What essential oil improves your mood? Essential oils for mood

What essential oil improves your mood?  Essential oils for mood
What essential oil improves your mood? Essential oils for mood

Improving your emotional state with the help of aromas. Essential oils for mood. How to eliminate insomnia with essential oil. Properties of essential oils. What oil helps get rid of depression.

Each essential oil has its own characteristics and area of ​​​​impact on humans. Some oils are stimulating, while others are calming. Essential oil can adapt to the environment, improve communication between people, liberate and promote intellectual development.

List of essential oils,noteworthyto regulate the psycho-emotional sphere of a person.

  • Air— increases the tone of the nervous system, reduces the impact of stressful situations on a person. It is used to relieve nervous tension, eliminate apathy, and depression. The oil helps against chronic fatigue, especially during the off-season period. An excellent remedy for insomnia.
  • Amyris— It has a calming, relaxing property, the aroma calms, relieves nervous tension. Used to relieve stress, neurasthenia, hysteria.
  • Anise- helps to clarify consciousness, used for mental fatigue. Effectively affects a person’s emotional background. Raises tone and eliminates general fatigue. It relieves depression and relieves the effects of shock and stress. The oil has a euphoric effect. Eases the feeling of loneliness and gives a feeling of stability.
  • Orange. The aroma of joy, delight. This essential oil can cope with any emotional disorders. Especially useful for seasonal prolonged depression. It changes your mood almost instantly. Shifts your attention from your own experiences to the outside world. Great for capricious children, for eternal whiners, people who are dissatisfied with everything at once... and even before something happens. The aroma of Sweet Orange tones the nervous system, adapts to stressful situations, reduces tension and anxiety. Eliminates gloomy thoughts and puts you in a working mood. Helps develop a positive outlook on the world. It lifts your spirits, relieves loneliness, and awakens interest in the outside world. The aroma of the oil is strong and pleasant to the sense of smell, an antidepressant. It’s not for nothing that doctors recommend that patients suffering from spring depression eat oranges.
  • Basil. Essential oil is a strong tonic. It is considered perhaps the best remedy for a depleted nervous system. Basil helps to cope with prolonged depression and eliminates the consequences of overwork. Eliminates irritability, tearfulness, excessive sensitivity. Raises self-esteem, allows you to have your own view of what is happening. Makes a person more self-confident and independent. Significantly affects memory improvement. Used in gerontology for senile sclerosis. For those who have decided to get rid of bad habits (drug addiction, smoking, alcohol addiction), the aroma of Basil will help cope with withdrawal symptoms.
  • Bay - gives a constant tonic, warming effect. It is able to eliminate depression and is used for general fatigue. Eliminates symptoms associated with anxiety: tremulus, sweating, chills, nervous tics. Helps cope with feelings of loneliness and endure the loss of a loved one. Promotes rapid rehabilitation after illness. Tones the nervous system and invigorates. Adapts to difficult life circumstances.
  • Bergamot. Bergamot essential oil has the ability to act directly on the central nervous system. The oil calms, eliminates stress, relieves anxiety. Due to its properties, it may well replace tranquilizers. The positive thing is that bergamot does not cause side sedatives. The aroma makes a person more relaxed and interesting in communication. Self-esteem rises and a personal character is formed. Bergamot improves mental activity and increases concentration. Allows you to quickly absorb information and promotes perseverance. Bergamot develops creativity, helps tired businessmen, students, and schoolchildren. Bergamot is often called the “business lady” scent. Wonderful adaptogenic scent. It is often used by car enthusiasts to relieve stress on the road. Bergamot brings lightness and freedom, leads to victory over oneself and seething passions.
  • Vanilla an amazing aroma that can instantly create a special mood. Its smell is reminiscent of the best days of a person's life. It smells like milk chocolate, birthday, vanilla cake and ice cream. Vanilla is a unique antidepressant. This aroma eliminates all negative emotions and instills joy, peace, a sense of reliability and at the same time a feeling of serenity. Vanilla eliminates insomnia. Affects mental processes. Calms an anxious mind and helps to concentrate on the main thing. It awakens creativity and encourages creative thinking. With this aroma all sorrows fly away. What remains is the most important, valuable, and most precious thing - life and love.
  • Vetiveria - a very effective oil in Aromapsychology. It is considered to be the best aromatic antidepressant. It acts directly on the human nervous system. Gently calms, eliminates depression and panic. Creates inner peace, eliminates the feeling of danger, creates a sense of stability. An excellent replacement for drug tranquilizers. Helps against physical and mental fatigue, restores sleep, and provides complete rest. Vetiver oil has hormonotropic properties, so this fragrance is used for women suffering from postpartum depression. Many people complain about the smell, but I think it's charming. He has the power to get you out of any emotional stupor. It brings the state back to normal, allows you to see life “as it is”, without illusions. Vetiver restores mental strength, harmonizes, and calms. Normalizes sleep. Restores interest in other people, improves connections and relationships.
  • Carnation - has a noticeable effect on the central nervous system. The aroma can quickly restore a person after suffering stress or heavy physical exertion. Affects mental activity, increases memory capacity. Relieves nervousness, hysteria, and relieves increased irritability. Calms nervous tremors.
  • Geranium. Geranium essential oil is an effective tonic for the nervous system. It is great for eliminating apathetic states. Helps you overcome prolonged depression, wakes you up, invigorates. Eliminates anxiety and fears. Gives a positive charge of fun and joy. Activates mental activity. It is used in gerontology to lift spirits and take away sad thoughts of death and illness. Awakens the desire to live.
  • Grapefruit, This is a sunny scent. It affects the central nervous system. And, of course, like all solar plants, it eliminates manic-depressive states. Gives joy, happiness, eliminates painful thoughts, relieves apathetic moods. Makes you look at the world more positively and leave your attention there. Promotes communication, liberates, calms nervousness, eliminates criticism towards other people. Grapefruit is very effective for recovery after a long illness. The oil harmonizes - in one case it can act as a sedative, and in another – a tonic. But as a result, the patient’s condition always improves. It prevents the development of atherosclerosis, which is why it is so successfully used in gerontology.
  • Jasmine has a unique effect on the central nervous system. It is an active antidepressant. Jasmine almost instantly evokes a feeling of euphoria, takes a person away from sad thoughts, and eliminates the feeling of depression. Tones and relaxes at the same time. It has a gentle effect on any condition, as if adapting to a person’s individuality. The aroma of Jasmine stabilizes, increases activity, and helps to gain confidence in oneself and in the future. Its effect is similar to doping, but without side effects. Influences the processes of mental activity, promotes the development of creativity, creativity of thinking, originality of expression of a view of the world.
  • Ylang-ylang- has a relaxing effect directly on the human central nervous system. Its aroma seems to hypnotize, calm, and have a beneficial effect on the emotional background. It eliminates irritability, lowers adrenaline in the blood, and helps eliminate stress. It rehabilitates after severe life losses, improves sleep, and restores peace of mind. Gives positive, calm emotions. Allows you to understand what is happening around you without unnecessary fuss and make the right decisions in difficult situations.
  • Ginger. The scent of self-awareness and self-esteem. It leads to a better understanding of one's inner world. It is used to eliminate psycho-emotional disorders. Extinguishes negative emotions of fear, aggression, apathy. Ginger helps you understand yourself, your place in life and among people. It helps in creative work and gives initiative. Promotes creativity and plans for future life. Gives a strong interest in life. Helps in the implementation of plans. Eliminates unwanted states of self-doubt, dissatisfaction with others, and criticality. Promotes personal growth. Develops tolerance towards loved ones, improves communication and understanding. Restores after prolonged depression and illness. It affects mental processes, strengthens memory, stimulates, promotes work mood, and activates brain resources. Sobers up, relieves intoxication.
  • Hyssop- a very strong and well-known adaptogenic aroma. Hyssop essential oil is used to adapt to various life situations. Strengthens willpower and spirit. Improves relationships with loved ones and strangers. Increases endurance and adds vitality. Promotes stability and thoroughness, allows you to make the right decisions. Harmonizes personality.
  • Cardamom-used to eliminate the effects of depression. The oil has a tonic effect on the human central nervous system. It invigorates, returns to an active lifestyle after stress and illness. Changes your mood in a positive way. It brings you out of melancholy, drives away sad thoughts, and instills in a person confidence in your own strength.
