Red hat characteristic characteristic of the heroine. Characteristics of models of the world and the symbolic value of the color in the chalk fairy tale Perro "Red Hap" and the work of

Red hat characteristic characteristic of the heroine. Characteristics of models of the world and the symbolic value of the color in the chalk fairy tale Perro "Red Hap" and the work of

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For analyzing the structure of V.Ya. Proppap, I decided to take all the famous fairy tale "Red Hap", which the Grimm brothers wrote.

The fairy tale begins with the transfer of family members, it is not a function, but still it is an important morphological element, some kind of initial situation in a fairy tale. In the "Red Cap" it becomes clear that she lives with her mother and not far from them, in the forest, her grandmother lives, which must be attributed to the cake.

1) Otchitch (Red Hat leaves your home to grandmother)

3) Violation (Red Cap comes with a path to collect flowers)

4) Disposal (the wolf asks the red hat, where it goes and where the grandmother lives)

5) Issuance (Red Cap tells the wolf, where her grandmother lives and why she goes to her)

6) Chatter (Wolf pretends good and offers a red cap to gather flowers to get the first to her grandmother. Then, he deceives her grandmother pretending to be a red hat, and then deceives a red hat, pretending to her grandmother)

7) Assistance (the Red Hap is deceiving and begins to collect flowers, thereby helping the wolf)

8) Pest (the wolf gets to the grandmother, swallows it, heels himself in her clothes, thereby making a substitution. Further, he swallows the Red Hap itself)

Sack (mother sends a red hat to his grandmother, because the grandmother is sick and need to visit it)

9) mediation (mother sends a red hat to her grandmother)

10) Sending (Red Hat leaves his house and goes to grandmother)

11) Victory (the hunter cuts the belly wolf, and then all together grind the belly of the wolf stones and he dies)

12) Liquidation of trouble or shortage (red hat and grandmother are exempt, grandmother eats hotels brought by her granddaughter, and begins to recover)

1A) Otchitch (the red hat leaves his house again to grandmother,

to attribute the cake)

6a) catch (another wolf trying to penetrate the house to the grandmother,

pretending to the red hat)

8A) Pest (wolf licks a red hat, waiting for it when she goes home)

Then, new features appear:

13) Hard task (grandmother and red cap think how to get rid of the wolf)

14) decision (grandma offers a solution to this task)

15) Return (Red Cap happily returns home)

Analysis of the fairy tale "Red Hap"

There was a little, cute girl

Initial situation (I)

Here gave her grandmother to her one day from the red velvet cap.

The appearance of the hero

Nowadays her mother says:

Mediation (B2)

Red hawp, that's a piece of cake and a bottle of wine, go to take it with a grandmother; Go out of the house early, but look away from the road, do not turn around.

Ban (B1)

she is a sick and weak way straightening

Non-slip (A6)

I can cope, as it should, - answered the mother of a red hat and said goodbye to her.

Hero Otchitch (E3) ^

Only a red hat was entered into the forest, and the wolf towards her.

Antagonist meeting

Red Cap, and where does your grandmother live?

Antagonist (B1)

Issuing information (W1)

under the three big oaks there is her house, and lower a thick hazel


Red hat, look, what circle beautiful flowers.

Prompt (g1)

And she turned off the road right in the forest thickener

Prohibition violation (B1)

and it began to collect flowers.

Action Antagonist (G1)

And the wolf rushed to the grandmother's house and knocked on the door.

This is me, a red hat, brought you wine and cake, open me.

Prompt (g1)

he approached straight to the grandmother bed and swallowed the old woman

Pest (A14)

Then he put her dress on his head, hepes, lay down in bed and put the canopy.

Pest (A12)

remembered the red hat about grandmother and went to her; She was surprised that the door was open

Rudiment Message of trouble (B4)

Oh, grandma, what you have, however, scary big mouth!

It makes it easier to swallow you!

Binding dialogue with antagonist

Just said this wolf, and as jumped out of bed - and swallowed the poor red hat.

Pest (A14)

And passed at that time past the hunter

Appearance of assistant

And he entered her into her room, comes to bed, look - and there the wolf lies.

Detection of antagonist

he did not shoot, and took the scissors and began to bother the belly sleeping wolf; Canded yet, and jumped out the girl from there; then got out of there and the old grandmother

Liquidation of trouble (L10)

A red hat dragged the largest stones as soon as possible, and they wondered by their wolf; Then he came to the end.

