How to draw my favorite animal. Drawing Lesson "My Favorite Pets"

How to draw my favorite animal. Drawing Lesson "My Favorite Pets"

Drawing master class. Algorithms for drawing animals in teaching the visual activity of preschool children

Tushmakova Natalya Nikolaevna, educator, ANO DO "Planet of childhood" Lada "kindergarten number 203" Alisa "
Description: the master class is designed for preschool children.
Purpose: teaching preschool children to work with the algorithm.
1. To develop aesthetic perception, aesthetic emotions and feelings, an emotional response to the manifestations of beauty in the world around.
2. To form the experience of perceiving a variety of aesthetic objects, to develop aesthetic interests, the desire to learn about art and master visual activity.
3. To lead children to an understanding of the value of art, to promote the development and use of various aesthetic assessments regarding the manifestations of beauty in the world around them, artistic images, and their own creative works.

The world around a person is beautiful and diverse. A child, experiencing a great desire to convey his impressions on paper, often encounters difficulties in depicting what is conceived in a drawing. Not every child has the ability to independently and step by step correctly convey the image of this or that creature. Most often, children experience difficulties in starting drawing, i.e. don't know where to start or don't know what to draw next. In this the child can be helped by samples depicting the necessary sequence of drawing various objects, i.e. algorithms. With the help of them, the child can easily navigate the number and shape of body parts, see their proportional relationship, as well as the final result.
As a preliminary work, you can use the templates of various animals. This will help the child navigate the number of certain parts of the body, their shape and size, but it will also make it possible to convey any movement.

In addition, you can invite children to find analogies between body parts of an animal and the most common geometric shapes, as well as drawing in this simplified system. For example, the image of an elephant can consist of the following figures: its body is an oval, its legs are rectangles, and its head and ears are triangles. It remains only to finish drawing the details, the tail and the trunk - and the drawing is ready.

To convey the image of an animal to a child, an algorithm can also help, with the help of which he can correctly and consistently depict what was conceived.
For children in younger groups, it is better to use algorithms with the smallest number of steps. The algorithm should be executed in color and built on the basis of an oval.

You can accompany the show of drawing an animal with an artistic word. For example, when displaying an image of a bunny, you can use the following words:
We're painting a snowball
The ears were made later.
And just instead of eyes
We found the coals.
The bunny came out as if it were alive!
He has a tail and a head.

For children of older groups, algorithms with a large number of steps are used, since more details are added. It can be done graphically. In addition to oval shapes, the structure of a figure can consist of axial lines that coincide with the axes of the bone. This method of drawing is otherwise called "stick". A lot depends on the shape and nature of the axis (it can be straight and curved): the figure is standing, moving or preparing to jump. The artist immediately sees this constructive basis, the skeleton, and constantly keeps it in his head while drawing, without displaying it on paper. But a beginner needs it, because it disciplines the drawing, allows for proportional accuracy and typical likeness. But in time you need to make sure that the child does not press hard on the pencil, because the centerlines are subsequently removed.

I will give several more options for drawing algorithms for animals.

And here are the works of the children of the older group, performed using the algorithm.

I wish you all creative success! I hope you enjoy the result!

Yulia Sukhanova
Abstract of a drawing lesson “My favorite animal. Pets"

Abstract of a drawing lesson in the senior group

"My favorite animal"

Software content:

Learn to expressively convey images in a drawing pets(body shape, location and shape of body parts, their size, proportions) based on the diagram

To choose animal at will

Consolidate technical skills and abilities in drawing(mixing colors to obtain the desired shade)

Develop imaginative perception and imagination

Teach to talk about your drawings and drawings of comrades

Materials and tools: related illustrations « Animals» ; thin and thick brushes, gouache paints, structure diagrams animals, color mixing schemes, palettes of jars of water, napkins for drying brushes, an album on a printed basis.

Preliminary work: excursion to the zoo, viewing illustrations, cartoons on the topic « Animals of the world» . Drawing animals with wax crayons, felt-tip pens, modeling animals reading poetry, stories, composing stories about animals.

Course of the lesson:

1. Creating a positive mood

D. ex. "It happens - it does not happen"

Target: development of auditory attention, perception, memory.

The educator reads the statements. If actions (or phenomenon) can happen in real life, children squat, but if this actually does not happen, children stand still.

