G. Rasputin "Lessons of French" - Analysis of Work

G. Rasputin "Lessons of French" - Analysis of Work

History of creation

"I am sure that a person's writer makes his childhood, the ability at an early age see and feel all that gives him the right to take the pen. Education, books, life experience raise and strengthen this gift in the future, but he should be born as a child, "Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin in 1974 in the Irkutsk newspaper Soviet youth. In 1973, one of the best stories of Rasputin "French Lessons" was published. The writer himself highlights it among his works: "There I had nothing to invent. Everything happened to me. Behind the prototype did not have to go. I needed to return to people that good, which at one time they did for me. "

The story of Rasputina "Lessons of French" is devoted to Anastasia Prokopyevna Kopylova, his friend of his friend of the famous playwright Alexander Vampilova, all his life worked in school. The story was based on the memory of children's life, it, according to the writer, "was one of those that hesit even with a weak touch to them."

The story is autobiographical. Lydia Mikhailovna is named in the work with its own name (the surname of her - Milkova). In 1997, the writer in a conversation with the correspondent of the magazine "Literature at School" told about meetings with her: "I recently had a visit, and we have long and desperately recalled our school, and the Angarsk settlement Ust-Duty nearly half a century ago, and Much of that difficult and happy time. "

Rod, genre, creative method

The work of "French lessons" is written in the magnitude of the story. The flourishing of the Russian Soviet story falls on the twentieth (Babel, Ivanov, Zoshchenko) and then the sixties-seventies (Cossacks, Shukshin, etc.) years. More than other prosaic genres, the story reacts to changes in public life, as it is faster than spending.

The story can be considered ancient and the first of the literary genres. A brief retelling of the event - the case on the hunt, the fight with the enemy and the like, is already an oral story. Unlike other kinds and types of art, conditional in their essence, the story is invisible inherent in humanity, having emerged simultaneously with the speech and being not only transferring information, but also a means of public memory. The story is the original form of the literary organization of the language. The story it is customary to consider the completed prosaic work of the volume to forty-five pages. This is an approximate value - two copyright sheets. Such a thing is read "in one breath."

The story of Rasputina "Lessons of French" is a realistic work written from the first person. It can be fully considered an autobiographical story.


"Strange: Why are we just as before your parents, whenever we feel your guilt in front of the teachers? And not for that at all, what was in school, no, but for what happened to us. So the writer begins his story "Lessons of French". Thus, it determines the main topics of the work: the relationship between the teacher and the student, the image of life illuminated by spiritual and moral meaning, the formation of a hero, acquiring spiritual experience in communicating with Lydia Mikhailovna. Lessons of French, communication with Lydia Mikhailov Steel for the Hero of Life Lessons, Education.


The game for the money teacher with his student, from the point of view of pedagogy, is an act immoral. But what is behind this act? - asks the writer. Seeing that the schoolboy (in the hungry post-war years) undersides, the teacher of the French language under the guise of additional classes invites him to his home and is trying to feed. She sends him a parcel, as if from the mother. But the boy refuses. The teacher offers to play for money and, of course, "loses", so that the boy can buy milk for these pennies. And happy that she managed to this deception.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story lies in the words of Rasputin: "The reader is learning from the books of not life, but feelings. Literature, in my opinion, is primarily upbringing feelings. And first of all, kindness, purity, nobility. " These words are directly related to the story of the "French Lessons".

Basic heroes

The main characters of the story are the eleven-year-old boy and the teacher of French Lidia Mikhailovna.

Lydia Mikhailovna was no more than twenty-five years old and "her face was not cruelty." She reacted to the boy with understanding and sympathy, appreciated his dedication. She looked at his student remarkable learning abilities and is ready for any ways to help them develop. Lydia Mikhailovna is endowed with an extraordinary ability to compassion and kindness, for which he suffered, having lost its work.

The boy is striking with his purposefulness, desire for any circumstances to learn and go into people. The story of the boy can be presented in the form of a quote plan:

1. "To learn further ... and I had to be equipped with the district center."
2. "I learned and here well ... in all subjects, except French, I had five."
3. "So I was bad, so bitterly and pushed! - Worse than any disease. "
4. "Having received it (ruble), ... I bought a jar of milk at the bazaar."
5. "They beat me in turn ... there was no one that day that day was unhappy."
6. "I scared and lost ... She seemed to me an extraordinary person, did not resemble everyone else."

Plot and composition

"I went to the fifth grade in the forty-eighth year. It is correct to say, I went: we had only an elementary school in the village, so to learn further, I had to equip out of the house for fifty kilometers to the district center. " An eleven-year-old boy for the first time will circumstances cut off from the family, cut from the usual environment. However, a small hero understands that the hopes are assigned not only to their relatives, but the whole village: after all, he, according to the unanimous opinion of the fellow villagers, is designed to be a "scientist man." The hero makes every effort, overcoming hunger and longing for home so as not to bring countrymen.

A young teacher came up with a particular understanding of the boy. She began to additionally engage with the hero of French, hoping at home to feed him. Pride did not allow the boy to take help from an outsider. Not crowned with the success of Lydia Mikhailovna with a parcel. The teacher filled it with "urban" products and thereby issued itself. In search of a way to help the boy teacher invites him to play for money in "Priennik".

