What does the staffing table of the enterprise look like? How to draw up the staffing table of the enterprise

What does the staffing table of the enterprise look like?  How to draw up the staffing table of the enterprise
What does the staffing table of the enterprise look like? How to draw up the staffing table of the enterprise

The staffing table is a mandatory personnel document that every organization must have. Usually the T-3 form is used, but you can also develop your own form, taking into account the characteristics of the organization's activities.

Staffing table for individual entrepreneurs. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation makes it clear that the employer (it does not matter: individual entrepreneur or LLC), who has entered into an employment contract with an employee, must have a staffing table. However, there is no unambiguous indication of an individual entrepreneur, in contrast to an organization.

Therefore, some of the accountants recommend in any case to have a staffing table, and the other part - to make it up with the number of employees over 3-4 people. Although in practice, many individual entrepreneurs ignore this document.

Form T-3 includes information about the divisions of the organization, the name and number of staff units in accordance with the classifier of professions and positions (OKPDTR), tariff rates of remuneration (salary, allowances). Also, for all positions, the total monthly salary costs are calculated.

The staffing table is drawn up from the beginning of the year or from the beginning of the organization's activities and approved by order of the head. The validity period of the document can be any - for example, one year or several years, depending on the decision of the head.

If in the course of the organization's activities there are any serious staffing changes (number of staffing units, job titles, tariff rates), then it would be rational to order the head to change the current staffing table, and not approve a new one.

However, with a massive layoff of workers, it is of course better to draw up a new schedule. Form T-3 is filled in by HR or accounting staff.

Staffing table- This is a document that contains information about positions, the number of staff units and tariff rates, taking into account various allowances for the structural divisions of the organization.

How to make a staffing table

The unified form No. T-3, approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of 05.01.2004 No. 1, is used as the form of the staffing table.

The staffing table is drawn up by structural divisions of the organization in the order of subordination of employees. The staffing form is filled in by an employee of the personnel department, a labor economist or an accountant. The staffing table is approved by the order of the head of the organization.

Organization's staffing table: instructions for filling out the T-3 form

We fill in the field "company name" according to the data in the constituent documents of the organization.

We put down the OKPO code of the organization.

We put the number, the date of the staffing (in the format of the day, month, year) and the period of its validity.

In the “Approved” column, we indicate the date and number of the order of the head of the organization on the approval of the staffing table, the total number of staffing units.

We proceed to filling in the table.

In the first and second columns, we indicate, respectively, the name and code of the structural unit of the organization.

In the third column, we indicate the position in accordance with the Classifier of professions for each structural unit in the order of subordination.

In the fourth column, we indicate the number of staff positions for each position.

In the fifth column, we put down the tariff rate (salary) in rubles for each position.

The sixth to eighth columns "Allowances" are filled in if there are additional payments (in rubles) to employees of certain positions for special working conditions, working hours, special knowledge or incentive bonuses.

The values ​​in the ninth column are calculated by adding the numbers in columns 5 to 8 and multiplying by the number of posts in the fourth column for each position.

We add up the total number of staff units (the sum of the values ​​in the fourth column) and the total monthly payroll (the sum of the values ​​in the ninth column).

We put the signatures of the head of the personnel department, the chief accountant.

The staffing table may be amended due to the introduction of a new position, its renaming, transfer to another department, a change in the tariff rate, etc. on the basis of the order of the head of the organization.

Staffing list >>>

Signing and approval of the staffing table >>>

Staffing retention periods >>>

Changes to the staffing table >>>

Submission of the staffing table to the inspection bodies >>>

Extract from the staffing table >>>


The staffing table is an organizational and administrative document in which the structure, staffing and number of the organization are drawn up, a list of job titles, professions with an indication of qualifications and salaries, as well as possible allowances for each position.

1. Form of the staffing table

For the convenience of drawing up the staffing table by a legal entity or an individual who is an individual entrepreneur, a unified form N T-3 is provided (approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation "On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for labor and its payment" dated 05.01.2004 N 1) ... This form is not mandatory for use, but is only advisory in nature. Despite this, it is recommended to use this form in your work, since it contains all the necessary details.

