Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich: biography, professional activity, contacts. Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich: biography, professional activity, contacts Problems with the law

Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich: biography, professional activity, contacts.  Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich: biography, professional activity, contacts Problems with the law
Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich: biography, professional activity, contacts. Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich: biography, professional activity, contacts Problems with the law

Corpses of the 90s in the biography of the senator-"Cheburashka"

Kavdzharadze, a money changer-reketer, got promoted with the help of Georgian and Taganka authorities

At the recently expanded collegium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin set tasks for the future for the employees of the ministry. From the police, the president demanded "to identify and severely block any attempts by criminals to get into power." The operatives have long had in mind the "contender No. 1" for the category indicated by the head of state - "crime in power." This is a member of the Federation Council Maxim Kavjaradze. He was convicted and repeatedly prosecuted. However, thanks to the fact that he “cleaned up” the databases of the State Research Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and successfully married, he managed to get into the Federation Council of the Russian Federation and acquire immunity. Meanwhile, representatives of law enforcement agencies have accumulated a lot of questions for him and his business partners on a whole series of criminal cases, including those related to serious crimes.

Maxim Kavdzharadze aka Mikhail Kavdisaridze

In 2003, a big scandal erupted. One of the youngest senators, Maxim Kavdzharadze, was on the list of contenders for the vacant position of the auditor of the Accounts Chamber. However, during the verification of his biography, interesting details “surfaced”, which were made public by the journalist Alexander Khinshtein. It turned out that back in September 1984, Kavdzharadze, then a student of SGPTU-190, was detained for speculation and foreign exchange transactions. For the first time, a young man got off with a penalty along the Komsomol line. But soon got caught again for the same occupation. They were already taken up by the Commission on Juvenile Affairs, which came to disappointing conclusions: “it groups around itself minors who are prone to unlawful behavior, it has a corrupting effect on the group of students.”

Conversations with policemen and prosecutors had no effect on Maxim, and in 1985 he brutally beat a peer in GUM. As a result, Kavjaradze was sent to the Sebezh special vocational school.

When he came out, he almost immediately found himself behind bars again. He was arrested in Moscow for illegal currency transactions. Since by this time Kavdzharadze was already an adult, in 1987 the Kyiv court sentenced him to three years in prison, however, replacing the serving of the term with chores in the Special Commandant's Office No. 1 of the Zelenograd Internal Affairs Directorate.

It should be noted that the inspectors Accounts Chamber and Alexander Khinshtein "did not unearth" another episode of Maxim's criminal activity. In the same 1987, he was detained for arbitrariness, and a corresponding criminal case was initiated. But since at that time Kavdzharadze was still 17 years old, the case was dismissed under Article 8 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR - "in connection with the transfer to the commission on juvenile affairs."

It is clear that a person with such a biography, behind whom not only two convictions, but also prosecution for beating and arbitrariness, cannot “pass” the test of applicants for places in the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. Already in 2003, Khinshtein noted in his article that “for some reason, there is no card for Kavjaradze in the Main Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where data on all those convicted are stored.”

This fact played a decisive role in verifying the information presented by Khinshtein. After the publication of the scandalous article, the Lipetsk deputies, who officially delegated Kavdzharadze to the Federation Council, sent inquiries to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Where did the answer come from that Kavjaradze's surname does not appear in the databases of the SIC, not in the databases of the ZIC. And this means that he had no trouble with the law. Fiction is all journalistic.

The history is really mysterious. However, the secret is revealed very simply. There are cards for Maxim in the ZIC. It’s just that at the dawn of Kavjaradze’s political career, his surname and first name were changed in them. Then there was a similar very expensive service. Especially for departments that want to check Maxim again, we show how one of the ZIC cards on Kavjaradze looks like now.

System number: 17344

Card number: 0П068


Date, place of birth: 10 06 69 M

Place of registration: YU-ROG OVD-0503 GENERAL BELOV D45 K2 KV309

Nationality Russian


Height: 174 AVERAGE


Distinguishing Features: EYES - BROWN HAIR - BLACK

Criminal record: 200 1987 S-DISTRICT TERMINATED UNDER 8 CPC


As can be seen in this card, the name and surname of Maksim Kavdzharadze was changed by intervention to Mikhail Kavdisaridze (there is no such person). All other data remained the same. This is the date of birth, and patronymic, and the address of Maxim's then residence permit. And even the place of work of Kavjaradze in 1987 is indicated, which for some reason he is embarrassed to indicate in his biography - a uniformist on the circus stage.

It is worth noting that “playing” with your own names is a long tradition of the Kavjaradze family. In particular, Maxim's brother David, for some reason, had a middle name Andreevich at first. With this patronymic, he was put on special account by the Moscow police department as a person associated with crime. And soon David became Gennadievich. Considering that David is now listed as a co-owner of a number of banks, it is better to have a biography “without stains”.

Kavjaradze himself touched on the topic of his difficult past only once. In one of the interviews, he said that back in the days of the USSR he tried to live in a market environment "and that was enough to initiate a case." However, how articles for beating and arbitrariness can be attributed to this is not very clear. However, “sins” are found behind our hero and heavier. They date back to the 1990s and, apparently, are also associated with the desire to live in a market environment. Only in the 1990s it was possible to successfully exist in this environment only by stepping over corpses.