The climax of the story comes after the teacher began to play with the boy in Trounok. Paradoxics of the situation exacerbates the story to the limit. The teacher could not not know that at that time such a teacher's relationship with a student could lead not only to dismissal from work, but also to criminal responsibility. The boy did not fully understand this. But when the trouble still happened, he began to understand the behavior of the teacher deeper. And this led him to the awareness of some aspects of the life of that time.

The story of the story is almost melodramatic. Parcel with Antonovsky apples, which he, a resident of Siberia, never tried, as if echoes the first, unsuccessful pace with urban food - Macaronami. All new and new strokes are preparing this not at all unexpected finals. In the story, the heart of an incredulous rustic boy opens in front of the purity of the young teacher. The story is surprisingly contemporary. In it, the big courage of a small woman, an epiphany of a closed, ignorant child, in it lessons of humanity.

Artistic peculiarity

With wise humor, kindness, humanity, and most importantly, with full psychological accuracy describes a writer relationship of a hungry student with a young teacher. The narration flows slowly, with domestic details, but the rhythm is inconspicuously captures.

The narrative language is simple and at the same time expressive. The writer skillfully used phraseological turnover, achieving expressiveness and image imagery. The phraseologisms in the story of the "French lessons" mostly express one concept and are characterized by a certain meaning that is often equal to the meaning of the word:

"I learned and here well. What remained me? Then I came here and came here, I did not have a different case, but to treat the sleeves to the fact that I was imposed on me, I still did not know how to "(lazily).

"At school, I didn't see Ptahu before, but, closing ahead, I will say that in the third quarter he suddenly, like snow on his head, fell to our class" (unexpectedly).

"Helling and knowing that Harch my for a long time would not last, no matter how I saved him, I went to the dump, to a sharp stomach, and then a day or two again sat down my teeth on the shelf" (starve).

"But there was no sense to be shoved, Tishkin managed to sell me with losses" (betray).

One of the characteristics of the language of the story is the presence of regional words and obsolete vocabulary characteristic of the time of the story. For example:

Lodge - rent an apartment.
Half-timer - cargo machine with a loading capacity of 1.5 tons.
Tea. - the genus of the public dining room, where the visitors are offered tea and snacks.
Camely - Stew.
Gole boiling water - Clean, without impurities.
Blather - Chat, speak.
Bike - Sustilly hit.
Hlyuzda - Plut, deceiver, Shuler.
Tricky - What is hidden.

The value of the work

Creativity V. Rasputin invariably attracts readers, because there are always spiritual values \u200b\u200bin the works of the writer next to the ordinary, moral laws, unique characters, sophisticated, sometimes controversial, inner world of heroes are always present in the works of the writer. Reflections of the author about life, about a person, about nature help us to detect in yourself and in the surrounding world inexhaustible reserves of good and beauty.

In the difficult time I had to study the chief hero of the story. The postwar years were a kind of test not only for adults, but also for children, because both good and bad in childhood perceived much brighter and sharper. But difficulties are hardened, so the main character often shows such qualities as the power of the will, pride, sense of measure, excerpt, determination.

After many years, Rasputin will again turn to the events of the long-lasting years. "Now, when a fairly large part of my life live, I want to comprehend and understand how much it is and useful, I spent it. I have a lot of friends who are always ready to come to the rescue, I have something to remember. Now I understand that my friend's closest friend is my former teacher, a French teacher. Yes, after decades, I remember exactly about her, as a true friend, the only person who understood me while studying at school. And even years later, when we met her, she showed me a gesture of attention, sewing apples and pasta, as before. And whoever I would be, that would not depend on me, she would always treat me only as a student, because I was for her, there will always be a student. Now I remember how she, taking the blame for himself, left the school, and I told me for a piece of service: "Learn well and never blame yourself!" That she taught me a lesson and showed how a real good man should do. After all, there is no wonder: the school teacher is a teacher of life. "

The writing

History of creation

"I am sure that a person's writer makes his childhood, the ability at an early age see and feel all that gives him the right to take the pen. Education, books, life experience raise and strengthen this gift in the future, but he should be born as a child, "Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin in 1974 in the Irkutsk newspaper Soviet youth. In 1973, one of the best stories of Rasputin "French Lessons" was published. The writer himself highlights it among his works: "There I had nothing to invent. Everything happened to me. Behind the prototype did not have to go. I needed to return to people that good, which at one time they did for me. "

The story of Rasputina "Lessons of French" is devoted to Anastasia Prokopyevna Kopylova, his friend of his friend of the famous playwright Alexander Vampilova, all his life worked in school. The story was based on the memory of children's life, it, according to the writer, "was one of those that hesit even with a weak touch to them."

The story is autobiographical. Lydia Mikhailovna is named in the work with its own name (the surname of her - Milkova). In 1997, the writer in a conversation with the correspondent of the magazine "Literature at School" told about meetings with her: "I recently had a visit, and we have long and desperately recalled our school, and the Angarsk settlement Ust-Duty nearly half a century ago, and Much of that difficult and happy time. "

Rod, genre, creative method

The work of "French lessons" is written in the magnitude of the story. The flourishing of the Russian Soviet story falls on the twentieth (Babel, Ivanov, Zoshchenko) and then the sixties-seventies (Cossacks, Shukshin, etc.) years. More than other prosaic genres, the story reacts to changes in public life, as it is faster than spending.

