Ivan Yankovsky and other talented children of star parents. The grandson of Oleg Yankovsky showed rare photos of the grandfather in a family circle Life in pink: photo, instagram ...

Ivan Yankovsky and other talented children of star parents. The grandson of Oleg Yankovsky showed rare photos of the grandfather in a family circle Life in pink: photo, instagram ...
Ivan Yankovsky and other talented children of star parents. The grandson of Oleg Yankovsky showed rare photos of the grandfather in a family circle Life in pink: photo, instagram ...

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Oleg Yankovsky died nine years ago. He is not used to pierce his health, and when it was impossible to endure pain in the stomach and constant nausea, the doctors were powerless. Pancreatic cancer quickly progressed. Oleg Ivanovich was treated in Germany, and even a month after that he went to the scene. But in April it became worse - there was an internal bleeding. Save the great actor failed - on May 20, 2009, he died.

A large number of roles that Yankovsky played, made it famous. He carefully approached the choice of image. "That Munchhausen", "In love with your own", "Ordinary miracle", "Shield and Sword", "My tender and gentle beast" ... a list of movies, where the artist played the main characters can continue for a long time. And in all these film guards he gave himself entirely.

The son and grandson of the famous actor, following the famous relative, elected the actor profession. Today, Ivan - the youngest of the Yankovsky dynasty, decided to please his subscribers, posing photos of the grandfather in the family circle.

Oleg Ivanovich loved spending time at home. He married Lyudmila Zorina in his student years - it was the first and only marriage for his entire life.

He liked to communicate with his grandchildren. Yankovsky did not suffer from arrogance - in everyday life was the usual father and grandfather, entertaining the children of the Son, forgetting about his star status. To make a personal life for discussion was not in his rules. The artist sought to close this part of himself from curious eyes.

Grandson Ivan, on the contrary, willingly shares his thoughts with subscribers. "If what matters in this life, then only the family. I like the statement of the heroine of the film "Great Beauty" Paolo Sentino, when she was asked in what the meaning of life. She replied: "I don't know, I just eat the roots. Be sensitive, attentive and vigilant and eat your own, because only this is actually the meaning of life, "he wrote in one of the posts.


I suffer more than a week .... Yesterday booked tickets to Adler from June 20 to July 2. Arrival early in the morning, departure late in the evening. But about it later ... The apartment disappears immediately they are very removed from the sea, there is of course. But there is a price one and a half times higher. Guest house ... But those who are in my price category are 14-17 thousand to 7 days, quite modestwise modest, but they have a shared kitchen ... And it can be used to prepare this and a little C. Economy at a cafe. (But here Of course there are disadvantages, they are all on 1 out floors, it is necessary morning with the products to go down to cook and ready to go up again (if a number suddenly goes to 3-4 floors) there is even a couple of hotels with breakfasts up to 20 thousand but not in them Even the kettle in the room. There is also an aparthotel ... There's of course super .. and the kitchen in the room and the rooms themselves are better ... But the price tag is immediately above for 6-7 thousand ... So I get paid for the presence of the kitchen 7 thousand but buy products itself .. or these 7 thousand give the hotel, but for this money I get only breakfasts (yes the average cost of breakfast at the hotel 250-300 rubles) ..... and where there are 2 times a day, With the condition that we have for 4 years ... And how much money to go for food .. per day .... entertainment I looked a little glance .. I realized that 10 thousand would not be enough, you need to lay 15 (one trip to the oceanarium 700 + 700 I do not know how much children probably 500 \u003d 1900, another dolphinarium, here I still think there is a sense in the water park to go ...., I want to leave 2 days to leave for the Red Polyana, that there is not to dangle All the same 50 km. There I found a hotel with breakfast and dinner for 2000 rubles. There, even lunch can be taken for 450 rubles. I also add the amount for an early and late check-out, and it is most likely for another 2 night you will need to give up ... Tell me how they are planning your vacation as in money .... So family we were only in Minsk. but it is 4 days, and then I think that we spent a lot (about 30 thousand but this with tickets and accommodation) was not in our south (well, only in childhood) when it was not married that it was only an abroad but this time we were her We do not consider there but ... I will not go deep. Those who consider themselves Nishchebrom .... You can count and pass by ... We have a half-pin such .... all the sun .... to whom it is not difficult to wait for advice.


