How to reassure a person with words that cries. I'm here to help you

How to reassure a person with words that cries. I'm here to help you
How to reassure a person with words that cries. I'm here to help you

Who of us at least once in life was not hard?

There are such moments after which we despair and fall hysterical.

In this case, it is important that the person who is ready to listen to and maintain.

How to reassure a person?

In hysterics

How to calm the crying person? At the moments of a person, you can resort to some measures that will help cope with this condition.


It is very difficult to communicate with a person suffering from. After all, it is not easy, which will stay for a few days, this condition can last for months.

All you can do for a person is just all the time nearby, together to go through this difficult way.

Remember that you need to assist after graduating from the "acute phase"When a person becomes easier and he gradually returns to life.

Be near all the time.

Even if it seems to you that it is not necessary for a person and he does not understand what you are near.

Treat him help. You will have to collect all your patience, refrain from any tips, the patient depression is absolutely not needed.

Make more light in his room, bring live flowers. Try to cook him your favorite food. Let him understand that he is not alone and he should not be afraid to stay alone. Speak him more often nice words. Show more tenderness, hug it.

The main thing, be sincere. Speak only what you feel, do not curvate the soul. After all, the patient can understand this, and this will aggravate his recovery.

In anger

There are 4 main ways to help reassign an angry person:

A man who dies relative

How to calm a person who has lost loved one? If you do not and do not know how to behave in such a situation, it is best to bring a person who survived it.

But meeting should be organized unobtrusively. Tell us carefully that there is a person with the same problem, and he will be able to help.

If a person believes, then you can seek help to the priest. Help specialist in psychology also does not prevent.

If you knew the deceased, then remember him together. If you have overall memories, it's time to talk about them. Remember only positive momentswho brought you joy. And, of course, we just need to say good.

Well, the most important thing: you just need to be near.

Be near and listen. Listen to a lot. Do not comfort and force to rejoice.

A person who has lost loved ones will cry and suffer, will repeat the same thing many times. But you just need to listen to him.

Help on household and with some kind of affairs. Important in this difficult period Just be near. A person must feel support. This will be the best consolation.


It is important for your beloved person to know that you are near and are ready to support it. Learn the reason for which he is upset, hug it. The main thing is to give him to speak.

Carefully listen to him, he should know that you are really interested in its problems, and not just do look. Therefore, periodically repeating that you understand it.

Women or girls

Women are usually more emotional than men. There are several ways to help them with hysteria.

How to calm the girl if she cries?

Do not immediately find out the reason, you just need to come and hug.

Stroke the head, gently kiss and press to yourself. Carefully ask what happened to her.

In no case can not laugh at her tears or the reason why she cries, even if it seems to you frivolous. Demonstrate her care and understanding.

Speak only pleasant words. You can make any romantic act or make an unexpected surprise.

How to calm my wife?

Stay calm and restrained, do not scream and try to prove something.

In the period of hysterics, try to stay with my wife alone.

Try to talk, ask a distracting question, and then ask her what happened. Hug and tell her only nice words.

How to calm the girl at a distance, for example, in VK? At a distance to calm the girl much more difficult, if you have the opportunity - call her, she must speak, and you will consult her with pleasant words, express her support her support.

If there is no such possibility, then write to her, ask to tell about problems. Also write to her support words.

How to calm the girl who threw the guy?

First of all, make it go out into the street, you can go to some cafe or just on nature.

It will be useful to be among the people, and not sit in his room and cry.

Do not leave it alone with your bad thoughts, distract it with something. But in no case it is not necessary to acquaint her immediately with someone, it will cause unpleasant associations and will not lead to anything good.

You should not say the phrase "you will find better", usually it does not help. Forget about alcohol, it will only aggravate the situation, drinking, feeling feelings and she can call her former.

How to calm the girlfriend who broke up with her husband? You need to be ready for a huge flow of tears. The main thing is to listen and support. Bring a lot of sweets, nothing like chocolate.

Cut it out to take a string. During the walk, you need to distract your friend with some topics.

You can add a funny stories together, which happened to you during friendship. You can go shopping together or arrange a spa vacation.

Men or guy

It is believed that men are less emotional than women. But this is not quite true. Just all your emotions they hide deep inside. And this should not be done.

How to calm her husband?