The story can be considered ancient and the first of the literary genres. A brief retelling of the event - the case on the hunt, the fight with the enemy and the like, is already an oral story. Unlike other kinds and types of art, conditional in their essence, the story is invisible inherent in humanity, having emerged simultaneously with the speech and being not only transferring information, but also a means of public memory. The story is the original form of the literary organization of the language. The story it is customary to consider the completed prosaic work of the volume to forty-five pages. This is an approximate value - two copyright sheets. Such a thing is read "in one breath."

The story of Rasputina "Lessons of French" is a realistic work written from the first person. It can be fully considered an autobiographical story.


"Strange: Why are we just as before your parents, whenever we feel your guilt in front of the teachers? And not for that at all, what was in school, no, but for what happened to us. So the writer begins his story "Lessons of French". Thus, it determines the main topics of the work: the relationship between the teacher and the student, the image of life illuminated by spiritual and moral meaning, the formation of a hero, acquiring spiritual experience in communicating with Lydia Mikhailovna. Lessons of French, communication with Lydia Mikhailov Steel for the Hero of Life Lessons, Education.

The game for the money teacher with his student, from the point of view of pedagogy, is an act immoral. But what is behind this act? - asks the writer. Seeing that the schoolboy (in the hungry post-war years) undersides, the teacher of the French language under the guise of additional classes invites him to his home and is trying to feed. She sends him a parcel, as if from the mother. But the boy refuses. The teacher offers to play for money and, of course, "loses", so that the boy can buy milk for these pennies. And happy that she managed to this deception.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story lies in the words of Rasputin: "The reader is learning from the books of not life, but feelings. Literature, in my opinion, is primarily upbringing feelings. And first of all, kindness, purity, nobility. " These words are directly related to the story of the "French Lessons".

Basic heroes

The main characters of the story are the eleven-year-old boy and the teacher of French Lidia Mikhailovna.

Lydia Mikhailovna was no more than twenty-five years old and "her face was not cruelty." She reacted to the boy with understanding and sympathy, appreciated his dedication. She looked at his student remarkable learning abilities and is ready for any ways to help them develop. Lydia Mikhailovna is endowed with an extraordinary ability to compassion and kindness, for which he suffered, having lost its work.

The boy is striking with his purposefulness, desire for any circumstances to learn and go into people. The story of the boy can be presented in the form of a quote plan:

1. "To learn further ... and I had to be equipped with the district center."
2. "I learned and here well ... in all subjects, except French, I had five."
3. "So I was bad, so bitterly and pushed! - Worse than any disease. "
4. "Having received it (ruble), ... I bought a jar of milk at the bazaar."
5. "They beat me in turn ... there was no one that day that day was unhappy."
6. "I scared and lost ... She seemed to me an extraordinary person, did not resemble everyone else."

Plot and composition

"I went to the fifth grade in the forty-eighth year. It is correct to say, I went: we had only an elementary school in the village, so to learn further, I had to equip out of the house for fifty kilometers to the district center. " An eleven-year-old boy for the first time will circumstances cut off from the family, cut from the usual environment. However, a small hero understands that the hopes are assigned not only to their relatives, but the whole village: after all, he, according to the unanimous opinion of the fellow villagers, is designed to be a "scientist man." The hero makes every effort, overcoming hunger and longing for home so as not to bring countrymen.

A young teacher came up with a particular understanding of the boy. She began to additionally engage with the hero of French, hoping at home to feed him. Pride did not allow the boy to take help from an outsider. Not crowned with the success of Lydia Mikhailovna with a parcel. The teacher filled it with "urban" products and thereby issued itself. In search of a way to help the boy teacher invites him to play for money in "Priennik".

The climax of the story comes after the teacher began to play with the boy in Trounok. Paradoxics of the situation exacerbates the story to the limit. The teacher could not not know that at that time such a teacher's relationship with a student could lead not only to dismissal from work, but also to criminal responsibility. The boy did not fully understand this. But when the trouble still happened, he began to understand the behavior of the teacher deeper. And this led him to the awareness of some aspects of the life of that time.

The story of the story is almost melodramatic. Parcel with Antonovsky apples, which he, a resident of Siberia, never tried, as if echoes the first, unsuccessful pace with urban food - Macaronami. All new and new strokes are preparing this not at all unexpected finals. In the story, the heart of an incredulous rustic boy opens in front of the purity of the young teacher. The story is surprisingly contemporary. In it, the big courage of a small woman, an epiphany of a closed, ignorant child, in it lessons of humanity.

Artistic peculiarity

With wise humor, kindness, humanity, and most importantly, with full psychological accuracy describes a writer relationship of a hungry student with a young teacher. The narration flows slowly, with domestic details, but the rhythm is inconspicuously captures.

