Point Blank game is a complete review. Top online games

Point Blank game is a complete review. Top online games


System requirements

Genre: first person shooter, mmofps
Operating system: Windows 2000 / XP
A type: client game, Free-to-Play
CPU: Pentium 4 2.4Ghz.
Release date: December 4, 2009
RAM: 512 MB.
Developer: NCSOFT.
Video card: GeForce FX5700 128 MB
Official site:
Hard disk space: 1.5 GB

The game was born in Russia in 2013, the developer of the game company NCSOFT, which gained his fame to the whole world, thanks to the Lineage 2 project. The publisher of this project in Russia is Innova Systems.

Wallpaper Point Blank.

Point Blank. This is a multi-user global project on the first person, where you provide the ability to play for terrorists or special forces fighters, in principle, as in Counter Strike. If you think that somewhere you have seen it, then you are very mistaken. Point Blank. - This is not a standard shooter with a set of locations and several types of weapons, this is a whole world with its rich history. Much attention in the game is paid to the dynamics of hostilities, strategies and tactics, from which nothing distracts, enthusiastic process, gamer.
The features of this project are: the full effect of presence, stunning graphics, real weapons models, unique missions and awards, character development system, and the opportunity to download Point Blank. absolutely free.

Gameplay in the game Point Blank

Gameplay games very similar to Counter Strike., We are also running from the point A to the point B, from b to a and kill everyone on the road. In general, nothing has changed, although there are some nuances. These are new game modes: on shotguns, on sniper rifles, on knives. Also, the mode has changed significantly "Undermining". In this mode, each terrorist is given on a bomb, every creature in a pair, and now everyone runs from point to point, but with the condition that anyone can run to the destination and start installing a bomb. There will be no two bombs, but there are all sorts of "chips", now it's not worth covering the dude, which has a bomb, because you yourself have a bomb and you can cover yourself. In general, it does not change the gameplay too much, but still affects tactics.
Contrary to great similarity with Counter Strike. The developers constantly adds new events, such as "Che Guevara" missions, "Stalin" and "Lenin". In general, for the fulfillment of missions in a certain order, we are issued valuable prizes, as well as experience.

Accumulation of experience points

Experience is an integral part of this game and the biggest minus in it, that is, constant pumping due to which the player is in constant voltage. You do not feel what you rest, you are constantly in your work. You walk, go to the rooms, run, jump and all this for the sake of getting the cherished experience of experience. Why, it was done by developers, not quite understandable. Well, okay in Team Fortress 2., at least the achievement system works and do not feel what you eat, one way or another there is very fun.

Points Point Blank

Selection of weapons and skins

With weapons B. Point Blank. Everything is simply at the highest level, the developers have worked on model classes and above the arsenal. Arsenal is just huge here and want to scream "Alliluya", "Hurray," but it was not there. Each class has its own choice of weapons, that is, a sniper can only choose a sniper, because he pumped his skills, and the attack aircraft can choose only the assault rifle, because he shook his skill. Is it possible to consider it a minus, to solve you. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that each player is practiced only with a certain type of weapon and reaches certain heights, and from the point of sight of network shooters is a complete nonsense, because we become a specific class, as in some MMORPG.
The skins are also worked in the game, even though they are just two, but other skins can be obtained for money. These skins give not only a beautiful appearance and the like, but also a good increase for experience. In addition, you can choose some beautiful girl And to put instead of your skin, but it tries a little, because to look at how the girl in a mini short and a shirt with a huge cut wet all that is moving, somehow not aesthetic.
For each fight we give glasses and give very little, in my opinion. Although, professionals calm down, they say that in a week continuous game can be accumulated on good equipment, with which it is not ashamed of going into battle. Also, in the game there is dONATA system, that is, your blood and then earned money you invest in pixels, buying equipment that is available only for real money. The imbalance in the game because of Donata is almost no felt, but if you want to be God and feel the power of the "dark side", then invest in real and you will be happy, the rule of all free-to-play projects and Point Blank. not an exception.
Summing up, we can say that we have not received a bad network action, the Korean semblance of Counter Strike, which is not bored to play with friends.