Examples of statements:

1.Zebra flies

2.the deer performs in the circus

3.the frog talks loudly

4.the eagle crows

5.the elephant lives in a burrow

6.the monkey sleeps in a den swim in the aquarium

8.Cuckoo catches a cat

9.the giraffe hit the tiger with its horn

10.the hippopotamus swims in the river

11.the crocodile eats grass

12.bear loves honey

2. Motivation of activity

What is a zoo? Have any of you been to the zoo? Which animal did you like it the most?

The game "Who came with whom?"

Drawings with images are exhibited on easels animals and their babies... Guys have to tell who drawn. for instance: a fox with two cubs; a she-wolf with three wolf cubs, etc.

The game "Find the artist's mistake"

Children look at the confusion drawings and determine what mistakes the artist made. The task of the children is to name as many mistakes as possible and indicate how it should actually be. (Example picture- confusion: the fox has bear ears, the hedgehog has a hare tail, the tiger runs away from the hare, etc.)

3. Visual activity

Today you will draw your favorite pets who live with you Houses or at my grandmother's in the village, or you have some I just like the animal.

Where do they start draw animal? (from the torso)

What is the shape of the body? (oval)

What shape can the head be? (round and oval)

What shape of ears? (triangular, oval, round)

What shape of paws? (oval) How many paws do animals? (four)

(pay attention to the image schemes animals)

Guys, animals have a different color and coat length. Let's remember how to mix colors to get the desired shade.

(mixing schemes gray, pink and orange)

How to arrange animal on a leaf? (large, in the center) The animal can stand, go, lie, play.

For drawing animal use a thick brush, and for sketches small details - thin.

Take your time right away draw a muzzle... You need to wait until it dries up.

Children, to make the drawings beautiful, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics:

Animals have 4 legs (raise and lower 4 fingers on the hands)

Claws can scratch (depict claws)

Not their face, but their muzzle (put your fingers together in a ball, bring them closer to the face)

The tail, mustache, and the nose is wet ( "wave", show mustache, circle the nose)

And, of course, the ears! (three ears)

Only at the top (show with hands)

Children get to work.

In progress classes to guide children, encourage initiative, ask leading questions, pay attention to color mixing patterns and images animals... The teacher monitors the posture of children, provides individual assistance.

Fizminutka (In the middle classes)

Animal charging.

One is a squat

Two is a jump.

This is a bunny exercise.

How to wake up foxes

rub your eyes with your fists

They like to stretch for a long time

stretch out

Be sure to yawn

yawn, covering your mouth with your palm

Well, wag your tail

movement of the hips to the sides

And bend the cubs back

bend forward in the back

And easy to jump

easy jump up

Well, the bear is clubfoot

arms bent at the elbows, palms connected below the waist

Paws spread wide

feet shoulder width apart

Now one, then both together

stepping over and over

Treading water for a long time

swinging the torso to the sides

And for whom charging is not enough -

He starts all over again!

spread your arms to the sides at waist level, palms up

4.Conclusion (Viewing and discussing children's works)

The teacher is holding an exhibition of drawings. You can ask the children to come up with a name for the exhibition, for example "Excursion to the zoo" or "My favorite animal» ... At the end, consider the drawings of the children. Praise all children.

All children love to draw. And this is not surprising: after all, this creative process is interesting, with delight young artists master pencils and paints. At first, in the words of the children themselves, they are kalyaks-malyaks. Toddlers like to just learn colors at first. Further, the young artist depicts his family and everything that he sees around. You can teach children to draw with different techniques: let them try pencils, paints, felt-tip pens ... And it often happens that there is nowhere for a wide imagination to roam - is it possible to express something on an album sheet? Then wallpaper, walls, tables and various other surfaces that are in the danger zone, where the child can reach, are used. Just give him a task, in any case, to keep the baby busy - safe for him and for furniture, and also useful and exciting. For example, show him, with a pencil, step by step - according to all the rules. At first, of course, it may not work out, but training is the key to success. So, we draw animals in stages: everything is very simple and fast.

