeal to the lady.

Onushi - "insignificant." Outdated form of polite speech.

Omae (OMAE) - the familiar (when contacting the ease - an offensive) option. Usually used by men in relation to socially younger (father for daughter, let's say).

TEMAE / TEMEE - an offensive male option. Usually in relation to the enemy. Something like "bastard" or "bastard".

Onore (ONORE) - an offensive option.

Kisama - a very offensive option. Translated from points. ^ _ ^, Oddly enough, literally translated as "noble lord."

Japanese names

Modern Japanese names consist of two parts - the surname, which is first, and the name that is second. True, the Japanese often write their own names in the "European order" (name - surname), if they write their routeji. For convenience, the Japanese sometimes write their surname with capital letters so that it is not confused with the name (because of the above-described difference).

The exception is the emperor and members of his family. They have no surnames. Girls marrying princes also lose their last names.

Ancient names and surnames

Before the restoration of Maidzi, the names were only among the aristocrats (KUGE) and samurai (beads). All the rest of Japan's population was content with personal names and nicknames.

Women of aristocratic and samurai families also did not usually be surnames, as they did not have inheritance rights. In cases where the names in women were still, they did not change them when married.

The names were divided into two groups - the names of the aristocrats and the names of Samurai.

Unlike the number of samurai names, the number of the names of the aristocrats almost did not increase from ancient times. Many of them were adjacent to the priest past Japanese aristocracy.

The most complicated and respected clans of the aristocrats were: Conoe, Takasi, Kudzo, Ihidzo and Godzu. They all belonged to the family of Fujiwara and had a common name - "Gosetsuk". From among men of this kind, Regents (SESSU) and Chancellors (Campak) of Japan were appointed, and from among women - wives were chosen for emperors.

The following are clans of Hirokhate, Diago, Kuga, Oymikado, Sayondi, Sandjo, Imaidagawa, Tokundayji and Kaine. Of their numbers, the highest state dignitaries were appointed.

Thus, the representatives of the Saiondi clan served by the imperial stables (mayoro but Gogan). Next, all other aristocratic clans have already followed.

The hierarchy of the knowledge of aristocratic genera began to develop in the 6th century and existed until the end of the XI century, when power in the country moved to samurai. Among them, the clans of Genzy (Minamoto), Heike (Taira), Hodzo, Asicaga, Tokugawa, Matsudayra, Hosokawa, Simaja, Oda were used. A number of their representatives at different times were signes (military rulers) of Japan.

The personal names of the aristocrats and high-ranking samurai were formed from two kandzi (hieroglyphs) of the "noble" meaning.

Personal names Samurai servants and peasants were often given on the "numbering" principle. The first son is Itiro, the second - Dziro, the third - Saburo, the fourth - Siro, the fifth - Goro, etc. Also, except for "-ro-", for this purpose, the suffixes "-Emond", "-die", "-DZO", "SUKE", "- BE" were used.

Upon joining a samurai during the day, he chose a different name, rather than what was given to him at birth. Sometimes samurai changed their names and for adulthood, for example, to emphasize the onset of her new period (promotion or relocation to another service place). Mr. possessed the right to renaming his vassal. In the case of a serious illness, the name was sometimes changed to the name of the Buddha Amida to appeal to his grace.

According to the rules of samurai fights before the fight, Samurai had to call his full name so that the enemy could decide whether he was worthy of such an opponent. Of course, in life this rule was respected much less frequently than in novels and chronicles.

At the end of the names of girls from noble families, suffix "-Hime" was added. It is often translated as a "princess", but in fact it was used in relation to all the notable young ladies.

For the names of Samurai, the sulfix "-dzen" was used. Often they were called simply by the name and rank of her husband. Personal names of married women were practically used only by their close relatives.

For the names of monks and nuns from the noble classes were used suffix "-in".

Modern names and surnames

During the restoration of Maidzi, all the Japanese were assigned surnames. Naturally, most of them were associated with various signs of peasant life, especially with rice and its processing. These surnames, as well as the surnames of the highest estate, were also usually made up of two kanzi.

The most common now Japanese surnames - Suzuki, Tanaka, Yamamoto, Watanabe, Saito, Sato, Sasaki, Kudo, Takahasi, Kobeayasi, Kato, Ito, Murakami, Oonishi, Yamaguti, Nakamura, Kuroka, Higa.

Male names changed less. They are still often dependent on the "ordinal number" of the Son in the family. The suffixes "-Iti" and "-Kadza" meaning "First Son", as well as the suffixes "-dzi" ("The Second Son" and "-DZO" ("The Third Son".

Most Japanese female names end on "-ko" ("child" or "-mi" ("Great". Girls, as a rule, are given names associated with all the beautiful, pleasant and feminine. Unlike male names, women's Names are usually recorded not Kanji, but a chiragana.

Some modern girls do not like the end of "-ko" in their names and prefer to lower it. For example, the girl named "Yuriko" can call himself "yuri".

According to the law, adopted during the Emperor Maidzi, after making a marriage, her husband and wife are obliged to take one surname. In 98% of cases, this is the surname of the husband. For several years now in Parliament, amendment to the Civil Code, which resolving spouses to leave the breasting surnames has been discussed. However, while it cannot dial the required number of votes.

the Japanese Death Donet receives a new, posthumous name (Kaimo), which is written on a special wooden plate (IHAY). This sign is considered to be an embodiment of the spirit of the deceased and is used in the memorial rituals. Kaimo and Yikhai are bought from Buddhist monks - sometimes even before the death of man.

Surname in Japanese is called "Möji" (苗字 or 名字), "UDI" (氏) or "Say" (姓).

The vocabulary composition of the Japanese language for a long time shared for two types: Vago (Yap. 和語?) - Cornly Japanese words and Kango (Yap. 漢語?) - Borrowed from China. The same types are divided and the names are divided into the same types, the new type is actively expanding - the new type - Guyraigo (Yap. 外来語?) - Borrowed from other languages \u200b\u200bwords, but in the names of the components of this type rarely are used.

