Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love are the last. A love story ... courtney love and kurt cobain: a doomed romance

Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love are the last. A love story ... courtney love and kurt cobain: a doomed romance

Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love: A Love Story. (I don’t know the author, but I liked it, very touching)
link http://blog.imhonet.ru/author/banalno/post/1235076/

They swore, fought, smashed dishes ... A gloomy musician who became the idol of a whole generation, and an explosive vocalist of a punk band, whose scandalous image did not fit in with her phenomenal level of intelligence, friends and family were afraid that someday these two would simply injure each other friend. Nevertheless, Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love lived together for six years, gave birth to a daughter, whom they loved more than anything else. But still…

When the police entered the room, Courtney understood immediately. She just asked: "How did it happen?" “He shot himself. Houses. The corpse was found in the greenhouse two days later, ”the sergeant replied, looking at the floor. A few hours later, Courtney flew from Los Angeles to Seattle - on the way from the airport, she pinched her ears so as not to hear the newspaper boys screaming heart-rendingly: “Breaking news! Kurt Cobain shot himself! "

For almost a day she was in oblivion - first falling asleep, then waking up, talking to him aloud, scolding and crying, looking for him in the dark. "This shouldn't have happened!" - she shouted to the orchids, although she understood: everything was heading for this. Kurt is too tired of life. He was annoyed by the ubiquitous journalists and crowds of fans under the window, exhausting continuous tours, he suffered from bronchitis and terrible stomach pains, from a painful addiction to drugs. Once Cobain even loved his depression - only in this gloomy state did he write music that brought him worldwide fame. Once he sang a new song "I hate myself and want to die", and soon this phrase was repeated by teenagers on both sides of the Atlantic. Kurt read in the newspapers that the young fan had cut her veins to his music, and her own life had lost all meaning.

Courtney loved this gloomy, forever unshaven and unkempt guy as she probably did not love anyone in her life. Their whirlwind romance began with a fight. Courtney came to the Nirvana concert and didn't like him at all; at the bar, she bumped into Kurt and stated outright that he was writing bad songs. Kurt was furious with such impudence. Courtney screamed at the whole bar, and then Kurt dug into the lips of the offender. “I wanted her to shut up,” he later explained. And he confessed to close friends: "Actually, I wanted to meet her."

And how much Courtney wanted it! She did not like the performance, but the vocalist simply drove her crazy - piercing blue eyes, stylish unshaven. He did not get up in languid poses, did not squeeze the guitar and generally behaved as if he knew everyone in the hall. After the memorable meeting, Cobain and Love did not see each other for almost a year and a half. Kurt, surrounded by young fans, spoke to his friends in ruefulness: “I want to finally find a girl with whom I could spend several years together. I want calmness and confidence. I'm tired of these affairs and romances that last a month or two. I am a very old-fashioned person, such a relationship is exhausting me. " And Courtney met the drummer of "Nirvana" and suddenly found out that Cobain liked very much - he talked about her right and left. Moreover - just now Kurt broke up with another girlfriend.

Courtney almost kissed the astonished drummer and rushed to collect a special gift for Kurt. She bought a Victorian heart-shaped box and stuffed it with the finest trifles she could find in the house. There were seashells, tiny pine cones and dried tea roses, on top of everything - a favorite porcelain doll and a doll tea set. Courtney sprinkled perfume on the box, tied it with a silk ribbon three times as she was taught as a child, whispered “Be mine,” and mailed it to Cobain. And this scoundrel did not respond! Can you imagine?

After that, they met several times at group concerts, swore and said nasty things to each other - arguing about who would become a star faster and who would become more famous. "I will become famous and I will buy diamonds for my wife!" - shouted Kurt and heard in response: "Who will go for you?" The novel really came out stormy - their next meeting still ended in Courtney's house.

Waking up in the morning, Courtney suddenly started crying, "Do you really like me?" And while Kurt sleepily picked up the words, she said through her tears: "It seems to me that no one will ever love me again." "Me too," Kurt muttered. "Yes? Well then fine". They looked at each other knowingly and since then have not parted for more than a couple of weeks. Never. Until his death. By the time they met, Kurt Cobain was already taking drugs, he was tormented by bouts of bronchitis and stomach pain, he smoked continuously and looked very pale. He looked like a sick child, looked delicate and fragile. Courtney, who had been on a strict diet for a month by then, weighed ten kilograms more. She was overwhelmed with almost maternal tenderness - he was so weak, so unhappy! So loved ...

They were married on February 24, 1992 at the edge of a cliff in Hawaii. Kurt was in green pajamas and Courtney was in an old dress that once belonged to Seattle Actress Francis Farmer. Kurt didn't want this to be a big ceremony as he was afraid he would cry. In the first joint interview, Kurt Cobain, America's saddest singer, gleefully stated, “I'm so blinded by love that sometimes I even forget that I have a band. I could quit music for Courtney right now. ” The newly-made wife just smiled happily - she already knew that she was pregnant. The newlyweds spent their days dreaming of a large old house, which they would buy after the baby was born. It should have trellises overgrown with tea roses, peacocks will walk around the garden.

