Easy programs for watching TV online. Seven programs for watching Internet TV

Easy programs for watching TV online.  Seven programs for watching Internet TV
Easy programs for watching TV online. Seven programs for watching Internet TV
TV online

12:00 Sasha Tanya (Series 121) (16+)


Tanya informs Sasha that her cousin Katya is coming to Moscow to enter the institute. Tanya informs Sasha that her cousin Katya is coming to Moscow to enter the institute. Until Katya settles in, she will stay with them. Eva accidentally sees Sasha and Katya together, thinks that Sasha has a young mistress. Dad, Eva and Gena are going to "save" the marriage of Sasha and Tanya.

Subject: About everything

The country: Russia

TNT is the best free entertainment TV channel in Russia, which rivals Channel One in popularity over the past several years. Founded in 1998, it was the property of the Media-Most media holding. The name of the channel stands for "Your New Television".

12:15 Perfect renovation (Yuri Chernov. Surprise for his wife) (6+)


Professional designer Natasha Barbier, together with a team of experts, comes to the apartments of our favorite "stars" - actors Professional designer Natasha Barbier, together with a team of experts, comes to the apartments of our favorite "stars" - theater and film actors, TV presenters, pop artists, show business stars.

Subject: About all Country: Russia

Subject: About everything

The country: Russia

Channel One is the recognized leader of the national airwaves. Created in April 1995 under the name ORT (Russian Public Television), from the first days of its existence, the channel chose information and analytical programs as the main broadcasting concept.

11:30 How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (16+)


Journalist Andy Anderson gets a rather unusual editorial assignment that needs to be done very quickly. Journalist Andy Anderson gets a rather unusual editorial assignment that needs to be done very quickly. She needs to write an article about what women make up in order to get rid of a man when they no longer want to contemplate him next. She only has 10 days for everything.

Subject: About all Country: Russia

Subject: About everything

The country: Russia

STS is a federal television channel founded in December 1996. This is the first networked television channel in Russia, the development concept of which was originally based on the principle of partnership with regional television stations.

11:05 Artistic gymnastics. World Cup. Finals in separate forms. Live broadcast from Azerbaijan


The finals of the Artistic Gymnastics World Cup on Match TV. The finals of the Artistic Gymnastics World Cup on Match TV. Traditionally, these starts force specialists to discover new names in the world of gymnastics. Indeed, every year young athletes complicate their programs, which raises the level of rivalry to exorbitant heights. And on individual shells, not only the recognized favorites, but also the "dark horses", who have made a bet on one single type in the program, claim to win.

Topic: Sports Country: Russia

Subject: Sport

The country: Russia

Match TV is a Russian sports channel that began broadcasting on November 1, 2015. He replaced "Russia-2", taking its frequency. The broadcast version of "Match TV" in high definition (HD) standard is available on the "NTV-Plus" platform. Internet broadcasting is carried out on the official website of "Match TV" and on this website.

11:15 "Military secret" with Igor Prokopenko (16+)


The "Military Secret" program with Igor Prokopenko has been one of the most popular programs on The "Military Secret" program with Igor Prokopenko has been one of the most popular programs on Russian television for many years. Viewers appreciate her for sensational facts and interesting presentation of information. Over time, military secrets do not diminish, sometimes they acquire an increasingly complex, intricate, sinister character. Only real professionals in their field can reveal such secrets.

Subject: About all Country: Russia

Subject: About everything

The country: Russia

Ren TV is a popular Russian federal television channel that began broadcasting in the winter of 1997. Then it was named "REN-TV-NVS". In September 1998 it was decided to shorten the name of the channel to "REN-TV", and only 8 years later the channel began to be called "Ren TV". However, these were not the last adventures with his name.

12:00 Housing issue (0+)


"Housing issue" is a program about everything related to home improvement and the creation of a comfortable and beautiful interior. "Housing issue" is a program about everything related to home improvement and the creation of a comfortable and beautiful interior. Right before the eyes of the viewers, the apartments of ordinary townspeople take on a new look. Renowned designers and decorators are turning not-so-cozy rooms into stylish and comfortable spaces, or simply creating a new living environment.

Subject: About all Country: Russia

Subject: About everything

The country: Russia

NTV is a channel of all-Russian significance, first aired in 1993. Initially, its concept consisted mainly of information broadcasting, and the channel's first programs were the well-known projects "Itogi", "Namedni", "Segodnya".