Point Blank - Client Mmofps from the Korean company Zepetto developer, and the publisher of NCSoft, the creators of Aion, Lineage 2 and the Guild Wars series. The game saw the light in 2008 in Korea, and in a year and in Russia. In 2013, Point Blank was restarted. Currently, in the Russian-language version of the game registered more than eight and a half million users. In 2010, Point Blank is recognized as cybebersport discipline, and the game tournaments are used to this day.

We present to your attention a review game Point Blank.

The plot of the project tells about the conflict that unfolded in the fictional state is a korog. As a result of a decline in the population of the country, the government was decided to attract immigrants for which borders were opened. However, together with this successful decision, new problems in the form of ethnic claslies came to the kogg. The infringement of the legal and political rights of immigrants was the reason for the occurrence of protests, and after the formation of radical groups. As a result, the city was divided into two opposing forces. Plus, dinosaurs were revived in the corogue ...

After a short registration, download and installation of the client, the player can choose the side, which, as it is clear from the plot, two:

  • Peacemakers - the forces of indigenous inhabitants of crops;
  • Rebels - the forces of immigrants.

After that, a character is created, and the player is awarded the starting ammunition and five thousand units of the game currency. The game has 13 diverse skins.

The game offers players eight diverse modes:

  • Random mode - the card is chosen by chance;
  • Destruction is the traditional regime, de team, several rounds, revival only in the new round;
  • The overall match is two teams, several rounds, revival every 4 seconds;
  • Defense - one team protects a certain object, and the other captures;
  • Undermining - traditional mode with a laying and disposal of a bomb;
  • Flight - players run away from dinosaurs;
  • Destruction - each team has a certain object, which seeks to destroy opponents. The team wins, which is the first to destroy the object;
  • Slaughterhouse - two teams fight against each other, and dinosaurs are present on the map.

Now the game review is touched by three types of matches, the type of which depends on the weapons:

  • Fist fight - weapons are disabled, players are fighting in hand;
  • Sniper - Sniper contests are used, naturally, only sniper rifles;
  • Shotguns - You can use this type of match in any mode, besides slaughterhouse and flight.

Players have from what to choose, because more than 140 diverse weapons species are available in Point Blank. Some types of weapons can be purchased only for real money. All weapons are divided into three groups:

  • Exploding;
  • Cold;
  • Gunshot.

Also, all weapons may be simple or extended type (removable sight, silencer, an extended store, etc.).

In Point Blank there was a place for special missions that are divided into two categories:

  • Class - available initially;
  • General - available only after reaching the player with a certain rank.

In the course of these missions, the player receives items necessary to acquire skills and useful experience.

The character pumping consists of two components:

  • The rank system - ranks get players for the experience, which is obtained for each battle. Currently in the game 50 ranks;
  • The skill system - becomes available immediately after reaching the next rank, but are opened only by the number of awards obtained for the implementation of missions.

In addition, there are 7 specializations in the game:

  • The attack aircraft - perfectly shows itself on the middle distance, is a universal fighter;
  • Diversian - a master of elimination of opponents with cold weapons without excess noise;
  • Sniper is a great fighter for fighting on distant distances;
  • Machine gunner - prefers a gun and machine gun;
  • Engineer - prefers grenades and explosives;
  • Schedule - prefers shotguns, machine guns, as well as throwing weapons;
  • The destroyer is a wizard of the use of shotguns.

There is the possibility of creating clans to obtain clan tasks and conducting clan battles. Communication occurs on the chat.

As a result, the review of the Point Blank game can be concluded that this game, of course, is not a competitor to the multipopular Counter-Strike, but still it is able to captivate and deliver pleasure.

So it became that day when the games of the genre Counter Strike. You can play as a multiplayer game. Point Blank is a practical copy of your heroes, but with different additions in terms of pumping the hero and other buns. All the most hitted types of weapons are available, and some can be bought. The game has different quests and raising the titles and many more interesting things.

System requirements:

Minimum requirements for your computer:
Pentium 4 2.0 GHZ processor
NVIDIA GEFORCEFX 5700 graphic map
1.5 GB hard disk space

Processor: Pentium 4 3.0 GHZ
Graphic map ati radeon x800
1.5 GB hard disk space

Design and graphics:

Graphics of the game meets all the requirements of modern games. All elements of the game, opponents, locations and minor items are very well drawn and look like alive. During the game on locations, cars explode, glass breaks and all this really makes a kind of liveliness.