It is necessary to stay calm and positive, you should not sit nearby near her husband and start crying, such behavior will make it only worse.

Feed it with delicious and beloved food. You can arrange a romantic evening.

Listen carefully to him, express the words of support and hug firmly. If a man requires you to leave it alone, then do it. But if he does not say anything, then be near.

How to calm the guy when he is angry? You should not immediately tell him something, to start, you need to listen to him. You do not need to try to calm him down and tell him so that he is not angry.

It is better to give him time to cool. When anger will pass, distract it from problems with a delicious dinner and the translation of the topic to another channel.

How to calm the guy when he is bad? You do not need to try to disappear from him the reasons for which he is bad. It is better to hug and press to yourself. The moment will come when he himself tells. Take the guy with delicious food and offer someone together.

How to calm a friend? Be a good listener. Let him understand that his problems are interesting to you. Do all for your friend to be comfortable. In no case tell him that his problems are not so and terrible, which happens and worse.

You should not give extra tips if a friend asks him, then only then tell me that you consider it necessary.

How to calm the Son? Express him all his maternal love. Do not impose with your questions, express understanding. To feed my son's favorite dish and tell him that everything will work out and everything will be fine.

What words to calm down a man?

A man is important to know that you support it.

Speak to him such phrases: "You are strong," "I know you can cope", "You will succeed," "I will always be there and always keep you," "You can rely on me," if something is wrong, nothing terrible , Everything will be alright".

Each person has no better times. It is important that he had people who ready to come to the rescue at any time. After all, support is so easy, and from time to time, we all need it.

How to maintain a native person:

And which one is not worth? The site will tell you how to render moral support to a person in a difficult situation.

Mount is a human response resulting from any loss, for example, after the death of a loved one.

4 stages of experience

The man who is worried about the mountain passes 4 stages:

  • Phase shock. Lasts from a few seconds to several weeks. It is characterized by unbelief in all what is happening, insensitive, low mobility with periods of hyperactivity, loss of appetite, problems with sleep.
  • Phase of suffering. Lasts from 6 to 7 weeks. It is characterized by weakened attention, the inability to concentrate, disruption, sleep. Also, a person is constantly alarming, the desire to retire, lethargy. Pains in the stomach and feeling of the coma in the throat may occur. If a person is experiencing the death of a loved one, during this period he can idealize the deceased or, on the contrary, to experience anger in relation to him, rage, irritation or a sense of guilt.
  • Phase adoption Ends a year after the loss of a loved one. It is characterized by restoring sleep and appetite, the ability to plan their activities with the loss. Sometimes a person still continues to suffer, but the attacks happen more and less.
  • Phase recovery Begins after a year and a half, the grief is replaced by sadness and a person begins to relate calmer.

Do you need to console a person? Undoubtedly yes. If you have not assisted the victim, it can lead to infectious, heart disease, alcoholism, accidents, depression. Psychological assistance is invaluable, so support your loved ones as you can. Interact with him, communicate. Even if it seems to you that a person does not listen to you or does not show attention - do not worry. Time will come, and he will be with gratitude to remember you.

Should I console unfamiliar people? If you feel enough moral forces and desire to help - do it. If a person does not push you, does not run away, it does not shout - it means you do everything right. If you are not sure that you can console the victim, find the one who can do it.

Is there a difference in the consolation of familiar and unfamiliar people? In fact - no. The difference consists of only one person you know more, the other is less. Once again, if you feel strength, help. Stay nearby, talk, involve in overall activities. Do not be greedy to help, it is never unnecessary.

So, consider the methods of psychological support in the two most difficult stages of experience in grief.

Phase shock

Your behavior:

  • Do not leave a person alone with you.
  • Unobtrusively touch the victim. You can take the hand, put your hand on the shoulder, you can stand close on your head, hug. Watch for the victim's reaction. Does he accept your touch, does not repel? If repels - do not impose, but do not leave.
  • Make sure that the comforted more rested, I did not forget about meals.
  • Consider affected by simple activities, for example, some kind of work on the organization of funeral.
  • Actively listen. A person can talk strange things, to repeat, lose the thread of the story, the point and the point to return to emotional experiences. Discard advice and recommendations. Listen carefully, ask clarifying questions, talk about how you understand it. Help the victim just spoke your experiences and pain - he will immediately become easier.

