Maslennic games for children. Maslenitsa: games and fun

Maslennic games for children. Maslenitsa: games and fun
Maslennic games for children. Maslenitsa: games and fun

Carnival traditionally celebrated outdoors. We offer you a scenario of such an event. It is not necessary to make drapes, the games in the fresh air will also help to spend this holiday fun.

You will need two adults, which will be core mass machines. They will attract children and adults to all kinds of contests, will send fun in the right direction. In the course of the holiday, they can improvise, change tasks, their own texts. However, the list of entertainment and competitions must be compiled in advance so that no annoying pauses and misunderstandings arose. Further according to the script, we will be called them with scrocers. The main thing is to take into account that the event takes place on the street, it means that static contests must be alternating with movable so that children and adults do not have time to freeze.



Scromorchi. Does not want to leave the winter, click what freezer is notable! So that we do not freeze, let's play.

Moving games are held.


This game will require the efforts of all, adults will gladly remember childhood, and the kids will gladly mess around in the snow. Select a place for the future labyrinth in advance. Instruct the chosen scheme of the snow facility (square or circle - the most convenient form) with two outlets on opposite sides. First of all, the inner partitions of the labyrinth are laid out of the snow, then from the center to the edges - walls. Pay attention to the height of the walls, they should not be higher than 1 m (in case someone gets lost, it will be easy to detect in the labyrinth moves). The width of the moves should be convenient for the promotion of children and adults (80-100 cm). If the labyrinth is constructed in the snow-covered area, where there is plenty of snow, you can simply remove the snow shovel by laying it on the sides of the moves. Another option: not to build, but tangled on the site tangled moves. In order to enhance the intrigue, you can divide the commands and decompose inside the labyrinth of the marks of different colors by the number of players (by team colors). That team comes to the team that will gather the greatest amount of flags faster.

Tir Santa Claus.

What kind of winter without a snowball game? In the fresh frosty air there is no better amar-heating fun. Install on the target site for throwing snowballs. The easiest option is wooden shields with a size of 1 x 1 m with a few circles drawn with a diameter of 30, 60 and 90 cm (you can make them in the form of a stuffed carnival or snowmen, or simply stick to the shield of a dense cardboard or draw on the shields). Shields can be carried in the ground on the pillars, hang on the wall or on the fence. If it is not possible to make a target, they can simply be painted on a deaf wall of the house or fence. Wins the most damage.

snow Hill

On an oil week, you can not do without roller skiing. Build it is quite simple, the main thing is to be more places. You can build a slide for the smallest lower and for adults - twist (the difference between start levels and the finish should be 3-5 m). The main thing is to take into account that the corner of the slide in length is 3-4 times the greater of its height. For convenience, the width of the trigteard and the ice track should be at least 1 m, if the roller stands on the sledding, the width should be at least 1.5 m. Building a slide requires preliminary preparation, in advance during thaws roll together with children Snowballs and Collect them in a bunch. Building blocks are ready. Now you need to rapt the snow with your feet (there is no need to do without the help of children) or shovel. Excess snow needs to be cut, it will go to the construction of a barrier fence and the ladder. Now it is necessary to pour a slide with cold water (so that it does not appear protane). If there is time and desire, you can build an "American" snow slide with turns, intermediate ascents and descents, decorative arches. The rules of the game are simple, wins the one who will go further. You can complicate the task. Each speaker must hold a plastic cup with water in his hands. Wins the one who will eat further all, not splashing a drop. Instead of a cup with water, you can offer to drive with a book or a snowball on your head. You can, moving from a slide, rumble into the target of the snowball, squeeze on the descent to tying or guess the riddle. Fantasy is not limited here, the main condition is the safety of children. No sharp, beating, stitching items.

Oil carousel

This fun came to us from the old days, until now, as an attraction enjoys great success in children. It is necessary to find a pillar, in its upper end, a metal rod is driven 70-80 cm long (an ordinary scrap is suitable). The wheel put on the wheel to which they attach (can be screwed or nailing with nails) long sixtes. Sledge ties to these poles. Sledge will have to roll along the path, which you need to clear the snow and pour water in advance. For such fun, wide sledges are better suitable or fastened. Snow around the pillar must be sprinkled with sand so that they do not slip those who will spin the pillar lying on the ground. Of course, such fun is possible only where there are strong men. Here, without the participation of Dad, do not do.

Slippery pillar

This is another old butyry fun, which will be interesting today. It puts a high pillar that is poured with cold water so that it is free. On the pillar, like on the Christmas tree, hang gifts at different distances from each other. The task of the player is to get on a slippery post and get to gifts. Who took out, he got. The strongest and stubborn, one who reached the very end and took the most valuable prize.

Melting melting

It is wonderful this outdoor competition, funny and simple: this is the championship in throwing brooms to the distance. For such fun, you need to take a few blinks without a tree. What is winter without a janitor with a broom cleaner? We carry out the competition for the title of Honorary Janitor. The one who will leave the blizzard further or knock the snow figure.

