How to make java more operational. How to allocate more RAM for Minecraft

How to make java more operational.  How to allocate more RAM for Minecraft
How to make java more operational. How to allocate more RAM for Minecraft

Step 1. Go to the "Control Panel".

Step 2. Type ‘Java’ in the search box of the Control Panel window.

Step 3. Click on the Java icon that appears in your search.

Step 4. In the window that opens, select "Java".

Step 5. Click "View" ...

Step 6. Make sure there is only one line! If you have more lines, then you need to remove all installed versions of Java and reinstall the one required specifically for your operating system.

Step 7. Change the value of "Runtime Parameters". For example: -Xincgc -Xmx2048M

Specify how much you want to allocate computer memory. For 32-bit operating systems, the 768M is recommended. If you have a 64-bit system or it does not work, then try to specify: 1G 1536M 2G. Please note that you should choose the allocated RAM size based on the total amount of installed RAM value in your computer.

Step 8. Press OK.

Step 9. Restart the game if it was running or restart your computer.

If you still get an error or a few lines in "Runtime Parametrs", then this instruction is for you:

Removing Java from your computer

We clean the registry. Registry Cleaners - CCleaner, WinUtilities

Delete minecraft

Download and reinstall Java. If you have a 64-bit system, install 64-bit Java. Otherwise it won't allocate as much memory as you want

Putting minecraft again

Go to one of the instructions

If the error still pops up, turn off the sound.

None of this helped - you have little RAM or your processor is weak.

Key designation:

Xincgc - Garbage Collecter, frees unused objects from memory.

Xmx - Sets the maximum memory size.

Xms - Sets the minimum memory size.


To allocate more memory for Java applications, you can edit some parameters of the Java machine installed on your computer. Go to Start Menu - Control Panel - Programs. Select Java from the list of sections that appears.

In the settings window that opens, select the line Java - View. In the Runtime.Parameters line, specify -Xincgc -Xmx768M. If you have a 64-bit operating system, enter the amount of memory you want to allocate for the application as you like. For example, in the settings line, enter -Xincgc -Xmx2048M. This gives the Java virtual machine 2048 MB of RAM to use.

After specifying the required data, click the "OK" button and restart the computer to apply the changed settings. After rebooting, you can launch the application you want.

It is also possible to write the memory allocation parameters for the Java machine using computer environment variables. Click on the "Control Panel" item in the "Start" menu. Then click on the link "System settings" - "System". In the section that appears, specify "Advanced" - "Environment Variables". Click on the "Create" button.

In the Name section, enter _JAVA_OPTIONS. Then set the parameters you need to change - enter the configuration -Xincgc -Xmx3G. It is worth noting that in this case, 3G means a memory allocation of 3 Gigabytes.

Minecraft is one of the more demanding Java games. In her profile settings, you can manually specify the amount of RAM you want to allocate. Click on the Edit Profile section in the game launcher window and write the amount of RAM in the appropriate paragraph. Then save your changes. Now you can start launching the game.

Useful advice

To determine the bitness of the operating system, click on "Start" and click on the line "Computer" with the right mouse button. In the list of options that appears, select Properties. In the window describing the properties of the computer, you will see an indication of the bitness of your Windows.

Many Internet sites contain links that redirect users to other pages. When working in a text editor, it is also possible to insert them. To get attention and do link noticeable, its selection is applied - in color or in a changed font.

You will need

  • - table of html-color codes;
  • - html tags.


Make a highlight on the website. In HTML codes use schema text

Give the link a different color in your document. First create it by clicking Insert → Hyperlink. Enter the path to the page on the Internet in the "Address" field, write the name in the "Text" field. Click Apply. Then change the color by highlighting link and choosing the color you want from the palette on the toolbar. After you finish formatting, save your changes to your document.

Use italics. On the site, in the edit field, insert the [i] tag ( ) before the link and () after. In the text editor, click on the oblique letter "K" in the toolbar, highlighting link... Save the document or message on the site.

