“KVN in the preparatory group. KVN in mathematics (famp) in the preparatory group for school "travel to the kingdom of mathematics" Competition "Fairy Tale Riddles"

“KVN in the preparatory group.  KVN in mathematics (famp) in the preparatory group for school
“KVN in the preparatory group. KVN in mathematics (famp) in the preparatory group for school "travel to the kingdom of mathematics" Competition "Fairy Tale Riddles"

Learning tasks:

Continue learning to solve arithmetic examples and write down their solution using numbers.
Continue teaching to solve inequalities.
To continue teaching children analysis and synthesis, constructive thinking: to build new, more complex ones from the simplest geometric figures along a given contour.
Exercise in counting within 10, in the ability to distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting within 10.
To consolidate knowledge about the composition of numbers within 10 of the two smaller numbers.
Consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week, seasons, months of the year.
To consolidate the ability to distinguish between concepts: higher - lower, wider - narrower, longer - shorter, thicker - thinner, older - younger.
Strengthen the ability to use tables to solve logical problems.

Developmental tasks:

Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, ingenuity, attention.
Develop ingenuity, visual memory, imagination.
Contribute to the formation of mental operations, the development of speech, the ability to argue their statements.

Educational tasks:

To foster independence, the ability to understand the educational task and perform it independently.
Cultivate interest in math studies.

Preliminary work with children:

guessing riddles, solving logical problems, solving constructive problems, observing the calendar, individual lessons.

Preliminary work of the educator:

Prepare demonstration and handouts.
Prepare a visual aid "ABC", "Robot +", "Robot-".
Prepare a phonogram.

Methodical techniques:

Calming exercises before class.
Game (travel to the country of Mathematics).
Intuitive (use of illustration).
Verbal (reminder, instruction, questions, individual responses of children).
Encouragement, analysis of the lesson.


Magnetic board, numbers, signs.

Demo material:

"Number track", "ABC", "Robot +", "Robot-".


cards with assignments, envelopes with geometric shapes, pencils, cards with logical symbols, train sets.

Lesson structure:

Game situation: a journey to the land of mathematics.
Team greetings.
Warm up.
The choice of tracks for occupying the starting positions of the teams.
Finding a pair (composition of a number).
Logic trains - cargo definition.
Construction of the "SCHOOL" of geometric shapes.
Solution of examples, definition of a letter, composition of a word.
Coordination and developmental exercise "Japanese car"
The result of the lesson.

Course of the lesson:


Today we are holding the most real, very serious and very responsible KVN - KVN of preschool mathematicians. Two teams of intelligent and attentive will compete with each other and go through several stages of tests. Then we will summarize, and at the end there will be an award ceremony for the participants. I want to introduce you to the jury members. (Represents the members of the jury.) And now - the presentation of the teams. Greetings to the "Why Much" team (represents the team captain)!

Members of the "Why Much" team:

We are preschool children
We are not afraid of obstacles.
We love to play in KVN,
Amicably, honestly win!


The Curious team. Greet her! (Represents the team captain).

Members of the "Curious" team:

We are funny guys
We don't miss in kindergarten
We play different games
We do not win in KVN!

Warm up


Let's warm up: If a tree is higher than a bush, then a bush ...?


Below the tree.


If a ruler is longer than a pencil, then a pencil ...?


Shorter than a ruler.


If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread ...?


Thinner than a rope.


If a sister is older than a brother, then a brother ...?


Younger sister.


If the river is wider than the stream, then the stream ...?


Already rivers.


Is March the second month of spring?
Spring will be replaced by winter?
What day of the week is it today?
What day of the week comes after Wednesday?
So the teams are ready to compete.


And now our teams will have to choose a game track for their competition tasks. Teams can consult and explain their decision.


In order to go to your gaming tables and take your jobs, you need to split into pairs, make a pair of numbers that add up to the number 8.


In a few days in our group of kindergarten graduation party, you will go to school life. Each of you will go to school. Let's build our future school. You need to distribute loads among logical train sets (solution of inequalities).


To build a school, building materials must be brought to the construction site. To do this, teams receive “Real Estate Catalogs”, fill out order forms, calculate what and how much building materials are needed, receive building materials (geometric shapes) and start building a school (based on a real estate catalog).