Minister's daughter without a portfolio

Hello everybody. A small preface: In January, yielding to a mental gust, I took a puppy from the shelter. Before that, we already had a dog, I knew what a responsibility it was, there were no problems with her. In my rainbow dreams, I walked with my wonderful obedient dog, watched TV stroking him behind the eye, etc. etc.
And now about the problem. Now he is 7 months old, a small puppy, turned into a large crocodile, which is all the walls. On the street, he absolutely does not listen to me, despite the help of the film, he never ceases to go to the toilet at home, although Pelinka has long been removed and he goes to the street. I am well aware that this is my problem - I can not find a approach to him, but patience is missing. And so I think: do not spoil him and myself a psyche and find new owners or continue attempts to become a leader.


Mom Piloram

I took a cat home from the shelter. He is just 1.5 months old. Despite his tiny age, he was pronounced. He was thrown on May 9, a woman who went out. The eyes fused, bleeded, dirty, blochet.
I have at home now. Goes into the tray. Incredibly affectionate and active. Murchit when plays and eats. Slept to me and sang songs all night!)
We have an adult cat, Russian blue. Strict aristocrat, spoiled. The kitten despises, growls, embarrassing, but does not touch.
Question to experienced. I feed the kitten boiled breast, kefir. Milk does not drink. The kitten accidentally ate the dry feed of an adult cat, pulled out. What else can you feed?
The daughter has led the oatmeal, it was afraid. Fed chicken meat.
And yet., Advise the name for the kitten.
Only not a rhyger and not peach.
Thank you.

159 I was silent, because I have long silent in a rag about other children
But, I can't forget
The topic to chat 91 Despite the fact that Vanya was born in the acting family, the desire to become a successor of the glorious traditions of Yankovsky in his soul was not immediately born. Like many children, the boy has dreamed for a long time to become a cosmonaut, and the rest is all then. That is, the fantasy and love for other worlds has been present since childhood. In one interview, he even confessed to the existence of otherworked forces.

In childhood, Ivan managed to try several sports, but he didn't stay anywhere for a long time - neither in athletics, nor in swimming, nor in games with the ball (though, he was interested in boxing and still engaged). And only in adolescence, he seriously drew attention to the cinema - family genes were still given to know.

In 10 years, Vanya Yankovsky first turned out to be on the set of sentimental painting Oleg Yankovsky "Come to see me", where the boy played the angel of Christmas. I must say that without casting it did not cost - the grandfather was not going to give Ivan's overlook. He got into the cast on his own.

At first, Ivan studied at school №1840 with a mathematical bias, and after grade 9 entered Moscow International Film School. During his studies, he visited Solovki, in Armenia, Turkey and even South Africa - there the disciples took the documentary.

Then Ivan continued his studies at the director-acting faculty of guitis, in the workshop of Sergey Genovac. There were no concerns here, but a gifted young man fearlessly walked to the most insane experiments.

Actor career

In 2008, Comrade Father, director Roman Jugunov, called Ivan to take part in the filming of the fantastic film "Indigo". According to his hero, his hero was conducted by Wathago young guys with unique abilities. The gift of his character was intuitive prediction of misfortunes. The first pancake came out, the picture of critics categorically did not like it, as well as the game of actors. However, his grandfather was still proud of his grandson.

After an unsuccessful debut, the guy decided to focus solely on study. He participated in training performances based on Czech, Moliere, Platonov; After receiving a diploma in 2013, a woman's theater studio was enrolled.

In 2014, Yankovsky junior decided to appear again on the screen. His attention was attracted by the debut film Mikhail Beztsky called "The Ragia Union", where we were talking about the representatives of the representatives of the premiere of the author's film, in May 2016, in May 2016, and at the Kinotavr Film Festival received a prize "for The best male role. "

Then followed participation in the comedy project "Without borders", over which three director worked. Ivan passed the casting for the role of a prodigal son from director Karen Oganesyan.