11:40 Love That Wasn't (12+)


Anna and Nikolai live in love and harmony. She works as a trauma doctor, her husband is developing his auto repair business. Anna and Nikolai live in love and harmony. She works as a trauma doctor, her husband is developing his auto repair business. If the family had more money, their life would become easier. However, they are still happy with what they have. After all, the main thing in a family is love, the rest will follow. Everything would have flowed as usual, if Boris had not invaded their lives - the man whom Nikolai saved from the robbers, and Anna healed. In gratitude for his salvation, Boris surrounds the couple with care, gives gifts and helps in their problems. Before Anna and Nikolai have time to look back, their strong marriage has already been destroyed ...

Subject: About all Country: Russia

Subject: About everything

The country: Russia

Rossiya is one of the pioneers of Russian television broadcasting. Founded in 1991, today this nationwide channel is part of the VGTRK media holding, being one of two Russian TV channels that broadcast almost the entire vast territory of the country.

10:00 Awesome video (16+)


The videos that were included in the program were recorded by street surveillance cameras, filmed by random eyewitnesses at The videos included in the program were recorded by street surveillance cameras, filmed by casual eyewitnesses on mobile phones or by any other technical means that have the REC function.

Subject: Entertainment

The country: Russia

The name of the new TV channel "Che" reflects the main content of its concept: "Che" is, first of all, a HUMAN and Honesty! We are launching a real, understandable and honest channel about real life, real people, about kind and strong men for whom family values ​​are important.

12:00 Street (39th episode) (16+)


Andrey quarrels with Lyuba, Nikita gives an ultimatum to Lyuba. Irka's ex-girlfriend comes to Irka. Andrey quarrels with Lyuba, Nikita gives an ultimatum to Lyuba. Irka's ex-girlfriend comes to Irka. Valera likes the new pharmacist, he wants to give her a present. Julia reads the correspondence between Vitali and Vakhrusheva. Stas is trying to figure out the author of the anonymous letter.

Topic: Entertainment Country: Russia

Subject: Entertainment

The country: Russia

Comedy TV probably doesn't need our introduction. But we will try - suddenly, who does not know him? This is a channel that began broadcasting in 2008. He is, of course, funny, but ... it can harm the health and psyche of a person ... It's a joke, comrades!


11:30 In broad daylight (16+)


Will Shaw is going to Spain, he, an employee of a small company and his family decide to spend a long-awaited vacation in this Will Shaw is going to Spain, he, an employee of a small company and his family decide to spend a long-awaited vacation in this wonderful country. The vacation starts out beautifully. On board a snow-white yacht, even relatives are not particularly annoying. Until ...... Until they are held hostage by unknown criminals. Unwillingly, Will finds himself embroiled in a maelstrom of political intrigue and mystery. And now he has to save not only his family, but also the country.

Subject: Cinema

The country: Russia

TV3 is a federal TV channel, the concept of which is based on the demonstration of serials, documentaries and feature films.

12:00 RIC "Russia 24"


On the air world news and news from Russian regions, economic analytics and interviews with influential people. On the air world news and news from Russian regions, economic analytics and interviews with influential people. The channel pays special attention to live broadcasts of the most important world events - economic forums, high-level meetings, spacecraft launches.

Subject: News Country: Russia

Subject: news

The country: Russia

Russia 24 is a Russian news channel, the brainchild of RIK Vesti, which began broadcasting in 2006. For 24 hours, the TV channel acquaints the viewer with the main news of world importance, providing the most reliable and timely information about the life of the regions of Russia and the rest of the world.

12:00 Big Break


A new teacher, Nestor Petrovich Severov, comes to the evening school: a young, inexperienced, but very sincere person. A new teacher, Nestor Petrovich Severov, comes to the evening school: a young, inexperienced, but very sincere person. His students are extremely peculiar: a married couple, a dad and a daughter, a lonely romantic, a bully, a Komsomol activist. In this wonderful class, Nestor makes his first teaching successes.

Subject: Cinema Country: Russia

Subject: Cinema

The country: Russia

Dom Kino is like a real kingdom for storing Russian and Soviet films. Classics and modernity merged together and alternately appear before the audience.

12:05 Secret folder (Ahnenerbe in Crimea. What was Hitler looking for?) (12+)


Few people know, but when in 1941-42 there were battles for Sevastopol, another battle unfolded on the territory of Crimea. Few people know, but when in 1941-42 there were battles for Sevastopol, another battle unfolded on the territory of Crimea. The Nazis hunted for a rare artifact from the Museum of Antiquities - the gold diadem. Finding this diadem at any cost became a task no less important than the defeat of the Black Sea Fleet and the capture of Sevastopol. According to the leadership of the Third Reich, this diadem allegedly belonged to the Gothic queen Fedya, who ruled in ancient times on the territory of Crimea. And although the Nazis never found evidence to support this fact, they used the tiara as a powerful argument to justify the seizure of foreign territories. Did the fascists manage to find her? Why did the three assaults of Sevastopol fail? Why did Hitler use the resources of the Ahnenerbe, the most secret organization of the Third Reich, in the Crimea? Details are in our program.