Bloody Sphinx

After rewinding his 3-year term, Maxim got along with people to match himself. Stanislav Valentinovich Sementsov and Dmitry Vladimirovich Alexandrov became his partners in the emerging business. By the mid-1990s, both of them had “rewound” 3-year sentences for knocking out the door to the apartment, breaking in and taking out jewelry and radio equipment. Another partner of Maxim was Anatoly Nikolaevich Tsokur. Together they were engaged in the buy-sell business, and in 1993 they created the Sphinx Bank. Tsokur (as a person without a criminal record) became the chairman of the board, and Kavdzharadze and Sementsov became his deputies. It is worth noting that this bank appears in the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation as a structure associated in the 90s with representatives of Georgian criminal clans. In particular, with some Dato, John, Prince, Tengiz Koridze, Avtandil, etc. All of them were mainly leaders of groups engaged in auto theft and other criminal activities. And the proceeds, among other things, were invested in legal business.

So, all the leaders of the Sphinx Bank in the 90s were related to the sale of Italian furniture on the territory of VDNKh. In this field, Kavdzharadze, Tsokur and Sementsov had another partner - Sergey Prodan, co-owner of the Eurostyle company (established in February 1996), which was the basis of the entire furniture business at VDNKh.

In March-April, Sergei Prodan, almost immediately after the creation of Eurostyle, had some serious financial disagreements with partners and Sphinx Bank, in which the company's accounts were opened. According to telephone connections, Sergei often called Max Kavdzharadze, David, Stas Sementsov and Tolya Tsokur. At the same time, he has to communicate with people who were not previously in his circle of contacts - with Dato, Avtandil, etc.

On May 25, 1996, Sergei Prodan was in a rented apartment on Veernaya Street with his 24-year-old girlfriend Elena Chumakova. Sergey was talking on the phone all day (the conflict could not be resolved), and then the doorbell rang. People came, whom Prodan knew well, and he invited them to the kitchen. Elena, in order not to interfere with the men's conversation, went into another room. The conversation turned out to be nervous, the interlocutors smoked a lot (later five cigarette butts were found). And then shots rang out in the kitchen. Those people whom Sergey and Elena knew very well, dealt with Prodan with two bullets (in the head and heart). They immediately went into the room where Chumakova was. And again the bullets were fired exactly in the head and heart.

On May 26, Elena and Sergey were supposed to meet with the mother of the latter, Nina Mikhailovna. The worried woman called the apartment on Veernaya all the time. Until the answering machine ran out of tape. On May 27, she herself went there (she had the keys to the apartment) and found the corpses of her son and his bride.

At first, the operatives tried to "unwind" the causes of Sergey Prodan's business conflicts. But there were some of the bloodiest times of the 90s. On May 27, 1996, when the bodies of Sergei and Elena were discovered, 10 people were killed and three were injured in skirmishes and contract killings in Moscow.

As a result, the execution of Prodan and Chumakova remained unsolved. In particular, the fact that the entire business of selling Italian furniture at VDNKh was under the complete control of the top managers of Sphinx Bank and personally Maxim Kavdzharadze left the sight of the operatives. And the second co-founder of Eurostyle, Svetlana Gennadyevna Gonokhina, still warmly recalls the joint work (after the murder of Prodan) with Maxim Kavdzharadze on the senator's website. At the same time, she complains to him about her missing bag of diamonds.

There is nothing surprising in what happened. Let us again turn to the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, from which it follows that Sphinx Bank Kavdzharadze also had an unspoken co-owner - Alexander Krysin, Chairman of the Board of Credit Consensus Bank. Apparently, he got to the Sphinx Bank through the “Georgian” line (remember, about those same Kakha, Avtandil, etc.). The fact is that back in the early 90s, Krysin's criminal roof was three "authorities" of the Taganskaya group - Pyra, Shil and Schmidt, who at the same time were trusted people of the "thief in law" Tengiz Marianoshvili. Tengiz was shot dead in 1992 in Amsterdam, but the Taganka trinity maintained warm relations with the Georgian thieves in law. And in 1994, it was the turn of Pyru, Schiele and Schmidt to go to the next world. Bandits from the group "ran into" Krysin Maxim Lazovsky. The Taganskaya trinity arrived at the "strelka" in the office of "Credit Consensus", where they were shot by two machine gunners.

After the Taganskys dropped out of the “game”, the Georgian thieves in law were already directly building relationships with Credit Consensus and Sphinx Bank.

They did it successfully. All people who had serious conflicts with these banks went to the next world. Let us turn again to the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

On May 13, 1997, businessman Dmitry Artemov was shot dead in Moscow. The scheme is standard - conversations with public and private owners of banks, and then - a bullet in the head.

In 1998, the killer fired on the "authority" Mikhail Gladyshev and his bodyguard. The offender fired 12 bullets, but Gladyshev survived. However, he died on October 15, 1998. Then the killer shot the "authority" at the entrance to his house on Chelyabinskaya Street in Moscow. And again, during the investigation, the owners of the Sphinx Bank and a certain conflict with them “emerge”.