  • Cassia, Chinese cinnamon oil has a positive effect on a person’s emotional state. It has a tonic, stimulating effect. The aroma evokes a feeling of warmth, vigor, gives energy, and sets you up for an active lifestyle. Opens up the prospect of tomorrow. Eliminates melancholic moods. Awakens survival instincts. Makes a person more confident in their abilities.
  • Kayaput has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. It is used to eliminate hysteria and epilepsy. It helps to cope with obsessive states such as nervous tics, vomiting, and convulsions. The aroma has a tonic, invigorating effect on the human psyche. Affects the ability to think clearly and confidently. Restores after a long illness, rehabilitates.
  • Atlas cedar is a sedative aroma. It has a very beneficial effect on a person’s mental state. It pacifies, creates a comfortable state in a person’s soul, reconciles with oneself and others. The oil relieves tension, relaxes, and eliminates insomnia. Makes sleep restful and dreams prosperous and pleasant. The oil can be used in the bedroom before bed or to scent bed linen.
  • Virginia cedar. Cedar essential oil strengthens a person’s strong-willed qualities. Cedar gives strength and spiritual energy. It allows you to purposefully move towards your goal and achieve victory. Essential oil of Virginia Cedar is a soft sedative aroma. It has a very beneficial effect on a person’s mental state. The oil relieves tension, relaxes, and eliminates insomnia. Relieves attacks of anger, aggression, hysteria. Used more effectively for chronic conditions than for exacerbations. For example, with prolonged depression.
  • Cypress has a calming and relaxing effect on the central nervous system. This is a mild hypnotic. It improves concentration and helps restore memory. The oil gently relieves depression and eliminates apathetic, pessimistic mood.
  • Coriander. This is what Borodino bread smells like. It relaxes, pacifies, eliminates negative moods. “Dissolves” energy clots. Directs attention to the best, constructive, kind. Coriander oil does not have a strong effect on the central nervous system. However, it still has some stimulating effect. It eliminates melancholic conditions. Brings you out of apathy, relieves fatigue, warms you up. Creates a cozy feeling of inner comfort. Saturates with energy, relieves fatigue. Coriander affects mental activity. It clears the mind, improves memory. Eliminates confusion and vanity of thoughts. Relieves dizziness
  • Cinnamon An excellent tonic for mental fatigue. It eliminates depression, negative emotions, fear, resentment, tearfulness, and aggression. Oil activates creativity. Gives energy, warms, awakens joyful emotions, inspires enthusiasm, improves performance. Eliminates inferiority complexes and indifference to others. Helps to establish communication and liberates.
  • Lavender. A widely known aroma in Aromatherapy. This essential oil protects, relaxes, calms, eliminates anxiety, creates harmony, and balances. Lavender puts thoughts in order and eliminates vanity. Lavender essential oil is a very mild oil. This scent is a powerful cleanser for our emotions. It’s not for nothing that it got its name from the Latin word for “to wash” - lavare. Lavender is considered one of the most effective means of influencing the central nervous system. It is a very strong sedative for manic-depressive states. It is used for various disorders of the nervous system, irritability, fatigue, tiredness, overexcitation, depression and insomnia. Lavender brings peace and tranquility to the soul. This is a herbal tranquilizer that is not addictive, does not accumulate in the body and does not produce side effects. Lavender extinguishes attacks of aggression, helps to avoid quarrels, conflicts, and problems. Restores the psyche after excessive consumption of alcohol and nicotine.
  • Incense. Scientists have proven that the aroma of incense contains incensol acetate, a powerful antidepressant. In small quantities, incense contains the same substance as hashish - tetrahydrocannabinol, a brain biocatalyst. That is why when using frankincense essential oil, peace comes, relief from nervous tension, and powerful production of serotonin, the hormone of joy. Frankincense oil is used for nervous exhaustion, depression, and panic attacks.
  • Laurel Noble. The scent of a winner. Helps to cope with any negative emotions, elevates a person, allows him to be kinder and more tolerant of people. Gives nobility. Helps you purposefully move towards your goal and achieve it. Laurus nobilis is great for speakers, lecturers, politicians, actors, and people working with the public. It eliminates internal anxiety, fear, and gives self-confidence.
  • Lime has a harmonizing and calming effect on the central nervous system. Lime oil eliminates the effects of stress, fear, aggression, and anxiety. Normalizes the psyche, gently copes with chronic insomnia. At the same time, it relieves drowsiness during the day, invigorates, and gives vitality. Has a beneficial effect on mental activity. Improves concentration, helps improve memory. Increases the ability to assimilate the material being studied. It is used to resolve mood swings during menopause in women.
  • Lemongrass has a tonic effect on the central nervous system. Lemongrass relieves fatigue and restores tone. The oil affects mental activity. It improves concentration, activates brain processes, increases the ability to memorize and assimilate a subject. The oil improves performance and adapts to difficult conditions of the outside world. Gives emotions of joy and enthusiasm. Eliminates inferiority complexes.
  • Lemon It has a tonic and stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Lemon creates a surge of fresh energy. Provides sufficient energy for new achievements. Lemon oil stimulates the production of serotonin. Gives positive emotions, drives away sad thoughts, eliminates depression. Helps to adapt to difficult conditions of the outside world. Promotes mental activity. Increases concentration. This is the favorite oil of the “office plankton”; students and car enthusiasts love it. Its effect on the body is similar to that of caffeine, of which it is an antagonist.
  • Marjoram It has a calming effect on the central nervous system. The aroma reduces anxiety and relieves stress. The oil is indicated to eliminate hyperactivity. It eliminates vanity and eases nervous tension. Has a positive effect on mental activity. Clears the mind, puts thoughts in order. Promotes making the right, meaningful decisions
  • Mandarin has a relaxing effect. It relieves increased irritability, tension eliminates physical and emotional fatigue. Helps cope with panic conditions, fear, anxiety, aggression. This is one of the best remedies against seasonal depression. Mandarin helps cope with the consequences of severe and long-term illnesses, and promotes rehabilitation after operations. Takes you out of a midlife crisis. It is considered the best remedy for children and the elderly. It calms those who show too many unnecessary emotions, and awakens those who are frozen in apathetic silence.
  • Melissa. This essential oil has the property of awakening the defenses in the body. She calms, gives peace and self-confidence. Sets you in a positive mood. Leads thoughts in a positive direction. Melissa allows you to see things as they exist in the real world. Invented fears and doubts will be driven away. The aroma of Melissa has a relaxing effect on the central nervous system. It has a harmonizing effect. The oil eliminates the effects of stress and relieves shock. Gently eliminates irritability, anxiety, panic attacks, aggression, anger and anger. It has a positive effect on people prone to melancholy and suicidal tendencies. Melissa inspires, inspires optimism, and sets us up for the best. The aroma eliminates insomnia, extinguishes cardiac excitability, calms and pacifies. When used systematically, it has a positive effect on mental activity. It improves memory. Increases abilities, promotes creativity.
  • Myrrh used to eliminate depression. It increases tone and alleviates the consequences of mental trauma and loss. Eliminates anxiety, panic and apathy. Positively affects mental activity. Eliminates vanity, calms, raises to a new level.
  • Myrtle adapts the human psyche to stressful situations. Restores harmony, balances the emotional background. Myrtle normalizes the autonomic nervous system. Eliminates negative emotions, fear, anger, relieves irritability. Gives vitality and energy. Promotes quick fall asleep and restful sleep.
  • Juniper from berries has a tonic and strengthening effect on the central nervous system. The oil eliminates the effects of stress. Restores the body as a whole. Removes panic, eliminates anger, aggression, anxiety. Juniper restores the psyche and normalizes sleep. Helps to confront difficult situations, reconciles when communicating with negative people. Useful for mental activity, clarifies thoughts, brings you into the present, invigorates, raises tone and general mood.
  • Carrot improves the general condition of a person, helps to cope with oneself in a stressful situation. Gives a feeling of warmth, comfort, stability. It has a positive effect on mental activity, clarifies thoughts, improves memory and intellectual activity
  • Nutmeg It has a warming effect on the nervous system and raises tone. The oil eliminates nervous tremors. Helps you adapt to a difficult situation. Improves general condition. Restores after suffering stress. Improves relationships with people, extinguishes conflicts. Helps cope with feelings of loneliness. Helps you perceive the world as it is, and enjoy the little things. Nutmeg improves mental processes, increases memory, and shows abilities.
  • Clary Sage has a gentle effect on the psyche and calms the nervous system. The aroma induces a state of euphoria and evokes the illusion of well-being. Helps with nervous disorders, eliminates nervous tremors, relieves convulsions. Relieves fatigue, relieves depression, stimulates brain function. Eliminates panic. Significantly improves overall well-being. Relieves post-alcoholic depression. Harmonizes, balances the emotional background, aligns the psyche. Significantly improves mood. Promotes the development of intuition. Not addictive.