Stage one: preparation for work

Of course, you can just draw the animal in the center of the white sheet and leave it in the album. And you can make this work a real pride. First, decide what you will paint: for paints, for example, it is better to make a larger sketch. Teach your child to use a brush or sharpen pencils and erase unnecessary lines with an eraser. Then choose which animal you want to portray. If the artist is interested in a particular animal, then draw it. In the process of drawing, you can tell your child about this animal. Next, decide on what background you will depict the animal. If it is, for example, a cat, then create a homely atmosphere, place a ball next to it. But if you have to portray the king of beasts - a lion, then draw it in the savannah. The wolf will live in the picture in but the dolphin - in the waters of the warm seas. You can find many workshops on this topic on the Internet. There are also lessons in illustrations that advise animals in stages - but they also need to be voiced so that the artist understands why he draws certain lines. You can sketch, or you can come up with an image yourself. So, we draw animals in stages. Let's consider a lesson using several animals as an example.

Learn to draw animals in stages. Step two: one circle, two circles ...

Nobody starts drawing a cat from the eyes. So create a wireframe first. Its foundation is always simple. One figure is the body, the second is the head. A dog, for example, has a rectangular body and the same angular head. But a cat's body is elongated or round. The pig has a very round shape. And the fish has an oval. In order to draw a turtle in the first step, draw a semicircle as part of the shell. For convenience, sketch out the lines of symmetry on the face. When doing this, take into account the posture of the animal, tilt and turn of the head, and so on. And for starters, do not overdo it with the complexity of the beast figure. Then it goes after the paws. In a cat, they are soft: make small curved semi-ovals, and on them - 4 more small circles-fingers. In a dog, they are usually longer, and the foot itself is rectangular. But the pig has a hoof. In the painted turtle, the legs widen downward. Think about the shape of the animal's tail. For auxiliary lines, when we draw wild animals in stages, use or do not press hard on the paper. After all, they still have to be removed later.

Stage three: down with all that is superfluous!

Since we are drawing animals in stages, do not rush to depict the whole animal. When the outline is ready, combine all the shapes with a smooth line. Don't forget about skin folds. Don't blindly follow the guide lines: they are only hints. In this step, when we draw the animals in stages, you can erase the lines where the legs connect to the body. Draw the neck. If you are depicting a kitten or any animal with fur, then think about whether to make the cheeks smooth (then correct the auxiliary circle) or add fur (then the cheek will be triangular). It is also necessary to remember about the ears: after all, the same muzzle without them or with ears of different shapes can belong to a frog, dog, cat, fox or bear. When drawing the eyes, try to pay a lot of attention to the pupils and highlights. If you are painting, then the eyes should be large. In general, a circle of the correct shape is enough (to place the eyes, use the cross curved lines on the face) and another semicircle inside - the pupil. Approximately at the intersection of these lines, build a nose: rounded in a dog, triangular in a cat, or a round nose in a pig. The mouth and cheeks go down from the nose. You can do this using two curved lines. Don't forget the expression on your beast's face. When all the main things have been worked out, you can safely erase the auxiliary lines and proceed to smaller details and elaboration of the background.

We draw animals in stages. Step four: beauty is in the details

If you are done with the muzzle, then think of what you would like to see directly next to the animal: a bowl, toy, bone, tree branch ... Maybe your kitten is holding a mouse in its teeth or a burdock in the dog's fur? Or are there not enough colors to complete the picture? Next, work on the background: forest, yard, aquarium, beach. It is very important to remember that when we draw animals in stages, then we need to depict trees, stones, mountains in proportion to the beast, we must take into account how far these objects are. When you have confidently put aside a simple pencil, start coloring.

Step five: here we took the paints in hand ...

Here, for a start, when we are just learning to draw wild animals in stages, the easiest way is to use pencils. Teach your child not to go beyond the contours of the animal's body. Let him not try to capture as much space as possible. Explain that the coat grows in a certain direction, so it looks much better when the hairs can stand out and still be neat and tidy. On the folds the coat is darker, in prominent places it is lighter. Then move on to the background. Start at the top. Paint the sky evenly and horizontally so that no strokes are visible. For foliage, try all kinds of spirals, squiggles.

Create your own zoo!

The main thing when we learn to draw animals is to learn that the construction is important, which always has the same basis and principles. Move with your child from simple animals to more complex ones. Try to depict them in motion, combine how many individuals in one picture: fish and dolphins, playing kittens. Soon your zoo will grow, and the imagination of the young artist will not dry out.