The owners of the Sphinx Bank, apparently, were grateful people and did their best to help representatives of the criminal world, especially immigrants from Georgia. So, in 1999, notary Elena Kostikova came into the field of view of the operatives, who, according to operational information, “has connections with persons who are members of groups involved in car thefts and thefts” (again, we recall Dato, Tengiz, Avtandil). In search of the most important of these persons, the detectives seized a number of personal documents of the notary and found an interesting surname there - Kavdzharadze. Moreover, he was registered with Elena Kostikova twice: once as the deputy chairman of the Sphinx Bank, and the second time as a "psychic according to Chumak." The latter was Kavjaradze's hobby in his spare time from banking.

Also, the top managers of Sphinx Bank in 1998 appeared in the criminal case "Lords No. 2" by Olga Smeyan, who in 1997-1998 collected millions of dollars and euros from citizens, promising "cheap" cars. During the investigation, it turned out that Smeyan had some financial relations with Anatoly Tsokur and Maxim Kavdzharadze in the amount of $ 277 thousand and 100 thousand German marks. Well, really, where is the swindler of such a flight to keep money, not under the bed? And a bank associated with criminals is a very suitable place.

Just at the time when the operatives "developed" the Georgian groups involved in car thefts, Kavdzharadze became inaccessible to them. Maxim charmed the girl Varvara, who became his wife. And Varvara was a bride with an invaluable "dowry" - her father Alexei Gordeev. Now he is the governor of the Voronezh region, and in 1999 he was appointed minister of agriculture. And in the same 1999, Kavdzharadze moved from the chair of the deputy chairman of the Sphinx Bank to the chair of the first deputy general director of the State Unitary Enterprise "Federal Agency for Regulation of the Food Market" under the Ministry of Agriculture (which was headed by his father-in-law Gordeev). And already in 2001, Maxim became a member of the Federation Council.

A man with such an interesting biography now sits in the upper house of parliament and is a prominent representative of United Russia. Just the case when crime is not rushing into power, but has long since burst into it, having cleaned up its biography.

Sergey Shvedov

Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, representative of the Lipetsk Regional Council of Deputies
since December 25, 2001
The president Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
Predecessor Anatoly Savenkov
Birth June 10th(1969-06-10 ) (50 years)
The consignment United Russia
Website kavdjaradze.ru


Was born June 10th (1969-06-10 ) in Moscow . Graduated from the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Law Academy" with a degree in jurisprudence with the qualification "lawyer".

According to the official biography, he began his career as a stage engineer in the Circus on Stage.

In 2002, Maxim Kavdzharadze went to Chechnya. In the republic, the senator is holding a meeting with employees of the Lipetsk Internal Affairs Directorate, riot police, security forces and patrol officers. The purpose of the working trip is to congratulate voters on the Day of Militia. In the field, Maxim Kavdzharadze presented everyone with individual kits with an exclusive set of sports uniforms for Russian Olympians.

On June 26, 2015, he was elected Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building

He is a member of the United Russia political party.

According to the income and property declaration for 2018, Maxim Kavdzharadze earned 4 million 857 thousand rubles. He owns an apartment of 38.7 square meters.


Member of the Committee of the Federation Council on constitutional legislation, legal and judicial issues, development of civil society

Head of the working group of the Commission on improving the legal framework and procedures for the provision of public services (execution of public functions) in the field of general aviation.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2013 No. 955, Kavdzharadze was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of General Aviation.

On March 3, 2015, at a meeting of the Committee of the Federation Council on Constitutional Legislation and State Building and at the Council of the Chamber in the Federation Council, a report was presented by the Interim Commission of the Federation Council on monitoring the implementation of the federal law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on Ensuring Transport Security" . The report presents data on financing necessary for business entities to ensure transport safety standards. In addition, the document contains information on the calculations of the costs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation related to the implementation of the norms of the Federal Law. In their appeals, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation indicate that due to the budget deficit, the actual costs of implementing the requirements for ensuring transport security are not incurred, or are partially incurred. Maxim Kavdzharadze points to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 27, 2015 No. 98-r, which approved the "Plan of priority measures to ensure sustainable economic development and social stability in 2015", according to which it is necessary to postpone the entry into force of the requirements in the field of transport security in relation to certain types of transport facilities, in order to delay the introduction of additional production costs for business entities.

Meanwhile, during the work of the commission, other legal gaps and contradictions in the field of legislation aimed at ensuring the protection of the transport complex from acts of unlawful interference, including terrorist acts, were also identified.

At the end of the report, Maxim Kavjaradze emphasizes that the created transport security system is aimed at the sustainable and safe functioning of the transport complex, protecting the interests of the individual, society and the state in the field of the transport complex from illegal actions, including terrorist acts that threaten the safety of the transport complex, entailing resulting in harm to human life and health.



State awards

Encouragement of the President of Russia

Departmental awards

Awards of subjects of Russia


  1. Maxim Kavdzharadze visited Lipetsk policemen in Chechnya(English) . kavdjaradze.ru. Retrieved 20 July 2018.
  2. M. Kavjaradze was elected Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building(English) . kavdjaradze.ru. Retrieved 22 January 2018.
  3. How much do Oleg Korolev and Mikhail Gulevsky earn and what do they own? (Russian). LipetskMedia.ru Retrieved April 14, 2019.
  4. The Commission under the President for the development of general aviation was formed (indefinite) .
  5. Report of the Interim Commission of the Federation Council on Monitoring the Implementation of the Federal Law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on Ensuring Transport Security" (indefinite) (unavailable link). Archived from the original on April 2, 2015.
  6. Maxim Kavdzharadze spoke about the work carried out within the framework of the Interim Commission of the Federation Council on the results of monitoring the implementation of the Federal Law on Transport Security. (indefinite) .
  7. Nicotine nihilism is ruining the nation (indefinite) . "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" - Federal issue No. 4645. "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" (23.04.2008, 03:00).
  8. Maxim Kavjaradze.

