How the surname is decrypted. The meaning of the names

How the surname is decrypted. The meaning of the names
How the surname is decrypted. The meaning of the names

In our time, the surname has every Chegovka. As the name is called and the surname "assign". Most people with their last name lives all their lives, and the girls before the wedding, after which they change their maiden the name on the surname of her husband. There are cases when men take the names of their wives, but such cases are less likely. So where did you come from your last name how many years old, centuries, thousands of years? After all, you can change the surname, but then the kinship dynasty can come around, and after all, no one has grown that there are still people with such a surname like yours. We will offer you a reference book of the names in which you can try to find your own.

Fames such a huge set that we are simply unable to collect information about all the names. In the directory more than 40,000 Russian surnames.

Dictionary of Russian surnames

Dictionary of Families can be used as a directory, free surnames are grouped by spelled. The list of surnames is quite detailed, more than 40,000. The history of the surname can have many centuries. During the existence, the surname can undergo fairly significant changes, with a fraction of both individual letters and as many as many syllables, which can radically change the initial value of the name. To learn about the origin of the surname and the fact that in fact it means, in some cases, it is possible is quite simple. Usually, about the meaning of a simple surname, easy to guess without tips, for complex surnames, it can be generally impracticable.

It can be assumed that in the origins of any surname lies or craft, or personal characteristics of people who later transformed into famous names now. No genealogy, not able to track the real state of affairs. At best, you can find a mention of your last name in historical documents and in such a way to determine how old she is. The maximum that we have to date is a genealogical tree that is traced at no more than 10 generations.

How to find out the meaning of the name? Unfortunately, the initial meaning of his last name, only the very first carriers of the surname knew, could still be straight relatives and everything. Then already just guesses and fortune telling on the coffee grounds. We will be realistic if you do not have reliable and detailed information about the ancestors who were, where they lived, your mystery of the surname may never be solved. Therefore, great help in the search for origin of the surname can provide information on places of residence of all your ancestors. This is very important because the same word underlying the surname, among different nations and in different dialects, can have completely different meanings. Moreover, even the usual words, in the old days had values \u200b\u200bother than modern.

In this encyclopedia, the names you will find both common and very rare surnames, of course there are the most beautiful surnames. Naturally, the concept of beauty is very subjective and everyone will have their own opinion on this. See the common visitors' surnames. Pay attention to the funniest surnames with which you have to live real people. The most interesting thing is that they reached the depths of the centuries in this form. It turns out, before, people do not see anything funny and amazing in their names. Only in this case they could continue.

Absolutely all people understand what the surname is. But not everyone knows her story and origin. There are also several values \u200b\u200bof this concept. In the article, we will look at all the details and devote the reader when the names in Russia appeared, and the importance of this concept in everyday life.

What is the name?

  1. Surname, according to many sensible dictionaries, denotes a common name for all members of one family, which is transmitted from the Father to the Son and so on.
  2. Familia is translated from Latin Familia as "Family". Since the time of an ancient Rome, this concept indicated a family legal unit leading the overall farming. They constituted her family members, blood relatives and even slaves. Goted this name by inheritance, with marriage, adoption.
  3. From French and German, in terms of sensible dictionary V. Daly, the surname denoted the family, the genus, blood ties, ancestors, nickname. For example: family teas, "he from a notable surname", the familiar appeal (family-friendly, in-sampling, fraternally), familiarize (with someone to start friendly and close relationships, brother).

We considered all the concepts available in the dictionaries, what is the surname, and now we will deal with when people have a surname.

Historical information

The history of the surname as a concept begins in ancient Rome. It is there, in the environment of a child name, she began to be inherited. It was usually given a surname at the place of birth or the residence of the person, where his possessions were.

In European countries, the tradition of transmitting the surname to the surname began only from the XV century. And then it was the advantage of noble specimen, a small handful of aristocrats. All the rest of the poor labor people used only names.

The appearance of the names in Russia

The first historical data on the emergence of the surname refers to the XIII century. At first, they realized that such a name, citizens of the Great Novgorod and the District from the Baltic Sea to the Ural Mountains, which belonged to the possessions of this principality. Of course, these were representatives of noble families. In 1268, in the chronicles, it was possible to read about the tidridislav of the Cherma and Nikifora Radyatinich, etc. It was listed "good" boyars.

Princes received the second name by the name of their land. For example, Obolensky, Vyazemsky. But some received surnames from nickname. For example, humpback, tongue, coward, mare, toothless.

