What the icon of Our Lady looks like. Healing icons of the Blessed Virgin

What the icon of Our Lady looks like. Healing icons of the Blessed Virgin
What the icon of Our Lady looks like. Healing icons of the Blessed Virgin

The people have long distinguished the "duties" of those or other saints. The same with the images of the List of the Virgin. Each icon of the Mother of God meets the aspirations of praying.

Faces of the Virgin

I will tell you about those miraculous icons with whom I personally had to meet and the strength of which I learned about myself.

As a child, the grandfather told me that the Lord has many assistants - the holy and righteous elders, the prophets and the forces of disembodied. But people get the most advanced help from the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ the Virgin Mary. We talked to him for a long time about how this world was arranged. Grandfather Nikolai told that everything that surrounds us, created the Lord, and he needs to thank it for it.

Grandfather and knew how to do wonderful things. It restored musical instruments and paintings. It was fun to see how a broken violin was brought to him, and he revived her, breathed in her life, and after a while she sang wonderful melodies again, then laughing, then crying, and in the soul became warm and peaceful. And everyone always thanked him!

Once brought a wonderful picture on the board. Beautiful woman with a child - as if who was rooted together in beautiful red clothes. I really wanted to consider her closer, and, putting a stool, I climbed over her bookcase. I had to land on the floor together with the books, one of which hurts the knee.

The entered grandfather grinned in a beard and said: "It's necessary to ask for the Mother of God to ask you to ask you."

So I first met with the revered, today a rarely "addition of the mind" or "the passman of the mind".

This is an amazing image with an amazing story and mysterious iconography, attracting everyone who has ever seen it. Appeared in Russia in the XVI century, this icon has its ancient prototype. Assistant, the Apostle Luke was not only an evangelist, but also wrote icons. He, according to legend, created the sculpture of the Loret icon of the Mother of God, who later became the prototype of the icon "Absorbing the mind." Despite the fact that then it was established that the author of the statue is not the apostle of Luke, nevertheless, the creation of an image is indisputably so far: "Bless the evangelical secrets of the Apostle of the Apostle onions.

In Russia, the first lists of the Loret icon of the Mother of God appeared after the return of Prince Vasily's ambassadors from Pope of Clement VII, which sought to spread its influence and Russian principality. And here a new image was written here, which in the people began to call "the addition of the mind."

They affect that a certain unknown artist became interested in the corrected books of the Patriarch Nikon, as a result of which it was prevented by reason. When the disease retreated, he prayed to the Most Holy Virgin about forgiveness and asked him to send him healing. It also affect that the Most Holy Mother of God was the artist several times, and he created her image, after which the disease returned, returned to the mind and health.

Icon was written in an unusual manner at that time. The Most Holy Mother of God and Jesus Christ are depicted by a purple liturgical use. On their heads of the crowns, in the upper corners icons - lamps, under the arch - the starry sky. It is the use that hides the figures of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Baby of Christ, the icon is reminded of his prototype - the statue of Loretskaya Mother of God. Architectural details in the form of the arch at the top of the image and lamps are an image of a richly decorated niche, in which the sculptural image of Loretskaya Mother of God is placed. Under the legs of Our Lady and over her head depicts cherubs with outstretched wings.

Whether it was or only folk folk, it is unknown, but the fact that many from this icon received assistance and the insight - evidence more than abuse.

The icon of the Blessed Virgin "Add Mind" is asked about the implementation of unreasonable, successful studies, exams, soothing crazy, healing ages associated with the brain.

Personally, I believe that it is thanks to the prayer of this icon that I entered the art school and lies myself with art.

Icon is rare. In Kiev, I only know one temple, where there is a list of the image of the Blessed Virgin "Absorbing the mind" - in the church of the Nativity of Christ on Obolon.

Icon of the Mother of God "Otrada or Consolation"

Many people received healing from the Watoped Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God "Otrada or Consolation". Miracles occur and now - by prayers from the exact lists of this image.

The history of the icons is: the image of God's Mother was written initially in the form of frescoes. There was a custom, when the monks who came from the cathedral after the prayer were applied to the icon, after which the Igumen handed the keys from the gatekeeper monastery to open the gate of the monastery.

Once, Igumen heard a warning caution not to open the gate, but to stay in the monastery and defend themselves from pirates. The old man looked at the icon and saw the baby Jesus stretches his hand to burn the mouth of the Most Holy Virgin, but she, taking the hand of Christ, repeated the same words. The monks did not dare to disobey the order of the Virgin, as a result the monastery was saved from the invasion of pirates.

Since then, the monks of the Watopeda support the restless lamp in front of this miraculous icon. We see such a plot in the iconography of the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Otild or Consolation". The face of Our Lady is performed by the compassionate love and maternal tenderness, and the face of a little Christ, on the contrary, harshs and Grezden.

Many indicate that they cannot fail to turn on this wonderful, truly the delicious image created by God, which gives peace and peace.

In front of the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Otrada or consolation" pray and ask for disaster help, when attacking enemies, about deliverance from diseases and misfortunes, as well as on the world's arrangement in conflict situations and in all life affairs.

The Most Holy Virgin is asked to interfere in front of the Lord by our Jesus Christ and forgive the sins of human, save from trouble. It turns to her when dismissed disintegrally, drawn into the scandalous situation, ask to strengthen the spirit and will, help cope with difficulties, survive and overcome the crisis.

Icon of the Mother of God "Otrada or Consolation" - a list stored in the women's monastery of the same name

The exact copy of the wattopid miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Otrada or consolation", written in Athos, was transferred to the same female monastery to the same name in Kiev.

Icon of Our Lady "Troochitsy"

In the Iona Monastery in Kiev there is a miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Troochitsy". This image was written in the middle of the 19th century on the order of the Rev. Ions and was he had a celon. Icon was located with an older Ion and in the Nikolsky monastery, and then in the vytubetsky monastery, and when Ionsky was arranged, took a place on the right column of the temple.

Icon of Our Lady "Troyoulist" - Favorite image of the St. John of Kiev

The image was famous for many cases and healing and miracles, he especially read the old man of Ion.

Here is one of the impressive cases. In 1918, when Kiev passed several times from hand to hand between different political revolutionary forces, while the government was the government of the hetman of the Scoropadian, on the weapons warehouses on the wife, located in the immediate vicinity of the monastery, there was a terrible explosion. The warehouses of the ammunition of the entire South-Western Front of Times exploded.

Now not to establish whether the sabotage was or simply negligent storage of deadly materials. But during the explosion, many people suffered, a huge number of houses and buildings were destroyed. And the icon "Troyoulist" warned Kievans about the upcoming tragic event. On the eve of the explosion during the evening worship and brethren of the monastery, and numerous parishioners saw the icon of the crying. And only the next day, after the explosion, people enjoyed what the Most Holy Mother of God has grown.

And today, the monastery and parishioners are hoping that God's Mother, who loves everyone who prays about those who need her help, merry and Kiev, the mother of the cities of Russians, and Ukraine, and protect the faithful to the Lord of people from sorrows, and those hard tests who fell out to his share, will safely cease.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Troillachitsa" is written in the characteristic style of Ukrainian icon painting in the middle of the XIX century. If you carefully consider it, we will see that the fields are written so-called stimples with images of the heavenly patrons of the Rev. Ion and his parents. They are written very carefully, professionally and with love. This suggests that the icon was written in one of the monastery icon-painted workshops of Kiev. You can see the icon and make it possible on the same place where a hundred years ago, she was located the Rev. Ion.

Troyoulists have in Kiev Trinity Iona Monastery

In general, Troyoulist is one of the most famous and widely revered in the Orthodox world of the Mother of Godody of Odigitria. This is the shrine of the Serbian Monastery of Hilandar in Athos. It differs from other similar icons with the left-sided image of the Baby of Christ (sits on the right hand of the Mother of God).

Sometimes there are several legends talking about where the third hand appeared in the image, and about how Icon was on the Holy Mountain.

According to one of the legends, due to the prayer, this image healed his hand, severed by the naval of enemies, defender and gymnographer John Damaskin. In gratitude, he brought a silver sculpture of the healed hand as a gift, which was raised to the icon, for which she received the name "Troyoul".

According to another legend, the icon painter was twice erased with her image of a third hand, and it appeared again and again on the board. And only then in a dream, the Most Holy Mother of God appeared and commanded to leave an image without change, "the wonderfulness of the sake of the sake of, and not according to the nature."