Modern Japanese names are divided into the following groups:

cune (consisting of Wago)

these (consisting of kango)


The ratio of kunty and mental surnames is about 80% by 20%.

The most common names in Japan:

Sato (Yap. 佐藤 Sato :?)

Suzuki (Yap. 鈴木?)

Takahasi (Yap. 高橋?)

Tanaka (Yap. 田中?)

Watanabe (Yap. 渡辺?)

Ito (Yap. 伊藤 ITO :?)

Yamamoto (Yap. 山本?)

Nakamura (Yap. 中村?)

OhAsyasi (Yap. 小 林?)

Kobayashi (Yap. 小 林?) (Different surnames, however they are written in the same way and have about the same distribution)

Kato (Yap. 加藤 Kato :?)

Many surnames, although they are read on any (Chinese) reading, go back to ancient Japanese words and recorded phonetically, and not in meaning.

Examples of such surnames: Cubo (Yap. 久保?) - from Yap. Cubo (Yap. 窪?) - Snack; Sasaki (Yap. 佐々木?) - From the ancient-glazky Sasa - small; Abe (Yap. 阿部?) - From the ancient word APE - to connect, mix. If you take into account such surnames, the number of original Japanese surnames reaches 90%.

For example, the hieroglyph 木 ("tree") is read by KUN as ki, however, it can be read in the names. Hieroglyph 上 ("Up") can be read by KUNA both UE and Kami. There are two different surnames of Itemura and Camimura, which are recorded equally - 上. In addition, there are lines and fusion of sounds at the junction of components, for example, in the names of Atsumi (Yap. 美?) Components are individually read as Antsui and Umi; And the name 金 成 (Kana + Nari) is often read just like Canari.

When a combination of hieroglyphs is typically alternating the end of the first component A / E and O / A - for example, 金 Cana - Canagaba (Yap. 金川?), 白 Siro - Syrac (Yap. 白岡?). In addition, the initial syllables of the second component often become ringing, for example 山田 Yamada (pit + ta), 宮崎 Miyazaki (Mia + Saki). Also, the surnames also contain the remainder of the case of the case, but or hectares (in ancient times it was taken to put them between the name and the surname). Usually this indicator is not written, but reads - for example, 一 宮 Itinomy (ITI + Mia); 榎本 ENOMOTO (E + Moto). But sometimes the case of the case is displayed on a letter to a surgean, catacan or hieroglyph - for example, 井 之上 inoue (and + but + Ue); 木ノ 下 Kinosita (ki + catakana but + sieu).

The overwhelming majority of surnames in Japanese consist of two hieroglyphs, less often meet the names from one or three signs and are very rare four-digit and more names.

One-component surnames are mostly Japanese origin and are formed from nouns or median forms of verbs. For example, Vatari (Yap. 渡?) - from Vatari (Yap. 渡り Crossing?), Hut (Yap. 畑?) - The word hut means "plantation, garden". It is much less likely there are centimes consisting of one hieroglyph. For example, Tyu (Yap. 兆 Te :?) - means "trillion", in (j. 因?) - "Cause".

Japanese surnames consisting of two components Most are called numbers in 60-70%. Of these, most of them make up the surnames from Japanese roots - it is believed that such names are the most simple to read, since most of them are read by the usual kuns used in the language. Examples - Matsumoto (Yap. 松本?) - consists of "pine" and moto "root" used in the language of nouns " Kiyimiz (Yap. 清清?) - consists of the foundation of the adjective 清い Kiyoy - "clean" and noun 水 Midza - "Water". Chinese two-component surnames are less numerous and usually have one single reading option. Often, Chinese surnames contain numbers from one to six (excluding four 四, since this figure is read as well as "death" 死 Si and try not to use it). Examples: ITIDSY: (Yap. 一条?), Saito: (Yap. 斉藤?). There are also mixed surnames, where one component is read on ONU, and the other for kunu. Examples: Honda (Yap. 本田?), Hon - "Basis" (Onan reading) + Ta - "Rice field" (kunny reading); Batsumiya (Yap. 別宮?), Betzu - "Special, Difference" (Onan reading) + Mia - "Temple" (kunny reading). Also, a very small part of the names can be read, both on the onas and by kunami: 坂西 Bandzay and Sakanisi, 宮内 Kunai and Miyauti.

In three-component surnames often encounter Japanese roots recorded phonetically recorded. Examples: 久保田 "Cubot (probably the word 窪 Kubo" Yamka "is recorded in phonetically as 久保), 阿久津 Akutu (the word くく AKU" Open "is written in phonetically as 阿久). However, ordinary three-component surnames consisting of three-kunny readings are also common. Examples: 矢田 部 Yatabe, 小野木 Onoki. Also there are also three-component surnames with Chinese reading.

Four and more component surnames are very rare.

There are surnames with very unusual readings that look like rebuses. Examples: 十八 Vacairo - written by hieroglyphs "Eighteen-year-old girl", and reads like 若色 "Young + color"; The surname indicated by the hieroglyph 一 "one" is read as NINAEA, which can be translated as 二 の 前 n no "before two"; And the surname 穂積 Khodzae, which can be interpreted as "Collabo collection" sometimes recorded as 八月 一日 "The first number of the eighth lunar month" - apparently on this day in ancient, the harvest began.

