The nature of the bangs and gavrila. M

The nature of the bangs and gavrila. M

Gorky's early work (90s of the XIX century) was created under the sign of “collecting” the truly human: “I got to know people very early and, from my youth, began to invent a Man in order to satisfy my thirst for beauty. Wise people ... convinced me that I had a bad idea of ​​consolation for myself. Then I went to the people again and - this is so understandable! - again from them I return to the Man, ”Gorky wrote at this time.

Stories from the 1890s. can be divided into two groups: some of them are based on fiction - the author uses legends or composes them himself; others draw characters and scenes from the real life of tramps.

The story "Chelkash" is based on a real case. Later, the writer recalled the tramp, which served as the prototype for Chelkash. Gorky met this man in a hospital in the city of Nikolaev (Chersonesos). “I was amazed at the good-natured mockery of the Odessa tramp, who told me the case I described in the story“ Chelkash ”. I well remember his smile, which showed his magnificent white teeth - the smile with which he concluded the story of the treacherous act of the guy he hired to work ... "

There are two main characters in the story: Chelkash and Gavrila. Both tramps, poor, both village peasants, of peasant origin, accustomed to work. Chelkash met this guy by chance, on the street. Chelkash recognized him as "his own": Gavrila was "in the same pants, in bast shoes and in a torn red cap." He was of a heavy build. Gorky several times draws our attention to large blue eyes, looking trustingly and good-naturedly. With psychological precision, the guy defined Chelkash's "profession" - "we are throwing nets along dry shores and in barns, along whips."

Gorky opposes Chelkash Gavril. Chelkash at first "despised", and then, "hated" the guy for his youth, "clean blue eyes", a healthy tanned face, short strong hands, because he has his own house in the village, that he wants to start a family, but most importantly It seems to me that this is that Gavrila has not yet learned the life that this seasoned man leads, because he dares to love freedom, which does not know its value, and which he does not need.

Chelkash seethed and shuddered from the insult inflicted by the guy, from the fact that he dared to object to an adult man.

Gavrila was very afraid to go fishing, because this was his first business of this kind. Chelkash was calm as always, he was amused by the guy's fear, and he enjoyed it and reveled in what a formidable man he is, Chelkash.

Chelkash rowed slowly and evenly, Gavrila quickly and nervously. This speaks of the perseverance of character. Gavrila is a beginner, that's why the first campaign is so hard for him, for Chelkash this is another campaign, a common thing. Here the negative side of the man is manifested: he does not show patience and does not understand the guy, yells at him and intimidates. However, on the way back, a conversation ensued, during which Gavrila asked the man: "What are you now without land?" These words made Chelkash think, pictures of childhood, the past, the life that was before the thieves' life surfaced. The conversation fell silent, but even from Gavrila's silence, a village breathed on Chelkash. These memories made me feel lonely, torn out, thrown out of that life.

The climax of the story is a fight over money. Greed attacked Gavrila, he became scary, an incomprehensible excitement moved him. Greed took possession of the young man, who began to demand all the money. Chelkash perfectly understood the state of his ward, went to meet him - he gave the money.

But Gavrila acted low, cruelly, humiliated Chelkash, saying that he was an unnecessary person and that no one would have missed him if Gavrila had killed him. This, naturally, hit Chelkash's self-esteem, anyone in his place would have done the same.

Chelkash, undoubtedly, is a positive hero, in contrast to him Gorky puts Gavrila.

Chelkash, despite the fact that he leads a riotous lifestyle, steals, would never act so low as this guy. It seems to me that the main things for Chelkash are life, freedom, and he would not tell anyone that his life is worthless. Unlike a young man, he knows the joys of life and, most importantly, life and moral values.