It should be borne in mind that many organizations exercising supervisory and control functions (for example, the labor inspectorate or the judiciary), when conducting inspections or inquiries, require the submission of the staffing table (paragraph 91 of the Methodological Instructions on the procedure for appointment, conducting documentary field inspections of policyholders on compulsory social insurance and taking measures based on their results, approved by the Decree of the FSS of the Russian Federation of 07.04.2008 N 81).

When conducting documentary checks by territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, it is also possible to request a staffing table ( Guidelines on the organization and conduct of documentary verification of the accuracy of the individual information provided by the insured about work experience and earnings (remuneration), income of insured persons in the state pension insurance system (approved by the Resolution of the Board of the RF Pension Fund of 01/30/2002 N 11p)).

In addition to the listed authorities, tax inspectorates often include in the list of documents required for a comprehensive audit, the staffing table as a document confirming the application of tax benefits.

Also, the staffing table serves as a document that summarizes data on wage costs, as well as the number of employees in the organization.

Unified forms, including form N T-3, apply to all organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form. The exception is the forms for recording working hours and settlements with personnel for wages, which are not used in the work of budgetary institutions.

1.1. Indication in the staffing table of freelance workers >>>

2. The procedure for entering information into the staffing table >>>

3. The staffing table of branches >>>

The staffing table can be drawn up by any employee who is entrusted with such a function (head of the organization, personnel officer, accountant). Before drawing it up, it is necessary to determine the general structure of the organization for the further distribution of human and material resources, depending on the direction of activity and the goals for which the organization was created.

In some organizations, it is customary to first of all describe the structure of the organization without specifying salaries and a specific number of staff units, in the form of a table, which indicates all the prospective divisions and their subordination, and on the basis of which the staffing table itself is drawn up.

However, the structure of the enterprise is not a mandatory document and can only be considered as an auxiliary one.

In accordance with the Instructions for the use and filling out of primary documentation forms in column 5, the monthly salary of an employee at the tariff rate (salary) is entered in rubles. Since the wages of workers who are paid at the hourly wage rate depend on the amount of time worked, they do not have a fixed wage as such. Therefore, it is not possible to correctly fill in the staffing table for such employees.

In this situation, we recommend column 5 "Tariff rate (salary), etc., rubles." and column 9 "Total per month, rubles." do not fill in, but in column 10 "Notes" indicate: "Payment at the hourly wage rate" and provide a link to an internal document that regulates the amount of remuneration (for example, the regulation on remuneration of employees of the organization).

2. Approval of the staffing table >>>

2.1. Affixing a seal on the staffing table >>>

3. Familiarization of employees with the staffing table >>>

4. Terms of approval of the staffing table >>>

1. Persons signing the staffing table

For correspondence on the development and change of staffing tables - 3 years (Art. 73).


The staffing (staffing, staffing list) is used in the work of a person who conducts personnel work in an organization. The form of this document is not legally established and is developed, as a rule, on the basis of form N T-3 with the addition of a column in which the surnames, names, patronymics of employees holding certain positions are entered. For convenience, this document can be drawn up both in electronic form and on paper. The use of such an arrangement helps, first of all, to track the availability of vacancies, as well as the filling of staff positions when hiring a part-time worker or if one position is divided among several employees. If the personnel accounting program is not used, then all information about employees (for example, the date of leaving long vacations or the presence of disabilities, etc.) is entered into this form (compiled in the form of a table), which allows you to create a report on various requests from the management.

2. Exclusion from the staffing table of vacant posts and structural divisions >>>

3. Exclusion from the staffing table of staff units or structural divisions in case of reduction of the number or staff >>>

3.1. The procedure for making changes to the staffing table in case of staff reduction or headcount >>>

4. Changes in salaries in the staffing table >>>

5. Renaming of positions and divisions >>>

Changes to the staffing table are made on the basis of the decision made by the employer, enshrined in the order. Changes can be of the following nature:

Exclusion of vacant positions or entire divisions in connection with organizational changes in the work of an organization or enterprise;

Introduction of new staff units when it is necessary to expand production or increase the services provided;

Reduction of staff units associated with a reduction in the number or staff of an organization, an individual entrepreneur;

Change in salaries;

Renaming of divisions and positions, etc.