The narrative language is simple and at the same time expressive. The writer skillfully used phraseological turnover, achieving expressiveness and image imagery. The phraseologisms in the story of the "French lessons" mostly express one concept and are characterized by a certain meaning that is often equal to the meaning of the word:

"I learned and here well. What remained me? Then I came here and came here, I did not have a different case, but to treat the sleeves to the fact that I was imposed on me, I still did not know how to "(lazily).

"At school, I didn't see Ptahu before, but, closing ahead, I will say that in the third quarter he suddenly, like snow on his head, fell to our class" (unexpectedly).

"Helling and knowing that Harch my for a long time would not last, no matter how I saved him, I went to the dump, to a sharp stomach, and then a day or two again sat down my teeth on the shelf" (starve).

"But there was no sense to be shoved, Tishkin managed to sell me with losses" (betray).

One of the characteristics of the language of the story is the presence of regional words and obsolete vocabulary characteristic of the time of the story. For example:

Quarter - rent an apartment.
Onespoon - a cargo machine with a loading capacity of 1.5 tons.
Tea - the genus of a public dining room where tea and snacks are offered visitors.
Will send - to pour.
Gorge boiling water - clean, without impurities.
Okay - chat, talk.
Bitting - to hit slightly.
Hlyzda - Plut, Deceiver, Shuler.
Fitting - what is hidden.

The value of the work

Creativity V. Rasputin invariably attracts readers, because there are always spiritual values \u200b\u200bin the works of the writer next to the ordinary, moral laws, unique characters, sophisticated, sometimes controversial, inner world of heroes are always present in the works of the writer. Reflections of the author about life, about a person, about nature help us to detect in yourself and in the surrounding world inexhaustible reserves of good and beauty.

In the difficult time I had to study the chief hero of the story. The postwar years were a kind of test not only for adults, but also for children, because both good and bad in childhood perceived much brighter and sharper. But difficulties are hardened, so the main character often shows such qualities as the power of the will, pride, sense of measure, excerpt, determination.

After many years, Rasputin will again turn to the events of the long-lasting years. "Now, when a fairly large part of my life live, I want to comprehend and understand how much it is and useful, I spent it. I have a lot of friends who are always ready to come to the rescue, I have something to remember. Now I understand that my friend's closest friend is my former teacher, a French teacher. Yes, after decades, I remember exactly about her, as a true friend, the only person who understood me while studying at school. And even years later, when we met her, she showed me a gesture of attention, sewing apples and pasta, as before. And whoever I would be, that would not depend on me, she would always treat me only as a student, because I was for her, there will always be a student. Now I remember how she, taking the blame for himself, left the school, and I told me for a piece of service: "Learn well and never blame yourself!" That she taught me a lesson and showed how a real good man should do. After all, there is no wonder: the school teacher is a teacher of life. "

V.G. Rasputin. "French lessons".

Soul thinth of teacher. Her role in the life of a boy

The purpose of the lesson: Analyzing the text, show students the soulfulness and sensitivity of the teacher; reveal the moral laws, according to which the heroes of V.G.Rasputina live; reveal the author's position and points of view of students on the problems raised by the author in the work; To form the ability to analyze the artwork, develop the communicative skills and skills of students, continue work on the development of schoolchildren's speech; Relieve a sense of respect for the older generation, moral qualities in students.

Equipment: Portrait of a writer performed by I.Ladzunov, interactive equipment, presentation, video from the film "French lessons" (director E.Tashkov), records of songs, distributing material (mini-dictionaries with the interpretation of the words "prototype", "kindness", "conscience" , "Morality", "Humanism", "Lesson"; Synkievine sample).

The man smarter and kinder, the more he notices the good in people.

L.N. Tough

During the classes

I. Organization moment.

Hello those who go to school every morning with joy, because he believes that they are waiting for the discovery, faithful friends and wise mentors - teachers!

Hello and those who go to school are not with a very big desire, because he thinks that teachers are overcome too strict.

I think that by the end of our today's lesson, the first of you will be much more.

And it will help us in this wise writer, our contemporary Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin and his story "French Lessons".

II. Topics and lesson objectives.

(Slide number 1: Four key terms "prototype", "Teacher", "Act", "kindness").

1. Question to students.

  • Tell me, please, on the suggested keywords you can determine what today will we talk about the lesson?

(Students are trying to formulate the subject of the lesson on the proposed keywords).

2. Record in notebook dates and lesson topics.

(Slide No. 2: the subject of the lesson; Slide number 3: Portrait of V.G. Rasputin and the epigraph to the lesson).

Music accompaniment of teacher's words - Song "Teacher Waltz".

3. The word of the teacher.

Today, at the lesson, we will try to reveal spiritual values, moral laws for which Rasputin's heroes live in the story of "French Lessons", to identify copyright and your points of view, continue to learn to analyze the artwork and work on the culture of speech.

Creativity V.Rasputina invariably attracts readers, because there are always spiritual values \u200b\u200bnext to everyday, moral laws, unique characters, copyrights about life, about a person, about nature that help us to detect in themselves and in the surrounding world inexhaustible reserves of good and beauty . With the epigraph to our lesson, we will take the statement of L.N. Tolstoye "What a person is smarter and kinder, the more he notices the good in people," which expresses the essence of the lesson.

