How to play guitar if you do not know how. Playing melodies on one string

How to play guitar if you do not know how. Playing melodies on one string
Articles about guitar Views: 11738

Putting a goal to master something new for yourself, we often rest in the same question: why start? The same problem arises from a person who decided to learn how to play the guitar. About how you can comprehend the basics of the guitar game at home and pretty quickly, our article will tell.

What is important - below is the easiest and fastest way to learn how to play the guitar. Here we will not offer to learn your notes and theory. Only practice!

  1. Guitar. First of all, you will need a guitar itself. But do not rush to spend money. If you can lend a guitar from acquaintances, you will certainly use it. Suddenly you won't like it? You can always buy a guitar, but sell an inexpensive tool very problematic. But if you still be desire to become a great guitarist, this article will help you with the choice of guitar: How to choose an acoustic guitar?
  2. Setting. To the guitar pleased you and your neighbors with your own sound, it should always be configured. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to configure it yourself. The process is not particularly difficult and is well described in almost any tutorial. On the Internet you can find an online tuner. If you have a microphone in your computer, then using it it is very easy to set every string according to the appropriate note. If not, it does not matter: look for a tuner online that makes the sound of each string. The sound string is very easy to adjust your tool.
  3. Proper landing, hand set. Please give special attention to the right landing and hand set. This is very important, because The wrong game will not only hurt your progress in the future, but also can cause the overwork, the clamp of muscles and other unpleasant "sores". On the Internet there are many materials with photos and video by hand and landing. But ideally, it is better to take 2-3 lessons at a professional guitarist. No matter how hard you tried, but visible from the side. A good professional with ease will detect all your mistakes in the bud that the benefits will be beneficial in the future. Proper landing is a big trump card for future progress.
    In general, there are 2 types of landing: classical and rocky. Each type of landing has its pros and cons, here we will not describe them. With hands forming easier - there are several unshakable rules here, which will help you with ease to clamp strings, play the battle and bust.
    As for sound recovery, it is worth paying special attention to the right hand. Proper sound intake is a necessary condition for the purity of your music. In tutorials there are a lot of exercises for the right hand. First, follow them separately, only with your right hand. Then - together with the left, changing chords. This will develop hands coordination. As a result, it will not be difficult for you to play rhythm right hand, and left chords to clamp chords.
  4. Chords. Now that the guitar is configured, you can proceed to learning chords. They are in all tutorials and on the Internet. Start with simple, for example am, em, dm, etc. After taking out several chords, try changing them. For example am on DM, etc. The quick change of chords is practiced as follows: Take 2 chord and go from one to another for one minute: am-dm-am-dm ... and so minute. At first it will be hard, the fingers like wooden will relite you to look for the right place in the freak. But after a few days of stable lessons at home you will feel progress.
  5. Technique of right hand. If you are not an ardent fan of the electric guitar, then at first, forget about the mediator. You need to master your finger technique. There are 2 game options with your right hand: battle and bust. Accordingly, there are different types of combat and different integrity. It is not much difficult to master them, this is a matter of time.
  6. Songs. So, the minimum set of knowledge and skills we have. What's next? The simplest thing is to proceed with chords, battle and hindrances on songs. Find a few simple songs that you like, and play them. Slow songs are performed by busting, fast - battle. At first, it will be difficult to remember chords and rearrange your fingers on time. However, this skill develops quite quickly. And after a few weeks later, it will not be difficult for you to play a large half of the repertoire of the average "accessible" guitarist. Yes, and do not attempt to immediately sing on the guitar. And do not be discouraged by the Zood, that you can not sing at the same time and play - this stage we all passed :) For a start, spend the accompaniment to automatism and only then begin to sing along.
  7. Composition performance. How to learn guitar compositions? Looking for a note literacy requires serious effort and time. Simple Varaint - Play Tabutura. These are schematic images on which it is painted which string to clamp. To date, there are many computer programs that represent music in the form of tabulation. The most popular - Guitar Pro. Download a few simple tabs and arouse. This will allow you to learn new techniques of the game and climb the new level.