Well done, we did the job. You can enter the school building by reading the encrypted word. Our faithful friends will help you with this: Grandfather the ABC expert, Robot +, Robot -. (Children solve examples, find the number, the number corresponds to the ABC letter, find all the letters, read the encrypted words).


Well done, teams. And now I invite you to relax while the jury sums up the results and play "Japanese car".

Japanese car

All stand (or sit, as desired) with their faces in a circle. Each player gets his own serial number, according to the number of players. The person who starts the game is selected. His task is to transfer the move to another player as follows. He says his number, and then the number of the one to whom he wants to pass the move. That, in turn, pronounce his number, and then the number of any of the players. The transfer of the move is accompanied by movements that simulate the sound of a typewriter: everyone simultaneously hits the knees 2 times, then they raise their right hand up (here we say our number), then the left (we say the number of the person to whom we are passing the move). The rhythm accelerates with each move. If a person makes a mistake, he is out of the game, and therefore his number too. The game is played until the most attentive ones remain, these are 2-5 people. Give them a round of applause.
This warm-up game trains: a) coordination of movements, b) the connection of coordination with the pronunciation of words, c) the ability to distribute attention. Not all students manage to quickly master the sequence of movements, they confuse the order of gestures, do not fall into the general rhythm, and cannot cope with its changes. But this only stimulates their interest. The introduction of the same number, number, that is, speech on clicks when passing the baton through the eyes of "one-one", "two-two", etc., constitutes a new difficulty. Then the transmission begins by "voice" - "five-five, five-one", "one-one, one-seven", etc., here it is already necessary to send the word and be ready to receive the "voice"; both require organized attention and allow learning to distribute it correctly.

About everything in the world:

In 1930, The Rogue Song, a film about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in the US. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the heroes ...

Section materials

Lessons for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.

Material description: For the attention of the readers, the author offers a summary of mathematical entertainment for children of the preparatory group (6-7 years old) on the topic "KVN". This material will be useful for the educators of the preparatory group.

Target: Reveal intellectual and creative abilities in children.

Software content: teach children to solve arithmetic examples, problems. Exercise in the skills of quantitative counting within 20, in orientation on the plane of the sheet. Strengthen children's knowledge about the sequence of days of the week, months of the year, seasons. Development of logical thinking, ingenuity, attention. Cultivate an interest in mathematics.

Equipment: 2 easels, chalk, counting sticks, Tangram puzzles - 2 sets, pencils, white sheets of paper.

Entertainment progress:

Host: Dear guests, guys, today we have a mathematical KVN.

KVN is a game of the cheerful and resourceful. We will play and see: whose team will complete the tasks faster and more correctly. At the end of the game, we will calculate the points and determine the winner. And the jury in our game will be your parents. (Introducing the jury members.)

Host: Dear guys, congratulations on the start of the game, we wish you a successful performance!

Host: Dear viewers, I hope you took smiles and applause for the participants of our game to the holiday, and therefore I ask you to greet the teams:

Team "Clever"


We are friends with mathematics

We are smart and knowledgeable

We cannot lag behind.

Team "Know"


We are a team of experts

And we know everything in the world

Ask us questions

We will answer them.

Host: Guys, we start our game with a warm-up. The team that gives the most correct answers wins it.

Questions to the first team:

1. What is the shortest month of the year?

2. What is the last month of the year?

3. How many days in a week?

4. How many seasons, name them?

5. Name the neighbors of the number 15 (14 and 16).

6. Sparrows were sitting in a tree. After 2 more flew to them, there were 4 of them. How many sparrows were sitting on the tree?

Questions to the second team:

1. What is the shortest month of the year in the title?

2. What is the first month of the year?

3. How many months in a year?

4. Name the days of the week.

5. What are the neighbors of the number 18 (17 and 19)

6. Kittens drank milk from a saucer. After 1 more came up to them, there were 5 of them. How many kittens drank milk?

Host: Guys, the warm-up went well, you showed excellent knowledge. Now let's count the points. The word of the jury. After the warm-up in front of the team ...

Host: Guys, now the game "Name the number". I will tell you a number, and the “Clever men” command will give an answer, but by 1 more than this number, and the “Know” command by 1 less.

Host: And we continue our game. Guys, you have already noted that KVN is a game of the cheerful and resourceful. Therefore, I offer you fun tasks for ingenuity.

