Malakhov left the program let them say. Why Malakhov left from the first channel: the latest news

Malakhov left the program let them say. Why Malakhov left from the first channel: the latest news
Malakhov left the program let them say. Why Malakhov left from the first channel: the latest news

"Direct ether" in Russia on Monday collected a rating of 5.1% and the share of the audience of 20.8%, on Tuesday - 3.2% and 13.7%, respectively, on Wednesday - 3.2% and 14.1%. The information on Thursday is still not available.

Ratings "Let them say" lately declined, but not too much. For example, in April 2017, according to the MEDIASCOPE analytical service, the rating of the program was 6.2% with a share of 18%. A year before, in April 2016, the rating was 6.8% with a share - 20.8%. The rating and share of the program dedicated to the case of Diana shurgina amounted to 7.1% and 19.6%, respectively. At the same time, on the Yutiub-channel "Let them say" the release of more than 1 million times.

"Today we had to take place the first after the summer holidays shooting" direct ether ", but they were not there, because there was no Boris Korchevnikov. And about Malakhov, who will come to his place, we say everything, "the representative of the country's chief television channel said.

Passion around Andrei Malakhov do not subside. Just dissuaded on the topic "Let them say" and the scandalous transition of Andrei to the channel "Russia", only pleased that Malakhov and his spouse Natalia will become parents. How suddenly - a new story. As we told the organizers of the competition, Andrei will become the leading one of the concerts, which will be held in the framework of the "New Wave" (details).

Today Ksenia Sobchak is the most discussed figure of the Russian show business. The editor-in-chief of L'Officiel Russia magazine has declared that he intends to run for the presidency of the Russian Federation in 2018. Now journalists are sleeping and see how to interview the TV presenter. So, yesterday Ksenia appeared on the ether of the show "Direct Ether". She talked with Andrei Malakhov about the upcoming elections, and also told on the whole country, why Andrei left the first channel.

Ivan noticed that in fact, Mitya was going to leave the first channel, but he chose a very unfortunate moment for this, since all the attention was riveted to the story with the star "Let them talk." Urgant called dismissal leading first "The Great Exodus": "The outcome, when Andrei Malakhov brought over two more leading (Alexander Oleshko and Timur Kizyakov. - Ed.). And this is despite the fact that all the Jews as it were left on the channel. "

Why Malakhov left 1 channel what cause. Breaking news.

"Our digital era to the epistolar genre is extremely rare, but I came to the" Channel One "in the last century, when people still wrote each other letters , not ESEMES. So sorry for such a long message. We hope to hope, you know the true causes of my unexpected transfer to "Russia 1", where I will lead the new program "Andrei Malakhov. Direct Ether, "engage in Saturday Show and other projects," the Starhit website leads.

Malakhovgate goes to all new orbits, coloring sad television landscape of August. Recall the lead show Channel One "Let them say" Andrei Malakhov with a scandal leaves the first channel. Officially, the parties are known to be silent. But it is unofficially frolic on a complete, honing wit. (Details).

"I did not comment on your recent video against the background of the castle, because if I had money in the first place in this story, my transfer, how you guessed, would have happened to nine years ago," in particular, Malakhov said.

"Nikonova is a professional, what little. In the first, she developed a rapid activity, intercepting the Brazda of the Board of the program Malakhov, and still offering the leadership of the ideas of new projects, including the recently launched show of Dmitry Shepelev, "the employee of the first site" Komsomolskaya Pravda "quotes.

But the cause of Malakhov's care from the first channel, again on the basis of rumors, is called conflict with the new producer "Let them say". They say that Andrei simply did not want to turn his show into a political project, because it believes that people are interested in ordinary human stories.

Malakhov left 1 channel to 2. Recent details.

"Well, lost me? I am here: Andrei Malakhov, "Live Ether", TV channel "Russia", "reports leading in the video.

On the second button, after Malakhov, the editors team, who prepared all the loud esters, was looking for stories, topics, turns. The most scandalous heroes, among whom, by the way, Diana Shurygin and Dana Borisov, will also "move" to competitors.

Malakhov left 1 channel video. Breaking news.

On social networks, the question of the departure of the famous TV presenter Andrei Malakhov from the first canal, where he worked for more than fifteen years. At first he led the "big washing." Later Malakhov became the only and unmanned leading scandalous show "Let them talk." Now the management of the channel is looking for a new candidate who will replace Andrei Nikolayevich on his "post". According to rumors, the media center has already found the whole two such applicants. Who are they? Why does Malakhov leave the first channel? What awaits the show "Let them talk" in the future?

