Girl from Nagasaki Word author. P

Girl from Nagasaki Word author. P
Girl from Nagasaki Word author. P

Spiritual teachers of Jews say: "Dressing (scratch) soul disease. Relocation leads an evil tongue, gossip, desire for evil people ... The only drug from leprosy was repentance, and the treatment was very long. The payback has always come quickly - in the form of isolation from society and shame, because everyone who saw the leshed, understood - this man sinned " (http: // ...)

The topic offered to the reader is not new. But she has no statute of limitations, so it can and need to repeat, repeat, repeat ... so that millions of people understand, in which world we live.

Guandars: Pumplaze went on the political elite ...

The name of the doctor of medical sciences Professor Gundarov thundered eight years ago, when the head of the Laboratory of the State Research Center for Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Health of Russia diagnosed President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko.

He explained: incomprehensible "crust" from Ospih and acne, an emitted face of the policy, is a medieval lepring disease. The leprosy, from which, without treatment, there is an amputation of hands and legs, and the face is changing beyond recognition. The lepers hung on the neck of the bells and expelled out of the cities, later they were laughed in leprosaries ...

The scandal was forgotten until February of this year, when Yulia Tymoshenko was taken to the revolutionary Maidan. Bright beauty disappeared: a woman with a bloated face was sitting in a wheelchair, on which familiar features almost did not read ...

The audience shuddered, the joke began on the Internet: "Actor Sergey Bezrukov played Julia Tymoshenko"- And then Dr. Gundarov came to the scene. And said: "And I warned".

Igor Alekseevich, are you sure about the diagnosis? How can you tell such things?

I'm sure one hundred percent. With Yushchenko - on a hundred, and with Tymoshenko - on ninety-eight: there is still some kind of problems with blood ... I will say so. I am a professor twice, it does not happen so often. If, after the publication, the colleagues respond and prove that I am not right, I both will break my diploma in your eyes.

From the history of the disease: "On the night of September 5-18, 2004, Viktor Yushchenko's presidential candidate dines in the country of his friend, Deputy Chairman of the SBU. In the morning, politician begins to complain about strong headaches, his tears are invited, neuropathologists are invited to the patient. On September 7, Yushchenko drove his eyes. Journalists arrive on September 8: they note the unnatural pink color of the candidate and fuzzy diction, Yushchenko himself complains of severe pain in the back, the paralysis of the face is added to this. The patient is urgently sent to Vienna, to a private clinic, where doctors detect total lesion gastro -Chenny tract: multiple ulcers, acute pancreatitis, gastritis, colitis ... Begins to change the skin, but the skin is not important: Yushchenko has the strongest pain in the back. The nature of pain is incomprehensible, the patient can no longer walk, can not get out of bed. Ask upside Substances, as after a difficult operation, thanks to this politician is conscious. "

Later, cysts and ulcers will cover the whole body, they will be fed and hurt, poor politics will have to change three or four shirts per day to not wet a jacket ...

You can only bow the courage of Viktor Yushchenko, which in such a state (with a back catheter, on drugs) participates in the election race. And you can only lie down by the shortness of Ukrainians who elevate the healing of the rotting person president.

I am familiar with Lrapraya theoretically and practically: I conducted surveys of patients in Teresk leproseria for the candidate thesis "Electrocardiographic changes in patients with long-term leprosy", sometimes invented with difficulty, how to remove the cardiogram, if there is no hand or leg ... went, while the wife did not knock Fist on the table: "I don't want to get leproser in twenty years!" - This disease has a long incubation period ...

What a Yushchenko got sick, I suggested immediately. Lepra - Neuroinfection: She lives in nervous trunks. The affected nerves thicken, and where they pass through the bone canals, the holes are narrow for them, the compression causes strongest pains: such that the patient thinks about suicide. And the leg can hurt, and may hand - depending on which nerve is damaged. Gastritis, pancreatitis, various paralysis and loss of lepring sensitivity - also classical manifestations, not to mention the lepregers on the skin ...

All doctors who treated Yushchenko, noted the atponality of the course of the disease, could not come up with a common cause for such different symptoms. But it is worth thinking about Lepre, how everything becomes typical. As a textbook.

