Famous personalities with the name Andrei. Great people named Andrei

Famous personalities with the name Andrei. Great people named Andrei
Famous personalities with the name Andrei. Great people named Andrei

By Higure

The basis of the name Andrei is the root of the Greek word "Andros" - a husband, a man. The name has a lot of varieties: Henri - from the French, Andriysh - Moldovan, Ondrey - from Slovaks.

Little Andryushi Siders and Dreamy. Maybe a long time and enthusiastically collect "designer", but they can wear around the apartment with screams, depicting the aircraft, then the rider. Naughty. They love sweet, because of the childhood spoil their teeth. Mother listen to the mood, try to argue with her father. If there is a brother, be friends with him and love it, they treat younger sister jealously and are not inferior to it in anything. Andrei-teenager does not stand out for nothing, but later the surrounding suddenly notice that he and the sports school finished, and in his life it got better than his peers. The girls are compared to Andrei's impermanence: he can easily confess the love of one, and the next day, without noticing it, pass by from the other. His seems to be embarrassed. Another girlfriend Andrei sincerely will talk about himself, as in confession, but it is not necessary to seduce with it - you never know about Andrei.

Career named Andrei

Among Andreev has directors, actors, singers, composers, artists. However, the giftedness in the field of arts is more relating to the "winter" Andreev, "autumn" Andrei, as a rule, calculating, punctual, do not vit in the clouds, choose a profession in the field of accurate and natural sciences. Lucky in business. Andrei's service always appreciates the boss. An older employees relate to it condescendingly, and those who are put on, are always waiting for surprises from him. Nobody knows what can come to Andrey at the next minute. Impulsive and unpredictable, it can cause a real delight of a rare and expensive gift from his wife, and then suddenly be dedicated and bring it to rabies by the fact that flatly refuses to buy a penny thing that has long been needed in the farm.

Love and marriage named Andrei

Andrei chooses his wife's beautiful, emotional, external spectacular woman, almost not interested in her character and inner world. The persuasions of relatives and the warning of friends do not hurry with marriage rejected. Andreyev has a high self-esteem, they are selfish and artistic, require high attention. Can be jealous to his wife, if she pays a lot of time to a child, and a little - to him. They are stuffing, rational in material spending. Relationships from the mother-in-law are usually complicated.

They should be very careful when marriage with Barbarbus, Zoya, Clara, Nelli, Oksana, Olga, Sofia, Yulia.

It is better to give preference to girls who call Alevtina, Vesta, Danuta, Juliet, Diana, Elena, Elizabeth, Irina, Claudia, Larisa, Lia, Lyudmila, Maria, Natalia, Taisia.

The middle name for Andrei

Regardless of the location of the stars during the birth of Andrei with the patronymic names, Aleksandrovich, Abramovich, Igorevich and Olegovich, heavy in communication, have a complex character.

According to Mendelev

A bright, cheerful and very courageous name, traditionally beloved in the people - and not only in Russia. Perhaps this is due not to a often common combination of signs of "cheerful" and "movable." But the most noticeable from Andrei are signs of "good", "loud", "mighty" and "brave."

Character name Andrei

People who have exactly such features are becoming leaders and behave like others. They overcome obstacles and find a way out where no one, besides them, could not do that. Of course, sometimes they are harsh; In the name Andrey, there are no weighty signs "kind" and "reliable"; Perhaps the funds they choose to achieve their goals would be approved by all. Their activity is high enough and in combination with force and power allows them to seek what is unattainable for others.

Quite often, the carriers of this name are organizers and leaders. They combine and behave, and sometimes - simply clever and lucky people with an instantaneous response to a change in the situation and the ability to use it with benefits for themselves. However, they are not inclined to hurt anyone and make acts who degrade anyone - usually these are good people. Andrei's name has always been one of the most popular. Ten years ago, for example, in frequency of use, it shared the fourth and fifth places with the name Dmitry, only a little behind Alexander, Alexey, Sergey and a significantly ahead of Vladimir.

The main color of the name Andrey is green, even bluish-green, with a red stripe along the edge.

Sexy portrait of the name (by Higure)

It is very sensitive, loves flattery, compliments. With women attentive and caring, this is a gentle beloved. Before the partners are not poured with flowery compliments, but will never miss the case to show them how he appreciates their charms, "let it be able to talk about it. His love adventure has no number. For Andrei, love is most often a form of self-affirmation in the erotic sphere, recognizing his sexual abilities that it can be understood as well enough.

Sexuality named Andrey

It happens that Andrei's sex life begins pretty late that his wife becomes his first woman and he does not realize his sexual opportunities before the wedding. He quickly gets used to changes in the situation, loves to deliver a woman joy even to the detriment of himself, asks her to tell about his desires. During the first meeting, he may be sexually active, but sometimes he wants to just hug his woman and fall asleep next to her. In order to show high sexual qualities, Andrei must love. In love, he needs a patient woman who can understand his complexity and divide joy with him, he hates any manifestation of rudeness from the partner. Being by nature is passionate, it is not too experiencing love failures (mainly it refers to "winter" men).

Andrei does not change the "winter" Andrey and will never tolerate not only her betrayal, but even a light flirting with another man. He is an excellent lover, full of energy and cheerfulness, can attract beautiful women with its elegant look.