Makeup Troika

What is the carnival without riding on the top three? Only here in the city is now a live horse - a rarity. Nothing, the horse can be replaced by an ordinary blizzard. On a flat platform, build a chain from snowballs (you can replace them with kegs). The task is to slip (run) riding on a broomstone, without having knocked down fences. Wins the one who bets the least.


After fun in the fresh air, go well in the bath. You still do not rush home, but the bath does not hurt. We offer an old Russian fun - a bath of a dry broom "Shake" the enemy. The main task is to quickly defeat the opponent of the broom. Take care of security, during the fight on the faces of the players there must be protective masks (for example hockey).

So the holiday continues. There are crumbs.


To us, here! College, people!

Today you are interested in the interesting!

Games, fun, fun and laughter

The holiday is enough for everyone.

Let's, children, friendly, choir, call spring-red.

Adults along with children and scrums are called spring.

Spring, spring-red!

Come, spring, with goodness,

With great joy:

With the sun warm

Harvest is abundant,

Rain irrigated

With beautiful flowers

With gifts abundant!

Spring appears with greeting (text accompanying its appearance, can be any).

Spring offers children and adult to guess the riddles of spring, birds and animals.

Children and adults can be divided into teams in advance, but you can take each time in turn.


From 11th in Window - the Golden Wiery. (Sunbeam)

From the sky came, went to the ground. (Rain)

The red rocker across the river hung. (Rainbow)

Without language, but says. Without legs, and runs. (Creek)

Old grandfather, he a hundred years old, the bridge was hosted. Krasnova came, the whole bridge dispersed. (Frost and Spring.)

What is not sown in the spring will be born? (Grass)

Little, green all field covered. (Spring meadow.)

Mother in spring - in a color-colored dress, a matushka in winter - in a raincoat. (Field)

Began brothers from the cradle to get out. On the ground fell - green steel. (Germinating grain.)

In the summer, she walks without a road near the Christmas trees and oaks, and in the winter he sleeps in Berorga, from frost hiding his nose. (Bear)

Note. Do not forget that the holiday is held on the street, it means that there is a game.

Scromorchi. E-gay, honest people, strained brains - now the muscle tense! We offer to arrange run in bags.

Competitions can participate both individual players and teams.

Note: While there is a distribution of the inventory, dividing to the teams, explanation of the rules of the game, one of the crumplers reads an improvised zoom.


That's fun, so fun.

There was still no such thing.

It's hard to run without feet,

Feet hidden in bag.

Who will be delicate

Behind the award is increasingly.

Spring. Warmed up? Let's now make a breather and remember the songs of winter, spring and, of course, about Maslenitsa.

Note: You can play like this: to call on the line from different songs or on the principle of playing in the "cities", i.e. the subsequent line should begin with the letter to which the previous line ended.

Scromorchi. And now we suggest you try the fun of our ancestors - a walk on stilts.

Eh, fun so fun!

You will laugh at fame

Turn into the crane.

I will help you in this me!

Note: You can arrange a campaign on stilts for the speed, who will get to the finish faster. You can just offer everyone to try your hand. Competition is held.

Spring. How do we learn that spring came?

Children. The streams are running, the sun warms, birds arrive.

Spring. True, south of birds arrive, snow piles melt. Let's play in the "Bird game" - "Sparrow and Crows".

Sparrow and Crows

Rules of the game: Players are divided into two teams - "Vorobyev" and "Raven". Leading pronounces: "Sparrow!", Participants of this team are catching "Raven". Suddenly the presenter says "Ravens!", And everything happens on the contrary, "Voronov" catch "Vorobyov". The game is dynamic, do not need to tighten it, the main goal is to warm up, get a charge of cheerfulness.

Scoop.But there is such a bird, I wrote Boris I wrote about her, maybe who will remember? (If children remember this poem, they declare it if not, the crumbs are prompted.).

What is the hands of Peacock, he has a vice one,

All peacock beauty begins with a tail.

ATTENTION-ATTENTION, we offer the competition "Peacock Tail."

Peacock Tail

A rope is attached to the waist of the participant (you can attach a broom), one end of which hangs to the floor. On the ground from the keguls or plastic bottles a snake is built. The task is to pass between without hitting the "tail" by a single subject. Wins the one who will be the first and faster to the finish.

Scromorchi. Adult fun, and kids? Well, crumbs, come, do you want to participate? The game for the smallest "snowdrops".


Putting paper flowers in advance, you can use small plastic multicolored bottles instead of colors.

On the snow-covered clearing, the flower cut out of paper is scattered, these are the first spring flowers - snowdrops. Wins the one who will collect most of the snowdrops.

Spring. And now the dads and mothers are invited, we will arrange dragging the ropes. This old carnival fun.

Note:arrange several tournaments. Only moms, the second dad, and then you can arrange family team competition.

Scromorchi. There was still no such thing! Competition on the pancake. From birch or christmas tree? Are these fairy tales or work? Wits raise dust?

Racing on Metelka.

