People born on January 19 at baptism. Folk Epiphany signs

People born on January 19 at baptism.  Folk Epiphany signs
People born on January 19 at baptism. Folk Epiphany signs

After meeting Epiphany Christmas Eve on the night of January 18-19, Orthodox believers celebrate one of the main twelve-year holidays - the day of the Baptism of the Lord. With the feast of Epiphany, a ritual of purification takes place. The Baptism of the Lord, or, as it is also called, the Holy Epiphany is one of the oldest Christian holidays that ends the Christmas Eve. In 2016, the Orthodox Baptism of the Lord falls on Tuesday.

The Lord's Baptism is an event from the Gospel, a Christian holiday... It is associated with the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River by John the Baptist. The gospel tells us that when Jesus was baptized, a holy spirit descended upon him, clothed in a dove. Together with this dove, a voice was heard, which said: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." It is on this day that it is believed that the son of God began to serve on our land for the benefit of all mankind.

This holiday is also known as the Day of Enlightenment or the Festival of Lights. In any case, this is a great day of spiritual enlightenment, when Christ gave a person who has fallen in sin the opportunity to receive the grace of the Holy Spirit after the rite of Baptism.

Water is the beginning of all life on this earth. Immersion in water is considered a sacred custom, and this is how people began to baptize. On this day, thousands of faithful Christians go to local reservoirs to plunge into the water. Most traditions are no longer followed, but the most famous customs and signs of this day are as important as in ancient times.

Do not leave your shoes outside the door on Epiphany, otherwise you will get sick.

If there are problems in the house, take water at night, leave it open at the doorstep, and in the morning wipe the shoes of each family member with this water. Then pour the water into a latrine with the words: "An evil spirit under the ground, kind on the ground."

With the onset of the Baptism of the Lord, people go to church for mass and for the great consecration of water. And then, already in the houses, they start a festive meal.

On the day of the Baptism of the Lord, believers go to the river, lake, sea to be present at the consecration of the water. January is the time of frost, the water is covered with a thick layer of ice. Therefore, special ice holes are made on frozen reservoirs. They call them "Jordan" - in honor of the baptism of Christ in the Jordan.

Do not forget that swimming in the ice hole at Epiphany is not fun. You cannot associate this ceremony only with the interest from immersion in the ice hole or do it only for the company. This attitude towards the holiday is a sin. Before diving, one should say a prayer, as well as observe the traditions of this day. Only such bathing will bring purification not only to the body, but also to the soul. In addition, such swimming in the ice-hole brings health and longevity.

Epiphany, or Epiphany water has been considered a shrine since ancient times. It is kept throughout the year, sprinkled on things, taken during illness and given to drink to those who, for some reason, cannot receive communion.

For many years, baptism has been considered the most successful time for making a wish. On the night of January 18-19, many dreams will be heard and fulfilled.

All these signs were born hundreds, and maybe thousands of years ago. The people observed natural processes, compared and made conclusions.

- if on the day of Epiphany the weather is clear and cold, then wait for a dry summer.

- if the Epiphany night coincides with the full moon - spring floods are quite possible.

- starry Epiphany night foreshadows summer droughts, and if the wind blows from the south - summer will be stormy.

- they waited for a bad year if the weather was clear on Epiphany.

Also, Baptism was considered by the Orthodox the best day to arrange a wedding.... An old proverb says: "Epiphany handicraft - to a happy family." There is also a belief that people baptized on January 19 will be happy all their lives.

Besides, girls on Epiphany evening wondered on their betrothed: put the rings in a bag of grain and, taking turns taking them out, determined the fate. A copper ring promised a poor groom, a silver one from a family with an average income, a ring with a gem - a noble groom, and a gold one from wealthy merchants.

They tried to guess the fate and so: in the evening they went out of the gate and waited for who would be the first to get in the way. To meet a young guy was considered a good omen, and an old man was considered a bad omen.

People attached special importance to Epiphany dreams. It was believed that everything seen in a dream refers to all life, fate. It can come true even after decades.

The feast of the Epiphany of the Lord has a difficult fate.

"We must fulfill all righteousness ..."

