Is it good to run in the morning? Pros and cons of morning running

Is it good to run in the morning?  Pros and cons of morning running
Is it good to run in the morning? Pros and cons of morning running

Proper nutrition and sports - this is the simplest formula for maintaining a slender figure. In a variety of diets, you can always find a menu that will not hit the budget. But going to the gym is more difficult: subscriptions to fitness clubs are not cheap. But there is a great alternative to exercise equipment and a personal weight loss trainer! This is a run in the morning in the fresh air. Zero investment, and the result is simply priceless.

Health benefits of running in the morning

The main goal of morning running is to activate metabolic processes and launch all types of muscles into work. After all, after sleep, the body is in a relaxed state, and we need to set it up for a productive working day. In addition, the run:

  • oxygenates the blood vessels
  • strengthens the immune system
  • charges with cheerfulness, energy and good mood.

Efficiency in weight loss

Morning runs are extremely effective for weight loss. On average, you can lose 1-3 kg per week. You will see a noticeable result within a month after the start of running training. Naturally, it is recommended to completely abandon flour and fatty foods, alcohol and cigarettes.

Why ? An hour run burns approximately 360 kcal. For comparison: work at the computer - only 100 kcal, and a leisurely walk - 200 kcal. "Energy leaks" occur due to the acceleration of metabolic processes. When running, the body uses all muscle groups, the organs work more intensively, and, accordingly, calories are spent more efficiently. In addition, between 5 and 7 o'clock in the morning, the first peak of human biological activity occurs. According to physiologists, it is at this time that physical activity is easier to bear.

How to run in the morning

If you are determined to run, then keep in mind that the run should last at least an hour. Because the body begins to burn fat cells only after half an hour of such loads. Therefore, a novice runner needs to choose a special training regimen in order to cover the distance with honor.

  1. You will achieve the desired result faster if you choose an uneven surface for your runs. An excellent option is the steps of a stadium or an area with frequent descents and ascents. When running up, the heart “accelerates” metabolic processes, and fat deposits are slowly “discarded”. And when running down, the intensity of the load decreases, and the body rests a little.
  2. Experienced trainers recommend starting classes with the so-called interval running, when the intensity of the load alternates evenly. The first 10 minutes are brisk walking, the next 15 minutes are running at an average pace. After that, go to the maximum pace. When you start to get tired, and breathing becomes difficult, smoothly return to the average pace. For one approach (per hour), it is desirable to do 2-3 approaches with accelerations.
  3. Do not squeeze the last juice out of yourself. If you can't last an hour, shorten your run time. Listen to the general well-being of the body. Gradually, endurance will come. The adaptation period is purely individual. If you have never played sports actively, then be patient.
  4. The best places for a morning run are stadiums, fields, forests, parks, squares. In general, all paths away from noisy highways.
  5. Try not to eat anything in the morning. Have a glass of water or bio-yogurt and go for a run. And after it, refresh yourself with a hearty and healthy breakfast.
  6. The key to a successful run is proper breathing. Inhalations and exhalations should be rhythmic. Breathe through your nose. This will allow you to run more miles.
  7. Remember, you will load your heart. Therefore, before starting training, consult with your doctor, go through a cardiogram and pass the necessary tests.

Running program in the morning for weight loss

To make it easier for you to plan your run, we suggest “peeping” into the standard training plan for beginners. Distances are given in both meters and minutes. Choose the value from which you will start (but not both at once!). The table also shows the pulse, but if you do not have a smart watch or a fitness bracelet, use the tips. This running scheme is designed for 4 km.

Table: morning run plan for beginners

stage number Acceleration Rest Note
1. Warm-up - 800 m or 10 minutesRun barely, one leg at a time, shaking your arms, warming up your legs. Pulse - 100-110 beats per minute.
1.1 (optional) Light stretching, squats, swings.
2. 200 m or 1 minute
3. 400 m or 3 minutes
4. 200 m or 1 minute Pulse - 130–150. Or count at the beginning of the “and-one-and-two-and-three” stage.
5. 400 m or 3 minutesPulse - 100–120. Or count up to ten at the beginning of the “and-one-and-two-and-three” stage.
6. 400 m or 2 minutes Pulse - 130–150. Or count at the beginning of the “and-one-and-two-and-three” stage.
7. 400 m or 3 minutesPulse - 100–120. Or count up to ten at the beginning of the “and-one-and-two-and-three” stage.
8. 200 m or 1 minute Pulse - 130–150. Or count at the beginning of the “and-one-and-two-and-three” stage.