Despite the contradictions in the occurrence of the image of Our Lady "Troyoulists", the meaning of unusual iconography is revealed when contacting the textpar in honor of the icon. It says that the man is holding the Divine Baby with two hands, and another hand symbolizes the cover and the protection that she gives the praying: "The image of Bo Holy Troins is the Three of the Ruta: the Two of the Son of His Son, the Christ of Our God, wears, the third from Forgiveness and troubles right to you resort to get rides. "

The icon of God's Mother "Troychitsa" will protect from enemies threatening well-being in the house and all living in it. It is praying for her healing and health of loved ones, about the cure of the diseases of the hands, legs, eyes.

According to the prayer in front of Troyorchitsy, the longing of longing and gradual thoughts retreats. Also, this image of the Virgin Mary especially honors those who are engaged in crafts.

Icon "Do not scold me, Mati"

Soon, we all worship another wonderful icon. The Mother of God is depicted sobbing over the Savior who is believed in the coffin. Sometimes the image is called in Greek - "feeding", but it is more famous called "Do not scold me, Mati."

Icon refers to passionate and participates in worship only once a year. On, most often on Friday, it is laid out on anal.

The name is taken from the IMOSOS of the ninth song of the canon on the Great Saturday: "Do not ride me, Mati, in vain in the coffin, I walked in the womb Without Semen, I won the Son in the womb, and I will rise to the Boy and I will be asked, and I will be asleep with Glory, I will be in prosecutor Bulk ". So Christ himself comforts mother, telling her about the coming resurrection, through the sorrow hears the message about.

Icon "Do not scold me, Mati" in the Nikolsky temple

The wonderful list of this iconographic plot met recently in the Nikolsky temple in the city of Vasilkov in Kiev. It was written back in the 1870s on the blessing of Nikon's blessing, which served in this church, and donates the hallors of the temple.

The Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Do not ride me, Mati" pray about the suffering, as well as about close relatives and children.

There are icons in the Orthodox world, the number of which is very small. And among them, the icon of the Mother of God "Augustus".

In 1914, Russian soldiers in 1914 were written in the memory of the Mother of God in 1914 (September 15 - October 26, 1914), a battle under the city of Augustus Svalki province of the Russian Empire (now the territory of Eastern Poland).

According to the stories of the soldiers, on the night of July 7-18, they saw in the sky of God Mother with a baby Jesus Christ. The Mother of God pointed to the West. And the subsequent large battle under Augusto was marked by a complete victory. Moreover, in this battle, none of the witnesses of the phenomenon died. The message about this was published in church and secular press and caused inspiration in the troops.

Since 1915, the first icon-painted images of this event appear. His Holiness Synod considered the question of the phenomenon of the Virgin about one and a half years and March 31, 1916, he decided: "Holy Synod, rewarding praise and thanks to the Lord God, who else by the Industing Prayers of the Muslim Mother's Prayers, about all those who appeal to him with diligent and sincere prayer, recognizes the necessary To capture the marvelous event of the Mother of God's phenomenon in the memory of the subsequent generations of the Russian people and therefore determines: to bless Honoring in the temples of God and homes of believers icons depicting the meant phenomenon of the Mother of God to Russian soldiers ... "

Almost every icon is unique and, without exaggeration, one can say, has a huge historical value, since, as a rule, it is associated with those or other historical events. So this is the image of the Mother of God, the firm club and the amateur primitive, which, by the way, never died in icon painting practice, and only at the beginning of the 20th century was recognized as a unique form of art. The result was a rare optimistic compound of high iconographic shape and simple folk art.

I met this unique icon near Kiev, in a pure-white nasty rural temple. Everything is simple, homely, without fussing and stripping. Local rector, Batyushka Guri, always takes everyone with joy - regardless of social origin and material well-being, and the warm memories of these meetings live in memory for a long time.

The "August" icon

So this time, gray veterans received a charge of cheerfulness and hopes and returned to the capital with jokes and smiles on faces, strongly contrasting among the gray mass of the metropolitan people. More than once, and not two Virgin Mary settled, showed miraculous power. So they go to her fearful war veterans to ask for help and intercession from the Lord for their relatives and loved ones, for the people, for the cessation of civil opposition and the wonderful salvation of our sons.

The mother of God is asking for the inspections of those who have something wrong in family relationships who cannot find a way out of seemingly deadly life situations.

Icon of the Mother of the Mother "Spear Silver"

The history of this icon is associated with one of the Afonov monasteries, namely Dohohar, where he was revealed by the graceful strength of this miraculous image. It is assumed that the fresco, served as the prototype of the icon, was written back in the X century at the founder of the Dohair Residents of Reverend Neophyte. It was in the niche of the outer wall, in front of the entrance to the monastery refectory.

In 1664, Tpepezaar Neil, passing at night to the meadow-meal with a burning lady, heard the voice from the icon: "In the future, do not approach here with the burning rays and not a smoke of my image." Inhibition was first frightened, but then, deciding that this joke of someone from brethren, soon forgot about this case. After a while, when Nile passed in the evening by the icon, he heard the same voice: "Monk, unworthy of this name! How long are you so careless and so shamelessly smoking my image?! " After these words, the Nile monk was struck by blindness and relaxation of the body. Repeated ink fell in front of the icon on his knees and all night, before the arrival of the brethren, prayed to the Most Holy Virgin about forgiveness. When Inkoki learned about the miracle occurred, immediately hesitated the restless lamp and fell with a reverence before the miraculous icon.

Neil, in the hope of the great mercy of the Mother of God, remained near the icon and decided not to leave her until he would receive. After a while, standing on the knees before the icon, he again heard a familiar voice: "Neil! Your prayer is heard, you are forbidden, and vision is again given by your eyes. When you get this grace from me, we raise the brethren that I am their cover, industrial and protection of their monastery dedicated to the archangels. Let them and all Orthodox Christians appeal to me in the need, and I will not leave anyone; I will be a reward with everyone with a reverence of me, and the prayers will be performed by the son and God and God, for my petition, before Him, so that since this will be referred to as Siah, my icon will be silent, because I will defeat everyone who flowed to it and the accuracy of "

In Russia, lists from the miraculous Athos Icons "Svopelist" have always enjoyed great love. Many of them became famous for wonders.

In the sign of unity in Christ and the prayer communication of the Dohohar Arkhangelsk Monastery and the reviving Archangel-Mikhailovsky monastery on the Zvetskyic caves in Kiev, an accurate copy of this ancient miraculous icon was written.

The icon of the Mother of the Mother "Spearburnish" in the Arkhangelo-Mikhailovsky Zverinetsky Monastery

First of all, in front of the Icon of the Mother of the Mother of the Mother "Spearlessness" pray for spiritual insight when a person is in confusion and does not know how to do, as well as in all cases when especially ambulance and effective assistance is needed.

The Most Holy Mother of God, through his icon, "Spearburnis" gives assistance in cure from various diseases, even oncological. Before it, it is hijacked by a prayer for children and about help in childbirth - about the birth of a healthy child, in front of various operations and the performance of particularly important cases.

Not once and not two had to experience the wonderful assistance to the Most Holy Virgin.

Somehow they asked the interiors of the temple of the Arkhangelo-Mikhailovsky Zverinetsky Monastery, where the most accurate list of the Athos Icons "Svopelist" is located. The temple itself is small, chamber; The conditions of shooting are such that you need to remove short-focus lenses and without additional lighting. Whoever tried, no one did not work at that time. Appealed to me. And I just had an aggravation of the disease of the spine - let me know how old injury after a serious accident. Yes, it was uncomfortable to deny the Vladyka to refuse, and I, overcome the pain, went.

Yes, it's not enough: no lens captured the ceiling. Then I lay down on the floor and began to take pictures, lying on my back. Outside the window - winter, frost, in the temple is not fan, and I'm lying on the concrete floor in one sweater and I do not feel at all ...

"SPRISPERS" in Kiev Arkhangelo-Mikhailovsky Zverinetsky Monastery

An hour and a half went to the shooting, and the photos turned out! Satisfied with work, I returned home and only then felt that back pain, which were tormented for several months, passed. Apparently, it was not in vain called me the Mosti Mother of the Virgin to Himself!

Thank God to our Jesus Christ and the Mother Mother of His, about all human people truth, for the European care for us, sinful. Yes, it will hire her name now and dream and forever.

The icons of the Mother of God cause a special feeling of Orthodox Christians. Photo with the names of the most famous images in Russia are presented on this page.

Through Icons, believers turn to the Virgin with prayers to strengthen faith, healing diseases, the salvation of the soul.

How many icons of the Mother of God exists

No matter how many different images of the Mother of God written no one exactly knows. In a chairman, published by the Moscow Patriarchate, 295 titles mentioned.