From the history of the disease: "Leprah is caused by mycobacteria Hanzen and is transmitted during a conversation. Hundreds of thousands of bacteria piano around the patient and amaze those who come closer than one and a half meters. A person can get infected, but not sick. But may be ill, but after twenty-thirty years, when a rock meeting Already erased from the memory. All this time, a healthy carrier and a leprine patient in the incubation period will be distributors of infection. "

Multibone lepreras: a person will be five years old from hernia in the spine and not guess that it is lepreing. Or complain on a sore stomach, swallow the intestine and kishki - and this will again be lepreing. Lepra - a great simulator, its symptoms - the symptoms of different diseases. For example, the author of this note the hand is not a hand, and it can be lepreing. The leprosh is invisible: it is not found in the blood and in half cases are not found in the affected tissues. That is, a third of patients with leprosorievis leprosh in analyzes have never been. Recently, it seemed that the disease was defeated: now in the leprosaries of Russia there are only six hundred people. Scientists argue whether lepra is heal: the disease is well stopped with drugs, but relapse can come even across decades. Lepra does not kill: she just makes life terrible.

Igor Alekseevich, in fact, Yushchenko diagnosed with dioxins poisoning.

It is not even worth talking about it. This is a well-invented version for the election campaign, to give the candidate a halo of a martyr. I have a photo where Viktor Yushchenko with a beveled right face speaks from the stands of Rada: "You know who this killer. The killer is power! " - And the photo is clearly diagnosed with paralysis of the left facial nerve, which is characteristic of the hover ...

But in order. When information on poisoning was distributed, the Vienna clinic, in which Yushchenko was treated, made a refutation. Doctors stated that the poisoning version is not true! Later, they changed their mind - but the head physician clinic has not changed. He was fired for refusing to sign a conclusion about the poisoning of Yushchenko, joined about this with the clinic and was restored.

Next: Dioxin in the analyzes appeared only three months after the start of the disease, before this blood tests were clean. Where he came from, who added poison and whose, at all, it was blood samples, it is impossible to establish, as Yushchenko categorically refused to do analyzes at home in the presence of independent experts, even within the criminal case. For years it was not interrogated, although he was victims!

The concentration of dioxin in the blood of Yushchenko, even if you believe in the controversial analyzes, it was only three or four Russian standards: she had more infants in Chelyabinsk ... five or six parliamentary and medical commissions in Ukraine came to the conclusion: there is no evidence of poisoning, all this rolling.

But you are also accused of lack of facts. You make a diagnosis on TV, and this is not scientifically and unethical.

I have diagnosed on the basis of video and photography, as well as medical documents. It is ethical or not ethically, but because of the political publicity, the medical map of Yushchenko, its analyzes and surveys were on the Internet. I do not need to inspect the patient, for me it was done beautiful professionals!

You can not be sure of the accuracy of documents ...

I know the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada, who all thoroughly checked. I can be sure of the testimony of the doctors they gave in court, I can be sure of the published reports of the commissions ... In addition, sometimes enough good photos!

In medicine, there is a concept of "stigma": this is a sign that happens only with a given disease. Only with lepreing, the person changes beyond recognition. It inflates, the nasolabious folds are incremented, the nasolabious folds are cut sharply, the nose thickens ... In medicine it is called the "Lion Mask" - the subject of leprine patients, which erases even racial differences. Compare the photo of Yushchenko and the portrait of the patient from the textbook: they are almost identical. Only lepreras affects the ushi moss: they increase, reminding the plum. Why here are surveys, everything is completely clear. I appeal to all doctors: Well, colleagues, admit the same obvious!

Only leprach deforms ear cartilage. Normally, the figure of the auricle is specific as fingerprints, hence the mass of assumptions about the twin Yushchenko. People compare and write: it's not him!

Only leprosy affects a sprig of a facial nerve that is responsible for the movement of the upper eyelid. All nerve - please, but one twig is only injury and lepring. I have a photo: on the left eye of Yushchenko - like Belmo. This is because the eyeball during the blinking has rolled out, and back is no longer - the nerve does not work ...

I would, in case of Yushchenko, students taught what a tubercle lepreger. He even has an orange peel on his face, even rash around the nose in the form of a butterfly wings ...