They really bought a house, albeit without peacocks, but with a greenhouse. But two months later, the old sewer burst through and black mud poured Kurt's favorite guitar, as well as a stack of CDs and notebooks with songs. It was then that Courtney found out why such a bad reputation goes about Kurt's character - for two weeks he plunged into a severe depression, did not want to see anyone and was trying to commit suicide. For the first time she realized that someday this would really happen - his health was too weak, his talent was too great and demanding, and behind his back was the most insidious enemy - drugs.

The newlyweds were waiting for the birth of a child with fear: what if their dissolute life would make itself felt? They went to the hospital at the same time: Courtney in the maternity ward, and Kurt in the drug treatment. He decided to end his addiction forever, and almost died of terrible withdrawal symptoms that could not be removed with anything. Sometimes Kurt would come to Courtney and cry in pain, sitting on the edge of her bed. When the contractions began, Courtney ordered to be taken on a gurney to her husband's room, pulled off the blanket from him and shouted: “Come on, get up now! I'm not going to do this alone, without you! " Kurt dragged her into the maternity ward, and Courtney held his hand and reassured him - on the way he passed out and was very bad. The next day, Kurt brought a pistol to the hospital, deciding that the main thing in his life had already been done. Courtney took the weapon from her husband with the words: "No, I am the first."

Everything worked out. The girl was born completely healthy, she was named Francis. Francis Bean Cobain. Happy parents spent a lot of money on the most expensive outfits, Kurt even ordered a special chair for his daughter called "eternal care", in which there were many toys and a self-feeding bottle. They wrote songs for her, filmed Frances and even took her to the MTV Awards. Their joint photos appeared on the covers of leading music magazines - a happy, healthy family. On August 30 of the same year, Nirvana gave a concert at the Reading Festival in England. At one point on the show, Cobain addressed the crowd with the message that he had a daughter and got the audience to chant "Courtney, we love you!" with him.

And a month later, Kurt returned to drugs ... Now Courtney's life has turned into a constant battle - a battle for her love, to which she walked too long to now give it up so easily. Courtney protected her husband from any troubles, took money from him so that he had nothing to buy food for. One day, Kurt found a stack of letters from his fans, which his wife put on his table. Each of them was asked to give up drugs, and one ten-year-old boy wrote: "If you die, how will I go on living?"

Courtney decides to have a psychotherapy session with Dr. Stephen Chartoff from California. On March 25, Courtney, Chris Novoselic, Pat Smir, Kurt's old friend Dylan Carlson, and John Silva, Danny Goldberg, and Janet Billig of GME (the record company that worked with Kurt) took part in a psychotherapy session. One by one, they threatened Kurt to leave him or stop cooperating with him. During the entire five hours that the session lasted, Kurt sat absently. The session was unsuccessful. It was decided to refuse Chartof's services. All the money was spent on "poison" and weapons - Kurt bought more and more pistols, guns, and Courtney almost lost hope. She still managed to persuade her husband to go to a specialized clinic in Los Angeles again. She flew with him and stayed at the hotel, ready to rush to the hospital at the first call. A few days later he called and said: "Whatever happens, remember that I love you." Courtney jumped up as if struck, but Kurt had already hung up.

Frightened, Courtney turned the whole of Los Angeles upside down. She blocked his credit card, began calling all the drug dealers she knew, looking for him from friends, in bars and pubs. Meanwhile, Kurt Cobain entered the greenhouse, where the orchids were blooming, hesitated a little and pulled the trigger. Hell on earth was over, millions of fans, wife, child, and friends were left behind. The semi-automatic Remington M-11 20 ended the life of one of the biggest stars in contemporary rock music. They say that before he died, he tried to call his wife. But could not. After his suicide, a lot of things happened in the life of Courtney Love - a Grammy award, millions of copies of records, a successful role in the film The People Against Larry Flint. Trying to drive away bad memories, Courtney sold the house, but she could not forgive herself that she was not on the phone that evening: if she answered the phone, Kurt would have survived.

At the end of April, the police published the contents of Kurt Cobain's suicide note, found in his wallet at the scene of his death. 20 years have passed since the tragic death of the band's soloist, and only now the law enforcement agencies have decided to tell about the content of the last lines of the singer.

The Washington State Police added Cobain's suicide note to the criminal case file, which has not yet been closed. Initially, the investigators adhered to the version that these lines were written by the musician himself, but recently they announced a new version. They now claim that Kurt Cobain's wife Courtney Love is the author of the note. This is indicated by the singer's handwriting and the testimony of the late musician's biographer. The man said that Courtney wrote the note on their wedding day "for fun and humor."

Investigators said the note was written by Courtney Love

A suicide note found at the site of Kurt Cobain's death says:

Are you ready, Kurt Cobain, to accept Courtney Michelle Love as your legal wife ... Even if this bitch with acne is ready to spend all your money on drugs and fornication?

The content of the note was published only recently.