Video: interval running rules for weight loss


There are many contraindications for running. After all, this is a serious burden on the body. You need to refuse morning jogging when:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (heart disease, stenocardia or tachycardia, chronic heart failure, previous heart attack or stroke);
  • diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, some forms of scoliosis);
  • acute chronic diseases;
  • problems with the pulmonary system (bronchitis, asthma);
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • flat feet;
  • glaucoma.

Recently, a healthy lifestyle has become more and more adherents who are ready to go to the intended goal in different ways. One of the most common options for monitoring your health is jogging in the morning. However, not everyone (especially beginners) knows when and how to run. We will talk about this, as well as about the benefits of running in the morning, in our article.

Many men and women start jogging in the morning for various reasons: someone is attracted by accessibility, someone is high efficiency, and for some it’s just a way to recharge with positive energy for the coming day.

Morning jogging is good for the body, having a beneficial effect on all its systems as a whole. Therefore, it is so important to approach the issue correctly and find out in advance exactly how such training takes place. For those who have not yet decided to join this type of sports activity, you need to choose the right motivation, which is not at all difficult, because morning running has great benefits:

  • Running has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system of the body. During such exercises, your lungs will work intensively, which means that the body will be actively saturated with oxygen.
  • For the digestive system, running in the morning is no less useful, because it stimulates blood circulation, which creates ideal conditions for the full functioning of internal organs.
  • Jogging helps to strengthen the muscular atlas and joints. Due to the intensive blood supply to muscle fibers
  • Morning is considered optimal. By following the basic rules for increasing the load and running intervals, you can make your body burn fat more diligently. This happens due to the activation of metabolic processes, which practically do not work in the evening and during the night.
  • For the heart and cardiovascular system, morning cardio is useful because, by accelerating the heart rate, it stimulates the work of all internal systems at the cellular level, which helps prevent some heart diseases.
  • The nervous system also falls under the beneficial effect of morning running, since during such exercises stress is relieved, anxiety and aggression are eliminated, and mood is lifted.

Benefits of a morning run

Given these benefits, and adding other benefits to them, you can make a basic list of factors that determine the benefits of running in the morning. If you raise the question of when the optimal time for training is in the morning or in the evening, then:

  • Morning training is a boost of energy and a “portion” of fresh morning air helps you stay alert and optimistic all day.
  • Morning jogging helps the body wake up and start all the vital mechanisms in it.
  • To a certain extent, running in the morning will help you lose weight by boosting your metabolism.
  • Everyone can learn running to strengthen their body, lose weight or achieve another goal.
  • For those who have a complex about their appearance, running in the morning is the best opportunity to work out while the rest are still sleeping or getting ready for work / study.

Thus, answering the question of whether running in the morning is good, you can see quite an impressive list of its benefits for the body. However, they will be relevant only in the absence of contraindications.

When should you not run?

Despite the fact that the benefits of running in the morning are very great, there is a list of contraindications when they can be harmful. For example, it is not recommended to run if a person has:

  • there are diseases that exclude any kind of physical activity;
  • problems with joints and musculoskeletal system;
  • sleep problems (insomnia or other sleep disorders);
  • pathology of the kidneys, liver;
  • a tendency to the appearance of cardiovascular diseases against the background of intense physical exertion on the heart muscle.

Other disadvantages of jogging in the morning are the need to wake up early and the problem of choosing places for running.

In order for running in the morning for beginners to be beneficial, you must first know the main points of such training, which relate to the form of clothing, route, training schedule and nutrition rules.

For jogging, a tracksuit made of breathable fabric is suitable, which will not restrict movement and will not press hard in some parts of the body. Jogging in winter can be done in loose clothing that can retain heat. In such clothes you will be not only comfortable, but also warm. As for shoes, they are suitable with an elastic and flexible sole. Some manufacturers produce sneakers under the brand name "running". These shoes are specially designed for running.

Having decided to run in the morning, it is important to decide on the jogging route and draw up an individual training schedule. When choosing a place for running, it is worth giving preference to an area in an ecologically clean area so that the body can breathe fresh and healthy air. Regarding the road surface, it is better to choose a terrain with a flat and smooth surface that excludes slipping and falling. For a morning run, a stadium or a dirt road in the park is great.

Before you start practicing running in the morning, you need to learn how to properly schedule your workout. should not exceed 15-20 minutes subject to daily classes. If you run in the morning every other day, then you can increase the duration of the workout to 30-40 minutes. In the future, the load should be increased gradually so that running in the morning does not become stressful for the body. At first, you can combine running with walking, gradually accustoming the body to constant movement with the same intensity.