It is easy to understand the principle of how to draw animals. In most cases, all, both domestic animals and forest animals, have approximately the same body structure. But what makes one "blank" a wild wolf, and the other - a cute and amusing kitten? This is what we'll talk about.

The history of the first images of animals

But first, I would like to dive a little into history to understand how and why people began to draw wild animals. Some of the first attempts to depict something appear even among the first people, our great-great-ancestors.

What was it? Why did the ancient people take hot coals from the fire, or for a long time, through lengthy experiments, did they find the formula for paint? People invested so much energy and hopes, and they were doing it so seriously, but why? Here are some of the assumptions:

  • Drawing animals may have been a simple but creative way to decorate your home;
  • Satisfaction of the creative needs of a person;
  • Or a kind of preparation for getting food;
  • Or maybe these pictures of animals for children are a visual aid? For example, they serve for children of 5 years of age as visual aids for the very first biology lessons in the world;
  • But sometimes both pets and representatives of wild animals look so strange and incredibly naive, as if their images were made by a 5-year-old child himself.

Whatever the reason that once a person was interested in how to draw animals, now each of us finds many fascinating moments in this activity.

The benefits of the ability to portray animals for us

There is another kind of benefit from such an activity. Together with our children, we learn to draw animals. Such an activity will not only allow us to make cute pictures, but also give us the opportunity to communicate with our baby.

For example, before learning how to draw animals in stages, you can read books together with your toddler, exploring the character and habits of the beast. In a simple conversation, we become closer to our little one. And he learns to trust and freely tell us his thoughts and feelings. Drawing with a pencil is interesting and fun, and our children will appreciate such a pleasant pastime and will not forget.

Also, how nice it is to do something with your own hands. This clearly proves a new direction in applied art, like hand-made. This can be safely attributed to pencil drawings of animals for beginners and already experienced artists. Knowing how to quickly make beautiful sketches, you can always surprise or delight someone.

For example, by taking just a few animal drawing lessons, we can make our home beautiful. Even pictures drawn with a pencil, but made by our hands, will look fresh and original.

Drawings can be done both in color and with a simple pencil and paints. And you can choose any surface for them, for example, on glass with special paints. You can depict animals with a pencil, both on the walls and on the wallpaper. It will always be pleasant to look at such works.

There is another plus in our ability to carry out pencil drawings in stages. This is an opportunity to present a unique present. For example, we can take drawings of animals for sketching and do our work in a style peculiar only to us and with an inscription, which will emphasize respect and love for the person for whom this surprise was prepared.

How to quickly and easily learn how to draw animals

Even those who have never held a brush or pencil in their hands, perhaps in the middle group of kindergarten, when he was 4 years old, can acquire skills in using a pencil for beginners, using the art of sketching from a photograph.

Where can I get pencil drawings for sketching animals? This can be offered by our site along with step-by-step instructions for performing this or that animal. Our pictures for sketching are accompanied by interesting stories, useful tips. These are easy to use for both adults and children.

There is a single principle for performing any animal step by step with a pencil. First you need to make auxiliary lines, grids, circles and ovals that are approximately accurate in scale. They will become the basis of drawn animals for children and adults. After such simple work, even little ones will easily move on.

For example, to draw animals step by step, you first need to prepare all the necessary tools and materials: pencils, an eraser, paper, a ruler and shavings.

Let's get to work, and the first thing we depict is the head.

Each parent, observing how the child grows and develops, notices that the moment comes when the child begins to express his worldview and thoughts with the help of a drawing. This desire to know the world is extremely beneficial contributes to its all-round development. Remarkably, drawing of animals is of the greatest interest to kids. The task of parents is to support the child's beginnings in every possible way and help him learn the basics of this lesson. In this article, we decided to pay special attention, in particular, to the question of how to draw a pet. Several examples will be discussed below.