Victory (p5)

And were all three very and very satisfied


Grandmother buried the cake, drank the wine that she brought her a red hat, and began to recover yes

Liquidation of shortage (L4)

one day, when a red hat again carried a grandmother pie,

Otchitch (E3) ^

speaking with her another wolf

Antagonist meeting

And here soon and the wolf knocked and says:

Grandmother, from me, I am a red hat, the cake brought you.

Prompt (g1)

And they are silent, do not open the door

Premonition of trouble

Then he walked around, sneaking around, around the house several times, then jumped on the roof and began to wait for the red hat in the evening to return home: he wanted to get over her next and eat her in the dark.

Pest (A8)

But grandmother guessed that the wolf thought

Difficult task requiring solutions (s)

Red hat, take a bucket - yesterday I cooked sausage in it - and pour water into a trough.

Solution of the problem (p)

A red hat began to wear water while a big-pre-prudence was filled with all her covet.

Victory (p5)

And wrapped the wolf smell sausage, led his nose, looked down and finally pulled out her neck, that he could not resist and rolled off the roof and fell down, but right in a big bark, he drowned

Liquidation of trouble (L3)

And the red hat happily homeed home,

Return of the hero V.

and no one from that time she no longer offended.

A happy ending

Mythological chronotope fairy tales, characteristics of the hero

A feature of the chronotope of the magic fairy tale is the connection of this genre with myth. A gradual transition from the myth to the fairy tale occurred against the background of the development of human civilization and the destruction of mythological worldview. So, according to V.Ya. Proppap, such destruction largely predetermined the rejection of the initiation: "The benefits acquired by the act of initiation became incomprehensible, and public opinion was supposed to change, condemning this terrible rite." In other words, people have a weakening of the strict faith in the truth of mythical events. People have become more developed spiritually, they changed their life, the views on life, the concept of morality and their worldview as a whole were changed. Therefore, over time, all frightening, "barbaric", pronounced moments are partially either completely removed, and it comes to replace the ethical, appropriate time and lifestyle. But it is impossible to forget that the foundation of any magic fairy tale is initially myth. On the example of the fairy tale "Red Cap" we can trace it.

According to S. Perro, who wrote this fairy tale earlier brothers Grimm, the Red Hat personifies the sky. Granted by her grandmother Red cap resembles the attributes of the goddess in mythology - the crown or the crown, and the red color symbolizes affiliation to the fiery element. It can be assumed that the basis for writing a fairy tale is the myth of Helios and Faeton. Helios - the sun, had a son, whose name was Phaeton, that in the translation "brilliant". The Sun - Helios, gives his radiant crown to Son Faeton for a walk through the sky, warning about the inadmissibility of the stop; The same warning gets a red hat from the mother. Phatetere and red hats have only one road with which it is impossible to collapse. In the case of Faeton, everything ends is tragic, and in the fairy tale we are watching a happy end. By the way, initially, the fairy tale also ended badly - the red hat eaten the wolf and only in a few cases, with the help of tricks, she managed to escape. Also in early writing this fairy tale there are cannibalism - a girl, allegedly not knowing this, ate the remains of her grandmother. Of course, the present motives of cannibalism testify to the leading way of living of people at that time. Also varied the contents of the basket of a red hat. In Italy, she carried fresh fish, in Switzerland - the head of a young cheese, in Russia - a pie and a pot of oil, in Grimm she carries a piece of cake and a bottle of wine. This suggests that each people have their own traditions and preferences.

If you judge a red hat, as about a literary character, then this is a small, very cute girl who everyone liked it and which was nicknamed with a red cap, because she always went in her grandmother presented with her red hat and never removed her. She lived with her mom, and her grandmother lived not far from them, who loved her very much. Then the journey of the girls encountered on her way obstacles with a happy ending is narrated.

Of all the above, it can be concluded that the myth is a legend, transmitting the representation of ancient peoples about the origin of the world, the phenomena of nature, about the gods and legendary heroes. In myths, everything is idealized, reminding the life of the gods, but, despite this, everything can end up very tragic. In the magic fairy tale, the myth plays a fundamental role, he initially laid in a fairy tale, but regardless of the myth, the plot of fairy tales is developing on "its" scenario, with the imposition of ethical standards and cultural representations of the people, the heroes face problems that are solved in the magical fantastic development of events And necessarily a happy end.