This is Japanese names with translation into Russian: -) *: -d *

AI - Well - Love
AIKO - Well - Favorite Baby
Akako - F - red
Akane - Well - Sparkling Red
Akemi - Well - dazzling beautiful
Akeno - M - Clear Morning
AKI - W - Born in the fall
Akiko - Well - Autumn Child
AKINA - W - Spring Flower
Akio - M - Handsome
Akira - M - intelligent, smart
Akiyama - M - autumn, mountain
Amaya - Well - Night Rain
Ami - friend
Amiko - m - beautiful girl
Amida - M - Buddha name
Anda - Well - Meeting in the Field
Aneko - Well - older sister
Anzu - Well - Apricot
Arahsi - storm, whirlwind
Arata - M - inexperienced
Arisu - Well - Yap. The form of Alice
Asuka - Well - Aroma of tomorrow
Ayame - W - Iris
Azarni - f - thistle flower
Benjiro - M - enjoying the world
Botan - M - Peony
Chika - Well - Wisdom
Chikako - Wisdom Wisdom
Chinatsu - Well - Thousand Years
Chiyo - F - Eternity
Chizu - Well - one thousand storks (meant longevity)
CHO - W - Butterfly
Dai - M - Great
Dai - G - Great
Daichi - M - Great First Son
Daiki - M - Great Tree
Daisuke - M - Great Help
Etsu - Well - delightful, charming
Etsuko - Well - Delightful Child
FUDO - M - God of fire and wisdom
Fujita - m / f - field, meadow
GIN - W - Silver
GORO - M - Fifth Son
Hana - F flower
Hanako - F - Flower Child
HARU - M - Born in Spring
Haruka - Far
Haruko - Well - Spring
Hachiro - M - Eighth Son
Hideaki - M - brilliant, excellent
Hikaru - M / F - Light Shiny
Hide - Well - prolific
Hiroko - g - generous
Hiroshi - M - generous
Hitomi - Well - doubly beautiful
Hoshi - W - Star
Hotaka - M - Mountain name in Japan
Hotaru - Well - Firefly
Ichiro - M - First Son
Ima - g - gift
Isami - M - courage
ISHI - W - Stone
Izanami - Well - Failing
Izumi - Fon Fountain
Jiro - M - Second Son
Joben - M - Loving Clean
Jomei - M - carrier light
JUNKO - Well - Clean Child
Juro - M - Tenth Son
Yachi - f - eight thousand
Yasu - Well - calm
Yasuo - M - Mirny
Yayoi - w - March
Yogi - M - practicing yoga
Yoko - Well - Sun Child
Yori - Well - Certificate
Yoshi - g - perfection
Yoshiko - Well - Perfect Baby
Yoshiro - M - Perfect Son
Yudsuki - M - Crescent
Yuki - M - Snow
Yukiko - Well - Snow Child
Yukio - M - Sleeping God
Yuko - Well - Good child
Yumako - Well - Child Yuma
Yumi - f - like onions (weapon)
Yumiko - Well - Child
Yuri - Well - Lily
Yuriko - Well - Child Lily
Yuu - M - Noble Blood
YUUDAI - M - Great Hero
Kado - M - Gate
Kaede - F - Sheet of Maple
Kagami - W - Mirror
Kameko - W - Child Child (longevity symbol)
Kanaye - M - zeal - and you thought I took this name from my head?
KANO - M - God of water
Kasumi - Fog
Katashi - M - hardness
Katsu - M - Victory
Katsuo - M - Victory Child
Katsuro - M - Victorious Son
Kazuki - M - Joyful World
Kazuko - Well - Cheerful Baby
Kazuo - M - Cute Son
KEI - G - respectful
Keiko - Well - adored
Keitaro - M - Blessed
Ken - M - Healthy
Ken`Ichi - M - Strong First Son
Kenji - M - strong second son
Kenshin - M - heart sword
Kensiro - M - Heavenly Son
Kenta - M - Healthy and Brave
Kichi - Well - lucky
Kichiro - M - Lucky Son
Kiku - G - Chrysanthemum
Kimiko - Well - Child of Noble Blood
KIN - M - Golden
Kioko - Well - Happy Child
Kisho - M - Having his head on his shoulders
Kita - Zh - North
Kiyoko - Well - Clean
Kiyoshi - m - quiet
Kohaku - m / w - amber
Kohana - Well - Little Flower
Koko - W - Stork
Koto - Zh - Yap. Musical instrument "Koto"
Kotone - Well - Sound Koto
Kumiko - Well - forever beautiful
Kuri - Well - Chestnut
Kuro - M - Ninth Son
KYO - M - consent (or red)
Kyoko - W - Mirror
Leiko - Well - arrogant
Machi - Well - Ten thousand years
Machiko - Well - Lucky Child
Maeko - Well - Honest Baby
Maemi - Well - sincere smile
Mai - Well - Bright
Makoto - M - sincere
Mamiko - F - Child Mami
Mamoru - M - Earth
Manami - Well - Beauty of Love
MARIKO - F - Baby Truth
Marise - M / F - Endless / Aya
Masa - m / w - straightforward (person)
Masakazu - M - First Son Masa
Mashiro - M - Wide
Matsu - W - Pine
Mayako - Well - Child MAYA
Mayoko - Well - Child MAYO
Mayuko - Well - Child MAYU
Michi - Well - Fair
Michie - Well - elegant hanging flower
Michiko - Well - Beautiful and Wise
Michio - M - man with a force of three thousand
MIDORI - G - Green
Mihoko - Well - Child Miho
Mika - Well - New Moon
Miki - m / w - Sellek
Mikio - M - Three Woven Tree
MINA - Zh - South
MINAKO - Well - beautiful baby
Mine - Well - Brave Defender
Minoru - M - Seed
Misaki - Well - Beauty Flower
Mitsuko - W - Child Light
Miya - F - Three arrows
Miyako - Well - Beautiful Child Martha
Mizuki - Well - Beautiful Moon
Momoko - Well - Persix
Montaro - M - Big Guy
Moriko - Forest Child
Morio - M - Forest Boy
Mura - W - Rustic
Muro - m - running away - I chose this name at all because of the sense
Mutsuko - Well - Child Mutsu
Nahoko - Well - Child Naho
Nami - Well - Wave
Namiko - G - Child Waves
Nana - Well - Apple
Naoko - Well - obedient child
Naomi - Well - First of all, beauty
Nara - Well - Oak
Nariko - Well - Sleep
Natsuko - W - Summer Child
Natsumi - Well - Beautiful Summer
Nayoko - Well - Child Nayo
Nibori - M - famous
Nikki - m / w - two trees
Nikko - M - Daylight
NORI - F - Law
Noriko - G - Child of Law
Nozomi - Well - Hope
Nyoko - Well - Gem
OKI - G - Middle Ocean
Orino - Well - Peasant Meadow
Osamu - M - the hardness of the law
Rafu - M - Network
Rai - Well - Truth
Raidon - M - God thunder
RAN - W - Water Lily
Rei - g rather thanks
Reiko - G - gratitude - Most likely there was a "child Rei"
REN - W - Water Lily
Renjiro - M - honest
Renzo - M - Third Son
Riko - Well - Dity Jasmine
Rin - Well - Envoy
Rinji - M - Mirny Forest
Rini - Well - Little Bunny
Risako - Well - Baby Risa
Ritsuko - F - Child Ritsu
Roka - M - White Wave Comb
Rokuro - M - Sixth Son
Ronin - M - Samurai without a host
Rumiko - Well - Child Rumi
RURI - W - Emerald
Ryo - M - Excellent
Ryoichi - M - First Son RYO
Ryoko - Well - Child Ryo
Ryota - M - strong (fat)
Ryozo - M - Third Son RYO
Ryuichi - M - First Son RYU
Ryuu - M - Dragon
Saburo - M - Third Son
Sachi - F - Happiness
Sachiko - Well - Child of Happiness
Sachio M - Fortunately Born
SAEKO - F - Baby SAE
Saki - F Cape (geographer.)
Sakiko - Well - Child Saki
Sakuko - Well - Child Saku
Sakura - Well - Cherry Flowers
Sanako - F - Child Sana
SANGO - W - Coral
Saniiro - M - wonderful
SATU - W - Sugar
Sayuri - Well - Little Lily
Seiichi - M - First Son Sei
SEN - M - Tree Spirit
Shichiro - M - Seventh Son
Shika - Well - deer
Shima - M - Islander
Shina - Well - decent
Shinichi - M - First Son Shin
Shiro - M - Fourth Son
SHIZUKA - F - quiet
Sho - M - prosperity
SORA - W - Sky
SORANO - W - Heavenly
Suki - Well - Favorite
Suma - Well - asking
Sumi - Well - Claimed (religious)
Susumi - M - moving forward (successful)
Suzu - Well - Bell (Bubrenchik)
Suzume - Well - Sparrow
Tadao - M - helpful
Taka - Well - noble
Takako - Well - High Child
Takara - Well - Treasure
Takashi - M - famous
Takehiko - M - Bamboo Prince
Takeo - M - like bamboo
Takeshi - M - bamboo tree or brave
Takumi - M - Craftsman
TAMA - M / F - Gemstone
Tamiko - Well - baby abundance
Tani - F - from the valley (child)
TARO - M - firstborn
Taura - M - Many lakes; Many rivers
Teijo - M - Fair
Tomeo - M - Caution Man
Tomiko - Well - Baby Wealth
Tora - W - Tigress
Torio - M - Bird Tail
Toru - M - Sea
TOSHI - F - Mirror Reflection
Toshiro - M - Talented
Toya - m / w - door at home
Tsukiko - W - Child Moon
Tsuyu - W - Morning Dew
UDO - M - Ginseng
UME - Well - Plum Flower
Umeko - Well - child of plum colors
Usagi - f - rabbit
Uyeda - M - from the rice field (child)
Yachi - f - eight thousand
Yasu - Well - calm
Yasuo - M - Mirny
Yayoi - w - March
Yogi - M - practicing yoga
Yoko - Well - Sun Child
Yori - Well - Certificate
Yoshi - g - perfection
Yoshiko - Well - Perfect Baby
Yoshiro - M - Perfect Son
Yudsuki - M - Crescent
Yuki - M - Snow
Yukiko - Well - Snow Child
Yukio - M - Sleeping God
Yuko - Well - Good child
Yumako - Well - Child Yuma
Yumi - f - like onions (weapon)
Yumiko - Well - Child
Yuri - Well - Lily
Yuriko - Well - Child Lily
Yuu - M - Noble Blood
YUUDAI - M - Great Hero