Under what slogan will United Russia go to the polls? I think the most relevant slogan will be: “Yes, we oh ... ate! And what? ”The Federation Council is a government body that, according to the law, decides questions of war and peace, questions of foreign policy and internal security. I so want to think that the fate of the Motherland is in good hands! I want to ... But something does not work out. No way…

I won't dwell on it for long. I’ll just compile a small dossier on one of the most fucked-up edirasts in all of Russia, a criminal in charge of constitutional legislation in the Federation Council, an American agent in charge of transport security issues.

Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich , born June 10, 1969. As a true Georgian, he was born in Moscow. Officially allegedly graduated from the Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

According to his own biography, Kavjaradze began his career as a stage engineer, having worked for 6 years in a certain "Circus on Stage". Then he worked in various commercial structures.

In 1999, he was appointed First Deputy General Director of the State Unitary Enterprise "Federal Agency for Food Market Regulation" under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

In 2001, he was elected a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the Lipetsk Region.

Criminal career . The troubles with the law of the future senator began in childhood. From the age of 14 he was registered with the Commission on Juvenile Affairs. According to the police dossier, he bartered things from foreign tourists for the purpose of further resale. Question: what could the young pioneer offer foreign guests? It is easy to guess: a handsome Georgian boy rendered services to foreigners of a very delicate nature, for which he accepted foreign clothes and small consumer goods as a gift from grateful clients. During raids on black marketers and prostitutes, Maxim was repeatedly detained by police officers on Red Square, near the Rossiya Hotel and in other places in the center of Moscow.

In 1984, Kavdzharadze was enrolled in State Pedagogical University No. 190 to study as a cook, but he did not “cook” for long. He was remembered by the pedagogical team for his greyness in behavior. After another fight, Makimka had every chance to go to the zone, but fortunately, he was not yet 16 years old. Therefore, his first trip was to the Pskov region in the Special Technical School, where he received the specialty of a bricklayer behind a high fence.

In 1987 he returned to Moscow and began working at the SU-1 of the Mosfundamentstroy-1 production association. Then he was detained for arbitrariness, a corresponding criminal case was initiated. But since at that time Kavdzharadze was still 17 years old, the case was dismissed under Article 8 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR - "in connection with the transfer to the commission on juvenile affairs."

In the same year, upon reaching the age of majority, he received three years of real life for currency fraud. He served his term not in the zone, but in the special commandant's office No. 1 in Zelenograd. The Soviet punitive system showed humanity to Maksimka, since, given his turbulent past, he would immediately go along the “cock” line in the zone.

In the future, thanks to extensive connections in the police, Kavdzharadze managed to clean up almost all the materials about his convictions. Then the legend about his work in the circus was born. It is no coincidence that he bought a diploma from the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (it's good that they are not epaulettes of a police colonel).

Big business. Leaning back, the young criminal found a use for his criminal talents in commerce. In 1996-1997 Maxim combined work at the Sphinx Bank and the Moscow National Bank, holding the position of deputy head of the latter - Ashot Yeghiazaryan, a former deputy of the State Duma from the Liberal Democratic Party. Now he is on the international wanted list, hiding in the United States.

Yeghiazaryan famously burned out in the 2000s, having spent tens of budget billions on the reconstruction of the Moskva Hotel, of which he magically became one of the co-owners. After the scam was exposed, the deputy fled overseas. In the structures of Yeghiazaryan, Kavjaradze was responsible for "working with budget tranches."

"Sphinx Bank", which Kavjaradze established with a number of his "authoritative" and previously convicted friends, became famous for grandiose money laundering and taking them abroad. Large agro-industrial enterprises opened accounts in Sphinx Bank, in particular, the Voronezh APK Soyuzagroprom OJSC became its client.

In the field of withdrawing money abroad, Maxim Gennadievich made a close acquaintance with his compatriot Jumber Elbakidze. This is a very interesting character. He was born in 1974 in Tbilisi. In the 90s he fought in Abkhazia on the side of Georgia, then moved to the United States. From 1999 to 2002, he was an adviser on Eastern Europe to then Senator and current US Secretary of State John Kerry.

According to the information available to the special services of the Russian Federation, Elbakidze "rose" in America thanks to cooperation with the special services, performing all kinds of secret financial services for them. Actually, even without having access to the secret files of the FSB, we can talk about this with complete confidence. The fact is that the US authorities are famous for their strictness in relation to all kinds of financial “laundries” that legalize criminal capital, especially those of foreign origin. And Elbakidze dealt with this matter quite openly and without embarrassment.

According to the INFOLIX agency, “In the same period of time, Kavjaradze's business interests also covered the United States. The founder of a number of his firms (in particular, Factorial, Stix-1, etc.) was TS TX International, registered at 1072 Folsom Street, PMB 282, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA .

The address is very interesting. If you look at the materials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Tax Service and judicial acts, this is the real center of Russian business. In 1999 - 2006, dozens of companies (with managers with Russian names and surnames) were created at Folsom Street, RMB 282, to which Russian enterprises supplied a myriad of products (and then demanded VAT refunds for these transactions), issued loans, etc. Simply put, American firms registered in San Francisco at that time were actively used for criminal financial operations, both for money laundering and transferring them to the West, and for embezzlement of budget funds. ().

Spy business.Soon, the American Elbakidze often visited the Russian Federation, and then suddenly decided to obtain Russian citizenship. It's simple - the curators decided to introduce their agent for more fruitful undercover work. Guess who legalized Jumber? I give you a hint:

“Here is an extract from criminal case No. 248103: When identifying Elbakidze D.E., it was revealed that he, a former resident of Tbilisi, has a passport of a USSR citizen of series XVIII - TI No. 540681, issued by the Didube District Executive Committee of Tbilisi, in order to illegally obtain Citizenship of the Russian Federation, while in Moscow, in October 2002, he organized the production of a mark in this passport about his “registration” from October 14, 1991 at the address: Lipetsk Region, Dobrovsky District (without a settlement), st. Pushkinskaya, house 22 and deregistration on November 15, 2001. Having this passport (an official document), on October 24, 2002, Elbakidze D.E. applied to the Maryinsky Park Department of Internal Affairs in Moscow for a passport of a Russian citizen. ().

Could it have been done here without the Lipetsk senator Kavdzharadze, who has extensive garters in the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Soon, Elbakidze built a shadow financial empire in the Russian Federation, which laundered and sent to the United States, where, under the roof of the special services, a secret financial center operated, billions. According to INFOLIX, the daily turnover of the Lipetsk American's money pump was about $30 million:

“In fact, Elbakidze became the “boss of all bosses” among shadow financiers, and all subsequently influential underground bankers were his subordinates in the group: Evgeny Dvoskin , Ivan Myazin,Alexey Kulikov , Sergei Zakharov,Petr Chuvilin AndAlexey Frenkel .

Dozens of Russian banks were under the control of Juba, including Migros, the Siberian Bank for Economic Development, the Investment and Credit Bank, Novy Vek, PrintBank, the Moscow branch of CB Neman, Financial and Credit Bank, Azimut, " Europrominvest”, “VIP Bank”, etc. And here is another excerpt from criminal case No. 248103:

Currently, the members of the criminal group use for illegal banking activities the following accounts: CB Creditimpex Bank (LLC), CB Union-Bank (LLC), CB Alliance Bank (LLC), JSCB Falcon (OJSC), as well as Stroy-Holding LLC (TIN 7708617192) and about 10 other commercial organizations registered under forged documents.

Of all this huge list of banks, we are interested in only one - Alliance Bank. That is how, after the renaming, the Sphinx Bank, owned by Kavjaradze, began to be called.

The “laundering machine”, which, in addition to the senator, was patronized by many other high-ranking persons, worked without failures until a group of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the deputy chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation stood in its way Andrey Kozlov . As soon as Elbakidze gained control over some bank in order to use it for the transit of money to the West, and then “burn it”, operatives came to this credit institution, followed by checks from the Central Bank. The “machine” began to “falter”, as a result, Juba even had to involve the banks of its closest partners. At first it was Frenkel’s VIP Bank and Evroprominvest (they immediately got hit by Kozlov’s “hit”), then Kavjaradze’s Alliance Bank and Senator BankOleg Rafanovich .

However, the new "platforms" of Juba were quickly identified by the opera and Kozlov's subordinates. The first came there with searches, the second - with checks. ().

September 14, 2006 Deputy Head of the Central Bank Kozlov was killed. Frenkel was convicted for organizing the murder, and Elbakidze fled from Russia to America. The US authorities refused to extradite him at the request of law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation. If you remember under what "roof" this "Georgian subject" worked, there is nothing surprising in this.

Father-in-law.The question arises: why Kavdzharadze not only did not run away, like his accomplices in the scams of the "dashing zero", but famously went uphill, first heading a federal agency under the roof of the Ministry of Agriculture, and then becoming a deputy of the Federation Council, where the former prisoner became a member of the Federation Council Committee on constitutional legislation and state building? The answer is simple: Maxim married a young student Varya, daughter of the Minister of Agriculture Gordeev. For this, he even left his first wife with a child.

In 2003, Gordeev tried to shove his son-in-law as an auditor from the Federation Council to the Accounts Chamber. There were benefits for both: Kavdzharadze could “neutralize” the analysis by the Accounts Chamber of the machinations of the Ministry of Agriculture structures, and Maxim himself would get the opportunity to “correct” budget flows in the “right direction”. However, after the scandalous publication of Alexander Khinshtein "Deputy Sclerosis", in which information about the criminal past of Kavdzharadze was made public, he was forced to withdraw his candidacy. Maxim Gennadievich had to admit that he had a criminal record, but said that he suffered because he “wanted to live in market relations” and he had nothing to be ashamed of.

War in South Ossetia. The organized criminal group, which was engaged in pumping money from Russia, continued to operate after Elbakidze's flight to America. True, almost all participants in the intelligence and financial network were identified by counterintelligence and worked under the hood of the special services. However, as the saying goes, the eye sees, but the tooth is numb. The members of the organized crime group occupied too prominent a position to be slammed. They only stated that part of the funds withdrawn from Russia is used to finance the regime of the American protege Saakashvili in Georgia.