Subject: About all Country: Russia

Subject: About everything

The country: Russia

Zvezda is a nationwide Russian TV channel that began broadcasting in 2005. Almost from the first months of its airing, the channel managed to occupy its own niche among many competitors, offering the Russian viewer a completely new and high-quality product.

10:10 Fifth Element (12+)


Every five thousand years, a gate opens between parallel dimensions, and the forces of evil seek to disrupt the existing Every five thousand years, a gate opens between parallel dimensions, and the forces of evil seek to disrupt the existing harmony. Our planet needs a hero who will dare to prevent a catastrophe. It is to him that the messenger of the highest mind will come to his aid. When the fateful hour strikes, love will save the world ...

Subject: Cinema Country: Russia

Subject: Cinema

The country: Russia

Comedy TV is a channel that improves your mood many times over. Recommended for viewing for those who are not given calm by the off-season depression, winter blues and summer boredom. In general, watch Comedy TV all year round!

11:45 Trail (All inclusive) (16+)


The corpse of Lolita Golovko is found in the parking lot of a roadside cafe. The corpse of Lolita Golovko is found in the parking lot of a roadside cafe. Until recently, Lolita led the carefree life of the wife of a travel agency owner. And now someone not only wrote her a ticket "to the next world", but also cynically wished her a "good journey".

Subject: About all Country: Russia

Subject: About everything

The country: Russia

The fifth channel is a St. Petersburg federal television channel with a rich history. The birthday of Leningrad television is 1938, when the first production went on the air, with which regular broadcasting began.

12:00 Humorous concert "Women's Things" (12+)


At all humorous concerts, the majority of those sitting in the hall are women, and joking for them on stage is mainly At all humorous concerts, the majority of those sitting in the hall are women, and it is mostly men who joke for them on stage. Participants: Gennady Khazanov, Roman Kartsev, Semyon Altov, Gennady Vetrov, Yuri Galtsev, Elena Stepanenko, Klara Novikova, Elena Vorobey.

Subject: About all Country: Russia

Subject: About everything

The country: Russia

TV Center (TVC) is a modern federal channel, the main part of which viewers are Muscovites. Most of them are run by the authorities of the capital. They aim to show the audience how government programs are being implemented in Moscow.

11:20 Another world (18+)


For centuries, a merciless war has been waged between vampires and werewolves. For centuries, a merciless war has been waged between vampires and werewolves. Fearless Selena, a vampire warrior, slays werewolves every night, possessed by an unquenchable thirst for revenge. Her clan is sure that the vampires managed to defeat their sworn enemies, but Selena suspects that the werewolves have a secret plan that promises the death of her family ...

Subject: Cinema Country: Russia

Subject: Cinema

The country: Russia

12:20 Violet Earring (16+)


Events unfold in the family of the spouses Victor and Eugene. Events unfold in the family of the spouses Victor and Eugene. A man works in finance, a woman in a maternity hospital, an obstetrician. Everything was fine in the family until Victor met Anna. Unable to resist her, he began to cheat on his wife. Increasingly, Victor went to the left, but Evgenia did not notice or did not want to notice his strange behavior ... Once the unfaithful husband learned two news: Evgenia was expecting a child, his mistress was also in a position. It was necessary to decide something right now, because the children will not wait. Victor broke his head, but stayed with his wife. Soon, Eugene gave birth to a boy, he was named Constantine. Anna, on the other hand, lost her baby and was very grief-stricken. Time passed, and Victor stopped going to his mistress. Anna, in turn, realized that she had made mistakes by getting into someone else's family, and decided to leave for another place. And so she did. Some more time passed. Kostya was growing up, but his parents simply put up with each other for the sake of their son's happiness. One unfortunate evening, Evgenia found someone else's earring in the apartment ...

Topic: Entertainment Country: Russia

Subject: Entertainment

The country: Russia

Domashny is one of the most popular Russian TV channels, covering more than 460 cities in the country. Created in 2005, the channel found its audience almost immediately. Initially, it was a female audience of 25-60 years old, who found a lot of useful information here.

* Broadcast from other sites

Russian Cinema is one of the best online film projects in Russia.