Then there are already reports of the names of the princes and the highest boyars living in the Moscow Principality. Russian surnames were single, sometimes wrote through a hyphen. Since the end of the 15th century, the first names that have foreign roots, depending on whether they were descendants, from which countries were appeared. For example, Karamzin, Akhmatov, Lermontov, Bakhteyarov.

Names of poor people

Most of the inhabitants of the country belonging to commoners did not have the names. They had such an opportunity only after the cancellation of serfdom since 1861. Prior to that, this feature was performed by various nicknames, the name of the host of the serf peasant. Substained all residents of villages and villages owned by the landowner.

This phenomenon has acquired the mass from the XVI century. In the documents, the peasants were drawn up as follows: "Ivan, Mikhailov Son, nickname curve nose." For the northern regions of Russia, completeness did not spread, and there people had real names that were inherited. The most famous peasant of those edges, glorifying their surname, is Mikhail Lomonosov. They had the name of the Father Cossacks and the inhabitants of the present Belarus. They used to be considered by the residents of Lands of the Commonwealth, and the entire population of the Chernozem Province was given the names.

Most of the surnames origin had on behalf of the Father, on the baptized name or naming of one of the famous ancestors. The first census of the population in 1897 revealed that more than 75% of people inhabiting the country, and did not have the names, especially the inhabitants of the outskirts and remote areas.

After granting the right to have their own surname, the design took a large period of time. Fully the process of obtaining every name of the surname ended only in the 1930s. By this time, all the peoples of the Grand Soviet Union were covered.

Whose? Whose?

The emergence of the name is different, but more than 60% of all these Russian people names are formed by the name of the ancestor - father or grandfather. Previously asked the question: "Whose will you be?" The answer followed the following: "My surname - Petrov, that is, the son of Petra, Alekseev - Son Alexey, etc." Therefore, most of the surnames has common suffixes. -On / -Ev. The study of the history of the names showed that they were not only from names, but also from the nicknames of people. For example, the father had a nickname - a fabor or closure, then the surname of his son was flaming or closers.

But there were other suffixes. If the name of the ancestor ended on a solid consonant, then wrote -One (Ivan - Ivanov, Plato Platonov). If the names of relatives on a soft consonant ended, suffix has already been added here -Ev. For example, Porfiry - Porfiryev, Ignatius - Ignatiev. If the names ended on or, then the suffix was put -in. For example, if the name Ilya is my surname - Ilyin, Afonya - Afonin, Yerema - Eremin.

But some authorities did not recognize such names that ended on -in or or / -th. Such surnames were forcibly replaced by others, in which there were generally accepted suffixes. For example, a person had a surname Kuzmin, it was redoned with a census of the population, especially the area of \u200b\u200bthe Don Troops, in Kuzminov, and the surname of the poor in the poor.

But there were separate regions, where the surnames with suffix -in belonged to the greater half of the population. This is mainly the Volga region.

There were also surnames that were created by numerous additions of various suffixes. For example, Ignat - Ignatyuk - Ignatychenko - Ignatychenkov.

Title of professions

Many people associate the origin of the name with the type of work. If the worker was a joiner, then he was given the surname of the joiner. These roots include the following names: Kuznetsov, Bocharov, Copales, culinary, carpenters, water carriers, Goncharov, Kovalev. Began to do this due to the fact that the names often have repeated, and the second baptismal names were a small amount. And workers have a lot of professions.

Surnames priests

The clergy began to take homicide names only from the XVIII century. The names of the parishes and various churches were used. For example, Troitsky, Preobrazhensky. Some took themselves benevolent names using Latin names: reformat, Gilyarovsky, Athens. After graduation from the seminary, teachers gave the names that corresponded to the possibilities, efforts and behavior of seminarians. Good disciples received such names - Dobromyslov, Tikhomirov, Nadezhdin. Bad students were given less sound, wearing negative characters from the Bible. For example, Saulov or Gibraltar.

Appearance of passports

During the reign of Peter I, due to the fact that the subordinate to submit and the recruitment service was introduced, the Senate Decree was adopted on June 18, 1719, which was prescribed to all residents to have police accounting documents. In a different way, they were called passages or passports. The document indicated the name, surname of a person or his nickname, permanent place of residence, information about the marital status, as the name of the Father, family members who went with him, and the direction of movement.

Emperor Paul I in 1797 ordered to draw up a general gerbird of all noble families. The work was carried out huge. More than 3,000 all generic names were collected, as well as the coat of arms of every noble family.