Gods and Divities

The names of the Gods

Yaril (Legend)
God of rage, youth and beauty and vitality: from earthly fertility and human sexuality to will to life. His (or her) obey wild animals, the perfume of nature and lower deities.

Yard see [Widd]
Yar-hop god of crumpled honey, beer, wine, fun and winemaking.
Yan di God of the Sun and Fire.
Yama God of the kingdom of the dead.
Jupiter (legend) God of the sky, daylight light, thunderstorms. Lifting in Tartar of his father Titan Kronos, became the Vladyka of Gods and People.
Ey See [Oann]
Eteria daughter of the God of the Sun Festrua and Oceanids of the Klimen.
Ereshkigal Ladyman Kingdom of Dead.
Eos goddess of the sun, morning dawn. "With the fingers of purple EOS."
Enlil See [Ellill]
Enki See [Eya]
Ellill Enlil. God of air and land
Ellie Elli. AS, goddess of old age.
Eir EIR. AS, patroness of doctors, goddess, giving love.
Aya Enki. God of world freshwater, wisdom, patron of people.
Shamash God of the Sun.
Chur (legend) The god of protection of property rights, protection, patron of borders, kissing, guarding, protection against damage and impurity.
Number of god of time and starburst, letters, numbers, calendar.
Zhuan-Xu God Waters.
Chernobog (legend) (black serpent, sashing) Master Navi, darkness and hoeful kingdom. God of cold, destruction, death, evil; God madness and the incarnation of all bad and black.
Tsukyui God Moon.
Hjuck Hjuke. The growing moon, one of the three goddesses, along with Biel and Mani.
Juan di "Vladyka Center". Supreme Divine.
Horse God of the Sun, the brother of the month.
Hop god hop and drunkenness. Spouse Surisitsa.
Hlin Hlin. AS, Messenger Frigg, taking care of those whom her hostess wants to protect.
Chittyputsli, see [Wit,]
Chitlaputsli See [Witilopochti]
Hermod Hermod. Messenger Asgard. His name is mentioned in connection with the unsuccessful attempt to return Balder from the kingdom of Hel.
Henir Hoenir. AS, the god of priest functions. Often it is called a quiet God.
Hel Hel. The daughter of Loki, the government of the underground kingdom, the queen of the dead. Above the belt is an ordinary woman, and below - skeleton.
Heymdalle (legend) Guardian Bive Bridge, Son Odin, "Wise AS". He sleeps less than a bird, sees the path for a hundred days in any direction and can hear the growth of grass and wool.
Head (legend) Hoder. Son Odin, "Blind As". He has a huge force, but never leaves Asgard. It is one of the twelve major gods.
Hyudrun goat, living in Asgard and feeding with leaves from the top of Gograsil. Everyone in Asgard feeds her milk, strong, like honey, and it is enough for everyone.
Fulla Fulla. AC, servant Frygg.
Fryigg (Legend) AS, Goddess of Marriage and Extension, wife Odin. Fryigg rules the goddess living in Asgarde.
Freia (Legend) The Goddess of Love, her heart is so soft and gently, which sympathizes the suffering of everyone. He is the leadership of Valkyrie.
Freir (legend) God of fertility and summer. He is suspended sunlight, he is beautiful and powerful, he is van, sending wealth.
Fortune Roman goddess of happiness, chance and good luck. Depicted on a bowl or wheel (symbol of variability of happiness), sometimes with a bandage in front of the eyes.
Forseti Forseti. AS, Son Balder, God of Justice and Victory in disputes.
FEB (Legend) The God of the Sun.
Fahtuza daughter of the God of the Sun Festrua and Oceanids of the Klimenta.
Phaeton Son of the Sun of the Sun Fea and Oceanids of Clemena.
Ushas God Morning Dawn.
Sail one of the three Giant Brothers, Perun's Assistants (Goryna, Dube and Pulling).
Ugra (legend) God is a vertex of fate. Determines who will be born rich or poor, happy or unhappy.
Usinsh Latvian "Konsky God".
Uroboros (legend) "devouring your tail." Snake, biting his tail, "Starting from the end of his tail", ishing the whole world.
Uranus Son God Sky, Gay's husband, father of thethides.
Ull (legend) The patron of arrows from Luke and skiers, the God of fertility and the law.
Wlap (legend) Patron of the Chuvash, God-Bogatyr, who abandoned the sun and the moon far from the ground.
Whitalipochtille (legend) Chitslipucli, Hislaputsli, "Hummingbird left side". Human hearts were sacrificed to this god.
Wijard The silent goddess that commands immortal and mortals.
Tian-di God sky.
Tyur (Legend) AS, God of War, Son Odin and Sisters of the Sea Giant of Humira, the third of the Asov after Odin and the brave among them.
Thiermes (legend) Udmurtsky God - Studrosz. When he defeats God - a deer Mändas, the end of the world will come.
Troyan three-headed lord of three kingdoms. One of the heads of Trojan is devouring people, the other - cattle, the third - fish, he travels at night, as it is afraid of sunlight.
Triton Marine Deity, Son Poseidon and Neread Amphetritis.
The triptole of the Lord of the Kingdom of the Dead.
Triglava Large Triglav: Rod - Belobog - Chernobog. Small triglav: Svarog - Perun - Veles.
Triglav (legend) in the Mythology of the Baltic Slavs Three-chapted deity. Symbolize power over the three kingdoms - heaven, land and underworld.
Sochi See [TlasolTeotle]
Thor (legend) AS, the god of thunder, the son of Odin and the goddess of the Earth Erd. Considered the most powerful God after Odin.
TlasolTeotle Ishkina, Sochi, Teteoinnan. Goddess of fertility, sexy sins, repentance, devouring of dirt and excrement.
Thethis of the daughter of uranium and gay, the wife of the ocean. She was the grandmother Phaeton from the motherboard; Clevenis was her daughter.
Teteoinnan see [TlasolTeotle]