General information

In order for your kid to learn how to correctly portray animals, you need to help him with this. Namely, explain how to draw pets, where to start. Initially, the task of parents is to understand whether their child has the desire and desire to comprehend the basics of art. Indeed, sometimes the first unsuccessful experience can turn a little man away from further artistic feats. To make your child want to create a "portrait" of his beloved pet again, it is worth helping him a little with this. The animal figurines you have proposed can arouse his interest in drawing. You can also, together with your child, observe a family friend, studying his habits, external features, and so on. Before using a pencil step by step, you should decide what kind of animal your baby will represent today. There are, of course, many animals. Everything here will depend on the child's wishes. For a start, you can choose simple pictures. Not all children are interested in dogs and cats (although in most cases these are the favorite characters of the first children's drawings). But we invite you to consider other illustrations. It is best to use pencils for the drawing of the animal at first. With paints or felt-tip pens, the pictures will turn out brighter, of course. But the animals drawn in pencil look more realistic, and the bad lines can be corrected. In addition to this, your baby will be able to develop better hand motor skills. So, how to draw an animal step by step with a pencil?

Depicting a fox

In studying the question "how to draw an animal in stages with a pencil", you should first create a sketch of the image of the beast. The head is depicted as a circle, which is crossed by two lines. One vertical (indicates the nose) and two horizontal (indicates the eyes). At the bottom of the head in the form of an oval, draw the future body of the fox, and also outline the legs, ears and tail. Then we draw the ears and use a zigzag line to designate the muzzle. Draw the upper eyelids at eye level and draw one paw. At the level of the vertical line, we make a triangular fox nose. The cheeks and mouth are drawn in relation to it. You can convey the texture of the fur using a zigzag line that smoothly goes to the bottom of the tail. Now you can draw the remaining legs, a cheek and beautifully finish the ears. Please note that the eyelet should be clearly depicted, and the ponytail should be divided into two parts. Now, with the help of the eraser, remove all the auxiliary lines and, if necessary, draw the outline more clearly.

Depicting a panda

Recently, many children have taken a great interest in watching the cartoon "Kung Fu Panda". In view of this, we decided to separately highlight all the subtleties of drawing this. It is quite simple to depict it. Since the panda is black and white, you should not use the animal for coloring. You can make the landscape around you colored: you can add trees, mountains, etc. to the picture. You should also take into account that we are depicting a cartoon character, so human features should be introduced into the picture. To make it easier for a child to master a cartoon character, you must first learn how to draw an ordinary panda bear with a pencil. It is then easy to turn him into a cartoon character. So, with the help of an oval, depict the panda's head and body (the main thing is to accurately maintain all the proportions).

Now draw the paws of the bear. If it is problematic for the baby to immediately complete this point, then you can depict them schematically. And in the future you will draw completely. It's time to draw the contours of the nose and ears. Coping with this task is not so difficult. The only advice: while drawing, do not press too hard on the pencil. In the artistic process, many lines have to be removed and corrected many times. It's time to move on to detailing the drawing. In this matter, the main thing is to check the correctness of the image of all parts of the body of our character. It is necessary to remove the auxiliary lines and draw the panda, as shown in the figure. When the image of the bear is ready, you can start coloring it. As everyone knows, the panda's face has dark spots only in the area of ​​the eyes, nose and ears. Do not forget to draw the marigolds for your teddy bear. And you can also depict a cane stalk in its paws, this is a favorite plant of pandas.

We portray a cat

Talking about for children, do not lose sight of everyone's favorite puppies and kittens. After all, kids usually begin to learn the process of drawing from them. So, in pencil? Draw the head and torso in the form of two flattened circles. To make the picture more symmetrical, you can draw a vertical line. The next step is drawing the eyes. To make them more expressive, make the tone at the bottom significantly lighter than at the top. Please note that all lines must have a smooth transition. In the form of an inverted triangle, draw a nose, from which lines will go to the ears and eyes. The mouth of the cat is depicted in the form of an inverted English letter Y. That, in principle, is all, it remains only to correct the soft lines of the animal's shape.

We depict a dog

The body of an animal consists of two circles, one larger (head), the second smaller (body). Further, inside the circle denoting the head, draw slightly curved lines, the center of intersection of which is slightly shifted to the lower left corner. Then we smoothly connect the body and head. Having drawn the eyes and nose, we get a cute puppy. Make the lines of the muzzle clearly. Don't forget to depict the ears, mouth and eyebrows. It remains only to draw the ponytail sticking out at the top.


So we have studied the question of how to draw an animal in stages with a pencil. As you can tell, there are no difficulties here. The main thing is to follow our advice step by step - and your child will quickly master all the subtleties of drawing favorite animals.