Well, a few words about the rules of nutrition. To benefit from classes, you should know what to eat before running and how to eat in general. Of course, to get the most noticeable effect from jogging, you need to start eating right. Also, don't run on a full stomach or on an empty stomach. It is advisable to drink a glass of fat-free kefir, water or eat a banana in the morning, 20-30 minutes before training. Such a snack will help wake up and start the body. It is strongly recommended not to drink coffee or tea in the morning before running. The fact is that such drinks can overload the body's systems, which can provoke adverse consequences.

Training features

After you prepare the necessary clothes, choose a suitable route and make a run schedule, you can try out the first lesson. Before you start jogging, you should hold. Simple exercises with tilts, turns, squats will help warm up the muscles of the body and prepare it for the main load. Then you can proceed directly to the run.

The first workout for men and women in the morning can last as little as 15 minutes, combining moderate-intensity running and brisk walking. It should invigorate and cheer up, so you should not overload yourself with excessive load, so that the next day you do not experience muscle pain and dissatisfaction about this.

As you run for a long time in the morning, you can gradually increase the time of training. So, for example, after a month of regular classes, you can already master a 40-minute workout, and after two - an hour.

You can use jogging in the morning for weight loss. In this case, the training scheme includes 15-20-minute runs in the first 3-4 weeks, after which the training time can be gradually increased up to 40 minutes. At first, you can run 2-3 times a week, preparing your body for daily runs. If you are interested in morning, then this is an activity with high-speed running, alternating with jogging. At this pace, you can run according to the scheme 5 after 5 (5 minutes running, 5 jogging).

Running in the morning in winter is incredibly useful. It not only strengthens the internal systems of the body, but also hardens it. The only negative is the cold, which can discourage beginners from practicing. However, for men and women who have been practicing such physical activity for a long time, low temperatures are not a problem. For jogging in the winter, it is worth preparing special clothes and choosing the route that will be less traumatic. Warm-up before training must be done at home, after which you can go to the place indicated in the route. In the cold season, classes should not exceed 20-25 minutes, and they should be held 2-4 times a week.

As you can see, running in the morning is a very useful and affordable way for everyone to quickly restore and strengthen the body and spirit. When answering the question of what running in the morning gives, it is worth giving all the benefits of such activities that clearly demonstrate all the benefits of jogging.

Many people start running, but when is it most effective to do it - now let's try to figure it out?

Is it good to run in the morning?

Definitely yes! The main thing is that the mood is positive and running brings pleasure. Clean air is saturated with oxygen, the lungs open, it becomes easier to breathe, the lungs are actively cleansed, the immune system is strengthened, and endurance increases.
How much time should be devoted to this process?

Attention! It is not worth overloading the body, 30 minutes 3-4 times a week will be enough. Of course, if the body can withstand more, then why not. It all depends on your tone and general physical condition.

How to run correctly?

A lot and a lot is not always great. Jogging gives excellent results, such jogging is useful for people of all age categories. Such a sports activity has a positive effect on brain activity, improves mental abilities, strengthens the muscles of the legs, and helps to overcome depression.

Basic rules for morning jogging:

  • Jogging is necessary on an empty stomach, starting with a duration of up to 20 minutes, and when the body is already used to such loads, gradually increase the time.
  • The optimal period for physical activity is from 6.30 to 7.30 in the morning.
  • Before the procedure, it is recommended to take, do a little warm-up, drink a glass of warm water.
  • You need to take a bottle of water with you.
  • In extreme weather conditions, extreme heat or cold, you should refrain from jogging or reduce the time to a minimum period.

To speed up the process of losing weight, there are several "secrets". Running on uneven surfaces gives excellent results. To do this, you need to choose a terrain with easy ascents and descents. Rising up - the load on the heart is carried out, metabolic processes are launched, fat deposits are burned. And on the descent, the intensity decreases, the heart rests,.

You also need to alternate the intensity of the load, start, after switching to an average pace, keep accelerating for about 5 minutes, then lower the pace again and jog for 10 minutes.

Another tip is to break the distance into segments, alternate maximum efforts, breathe evenly and correctly, drink water to speed up. Change exercise cycles regularly.

It all depends on the desire and physical fitness of a person, it is important to properly prepare yourself psychologically, plan your time, and not then rush to work at a gallop or forget to have breakfast. No one needs such sacrifices.