Blitz poll.

Questions to the first team:

1. What kind of comb can you comb your head? (cock).

2. How many ears do two mice have? (Four).

3. How do day and night end? (soft sign).

4. How many legs does a chicken have? (the chicken has no legs).

5. Grandmother Dasha has a granddaughter Masha, a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does a grandmother have? (one granddaughter Masha).

6. The rooster laid an egg. Who will get it? (to anyone).

7. There were 4 bears and 3 rams in the zoo. How many wild animals were there in the zoo?

8. 5 apples grew on a birch. 3 apples fell to the ground. How many apples are left on the birch? (not at all, apples do not grow on a birch)

Blitz poll.

Questions to the second team:

1. What animal helps to cross the road? (Zebra).

2. How many tails do two donkeys have? (Two)

3. What bird is called a postman? (Dove).

4. How many nuts are in an empty glass? (the glass is empty, so there is nothing in it).

5. The animal has 2 right legs, 2 left legs, 2 legs in front, 2 behind. How many legs does an animal have? (4 legs).

6. What animals always sleep with their eyes open? (Fishes).

7. Can a rooster call itself a bird? (No, since he cannot speak).

8. The long-awaited January has come. First, 1 apple tree blossomed, then 3 more plums. How many trees have bloomed? (Trees do not bloom in January).

Moderator: Guys, you did a good job. Well done! And our game continues. Guys, a wise owl came to visit us. She also wants to participate in our game. (The owl greets the children and offers them his tasks)

Owl: Guys, I flew to you from the forest. In my forest, I know every corner. I know where my squirrel friends live, my friends are hares and where the bear sleeps in the den. You guys can find out too. If you complete my tasks correctly, then you will get a map of our forest.

(there are sheets of paper in front of the children.)

Draw 3 squares in the upper right corner where the squirrels live. In the lower left corner, draw 5 triangles, hares live there. In the upper left corner, draw a large circle - this is the bear den. In the lower right corner, draw 4 rectangles - a hedgehog family lives there, and in the center of the sheet draw an oval - this is a forest lake. Now, guys, you won't get lost in our forest.

Host: Thank you, wise Owl, for participating in our game.

Owl: Well, I have to go home, goodbye guys.

Host: Guys, the owl flew into the forest, and we have musical break "Balloon song" sounds performed by a vocal group. At the end of the song, the participants in the game throw balls to the audience.

Host: Guys, now the most important competition is captains competition.

1. The first competition "Make a figure".

Host: Each has 5 counting sticks. For the captain of the “Clever men” team, collect 2 rectangles from them, and for the captain of the “Know-it-all” team, collect 2 triangles from them.

2. Second competition "Tangram".

Lay out any one figure from the Tangram puzzle according to the pattern (offer each a card with patterns).

The jury sums up the results of the captains competition.

Host: Guys, we continue our game. And the next task is called "Insert the missing number"... You need to choose two people from each team. The winner is the one who copes faster.

Examples are written on the board:

3 + _ = 14 7 + _ = 18

15 — _ =5 16 — _ = 5

5 + 9 = _ 14 + 2 = _

5 + 2 +4 = _ 8 + 3 +1 = _

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Host: Today, guys, you made good decisions, considered, thought, you are all great. It's time to let it down results. And now the word of the jury.

A representative of the jury is speaking, congratulating the children and presenting medals to both teams.

Host: Thanks to everyone who came to us and took part in our game.

KVN Topic: "Are we ready for school"

Prepared and conducted by educators:

Sharifullina R.K. and Fadeeva V.P.


KVN for a preparatory group for school

Topic: "Are we ready for school"

Prog. content: To generalize and consolidate the knowledge and skills of children: count, compare numbers, solve examples, problems. Conduct sound analysis of words, repeat the rules for writing vowels after consonants, analyze sentences, make words from syllables. Develop a desire to practice together, helping each other. To foster collectivism, empathy, friendly relations, mutual assistance.

Preliminary work: production of manuals, team emblems. Preparation of names, team motto. Preparation of musical accompaniment.