But according to the iconography, the images of the Virgin are divided into just three types: Oranta (looks up with hand trees), Odigitriya (the baby blesses the Virgin), Elyus (lunizing, sniffed to each other).

Icons of the Mother of God with photos and description

Below is a list of saints, most popular or opposite little known, whose history or description is very interesting.

"Kazan" icon of the Mother of God

Celebrated on July 21 and November 4th. The miraculous image saved the country in the times of disasters, disasters and wars. Its value is in the preservation of the country under the canopy of the Virgin.

The most sensible in Russia image. Founded in 1579 in Kazan on a fire during the persecution of Christians. They bless the wedded couples, pray for the healing of eye diseases, on the reflection of the ingenic invasion.

Icon of the Mother of God "Insprivitary Bowl"

In 1878, one retired soldier suffering from swallows was the phenomenon of the PRP. Varlaam go to the city of Serpukhov and pray there before a certain way. This icon turned out to be a well-known "unprediable bowl".

Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Feodorovskaya"

Celebrated on March 27, as well as on August 29. She is asked by a happy marriage and healthy children.

Perhaps written by the Apostle Luka. Was in the XII century in the city of Gorodets. Miraculously moved to Kostroma: they were seen in the hands of St. Feedorrian Warrior Prettylate, who walked with her in the city. Hence the name "Feodorovskaya".

"Holding" God's Mother

Celebrated March 15. The value of the image is that power over Russia has moved from the king directly to the Virgin Mary.

Twenty in 1917 in the village of Kolomenskoye, in the Moscow region, on the very day, to which Nicholas II renounced the throne. Power, as it were, took from the king of the Holy Mother of God.

"Vladimirskaya" icon

Celebrated June 3, July 6, September 8. The value of the image for Orthodox Christians in the conservation of Russia from the init secable warriors.

Posted by an apostle onions on the countertop of the Holy Family. I retained Moscow from the invasion of Tamerlane. Under the Soviet government was exhibited in the Tretyakov Gallery.

"Tikhvinskaya" of God Mother

This image, according to legend, was written by the evangelist and the apostle Luka. He wonderfully appeared near the city of Tikhvin. Particularly wonderful among many miracles, manifested, was the salvation of the Tikhvin monastery during the Northern War in 1613.


Named so on the miracle that happened to the PRP. John Damascus. His cut-off hand took into place on the prayer at the image of the Mother of God. In honor of this event, a silver hand was pressed to the image of the image.

"Increasing joy"

Celebrated on May 14 and December 22. The value of the image consists in the grace of the Virgin, even to unreasonable sinners, leading them to repentance.

Icon is named in the memory of the appeal of one flawless, which Arkhangelian greeting asked himself a blessing of lawless affairs.

"Blessed Poverty"

In the XIV century was in the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral of the Kremlin. Glorified by many wonders.


The image is devoted to the two-month holiday of the same name.

"The Gracious Sky"

Celebrated on March 19th. The value of the image is that it is in such a guide, by assumption, the Most Holy Virgin Mary will drop into Earth, preparing people to the second coming of Christ.

The image is brought to Moscow by the Lithuanian princes Sofia Vitovtovna at the beginning of the XV century.

"All mournful joy"

In 1688, the sick Eutemy, the relative of the Patriarch, suffering from the incurable disease, was miraculously healed before that way.


Celebrated on March 18. The significance of the icon is associated with the education of a young generation in the Orthodox faith.

This is the Byzantine image known to many wonders. Provides help parents and their children.

"Live source"

It is celebrated on the fifth day after Easter. Pray to preserve prudence and sinless life.

Icon is named in memory of the holy water source near Constantinople. In this place, Leru Markell was Virgo Maria and predicted that he would become the emperor.


Celebrated on October 30th. In 1841, the invasion of locusts was stopped in Greece on a prayer occasion.

Icon was with the family of Alexander III, when their train was crawling. It was on this day that the names of the icon began to be celebrated, to commemorate the salvation of the emperor.

"Washing key"

Pray for children who are hard to do with the doctrine. Local icon, located in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Appeared in Russia in the XVI century, referred to the image "Absorbing the mind."


The image was transported to Serbia from Jerusalem Sv. Savoy in the VI century.

"Unable color"

Means the impossibility of the Mary Mary.


Celebrated February 3. Means the great mercy of the Virgin to sinners, contrary to her son.

The wonderful getting rid of the robbers attacked the watoped monastery on Athos is associated with way.

"Helper in childbirth"

Helps with severe childbirth.


Mountain in Athos. Wonderfully manifested itself from a pious icon painter from the city of Iasi in 1863.


Athos icon. From her there was a wonderful healing of the vision of a naughty monk.

"My sorrows quenched"

Celebrated on February 7th. Eliminates mental longing. Many healings occurred from it.

Brought in 1640 to Moscow with Cossacks. Brushed in 1760.


The value is the consolation of patients. Often adorns hospital temples.


Appeal to these icons has always helped Orthodox Christians in difficult moments of life. And now, in the modern world, healing and miracles continue. New miraculous icons of the Virgin Mary appear.

The intercession of the Most Holy Virgin will continue until the end of the history of the human race.

What distinguishes the Orthodox faith from other directions of Christianity? This is the worship of the holy icons. Although in Catholicism and some other denominations they do not reject them, but they are so widely recognized only in the Byzantine tradition. By numerous faces that look from each wall, decorate the altar, it is easy to distinguish the Orthodox church from any other.

Officially recognized images - thousands, among the Mother of God alone more than 600, and there are also non-canonic. But how to navigate in such a variety? This material will help dedicated to the icons of their meaning.

What do I need icons

Officially, Dogmat (truth, not subject to doubt) on the reverence of icons was established in 787, on the 2nd Nicene Cathedral. Until this time, the use of images has long been used in churches. The first images of the Lord Jesus Christ, Saints and Mother of God are known from the II century.

  • According to the church legend, the first iconist was one of the evangelists, namely - St. Luke.

Famous fathers of the Church - Vasily Great, John Zlatoust, John Damaskin - encouraged painters to portray the feats of martyrs for faith. But not everything was so unequivocal. For example, Eusevius Caesarian believed that a person was not able to display the divine nature of Christ.

Who is depicted in consecrated images:

  • Trinity (in the form of angels);
  • Lord Jesus Christ in his human incarnation;
  • Virgin;
  • Angels and other celestial forces;
  • Righteous, martyrs, reverend, etc.

Church icons have a completely definite purpose. This is not a decoration at all, not a reminder of eternal torments for sinners. Looking at them, believers should remember the prime, cultivate the feeling of love for the Creator in their souls.

About how icons wrote

Orthodox tradition are known hundreds of images of the Virgin. Where does the icon paints who lived long after the earthly life of Christ, could find out how she looks like? This was written church historians.

The appearance of the protigrum completely reflected her spiritual purity: she said with diligence, a voice even and pleasant, she was alien to anger and indignation. Her humility glowed in the eyes, the heart thought only about God, sought to him day and night. Middle height, with dark eyes, face slightly elongated, oblong nose and flowering lips, long fingers hands. But the main thing is that all authors are celebrated - Maria was truly a living house of the Holy Spirit, the Divine History, Grad of God.

  • The icons of the Virgin are designed primarily not to reflect the portrait similarity, but to describe in the colors its role in theology of Christianity, a high mission in saving people from eternal curse. And even more so they are not intended to perform certain wishes of human. This should be remembered by purchasing the next shrine.

Major Virgin Mary, mainly written in the same clothes:

  • omophore - a wide quadrangular cape, covering shoulders and head, they were wore married women in Judea, usually purple;
  • tunic - an extended dress with long sleeves, blue.

Mafori decorates three stars, they symbolize the navigation of Mary: before Christmas, after Christmas and during the birth of Christ. The instructions, like the clergy, designate the ministry to Christ.

Each consecrated image has its own history, often wonderful. In fact, it does not matter, before what kind of image it is to read prayer. The Lord penetrates the heart of a person, sees any movement of the soul. Therefore, it is important which thoughts from there come, and not how many times the pods and read prayers will be committed.

The icons of the Mother of God are most revered in Orthodoxy, their names, brief history, description of the composition and theological value you will find below.

Meaning and interpretation of the icons of the Mother of God


Closely related to the fate of the Russian state. The acquisition occurred in Kazan, on the city ashiste, at the insistence of a local girl. In a dream, the Queen of Heavenly appeared and punished to find his image. It happened in the 16th century. Miracles began to be committed immediately after the shrine was transferred to the temple - two blinds were transparent. The local bishop of Hermogens, subsequently the All-Russian Patriarch, drawn up a story about wonderful phenomena.

