What baking can be done with drinking yogurt. Best baking recipes from yogurt

What baking can be done with drinking yogurt. Best baking recipes from yogurt
What baking can be done with drinking yogurt. Best baking recipes from yogurt

One of the most revered dairy products of each person can be called one of the most revered dairy products. Children love yogurt for his pleasant taste, and adults for useful properties. Despite the popularity of yogurt, only a few know that the disease contributed to the recognition of its useful qualities. In 1510, for the cure of the French king, the court leakage added a portion of yogurt into his daily diet. And only due to the regular consumption of this product, the king was able to recover. As you can see, there were people in the history who are obliged to yogurt life.

Yogurt is not only perfectly digested and absorbed by the body, but also helps to be worried about useful trace elements. Also, yogurt itself is a source and proteins. In addition to the rest, the regular use of yoghurt noticeably reduces the cholesterol content.

Yoghurt belongs to universal products. Yogurt is independent food, and the component of many dishes. The gifted recipes will help you discover new ways of yogurt consumption.

Soup "Yayla" belongs to the Turkish kitchen. As you know, soups are served here, regardless of the time of feeding. This soup is served hot and help you, even in cold weather, feel atmosphere of summer and sun.


  • - 1 PC.
  • Yogurt home - 500 gr.
  • (Parished) - 100 gr.
  • - 1 PC.
  • - 4 tsp.
  • - 40 gr.
  • - 40 ml.
  • - 1.5 liters
  • - taste

In a small saucepan, we cast oil, we throw a finely cut onion and fry to a transparent state. We put the mint, in a couple of minutes we fall asleep well washed rice, stirring 5-7 minutes. Pour boiling water, putting, cook rice on small fire. Let's hinder the wedge of yogurt with a raw egg.

After the rice was welded, two baulon bass pour into yogurt. The resulting mixture is pouring back into the soup. It remains to wait until the soup boils off and give it up for 20 minutes. Serve hot!

Breeding against the dietary salad "Good morning", you can feel ease during the day and ease. And the salad ingredients will protect you from extra kilograms.


  • - 1 tbsp.
  • (Sweet) - 0.5 pcs.
  • dried - 5 pcs.
  • - 5 poles
  • Domestic yogurt - 100 ml.

Magnify prunes for 3 hours. Solk grapefruit clean and break into pieces. Wash carrot to lose on a large grater. Lay out the ingredients with layers. Pour yogurt and sprinkle sesame.

Cocktail "Perevo-ink" can thoroughly thirst, can delight the most sophisticated aesthetes.


  • - 3 tbsp.
  • - 1 PC.
  • Frozen - 1 cup
  • - 0.5 glasses

Pear to cut into cubes. Put the ice, add yoghurt, blueberries and chopped pear. Whip, cocktail ready.

The recipe "Mandarin Cake" is useful to any hostess. And for loved ones will become another reason to praise your culinary talent.


  • - 75 gr.
  • - 400 ml.
  • - 600 gr.
  • - 1 tsp.
  • (Fresh) - 200 ml.
  • - 1 PC.
  • - 100 gr.
  • Purified - 5 pcs.
  • - 300 gr.

Purified tangerines scroll through a meat grinder. Whip egg. Add kefir to egg, butter, sugar and mix. In the resulting mixture, we pour tangerines, baking powder and flour. Mix and shift the dough into a mold that is lubricated with oil.

We put for 40 minutes in the oven, with a temperature of 220 degrees. The finished root is cut along three parts and weak yogurt. Then we prepare the glaze (chocolate melt with oil). Pour the cake with icing and put in cold for 6 hours. Cake ready!

Fritters will pleasantly surprise your guests. The chicken liver is gentle for taste, and the sauce will give it the missing "peppercorn".