The program appeared in 2005 and became a large-scale "brainchild" Andrei Malakhov. It is worth saying that the transfer itself "let them say" is already associated with the name of its unmanned lead. This is a scandalous analysis of relevant life situations whose heroes are conventional people. The show quickly rose in the rankings, apparently, not without the participation of Malakhov, and also remains popular with Russian viewers so far.

In addition, the showman led another gear - "Tonight." He is also the editor-in-chief of the glossy publication about the stars, and also enters the thirty richest Russian celebrities, earning about a million rubles annually.

Everything seemed to be fine, but then the Internet spun the news that the first channel seems to be replaced by Malakhov. By the way, negotiations are conducted at once with several candidates. Their names are not disclosed, but there is an assumption that Dmitry Shepelev can be one of them. The press service of the resource says that they are not included in the circle of media persons.

If "let them say" will lead a new, less well-known lead, what is waiting for the program? Maybe the transfer format will change a bit. In addition, changing Showman can lead to a drop in the ratings of the program. On social networks, they argue about how Russian grandmothers will live without a favorite transfer, which can always be concerned.

Earlier, information was published that Malakhov would never cease to be leading, simply change the channel and will lead "live broadcast" on Russia 1, which is part of the Holding of VGTRK, and will replace Boris Korchevnikov. The latter, according to rumors, plans to leave the program by the end of the summer to take the position of the proposal of the religious channel "Savior". But later, this information was denied, since while the leadership of Russia 1 is on vacation.

Initially, Korchevnikov wanted to combine "pleasant with useful" - and channel to produce, and leading to remain. But he was advised to abandon these plans, because his place on the canal was now vacant. The question remains: will his Malakhov or another journalist take? True, the leadership "Russia 1" has motifs to "relocate" the lead.

At the same time, the "potential" candidate for the replacement of Malakhov, Showman Dmitry Shepelev said that he had no information about leaving the lead from the channel. He asks to ask about it in the administration. Shepelev already has a transmission that he constantly leads, because he has no need to go to a new place. An employee of one producer center says that the latter could not "squeeze" a permanent acting person "Let them say" (he does not have the format) and it sounds ridiculous, because this option is unlikely.

In addition, the source claims that the canal really appreciate Malakhov and if something had not satisfied him, the leadership of the first could go to him for concessions, because his project has been considered one of the most rating and recognizable. In this regard, the program "Let them say" the channel cannot close in any way, how to dismiss the authoritative leading Malakhov.

Familiar showman voiced three possible reasons for the fact that Andrei Nikolaevich will still leave the number of employees of the First Channel. The fighting of them is that against the background of the conflict with the producer of Natalia Nikonova Malakhov, it simply "fills its price" and wants to achieve special powers and permission to create its own author's program.

The second option suggests that a well-known TV presenter can really go to "Russia 1". There he can organize his own project and realize it. It is worth noting that, according to experts, Malakhov will not be left without work, because he has a huge credibility of trust in advanced Russian channels. The mostly discussed TV presenter is now on vacation. Yesterday, he published a photo in the social network, on which he walks along the beach. On the site of his edition of Starhit, nothing is reported to the possible caring of the lead from the first channel, whose face has become.

Malakhov continues to enjoy the right holiday. Together with his wife Natalia Shkuleva, he flew to the resort and sunbathes under the sun of the Saint-Tropez on the best beaches. Yesterday's video of the host users of the social network commented on phrases: "That's how it is cheating away from the first channel," Andrei, heard a rumor, you leave the first channel. Is it true? "," Is it true that you go to work from the first to VGTRK? ". But in the microblogue, Telumir did not give any of the questions asked. Apparently, holds intrigue.

0 August 3, 2017, 14:05

July 30, Russian media that Andrei Malakhov leaves from the first channel and will no longer lead one of the most popular current shows "Let them talk." Many Internet users who learned about it at first could not believe that it was true. Having truthful and how much this information has not yet managed to find out: every day the network has a wide range of the reasons for taking a showman and channel producers, as well as the names of possible candidates for Malakhov's place and even the versions that the scandal is just Only PR. We understand.

All Wine - a new producer and political topics

As reported by BBC, Andrei Malakhov decided to make his leaving after returning to "let them say" the producer Natalia Nikonova. She has extensive experience in television, collaborated with many large television companies, including the first channel. Twice became the owner of Tefi.

Nikonov led the special projects of the First Channel, was the producer "Let them say", "Malakhov +", "Lolita. Without complexes" and "judge for yourself."