According to D. and N. Winter

The value and origin of the name: " Courageous "(Greek)

Energy character name: This name has such a strong energy that it is more than enough for all in the world of Andreev. Andrei-Vesselchak, Andrei-Balagen, started, the soul of the company, often lucky, who succeeds, seems to be in hand, - all these are familiar images that have developed in the folk consciousness. Sometimes even Andrei himself cannot determine whether it is or not - after all, not everything is so simple and much is given to him due to heavy work and patience. However, by what, and the patience of the name of the name gives it with an excess.

At the same time, amazing sobriety and calm are felt in the name, and therefore, a rather pricing observer lives for mask carefit in Andrei. He is definitely not so simple and open, as it seems, although it is often so much in his favorite role of a cheerful person, which is in fact becoming so. Even when it is sad or hard, in communicating with people Andrei easily finds the necessary charge of cheerfulness and optimism; Friends and acquaintances fascinated by the favorable energy name, they themselves begin to cheer it.

Probably, therefore, Andrei is not inclined to consider hard work, thanks to which he reached his position as a kind of feat. For him, it is natural until there are friends and everything succeeds. But try to humiliate or insult Andrei! Be sure that you will get a completely different person. The name of the name does not have Andrei patiently relate to enemies; Perhaps he will silence, but hardly forget the offense.

Negative features name: Nevertheless, any strength has its own negative side. Often Andrei happens to be blinded with his luck and it begins to seem to appear that he achieved everything in life thanks to his own efforts. In this, of course, there is a share of truth, but if only in life everything was dependent solely from personal efforts! It may happen that a series of failures knocked Andrei from the saddle and disappointing in their own power will be so great that his hands will be devastated. In this case, there will be little from a cheerful Andrei, people will begin to keep away him, having ceased to support support. Then I do not see good luck for a long time, and depressed day from the day will increase.

To avoid such an unpleasant turnover, Andrei must only pay the power of his character against this Handra. Little to calmly treat failures and returning a cheerful smile on the face, Andrei can be sure - a restless smile of fate will not make himself wait long and people will gladly help him in any of his affairs! In the meantime, Andrei will achieve success in almost any field, excluding unless the bureau of funeral services, where his life is unlikely to be appropriate.

Secrets of communication: Andrei not only easily communicate, but you can also argue. But we just do not advise moving in disputes on personality, if, of course, you do not want to get a rather strong enemy. He most likely willingly respond to your request for help, nevertheless you advise you to know in this measure.

Trace name in history:

Andrei Makarevich

What is the portrait of a man? From his past, present or prospects? From worldview, work or hobbies? Or from just a little bit, like from multicolored pieces of mosaic? But how to be when there are too many such pieces in someone's life? Then nothing remains, as, who sieves a secondary, dwell on the most important thing. And most importantly, without substantia, the fact that Andrei Makarevich is a live legend of Russian rock, a permanent leader of the group "Time Machine", a philosopher, singer, musician. His philosophy is not in an interview on the pages of newspapers, not in culinary revelations, not in classes by snorkeling, visual art, business. She in his songs and in the lifestyle, which combines all these incompatible components and pushes into new areas, for the conquest of new vertices.

Perhaps, one of Makarevich's main propulsive forces is his curiosity, which truly does not know the borders. What else could make a person try to penetrate into the essence of almost all items and phenomena, whether the laws of the Universe, the laws of the sea, the laws of success or the laws of the Solinsky? As for Makarevich himself, he always takes intuition in his life, including his dreams. "As a child, I was often haunted by the same dream: as if I had a boat with my parents on the lake, as suddenly I was falling over the back of my back and immediately leaving under the water. Many years later, being under water with aqualung and looking upstairs, I am amazed, as far as, in a dream, I saw an exact picture. "

With all his versatile interests, Andrei Makarevich politics refers to cold curiosity, as the phenomenon of incomprehensible: "I can understand when a person since childhood wants to become a firefighter or astronaut. But when does he become a politician? It is terribly interesting to me. Because in childhood everything was probably normal people. "

The name Andrei occurred from the ancient Greek word "Andros", which means "man", "courageous". After making Christianity, the name began to spread in Russia, before that it was known only in Byzantium. In those days, the named Andrei called only noble families, then the name spread among the simple people.

In Soviet times, the peak of popularity fell on the 70s of the last century, when Andrei called every fourth newborn boy. To date, the name is as popular as a few centuries ago.

For many centuries, the Energy of the name Andrei became only stronger. Many outstanding personalities, with an interesting fate and talents that bear this victorious name is a direct proof of this. Among them, the great physicist and theorist Andrei Sakharov, the poet and the publicist Andrei Voznesensky, director Andrei Konchalovsky and Andrei Tarkovsky, the great Russian artist Andrei Vasnetsov, Athlete Andrei Arshavin and many others.

Name Day and Holy Patrons

For the first time, the name Andrew appeared in the church calendar thanks to Andrey the First-Called - a disciple of Jesus Christ. He was the first to see Jesus in the apostles (therefore, it is called first-call).

According to legend, Andrei was the first-surveyed many nations in the Christian faith, he blessed the Earth, on which such cities as Kiev and Novgorod were subsequently founded. The apostle was captured by the pagans and crucified on the cross, which had a letter of the letter X. So the famous Andreevsky cross appeared, the image of which is available on state flags of some countries, on orders and medals.

In Russia, this saint has always enjoyed special love and respect - it is considered a patron saint of Russian statehood and navy. Emperor Peter the first of his decree found the Andreev flag and Andreevsky Order.