Kurt carried this piece of paper in his wallet for two years after the wedding, until his death in 1994. If these words belonged to him, the investigation would have to establish why the contents of this note and the first message are fundamentally different. In a previous letter, Cobain wrote that he "feels guilty towards fans and loved ones", and also confesses to sincere and deep feelings towards Courtney Love and their daughter Frances Bean Cobain. Kurt asks for forgiveness from his family and expresses the hope that without him, Courtney and their daughter will be easier.

Kurt wrote about feeling guilty towards loved ones.

Eyewitnesses claim that Kurt was crazy about Courtney and their daughter Frances

Recall that Kurt Cobain was found dead at his home on April 8, 1994, three days after his death. The official version says that the musician shot himself. Despite this, the death case of the lead singer of "Nirvana" is still open and the police publish new evidence every year. One of the detectives working with Courtney Love expressed the version that the musician's wife herself could have ordered the murder. However, she fundamentally refuses to comment on such information.

Cobain died in 1994

After his death, Kurt Cobain's music brought his family a good income. In 2010, it became known that 37% of the musician's fortune went to his daughter Frances Bean Cobain.

Fatal beauties warmed on the chests of famous and wealthy men, due to their congenital or acquired malignant character, often ruined their careers, deprived them of sleep and peace. And on top of that, with gentle hands, they reached out to the bank accounts of their faithful, robbing poor men for substantial sums. The law in this case, as if blinded by the enchanting eyes of the plaintiffs, stood on the side of the "offended" women. Their victims, brushing away the avaricious men's tears from their faces, admitted their complete defeat.

Mel Gibson and Oksana Grigorieva

The first among the famous men of Hollywood to fall was Mel Gibson. "Lethal weapon" in the image of a Russian girl Oksana Grigorieva struck down the unfortunate lover. However, it was possible to call him unhappy conditionally. Known for his violent personality and passion for love affairs with young girls, Gibson simply gave up in this situation.

They started dating in 2006. Gray in the beard, the devil in the rib: Mel was so carried away by the Russian model and "a little bit" by the movie actress that he completely lost his head. He even hurried to divorce his wife Robin, with whom he was tied by a long-term marriage, and seven of his own children did not become an obstacle for the elderly Romeo. Future relations with Oksana Grigorieva seemed to him a real paradise. But some time passed - and in the life of the star husband came, figuratively speaking, complete blackness. (By a strange coincidence, the young wife received the surname Chernukha at birth, later changing it to Grigoriev.)

Now no one really knows who was the first to initiate scandals in the family that have come down to fights. It is clear that the divorce was inevitable. Oksana Grigorieva filed a lawsuit against her husband. Of course, Mel Gibson got the most of the nuts. He was accused of beating his wife, who hurried in advance and provided the judges with audio recordings where drunk Gibson threatened her with almost murder. As a result, the mother and baby (the daughter of a common marriage) received $ 10 million in compensation - plus another 40 thousand “green” monthly payments. Until the daughter comes of age. In March 2011, Oksana Grigorieva (nee Chernukha) knocked out another half a million dollars from the “slightly” gutted (financially) and mentally disturbed Mel Gibson. The life of a completely upset Gibson, in addition to a suspended sentence of three years, went downhill. There was no longer the strength to engage in creativity. There was only one thing left: to lick the wounds of the soul in solitude with a faithful bottle of whiskey.

This story has a happy ending. After all, Gibson still managed to get in shape. In 2015, Mel Gibson became a father for the 9th time. Rosalind Ross gave birth to a child to the actor and director. In 2017, he was even nominated for an Academy Award and a Golden Globe for directing the military drama For Reasons of Conscience.

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard

Surprisingly, the shot Jack Sparrow, figuratively speaking, was held on the chaff. Johnny Depp, instead of a long and passionate love, got scandals, gossip - and a headache. Amber Heard's young wife (now former) declared a real war on him. Unsuccessful in acting (Hollywood clearly did not submit to her), she showed real talent in such matters as blackmail and manipulation of facts. Johnny Depp just blinked his drunken eyes (lately he drank heavily) when all the troubles initiated by Amber Heard fell upon him. If you believe her, then the ex-husband is a real monster and a monster. At the trial, accompanied by her lawyer, Amber stated the following: “I have endured a series of inhuman emotional, verbal and physical bullying by Johnny. Every time I disagreed with him or questioned his primacy in the family, attacks followed - violent, aggressive, humiliating me, threatening me. " And as an example, she cited such a sure weapon as Johnny's mobile phone, which he allegedly threw at her in a fit of anger and hit her cheekbone and eye at the same time.

And how it all began romantically! Johnny in love, like a calf on a leash, walked on the heels of young Amber, admiring every movement. On Depp's own island, they played a magnificent wedding, which seemed to everyone the forerunner of a long and happy future life. Johnny's thoughts about the past, about the uncomplaining and faithful Vanessa Paradis, lovely children were left far behind. He was so blind with love that he could not think of the worst. And on the horizon of a cloudless marriage, heavy clouds were already gathering.

