Contests for Victory Day in kindergarten. Scenario of the holiday victory day in kindergarten

Contests for Victory Day in kindergarten.  Scenario of the holiday victory day in kindergarten
Contests for Victory Day in kindergarten. Scenario of the holiday victory day in kindergarten

May 9 is a holiday with tears in our eyes, but it is a holiday of joy and happiness. This is the memory of those terrible years, when trouble entered every family, this is the memory of the war veterans who returned from the war. Thanks to them, now we, our children, live. This memory must live, and for preschoolers it is one of the first lessons of our history, which we must preserve in the hearts of our children.

One of the scenarios for "Victory Day" was held in preschool educational institution №98 "Fairy Tale" in Petrozavodsk.

The educators of the preparatory group Anfimova E.I., Smirnova M.A., music director Artamonova S.P. took an active part in its preparation. and physical instructor Fofanova R.V.

Target: To contribute to the education of citizens and patriots of their country.


Raising love and respect for their homeland - Russia,

To foster in children a sense of respect for war and labor veterans.

Equipment: music center, handkerchiefs, jackets, video for Victory Day, potato peelings, a piece of rye bread.

Prior work:Conversations about the Second World War, reading fiction, looking at photographs of the war years, talking about children during the war.

The course of the holiday.

Children enter the music hall to the song of Tukhmanov"Victory Day ", Perform rebuilding. In the column one by one, through the center into the column one at a time, to the right, to the left, swap places in 2 lines.

Leading : May 9 is an unusual holiday. Any holiday is, first of all, joy, fun, laughter. The peculiarity of May 9 is that joy is intertwined with grief, laughter with tears.

Child: It seemed cold to the flowers

And they faded slightly from the dew.

I dawn that walked through the grasses and bushes,

We searched the German binoculars.

Child: A flower, covered in dewdrops, nestled to flowers,

And the border guard stretched out his hands to them,

And the Germans, having finished drinking coffee at that moment

We climbed into the tanks, closed the hatches.

Child: Everything breathed such silence,

That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed

Who knew that between peace and war

There are only five minutes left.

Leading : The Nazis attacked our country, as only cowards attack - at night. It happened on June 22, 1941, Sunday. All the people slept peacefully. Nothing foreshadowed trouble.

Child: And suddenly the terrible news came from the loudspeakers that Nazi Germany had attacked our country. The threat of loss of independence and freedom hangs over our Motherland.

The recording of the text of Y. Levitan sounds: “Attention! Moscow is speaking! ............ "

Leading : The Nazis burned houses, killed people. Men left to fight, to defend their land. Our soldiers blocked the enemy's path and spared no effort on their way to Victory! And those who were not taken to the front served the Motherland in the rear. Women, old people and children replaced men who had gone to war - they made tanks, planes, shells, and grew bread.“Everything for the front! Everything for Victory! "- the slogan of the war years. The war went on for long, terrible four years.

Child : That longest day of the year

With its cloudless weather

Gave us a common misfortune

For all for all four years.

She so pressed the mark

And laid so many on the ground,

That 20 years old

The living cannot believe that they are alive.

The girls of the preparatory group dance a dance to the song "Blue Scarf".

Leading: The war has become the hardest test for our country. Only the people themselves, with their steadfastness, dedication, and readiness to give their lives for their Motherland, could save it.

Child: The war brought a lot of grief, people shed many tears over the years.

The city of Leningrad (St. Petersburg) was surrounded by the Nazis from all sides. The enemies could not break into the city, but they did not let anyone into Leningrad either. Soon the city ran out of food and people began to starve to death. Take a look, what is it? -cleanings. What do we do with them? And in a city dying of hunger, these cleanings were cooked and eaten. Such small pieces of rye bread were received by children (SHOW). And that was all the food for the whole day. Do you think you can get enough of such a small morsel. Of course not!

Child: Time is a doctor and this role has been tested by it over all.

But there is human pain, over which time has no control.

Here again, after so many years, my grandmother on Victory Day

Not flowers, not a wreath, but bread she brought to her grandfather's grave.

Leading: Some small towns and villages were completely burnt down by the Nazis. Not a single house, not a single person remained. Many soldiers, women and children died.

An excerpt from the song "Get up, huge country" is played.