Material. Demonstration ML:images of "magic trees" with syllables. Distributing ML: team logos, vowel cards, number cards, big blue and green chips, geometric shapes, hoops, proposal charts, sheets with apples and baskets for solving examples for each child, sheets with images of products for the game "Make the Cake" , sheets of animals for sound analysis, blank sheets of paper, felt-tip pens.


Guests and fans are sitting in the hall. The presenter enters to the music.

Ved. : Good afternoon, dear guests and our fans. We are glad to welcome you to our Funny and Resourceful Club. I invite the participants of the game to the hall. (the teams take their places). The theme of our KVN “Are we ready for school?” And our game will be judged by a strict and fair jury, consisting of: Chairman: full name, members: full name.

And now our teams have to introduce themselves. Please, give the floor to the 1st team. Team captain: Valeria.

Captain Valeria: Our team: All: Smeshariki. Our motto: "We came to meet you, brought wit and Skill with us!"

Lead: Word to the 2nd team, team captain: Renal.

Captain Renal: Our team All: Koloboks. Our motto is: "There is no team in the world yet better than a kolobok!"

Lead: The commands are presented. And so we start KVN. The first task, as always, is a warm-up. Our jury will evaluate our teams. Warm up. Question to the team (name)

1 to. You and me, yes we are with you, how many of us are we?

2k. How many nuts are in an empty glass?

1 to. If you eat one plum, what is left?

2k. There was one candy in the vase, by the evening it was gone. Who took it if there were: a cat, fish in an aquarium, grandfather and a moth in the room?

1 to. In the morning you leave your room and see your grandmother. What are you going to tell her?

2k. What do you tell your parents before falling asleep?

1 to. The train is driven by the driver, and the plane is controlled by ...?

2k. The fire is extinguished by firefighters, and bread is baked ....?

Lead .: While the jury is summing up the results, I announcefirst competition: "Determine the number of sounds and letters in the word"

Determine the number of sounds and letters in each word and use the arrows to indicate the appropriate schemes, paint over the cells according to the schemes.

………………………………………………………………………………Second competition: "Be attentive, solve the problems." 1 to. Five tits sat on a branch. Two more flew to them. Count all the tits How many are there on the branches?

2k. Six crows on the roof of the village, And one flew to them, Answer quickly, boldly, How many of them flew in?

1 to... Seryozha fell into the snow, And behind him Alyoshka, And behind him Marinka, And behind her Irinka, And then Ignat fell. How many guys were there?

2k... On a large sofa in a row Tanina's dolls are sitting: Two nesting dolls, Pinocchio And the cheerful Chippolino. Help Tanya to count the toys.

1 to. Four magpies came to class One of the forty did not know the lesson. How hard did the forty work hard?

2k... Five puppies played football. One was called home. He looks out the window, counts How many are playing now?

1 to. There are four carrots and three cucumbers on the table. How many fruits are on the table?

2k. There were five apples hanging on the pear, and only two on the tree. How many apples have grown?

1 to. Birds flew over the river: a dove, a pike, two tits, two swifts and five eels. How many birds? Answer quickly.

2k. On the train: a dog, a rooster, a cat, a mouse, a monkey. In which carriage the mouse is traveling, if the dog said that there is no mouse in its carriage; the rooster said that there was no mouse in his car either. Where does the mouse go?

Ved .: Third competition: "Magic tree". Assignment: instead of toys, syllables are hanging on the magic tree, from which you need to make words and write them down on sheets of paper.

The fourth competition. "Rebus" Carlson enters the hall to the music. Goes sad.

Carlson: Hello! Where am I? What is your holiday ?!

Ved .: Yes, Carlson, we have KVN today.

Carlson: KVN? And what is it?!

Ved .: This is the Club of the Funny and Resourceful.

Carlson: Resourceful ?! Then you will help me. Here they brought me a package, some drawings, letters in it. I don’t understand anything

Ved .: Don't worry Karlson, our guys will help you. (children guess puzzles)

Carlson: Thank you guys, you helped me a lot. (Carlson says goodbye and leaves)

Game "Who is attentive?"

Ved .: Captains, come up to me, here's a chip for each of you. Whoever has a blue chip in his hands, it denotes a solid sound, children line up behind him - vowels that are written after a hard consonant sound (A, O, Y, U, E), who has a green chip - children line up behind him - vowels , which are written after a soft consonant sound (I, Yu, I, E, E)

Fifth competition. "Let's make a cake »For the preparation of the cake, the court chef laid out the necessary products on the table. But the cooks decided to joke and added several products. What cannot be used to make a cake? How many products are there in total? And if you remove unnecessary products, how many of them will remain?