In 2016, he starred in three cash projects. First, this is the film "Source" of Hope Vitalie, adapted to the modern day "Olesya" Kurpra, where in the plot of the character Ivan, Moscow Had, meets the girl in the forest, and this meeting drastically changes his views on life. On the set, the actor was able to work with wild beasts, as well as swim in ice water.

The large-scale picture was a fantasy thriller "Night Guards", in which the young man had the role of the young man who suddenly recognizes that in everyday life, he met vampires, werewolves and another inappropriate in everyday life. And soon he joined the squad, shooting the "illegal immigrants". Together with Ivan, the Love Aksenov and Leonid Yarmolnik starred in the film.

Actors of "Night Guardians" in the studio Ivan Urgant

The next ambitious project for the young actor was the intriguing film of Pavel Lungin called "Lady Peak", where the younger Yankovsky had a chance to work with Ksenia Rappoport. She played Opera Diva Sofia Mayer, and he is the young singer Andrei, ready for everything for a favorable role. During filming, the actor had to be divided into a frame for the sake of a bedside scene, close to engage in choreography in the theater and even correct their diction.

But, apparently, fantastic plots are still more attracted by Ivan, because after the "lady peak", he appeared in Ikariya's anti-nightopias, whose general producer was performed by People's Artist Yevgeny Mironov. The ribbon action takes place in the near future: scientists came close to the rays of immortality, and the group of adolescents falls into a deadly experiment in the format of a reality show.

Personal life of Ivan Yankovsky

There were various rumors that the actor had novels with Camilla Baysarovar and Alice Funovoy. In 2013, Ivan stopped at the faith of Panfilova, the daughter of the permanent leader "Alice" grandson Oleg Yankovsky about work in the theater

Also, Yankovsky Jr. is involved in the stage of the theater under the leadership of His mentor Sergey Zejovich: "Suician" (Oleg Leonidovich), "Master and Margarita" (Ivan Homeless) and "Distribution of the Deader" (Maxudov).

Modern Russian cinema for two thirds consists of clans-names - related ties. To deny it - it means to resist reality. Such nature of things naturally causes discontent and skepticism, and sometimes indignation: how to break through a nugget without funds and connections when there are granddaughters around some sons?! Claim fair. And yet, several cinematic dynasties and their representatives we generously forgave their origin for talent and skill. Yankovsky does not happen much, fate decided and sent the younger representative of the famous surname, Ivan Yankovsky, to enslave the female audience of the country with Imax screens and theatrical frames. He is an aristocratic, he has an interesting face and a special manner of feeding himself. The guy is smart and today is in demand in the profession: Konchalovsky wants to shoot him, Lungin worked with him. Ivan Filippovich is ambitious: the actor in the third generation dreams that their parents are like - the famous Chet Philip Yankovsky and Oksana Fander. And he is still flattering similarity with the inimitable grandfather's great Russian actor Oleg Ivanovich Yankovsky. Yes, and is it possible to mow easy arrogance and ambitiousness of a young creative unit in search of your own identity?

His star dossier

Yankovsky: Middle Circle

The guy with the brand name was born in the artistic family: Grandma Lyudmila Zorina and Grandfather Oleg Yankovsky - graduates of the Saratov Theater School, Pope Philippe Yankovsky - Already with Double Cinema Education, School-Studio MCAT Plus Director's Faculty of Vgika, Mama Oksana Fander - Beauty Queen, in time to the cinema. The founder of the glorious kind of Yankovsky, the great-grandfather of our hero Jan Pavlovich, - the White Guard officer with Polish-Lithuanian roots. He was awarded the Order of St. George "for the courage", had three sons and severe fate.

The youngest of three sons, Oleg Yankovsky unofficially wearing the title of "the last People's Artist of the USSR".

