Where to get a salary certificate for a pension if the company is liquidated. Salary certificate - why does an employee need it and how to organize it? How to get a certificate of average salary

Where to get a salary certificate for a pension if the company is liquidated.  Salary certificate - why does an employee need it and how to organize it?  How to get a certificate of average salary
Where to get a salary certificate for a pension if the company is liquidated. Salary certificate - why does an employee need it and how to organize it? How to get a certificate of average salary

“Gaps” in a company’s accounting work can create a number of problematic situations for their former employees decades later. We are talking about the correct procedure for displaying information about the income of employees at the enterprise, which is required for calculating pension benefits at the time a person enters a well-deserved retirement based on length of service. But what should a former employee do if his employing company has ceased to exist, and it is impossible to obtain this or that certificate directly? Let's analyze a possible course of action.

Why do you need salary information to receive a pension?

The main reason why earnings data is necessary to receive a pension benefit is that its absence may be a prerequisite for a possible refusal of appointment. When calculating the first pension benefit for a citizen, in addition to confirmation as the main factor in the implementation of his pension right, PFR specialists will also require confirmation of income for the working period.

If in the period 2000-2001 a citizen’s salary was less than 2.5 thousand rubles, information about income will need to be displayed in the salary certificate for any 5 consecutive years of employment before January 1, 2002. It is the specified salary amount that will determine the coefficient for calculating pension benefits.

But since 2002, the salary amount has not been included in the calculation of pensions - the benefit is calculated from the insurance contributions that enterprises make for each employer on a quarterly basis.

Obtaining a salary certificate from a liquidated enterprise: algorithm of actions

Despite the fact that at the legislative level there are no regulatory instructions for obtaining information about the earnings of a former employee at a liquidated enterprise, in practice experts recommend adhering to the following actions:

First, collect a package of documents from the basic list required for calculating a pension (passports, certificates, Taxpayer Identification Number, copies of enterprise orders, birth certificates of children and other documents) and submit a consultation request to the representative office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence. It is possible that these papers will be quite enough to process a pension calculation.

Secondly, the Pension Fund itself may have personalized information on citizens’ salaries since 1996. This information will be relevant for use if the citizen was paid a completely “white” labor remuneration.

Thirdly, Pension Fund employees can assist in generating a special request to archival services to restore important information.

Is it possible to get a certificate in the archive?

If the company has gone through the liquidation procedure in accordance with the requirements established by law, there is a high probability that all the company’s documentation was duly transferred to the archival organization at the place of its legal address, which means it makes sense to apply here.

Moreover, the archive can also indicate whether a reorganization has been carried out in a given company. In this case, all documentation of the enterprise, according to legislative norms, must be transferred to the successor company or another structure, which means that the former employee should look for confirmation of salary income there.

If among the archival data there are no “traces” of confirmation of the amount of wages at the liquidated enterprise, an extreme measure to resolve the situation may be to file a lawsuit to restore the necessary information. Based on tax documentation and data taken from the Pension Fund, the judicial authority can assist in determining the amount of earnings. If this data is not enough, secondary information can also serve as confirmation: other surviving documents of the applicant relating to his work activity, testimony of witnesses, etc.

Lack of confirmation of work activity is fraught with difficulties in applying for and receiving a labor pension. Every person of pre-retirement age thinks about how and what to live on next. In order to draw up documents to receive pension payments, you must have a work book drawn up in accordance with the law and know where the salary archive for calculating the pension is located.

The topic of retirement has always been relevant. A person who has given the best years of his life, including his health, is obliged to receive adequate compensation. A document confirming work experience is a work book. The correctness of filling it out depends on:

  • Retirement age.
  • Future social services.
  • Future social benefits.
  • Amount of pension payments.

Russian legislation gives clear instructions on how to prepare and fill out a work book; any deviation from the rules will not have the best effect on the execution and further receipt of payments. When retirement age approaches, experts recommend paying close attention to the entries in the work book:

  • Date of entry into office.
  • Compliance of the position with the state or staffing table.
  • The date of dismissal with the exact wording (indicating the article of the regulatory legal act in force on the date of dismissal).
  • The name of the employer or organization where the future retiree worked.
  • Periods of advanced training.

All entries made in the work book correspond to a specific title document (Order). Unfortunately, not all personnel employees treat their duties with the proper degree of responsibility. Careless personnel officers are aware of their importance, but do not want to understand that the employee’s future depends on their records. Inaccuracies and errors have a detrimental effect on the registration of pensions.

If you find an error

What to do if officials identify an error in the records? First of all, don't panic or get upset. Secondly, calmly start collecting supporting documents. Based on these documents, corrections are made, and they may also be required for presentation to the Pension Fund.