It was this pious husband who subsequently blessed the militia to the battle with the invaders. The readable image was sent to battle with the People's Army. Then I found the Kazan intercession of nationwide fame. It is believed that the original was abducted from the monastery in Kazan, where he was kept, at the beginning of the 20th century. Thieves argued that they destroyed the shrine. But it is possible that it was sold and many believe that the Virgin Mary still twists his face to the Russian people.

  • It is a somewhat reduced version of "odigitria" - the Mother of God is depicted only on the shoulders. She slightly bowed her head to Christ, who is depicted in the famine, his right hand blesses praying.

The Kazan Mother of God blesses young after the wedding, also Kazan is often part of Triptychs with the Savior Lick and Nicholas.

Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God - meaning

One of the compositions whose author was the Apostle Luke (not literally, refers to the list from the original, which was once performed by the evangelist). He fell into Russia from Byzantium, like many other miraculous faces. At first, there was a female monastery near Kiev, then Andrei Bogolyubsky suffered it to Vladimir (1115), and the name appeared.

In the capital, the shrine solemnly crossed at the end of the 14th century. All the townspeople came to meet her, and at this place is the Sretensky Monastery (meeting - meeting). Moscow threatened troops Tamerlan. But completely unexpectedly they turned around, without reaching the destination. This was counted by the manifestation of the Mother of God.

But before these events, Vladimir was considered a miraculous, no wonder she had several days of memory - everyone testifies to heavenly protection from enemies. Now the relic can be seen in the Temple-Museum at the Tretyakov Gallery. A rare case, when such an ancient artifact managed to save, despite wars and revolutions.

They pray to get rid of the ailments, about reconciliation with the neighbors, helps Vladimir to get pregnant and wort the child.

Icon "Feacious Sky"

It appeared in Russia at the end of the 17th century, brought from Lithuania to the wife of one of the Moscow princes. The unusual composition - the Mother of God is captured in full growth, around it surrounds the sun's rays, on his left hand - a divine baby. On the heads of Mary and Christ - the royal crowns. Heavenly forces in the form of angels hide around.

Helps from mental flour, facilitates physical suffering. If the closest rushing from the true path come to pray before the "fertile sky." Particularly revered in the capital of Russia, because it has long been in one of the cathedrals of the Kremlin.

"The recovery of the dead"

Dated 17 V. It became famous for the history of a certain monk of Theophilus, who made a deal with the devil, but later repent and was passing for the Queen of Heaven. True, it had to pray for it to pray.

There is also a case when a certain peasant dug during a snowy storm. He was already preparing to die when local residents were discovered. The horse was lucky unhappy right to the goal, and people heard a voice in the house, who called on to meet the guest.

The composition is interesting because the Godhead is depicted in full growth, his bare feet rest on the mother's thigh. He is dressed in a white shirt (symbol of the purity of the soul), Choo firmly hugs the Virgin Mary for the neck. She gently leaned toward her son. The Mother of God sends on the throne. Praying covers a sense of lunizing when he sees a gentle love that binds Mary and Christ.

Before the "recovery of the victims", sinners, drunkards, drug addicts, are dismissed. She helps with headaches, facilitates the state of epileptics, saves children from severe diseases.


The famous image from the watopadian monastery on Athos became famous in the 17th century. One young man who was fond of witchcraft came to test his "forces." But the Queen of Heavenly repelled him away. When a young man came to himself, he immediately repent.

Known "Allzaritsa" and what assists oncological patients, especially children. Rossi is a list specifically made on Athos. He stays in Moscow, in the temple of the Alekseevsky monastery, sometimes transported to a chapel at the Children's Oncology Center (Kashirskoye Highway). They are dismissed in front of the "adolescence" of those who carried the wicked, black magic, fortunate. These are very terrible sins, today, unfortunately, many are fond of.

The composition dates back to "odigitria" - here the Mother of God also points to Jesus Christ. She sends on the throne in the royal robe. On Christ, the scarlet cape, the shirt is green. In his left hand, he holds a scroll, the rousers bless with the right. Angels are circling behind the throne, one folded his hands in prayer, the other raises them in a greeting gesture.

"Seven Stracean"

The prehistory of appearance remains a mystery - scientists believe that the shrines are at least half a thousand years. In 1830, she was found in the temple, where he served as a step on the bell tower. During the epidemic cholera managed to protect the inhabitants of Vologda from the mass death. Many received healing from the Mother of God from the ailments, alleviating spiritual suffering.

A rather rare type of images, where the Virgin is shown alone. It is believed that this is the moment before the birth of the Savior. In her heart, seven blades are directed. 7 - Symbolic image of completeness, that is, the Mother of God has known suffering and full pain. Swords denote the spiritual torment Mary in those moments when Christ went to the Godsway, then died for human sins.

Reconciles the warring, pray near the "seven-weeks" before the start of responsible business. It is believed that if you hang around the entrance door, it will protect the dwelling from robbers, unkind people. Cleans the thoughts, raises the mood.

"Sparge of the sinners"

It became famous for miracles at the end of the 19th century, but the icon from the Oryol province was written long before this event. After the prayer, he was healing a seriously ill boy. A exact copy was sent to Moscow, which began to make peace, then to exude healing. The owners passed the shrine in the temple, having considered that everyone should have access to it.

For a Christian, spiritual health is very important. When the soul covers ugly, the consequences will be a lack of forces, reluctance to work and even just live. The Queen of Heaven will help to get out of this dangerous state. They turn to the "sinful sporchintern" also to solve family difficulties in diseases.

Mostly Virgo is depicted here on the belt, the Boggladère holds his mother by his hand. This indicates a close relationship between God and all of the human. The Mother of God and Christ on chapters have the royal crowns - the influence of Western style is manifested in this, since the "sinning sporicular" comes from Ukraine or Belarus.

"Helper in childbirth"

The sensible lick is in Serpukhov. From where and when the image appeared is unknown. The image is rare on the composition - refers to the type of immaterial. On him, the baby is depicted in front of the Virgin, he is concluded in a certain aura, over which Maria stretches his hands. Virgo itself is shown with a uncoated head, hair is dissolved on the shoulders - quite as it is taken during childbirth.

The name itself indicates situations in which women are looking for help from the Holy Virgin. Each future mother asks to facilitate suffering during the resolution from the fetus. In addition, many in this clock torments fear of sudden death, excitement for the child. How do childbirth sell, will the baby be fine? All this in the hands of God, so women turn to their intercession. When the baby appears, then they pray about sufficient quantities of breast milk, the health of the newborn.

"Burning bush"

The most ancient sample today can be seen in the weapon ward, it dates back to 17 century.

Cupina is a black bush, in one of the biblical chapters it is narrating how Moses was the Lord in the fiery bay. A symbolically ungablous bush denotes the Queen of Heaven, who was able to preserve spiritual purity in the middle of the sinful world.

The composition is very complex, contains a lot of characters designed to disclose all the prophecies about the Virgin Mary and the Savior. In the center - the Virgin Odigitria. At her breast, the staircase leading to heaven, which I saw Jacob. The evangelicals are symbolically shown in the form of an angel, eagle, lion and calf. There are also archangels, biblical plots and other characters. The Lord Jesus Christ is overpowing on the throne.

"Non-Alphaert Cupina" patronizes firefighters, she is asked to protect the dwellings from fire, attacks of thieves, unfavorable visitors. They also pray that the soul does not go to hell.

Icon "Insprivided Bowl" - meaning

Has the Byzantine origin. The exact time of writing is unknown. Up to our time, only copies are preserved, which are stored in the monasteries of Serpukhov. It was there that turned in the late 19th century. Soldier dying from the sin of winepitia. He dreamed of an old man and ordered to go to the abode. Although the man had already denied her legs, he spent his best for the monk. He managed to find the image of the most accurate. After the prayer, the soldier received a complete liberation from his thrust to the guilt, his legs were healed.

Since then, the suffering reached out in Serpukhov. And today, many men and women exposed to alcoholism or drug addiction come to the monastery. Many get healing, returned to families, find work and arrange their lives.

Before the Virgin Maria is a bowl, in her - Christ. God's mother with tastes prays, both look straight on believers. The composition is very beautiful, completely symmetrical and reminds of the perfection of the Lord, about his victim for the whole world. Most often in front of the "inspired bowl" are asked to get rid of obsession with alcohol, drugs and other dependencies.