  • Peppermint- aroma psychostimulant, aromatic adaptogen. It activates brain activity, improves memory and the ability to absorb information. Helps prevent senile sclerosis. Restores physical and emotional strength. Adapts to any life situation. Eliminates the effects of shock, relieves tension. Extinguishes negative emotions, anger, aggression, indignation.
  • Neroli- an excellent antidepressant. Eliminates asthenic and depressive states, the consequences of the resulting shock, evokes bright emotions of joy, delight, admiration. Relieves feelings of loneliness and fear. Gives a feeling of reliability, stability, confidence in the future. Gives a state of peace. This is a nourishing, restorative aroma for meditative exercises.
  • Palmarosa. An aroma that elevates the bustle. Palmarosa reveals something new in a person, unknown even to himself. It instills self-confidence and takes it to a new level. It lifts your spirits, instills confidence and self-esteem. Palmarosa helps find a new solution to a very old problem. Helps to rise above the problem and consider it from all sides. An excellent antidepressant. Palmarosa calms, relieves stress, eliminates tension, but does not cause drowsiness, tones. Palmarosa eliminates inferiority complexes. Activates mental activity, clears the mind, helps improve memory. The aroma relieves depression, oppression, and loneliness. Revives you to life, helps you make plans for life. Directs thoughts in a constructive direction, improves analytics.
  • Patchouli. The aroma of Patchouli has the ability to strengthen the exhausted nervous system. It is considered a strong antidepressant and aromatic adaptogen. It calms, balances, but does not have a sedative effect, but on the contrary, tones and inspires. Brings the psyche into balance, eliminates obsessive fears and anxieties. Directs attention to the positive aspects of life. Frees you from painful memories and gives you joyful emotions. The scent of Patchouli awakens creativity. Frees thoughts, feelings and soul. Amazing masculine scent. Women really like him. Patchouli gives men energy, masculinity, assertiveness, courage and determination. The aroma of Patchouli relieves tension, balances, puts a person above the situation and allows you to make the right decisions.
  • Petitgrain. The aroma is renewal, an elixir of youth. Petitgrain essential oil eliminates depression, relieves anxiety, and alleviates loss. Relieves insomnia. Clarifies the mind, puts thoughts and emotions in order. The aroma of Petitgrain relaxes, relieves tension, and invigorates. Gives delightful aesthetic emotions. Promotes creativity, improves memory. Helps you concentrate when absorbing a large amount of information. The oil is suitable for students and artists, for those who set goals and win.
  • Parsley from seeds. This scent is used for mental fatigue. Helps cope with the absorption of large amounts of information. Relieves nervous and emotional tension.
  • Fir. A life-affirming aroma. Siberian Fir oil perfectly tones and relieves chronic fatigue. Fir increases performance and endurance. The aroma puts you in a positive mood and relieves depression. Helps to leave illusions and vain dreams, sobers up. Promotes mental and physical activity.
  • Rose. The aroma of protection, a kind of amulet. Allows you to connect thoughts with feelings. Heals deep emotional wounds. Calms panic conditions. A rose instills a feeling of love in the soul. It opens up new resources within a person, makes him trusting and open to new feelings. Old grievances and negative emotions go away without leaving a trace. This essential oil delicately helps cope with psychosomatic diseases.
  • Pink tree. A relaxing scent, very sunny and invigorating. Rosewood essential oil is used to eliminate irritability and relieve depression and the effects of stress. The aroma restores strength and relaxes. Used for relaxation exercises. Rosewood gives strength, patience, helps to cope with life circumstances, and endure the loss of a loved one. Rosewood helps you find yourself as a person and cope with base vices: envy, jealousy, anger.
  • Chamomile. Chamomile gives us tolerance and, if you may, tolerance. Improves understanding of other people, gives freedom and respect for other people's freedom. Brings peace and tranquility to the soul. Helps you discover yourself. Eliminates negative emotions. Allows you to pay attention to your own desires and needs. Chamomile essential oil has a relaxing and calming effect on the human psyche. Helps with depression, eliminates anxiety, hysteria, irritability, relieves stress. Helps cope with postpartum depression. Helps with headaches, migraines. Restores the body after nervous shock. It eliminates insomnia, makes sleep calm and deep, relieves spasms and cramps. Reduces hyperactivity in restless children.
  • WITHAndal. This is the scent of loneliness. He opens his soul wide open. Allows you to forget past grievances and misunderstandings. Sandalwood allows you to find peace and integrity. Eliminates aggression towards people. Contains negative emotions. Sandalwood helps to cope with an unwanted situation and come out of it with your head held high.
  • Pine. This is the scent of vitality. Pine essential oil relieves fear, feelings of helplessness and loneliness. It gives strength to live even under very unfavorable life circumstances. Eliminates fear and reluctance to live on. It opens up perspective and inspires hope for a better tomorrow. The oil has a very broad spectrum of effects. It relieves fatigue and eliminates tension. Helps cope with anger and attacks of aggression. Stimulates, tones, allows you to see life from a positive point of view.
  • Thyme. An amazing aroma that can eliminate differences between people. Allows you to see someone else's point of view and accept the unpleasant truth. Thyme eliminates internal contradictions, doubts, and indecision. Helps resolve protracted conflict. Thyme essential oil is used to stimulate mental processes, improve memory, and promote concentration. It affects the emotional mood, increases tone, and gives energy. Leads to overall harmonization. Eliminates depression. Calms nervous tremors. Helps cope with losses, heals old emotional wounds, takes it to a new level. Helps you look at the future with optimism.
  • Thuja. Thuja essential oil restores strength after physical and mental stress. Increases resistance to stressful situations, helps to adapt in difficult situations. Eliminates emotional distress. Strengthens the work of the heart chakra. Helps with insomnia, eliminates disturbing dreams.
  • Yarrow. One of the most valuable essential oils. The aroma is strength of spirit. Yarrow is a faithful helper for very vulnerable people and those who have inferiority complexes. It promotes sociability, allows a person to open up and understand himself. Helps prevent stress. Yarrow essential oil relieves depression, especially in women during hormonal changes. Gently eliminates irritability, calms, and leads to a state of peace. Perfectly restores sleep, makes it calm and deep.
  • Dill from seeds. The aroma relieves depression, relieves nervousness, calms, has a sedative effect, and calms. Essential oil of Dill from seeds leads to mental normality and makes a person adequate to the situation. Promotes mutual understanding. The smell eliminates aggression and allows you to look at the world from a positive point of view. An excellent remedy for insomnia.
  • Fennel. Stabilizing aroma. Normalizes the emotional background, calms, relieves stress, eliminates nervousness. Promotes personality development and instills self-confidence. Eliminates dependence on the opinions of others. Fennel essential oil enhances mental activity and stimulates memory. Relieves feelings of loneliness. Eliminates panic conditions and fears. Gives you the opportunity to see things “as they are”, without illusions.
  • Citronella. Citronella essential oil helps change life, make it more rich and interesting. The aroma instills joy, cheerfulness, and awakens energy. Encourages activity. Encourages communication. Relieves depression. Increases performance, improves memory and attention. The oil is great for schoolchildren and students. Helps you pass exams and prepare for tests. Concentrates attention, promotes the development of intelligence. Recommended for car drivers as a salon aromatizer. Oil will make you more confident and attentive on the road.
  • Thyme. The aroma changes your mood and instills confidence in the future. At a reduced dosage, Thyme essential oil calms and brings harmony. Thyme restores strength and copes with chronic fatigue.
  • Tea tree. The aroma aligns the psyche, relieves anxiety, and increases resistance to stressful situations. Tea tree essential oil gives self-confidence, calms and liberates, relieves fatigue, increases performance, promotes memory and intellectual development, stimulates mental activity, and helps recover after a long illness.
  • Black pepper. Black Pepper essential oil remarkably stimulates brain function, improves concentration, and helps strengthen memory. Eliminates hysteria and attacks of despondency. Sets you in a positive mood. Awakens initiative, gives strength and energy. Gives you self-confidence. A strong antidepressant.
  • Salvia Officinalis. The aroma has a very gentle effect on the psyche and calms the nervous system. Salvia officinalis essential oil relieves fatigue, relieves depression, and stimulates brain function. Eliminates panic. Promotes the development of intuition.
  • Eucalyptus. A scent that can restore the body after stress. Eucalyptus essential oil is a known antidepressant. It enhances concentration, improves mood, promotes intellectual activity, enables analytical thinking, eliminates drowsiness, relieves fatigue, and physical inactivity.