Test cliff (legend) "smoking mirror". Eternally young, Almighty, the all-knowing God is evil, the rival of Cetzalcoatlia.
Tauntan Father Goddess Rainbow Irida.
Tarh see [Dutbog]
Tammuz see [Dimuzi]
Tamamo-no-Mahe is one of the evil gods.
Syn Syn. AS, goddess, guarding people from thieves.
Sievn Siofn. AS, goddess, striving for people living peacefully and friendly.
Suslap "Rosa". Daughter of the Sun and his wives: Morning and Evening Dawn, Sister of Man.
Susanoo God of the Wind and Water Element, later hero, having lost people from an eight-headed snake.
Sure Sury is a solar goddess of joy, light (Drink of Surya (Honey Pit)). Hop spouse. Daughter dazhboga.
Striboga (legend) Supreme God Wind God. He can call and tame a storm, can turn around with his assistant, the bird is stirred.
Stux Stux (Greek) - "hateful". The goddess of the river of the same name in the kingdom of the dead.
Srecha goddess of happiness and good luck.
Snotra snot. AS, the goddess of wisdom and politeness.
SIF (legend) sif. AS, goddess fertility, wife Torah. The beauty of the SIF is inferior only to Freary.
Siva (legend) Siva is the God of Seva, crop and cattle.
Si Vantum Goddess, Ladyman of the country of immortality.
SEMARGL (legend) Simargl, firebog. The god of fire and the moon, fiery sacrifices, home and hearth, keeps seeds and crops.
Selena goddess Moon.
Scholyyt (legend) God of light, fertility, harvest, autumn sun, grain. The god of war and victory, represented in the image of the warrior - rider.
Svetnit (legend) The Higher Deity of the Western Slavs, referred to as the Middle Ages of Vedeni, and Rugs.
Svarog (legend) God of fire, blacksmith, family hearth. Heavenly Blacksmith and Great Warrior. About this God go rather contradictory information.
Sarasvati beautiful goddess of eloquence.
Saga Saga. AS, goddess stories and genealogy.
Ran Ran. Wang, the wife of Alegya, the goddess of weather and storms, requiring regular sacrifice in the form of a shower.
Rudra is one of the main Indian gods, a multiple and three-chapted. Son of the creator of the Universe of Brahma.
Birth triglav See [Big Triglav]
Radohost (legend) The essence of the punishment face of the Most High, the judge of the human souls.
Proteus (legend) Marine God, is able to take the appearance of different creatures and move to various properties of matter - fire, water, wood.
Poseidon The God of the Sea, the Father of Triton and Prota.
Brew the Senior Wind, God of Storm. Son of Stroboga.
Middle Summer Midnight God, Son of Stroboga.
Half the god of the wind noon, the son of the striboga.
Field of God of Love and Spring Fruit, Brother Lelie and Lelia.
The gation of the god of a hot, desicing wind, living in the desert in the south. Son of Stroboga.
Weather warm, light breeze, God of pleasant weather. Son of Stroboga.
Perun (Legend) "Rissing". Redhead god thunderstorms, thunder and lightning, patron of warriors and Vityazy. One of the main trinity of the gods. His attribute is an ax.
Combold (legend) is transferred - the god of the sea, navigation. He is subject to water. Data on it is not enough to accurately determine its functions.
Ohura class of gods in India and Iran.
Osiris Usir. God fertility and king of the afterlife.
Ore Goddess changing seasons and hours.
Ocean Male thethids.
One (legend) Supreme God of Scandinavia, AS, Ruler Asgard, God of Warriors.
Fire Fire Way Way to the Irry Garden, God of War and courage. Husband Lelley.
Ovii, see [Kokopelley]
Oanen (Legend) Ey. Babylonian god of the sea, the oldest of marine gods.
O-Cuni-Nusi God, who has grown grass and trees on Earth, who learned people to heal the disease.
Nui Va Goddess - the creator of mankind.
Njord Njord. Wang, patron of navigation, fisheries and shipbuilding, the winds and the sea are subject to him. Nyěd is richer than all Asov and, like everyone is, very kind.
Ninurta God of war.
Nintu goddess, created people, patroness of the feminine.
Neri God of a calm sea. Lives in a palace at the bottom of the sea.
Nezal Vladyka Kingdom of Dead, Spouse Goddess Ereshkigal.
Nemesis goddess deserved punish.
Near the goddess, along with a fraction and makosh, hiding the thread of a person's life on Earth.
Nanna God of the Moon.
Nanna Nanna. AS, the goddess of fertility, the wife of Balder, who did not survive his death.
Narter "Fate" God, who is dying and leading him to the kingdom of the dead.
Nabu God is a patron of science.
Morrigan (Legend) in Irish mythology is one of the three goddesses of the war. It is also called the powerful queen and are considered as a triple goddess or the hypotion of the death of a triple goddess.
The harrow is a lie and deception, ignorance and delusions. But he is also a keeper of ways to truth, hiding from other truth for an empty Midwow worldly.
Morozko (legend) God of winter and cold weather. Low old old woman with a long gray beard. In winter, he runs around the fields and streets and knocks - from his knocking begins Cracking frosts and brought the rivers with the ice.
Modi MODI (legend). AU, son of Torah and Sif, sometimes referred to as a patron of berserkers.
Mithra Anciention Deity, embodiment: Bull. His cult was very common in the Roman Empire in the first centuries of the new era, as the "soldier's God."
Miktlantertili Lord of Miktlan, the underground world of the dead.
Month month Monthovich, brother of the sun. "Perun and shed by his bouquet ax, he was angry with his bouquet ax. Since then, he became not round a month, but we see him in the sky."