Leading : War is terrible, people kill in war. Those who passed this test learned to hate the enemy, but remained human. As before, they were friends, fell in love, every moment they were ready for self-sacrifice.

Children of the preparatory group sing military medley. Songs of the "Front Driver", "Katyusha", "Darkie", "Heavenly Slow Mover", "Three Tankers".

Leading: Sailors, gunners, border guards, signalmen.

To everyone who protects our world and guards our borders

Glory and praise for great deeds.

Leading: But finally, our warriors-defenders managed to defeat the enemies. They began to drive them out of our land. And they drove out to their most important city of Berlin. And on that very day they announced the Victory over the enemy.

Child: All streets are dressed in flowers,

And ringing songs are heard

Today is a holiday - Victory Day

Happy, bright day of spring!

Child : That morning became famous-

All over the planet, the message went

The vile fascists are defeated

Praise to the Russian Army.

Child : People breathed deeply

The end of the war! The end of the war!

And multicolor fireworks

They shone for a long time in the sky.

Child : Thunder of triumph as a mighty shaft

Rolled around the edges to relatives

Fatherland saluted

To their brave warriors.

Leading : And since then, every year on this day on May 9, our people celebrate Victory Day. Congratulate each other that there is no more war on our land. They remember those who died fighting the Nazis. We thank the soldiers who defeated the fascists and liberated our land from enemies. These warriors are now very old people, but on this Victory Day, they put on their orders and medals received for the heroic struggle with the enemy, and go to the Victory Parade.


When fireworks thundered from end to end.

Soldiers gave the whole planet

Great May, victorious May.

Child: More then we were not in the world

When you came home with victory.

May soldiers, glory to you forever

From the whole earth, from the whole earth!

Child: Even then we were not in the world

When war was declared

And adults and children stood side by side,

To defend against the enemy together.

Leading: Seventy years have passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War. But we must not forget this terrible lesson in history.

Child : It’s very scary to become,

If you hear a terrible word, war.

Over the planet, over the whole world

She draws her black hands.

Does anyone need this

So that the city burns with fire,

For children to hide in fear

And they forgot about the light forever.

I want the sun to shine

But not only over our country,

To children all over the planet

Smiled with me

So that they wake up in the morning

And they saw the sun through the window

And not the black smoke of conflagrations,

Crawling on the ground

Do not dream of this in a dream

And only my mother will dream

Or the sun is golden

Spring day, native land.

Child: What do you need for life?

The sun! The sun!

What is needed for friendship?

Heart! Heart!

What does the heart need?

Happiness! happiness!

What do you need to be happy?


Child : Peace in every home, in every country!

Peace is life on the planet.

The world is the sun on our Earth!

the world is necessary for adults and children!

Children of the preparatory group sing the song "Solar Circle".

Leading : Our holiday does not end. On May 9, with moms and dads, go to the monument to our fellow countrymen who died for their homeland. Lay flowers.

To the music of Tukhmanov" Victory Day "children leave the music hall.

Telling children simply about difficult things is the teacher's task before May 9 in kindergarten. Children's poems about the war will help in this. We are publishing a selection of poems for May 9 in kindergarten, which can be used in the script for a matinee dedicated to Victory Day.

If you have something to add to our selection, please send poems to the address - [email protected] Thanks for participating! Together we will put together an excellent selection of children's poems by May 9!

There was a war
And people died.
And the soldier went for the Motherland.
He fought
And he was brave.
And beat all fascists in a row.
And so he reached Berlin.
He fought for four years.
So that I'm talking about grandmother's dad
Everyone on Victory Day
I told him.

I play soldiers.
I have a gun.
There is a saber, and there are tanks.
I am big and I am 5 years old!

I play soldiers.
It's child's play.
But I know it for sure -
Our world was created for Good!

So that the children do not know the war!
So that the firmament is peaceful.
And stayed as a toy
Forever infantry platoon.

Victory Day! Victory Day!
We all go to the parade.
Victory Day! Victory Day!
We carry red flags.

Victory Day! Victory Day!
Celebrated by the whole country!
Victory Day! Victory Day!
After all, we have one!

We carry flags with flowers
The most peaceful day of the year.
Never know children
About war and about trouble!

Hurry, get dressed soon!
Hurry to call the guys!
In honor of the Victory Day
The guns are firing!