In the snow, a long strip is drawn - the track, plastic bottles, participants (you can sit down a whole family) sit on the long brooms and run to the finish.

Note: If the blizzes are found problematic, replace them on brooms or shovels for snow clearing.

Spring. What are the winters without riding on top of the troops with buboins? I suggest all the wishing dads to turn into horses. Note: Pads are harnessed in Sanki, for greater truthfulness on the neck they wear bells, kids in sledding should help dads, depicting rye. We defeat those who first got to the finish.

Spring. Well done, horses! Let's now rest and remember fairy tales and films about winter, spring and carnival.

The main thing - without words, only gestures, depict the name and content. The winner will be the one who will be better depicting. We will choose it all together. And the second winner will be the one who reigns the most.

Note: Before displaying, anyone must quietly say spring, what a film or a fairy tale he guess.

Scromorchi. Japanese has Sumo, and we have their fun. We invite to participate in the ancient Russian fun "Petushka".


The smooth place is selected on which the circle is drawn. The participants of the game are divided into pairs according to age and weight category. The first pair is included in the circle, jumping on one leg and holding the other hand, players must push the opponent from the circle. Attention! Pushed not by hand, but only shoulders. Pushed out of the circle drops out of the game. The next pair of players is included in the circle, then the winners compete with each other. Wins the last winner.

Scoop. And now the small people we invite you to the tree of sweets and on the ribbon carousel.

Tree Slavs

This is a children's version of the traditional oil of fun, but instead of a high smooth shaeda, cute hangs on the branches of the tree. The task of kids is to jump and get a gift. The test can be complicated, for example, to offer a bagel or gingerbike in the jump.

Ribbon carousel

This fun also resembles an ancient Russian fun for adults. A long stick or pole is stuck in the snow. Bright ribbons are tied to the sixth so that they will easily slide and rotate on the stick, but did not go down to the ground. Each child chooses his ribbon and runs over each other in a circle.

Note: Next to the carousel must be an adult so that children do not spin the head.

Spring. Well, guests are expensive, played, have fun? Do not you try to taste in the pancakes, find out what the hostess best than all coped.

Note: Agree in advance with friends and guests so that each family presented to tasting pancakes. Prepare signs with the names of the hostesses. Before tasting, the names of the owners must be hidden. Each dismantling pancakes is given one phanta, which he can vote only once for the pancakes liked. Near each dish with pancakes, you need to put a bowl or a box where Phanti will be folded. At the very end of the tasting, the number of phantoms is calculated, and the hostess is defeated, which received the most phantas.

What is the carnival without a hot sick-breathing sickness? Extremely way in the fresh air will be shot down, the traditional Russian drink. Cook it is very simple. Mint is brewed, St. John's wort (any fragrant herbs) are suitable with spices (cinnamon, carnation), honey is added. It is used only hot.

Spring. Is it not time, the guests are expensive, say goodbye to winter, with carnival? Let the taja linseed the sun lightweight with a warmth, let her traumushka-musing be sewn in the fields instead of snow. Let the droplets ring and burghes are ringing instead of the bluff. Scoop. With winter, it's time to part, we will get intimidated from the fire. So our ancestors came when the firebread burned.

Burning Maslenitsa

Firewood for the fire must be prepared in advance, the fire should be high so that there is a stuffy carnival in it. Kids can help assembling firewood for a fire, but only under the control of adults. Need to remember the safety of kids, explain in advance the rules of behavior by the fire and be near them. Children and adults are taken by arms and water dance around a fire with the words: "Go away, winter! Farewell, Maslenitsa! Hello Spring! Gori, Gori clearly, not to go out! Farewell, Maslenitsa! And the next year come again! "

Scoop. Everyone since childhood is familiar with the Tale "Snow Maiden", written by A. N. Ostrovsky. Forest residents-Berendei accompanied the carnival with words that would like to finish our holiday:

Farewell, honest olive!

If you are alive, see you.

At least time to wait

Yes, lead-to know that the olive will come again.

For the most bold and desperate, offer the last carnival fun - jumping through the fire. You can do it after the fire becomes lower. The tiny fire can be done for the smallest, but you need to jump through the bonfire with them, keeping hand.

On the carnival of fun, walking, fun and feast always at all times were in the first place. Also the passenger, or cheese, the week is famous for pancakes, symbolizing the sun, dishes from them, as well as fish and oils. Every day of the cheese week has its meaning and tradition.

Maslenitsa week

Monday - meeting. Sitting, parents of her husband and wife, gather together for tea drinking. The first pancake, prepared on this day, is given to the poor to remember the dead.

Tuesday - Pigs. Previously, the bride was held on this day that after the post to play a wedding. On this day, friends and relatives are going together for a joint pastime, fun and for fun.

Wednesday - Landca. On this day, the mother-in-law invites to pancakes.

Thursday - rampant. This day is the most basic and cheerful. Walk on the pirushki, ride on sledding, ice rolled rolsters, horses. Dress up in carnival costumes and sing songs. In the winter town they carry the stuffed winter.

