How to remove or raise a person among important friends: step by step. Removing from important friends How to remove a person from the top position of messages

How to remove or raise a person among important friends: step by step.  Removing from important friends How to remove a person from the top position of messages
How to remove or raise a person among important friends: step by step. Removing from important friends How to remove a person from the top position of messages

I noticed that many people are interested in the question: how to remove a friend from the top positions of the Vkontakte friends list? Or a few friends, it doesn't matter.

  • Then you can immediately unlock it;

The effect is instant - a friend will immediately go down several positions. By the way, you will also become lower with him.

2. Activity with other friends.

The easiest way to remove a friend from the top position is to put another person on it.

To do this, communicate with another person and be as active as possible: put likes, repost entries, comment on photos.

Of course, this method is not the fastest, but effective.

3. Decreased interest through the "News" section.

An equally effective way is to reduce interest in a friend.

To do this, go to the "News" section, click on the filter icon and hide the news of all users and communities, except for a specific friend:

  • Don't forget to save your changes;

Now refresh the page and in the upper right corner of the friend's entry, click on the button:

Next, just click on the button "Do not show news":

Everything, after these manipulations, the user must go down from the top position of the list of friends. Now you can undo actions on hiding the news of a friend. This is no longer necessary.

4. Decrease in interest through a friend's page.

A very good method is to temporarily hide a friend's news.

For this it should open page friend, under the profile picture, click on the "Actions" button and select the value:

  • The priority of a friend has decreased and you can show his news again;

All these 4 methods are working, but it is worth understanding that in order for changes to occur in the list of friends, at least few hours. Nothing happens right away.

By the way, these methods can also be applied to Vkontakte communities.

Anyone can view the list of your Vkontakte friends. And see who is in the top positions. If you are not satisfied that some users occupy the first places, they need to be removed from there. Now I will show you some working methods.

What makes a list of important friends

Friends at the top of the list are called important. They get here based on how often you correspond with them and visit their pages. Everything is logical - the more attention you pay to a person, the more important he is in the list of friends.

We have already discussed the method that allows . Let's add a couple more.

Boosting other pages

If we put other people at the top of the list, the current leaders will go down. Exactly what we need. How to achieve this? You need to be active.

Maintain active correspondence with other users. Keep instructions for help.

Don't limit yourself to dialogue. On the necessary pages, like, leave comments (see) and repost (see).

After a few days, the list will be automatically recalculated, and other users will take the top positions.

We remove from the top positions of the list of friends, through hiding the news

This method is suitable for shifting from the top positions of a friend who often publishes new entries on his page (see).

The bottom line is this. His latest entries are included in our news feed. And it happens quite often. We look at them, and for this activity, he gets rating points. And we firmly occupy the top positions in the list of our friends.

The solution comes by itself - you need to turn off viewing his news.

To do this, go to your page, and go to the "News" section. In the right menu block, click on the icon, which will open the filter by users. It is marked with an arrow in the picture.

Here, open the drop-down menu, and select "Hide All".

Now find the right person in the list, and tick him off. So we will see only his entries in the news list. To do this, click on the "Save" button.

Now only the news of the required user will be displayed in the list. Select the first entry, open the menu in the upper right corner, and click here "It is not interesting". This will lower the priority of his entries, and they will no longer be shown.

Now it is enough to wait a little time, and this action will cause the user to leave the top lines of the list of important friends.

Via user page

Here the principle is the same - we will limit the viewing of all updates of this person.

We go to his page, and open the menu located under the profile photo. There we select the item "Hide the news".

After the advent of the Internet and the interest of society in electronic communication, the first social networks were created, the main purpose of which was to bring people together and communicate conveniently without being personally nearby. As a result, social networks are a model of virtual life in which a person has the right to conduct dialogues, exchange any materials with someone, receive news and necessary information, and add friends.

Friend list

Why are friends at the top of the list?

Friends are users whose pages have been added to the account owner's friends list. At the top of this list are those users who have a higher priority. That is, the account owner most often communicates with them, visits their page, and is active on it (likes, writes comments, reposts, views materials). The response is also important.

When viewing friends by another user, at the very top of the list there will also be people with the highest rating, which can sometimes be an interfering factor.

As a result, people with the highest priority for a particular page are called important friends, get to the very top of the tab with friends and stay there all the time. Sometimes with any people there is a spat, in which it is necessary to get rid of someone at the top of the list. So, there are several options for this operation.