"Unable color"

A very beautiful composition on which the Virgin is holding white flowers. On one of the Greek islands there is a tradition - on the day of the Annunciation, parishioners bring bouquets of fresh lilies to the temple. They stay in the temple until the end of the summer, when another great Virgin Mary holiday is celebrated - Assumption. On this day, a miracle happens - the dried lilies again dismiss buds! In memory of the wonderful events and written "unfading color".

In Russia, a copy of the Greek image appeared between the 17th and 18th centuries. Iconography is most likely western origin. Mostly Virgo Deva gently holds the baby of Christ. He picks his right hand in a blessing gesture. The preching slightly bowed her head to her son. In the guard of the queen Heavenly holds white flowers (sometimes you depict grapes or scarlet roses, but it was white Lilia who presented the Archangel Gabriel Mary on the day of the Annunciation).

"Eutful color" is especially patronized by the female floor:

  • girls are asking for a good husband;
  • married - about the gift of healthy children;
  • helps the preching return in life joy;
  • returns sincere equilibrium.

Protects the blessed virgin virgin from the contention, takes temptations, the girls helps to keep clean up to marriage.

Icon "Sign"

The first well-known miracle is the help of residents of Novgorod during the siege (1170). The miraculous icon is still kept in the Novgorod Cathedral. It is the type of image "Oranta" - the Mother of God raised his hands to the sky in prayer, see her palms. In this gesture, the prechistan as it would be revealing its soul towards the Savior. Christ is depicted at the level of the breast of the Virgin Mary, he is written in the medallion, on the Lord - the clothes of the priest.

There are many cases when healing from eye diseases was served through "sign". Helps during long journeys, protects against enemies during conflicts.

Iver Icon of the Mother of God

Appeal in one of the Afonov monasteries at the turn of 10 and 11 centners. It is believed that initially the Lick of the Major appeared on the board thanks to the miracle - Virgin Mary washed and attached his face. This imprint was sent to Georgia with the Apostle Andrey - hence the name (Iveria is Georgia). The Afonovy image was revealed in a fiery post. For a long time he defended the monks from enemy raids.

One of the most common types is odiritria. God's mother with his right hand indicates Christ, as the only way to salvation. The image is the belt, on the head of Mary - Crown.

Gives rid of bodily twigs. Helps to find a strong faith, returns the righteous path to the way. Protects those houses in which there is no wonder the goalkeeper is also called. Solves from fires, prevent theft.

"The Sporian of Breads"

A very unusual writing of the Mother of God - she sends on the cloud, blessing the breadfield located below. Blessed this image Amender Ambrose (Optina Desert), the date of creation is called 1890. The lists quickly separated across the entire district - that year was outstanding the neuropean and the people asked the intercession of heavenly forces.

The sacred synod tried to ban an unconventional image, but among the population he was very popular. In 1993, Patriarch Alexy officially introduced an icon in the church calendar. They ask for a "sporiment" help in getting rid of drought, about rich yield.

The meaning of other important icons

The Holy Trinity

The most famous composition written by righteous Andrei Rublev. He managed to express the most difficult Bogoslovsky dogma about the Triune God, using images, perspective, a variety of small details. Each of them has its own in-depth. It is not by chance even the position of the hands, the tilt of the head of every angel.

Such a shrine should be at a hunner place in any house where there are baptized people. The Lord is a source of life, our existence depends on it. Daily prayers are read before the faces, also any request can be addressed to Jesus Christ, God Father or Spirit Holy:

  • about the success of good undertakings;
  • about the health and well-being of loved ones;
  • about solving household problems;
  • about the forgiveness of sins and giving salvation of the soul.

In the form of three angels depicted the hypostasis of the Almighty God. Rublev captured the Trinity at the time of the Council, where the plan of redemption is discussed. In the center, according to the fathers of the Church, there is a father, on the left side of the praying - the Son, right - the Holy Spirit. On the table, the bowl where the redemptive sacrifice is symbolically depicted.

Great Martyr and healer Pantelemon

The image of a handsome young man in a raincoat can be found in any Orthodox church. Who is this young man? During his lifetime, he was a doctor - healing human body, and after the righteous martyrdom, he became saints. With his example, many inspired to take Christianity. So the doctor Tellas became a doctor and spiritual. But still believers throughout Russia and beyond their limits near the image in the minute, when their disease is.

  • Healing can be asked from any ailment, not only bodily, but also spiritual.

The Great Martyr Panteleimon refused the brilliant career of the courthenee - he was in the imperial palace. All in order to help the prisoners, poor people - in the name of Christ. The envious came to him, the young doctor was arrested, subjected to interrogation, then cruel torture. But Holy happily endured all the flour, nominated the name of God. He voluntarily lowered his head on the fell, the executioners cried him. Joyfully walking into the paradise monastery, from there he continues to pray for us, sinful.

The healer is depicted with a spoon in hand - there are medicines in it. On it is blue, the robe (soul innocence sign) and a red cloak - a symbol of martyrdom. Panteleimon can be easily recognized on bright curly hair.

About icon.

Blessed Matron Moskovskaya

One of the favorite saints in the capital, in recent decades has become known throughout Russia. On the image of the styal stands against the background of urban walls and takes the blessing of Christ, which she is sent from heaven. All her hard life spent a matron in prayer. She possessed a gift to stop the future, knew how to heal and physical ailments. I never took money for your help.

The Blessed Stica herself constantly suffered from various ailments - she was blind, her legs had a bad thing, and over time they were completely refused. There was no woman's corner, she was fed. But he never slept and did not roll on God, sent these tests. In it, the love of people only increased. Today, the power of the righteous is located in the Pokrovsky Monastery Moscow. What are the blessed Matronushka ask about?

  • For help in conception and birth of children.
  • About successful marriage.
  • On the permission of financial difficulties.
  • On physical health for yourself and loved ones.

There are no restrictions on requests and can not be. Help will be provided in any righteous business with which the person himself can cope in no power.

Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky

The famous old man of the land of Russian, who during his lifetime awarded the visit of God's mother. It was not formed, did not make a job and did not speak the sermons. But everyone knew and loved the father of Seraphim. Wise spiritual eyes he saw every visitor through. But never condemned, but only instructed a good word.

The monk said that the goal of human being is to gain the Holy Spirit. For this, the main constancy and faith. The father made even a special prayer rule for those who work hard in the continuation of the day. He himself communicated with the heavenly residents a lot, standing for the human race.

When the elder was alive, many were looking for support and consolation. So continues after its reference to the world of others. It will help dispel the blackness of despair, find spiritual forces, get rid of serious temptations. Adopted Rev. Seraphim to drive off physical hands. It helps to successfully conduct trade affairs - but only to those people who do not try to "inflate" the neighbor.

A wonderworker is depicted in monastic clothes, this is a row, black mantle. Gray hair and beard, the view collected, attentive. In the left hand holds a rosary - an indispensable attribute of the Inok. Right hand raised in blessing.

Peter and Fevronia

Piecely couple who lived in Murom. Peter was Prince, Fevronia once healed him from severe illness and became the faithful spouse. The legends about what are preserved in church history. Today, the righteous serve as an example of the younger generation. They possessed patience, wisdom, humility. They brought up children in the Christian faith, and when life began to clone to the sunset - both were dedicated to God.

Of course, they are asked for help in marriage: to find mutual understanding, build relationship based on biblical truths, raise children so that they become good people. Girls may ask a decent spouse, married ladies - a long-awaited heir.

Usually a pair is depicted together, they are in clothes that are appropriate for their rank during life. Peter and Fevronia raise the heads to the sky, the image of the Savior.

Saint Nicholas.

The image of an elder in the Bishop's robe can be seen in any Orthodox church, so a lot of folk love. In the hometown, the young priest was known for his kind heart. He quickly responded to any misfortune, helped everyone. Over time, he was chosen by the bishop. And then the saint continued to interfere with the poor who are unjust convicted. He built temples, carried people the good news.

On the holy face, an old man with gray hair is depicted. His eyes are expressed simultaneously and rigor, and mercy. The bishop of the world of Lycisian carefully holds the gospel, the right hand sends a blessing praying.

Nikolai the waters supported in any kind cases, but especially patronating sailors and those traveling - no wonder his face is often placed in cars. Helps successfully marry daughters, stop discord, heals the ailments.

The image is an integral part of Orthodoxy. They are in the temples, houses and even in car salons. Do not give in to the desire to buy as many icons as possible and make them all the apartment. Someone fairing the Savior, the Virgin and several saints. The number of shrines does not affect the quality of prayer. It is very good if the images of the righteous guide thoughts to the sky, strengthen faith - in this and consists of their main task.