Sharova Olga, with love...

Aromatherapy is an ancient art, designed to help the body heal illnesses with the help of pleasant odors. However, with the help of aromas, you can heal the soul with even greater success: essential oils cleanse emotions, have a beneficial effect on mood, help you believe in yourself, forgive others, calm down and relax.

Fragrances can affect mood and evoke memories. The smell of grandma's pies, smoke from a fire or the perfume of a loved one - after all, each of these aromas is associated with many emotions that, as if by magic, transport you through time, reminding you of something beautiful and, perhaps, making you at least temporarily a little kinder . The connection between scents, emotions and memories is inextricable.

Long before scientists began studying the physiological processes underlying this connection, people learned to harness the power of essential oils in their daily lives.

Through the centuries

Essential oils are perhaps the most convenient and powerful way to experience the beneficial effects of aromas, because they are highly concentrated plant extracts obtained by distillation or cold pressing from plant material. This technology has been known to mankind since ancient times.

Many ancient cultures, including those in India, China and Persia, left documents that described in detail the effects of aromas on a person’s mental state, on his feelings and emotions.

The Egyptians, in particular, made extensive use of incense and aromatic oils in their religious rituals. Kyphi - Egyptian incense, which has already become almost a legend, contained at least 16 components - essential oils and resins, such as juniper oil, cinnamon and myrrh. Kiphi was used by Egyptian priests to facilitate the achievement of ecstatic states during religious rituals.