Mother of Cheese Earth (legend) Earth people read not only in pagan times, but now. The land is called the Holy, Mother, it is the embodiment of health and purity. The spouse of the sky, which fertilizes her rain.
Martzan (legend) The goddess of the death of all living beings, except for a person, the goddess of hunting, fishing and hunting.
Maren (Legend) Maran, Morozhn, Marzhana, Marge. The goddess associated with the incarnation of death, with seasonal rituals of the dying and resurrection of nature, as well as with rituals of rain causing.
Marduk Initially, the God of the city of Babylon, subsequently - the Supreme Divine, "Vladyka Gods".
Mara (Goddess) (Legend) Moran, Moraine, Maren, Mora. The mighty and terrible goddess of winter and death, the wife (daughter) of a snack and the daughter of the Lada, the sister is alive with Lelle. Her symbol is a black moon, piles of broken skulls and a sickle, which she cuts the thread of life.
Mani Mani. The moon as a deity, one of the three goddesses, on a par with Hyuk and Biel.
Mamon (legend) Mamon Slavic black deity of wealth and gluttony, opposed to light gods.
Small Triglav (Legend) Svarog - Perun - Veles.
Makosh (legend) Makosh - Goddess, sprinkling fate, in heaven, as well as the patroness of women's needlework - on Earth.
Magagura (Legend) Perun's daughter, Cloud Virgo is a beautiful, winged, militant. Her heart is forever removed soldiers, heroes. She directs the deceased warriors to Iri.
Magni (Legend) Magni. AS, Son Torah, God of physical strength.
Easure (legend) of any - the guardian spirit of the marriage lodge. Presented to the larger, shaggy, chillers with a cat with a stem of the grains in the teeth. Lyuba should have improved in every way so that he would distil from the bedroom dislike - the same cat, only black and evil, with a branch of whites in the mouth.
Lay Shen God thunder.
Loki (Legend) Giant, God of fire, twin the same, adopted by asams as equal.
Summer Olympic goddess.
Lelia (legend) Spring, Goddess Giothery love, younger guy, patroness of lovers, beauty, happiness. Daughter of Lada. Spouse semarlang.
Lel (Legend) God of youthful love, passion, son of Lada and Brother Leli. He has sparks from his hands, the fire of love.
Lahm Lahma and Lahama is ancient pair of gods generated by primitive chaos.
The lamp of the daughter of the God of the Feba Sun and the Oceanids of the Klianma.
Lakshmi Born by Ocean Beautiful Virgo in White Robe is a goddess of beauty and happiness.
Lada (legend) Women's hypostasis of the genus, spouse of the Svarog and the mother of the gods of the weld, Senior Rozenitsa (Gignitza - Mother), a family deity.
Lada God of reconciliation and consent, in some sense, order.
Lövan Lofn. AS, goddess, sanctifying marriages between people.
Kyldysin (Legend)
Swimpse of the goddess of the night. Mother Kostroma and Kupala, who gave birth to semarlang.
Kupala (legend) caught (and his twin sister Kostohma): children goddess at night swimsuits and semarglag.
Kuber God of wealth living in the Heavenly city of Gandharvarnagara (Mirage).
Kuzuz (legend)
Clear See [Karn]
Kostroma (legend) The daughter of semarlars and swimsuits, mistaken married for his brother - Kupala, and who committed himself, drowned and turning into Mavku-Mermaid.
Kokopelly (legend) OVII. Small Indian God.
Climen Nimifa (Oceanid), the wife of the God of the Sun Festrua.
Quasura (legend) Initially, the God of Crumpled Honey, beer, wine, fun and winemaking, almost the same as Yar-Hmel.
Yard Goddess of Earth.
Ishtar See [Inna]
Ishshine See [TlasolTeotle]
Izaman God of Health of Maya, Flyokornok Borodach. His symbol is a rattling snake.
Isis goddess Moon.
Irida Goddess Rainbow, Taunta's daughter.
Inmar God, the ruler of the Upper, Heavenly World - the world of the gods.
Indra (legend) "Vladyka". The main god of the Indian Vedic Pantheon. In the veleskaya book is referred to as the Supreme Heaven.
Inari is one of the good gods, benevolent and wise.
Innana Ishtar. Goddess fertility and love
Izid see [Isis]
Idunn see [IDDUN]
Izanami goddess, wife Izanaka, subsequently - the master of the kingdom of the dead.
Izanaki Izanaki - God, the creator of the earth and people.
Iddun (legend) Idunn. AS, the goddess of eternal youth and healing.
Zimzherta (legend) Lady of the beginning of the day, the goddess of the morning dawn. It turns out at night to frolic over the forest fields, and then they call it a salary.
Zeus Supreme Olympic God.
Zewana (legend) The goddess of animals and hunting. In the temple holds a taut onion and a trap in his hands, her legs ligaten and a knife.
Zhurm see [Joy]
Fland see [Joy]
Lived, see [Live]
Live (legend) of the goddess of spring and life in all its manifestations: the life-giving forces of nature, spring booining waters, the first green shoots; Patrone of young girls and young wives.
Just (legend) still, juba. The goddess of death of death, pity and funeral crying, the heads of the dead, seeking to the funeral fire. Even one mention of her name eases the soul.
Erd Erd. AS, Mother Torah, Goddess of Earth.
Dy (legend) The name of God, is mentioned in the ancient Russian insertion to the South Slavic text of the "Walking of the Virgin Music". Sometimes - the general designation of the average gods.
Dube is one of the three Giant Brothers, Perun's Assistants (Goryna, Dube and Pushcha).
Doride Sea goddess, wife's wife, Neremid mother.
Share (legend) Heavenly, hiding the good, fertile thread of a person's life. Sister Nadoli, Macau's assistant.
Dodol (legend) Thunder's thunder's goddess. She marches over the fields and the funds with a retreat, and they chase them in the noise of the spring thunderstorm Perun and his companions.