    • In the story of Maxim Gorky "Chelkash" two main characters appear - Grishka Chelkash - an old poisoned sea wolf, an inveterate drunkard and a clever thief, and Gavrila - a simple country boy, a poor man, like Chelkash. Initially, the image of Chelkash was perceived by me as negative: a drunkard, a thief, all tattered, bones covered with brown skin, a cold, predatory gaze, a gait like the flight of a bird of prey. This description evokes some disgust, dislike. But Gavrila, on the contrary, is broad-shouldered, stocky, tanned, [...]
    • The beginning of the creative path of M. Gorky fell on a period of crisis in the social and spiritual life of Russia. As the writer himself admits, he was prompted to write by the terrible "poor life", the lack of hope among people. Gorky saw the reason for the situation that had arisen primarily in man. Therefore, he decided to offer society a new ideal of a Protestant person, a fighter against slavery and injustice. Gorky knew well the life of the poor, from whom society turned its backs. In his early youth, he himself was "barefoot." His stories [...]
    • Poets and writers of different times and peoples used the description of nature to reveal the inner world of the hero, his character, mood. The landscape is especially important at the climax of the work, when the conflict, the problem of the hero, his inner contradiction are described. Maxim Gorky didn’t do without this in his story “Chelkash”. The story, in fact, begins with artistic sketches. The writer uses dark colors ("the blue southern sky darkened by dust is dull", "the sun looks through a gray veil", [...]
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    • In his stories, A. P. Chekhov constantly refers to the theme of the "little man". Chekhov's characters are spiritual slaves of a society devoid of higher values ​​and the meaning of life. A painful, everyday, gray reality surrounds these people. They locked themselves in the little world they had created for themselves. This theme unites the so-called small trilogy, written by Chekhov in the late 1890s. and consisting of three stories: "The Man in a Case", "Gooseberry", "About Love". The hero of the first story is a teacher of the Greek language [...]

  • Most of M. Gorky's works are written in the style of realism, but there is a romantic spirit in his early stories. The protagonists of these stories live in close connection with nature. The writer identifies nature and man. In his works, he gives preference to people who are free from the laws of society. These characters have interesting looks and behavior. The main character always has an antagonist - a hero who has an opposite view of the world. A conflict arises between these characters, which is the basis of the work, the plot of the work is revealed on it.

    Like most of Gorky's stories, "Chelkash" tells about human relationships, the work depicts nature and its relationship with the state of mind of the characters.

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    The events that Gorky talks about in "Chelkash" took place on the seashore, in a seaport. The main characters are Chelkash and Gavrila. These characters are opposed to each other. Chelkash is a rather elderly thief and drunkard who does not have his own home. Gavrila is a young peasant who ended up in these places after a failed attempt to find work in order to earn money.

    Grishka Chelkash is known to everyone in the port as an inveterate drunkard and a clever thief. His appearance was similar to other "tramp figures" found in the port, but he was surprised by his resemblance to the "steppe hawk". He was a "long, bony, slightly stooped" man, "with a hunchbacked predatory nose and cold gray eyes." He had a thick and long mustache of brown color, which "trembled every now and then," he kept his hands clasped behind his back and constantly rubbed them, nervously twisting his long, crooked and tenacious fingers. At first glance, his gait was calm, but vigilant, like the flight of a bird, which the whole appearance of Chelkash resembled.

    Chelkash traded in the port by stealing, sometimes his deals were successful and then he had money, which he immediately drank.

    Chelkash and Gavrila met when Chelkash walked along the harbor and pondered how he could accomplish the "business" that was to come tonight. His partner broke his leg, which made the whole thing very complicated. Chelkash was very annoyed.

    Gavrila was returning home after a failed attempt to earn extra money in the Kuban. He, too, had a reason for grief - after the death of his father, he could get out of poverty in only one way - “go to his sons-in-law in a good house,” which meant - to become a farm laborer.

    Chelkash quite by chance saw a strong young guy dressed in a torn red cap, shod in bast shoes and sitting right on the sidewalk.

    Chelkash touched the guy, got into a conversation with him and suddenly decided to take him with him to the "case".

    The meeting of the heroes is described by Gorky in detail. We hear the conversation, inner experiences and thoughts of each character. The author pays special attention to Chelkash, noticing every detail, the slightest change in the behavior of his character. These are reflections on his former life, on the peasant boy Gavril, who, by the will of fate, found himself in his “wolf's paws”. Either he feels domination over someone, while feeling pride in himself, then his mood changes, and he wants to swear or hit Gavrila, then suddenly he wants to pity him. He once had a house, a wife, parents, but then turned into a thief and an inveterate drunkard. However, to the reader, he does not seem to be a complete person. We see in him a proud and strong nature. Despite the fact that he has an unpresentable appearance, an extraordinary personality is felt in the hero. Chelkash can find an approach to everyone, he can come to an agreement with everyone. It has its own special relationship to the sea and nature. Being a thief, Chelkash loves the sea. The author even compares his inner world with the sea: "an ebullient nervous nature", he was greedy for impressions, looking at the sea, he experienced a "wide warm feeling" that enveloped his whole soul and cleansed it of everyday filth. Among the water and air, Chelkash felt himself the best, there his thoughts about life, and, incidentally, life itself lost value and poignancy.