Bathing treatments were very popular among the ancient Romans and, as a result, aromatherapy and the use of essential oils also flourished. For example, the Romans widely used frankincense and cypress essential oils to help them cope with personal grief, and ylang-ylang and juniper to cope with feelings of guilt.

In the Ancient East, in harems, aphrodisiac essential oils were highly valued. Thus, to this day, the aromas of sandalwood and rose are associated with languid concubines and voluptuous padishahs, and the essential oils of vetiver, patchouli, ylang-ylang, jasmine, ginger, and clary sage are still used in compositions designed to ignite sexual desire.

The impact of essential oils on human emotions: modern times

Not much has changed since ancient civilizations and people are still affected by scents. Modern aromatherapists study the effect of essential oils on a person, how his activity, sexual desire, and aggression change under the influence of a particular aroma. It has been proven that these changes are significant; experiments have even been conducted using EEG.

Naturally, someone will always want to take advantage of such an effect, and it will not necessarily be your attending physician. For example, recently there has been a rather funny trend: cunning sellers are even trying to encourage customers to impulsively spend money by scenting the air in stores. This, of course, does not always work, because only natural essential oils seriously affect a person, and synthetic fragrances often only cause irritation and headaches.

However, you yourself can quite consciously help yourself by using essential oils and knowing about their effect on emotions and mental state. Citrus oils, for example, are uplifting, gently stimulating and promote concentration, while essential oils of lavender, sage, and Roman chamomile are relaxing and soothing.

With this knowledge, you can create an effective DIY tonic: Apply three or four drops of grapefruit oil to a small piece of paper, roll it into a cone and leave it on your desk - this simple operation will help you concentrate on an important project. And if after a hard day at work you want to relax, do the same with clary sage essential oil.

Essential oils that will change your mood

  • the desire to eat something sweet, the sadness of a failed idea? The sweet aroma of vanilla essential oil will help;
  • stress and overexertion caused by too much workload? Use essential oils of jasmine, frankincense, ylang-ylang, grapefruit, lavender, sandalwood, geranium, rose, bergamot, benzoin, vetiver, mandarin or Roman chamomile;
  • difficult memories, feelings of guilt – can’t part with the past? Use juniper essential oil;
  • Jasmine essential oil will help with loss of strength and loss of self-confidence;
  • if you are disappointed in others and lack faith in the future, try essential oils of bay laurel, bergamot, cypress, grapefruit, jasmine, rosemary or orange blossom;
  • for mild depression, essential oils of frankincense, lemon, grapefruit, jasmine, clary sage, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, geranium, orange, neroli and immortelle will help lift your mood;
  • for feelings of anxiety and lack of confidence in one’s own safety, essential oils of incense, jasmine, sandalwood, vetiver, cedar and bergamot are recommended;
  • To avoid feeling lonely, use essential oils of rose, clary sage, frankincense and immortelle.

One type of alternative medicine is aromatherapy, which literally means healing with aromas. Let's try to figure out how different aromas of essential oils affect our mood and our health.

What is the smell? Smell- this is a kind of provocateur of our emotions. For example, we always have pleasant memories when we smell fresh baked goods, mown hay or summer rain.

But there are other smells that can evoke good emotions and thereby lift your spirits. These include those collected from flowers, fruits, bark, and plant roots.

Aromatherapy was known to the ancient Egyptians. Initially, they used aromas in religious rites, fumigating temples, palaces of the pharaohs and even the houses of the poor. Then Egyptian healers noticed that aromas had beneficial effects on health.

It’s not for nothing that the Egyptians called the nose “the center of the skull.” However, the Egyptians only used solutions and rubbing. They were not aware of other methods of isolating essential oils. A little later, the Greeks began to use essential oils quite widely in medicine, and the Romans used them in baths.

The Arabs improved their knowledge of aromatherapy. They pioneered the use of distillation, or steam distillation, to extract aromatic oils from rose petals. This invention is attributed to the doctor Avicena. To this day, pure essential oils are extracted from many plant species in this way. At the same time, active study of essential oils and their therapeutic effect began.

In Europe during the Middle Ages, the development of aromatherapy froze; in those days they did not particularly care about beauty, health of body and spirit.

Changes began to occur after the Crusades, from which the Crusaders brought booty with them. And then Arabic incense became widespread in Europe. A start had been made, but it still took quite a long time before the level of European hygiene culture rose to the level of eastern countries.

In Russia, aromatherapy became known thanks to Peter I, who opened a window to Europe.

There is still no single exact formulation, but most scientists believe that essential oils- these are odorous substances produced by essential oil plants that are of practical value. Currently, more than three thousand plants from which essential oils are isolated have been studied.

But how does this medicine affect our body? Why, without taking anything inside, with one breath, processes in the body that were dormant until that moment are activated?

The mechanism of action of essential oils can simply be described as follows. The olfactory nerve receptors are located on the mucous membrane of our nose. With its help we smell. When essential oil molecules enter the nose, they irritate this nerve and it sends impulses to the brain, to the limbic system, or more simply, our subconscious.

It is the subconscious that regulates processes such as memory, relations between the sexes, the cardiovascular and hormonal systems. Thus, by sensing any aroma, an entire system of controlling the entire body is launched in the body.

Therefore, what a person inhales is very important. Natural essential oils help a person live in harmony with nature and with himself.

How do essential oils affect our mood?

From the very morning, the whole wide world is not nice, the mood is much worse, loss of strength, everything falls out of hand and all attempts to put oneself in order end in tears. Even a cup of coffee and a piece of chocolate doesn’t help cheer you up and your soul is still miserable.

Having suffered all day in a bad mood, you suffer from insomnia at night and in the morning the situation repeats itself again. I think this picture is familiar to each of us firsthand. How to get out of captured negative emotions?

Essential oils will come to the rescue.

The effect of various essential oils on our well-being and mood:

  • Orange like an accumulator of sunlight, it is able to dispel sad thoughts, helps to get out of a depressive state, and gives a feeling of calm. It also relieves stress and helps you develop a more positive outlook on the world around you. Great for boosting strength.
  • Basil also has a tonic effect on the nervous system and helps overcome depression and hysteria.
  • Bergamot relieves depression, relieves anxiety and fear.
  • Carnation has a stimulating and positive effect, activates brain cells, improves memory, helps relieve lethargy and apathetic mood.
  • Grapefruit restores strength and vigor, elevates mood, calms the nervous system, and has a mild hypnotic effect.
  • Spruce is a good psychostimulant, relieves tension and nervousness.
  • Jasmine is a very effective antidepressant and fights insomnia.
  • Ylang-ylang has a very deep calming and relaxing effect. Relieves feelings of fear and anger, eliminates tension and anxiety. Effective for insomnia and fatigue.
  • Ginger useful for apathy and despondency. Strengthens memory and sharpens perception. Well stimulates when tired.
  • Cinnamon is an excellent tonic for physical and mental fatigue and depression.
  • Lavender has a beneficial effect on both the physical and emotional state of a person, pacifies anger, increases tone and helps to be calmer about what is happening around.
  • Incense creates a spiritual mood, gives a feeling of peace, helps to put thoughts in order.
  • Myrrh increases resistance to stress, helps with insomnia, apathy, and excessive excitement.
  • Neroli acts as a sleeping pill, helps get rid of depression and stress, hysteria and shock. Gives a feeling of peace.
  • Rose has a calming effect during attacks of anger, jealousy, eliminates anxiety, relieves nervous tension, increases the sense of charm and self-attractiveness.