Andrei can celebrate Name Day once a year, I choose the date as close as possible for the day of my birth: January 26 and 27; February 17 and 21; March 7; April 28; May 31; 3, 5, 11, 15, 23, 25 and 26 June; 3, 13, 17, 19, July 22 and 25; August 5 and 17; 1, 6, 19, 20, September 23 and 28; 3, 5, 6, 7, 15, 23, October 30 and 31; November 9 and 11; 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16 and 23 December.

Characteristic named

Andrei is endowed with impulsive and unpredictable character, he is a very fond of personality and a dreamer. It is impossible to guess that he will be in mind next moment. His inner world is very complicated, although it is quite unnoticed by his behavior. He is a joker and a balagen, optimist and merry, is able to infect with its energy of all others. But do not be deceived, Andrei is malicious enough, he notices and remembers everything.

Andrei always strives for calm and stability, tries not to climb the Rogger and not to enter into dubious adventures. For good faith and responsibility, his work colleagues appreciate, and for a good sense of humor and responsiveness - women and friends. He can conquer anyone.

Despite the fact that Andrei is a fairly self-critical person, he often has an overwhelmed self-esteem. He falls on flattering, likes when attention pays attention to him and allocate and does not make it possible to compete. A man painted by success can suddenly become arrogant, vain and self-confident, which can push people from him.

Andrei loves to "let dust in the eyes", presenting itself in the best light than it really is. He does not want to listen to the Soviets, always defends his opinion. The girls will have to face the inconstancy of Andrei, the promises of love and loyalty he can hand out to the right and left. Another girlfriend can tell about himself, as in confession, but she should not be seduced - she never to know about him. All his aspirations and desires are concentrated on their own personality.

The nature of Andrei depends largely on what time of year he was born. Born in the winter months, a man will have a fundamental character, will not tolerate lies and injustice, but with girls will be causing and romantic.

Autumn Andrei builds his life on a clearly intended plan, in which there will be no accidents and surprises. Self-discipline, punctuality and analytical warehouse of the mind will help him in this.

Summer Andrei Nature will give up a magnificent sense of humor, a slight character and life. This guy will be happy to any company.

Spring Andrei will be distinguished by a frivolous attitude towards life, frivolous and impermanence. He will crave adventures and new sensations, but his family will be interested in it.


Little Andryusha is a quiet and calm child, very affectionate with mom, to which he is gently tied. He is quite energetic, but perfectly knows how to play quiet games alone. With pleasure, the designer will bring together or repaid a broken toy.

Andryuha is hard to make obey and obey, as it is quite a plumbing and disobedient. He can argue with his parents for a long time, insisting on his.

At school, Andrei studies well, but not excellent, among their peers, it is allocated by an analytical warehouse of the mind and a tendency to design and programming. Andryusha's girls are not friendly, prefers the society of boys. Teenager often fond of sports, loves to play chess and checkers.

The boy has a sharpened sense of justice, because of which he can sometimes conflict with teachers. In the life of a class of participation does not accept, trying to avoid any responsibility.

Teachers and parents must remember that the power impact on Andrei is completely useless, it is necessary to use a reasoned belief, taking into account his congenital sense of justice.


Andrei since childhood may have weak eyesight and predisposition to colds. In adulthood, problems with the stomach and intestines are possible.

Special attention should be paid to mental state, since stress and depression may cause many diseases. An important role in supporting spiritual comfort can be played by Andrei's relatives, which can incorporate optimism and faith in their own strength.


Andrei's sex life begins not too early, but then the young man cresides the missed. He is a gentle and sensual lover, trying to delight the woman even to the detriment of himself.

Andrei likes high and beautiful girls, but her character and the inner world almost does not interest him. The main thing for him is a spectacular shell. He is not inevitable to his chief and attentive, but most often they are not led by love, and the desire to impress.

In Sex Andrei does not tolerate rudeness and violence, as well as the lack of his partner femininity. A man is very fastener on flattery and compliments, so if a woman wants to pay attention, she should not be bought up on beautiful words.

Marriage and family compatibility

Andrei chooses his second half, paying attention, first of all, to spectacular appearance. He wants to be proud of the beauty of his spouse. Such a frivolous attitude towards marriage often leads to the fact that Andrei's first marriage turns out to be unsuccessful.

From its companion requires increased attention to themselves, can even be jealous of their own children. Create will not tolerate, but he himself can easily start an intrigue on the side (an exception is Andrei, born in winter time).

All the problems on the household will fall on the spouses on the shoulders, but Andrei will take on the full material support of the family. His chosen must forget about the career and become a caring and sexy housewife. She also will have to accept the stubbornness of the spouse and some niceness.

Successful marriage is possible with women named Alertina, Alice, Alina, Diana, Elena, Elizabeth, Irina, Claudia, Larisa, Lyudmila and Natalia. It is better to avoid relationships with Oksana, Olga, Sofia, Julia, faith, Anna and Yana.

Business and Career

Andrei fits in good faith to any case, whoever worry. He deliberately approaches affairs, does not like to risk. Andrei is a unique person who is equally suitable for both creative professions and engineering works.

It can become an actor, director, writer, artist and writer, and may become a programmer, engineer, scientist, designer or manager. He is an excellent executor, knows how to learn from his mistakes, so the bosses will quickly appreciate it according to merit.