Rostislav, Nikolay and Oleg - Sons Yana Pavlovich and Marina Ivanovna - alternately fond of the theater. Senior Rostislav early to fall from the family: moved to Minsk and for many years he became the leading actor of the Minsk Russian Drama Theater named after Pushkin. In the service station of the USSR of the USSR, more than 160 roles in the Russian and foreign classics, in addition to this Rostislav Ivanovich worked for many years in the field of social activities. Sons Rostislav Igor and Vladimir continued the case of the Father, who died in June of this year on 86 years of life. But Nikolai lost his chance to become an artist younger brother: he entered the Saratov Theater University that was he, but Oleg began to study on the coincidence. In Saratov, the Soviet Munchhausen met the future spouse Lyudmila Zorin and played the first theatrical roles.

It was Ludmila Zorina who was a protege to her beloved in the Saratov Drama theater: she studied the course older and was a student star. Without problems, I got on a professional scene, where in a year pulled the future husband.

Oleg Sami, fate led hand: seriously he was fond of football, but playing in the play "On the replacement", in his 14 years was approved for the role; late for entrance exams, but in the end I studied; In the Theater Institute had problems with diction, but it was easily fell into a professional troupe ...

During the theater tour in Lviv, a guy with Aryan appearance was noticed by cinematograms led by Vladimir Basov. They noticed, they made samples and approved the role of Henry Schwarzkopf in the "Shield and Sword" cinema population. Yankovsky was becoming a laureate of the state award, starring outstanding directories - Averbach, Balayan, Solovyova, Tarkovsky - and has a countless professional film and theatrical awards, but the main thing its main and the place of force has always been a family: spouse, son Philipp, daughter-in-law Oksana and Grandchildren - Ivan and Lisa.

Ivan Filippovich. Biography

On October 30, 1990, on the eve of the collapse of the "Union of Independent", the boy Ivan was born in the family of the sultry Odessa and Moscow History. The baby appeared ahead of time, which was why the relatives had to be worn. Ivan's childhood was cloudless and happy: the boy was engaged in football, tennis and basketball, attended cultural events together with her grandfather Oleg Ivanovich, regularly welcomed in Odessa with mom's parents and fantasted a lot. In the studio Ivan Urgant Ivan Yankovsky recognized that she believed in the otherworldly, and in childhood there was in the invented world and even heard the voices ...

Ivan tells that grandfather, the weekend, they spent a special contribution to his cultural education in his tradition. And each such day passed on the script: first enlightenment, then entertainment.

In the ten-year-old age, Ivan played his first role - the Christmas Angel-Torch in the lyrical film "Come to see me". And although the director and the executor of the leading role was the favorite grandfather, the boy passed the casting on the general reasons - with a dozen other more experienced applicants.

Then for several years Ivan fell out of the field of view of the paparazzi: an adult, overcoming the difficulties of transitional age, remaining just the son and grandson. Ivan's father, meanwhile, from fashionable clipmerer, grew up in the current directory: Filip Philip films "in motion" and "Stat Counselor" were quite warmly adopted not only by the public, nor and criticism. According to Ivan, alternatives in the choice of profession he did not see for himself. In his film, there were films of Godar and Antonioni, and the boy dreamed that one day he, like her grandfather, can go on stage for a public dialogue with the audience.

The performances of the legendary "Lenkom" - "Jester Balakirev", "Chaika" - were a kind of Bible for Little Ivan.

In the ninth grade Ivan came to the Moscow International Film School for an understanding of the medium in which he sees his future. Over the years, young people have visited expeditions in Armenia, South Africa and Solovki. Having received the average subsequent education and aza of the future profession, Ivan entered Rati Gitis to the Faculty of Actor. But by the end of the first year of study, I realized that I was wrong: magic was happening at another faculty - director. In the summer of 2010, he reappeared all the stages of the creative competition and was credited to the course of Sergey a woman, where they prepared future directories. It was risky to interact, in the case of non-Jankovsky's nonsense threatened the army, and he did not want to go there.

The talented successor of the Fomenkovskaya school in the direissury Sergey Zevezach is recognized: Translations for the younger Yankovsky could not be - only a hard competitive selection. And no warm relationships with parents could contribute to a successful outcome.