Elbakidze's people fussed most actively in 2008, which is understandable - Mishiko was given the task of organizing a small victorious war in South Ossetia, for which a massive purchase of weapons was carried out according to "gray" schemes, including in Ukraine. For those who are interested in the details, I refer to the INFOLKS investigation "Black Hole" in the Federation Council - the materials of the criminal case are abundantly cited there.

Who is now heading the shadow financial empire created on the instructions of the US intelligence services Elbakidze? It's easy to guess. I'll give you a hint: this is a member of United Russia, who has a red mandate (and not even one).

Conclusions.Today, truly fascist laws are being adopted in the Russian Federation - the National Guard has received the right to turn off the Internet, people are imprisoned for likes on social networks, the media are whipping up spy mania by exposing "foreign agents" in charitable foundations and opposition parties. Why and who needs this hype? So it is much more convenient for real agents who adopt fascist laws to work behind this information veil, especially having parliamentary immunity, sons-in-law in ministers, friends in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and a certificate of a member of United Russia.

Long live PZhiV - the party of homosexuals, criminals and spies!

Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich, a representative in the Federation Council from the Lipetsk region, is one of the most mysterious characters on the political scene in Russia. His biography, life circumstances and career path are presented in several versions, they contain many ambiguities and contradictions. Maxim Kavdzharadze has been repeatedly accused of having connections with crime, of using family ties for career growth. In response to all this, he is mysteriously silent and continues to do his job. In his biography, every twist is a scandal and accusations. Let's try to talk about his life and understand the intricacies of fate and myths.

The beginning of the way

It is unambiguously known that Maxim Kavdzharadze was born on June 10, 1969 in Moscow. True, at birth he received the surname Kavdisaridze, but later changed it to hide the unpleasant facts of his biography. Already in adolescence, Maxim was a very enterprising and active young man, but his activities led to great conflicts with the law. Kavjaradze never talks about his parents and childhood, even in the official biography on the website of the Federation Council there is not a word about it.


The official version of the biography says that Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich received his higher education at the Moscow State Law Academy with a degree in jurisprudence. True, it is not mentioned that he received a diploma only in 2006, already being a member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. Journalists tried several times to prove that Maksim Gennadievich received his diploma illegally, but they could not provide evidence that the court would recognize.

There is documentary evidence that at the end of the 8th grade, Kavdisaridze went to study at SGPTU No. 190, where he mastered the profession of a cook, and then, by a court decision, was transferred to a special type of educational institution in Perm, where he received the profession of a bricklayer. Even while studying at a vocational school, according to the recollections of educators, Maxim was distinguished by very impudent behavior and inclinations for unearned income.

Problems with law

Even at school age, Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich first encountered the law. In 1984, he was prosecuted for speculation and for currency fraud. At first, everything was fined, after the second drive to the police, he was registered with the juvenile department. In 1985, when Maxim was already studying at a vocational school, he was detained for a fight with a classmate. As punishment, Kavdisaridze was sent to a special vocational school. But as soon as he got out of there, he again breaks the law and gets a real term - 3 years for currency transactions. He was not sent to prison, but was sent to do chores in Zelenograd. During this period, Kavjaradze not only gains experience, but also makes many acquaintances that will benefit him later.


Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich began his working biography with work in the "Circus on Stage" as a stage worker. In some questionnaires, Maxim Gennadievich does not mention this period as an insignificant episode that did not affect his future, preferring to start describing his path with work as an economist at the Etoile company. Since 1995, he has been working as the first deputy chairman of the board of Sphinx Bank. This institution was actively supported by the Georgian diaspora, with which, despite his place of birth, Maxim Gennadievich always maintained relations. In the period from 1995 to 1999, Kavjaradze was actively earning money, and in a short time he was able to put together a good amount of capital and sensibly judged that now he had a direct path to politics.


Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich, whose biography since 1995 has been associated with successfully combined work at Sphinx Bank and Moscow National Bank. In the mid-1990s, at Sphinx Bank, after being killed in a domestic attack on Maxim Gennadievich's banking partners, Kavdzharadze gained control of a large furniture business and banking assets. His banks have repeatedly been involved in money transfer cases abroad. Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich, whose photo began to appear frequently in the economic chronicle of the country, gains extensive experience in working with finances, makes many useful acquaintances. In the second half of the 90s, the banking sector becomes quite dangerous, there are many murders, financial collapses, and Kavdzharadze, having sensibly assessed the situation, is preparing for a new career step.

Promising marriage

In his youth, Maxim Gennadievich married a native of Ternopil, Valentina Safandula, and even managed to give birth to two children. He soon separated from his wife, but maintained a relationship and continued to visit his children. Kavjaradze even wrote down part of his property to his ex-wife, which was how he was able to ensure the future of his children in case of an unforeseen event.

In 1999, he met student Varvara Gordeeva, their romance developed very quickly and the couple soon got married. The father of the bride turned out to be the well-known governor of the Voronezh region Alexei Gordeev, and in 1999 he became the Minister of Agriculture. Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich, whose wife became not only a good life companion, but also an assistant in business, was able, not without the support of his father-in-law, to reach a new professional level.