Your words:

  • Speak about the past time.
  • If you know the deceased, tell me something good about him.

You can not talk:

  • "Do not recover from such a loss", "only time heals", "you are strong, strong." These phrases can cause additional sufferings of a person and strengthen its loneliness.
  • "On all the will of God" (it helps only deeply believers), "hesitated", "he will be better there", "forget about it." Such phrases can hurt the victim strongly, because they sound like a hint to cut their feelings, do not experience them, but even forget about their grief.
  • "You're young, beautiful, still marry / give birth to a child." Such phrases can cause irritation. A person is experiencing a loss in the present, he has not yet recovered from her. And he is offered to dream.
  • "Now, if the ambulance arrived in time," here if the doctors had given more attention, "here if I didn't let him down." These phrases are empty and do not carry any benefit. First, the story does not tolerate the subjunctive inclination, and secondly, such expressions only enhance the bitterness of loss.

Phase suffering

Your behavior:

  • In this phase, the victim already can be given from time to time to be able to be alone.
  • Let's the victim more water. He must drink up to 2 liter day.
  • Organize physical exertion for it. For example, take it for a walk, take physical work around the house.
  • If the victim wants to cry, do not bother him to do it. Help him spare. Do not hold back your emotions - pay together with him.
  • If it takes anger - do not interfere.

Your words:

How to console a person: loyal words

  • If your ward wants to talk about the dead, take a conversation to the area of \u200b\u200bfeelings: "You are very sad / lonely", "you are very confused", "you can't describe your feelings." Tell us about what you feel.
  • Tell me that this suffering is not forever. A loss is not a punishment, but a part of life.
  • Do not avoid conversations about the dead, if there are people in the room who are extremely experiencing this loss. Tactful avoidance of these topics wounds more than the mention of the tragedy.

You can not talk:

  • "Stop crying, take himself in hand," "Enough suffer, everything went away," it's tactless and harmful for psychological health.
  • "And someone is worse than you." Such topics can help in a divorce, separation situation, but not the death of a loved one. It is impossible to compare the mountain of one person with a grief of another. Conversations leading to comparison can create an impression from a person that you don't care about his feelings.

It makes no sense to speak the victim: "If you need help - contact / call me" or ask him "How can I help you?" In a person who worries Mount, it may simply not be forces to raise the phone tube, call and ask for help. He may also forget about your offer.

So that this does not happen, come and sit with him. As soon as the grief slightly calms down - take it for a walk, get along with him to the store or in the movies. Sometimes it should be done forcibly. Do not be afraid to seem obsessive. It will take time, and he will appreciate your help.

How to support a person if you are far?

Call him. If it does not respond, leave a message on the answering machine, write an SMS or an email. Express condolences, inform your feelings, share the memories that characterize the most light sides.

Remember that helping a person survive grief is needed, especially if it is a close man. In addition, it will help to survive the loss not only to him. If the loss touched and help you, helping the other, you yourself will be able to survive the grief easier, with less losses for your own mental state. And it will save you from the feeling of guilt - you will not edit yourself for the fact that you could help, but did not become, waving from other people's troubles and problems.

During the day, a person is experiencing many senses, emotions, some of them we can control, and some are extremely seriously amenable to this. How to cope with uncontrolled emotions that came out beyond the usual behavior and emotional state of man, such as hysteria, despair, emotional breakdown? How to help a person when he is in a state of hysterics or complete despair?

At such moments it is very important that someone was next to a person experienced so powerful emotions.

The first thing is necessary When a person is already immersed in a state of hysterical, longing, sadness, it's just hug it, firmly and with love, because a person is not very simple. And at this moment the words are not needed, sit in this way, until the emotions are hurt.

Next, carefully, not interrupting, listen to the person, sincerely manifest interest in his problem, enter its position. It is necessary that a person will speak out, as if spoke to his problem, with details. During the conversation, emotions can be raged again, the second wave of hysterics, but will show patience, soothing again.

During the conversation, man is still on the verge of a breakdown and therefore carefully pick up words so as not to hurt Nothing this raging "volcano" of emotions. Such phrases like "be higher", "yes it is such trifles" or "Gather!" Leave them for later, they can only make a person shy their condition. He will understand that his behavior went beyond the limits of decency, and his problem will be sworn inward, which cannot be allowed in such situations.