They play a big role in our life. With their help, we can make a fairy tale out of gray everyday life and be transported to a world full of fantasies. Having a positive effect on our physical and mental state, fragrances give us and help us find harmony with the world around us.

Use aromatherapy wisely and have a good mood!

Video: AROMA - Zorba's Dance (Sirtaki)

One of the variations on the theme of the popular Greek dance Sirtaki. The remix of "Zomba's Dance" written by Rico Bernasconi is a catchy tune that you will listen to again and again.

Essential oils, when penetrated through the skin or through the respiratory system, have a direct effect on the brain. Molecules of aromatic oil also have the ability to influence the chemical composition of the body, promoting regeneration (restoration) of skin tissue, they increase immunity, uplift and soothe.

Aromatherapy recipes to lift your mood

Recipe 1

Get rid of irritation and fatigue Essential oils will help you jasmine, daisies, marjoram, roses, palmarosa, ylang-ylang or rosemary. Add 35 drops of your favorite essential oil to the water.

There should be 120 ml of water. Pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle and mix thoroughly by shaking it. Use the mixture as a body spray.

Recipe 2

To cheer up, mix essential oils: 30 drops each lemongrass And ylang-ylang, 20 drops each benzoin, carnations And cumin. We dilute the mixture with 120 ml of water and pour it into a container with a sprinkler. Shake, mix well, and sprinkle around.

Recipe 3

Now let's figure out how cope with emotional insecurities, aggression, depression and fear. Mix 2 drops jasmine and rose oil, add 5 drops incense oil and half a tablespoon of carrier oil jojoba.

Pour everything into a dark glass container. Shake vigorously before use, then apply a few drops of the composition at the base of the spine.

Recipe 4

If needed cheer up, prepare an exciting mixture of oils. To do this, mix: 20 drops cinnamon, 40 drops each carnations, myrrh, roses, 60 drops patchouli, 1 teaspoon of oil from rosewood. Dilute the resulting mixture with a base oil, adding 60 ml of oil grape seeds or jojoba. Store the oil mixture in dark glass. Shake the bottle well before use. Apply a few drops of oil to the torso, lower back and inner thighs. This mixture should not be applied to the genital area or near the eyes; cinnamon oil irritates the mucous membrane.

When and how aromatherapy can help you

Extremely pleasant and very effective baths with aroma oils. To take a fragrant bath, you only need 6-8 drops of oil, which we dissolve in a mug of milk or a teaspoon of any vegetable oil, then add to the bath. Oil ylang-ylang will cheer you up and lavender And chamomile will calm you down and help you fall asleep. But be careful, some oils cause skin irritation.

A wonderful way to improve your health and improve your mood is aroma lamps. They also fill any room with a pleasant aroma and clean it of dust. And to create a calm and peaceful mood, add 3-4 drops of incense or cedar oil to the aroma lamp.

They will calm you down, will increase performance and restore good spirits of the oil bergamot, lavender And tangerine.

Sensual mixture prepared from essential oils ylang-ylang, neroli, bergamot, patchouli And cypress. This mixture will be useful to you in an intimate setting: it sharpens sensitivity and improves mood and stamina.

Essential oils lavender, lemon, cypress And wormwood, if mixed drop by drop in an aroma lamp, they will drive away nervous tension and will cheer you up.

A mixture of fragrant oils mint, lemon, coriander And cypress used in classrooms and offices, as it stimulates performance and human brain activity.

Harmonizing mixture of fragrant oils orange, geraniums, juniper And lavender. This mixture has positive effect on thinking, creates an even, calm mood, helps to activate the body’s reserves in order to get out of a difficult situation with dignity and solve an important problem.

Aromatic oil mixture orange, roses, cypress, lemon balm, sandalwood And lavender will be indispensable in the evening when needed overcome fatigue, emotional, mental stress. This mixture will set you up for proper rest and restore strength.

With our rhythm of life and busy work day, it is important for us to increase the overall tone of the body and be able to lift our mood. To restore tone your body, fill yourself with vital energy and strength, use one of the following essential oils: geraniums, basilica, nutmeg, thyme, rosemary, pine trees or marjoram, dripping into the aroma lamp on your desktop.

To make invigorating, mood-boosting bath, add 2 drops of geranium oils, thyme, rosemary And marjoram.

All of the above oils will relieve physical fatigue, and basil And rosemary will help relieve mental fatigue.

From colds, to strengthen the body and boost immunity use oils lemon, eucalyptus, thyme, anise And mint.

Fragrant oils directly affect our brain, so they can be used for completely different purposes. Aromatherapy will help you solve various problems: strengthening the immune system, losing weight, increasing the body's endurance during intense nervous and psychological stress. Properly selected mixtures and combinations of essential oils will help lift your mood, make your life interesting, rich and filled with pleasant emotions.

All aromatic oils have bactericidal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Fragrant oils heal, restore the nervous system, stimulate the body’s self-regulation. They will also preserve and restore the beauty of your hair and skin.

Pleasant smells and good mood to you!

Video: Essential oils. Experts' opinion.

Essential oils and aromatherapy: uses and health benefits.

There are many different ways to improve your mood. One of them is aromatherapy.

Many plant odors are close in their chemical structure to substances that the human body produces to activate various emotional mechanisms. The “control panel” of these mechanisms is located in the limbic system, one of the most evolutionarily ancient structures of the brain, responsible for the deepest desires and strong emotions. So why not take advantage of this?

Aromatic oils support not only physical, but also mental health: they bring our feelings into balance, support and strengthen it. By regularly using essential oils, you will notice an increase in your energy and well-being. With such a positive attitude, you will be much less susceptible to illness.

Essential oils have the ability to harmonize a person’s psycho-emotional state.

Gives optimism: orange, lemon balm, yarrow.

Cheers up: geranium, coriander, cubeba, lemongrass, mandarin, lemon balm, rosewood, citronella.

Helps you get out of depression: basil, cloves, geranium, jasmine, hyssop, lemon lipia, mandarin, neroli, thyme, citronella, sage.

Returns interest in life: lemon, marjoram, rosemary.