Today, the Baptism of the Lord is celebrated by the Russian Orthodox Church on January 19 in the new style (January 6 in the old style), and its meaning is now transparent to every believer. This holiday is a memory of how Jesus Christ appeared on the banks of the Palestinian Jordan River and asked for baptism from the prophet John the Baptist. He, seeing the essence of Christ, was surprised and asked if he himself should be baptized by Christ? John baptized people for the remission of sins, but why should a being who has a sinless divine essence be cleansed from sins? And is it appropriate for the Vladyka to receive baptism from His servant? The answer was received: "We must fulfill all righteousness." Then John the Baptist bowed his head before the will of God, and Jesus entered the green, opaque waters of the Jordan, which from ancient times was revered as a sacred river. John the Baptist performed the rite of baptism, which became the prototype of the modern sacrament.

Shhiarchimandite John Maslov wrote about the Baptism of Christ in the Jordan River as follows: “Having been baptized by John, Christ fulfilled“ righteousness, ”that is, faithfulness and obedience to the commandments of God. Saint John the Forerunner accepted from God the command to baptize the people as a sign of the cleansing of sins. As a man, Christ had to “fulfill” this commandment and, therefore, be baptized by John. By this, He confirmed the holiness and greatness of John's actions, and gave Christians an example of obedience to the will of God and humility for everlasting time. "

During Baptism, a miracle happened: the Holy Spirit descended on Christ in the guise of a dove, “And there was a voice from heaven, saying: Thou art my beloved Son; My good pleasure is in You! "(Luke 3: 21-22). Thus, it was revealed to all the people that Jesus is not only the Son of Man, but also the Son of God. Therefore, the holiday now has a second name - Epiphany.

In the old days in Russia, every hole in the ice of a river or lake, created for the Epiphany consecration of water, was called Jordan. Let the Jordan River carry waves in warm places, palm trees stand along its banks, and the water in it never freezes, yet an Orthodox person can distinguish it somewhere near Ryazan or Belozersk, in a twenty-degree frost, among the snowdrifts swept by a blizzard. At this moment, time disappears, space disappears, thousands of waters from different centuries and countries merge into a single symbol of Jordanian water, sanctified by the presence of Christ.

White Reese Day

They began to celebrate the Baptism of the Lord very quickly - even during the life of the apostles. But at that time it was called differently and had a different meaning.

The disciples of Christ and the disciples of His disciples indulged in memories of how a living God appeared in the world of people, how the Magi bowed to him, how He taught and how he manifested an essence higher than human. Therefore, three different events - the incarnation of God in the human body (Christmas), the Adoration of the Magi and the first signs of His true origin (Baptism) - merged into one in their presentation. Three different, according to today's concepts, holidays left, as it were, a single celebration. Initially, the common name of this identity was "Epiphany" (in Greek - "Phenomenon"), later another, now well-known, variant prevailed - "Theophany" (that is, "Theophany"). In the ancient Apostolic Decisions it was said: "May you have in great respect the day on which the Lord revealed to us the Divinity." The clergy - the heirs of the true witnesses of the Epiphany, the apostles - have served on this day in white vestments since ancient times.

Today, the signs of the ancient unity of Christmas and Epiphany are subtle. For example, both holidays have an Eve (Christmas Eve) with strict fasting, and there are some similarities in worship.

But some churches, such as the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and the Armenian Gregorian Church, still celebrate the same holiday.

"Having drawn some water at midnight ..."

It is not an easy question when Baptism became an independent holiday. This did not happen all over the vast Christian world at the same time. But from the second half of the 5th century, Epiphany is almost universally celebrated as a separate holiday, and the word "Epiphany" becomes its synonym, no longer touching on Christmas.

The Church Council of the middle of the 6th century officially called the 12 days between Christmas and Epiphany festive - from December 25 to January 6, but he already distinguished two of these great celebrations.

The main distinguishing feature of Baptism is the consecration of water. This custom originated in antiquity and over time has become a kind of "visiting" card of the holiday.

For a long time there have been disputes over how many times should the consecration of water be carried out - one or two? So, for example, the Russian Church only in 1667 finally decided to hallow the water twice - both on the Eve and on the feast of the Epiphany itself. As a rule, the first time the consecration takes place in temples, and the second time - on rivers, lakes, ponds.

Moreover, the two blessings of water go back to two different church traditions.

The first of these is related to the order established among early Christians: to baptize new converts on the Eve of the feast. That is why the holiday once had a third name: it was called the "Day of Enlightenment" - as a sign that the Sacrament of Baptism cleanses a person from sin and enlightens with the light of Christ.