Apply a bold font. To do this, select link in a text editor and press "F". On the internet, insert link between tags [b] (). Save.

Change the background color. Switch to HTML editing on the website, or open the document in a text editor. Create link and select it. Move the cursor over the “ab” button with a colored bar below it (yellow by default). The Highlight Color tooltip appears. Click on it and choose a background color. Click and the background of the link will change. This scheme works for text editors as well.

If it is necessary not to decorate, but to highlight link as text, position the mouse cursor where it ends. Hold down the left mouse button and drag to the left. Release it when the entire link is highlighted. Its color will change to white, and the link itself will be on a blue background. Copy if required.


The color in the html-code must be in six-digit form (it can be viewed on the Internet or in the Photoshop color palette), and the English equivalents of Russian colors are inserted into the BB-code.

Useful advice

In the OpenOffice editor, the Highlight button is enabled using Tools → Preferences → Toolbar → Formatting.

In MS Word enable the button using Tools → Word Options → Settings → Main Tab. Click on "Text Highlight Color" and then "Add >>". The button will appear on the Quick Access Toolbar.


  • Html Tutorial for Dummies

For your computer to work quickly and without interruptions, it is necessary that it has a sufficient amount of operational memory... It can be increased at any time using special utilities and RAM sticks.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - operating system;
  • - additional RAM strips.


Those who work at a computer every day are often faced with the fact that their work tool is often for a while, or even simple. But sometimes, while sitting, you want not only to carry out work operations, but also to play with your favorite toys. This problem arises due to the lack of operational memory on the computer.

Often it manifests itself in those moments when the computer is just starting up. Together with the necessary programs, not so important ones are launched, which take up part memory... The system starts literally torn between them, deciding who to give priority. As a result, the entire computer freezes. You can solve this problem by removing all lower priority programs from the menu, which is responsible for autorun.

Another reason for the lack of RAM can be an insufficient amount of physical or virtual memory... To solve the problem, you must first understand which one is more loaded. Check the amount of virtual memory in the upload file using the toolbar. Set its size so that it is twice the physical memory. After carrying out this operation, the computer will need to reboot.

Check the size of the physical memory in the following way: "My Computer" - "Properties". If you see that the physical memory is more than 4 gigabytes, then the best solution would be to install a new, 64-bit operating system. If the limit memory less, it is best to buy an additional bar in the store memory and use it to increase disk space.

Most often in computer stores you can find such types of RAM as DDR2 and DDR3, since they are used to create modern computers. It can be installed using special utilities, and then you need to install the purchased trims memory.

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Many gamers, playing their favorite Minecraft, are sometimes faced with a situation when everything in it hangs badly. If this happens repeatedly and in fact throughout the entire gameplay, the pleasure of it is completely lost. Moreover, often no reinstallations help to cope with such a disaster.

Lack of memory is bad even when playing

Often the answer to this and other similar questions lies on the surface. In many cases, the problem with "Minecraft" freezing is the lack of memory. No, the forgetfulness of the gamer in this case has absolutely nothing to do with it. We are talking about RAM (random access memory, or simply random access memory) - a kind of temporary storage of the data that the processor uses to perform the operations necessary at a particular moment.

It is not difficult to come to such a logical conclusion: the more RAM space is allocated for a certain program (in particular, Minecraft), the faster it works and the higher the chances that in principle there will be no problems with it. Moreover, here the matter may be not so much in the novelty of the gamer's computer, but in how much memory the machine allocates for various operations.

And in the case of Minecraft, in order to make the game function better, you will have to resolve difficulties with the Java software platform on which this game (as well as many other applications) runs.

Possible bugs with Java and how to fix them

Sometimes problems occur due to improper installation of its drivers - for example, due to the fact that they do not match the system bitness. You can spy on such an indicator by right-clicking on "My Computer" and selecting the "Properties" tab there. In one of the lines that will open, it will be written whether Windows has 32 or 64 bits.