Everything was quiet around
And suddenly - fireworks! Firework!
Rockets in the sky flashed
And here, and there, and here!

Over the square, over the rooftops,
Over festive Moscow
Soaring higher
The fountain of lights is alive!

To the street, to the street
Everyone is running happily!
Shout "Urrah!"
For the festive fireworks.

In a little pen
The boy has flowers.
He is this bunch
Put it on the marble.
Can't war
Remember this baby
However, forget her
It can't either.

How to forget
If the world was given
Those for whom he brought
Your bouquet.
The boy laid flowers
To the mass grave,
People who saved the planet from troubles.

For frolicking
To play
Restful dreams
So that they could see
For children
We have not seen war
The people of the earth are obliged to fight!

What is Victory Day?
This is the morning parade:
Tanks and missiles are going.
A line of soldiers is marching.

What is Victory Day?
This is a festive fireworks:
Fireworks fly into the sky
Crumbled here and there.

What is Victory Day?
These are songs at the table
These are speeches and conversations
This is grandpa's album.

These are fruits and candy
These are the smells of spring ...
What is Victory Day?
This means there is no war!

When the fireworks thundered
Edge to edge.
Soldiers, you gave the planet
Great May, victorious May!

Even then we were not in the world,
When there is a fire storm in a military storm,
Deciding fate for future centuries,
You fought, a sacred battle.

Even then we were not in the world,
When with Victory
You have come home.
May soldiers,
Glory to you forever
From all the earth, from all the earth.

Thank you soldiers
For life, for childhood and spring,
For silence, for a peaceful home,
For the world we live in.

Everyone needs peace and friendship!
The world is the most important thing in the world!
On a land where there is no war
Children sleep peacefully at night.
Where the guns don't rattle
The sun shines brightly in the sky
We need peace for all the guys!
We need peace on the whole planet!

Let the machine guns not scribble
And the dirty guns are silent,
Let the smoke not swirl in the sky
Let the sky be blue
Let the bombers on it
Do not fly to anyone
People, cities do not die ...
Peace on earth is always needed!

Children are called differently
There are a lot of us on the planet!
There are Vani, Hans, Johns -
There are millions of children everywhere!

Children are called differently
For us -
All the best in the world!
We need bright toys
And Pinocchio and Parsley

We need books
Songs, dances
And fascinating fairy tales!
Pools, slides, horizontal bars,
Gardens, fountains, flower beds.

May there be a bright kindergarten everywhere
Joyfully meets the guys
May there be enough schools for everyone everywhere
So that every morning you go to school!

We want to grow up as doctors
Builders, violinists,
Teachers and artists
Both pilots and signalmen!

We want a peaceful
Live by the sky
And rejoice
And be friends
We want
So that everywhere on the planet
Wars at all
Children did not know!

The morning fog has melted, spring flaunts ...
Today grandfather Ivan cleaned up the orders.
Together we go to the park to meet the gray-haired soldiers like him.
They will remember their brave battalion there.

There they will talk heart to heart about all the affairs of the country,
About wounds that still hurt from the distant days of the war.
They will remember campaigns and battles,
And they will probably sing their brave songs.

They will sing about the courage of their friends that fell into the ground;
They will sing about their homeland that they saved from enemies.
They saved the peoples of different countries from slavery and fire ...
I am glad that grandfather Ivan takes me with him.

ON A NOTE. Children's role-playing costumes at low prices in the specialized store "Kindergarten"-

I learned about this from our conversation,

When my grandmother told me

About how she experienced during the war.

She was little, grandmother Olya.

She hasn't even studied at school yet

When they suddenly announced on the radio,

What a war now. And they forgot about childhood

All children. And grandma forgot too.

I had to go to school - I didn't go,

And in the field she worked together with everyone,

A war tribe grew up like that ...

My grandmother had a war childhood ...

And grandmother did not forget her childhood.

I hug my dear grandmother

I kiss her, and now congratulations!

What do I know about Victory Day?

I know what the family celebrates

Together with the country this day,

The day when the trees are in May

Illuminated with a festive fireworks,

When the world came! And at that moment

It became quiet on a great land.

Peace has come for everyone, for you and me.

May there never be a war!

Let the world be in the villages, in the cities!

May there always be peace everywhere!

And we look at the world from our apartments,

And we don't hear explosions and gunfire.