If everything is so obvious, why no one supports you? Yushchenko's attending doctors dramatically disproved this version.

They abruptly refused to discuss her. Yushchenko's doctor, cosmetic surgeon Olga Bogomolec, said that the leproset flows decades, and Yushchenko, they say, the disease developed in a few days. She just did not read his outpatient card, and I read. Viktor Yushchenko for ten years since 2004!

Gastritis, defeat of the entire digestive system, dermatitis, the nature of which doctors could not establish, face, short-term paralysis. Viktor Yushchenko was the most frequently ill worker of the Government of Ukraine! In 2002 - sixty-five appeals to the doctor, seven per month! And this is not some worker who has a lack of money for full nutrition. This is the Prime Minister!

Yushchenko's back pains were such that he could not attend a meeting of the parliament, where the issue of his resignation was discussed: I went to the operation to the Institute of Neurosurgery, where the nerve was released from bone squeezing.

I'll tell you more. Thanks to my diagnosis, Yushchenko began to treat.

Is there evidence?

Director of one of our levies called Ukraine, asked to come to advise Yushchenko. He refused, then he was directly asked: "Can this be lepreing?" - "Yes, it may be lepreing"- And this conversation was just after my speeches.

More indirect proof: It is known that from the very beginning, Julia Tymoshenko spoke to comrades: "Make plastic, remove this mask of Pokemon". Doctors in Switzerland tried to operate - and unsuccessfully: fabrics do not heal, spread, because they are styling with mycobacteria, and then I read that Yushchenko spent several dozen operations, and I see scars in the photos instead of the bugro, and this is possible only thanks to powerful antiproquinity therapy .. .

I am surprised to another. For ten years, I knock on all the doors: was in the FSB, at the reception of leading scientists, wrote open letters Yushchenko, met with the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Moroz. No reaction! Never gathered a serious consultation and did not even discussed the problem! But in epidemiologists, clear rules are prescribed, what to do when the patient with leprosy is detected. And most importantly among them: need to take on the dispensary account of all who communicated with the leper...

That's it. And therefore, all the colleagues, to whom I appeal, say: "Do not climb". Many of our health managers gave materials, they: "No, I did not read, I do not see!" - Because if you read, it is a 100% diagnosis, then you need to take action!

But the speech about the health of the population. Young guys who contacted the affected hill lopera, do not take into the army! The risk of infection is small, only three percent, but this is a Russian roulette ... and, in the end, there are already victims. Affected ...

From the history of the disease: "Yulia Tymoshenko, who has repeatedly hugged and kissing with Viktor Yushchenko in Maidan 2004, in August 2011 was arrested.
And almost immediately stated that it fell ill: bruises with palm sinkers appeared throughout the body. Yulia Vladimirovna is famous for a woman with peculiar concepts of morality, so no one believed in malaise (later the Ukrainian Iron Lady confirmed a bad temper, stating that she was beaten by the guards). Bruises and hematomas were recorded by photography: they appeared and disappeared for a long time. "

At the same time, Tymoshenko began to complain about pain in the back: the prisoner was transferred to the ward and filmed a hidden camera, although the doctors invited from abroad confirmed: Julia is not a simulant. After a couple of months, the body of the nessulyantki was covered with a rash.

Igor Alekseevich, and after all, after all, in the first interviews about Yushchenko, they spoke many years ago: "It's a pity, if the beautiful features of Julia Tymoshenko, the nearest president's companion, distort the terrible disease ..."

How to boot! And in fact, seven years have passed from "dioxin poisoning" - the standard incubation period of the leprosy (lasts from five to thirty years. - Ed.). Arrest is the strongest stress. Yushchenko, too, too, everything got out on stress, during the elections ... I was humanly empathized by Julia. Woman screaming screaming: "I am sick, save me"- And the authorities did not hurt something. She was examined in Kharkov known doctors to me, I asked: You divide the personality policy and symptoms. The rash is there, check!

Further, German doctors from the clinic began to go further to Julia, they found her hernia of Schorno, who had eighty percent of older people, as well as systemic damage to nerve trunks. Most often it happens with three diseases: LUES (syphilis), Lupus (red lupus), lepreing ...