Attention! But for patients with it is better to refrain from morning jogging, this is a certain stress after a state of calm.

In the warm season, you need to choose the most open things, shorts, T-shirts, and moccasins or sneakers as shoes. If it's cool in the morning, you can throw a windbreaker over your shoulders.
In cold weather, you should cover your head with a hat, put on gloves on your hands, do a jog in warm clothes, shoes.

Basic rules for a morning run

  1. A clear schedule, you need to run at the same time, so that the body begins to respond to changes in a timely manner, adjusting to the desired state.
  2. You can take a player with you and listen to your favorite music, which will help you relax, throw unpleasant thoughts out of your head, and find a state of peace and satisfaction.
  3. Shoes should be of high quality, made of natural materials with cushioned soles.
  4. Before a run, it would be wise to warm up the ligaments and joints.
  5. Running on toes is not recommended. The neck, shoulders and arms should be relaxed and the back straight.

Can you run in the morning? Contraindications

You can not engage in this type of physical activity if you have:

  • pulmonary insufficiency;
  • colds;
  • sharp jumps in arterial or intraocular pressure;
  • problems with the spine;
  • disorders of the endocrine and genitourinary system;
  • uncontrolled diabetes mellitus;
  • heart disease;
  • glaucoma.

Training is prohibited in the postoperative period, at times of exacerbation of various chronic diseases. If you really want to run around, it is better to go outside and walk at a slow pace through familiar places, admire nature and listen to your favorite music.
Yes, and forcing yourself to run in the morning is also not recommended, because there will be very little sense from such activities. After all, the main thing is a positive attitude, the power of thought, and useful runs against your will.

Yes, do you need to run in the morning, it will benefit your body, but it must be done thoughtfully and systematically!

Have a good mood!

Video on how to run

Video about common running mistakes

Most doctors and coaches talk about the benefits of morning running, and yet there is no unequivocal opinion on this matter. And this is understandable: unreasonable morning workouts can harm the body. And besides, there are a number of contraindications that make running in the morning undesirable.

Basic rule This is a mandatory warm-up before the start of classes. When running, you also need to pick up speed smoothly, moving from slow to your normal pace.

We will tell you about the benefits and harms of morning running.


Running is known to have a positive effect on the heart by increasing blood flow to the heart muscle and thereby making it more resilient. It is also useful for the lungs, as it increases their volume. Yes, and the entire cardiovascular system, receiving a load, is strengthened. Due to this, the overall endurance of the body and its resistance to diseases increases.

As for the morning run, with regular exercise, the body gets used to the early loads. This makes lifting quick and easy. A person wakes up in a cheerful state, which is important for a successful start to the working day.

Jogging in the morning is especially useful for those who complain of poor appetite: jogging leads to the expenditure of energy resources. It is clear that after it the body needs to replenish its reserves. And this naturally leads to increased appetite. So, having “waving” a couple of kilometers in the morning, you can sit down for a hearty breakfast.

Morning cross is especially important for those who want to lose weight. During the day or evening, the body burns fat only after it runs out of carbohydrates. And to deplete the carbohydrate reserve, it takes at least 20 minutes of exercise. But in the morning, when we just woke up, carbohydrates are actually at zero. This means that when running in the morning, fats begin to be burned immediately after the start of the process.

I must say about healthy sleep. If you run, for example, in the evening, the body needs to calm down and rebuild. And this takes time. Morning running, forcing a person to spend energy, in the evening makes itself felt with pleasant fatigue, which guarantees a quick fall asleep.


First of all, excessive loads are harmful. Anyone who runs faster than 11 km / h has the same chance of getting a heart attack as those who like to lie on the couch. Therefore, the best option is to jog, not fast. Doctors consider 50 minutes to be the optimal time for running, and in general, they advise running no more than 2.5 hours a week.

This applies with absolute accuracy to running in the morning. But there is another important nuance here. If a person has trouble sleeping, then early jogging will harm the nervous system. This way of awakening will result in noticeable stress and, as a result, a general weakening of the body.

Let's add that in the morning it is not recommended to run for people with diseases of the liver, kidneys, joints and cardiovascular system. Problems with the spine and posture are another contraindication. So is hypertension. In addition, individual characteristics can become an obstacle to morning jogging: for example, the body “starts up” for a long time and does not work at full strength in the first half of the day. In a word, take care of yourself, run correctly and be healthy!

How to start running?