Eliminates complexes: basil, geranium, myrrh, juniper, chamomile.

Inferiority complex: geranium, chamomile.

Helps overcome shyness: thyme.

Helps achieve success in knowledge and creativity: bergamot, lemon, sandalwood.

Revitalizes and harmonizes the energy of the family: vanilla, incense.

Personal luck: verbena, cinnamon, marjoram, lemon balm, thuja, lemongrass.

Personality Charm: bitter orange, hyssop, neroli, rose, lemongrass.

Adaptation to new conditions: lemon.

Helps overcome difficulties: angelica, marjoram, juniper, patchouli, black pepper, chamomile, thuja, fennel.

Develops integrity of nature: ginger, juniper, nutmeg.

Frees you from guilt: pine.

Suppressing fears: immortelle, ylang-ylang, marjoram, myrrh, sandalwood, fennel, sage.

Elimination of laziness, apathy: bergamot, cloves, ylang-ylang, ginger, cumin, coriander, lime, juniper, nutmeg, neroli, pine, sage, tarragon.

Mental fatigue: anise, amyris, cinnamon, lavandin, lime, mint, parsley, allspice, thyme, cumin.

Relieves stress and nervous tension: marigold, benzoin, bergamot, vetiver, angelica, ylang-ylang, cedar, lemon balm, carrot, neroli, parsley, rose.

Invigorating effect: birch, grapefruit, jasmine, ginger, cardamom, lime, myrrh, niaouli, tea tree.

Self confidence: vetiver, jasmine, rose.

Calms and balances the nervous system: lavender, incense, marjoram, rosewood, celery, violet.

Sleeping pills, relaxing: bay laurel, linden, chamomile, tangerine.

Mental clarity: marigold, bergamot, hyssop, cajuput, lemon, marjoram, juniper, carrot, niaouli, patchouli, citronella, eucalyptus.

Fills with energy, inspires: jasmine, nutmeg.

Activates mental activity: rosemary.

Relieves anxiety, restlessness: chamomile, sandalwood.

Prostration: pine.

Obviously, the range of beneficial properties is very wide. And advanced companies successfully use this. Special bouquets of odors are deliberately created in large supermarkets to “stimulate the appetite” of customers, in offices to stimulate the compliance of partners, and in workplaces to increase productivity. For example, factories in Japan specifically spray scents of lemon and flowers.

Lemon, by the way, increases mental performance by 10-20% and neutralizes harmful radiation. So, if you work at a computer, the scent of lemon is a must. And if you have an exam or a trip to the dentist, surround yourself with the scent of vetiver, jasmine or rose - this will relieve stress and give you strength and confidence.

To restore peace of mind, you need to try to free yourself from negative emotions and character traits associated with them. However, to do this you need to have a clear head and be ready to solve your problems. To achieve inner peace, use essential oils that counteract negative emotions.


The following aromatic oils help get rid of fear: benzoin, geranium, chamomile, patchouli, sandalwood and ylang-ylang - in a bath, massage oil, in an aroma lamp, as a component of homemade perfume. Fill your bedroom with the scent of lavender, neroli, petitgrain or sandalwood - and you will forget about nightmares. If you experience fear before an exam, anxiety before a trip, or have suffered a nervous shock, apply 2-3 drops of lavender, neroli, peppermint, angelica or basil oil to a handkerchief.

Mixed scents can also be used. You can cope with fear with the help of angelica, honey, rose and cedar, but first by eliminating its cause. Each person must decide for himself which of these aromatic oils will suit him best. In aromatherapy you need to rely on your own sense of smell. If a scent is not pleasurable, it will not be beneficial. If you feel afraid, add a few drops of lemon balm and basil oils (in equal proportions) to the aroma lamp.


After a long, busy day, it's often enough to have a little irritation and ruin the whole evening. To avoid this, create a calming, uplifting microclimate using geranium, lemon balm, neroli, rose or cedar oils. To quell the frustration, create a slightly erotic atmosphere by adding a few drops of patchouli or ylang-ylang.

Smells, affecting both body and soul, help to find inner balance, get rid of diseases and improve mood.


Often people suffering from depression are unable to cope with it on their own. In such cases, family or close friends should intervene. Fortunately, many aromatic substances can restore hope and self-confidence to the patient. However, they should not be applied randomly, from time to time, but consistently and over a long period of time. It is especially important in cases of depression that the patient himself selects suitable aromatic substances. Intuitively, he understands perfectly well what exactly he needs and what can help. The choice is extensive: from bergamot, geranium, jasmine, lavender, lemon balm, rose, yarrow and tonka to violet, ylang-ylang, lemon and cedar.

When dealing with depression and mental illness, it is especially important to find the scent that will be beneficial for you. The choice of essential oils that have a positive effect on the nervous system and psyche is large, and you can easily choose your own healing aroma.

To get rid of gloomy thoughts, use only those cosmetics that emit the healing aroma you have chosen.

Spray perfume with the same scent on your clothes and linen closet.

Carry a bottle of aromatic oil with you at all times (preferably neroli oil).

Before going to bed, take a bath with a pleasant aromatic oil.

Nothing helps with depression like neroli, bitter orange flower oil. Unfortunately, this substance is expensive and is usually purchased in small quantities. To obtain 1 kg of purified essential oil, it is necessary to process about a ton of orange flowers. The scent of neroli has a pronounced calming effect and drives away gloomy thoughts. Using this oil in its pure form in an aroma lamp is too much of a luxury, but it can be added to jojoba oil: the characteristic aroma of neroli does not disappear or change.

Neroli oil goes well with bergamot oil. Bergamot, the aroma of which is well known to lovers of Earl Gray tea, has a refreshing effect and improves mood.

Instead of buying a new bottle of expensive neroli oil, fill the empty bottle with jojoba oil and shake well. You will see that the smell of neroli is again quite strong.

Eucalyptus consumes a lot of water and is therefore cultivated in Europe to drain swamps. Thus, insects that spread malaria are deprived of their habitat. Eucalyptus increases the activity of red blood cells and improves the absorption of acids. With lethargy and apathy, its fresh aroma brings cheerfulness and encourages action. The antiseptic properties of eucalyptus help with colds and in the treatment of minor wounds.


Should I do this or not? Every person who needs to make an important decision asks himself this question. However, if every little thing causes long thoughts that do not lead to any result, or the decision taken entails new doubts, the smell of eucalyptus, clary sage, rosemary and lemon will help you. The essential oils of these plants bring self-confidence and help overcome indecision.

Nervous and physical exhaustion

Nervous exhaustion Treated with angelica, cajeput, camphor, peppermint, rosemary and lemon. In this case, it is best to inhale the aromatic oil from the bottle.