Staffing changes can be made in two ways:

By issuing an order on the appropriate change;

Approval of the new staffing table.

The employer independently decides on the method of making changes to the staffing table. When carrying out measures to reduce staff or number, the law also does not oblige the employer to introduce exactly a new staffing table, i.e. he has the right to make changes to the existing one by order. Thus, the employer can have one staffing table throughout the entire activity of the organization and only by orders to regulate the number of positions or structural divisions.

Important! The employer is obliged to submit information on the availability of vacancies (positions) to the employment service on a monthly basis (clause 3 of article 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 19.04.1991 N 1032-1 "On employment in the Russian Federation"). Part 1 of Art. 8 of the Law of the city of Moscow dated 01.10.2008 N 46 "On employment of the population in the city of Moscow" contains a similar norm. The employer provides information on the need for employees (availability of vacant jobs, positions) in accordance with the procedure approved by the Moscow Government Decree of 23.06.2009 N 579-PP.

1. Supplementing the staffing table with new posts and structural divisions

If it is necessary to add a position to a structural unit or a whole unit to an organization, an order should be issued to amend the staffing table, i.e. on the introduction of new units. There is no unified form for such an order, so the employer has the right to develop it independently. This order is signed by the head of the organization or an authorized person. The date of introduction of a new position may not coincide with the date of issue of the order, i.e. changes can be introduced later (for example, the date of publication of the order is 11/28/2009, and the position is introduced from 12/15/2009). When supplementing the staffing table, the employer is not obliged to acquaint employees with the changes being introduced.

Since the order to exclude units from the staffing table is drawn up in a form developed by the employer independently, the indication of salary or wages in it, in contrast to the order to enter a staff unit, is optional.

After the employer decides to change the size of salaries, it is necessary to issue an order on making changes to the staffing table, drawn up in any form, which is signed by the manager or an authorized person.

For more on this, see the Human Resources Guide. Changes to the terms of an employment contract ".

If the employer decides to rename a structural unit or a specific position, it is necessary to issue an order to amend the staffing table signed by the head or other authorized person.


An extract from the staffing table can be issued, for example, to inspection bodies, upon a request duly executed, or to an employee after his written request to the employer in accordance with Art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In the case of an employee's request, the statement from the staffing table should contain information only about his position and the corresponding payments. The salary sizes of other employees are not allowed to be indicated in the extract according to the norm of Art. 88 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the protection of personal data in terms of their transfer.

See a sample of filling out the statement.

Signed to print

In this article, we will reveal one of the main concepts of HR work. This is a staff unit. Let's see what place it occupies in the staffing table, what it means specifically. We will describe in detail how it is introduced, reduced, and justified.

The staff unit is ...

Let's see how dictionaries define the term. So, the staff unit is:

  • The official unit, which is provided for by the staffing table of the organization, enterprise, institution.
  • A unit from the entire list of positions in the organization's staffing table. Corresponds to one workplace.
  • One of the positions of the personnel (staff) schedule.

Differences from related concepts

The staffing unit of the organization is confused by many with related terms. Let's imagine the difference further.

  • Position and staffing unit. The first concept hides a certain set of work functions, the second one - the quantitative component of the personnel schedule. Accordingly, in one position there can be several personnel units at once.
  • Rate and staffing unit. The first concept is a monetary value, the skeleton of a certain employee's remuneration. And 1 staff unit is a living person, a worker. This is the difference between the terms.
  • Workplace and staff unit. The first concept is an organized workplace for an employee. The second is an employee, a person. Several staff units can work in one workplace at once. For example, sellers working in shifts, cashiers.


A staff unit is, respectively, a component of the staff (staff) or personnel of the organization. This is the name of the permanent staff of its employees. Together they make up a group formed according to professional or other characteristics, indicating the positions, as well as the salaries assigned to each (according to the position).

The entire population of the organization's employees will also be eligible to call the state. These are those who are engaged in labor activities, and those who are on the balance sheet of the institution, but temporarily do not work for a number of reasons (sick leave, vacation, maternity leave, etc.).