Your allies and opponents move smoothly and realistic. It can be said that Point Blank has surpassed its predecessor. The only thing that does not look really in the game is the main menu and its usability. But in other words, this is not the most important thing.

Playing and battle system:

The whole point of the game has not changed. As in the Counter Strike on the battlefield, terrorists and game workers are leaving. The task of each command can be different depending on location settings. There are games when you just need to kill your opponents, you need to lay and detect bombs. I repeat that the game Point Blank made the right decision, namely I left everything as it is.

Even the weapon remains all the same familiar and love. Here and rifles, and AK-47, and grenades, all that was so liked to players in Counter Strike.

For a comfortable game you will need an average computer and most importantly good Internet.


Here, the distinguishing features of Point Blank from Counter Strike are already beginning, as we have a multiplayer game with pumping elements.
Firstly, here you get experience for each match and thereby increase your level.
To make the matches are not so boring, here you can perform various missions and it is necessary to do it. First, the missions will be pretty simple, kill a few people or make a couple of accurate shots in the head.

Later you will understand why you are performing all these missions, since in addition to the awards in the form of weapons you get and various medals. With all these bonuses, you can increase your title. Different titles give various bonuses to your character, such as the speed of attack or chevaging.

Together with the experience you will receive both inside the game currency, with which you can buy new types of weapons.

If you are hard to play with other players, then there is a battlefield mode against bots, where you can hone your skills.
The game has various chips on joining clans and all other distinguishing features of multiplayer games.
The game is really very high quality and international competitions are held. I would very much recommended to lovers of excellent shooters and especially Counter Strike.

"- The direct spiritual heir to the legendary" Counter-Strike ", which became one of the main popularizers of multiplayer shooters. In fact, the project is aimed at rebirthing the game in a new chart and special effects. Developers give players full mobile freedom, providing game characters maneuverability at the level of arcade shooters. That is, heroes can freely and relatively high, quickly move in any directions and squat. This is not entirely realistic, but makes the process dependent on the skill to maneuver, which is obliged to be at the player. The character relies on its weapons, which is bought and equipped before battles.

Such masters in the game shaft, who did not prepare the player will be demolished.

We have a weapon store, or clothes?

In addition to weapons, the money for the fighters are also purchased to earned money. In total, there are 3 fractions in the game, and each player has a total of 5 external species depicting a certain number of representatives of each part. Also in battles not only money, but also experience.

Despite the fact that Black Fire is the best cybersport game, it is old. Much more new ideas and modes can provide.

It is spent on pumping skills and characteristics of the character, allowing it to turn it out of a recruit in a highly specialized professional professional. In total, 7 balanced classes are represented, each of which is well playing one specific role in the team.

No modern shooter does not do without a clot shop. The question is why they, if you do not see the character.

And why in the shooter of the fraction ...

With regard to fractions - they are represented by rebels, peacekeepers and dinosaurs. According to the history of the game, the action unfolds in a kind of advanced country, which has significantly outdated the rest of the world in terms of technical progress. However, it was also reflected in demographics - the birth rate fell significantly. To solve this issue, a law on opening borders for labor immigrants was adopted. There were many wishing to appear, but the attitude towards them was a nightmarish.

Pay attention to this handmade shotgun.

They were the people of the third grade not only in the eyes of ordinary people, but also from the point of view of the government. As a result, it led to a massive uprising - rebels appeared, the peacekeepers were immediately embarrassed by the protection of the country's law enforcement. Later in one of the updates, a technogenic catastrophe was described, which led to the revival of dinosaurs - they have their own unique gameplay.

And here is a weapon store. The range is impressive.

Morning modes are good.

About a dozen different types of battles are available in the game, in each of which their conditions are not only victory, but also fighting. For example, you can go to the meat grinder with enemies on the terms that only fists are available from weapons. Regardless of the type of match, everyone gets a bet, depending only on the effectiveness of the player for this fight. In addition to the modes, the player may complicate life and in a different way - to purchase special tasks sets, each of which will reward anything in one way or another. Most comes down to standard achievements in shooters - kill the specified number of enemies in the head, from a certain weapon, for the allotted time at the beginning of the battle, and so on.