Ways to decrease the rating

After hiding, the Vkontakte service will consider this page irrelevant and change its rating.

"Do not receive notifications" of a specific page

It is important to remember that it takes some time for the update to take place and the changes to take effect. Usually this time is a few hours, but it can be longer waiting time - you just need to be patient.

Similar methods can be used when lowering the rating of a community in the list of groups. That is, the less a user is interested in information coming from publics, the lower the community rating for this account.

Important friends on VKontakte are automatically identified. When friends, family, and a loved one appear first on the list, this is convenient. But relationships can change for various reasons, and the need to constantly see a person’s page may disappear. In this article, we will tell you how to remove those users whom you do not want to see at the top of the list from important VKontakte friends.

By what principle does VKontakte determine important friends?

When forming a list of important friends, the VKontakte algorithm takes into account the following factors:

  • how often do you correspond with the user;
  • how often do you visit his page;
  • how often you like and comment on user posts.

In addition, if you recently added a person, he will also appear in the top, but not higher than the important ones that the algorithm determined. If you do not have much contact with the user, he will gradually go down in the list. This is one of the options for how to remove a person from important VKontakte friends. By the same principle, you can, on the contrary, be active in relation to other users, put likes and leave comments so that their rating increases, and they rise to the place of an uninteresting user in the list of important ones. But both the first and second methods require a lot of time.

Let's consider more effective and simple ways.

First way

To do this, follow these instructions on how to remove a user from important VKontakte friends:

  • Go to the "News" section and find the entry of the person you want to remove from the important ones. If a person rarely posts something, go to his page and select any post.
  • Click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the entry block.
  • From the list that appears, select "This is not interesting."

Ready! Wait a few hours (between 8 and 24) for the system to update the user's information and lower their rating.

Second way

The second way, how to remove a person from important friends on VKontakte, solves the problem radically. To do this, you just need to remove it. If there is a need to save contacts, then add the person again. Notifications about your actions to the user will not come, and he will not know anything, and in your list it will go down.

Keep in mind that if you continue to be active in relation to the user you want to remove from important, his rating will soon increase, and he will again take his place in the list. And remember: although it is useful to know how to remove unwanted users from important VKontakte friends, the order of friends in reality is much more important than the order of friends on the social network.

Do you know why so many people want to know how to remove a person in VK from important friends? The fact is that this category includes only those contacts to which the user is most active. In other words, he regularly visits the pages of these little men, likes them, comments on the news, and follows their lives. Moreover, this group of contacts is always located at the top of the list of friends.

Do you want your new boyfriend to see that you're still interested in your ex? Would you like the girl you secretly dream of to be aware of regular visits to her page? There can be many reasons, which is why the question “how to remove important VKontakte friends” is always relevant.

In this article, we will tell you in detail how to do this, and also explain how, on the contrary, to raise a person in important ones in VK, how the list is formed and how to see it in yourself and in another person.

Who are important friends

These are users from your VK contact list with whom you communicate most actively. Moreover, “communication” means any interaction with a person’s profile: viewing photos, videos, music, likes, comments, dialogues, even simple page transitions.

Even if you are not interested in a person, his page can still get into your top. It is enough for the author to start showing interest in you - post on the wall, put likes, write messages.

People again fall into this category, but for a very short period of time. If the algorithm realizes that you are not interested in a new person, his page will quickly lose its positions.

Important contacts are located at the top of the list, and are also displayed in the "Friends" block on the start page of a VK user.

How is this list formed?

The list is not static, it is constantly changing and not mutual. This means that if Ivan Ivanov is on your “important” list, it’s not at all a fact that you, in turn, are also on his list.

The principle of forming important friends in VK is the constant interaction of the account with your friends and vice versa. If over the past few days you sometimes exchange a couple of phrases with Ivan Ivanov and put a couple of likes on his photos, while not communicating with anyone else, he will definitely rise to the top of your list.

This is what the important ones in VK depend on, by the way, if you suddenly find in your top a page of a long-forgotten person that you definitely haven’t visited recently, then he is your fan. Well, or at least not losing sight of you.

Now you know how important friends are determined in VK, next, it's time to secure the nervous system of your boyfriend / girlfriend - let's find out how to remove a person from the top of the contact list.