Rite initiation gained benefits

The initiation is defined, as a rule, a mystical, rite associated with the transition of a person to a new social level. The initiation includes the functions of the rite, myth and ritual. On the example of the fairy tale "Red Cap" clearly traced to the initiation rite passed by the hero. First, we see the fairy tales that the grandmother gives the girl with a hat, which in the future and determines the entire descriptive appearance and which it never removes. According to V.Ya. Propp - in the hair is power, for the period of the girl menstrual days it was sharpened in the tower and not allowed not to cut hair, but even comb. From here it can be assumed that the hair of the "red cap" grew to a certain point, more precisely, before the occurrence of puberty. Also, if you move away from myth, you can symbolize the red color of the hats with blood. In the fairy tale, it is described that she carries a lobby piece of cake. This to some extent can be associated with gifts to the gods. It passes through a forest in which there is only one path leading to the grandmother's house. The dedication rite has always been accompanied in a specific house, and the forest symbolized with the entrance to the otherworldly world. The initiation rite is in an inseparable connection with the forest. The place where the rite was held was strictly prohibited by women and the uninitiated, so the mother sends a "red hat" one, and herself remains at home. Dedicated specially decorated and dressed, here you can also symbolize the cap, bright red, which is dressed on the girl. It was assumed that the dedicated during the rite was dying and then resurrected a new person again. This is the so-called temporary death. Death and Resurrection were caused by the actions depicted by the absorption, devouring the monstrous animals. He, as if he was swallowed by this animal and, having spent some time in the stomach of the monster, returned, i.e. Wrapped or erupted. It is clear that in a fairy tale, the wolf swallows the red hat, thereby committing a rite. The rite was accompanied by terrible torture, hunger, thirst, darkness, horror, and even madness. Also in the ritual there was circumcision and jumping of the skin, dissection of the back from the neck down, drawing deep wounds. Madness arose from the type of destroying bodies and internal organs, guts. All this should have created the impression of temporary death, and very often, a person really believed. One of the forms of temporary death is a manifold. In a fairy tale passing by the house of grandmothers, the hunter thinks: "How, however, the old woman snores hard, it will have to look, maybe she needs to help," this means that the whole rite was accompanied by terrible cries of dedicated, so the hunter and hears a strong snoring. When the red hat is released, he says: - "Oh, how I was frightened, as it was in a wolf in the belly dark!" Darkness and elements of insanity are traced here, and elements of madness from the type of internal organs. Also, there is an autopsy of a person: "He did not shoot, and took the scissors and began to bother the belly of the sleeping wolf." It was believed that the highest degree of initiation was the ability to turn into a woman. In some cases, the hold of the rite of men, disguised in women. In the fairy tale, the wolf moves into the grandmother's things. For other sources, all members of the Union had one common mother - an old woman, this form is more common. "She allegedly lives at the place of gathering and never see the uninitiated ... It is said about her that she is sick, that she doesn't have to walk, and that she cannot walk because of this" (Nevermann, 1933) in the "Red Cap" Grandma also Lies the patient, chained to bed. The appearance of an assistant in the rite symbolizes the appearance of a spiritual spirit. In the fairy tale, we see the appearance of a hunter - this is notifying about the end of the rite. The wolf is stuffed by belly stones or it sinks in a stone trough. The image of the stone seems to be here as the borders of the two worlds. Water in the latter case symbolizes the death of the old life and the revival of the new one. By the way, as for the wolf in the fairy tale, he represents the king of animals or the transformed image of the Yaga. The fairy tale says that the hunter jumps the skin from the wolf and puts it on himself, it explains the dressing and putting on animal masks in the performance of ritual dances. In the "Red Cap" first kill the first wolf, and after a while another wolf. Perhaps this represents a certain way of passing any initiation, but a certain circle of several. Suppose, from the girl - in a girl, and from the girl - in a woman. As for the benefits that heroin received, then after the rite of dedication, she became a full-fledged woman, if you can put it, I had the right to marry, gained knowledge in the study of traditions and myths that were not mentioned the uninitiated and definite skill, for example, weaving.