Lipetsk deputy

The first step in politics for Kavjaradze was the appointment of the Federal Agency for Food Market Regulation. In 2001, Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich became a deputy of the Regional Council of Deputies of the Lipetsk Region. Later he received this title twice more. For the inhabitants of the Lipetsk region, Kavdzharadze built a temple, took part in the opening of a dairy complex. But his main task was to defend the interests of the region at the state level. At a meeting of the regional council of deputies, the candidature of a future member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation was presented to the Lipetsk Duma members by Minister A. Gordeev himself. Kavdzharadze easily passed the voting procedure and became a senator from the Lipetsk region.

The description of Kavdzharadze, a candidate for the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, states that he has significant experience in interacting with state authorities and structures at the regional level. He was certified as a reliable and responsible leader. Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich, for whom the Federation Council became a new field, was immediately elected to the committees for agricultural and food policy and for youth and sports. He has always been a supporter of a healthy lifestyle and now, within the framework of lawmaking, he consolidates the fight against child drug addiction, alcoholism, and smoking.

With the active participation of Kavdzharadze, the Lipetsk Region received 100 million rubles from the federal budget for the construction of the automobile Petrovsky Bridge across the Voronezh River. In 2002, the crossing was solemnly opened.

In 2003, Maxim Gennadievich wanted to become an auditor of the Accounts Chamber, but just at that time a big scandal erupted due to A. Khinshtein’s investigative article “Deputy Sclerosis”, in which he presented many unpleasant facts from the past of the youngest senator. As a result, the Lipetsk Duma even wanted to recall Kavdzharadze from the Federation Council, but Gordeev's call helped calm them down. Gradually, the scandal was forgotten, and Maxim Gennadievich continued to work in the Federation Council committee on constitutional legislation.

In 2005, Kavdzharadze was again nominated for the post of senator, and the Lipetsk Duma supported his candidacy. 48 out of 50 deputies voted “for”. Maxim Gennadyevich was personally supported by the chairman of the regional Council of Deputies Anatoly Savenkov. He urged the deputies not to pay attention to the intrigues of enemies and unscrupulous journalists.

In 2013, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on the development of aviation. Kavjaradze is an active member of the United Russia party. He participated in the development of changes to the current transport legislation.

As a senator, Maxim Gennadievich constantly receives residents of the Lipetsk region, helping them solve a variety of pressing problems, from improving the region's air traffic with other subjects of the Russian Federation to settling relations between individuals and credit institutions.

Notable sayings

Maxim Kavdzharadze, whose contacts with the media often end in a series of high-profile materials, has repeatedly put forward resonant ideas. For example, he was the initiator of the creation of a closed Russian Internet network called Cheburashka, which would make it possible to resist cyber attacks and espionage. Much discussion was given to his statements about the tobacco lobby, which, with the help of anti-tobacco laws, knocks additional profit out of the population.

Kavjaradze's reflections on the need to develop the electronic industry in the country, which will become "a real locomotive for the development of the domestic economy," became noticeable. And also that in Russia there is the necessary intellectual potential in order to invent a new, non-carbon type of fuel.

Compromising evidence

The media often likes to write about how Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich, son-in-law of Gordeev, earned his initial capital. Often he is credited with raider seizures of real estate and business. In particular, the issue of a large plot of land near Skolkovo and the village of Nemchinov, which turned out to be owned by Kavdzharadze's ex-wife, was discussed a lot. While the villagers themselves wanted to rent it. Maxim Gennadievich is accused of friendship with many criminal characters who became famous for raider seizures, the physical elimination of competitors, and illegal financial transactions. Journalists do not have direct evidence of Kavjaradze's participation in such cases, but they are trying to convince the public that he was not innocent. Maxim Gennadyevich does not react to all the attacks of journalists in any way, only occasionally brushing aside and saying that these are custom-made materials of his enemies.

Official contacts

As a representative of the Lipetsk region in the Federation Council, Kavdzharadze is receiving the population in a public reception in Moscow (st. 26) and in Lipetsk (Lenin Square, 1). Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich, whose phone in Lipetsk is 8-474-2-74-35-08, tries to personally meet with each applicant and delve into his problem. The senator is also available on the Internet, where his receptionist works and there is his personal website and blog.

Today we present to your attention material about another "talent" from the Federation Council - Maxim Kavdzharadze. Everything is wonderful in this biography: here is a fartsovka in his youth, and a criminal record, and a successful alliance with the daughter of Minister Gordeev. Not without gray schemes for withdrawing funds from the budget. In all respects, today's hero is a worthy candidate for KNK's own material.

Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich, born on 06/10/1969, a native of Moscow. Georgian father. Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich has a higher education. In 1999 he graduated from the Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

According to the official biography, Kavdzharadze M. G. began his career as a stage engineer in the "Circus on Stage". Then he worked in various commercial structures, was the first deputy chairman of the board of Sphinx Bank.

In 1999, he was appointed First Deputy General Director of the State Unitary Enterprise "Federal Agency for Regulation of the Food Market" under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, and in 2001 he was elected a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the Lipetsk Region.

Currently, Kavdzharadze is a member of the Federation Council from the Lipetsk region, being a member of the Committee on Science, Education, Culture and Information Policy. He is also a member of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on the development of general aviation.

Closest relatives:

Father: Kavjaradze Gennady Akakievich, born on 04.10.1946, a native of Tbilisi. Georgian by nationality. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of Russia, Kavdzharadze Gennady Akakievich does not act as a founder or general director of any structures.