Friday - Teschina evening. The mother-in-law comes with a return visit to the son-in-law on pancakes.

Saturday - Zolivkin gathering. On this day, the daughter-in-law invites her husband's relatives to her pancakes. In the city there are stuffed in the square. People with songs and games say goodbye to winter, treats goodies. Then they burn the bonfire and burn the scarecrow.

Sunday - Forgiveness Sunday. Everyone must ask for forgiveness from each other.

Fun and games

Folk Gulyany lasted all week. For gaming places and counters with treats and goodies build a winter town. Maslenic fun were held all day and evening. Children, young, adults, old people took part. Here are the most interesting traditional folk fun:
1. Snow Tir. Install wooden targets (meter per meter) on the fence, pierce post or wall. The concentric circles of different diameters are applied to the shield. In the target fall snowballs. You can still make a target from tin cans or other materials that can be shot down by snowballs.

2. Horse and rider. On both sides of two people - one horse, another rider. The task to knock down both opponents from the legs, at least the top.

3. Roosters. Opponents stand on one leg and try to knock each other.

4. Petrushek fun.

A parshese comedy was very popular. They were shown parschers several times a day.

Scenes were satirical, instructive, showed the truth of the life of people. They were simple and understood to everyone, from Mala to Great, always collected many people. Parsley was characterized by a long nose and hump (there could be two). It is always dressed in a red shirt, pants are filled into boots, also wears a beautiful cap on the head.

5. Ice pillar. Drop the high post, pour it with water for icing. His tip hangs all sorts of gifts. Participants should have been addressed to this post for hotels, but slipped. The most rapid and stubborn player who tried to get to the top and get the most valuable gift.

6. Kalashnikov. Option first. There are two friends opposite each other and beat in turn in the chest to another, until someone surrenders.

7. Kalashnikov. Option second. Two stand. Behind them put sticks. Participants beat each other with strength, until someone from the blow does not cool down or falls behind the stick. Beat in the heart, the throat is not allowed. Next step is impossible. Take a blow and fence too forbidden.

8. Snow labyrinth. On the site draws a diagram of a labyrinth in the form of a circle or square. There must be two outputs. Then lay out the inside of the labyrinth from the snow and then the walls. The height of the walls and partitions should not exceed 1 m. This is done to facilitate the detection of lost. The width is on average about 90 cm.

9. Ice carousel. In the ground robbed a pillar or get ice. A special wheel is fixed on the top. A few long sticks are attached to the wheel to which the sleighs are attached. The track under the sleigh is poured with water under the ice. And under the post itself, the place is cleared by ice and snow, so that the guys can comfortably spin the carousel. Sani make wide or bonded two.

10. Tightening the rope. Two teams are dragging the rope, standing or face or back to each other.

11. Three-legged. A couple of participants bind together legs, the left one and the right one. In this position, players must reach the flag and return to the start place first.

12. Snowy towns. From snow build fortresses. Participants are divided into two teams: Connection - attacks, infantry is protected. The cavalry captures the fortress and together with the infantry destroy the structures from the snow.

Games and fun on Maslenitsa.

"Three legs"

Playing broken into pairs, each pair binds their legs (right leg of one with the left foot of the other). Paranu "Three legs" tries to the turning flag and returns to the start line.

Command relay, where the breakdown on the pair is required. One of the pair will have to become a wheelbarrow

Truck with one wheel and two handles. The role of the kneel will play hands, and the handles

Legs. By team player

"The" car "falls on the ground, making focus on the hands, and the" driver "takes his partner behind his feet to make the hull" cars "was parallent. "Tacchus", moving on his hands, must reach the rotary flag and go back, where the other "car" is ready for the movement.

"Russian broom"

Comic championship in throwing brooms to the distance. The broom is more convenient to take without a bang.

"Who is faster on the broom"

On the site are shown in the chain. It is necessary to run a ride on the broom of the snake and not to knock down the bow. The one who is less than everyone will betray them.

"Broom on the forehead"

Now try, as long as you can donate on the forehead.

"Russian beauty"

Girls first pass the dance, showing their suits. Then pass with a rocker and full buckets of water, show their become, gait.

"Russian sauna"

A bath of a dry broom "Shake" the enemy, who will make a brought about him faster.

Concert contests:

Chastushki (you want to defeat a girlfriend, spit a cheerful chastushka).;

Spoons (try to play on spoons under the accompaniment of bayanist);

Cupute ("Baryna", "Gypsy", "Apple", "Semenovna").

Auction proverbs about pancakes, carnival.

Children get up in a circle, hands hold behind her back, and one of the playing

- "Zarya" walks behind with a ribbon and says:


Red maiden

On the field went,

Keys dropped,

Gold keys,

Blue ribbons,

Rings wounded -


With the last words, driven carefully puts the tape on the shoulder one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, and they are both running in different directions in a circle. The one who will stay without a place becomes a "gursing". The game is repeated. Runners should not cross the circle.

The players do not turn while the leading chooses who on the shoulder put the ribbon.