We must live in a calm world!

Festive fireworks

The whole sky has blossomed

And the world became quiet and light.

Victory has come. Silence.

And our country began to live in peace.

Let there be peace. Let there be no war.

I want peace for my country.

I want peace for all countries in the world.

Let adults and children live in peace!

Celebrating Victory Day

We are delicious with cake and tea.

They came to visit my grandmother,

They brought gifts to her.

Grandma was small

When the war came to the country.

Grandma lived in war

And I was rooting for the country.

Collected spikelets

Knitted mittens, socks,

And collected in gifts,

I sent them to the soldiers,

So that the soldiers put on

And they never caught a cold.

Babushkin's invaluable contribution

This help is for the soldiers!

I am walking in a very long column.

My whole family is with me.

We carry the great-grandfather's portrait in our hands.

Great-grandfather is walking, although he is not.

Great-grandfather died in the winter near Moscow.

But in our memory - always, always alive!

The Immortal Regiment is marching in columns.

Everybody is alive.

We remember everyone.

The soul sings.

I'll put flowers at the Eternal Flame.

My family is standing nearby.

I remember my great-grandfather, although I never saw him.

Grandfather was small himself then,

When my great-grandfather died in the war.

He raced on a war horse,

When a bullet suddenly found him.

His valiant life was!

He fought for my freedom.

Let the years have passed since then,

But my great-grandfather is in my heart,

While this Earth turns.

I bring flowers on Victory Day

Great-grandfather with my father and grandfather.

Since kindergarten, we have been fostering patriotism, love for the Motherland and respect for its traditions. Matinees and holidays held in the kindergarten dedicated to the Victory Day holiday exactly solve these problems.

Celebration in kindergarten dedicated to Victory Day.

To the song "Victory Day" by D. Tukhmanov, children enter the hall and perform rebuilding with flowers and flags.

1reb... Victory Day is a holiday

This is fireworks in the evening.

Many flags in the parade

People are singing joyfully!

2reb... Veterans with orders

Remember the war

Talk to us

About that victorious spring.

3reb... There, in Berlin, in the forty-fifth,

After violent attacks

Soared by a winged falcon

Red flag over the Reichstag!

4reb... Everyone shouted: “Peace, Victory!

Let's go home! "

To whom joy, to whom troubles,

Who died and who is alive.

5reb... We can never forget

We are about the exploits of soldiers

"The world is dearer to us than anything else!"

That's what the guys say.

Song " Victory Day" muses. E. Chetverikova, lyrics T. Belozerova.

(after singing the song, the children sit on the chairs)

Vedas: The great Victory Day has come!

We remember with gratitude our warriors, defenders who defended the world in a tough battle. We owe all the soldiers and veterans who are not with us for the fact that we now live under a peaceful sky. Eternal glory to them.

1reb. Salute and glory to the anniversary

Forever a memorable day

Salute of Victory in Berlin

She plunged evil with fire!

2reb. Salute her big and small

To creators who walked the same path,

To her fighters and generals,

To the fallen and alive heroes!

(a minute of silence is announced) The metronome sounds.

Against the muted background of the song "Get up, huge country" muses. Alexandrova, a presentation is being shown on the screen

On June 22, 1945, exactly at 4:00 am, Hitler's troops attacked our homeland. They bombed cities and villages from planes, fired at them with tanks and cannons. Both young and old rose to defend the country. Many went to the front straight from school. The war scattered young guys - some in anti-aircraft gunners, some in telephone operators, some in scouts.

Staging of S. Mikhalkov's poem "We Are Warriors Too"

(performed by children of the preparatory group)

(children are distributed throughout the hall, put on elements of costumes, take the necessary attributes.)

Signal operator:(sits on a chair, on the head - headphones, in the hands - a microphone or telephone)

Hello, “Jupiter? I am "Almaz"

I can hardly hear you at all,

We occupied the village with a malfunction,

And how are you? Hello! Hello!

Nurse:(bandages a wounded man sitting on a chair. He groans)

Why are you roaring like a bear?

A trifle left to endure

And your wound is so light

What will heal for sure!

Sailor:(looks into the distance through binoculars)

An airplane is on the horizon!

In a circle, full speed ahead!

Prepare your crew for battle!

Set aside our fighter!