There are two options: either not to bring themselves to such states, or if it happened already, to fully give this state to manifest, going out. Therefore, the best option will calmly listen to a friend, occasionally agreeing with him and completely entering his position, in the situation in which he was. So he will gradually calm down. Do not make indifference, try to understand, because you could be in his place in the same situation, and you would also wanted warmth and attention to such minutes.

Perhaps your interlocutor needs help, advice, therefore ask, can you help with something in this situation. Sometimes it is enough just to stay next to this person.

After such an emotional burst help a person come to a normal state, distracting him from the problem. If you can, go to nature together, prepare something special, look comedy.

Such emotional states are very extincting a person, your task is to support and help restore the balance. Sometimes one is hard to cope with himself.

Sometimes, hysteria comes far and continues more than an hour. What to do in such situations?

Start setting distracting simple questions, a person will begin to answer them gradually, will include logical thinking and, thus, will reduce his emotional splash. It is so quickly removed affective tension and leads to a sober assessment of the situation.

With prolonged hysterics, which can last hours and leading almost to physical fainting, you sometimes need to use extreme measures.

In such cases, you can try to return a person to a sense of hard way - to give a slap, sharply pulling hands or do something similar. It will be a little shock for him, but will help distract him from the state in which he deeply plunged. This will lead a man "to the surface" for a while and will help return the self-control over himself.

It is here that it is necessary to force a person to speak his condition, the problem, the situation in which he was. Next, support, as described above, and help find a solution to the problem or out of this situation.

Sometimes, a person comes into a dead end and begins to beat from powerlessness, not finding out. But the view of "from the side" of another person can easily find it. Tell me a person or share your speculations about this, and then the interlocutor will be able to cope.

What should not be done in such situations?

First, at such moments it is inappropriate to learn, instruct or read lectures to a person: "I told you that it should be feared / you need to be attentive / cannot do that." It only wakes up a sense of guilt in it, which will aggravate his position and refuse the state.

Secondly, after listening to the story of the interlocutor, should not be mentioned about his problem that seems to you similar to your . It translates the conversation to another channel by transferring to himself, youremember the upset person. No need to compare problems, give an assessment of the situation, reduce the significance of what happened or on the contrary to exaggerate the scale of what happened. Yes, our problems are similar in their essence, but still have their own characteristics and should not be equal to one comb. It is better to try to figure out the situation of a friend and advise, based on the data collected.

And finally, another little advice for those who were next to a person in an emotional state.

Do not allow your immersion at the same condition. Log in the position of the interlocutor does not mean to adopt his emotional state, but simply try to understand his position. It is no secret that emotions are transmitted, but try not to get involved in them, otherwise you can not help your interlocutor by entering the same condition. Be carefull.

Following our advice, you will help your interlocutor quickly calm down and begin to think constructively to solve the problem.

We now turn more to the practical side - communication ...

Did you often come across a problem when your friend or a loved one is depressed, and you do not know what to tell him and how to help overcome this condition? It is very difficult to find the necessary words in such a situation, because a person can respond not correctly and even inadequate. The most effective words are described below that will help you support a close person in a difficult moment.

Phrases that make it clear that you are worried about a person:

What can I do for you?

All written sources describing this problem are advised to show, and not talk. Words are not all that is useful to a man fighting with depression.

So, I find the most comforting at the time when it is impossible to collect my thoughts, is the arrival of my friend who came and prepared for me dinner, or someone's proposal to put my place in order. Believe me, practical care is a very big support for a person who collided with a grief or a suffering depression. Why not go and not to spend a person who completely disappeared the mood?

Actions are very effective when communicating, you express the compassion to the interlocutor more and practical. Even if he is too modest to accept such assistance, I can assure you that he will put your words at that secret corner of his soul, which will remind: "This person cares about me."

Maybe there is something that could help you feel better?

Talk to a person that once brought him joy, or about something new, whatever could bring. Perhaps he himself will not answer this question, and maybe he will remember something that it might be cheerful now, but he is not able to implement it. Then you can provide him with this support and help do something that will raise his mood.

Brew tea to him, be near, do not say any extra words, place it to the trust conversation.

Do you want me to spend you?