If it turns out that the gamer has installed the wrong drivers for the desired program, then they should be removed. After that, you need to download from a suitable resource (for example, from any of those Internet portals that specialize in software for Minecraft) those that correspond to the bit capacity of the system, and install them.

Then you need to move on to Java itself. In XP, this is done through the C drive or through Explorer, and in Windows 7, by entering the control panel through the computer's start menu. Going to the Java control panel, and on it - to the tab of the same name, click View. There should be only one line in the window that opens - more of them can lead to problems.

If this is observed, it is better to delete the version of Java installed on the computer, and then clean the registry (for such actions, there are special utilities - for example, WinUtilities and CCleaner). You also have to "kill" Minecraft. Then you need to install Java, suitable for the bitness of the system, and the game.

"Overclocking" RAM for "Minecraft"

Next, you need to proceed directly to increasing the amount of RAM allocated for gameplay. To do this, you need to repeat the above steps by entering the Java control panel and viewing the settings for this product. The window with Runtime Parameters will be empty there - the gamer will have to fill it with the necessary settings.

Their specific value depends entirely on the total amount of RAM. If, for example, it has 4 gigabytes of RAM, you can enter the following parameters in the above window: -Xms1024M -Xmx3072M. The first number represents the minimum amount of memory, and the second represents the maximum. Also, instead of the first indicator, enter -Xincgc (this is a Garbage Collector that frees unused objects from memory).

However, the above is only valid for 64-bit Windows. If you have to deal with a 32-bit system, it makes no sense to allocate more than one gigabyte of RAM for Minecraft on it. In any case, after all the changes in the Java window, you should first click OK, and then Apply. Now the game should work much faster and without the hated lags.


  • One of the instructions for increasing the amount of RAM for Minecraft

Unlike a home computer, a laptop cannot be upgraded, installed with a more powerful processor, or replaced with a video card. But even in laptop you can add more RAM or just replace the damaged one. This procedure will be within the power of any user, even without relevant work experience. It just takes a little time.

You will need

  • Laptop, RAM, screwdriver


Determine the type of memory you want right away. You need to take exactly that operational memory which will fit the connection interface on your. The fact is that there are many different types of contacts for RAM. There are micro-DIMM, SO-DIMM, and other variations as well. It's easier to write down all the characteristics of the memory and take it with you to the store. Or take it with you with the technical characteristics. There they will pick you up memory for your connection interface. You just need to decide on the capacity.

If you can afford it is better to take more RAM, as this will not only increase the speed of work, but also extend the operating time in. The more RAM is installed on laptop, the less often the paging file from the hard disk, and, accordingly, the battery lasts longer.

Now that you have decided and bought an operational memory, the replacement process will begin. The process is very quick and easy. Place the front panel down. It is advisable to put it on something soft, since the front panel will press against the screw while unscrewing it.

The RAM compartment is located in the middle of the case, at the bottom of the back of the laptop. Remove the screw that secures the cover that blocks access to the laptop's memory. Remove this cover. Now carefully remove the memory module. Install new memory modules. You need to act carefully. The module should enter smoothly. Install memory wrong is impossible. If you feel like memory does not go into, do not press, try to slightly change the position of the memory bar. Which side do you need to insert the operative memory, clearly visible by the location of the contacts. So you shouldn't make a mistake. After installation, screw the compartment cover back.

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In some phones, you can see a situation such as allocating more memory for media pictures, video and audio, and allocating an extremely small amount of memory for java. Increase memory java is possible by using one of the simple methods.


If the volume allocated for java applications is fixed and does not depend on the space occupied by media resources, then the only way to free up space is to get rid of standard games and applications. Try to remove them manually. To do this, select standard games and applications and click on the "uninstall" button. If unsuccessful, proceed to the next step.

Synchronize your phone with your computer. To do this, you need a data cable and a driver disc. You should find both in the delivery set of your cell phone, but if this is not the case, then you will have to download the drivers from the official website of the manufacturer of the device, and buy the data cable separately. Install the drivers, then connect the phone to the computer using a data cable. Make sure the device is recognized and the software is running and "sees" the phone.