We restore documents

Earned experience obtained after 2002 can be proven much faster. The fact is that since 2002, personalized employee registration (SNILS) has been introduced. With evidence of official work before 2002, things are more complicated. In such cases, you will have to send requests or use the services of the MFC.

It doesn’t take much effort to find out where the salary archive for calculating your pension is located. A guaranteed response to a request for confirmation of work experience will be received by former employees of federal, republican organizations or citizens who worked in organizations of regional or regional subordination. Municipal employees are no exception.

For additional information, a citizen can contact his pension fund. Where they will tell him which archive to contact. Pension Fund employees are not obligated, but nevertheless help to make the appropriate request.

We formulate the request correctly

As such, there is no single sample application for the archive. Anyone can write it themselves in handwritten or printed form. But when making a request, you must clearly state:

  1. Full name of the applicant.
  2. Postal address (preferably including email).
  3. Logical content.

In addition, the application is written in Russian or the language of the subject of the Russian Federation (Constitution of the Russian Federation). If these requirements are not met, the application will disappear into oblivion.

2 more ways to obtain archived help

The following 2 methods of obtaining archival information are more convenient. To do this you need:

  1. Go to the Rosarkhiv website.
  2. Click on the “Citizens' Appeal” tab.
  3. Select the required type of request (Confirmation of work experience, salary).
  4. Fill out the form with accurate information.

If you did everything correctly using method 1 or 2, then within 30 calendar days you will receive a response in the form of an archived certificate.

The following method cuts the time for checking and answering by half. Obtaining an archival certificate is a free government service that can be obtained at multifunctional centers (MFC). The period for consideration of the application and response is 15 days from the date of submission of the application.

If you care about your future and well-deserved rest, use your rights to the fullest extent. In addition, if the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is not satisfied with the archival certificates, then use the right to go to court, which will objectively approach the consideration of the issue and give all documents legal force.

You may need a salary certificate from your place of work for various purposes - to the Pension Fund for calculating and calculating pensions, for the employment center, to receive various benefits and subsidies.

And here sometimes obstacles arise. You come to the accounting department with a request to give you certificate of average salary, and they tell you, we have a lot of work, come back in a month. Come back a month later - the accountant is on sick leave, and they don’t even promise to give you a salary certificate. The accountant recovers, and your walks are repeated with different variations. Now the salary is being calculated, then the end of the year. Some workers even complain that they simply refuse to give them a certificate from their place of work about their salary, while such a certificate is needed urgently, for example, to receive subsidies or to the Pension Fund to calculate the amount of their pension. This is especially true for former employees of the enterprise; they are denied certificates of average wages especially often and without any reason.

So what to do? Wait for the mercy of the accounting department? What if, without a salary certificate, you are unable to receive a subsidy to pay for housing or the Pension Fund does not accrue your pension on time?

You waited and asked for so long in vain! You must be given a certificate from your place of employment about your salary, length of service and other circumstances related to your work at this enterprise class="yell">. And this should be done in no more than three working days! I think the accounting department will be very surprised by this.

So, if they refuse to issue you a certificate of salary or length of service, write an official statement asking for the required document. In the text of the application you refer to Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. For your information, I will quote this article in full.

Article 62. Issuance of work-related documents and their copies

Upon a written application from the employee, the employer is obliged, no later than three working days from the date of filing this application, to issue the employee a work book for the purpose of his compulsory social insurance (security), copies of documents related to work (copies of orders for employment, orders for transfers to another job , order of dismissal from work; extracts from the work record book; certificates of wages, accrued and actually paid insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance, period of work with a given employer, etc.). Copies of work-related documents must be properly “certified” and provided to the employee free of charge.

Please note that Article 62 applies not only to those currently employed by the employer, but also to those who previously worked, regardless of how much time has passed since dismissal. So, either after 10 or 20 years, you can ask your employer for the certificates you need about your length of service and salary.

You can view and download an example of such a statement.

If they refuse to issue you a salary certificate

What should you do if you are denied the necessary documents? We have considered the grounds for obtaining a salary certificate and other documents. Next, you simply print a similar application with your data and send it to the company by registered mail with notification and a list of the attachments. In the description of the attachment, write what kind of application you are sending, for example, “an application for the issuance of a salary certificate.” Save the check you received in the mail, your copy of the list of attachments, and your copy of the application. Using the mail ID number indicated on the check, you can track when your letter is received at the enterprise. From this moment the countdown of three working days will begin. You will receive a notification that your application has been received at the enterprise, save it too. If the case goes to court, you will have proof of what and when you demanded from your employer.