Maybe a person got used to stay alone and did not even think that someone could be near at a time when she had to go shopping or get to some place. Moreover, no one saved him home. You can offer such support, it will show that you are really worried about a person and do not want to leave him alone with your thoughts.

Such actions will say more than just the words "I'm near", "I'm with you", "you can count on me," because you really can really count on you!

Do you find support in someone?

These words say: "You need support. Let's find a way to get it. "

Such a question will help to understand whether the person is surrounded by the support of loved ones or he is left for himself. If you know that someone is trying to support him, but he himself does not speak about it or does not notice support as such, it will help you understand that a person is important that he helps him and what is not.

The more loved ones will show such care, the better for a person. If you know that he feels lonely in his misfortune and does not receive support for loved ones, talk to them. Give them to understand how important it is that they connect and be near this difficult time.

You should also not forget that you can seek help from specialists if the person himself is not against. I think this is not the first method of help, but if you yourself can not help a person, it is better to entrust it to professionals. Again, only by agreement of man. He needs to help understand that depression is a serious and dangerous disease, but quite corrected, especially if the person himself understands and is ready to fight.

It will definitely end and you will feel as before.

These words do not judge, do not impose anything and do not manipulate. They just give hope, and this hope will keep a person alive, or at least motivating him to live to the next day to see if there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

This is not a simple and not apparent indifferent "it will pass", "happens and not." Such words show that you are really experiencing what is happening in the life of a person, you wish him and yourself to believe that it will go soon.

Let me understand that this is just a disease, curable condition, after which there is a happy life. Everything will not end on such experiences and emotions.

What do you think most of all?

Such a question will help determine the possible reason for depression, what causes the most concern and occupies human thoughts. You explore all possible reasons, but do not stop on some one. When, through such a conversation, a person will make his own conclusions, he will assume responsibility for changing.

Perhaps your close now really needs a person who knows how to listen and have the right to conversation. Be softer at this time and get ready to listen more than talking, and even get silent at the right time.

What time of day is the most difficult for you?

Try to find out when the most worried about the oppressive thoughts of your loved one and be at this time as close as possible. Do not leave it myself. Even when he does not want to talk, believe me, through time this presence will bring extraordinary fruits and healing.

The call at the right time, the readiness of the other to wait until the time he wants to talk about the problem, just presence - very valuable! If you are near, hug a person, make tea, sit next to and just with your whole essence, be prepared to help. At the hard time - you are near. And most importantly - constant.

I'm here to help you.

This is what you can say in confirmation of all actions that are already doing for a person. Do not rush with such words, if it is not. But if this is true, supported by affairs, it gives strength. It's simple. It is necessary. And in these words, there is everything you need that you have to say: I care, although I can't understand everything to the end, but I love and support you.


It is most inconvenient, because we always want to fill in something silence, even if it is a conversation about the weather. But nothing to say ... and just listen ... sometimes there is the best and most suitable answer in this case.

Be sensitive and attentive. Do not hang in vain. Be closer to the heart of a person, it knows how to understand without words.

How to be ready to provide such support?

Support someone in difficult time is not easy for someone who provides this support. First, because you may not know how to help a person. Secondly, because you are simply worried about him, and yes, you also hurt somewhere inside from his pain!

Top up patience and love, be prepared to wait as much as you need. You will not always understand everything. It is not required of you. But if you are near and you will support and express care to all possible ways for you, you can do it.

But it requires a certain initiation. We are not always ready to invest in someone. To do this, you need to really love.

Help a person to find the meaning of life. If you are confused in such a matter yourself, we can talk about it with you. After all, there is nothing more important than the state of the human soul and the contribution that we can do for a relationship.

It is safe to say that there are unpleasant moments in the life of each person, which cause unpleasant emotions. It is the emotional side - the reflection of the worldview of a particular person. People tend to respond completely differently on certain events of life. This fact is influenced by the features of temperament, education, degree of self-sufficiency and a number of other circumstances. On the other hand, and the approach to each particular person requires special attention.

Any careless word can be able to break the will of a man who in all his tendency to self-sucking intolerant to various critics. At the same time, there is a certain type of people who do not want to perceive the pity of others like a positive feeling. Someone is more inclined to solitude, which allows him to once again analyze the situation and come to a certain conclusion.