Dogoda (legend) God of quiet, enjoyable wind and clear weather. Ruddy, Ruskwedroy young man in a cornflower wreath, in silvery and blue clothes, with self-acete wings behind her back.
Dimuzi Tammuz. God of spring fertility, patron of cattle breeders.
Dimu-Nyannyan goddess, the personification of the Earth.
Did (legend) The third son of the Goddess of Lada, after Lelia and Walre, God of Married Love. Forever young did patronas strong unions, revered by a symbol of unstasive, inecilious love.
Divia (Legend) (Diva) Goddess of Nature, Mother of all living things. The primary goddess is isometric.
Dieberkis (legend) is a hare God, sometime by the Slavic and Balt tribes.
Diva (legend) Virgo, Divia, Dina (Valah.), Devana (Cesh.) The goddess of hunting, reserved forests, animals, maidens (women's secret hunting communities).
Di-Jun God, the father of Heavenly shining.
Danai Father Nymph Amyonov.
Dana (legend) goddess of water. Released as a bright and good goddess, giving life to everything alive.
Dazhiboga Waugger (Legend) Dabog, Dazbog, Dabusha. "Giving God", "The Greater of All BEGINS". The God of the Sun, the Son of Svarog.
Gullweig (legend) Gullveig. Wang, one of the main opponents of Asov. Assa talk about her as a witch and witch.
The mountains of the bird of the sun.
Gna Gna. AS, servant and messenger Frygg, traveling along different worlds, fulfilling the instructions of their mistress.
Gay Goddess - Earth, Uranus's wife, mother thethids.
Gefün Gefju. AS, goddess of gardening and plow
Ghefest God flame, blacksmith.
Hermes Trismegist (the greatest three times). Patron Magic and Esoteric.
Hermes "Messenger", "Thief", "Psychopompom" - a driver's driver in the kingdom of Aida.
Helium daughter of the God of the Sun Festrua and Oceanids of Clemen.
Helios Sun Olympus, the son of Titans of Hyperion and Fayia, Brother Selena and Eos.
Gelands of the daughter of the God of the Sun Festrua and Oceanids Klitena: Faeetuza, Lamparents, helium and etching.
Hecate goddess of the dark forces, underground kingdom and night, three-tailed and snores.
Garuda (legend) Paradise bird, semi-resistant-receiving, symbol of speed and power, Child of the Heaven and the king of all birds. Phoenix.
Vyofn vjofn. AS, Goddess of consent and flow, decisive disagreements among mortals.
Volcano Roman Kuznets, as well as the god of a cleansing flame that protects against fires.
Vritra demon from the myth about Indre.
Wotan the god Maya, Flyokornok Borodach. His character - snake
Thief VOR. AS, goddess curiosity and mysteries
Watercase small Indian God.
Vishnu is the second God of Trinity, who heads the Brahmanist Pantheon. It is depicted in blue, with four hands holding a battle, sink, disk and lotus.
Vili Search by AS, Son (daughter) Bohr, brother (sister) Odin and ve.
Vidar (legend) silent spell, son of Odin and Great Grid, almost the same mighty, like the God of Thor.
The evening goddess of the evening (it corresponds to the evening). Sister afternoon, swimsuit and dawn - ginars.
We are searching as, son (daughter) Bohr, brother (sister) Odin and Vili.
Varuna God Ocean.
Varma-Aji goddess wind in Mordovia.
Var var. AS, the goddess of truth. Heads and records the oaths of people.
Vanya Vaner. The genus of the gods in Scandinavia, hostile with the gods - asami.
Vanadis See [Freia]
Vali (legend) speakers, one of the twelve major (after all) gods.
The storm (legend) of the goddess of the wind, the spouse of the striboga. "Treka as a streakogu."
Buri Buri. AS, freed ice of a cow Audo, Father Bohr.
Bulda is one of the gods. Search
Braga (Legend) "Long Break". AS, God of poets and scalds, son Odin, husband Idunn.
Bor Bor. AS, Son Sturi, Husband Bestword, Father Odin, Vili and Ve.
Large trigue or childbirth Triglav: Rod - Belobog - Chernobog.
God (legend) of God (Maced.), Mares (Lat.). One of the heroes of the rite of bonds, the symbol of the new year. God patronizes family and home hearth.
Bogwir (legend) Son of Dazhboga and Moraine. He married Slavuna and all people in Russian land went from him, tribes from his children. Therefore, they say that the Ruses are giving grandchildren.
Bill Bil. The decreasing moon, one of the three goddesses, on a par with Huck and Mani.
Belobog (legend) The embodiment of light, good, good luck, happiness, benefits, personification of the day spring sky. Collective image of all bright gods.
Barma (legend) God of prayer. This is a good god, but if he falls into rage, at this moment it is better not to come across him on the way.
Balder (legend) speakers, Spring, joy and happiness. With his death, the world became gray and dim, as he is now.
Aushra Lithuanian God Morning Dawn.
Assa Aesir. The genus of the gods in Scandinavia.
Aster "Star". One of the names of Veles.
Aslati god-stormszitz.
Artemis goddess hunting.
Apollo Olympic God God, Son Zeus and Summer, Brother Artemis.
Anu God Sky.
Andrimnir (Legend) Cook in Valhalla.
Amateras Amaterasu - the goddess of the sun.
Aid Lord Kingdom of the Dead.
Azovshushka wife Veles.
AEGIR (legend) Wang, the god of the sea, managing the mood of the sea surface.
Amound the highest spirit, the essence of the universe in Rigonds.
Aditi father of all gods.
Adad God thunder, rain and storms.
Agune (Legend) God of earthly fire, Junior from the weld. It is the power of the gods of heaven on Earth - cleansing and protecting from any uncleanness.
Agrik Legendary Bogatyr, who owned by the Kladenets Sword, mentioned in the "Tale of Peter and Fevronia".
Aurora Goddess Morning Dawn.