Description: 18 way to run MineCraft on your computer without problems. Some of the most important tips are at the bottom of the list.

1. Adjust the allocated RAM (simple and very efficient thing)
On a 32-bit system (on 64-bit, you have to go to 32-bit Control Panel), go to Control Panel and open System - Java. What you are looking for is the amount of RAM. (Usually MB or GB) Write down the amount you have. Then open a Java window and go to the Java tab. In the Java Runtime Environment Settings section, click the Search button. In this window, under the "user" tab, go to Runtime Variables and put in the amount of RAM you want to use in MineCraft. Depending on how much RAM you have, you should put in the following order:
RAM | put variables in the runtime
256-512 | Changing it won't help only 512
513MB-1024MB | Xmx512m-or-Xmx700m
1025MB-2048 + | -Xmx1024m
Once you do this, you should see a significant increase in speed in MineCraft.

2. Set "javaw.exe" to high priority.
Hold "Control" and "Shift" on your keyboard at the same time and press "Escape". This will open the Task Manager. Now open MineCraft. This will initialize Java. In Task Manager, go to the "Processes" section. On this tab, find the "javaw.exe" process. Once you've found it, right click on it and under "Set Priority" select "overweight" or "High".

3. Download and install Optifine (More complex, but very effective)
Go to the Optifine Modeling page and download the Optifine installation. Then set the parameters of your desire.

4. Download the latest drivers. (Quite simple, very effective)
Go to the website of the graphics card brand (e.g. NVIDIA, ATI, Intel).

5. Customize Graphics / Video Card Settings (more complex and very efficient)
With the Nvidia graphics card, go to the control panel (in the start menu). Under 3D settings, go to the "Manage 3D Settings" section. Here you can select "*. EXE" files and settings for them. If you are using the downloadable version of Minecraft, then select Minecraft.exe and adjust the settings for the recommended speed.

6. Turn on the sound if it's off in MineCraft
According to MineCraft settings (not computer settings) enable sounds and music. It may sound strange, but the sound is a completely different matter for MineCraft to run, and in my experience, it can have a big impact.

7. Get a new graphics card ($ IVE expense but very effective)
Just get a new graphics card for your computer. This is how simple it is. : P

8. Tune your computer's performance by default (simple but not very effective)
Go to control panel and select "System". Go to the "Advanced" tab and in the "Performance" section click the "Settings" button. On "Visual Effects", select "Custom" and de-select the things you can live without. Most of them can be turned off and not notice the difference. Then go to the Advanced tab and under Virtual Memory, click the Change button. Select a drive that has at least 2 MB of free space, and then in the "Paging file size for the selected drive" section, set the minimum to 1024 and the maximum to 2048. You can increase the value if you want. Doing this will also help from the first making MineCraft run faster tipping because it will give your computer more "RAM"; however, disk space used as RAM will not be as fast as normal RAM.

9. Clean up your computer. (Takes very little time, but effective)
Open the Start menu and go to the "All Programs" section. Under "Accessories" and under "System Tools", select "DiskCleanup". This will scan your computer for unnecessary files. (If you haven't done so for some time it will take a long time, so be paitent.) Once the scan is done, go to the "Advanced Options" tab and under "System Restore" select "Clean Up" ... It can also take a while. Then go back to "Disk Cleanup" and select all the checkboxes except the "Compress Old Files" option. Then click the "OK" button. It can also take a while. Once this is done, go back to the Start menu, go to All Programs and then Accessories, then System Tools and click on the "Disk Defragmenter" button. Select the drive you have Minecraft on and click the "Defragment" button. It will most likely be long, long, long, but it will be worth it in the end.

10. Close any unnecessary program.
Just close all unnecessary programs. = 0

11. Close all unnecessary tray icons (Derp is easy and effective if you have a slow computer)
Right click on the tray icon and click "Exit" if possible. Not all tray icons will be closed while doing this.

12. Make sure the computer has been running for a while
Just wait about 5-10 minutes before you start working with MineCraft after starting your computer.