Johnny Depp's divorce from Amber Heard became a real feast for the tabloids. Journalists arranged a real hunt for Jack Sparrow: every step he took was overgrown with scandalous details. However, no one really trusts the "innocent victim" of this case, Amber Heard. There is a mercantile interest in the enormous fortune of his ex-husband - the owner of the island and the ships. No wonder she asked for information about Johnny's bank accounts ...

Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love

The death of the founder of the famous group Nirvana, Kurt Cobain, is still shrouded in secrecy. One of the detectives involved in the investigation of this dark case once hinted that the ordering party for the murder could have been Kurt's wife, the famous singer Courtney Love. According to the official version put forward by the police, the musician shot himself with his own weapon. His corpse lay in the house for three days, until an electrician accidentally discovered the dead Cobain. By the way, to this day, the criminal case on the death of Kurt is not considered closed: there are too many questions left for the investigation.

This tragedy, according to relatives, was preceded by a romantic love story between Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love. They met at a concert and immediately felt a mutual passion for each other. Kurt and Courtney were similar in many ways: at least that's what everyone thought. The daughter of free hippies never lived in poverty and led a lifestyle, to put it mildly, not entirely correct. She once, in a fit of influx of feelings, admitted that she was indulging in the use of illegal drugs in her spare time. However, this habit from a young age was entrenched in Courtney's husband Kurt Cobain. Who would have thought that the eternally gloomy, constantly depressed famous musician would turn out to be a caring and gentle father! He simply idolized little Francis and was even afraid to ride with his daughter in a car, fearing some kind of accident. Courtney Love's maternal feelings were more modest: she was more concerned with her own destiny, bathing in the rays of Kurt Cobain's fame and using his millions of accounts. And Kurt's condition worsened every day. To get rid of constant depression, he became even more addicted to illegal drugs. Courtney has taken a series of tough measures in an attempt to rid him of this habit. She put a kind of veto on his accounts, and her husband could not take a cent without her consent. Constant control, custody, it seems, finally broke Kurt. And one day he decided, according to the official version, to commit suicide.

After his death, Love did not remain long in the form of an unfortunate widow. Unexpectedly for her relatives, she hastily sold the rights (half) to the works of the famous husband, bailing out a tidy sum of $ 50 million from this deal. Her constant whining about a poor life (barely making ends meet!) Led everyone to extreme irritation. Although the clothing warehouse at Courtney Love's house looked like a shopping mall. And everyone knew that the singer preferred only the most expensive and fashionable collections. Some of Love's friends once remarked, "If she needs to get her hair done on the plane, Courtney puts her two assistants and her hairdresser in first grade."

The relationship with her daughter somehow did not work out: Francis loved her late father very much and did not really like her mother. In general, the role of a caring parent was beyond the power of Courtney Love. To tell the truth, a protracted crisis has turned out with a creative career. But Love, with her characteristic optimism and complaints of poor material existence, continues to squander the millions of her late husband.

Chad Lowe and Hilary Swank

"Million Dollar Baby" by Hilary Swank was clearly too tough for Chad Lowe. Moreover, during the filming of this film, she more than once used her husband as a punching bag, practicing punches on him. Although Chad was pleased with his involvement in the film, which brought Hilary another Oscar, a slight annoyance, apparently, still remained. To be in the shadow of the fame of a wife who has achieved incredible heights in acting is a blow to pride.

They met in 1992 and only seven years later got married. “Of all the dresses I have ever put on or will wear, the most beautiful is the one in which I married Chad,” Hilary Swank once said. The quiet family idyll seemed to go on forever, and no event would disturb the peace of the couple in love. But everything in this world is relative. Swank, who plays the first role in the family, suddenly, for no reason at all, began to accuse her husband of alcoholism, the use of illegal substances and connections on the side. And in 2006, Hillary filed for divorce, hoping that the process would be quiet and calm, without a hitch. However, unexpectedly, the former father-in-law Charles Lowe, a famous lawyer, stood up for his son. The actor's indignant father with a bunch of evidence accused her of "vile slander": "Million Dollar Baby" received a small "knockdown" and backed down. But it was still not possible to avoid a scandal in the divorce: it received wide publicity.

“I really wanted a full-fledged family, a child. Hilary was against it, she tried to make a career at any cost, even at the expense of personal happiness, "Chad Lowe said later in a fit of frankness.

Guy Ritchie and Madonna

Today Guy Ritchie enjoys life and eats meatloaf with appetite, without the sidelong glances of Madonna. Now he does not even remember his ex-wife, megadive Madonna, but almost eight years of marriage have left a certain imprint on him. The two stars met, being mature and experienced people who have achieved considerable heights in their work. Guy Ritchie, the director of the famous film Lock, Stock, Two Barrels, had a calm, docile character. Madonna, in contrast to him, was a real flame: hot-tempered and selfish. The first years of married life passed happily, in an atmosphere of love and understanding. The breakdown in relations, one might say, began with a trifle. And he was linked to Madonna's manic passion for dieting. In the mornings, Guy drank rice tea with Madonna in disgust: his favorite cream was vetoed. Somehow imperceptibly, meat disappeared from the menu: they were replaced by vegetable dishes. For a moment, the British macho felt like a rabbit in full control of the home "boa constrictor". Further more.