III. Work over the theme lesson.

1. Question to students.

  • What do you think should be a real teacher?

(Checking homework. Thumbnail writing: "What should be a real teacher").

2. The word of the teacher.

We will definitely return to this issue at the end of our lesson, after analyzing the image of the teacher in the work of V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons". Perhaps something will change in your judgments.

Today we are divided into 4 groups, each of which received their tasks on cards. And inside the group you have already decided on our own who prepared which questions.

(The teacher represents the groups and briefly comments on the tasks proposed by it in advance).

1 group "Theorists": prototype of a teacher's image and dictionary work (the meaning of the word "prototype", "kindness", "conscience", "deed", "morality", "lesson" should have written and provide distribution material in the whole class).

2 Group "Researchers": Worked in the manner of teacher in the work on the following episodes:

Portrait of a teacher;

Classes with Lydia Mikhailovna (episode's stage);

Package (Demonstration of the video camera from the film "French Lessons");

Money game.

3 Group "Moralists": Tried to solve moral issues affected by the author in the work.(Questions provided by the teacher in advance).

4 Group "Artists": Created a slideshow about their school years and had to continue the offer:"From my point of view, a lesson is ..."(Using different meanings of this word)

Story V.G. Rasputin autobiographical. He dedicated him to his teacher. Before we listen to the message of the first group of the story of the story of creating a story, I would like to find out from you, which represents the concept of "prototype".

(Responses of students using dictionarys created by Group No. 1).

3. Message of the student of the group number 1 "Prototype Lydia Mikhailovna".

(Slide number 4: Photo by Molokoy L.M. Musical accompaniment of the song "There is no time to take paintings").

See Appendix to Lesson No. 1.

4. Questions to students of group number 2:

  • Describe the appearance of the teacher in the work?

(Students read the description of the teacher).

(Slide number 5: Portrait of a teacher - Frame from the film "French Lessons")

  • What feelings do you have a description of Lydia Mikhailovna portrait?
  • What feelings did Lidia Mikhailovna caused the hero?
  • What is the hero painfully expecting a conversation after the fight with Lydia Mikhailovna?

(Students should noted that the portrait of the teacher is given through the perception of the main character: "She sat in front of me neat all, smart and beautiful, beautiful and clothes, and in his female young pore, which I was vaguely felt, the smell of perfume came to me I took for the bad breath ... "Lydia Mikhailovna was then, probably 25 years old or so; I remember her right and therefore not too a living face with risks to hide the kosnica, eyes ..." The key words and The phrases: "kosning attentive eyes", "beautiful", "carefully examined the class", which are talking about the partial attitude of the teacher to their business. Lydia Mikhailovna was calm, confidently, it says that she felt that the teacher's profession is her Calling. She said a little, correctly, asked questions, because he always tried to understand the situation. The teacher is shown unusual, smart. Her image is a bit elevated by the author).

5. The teacher.

There was only an elementary school in the village, and the hero went to the district center to get further education, it was hard to carry hunger, a terrible long-term longing was, the boy begins to play for money, having learned, he understands that he could win money and spend them on milk.

Lydia Mikhailovna is trying to joke to find out the reasons for what happened, understands that the boy deceives her and decides after lessons to find out the reasons for what happened.

How she does it, let's see!

(Slide number 6: Frame from the movie "French Lessons")

6. Distribution of the episode from the work "Conversation Lydia Mikhailovna with the main hero after the fight"

(Distribution of the episode in the execution of students of group number 2).

7. Questions of students of group number 2.

  • Why is Lydia Mikhailovna begins to do with the boy? Is it just because of his failures in French?
  • How is Lydia Mikhailovna try to help the chief hero?

(Initially, the hero was wary of the teacher, as it did not assume that a trust relationship could be distinguished between the teacher and the student. Then he realized that Lydia Mikhailovna wants to help him. The teacher highlighted the hero among other students for his ability, for inclinations and interest in studying She saw the self-sufficiency of the boy and a sense of self-esteem, which early in it developed. "How many filled lobotryers in our school, who do not understand anything ..., And you can't throw a capable boy, you can't throw a school." She was looking for different ways, How to cut out a boy, without vulneing his self-esteem).

8. Demonstration of Video Parcel Video.

(Images from the film "French Lessons")

9. Issues of students.

  • Why did the subsidiary failed with the package?
  • Why does the hero refuse to send? What do you think right is it?
  • Open the position of the teacher who did not sign the parcel for his student, and the position of the hero, who denied the gift from the gift.
  • Did the teacher manage to find a way to help the boy without infringing his pride?

(Slide number 8. The game of the main character and teacher).

  • Why Lidia Mikhailovna begins to play with a boy for money?
  • How gradually changes the nature of their relationship? Who finds the main character in the face of Lydia Mikhailovna?

(The teacher suggested a game of money from compassion for the boy, and during the arrival of the director behaved strictly, without losing his own dignity. This is a relative of her with the main character of the story).