    We see Gavrila completely different. First, we are faced with a “downtrodden” by life, distrustful village guy, and then a slave frightened to death. After the successful completion of the "case", when Gavrila saw big money for the first time in his life, he seemed to "burst out". The author describes the feelings overwhelming Gavril very vividly. Unveiled greed becomes visible to us. Immediately, compassion and pity for the village boy disappeared. When, falling to his knees, Gavrila began to beg Chelkash to give him all the money, the reader saw a completely different person - a "vile slave" who had forgotten about everything, wishing only to beg more money from his master. Experiencing acute pity and hatred for this greedy slave, Chelkash throws him all the money. At this moment, he feels like a hero. He is sure that he will never become so, despite the fact that he is a thief and a drunkard.

    However, after Gavrila's words that he wanted to kill Chelkash and throw him into the sea, he experiences a burning rage. Chelkash takes the money, turns his back on Gavrila and leaves.

    Gavril could not survive this, grabbing a stone, he threw it at Chelkash's head. Seeing what he had done, he again began to beg forgiveness.

    And in this situation Chelkash was higher. He realized that Gavrila had a mean and petty soul, and threw the money right in his face. Gavrila first looked after Chelkash, staggering and holding his head, but then sighed, as if free, crossed himself, hid the money and headed in the opposite direction.

    In this work, the author tried to oppose the main character with another character. This made it possible to most clearly reveal the character and show how strikingly their views on life differ. Comparative characteristics of Chelkash and Gavrila from the story of Maxim Gorky "Chelkash" will acquaint the reader with two completely different people, whose true face manifested itself in a particular situation.


    And Grishka Chelkash and Gavrila both come from the village. They know firsthand what hard work is. Both are accustomed from childhood to plow from morning to night. Everyone in the village has a family. Chelkash has a wife and a child. Gavrila has an old mother and a bride.


    Chelkash... Gregory appears in the form of a tramp and a drunkard. Aged man. Dirty clothes. Sloppy and unkempt. The smell of a body that had not been washed for a long time hit my nose. His appearance makes a repulsive impression. Cold, gray eyes. The nose is straight, predatory. A sharp look, piercing through and through. The brown mustache was constantly quivering. Movement is sharp and impetuous.

    Gavrila... A simple, country boy of about 20. Russian hero of a strong constitution. Strong shoulders and arms. The skin is tanned. Light brown hair. Light blue eyes glowed with kindness. The look is open, good-natured. He immediately won over the interlocutor. His image inspired confidence. He dressed modestly. All his clothes were tattered, but he looked neat.

    Attitude towards freedom

    At Gavrila the concept of freedom lies in material well-being. Only if he has money can he feel like a man. He often imagined how he would return home, fix a collapsed household, raise a sick mother to her feet, and marry. Without money, he has no choice but to go as son-in-law to a rich father-in-law, on whom he will have to hump for the rest of his life.

    Grishka never put money above all else. They flew from him as fast as they appeared. Freedom for him is a broader concept. He has no responsibility for the family with which he parted long ago, depending on social conventions. He doesn't care where to live and how. Just looking at the sea, he felt absolutely free and happy. In these minutes, he invariably felt how the soul was being cleansed of filth, and he himself seemed to be exalted above the entire surrounding world and its eternal vanity.



    • kind;
    • responsive;
    • generous;
    • thinking;
    • suffering;
    • capable of deep feelings;
    • romantic;
    • proud;
    • risky;
    • desperate;
    • noble.


    • confiding;
    • good-natured;
    • petty;
    • greedy;
    • sneaky;
    • cowardly;
    • weak;
    • addicted to passions.

    Common cause. The true face of every hero

    Agreeing to earn some money in a dubious way, Gavrila soon regrets the hasty decision. He chickened out and was ready to go astray without completing the work he had begun. Having received a small part of the amount earned, greed awakens in the guy. An uncontrollable sense of greed made him feel weaker than his partner. He begged Chelkash to give him all the money. Unable to control his emotions, he throws a stone at him and runs away from the crime scene along with the proceeds. Fear and cowardice forced him to return to the wounded Chelkash. He asks for forgiveness, trying to pray for a low deed, but how can you cleanse the soul if it is dirty.

    Chelkash is used to treating work with responsibility. After completing the task, he receives the promised amount. For him, these are just pieces of paper that do not play a special role in life. When he sees that Gavrila needs them more, he easily part with them, which speaks of his generosity and kindness. He even managed to forgive Gavrila after he found out that the guy wanted to kill him for money. Chelkash evokes admiration and respect, unlike Gavrila, who is able to commit murder for his own benefit.