But subsequently, there were so many of those who wanted to accept Christ's faith that one day was clearly not enough for this. Baptism began to be performed on other dates as well. The custom of blessing the water on the Eve - even if none of the new converts is in the church - has been preserved.

At first, she was sanctified only once, at midnight. As early as the 4th century, St. John Chrysostom wrote about the consecration of water as follows: “Christ was baptized and sanctified the nature of the waters; and therefore, on the feast of Epiphany, everyone, drawing water at midnight, brings it home and keeps it throughout the year. And so the water in its essence does not deteriorate from the continuation of time, gleaned now for a whole year, and often for two or three years it remains fresh and intact, and after a little time does not yield to the waters just drawn from the source. "

Only from the 10th century was the consecration of water transferred from midnight to the Eve.

The tradition of hallowing water for the second time has other roots.

Initially, it concerned only the Jerusalem Church. There, the second consecration of water began to be performed in the 4th-5th centuries, since there was a custom to go out to the Jordan River for the consecration of water in memory of the Baptism of the Savior himself. From there, the custom of the second consecration of water gradually spread throughout the entire Orthodox world.

Since time immemorial, there has been a custom to drink Epiphany water in good health and sprinkle it on all corners of the house - to "drive away evil spirits."

Bishop Hilarion (Alfeyev) explains this custom as follows: “The Lord Jesus Christ Himself came to the Jordan to John to immerse himself in the waters of the Jordan - not to cleanse them from sin, but to sanctify them, transform them, fill them with life ... And He descended into the Jordanian waters to take upon Himself the burden of sin and death and the water element again to make the element of life. Since then, every year we consecrate water, and this water becomes a great shrine. This water, in which God Himself is present, sanctifies everything that is sprinkled with it, it heals people from diseases. "

Baptism is a spiritual holiday, there is no place for sorrowful memories and sorrow in it. Today, the magical properties of water will help you get rid of a heavy load of sins and the world will open in a new light - bright and joyful, full of hopes and opportunities. I wish you always find time for good deeds, and you will definitely be rewarded with a great mood!


Epiphany 2017: signs for this day are not particularly diverse. Mostly among the people, they were associated with the weather and future harvest, as well as personal well-being. As for the religious signs, then, of course, they are directly related to water.

Celebrated on January 19. This holiday is established in honor of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River. Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist. Baptism is one of the 12 most important Orthodox religious holidays of the year.

Religious signs: holy water

As noted above, the signs for Epiphany on January 19, what can and cannot be done related to religion, relate specifically to water. You can't swear at the water, while performing any rituals with Epiphany water, you can't even think about something bad.

Traditionally, on the night of January 18-19 or throughout the whole day of Epiphany, believers bathe in an ice-hole. There is a popular belief that swimming in such an ice hole can wash away all the sins that a person has committed during the year. Healing properties are also attributed to baptismal water. She is able to heal not only the body but also the soul. Moreover, to treat not only at Epiphany, but throughout the year.

With the help that can be collected in the church on Christmas Eve or on Epiphany itself, a person can independently, without contacting the church workers, consecrate his home. It is necessary to christen each corner of the dwelling with a cross, while saying prayers to oneself. Water can be stored all year round in a tightly closed glass container. The best storage space is near the icons. Many signs for Epiphany on January 19, when to wash, are associated with holy water. As for dipping into an ice hole, this can be done from midnight on Christmas Eve night, as well as on Epiphany, a few days after.

Folk omens for Epiphany

Wedding days

Among the people, it was from Epiphany to the Shrovetide itself that there was a good time to play weddings. This is the time after Christmas fast and after Christmas. Another good period for wedding week is September 14 to November 28.

People born on Christmastide

Those who were fortunate enough to be born during the Christmastide period (from January 8 to January 18) had to immerse themselves in an ice-hole for Epiphany after the moment of blessing the water. It was believed that swimming for these people in icy water would definitely bring health and a happy life.

Fulfillment of desire

On the night of Christmas Eve before Epiphany, heaven opens up for man, and God becomes closer. You can pray earnestly with a trustworthy belief that God will hear your prayers and desires and will definitely come true.

For the harvest

If it snows on the night of Epiphany, then the coming year will surely be fruitful. If there are many stars in the sky, then in the summer there will be many berries in the forest, and the bees will swarm well. If the sky is cloudy, then the bread will be born in spring. A clear sky predicts a lean year. If there is no frost on Epiphany and it rains, then the summer will be foggy, but there will be a lot of bread.