The most important thing for Andrei is to achieve career heights that will raise his authority in the family and among friends. In the first place there will be material wealth.

Andrei can be quite successful in his own business, which he will be honest and open. Partners can be confident that the word Andrei can always rely.

Talismans for Andrey

  • Planet Patron - Sun.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign - Cancer and Sagittarius. The horoscope recommends that Andrey boys born under these signs.
  • Good time - summer. Good day week - Wednesday.
  • Happy color - yellow and brown.
  • Totem animal - reed cat. It is a totem of strong and rich people, as not everyone can afford to keep this predator. A reed cat gives power, the strength of the Spirit and Wisdom.
  • Totem plant - anemone and fir. Annemon is a decorative flower with a small red speck, symbolizing loneliness, sadness and compassion. Fir is a symbol of pride, patience and perseverance. This plant personifies people who managed to abandon their low-lying desires, and who are treated to paradise.
  • Stone-talisman - amber and amethyst. Amber is a talisman for a creative person, he gives inspiration and faith. Amulet, made and z amber, will attract happiness and good luck for Andrei. But the amber cannot be changed in silver, the copper frame is best suited for him. Amethyst is the stone of the world, peace and spiritual grace. Stone improves well-being and protects against evil eyes.


Aries - This is an unbalanced man, wounded and touchy. He is restless and stubborn, which makes his life bright and rich in different events. His mood is often changing, he can even show aggression, but all this is only a consequence of enormous insecurity. The impulsiveness and maximalism, its own characteristic Andrei-ray, makes it an unexplored person with whom it is not easy to find a common language. But the principle towards himself and the surrounding, the ability to gather and make a faithful decision in a non-standard situation, respect the collective. For his wife, Andrei-Aries will be a reliable satellite of life, but grades of his wife will put the final point in their relationship. He is quick-tempered, but leaving, he knows how to admit his guilt, compassion and forgive. A girl-Sagittarius can be the best companion of life for Andrei-Aries - they will never be bored together, their relationship will only be fixed with time.

calf - Sensual and sentimental man, for whom the main driving force is love and desire for material well-being. He knows how to wait, analyze and compare facts, never in a hurry. From the outside, it may seem slow and even stupid, but in fact Andrei-Taurus thinks very deeply and volume. He is always objective, to his opinion and advice should heed. He never climbs into the slots and does not listen to the gossip, does not like to command and does not obey anyone himself. A man tries to create harmony around himself, does not endure noise and fuss. His love is born slowly, Mexican passions are not for him. But if a man is loved, he is able to destroy any walls and obstacles. In the love of Andrei-Taurus a great owner and jealous, but in his family there will always be material wealth, and he will be a caring father. The best pair for Andrei-Taurus will be a woman scale - they will perfectly complement each other.

Twins - Curious, sociable person looking for trouble-free paths in life. He avoids any difficulties and tedious work, often can't bring to the end of the work. Andrei-twin suffers from painful sensitivity, may even get sick from experiences about a trifling quarrel. It is very important to him that they think about him, the criticism suffers very painful. The man is inconsistent in his thoughts and actions, does not see big sin in deception. From its excessive emotionality suffer from both the surrounding and himself. He can be offended by any occasion, as well as to rejoice out noisily because of the trifles. His egocentrism causes a man to "drag the blanket for herself" wherever you can. Posyness is its main Beach, which prevents developing and move forward. At the same time, Andrei-Twin is endowed with non-Runny intelligence and intelligence, it is a talented and diversified developed personality. A good pair for Andrei-twin can be a Woman Aries - this will be a harmonious union in which the roles will be distributed equally.

Cancer - Sentimental and sensitive Andrei, but he does not like to show it outwardly. It is lost in an unfamiliar atmosphere, she tries not to stand out from the crowd. A man really needs emotional support, in life is always looking for care and warmth, without which it simply cannot exist. He has a phenomenal intuition, but she trusts little and often makes nonsense. Andrei-Cancer is easily amenable to panic and despair, it is ignorantly to enter new relationships, it is even more difficult to radically change anything in life. But, despite this, he can make decisions and purposefully move towards the goal, especially if he feels a reliable rear in the form of people who loving him. Having gained confidence, Andrei-Crack is able to achieve a lot in life. He is very focused on the family, for which everything is ready for everything. Externally, Andrei-Cancer looks a confident and strong man than the women with himself. He is easily falling in love, but also quickly cools. A woman scorpio will be able to understand the subtle nature of his chosen one - it will be able to keep relations on the sensual and trust level.

a lion - temperamental, noble and vain man, accustomed always and in everything to be the best. He is sure that the whole world should rotate around it and not otherwise. He has a bright charisma, making him a noticeable person in any society. Andrei-Lion Falls on flattery, but it cannot tolerate critics, so it tries to surround himself with people who share his opinion. The straightness of the man sometimes borders with rudeness, and the failures and mistakes are never embarrassed. It is a born leader, never limited to momentary targets, always strives for global prospects. Honesty and nobility make Andrei-Lion rushed into an open duel, and not to build a goat behind your back. He is equally frantic in love, friendship and hatred. As a companion of life, Andrei-Lev will look for a spectacular woman with whom not ashamed to go out. It will be a real head of the family, gentle and caring, but quick-tempered and jealous. A woman-Taurus woman can be the best pair - she will wake his sensuality and pacify exorbitant ambitions.