The game begins with the players of Ring:

Din, Din, Ding!

Who's there?


From the city …

And what in the city do?

The leading can say that in the city dancing, sing, jump. All players must do what the leading leading. And the one who does not fulfill the task gives the phanta. The game ends as soon as the leading will get 5 phantom. Playing whose phantas in a leading, should buy them. The leading comes with interesting tasks for them.

Children consider poems, tell funny stories, remember the riddles, imitate the movements of animals. Then choose a new leading, and the game is repeated.

"Give boilers of sympathy"

A knottance with an inclined crossbar is installed on the site, on which colored handkerchiefs are suspended on thin threads, at different heights. Competition participants need to be fused, bounce and disrupt one of the handkerchiefs, and then call the name of the girl and give her her torn.


On the site draws a circle. There are two players in a circle. Each of the players rises on one leg, another bends in the knee, supports her heel with one hand. Task playing

Push the enemy from the circle, without using the hands and standing on one leg. (Pushing each other shoulders).


Playing choose a leading.

Each player takes a small wand (20-30 cm long). All pronounce these words:



How many hours

Left until the evening

To winter?

After words "to winter?" put a wand on the palm or any finger of your hand. As soon as they put wands, the presenter believes: "Once, two, three, ... ten." Wins one who longer longer the subject.

The presenter can give different tasks: Playing, holding a stick, should go, squat, rotate to the right, left, around ourselves.

Game "Cherry"

Fun for young guys and girls for granting. The main thing is more running, higher and away to fly away, and there the hands of the comrades will threate you to the girl, which and kisses. After the flight on the waves from the clutch hands, a couple of tens of meters, a kiss is particularly sensual. the main thing

On time to slow down, otherwise you will fly.

Game in "Opoleuhi"

Old kind fun. Narrow shop and crossed legs interfere with tight-handed hard shocks. One of the participants tried to do so, and even a fist, which is against the rules, but he became worse

He became a victim of his own outstanding inertia and a narrow bench and flew to Earth.

"Fight bags"

For the battle bags need to disperse the platform. This kind of struggle, where one hand should be kept tightly pressed to the lower back, you can act only with one hand. Here the ability to move is more important to move, feel the movement of the enemy, use it inertia.

"Snow Maze"

On the ice or snow area, the diagram of a labyrinth in the shape of a square or a circle with two outlets on opposite sides is pregnant. First, the inner sectors of the labyrinth lay out snow, then moving from the center to the edges,

Walls. They should not be high (up to 1 m) to make it easy to detect the one who worans in the labyrinth moves. Shoe width

80-100 cm. If there are many snow, you can make a labyrinth, removing snow with a shovel and laying it on the sides of the moves. The labyrinth can not be built, but tangled on the site tangled moves.

"Snow Tir"

In the winter town you can install permanent targets for throwing snowballs. It is best if it is wooden panels with a size of 1 * 1 m with concentric circles drawn with concentric circles with a diameter of 30.60 and 90 cm. The shields can be installed on the pillars burst into the ground, hang on a deaf wall or on the fence.

Probably worth making a special wall of the Tira, on which you can put a target, their guys will shoot down in the snowballs.

"Snow Hill"

The slide height can be different, it is important to have a large space. The corner of the slide should be in length three or four times more of its height. The width of the site, where the guys are preparing for a descent, and tracks on Raskat

Not less than 1 m, and the width of the sled

1.5 m. To make a slide, it is necessary to roll snowball snowballs during thaw and folded their bunch. Then the snow is tumped by legs or shovel, cut off excess snow and make a barrier or ladder from it. Halong the hill with cold water, otherwise it can form protaly.

You can build a more complex slide with turns, intermediate lifts and descents, decorative arches. The difference between starting and finish levels should be 3-5 m.

"Ice Carousel"

This attraction enjoys a great success in children. The pillar, to the upper end of which the metal rod is robbed (for example, scrap), roll up the ground or get into ice. His high

70-80 cm. Then the old (or specially made) wheel is attached to the metal. It is screwed to the wheel with wire or nailing long sixtes, and sledges are tied up to them. The track, which will roll the sleigh, purify from snow and poured with water. For greater stability, SANKI can be made wide (60-90 cm) or copold together two sleds.

Around the pillar, the snow sprinkles ashes or sand so that there were no slippery guys who will spin the carousel.

"Ice pillar"

On the carnival put a high pillar, then it was poured with cold water, and his gifts at a different distance suspended from each other. Players must try to climb into this post, but they sculpt from him, and the one who is stronger and stupidly tries to overcome the obstacles to get to the end and get the most expensive prize.


This folk fun once was widespread in the wooded provinces of Russia. Her and some other nations have satisfied. On the slope of the mountain or a boogue, sometimes specially drunk from the snow and tightly rammed, placed under the slope in parallel to each other at a distance of about 1 meter two smooth, smoothly orange poles (thrill) with a length of 15-20 m. It happens that the skillful masters "grow "To each six one or more, bringing the length to 50 or more.