  • How does the game ends?
  • How does the teacher behave during the arrival of the director?
  • How do you understand the words of the author: "Why are we as well as before parents, whenever we feel your guilt in front of the teachers? And not for that at all, what was at school, no. And for what happened to us after "?
  • What sense is the writer? (Responses of students of group number 3).
  • what is "conscience"?
  • what are the meaning of the words "act" and "humanistic"(Responses of students of group number 1)
  • What is the humanistic meaning of the act Lydia Mikhailovna? (Responses of students of group number 3).
  • As you can explain the words of the writer: "I wrote this story in the hope that the lessons who followed me at one time will fall into the soul as a small and adult reader."(Responses of students of group number 3).
  • What do you think, what lessons got a hero? Is there a French lessons? (Responses of students group number 4).

10. The word of the teacher.

Our group number 4 tried to find all the meaning of the concept of "lesson" and embody them in the proposal: "From my point of view, a lesson is ..." Let's listen to what they did.

11. Reading students received.

(Sample answers:

  • training hours in the schedule;
  • sprouts of kindness in man;
  • experience of communication with the teacher;
  • conclusions, vital observations;
  • changes, spiritual growth of man;
  • results of events, thoughts, experiences, actions).

12. The word of the teacher.

We come to the idea that the writer is important a spiritual experience of a person who is purchased throughout life.

  • What is the interpretation of this word "lesson" in the dictionary? (Responses of students of group number 1).

The boy received the lessons of good and courage, not only additionally engaged in French, and also received life lessons: he learned to forgive the offense, acquired the experience of experiencing loneliness. He realized that the true good did not require award, it disinterestedly, good had the ability to spread, transmitted from man to man andreturn to the one from whom. He received a lesson of disinterested kindness, care and courage. Lydia Mikhailovna opened the boy a new world, where people can trust each other, maintain and help, divide the mountain and joy, delight from loneliness. He learned that there is a kindness, responsiveness and love in the world. These are spiritual values. French lessons turn out to be kindness lessons.

  • What does the concept of "kindness" mean in the dictionary?(Responses of students of group number 1)

I suggest to express your thoughts about kindness in writing Sincaway.

So, "kindness" ...

13. Drawing up Sinwest students to the concept of "kindness."

(Musical support of students' work - song about kindness).

(Slide number 9. Skinway sample).

(The use of handouts - Synkievine sample -see Appendix to Lesson No. 2).

14. Presentation of students' synkievins.

15. The word of the teacher.

  • What do you think should be a real teacher?(Student Answers)

(Slide number 10: with the last frame from the film - the parcel with apples and pasta; accompanied by the words V. Sukhomlinsky)

"The kindness, willingness to protect the weak and defenseless is primarily the courage, fearlessness of the soul" (V.Somomlinsky)

This teacher is the one who helps to become his disciples, just humans. This teacher is such a person who remembers all his life. True good does not require award, not looking for direct returns, it is disinterested. Good has the ability to propagate, transmitted from a person to a person and return to the one from whom it proceeded.

The end of the story suggests that even after parting, the connection between people is not disturbed, the kindness does not disappear:

16. Reading in advance prepared students of Group No. 4 Oscaping by heart from the work.

(Musical accompaniment - Song "Farewell Waltz").

("Among the winter, after the January holidays, I came to school by mail parcel. When I opened it, delivering the ax again from under the stairs, - neat, dense rows in it lay the macaroni tubes. And at the bottom in the thick cotton wrap, I found Three red apples. I used to see apples only in the pictures, but I guessed that it was them. ")

17. Show students of group No. 4 slideshow about his school life and reading the teachers' poems.

(Slideshow from photographs about school life 6 - a class, musical accompaniment to songs about school).

See Appendix to Lesson No. 3 (teachers poem).

  1. The results of the lesson.

Issues of students.

  • What made V.Rasputina write this story?
  • What did the teacher showed her example?
  • What is spiritual memory, spiritual experience of mankind?
  • Does the writer transmits his spiritual experience to readers? What?

(Evaluation of students).

  1. Homework.

Prepare an essay of the miniature "Teacher in my life."

Appendix to Lesson number 1

Prototype Lydia Mikhailovna

The heroine of the famous Name Valentina Rasputin "Lessons of French" lives in Nizhny Novgorod, her name is Lydia Mikhailovna Molokov.

Randomly schoolgirl Lidia Danilova was during the war in Siberia along with his parents. Accidentally entered the department of French to the Irkutsk Pedagogical Institute. She was going to university for historical, but it was embarrassed ... the walls of the future Alma Mater: High, the gloomy vaults of the former building of the spiritual seminary seemed to be pressed on a young girl. The attorient took the documents and went into the pedagogical. There were only places in the French group ...

She accidentally turned out to be in the district school, in the deaf settlement Ust-Ust. It was the worst place where it was possible to get on the distribution. And for some reason it went to a student with an excellent diploma. "For the audacity," - explains the heroine itself.

In the prepan eighth grade, a young teacher at first did not make a serious impression. Guys got naughty

Valya Rasputin studied in a parallel class. Pupils are gathered there. Class teacher, teacher of mathematics Vera Andreevna Kirilenko, apparently, did not let the descent. "In fact, Rasputin, first of all, wrote his teacher from the faith of Andreevna," says Lydia Mikhailovna. - "Beautiful, little mowed eyes," this is all about it. Restrained, tidy, with good taste. They said that she was from the former front-line. " But for some reason, Vera Andreevna disappeared from all the biographies of the writer.