The peasants noticed that the warmth and thaw for Epiphany is a good sign. Although, for this time, on the contrary, frosts are more characteristic. If the weather is clear and good, there will be an excellent harvest of peas.

River floods

When Epiphany falls on a full moon, the rivers will overflow next spring. If there is a blizzard on this day, then you can expect a blizzard on Shrovetide. By the way, Maslenitsa week 2017 starts on February 16th.

On the weather

If it happened that on Epiphany there is a severe frost (this is most often the case), and this frost lasts for another seven days. Then the thaw will begin. Then again frosts, which will hold out for several days and one can already hope for the onset of scales.

Other Epiphany signs:

Clear and cold weather on Epiphany, the summer will be dry.

Clear and cold weather on Epiphany, the summer will be dry.
Cloudy and fresh weather means a bountiful harvest.
A full month indicates that the rivers will flood heavily in the spring.
A starry night indicates dry summers, a large number of berries in the forests, and generally a good harvest.
If the wind blows from the south, there will be many thunderstorms in the summer.
Epiphany weather indicates what the weather will be like for the current December 2017.

Signs for Epiphany on January 19, what you can do and what not many people know. Basically, most people on this holiday swim in the ice hole and collect the holy Epiphany water. However, it is worth considering what should not be done on such a momentous day for many believers.

It is forbidden

For example, you should know that in no case should you quarrel and swear. Since then a person will be in for trouble and disappointment all year round, both in business and in family life.

When you collect the holy Epiphany water, you should not think about something bad, because everyone knows that water is capable of absorbing a lot.

Also, on such a significant day for many, try not to borrow anything, as well as not to borrow. It is believed that the borrower or borrower will be in need throughout the year.

Many people should note for themselves that after Baptism one should not guess. You can lose your fortune and bring trouble on yourself.

It was also forbidden to rinse linen after Epiphany in an ice-hole or river before. Because as it was believed then in the river where they swim, there will be less evil spirits.

What needs to be done on such an important day

Firstly, the most important aspect on such a significant day for many Orthodox people is the sprinkling of all corners of the house with holy water. Because, in this way, you can get rid of evil spirits and evil spirits.

Be sure to drink plenty of baptismal water, it is able not only to heal, but also to cleanse the soul and thoughts of negativity. Diving into the hole, read the prayer and plunge headlong three times. On such a day, many housewives recount tablecloths and towels. It is believed that then the house will have a full bowl, and the owners will not need anything.

Some young mothers try to baptize their child on this day. Such an important and meaningful day promises a healthy and happy life. There have always been a large number of signs, traditions and customs in Russia. After all, they all accumulated over the years, and their knowledge and observance helps many people not to make mistakes, but on the contrary to heal from everything bad and unkind.

These are the main signs for Baptism on January 19 for wealth, for the weather and for other aspects of life that are important for each person. We congratulate you on this great holiday and hope that all the signs speak only of a good future.

In the section on the question I was born on January 19 - for baptism .. What does this mean in my destiny? given by the author Give advice the best answer is Those born on January 19 should not be discouraged from realizing their individual approach to life. Even in the most practical spheres of professional activity, they manage to act in accordance with distant ideals of a universal scale. Strong personalities born on January 19 are often in contact with the hidden aspects of the human soul and consciousness. In their family or social circle, those born on January 19 are recognized as people who can not only convincingly defend their own opinions, but also, thanks to their inner magnetism, attract others to their side. However, they should not get too carried away by negative phenomena and get used to self-destructive tendencies. Born 19 january can be extremely difficult to communicate with individuals who live difficult lives, but nevertheless manage to act dynamically and noticeably influence the world around them. It seems that they can mobilize their energy down to the last drop as needed. Some of them are organically incapable of leading a normal life. Constantly tormented by personal - often emotional - problems, they burn like bright comets in a dark sky, and then disappear without a trace in the night. Individuals with such an explosive energy should more carefully control its spontaneity and chaos. Very often, it is the connection with an understanding, calm person that alone can somehow land and balance these people. However, among those born on January 19, there are other natures who feel the need to draw a strict dividing line between daydreaming and the world it created, and a more stable personal life (or, conversely, adapt the current working models to a stormy inner life, thereby stabilizing it) ... In any case, striving for objectivity and balance helps them control the bursts of energy. Natural enthusiasm and high activity of those born on January 19 are indisputable facts. Those of them who suppress the germs of individuality and creativity in themselves, doom themselves to irritability and unhappiness. Usually, a personality crisis catches up with them at the age of twenty-eight, and then around forty-two, when they have to make a cardinal choice in favor of expanding or, conversely, curtailing their activity.