But the connections should be very durable and smooth, to carry out hand, do not feel a noticeable ledge or gap. Whether two smooth rails are obtained by which you can roll from the mountain. The poles are repeatedly watered with water so that they firmly extinct and become slippery. Plive and quite rolling the same platform, which will be killed in the sixth.

Those who want to ride on the sixth picks up a partner about the same in equally in growth and weight. It is desirable that the shoes have both with heels that help stable to stay on the pole and not slip from it. The partners get up to the poles face to each other, supporting one other hands beyond the shoulders or waist. However, methods can be very different, if only to resist with a quick slide down.

Consistency of actions, the ability to hold equilibrium, ingenuity, courage allows some ride in the most remular and comic poses. This is a wonderful popular spectacle for the winter holiday. Particularly fascinating youth and teenage skating.

"Towing a rope"

Let it be on the carnival not quite traditional. Preparation

As in the usual pulling of the rope, but the teams are taken for him, standing back to each other. Games and fun on Maslenitsa. Games on the carnival. Competitions for Maslenitsa"Three legs" "car" "Russian broom" "Who is faster on the broom" "broom on the forehead" "Russian beauty" "Russian Bath" Concert contests: auction of proverbs about pancakes, Maslenitsa. "Mail" "Give a handkerchief of sympathy" "Petushka" "Cherchka" game "Game" Cherry "game in" Opoleuhi "" Boy with bags "" Snow Maze "" Snow Tir "" Snow Hill "" Ice Carousel "" Ice Pillars "" SCHESS SCHESS "" STRIENING RATER

Games and fun on Maslenitsa.

Maslenitsa is an old Russian national holiday. From time immemorial, he is the most fun and rampant, because it continued for a whole week. This is a holiday of winter wires and a selection of spring. During the holiday, funny competitions, contests, games were arranged.

1. Game " Boyar, and we came to you »

Boys and girls are in two ranks opposite each other. The boys go to meet girls and sing, then the boys retreat, girls go on them and sing.

The first team goes ahead with the words:-Boyar, and we came to you!

And returns to the same place:-Rogue, and we came to you!

Another repeats this maneuver with the words:- Wheel, why did they come? Dear, why did you come?

The dialog starts:- Wheel, we need the bride. Dear, we need a bride.- Labor, and what kind of you? Dear, and what kind of you?The first team consists and chooses someone:- Wheel, here this Mila (is shown on the selected).Dear us here this Mila.The selected player turns around the circle and now goes and stands in the chain, looking up to the other side.

2. Just - the game "Moma My Moromushka"

All children get up in a circle. Merma, the role that the girl performs is in the center. Children walk each other in a circle and sing.


Moma, Momushka,
Lucky head.
Moromushki kissel and pancakes,
The hostess is hot pies.

Children stop.

Children: Healthy, Merma?

Moma: Healthy!

Children: And what are you doing?

Merom. : Sailing straight!

All go in a circle and sing.


Moma, Momushka,
Lucky head.
Moromushki kissel and pancakes,
The hostess is hot pies.

Children stop.

Children: Healthy, Merma?

Moma: Healthy!

Children: And what are you doing?

Merma: Globes Mota.

All go in a circle and sing.


Moma, Momushka,
Lucky head.
Moromushki kissel and pancakes,
The hostess is hot pies.

Children stop.

Children: Healthy, Merma?

Moma: Healthy!

Children: And what are you doing?

Moma: knitting knit!

All go in a circle and sing.


Moma, Momushka,
Lucky head.
Moromushki kissel and pancakes,
The hostess is hot pies.

Children stop.

Children: Healthy, Merma?

Moma: Healthy!

Children: And what are you doing?

Merma: I cry! Finger Podkolol!

All go in a circle and sing.


Moma, Momushka,
Lucky head.
Moromushki kissel and pancakes,
The hostess is hot pies.

Children stop.

Children: Healthy, Merma?

Moma: Healthy!

Children: And what are you doing?

Merma: I catch you!

After the words: "You catch!" "Merma" catches children, trying to "rally" them, they are running out. Children she caught, should "pay off", told on the topic "Spring", Pestechka, read, saying, make a riddle.

3. The game "For a walk we are going"

Children stand in a circle, Dunyash in the center

Dunyasha: Repeat words for us, and then show themselves:Boots and cap, fur coat and glovesWhere do we wear when we go for a walk?Children (clapping) for a walk we gatheredDried quickly quickly.After these words, Dunyasha calls one of the items of clothing (hat, fur coat, sweater, gloves, boots) at the same time shows where it should be worn; He herself confuses children, showing incorrectly. The pace of the game is gradually accelerating.

4. Game - Divination

A, well, boilers, appear
Drag, cut back!
To be fun
Hands, friend, do not regret!

Children take turns throw a couple of boots, who will indicate the socks of the boots, the couple dancing.

5. A flow "Running in the lapties"

Spring Nearby, it's time for the boots on the napty

(Large lapties are taken).