  • - 100 gr.
  • - 2 pcs.
  • Right - 1 tbsp.
  • - 100 gr.
  • - 1 PC.
  • Kozatskaya - 2 tsp.
  • - 400 gr.
  • - taste

Grinding onions in a blender, add a liver and shred out again. Add salt, egg, spices and scroll through a blender again. Pour the resulting mass in a bowl and fall asleep the semolina, we leave for 40 minutes. Then fry, pouring a spoon in the pan. Sauce is preparing mixing yogurt with mustard. Serve with a garnish.

How would it not surprise you, but yogurt is even the composition of bread. Indian. This bread is often used as a spoon. Burning "Naan" - so called bread - in the form of cakes. Try both you, by setting up additives and spices, get a unique flavor of freshly baked bread.


  • - 30 grams.
  • - 100 gr.
  • - 1 PC.
  • Homemade yogurt - 130 ml.
  • - 4 glasses
  • Fresh - 1 beam
  • (To stimulate yeast) - 4 tbsp. l.
  • (in the dough) - 130 ml.
  • - 7 gr.
  • - taste
  • - 80 ml

In a bowl with heated milk, we put sugar and dry yeast and leave a lush haze before the formation. Slightly whip the egg, then add yogurt, two tbsp. Oils and yogurt. In flour, add salt and baking powder. Now the main thing: it turned out three mixtures.

The sifted flour is pouring the mountain on the table top, we make a deepening in the middle, we pour milk with yeast there, take the dough and add the last mixture. We put the dough into a saucepan, cover the towel from above and remove in a warm place for 2 hours.

Yogurt love many. And in addition to its useful properties, you can still make baking. Such baking from yogurt will be no less tasty. Recipes have a lot and here are some of them.

Pie with yogurt

1 cup of yogurt, 150 grams of sugar, 2 eggs, a glass of flour, apples, baking powder.

Eggs slightly beat with sugar, add yogurt and baking powder. Then gently introduce flour. In the prepared form, pour the dough and on top to lay pieces of apple. They will start sinking and will work on the entire height of the cake. Bake at 180 ° C for at least 30 minutes.

Cupcakes from yogurt

A glass of sugar, two spoons of butter, a glass of yogurt, 2 eggs, chopping of a baking powder, 250 grams of flour.

Yogurt can be used fruit. It will make cupcakes more fragrant and tasty. Rasse oil with sugar and add eggs. Then add yogurt, baking powder and flour. Mix well to a homogeneous mass and pour into forms. Depending on the shape value, bake from 20 to 40 minutes.

Cake with yogurt

300 grams of flour, 200 ml of fresh milk, 200 ml peach yogurt, 150 grams of sugar, 100 ml of vegetable oil, vanilla, baking powder.

Mix butter, sugar and yogurt. All mix well and gradually add milk. Then pour this whole mass into flour, mixed with a baking powder. Mix well with a mixer. Optionally, you can add cocoa dough or pieces of chocolate.
Bake at 180 ° C until readiness.

Pancakes on yogurt

250 ml of milk and yogurt, 100 grams of sugar, 3 eggs, flour, vanilla, vegetable oil.

Eggs mix with milk and yogurt, add sugar and mix well. Gradually pour flour, vanilla and pour 3-4 spoons of vegetable oil in the dough. Mix well and fry in a frying pan. Such pancakes will not adhere due to the presence of oil in the test.

Baking from yogurt may be the most diverse. It is often used for cupcakes, pies are made. You can safely make pancakes from yogurt. They will definitely get tasty and fragrant. Yoghurt can be replaced by kefir in the recipe. But if it is a sweet pastry, then a different taste of yogurt is suitable, and for not sweet baking it is better to use yogurt without additives.

Sometimes you want to move a little from friends and familiar to us dishes, to prepare something new, unusual. In this case, the usual yogurt will help us. It gives baking tenderness, softness and extraordinary airiness! So, what can be cooked from yogurt?

Recipe for a mannicon on yogurt


  • yogurt - 500 ml;
  • manka - 300 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • creamy oil - 150 g;
  • soda - 0.5 h. spoons;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • chocolate candies - 100 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.