chronotope Magic Tale Prippet

The difference between the literary and magical fairy tales

First of all, the magic fairy tale is different from the literary fairy tale, of course, with its magic, its fantastic plot and inseparable communications with myth. All magic fairy tales are built in one structure described by V.Ya. Proppage, specific functions that may vary by quantity, but unchanged in order in which they act in the development of the fairy tale. The proppope has determined the set of roles, that is, acting persons with their circle actions - having one or more functions. These roles are seven: sender, Tsarevna, hero, Flagerer, assistant, donor and antagonist. The magic fairy tale includes a huge transformation of heroes, for example, three types of Yagi: Yaga-kidnapper, Yaga-Warper and Yaga-donator. The universality and unity of fabulous images finds a correspondence in the concept of archetypes. Composite unity of the magic fairy tale lies in the historical reality of the past. It consists of elements ascending to phenomena and ideas that took place in a report society. In the magic fairy tale, the rite of initiation occupies a special place - this is its oldest basis. Also, the fairy tale is based on the submission of people about death and the afterlime world. These two phenomena or differently - cycles are closely related to each other. Both of these cycles give almost all the basic structural design elements. As mentioned above, the magic fairy tale is based on certain myths. It should not be noticed that all the troubles and obstacles found on the path of heroes are overcome in the magical development of events, with the help of donor assistants, so the magic fairy tale is always a happy end.

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Red hat - a character of a popular baby fairy tale. The story of a little girl who met in the forest with a gray wolf leads roots at the time of the Middle Ages. It was then that the first folk versions of the fabulous narration appeared. Western and Russian writers were engaged in the literary processing of the plot.

History of character creation

The fairy tale of the adventures of the girl who met the wolf, there is a long time ago. Such a plot was transferred to the mouth of the mouth of medieval Italy and France. In Central Europe, this story was distributed from the XIV century and enjoyed unprecedented popularity. And in different countries, the contents of a little girl's basket varied. So, in the north of Italy, the girl went to her grandmother with fresh fish, in Swiss legends - with young cheese, in France in a basket of granddaughters - pies and oil.

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Red Hood and Gray Wolf

The plot was the following: Mother asks a little daughter to visit the grandmother living on another edge of the forest. The girl should attribute a treat for relatives. In the forest, the heroine faces a gray wolf (in some embodiments, fairy tales - with a short or huge). Being trusting, granddaughter tells the stranger, where it goes. Then in the head of the wolf ripens the plan - the character is in a hurry to the house of the grandmother.

The gray villain kills the unfortunate woman and prepares dinner out of it, and the blood of the old woman serves as the basis for the drink. Between the business, the wolf moves into the suit of the victim, falls on the bed and is waiting for nothing suspects. When a girl comes into the house, the wolf kindly invites her to taste a fragrant lunch. A cat, who seen what was happening earlier with her own eyes, tries to warn the main character, but the antagonist throws in the animal wooden shoes and kills.

Next, the wolf offers a naive girl to undress and lie down with it in bed. Granddaughter fulfills this request by throwing her clothes to the fireplace. Next, the baby's questions are followed, why "Grandma" looks so strange. The wolf is pounced on the child and healing his sacrifice. In some (rare) versions, the girl can escape.

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In the XVII French writer Charles Perra decided to recycle this folk fairy tale. Since the storyteller focused on a children's audience, he excluded from the original narration cannibalism, and also removed the storyline associated with the killing of the cat. The author dressed a nameless girl to the scarlet cap-companion and called the name a red hat. Such a chep during writing the work was already out of fashion in the cities, but was also popular among village residents.

The Charles Perca created his own version of the fairy tale, and also supplied the text of the moral, expressing the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe plot and the essence of the fairy tale - a little girl who violates the rules of behavior, bitterly pays for her frivolity. For the first time, the essay of the French classic was published in 1697 - Perrah included this manuscript in the collection of "Tales of Mother Goose."

At the beginning of the XIX century, German fairy tales, brothers, offered a children's audience a new literary conversion of the plot. Fairy talesmen removed the motives about the relationship between the floors, which reflected the chalk fairy tale, and endowed a story with a happy ending: the woodcutters, who passed by, heard the noise, broke into the house and cut the wolves of the belly with scissors, freeing and grandmother, and granddaughter.

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Red hat knocks for grandmother

Literary crowns noted that such a line could be borrowed from another children's book called "Wolf and Seven Cats", as well as from the Piece of the German Romance Ludwig Tika "Life and Death of the Red Cap", created in 1800. In the new interpretation of the Grimm brothers, the heroine disrupts no decency, but the Mother of Mother who warned the daughter, which cannot be communicated with strangers and turn from a straight road.