Sixth competition. "Come up with a proposal"

On the tables in front of you are the proposal schemes. We need to think and come up with a proposal according to our own scheme. I will ask in order. Each one shows his scheme and says his proposal. And the jury will evaluate.

Find your house game

We sat too long so we'll play. You have geometric shapes on your tables. While the music is playing you walk around the hall. When the music stops, each of you finds your own house.

Seventh competition. Solve the examples and put the apples in the desired baskets using the arrows

The eighth competition. Show the number that corresponds to the number of sounds in the word. Each team has a separate word.

1 to. School; 2k. Porridge 1k. Forest; 2k. Leo 1k. Book; 2k. Fish 1k. Teacher; 2k. Student

Final competition "Answer and don't yawn"

1 to... Show a number that is less than 7 by 1.

2k. Show a number that is less than 5 by 2.

1 to. What is 10 without two?

2k. What is 6 without three?

1 to. How much if the number 8 is reduced by 1?

2k. How much will it be if the number 5 is reduced by 2?

1 to. How much will it be if the number 2 is increased by 3?

2k. How much if the number 4 is increased by 2?

1 to. How many months in a year?

2k. How many days in a week?

1 to. Which number is greater than 6 but less than 8?

2k. Which number is greater than 8 but less than 10?

Ved .: Well, our KVN has come to an end. You have done well on the assignments. Well done! In the meantime, the jury sums up the results, we will dance with you.

Summarizing. Rewarding.

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan Education Department of the Administration of the municipal district Tuimazinsky district MA DOE CRR - kindergarten No. 24 Tuimazy

KVN for the preparatory group for school"Are we ready for school"

Prepared and conducted by: teacher Fadeeva V.P.

Date 21.04.2011.


Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan Education Department of the Administration of the municipal district Tuimazinsky district MA DOE CRR - kindergarten No. 24 Tuimazy

KVN for the preparatory group for school"Are we ready for school"

Prepared and conducted by: teacher Sharifullina R.K.

Date: 21.04.2011


KVN "Mysterious nature" - a meeting of the club of nature experts for children of the preparatory group

Target: consolidation of children's knowledge about representatives of the forest
Tasks: Learn to correctly formulate your thoughts and expressions and use small folklore (jokes, nursery rhymes, riddles) in speech. Educator: Hello, today we have a regular meeting of our club, the club of cheerful and smart children, connoisseurs of our mother - nature. We will sing with you, lead round dances, guess riddles, have fun, play games.

Educator: Let's split into two teams. Let's welcome the "Stream" team and the "Foresters" team
Educator: I would like to introduce you to our jury:
Head of the kindergarten - Olga Alexandrovna
Senior educator - Svetlana Borisovna
And a music worker - Irina Borisovna

Educator: For each correct answer, the "Stream" team will receive a shell, and the "Foresters" team - a bump.

The questions will be interesting, and most importantly, the team needs to consult before answering. Today we will talk about forests and trees, birds and various animals. And I want to start with a poem Victor Shamonin

I walk the forest path, on the right is the forest, and on the left is the forest.
I will look up, and above me, the light of the Divine heavens!
Either the cuckoo will have a snack, then I will hear the woodpecker knocking
And my soul rejoices, hearing each new sound,
And raindrops on the grass, spread out as a carpet,
And walks along the path, the sun is a ray of light.
Everything is painfully familiar here, in this fairy tale I am free,
I feel the feeling of being at home, on the side dear to my heart.
I'll sit on a tree stump soon, I'll hear a crane cry,
Wonderful, paradise corner - This is my Motherland!

Educator: Guys, what is this poem about?
Children: about the forest
Educator: Now we are going to talk about us. Now I will ask questions in turn to different teams.