In case of physical exhaustion The most effective are ginger, marjoram, cloves, thyme and juniper. Some people use nutmeg and cinnamon in such cases. Basil and rosemary oils, added to a bath, in an aroma lamp, during massage and inhalation from a bottle, restore strength and refresh well.

If you feel very physically tired, add marjoram, clove and sage oils in equal parts to the water for an aroma lamp.

Inability to concentrate

For those who find it difficult to concentrate on anything, rosemary, basil, myrtle, peppermint and lemon are great help. Peppermint oil refreshes and activates intellectual abilities. Add a few drops of this oil to an aroma lamp, perfume a handkerchief with it - and your work will become easier.

Peppermint oil provides a feeling of coolness and freshness, improves memory and helps you concentrate. At home or at work, the smell of mint will bring clarity of thought and refresh your memory.


Benzoy, Peruvian balsam, bergamot, jasmine, marjoram, rose and sandalwood oils provide comfort and warmth. These potent substances alleviate a person’s suffering, whatever the cause of his experiences. Benzoya, jasmine and rose scents are suitable for bereaved children. For adults who have lost loved ones, marjoram and bergamot may be more effective. Rosemary can also bring life back and give you confidence in difficult times.


If you need to overcome apathy, regular baths, massages or aromatizing the air in the room with suitable essential oils will help.

Who is not familiar with this situation? It's time to resolve many problems, but you are unable to take any action, and then you are annoyed with yourself because of missed opportunities. Ginger, lemongrass, thyme and lemon will give you strength and help you overcome apathy.

Feelings of inferiority

This condition can manifest itself with varying strength. Some people experience it only in certain situations, for example, when one of their friends achieves great success and they have to admit with envy: “I would never achieve that.” In such cases, a little geranium, jasmine, rose or ylang-ylang oil may be recommended.

Others suffer from an inferiority complex all their lives; any minor mistake strengthens them in the opinion that they are losers and will remain so forever. The roots of this erroneous self-esteem should often be sought in early childhood. To overcome a negative experience, it is best to seek the help of a good psychotherapist.

For severe feelings of inferiority, massage helps best, but baths, as well as scented cosmetics and air in the room, also work well.

Physical fatigue

When tired and exhausted, a refreshing bath gives strength and vigor. Add some rosemary oil to the water and relax thoroughly. The fresh and spicy scent stimulates the nervous system and improves blood circulation.


Fatigue is an alarm signal with which the body makes it clear that it is overworked and needs rest. The wisest thing to do is to listen to him and rest.

However, in certain situations this turns out to be impossible, and then basil, marjoram, cloves, rose marin or thyme will help restore strength for a while. But such means can be used only in case of emergency, and not in order to deceive your body, requiring it to work hard for a long time. This attitude towards oneself can have fatal consequences and lead to serious illnesses.


Valerian, bergamot, chamomile, lavender, marjoram and sandalwood oils strengthen the nervous system and eliminate irritability. The strong, fresh scents of these plants create an atmosphere of calm and harmony.

Although nervousness is caused primarily by stress, its cause lies in the instability of the nervous system. Therefore, nervous people worry even in situations where no one and nothing makes increased demands on them. In such cases, long-term treatment with valerian, bergamot, chamomile, lavender, marjoram or sandalwood oils is advisable. These oils can be used in any combination, but they all have the same beneficial effect on the nervous system. They can be used in an aroma lamp, as well as added to bath and cosmetic products.

Depressed mood

If the whole world seems to you for a long time exclusively in shades of gray and even on the horizon there is no light in sight, use jasmine, lavender and ylang-ylang oils.

If a depressed mood does not leave you for a long time, take a bath by adding 8 drops of lavender oil, 3 drops of jasmine and 4 drops of ylang-ylang to the water.

Lack of independence

Essential oils can help release the self. If you need to overcome psychological dependence, powerlessness and depression, juniper will be your good ally. Bergamot, jasmine, rose and sandalwood strengthen courage and self-confidence in such situations.

Baths and massage improve well-being, refresh, and restore strength. Essential oils of bergamot, jasmine, rose and sandalwood help with low self-esteem and lack of independence.

Two more oils act similarly: laurel and thuja. However, these are very toxic substances and should not be ingested under any circumstances. Thuja has a negative effect on the kidneys and is contraindicated for children. When using toxic oils externally - for massage or bathing - you should be careful. They can only be treated under the supervision of a doctor.


Nowadays, almost every person suffers from a stress factor to one degree or another. Their impact begins in kindergarten and continues even after retirement. Hustle, fatigue, the pursuit of success and the accelerated pace of life, which we cannot keep up with - all this haunts us at every step. And not overcome, not overcome stress reduces our resistance to all kinds of diseases.

Regular baths with angelica, honey, chamomile, lavender, lemon balm, neroli, rose or rosemary oil will help alleviate daily stress. Inhaling aromatic oils from a bottle will help maintain strength in a stressful situation.

The first step in dealing with stress is deciding not to give in to it. Use angelica, chamomile honey, lavender, lemon balm, neroli, rose or rosemary essential oils as an aromatic bath product; in an acute stressful situation, inhale the aroma of the most pleasant oil from the bottle.


A synonym for the word “indifference” is “lethargy.” A person in such a state acts as if in a dream, without interest, out of inertia. To bring him out of such a deep sleep, you should use highly stimulating oils, but in moderate doses, and not following the saying “you can’t spoil porridge with oil.”

Pepper oil is truly a miracle cure for such cases, but, unfortunately, it often causes skin irritation. There will be no side effects when using it in an aroma lamp. In addition to pepper, we can recommend citronella, lime, thyme, cinnamon and lemon.

If you are overcome by indecision and indifference, add lime, grapefruit and rosemary oils in equal proportions to the aroma lamp.

Excessive irritability

If any little thing irritates, irritates, or interferes, you should do something as soon as possible. Excessive irritability requires serious attention. A condition that from the outside seems like empty whims can lead to physical and mental illness. For irritability, benzoin, honey essential oil and styrax quickly help.

Benzoy and the warm, sweet smell of honey have a truly wonderful effect on irritable, “tense” nerves. Those who do not like these odors can use styrax.


Weak-willed people tend to rely on other people's opinions. But this does not bring them satisfaction, since they often have to do something against their own wishes and commit actions that are intuitively perceived as wrong. However, a weak-willed person does not find the strength to object or resist the decisions of others.

But you can’t, like a puppet, live with someone else’s mind. Angelica, oregano, rosemary, sage and cypress will strengthen your character, self-esteem and the will to win. Try to use them and don’t stop, even if you don’t succeed the first time.

Of course, in severe depression, when the patient’s mental strength is completely paralyzed, the use of aromatic substances will not replace the help of a professional psychotherapist. But aromatherapy can improve your well-being and mood, and prevent worsening depression and rash decisions. Don't give in to despair!

Sooner or later you will definitely achieve success!

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