Virgo - Thin feeling, intellectual person, having high performance and deep intelligence. In the team, he may be invisible, and only close people can know how bright and distinctive personality. Andrei-Virgo is a subtle strategist, he will always be able to find the best way out of any situation. It is very accurate and clean, any work performs flawlessly. He will not bearing in his surroundings of people lazy and non-accurant, but excessive suspicion and pickiness often becomes the cause of conflicts. Andrei-Virgo is very independent, he has his own opinion, he is almost impossible to convince him. He hardly goes to compromise, and some arrogance and emotional coldness can lead to the fact that Andrei-Vaov is shifting his life alone. Only true love will make him make compromises and forgive her flaws. The attachment, loyalty and sensual love can give Andrei-Virgin woman born under one with him a sign of the zodiac - this union will be just perfect.

Libra - This is a serious, pragmatic and thorough nature, whose words never diverge with the case. It is tempementary and hot, but may be indecisive if you need to take an important decision. There is a lot of contradictions in a man, he is constantly in finding a harmony, very appreciates his freedom and seeks to independence. He is everywhere and is looking for what it will give his life stability. Andrey-scales can impress a hazard man, as it often cannot refuse to man in anything, and then he experiences because of this. With the appearance of difficulties, a man prefers to quietly wait aside, and not rush into an open battle. He really appreciates friendship, always pulls the hand of help, and completely disinterestedly. But he will not tolerate any humiliation of his dignity - in this case, Andrei-Scales will be able to show unusual rigidity and pressure. In love, a man has an unbridled temperament, it enjoys the flirting and adoration of women. An ideal option for a long relationship can be a Aquarius woman - this couple will be able to achieve a lot in russia.

Scorpio - Sentimental dreamer, last romantic and ladies. He has excellent intuition, it is almost impossible to deceive it. From the part it seems that he walks along the edge of the abyss, thoughtlessly goes to risk, but in fact Andrei-Scorpio never crosses the face of reasonable, it is all calculated and is under control. By nature, it is not aggressive, but for his enemies is deadly. If Andrei-Scorpio set a goal, he will move to it on a break. He is an excellent employee and leader, responsible and fair. A man has a magical influence on people, he believed and follow him. Despite the strong character, Andrei-Scorpio very much needs love, but not every partner is able to endure capriciousness, stubbornness, and sometimes aggression of this man. For marriage, he is best suited - fish, since she is patient, smart and sensual - what is needed by this extraordinary man.

Sagittarius - Cheerful, optimistic man who has an inexhaustible charm. He looks at the life of philosophically, never falls in extremes and keeps always worthy and calm. Andrei-Sagittarius loves to learn and learns himself, distribute the advice to the right and left. He has an open and wide soul, many friends and acquaintances he is ready to help orally and financially. He never lies, does not adapt and does not play, from others requires the same relationship. He is a famous fighter for the truth and justice, an excellent diplomat, able to direct negotiations in the right direction. He is straightforward and asserts in everything - in work, friendship and love. A man is looking for an ideal life companion for a long time, so it becomes quite late to marry. In the soul, he is a romantic stroller who does not seek a settling family life at all. It can be said that it is not created for the family, and rarely, which woman can delay him near himself for a long time. It may turn out to have a female cancer, but only in Ohms, if a man, tired of loneliness, will feel the need for a quiet cozy harbor.

Capricorn - ambitious, cautious and practical person moving forward slowly, but right. He never risks in vain, but accurately calculates the situation and its own strength. He does not like random, impulsive activities, always everything carefully plans. He is an excellent organizer and performer, confidently walking through a career ladder. As a leader, he is attentive to people, but at the same time demanding and strict. People make a favorable impression, but under the mask welluping can sometimes hide cynicism, arrogance, displeasure to everyone and everything. By nature, Andrei - Capricorn Melancholic, always ready to fall into hysterics and depression, if something goes wrong. Love is afraid, as it is afraid of suffering and mental torments. Conditionally able to separate love and sex, preferring the second. A strong family may turn out in a pair with a woman-aquarius - they are awaiting a brilliant future.

Aquarius - Unpredictable, freedom-loving personality, with highly developed intuition. He is constantly changing, trying on the various masks, experiments both in work and in communication. He thinks abstract - this is a real inventor who knows how to see non-standard and creative. Some consider it a boring and big pedant, and some genius. Very often, a man seems to be the real world with gray and boring, and then he plunges into his dreams, in his fictional world. Nevertheless, Andrei-Aquarius is very sociable, artistic and always has many friends and comrades around him. He does not suffer from careerism and first is ready to respond to the help of the needy, and completely disinterestedly. The man often idealizes its chief, presenting it in the best light than there is actually and closing his eyes to its shortcomings. For this reason, he is often mistaken in the choice and happens unhappy in his personal life. Andrei-Aquarius can create a strong family with a woman-lion - they will respect the independence of each other, but they will have to learn to make concessions.

Fish - Soft, dreamy man with a good imagination, which is never bored alone. This is an interesting person, but he has one feature - he always strives to embellish reality, so often becomes the object of ridicule. A good sense of humor helps Andrei-fish to survive in this cynical world. He, like no one knows how to listen and empathize, but tries not to attract attention in society. A man is not calculating, not ambitious and not arrogant, so it is difficult for him to reach career heights. But he does not need help at all, as he often fills with his sacrifice, and he does not need any other life. Conquer the heart of Andrei-fish is very difficult, even more difficult to keep it, correspond to the image that he painted in his fantasies. He tries to avoid direct influence on himself, although he really needs support and understanding, besides the success in women. To become an ideal companion of life for this doubtful men will be able to become a Capricorn woman - she will not rush and nervous on trifles, which is a sample of calm and confidence.