1. From the seeds of this tree, you can make flour, you can make coffee, and even get cereals. (Oak)
2. Which tree has poisonous bark, so animals do not gnaw it. (Bird cherry)
3. The piano is made from what kind of wood? (Spruce)
4. This tree has a very sweet juice, so people collect it in the spring? (Birch)
5. What kind of wood skis are they made of? (Birch)
6. Since ancient times, the favorite tree of Russian people, especially poets and writers? (Birch)
7. The wood of this tree is used when building boats, small seagoing vessels. Since its wood is resistant to decay (Larch)
8. The tree from which matches are made? (Pine)
Children in teams answer in turn

Educator: I am sure that children know not only riddles and poems about trees, but also can sing songs. I invite the chorus of the children of the older group to perform the song "On the mountain that viburnum", and the rest sing along.

Children sing a song

Educator: Well done, but we need to keep going. And I invite reciters who will read you a poem Vladimir Orlov"Good tree"

Educator: Now guys, guess the riddles about birds.
1) The fisherman stood in the water all day,
He stuffed the sack with fish.
After finishing fishing, took the catch
Climbed up - and was like that (Pelican)
2) Which birds have no tongue? (Albatross and Pelican)
3) Is it spinning, chirping, busy all day? (Magpie)
4) Does the clock tell the time? (Rooster)
5) Which birds have wings covered not with feathers, but with scales? (Penguin)
6) Stands on one leg, gazes into the water.
Poking his beak at random - looking for frogs in the river? (Heron)
7) He wears a motley robe in his forest chamber,
He heals trees: he knocks and it is easier for them. (Woodpecker)
8) He wants - it will fly straight, wants - it weighs in the air,
Falls like a stone from the heights and sings in the fields, sings? (Lark)
9) Flies to us with warmth, having traveled a long way
Sculpts a house under the window from grass and clay? (Martin)
10) Tell me what a weirdo
Does he wear a tailcoat day and night? (Penguin)

Educator: Introducing the word of the jury

After the jury announces the results, a boy in a Sparrow suit runs in.

Sparrow: I am a sparrow.
I live among people.
I know everything about the guys
What do they do, where do they go,
How round dances lead. (Runs away)

Educator: Now is the time to pay attention to our viewers. Blitz survey.
The picture is brought in

Educator: Dear viewers, take a close look at the picture, in a minute we will remove it and check your attentiveness.
1) What animals are shown in the picture? (4 bears)
2) How many bears: 3,4,5? (4)
3) Which forest is shown? (Bor)
4) What trees are shown? (Pines)
5) How many bears are sitting in the trees? (3)

Educator: The audience is just great, and your attention is developed just fine.
Educator: Let's continue further, dear teams. You know trees, birds too, and now we'll see if you know animals.

1) An animal covered with thick fur. Lives in the north. Loves reindeer lichen and hunts for it with hooves and
horns from under the snow. (Reindeer)
2) Which animal is running with its hind legs forward? (Hare.)
3) He looks like a shepherd dog, every tooth is a sharp knife!
Is he running with his jaws bared, ready to attack the sheep? (Wolf)
4) Get into the habit of - expect trouble.
5) Does a red tail cover up your tracks? (Fox)
6) Water craftsmen, build a house without an ax (Beaver)
7) Blind "excavator"? (Moles)
8) What a terrible beast loves raspberries. (Bear)
9) What kind of beast can be called long-eared? (Hare)
10) A cat with tassels on the ears. (Lynx)

Educator: Introducing the word of the jury

The folk melody "From under the oak" sounds. A boy in a bear costume comes out

Bear: I am a beast of the forest, Bear-bear,
I am not angry and I will not cry.
Boys and girls are my friends
I want to play with you.
The game "At the Bear in the Forest" is being held

Educator: Indeed, what a forest without mushrooms and delicious berries. Are the team leaders ready to name them? (Mushrooms, berries are called in turn)
Team captains competition
And the children in the teams help their captain. Whoever named more won the competition
Children: strawberries, raspberries, strawberries, amanita, mushrooms, boletus, morel, milk mushrooms, etc.
Educator: Well done, you know a lot of mushrooms and berries. And now I propose to you to perform a round dance "Whether in the garden or in the garden"

Children lead a round dance
Educator: And while you and I were dancing around, I think the time has come to take stock of our meeting. The floor is given by the jury.

Educator: Let's guys
Wherever we live
We will plant trees
We will divorce the gardens!
May each of us
Will plant a tree now

Children with a teacher plant a tree on the territory of the kindergarten. Tied with a red ribbon to see how much it grows in a month.