    So how to learn how to play a guitar from scratch yourself and at home? Of course, the path described in this article is not the only true. If your shoulders already have some musical experience, or there is an insurmountable desire to find it to the question, then you can immediately start learning from the theory. Learn notes, gamma, frets, and how it all applies to the guitar. However, in a person who first taking a tool from such an abundance of theoretical information, every desire will most likely make music in the future. I want to immediately learn the minimum azam.

    Creative success!

The guitar is undoubtedly the most desirable musical instrument that attracts millions of novice musicians with its aura. Millions of people buy this musical instrument hoping to quickly learn to play, but throw this idea literally the next day. This is due to the complexity of the game on the guitar, a large number of technician games and technician. The role is played by the tool itself. Depending on the purchased guitar, it will be more difficult for you or easier to make your first steps in music, but you will stutter and fall in any case, but do not be upset ahead of time.

If you want quickly see the result And surprise your friends or to conquer representatives of the weaker sex, then you just need to follow the following advice, which will achieve the desired result.

1) If you choose your first guitar, it is worth staying on the classic version of the tool. The question of the differences between the classical version and Western guitar is instantly. Western guitar is different from the classics a narrower vulture and enough sharp and rigid metal strings that can hardly damage the skin. The classic guitar has a much wider neck and soft nylon strings that will not harm the skin during the game. Naturally, nylon strings are much softer, and a wide neck allows you to quickly memorize and take new chords. At the same time, you will not injure your fingers about metal strings, which can hardly harm the gentle skin of the pillow to the fingers.

2) Do not start with the study of notes. If you do not have musical education, then you should not start learning from music literacy. Yes, the knowledge of notes can help well, but it is absolutely not necessary. In order to learn how to read sheet music from a sheet for several months, therefore it is not worth spending your precious time.

3) Learn to read tabulature (the so-called tabs). It is the tabulature that is quite a convenient analogue of notes. The difference is that you will not take more than two days to study tablatures. Everything will depend on the time you spend on learning. Tabutatures are as simple as possible to understand, and you can become a specialist after several hours of practice with a tool.

4) Learn to take the main chords. Yes! Study is worth starting with chords. It is enough to know only 3 - 4 chord. This will allow you to learn your first song and even start singing. After that you can proudly declare that you can play a guitar!

Hand setting on the guitar

Right hand

With the help of the right hand, they extract sound on the instrument. Relax the brush, round the hand and start playing freely. Playing guitar you must:

  • correctly sit;
  • keep the guitar correctly;
  • be able to play freely and relaxed with your right hand.

Left hand

With your left hand you need to close the neck, while the thumb bent a little, but it will always be parallel. No need to make a lot of effort (crushing), as the muscle will be sick.

Designation of the fingers for the enumeration of the guitar

Location of sounds on the guitar

Chords for beginners

Accord - The sound of several strings at the same time. To use chords, the left hand is used, and the right is responsible for the bust. All songs under the guitar are created from chords, so they are important to know.

Main Axes for beginners

What do you need to know in chord schemes?

Strings: Before you 6 horizontal lines are the strings on the guitar. The first string is the top line, the sixth - the lowest.

Lada: These are vertical lines. Each distance from the threshold to the module is called PLA.

Round mugs in the diagram: All these large fat points are a place where the strings should be clamped.

How to take chord am on the guitar

When you take the chords carefully, look at the strings to be well pressed, and the fingers did not touch the neighboring strings.

To take a chord Am Play:

  • The second string is the first way (index finger of the left hand);
  • The fourth string is the second way (middle finger);
  • The third string is the second way (nameless finger).

Apply the crossing schemes

AM chord-based integration scheme: 5 (P) -3 (I) -21 (MA) -3 (I). The game scheme will be like this: we pull the fifth string with a thumb, and then pull the third string, then together with medium and nameless fingers - the first and second strings, then the third string with the index finger.