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My name in the literature "

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Bishkek - 2011.

About the origin and meaning of the name Andrei

From Greek - courageous, brave.

The basis of the name Andrei is the root of the Greek word "Avdros": husband, man. The name has many varieties: Henri - from the French, Andriysh - Moldovan, Andrei - Slovaks.

Among Andreev has directors, actors, singers, composers, artists. However, the giftedness in the field of arts is more relating to the "winter" Andreev. Autumn Andrei, as a rule, calculating, punctual, do not twist in the clouds, choose a profession in the sphere of accurate and natural sciences. Lucky in business.

Writers named Andrei

Andrei Platonov (Real name Andrei Platonovich Climen; August 28, 1899, Voronezh, Russian Empire - January 5, 1951, Moscow, USSR) - Russian Soviet writer and playwright, one of the most distinctive styles and the language of Russian writers of the first half of the XX century.

Andrey White. (real name Boris Nikolaevich Bugaev; 14 (26) October 1880, Moscow, Russian Empire - January 8, 1934, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian writer, poet, critic, Church; One of the leaders of Russian symbolism.

Andrei Alexandrovich Kravsky ( 5 (17) February 1810, Moscow - 8 (20) August 1889, Pavlovsk) - Russian publisher, editor, journalist, teacher; Known as a publisher editor "Public Notes".

Andrey Nikolayevich Muravyov (April 30 (May 12) 1806, Moscow, Russian Empire - 18 (30) August 1874, Kiev, Russian Empire) - Chamber of the Russian Imperial Court; Orthodox spiritual writer and historian of the church, pilgrim and traveler; playwright, poet. Honorary Member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences (1836).

Andrei Andreevich Voznesensky (May 12, 1933, Moscow - June 1, 2010, Moscow) - Russian poet, prose, artist, architect. One of the most famous poets-sixties..

Literary heroes named Andrei

Ragin Andrey Efimovich (left in fig.) - Doctor, lives in a provincial city and serves in the city hospital, R. never felt calling for medicine and special sciences; In his youth, he was very raid and even gathered at the exit of the gymnasium, which he graduated from 1863, to enter the spiritual academy, but under the influence of his father, the doctor of medicine and the surgeon, with contempt of the Son's desire to "go to priests", was forced to Enroll in the medical faculty. After his end of the piousness of R. no longer showed, as it lost one of the most important foundations of religious globility - faith in immortality. The appearance of R. R. Rovaya, Menietary: its high tall, huge hands and legs, flat hair and face with small eyes and a red nose, he reminds "exhausting" "the innkeeper on a big road"; But his character is soft, the gait is quiet and ingressing, he says with mild tetors. He dresses carelessly: in the same Surtuka goes to visit and takes patients, and everyone, even a new clothes looks on it worn and referred.

Brief form named Andrei. Andreyka, Andryukha, Andryusha, Andrew, Andri, Andhi, Drew, Andhi, Andra, Dunda, Dreo.
Synonyms named Andrei. Andrea, Andres, Angeay, Onjy, Andra, Antero, Andre, Andrew, Ondrey, Andreas.
The origin of the name Andrei. Andrei Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Andrei is translated from the ancient Greek (Andreas) means "courageous", "bravery". There is also a translation "man", "man."

Christians have the most revered by St. Andrew - this is the Apostle Andrey and therapist. This is the first of the disciples of Christ, the brother of the apostle Peter. He was crucified in the Greek city of Patras on the cross in the form of the letter "X". This symbol was given the name "Andreevsky Cross". It is he who is depicted on the flag of the Russian fleet. In the Orthodox tradition, the apostle Andrei is considered the patron saint of Greece, Russia, Romania, Ukraine and the Russian Navy, and in the Catholic - the patron saint of Scotland, Burgundy and Sicily.

The very consonant name Andrei is also used - Andrian, many consider it one of the Russified names named Andrei. In fact, the name Andrian is one of the pronunciation of the name Adrian in Russia.

For the name Andrei, Orthodox names are indicated.

Andrey is always the soul of the company. His ability to quickly find contact with other people helps Andrei in life to make a good job. From the part, you might think that everything is given to him very easily, but in fact, Andrei makes a lot of effort to achieve results. And not because he is lazy or unfortunate, but because he does not believe that the results of their works are and there are consequences of their efforts. Some doubt in their own significance, understated self-esteem - that is why Andrei hides in the companies not to feel embarrassed alone with himself.

Andrei is endowed with a rich imagination. But, as often happens, his inner world is very complex. Andrei loves the company and loves privacy, he cramps to tap, joke, play, but also sit, think alone will not refuse. He is full of ideas, ready to share with everyone, then focuses and busy with a solution to some kind of task. One of his favorite toys is a constructor.

Andrei is quite calculating men. To put dust into the eyes, imagine everything in the world advantageous for him - often it is this ability and helps Andrey to seek something significant in his life. Andrei is not particularly standing out in the working team, but for some reason the boss always remembers such an employee.

Andrei is quite selfish, do not particularly listen to the opinion of the elders and the advice of others. They are unpredictable, high opinions about themselves and love to pay attention to themselves. And in this case, he uses all possible funds - jealousy, blackmail, scandals.