And one more definition. Staffing - the entire set of labor resources that are at the disposal of the organization and are required for the implementation of specific functions, achievement of general goals and development of the institution.

According to Russian legislation, the terms "personnel" and "staff" are equivalent to the concepts of "personnel", "personnel structure".

Staffing table

The staffing unit is contained in the staffing table. It means the regulatory documentation of the organization, which draws up the structure, number and staffing of a given firm, enterprise, institution, indicating the amount of salary, depending on the position of the employee. Such a schedule reflects the existing (or planned) division of labor between employees, prescribed in job descriptions.

"Rostrud" defines this document as a local act of the institution, in which the division of work duties and the terms of payment for work are recorded in a consolidated form. The staffing table is adopted by the employer within the framework of his competence (Russian Labor Code, Art. 8). Hence, he has every right to independently make changes to this act.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not require the preparation and approval of the staffing table. Moreover, it does not even contain a definition of this phenomenon.

This document is valuable for the efficient use of workers' labor. It can be used to compare divisions and departments in terms of the number of employees and workers, the size of the salary, and qualifications. This is the necessary data for analyzing the volume of work performed, the workload of employees, and clarifying job descriptions. Also, it is the staffing table that helps to understand the appropriateness of the formed structure of the organization.

This document is issued only in accordance with the unified form T-3. It contains the following columns:

  • Name of company.
  • Document Number.
  • Date of preparation.
  • The validity period of this schedule.
  • Staff size.
  • The name and code of this subdivision.
  • Position, category, category, class.
  • The number of staff members in the staffing table.
  • Salary or tariff rate.
  • Columns indicating existing surcharges, allowances and their amount. The "Total" columns are summarized.

The document is signed by the chief accountant and the head of the personnel department. Approved by order of the head of the entire organization.

Introduction of a new staff unit

With an objective shortage of workers, the organization has one reasonable way out - to add one more personnel unit. According to Art. 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is a completely legitimate decision. In case of organizational, production and economic necessity, the personnel schedule can be replenished with a new position or additional staffing unit. The frequency and frequency of making such changes is determined by the employer himself.

Russian legislation does not offer a ready-made model for the introduction of a staff unit. However, professionals advise to carry out this procedure in three steps.

  1. Determination of the need to enter the unit into the state.
  2. Registration of a new job description.
  3. Drawing up a report document addressed to the head.

Let's analyze the stages sounded in more detail.

Entering a new personnel unit: step 1

We note right away that this is the most difficult stage in the introduction of a new staffing unit. To obtain strong arguments in the direction of replenishing the staff, it is necessary to analyze the standards for the performance of specific job duties. And compare this data with the amount of work for the new staff unit. Then - a comprehensive calculation based on the organizational and technical conditions for performing work in a particular organization.

More specifically, the personnel worker will have to do the following to justify the staffing unit.

  • Collect all statistical information regarding the position. It will include a staff unit: functions, types of work, operations, labor costs.
  • When calculating, the norms of production, time, intended for a specific type of work, are applied. If the organization does not have its own regulatory documents of such a plan, then the data approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation are used.

After making calculations in relation to the labor costs of workers already working in this position, the conclusion is drawn that the load (in working hours per month) on them exceeds the norm. Hence the expansion of the staff is required.

Entering a New Personnel Unit: Step 2

The next stage of entering a staff unit is the compilation of a new job description. Based on the calculation of labor costs already carried out, the standards of work that the planned employee will perform are determined. On the basis of their (work) list, a draft job description is drawn up.

Let us turn to Letter No. 4412-6 of Rostrud. The document testifies that although the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain any mention of job descriptions, they still refer to the important documentation of the organization. It must be indicated here:

  • Employee qualifications.
  • A complete list of his duties.
  • List of qualifications required for the position.

The employer decides for himself how to draw up the job description, what changes to make to it.

Entering a new personnel unit: step 3

A new staff unit, a new position is usually introduced in a specific structural unit of the organization. Hence the third step - the appeal of the head of this department with a memorandum to the management of the entire company. The essence of the document is the rationale for the introduction of a new position or expansion of the staff.