Some people feel the fear of unknown and are looking for support from others. However, there are certain conditional rules that are mainly used by psychologists during sessions with patients, but who must learn and ordinary people in order to help at the right moment and for themselves and relatives. Observe the tactics of communication with people who were in a difficult situation, it is necessary in order not to not only add them unnecessary experiences incorrect phrases or incorrect thoughts, but first of all will be able to help find a way out and smooth the wave of experiences.

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What can not be to tell a person who is experiencing grief?

First of all, it is important not to concentrate the attention of a person at its difficult situation, once again reminding unpleasant events, facts. Even if it is known that the person experienced by the unpleasant moments of his life is a rather strong and persistent person who can cope with any difficulties. Often, the inner weakness of man is so thoroughly disguised under the shelney of confidence that those surrounding mistakenly perceive it as a very strong reliable personality with practically not destroyed volitional qualities. Often self-confidence perceive as undoubted self-confidence. At the same time, even the most resistant person is capable of being rather weak and quite vulnerable. Especially seriously experienced by all people losing a loved one.

Do not impose your thoughts on how the person who turned out to be in the tragic situation should behave. Most likely, he will experience irritation from the fact that he is trying to teach such a difficult time for him. A strong personality, most likely, will respond aggression, which is quite explained, and therefore there is no point to be offended and leave. Mounting people focus all their attention on this event that they can forget about those who surround them, with whom they were in. It must be remembered that this is a temporary situation, because any, even the saddest history itself, there is a climax and junction. No man on earth can be at the peak of his own experiences infinitely, it can lead to sad consequences.

As is known, stress adversely affects both the physical and mental health of a person. Against the background of stress caused by the experienced grief, a number of gastrointestinal diseases may occur, migraine arise, to decrease immunity.

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There are often cases when people go crazy after the death of a native person

(Especially this concerns mothers who have lost their children). Specialists are examined as one of the ways to mobilize the protective forces of the body. Since a person cannot be in a state of stress for a long time, in the case when he, due to the lability of the nervous system, cannot but think about the experience of the grief, changes in his psyche occur. Such people as if begin to live in another dimension. They find the world of illusions what they did not get in real life. There are cases when the mother who lost babies refuse to believe in what happened, and continuing to swaded dolls, they will seriously believe that these are their children.

A person who experiences a serious psychotraum as a result of the tragedy may simply fall into a stupor, without responding to the words and acts of others. This is also a kind of self-defense of the body. At that moment, he does not so much so much as it does not perceive reality in all its details. Do not attempt to such minutes to "stir" suffering. First of all, it will not give any result, but on the other hand - any attempts to bring it in feelings and make it go, for example, it may look ridiculous and not to carry almost no positive in itself.

We should not forget that a person at such a moment is experiencing grief, which in his mind has a global scale. The desire of friends cheer him up and raise him the mood (jokes, jokes, funny cases) will be perceived as "Pier during plague", that is, you can automatically get into the discharge of the nonsense, which are rejoiced to someone else's grief.

In no case cannot be a saddled person to reproach in its weakness and tell examples as other people easily and quickly experience such minutes, and then switch to everyday worries. It can cause an unpleasant impression and sounded in the consciousness of such a person as an attempt to blame him in the fact that he is performed by grief. In addition, there is a risk of becoming a person who does not understand someone else's trouble. It is possible that the man killed by grief will tell about it directly, in a sharp tone and refuses to subsequently communicate.

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No need to regret the person openly, if he does not tolerate a different kind of pity

At the same time, it is impossible to demonstrate complete indifference. It will be much easier to a person who has happened to grief if he feels spiritual support and understanding that is expressed in the fact that his friends and loved ones are experiencing grief with him, understand his situation. It is necessary to very slightly catch the slightest direction of the thought of such a person. Often the victims refuse to take sedative or other medicines, convincing themselves in that there is no point in that, since they do not have the desire for life.

If it is obvious that the memories of the image of the past person do not cause him additional sufferings, and he wants to talk about it, it is necessary to listen carefully to him, without inserting any additional replicas, except for the confirmation of what he understands and his emotions are close to others. Do not follow such a person alone. It will be much better if there is a desire to stay some friends or close relatives with him.