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Guitar Learning 1,2 Part - Video

To famously take guitar chords, to be the center of attention of any company - many dreams about such. How to learn to play guitar, how complex and long process is it to do it yourself?

Where to begin?

To begin with, decide why you want to learn to play guitar? If you intend to become a professional musician, then without serious and long preparation can not do. Then you have a direct road to a music school or private lessons with a good teacher.

But, most likely, you want to just learn how to play your favorite melodies, as they say, for the soul - to please your friends at the gatherings and parties.

Then to master the basics of guitar science will have to be independently. There are old good printed tutorials, there are more modern options - video lessons, master classes on the Internet, offering chords for a guitar of popular songs for beginners, as well as online Guitar Games.

View different options and choose more suitable, better - detailed step-by-step guide, understandable and affordable.

The course you have chosen should be guided by beginners and is based on the principle of simple to complex.

How to choose a guitar

You can rent a tool from acquaintances, but it's better to have your own. Experienced guitarists advise: To learn to play the guitar, start with its classic option. Although some masters of the game recommend acoustics.

Nylon strings are suitable for nylon strings - they are easier to press until trained fingers and there will be less inevitable pain. For metal strings, you will go to the metal strings when you already master the game technique. The sound from them is brighter, louder and expressive. It is necessary to take the most subtle, intended for an acoustic guitar.

How to learn to play guitar - Stages of training

First you need to learn to basic things:

  • proper landing - on the edge of the chair, without bending the back, substituting the stool under the left foot;
  • ability to keep a musical instrument;

  • skill to relax right hand and freely own it;
  • the correct ownership of the left hand, which will cover the neck (the thumb is always kept parallel to the Ladas, they can not be strongly crushed at the vulture).

Strings and Lady Rooms

Learn the lard designations and the log numbers on the guitar. Start doing exercises, for example: the first finger of the left hand take the first string of the third Lada, thumb with the right hand hook a string to extract sound.

Do the same on another string and other Lada. At first, the fingers will hurt, but will have to suffer.

Study of chords

Learn the chords that are the basis of any melody, all the songs are based on them. Learn the main major and minor chords.

Simple melodies

When they studied a few chords, try to work them on simple songs: "The grasshopper was sitting in the grass," "pack of cigarettes", "Gypsy", a melody from the movie "Boomer".

Fasten chords on the songs much more interesting than simply mechanically repeating them. You must feel inspiration and return from your first guitar skills.

Reading tabulatures and applicatures

Learn to read tabs and appliquors. Tabutatures use to record musical works. You should master the Guitar Pro - a not a music editor that is designed to create, edit and listen to guitar tabs and music scores.

Applications are schemes showing the location of the fingers of the hands on the freaks and strings of the guitar. Application helps to understand the picture of the musical work and the faster to learn it.

Boring and Barre

Open the open chords, the main types of guitar battle and hopping, Barre chords. If the training is successful, you are developing the technique of the game, improve the types of accompaniment, the art of improvisation may become a further step.

Music theory

The basics of guitar mastery are mastered and this is enough for you - then the musical theory, in general, is not obligatory. But if you want to improve your skills, the knowledge of notes, intervals, tempo and rhythm will not hurt.

The ability to play the guitar itself will not come. We need patience, perseverance and daily classes. Someone will work faster, someone will have to spend more effort. The main thing is not to despair, when something does not work, but to train your skills.

To learn to the game on a popular tool, how much time to better dedicate classes?

At the first time of study, during the first month you can practice half an hour, but no less. Next - on the hour, one and a half - depending on which amount of free time you have.

Three months after 3 persistent classes, simple melodies, you can demonstrate to your friends, but it will be only the first steps (the use of some chords, simple sorting).

Experienced masters claim that most of the year will need to master the guitar at the most elementary level.