    Gorky's early work (90s of the XIX century) was created under the sign of “collecting” the truly human: “I got to know people very early and, from my youth, began to invent a Man in order to satisfy my thirst for beauty. Wise people ... convinced me that I had a bad idea of ​​consolation for myself.

    Then I went to the people again and - this is so understandable! - again from them I return to the Man, ”Gorky wrote at this time.

    Stories from the 1890s. can be divided into two groups: some of them are based on fiction - the author uses legends or composes them himself; other

    Draw characters and scenes from the real life of tramps.

    The story "Chelkash" is based on a real case. Later, the writer recalled the tramp, which served as the prototype for Chelkash. Gorky met this man in a hospital in the city of Nikolaev (Chersonesos). “I was amazed at the good-natured mockery of the Odessa tramp, who told me the case I described in the story“ Chelkash ”. I well remember his smile, which showed his magnificent white teeth - the smile with which he concluded the story of the treacherous act of the guy he hired to work ... "

    There are two main characters in the story: Chelkash and Gavrila.

    Both tramps, poor, both village peasants, of peasant origin, accustomed to work. Chelkash met this guy by chance, on the street.

    Chelkash recognized him as “his own”: Gavrila was “in the same trousers, in bast shoes and in a torn red cap”. He was of a heavy build. Gorky several times draws our attention to large blue eyes, looking trustingly and good-naturedly.

    With psychological precision, the guy defined Chelkash's "profession" - "we throw nets along dry shores and along barns, along whips."

    Gorky opposes Chelkash Gavril. Chelkash at first “despised”, and then “hated” the guy for his youth, “clean blue eyes”, a healthy tanned face, short strong hands, because he has his own house in the village, that he wants to start a family, but most importantly It seems to me that this is that Gavrila has not yet learned the life that this seasoned man leads, because he dares to love freedom, which does not know its value, and which he does not need.

    Chelkash seethed and shuddered from the insult inflicted by the guy, from the fact that he dared to object to an adult man.

    Gavrila was very afraid to go fishing, because this was his first business of this kind. Chelkash was calm as always, he was amused by the guy's fear, and he enjoyed it and reveled in what a formidable man he is, Chelkash.

    Chelkash rowed slowly and evenly, Gavrila quickly and nervously. This speaks of the perseverance of character. Gavrila is a beginner, that's why the first campaign is so hard for him, for Chelkash this is another campaign, a common thing. Here the negative side of the man is manifested: he does not show patience and does not understand the guy, yells at him and intimidates.

    However, on the way back, a conversation began, during which Gavrila asked the man: "What are you now without land?" These words made Chelkash think, pictures of childhood, the past, the life that was before the thieves' life surfaced. The conversation fell silent, but even from Gavrila's silence, a village breathed on Chelkash. These memories made me feel lonely, torn out, thrown out of that life.

    The climax of the story is a fight over money. Greed attacked Gavrila, he became scary, an incomprehensible excitement moved him. Greed took possession of the young man, who began to demand all the money.

    Chelkash perfectly understood the state of his ward, went to meet him - he gave the money.

    But Gavrila acted low, cruelly, humiliated Chelkash, saying that he was an unnecessary person and that no one would have missed him if Gavrila had killed him. This, naturally, hit Chelkash's self-esteem, anyone in his place would have done the same.

    Chelkash, undoubtedly, is a positive hero, in contrast to him Gorky puts Gavrila.

    Chelkash, despite the fact that he leads a riotous lifestyle, steals, would never act so low as this guy. It seems to me that the main things for Chelkash are life, freedom, and he would not tell anyone that his life is worthless. Unlike a young man, he knows the joys of life and, most importantly, life and moral values.