Children are divided into two teams. Participants are in turn put on the boots of the Napti and run away, passing the lapties to the next player.

6 . Attraction "Braces of Kosya Masllenitsa".

Come out do not yaw
Spit Maslenka Mock!

Children weave braids from ribbons attached to Chounded doll: who is faster.

7 . The relay is "pancakes".

Each participant puts "Damn" to the pan and runs with him to the tray, puts it on a tray, returns to the team, transmits a frying pan with the next participant.

8. The relay is "the most damage".

Who will throw "damn" to the tray and not mishand. The missing children are out of the competition, which fell continue the game until one winner is revealed.

9. Game " Cats-mouse »

Before you start the game you need to choose two watering: a cat and a mouse. The rest of the players become in the circle, at about the distance of one step from each other, and they are taken by the arms, forming the gate among themselves. Cat is behind the circle, mouse in a circle. Cat tries to enter the circle and catch the mouse.Playing try not to miss the cat inside the circle. If the cat will be able to get into the circle, playing immediately open the gate and produce a mouse. And the cat is trying from the circle not to release.The game ends with the victory of the cat and, accordingly, the lesion of the mouse.

10.Iigra "Sorry-shirt"

Leading - Spring.

The guys get up with each other, holding the waist ahead of standing. Spring leads the actions of "Sorry-shirt": you first just move in a straight line, then move forward, jumping on one leg, overcome pre-created obstacles. Playing should not destroy it while driving.

11.Sile fun.

Competition 1. Get a prize.

Participants are two people. The carpet of 2 sizes is 3 meters, it is required to put on the floor. On the team, the participants begin to crawl along the floor. Who is the first will pass a prize, he won.

Competition 2. . Standard competition, who will drag the rope.

Competition 3. Pushing (in the people of fist fight, "cams")

Teams are lined with face to face, friend on a friend. The distance between them is about 40-50 cm. When the signal is served, they rest in each other with their hands. The one who shook his opponent back, for a particular line.

12. The relay of "baked pancakes".

Children take paper with painted pancake circles and break it along the line to get damn. Whoever damn get the most accurate, he won.

13. Game "Samovarchiki"

Each team has a samovar on the table. At the leading signal, the first player takes Samovar, runs on the second table, rushes around him, returns, gives Samovar to the next participant. The relay continues. The last participant of the team leaves the samovar on the table and returns to the team. We defeat the fastest "self-crews".

14.Iigra "Fill a samovar with water"

At the signal of the leading first participant runs to the samovar, removes the cover from it, takes a spoon from the table, returns, transmits a spoon to the next participant. The second player runs to the samovar, "pours water" (pulls out a spoonful ball (this is water) from the bucket and puts it into samovar), returns to the team, transfers a spoon to the next participant. The relay continues. The latter runs the player who starts the relay. He shifts the last ball from the bucket to the samovar, covers a samovar with a lid, tops the kettle with a welding.

15.Goods to the table

Each team has a Russian sundress and a cake. At the signal of the leading, the first participant puts on a sundress and a ghost, runs to the table with a treat, stands behind him, turns face to the team, spreads his arms to the side and makes a bow (invitation to the table), returns to the start, removes the sundress and golk, transfers them to the following player. The team wins, the participants of which will be more artistic and will finish the battles first.

16. Korobeyniki

Guests! Do not yaw!
Who wants what is - choose!
Here toys are notable
Folding yes okay!
They are famous everywhere
They like them!
I brought in honor of the holiday
Consideration Miscellaneous:
Gingerbread, candy, bagels
For the waters of our public.

Children guess the riddles of the spring, get toe, they buy sweets, toys.

Maslenitsa at all times was the time of spring equinox, time when all nature comes to life and wakes up. Rites and traditions associated with Maslenitsa take their beginning in the pre-Christian period. The ritual side of this celebration includes the shades of the culture of ancestors, it also correlates with the transitional period of nature, when everyone comes to life and carries the function of stimulating fertility. This is due to the fact that Maslenitsa has always preceded the start of field work. Also, the oil week is preceded by the beginning of the Great Post, during which believers do not use dairy products. And in the carnival it is allowed, hence the name. People's festivities on Maslenitsa became a special tradition, the burning of stuffed, symbolizing the winter, hiking, and all sorts of fun, fortune-telling, and, where without Carnish.

Bearing annoying winter

Now, as many years ago, one of the main symbols of Carnival remains scarecrow. It personifies the winter, which it's time to leave the ravisa to this time and give the spring road. Usually men, women and children with all the village were collected by a straw in one place, and then they made a doll from her, put it in women's clothing, and bougar. They were told the chocan on the head of the handkerchief, they put on the skirt, the sweaters and drove into the sleigh throughout the village. Then burned her, throwing into the fire and passenger pancakes. The dance drove around the campfire and danced. This glorious rite has been preserved to this day and attracts residents of both small villages and large cities.

Games and contests

Ice pillar - a competition that is satisfied with the carnival. For him, some high column of cold water and at a sufficient distance from the ground gifts hang. To get them, you need to get on this post and do not slip off from it. Always win the strongest and stubborn.