And failures make us richer: the film "Indigo"

In the acute period of searching for his "I" about the guy remembered cinematographers and invited a fantastic thriller about the children of the new formation of Indigo. The production was engaged in the Roman Jerbov, the Institution College of Philip Jankovsky, and the adults were played by Efremov, Shukshin and Kutsenko. Ivan was "First Violin": he played the role of the leader in the group of adolescents with paranormal abilities. In particular, his hero acutely felt the approximation of misfortunes.

But the bridge from the idea before the incarnation was poorly built: neither critics nor the viewer did not like the film. "Everything is impersonal, wobble heroes," and these were the most delicate claims to the creators. But Yankovsky and here proudly kept the back: Oleg Yankovsky was told in an interview that Gord for his grandson.

After the second sample, a long pause happened to the cinema: for four years Ivan plunged on his head in the puchin of student life. But there was another side: in 2011-2012, the fashion actor has repeatedly fell into the press. They wrote that the junior Yankovsky discredits the image of the family and stains the light image of the grandfather. Ivan Yankovsky broadcast to his pages in VKontakte and instagram excerpt from bohemian life: in the photo he often posed with a bottle or cigarette, and also - in the company of a wide variety of young ladies. In the Yankovsky family, they did not comment on: wisely waited until the guy cope with the inner demons. Despite the fact that certain difficulties in relationships with the parents of Ivan experienced - now he confesses that he never speculated on the names. Moreover: in their family it is customary to climb his own Calvary.

Even in the student years, Ivan was tightly involved in the course and diploma performances in Molor, Chekhov, Platonov, and in 2013 officially became an actor of the Studio of theatrical Art under the leadership of Sergey Genovac. This year, a private theater, the circle of vendors of which is growing rapidly, received the status of a state theater platform.

Internal chopping and instant Ivan's self ends when it comes to sister. With Lisa, Ivan's very strain relationships, unnecessary confirmation of this - instagramma both.

Cinema, I will win you! Aktera filmography

The calendar return of Ivan to the cinema happened in 2014: Yankovsky in the company Alexander Paly and Vasily Butkevich starred in the debut full-length film Mikhail Bezkin "Ragia Union". The art-house project had a long way to the viewer, and only in May 2016 the All-Russian Premiere took place. Although the cinematographers put a comedy-situational picture of the quality mark in the summer of 2015: then the tape about young rebels - representatives of the non-specific subculture was noted at Sochi Kinotavra the prize "for the best male role". The award was divided by all four performers. Ivan Yankovsky told in an interview that at the preparatory stage, the actors were regularly engaged in Parkur with a specially invited tracer from Los Angeles. Then there was a project "Without borders", which has long existed under the name "Love with an accent and without". Several directors worked on the poetic recognition in the love of the love of Armenia, and the novel about the leaning for the love of the prodigal son was removed by Karen Oganesyan. Casting was good: unreasonable child - Ivan Yankovsky, a dream girl - Anya Chipovskaya and a strict mother - Natalia Vddina. Yankovsky confessed that he worked on the site "Without borders", it worked and pleasantly, and useful: actors brought a lot of improvisational nuances in the scenario, which made the film alive and sparkling. And if in 2015 the actor only fell a whimsical film - then in 2016, with knowledge, it became to cultivate it. "Night Guards", "Source", "Lady Peak" ... In the fantasy action "Night Guards", Ivan in the division of the secret capital police leads an unequal battle with organized evil spirits. Yankovsky plays a simple courier in a new role for himself - an artist of special forces. A huge budget of 200 million dollars was spent on computer graphics, complex decorations-transformers, and a bit, on the performers fee. In an interview, the actor shared, which agrees to shoot, pushing out, first of all, on the quality of the scenario and the figures of the director, and the financial part and the amount of work for him are secondary. "Night Guards" embodied the children's dream of Ivan to visit the role of superhero.

Diplomat Yankovsky confesses that it is equally well in the direction of both the author's and mainstream cinema, the approach to work and goals in such projects are different.