Before the restoration of Maidzi, the names were only among the aristocrats (KUGE) and samurai (beads). All the rest of Japan's population was content with personal names and nicknames.

Women of aristocratic and samurai families also did not usually be surnames, as they did not have inheritance rights. In cases where the names in women were still, they did not change them when married.

The names were divided into two groups - the names of the aristocrats and the names of Samurai.

Unlike the number of samurai names, the number of the names of the aristocrats almost did not increase from ancient times. Many of them were adjacent to the priest past Japanese aristocracy.

The most complicated and respected clans of the aristocrats were: Conoe, Takasi, Kudzo, Ihidzo and Godzu. They all belonged to the family of Fujiwara and had a common name - "Gosetsuke". From among men of this kind, Regents (SESSU) and Chancellors (Campak) of Japan were appointed, and from among women - wives were chosen for emperors.

The following are clans of Hirokhate, Diago, Kuga, Oymikado, Sayondi, Sandjo, Imaidagawa, Tokundayji and Kaine. Of their numbers, the highest state dignitaries were appointed. Thus, the representatives of the Saiondi clan served by the imperial stables (mayoro but Gogan). Next, all other aristocratic clans have already followed.

The hierarchy of the knowledge of aristocratic genera began to develop in the 6th century and existed until the end of the XI century, when power in the country moved to samurai. Among them, the clans of Genzy (Minamoto), Heike (Taira), Hodzo, Asicaga, Tokugawa, Matsudayra, Hosokawa, Simaja, Oda were used. A number of their representatives at different times were signes (military rulers) of Japan.

The personal names of aristocrats and high-ranking samurai were formed from two kandzi (hieroglyphs) "noble" meaning.

Personal names Samurai servants and peasants were often given on the principle of "numbering". First Son - Itiro, the second-Dziro, the Third - Saburo, the Fourth - Siro, Fifth - Goro, etc. Also, except for "-ro-", for this purpose, the suffixes "-EMON", "-DZI", "-DZO", "- SUKE", "- BE" were used.

Upon joining a samurai during the day, he chose a different name, rather than what was given to him at birth. Sometimes samurai changed their names and for adulthood, for example, to emphasize the onset of her new period (promotion or relocation to another service place). Mr. possessed the right to renaming his vassal. In the case of a serious illness, the name was sometimes changed to the name of the Buddha Amida to appeal to his grace.

According to the rules of samurai fights before the fight, Samurai had to call his full name so that the enemy could decide whether he was worthy of such an opponent. Of course, in life this rule was respected much less frequently than in novels and chronicles.

At the end of the names of girls from noble families, suffix "-Hime" was added. It is often translated as a "princess", but in fact it was used in relation to all the notable young ladies.

For the names of Samurai, the suffix "-dzen" was used. Often they were called simply by the name and rank of her husband. Personal names of married women were practically used only by their close relatives.

For the names of monks and nuns from the noble classes, suffix "-in" was used.