13. Remove unnecessary mods (simple and very effective)
Removing unnecessary mods from MineCraft helps instantly.

14. Do not run MineCraft in full screen mode.
If you run MineCraft in full screen, the computer / graphics card should render twice five times as many blocks, or only render them of higher quality, thereby slowing down MineCraft.

15. Download the latest version of Java.
Go to the JAVA site and download the latest Java.

16. If you have a 64-bit system, use it! (Very effective!)
Download 64-bit Java for your computer, it will help A LOT!

17. Buy a new computer. (Effective immediately)
If your computer cannot start Minecraft after what is written above, then you just need a new computer.

18. Put the cat on your computer (the most efficient way)
Put the cat on your computer! MineCraft speed boost and even spacewalk !!!

In this post I will tell you about how to increase the maximum amount of allocated RAM for Minecraft. This is necessary first of all in order to remove lags in Minecraft and for the game as a whole to work better.

What is it for?

On Minecraft, by default, only 1 Gigabyte of RAM is allocated and I think you will agree with me that this is very little. Given the very rapid progress, we can safely assume that more than 50% of all computers have more than 2 or more gigabytes of RAM, and if your computer is such, then you can increase the FPS in the game and thereby provide yourself with a more enjoyable game.

What is RAM (Random Access Memory)?

RAM (Random Access Memory)- This is an integral part of the computer, which is a temporary storage of data and operations that the processor needs to perform operations. In short, the more RAM you have, the more it can accommodate data and, as a result, the processor will process it faster.

Now let's move on to the practical part of this article.

First of all, we need to make sure that our Java drivers are installed correctly. The fact is that everything may work well for you, but nevertheless, you may not have installed the drivers in accordance with your Windows bitness. As you know, Windows can be 32-bit and 64-bit, and for each of the systems you need to download your own drivers.

You can find out what system is installed on your PC by clicking on "My Computer" with the right mouse button (RMB) and select the last item "Properties". You will see a window as shown in the picture below and in the line highlighted in red, the type of your system is written.

In accordance with the bit depth of your system, download the drivers you need from the link below:

P.S. Before installing new drivers, be sure to uninstall the old ones!

After installing the new drivers, we go to the control panel and find the icon there:

Click on it 2 times and go to the Java settings menu. Next, we go to the Java section, and click the button: " View".

In the picture shown above, an empty field is highlighted with a red line, in it we will have to enter the parameters that will subsequently allocate to our Minecraft the amount of memory that you need.

In order to allocate more memory, we need to enter the following command in this empty field (the numbers in the command are different for everyone, how to set your parameters is written below):

-Xms2048m -Xmx4096m

In my example, the command sets the range of allocated memory from 2 gigabytes to 4 gigabytes.

In order to decide which parameters to set, you need to know that you do not need to overdo it. It is better to use not all the memory and leave a little for the needs of the computer.

For example, you have 4 gigabytes of RAM on your computer, which means in your case it is worth setting the following parameters: -Xms1024m -Xmx3072m

In addition, you can use the: -Xincgc parameter, which frees unused objects from memory, thus the work will be even better, especially on weak computers. Full command example:

-Xincgc -Xmx2048M

For 32-bit Windows, it is best to specify: -Xincgc -Xmx768M, it makes no sense to put more, since it will not be useful.

After you enter the command you need, click OK, and then Apply.

Now we go into the Minecraft launcher and click Edit Profile and find the last item there JVM Arguments where we enter the maximum amount of memory that we specified in the previous settings. I had these: -Xms2048m -Xmx4096m, respectively, in the field you need to insert: -Xmx4096m

That's what I did:

When I first got acquainted with this operation, I did everything correctly, but nothing worked. Later I solved this problem and the solution was simple.

I also highlighted the root of my problems in red. This field contains the path to Java. We need to copy it.

Paste the copied path into the field that I highlighted in red.

The fact is that when the drivers were changed, the paths of the root folders changed and Minecraft could not find the files it needed. Here is such a simple, but at the same time necessary solution.