(Two pilots are examining the map)

1 pilot: The infantry is here, and the tanks are here.

Fly to the target in seven minutes!

2 pilot: The battle order is clear.

The enemy will not leave us!

Scout: (a machine gun walks near the wall)

So I climbed into the attic.

May be. Is the enemy lurking here?

We clean the house behind the house.

Together: We will find the enemy everywhere!

A dance group of girls perform a dance: "Blue handkerchief"

(Newsreel excerpts on the screen)

Ved. During the rare hours of rest, the soldiers wrote letters to their families at home.

The poem that Alexei Surkov sent to his wife Sofya Antonovna in November 1941 from the front was seen by the composer Konstantin Listov.

The warmth of the lines touched the composer to the depths of his soul, and he wrote music for the poem. On March 25, 1942, the song "In the dugout" was published in the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda". By that time, both the fighters and those who were waiting for them loved and sang her.

The teachers perform the song "In the dugout" of muses. K. Listova.

Presentation: "At the walls of the Kremlin"

Ved. The eternal flame of glory to the heroes who fell in the battles of the Great Patriotic War burns near the walls of the Kremlin in the hero city of Moscow.

Children line up in a semicircle

1reb .: Let's bow to those great years

To those glorious commanders and soldiers,

And to the marshals of the country, and to the rank and file,

Let us bow down to the dead and the living.

2reb .: To all those who cannot be forgotten-

Let's bow, let's bow, friends!

3reb .: To the whole world, to all peoples, to the whole earth

Let's bow for that great fight!

(verses by M. Lvov)

Song "Thank you" muses.

(children sit on high chairs)

1reb .: All those who defended the Fatherland,

Glorifies our people.

About heroes who fell in battles,

Eternal memory lives!

2reb .: The sun is shining on Victory Day.

And it will always shine for us.

In the fierce battles our grandfathers

They managed to defeat the enemy!

3reb .: We will be brave like grandfathers

We will protect our native land

And the bright sun of Victory

We will not give it to anyone!

Performed by a group of boys: "Sailor's Dance"

(children all line up in a semicircle)

Ved .: May there never be a war

Trouble won't touch us anymore!

On Victory Day, all songs are sung,

Fireworks are sparkling in honor of the Victory!

Glory to Victory Day!

Children: Glory!

Ved .: Glory to veterans!

Children: Glory!

Ved .: Happiness to the world on earth!

Children: Glory! Glory! Glory!

The holiday ends with the song "Victory Day", the children march out of the hall.

Concert for veterans "Thank you, soldiers, you!"


1. To foster a sense of pride in the heroism of our people.

2. Develop auditory perception.


The phonograms of the "Triumph of the Winners" march and the "Yablochko" sailor dance are selected.

Red and yellow ribbons are being prepared - two of the same color for each child; musical instruments - drums, cymbals, tambourines, maracas; flowers - two for each girl.

Suits are selected:

The boys are dressed in a navy uniform - white shirts, dark shorts, jackets, peakless caps;

Girls wear dresses that match the color of the flower; one girl in a Russian costume - a sundress, a white blouse, a kokoshnik.



WWII veteran

Red ribbons are stretched along the edges of the central wall. They are attached with the Orders of the Great Patriotic War of the 1st degree and "Victory". In the center there are red numbers "1941-1945", above which there are fireworks stars. Below them is a floor vase of flowers. On the side wall of the hall there is an exhibition of children's drawings on the theme "We do not need war!"

Children with colorful ribbons enter the hall to the "Triumph of the Winners" march, disperse through the middle one at a time and line up in two lines.

Leading... Dear guests! We congratulate everyone on the great holiday, Victory Day!

1st child

I know from my dad, I know from my grandfather,

On May 9, Victory came to us.

All Soviet people were waiting for that day,

That day became the most joyful holiday.

M. Lapisova

Song "Happy Holiday" by D. Kabalevsky

1st child

What thunder is thundering in the spring

Over my home country?

How many joyful lights

The sky flashed over her!

2nd child

This is a festive fireworks:

In honor of the Victory, the cannons are firing.

Holly remembers our people

Forty-fifth light year!

V. Tatarinov

Karelian folk melody "Dance with ribbons"

Leading. We have prepared an exhibition of our children’s drawings for the holiday.