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    8. The comparative characteristics of the two heroes in the work helps the author to portray his characters brighter and more clearly. When juxtaposed, the images of the heroes can reveal themselves from the most unexpected side. This happened with Chelkash and Gavrila from the story of M. Gorky "Chelkash". Chelkash is a representative of the “bottom” of a big city. He is well known to everyone working in the harbor, "an inveterate drunkard and a clever, brave thief." Author […]...
    9. The main feature of Maxim Gorky's work is the exposure of bourgeois morality and individualism. In his works, a heroic feat in the name of freedom and happiness is glorified. He realizes the idea of ​​a man-activist, fighter, hero. His works with romantic heroes shocked the Russian reader with faith in the omnipotence of a free human spirit, a passionate, all-captivating thirst for renewal, a life-affirming faith in heroism. The main characters of Gorky's work [...] ...
    10. In the story "Chelkash" M. Gorky describes "a small drama played out between two people." Both heroes - Chelkash and Gavrila - come from the village. Chelkash warms his heart with reminiscences of his village childhood and youth, and Gavrila dreams of a prosperous life in the village. Chelkash understands Gavrila's wishes and even feels responsible for his fate. Chelkash has long been torn off the ground, [...] ...
    11. The drama between Cheklash and Gavrila was that Chelkash provoked, unwillingly, Gavrila's attempt to kill him. Gavrila, Chelkash's accomplice in the last theft, placed Chelkash above Chelkash in his mind (“unnecessary on earth” - this is how he evaluates Chelkash's life). He belittled Chelkash with his limitations, lack of understanding of the meaning of life, dislike of the sea and freedom. [...] ...
    12. In the 90s, M. Gorky turns to the topic of vagabondage, writes realistic stories in which he displays a number of images of tramps, people thrown out of life by life itself. In 1922, Gorky wrote the play At the Bottom, which was an accusatory act against the capitalist system, which mercilessly maimed people. Throughout his life, with all his creativity, Gorky has been fighting for a person with a capital letter. [...] ...
    13. This story is dedicated to the topic of vagabondage. Tramps are a special category of people who fall to the “bottom” of life. These people choose their own way of life - freedom, about one story from the life of a tramp, and this work tells (the author calls it a little drama). The main characters are Chelkash and the village boy Gavrila, but the story is called “Chelkash”, so the author singles out the tramp [...] ...
    14. Grishka Chelkash, “an old poisoned wolf, an inveterate drunkard. He was barefoot, in old worn plush trousers, without a hat, in a chintz shirt, with a torn collar, revealing his dry, angular bones, covered with brown leather. " The whole appearance of Chelkash was predatory, the author compares him to a steppe hawk, his eyes are sharp, his eyes are cold. The author describes Gavrila as follows: “... young [...] ...
    15. The story begins with an impressive picture of a commercial port: a cacaphony of sounds, colors, piles of goods, long lines of loaders, sweaty, dusty, torn off - everything here “breathes with the powerful sounds of the passionate anthem to Mercury, the god of trade. In this description, one can feel the author's cruel irony in relation to the capitalist civilization, the stormy and rapid entry into which Russia made itself happy in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. And it ends with [...] ...
    16. Gorky M. 1 Grishka Chelkash, "an inveterate drunkard and a clever, brave thief," appears. “Even here, among hundreds of sharp tramp figures like him, he immediately attracted attention by his resemblance to a steppe hawk, his predatory thinness and this aiming gait, smooth and calm in appearance, but internally excited and vigilant, as years of that [...] ...
    17. Chelkash ... Beggar. He walked barefoot, in old, worn-out trousers, without a hat, in a dirty chintz shirt, with a torn collar. He was a person no one needed, he had no friends, roughly speaking, he was a scum of society. He was not interested in tomorrow, he lived for today: "If only it was good today, and tomorrow, we will think about tomorrow." [...] ...
    18. Gavrila is one of the central characters in Mikhail Gorky's story "Chelkash". In the early work of the writer, romantic moods occupy the main place. The inseparable connection between man and nature, special attention to the personality, which combines loneliness and freedom, a challenge to society and its laws, the conflict between the protagonist and the antagonist hero - these features of romanticism are reflected in [...] ...
    19. The story opens with a description of the port. Voices of people barely make their way through the noise of steamer propellers, the clink of anchor chains, etc. 1 Grishka Chelkash, "an inveterate drunkard and a clever, brave thief," appears. “Even here, among hundreds of sharp barefoot figures like him, he immediately attracted attention by his resemblance to a steppe hawk, his predatory thinness and [...] ...
    20. Chelkash - the hero of the story of the same name by M. Gorky - is a drunkard beggar. His outward appearance is unattractive: he walked barefoot, was dressed in old, worn-out trousers, in a dirty chintz shirt, with a torn collar, without a hat. This man was not needed by anyone, had no friends. People like him were called the dregs of society. He is not interested in tomorrow, for him [...] ...
    21. Ideological and artistic originality "Chelkash" is an early story by Gorky, one of a series of stories about people from the people who carry high ethical qualities. The main pathos is the affirmation of the high creative capabilities of a person from the people. By the definition of the author himself, "Chelkash" is a small drama played out between two people. The conflict is associated with a situation of wandering, flight from the native nest. On the […]...
    22. The story "Chelkash" is an early work of M. Gorky. Gorky finished work on the story in the summer of 1894. But the creation saw the light only in 1895, it was published in the magazine "Russian wealth" in the June issue. The impetus for writing the story was a story heard by the author in a hospital ward in the city of Nikolaev. M. Gorky in this story touches upon the main problem of that [...] ...
    23. At the literature lesson, we got acquainted with the work of the outstanding Russian poet of the 19th century M. Gorky. The story "Chelkash", written in 1894, has brought particular fame to the author, which is still relevant today. In the work, the author uses an antithesis, which allows you to pay attention to the distinctive features of the characters: appearance, speech, social and property status, as well as views, traits [...] ...
    24. The image of Chelkash appears almost at the very beginning of the story, right after the description of the harbor, where the main character is to appear soon. Among local residents, Chelkash is known as an unrestrained drunkard, a brave thief and a clever sneak. In spite of his far from young age, he runs his "affairs" often and always successfully. As in other works of Gorky, in this story [...] ...