After such a message, the case most likely will not go to court; a reference to the Labor Code is enough to assess your legal literacy and the likely consequences for the employer.

They don't issue salary certificates - where can I complain?

If your employer violates your legal rights and refuses to issue a salary certificate on time, you can:

  • send a complaint to Rostrud, find your city or region on the Rostrud page and on the page that opens, find the link “Letter to the State Labor Inspectorate”;
  • contact the district prosecutor's office of your city or region in person or on the prosecutor's office website find the section "Appeals from citizens" or "Internet reception";
  • go to court.

Where to get a salary certificate

Another important question for those collecting documents for calculating a pension: where to get a salary certificate. You left the company a long time ago, but it still exists.

In accordance with the same Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, you have the right to receive any documents and their copies related to your work activity wherever you worked. So, we go to the enterprise with a passport and ask for a salary certificate for the required period.

If the documents are not issued or they are dragging their feet, we proceed according to the algorithm described above: we print the application, send it by registered mail with notification, and receive the documents at the enterprise.

To apply for benefits, an elderly citizen must bring a package of documents to the Pension Fund. It includes a work book, passport and SNILS. At the same time, the work book is the main document certifying periods of work before 2002. After 2002, labor data is contained in the Pension Fund of Russia - in the personalized accounting system (SPA). To confirm earnings before 2002, two methods are used to calculate the average monthly salary:

  • The average monthly income for 2000-2001 is taken. At this time, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation already had an STC in force, so no additional documents need to be provided in this case;
  • if the employee’s income in 2000-2001 was very modest or the person did not work at all at that time, a salary certificate for pension may be required for any 5 consecutive years in the period before 01/01/2002. This will help increase your retirement benefits.

Let us say right away that the need to provide a certificate was due to the requirements of the Ministry of Labor Resolution No. 16, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 19pa dated February 27, 2002, but now this document has lost its force (see Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 1027n, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 494p dated December 11, 2014) . However, the Pension Fund pretends that it doesn’t seem to know about this and continues to demand that this information be provided. You can complain and go to court... but this is extra time, it’s easier to do what they demand.

Where to get a salary certificate for a pension

It is necessary if the ratio of average monthly earnings for 2000-2001 is lower than 1.2. To obtain it, you must submit a written application to your employer.

The employer is obliged to issue salary certificates for pensions if:

  • the employee worked at the enterprise during the specified periods;
  • The average monthly earnings occur during the period before the employee is registered as an insured person in the compulsory health insurance system.

The execution of the document is the responsibility of the organization’s accountant or personnel officer. You will be required to issue a form with your data within three days after receiving your application.

Compilation rules

The document is drawn up in any form. It should contain:

  • corner stamp, date of issue and document number;
  • FULL NAME. and the applicant's date of birth;
  • work periods and organization;
  • salary indicated monthly, reflecting the total amounts by year;
  • an indication of the currency in which the accruals took place;
  • amounts are reflected as accrued, and not actually paid (due to the deduction of taxes).

The following are excluded from earnings:

  • compensation for unused vacation;
  • child care allowance.

In the note you need to indicate the months of accrual and the amount of certificates of incapacity for work, periods of vacation at your own expense.

Below it is written that for all accruals, deductions were made to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at established rates. The basis for issuing the form (personal accounts, pay slips) is also included.

The document is certified by the signature of the chief accountant, the head of the enterprise and a seal.

Carefully study the sample salary certificate for calculating a pension and the rules for filling it out. Judicial practice shows that it is the employer who will be punished for errors made in this form. Thus, the Arbitration Court of the Central District issued a Resolution dated June 11, 2019 in case No. A83-4304/2018, in which it agreed with the decision of the Pension Fund of Russia to recover about 150 thousand rubles from the company for the fact that an error was made in the certificate. From the case materials it follows that the employee asked the employer for a certificate from the Pension Fund for the purpose of assigning an old-age pension. The employer provided the certificate, but incorrectly indicated the amount of the employee’s salary in the period from January 1986 to February 1992. Fund employees calculated the pension taking into account these data, but then they doubted it and carried out a check. It turned out that due to an error, the pensioner was paid more than he should have been paid for 32 months. The total amount of the overpayment was 144,742.82 rubles. This money was not demanded from the pensioner, but was collected from the company, since it was the employer who was considered guilty. The arbitration court agreed with this decision. In addition to the overpayment, the organization had to pay a state fee in the amount of over 5 thousand rubles. As a result, an error in the salary certificate cost the employer almost 150 thousand rubles.

Certificate from the archive for calculating pensions

Let's look at how to get a certificate from the archives for a pension. If the company was liquidated, you need to go to the archive (usually the territorial archive at the location of the company), which accepted the papers for storage, and ask a specialist for an extract from the accounting documents. You will need to be given a certificate of earnings containing data on the amount of average monthly payments for the required period.