Tomorrow is a holiday. And for grandfather

I am learning to write "Victory".

It's hard for me to write so far:

The hand is very tired,

The letters do not exactly stand up.

Easier to paint fireworks!

My grandfather defended the country.

Light up, one hundred missiles!

Become, letters, be in line!

The world was brought to me by my grandfather-hero.

We celebrate Victory with him.

We do not want new wars!

N. Yurkova

(Shows everyone the picture.)

Song "Ninth May" by T. Chudova


Victory Day will come

When spring comes

And grandpa will get it

From the wardrobe of the order.

But no matter how much you want

Find out more to me,

My grandfather doesn't like

War stories.

1st child

That would be a grandfather's grandson,

Then he would tell

Like over the Baltic Sea

He fought with the fascist.

2nd child

But a sad story

On New Year's Eve it happened:

Not Victor, but Victoria

Was born in the family.


My grandfather sighed and tormented:

Out of luck again!

Grandfather has three granddaughters -

No grandson, as luck would have it.

On Victory Day to grandfather

I'll go with flowers.

They called me Victoria

Grandpa in honor of the Victory.

The veteran talks about the Great Patriotic War.

1st child

Grandpa told me

About how he fought

Showed me awards

And put it on on holiday.

2nd child

My grandfather was injured

And grandmother was waiting

And a lot of grief grandma

I learned in those years.

3rd child

Come on, people of all Russia,

We will gather all our strength today

Let's build a great monument

To those killed in that war!

M. Lyashenko

Leading. We dedicate this dance to all those who fell on the battlefield and give flowers.

"Dance with Flowers" to the Waltz "Farewell to St. Petersburg" by I. Strauss

Performed by girls.

1st boy

White paper,

Red pencil.

Grandpa at the flag

Nearby - the crew ...

2nd boy

Snowy edge,

White snows.

Tank cannon

Looks at the enemy.

3rd boy

Young faces

Automatic machine in hand.

They are all alive

On my sheet:

Grandpa at the flag

Nearby is the crew.

White paper,

Red pencil.

The song "Three Tankers" Dan. and dm. Pokrass from the movie "Tractor drivers"

Performed by boys.


Grandma gave me

Red shred.

Gave silk

Yellow skein.

We took the scissors

Carved the flag

And on the red flag

Wrote like this:

"Peace to the world!"

E. Blaginina

Song "Defender of the World" by E. Tilicheyeva

Performed by a girl.

1st sailor

In the seas and oceans

Far away from the shore

On the watch tirelessly

Native ships.

2nd sailor

Under the Russian banner,

Under the banner of the fathers

Troops go, go

Brave sailors.

3rd sailor

The country is proud of them:

They are brave, strong!

We will grow up like this

Like our sailors!

Sailor dance "Apple"

Performed by boys.

Sailor's dance "Yablochko"

1st figure. The boys rise from their seats and, marching, form in two columns.

2nd figure. They hit the floor with the heel of the right foot twice and perform a triple immersion, hands behind the back. They also make a movement with the left foot. For repetition - they are circling with a stomping step, hands are "shelf".

3rd figure. They are dancing "picking" with a flood. For repetition, they spin, as in the 2nd figure.

4th figure. With a sharp movement, they put their hands behind their backs and move back on the heels (by 1-8 bars). On bars 9-16, they put their hands on a "shelf" and walk forward with a stomping step and end the movement with a head flop. For repetition - whirling.

5th figure. The columns turn to face each other. The boys of the first column march in line towards the children of the second (bars 1-8), then move backwards (bars 9-16). For repetition, all children clap their hands while simultaneously putting their right foot on the heel, then put their hands on the belt and put their right foot on the left. The movement is repeated with the left leg.

6th figure. Children of the second column repeat the movements of the 5th figure.

7th figure. They dance "squatting".

8th figure. They are spinning on a jump. At the last sound, they stop and stamp their feet, spreading their arms to the sides.

Girl (enters in Russian costume)

I love Russian songs

I may not be Ruslanova,

"Military ditties"

The girls sing the first and last ditties together, the rest take turns.

Girls, trouble, trouble,

Girls, war, war.

We must defend our house,

Drive the fascists to Germany.

I see in the sea in the fog

The steamer turned white.

I see a boy in an overcoat -

Goes on a hike.