In addition, as soon as you can learn how to play the guitar, depends on your musical abilities, the presence or lack of preparations - the playing game on the piano will unlighten the guitar faster than those who start from scratch.

Planning a more serious level of the game - then patience and persistent workouts. It will take this process from two years and more, depending on which tops of the guitar skill you are striving. You are already hard to do without classes with professional educators.

Useful by learning to play guitar, train muscle hands. You can do this while watching the TV or communicating with the other, practicing chords and the position of the hands, especially the left (it is harder to train).

You are lucky if you have a friend or a good friend who can learn the game skill on the instrument. At least once a week, meet him, just watch his technique technique, try to play together.

He learned to several melodies - play friends, let them appreciate, sculp, if necessary, and you will be incentive to move on.

Complex receptions of the game you may not come in handy. Do not lose time on their study, it is better to train the basic skills that you will use when playing a guitar.

Learn to play under the metronome to feel the tempo and rhythm of music. The metronome will teach you to control the movement of the hands and remove the sound on time.

Do not be discouraged from the first failures and do not force the events. Hurry is completely nothing if you seriously decided to learn how to play the guitar. Learn to the game in the pace that you can do not need to move to more complex things if there was not enough simple techniques.

Step by step, patiently and persistently - here is your way to success. But at the same time do not forget that from learning guitar mastery you need to enjoy.

Let the process is not easy and accompanied by failures and disappointments (temporary, of course!), But he should like you. And otherwise why are all these works and experiences?!

String tools require zeal when training games on them. The view is common that it is possible to learn guitar interstitis, only engaging with the teacher. The teacher in the music school helps to better develop the technique of the game, but the elementary moments are easy to learn and at home.

Is it possible to learn to play the guitar yourself

Success in any creative and not really really can only come up with all seriousness. We ask how to learn to play on the guitar yourself, you need to remember some of the fundamental things:

  1. Any training that implies a new skill acquisition requires regularity. The more often you will do at home, the faster learn to play.
  2. It is necessary to work each action to the right result. If something does not work, try it again until you can play everything as it should.

How to quickly learn to play guitar at home

After several independent classes, you should not immediately expect phenomenal results, the skills come and develop gradually. There is a mass of educational literature for "kettles", downloading which, you can allocate important moments for yourself. Unchanging elements of successful study is the tool itself, its setting, landing guitarist and hand setting.

Selection of tools

The guitar can be classic, acoustic or electrical, six-string and seven-string. How to decide and make an unmistakable choice? Before you purchase a tool, consider the following items:

  • Decide with its commitment to any particular genre in music. For example, if you prefer a classic, it is unlikely that the Spanish guitar is suitable for you.
  • Finger fingers will definitely be rooted when the strings of the acoustic guitar, since they are tougher than the electric guitar.
  • Newcomers should prefer the six-stringed guitar. The Russian seven-time guitar went into the past, now the added "low" seventh string does not interfere with only the familiar six.

Right landing

The fact that the position of the guitarist will be right during the game, determines the result of training. The wrong post may be not only uncomfortable leading to fast fatigue. Often this reduces the possibility of executing one or another multi-visual. Nice musicians are encouraged to teach guitar exercises in the sitting position, because it is not difficult to play standing after that.

Learning to play needed on a rigid stool, lifting the left knee above the level of seating. For this, the stand is used to which the guitarist should put the leg. The back should remain straight, without touching something. Guitar Place the recess in the middle of the raised left hip. Right legs provide the bottom of the tool the necessary emphasis. At the same time, the vulture should be slightly higher than the left shoulder level, and the lower deck at the chest level. For the left-handed pose, it will be completely calmned: the guitar is put on the right raised thigh, the vulture is slightly higher than the level of the right shoulder.

Proper hand setting

Having understood with the location of the legs, let's start hands. The elbow right should be closer to the body and do not go out for the guitar case on the right side, the wrist does not need to bring closer to the top deck. Radded to strings of a rounded brush thumbs need to be sad together, except for a lot so that their tips lines in one line. Landmark the arrangement of the thumb - the strings responsible for the bass. Place the phalanxes parallel to guitar frets.