Modern passports

Each person has a passport in the world in which his name is indicated (in some patronymic), surname. The address of permanent residence, marital status is specified.

There are rules for changing the name in the passport. This can happen:

  1. At your own request. For example, when the surname got an indecent or offensive - scuffling, ssykun or grave. A person does not affect the whole life to bear the burden of some far ancestor, which received such last name. It is even though the procedure is long and troublesome, but quite possible, especially if the mother's last name is like.
  2. When adopting a child, or vice versa.
  3. When moving on the surname of her husband or wife after marriage.
  4. When the spouse is divorced, it may turn back to his maiden surname.

When changing the surname to another will have to remake all available documents: passport, identification code, testament, medical cards in the district polyclinic, car registration, bank cards, driver's license, student, documents on insurance policies, etc.

The study of the history of the names has shown that it is possible to learn historical data on it, the social position of the ancestors, their spiritual world and the type of activity. Such work is very informative. If you want to know the history of your family name, then there are many sites that describe the historical origin of a common surname.

Name of own name

The own name carries information about personal features: character traits, innate abilities, energy, temperament. Knowing the numerical meaning of his own name of a particular person, it is possible to determine what desires to them, which is possible for it, and what is not; Which of its manifestations should be encouraged, and what - to beware. Thus, the first impression can be formed, but not "intuitive", but quite reasonable.

Data is not introduced

The meaning of the name

The number of surname - "This is our everything!" In addition to jokes. This number contains a huge amount of data relating to almost every character of a person's character, primarily "family", his "hereditary abilities, as well as opportunities directly depending on what is his family. (Material well-being in this case is by no means the most significant factor.)

Data is not introduced

The value of patronymic

The number of patronymic is the indicator of the "Basic Potential". It should be considered as the result of the transformation of the qualities in the process of education under the influence of personality characteristics of a person. Therefore, as the number of patronymic does not necessarily have to coincide with the number of the father's name, and the "inherited" character traits are not at all obliged to be an exact copy of the paternal.

Not every person knows the story of his surname, however, anyone, for whom, family values \u200b\u200band kinship ties are important, seeks to find relatives and establish communication with them. The site "Generic Tree" is glad to help you in this blessing. The search for ancestors is not the task of the lungs, for this you will need to launch a family archive and bring out all sorts of references, but find relatives on the Internet much easier. Family sites operating within our portal are named by their founder's name. After reviewing the list, you can find relatives by name, unless, of course, the history of the names of people who are interested in people coincides with yours. "Who were my ancestors?" - Free to search for those who will help with the answer, you can at the "Generic Tree", filtering family sites by last name.

With us, the search for the ancestors by the surname becomes easy and fast, and most importantly, it is always free and accessible. "I want to find relatives" - often write to us new users. Well, we will definitely help you do it!

If even the search engine is unable to help you find the ancestors by last name, then the "generic tree" is at your service! The history of the surname can no longer stay for you secret! To find ancestors, just join us. As you know, who is looking for, he will find, but in your case will find it quickly and free. Communicate, interact, and very soon you will get an answer to the question: "Who were my ancestors?".

In the article, we will offer various methods that will help you in your investigation.

Names were used to clarify the carrier family from the moment of their appearance. In ancient times, with the help of such nicknames, people designated the scope of professional activity, the peculiarities of the appearance or personal characteristics peculiar to one or another commonality.

It was these details that attracted the attention of many people who want to know the origin of their second name to discover many unknown to this secrets. Obtain your origin, you can understand the following:

  • Who were your ancestors.
  • Where they appeared on the light.
  • Who worked.
  • Distinctive features of character and appearance.
  • What class they treated.

Surname as the story of the kind: then and now

Previously, such designations were used for convenience. They were not constant, and over time, a person could earn a new nickname. Now this expression has an absolutely different function. The second name is used to designate blood bonds and accessories to a particular family. It brings with me the history of the family and the continuity of generations.

Previously, not every person could get a distinctive sign. He had to be deserved. Often, the presence of such a designation assumed the noble roots and served as a symbol of uniqueness, differences from all the others. Now everyone gets it from birth and does not give him due attention. Few interested information that is hidden in one word.

Despite this, find their origins, their ancestors and give them a tribute to them and to this day. With the development of the Internet, it became even easier. Now to understand how to learn the story of the origin and the importance of your last name, you can use specialized online portals. They are stored archives. With their help, you can not only find brothers or sisters, but also calculate the place and approximate date of birth of Pradadov, the cause of death and other important branches of the development of your kind.