    25. In his early romantic stories, Maksim Gorky expressed his attitude to life and people, his view of the era. The heroes of many of these stories are so-called. tramps. The writer portrays them as brave and strong-minded people. The main thing for them is freedom, which tramps, like all of us, understand in their own way. They dream passionately [...] ...
    26. The story "Chelkash" was written by M. Gorky in the summer of 1894 and published in No. 6 of the magazine "Russian wealth" for 1895. The work is based on a story told to the writer by a neighbor in a hospital ward in the city of Nikolaev. The story opens with a detailed description of the port, in which the author emphasizes the contradiction between the scope of various works and the funny and pathetic figures of people living in slave [...] ...
    27. Gorky not only showed the victims of the unfair social system, but penetrated deeply into their psychology, revealed the individual originality of the personality of everyone, even the most downtrodden person. The severity of life and the struggle for existence disfigure the psyche of people, give rise to anger, cruelty, cunning in them. But in the works of Gorky, people also appeared who highly value human dignity, protest against humiliation, lies and [...] ...
    28. Landscape in the story of M. Gorky "Chelkash" Poets and writers of different times and peoples used the description of nature to reveal the inner world of the hero, his character, mood. The landscape is especially important at the climax of the work, when the conflict, the problem of the hero, his inner contradiction are described. Maxim Gorky didn’t do without it in the story “Chelkash”. The story, in fact, begins with artistic [...] ...
    29. In the story of Maxim Gorky "Chelkash" two main characters appear - Grishka Chelkash - an old poisoned sea wolf, an inveterate drunkard and a clever thief, and Gavrila - a simple village guy, a poor man, like Chelkash. Initially, the image of Chelkash was perceived by me as negative: a drunkard, a thief, all tattered, bones covered with brown skin, a cold, predatory gaze, a gait like the flight of a bird of prey. [...] ...
    30. Gorky, not only showing the victims of an unfair suspicious fret, a little more deeply penetrated into their psychology, opening up the individual freedom of the specialness of the skin, inviting the most downtrodden people. The severity of life and the struggle for knowledge creates the psyche of people, engenders anger, horror, and cunning in them. Albeit at the works of Gorky, people appeared, who highly appreciate human glory, protest against humiliation, nonsense and [...] ...
    31. Maxim Gorky's stories about tramps reflected a new phenomenon in Russian life. In the 1890s, the number of so-called lumpen proletarians increased significantly, that is, people who were, in fact, doomed to poverty. And if the majority of writers portrayed such heroes as rejected by society, reduced to the lowest degree of decline, then Gorky looked at the “rejected” in a different way. The writer's heroes are free-lovers, inclined to [...] ...
    32. 1. Grigory Chelkash, "a lost drunk and an experienced thief", appeared. “Even in those places where, besides him, there were dozens of other brave and strong figures, the man knew how to attract attention. He looked like a hawk - a steppe predator. His predatory thinness and gait, very smooth and calm at first glance, raged inside and was vigilant, like [...] ...
    33. First, I’ll retell the story, then I’ll talk about its place in the writer's work and voice the main idea. The story begins with a description of the harbor: "The ringing of anchor chains, the dull sound of wood, the rattling of carts ..." Further, the author describes the appearance in the harbor of Chelkash, an old poisoned wolf, well known to the Havana people, an inveterate drunkard and a clever, brave thief. To go to the next "business", [...] ...
    34. The story "Chelkash" refers to the early romantic works of M. Gorky. He is included in the cycle of the so-called stories about tramps. The writer has always been interested in this "class" of people that emerged in Russia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Gorky considered tramps to be an interesting "human material", as it were, outside of society. He saw in them a kind of embodiment of his human ideals: “I [...] ...
    35. Question of the exam ticket (ticket number 15, question 2) The scene of the final explanation of Chelkash and Gavrila as the culmination of the narrative in M. Gorky's story “Chelkash” The early period of Maxim Gorky's work is characterized by the creation of a number of romantic works. Romantic art is distinguished by an emphasized brightness of human characters and an increased drama of life circumstances. In such stories as "Makar Chudra", "Old Woman Izergil", the writer uses [...] ...
    36. Maxim Gorky Chelkash “The blue southern sky, darkened by dust, is dull; the hot sun looks out into the greenish sea, as if through a thin gray veil; it is almost not reflected in the water ... There is bustle and confusion in the port. People in this noise seem insignificant. What they created enslaved and depersonalized them ”. A line of loaders carrying thousands of poods of bread in order to [...] ...
    37. The landscape in Gorky's early stories plays an extremely important role. The sea is where the action takes place. The hero is tested by his relation to the sea. Chelkash loves and understands the sea, he is his own in the sea, Gavrila is a down-to-earth person, in the literal and figurative sense of the word, he is afraid of the sea. The final landscape suggests that the sea is protesting against the fact that [...] ...
    38. At the very beginning of the work, you can completely plunge into the atmosphere that prevails in the seaport. People there are all the same, tired and sometimes even dull from this fatigue. Everyone is making noise, shouting. Against the background of human exclamations, one can hear the sounds of the sea, various mechanisms, ferries, ships, birds. This all creates a unified working music that seemed to be playing there. But it becomes [...] ...
    39. “The blue southern sky, darkened by dust, is dull; the hot sun looks out into the greenish sea, as if through a thin gray veil; it is almost not reflected in the water ... There is bustle and confusion in the port. People in this noise seem insignificant. What they created enslaved and depersonalized them ”. A line of loaders carrying thousands of poods of bread in order to earn money for [...] ...
    40. Bosyachestvo is an interesting phenomenon in the social life of Russia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The modern Explanatory Dictionary gives such a short definition of a tramp - "a degraded person from the declassified strata of the population." But behind this laconic formulation lies a whole life philosophy, an interesting culture, a special view of the world. M. Gorky is one of the many writers interested in the phenomenon of vagabondage. Especially […]...