To the court he was treated under his hands, and there was visible as a face swept. It is already another. Then they said: Prison, they say, no one paints. But Tymoshenko was not in prison, but in a first-class hospital, in a separate ward, with full nutrition and the best Western doctors ...

Now Julia Vladimirovna looks almost the same as before. She was photographed in the store in Germany: walking together with her daughter, light, in a white dress ...

It means that the exacerbation passed and remission passed, or the doctors began to anti-deputy treatment. Lepra is well fastened with modern drugs. This earlier in the leprosaries, everyone had a biased, noble - and now the problem is to identify the disease. Think only: Yushchenko and Tymoshenko were destroyed in front of colleagues! European doctors have forgotten the Lepra clinic, mistakenly attributed this infection to completely defeated ...

But now let's talk about ethics. We have the right to discuss the possible infection of a particular person with a dangerous infectious disease or not. Who has more rights: a person for his secret personality - or society for the safety of people's life?

They had the right of the US Congressmen to know that the Ukrainian acts in front of them, the whole body under a suit of which is covered with fragile ulcers, presumably leprosy? Yushchenko's attending physician writes about it in female enthusiastically: they say, they would know the members of the Congress, as it hurts a person who stands in front of them at the Department. But the congressmen who constantly measure sugar - did they sign up for such a risk? And their wives and children?

Well, perhaps, in the United States know the truth: the presence of Yushchenko American advisors never hid. And ordinary Ukrainians? There was no president who would be so kissed with the people like Victor Yushchenko!
Here you can recall the atypical behavior of patients with rejected society diseases, such as syphilis, cancer. "Why am I suffering one? Why am such a car? " - And go, and infect to split the pain. This psyche breaks ...

Yulia Tymoshenko in July handed over blood for the ATO fighters: the same horror ... Leading guide - and leper country ... And maybe lepreing and brains affect? And so explains the current explosion of Russophobia in Ukraine?

This stretch: the effects of the bacterium on the central nervous system is not described. Business in another. Characteristic symptoms began to appear in politicians of other countries. Inexplicable bruises and bruises, change in face, back pain, deformation of ear-sinks ...

One prominent oppositionist two years ago completely disappeared from the screen, I began to find out: it turns out that he had left-sided paralysis of the facial nerve, like Yushchenko, he was unsuccessfully treated, he recovered in a year, but the traces remained. Did he ever meet with the former president of Ukraine?

No, I did not meet.

And who met with? With Boris Nemtsov, in 2004 attended Maidan.

Simple logic says that both of them must pass on the lepron. It is important not to pass the stick, but also not to miss a danger.

Or Hillary Clinton. Obama sent her to resign from the post of US Secretary of State a couple of days after the sudden damage to the stomach and intestines with dehydration. Dehydration is just an irrepressible diarrhea and vomiting, he is treated by a dropper in any rural hospital, and, of course, simple poisoning could not be the cause of the second person's resignation in the United States. So, Hillary explained that this is a lifelong disease ...

Lepra went through the elite. Nature decided to punish the political elite. This is a slow, but epidemic.

You reported supposedly patients, who you suspect?

Necessarily. I gave an oath of the Soviet doctor and I consider my duty to warn about the danger.
But people seemed to people that the dysentery, hemorrhoids or leprosy cannot happen to the high rank official. As a result, we and all over the world there is no mechanism for making a diagnosis to the highest political figures. Remember Yeltsin with its ischemic brain disease: this is not a harmless state. Such patients are enough to pat on the shoulder, laugh at their joke - and in response to get anything, right up to the disarmament of the army ...

Therefore, today the evidence of the expert community is extremely important. If it confirms vowelly: yes, Yushchenko lepreing, then all politicians encountered with the patient will run to check.

And so far our salvation is.

Digit: According to WHO, eight hundred thousand new leprosies is revealed in the world annually. Old treated patients who can give relapses, on Earth about fourteen million.


"Pumplaze - soul disease. Raze gives an evil language, gossip, desire for evil people ..."

Announcement Articles:

"God-chosen or god damned?!"

Now only audible from different sides: "Holy Land - Israel!" . Israel and Jewish priests in synagogues, and Christian, reading prayers in the temples of Christ. But Praodina Jews has never been the Holy Earth! On the contrary, it was the earth of the people cursed by the God, whom the healer and the Prophet Moses brought one day from ancient Egypt.