How to remove a person from the top

There are no buttons with which you could remove a friend from important ones in VK. In order to lower your profile positions, you will have to take certain actions - we will introduce you to 4 ways.

Remove from friend list

We have already talked about how important friends are determined in VK, and clarified that those with whom you have just made friends fall into this category. However, if immediately after adding you do not start interacting with a person in any of the above ways, he will immediately leave it. In other words, in order to remove someone important, you will have to break off your friendship with him, and then make friends again. It will look something like this:

  • Go to the person's profile in VK and click on the button "You're friends" under the main avatar;
  • Choose a team "Remove from contacts";
  • Or delete it directly from your friends section - there is a corresponding key opposite each name;
  • You wait 2-3 hours and perform the reverse manipulations, that is, add it to yourself again;
  • Then be careful - his page will hang in your top for some time, but if you are not active with him in any way, she will quickly leave from there;
  • In a couple of days you will see that the person was removed from the top of the list.
  • Keep in mind, if you go to visit him, put likes or contact somehow else, all efforts with deletion will be in vain.

By the way, people see your list of contacts not only on the principle “from important to unimportant”. Your mutual acquaintances are also located at the top of it, therefore, you can never be completely sure that the owner of the profile really follows the life of Ivan Ivanov. In other words, perhaps he is not an “important” friend for him at all, but simply your mutual acquaintance. To check this, delete Ivanov from yourself and check the friend list of the original account in a couple of days.

Can be removed by blocking

To remove people from important people in VK, they can be temporarily or. Don't worry, it will only last a couple of hours - a person should not notice anything. Otherwise, write off everything on the part of the social network and quickly unban the friend.

How to send a person to the black list?

  • Click on the small round avatar in your account (top right);
  • Select "Settings";
  • Go to the tab "Blacklist";
  • Press the "Add to Emergency" key;
  • Find the right page;
  • Click the button "Block".

After a couple of hours, you can remove a person from the ban - again go to this section and press the key "Unblock". After that, the positions of this profile in your friend list will drop significantly. Of course, if you are not very active with her.

Remove by hiding news

This action will greatly lower the priority of the person in your friend list. Just go to his VK profile, click on the three horizontal dots in the line "You're friends" and choose "Hide the news".

This is how you can easily remove a user from the list of your important ones without any deletion and blocking.

Reduce your activity

This path is the longest, but the most effective. You just need to stop contacting this profile. This means:

  • No likes;
  • Transitions to the page;
  • Viewing photos or videos;
  • Etc.

Instead, choose a couple of other friends and develop hyperactive attention to them. Perform reverse actions: dialogues, reposts, likes, visits, comments - use the entire list of tools possible.

Add a couple of new friends to the contact list and show the system that you are interested in them. Thus, it is these few accounts that will become important on your list, and the real object of interest will be removed from there.

How to put someone on the important list

How to remove a person from the list of "significant" you know. Go ahead!

If you carefully read the previous sections of the article, you probably already know how to make a person important in VK. There is no special key or option to raise a friend to the top instantly. You need to start actively interacting with the profile - go there more often, write messages, comment on audio and video recordings.

To add a person to VK as important friends, it will take 2-3 days. If you want to speed up the process, let this friend become the only object of interest in this period of time.

Well, now you know what important friends in Vkontakte mean and how to remove them from there. You can use any of the proposed methods, while the most painless is a decrease in activity.

If you are interested in whether it is possible to somehow hide important friends in VK, we will disappoint you - you will have to either from your contact list through the privacy settings, or follow one of the 4 paths suggested in the article.

How to view the list of important

So, you know how to remove profiles from your top contact list, and now let's talk about how to see important VK friends from a friend. Of course, by default, we start from the statement that he did not try to remove anyone from this category. Well, that is, we are talking about the situation "like a fox tried to deceive a fox."

So, it's easy and simple to see someone's important friends in VK through a computer and phone:

  • Go to their profile;
  • Click on the block "Friends"to go to the full version of the section;
  • The top ones on the list are the important ones.

Keep in mind that your mutual friends are also there, as well as newly added to the list.

That's all, now you will always be able to change important ones in VK for others, and you will never sleep. Now the task of “removing a person from there” is not insoluble for you. Be prudent and don't trust your investigations too much. Remember that the fact that the profile is in the top does not mean at all that the object of your interest is actively following the life of its owner. Quite possibly, it's just the opposite.