    M. Gorky "Chelkash" Comparative characteristics of bangs and gavrila and got the best answer

    Answer from Riding Lermontov [guru]

    In his work, Gorky opposes to people the slave soul of a free and proud hero, capable of self-sacrifice for the good of people.

    Answer from Popoposdf lsdpflplgsd[newbie]
    Chelkash appears to us as a poisoned wolf: a tramp, a drunkard; was in plush trousers, without a hat in a dirty shirt, with a torn collar - in a word, a beggar. Next, we see his portrait: a predatory nose, a keen gaze, cold gray eyes, a thick brown mustache.
    Gavrila appears to us as a young guy, in a blue motley shirt, in the same pants, in bast shoes and a torn cap - a simple Russian guy, broad-shouldered, stocky, fair-haired, with a tanned and weather-beaten face, with big blue eyes, a trusting and good-natured look. We see a huge difference in these descriptions. In the tavern, when Gavrila got drunk, Chelkash looks at him and thinks that he is able to turn Gavrila's life as he wants, that he will not drink such chaps as Chelkash. Chelkash envied and regretted this young soul. We see Chelkash as a thinking, suffering person capable of deep feelings.
    Further we see the sea. Gorky describes a beautiful landscape: "an endless and mighty sea", mountains of clouds rise from the waters - lilac-gray, with yellow edges ... Chelkash likes the sea, he is free, in such simplicity he is happy, and Gavrila is afraid at freedom.
    Throughout the "case" Gavrila feels immense fear, and Chelkash - only anger - to work, to Gavrila, to patrol boats. In the end, when they share the money, Chelkash is capable of a generous act - he just gives Gavrila 540 rubles. And Gavrila? At first, it seems to him that his part is not enough and he asks for more. When he pours out in a mental impulse thoughts about the murder of Chelkash, he takes the money. And Gavrila is already starting to fight for them. Gorky shows that Chelkash is not capable of meanness: he is a generous and kind-hearted person, and most importantly, free. Gavrila - on the contrary, despite her youth, she can kill for money, she can humiliate herself for money. In the end, after Chelkash left, Gavrila hid the money and "went with wide and firm steps." He is sure that "he did the right thing - the main thing is that he got the money." And at the very end, Gorky shows a landscape, a stormy sea, downpour, wind. We understand that the landscape is associated with the state of mind of Chelkash: in the beginning - the southern sky and the sun, in the middle - the wide, mighty sea, at the end - howl, hum, roar. Gorky's favorite hero is Chelkash, because of his generosity and kindness, freedom and spiritual strength.