On January 18, all Orthodox people celebrate Christmas Eve, and on January 19, the Baptism of the Lord. According to tradition, on the night from 18 to 19 people swim in Jordan, sanctify the water, which at this time is considered curative.

Such water is called Epiphany or Great Agiasma and has special beneficial properties to consecrate material objects and heal spiritual and physical ailments. Baptismal water is consumed all year on an empty stomach in small quantities, usually together with a piece of prosphora "so that we might receive from God the strength that strengthens health, heals diseases, drives away demons and repels all hostility."

What happened at the Baptism of the Lord? The most important thing is the appearance of the Most Holy Trinity (Matthew 3: 13-17; Mark 1: 9-11; Luke 3: 21-22). God the Father spoke from heaven about the Son, the Son was baptized by the holy Forerunner of the Lord John, and the Holy Spirit descended on the Son in the form of a dove. That's why feast of the Epiphany also called Epiphany.

With the Holy Epiphany
Congratulations, friends!
You throw away all doubts,
Be happy in love!
Do not be afraid of various wickedness,
And wash yourself with holy water!
Guess on love ...
The holiday comes to us again!

This holiday will have many signs and different traditions, and we will start with what cannot be done at the Baptism of the Lord.

Epiphany January 19 - What not to do at Epiphany

Take a lot of Epiphany water and store it.

Get carried away with Christmas baptismal fortune-telling, as they come from pagan times.

Diluting holy water will not lead to anything good.

You cannot, while collecting Epiphany water, swear or think about bad things - this way the water will lose all its sanctity.

It is not necessary to wash on the day of Epiphany, as well as in the next 2 days.

Before baptism, you cannot lend or take anything out of the house so that you do not feel the need all year.

After the feast of Epiphany, it is absolutely impossible to guess. The Church generally does not recommend getting too carried away with Christmas fortune-telling - they come from pagan times and Orthodox Christians should consider this a harmful superstition.

You cannot shed tears on this day, otherwise you will pour them all year round.

Birthday at baptism on January 19

If you were born on January 19th, consider yourself lucky. There will never be a post on your birthday, because this is a twelveth holiday. But do not celebrate your birthday on Christmas Eve the day before, as January 18 is a strict fast. Better yet, if you go to church on your birthday or go to church the day before, confess and take communion, and God's Grace will be with you. Do not get hung up on all kinds of predictions, God alone knows what awaits us.

The entire Christian world today
Celebrates a great holiday.
It is called the Baptism of the Lord.
Happy birthday to you!

We wish that in your life
There were not sharp thorns, but roses!
And let all the troubles notice
Epiphany frosts this winter!

To always shine with joy
Your eyes, soul, smile, flesh!
Dreams so that the colored ones only dream.
May the Lord help you, (name)!

Among my relatives and friends today, January 19, two people are celebrating their birthday. This is Ilyina's sister-in-law Natalya and work colleague Zhukova Lyubov Ivanovna. Happy holiday, dear ones! Health, happiness to you and your children for years! Help you, Lord!

Happy Birthday to Epiphany

New Year and Christmas, Christmastide and Epiphany,

And on Epiphany, (here's the deal!) Also Birthday.

Happy Birthday, (name), congratulations!

We wish you something good from the bottom of our hearts.

The main thing, of course, is health,

To have joy in my soul.

Traitor luck will come in handy too

And patience, so as not to get angry.

To help - we and true friends,

To strength - a stream of vivacity.

For order, don't be lazy.

All your wishes come true!

Baptism January 19 tradition

Previously, there were special folk traditions of celebrating the Epiphany or Epiphany. For example, at Epiphany it was customary to release doves - as a sign of Divine grace that descended on Jesus Christ. Other folk traditions for Epiphany are known from legends.

In Russia, on the day of the Baptism of the Lord, as soon as the first church bell calls for Matins, the pious believers kindled a fire on the shore so that Jesus Christ, who was baptized in Jordan, could also warm himself by the fire.

They began to cook the Jordan a week before Epiphany: they cut through the wormwood on the river, sawed out a large cross and put it over the ice-hole. The throne was also cut out of the ice. The "royal gates" were decorated with fir-tree branches.