With a careful study of the Torah and the Bible, an unequivocal conclusion follows: the people who came out of Egypt under the leadership of Moses were sick with terrible skin diseases. One of them was leprosy. Lepra (leprosy) in the old days was considered a disease sent to the punishment by God. She was called: "God's curse". It was just hunted by Jews, derived by Moses from ancient Egypt.

Now it is customary to tell a fairy tale about how Moses drove his people in the desert of 40 years. And for what purpose he drove those unfortunate in the desert - a mystery covered with darkness! Religious figures of Judaism and Christianity, and Islam, too, do not want to recognize that in the source of all three Arabia religions there is a feat and a grave work of the prophets to save the lessed villains: the treatment of their shower, mind and removing God's curse from them!

Today it is customary to silence and about why not to someone else, namely the Jews Moses handed over the first "law of God" - the Ten Commandments: "Do not kill!", "Do not steal!", "Do not false visible!" etc. But, if you think about, the mind should tell any person the answer to this question.

Moses because I brought these ten Commandments, knocked out in stone, for centuries (!) that they originally lived we are waking up, thefts, murders of people And at the same time they also false witnessed on those whom they robbed, robbed or killed ...

When Christ came to the sinful land of Jews, he tried to continue the case of Moses on the treatment of mentally and bodily patients. This coming to Jews Jesus substantiated with such words:"Not healthy have a need for a doctor, but patients; I came to call no righteous, but sinners to repentance " (Lux 5: 31-32).

That unbearable fact that the ancestors of modern Jews were punished in the older times by leprosy for their numerous crimes against God and humanity, explains, for example, why modern Jews have such a "rich" inheritance genetic diseases. What is this inheritance - tells the article published on the Jewish website

"I am the Lord, God, God, Zeper, for the blame of fathers punishing children to the third and fourth kind" (Deuteronomy, 5: 9).

"A lot was also lepers in Israel with the Prophet Elisee, and none of them cleared, except for Neeman Syrianin" (Lux. 4: 27).

Genetic diseases of the Jews


Many genetic diseases are characteristic of specific ethnic groups or nationalities.

For example, 25 percent of Jews whose ancestors come from Eastern Europe are carriers of certain genetic diseases that can be transmitted to their children. If one of the partners is a carrier of a genetic disease, then there is a 25 percent probability that spouses will have a sick child. There is also a 50 percent probability that the child will be a carrier of a defective gene, like parents, and only a 25 percent probability that he will not inherit it at all.

Fortunately, very accurate methods have been developed to determine, inherited the fruit of genetic diseases or not. It can be both an amniocentesis, which is held on the 15-18 week of pregnancy, and the analysis of the Hornal Village, which is usually held on the 10-12th week of pregnancy.

Jews gathering to become parents will be very useful to learn about genetic diseases that are often found among Ashkenazi Jews. These diseases include:

Blum syndrome. Children suffering from this rare disease are born very small and rarely grow above 1.5 meters. They have red and very sensitive skin on the face; various pathological disorders; They are more susceptible to respiratory tract infections and ears, and they have a higher risk of disease with certain types of cancer. The carrier is about one of the 100 Ashkenazi Jews.

Canvan syndrome. This disease is usually manifested in children aged 2 to 4 months, and they begin to forget previously gained skills. Most children are dying under the age of 5 years. The carrier of this disease is one of the 40 Ashkenazi Jews.

Cystic fibrosis. Cystrous fibrosis causes the body to produce a thick mucus accumulating mainly in the lungs and digestive tract, which is the cause of chronic pulmonary infections and growth delays. The carrier is every 25th Jew Ashkenazi.

Hereditary disestonomy. This disease affects the function of body temperature control, motor coordination, speech, blood pressure, stressful reactions, swallowing, the ability to produce tears and digestive juices. Each 30th Jew Ashkenazi is found.

Fanconi Syndrome - Type C. Fanconi syndrome is associated with low growth, bone marrow deficiency and predisposition to leukemia and other types of cancer. Some children may have problems with hearing or mental retardation. The carrier is every 89th Ashkenazi Jew.