Kill fleas, mosquitoes,

So as not to bite.

Hit all enemies in the neck

So as not to get in the way.

My dear one is a fighter

And I'm a nurse.

We will serve in the army -

Desperate couple.

There is a birch on the mountain

Tanks under the birch.

Our guys are partisans

And we are partisans.

Hitler went to Moscow

On tank cars,

And from there - from Moscow -

On broken sleds.

Oh dear friend

There is silence on the border.

Forty-fifth, ninth

The war is over.

Dear veterans,

Put on your orders

So that we don't forget

Your glorious deeds!

1st child

Dawns shine in the beams of the order,

The medals are shining like suns.

No, it is impossible that in the desks

The light of Victory was locked for a year.

2nd child

Country not for personal glory

Has given out awards, not regretting:

Get more orders,

The world becomes brighter from them.

L. Sorokin

3rd child

For everything that we have now,

For every happy hour we have

For the fact that the sun shines on us

Thanks to the valiant soldiers -

To our grandfathers and fathers.

L. Nekrasova

"March" S. Prokofiev

Children play in the orchestra.


Bright May is coming

Run quickly, meet

Grandmothers and grandfathers,

Congratulations on your Victory.

Wish them happiness

Peace and warmth,

To spite the bad weather

The homeland was blooming!

Children present flowers, greeting cards and handmade souvenirs to veteran guests.


We are all together on Victory Day

We sing old songs

And they, like our grandfathers,

Scorched by fire!

The song "Katyusha" by M. Blanter

Children and guests sing together. The song is performed in the key of D minor.

1st child

Let the sun shine on us

Let the rivers flow

Let our mothers

They bake rolls for us.

2nd child

Let the dads plow

And sow grain

Destroy the earth

Not given to anyone.

S. Yakimovich

Song "Heirs of Russia" by E. Gomonova

How to celebrate Victory Day in kindergarten solemnly and informally. This scenario of the holiday dedicated to May 9 will help educators and organizers of the holidays to spend an interesting holiday in kindergarten.

The hall is festively decorated. Children enter the hall, sit on high chairs.

Leading... May 9 - Day of our glorious Victory over Nazi Germany! The whole country is rejoicing these days! Every year people celebrate this day as a joyful holiday. Many years have passed, but everyone remembers this significant date and celebrates it solemnly. Congratulations to all of you!

Song "This is Victory Day" (music by F. Popatenko, lyrics by V. Viktorov).

1st child.

Our grandfathers remember

About the old days

Put on in honor of Victory

Combat orders.

Get up early this morning

Go out into town - look

How veterans walk

With orders on the chest.

2nd child.

Our grandfathers defended

Labor and happiness on earth

Shine brighter in honor of Victory

Stars of the world on the Kremlin.

For the native country people

Gave their lives

We will never forget

Fallen in gallant battle.

Song "Eternal Flame" (music by A. Filippenko).

Staging "On the Border"

The sentry walks by the border post, then stops and says the words.


At the very border in secret

I am on the alert,

For every hillock in charge,

For every tree in the forest.

Border outpost,

Cedars, hills, silence.

The time is past midnight.

The barracks have long been immersed in sleep.


Hurry, hurry, skip, hour,

I need a boss. Let it go, I'm mine!

Boss... What happened?


I saw a dog, disappeared into the forest,

From somewhere in the distance they whistled to the dog,

A heavy collar is worn around the neck.

The dog is not ours - we do not have such a dog.

Boss... The horses!

They gallop around the hall. They stop.

Hourly... The task is completed!

Boy... Secret documents were sewn into the collar.


Border guard, you are responsible

For the people, for peaceful labor,

May they grow happy

Children in cities and villages ...

3rd child.

Honoring the great Victory Day

The whole huge country.

On Victory Day, our grandfathers

They put on orders.

We are about the first Victory Day

We love to listen to their story -

How our grandfathers fought

For the whole world and for all of us!

The host invites you to listen to the story about the first Victory Day. One of the guests is speaking - a veteran.

Staging song "We Will Serve in the Army" (music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by V. Malkov).

3rd child.

We are children of a happy and peaceful country.

Our great people do not want war.

Neither children nor adults need war.

May she disappear from our planet!

4th child.

In a huge world, all children are friends!

The children of the planet are our family!