In pursuit of beauty, her beloved wife went all out: at night she rubbed herself with expensive cream and put on a plastic suit, retiring to a separate bedroom. Of course, in such a situation, Guy could only dream of a closer relationship. And later, an almost dictatorial order was established in the house: it was forbidden to read newspapers, watch TV and invite the director's friends to visit. Guy Ritchie endured everything courageously and patiently, and the care of raising his two sons fell on his shoulders. In vain he appealed to Madonna's maternal feelings. Louise Ciccone swayed her muscles and watched her figure with zeal. Ms. Ritchie answered all claims with one phrase: “I'm not going to calm down, sit at home and gain fat. It's not so easy to be Madonna. "

Any patience comes to an end, divorce is inevitable. Guy Ritchie came out of this noisy and scandalous process slightly rumpled, but with the smile of a free and happy person. And soon the fashion model Jackie Ainsley brought the long-awaited peace and the opportunity to be fully engaged in creativity to his house. Madonna is still in search of the elixir of eternal youth, remaining a tyrant even in small things.

Paul McCartney and Heather Mills

Paul McCartney and Heather Mills were considered a very successful couple in the world of show business. The famous musician doted on the young model, until the latter realized that he was not going to make a star of the first magnitude out of her. And here a bolt from the blue: The Sun tabloid published a series of photographs from the book Die Freuden der Liebe ("The Joy of Love"), which was released in 1988 in Germany. And the main star of the almost pornographic publication was the wife of Paul McCartney. The famous musician was simply shocked by his wife's dirty past. In such a delicate situation, Heather Mills felt that the best defense was offense. And on the eve of the divorce, she brought down a stream of accusations on Paul's poor head. According to her, he was a real monster: he beat, strangled, interfered with breastfeeding his own daughter. The most humane London royal court took note and action of this documented nonsense. As a true gentleman, Paul McCartney was silent for most of the divorce proceedings and did not hint at a word that Heather publicly called him an old man, broke furniture in the house and threw jewelry at her husband.

Of course, if Paul were not so trusting, he would have discovered a lot of interesting things in the biography of his ex-wife even before marriage. For example, the fact that she was twice married to a wealthy diplomat Karmal from the Middle East, significantly emptying his pockets. Heather Mills was the "desirable girl" of many wealthy Arab sheikhs. Diana Karmal, sister of her ex-husband, once said about this: “She is like a piranha when it comes to men. She uses her sexual charm brilliantly. "

This charm, apparently, had an effect on the judges as well. With their help, Heather chopped off almost $ 50 million from Paul. And thanks to this circumstance, McCartney fell off the first line of the richest representatives of the British music industry.

Owen Wilson and Kate Hudson

She let it go and threw it away. And twice. This can be fully attributed to the beautiful Kate Hudson. She met Owen Wilson on set in 2006: both took part in the comedy "Him, Me and His Friends." The relationship between the young actors developed rapidly. Mutual sympathy quickly grew into great love. Owen did not let his girlfriend go a step: he was constantly with her. To hide from prying eyes, Kate and Owen flew to Hawaii. Wilson had already tried on wedding rings and dreamed of an upcoming marriage with sweet Kate. But in early summer 2007, for some unknown reason, the actors publicly announced the breakup. They parted on a friendly note. No mutual claims.

And soon pictures appeared on the pages of newspapers where Kate Hudson kissing actor Dax Shepard. It seems like Owen could not bear it. The mental wound inflicted by his former passion pushed him to a desperate act. He cuts his veins, swallows pills. But the suicide did not take place: the doctors arrived in time and saved his life.

Life is full of paradoxes: in February 2008, Kate Hudson returns to her former lover. A few months of happiness - and again they part, like ships at sea. Kate is now in a hurry to meet the famous cyclist Lance Armstrong, and Owen finds solace in the company of sexy blondes. When Goldie Hawn was asked about her daughter's condition after breaking up with Wilson, she proudly replied, “Kate is fine. I have her hammer! "

Eric and Julia Roberts

Someone believes that the fame that fell over the edge on Julia Roberts was the reason for the breakdown of relations with her brother Eric. Perhaps there is some truth in this: often creative jealousy turns into ordinary. After all, Eric, to tell the truth, has had no luck lately with good roles in films. And he started out in Hollywood very well: his talent was quickly noticed, and women were simply crazy about the handsome man who appeared in high society. It seemed a little bit more - and Eric will become a recognized star. However, a terrible accident intervened in his creative plans: he crashed into a tree on his motorcycle at high speed. However, what happened, as it turned out later, did not affect his career. With a face disfigured by a scar, he began to appear in the role of the eternal villain, enjoying great success with the audience.

But back to Roberts' past. It was well known that Eric simply adored little Julia and constantly took care of her. Then they parted ways. And already at the peak of his fame, Eric received a letter from the matured Julia, who asked him to get a job in Hollywood. Her brother happily met her at the airport and, without delay, soon introduced Julia to famous directors and producers. Perhaps from that moment the brilliant career of the future Hollywood star began.