Point blank video.

The game is distributed free of charge, but the developers are extremely uncompanying in terms of attitudes towards it from publishers. In many countries, the company's distribution rights change both the name and plot of the game, as well as many other components.

Developers from Korea Zepetto. A little less than ten years ago, decided to create our 3D shooter, which would be with the same interesting and unobtrusive gamemplash, as the well-known online shooter Counter-Strike (or in a simple "contro") And perky, like Quake 3 Arena. Despite its secondaryness, the game project became quite successful, won the attention of a large number of players around the world, acquiring the status of cybersport discipline to the whole. Today, the conversation will go about Point Blank, a review on which we prepared you.


Let's start an overview of Point Blank from the plot, as unlike the usual Counter Strike, there is a setting with a certain prehistory.

The events of the game occur in the territory of the fictional country "Cokes". This state appeared in the middle of the 20th century and has already become one of the most influential in the region. However, due to the outflow of the population, the country began to become worse and worse. Power has taken increased economic indicators at the expense of immigrants. Guests were only provided with entry into the country, but before the competent organization of their assimilation and, even more so, ensuring all the rights to anyone did not reach anyone. For such negligence, the state is now paying a large price: ethnic conflicts aggravated everywhere in the country, and immigrants considered to be indigenous by servants and second-grade people began to adjust the radical political groupings. The society split, and on the one hand, peacekeepers, protecting the interests of indigenous people, and on the other hand, the rebels represented by implanted immigrants trying to overthrow the power to them.


In the Point Blank review it should be noted that the gameplay is saturated with chips from other game projects, and it imposes a certain negative track for the overall impression of the game. Abstragging from this helps a variety of modes, which is a lot of point in the point. Of course, the modes in the main mass are not new and present in the mass of other games, but there are here and their own developments of Korean Izrodelov, for example, cards with dinosaurs.

So, this online shooter has the following game modes:

  • Common match. During ten minutes, it is necessary to make as many killings of players from the opponent team. After death, players are "resurrected" in a few seconds, which allows you to conduct a practically continuous meat grinder.
  • Destruction. All as in the previous mode, only players lose the opportunity to revive until the very end of the match.
  • Undermining The same mode from Counter Strike. Task of rebels - Mining of the point, the task of peacekeepers is the layout of location or clearance of the bomb.
  • Destruction. Teams are issued an object that they must be protected. At the same time, each team is trying to destroy the object of the opponent.
  • Defense. One side needs to defend a strategically important object, the other, respectively, must be captured by the assault object.
  • Escape. One team plays for dinosaurs, the second for people. If people get to the control point, do not die, they won, otherwise dinosaurs won.
  • Slaughterhouse. Two modes in one: the overall match and flight. People compete with dinosaurs.
  • Random. The game card is selected randomly.
  • Zombie. Battle with zombie bots.
  • Hardcore. Players are deprived of sights, and death comes after one hit in the opponent.
  • Head hunter. The main goal here is to get an enemy. Fire for the rest of the parts of the body takes only 1 HP.

In addition, you can flexibly configure the conditions of the battle. For example, to give all players the same weapon, etc. As for weapons, the local arsenal is rich: there are about 150 species of various firearms and cold weapons. I want to focus on the Point Blank review at this moment, as the possibility of competition (combat) on fists.
Unlike the first versions of the top online shooter - Counter Strike, Point Blank has already had a pumping system and a tree of ranks. With each title, the player gets improved characteristics that help him in battle.

Overview of Point Blank

In general, the blank is a good online shooter, but not excellent. Good thanks to the fun and dynamics of the gameplay, a variety of modes and earned items of the gameplay. Not only the secondary play of the game is prevented from the game, but also its graphics, which is stuck in the year in 2003. In the same Warface - a free online shooter, the graphics are not at times, but ten times better. On the other hand, the blank can be played even on the old office computer. In general, everyone is his own. At this end our Point Blank Review.

Cyber \u200b\u200bTrailer.