In Russia, the translation of the plot was engaged in literary critic Peter Polevoy, who tried to preserve the original meaning created by the brothers Grimm. The literary processing of the plot, made by the Russian classic Ivan Turgenev, gained a special popularity. There are also translations and other authors. At different times, pictures to the fairy tale were made by famous artists.

Biography and image of red hats

In the editors of Charles Perro and Brothers Grimm, a detailed description of appearance is not given, the age and characteristics of the heroine are not specified. According to the text, it is a little girl living in the village on the edge of the forest. Traditionally, artists depict a child blonde, with cute features of the face. The heroine is dressed either in a red raincoat with a hood, or in a red head cape. The image of the girl is simple and naive, which is characteristic of her young age.

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The fairy tale begins with the fact that the mother asks a little daughter to attribute a grandmother living at the other end of the forest, hotels. Woman warns the girl that along the way she should not stop and talking to strangers. A small heroine leaves the house and soon on the forest path encounters a gray wolf. He is interested in where the red hat is sent. The girl does not hide that he goes to visit his grandmother.

The wolf says goodbye to the girl and rapidly heads to the old woman's house. There he eats a grandmother, puts on her clothes and shepes, glasses, and falls into bed, waiting for the arrival of a little heroine. Having come to the relative, the Red Cap does not immediately notice the unusual appearance of the "grandmother". But after, seeing the "old woman" closer, the girl asks why she looks so unusual. The wolf, taking this opportunity, attacked the heroine, eats and falls asleep.

Soon, the grandmother's houses pass loggers (woodcutters). They hear a loud snoring - the door remained open. Seeing the wolf with a bloated belly, the loggers break the wolf abdomen, and from there, the red hat and grandmother are unharmed. There are options for saving female characters hunters (or hunter). The fairy tale retains popularity today. Phrases of heroes became famous quotes.

Red hat in movies

In 1977, the Soviet Music Film "about a red cap was released on the screens. Continuing the old fairy tale. " The role of the main character performed 10-year-old actress

Genre of the work: story

The year of the first publication: 1697

Main characters: cunning wolf and girl Little Red Riding Hood

The French writer Perra significantly enriched the Foundation of World Literature, a little to get acquainted with his work will help the brief content of the Fairy Tale "Red Hap" for the reader's diary.


A small tales heroine loved a gift from his beloved grandmother - a pretty headdress of red, which almost did not shoot. All familiar and nicknamed the girl with a red hat.

Somehow mom sent a girl to hold her grandmother. In the forest, the red hat walked the wolf and ran to him where and why he was heading. The wolf was ahead of the heroine and swallowed her grandmother, and then took her place in bed.

When a red hat came to the grandmother's house, she did not suspect the bad and went inside. In the process of a conversation with a wolf, disguised into the grandmother, the girl began to notice the substitution. But it was too late - a predator swallowed her.

Moved loggers. They heard screams and in the house of the old woman, hurried to help and cut the wolf belly. Grandmother and her granddaughter remained alive and healthy.

Conclusion (my opinion)

The tale teaches that one should not talk to strangers.

A red hat is a little cute little girl living in a house near the forest and received such a strange name due to its red hat, sewished for her loving hands her mom. A red hat, first of all, is a very brave and brave character without stopping any difficulties and tests. She has a kind and loving heart, an inquisitive and lively character, anonymous and active temper. She loves nature and all the beasts of the forest, his plants and insects. Understands their language and preferences.
But most of all on the light of the Red Hat loves her relatives - mom and grandmother. She is very obedient, executive, caring daughter and granddaughter, ready to help on the first request and necessity.
No barriers and horrors of the forests cannot interfere with its goal and intentions. She is relevant, smart and inquisitive. Loves to sing and have fun.
A red hat is a very gentle, kind and positive character, on the good qualities of which not one generation of kids was brought up. She is a favorite and adorable heroine of most girls of young age. Its image serves as an example of obedience and pupils, care and understanding. A red cap is at the same time beautiful and smart, cheerful and serious, non-permanent and persistent. They indicate it, compare with it and put all moms of the world with it for all the little daughters.

"Red Hood" (2011)

The young girl Valerie lives in a small village of Daggerhore. She loves the logger of Peter, but her parents of Cesar and Suzett promised the rich Blacksmith Adriana that Valerie would marry Henry's son as payment of Cesar's debt. Valerie plans to escape together with Peter, but their plans frustrate the news about the next attack of the waswolf, which has long been terrorizing their village. Residents of the village monthly bring the wolf to the victim, but during the Red Moon, it is not necessary for the human victim. The victim was Lucy - the older sister Valerie. Residents of the village are held away from the forest away, but Lucy, loved in Henry, went there when he learned about his intended wedding with Valerie.