Goshe syndrome - type 1. This disease suffers from the 1000th Jew Ashkenazi. His symptoms are usually manifested in adulthood. Patients suffer from pain in the bones and joints, sensitive to fractures and other pathologies associated with the bone system. Anemias, bruises and poor blood clotting are subject to anemia. This disease is currently becoming effectively treated with enzyme-substitution therapy. The carrier is every 12th Jew Ashkenazi.

Mukolipidosis IV (ml IV). ML IV is one of the recently open genetic diseases of the Jews. It is caused by the accumulation of harmful substances throughout the body. People with ML IV suffer from various progressive motor and mental insufficiency, which starts at the age of about 1 year. Early signs of the disease may include turbidity of the cornea, squint and retinal dystrophy. Currently, patients with ml of IV aged 1 year to 30 years are known, but there is no data on the life expectancy of these patients. Also unknown percentage of people who are his carrier.

Niman-Peak's disease - type A. Niman-Peak's disease is a neurodegenerative disease in which the harmful amount of fat cells accumulates in various parts of the body. Symptoms include loss of brain functions and an increase in liver and spleen. The average life expectancy of children suffering from this disease is 2-3 years. The carrier is every 90th Jew Ashkenazi.

Tea-Saks disease (Children's Type). Tea-Saks disease is the most famous genetic disease of the Jews, striking about one of 2.5 thousand newborns. Children with the saccus disease are normally developing up to 4-6 months, after which their central nervous system begins to degenerate due to the lack of the necessary hormone. Sick children lose all motor skills and become blind, deaf and dumb. Death usually occurs at the age of 4 years. Later, the manifestation of the disease of the saccas is less common, then the disease progresses slower and symptoms are less pronounced. The carrier is every 25th Jew Ashkenazi.

Ideally, all parents wishing to have a child should pass tests to determine whether they are not carriers of one of these diseases. In most cases, the negative test result will be at least one of the parents, and their children will deal with without these diseases. If the results of the tests of both parents are positive, then they should contact doctors to look for a solution to this problem.

Before the upcoming difficult decision, it may be helpful to refer to the rabbi. Many orthodox communes insist on prebar testing to cancel the wedding of two carriers of genetic diseases.

Jews Sefard, whose ancestors come from Spain, Portugal, North Africa and some regions of the Mediterranean, also suffer from certain genetic diseases. These include: beta-thalassemia, family Mediterranean fever, lack of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and glycogenase type III.

Although these genetic diseases are usually not as terrible as those that suffer from the Jews of Ashkenazi, they can cause serious health problems and require treatment.

The Beta-Thalassemia gene occurs in each 30th leaving from the Mediterranean, while every 5-7th Jew from North Africa, Iraq, Armenia and Turkey carries the gene of the hereditary Mediterranean fever. Glycogenize type III gene is found at each 35th North African Jew and can be inherited only if it has in both parents.

In contrast to other genetic diseases of Sephards, a lack of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, the most common disease caused by the disadvantage of the enzyme, from which about 500 million people suffer around the world, is transmitted from Mother to the Son. At the moment there is no test to determine the carrier.

Translation of Scharushnikova for

At first I heard it performed by Jemma Khalid. And just fell in love with a song and performer. Then I learned that there are other performers.

Girl from Nagasaki

02.09.2012 08:49 |

Amazing and even mysterious song. Many refer it to the number of thoughts, although it is not at all purely thoughts. And, although this is not at all the old port song, as many believe, it firmly entered the piggy bank of the songs "Sea Romance", such as "in the Cape Town Port", "ships came to our harbor."

And, in addition, the disputes about the authorship as poems and music still do not subscribe. The authors recorded Vertinsky, and even Vysotsky. The original text, written in the late 1920s, was changed and complemented by the performers endless number.

And who just did not sang her! They performed it: and Vadim Kozin, and the bards of the 60s, and Kira Smirnova, and Vladimir Vysotsky.

Sang "Girl from Nagasaki" and the performer of the songs of modern urban folklore and the author's out-of-particle Arkady North songs (1939-1980), which possessed a very original voice chamber and expressive artistic lyrics. Arcadia North listened to the whole country - from Alkash to party bons, although, for his life, the artist did not speak with one concert - for the Soviet official culture of the singer Arcadia North did not exist.