Yankovsky says that he receives his portion of adrenaline from working into a cinema, and in life, for example, will not jump with a parachute. Although at the same time he is sporting from nature a guy and in his free time boxing. The shooting of the "Source" picture also suggested non-good skill, readiness for exhausting shifts and abnormal situations. In the film Hope Vitalskaya at Ivana - the main role: the Moscow Naughty Foil, accustomed to burn life, falls into alien to itself and changes. The girl living in the forest makes the hero in a new way to take a look at the world. Yankovsky in this material saw questions that were worried and his own, and working with wild animals and scenes of bathing in cold water only added driving. The final of the film took place the release of the film, and the audience should go to the cinema, to appreciate how talented cinematographers interpreted the plot of the Kuprin "Olesi". Perhaps the two most complex and interesting projects in Ivan's filmography - Ikaria's Antiutopia and Mystical Thiller Pavel Lungin "Lady Peak".

Ivan together with partners - Alexander Gorkilin, Peter Skvortsov - starred in the film of Jardov, on specially designed aircraft. Locations for filming found in Moscow and Malta, although the film is almost completely built on the use of "chromaque". The key to immortality through the problem of moral choice is the end-to-end line of the film "Ikaria", which will produce Evgeny Mironov himself. The project promises to be spectacular and exciting.

Yankovsky says that while he is offering to him in itself, difficult heroes, but in the future he would like to play a characteristic role. As for the images from literature, it is close to Myskin, Rogozhin, Pechorin and Lopakhin.

The new picture of Pavel Lungin "Lady Peak" has already received the first reviews: the film was set in free swimming in Russian filmmotters. He was shown at the festivals "shorter", "Baltic Debuts", "Meridians of the Pacific" and "Reserve". The painting is the pair crank the genius of Pushkin and Tchaikovsky, and, at the same time, is a unique work of art. Lungin, who shot Oleg Yankovsky in the role of Metropolitan Philip, entrusted the arch of the role-to the task of his grandson Ivan. The leading actor could not find several months, and the Jankovsky figure appeared just a couple of days before the start of the shooting. Colleague-studio officer Ivan, Maria Kurdenievich, who has already been approved in the film, told Yankovsky about the project. He took the challenge and daring to come to the director with the statement: Herman - this is me. Convince the Mastyt Creator from Yankovsky turned out - he passed the samples. About work with the master Ivan told himself to be applied. "The process of Lungin goes first - from the heart and soul, and then already - from thoughts and ideas," Ivan shared with the press. Glory, money, cunning, love - there is everything in history. Ivan reincarnated in the young singer of Andrei's opera troupe. For the sake of the new role, Yankovsky was engaged in choreography under the leadership of Alla Cigalova, learned to accentuate consonants together with the teachers from the Bolshoi Theater and even undressed in the frame. How accurately the actor was able to transfer the metamorphosis and the inner rotation of the hero, which went into all the grave for glory and money, will be known very soon.

Lungin not only visited the classics, but found an attractive-terrifying form. So, the heroes of Yankovsky and Rappoport have a scene of passion, which is not in the original source.

Yankovsky junior is now in a wonderful form, and it is already clear that it will not remain without roles. Here, Hydra Konchalovsky has plans to annoy the actor to film the novel by Alexei Ivanov "P. Furniture", it remains only to find funding.