Subject: Cinema Country: Russia

Subject: Cinema

The country: Russia

Subject: Cinema Country: Russia

TV Player Classic will perfectly help out users who want to watch all channels for free, as well as listen to the radio on a PC. This TV player is quite simple and has a high speed of transmission of picture and sound. With this excellent software, the user can turn on the channel he needs and watch his favorite program in high quality.

The current speed of the Internet allows you to download large files as well as watch high quality videos from popular web services. Also, now each user can organize watching TV through an online player right on their PC. On the Cyclone-Soft each user can download all channels of the TV to their computer for free and install this application to watch any programs and films. The latest version of the program is available to download for Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP, Vista - with all of them TV Player Classic integrates well and does not have any problems in operation.

Many modern TV players are not just a free online TV set on the Internet, which allows you to watch both Russian and foreign channels. Russian TV player has many parameters, because the functionality of the application is constantly expanding, allowing, for example, to listen to the radio, or find out the exact schedule of broadcasts. Let's say you are interested in the Dom Kino program schedule for today - with the help of the software, you can always find out the exact broadcast time and watch free TV right on your computer.

Thus, you will have full access to a large number of channels, because for this you just need to download a TV player to your computer in Russian for free for Windows 7/8/10 and other OS. The Russian version of the TV Player Classic application works without user registration and allows you to watch TV movies on your PC. It is available for download via the link at the bottom of the page so that you can download it right away and not waste time downloading via torrent. Enjoy free browsing with this cool computer app.

System requirements: Windows OS, 128 RAM, high-speed PC connection to the Internet, Windows Media Player.

Features and functions of TV Player Classic Rus

Search options and creating connections

  • Convenient navigation through all channels and the ability to search and sort them by name, as well as the quality of the connection. Quick update of the complete channel list.
  • Now you can watch TV directly on your PC and select your favorite channels by adding them to a special tab.
  • The software supports full-screen playback mode for TV channels, which allows you to comfortably watch any broadcast. In general, if you download a free TV player in Russian for Windows 7, 8, 10 and other systems, then it can completely replace the TV.

Broadcast playback and recording

  • The ability to specify the display of the broadcast window in a specific place on the screen, if a non-full-screen mode was selected.
  • The broadcast can also be displayed on a second connected monitor and even on a TV set.
  • The function of broadcasting its own channels to the network using a tuner and a video camera.
  • Record of all broadcasts with indication of the frame size. All parameters are set in the settings, where you can also set the output file format, recording mode and type, as well as the video compressor.
  • The user is also able to play broadcast from radio stations and record their broadcast in excellent quality. Thus, you can download TV Player Classic for free, which will open up much more opportunities for you than just watching TV.

Additional features

  • The application has a variety of styles to change the appearance of the window. All of them are completely free, which allows each user to choose any design they like.
  • Proxy server support.
  • The ability to set a password for channels.
  • Saving all program settings in a special separate file.

In general, if you wanted to download a program for watching TV channels over the Internet for free, then TV Player Classic will be an excellent choice from a wide range of software. You can customize the application for yourself by adding Ukrainian and Russian channels to the list, as well as watch channels from all over the world. TV player Rus has a convenient and intuitive interface window, which allows even inexperienced users to use it.

Do you like watching TV? Have you noticed the tendency of TV channels to distribute their air over the Internet? Perhaps, there is no longer a single television channel that does not broadcast the air online through the official website. Television has become available for viewing via an Internet browser. And TVs have become much smarter, they have also learned to surf the Internet. If you have already connected a computer with a TV, then you have surely appreciated the advantage of a "compo-TV". And you can watch a movie on the big screen, and hack into the game, and watch online TV in good quality with the ability to scroll back live, and you can watch the news at any time, and not according to the TV program schedule. To watch online TV on your computer via the Internet - use RusTV Player. RusTV Player is a free program for watching TV, in which more than 300 channels have already been collected and organized by topic!

Free tv player

RusTV Player utility is a handy tool for watching Internet TV. The player contains entertainment, news, cultural and educational, children's, sports, scientific, music channels and channels for adults (with a password to protect children). In RusTV Player you can watch a TV program with announcements of films and TV shows, make your list of your favorite TV channels and listen to the radio. In the player you will find many Russian-language TV channels in Russia and the CIS countries, as well as foreign channels. And the best part is that RusTV Player is a free TV player.

Screenshots of RusTV Player

The development of the Internet is reducing the popularity of classic television. Satellite and analogue TV was replaced by programs for watching TV channels online.