The semolina is poured by yogurt and leave swell for 2 hours. We take eggs, separate proteins from yolks and put squirrels in the refrigerator. Yolks are thoroughly rubbed with sugar, add the linked creamy oil, haweded soda and a yogurt soda. Cooled proteins whipped with sugar and gently enter into the dough. Baking shape with oil with oil, pour exactly half the test, spread 50 g of sweets and on top of the remaining dough. We bake in a well-heated oven at a temperature of 180 ° C for 30 minutes. While the mannicon is preparing, we will make cream. To do this, we melt on slow fire candy with butter, add lemon zest, lemon juice and bring a mixture to a boil. In the ready-made mannik, we make cuts and water the cooked caramel. Top sprinkled with sugar powder and feeding to the table.

Recipe pancakes on yogurt

And what else can be done from yogurt? If you do not have milk, but I really wanted to fry pancakes, the yogurt will save you!



Yogurt, eggs, flour, sugar and salt mix and whip the mixer to a homogeneous state. Then add soda, some vegetable oil and mix. The dough should be quite thick as sour cream. Fry pancakes in a frying pan on both sides and serve with sour cream, jam or honey.

Immediately, I would like to note that it is prohibited to eat overdue products, which would not be discussed, especially about ferocular products. But when the product lies on the shelf of the refrigerator and he only has expired, the yoghurt can be thermally treated with the help of delicious and fragrant baking.

What can be made from overdue yogurt

The dairy product is often used in cooking - for the preparation of pies, fritters, cakes, pancakes, various sauces, ice cream. Efficious products are normalized by microflora, fill the body with valuable protein, calcium, potassium, phosphorus.

For the preparation of pancakes from the proof yogurt, you must take:

  • 2 eggs;
  • Half-liter yogurt;
  • 3 spoons of sugar;
  • Pinch of salt and vanillina.

Beat all the components in the blender, add a pinch of a height salt, 3 spoons of vegetable oil without smell. After heating the frying pan, pour a small portion of the dough and fry on both sides. Perform similar action with the entire mass of the test.

Serve on a table with sweet sauce, condensed milk, honey. You can wrap in the tube, converters, squares. Squeeze fresh milk, kefir or ion.

Chocolate muffins

Required ingredients:

  • 2 glasses of wheat flour of the highest grade;
  • 3 chicken eggs, preferably home;
  • 100 g of cream oil in a melted form;
  • 30 g cocoa to give a chocolate taste;
  • A glass of yogurt;
  • 2 spoons of the baking powder;
  • A glass of sugar (you can 2 - optional);
  • Chopping vanilla.

The mixer in the bowl whipping eggs with sugar, after adding oil, kefir, milk with a baking powder, cocoa. We thoroughly mix the components components, to avoid bunches.

Lubricate the shape for cakes with oil, fill the test to 3 parts, bake in a heated oven at an average temperature of 25 minutes. If the oven is weak, then you can increase the time and temperature of heating to 220 degrees (cooking time is 40-50 minutes).

Check the readiness of the toothpick. Cool cupcake and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Parehoma is ready for tea.

Basis Biscuit

For the preparation of a delicious base for biscuits, we take a glass of cocoa, half a spoon of a baking powder, 300 g of flour, a pinch of salt and a spoonful of soda, add a glass of sugar and a pinch of vanilla.

Separately whip the eggs, after connecting the remaining components. Pour the dough on the oil-smeared parchment, we send to the oven to the baying. Checking the toothpick.

I give the finished biscuit form - if necessary, cut off at the edges, cut along and impregnate with custard. Sprinkle on top of crumbling. Let us insist in the refrigerator a few hours. For baking decoration, you can use berries, fruits.

Just sodium!

Lush pancakes

Fritters are preparing a few minutes, and the secret of the dessert dish is simple and accessible to everyone.

What ingredients will be required:

  • Drinking yogurt - 350 ml;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 300 g of flour;
  • Soda spoon;
  • Pinch of salt, vanillars;
  • 3 spoons of sugar;
  • 5 spoons of sunflower oil in the dough and 3 spoons for frying.