Do not be discouraged if you do not find anything in the archives. There is a second way. In this case, you need to refer to experts who will help find your roots, as well as analyze. In the course of the study, all available data will be studied. After that, the specialist will be able to tell you a lot about your family and name, and will also be a pedigree tree.

How to find out the family story by name

Before answering the main question, let's look at how the second names in our country were formed. The main reason for their occurrence was the need for the introduction of an identifier. With increasing villages, cities and villages, more and more people appeared with the same names.

Nicknames were given to people as an identifying sign. Someone chose him himself, someone they got because of their traits. Fortress peasants could not choose the nickname on their own. They were called as their owner wanted. From here there went a large number of unpleasant and humiliating names. Experts claim that Shcherbakov (a) is primarily a reference to a distinctive feature, a disproportionately large gap between the teeth.

It is easiest to know the history of the ancestors by the names of the residents of Veliky Novgorod. In the city of Chronicle, eight centuries are being conducted. According to the ancient papers, the first nicknames appeared here. Old archives have information about the participants of the Nevsky Battle.

At the highest sections of the Society for the designation of labor appeared in the 1300th. They were given for special merits or talked about attachment to some terrain. The most famous are Donskaya, Shuisky or Nevsky. With the coming to Russian speech of foreign borrowing, surnames appeared on foreign ways: Karamzin or Fonvizin.

So far, rich and famous people received loud names, the common people remained without them. Despite all the attempts of Peter I streamline peasants, there were no significant changes. It was during these years that this term was entered and entered. He was borrowed from Latin, where "Familia" means blood bonds and family.

In the era of the Board of Peter I began to be conducted - analogue of the census of the population. The presence of a permanent nickname transmitting from generation to generation would simplify the task. But in those years there was still no such tradition.

If a person did not have a constant nickname, it meant that he belongs to the lowest layer of society. Permanent changes in the second name occurred with the advent of each new generation. This lasted throughout the existence of the Russian Empire.

This confirmation will be works written in those years. None of the world-famous works are not specified special designations for serfs. The works of Pushkin, Lermontov or Gogol confirm that the second name only has to know.

The family name did not appear just like that. It was invented in such a way that it corresponded to its carrier. The reason for the appearance could be a terrain in which a person lived, his profession or other distinctive features. What are few examples of the formation of such words, allowing to know the origin of the surname by the name.

  • According to the national sign - Poles, Tatarinov, Kozak, Swedes, Khokhlov.
  • At the place of birth and accommodation - Sibiryak, Muromets, Samarin, Volgograd, Cherepovets, Arkhangelsk, Vyazemsky, Belozersky, Vyazmitin, Yaroslavl.
  • By profession - Goncharov, Kuznetsov, Rybakin, Kozhevnikov, Bochkarev, Kalashnikov, Konovalov, Bortnikov, Reznikov, Serdyukov.
  • By the name of the holiday, in which a person was born - Blagoveshchensky, Sretensky, Vvedensky, Znamensky, Preobrazhensky, Voznesensky, Trinity, Christmas, Assumptionsky, Voskresensky, Pokrovsky.
  • By the instrument with whom he worked - Serpov, Alto, Molotov, Shilov.
  • Educated from the names of birds or animals - Lastochkin, Bykovsky, Golubinsky, Medvedev, Orlovsky, Lebedinsky, Lisitsyn, Pavsky, Bars, Zverev, Volkov, Utkin, Vorob'ev.
  • Named parents: Ivanov, Illarionov, Georgiev, Alexandrov, Dmitriev, Alekseev, Pavlov, Petrov, Romanov, Fedorov, Egorov, Andreev.
  • On intrameal relations - Malyshev, Menshikov, Starshov.
  • According to the distinguishing features of the appearance - Belyaev, Chernyshov, Ryzhov, Chernyak, Lobach, Golobach, Levshin, Gubin, glazing.
  • According to personal characteristics - Molchanov, Mirolyubov, Tikhomirov, cleaning, soft, Tikhonravov, Smelov, Stukhov, Sithovtsev, Ostrumov, Slavolyubov.
  • By analogy with flowers and plants - Landyshis, Vinogradov, Lileev, Narcissus, Rosov, Phials, Anchars, Flowers, Apricots, Ceparis, Cedars, Mindalev.
  • According to natural phenomena, the parties of the light - Zarnicke, sages, Klyuchevsky, East of the Sky, the Windrock.