We had one day a crazy live broadcast on which I was sitting on the director's console. At some point, Andrei and I got to such an attachment that he could not stand my shouts in the "Ear" and shouted right on the camera: "Stop, Natasha!" - And I still put a hand forward, as if I pushed me with my instructions. It is good that the studio stood a cry and no one noticed our move. In general, I admire Andrei's professionalism. He and without a director, she feels a population, who needs to contact,

- So responded about Malakhov Natalia in one of his interviews of 10 years ago.

Now, when Nikonova returned, she, as stated, is going to change the vector of the program and focus on social and political issues. It is believed that this categorically did not arrange Malakhov and he decided to voluntarily leave the canal, which worked for more than 15 years.

Insider assures that Nikonova is going to work in a political direction, because very soon, in 2018, presidential elections will be held. "Let them say" - one of the most rating programs, she has a big coverage of the audience, and this guarantees greater involvement of the audience in the themes of this kind.

Who will get the role of the lead "let them say"?

With the departure of Andrei Malakhova, there was a completely reasonable question: "Who will replace the TV host?" Candidates for a vacant place are several. The first in the list of applicants was Dmitry Borisov - the leading "evening news" on the first channel, which works a little more than 10 years. Dmitry is a repeated laureate of large premiums.

The network also discusses the information that Malakhov will replace Boris Korchevnikov, who for a long time collaborated with NTV, then moved to Russia, where he began to lead a similar program "Direct Ether". It is believed that he perfectly cope with his duties, because he understands the specifics of working on a talk show.

In the number of applicants, Dmitry Shepelev, who came to the first channel in 2008. Then he was the leading program "Can I SPIA". After that, he became leading several more programs - "Minute of Glory", "Hurry up to midnight", "two voices" and "the property of the republic".

There are rumors that the Krasnoyarsk TV presenter Alexander Resin meets the place of Malakhov. It is working on the program "New Morning" on TVC. The popularity of the journalist brought the ether, during which he congratulated the officials with the fact that they had raised their salary. Irony Varevgeo rated Youtube users.


There is nothing surprising in the fact that a rather predictable version of Malakhov is put forward for television. Network users believe that the first channel wants to increase its own ratings in the already "dead" season, when it does not happen as such large events, and interest in transmission and specifically to Andrei need to be permanently supported.

There is an opinion that the creators of the Program are not going to let Malakhov go, but as soon as passions around this story are played, they will explore everything under the guise of ordinary misunderstanding and disinformation. Although many experts agree that the first channel would not go such a step, because he had never been observed anything like that.

New job Malakhov

While one argues about the causes of Malakhov's care and discuss almost the theory of conspiracy, others worries, where will the most rating TV presenter of Russian television go? According to one of the versions, Andrei is going to go to the competitor of the first - VGTRK. It will lead the transfer of "live broadcast" leading to Boris Korchevnikov.

Moreover, together with Malakhov with "Let them say", another group of specialists are planning to quit. But the insider assures that no statements about the departure did not receive anyone. And so far Malakhov is on vacation, to understand how things are actually quite difficult.

But Andrei comes many offers. So, for example, Spartak Hockey Club invited TV host to keep homemade matches by letting the official letter.

In "Spartacus" are more seriously concerned about the incoming information about possible care from the first channel of the popular TV presenter Andrei Malakhov,

- Posted by the club in his official account on Twitter.

Photo Archives press services

Andrei Malakhov was one of the permanent showmen of the "Channel One", which worked since 2001. "Big Wash", "let them say", scandals, quarrels and labels - all this was collected by the audience in the prime time from the TV from year to year. An unknown graduate Zubforma is obliged to be its popularity to the "first", on which he became the star leading, which is now.

It would seem that nothing foreshadows problems, and the evening with Andrei Malakhov - this is an unshakable transmission, which Konstantin Ernst will not solve to remove from the ether. But everything has the end - and the program of the lead-scandalist did not exception. On July 31, there were reports that Malakhov leaves the "first" and passes to Russia.

And it goes not alone - and together with the whole team working on the talk show. The exact reasons are still unknown, the master itself is injected at the situation, stating only that "he has already decided." Let's try to consider all the versions of why we will not see the "first" new plots about the rape of Diana Shurygin and gatherings with the stars in the "tonight" with Andrei Malakhov.

Conflict with producers

Immediately after the news about the possible care of the showman began to appear information about the conflict with the producer of Natalia Nikonova. Sometime, this woman worked on this show, then changed the place of work, but in the end he returned to the first button. Rumor dissolves, as the media says, a certain anonymous editor "Let them say" with Andrei Malakhov. The source calls it by the dictator and argues that it strongly recommended the showman to move away from household themes towards the political sphere. The leading offer absolutely did not like it, which led to the care.