Mother:Yulia Alexandrovna Kavdzharadze, born on 09/07/1945, a native of Moscow. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of Russia, Kavdzharadze Yulia Aleksandrovna does not act as a founder or general director of any structures.

Brother:Kavdzharadze David Gennadievich, born on January 27, 1976, a native of Moscow. Kavdzharadze David Gennadievich has a higher education. In 2013, he graduated from the correspondence department of the Moscow State University of Food Production with a degree in Economics and Enterprise Management.

Wife (former):Safandula Valentina Ivanovna, born on April 1, 1971, a native of the city of Ternopil, Ukrainian SSR.

Wife: Gordeeva Varvara Alekseevna, born on December 28, 1979, a native of Magadan. Gordeeva Varvara Alekseevna has a higher education. In 2002, she graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. Father Gordeeva V.A., Gordeev A.V. was the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation from 1999 to 2001, and since 2009 he has been the governor of the Voronezh region.

Daughter:Kavdzharadze Maria Maksimovna, born on September 22, 1997, a native of Moscow. Kavdzharadze Maria Maksimovna is engaged in equestrian sports and regularly takes part in all-Russian and international competitions. He has the title of candidate master of sports.


Gordeev Alexey Vasilievich, born February 28, 1955, Governor of the Voronezh Region. Father-in-law Kavjaradze. When he was the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Kavdzharadze headed the State Unitary Enterprise "Federal Agency for Regulation of the Food Market" and, with the assistance of his brother, carried out schemes to drain budget funds.

Yeghiazaryan Ashot Gevorkovich, born on July 24, 1965, former deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the Liberal Democratic Party. Kavjaradze worked closely with him in the 1990s. According to some reports, it was Kavjaradze who was the author of a number of "gray" financial schemes that Yeghiazaryan implemented.

Peskov Dmitry Sergeevich, born on 10/17/1967, the current press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. Kavdzharadze supports D.S. Peskov. close relations, including those of an informal nature, using the latter as a channel of influence in the implementation of lobbying schemes.

Information for thought:

According to available information, the youth of Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich passed quite rapidly. So, as a student of the eighth grade of a secondary school, he began to engage in “fartsovka”, exchanging things from foreign tourists for the purpose of further resale. He was repeatedly detained by police officers on Red Square, near the Rossiya Hotel and in other places in the center of Moscow visited by foreign tourists. For this reason, he was on a special register with the commission on juvenile affairs in the Krasnogvardeisky district of Moscow.

In 1984, Kavdzharadze M. G. entered the SGPTU No. 190 in Moscow, where, according to the characteristics, “the corrupting effect on other students” and “ignored the requirements of the teaching staff.” In February 1985, Kavdzharadze was transferred to a special vocational school in the city of Sebezh, Pskov Region, for a fight, where he studied until 1987. After graduating from this vocational school, he worked as a bricklayer in SU-1 of the Mosfundamentstroy-1 production association.

In November 1987, Kavdzharadze was convicted by the Kiev District People's Court of Moscow for participation in illegal currency transactions for a term of three years in prison. He served his sentence in the Special Commandant's Office No. 1 in Zelenograd. Subsequently, with the help of his connections in the internal affairs bodies, he managed to destroy all data on the presence of a criminal record.

After his release, Kavjaradze was engaged in cooperative activities, worked in commercial structures. In the period from 1996 to 1997, he was, while simultaneously holding a position in Sphinx Bank. Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Moscow National Bank. Here he was engaged in "scrolling" budgetary funds. During this period, he was one of the closest assistants to A. G. Yeghiazaryan, who later became a deputy of the State Duma from the Liberal Democratic Party, and is now on the federal wanted list and hiding in the United States.

The turning point in the biography of Kavdzharadze is the fact of his acquaintance with the daughter of the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation A.V. Gordeev. Thanks to his father-in-law, he headed the State Unitary Enterprise "Federal Agency for Food Market Regulation" under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. At this place, with the assistance of his brother, D. G. Kavdzharadze, he organized the leakage of funds transferred to the accounts of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

In 2001, with the active support of Gordeev, Kavdzharadze became a member of the Federation Council from the Lipetsk region. In 2003, he applied for the post of auditor of the Accounts Chamber from the Federation Council, but after the revelations of the journalist A.E. Khinshtein, he withdrew his candidacy. An article authored by the current deputy Alexander Khinshtein, published in 2003 in Moskovsky Komsomolets, revealed a number of facts about Kavdzharadze's biography, for example, about his criminal prosecution in the 80s for fartsovka and beatings. Kavjaradze was then sentenced to three years. Taking into account repentance, he was sent not to a colony, but to the construction sites of the national economy, to the Special Commandant's Office No. 1 of the Zelenograd Internal Affairs Directorate. So the legend about "work in the circus" does not stand up to the test of facts. After that, he tries to "not shine" and leads an extremely "secret" lifestyle. The last time the general public heard him was in February 2001, when Kavdzharadze was hospitalized after a car accident on Dmitrovskoye Highway.

At the same time, according to some reports, M. G. Kavdzharadze continues, under the guise of a mandate of a member of the Federation Council, in which he is one of the representatives of the anti-tobacco lobby, to implement "gray" financial schemes to divert funds from the state budget. At the same time, he uses the opportunities of Agricultural Construction Company LLC and the United Bank for Industrial Investments, the founder and shareholder of which is his brother David.