But the wayward "beauty", apparently, forgot who brought her to the big movie. In the most crucial period of Eric's life, she did not help him, but, on the contrary, did everything possible to make him fail. This is a lawsuit where Eric fought for the rights to his own daughter Emma, ​​acquired out of wedlock with actress Kelly Canningen. She zealously defended Kelly and did a lot to ensure that the court decision was in favor of the single mother. Eric's dream of raising a child of his own vanished like a fog. And since then, Eric fiercely hated his sister ...

Probably, Beyonce did not have to wash dirty linen in public, even if it happened. After all, it was Matthew Knowles who brought the singer to the stars of the first magnitude. Everyone knew perfectly well that her rapid creative career began with the lead singer of the Destiny's Child group, which was produced by her own father. And he used all his strength and possibilities so that Beyoncé in the future would not have any problems with concerts.

“He remained my father for life, and I love my dad very much. I am grateful to him for everything he taught me, ”Beyoncé later confessed. Belated repentance, however, will not restore the old relationship: the sediment on the soul of Matthew Knowles still remained. How else to explain his appearances in the press, where he constantly criticizes his daughter.

Steven Spielberg and Amy Irving

The unfortunate napkin, on which Steven Spielberg wrote a marriage contract with actress Amy Irving, played a fatal role in his life. The originality of the great director went sideways for him. Because the matter did not come to the formalization of the contract. And Spielberg's blunder of life cost the maestro almost half of the lost fortune: during the divorce, $ 100 million migrated to the accounts of his ex-wife. Amy, who is not famous for acting, was very calculating and cold-blooded when it came to money. The poor director did not notice how, figuratively speaking, the "jaws" closed on his neck. But it seems that this no longer worried Spielberg: he would even give her his blood and sweat of suffering "Oscar" as a keepsake in order to save himself from his ex-wife and the scandals associated with her name. But the alarming call in relations with her was in 1979, when she left Stephen for the sake of country singer Willie Nelson. And then, as if nothing had happened after a while, she returned to him.

Courtney Love is an American actress and singer, as well as the beloved woman of musician Kurt Cobain ("Nirvana"). Do you want to know how her creative career developed? Are you interested in the love story of two musicians: Roots and Kurt? All the necessary information is presented in the article.

Biography: family and childhood

Courtney Michelle Harrison is the real name of our heroine. She was born on July 9, 1964 in one of the largest American cities - San Francisco. In what family was the future star of the stage brought up? Her mother, Lindy Carroll, graduated as a psychotherapist. Courtney's father, Hank Harrison, was a technician for the Grateful Dead.

The girl's parents were active participants in the hippie movement. This explains the appearance in our heroine of the pseudonym Love, that is, "love". At home, the Harissons regularly held parties with performances of musicians and dancing until you drop.

Homeless girl

At the age of 7, Courtney Love moved with her mother to another city. By that time, she had a new father, already the third in a row. The mother gave birth to two more daughters. Because of this, our heroine felt abandoned and useless.

Courtney's new family lived in a hippie commune. She, mother, sisters and stepfather were housed in a barrack with an earthen floor. The neighbors smoked a lot and swore. The girl was not allowed to play with dolls. Nobody cared about her hygiene and health either.

Soon Courtney was left all alone. The parents left for New Zealand to raise sheep. They took her little sisters with them. And the girl was left in the care of a nurse. After some time, someone else's aunt sent her to a boarding school. The future actress and singer often fled from there. And one day Courtney was sent to Happened because of the theft of a T-shirt with the image of the musicians from the "Cinderella" group. The teenage girl was released from the colony ahead of schedule. The local psychiatrist found no abnormalities in her.

New life

At 16, Courtney Love received an inheritance. Having issued it, our heroine went to travel across Europe. In 1982, she settled with her friends living in the city of Liverpool. It was there that the girl was seriously carried away by music and the stage. She was taught by Ian McCulloch of Teardrop Explodes.

Creative way

In 1984, the blonde beauty returned to the United States. She decided to take up the development of a musical career. Courtney started writing songs. She was invited to perform in the Faith No More group. Then Love moved on to another project - Sugar Baby Doll.

In 1989, a new stage began in her work. The girl organized the Hole collective (translated as "Hole"). She was a soloist. The group also featured a bass player, drummer and guitarist. In 1990, the guys recorded three singles - "Teenage Whore", "Dicknail" and "Retard Girl". Soon the debut album "Pretty On The Inside" was presented to the audience.

In the early 2000s, Courtney decided to perform solo. But after a few years, the Hole team recovered. The musicians continued to record songs and give concerts around the world.

Courtney Love: films with her participation

For the first time on the screens, an attractive blonde appeared in 1986. She got a small role in the Anglo-American film Sid and Nancy. The girl liked the atmosphere on the set. And already in 1987, Courtney appeared in films again. This time we are talking about the movie "Straight to Hell".