Adrian, Henry, Peter, Cesar and other men go to the forest, deciding to kill the wolf, but Adrian dies during the hunt, and men bring back the body of an ordinary gray wolf, which is considered to be worn. Helping Suzett to glorify the body of Adrian, Valerie discovers that they once had a novel. Thus, Lucy is the daughter of Adrian and the One-Sestern Sister Henry, about whom Cesar does not suspect. Residents of the village decide to celebrate the death of the island, but the fun interrupts the arrival of the hunter on the root of Solomon's father. He explains the gathered that they did not kill the real iswolf, otherwise at the time of death, he would have accepted the human form. He also tells that the iswolf can be injured by silver weapons, the Father Solomon itself covered with silver nails on one hand. Soon the real werewolf appears and kills several people. People who branched them in the full moon themselves will be shortwesters. The wolf pounds in a dead end Valerie and her friend Roxana, and then begins to talk to Valerie. To her surprise, she understands wolf growl.

The next morning, Father Solomon arrests Brother Roxanes as an overall accomplice. For the sake of his salvation, Roxana confesses that Valerie can communicate with a clutter. Father Solomon decides to use Valerie as a bait for a wolf. She is saved Peter and Henry. The assistants of Solomon's father start shooting Valerie and Henry, but the werewolf suddenly appears. I bited by him (and, consequently, who received the curse of the Werewolf), Solomon's father kill. Meanwhile, Valerie begins to suspect his grandmother living in the forest: considering it clouded, Valerie decides to kill her and save the village.

On the way to the grandmother's house, Valerie meets Peter and sees a glove on his hand. Assuming that he was a werewolf and trying to hide the burnt paw, Valerie inflicts him a knife and hiding in the house of her grandmother. That, however, behaves very strange and does not show the eyes of his granddaughter. It turns out that the wolf really was Cesar, hiding behind the curtain and imitating grandmother's voice. He explains Valerie, which needs heir to a root and originally intended to do so Lucy. But Lucy - Daughter Suzett from Adrian - did not understand the wolf speech, so Cesar, angry, killed her. Now he is determined to bite Valerie. At the last moment, the girl saves Peter, but Cesar managed to bite him. Valerie kills Cesar of Solomon's hand (with silver nails), and Peter throws his ax in his back. Getting rid of the body, Valerie decides to stay in a grandmother's house and wait until Peter learn to manage his curse. At the end of the film, she renounced in the village and began to live in the forest in the house of her grandmother and once at night Peter was returned to her wolf ...

"Once upon a time, in a Fairytail"

A red hat brought her grandmother, according to which, the parents of the caps have long died.

In the village where the hat with a grandmother, a dangerous wolf began, hitting the inhabitants. Residents led by the mayor are trying to catch him, but unsuccessfully. The Red Cap also wants to participate in search, but her grandmother does not allow her, she also makes his granddaughter to wear a red raincoat, which, according to her, scares wolves. Red hat with his beloved, Peter, try to catch a wolf alone. Suddenly, the hat comes to the conclusion that Peter is a wolf. They run away at night, Peter tie to the tree so that he does not harm anyone. But it turns out that the wolf, or rather, is cluttered, it is not Peter, but the red cap herself. There is a tragedy - the hat turns into a wolf and kills his beloved. It turns out that both the mother, and the grandmother of the caps were clouds, only the grandmother thoroughly hid it from his granddaughter and forced her to wear a red raincoat, which is magical and prevents transformation. Understanding that the wrath of the villagers can collapse on the cap, the grandmother asks her to escape that the girl is doing with his girlfriend Snow White, which is also in the run.

While traveling with Snow White, a red hat accidentally tears his cloak. Scared that he will not prevent the transformation, the hat asks Snow White to leave her. Left alone, the hat soon finds himself a company. They turn out to be a flock of wolves led by Anita, her mother. Anita tells that the grandmother took her cap from her, as she wanted to raise her by man, while Anita insisted that the hat was brought up by the wolf. Anita teaches a daughter to control himself in the guise of the iswolf. Soon there is also a snow white, the red hat convinces wolves that she is her girlfriend. Then they are attacked by the people of the queen who are looking for Snow White, they kill Quinna, one of the people of Anita. The angry Anita wants to kill the snow white, the hat protects it, a fight is tied between mother and daughter. As a result, heavily wounded Anita dies.