Orthodox icons, their names and importance are an important aspect of the study of Christian science. Any housing of the Christian is very hard to imagine without a variety of icons, each of which has its own meaning. As the story of religion says, many of them became known to believers many centuries ago. The religious beliefs of people are formed for a very long time, but the icons from this do not lose special cultural and historical significance for the parishioners of many churches and temples. Orthodox icons, photos and titles play an important role in human and approaching it to the Lord.

It is believed that every holy may invisibly assist even in the very seemingly hopeless situation. Some of the saints should be treated for help with any serious life situation. The names of the Orthodox icons and their values \u200b\u200bwill be presented in this article. In addition to descriptions and stories about the wonderful properties of each image, the photos are most revered from them.

This material will be narrowing about what value each presented icon, as well as the rules of prayer and those wonders that can create a specific holy face. It also happens that the names of icons with the photo are already carrying information about what troubles can save this image. Each described icon in the heading will be highlighted a special place. The biggest prestige of the believers, both in Russia and all over the world, has the icon of the Mother of God, written and long stored in the walls of the temples of the city of Kazan. This majestic and large-scale icon is considered the main protector of the inhabitants of our country. Any significant holiday in the life of a Russian person can not do without the ritual of worshiping this image, be it baptism or sacred rite of wedding loving hearts.

Below will be described the readable icons of the Virgin. Photo and name, and their value will also be disclosed.

It is known that the icon of the Kazan Mother of God helps a believer lonerly to find family happiness soon, and the long-standing pairs overcome the disorder in relationships and start living happier. Since she guarded families, her in any house is customary to hang near the baby bed so that the baby is under the cover and the protection of the Lord.

To quickly navigate, to what the image of the Mother of God to pray in one situation or another, it is better to learn the icons of the Virgin in advance with the names. Speaking about the icon of Vladimir's Mother of God, it is worth noting that it is considered no less revered among many believing citizens. There is information that this icon of the coronation was awarded the most influential kings in the Russian Empire. This icon can be prayed to become kinder, to gain a family and heal from severe ailments, as well as to make a serious conflict with whom. Also, this image is invisible protects from the misfortunes and sorridge mothers and young children who are in a difficult life situation. In addition to all, this icon helps with infertility and other violations of the work of reproductive organs, as well as pregnant women and nursing mothers. These are the most popular Icons of the Virgin. Photos and names of other images will also be presented in this article.

As it has already become clear, even from the description of the data of two icons, the power of the Virgin is virtually all compilation, however, as many other icons of the Orthodox Church. That is why it is so important to every believer to know the icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary with names. Each Christian needs to know at least some facts about the meaning of certain images, as well as some information about the lives of one or another Orthodox saint.

As you know, the Lord hears those people who go beyond him, observing all church and spiritual laws. Believe in God and be happy. Below will be the most honored Icons of the Virgin, the names and the significance of each of them.

Icon of Our Lady "Fertile Sky"

This miraculous icon is presented with prayers to get on the path true, as well as that the deceased people on the world were calm and good. I praise this icon in the old way, and on March 19 in a new style.

Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Desperate Unified Hope"

Some names of the icons can be rarely heard in church use, but this does not deprive them of power. Despite the fact that testifies to the low fame of this image, in the Orthodox Church there is even an Akathist. Prayers in front of this icon are able to heal despondency, mental decline and sorrow. Those believers who were disappointed and lost to the divine mood, pray the Most High about to point the Spirit, forgive offenders and reconcile with enemies. In addition, the icon prayes to get rid of the envy and reconciliation of the warring people, including neighbors.

Modern dependencies (gambling, drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking, computer addiction) are subject to healing when the Mother Lady appeals to this image.

Bogolyubskaya icon of the Mother of God

This icon helps when healing plague, cholera, seaside ulcers and other severe diseases. Releases in this image or 18, or on June 1.

Icon of Our Lady "The recovery of the dead"

This famous icon is praying for cure from dental and headaches, problems with vision, fever and epilepsy, about welfare in marriage, about returning to the heart of faith in the Lord, as well as with very heavy, almost incurable children's illness. In addition, the same icon requests the cure of the addiction to alcohol. Date of the day of praise 18 either February 5th.

Icon of Vladimir Mother of God

This icon is known primarily by the fact that it was coroned by the most noble Lords and kings during the time of ancient Russia. It is also known that with the participation of this image, the elections of the primitors were conducted. This icon pray to become kindern, to heal from severe diseases, about the expulsion of demons from the body. Mother and their little children can hope for the patronage of the Virgin in this image to fully, but those who are only waiting for the appearance of the baby, this subject gives light childbirth and health to the newborn baby. Fancy women can apply to the icon asking for long-awaited children.

Vladimir and Kazan Lady Mother - the most beloved icons of the Virgin. The photo and the names of these shrines can be found in the homes not even too pious people.

Icon of the Mother of God "All Morning Joy"

Sometimes the names of the icons speak for themselves. This icon is popular among people who have suffered a strong insult, suffering, severe seizures and diseases of the respiratory organs, tuberculosis patients. In addition, it can also be prayed for the healing of the hands of a sick person. Celebrate the names of the icon 6 or October 24.

Icon "All Complete"

There are quite rare, but very strong icons of the Mother of God, the photos with the names of which will be presented below.

The icon of Our Lady "Allmenitsa" helps to those people who suffer from cancer and transferring a number of chemotherapy and irradiation courses.

This icon is raised by their prayers in the epidemics of plague, fever, ulcers, blindness, hearing disorders. The name of the holy image is celebrated by 6 or August 22.

This icon is praying for the normalization of relations in the country, about justice, about finding joy in the heart, about the absence of hypocrisy in love. Day of this icon is celebrated by 15 or March 2.

This image of the Holy Mother of God is praying in the presence of severe defects of the soul and body, as well as after it ended any important thing. Name days of this icon are marked 11 or June 23.

Those who transfers at the moment the grave agers of the soul and body at the moment are their prayers, as well as those who obsessed weakness. True believers when contacting this wonderful icon receive complete healing for the indefinite period. Name Day Icons "Library Source" is celebrated on a day with light seventies.

This holy form draw prayers against cholera, violations of vision and other similar ailments. Name day of this icon celebrated on September 8 or September 21.

Name Days are celebrated on Tuesday Light Sedmians, and she helps with strong fires, as well as various problems and in need of consolation in spiritual adversities. Memorial Day on April 12 or 25.

Orthodox citizens are instituted to pay their prayers of this icon with the mass death of livestock, with a cholem, during cholera, as well as with the presence of blindness and problems of the musculoskeletal system. Appeal in a huge amount of cases guarantees complete recovery.

This icon, endowed with miraculous properties, pray for pronounced paralysis, when infected with smallpox, with diseases of the feet, with suspected attacks of "unclean strength", and also enhancing the suspicious death. Celebrated memory days Icons 16 either March 29.

In cases where there is a danger of invasion of the innings, as well as about returning vision to blind people and the successful joining of God who loving each other people. In addition, such a prayer helps to survive the cataclysms. Name Day Icon celebrates June 8, 21 and October 4 and 22.

Those who suffer from significant violations of the work of hearing organs, as well as other similar inconsisions, are bowed and praying. Name Day This icon celebrates September 2 and 15.

Kozelshchansky icon of the Mother of God

The prayer appeal to this wonderful, life-giving icon is useful for any injuries of limbs, serious damage and upcoming serious operational interventions. Name Day This icon of the Virgin celebrates 6 and 21 February.

Icon of Our Lady "Mammal"

This divine face is worshiped as usual in labor, pregnant and nursing mothers. Memory Day This icon celebrates on January 12 and 25.

Before this, this majestic icon pray in the name of piety, the truths of truth, about the revival of mercy and compassion in human hearts, about finding a healthy physical body and reason, about the savings of Christian faith in the whole country. The praise of this icon and her name occurs on April 12 and 25.

This icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary is designed to deliver sincerely people who have a lot of fires from fires, floods and other damage to property. Memory Day is celebrated on September 4 and 17 annually.

Icon helps not to get away with the faithful life road, save the righteous lifestyle, and lonely believers helps to find real love. I sincerely praying in an inappropriate way and asking for help and council, you can solve any, the most difficult problems in family life and relationship between spouses. In addition, the icon helps as soon as possible to hear seriously ill believing people. Memory Day is celebrated on April 3 and 16.

This icon usually faces queues from the deaf and weakly hearing people. Name Day Icons - December 9 and 22.