Every year, government programs come into force that allow certain categories of citizens to receive financial assistance.

One of these areas is pensions.

When a citizen approaches retirement age, he needs to prepare documents confirming his earnings and required for calculating monthly payments.

This form is a salary certificate.

Where can I get information about income for calculating pension payments?

Old-age pension for men begins when they reach the age of 60 years, for women - 55 years. But some professions (preferential ones) imply retirement at an earlier age.

A certificate of the employee’s average salary for the purpose of an old-age pension is requested from the organization’s accounting department.

As a rule, an employee of pre-retirement age only asks for a certificate orally. This practice is used in small companies; in large enterprises, a corresponding application is also drawn up.

Each enterprise can develop the salary certificate form for the Pension Fund independently; it is also possible to fill it out using an existing document taken from another organization as a basis.

The completed certificate is signed by the head of the human resources department, chief accountant, and head of the enterprise.

If the organization has been liquidated, it is necessary to send a written request to the archive department that accepted the papers of the deregistered company, and issue an extract from the salary documents.

The form of the certificate for the Pension Fund is known to the archive workers; they help collect the necessary documents for assigning a pension.

It is not always possible for an archive employee to draw up a certificate in the approved form, but he has the right to fill out the document himself according to the information he has.

Additionally, on our website you can download samples of earnings certificates:

Where should the salary form be submitted?

Order No. 884n of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development (dated November 17, 2014) states that citizens, in order to apply for a pension, send their applications to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund located at their place of registration.

Persons whose registration and place of actual residence are different can submit a set of documents for calculating a pension at their place of residence.

Convicted citizens submit the form to the Pension Fund through the administration of the correctional colony at their location.

The deadline for applying to the Pension Fund for accrual of an old-age pension is not limited by law.

For what period is it compiled for assigning and calculating a pension?

The pension legislation currently in force allows 2 methods of calculating the average monthly salary to determine the size of the future pension:

  • based on personalized accounting information, average monthly earnings in 2000-2001 are taken into account;
  • in accordance with the submitted salary certificate for 5 consecutive years of work.

As practice shows, with a permanent place of work, it is more profitable for a citizen to take the salary received in the period 1976-1986 for calculation.

A salary certificate for 5 years is not needed in cases where the employee’s monthly earnings in 2000-2001 are equal to:

  • 2100 rub. - for regions where wages are multiplied by a regional coefficient of up to 1.5 (for example, 1.5 for the Udmurt Republic);
  • 2600 rub. - for areas with an established coefficient in the range from 1.5 to 1.8 (Murmansk region);
  • 2900 rub. - for areas with a coefficient over 1.8 (Yakutia).

Otherwise, an employee planning to retire must prepare in advance for the Pension Fund a certificate for 5 years of work with a higher salary, if there were any for a different period of work.

The earnings certificate submitted to the Pension Fund serves as one of the main documents from the entire necessary package for calculating a pension.

The amount of the accrued pension depends on the amount of income. Every citizen is very interested in providing this form.

Filling out for Pension Fund authorities

An employee’s earnings certificate for applying for a pension must include information on the salary amounts paid for each individual year.

Average values ​​(for 3 or 6 months) are not taken into account when calculating pensions.

To accrue and calculate a pension, the Pension Fund accepts any official payment to an employee:

part-time wages, overtime, days off, with the exception of dismissal benefits or compensation for unused vacation, child care benefits.

The certificate for the Pension Fund is drawn up in any form; it must contain the following information:

  • company stamp (corner) with the date of issue of the document and its number;
  • FULL NAME. (in full) of the employee who applied;
  • date of birth of the worker;
  • period of work;
  • monthly salary amount and calculation of annual income;
  • Payroll currency (ruble).

The form in the Pension Fund must also contain information about the organization that issued it:

  • full name of the legal entity (in accordance with the constituent documentation);
  • address of registration of the enterprise with the tax authority;
  • company telephone numbers, tax identification number.

It is necessary to take into account in the certificate the amount of wages actually paid to the employee, and not accrued.

As a note, you should note the periods of sick leave and unpaid leave, and also record the presence of a certificate of incapacity for work before and after the birth of the child.

At the bottom of the form, the fact of deductions of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for all employee accruals at accepted tariffs, as well as the grounds for issuing a salary certificate (personal accounts, payroll statements) must be recorded.

The certificate is signed by the company's responsible persons and the company's seal is affixed.

Download the sample from the Pension Fund of Russia

Download a free sample of filling out a certificate to the Pension Fund for the calculation and assignment of a pension –