We see each other only in the movies,

But all the same, the sun is shining for us in the sky alone.

5th child.

May there be peace in the whole earth

May there always be peace

So that we grow for glorious deeds,

For happiness and work.

7th child.

The sun is shining, it smells like bread

The forest is noisy, the river, the grass ...

Well under a peaceful sky

Hear kind words

Good in winter and summer,

On an autumn and spring day

Enjoy the bright light

By a bell, peaceful silence.

"Song of the World" (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina).

Exercise with balloons (music by M. Karminsky).

8th child.

Everything is different today

Not the same as always.

Everybody goes out on the street

Then everyone shouts "Hurray!"

It's noisy everywhere, I wonder

It's fun and cramped everywhere,

The drums are beating loudly

Everywhere they dance and sing.

Dance "Merry Children".

9th child.

Although not real, but the sailors are brave,

We will show you now our sailor dance!

Dance "Apple".

Amusement game "Be attentive".

Leader (shows the children four flags: blue, blue, green, red). Guys, be careful. If I raise the blue flag, you will swim, if the blue flag will fly, if the green flag will jump, if the red flag will shout "Hurray!"

The presenter hides behind his back and quickly raises the flags. Children imitate the movements of sailors, pilots, cavalrymen, shout "Hurray!" The flags are raised in a different sequence. You can play 2-3 times.

Relay "Package".

Two teams of 5-7 people. Each one overcomes obstacles: to crawl into a hoop, walk on a bench, crawl under an arc, jump over a gymnastic stick, etc. The last child delivers a package to the veteran (there is a congratulation in it). The winner is the team that delivers the package to the guest faster than the other.

The children lined up in a semicircle against the central wall.

Children(in turn).

When fireworks thundered from end to end,

Soldiers, you gave the planet

Great May, victorious May!

Even then we were not in the world,

When in a war storm of fire

Deciding fate for future centuries,

You fought a sacred battle!

Even then we were not in the world,

When you came home with victory.

Soldiers of May, glory to you forever,

From the whole earth, from the whole earth!

Thank you soldiers

For life, for childhood and spring,

For silence, for a peaceful home,

For the world in which we live!

Song "Solar circle" (music by A. Ostrovsky, words by L. Oshanin).

The recording of the song "Victory Day" is played (music by D. Tukhmanov, lyrics by V. Kharitonov). Guests give children commemorative badges or postcards dedicated to Victory Day. Children - flowers, drawings, postcards to guests.

Additional material


The war was long ago, but Grandpa has military things: a belt with a copper buckle, a field bag and a bowler hat.

It only says that grandfather has things. In fact, their grandson Igorek took possession of them. The belt had to be cut in half, and the grandson girdles with it when he goes outside. Igor's colored pencils are in the field bag. The pot also continues the service begun in the war: the grandson refused to eat from the plate, the soup is poured into the pot, and the porridge is put into the lid of the pot - like a real soldier.

Grandpa has something else from the war. He has an order.

Somehow the grandson says:

Grandpa, let me wear the order. All the same, it lies in the box useless.

Grandfather was silent, shook his head, but agreed:

Well, wear ...

Igorek was delighted. I didn’t expect such a gift. Just in case, he asked:

Are you sorry? If you are very sorry, I will give it back.

No, it's not a pity, - answered the grandfather. - Only this is what I think: suddenly they will ask on the street why they gave you the order? You don't know ...

And what did they give you for? - asked the grandson.

I'll tell you, - said the grandfather. - I was wounded in the arm. Meanwhile, the fascist tank wanted to crush my cannon. But I shot and knocked him out.

A very simple story, - said Igorek. - I remembered everything.

That's good, - grandfather sighed. - Go away.

Igorek went out into the street. With the order. Here his neighbor Aunt Masha asks him:

What is this for which you were given the order?

Igorek answers word for word:

I was wounded in the arm. Meanwhile, the fascist tank wanted to crush my cannon. But I shot and knocked him out.

What a hero you are! - says aunt Masha. - Even a wounded man, he shot! Which hand did it hurt? To the right or to the left?

I don't know, - Igorek was confused.

But it's easy to find out, - says Aunt Masha. - On what mark from the bullet, that and wounded. Let's see together.

Igorek did not answer anything this time. I ran to my grandfather - to give the order.