Theatrical participation

Theater for Ivan - Holy Saints. The house where you can warm up, get silent and speak. Yankovsky confesses that without the scene does not think of his future. He is configured to performances, sitting deep in the auditorium, watching how to put a tranquil and correct the light. And there is also grimmed, from the wall of which the luxury portrait of Oleg Yankovsky looks at him. Having come to the studio theater for the first time, our hero came across a photo of his beloved grandfather and now regularly comes into mental dialogues with him. The poster of the theater actor Ivan Yankovsky is limited to two productions - "the notes of the dead man and a" suicide ", plus - in full swing the rehearsals of the" Master and Margarita "in the formulation of a woman, where Ivan has the role of homeless people. In the play on the play by Erdman "Suician", Ivan plays a secondary role: a state-owned gentleman, whose attention is trying to take possession of two ladies. But in the "notes of the dead man" Kryuku, Sergey Zeezovach made a bet on Yankovsky. He plays a novice writer Maksudov, whom strange visions and dreams are tormented. Through the stream of consciousness of Sergey Leontievich, the heroes of the Bulgakovsky "Theater Roman", the play "Days of Turbines" and the early works of Mikhail Afanasyevich are passing. The role of the increase - so indicates the character and artist director of production. And Ivan Yankovsky to the question whether the perfect performance happened, confidently answers that there is no: he is completely satisfied with himself. The "Notes" is played for the third season, and only recently the actor scored the necessary force and filling, convinced by Sergey Zeeva. And adds: in this role they will not be covered with anyone and do not hide it - Yankovsky for three hours is continuously on stage.

Personal frontiers

Roles, as they say, the case is hiring. As for personal life, Ivan succeeded here. Solva attributes him an affair with his daughter Ruslan Baisarov Camilla. Piquant detail - In connection with Camilla Baysarovar, one time was seen another star off, the son of Fedor Bondarchuk Sergey. True, it was a long time ago, and since then the Chechen beauty Camilla has already twice marked by campaigns to the registry office. Romantic feelings Ivan Putal Also to the heir of the oligarch Rasulu Rudun Alis. But not with Alice, he found happiness, and with faith, which, by the way, the daughter of the leader of the rock band "Alice" Konstantin Kinchev. And also - the actress. With faith of Panfilova, Ivan, the relationship was set up for quite a long time, while studying in Gitis.

Young people met in the course of the woman, but they could not learn together: Faith first graduate studied at the Studio Scene Studio at Serebrennikov, Ivan - at the Faculty of Rati.

Details of the novel began to swim thanks to the activity of the girl in social networks. Faith laid out photos with Ivan, who did not leave doubts: young people are novel. The "first swallow" for the press was the picture since the birthday of the girl in 2014, on which Ivan was. As in any long relationship, Yankovsky and Panfilova have decals and lifts. So, in publications dated in the summer of 2015, he wrote about Yankovsky as a free young man. That's just the birthday of faith, which falls on September 2, the young celebrated in the status of a couple. His 25th birthday Vera Kinchev also spent in the company of a beloved man. Together with a couple, a girlfriend of Tat Bondarchuk's actress was also noticed, which seems to be in a friendly relations with all the bomb. The guys rested in the Vanilla restaurant, and Ivan addressed the girl touching congratulations. People's Molva claims that Yankovsky is a romantic guy, likes to arrange a lover surprise with campaigns in movies and theaters.

Yes, and as a beloved borrowed to each other: he is on the expedition in Malta, it is all in rehearsals, then a short periods of relationships and again parting. Dates are often passing at the station and at airports. In April 2016, Pope Faith is the legendary rock musician Konstantin Kinchev - got to a hospital with stroke, and Ivan, as he could, supported the beloved. A source close to the pair claimed that conversations about the wedding are already underway.

The faith of Kincheva is very dense employment in the theater. In the period of autumn-winter 2016-2017, the actress has several prime ministers, and she also got into a long-sheet of actress-nominees to the Golden Mask of the 2015-2016 season.

The last joint photo with faith in Instagram Ivana was made for quite some time - a month and a half ago. Then under the pair Selfie Yankovsky-younger left a quote from the song "Skriptonit" - "This is love." In general, the Instant Ivan looks very rich and truly correct: portrait recognition in love for mom, dad, sister Lisa, and, of course, an incomparable grandfather ...

Life in pink: photo, instagram ...

At the shootings, Vanya did not listen to the Soviets of the grandfather and tried not to let the girls - on the left, guys - to the right in their instagram, the actress congratulated her son with the 26th anniversary with the words: "We are with you, and we are for you" Like Son on Father - Yes, but Philip is recognized that his external similarity is stronger with his daughter Liza at his brother and sister very subtle emotional bond teenage love Yankovsky married to the second marriage