Deciphering your own name, you can find a lot of new information about your roots. In the family in the pots and Kuznetsov, there were potters and blacksmiths. Yaroslavl residents have roots from Yaroslavl. Someone from the Breaths of Christmas was born on January 7, and Chernyshev had a grandfather or great-grandfather with a dark color of hair or eyes. Here's how the meaning of words helps to learn the history of the family and its ancestors by the name.

Separately, it is worth talking about seminar artistic nicknames. They appeared much later, in the 1600s. Their carriers were church believers, and in common, such designations began to call Popovski. These names were created intentionally and appeared because of the desire of the clergy to be closer to the people.

The nickname was deliberately made frantific and pleasant to perception. This emphasized the prestige of the profession of those who left a worldly life.

How to determine the origin of the surname at the end

In most cases, the second names of the church type were formed with the help of two suffixes -sciy and -tsky. The most popular belongs to:

  • Derzhansky.
  • Troitsky.
  • Sergievsky.
  • Dostoevsky.
  • Windrind.
  • Apolonian.
  • Sanitsky.
  • Desnaitsky.
  • Bethlehemsky.
  • Athenian.
  • Benemann.
  • Pavsky.

The basis of these nicknames lay words from Latin vocabulary. The source of inspiration was the names of saints, philosophers or terrain, from where they were from. Most often, in the preparation of the second names, a direct translitement from a foreign language was used.

Now such nobility is rare, and their pronunciation is surprising in humans.
If in the designation that emphasizes your belonging to the family, instead of the traditional suffics of OS / EB or EN / in-the-second and -tsky, one of your ancestors was the church master, the confessor.

How and where to learn the origin and history of a kind of surname

If you decide to make a genealogical tree or simply learn the history of your family, you will need information about the profession and the field of activity of your ancestors. In the course of decryption, the nicknames can be revealed that someone was a man of art, brave warrior or a skillful master of his business. Such information can not only tell a lot about your roots, but will allow in the future to decide on the choice of specialty.

To get such information, you need to contact the archives. On the Internet you can find resources where in free access is the chronicles, historical papers and other useful documents. The only negative is not every site will allow you to use sources for free.

We advise you to start an independent analysis from the morphem parsing. To do this, take your surname and highlight the prefix, suffix and ending. Next you will need to find out from what word or phrase the name of your kind. For this, you will get acquainted with the characteristic features of the titles within different classes in Russia.


This word was designated a group of people who were under the royal court and possessed many privileges. The prestigious status was transmitted from generation to generation, and the name of representatives of this category was unchanged.

Consider typical names of the nobles:

  • Many people belonging to the highest nobility received their title at the beginning of the 1600s. This refers to the yroopkins.
  • Those who became a prince, a graph or baron, were listed in family books. This is Urusov, Lenchevskie, Sushinsky.
  • Foreign nobles took second names from foreign languages \u200b\u200bwith the characteristic prefixes "background" or "de".


Representatives of this class have always been honored in Russia. That is what has become a factor, thanks to which merchants gained the possibility of a special naming of their dynasty much earlier than the rest.

Consider the most famous generic notation:

  • Tretyakov.
  • Mammoths.
  • Schukin.
  • Eliseev.
  • Bakhrushin.
  • Demidov.


How to find the origin of such a name? The people who were in the service of the state and the king also had their privileges and could wear a distinctive name, emphasizing blood connection. In most cases, it was given in the ground where wars and battles were held: Kareline, Kazan.


Despite all the attempts of the state, keep records of this class, officially former servants found a constant name only after the coup and revolution at the beginning of the twentieth century. Often, the nickname reflected a profession or external traits of a person. The most common belongs:

  • Brewers.
  • Melnikov.
  • Kuznetsov.
  • Karetin.
  • White.

How and where to learn the story of the genus

Consider a couple of tips that you will help you.

Ask help from the family

Talk to your moms and dads, grandparents. They will tell a lot of new information: where do your mother and father come from, what was the maternal name on the maternal, who is your distant relatives. Fix all the important points: date of birth and death, marital status and information about the profession of your ancestors.

Organize workspace.

You will not be able to keep everything in my head. Get a notebook or notebook to keep records and record all the data obtained. To simplify the task, you can create a genealogical tree and mark your grandparents in it, tracking all the branches of your family.

Contact family archives

Find all old documents, birth certificates and other important paper. With their help, you will find information about the profession and roots of ancestors. In the same way, people can be found that will provide new information and will help in future searches.

Today we found out how to find the origin of your last name and associate the data obtained with the history of the genus, they said that it would take for this. Do not lose time - Start your own investigation right now.