Having worked on three years, Vera Andreevna left the Ust-Uda to Kuban. And Lydia Mikhailovna had to be taken on his shoulders a cool guide in the United Ninet Class. Then Lidia Mikhailovna married, lived in Irkutsk, raised two daughters. Soon her husband died, and she moved toSaransk, closer to mom. In Saransky State University, Lidia Milokova worked for forty years. There were still business trips abroad: at first she worked as a Russian teacher in Cambodia, then taught the language at a military school in Algeria. And then there was still a business trip to France, during which Lidia Mikhailovna learned that it became a book heroine.

And the work is devoted to another teacher who devoted to children all his life, Mother of the playwright of Alexander Vampilov Anastasia Prokopyevna Kopylova.

Appendix to Lesson number 2

Sample Sinweune.

First line

One name noun


Second string

Two adjectives

Sincere, spiritual.

Third String

Two verbs or action descriptions

Help, understand.

Fourth String

Phrase showing personal attitude to the topic

Present friends a little.

Fifth string

Synonym for noun from first line


Appendix to Lesson number 3

Poem of teachers

№ 1. You remember it was around
Sea colors and sounds.

From warm mother's hands
The teacher took your hand.
He introduced you to the first class
Solemnly and respectfully.
Your hand and now
In the hand of your teacher.
Yellow pages of books
Change the names of the river,
But you are his student:
Then, now forever!(K.Ibryaev)

№ 2. Teacher, the days of their life, as one,

You dedicate school family.

You all who learn to you came,

You call your children.

Favorite teacher, native man.

Be the happiest in the world

Although it is sometimes sometimes getting you

Your naughty children.

You are awarded friendship and knowledge.

Take our gratitude!

We remember how in people you taught us

From timid, funny first-graders.

But children grow up, from school bench

Roads of life walk

And your lessons are worn in memory,

And in the heart you retain. (M. Sadovsky)

№ 3. There are many of them -

Curbish, unrest,

Walking to school Gurboy.

And with them not easy. But still

The soul of his roads is any.

He led them

On the ladder of knowledge

The country taught to go

And see through distance distances

And with the clever book to be friends ...

Let someone become a builder,

And someone owner rivers

But it is believed to believe:


Five people tomorrow.

And, adults becoming, after years

Guys are good to remember

And the rigor of it, and care, -

Not easy teaching work. (B. Gaikovich)

№ 4. In class

Crumpled apron Cold handles,

The whole paled, trembling the balovnica.

Grandma will be sad: granddaughter

Suddenly - one!

Looking teacher as if not believing

These tears in the desired gaze.

Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin than a man smarter and kinder, the more he notices the good in people. L.N. Tough

Prototype Lidia Mikhailovna Molokova

Lydia Mikhailovna Image of teacher V.G. Rasputin "Lessons of French"


Illustration Illustration for the story V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons"

Creating a synciewing first line One name Noun Friendship The second line two names of adjective sincere, spiritual. The third line is two verbs or action descriptions help, understand. The fourth line of the phrase, showing a personal attitude towards the topic of real friends a little. Fifth string Synonym for noun from the first line mutual understanding

A kindness, willingness to protect the weak and defenseless is primarily the courage and fearless souls. V.Somhomlinsky

  • Category: Analysis of the poem, works


"Strange: Why are we just as before your parents, whenever we feel your guilt in front of the teachers? And not for that at all, what was at school, no, but for what happened to us after. " So the writer begins his story "Lessons of French". Thus, it determines the main topics of the work: the relationship between the teacher and the student, the image of life illuminated by spiritual and moral meaning, the formation of a hero, acquiring spiritual experience in communicating with Lydia Mikhailovna. Lessons of French, communication with Lydia Mikhailov Steel for the Hero of Life Lessons, Education.


The game of money teacher with his student from the point of view of pedagogy - an act immoral. But what is behind this act? - asks the writer. Seeing that the schoolboy (in the hungry post-war years) undersides, the teacher of the French language under the guise of additional classes invites him to his home and is trying to feed. She sends him a parcel, as if from the mother. But the boy refuses. The teacher offers to play for money and, of course, "loses", so that the boy can buy milk for these pennies. And happy that she managed to this deception.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story lies in the words of Rasputin: "The reader is learning from the books of not life, but feelings. Literature, in my opinion, is primarily upbringing feelings. And first of all, kindness, purity, nobility. " These words are directly related to the story of the "French Lessons".

Basic heroes

The main characters of the story are the eleven-year-old boy and the teacher of French Lidia Mikhailovna.

Lydia Mikhailovna was no more than twenty-five years old and "her face was not cruelty." She reacted to the boy with understanding and sympathy, appreciated his dedication. She looked at his student remarkable learning abilities and is ready for any ways to help them develop. Lydia Mikhailovna is endowed with an extraordinary ability to compassion and kindness, for which he suffered, having lost its work.