There are 16 films in the creative collection of our heroine. Throughout her career, Love performed only one major role. She brilliantly got used to the image of Joan Barrow in the film "Blow" (2000).

Meeting a rock musician

Cobain and Courtney Love first met in January 1990. They were both visitors to one of the Portland clubs. Their first meeting was not romantic. The girl made a rude comment about the musician's appearance. Kurt did not become such rudeness now. He pushed the blonde to the floor.

A few months later, the beauty confessed to their mutual friend (drummer of the Nirvana group Dave Grohl) that she fell in love with Cobain at first sight. He promised the girl to set them up with Kurt. And Dave kept his word.

In May 1991, Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love met for the second time. It happened at a concert of the "Nirvana" group. After the concert, the guy and the girl exchanged phone numbers. Then they talked for hours on different topics. It turned out that their fates are very similar.

The next time Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love saw each other only 5 months later. By that time, they already realized that they have deep feelings for each other.

Wedding and family life

Friends and colleagues of the couple in love were looking forward to when they formalized the relationship. Cobain and Love's wedding took place on February 24, 1992. They chose the Hawaiian Islands as a place for the celebration, and more specifically, the Waikiki beach. The ceremony was attended only by close friends of the newlyweds. Kurt was wearing chunky flannel pajamas. And his chosen one put on a dress that once belonged to an actress

On the wedding day, the singer already knew that she was carrying a child under her heart. On August 18, 1992, Kurt and Courtney became parents for the first time. Their tiny daughter was born. The baby was named Frances Bean.

Rocker widow

In the music scene, many knew about Kurt's addiction to drugs. He started smoking marijuana as a schoolboy. Over time, Cobain switched to a heavier drug - heroin. Doses have been steadily increased. Shortly before his death, Courtney Love's husband was sent to rehab. But one day the musician escaped from this institution.

The lifeless body of the leader of the Nirvana group was found on April 8, 1994. He was lying on the floor. The whole head was covered in blood. A rifle lay nearby. The official version of the incident is suicide. After all, police officers found the one left by Cobain.

The body of a world famous musician was cremated. Our heroine left a part of the ashes for herself, as well as a lock of her beloved husband's hair.

Daughter of Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain

Francis is already quite an adult girl. She turned 24 in August 2016. She is a talented artist and vocalist. From June to August 2008, Cobain's daughter worked as an intern at the legendary publication

Francis does not maintain a relationship with the famous mother. In 2009, the girl sued her. She was forced to take this step by constant scandals and threats from the parent. As a result, the court forbade Courtney to approach closer than 500 m.

In June 2014, the heiress of the leader of the Nirvana group married a guy whom she had been dating for several years. Her chosen one is the musician Isaiah Silva. The singer and actress learned about her daughter's wedding from American tabloids.


We reported on where she was born and how famous Courtney Love became. Films with her participation were listed in the article. You now also know the love story of Courtney and Kurt Cobain. We wish this woman good health and peace of mind!

This sweet couple has been haunted by scandals from the very beginning of their romance. A gloomy and depressive drug addict with a delicate mental organization and a cheeky girl who was never averse to having a full blast. Kurt Cobain has millions of fans all over the world. Courtney Love has millions of Kurt Cobain and a reputation tarnished enough to squeeze out.

"From the age of seven I began to hate all of humanity as a whole."

Old sneakers and ripped jeans, second-hand clothes, a complete disdain for commerce and fame - that was Cobain. His hysterical vocals with a slightly nasal coloring, the depressiveness of the music and lyrics hypnotized, caused a feeling of homelessness and restlessness, driving millions of fans crazy. At 24 he was famous, and at 27 he was dead.

Listening to his music, it is difficult to believe what Cobain said about himself: “I was an incredibly happy child. I screamed and sang all the time. I just couldn't stop in time. I was really happy. " But childhood ended when his parents divorced. Kurt was then a little over seven years old. In his suicide note, he writes: "From the age of seven I began to hate all of humanity as a whole." The divorce severely traumatized the boy, and he closed in on himself, becoming sullen, cynical and angry. All he wanted was to have the most ordinary family, with mom and dad. But the adults didn't seem to be too interested in his desires.

When Kurt was 14 years old, Uncle Chuck gave him a guitar. Music always attracted him, and playing the guitar became a real outlet. Meanwhile, in the personal life of his mother, with whom he remained to live, a series of changes took place, however, not too happy. Wendy hoped to find herself a better boyfriend than Kurt's father, but she was unlucky. When her son refused to go to art college, she presented him with a choice - either he was looking for a job or he was leaving home. Kurt chose the latter.

For some time he wandered around the apartments of friends and casual acquaintances, and even lived for a short time under a bridge by the river. A close acquaintance with the alternative side of life did not add to his cheerfulness and optimism, but taught him honesty. “Every day was a revelation and I learned these lessons well. Do you call Nirvana's music depressive? Not at all. It's just true to the last note. She's an alternative to the sickening syrup that floods the airwaves. And this is its greatest value ”.