On the morning of the feast day, after the service, everyone went to the river. After the consecration of the water in the river, all those gathered took it into their dishes. It was believed that the sooner you scoop it up, the holier it will be. There were daredevils who swam in the Jordan, remembering that it is impossible to catch a cold in the consecrated water.

Then everyone went home. And while the women were setting the table, the eldest man in the family sprinkled the entire household with Epiphany water. Before eating, everyone drank the blessed water. After eating, the girls hurried to the river - to wash in the "Jordanian water", "so that their faces were pink."

After Epiphany it was forbidden to wash clothes in the river. According to legend, when a priest immerses the cross in water, all the evil spirits jump out of fear from there, and then sits on the shore and waits for someone with dirty linen to appear. As soon as the linen is lowered in the river, along it, like a ladder, all the evil spirits go into the water. Therefore, it was believed that the later women begin to wash, the more wickedness will freeze from Epiphany frosts.

The time of day at which the baby was born also plays a role in the fate of the child. If a child is born at the first roosters (early, at dawn, when the roosters crow), then when he grows up, he will work from early morning until late at night. Anyone who is born at lunchtime will always be well-fed and rich. A person born at the end of the day will live a long but difficult life.

In order to prevent the child from being jinxed in the future, damage and generally to protect him from magical influences, the child should be baptized with a different name than what is written in the birth certificate. Moreover, it is advisable to give the name of that saint or saint, on the day of memory of which your baby was born. If you do this, then the name which the child was named at baptism cannot be told to anyone. Only mother, father and godparents should know about him.

Whoever is born at midnight will have a very domineering and stern character. It will be difficult for such a person to impose his will. A person born at the witch hour (at three o'clock in the morning) is able to control not only people, but also circumstances. Living with such a person next to you, you will not be lost.

Don't kill animals, slaughter livestock, pick flowers or break branches on your birthday. Indeed, on this day, your mother gave you life, which means that you must protect all living things. In doing so, you extend your life and gain the grace of God.

Don't bathe your baby after sunset. Be especially wary of doing this at night. Whoever washes a child in the dark will wash away his happy fate.

Until the child is one year old, you cannot sell his things. Also, do not sew your baby clothes from your old things for up to a year, otherwise you will doom him to poverty. If this still happens, then buy a new piece of fabric, take it to the church and give it to the beggar who stands closest to the corner of the church fence. Then submit your child's health note for the entire year.

If a pregnant woman accidentally sprinkles herself with poppy seeds, then she can throw off the fetus.

A pregnant woman should not push and push a cat or dog with her foot, so that her baby does not have a bristle on her back, which is not visible to the eye, but gives the child inconvenience. These babies scream and arch their backs.

On the third day after the baby is baptized, the mother can find out what kind of life her child will live. To do this, you need to take the baby's hair and, rolling it up in wax, dip it into holy water. If the wax sinks, then the child is not a tenant. Wasting no time, you need to talk to the baby for longevity. If you do not know how to do this, you need to contact an experienced healer.

Do not allow anyone to pet a newly born calf or your babies will get sick.

Never step over the beam, otherwise a humpbacked person will be born in the family.

Whoever feeds the sparrows will have healthy and nimble children.

When the baby confuses day with night, does not sleep and does not allow anyone to sleep, you need to light the candle with which his parents stood at the wedding. And then the baby will sleep normally again.

If the guests at the christening (the godfather and godmother) drink wine, then this child, when he grows up, will be a drunkard.

You cannot hang anything on the baby's crib - neither sliders, nor diapers, otherwise the baby will not sleep well.

When you are going to baptize a baby, keep your visit to church a secret. The more the people know about his christening, the more adversity will be in his fate.

The christening shirt of a child should not be given to anyone, otherwise you will give his happiness.

An ugly child is given hare meat to eat. Don't confuse rabbit meat with hare meat!

In order for the baby to sleep peacefully in the cradle, you need to put a mother's thing under his pillow, but they do it so that no one can see.

The godfather or godmother must not have the same name with which the child is baptized.

If the child does not start to speak for a long time, he needs to be bathed in rain water.

If the mother puts the child on the table, he will be willful and disobedient.

When a child sleeps, the angels of God show him his future life. If a child smiles or laughs in a dream, then at this time he sees all the best days of his life. If the baby in a dream bends his face in pain, then the angels showed him his most difficult days. That is why sometimes we say: I seem to have seen it somewhere before.