With my left hand, the newcomer is harder to cope. The wrist of the raised forearm need to be bent, rounded the brush and lay the thumb in the center of the grind. The remaining fingers should stand on the strings, clamping their pads. Over time, you will learn to accept this position, do not strain the shoulder apparatus and brushes. It is important to engage in home systematically.

Guitar tuning

Before learning to play the guitar at home, it is important to feel the tool and correctly configure it. To play beautiful melodies, it is necessary not only to put hands, but also achieve the right sound of the guitar. Knowledge of notes will be an unconditional advantage, although the tuning is also produced on the ear. There are some simple ways:

  • Use the Internet service losing the right sound of each string.
  • You can configure the guitar using a piano if it is available at home. Strings are denoted by letters that correspond to a piano key. They must be identical.
  • When using a tuner for a guitar, it will not be difficult to configure it. The device will indicate the note, played by you and will only stay to unwind or pull the string.
  • If there is a good musical hearing, you can resort to the help of the camera.

The first guitar exercises

To learn how to play the guitar at home, perform guitar solo and your favorite songs, hard to do every day. Start mastering a guitar game is better with exercises that are played on one string. Often, teachers are learned with the disciples a very simple song about the grasshopper. On the Internet you can find tabs for it, where the numbers are indicated which frets must be clamped on the string. Having mastered such exercises, you can move to guitar overlooking, battle and other more complex elements.

Annotation: This article describes the first guitar learning steps: how to keep where to start. The first lesson from the portal Pesnigitara!

I bet, you at least heard how the usual six-string guitar sounds beautifully! Yes, and you heard 100%!

Nowadays, there are no problems with this - a lot of MP3 records, video ... It used to be more complicated: someone heard in the army, someone on cassette tape recorders, and of course in the yard!

The guitar is a very sensitive tool, but learn how to play is not so difficult (at least).

There are two ways to learn to play guitar:

  1. Sign up for training courses in your city (music schools, individual lessons, etc.)
  • pros: Learn from a professional is always very simple, and if you have a desire, you will very quickly master this tool.
  • Minuses: You have to pay money.
  • Learn to play yourself.
    • pros: You can learn to play at any time and without costs.
    • Minuses: Seld tips, you will have to draw from the network / books on the self-study game of the guitar.

    And so, if you have chosen learning from a professional, write down and forward to study.

    If you do not have a guitar learning opportunity to play the pros in your city, or for some other reason, you want to be self-taught, we hope that our portal will help you!

    Learn to play the guitar. The first steps

    First of all, we will definify that we will need in the learning process:

    1. Guitar. If not, I think that it is not a problem to take a tool from some of the acquaintances (guitarists are actually a lot).
    2. Hands. You can, of course, play, it already depends on the uniqueness of the device of your body.
    3. Head
    4. The desire and patience. These are the most important factors in the guitar game. If there is no aspiration and patience, write, disappeared.

    When you have everything you need (ATTENTION: Some things must be given to you at birth!), You can start learning!

    And so, to start, take the guitar in your hands. If you are right-handed, the strings on the jiff (a stick is the one on which the strings are stretched (for those who do not know; D)) should be located in this order:

    1. E (the most fat. You can try to play "Farewell to the locomotive", clinging on the first Lada string, to pull a pretty (do not waste only) and spend to the end in the right.)
    2. H (b) (the second in the thickness of the string, the fifth in the list)
    3. F (third in thickness. Fourth listed)
    4. D (fourth in thickness. Third listed)
    5. A (the fifth in thickness. The second is listed)
    6. E (the thinner.)

    Great, now we know the names of the string and how to keep the guitar correctly (there will be a separate article for the left).

    Go to a more complex process - we make the first steps.

    We hope our article helped you. Sincerely, portal!