Connect eggs with sugar in deep caision, beat the wedge to a homogeneous mass, add the rest of the ingredients. Flour must be sifted to homogeneous composition. The dough should be in moderation thick and dense.

We proceed to the process of baking. On a sneakened frying pan laying the dough. Fry on moderate fire from several sides. If necessary, pour some oil.

We apply on a table with sour cream, jam, honey, you can decorate with fruit, berries, mint leaves.

Cookies on yogurt

Excellent delicacy for children and adults.


  • 3 cups of flour;
  • 200 ml of yogurt;
  • Creamy oil - 75 g;
  • Basin - 10 g;
  • Pinch of salt and vanilla;
  • 2 sugar spoons;
  • 1 egg.

After rolling the dough into the layer, take the glass and cut round. Lubricate each whipped egg and sprinkle with sugar. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees. The delicacy is ready, you can put a treat on the table.

Introducing the yogurt to the baking mass is needed room temperature. Add to the composition of the soda or breakpiece so that the snob is lush. The remaining ingredients should also be warm, for example, butter, margarine, sunflower oil.

Eggs best use homemade. Proteins increases more significantly in size, if they are able to warm them a little before shaking. As for baking temperatures, the main enemy of the product is too high.

Do not be afraid to experiment, connect various ingredients by adding your highlight. Be calm, you will definitely work out, and fermented fermented products will help them!

Tired of diversity, and do not know how to please your family? Baking from yogurt will surprise not only your household, but also guests. Tasty, delicate and air desserts are obtained.


The first option that is done easily. It is spent by a minimum of time and effort, but the cake on yogurt turns tasty and low-calorie.

For its preparation you need products:

1. Yogurt - 1 cup (250 grams).

2. Wheat flour (ordinary) - 200 g.

3. Refined vegetable oil - 100 ml.

4. Eggs - 2 pcs.

5. Vanillin and breakthrower of 1 tsp.

6. Fruits (canned or canned) - to taste.

7. Sugar - to taste. Usually add 8-9 tbsp. l. but you can and more.

Now we prepare the cake on yogurt. Mix with a bundle and sugar. Then you need to add oil, eggs, yogurt and vanillin. Mix the dough to mix the mixer to homogeneity.

Take the appropriate form, preferably silicone. Pour half the dough there, lay out fruit or berries and add the remaining mixture. Pre-warm the oven to 180 degrees and bake the cake for 20-25 minutes.

If there is no silicone form, take the usual one. Only in this case are shutting it so that the dough does not adhere. After 25 minutes, pour the pie with a match. If there is no test left on it, you can remove the dessert.


This is a unique dessert that can be a stove without flour, but the taste turns out unforgettable. To prepare a mannik on yogurt, take 1 tbsp. semolina cereals, 200 g of yogurt, 0.5 tbsp. Sugar, 1 tsp. Busty and slight salt. All these dry ingredients are well mixed.

Creamy oil melt and pour into the mixture, add 2 eggs there. Mix well to a homogeneous state. The mixer should not be whipped so as not to spoil the tenderness of the test. You can interfere with an exceptionally wooden spatula.

Pour the resulting mixture into a silicone mold and put the oven to 180 degrees in advance. Bake 30 minutes and check the match. If the dough is not ready, leave for 5 minutes. A mannik on yogurt turns tasty, and your households or guests do not guess that there are no flour in the cake.


This is a unique dessert that is perfect for breakfast. To get lush, you need to add some soda and interfere with the dough exclusively with a wooden shovel.

To prepare this dessert, take one glass of drinking yogurt, add 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. However, it is best to taste. If you do not want sweet fools, then enough 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. Add soda to the liquid on the tip of the knife and suck gradually flour. Slightly stirring wooden or silicone spatula. Bring the dough to the consistency of sour cream.