The boy is striking with his purposefulness, desire for any circumstances to learn and go into people. The story of the boy can be presented in the form of a quote plan:

  1. "To learn further ... and I had to be equipped with the district center."
  2. "I learned and here well ... in all subjects, except French, I had five."
  3. "So I was bad, so bitterly and pushed! - Worse than any disease. "
  4. "Having received it (ruble), ... I bought a jar of milk at the bazaar."
  5. "They beat me in turn ... There was no one that day was unhappy that day."
  6. "I scared and lost ... She seemed to me an extraordinary man, did not resemble everyone else."

Rasputin's story "Lessons of French" is studied in grade 6 in literature lessons. The characters of the story are close to modern children with a variety of characters and taiga to justice. In the "lessons of the French" analysis of the work, it is advisable to conduct, reading the author's biography. In our article you can find out what the work teaches, familiarize yourself with the detailed analysis according to the "Lessons of French". This will greatly facilitate work in the lesson when analyzing the work, as well as the analysis of the story will need to write creative and test work.

Brief analysis

Year of writing – 1973.

History of creation - For the first time, the story was published in 1973 in the newspaper "Soviet youth"

Subject- Human kindness, not indifference, the value of the teacher in the life of the child, the problem of moral choice.

Composition- Traditional for the genre of the story. It has all components from exposure to an epiralog.

Genre - Story.

Direction - Rustic prose.

History of creation

The story of "French Lessons", the action of which occurs at the end of the forties, was written in 1973. Published in the same year in the Komsomol newspaper G. Irkutsk "Soviet youth". The work is devoted to the mother of a close friend of the writer Alexander Vampilovo-teacher Kopyl Anastasia Prokopyevna.

According to the author himself, the story is deeply autobiographical, it is the children's impressions for the basis of the story. After graduating from a four-year school in her native village, the future writer was forced to move to the Ust-Ust-Ust-Uda district to continue studying in high school. It was a difficult period for a little boy: life among other people's people, half-starving existence, the inability to dress and eat, as it should be, the unaccepting of a village boy by classmates. Everything that is described in the story can be considered real events, because the future writer Valentin Rasputin passed this path. He believed that childhood is the most important period in the formation of the talent, it is in childhood a person becomes an artist, a writer or a musician. There, he draws his inspiration for the rest of his life.

In the life of a little Vali was the same Lydia Mikhailovna (this is the real name of the teacher), who helped the boy, tried to brighten his heavy existence, sent parcels and played in the "tensile". After the story came out, she found her former student and had a long-awaited meeting, he recalled the conversation with the Lydia Mikhailovna in adulthood with special warmth. She forgot many things that he remembered the writer since childhood, he kept them in memory for many years, thanks to which there was a wonderful story.


In the work rises the theme of human non-equability, kindness and help to those who need. Problemmoral choice and special "morality", which is not accepted by society, but has the opposite direction - a light and disinterested one.

A young teacher who managed to consider the trouble boy, his deplorable position, became the guardian angel on a certain length of his life. Only she looked at the poverty through the effort and ability of a boy to study. The lessons of the French, which she gave him at home, became lessons of life, both for the boy and for the youngest woman. She missed her homeland very much, wealth and comfort did not give the feelings of joy, and "Return to a serene childhood," saved it from everyday life and longing in the house.

The money that received the main character of the story in an honest game, allowed him to buy milk and bread, to ensure herself most necessary. In addition, he did not have to participate in street games, where the superiority and skill in the game was beaten by a boy from envy and powerlessness. The theme of "French lessons" Rasputin outlined the work from the first lines when he mentioned the feeling of guilt in front of the teachers. The basic idea The story is that helping others, we help themselves. Having assisted the boy, leaning, cunning, risking work and reputation, Lidia Mikhailovna realized what was lacking for her to feel happy. The meaning of life is to help, be necessary and not depend on the opinions of others. Literary criticism emphasizes the value of Rasputin's creativity for all age categories.


The story has a traditional composition for his genre. The story is conducted from the first person, which makes perception very realistic and allows you to introduce many emotional, subjective parts.

Culmination It is a scene, where the director of the school, without reading the teacher's room, comes to her and sees the teacher and the student playing money. It is noteworthy that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story was filed by the author in the philosophical phrase of the first sentence. It follows from it problemsstory: Feeling guilt in front of parents and teachers - Where is it from?

The output suggests itself: they invested in us the best, they believed in us, and could we justify their expectations? The story ends sharply, the last thing we learn is the parcel with Kuban, which came the boy-storyteller from the former teacher. He first sees real apples in hungry 1948. Even at a distance, this is a magic woman manages to bring joy and feast of a little man.

main characters


The genre of the story, in which Valentin Rasputin died, is ideal for the image of truthful life events. Realistic of the story, his small form, the opportunity to dip in memories and disclose the inner world of characters with various means - all this turned the work into a small masterpiece - deep, touching and truthful.

The historical features of the time also reflected in the story with the eyes of a little boy: hunger, destroy, impoverishment of the village, the fusion life of urban residents. The direction of rustic prose, to which the work belongs, was distributed in the 60s-190s of the 20th century. Its essence was as follows: it revealed the peculiarities of the village life, emphasized his originality, poeticed and something idealized the village. Also, the prose of this direction was characterized by showing the destruction and impoverishment of the village, her decline and anxiety for the future of the village.

Test on the work

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