On many people positive, their presence is in itself causes warm feelings, and the immediacy makes forget about everything, even the most difficult and sad moments. However, it should be noted that the man killed by grief may not control himself, which means that it is capable of praising in the presence of children, which may adversely affect their mental health. In addition, children are very sensitive to adult mood.

If a man is worried, this does not mean that he needs to be presenting a gift in the form of an additional pet. The reaction may not be completely predictable. But at the same time it is possible that he can distract a little at the sight of his favorite logging or guinea pigs.

By the way, the reaction of people who lost a pet, who has already managed to become full of non-equal. Some strive immediately to acquire similar to all the parameters of the animal on the previous dead animal. Others on the contrary, prefer other masters animals so that they do not resemble the tragedy. The third category of people do not consider the right to acquire the animal after experienced grief, because they are not sure that they can survive the loss of a new pet.

What should I say to a person who considers himself a loser?

  • It would be more correct to put the question: that it is impossible to say a person who experienced failure, after which he considers his life in vain. You can give many tips on this, but the correct option will be an individual approach to the situation. Each person reacts in his own way to the same words. If, for example, the phrase "calm down, everything will be fine" can be perceived by an optimist, as confirmation of its thoughts, then an avid pessimist and a skeptic can perceive her like a mock. It makes no sense to be offended if the answer follows, similar to the words: "I decided to laugh at me?! Where will everything be fine? " Such a peculiarity of the reaction to not always triumphal validity is characteristic of people's durable in their forces, which always and in all tend to see the negative. They are very hard to experience any difficulties, and because of the fact that it scares them greatly and stops at half the path, they cannot achieve high results in any case.
  • If a person who considers himself victims of the situation, which deprived him of the LavR in a certain field of activity, start reproaching that he did not show enough persistence and sphumsy in the most responsible moment, you can not just lose a friend, but also unexpectedly become hardly enemy. In the depths of the soul, people who are not prone to self-criticism accuse everyone and all in their failures. They are guilty of circumstances and people who at that time met on the way, but not they themselves. Often they prefer to write off the guilt in any of the defeats on other persons, and then tell about it. Can in this case carefully
  • Listen, and then very tactfully and carefully try to disassemble the situation, noting the moment in which they could not keep the situation under control. But in no case can not talk about it straight. Be sure to emphasize that this is not the last chance. It can be brought in an example of several episodes from our own life. And although the personal example is not always acceptable for others, but it can somewhat encourage the spirit of who lost it. It happens, the confidence is that you are not one of those who have failed, gives the strength and helps to cope with the complex of inferiority.

How to help overcome excitement?

People are so inclined to experience that sometimes it is much easier to try to calm her friend than to cope with your own emotions. Parents are constantly experiencing about the behavior of their children, adult children are worried about the health of elderly parents, each person in turn, from Mala to Great, is experiencing about the upcoming events. So the schoolboy worries at the sight of a strict examiner, the company worker is concerned about whether it will be appointed to lead the department, graduate student all night turns through the possible events of the upcoming security defense in thoughts.

Of course, the excitement in no way affects positively in situations that they appear. On the contrary, during the period of excitement, the man squises the colossal reserves of strength and energy, which could be applied in the right direction. So, a student, the tide of excitement does not allow to recall the formula that he shouted all night, and the most diligent employee of the company does not care for a serious conversation with the boss for increasing the salary. It turns out that the excitement can strike at the most responsible moments, successfully failing all the plans conceived by people.

Is it possible to find suitable words to calm the excited friend or native person? This is a fairly responsible mission requiring caution, care and sensitivity. Most people when trying to interfere with their lives and dictate their rules. Any advice they can perceive as the intervention "is not in their case." In some cases, such support can cause the following reaction: "You do not understand at all in such matters, because you do not understand my excitement!" It is important to first ask a person, whether he needs help. If it is located frankly talking about the causes of excitement, it is possible to disassemble the situation in detail in the details more attractive for it.

For the owner of the sense of humor, the option is suitable when he can imagine his strict chief or teacher in an unsightly form, for example, with green hair or in funny clothes. But the main thing is not to overdo the student remembering the joke, did not break out with a laugh at the most inopportune moment. If a person is not inclined to jokes, you can encourage it because he will definitely achieve everything with his abilities and intellect. At the same time, psychologists are not recommended to use a particle in speech " not", As well as not to remind the word" excitement».