Behind the Snow White continues to hunt the Queen with his people, including with a hunter. Previously, the queen stole the hunter's heart, and thus got the ability to control it. It was a hunter fee for having helped Snow White escape. The heart falls into the hands of a hat, for a while she, snow white and hunter act together, fleeing from the people of the queen. But in the end, the hunter has to sacrifice himself and return his heart to the Queen, so that the cap and Snow White could survive. Snow White promises to do everything to stop the queen, and that the hunter with a red cap was again together.

When Snow White and her beloved, a wonderful prince, almost turn out to be together, the prince enters captivity to the king George. Snow White, Dwarfs, Red Cap and some other inhabitants of the enchanted forest go to their salvation. There, the red hat is reunited again with its grandmother, which is also present during the rescue operation.

Later, a red hat and grandmother participate in several military councils, on which measures are discussed against the king George, as well as the evil queen.

After the overlay of the second curse and during the new journey along the enchanted forest, the Red Hat says Snow White, which misses old times when they fled from the evil queen. Although new adventures are very similar to the old, they are distinguished by the fact that the queen now has changed completely and is their alliance.

In the guise of the wolf, a red hat is invulnerable to any kind of weapon, with the exception of silver.
In the Children's Emma, \u200b\u200bin the enchanted forest on the shelf you can notice the toy of the red hats.

Charles Perra Fairy Tale "Red Hap"

The main characters of the fairy tale "Red Hap" and their characteristics

  1. Red hat, a good girl who has been frivolous and too trustful.
  2. Grandmother, kind old woman who opened the doors to whom
  3. Wolf, angry and hungry, deceived the gullible girl and almost ate the grandmother and a red hat
  4. Mom, a kind woman, sent a daughter one in the Dark Forest.
  5. Woods, good men who killed wolf.
Plan of Recover Tale "Red Hap"
  1. Mom and red hat
  2. Pie and oil
  3. Path through the forest
  4. Sly Wolf
  5. Short road
  6. Edied grandmother
  7. Why wolves big teeth
  8. Woodways.
The shortest content of the fairy tale "Red Cap" for the reader's diary in 6 proposals
  1. Mom sends a red hat with gifts to grandmother
  2. Red hat meets the wolf and tells him about the grandmother
  3. Wolf runs short road and swallows grandmother
  4. Red cap comes and surprised by big hands, ears, eyes and brush teeth
  5. Wolf swallows a red hat
  6. The woodcutters kill the wolf and free the red hat and grandmother.
The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Red Hap"
Never talk to strangers and tell them about your loved ones and yourself.

What does the fairy tale "Red Hap"
This tale teaches us to be careful and cautious, because the stranger may seem friendly, but actually be a bloodthirsty wolf.

Feedback on the fairy tale "Red Hap"
I really liked the fairy tale, because the red hat was so fun, she loved nature and with confidence treated other people and animals. But this confidence played a bad joke with her and almost led to the tragedy. Well, that in time the woodcutters arrived and saved a red hat.

Proverb to the fairy tale "Red Hap"
Trust but verify.
God saves man, who save himself.

Summary, short retelling fairy tales "Red Cap"
Little girl lived in the village, which mom and grandmother loved. Grandma gave a red hat and since then the girl has been called - a red hat.
One day, Mom sent a red hat to her grandmother, to attribute the pate and oil, but learn about health.
I went a red hat through the forest, and towards the wolf. Asked the wolf, where the red hat goes, and the girl all told him.
The wolf ran a short dear to the grandmother's house and knocked. Grandma decided that the red hat came and told the wolf to pull over the rope. The wolf pulled, the door opened and he immediately swallowed her grandmother.
A red hat walked a long dear and collected flowers. She approached the grandmother's house and knocked. The wolf asked a hoarse voice, who was there, and the Red Hat decided that the grandmother was hoarse from a cold.
She entered the house and put the pie and the oil on the table, and then began to ask her grandmother, why she had such big hands, eyes, ears and teeth. Here the wolf swallowed a red hat.
Fortunately, the woodcutters passed by and cut the belly, and the live grandmother and a red hat jumped out from there.

Illustrations and drawings to the fairy tale "Red Hap"