All sinful people are praying for this icon, as well as close to the familiar games, drug addicts and alcoholics and alcoholics. This icon appeals to the upbringing of mercy and kindness, as well as to the feeling of joy from every day. Execution on the image says: "All asking for faith will be given!".

This icon is raised by those who want to hear from the greatest illnesses. Name Day celebrated 21 or January 3.

From neo-pa-mint time in the Mi-ni-you-one-one-tea-teach of the de-tey, ko-gda death so near, women PRI-BE-GU-GU-GU-LIAT-BE-GU-LITS SPA-SI-TE-Liu and Pre-Choshest His Ma-Te-Ri. In bland-horstime-me-sifts and in on-sime, we can vomi-well-well-man-ma-te-ri, on-zy-va-e- My "Power in Ro-Dah". And the unusually grace Icon of Our Lady praying all pregnant women who want to give birth to healthy children without any problems.

This truly miraculous icon pray to prevent wars and splits, about protecting from different heresies, to protect against the invasion of the interemphenics and strangers, about protecting against spiritual and bodily blindness. Days of respect on July 23 and 5.

This image of Our Lady is called up to protect the believers of people from cholera and full loss of vision. The day of the name of this wonderful image of the Mother of God is celebrated 16 or September 29.

This icon is better than any other can protect against the evil eye, damage and unkind thoughts of passing people. This icon is customary to put in the left corner of the hallway so that every person passing into the house is visible as on the palm. Envy and curses this icon feels like no other, because there is where this image is available, do not take root. The best location for such an icon is opposite the front door.

In addition to this way, sailors, victims of the ship's wreck, as well as in the presence of blindness, weakness of legs, deafness, problems with hands, as well as those who involuntarily become hostages of terrorists. Celebrate the day of reverence icons 9 or November 22.

This icon will pray in suspected of the pathology of the fetus so that the childhood has passed successfully, and the child was born healthy. Name Day Icons celebrate March 9 and 22.

This icon will pray for those who work by professions that are associated with immersion in water. Name Day celebrated on 20 or 2 December.

This icon is made to take prayers in the name of getting rid of drought, diseases and universal hunger. Name Day of this holy image is noted on October 15 and 28.

This lifting spirit icon pray in the case of terrible despondency, grief and powerlessness. Also, the reason for the prayer of this icon will be the overall state of the spirit. Name day of this icon is celebrated on March 7 and 20.

"Passionate" icon of the Mother of God

This icon is able to give a miracle of healing from cholera, problems of view, muscle weakness, save from the impending "large fire." Name Day marked 13 and 26 August.

This icon is adopted when healing blind and obsessed demons, with a fader of the disease, with the weakness of the muscles, when healing small children, during the paralysis of the lower and upper limbs. You can also pray for this icon when attacking alien. Celebrates the name of this icon on June 26 and 9.

This image, faithful faithful people pray to eliminate droughts and traction to vices, including atheism. The memorable day is celebrated on August 8 and 21.

This icon is praying for the return of lost or stolen values, about excuses knowingly innocent and exemption from the captivity of the hostage. Celebrate the day of this icon is 26 or December 8.

This icon belongs to Saint Seraphim Sarovsky and gives severely sick people to quickly relieve the suffering and strengthening their faith in the Lord. The name day of this masterpiece of icon painting is marked 28 and 10, as well as July 19 and July 1.

This icon prayes to temper the dust of sinful passions, to interrupt a series of harmful addictions. Orthodox believers are memorable for the icon, January 25 and 7.

Feodor icon of the Mother of God

This icon has been held for a long time in honor of believers because he patronizes the happy families and health of young children. In addition to all, this icon can help with long and difficult births. This image of the Mother of God is stored in the Epiphany Cathedral of the city of Kostroma, and he appeared in 1613 and came to the order of the king of the state of the Russian Mikhail Fedorovich.

Icon of the Blessed Virgin "Healer"

This icon speaks for itself. Usually, seriously ill Christians are treated for help. Birthday icon celebrates 18 or September 1.

Chernihiv icon of the Mother of God

This icon comes to pray obsessed with demons, as well as blind or weakly seen people. Name Day is celebrated on September 1 and 14.

Icon of the Mother's Mother "Troyoul"

This icon can very easily heal the sickness of the hands and feet, as well as grave spiritual and spiritual suffering. The date of the celebration of the name Icons is 28 or June 11.

Above the most revered icons of the Mother of God were presented. Photos with names will help you quickly find one or another image and find out its value.

Icon "Holy Trinity"

The most famous image version of the icon "Holy Trinity" belongs to the brush of the famous master of icon painting art Andrei Rublev. There are images written by the hands of other no less famous icon painter masters. The icon shows the face of the members of the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), soaring in heaven. This icon is obliged to be present in each house, as its action is universally. At the moment, the main copy is located in the walls of the Trinity Temple of the city of Kaluga.

Also in revered other holy icons. Their name and value will undoubtedly be known.

Icon named after the Holy Great Martyr Pantilemon

The image of the Great Martyr is famous for its miraculous healing properties. Parishioners who put candles next to this icon and asked healing, receive the real Lord grace. At the moment, the most important copy of the icon of Pantilemon is in the Temple of John Forerunner.

Saint Blessed Matrona Moscow

This holy is one of the most revered in the world of religion. The main monastery, where to this day its relics are located in the capital of our Motherland on the Taganskoye Highway. The monastery in which the power of Matrona rest is purely feminine. Daily crowds of believers come to the monastery in order to refer to the Matronushka with a prayer for help or gratitude. In the vicinity of Moscow, namely, in Kaluga, there is also an icon of Matrona, and it is located in the temple of Women - Mironoszitz.

Peter and Fevronia

In the same temple there is an icon of the Holy Pair of Peter and Fevronia, to which they treat help in love and family life.

Unfortunately, all the Orthodox icons, the photos and names are not able to describe in the framework of one article, because there are a huge set of them. But still the main shrines still managed to consecrate.

Believers always belonged to the icon of the Mother of God, many wonders and signs are connected with it. And if you are going in your troubles and grief to get a quick consolation, resort to faith and prayer to the Queen of Heaven, and she will surely answer your pleas assistance and consolation.

Let's look at what icons of God's mother is, and learn to what kind of way to resort in what problems.

Vladimir icon of God's Mother

People always belonged to Vladimir icon with a special reverence, many wonders and signs are connected with it. It was anointing for the kingdom of sovereigns and emperors. When the All-Russian Metropolitans are elected, and then Patriarchs are drawn in a veil in Kyota Vladimir Icon, hoping that the Virgin Mary will show her a man.

According to legend, this icon was written by an evangelical onion on the board from the table, followed by the Savior with the Muscal Mother and Righteous Joseph. In the middle of the XII century, the shrine fell to Russia. When she was taken to Suzdal, not far from Vladimir Koni stopped and could not move from the place. At this place, the Assumption Cathedral was erected, where they installed a miraculous icon, called Vladimir. With the transfer of the capital from Vladimir to Moscow moved and icon. In 1395, Vladimir God's Mother appeared in a dream the invader of Tamerlane and made him retreat from Moscow. Since then, the icon is considered the patroness of the capital and all of Russia.

Not only in the protection of Russia from enemies, its miraculous power is manifested. Since the time of Prince Bogolyubsky, a very large number of people receive spiritual and bodily healing sincerely asking for help to the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God.
Protects against accidents

When Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky took the icon in the Rostov lands, on the way it got up a full-flow river. Prince sent a man to search by Ford, but wrecked on the middle of a stormy river a stone went to the bottom. The prince prayed to the icon, and a miracle happened - a person got out of the water uncructible.
Facilitates childbirth

The chronicles argue that the wife of Prince Andrei Tryazhenko suffered and could not be resolved from the burden for more than two days. The prince defended the service and when she ended washed by the icon with water, and the water sent the princess. By making the only sip, she immediately gave birth to a healthy child and recovered herself.

Heals heart disease and vessels

The greatest force exhibits in the treatment of diseases associated with vessels and heart. There is a lot of evidence about this since the times of almost forgotten to this day. Known story about a woman from Murom suffering from heart disease. By sending all his jewels to Vladimir, she asked the holy water from the icon of the Virgin. And when drove off the brought, immediately cured.
Saves from death rates

Prince Bogolyubsky built a golden gate in Vladimir. Many people came to look at them. But suddenly, with a large crowd of people, the gate separated from the walls and fell. The reason for this was the low lime. Under the rubble there are 12 people left. Having learned about the tragedy, Prince Bogolyubsky began to pray before the icon of the Virgin. Sincere Mollet was heard. The gate raised and all people were alive, no one had no damage to anyone.