The main argument here will be the calculations of labor costs. It is desirable to confirm them with the following information:

  • Average indicators for an increase in the range of responsibilities for this type of work. If this trend is stable, then it would be advisable to present a forecast of the process for 2-3 years ahead.
  • Estimating future costs: comparing the costs of increasing the salary of existing employees with the costs of entering a new staff unit.
  • An analysis of how real employees can effectively cope with the additional responsibilities that have appeared to them.
  • Objectives, functions of tasks that cannot be fully performed by the staff in the same number.


The reduction in staffing is one of the problematic points in the work of a personnel officer due to the termination of employment contracts for this reason. But at the same time, it is a completely legal tool for optimizing the number of employees in an organization.

The reduction takes place in several stages:

  1. Issue of the corresponding order.
  2. Notifying the employee and offering him an alternative.
  3. Employment Center and Trade Union Notices.
  4. Actually, the dismissal of workers.

Let's highlight the important points of this process.

Issuance of a reduction order

The decision to cut staff is made by the head. He also issues the corresponding order. Its form is not legally approved. However, the order to carry out reduction measures must necessarily contain:

  • the date of these events;
  • deadlines for notifying employees;
  • information on changes in the staffing table.

Reduction process

  1. Notification of employees who have been laid off - no later than 2 months before dismissal. The document is handed to each of them against signature. Necessarily contains the rationale for the decision and the date of dismissal. It also lists the positions that an employee can move to if he wants to. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, they must be offered up to the day of dismissal.
  2. If the employee agrees to the alternative, then the transfer is made out. No - dismissal under Art. 81 (p. 2, h. 1) TC.
  3. Notification of the trade union organization and the employment service 2 months before the dismissal. If a massive reduction is predicted - in 3 months.

When an employer is faced with a choice between several employees, it is important to remember the following:

Completion of the cut

Final three stages:

  1. Issuance of a dismissal order in the form of T-3. The basis is an order to reduce the staff.
  2. The corresponding entry in the employee's work book under clause 2. Part 1 of Article 81 of the Labor Code.
  3. Accrual of relying payments: severance pay, as well as average earnings for 2 months of looking for a new job. Additional compensation for those workers who decided to quit without waiting for the end of the 2-month term.

Thus, the number of staff members is the number of employees employed in a particular position. It is also important for a cadre worker to know the basic aspects of entering and reducing these units.

One of the types of local regulatory documents is the staffing table. This type of document is used to ensure control of the quantity and composition of any property.

For this, there are certain rules for drawing up a staffing table.

Navigating the article

The need for a document

The staffing table is the staffing of the organization. It is not included in the list of primary documents, therefore some enterprises do not practice its preparation and maintenance. Despite this, its presence provides significant assistance to the management in ensuring control over the work of the company. In addition, the document helps in communicating with the inspection authorities.

When checking the work of an enterprise by representatives of the tax or labor inspectorate, the presence of a staffing table is not necessary, but desirable. If such a document does not appear, it can be interpreted as one of the types of violation of the Labor Law or Labor Protection. This can be punished by imposing penalties in the amount of 1 - 2 thousand rubles for the person in charge or up to 30 thousand rubles for.

The main function of the staffing table is to justify the reasons for the dismissal or reduction of employees of the enterprise. Its absence makes it much more difficult for the management to prove the legality of these processes.

The compilation and maintenance of the SR is the responsibility of the IT or HR department employee. In most cases, this task is entrusted to the shoulders of accountants. Since the document is signed by the head and chief accountant of the company, they are responsible for its authenticity. When drawing up the staffing table, the period does not matter. To do this, the instructions for maintaining documentation should contain the following items:

  • In the document, it is necessary to clearly indicate the conditions of compilation and its revisions.
  • The head of the enterprise is obliged to draw up and sign an order on the beginning of the action of the SR. It must include an item that includes a list of persons responsible for drawing up and maintaining the staffing table.
  • In addition, employees must be indicated who must be notified of any changes to the schedule.