The success that hit Nirvana with the release of Nevermind, he commented, “I certainly couldn't let my ego admit that we were so big that we deserved so much attention ... There are many bands in the underground scene that are as good as us or better than us, but somehow we are the only ones that get attention. " However, the disc went multi-platinum, and Cobain was called the voice of a generation.


The daughter of wealthy hippies, having received an inheritance, traveled around the white world from the age of 16. And the views have inherited the most that neither is free. Replacing her real name Harrison with the pseudonym Love, the girl did not comprehend life from school textbooks. She learned to play the guitar, composed music and even founded the punk band The Hole, acted in films, loved, suffered, tried drugs and caused scandals.

Courtney first saw Kurt at a concert. The sympathy turned out to be mutual, the outlook on life was similar. The romance was stormy and passionate. When Courtney got married, she was already pregnant with her daughter Francis. Kurt was blinded and elated: “Now I feel happier than ever. Finally, I found a person who is exactly like me. And it doesn't matter at all who it is - a man, a woman, a hermaphrodite or a donkey. The main thing is that we suit each other. "

They really fit together. The scandalous and cheeky Courtney looked very advantageous next to her exquisitely depressed husband, always unshaven and badly combed. She willingly gave interviews and once, talking to a Vanity Fair correspondent, imprudently said that she had always dabbled in drugs - and even during pregnancy. The fact that Kurt and Courtney are, in fact, drug addicts was no secret to anyone. But such an open statement caused a scandal, and the spouses had to explain themselves not only to the press, but also to the guardianship commission, which opened a case on deprivation of their parental rights. However, the girl was born surprisingly strong and healthy, and the scandal was hushed up.

Kurt turned out to be a loving husband and caring father. It didn't really fit with his image, but he idolized his wife and especially little Francis. “Every time I watch a television show about dying children ... I can't help but cry,” he wrote in a letter to his father. - Every day I am haunted by the thought that I could lose my child. I’m even a little nervous when I take her in the car for fear of getting into an accident. ”


Their life was like a volcanic eruption - they quarreled loudly, smashed furniture and smashed dishes. Friends feared that things could take a very nasty turn, and in the heat of a quarrel, one day they would simply beat each other. But the darlings did not swear, they were amused.

By the time they met, Kurt Cobain was already taking drugs, he was tormented by bouts of bronchitis and stomach pain, he smoked continuously and looked very unhealthy. He was not a very healthy child from birth. At 13, he smoked his first marijuana cigarette. Then came the "heavy artillery" - heroin and LSD, with which he tried to drown the unbearable pain in the stomach.

“All this herb. This whole supposedly non-addictive, harmless, life-saving marijuana cigarette that damaged my nerves, ruined my memory and made me feel like ruining my school ball. She just was never strong enough, so I moved on, ”he described his fall into drug addiction in The Diaries.

It was not possible to tie in any way - despite all the efforts of Courtney, who decided to fight for her love at all costs. She blocked his credit cards, took money down to a cent so that he had nothing to buy another dose, slipped stacks of letters from fans who begged her idol to get rid of this addiction. Once she even invited the full composition of Nirvana to the house, so that they, by persuasion, threats, but forced Kurt to give up drugs. Everything turned out to be useless. Cobain listened carefully to his friends, and when they parted, he injected himself with another dose. Treatment in specialized clinics did not bring any results. Disruptions followed one another. At concerts, every now and then he had to be pumped out and taken out of a drug addiction coma.

He understood that he was heading into the abyss, but he could not do anything: “When I started taking heroin, I knew that it would be as boring as smoking marijuana, but I could no longer stop, heroin became like air!”.

His other passion was firearms - Kurt bought new guns and pistols, and Courtney lost all hope.

Go to nirvana

On April 8, 1994, an electrician came to Cobain's home to install a security system. Mr. Smith rang the doorbell several times and, surprised that no one opened for him, went around the house. He was alerted by the open garage and the Volvo car parked there. Therefore, the owners must wait for him, as agreed. But there was no one in the garage. Then Smith climbed the stairs to the greenhouse and there, behind a glass door, he saw a body lying motionless, a gun and a pool of blood.

The police arrived a few minutes later. The report from the scene of the incident was drawn up formally, analysis of details and investigation was not carried out. The world never knew what really happened. And the fact of Kurt's suicide is still questioned. One of the alternative versions of his departure is premeditated murder, in which Courtney is involved. The motive is the oldest and most obvious: money.

After the death of Kurt, Love sold the rights to 50% of his works for a lump sum of $ 50 million. According to her, it was not a financial decision, but "emotional": “He was my best friend, but Kurt and I were married for only three years, and now I need my own life. I'm always a “widow,” and it drives me crazy, ”Love says. - This is not my money in reality. They were cursed from the moment I received them. I don't want Kurt Cobain to buy me shoes. I want to buy them myself! "

And the last one:

“All my life I didn’t believe the things that are written about in the history books, and most of what I was taught in school. But now I conclude that I have no right to judge anyone based only on what I read in books. I have no right to judge anything at all. This is the lesson I have learned ... ”.

We will not judge either.

Photo: All Over Press, Legion-Media.ru