Yes, yes, “I just want to start running”, “jogging from Monday”, “I should take care of myself” - it’s hard to even imagine how many times and in what languages ​​these words are pronounced daily. There is nothing particularly bad about this - our body is so arranged that lying at home in front of the TV is much more pleasant than running in a drizzling rain on a cold morning. But the path to the stars is thorny, and losing weight or strengthening the cardiovascular system, developing endurance just won’t work.

And yet there are, there are running techniques that will suit even the laziest. Is it hard to run? And you go. Every day. Then add a minute of running until you can run for 15 minutes. Choose a slow pace, it is desirable to be able to talk while jogging, if you feel unbearable - slow down.

People are made to run, it's just that many have forgotten about it. One way or another, the moment will come when you can easily spend a quarter of an hour jogging. For this moment to come, you must adhere to some rules:

  • Warm up. This will prepare the body for the upcoming Turbo mode and make it easier to stay in it.
  • Try not to eat before running.
  • Body position: the head looks forward, the chin is not pressed to the chest and is not thrown back, the arms are bent 90 degrees and pressed with the elbows to the body, the legs are carried forward with the hip, do not play, the body is strictly vertical, we land on the middle of the foot, we push off with the base of the thumb (in the result is a rollover).
  • Breathe the way you feel comfortable, but in cold weather we recommend inhaling through your nose.
  • Don't be afraid of side pain. Slow down when it appears, after a few workouts it will stop bothering you.
  • Pace. Take care of yourself, choose a moderate one - it's great for beginners.
  • Do not take too wide steps, ideally the kick of the foot should occur under your body.

Golden Rule, of course, not necessary, but you will resort to it one way or another: every week increase the distance traveled by 10% (2000 meters - 2200 meters), the time spent on training (60 minutes - 66 minutes). After some time, you will remember with a smile that you once ran 2 kilometers in 18 minutes.

Now you can start experimenting - set goals for yourself and try to achieve them. Run such and such a distance in such and such a time, run short distances with maximum acceleration.

If you are interested in weight loss, then you should know some of the nuances. The first 15-30 minutes of running the body consumes glycogen and ATP in the muscles, and only after this time does active lipolysis turn on, i.e. fat burning. This happens if you don't run very slowly. To speed up the onset of the state of lipolysis, the method of periodic (or ragged) running is best suited. Run 1 minute hard, 2 minutes slow, and repeat these cycles until you get tired. Choose the ratio of fast running to slow running. This method is quickly exhausting, but is the most suitable if you want to lose weight.

While running, you can meditate, listen to music or the sounds of nature, you can find a partner for yourself - perhaps one of the best ways to dilute your running routine. Nowadays, there is so little something pleasant and useful at the same time, and running is one of such rare phenomena. Enjoy it and it will reward you with good health and good mood.

The benefits of this exercise are obvious after a few runs.

Benefits of morning running

Firstly, insomnia disappears and the nervous system is strengthened. Secondly, energy appears and mood improves (if you run in the park, against the backdrop of nature, the effect will double). Thirdly, and most importantly, morning running is good for the figure: extra calories are instantly burned, and after regular training, cellulite disappears, forms become elastic, and legs become the object of envy of friends and admiration.

Also, morning running helps to cleanse the lungs due to the large amount of oxygen inhaled, and such activities help poor posture.

Jogging in the morning is not only useful, but also convenient. Evening time is not particularly conducive to active movement (although this is individual), but still in the morning there are not so many people, nothing prevents you from enjoying nature and fresh air. Morning jogging will help not only improve the physical, but also the emotional state: it will distract you from the hustle and bustle, help you to tune in positively for the upcoming day.

A few tips on how to do morning jogging the right way

1. The main thing in this matter is willpower. The first run in the morning is usually the hardest, but if it succeeds, then this activity will become a pleasant and useful habit. Jogging in the morning is a regular activity!
2. For those who are just starting to learn morning running, it is good for health to do this about three to four times a week for half an hour (gradually, the time can be increased to an hour).
3. Before class, you should consult with a doctor (therapist or cardiologist). People who are overweight or diabetic should strictly follow the recommendations of doctors.
4. First you need to stretch your muscles and only after that do a jog. Warming up will not only benefit, but also save you from unnecessary injuries. A dirt track is suitable for running, as running on asphalt can harm the joints.
5. It is important that the elbows are pressed to the body, and the arms move in the same rhythm with the legs.
6. After a run, a glass of water or milk will help the body recover, do not neglect the shower.

If you follow these simple rules, the effect of running in the morning will be noticeable after a while. The figure will gain harmony and smartness, and health will certainly improve!