You do not need to have a list of legislative and regulatory acts on the basis of which the document is drawn up, corrections and other nuances of working with this document are made to it.

Features of compilation

It is necessary to enter the following data into it:

  • The name of the company. It must correspond to the one indicated in the constituent documentation (up to abbreviations and the name in a foreign language).
  • OKPO code. Consists of 8 digits.
  • The exact date of writing. It is drawn up in the format of day, month, year.
  • Validity. The period of time during which the staffing has its effect is precisely indicated.
  • The name of the structural unit of the organization. These data are entered in accordance with the classifier. If it is absent, the information is entered in alphabetical order.
  • Department code. The data entered into the classifier or compiled by the company's management is used. In the second case, any principle can be used.
  • Position, category, category. Data are entered starting from the management and descending. It should be noted that if an employee is an employee, he occupies a certain position, but if he is a worker, his profession is indicated.
  • Number of SHE. Information is carried separately for all positions and professions. If a person works part-time, you need to indicate the share, for example, 2, 75; 0, 5, etc.
  • Tariff rate or salary. When entering data, the average for the month is taken into account, which depends on the OT system. It should be noted that the rate must be indicated in the currency of our country - rubles. In some cases, an interest rate or ratio is used. It is not recommended to use dollars or other currencies. This is not prohibited by law, but, according to the country's Labor Code, the rate in foreign currency is automatically converted into rubles at the current exchange rate. In addition, during the proceedings in the court, this practice will be qualified as a violation. This is due to the fact that the rate tends to change in the direction of the fall. Such a situation can be considered by a judge as the creation of unacceptable conditions of remuneration for employees of the enterprise.
  • The size of the allowances. These columns indicate payments of a compensatory or incentive nature. Their size is established by law and is encouraged by the head of the enterprise.
  • The last column summarizes the data indicated in columns 5, 6, 7, 8. This figure is multiplied by the number of employees, according to the staffing table.
  • It is possible that some of the data used when filling out the form needs a little explanation. This information is recorded in the Notes column.
  • The document must be signed by the head of the organization and the chief accountant. In addition, the document has its own number.

After the staffing table is drawn up by the head of the enterprise, an order is drawn up, in which the information is brought to the knowledge that the SR has been drawn up, information on the total number of employees of the company is indicated, as well as the period during which the document is valid. The order, certified by the head and other responsible people, is registered. Registration data are entered into a special journal. The staffing table and order are stored along with other company documents.

Changes to the SR

The possibility is not excluded that it will be necessary to make some corrections to the staffing table, as well as to any other document. What document is used to make changes to the staffing table? Since the document gains force only after the signing of the order, changes can also be made to it in accordance with the order for the enterprise.

As a rule, the date when the order is signed and the date when the changes take effect are not the same. In the event that the changes are not large-scale, changes are made to the staffing table. Otherwise, it becomes necessary to draw up a new staffing table. A new order is drawn up about this.

Changes to the schedule primarily affect the interests of the company's employees. This, in turn, requires the implementation of amendments to employment contracts. According to the legislation, to carry out this procedure, the following conditions must be observed:

  • Obtain the consent of each employee whose employment contract requires changes.
  • The representative of the management or the personnel department is obliged to put each worker in notice that it became necessary to draw up a new staffing table. According to the law, there is a certain time frame during which the notification must be brought to the attention of employees.
  • There are many known cases when company managers believe that the existence of an order to amend the employment agreement and the employee's consent to these amendments are one and the same. This is not true. As an example, you can consider making changes to the size of the company's employees. It is the responsibility of the head of the company to notify employees at least 60 days in advance that their salary will be changed. Immediately after this, a corresponding order is drawn up and signed, which also indicates the need to change the staffing table. Necessarily, the order specifies information about exactly what positions will be changed, as well as the date of entry into force of future edits. In addition to the signatures of the head and the chief accountant, an employee of the personnel department, who will directly deal with changes in employment contracts, also put their signatures under the order.
  • After that, with each of the above employees, it is necessary to draw up an additional agreement, which specifies in detail not only the fact, but also the reason for the change in salary. If this does not satisfy the person or is not indicated at all, he has the right to demand payment of material compensation for the period during which he, performing the same work, received a lower salary. In practice, it is mainly the increase in wages that takes place. But the possibility of its lowering is not excluded. The reason for such a move may be changes in the organization of working conditions or technological conditions for organizing the labor process, the adoption of a new management policy by the company's management, modernization of the process, a drop in the level of profitability of the company or its reorganization. At the same time, the position and responsibilities of employees do not change. If this cannot be avoided, the management is obliged to provide strong evidence, confirmed by the legislative framework, that it is impossible to retain positions.
  • In case of staff reduction, changes are also made to the staffing table. This is due to the removal of some state units from the document. Taking into account the fact that employees are notified about the upcoming reduction 60 days before this, the changes made to the SR also come into force at this time. If there is a staffing table at the enterprise, its manager will have legal documentary evidence that these positions have been removed from the list of staffing units of the company. Otherwise, the actions of the leader may be perceived as illegal.