Another folk fun is throwing the boots. Of course, it is better to do it outdoors. The essence of the game is uncomplicated: it is necessary to go out the boots as far as possible and more accurate.

Children really like this game "Golden Boots". For her, two of the players (it can be adults) get up to the center, holding hands and raising them up so that the gate come. The kids are becoming a "train" with each other and pass through the gate. At some point, the gate "closes", that is, adults lower their hands and catch someone from the children. The one who caught, also becomes the gate and the "train" decreases. The game goes until the gate is caught all.

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Easter is a bright, joyful holiday. On the eve of the oven and consecrate the cakes, painting eggs. But the ancient traditions include not only the visit to the church and the meal, but also a variety of entertainment, games. Most of them are connected with paint eggs - they beat them, ride, hide ...


The most famous Easter game is the riding eggs. For her, you need a small board or a piece of cardboard - "rink". With it you need to roll painten. Wins the one whose egg will "run away" further. Options are possible games. For example, it is not bad to put at the bottom of the boards or cards of different prizes. When the egg that one or another player rolls, touches the prize, his winner will take it.

Checking eggs to the fortress - the other popular Easter fun. Participants games Sit opposite each other and roll paintings so that they face. Whose egg will crack, he lost. The winner takes the egg. You can not roll, but just beat each other eggs. Won the one whose will remain whole. If it is a pity to break Easter symbols, you can not beat them, but just twist on a flat surface. Players spin eggs on the team, whose will rotate longer, he won and take the painted rivals.

There are mobile gameswhich traditionally played and playing Easter. For example, relay. For her you need two tablespoons and two painted eggs. All participants are divided into teams and become in the rank. The first player holds a spoon in his hand and runs to the "Finish" mark, and then back. Then he transmits a spoon with a painted second player and everything is repeated. You gamesthe team that previously completes the relay.

Another fun fun is the search for eggs. They usually hide adults, but they are looking for children. Who will find the most, he won. You can develop a complex scenario, break the defortion into several commands, for each to make prompts, or compose poems pointing to the places where the paintings are hidden. Or, next to each egg, put a note with an indication where to look for the following. Another option is the search for blind eggs. The playing first looks at where the paint is lying, determines the number of steps to her, and then his eyes tie him, and he must reach the egg and take it. In general, it all depends on the fantasy of the organizers games.

Video on the topic

Maslenitsa is an old pagan holiday adapted to Christianity. These are the wires of the boning cold winter, and the last week before the great post. The cellular symbol is damn - round and bright as the sun.

In order for the holiday to be not coming down to the usual eating pancakes, you can spend more fun contests in the forest glade, to participate in which children and adults will be able to participate in which.

Cut from dense cardboard a circle with a diameter of about 25 cm - they will depict pancakes. Instead of circles, you can take plastic plates. Participants are divided into 2 teams. At the start, there is a stack of "pancakes" before each command. In the first round of the competition "Pancakes" need to be transferred to the finish of one by one by closing between two sticks-keys. Sticks can be kept in both or in one hand, if desired. Each participant transfers "Damn", returns back and gives the following. The team that the first moved all the pancakes.

In the second round "Pancakes" need to be transferred back by closing them between the knees. Here, participants will have to overcome the distance by jumping.

In the third round, the participants pairly ties each other for the left and right leg. Each couple takes one pancake and carries it from the start to the finish. The next pair starts when the previous finish.

Draw 2 large circles, mark their center and offer teams to throw "pancakes" to accuracy from a distance of several steps. The distance will depend on the wind and the severity of "pancakes" so that they do not belong to. A team will win, whose mugs lay closer to the center.

If sticky snow is lying on the carnival, spend a competition for the best snowy sculpture. Winners can be determined by several nominations: the most unusual sculpture, the most beautiful, most ... The main thing is that each participant feel the Creator and receive his portion praise.

The traditional Russian fun is to drag the rope. Make sure that the rope is strong to cost without injury.

Dogs of this breed were removed for northern latitudes like driving dogs. They are hardy and persistent, do not fear cold and winds. Husky was so loved by people that they began to grow for themselves as pets in big cities. But few can afford the dog, and the Husky, especially. For this breed requires special care. Therefore, such recreation centers where cheerful dogs entertain will be interesting to many.

Rest with Husky implies not only communication with a shaggy friend, but also active games in the snow, "catch-up", as well as riding in a sleigh. The harness from several dogs is easily and zadorly ride you with the breeze.

Husky - Dogs are friendly, funny, playful, good and affectionate. They are very active, and do not get tired of entertaining you with children during a couple of hours. You will install faster. Recreation centers with husky will be interesting not only to adults, but also older people, and even more children. With a dog, you can not only frolic, but also quietly walk, breathe fresh winter air.

After all, the main rule of the Husky centers is a huge love of dogs. After such a saturated weekend, you will get a lot of positive emotions, which will cross all your week negative, and light fatigue will be only a joy.


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