Icon of the Mother of God "All Muddy Joy"

Who is who, and the grieving people neither in Russia, nor on the planet are not translated. The image of Our Lady "All Morning Joy" is already in one of their name gives hope - and not even hope, but confidence that grief will be overcome and healed, but the joy, so desired by the human heart, acquired. In one of the prayers, in front of this way, it is said about the Virgin Mary: "Patients visiting, weak cover and intercession, widows and sires patroness, mothers of the saddeless comforter, babies weak fortress, and all helpless is always ready-made help and faithful refuge."

Therefore, before the Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "All Thorough Joy" pray all offended, oppressed, suffering, those who are in despair or sorrow, as well as those who are severely painful. It is looking for consolation and protection to all who have nowhere else to get - and they receive asking for their prayers.
Especially powerful icon, even cancer diseases are cured in those who strongly resort to it, looking for help. They wrote it in the 17th century and she is on Athos.
The history of the manifestation of her wonderful strength is also interesting. One day, when pilgrims arrived in the monastery, one strange man approached the icon, something vaguely mumbling. And suddenly the face of the Virgin Mary, and threw a guy with the power of the guy.
Everyone was shocked, and the guy fell on his knees, and began to pray, pouring tears. He admitted that magic is engaged in, and came to specially spell, can influence the icons. And such a lesson received the strength of heaven, which repented, and even in the ink of that monastery became.

The icon of the Mother of God "is worthy" (or "Milic")

There was an icon of the Virgin, who wore the name "Milic". And here in the 10th century, to one obedient of the Karean monastery, which is located on Athos, at night during the prayer of the Virgin the wanderer of some kind. In Kiel, he asked himself, and began to sing with him together prayers. And then the finger on the stone block, which was softer wax, began to write a song "worthy there ..." And he said, his name is gabriel. And disappeared.

Then the stone block was investigated, and confirmed that the written could be archangel with Gabriel, and the song was performed in prayers completely, as he was written, it was written. And I got another name.

The pre-icon of the Blessed Virgin "Milver", or "decently", pray for spiritual and bodily diseases, at the end of all things, with epidemics, about happiness in marriage, with accidents.

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

Once the Matrona - a ten-year-old daughter of one of the sorrows, Sagittarius Onuchina - was a vision: in a dream, the Most Holy Mother of God appeared to her and ordered to extract her icon from the ground. The next morning the girl hurried to tell about his wonderful dream, but no one is even parents, even the archbishop - did not take her words seriously.

And only when the dream was repeated on the second, and then for the third night, the Matrona simplifted his parents to start looking for an icon. And at the very place that was indicated by the baby in a dream, they found a shining icon, as if a new one was not a time-torn time.

The news of the amazing find and her miracles instantly went around the whole city. When the icon solemnly carried in the Annunciation Cathedral, two blind people were transpaired during the procession. And now the residents who have already lost faith believed again, getting rid of the blindness of the spiritual, and went to the acquired icon to pray for forgiveness, healing and protection against misfortunes.

There is another date on November 4, 1612, when the Russian troops of the national militia were driven from the China-Cities of Polish invaders. The Icon of the Kazan Mother of God is associated with the image, as the war prayed to her before the battle.

Now the celebration of the icons of the Kazan Mother of God is held on July 21 and November 4 in memory of these events.

  • In front of the icon of the Kazan Most Holy Mother of God, Orthodox pray for healing from any bodily gentity, but first of all are asked to heal from blindness. They ask for the spiritual transcender, about the instruction to the right way, if the fire of faith suddenly began to weaken.
  • Pray to the queen of heaven and support in difficult life situations, when the strength to fight with circumstances is not enough. In any sophistication and sorrows go to the Mother of God for consolation and instruction.
  • No wonder Kazan icon is called a guide: it helps to make the right decisions, directs on the way to the good goal, will save from misfortune and mistakes. Often, the descriptions of miracles are described in the descriptions that the Mother of God was in dreams to people who ask her help, and said how to do and what to do to avoid trouble or fix its consequences.
  • They ask not only for themselves and loved ones, but also for the whole country: pray for the Virgin about getting rid of the invasions of the enemies, about the help of soldiers in the protection of the Motherland, about the well-being of Russia. After all, the Kazan Icon helped to win the great victories and save the country from the invaders.
  • Not only in trouble come to the Kazan icon, but also in joy. It is blessed with newlyweds when marriage. With this icon bind a lot. For example, if you marry the day of the celebration of the icons of the Kazan Mother of God, then the marriage promises to be trees and happy.
  • And not only young, and any families of the Virgin helps to preserve harmony and well-being, saves from quarrels and troubles. Houses in which there is a Kazan icon are under its protection. Looking in front of the endless love and mercy of the Mother of the Virgin, the girls and women of all ages turn to her with a request to help them keep home the hearth.
  • And, of course, the Mother of God is especially favorably belongs to children. No wonder the vision of the Kazan Icon was revealed by the little girl. Therefore, parents often put the image of this icon next to the children's bed and ask the Virgin to take Chado under their patronage. And she helps a child in a life path, protecting him from sorrow and misfortune.

Icon of the Mother of God "Mammal"

This icon is a joy to all giving birth, nursing, who is praying for the health of kids.

Unusual iconography, where the Virgin of the God of Breastfaby feeds. There was this image near Jerusalem initially, in the Lavra, the name of Savva consecrated. And in the 18th century, the son of the Serbian sovereign was transferred, and they were brought to Athos. There is now the image and is located in the Hyedar monastery. In Russia, the image appeared quite unexpectedly - on the top of the tree, there and the temple was built in honor of the newfound miracle icons. And many healings near her was obtained at different times.

There are many famous Icons of the Virgin Mary, often a Russian people resorted to her help and received a request. Because the previous one, once a person on Earth, the former, especially us, people, understands, and often assist his blessed. And many in the birth helps, and in the acquisition of the marriage, and in the sadness of different comforts, and in diseases of all sorts. All-Bo to her, at all her requests, the Savior is graciously answers.

Iverka icon of the Mother of God

The Mother of God appeals to the Iver of God's Mother, about protection against diseases, enemies, slanders and dark forces.

The Iverskaya Virgin Mary itself called himself a great defender for believers, when he was miraculously in the Iversky Monastery on Athos (Greece). In the Ix century, the warriors of the king of the faeophile iconoborets were sent to destroy the holy icons. In one house, one of them hit the cheek of the Virgin, and blood flowed from the wound. To save the image, the owners gave him to the sea, and the icon standing in the waves. One day the monks of the Iversky monastery saw the fiery pillar on the sea - he climbed the way of the manner standing on the water. The icon was set in the temple, but in the morning it was discovered over the monastery gates. So repeated several times, while the Virgin, who appeared one of the monks in a dream, did not say that he would not want to be stored, and he would be a keeper. Icon was left above the gates, why it is often called the "goalkeeper".

Icon of God's Mother "Seven Stracean"

Usually, the Virgin is written with her son or with saints and angels, but here it is depicted alone, and swords (arrows) symbolize the pain that the Most Holy Virgin Mary was experiencing on Earth. The number of seven also denotes the seven major human sinful sinters, which the Virgin is easily reading in every human heart. She is also ready to pray to the Son about each of us who are praying for her intercession, and about eradicating these sinful thoughts in us.

Before the "seminist" read prayers from irreconcilable enemies. During the war, they read the enemies to go around the defenders of the Fatherland and relatives of the warriors. Before the icon put at least seven candles. This icon can show seven wonders, or help find out the future for seven years. Prayer be prayers will help with flashes of family or neighboring hostility. Icon protects from the intolerance of people in relation to you. It will also help with flashes of irritation, malice or anger.

Icon of the Mother of God "Healer"

The miraculous icon "Healer" received his fame since the IV century from the Nativity of Christ. The ancient church legend that the regime itself helped to heal the person and is a plot of this miraculous icon.

Before the miraculous icon, the "Healer" pray for healing from various diseases. According to prayers before the miraculous icon, the Healer is cured by any diseases, even those in front of which modern scientists doctors hopelessly lowered hands.

Icon of the Mother's Mother "Uming"

When contacting the Virgin "Uming" pray for healing from the ailments.

Icon was located in the Poise of St. Seraphim Sarovsky. We can eat from the lamp, which grieved in front of the Kezen icon, the Rev. Seraphim was anxious of the patients, and they received healing. Before this icon, Rev. and departed to the Lord. Another name of the icon is "the joy of all joys." So often called this icon myself Reverend Seraphim.