    Answer from Alexey Dilis[newbie]
    In early romantic stories, Maxim Gorky expressed his attitude to life and people, his view of the era. The heroes of many of these stories are so-called tramps. The writer portrays them as people with brave, strong souls. The main thing for them is freedom, which tramps, like all of us, understand in their own way. They passionately dream of some special life, far from commonplace. But they cannot find her, so they leave to wander, get drunk, commit suicide. One of these people is depicted in the story "Chelkash". Chelkash is "an old poisoned wolf, well known to the Havana people, an inveterate drunkard and a clever, brave thief."
    The main thing that he values ​​in life is freedom. Freedom from people, labor, any responsibilities. Its antipode is the peasant boyfriend Gavrila, who accidentally became an assistant to the thief and smuggler Chelkash.
    Gavrila and Chelkash really are not on the way, they look at life too differently. And indeed, “... a thief, a reveler, cut off from everything that is dear, will never be so greedy, low, not remembering himself. It will never be like this! .. ”Although more than a hundred years have passed since the writing of the story“ Chelkash ”, it has not lost its significance in our time. The economic crisis, the impoverishment of the majority of the population, the decline in the prestige of moral values ​​- all this has led to the fact that many people consider money to be the most important thing in life, and it does not matter to them how it is obtained. It is not easy to overcome the psychology of money-grubbing, but the one who can do it will become taller, cleaner and spiritually richer.

    Answer from Ѐuslan Fedorov[newbie]
    bangs thief and gavrila was a man and became a thief + bangs needed a partner his partner got sick and he used it

    Answer from Victor Chepushtanov[newbie]
    The main feature of Maxim Gorky's work is the exposure of bourgeois morality and individualism. In his works, a heroic feat in the name of freedom and happiness is glorified. He realizes the idea of ​​a man-activist, fighter, hero. His works with romantic heroes shocked the Russian reader with faith in the omnipotence of a free human spirit, a passionate, all-captivating thirst for renewal, a life-affirming faith in heroism.
    The main characters of Gorky's work "Chelkash" are Chelkash and Gavrila. Chelkash is a thief, a drunkard who has neither a family nor a roof over his head. He lives by stealing, and then sells the stolen things to buyers. Gavrila is a country boy who came to the city in search of a better life. He had one goal to make a large amount of money in order to be able to build a house in the village and marry a rich girl. Having met by chance, the main characters agree to go to work at night. Chelkash needed an assistant to help him complete his usual business. And he, having promised Gavrila that he would give him a lot of money, elects him to this position, not knowing about his real character.
    We see the true faces of Gavrila and Chelkash at the end of the story, when they share the money they earn. Chelkash could not have given Gavrila even a penny, because he turned out to be completely unsuitable for this work.
    But Chelkash generously rewards his night assistant, despite the fact that Gavrila only interfered with him and showed himself to be a coward, a man who is afraid of everything and has no opinion. And when Gavrila pounced on the money that Chelkash gave him, and then asked to give him his own money, Chelkash saw that there was a greedy, greedy man in front of him. And if Gavrila had not confessed to Chelkash that if he had not given him all the money, he would have killed him, and then took it himself, Chelkash, perhaps, tried to understand him. But, as an open person, never hiding his thoughts and actions, he, of course, could not forgive betrayal.
    At the beginning of the story, no one has any special sympathy for Chelkash. But after we learn about his fate, and after the episode with Gavrila, we immediately see that this person has such qualities as inner beauty, energy and strength of life, compassion for one's neighbor, love for freedom and independence. Gavrila, having taken this money, still will not be able to live with a clear conscience, and if he does not understand that it is not money that makes a person happy, but a person himself must seek his own happiness, without humiliation and without hurting other people, he will not be able live a truly happy life.
    In his work, Gorky opposes to people the slave soul of a free and proud hero, capable of self-sacrifice for the good of people.