At the same time, Andrei sincerely cheerful and cheerful people. Rutin and life - not their cone. Andrei loves his family, but the values \u200b\u200bof communication for him on the step is higher than family values. Andrei is capable of disinterested help to someone else's person, but it happens that he has been to the detriment of his own family. Offended by him, Andrei does not forgive.

Many "Winter" Andrei prefer to choose their creative professions (director, actor, artist, singer). Of the "autumn" owners of this name, good businessmen are obtained.

Name Day Andrey

Andrei celebrates the name of January 27, February 17, February 21, March 7, April 28, May 23, June 11, June 23, June 25, July 3, July 22, July 22, July 22, July 22, July 22, July 22, July 22, July 22, July 22, July 22, July 22 August 17, September 1, September 19, September 20, September 23, September 28, October 4, October 5, October 6, October 7, October 15, October 23, October 11, 11, 11 December, December 13, December 15, December 16.

Famous people named Andrei

  • Andrei Prozoznaya (Christian Holy, was a student of Jesus Christ)
  • Andrei Rublev ((OK.1370-1428) Russian icon painter, canonized ROC)
  • Andrei Mironov ((1941-1987) Soviet actor, played roles in the theater, actively starred in the cinema. For example, starred in such films as "a crazy day, or the marriage of Figaro", "Three in the boat, not counting the dogs", "Diamond Hand "," Straw Hat "," The Adventures of Italians in Russia "," Republic's Treasury "," Beware of the car "," Ordinary Miracle "," Be My Husband "and many, many others)
  • Andrei Tupolev ((1888-1972) Russian and Soviet aircraft designer, world celebrity. More than 100 types of aircraft, most of which began to be produced. Organized the design bureau in the USSR, where the future prominent figures of aircraft - Petlevakova V.M., Dry P.O., Lavochkina S.A. And many others. His aircraft put 78 world records.)
  • Andrei Gromyko ((1909-1989) Soviet diplomat, state and politician, 28 years old headed the USSR Foreign Ministry)
  • Andrei Voznesensky ((1933-2010) The Soviet and Russian poet was one of the most famous poets of the 60s of the twentieth century in the USSR. In 1978 he received an international calling, won the Prize of the International Poets Forum.)
  • Andrei Sakharov ((1921-1989), Soviet physicist, participated in the development of thermonuclear weapons, in the future began to actively act about the termination of his test. Dissident, winner of the Nobel Prize of 1975 for the contribution to the strengthening of the world.)
  • Andrei Tarkovsky ((1932-1986) Soviet film director, screenwriter, his films are known - "Stalker", "Mirror", "Beware! Snakes!", "Solaris", "Nostalgia")
  • Andrei Makarevich ((Row.1953) Soviet and Russian singer, participant of the rock band "Time Machine", Active Member of Public Activities)
  • Andrea Bocelley ((Row.1958) The world-famous Italian tenor, popularized opera music, in his repertoire classic and popular pop works)
  • Andre Citroen ((1878-1935) French entrepreneur, created Citroën concern)
  • Andrei Bogolyubsky ((Um.1174), the Russian ruler, the Grand Duke of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, for its 20-year-old board significantly strengthened the position of his principality)
  • Andrei Platonov ((1899-1951) Soviet writer, his works wrote in the "awkward", "primitive" and "self-made" nature, which made them unlike the rest of the literature of that time, allocated him among many other authors)
  • Andrey Soft ((Row.1938) Soviet and Russian actor, owner of various orders and awards. Writes detectives. Known with his roles in films "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Farm!", "Dentistry's adventure", "Turbine Days", " Grossmaster "," Cruel Romance "," Garage "," Service Roman "and others.)
  • Andrei Arshavin ((Ry.1981) Russian football player, on various surveys more than once was considered the best football player of Russia)
  • Andrei Konchalovsky ((Row.1937) Soviet, and then the Russian director, wrote scenarios for 34 films, some of whom removed himself, puts performances and operas, author of books and journalistic articles. He is the President of the Film Academy "Nika", winner of Silver Lion ")
  • Angey Sapkovsky ((Row.1948) Polish writer, it was he who wrote a famous Saga in the style of Fantasy "The Witcher". His works were published on more than 10 languages, this is one of the most published Polish writers.)
  • Andreas Evdokazi ((1541-?) Armenian chronicler of the XVI century)
  • Andreas Prommegger ((Row.1980) Austrian snowboarder, twice became the winner of the World Cup in parallel disciplines)
  • Andre-Marie Ampere (1775 - 1836) French physicist, creator of the concept of "electric current", theory of magnetism. In the mechanics, he introduced the term "kinematics", also engaged in mathematics, botany and philosophy.)
  • Andrea Mantenya ((OK.1431 - 1506) Italian artist, collected works of ancient culture. He was a court artist at the Dukes of Gonzag, became an innovator of painting, wrote in his own, different from the classic, manner.)
  • Andreas Segovia, Andreas Segovia ((1893 - 1987) The Spanish guitarist, also writes music, his technique for the work of the guitar in modern times, made a guitar one of the recognized tools of academic music. Holder "Grammy", Leoni Sonning Awards, Ernst Siemens Prize. Got the noble Title Marquis for merits to Spanish culture.)
  • Anders Celsius ((1701-1744) Swedish scientist, studied meteorology, astronomy and mathematics, offered a temperature scale of measurements - Celsius scale, studied the Northern Lights)
  • Anders Jacobsen ((Row.1985) Norwegian skier, winner of the bronze of the 2010 Olympic Games in jumping from a springboard)
  • Antero Manninen ((Row.1973) Finnish Cellist, was a member of the Apocalyptica group, also acts in orchestras)
  • Onji Neff ((Row.1945) Czech writer, journalist, writes in fiction genre)

The first famous Andrey was one of the apostles, the one that the fisherman. But the biblical name is actually ancient Greek. And what are the Greeks appreciated above all? That's right - masculinity. Therefore, Andrei is a brave, courageous man.