Then heat the frying pan, add some vegetable oil. Then, in the usual tablespoon, type the dough and pour into the pan. Fry you need on medium heat so that the products are not raw in the middle. Fritters are obtained on the yogurt lush and beautiful.

Cupcakes in molds

Usually such a dessert is made in kefir or sour cream. Yes, it turns out a hearty and tasty dessert, but if you try to make small in the molds, you will see that the taste of them will become even more gentle, and the dough is softer.

We start cooking: take 50 g of butter and two eggs. Distribute these products with wooden spatula. Add 1 cup or 250 g of flour and 0.5 h. Basin with soda. Stir foods to homogeneity.

Then pour drinking yogurt (preferably fruit) and, if you like raisins, add 50 g. Mix well again. Now the dough is ready and can be spilled by molds. However, they need to be pre-lubricated by margarine or vegetable oil.

Test filling the molds should be half, not completely. Since cupcakes during baking will still rise. Bake them to a golden crust at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Squeeze or toothpick pour the cupcake if the dough on the stick is not left, it means that the oven can be turned off. As a rule, baking cupcakes takes 20-25 minutes. It turns out a delicious, satisfying and gentle dessert.

Capps chocolate

These are small cakes that can be baked in molds for cupcakes. For their preparation you will need such ingredients:

1. Cocoa - 3-4 tbsp. l.

2. Yogurt (preferably drinking) - 200 ml or 1 cup.

3. Eggs - 2 pcs.

4. Sugar - approximately 130 g (can and more, it all depends on your taste).

5. Flour - 1 cup (250 g).

5. Creamy oil - 0.5 packs.

6. Bustyer - 5 g.

First of all, you need flour, baking powder and cocoa to sift through the sieve and mix well. The oil in advance soften and take it with a mixer, gradually adding sugar. Here we break the eggs and pour yogurt. Mix all the mass to homogeneity.

In the liquid mixture, gradually add flour, baking powder and cocoa. Only a mixer do not be whipped, but mix with a neat wooden blade. Now our dough is ready, you can scatter it according to the molds that need to be pre-lubricated with oil.

Put the campack in the oven for 180 degrees and bake 25 minutes. Periodically check for the readiness of the match or toothpick. Remember that the molds need to be filled with half, as the dough will rise.

Bread on yogurt

Try this recipe that is different from others with its simplicity and originality. Any baking from yogurt is fine and delicious. The same applies to bread. To make it preparation you need products:

1. Flour - 500 g.

2. Salt - 3 g

3. Soda - 5 g or 1 tsp.

4. Drinking yogurt - 1 package (400-450 g).

On yogurt bread is obtained by air and gentle. Mix all the dry ingredients and gradually add yogurt there, stirring with a wooden spatula. Then on the table distribute flour, put the dough on it and knead well. Watch that there is no lumps.

Now heat the oven to 180 degrees. Meanwhile, the dough should stand about 10 minutes. So that it does not get taught, cover with a clean towel. Put the dough into the shape and put in the oven. After 30 minutes, check the bread match. If it remains the dough, let it be baked for about 15 minutes.

Baking from yogurt is delicious, gentle and air desserts that can be prepared both on a festive table and for breakfast for the whole family.

However, you need to know a few secrets of cooking:

1. In order for the dough to remain air and gentle, it is impossible to beat it for a long time. If possible, it is better to use a wooden or silicone spatula.

2. If the creamy oil is broken for a long time, it will cut, it is formed a lot of lumps, as a result, the dessert will be spoiled. Therefore, it is better to soften the fork.

3. In the dough for caps, you can add fresh fruits or berries, and a ready-made dessert to lubricate with cream. It turns out a delicious and unforgettable baking from yogurt, which can be surprised by guests.

4. The bread will be even tastier if you add poppy, seeds or seeds in the dough.

5. If the dough on the mannik is too liquid, you can thicken it with flour. However, do not overdo it, as the taste will spoil a little, and the dough itself may not rise.

6. Do not put the dough into the cold oven, because it does not fit as it should. First hear it at least up to 150 degrees.