Any step of the head of the enterprise must be confirmed by the TC.

This could be important

When developing the staffing table of the enterprise, some important questions may arise that you need to know.

Among the most significant and frequently encountered are the following:

  • If the company has one or several branches, it is not worthwhile to draw up a separate staffing table for each of them. Branches are not employers according to the country's legislation.
  • If you need to indicate in the staffing table of the company employees involved in seasonal work, you can enter the column Work period in the document, where you can indicate this type of employee. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that it is imperative to indicate the period during which people will work.
  • The positions of employees specified in the SR must correspond to those that appear in the employment contracts of these people.
  • If a person is hired for a position that is not on the schedule, the manager needs to adjust the local documents of the company.
  • In the event that one position is occupied by several people, in whose employment contracts it is indicated that they work part-time, when calculating the total number of units by state, the exact figure must be indicated. For example, if one position is occupied by 3 people, two of whom work for 0, 5 positions, and the third - for 1 rate, the total must indicate 2, 0 staff units.
  • If the company practices a tariff-free or mixed payment system, a coefficient or percentage can be used to accurately indicate the units of measurement.
  • In the absence of valid salaries in the staffing table, it has no legal force. This goes against the law.
  • The staffing table has no relation to the company's employees. In this regard, when drawing up an extract, the data of the worker is not indicated in it.
  • If it is necessary to draw up an extract from the SR by a branch of the company or its representative office, this issue must be stipulated in the charter of the company. In addition, they can act under a power of attorney. If there is none, the statement is requested from the accounting department of the main company.
  • If there is any error or the slightest correction in the extract, the document is invalid.
  • If an official has drawn up a forged document, a fine will be imposed on him.
  • The same punishment threatens an official who refused to issue an extract from the staffing table to an employee. A person has no right to demand for the issuance of a document, any copies of documentation or a certain fee. An extract is issued free of charge.

Often, individual entrepreneurs have a question about the advisability of drawing up and maintaining a staffing table. On the one hand, the legislation states that the staffing table is drawn up for the enterprise, and not for the employee, on the other hand, in the event of an inspection by the federal labor inspectorate, a private entrepreneur may have big problems, which include imposing a fine or closing the enterprise.

When drawing up the staffing table, it should be borne in mind that the salaries of employees who occupy one position should not have a fork. There may be a difference in the amount of additional payments (allowances, bonuses, etc.). The difference is influenced by the qualifications of the employee, the length of service at the given enterprise, the complexity of the work performed. In no case should we forget that after drawing up a new staffing table, the old one must be kept. The draft of the old SR is stored for 5 years, the entire list of correspondence related to the preparation of the document is kept for 3 years, the staffing (addition to the staffing table) is kept for up to 75 years.

In order to avoid difficulties with the independent development of the form of the company's staffing table, experts recommend using a ready-made form T - 3 or downloading other types of forms, from which you can choose the most suitable for a particular enterprise.

Do not ignore the need to draw up and maintain a company's staffing table. You need to be extremely careful about this process. This will be of significant assistance in the event that someone is provided with registration for a specific position, with a reduction in staff or a decrease in the rate.

The staffing table from "A" to "Z" - on the video:

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