Interpretation of the name Andrew speaks for himself. Andrei is really fearless and bold guys. This is proved by their own example of numerous martyrs: Stratulat, Lamnskysky, Cretan, Syracuse, Chios, Mesaukievsky ... It is not surprising that the Russian princes chose a loud name, so many rulers with this name in our history.
The holiday on Andreev Street happens quite often: April 28; May 31; June 25; 6, 13, July 17; 1, 23 September; 4, 6, 15, 23, October 30; November 9; 13, December 15. It is worth noting that on December 13, not so much Andrei or Andreevichi, how many female half of the population. After all, it is exactly the day before, on December 12, it is customary to guess. All household items are going to move - cups, forks, plates, stools and even sneakers. Therefore, do not be surprised if at midnight meet the company of girls with a spoon who are interested in the name of the first counter. By popular belief, the name of the passerby, whom the girl will meet on this night will be the name of her future husband. It was Andrei the first-hearted girl who pray to find a good groom.

Sexuality named Andrey

Andrei Faudka for compliments and flattery, but the word itself does not throw the word to the wind. He does not need beaten phrases to demonstrate his feelings for a woman. Love adventures for him to assert the way, so at a young age, Andrei changes women more often than socks. But in order to get real pleasure Andrei, you need to really love the partner.

Love failures are little worried. He knows the price too well to suffer due to unrequited love. On the contrary, he considers himself the main prize at the fair and is waiting for a woman to start. Then he may pay attention to it. But windiness is incurable. A good evening does not guarantee that Andrei is still ever to appear in your life.

He comes to the choice of his wife with all seriousness, because he considers the marriage with an unbreakable union. His wife should be a patient, understanding a woman who can delete the manifestations of egoism and vanity. But the name of Andrei is ungrateful can not be called - in bed for him, the main thing is pleasure to be pleasure. He is not hesitating to ask about erotic fantasies and is ready to realize them.

Mystery named Andrei

Born under the auspices of the Sun and under the Zodiac Sagittarius Andrei confidently looks into the future. Good luck Andrei brings yellow color, it is not surprising that the stone mascot of all men with this name is amber.

Andrei since childhood strive to power. And easily gets control over people, because no one can resist his eloquence. For the sake of achieving the goal, it can apply strength, but in our time she is trying to still win at the expense of pure reason and beautiful words. Boys born in winter or spring love art and possess some talents. Thanks to oratorical skills, they surround themselves with faithful friends and confidently go to the goal. Those who appeared in the summer or in the fall are more prone to accurate sciences and can devote themselves to the study of something that is not entirely understandable to simple mortal. Andrei love mysticism, interested in occultism, but practical dominant will never allow them to completely go to the astral.

Andrei is waiting for success in work, if he will soberly look at his achievements and not to attribute team lavers only. In the event that Andrei's authority in the team falls, he can quit everything and hide from others. Therefore, it is important for it to maintain balance and not to suppress a sense of own importance.

Andrey inborn businessman. He knows how to invest money and consider them, and most importantly has intuition, which facilitates the existence in the world of finance and loans.

Compatibility with other names

Lena, Lisa, Ira, Larisa, Klava, Maria, Lyudmila and Natasha can make Andrei truly happy in marriage. First of all, in the union of two people Andrei appreciates loyalty. He himself will never go left, but the same requires his chosen. Even a fleeting look towards another man, can call in the heart of Andrei Stur.

But Olgam, Annam and Marina are better not to contact the courageous. Planets against such relationships. Although this rule is sometimes confirmed by exceptions. Therefore, you should not stop communicating with a person, only because your names are not compatible. In the end, the name can be changed

Andrei is easy to communicate and the impression of a good open person. The way it is. For the time being. If you come to Andrei on the corn - a thunderstorm can break out. It's better not to argue with the braveness, he still does not listen to you. Therefore, it is better to maintain friendly relationships with him.

Famous people

Andrei Rublev - Russian icon painter; Andrey Tupolev - Domestic Icar, or simply put the aircraft designer; Andrei Mironov is the most charismatic bastard of Soviet comedies and the most charming lyrical hero; Andrei Tarkovsky - director who managed to adequately shielding Strugatsky; Andrei Makarevich - the steering "time machine"; Andrei Razin - the first challenge of the Russian show biz, which generated the first Soviet Boygiz-Bend; Andrei Chikatilo - even the maniacs are names, although this surname has already become a nominal one; Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky - director from the Mikhalkovsky dynasty; Andrei Shevchenko - a model for calendars, failed politician famous on the football field; Andrei Danilko - Alter-Ego Verka Serdyuchka; Andrei Panin - actor; Andrei Plezic - Australian Unisex model demonstrating both female and men's clothing; Andrei Malakhov is talkative to the opener of dry cleaning on the first channel.

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