The main advantages of PC TV players:

  1. Simple setup. No need to connect special equipment to watch TV channels. It is enough to install the program on your computer to watch TV online.
  2. Free access. Using TV players there is no need to buy a subscription or license to watch channels.
  3. Availability of additional functions. The programs for watching TV have additional functions: recording the air, creating lists of favorite channels, setting a password for inappropriate content, changing the picture quality, etc.


Free viewing of federal channels

ComboPlayer is an application for watching online TV, listening to radio and playing torrent movies. More than 130 TV channels are available, but most of them are paid. To remove the restrictions, you need to buy a subscription.

There are 20 TV channels and 400 radio stations available for free playback.

Main features of ComboPlayer:

  1. Subtitles. The program supports the inclusion of subtitles while watching online TV or movies. To enable this function, you need to download the subtitle file from third-party sites.
  2. Playlist. The utility's functionality allows you to create playlists of files: by adding several media files to one list, they will be played in the specified sequence.
  3. Parental control. This tool allows you to hide unwanted channels from the general list or set a pin code.
  4. Viewing broadcasts from CCTV cameras.
  5. Play videos from torrents. The program allows you to watch movies and programs with the extension.
  6. Arbitrary placement of the video window. You can place the video playback window anywhere on the desktop.

You can download the latest version of the ComboPlayer program on the official website of the developers or follow this link: https://www.softsalad.ru/software/multimedia/pleery/comboplayer


BooTV utility

BooTV is a simple utility for watching TV online for free. The application supports Russian interface language. The software was developed by developers from Russia, so most of the TV channels are Russian-speaking.

To work with BooTV, you need to download the utility on your PC. No app installation required. The size of the program is 270 kb.

The software consumes a minimum amount of system resources while running. This is a big plus for users with weak computers.

BooTV features:

  1. Radio. In addition to watching TV, the program allows you to listen to the radio. The developers of the application are constantly adding to the available base of channels and radio stations.
  2. Create playlists. There is a function of creating playlists of channels and radio stations. For example, for the thematic division of content: sports, music, cinema, etc. If some channels are not in the list, the program allows you to load external playlists.
  3. Work in the background. When playing TV channels or radio, you can minimize the utility to the operating system tray.


RusTV player

- a program for viewing Russian-language television. More than 300 TV channels and 30 radio stations are available in the application. All channels are divided into categories: sports, music, news, scientific, etc. This is to simplify navigation in the application.

Main features of RusTV Player:

  1. Favorites list. The program allows you to create your own list of favorite TV channels.
  2. Proxy support. The function of connecting proxy servers is available to remove regional restrictions regarding the playback of TV channels or radio stations.
  3. Broadcast recording. A special tool that allows you to record the broadcast: a TV show, a movie, a football match, etc.
  4. Timer. Setting the time at which the RusTVPlayer program will turn off automatically.
  5. Change of design. The application supports over 60 themes for changing the interface design.
  6. TV programme. TV program with a schedule of upcoming films or programs. It is possible to view a short broadcast announcement.
  7. Change in quality. Some TV channels support the ability to change the picture quality.

Crystal tv

Crystal TV app

Crystal TV is a program for streaming viewing of Russian and foreign TV channels. The application is available for computer and mobile devices.

The free version of the software allows you to watch 40 TV channels. The basic package includes TV channels from the entertainment, news and sports sections.

To expand the list of available content, you need to purchase a subscription: for 3 and 6 months.

Key features of Crystal TV:

  1. Playback of past broadcasts. The functionality of the application allows you to watch past films or programs that fall into the program archive.
  2. Watching multiple channels at the same time.
  3. Adaptation to the speed of the Internet. To ensure comfortable playback of the stream, the function of adapting the image quality to the speed of the Internet connection is used.
  4. Preview. After hovering the mouse cursor over the TV channel in the list, a small window will open to preview the current broadcast.


ProgDVB utility

ProgDVB is a handy utility for playing digital TV over the Internet. The application supports over 4,000 TV channels (Russian and foreign).

In addition to working with online TV, the ability to work with real TV tuners is available.

Key features of ProgDVB:

  1. Recording. While watching TV, you can turn on the broadcast recording. The original file will be saved on your computer in.
  2. Scheduler. This tool allows you to schedule a broadcast recording at a specific time. Also, to start the function, you must specify the duration of video recording, select a channel.
  3. Subtitles. Some TV channels support subtitles, which can be turned on in the program control panel.
  4. Equalizer. A tool that allows you to adjust the quality and volume of the playback sound.

What programs do you use to watch TV over the Internet?