Conflict with Ernst

Other sources say that Andrei Malakhov leaves due to disagreements with Channel General Director by Konstantin Ernst. Allegedly showman asked for several years to make his programs to make his programs, which did not receive a positive response. Ernst noted that it was his leader to his star, and recommended that to do what it is necessary. Recently, the showman really tries to attract the attention of the public to the public from work on the "first" activity, so the version has the right to exist.

Maternity leave

The site of the ELLE magazine, referring to anonymous sources, shared his version. Care of care - maternity leave. Andrei Malakhov's wife, with whom he is now resting on Sardinia, is in a position, and this is what pushed him to such a radical act. Recall that she is a brand-director and publisher of the magazine in Russia.

In response to the decision of the lead to go on a child's care vacation, management responded sharply, stating that "let them say" - not nursery, and the showman should be chosen between the family and the transmission. He considered such a formulation of the issue of extremely cynical and contrary to the Russian Labor Code and decided to say goodbye to the "first".

What's next?

If you believe the RBC information, we will already see the scandalous lead on Russia 1, where he will lead the transfer of "direct ether". Together with him there are many people, so the "first" will appear open vacancies. While this is unconfirmed information, and some argue that the showman decided to go to free bread and become a blogger. Recall that last year the host was registered in Instagram and gathered a million subscribers there, and a few months ago got a private channel on YouTube, which can not boast of popularity.

In the meantime, you have a chance to watch the latest programs with Andrei Malakhov on the "first". It is assumed that his place will take Dmitry Borisov, leading evening news, with his show. The departure of the showman became a loud event - actor Stanislav Sadalsky wrote that in honor of Andrei Malakhov, a special edition of "Farewell, Andrei", which will soon appear on the air.

Internet users did not make a joke with a new release of the program "Let them say", where they discussed Ukraine and kicked out one of the experts under the screaming "Shame!" People do not understand where the 12-year-old women are pregnant from the tractor driver, and literally pray for the previous leading program Andrei Malakhov to return and talk again about Diana shurgina as much as he wants.

The departure of the TV presenter Andrei Malakhov from the First Channel on the TV channel "Russia" is no longer the subject of rumors, and the leading fact: the lead itself confirmed his change, and the program "Let them say" is on the ether with Dmitry Borisov. The first few releases on the subject differed little from those who led Malakhov: on Wednesday, August 16, discussed the death of the actress of faith Veloleva, and the next day - the deplorable state in which the artist Yevgeny Osin was.

Members of social networks reacted pretty sluggishly to the new lead: someone did not like it, since Andrei Malakhov left the era, someone did not understand why someone is interested in this at all. But everything changed on Monday, August 21, when Maria Maksakova became the hero of the next release, the widow of the ex-deputy Denis Voronenkov, who escaped to Ukraine and killed there.

The announcement of the transmission said that Maria Maksakova will finally respond completely, it is finally renounced from Russia and whether it communicates with his older children. Calm frank conversation in "Let them say" did not work out: Ether overgrown in a dispute about politics. Especially spoken by the participants of the TV show the topic of the death of the former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Irina Berezhnaya, who died on August 5 in the accident in Croatia.

The Ukrainian political scientist Dmitry Suvorov invited to the program stated that he did not regret and "God simply takes those who wish to evil Ukraine." The deputy was indeed in opposition to the existing authorities: skeptically expressed the introduction of a visa-free regime between Ukraine and the EU, opposed the heroization of Stepan Bandera.

After such words, the degree of discussion in the studio has begun on nowhere: the participants of the transfer began to crossed each other, thoroughly throwing insults. The leading Dmitry Borisov himself said that he was in one studio with Suvorov after such words he became unpleasant, and then he asked the political scientist to leave the hall that he did under the screams "Shame!"

In the comments to the video, which "let them say" laid out on its YouTube Channel, you could no longer hold your anger. Only now he was sent against Suvorov, but against "let them say." People did not like that the transfer left its usual topics and politicized.

Especially got from users a new leading - Dmitry Borisov. The network launched almost a whole flashmob called Malakhov to return. Users did not believe that they write, but recognized: in Malakhov was better.

They missed the leading even those who did not watch the transmission.

. But not so long ago, Malakhov gave an interview to the site here you can read what acute social problems were discussed in the transfer in the entire history of its existence - Victimyming, adoption issues, the life of single fathers.