The lyrics of the "Girl from Nagasaki" was written in the late 20s by the poetess Vera Inbera, the music was composed by the young then composer Paul Marseille.

Yes, yes, that very faith Inbert, the well-known Soviet writer, winner of the Stalin Prize (for the Poolkovsky Meridian poem), and there is the author of the words of this song. In the years of his youth, she wrote romantic poems, and this is her poem "Girl from Nagasaki" in the pre-war years has become almost popular song, even in some way, thieves.

Inbera Vera Mikhailovna , (1890 - 1972). Born in Odessa. Printed there in the newspaper under the pseudonyms of Vera Litty (small), Vera Imbert.

Vera Inbers was a cousin of Lion Trotsky, one of the leaders of the October 1917 coup and the organizer of the Red Army. I survived the Leningrad blockade. For the relationship with Trotsky, she was not touched, but she took part in the etch of Boris Pasternak.

Her husband, a talented journalist Nathan Inbera, wrote about her: "A little woman who has the lips of Malina, Sin and Paris."

Paul Marseille . Music for the song "Girl from Nagasaki" wrote a composer Paul Marseille Rusakov (1908 - 1973), he - Pavel Alexandrovich Rusakov. Born in French Marseille in the family Russian Jews emigrated from Russia because of the Jewish pogroms of the beginning of the 20th century. His father protested against military intervention in Russia of 1918-1920, and the family was sent to Petrograd.

So Pavel Rusakov was in Soviet Russia, Paul Marcel began to be called, wrote romances to verses of Yesenin, Blok and Pasternak. I did not escape repression and spent 10 years in the camps.

It he wrote music to the famous song "Friendship" (when a simple and gentle glance), which came to the repertoire and V.Kozina, and K.Shulzhenko, and L. Yutsov, although the disputes about his authorship still do not subside until now (authorship is attributed to . Sidor, accompanist V.Kozin).

Original text

The original lyrics of the song "The girl from Nagasaki" was repeatedly corrected and complemented as well-known and unknown "co-authors." In the original text there are only four quatrains (purchasing). But the main difference is at the beginning: "He is Jung ...". In this - the raisin, the point, because the young faith of Inbert wrote romantic virgin poems.

He Jung, His Motherland - Marseille,
He adores drunken, noise and fights.
He smokes the tube, drinks English El,
And loves the girl from Nagasaki.

It has excellent green eyes
And silk khaki color skirt.
And fiery jig in kabak
Dance girl from Nagasaki.

Amber, corals, scarlet like blood,
And silk khaki skirt,
And ardent hot love
He is lucky to a girl from Nagasaki.

Arriving, he hurries to her, a little breathe,
And finds out that Mr. Frace,
Tonight, smoking hashish,
Sketched a girl from Nagasaki.

Already in our time, the CD "Anthology of one song - a girl from Nagasaki" (genre: chanson, format: mp3), where they are collected 21 performer of this song.

Listen, and "the moment of truth" comes: many performers do not understand the "soul" of this song, they are trying to remake it "for themselves", and not to grow to the romantic heights of this song.

For example, the port romance, and the Fleur of dreamy sadness, and the unforgettable charm of the "courtyard" song (Alexander F. Sklyar, the Bullet group and others) disappear. This is the same as Lenin ballet in October - can Lenin imagine in a trico plowing on the armored person?

But there are performers, quite carefully related to the original.

Jemma Khalid.

Vladimir Vysotsky

The text of the song "Girl from Nagasaki" performed by Vladimir Vysotsky:

He is the captain and his homeland - Marseille.

He adores disputes, noises, fights,

He smokes the tube, drinks the strongest el.

And loves the girl from Nagasaki.

She has traces of leprosy on hand,

It has tattooed signs

And evenings Jig in Kabak

Dance girl from Nagasaki.

It has such a small breasts,

And lips, scarlet lips like poppies.

The captain goes to the distant way

And loves the girl from Nagasaki.

Corals, scarlet like blood

Amazing and even mysterious song. Many refer it to the number of thoughts, although it is not at all purely thoughts. And, although this is not at all the old port song, as many believe, it firmly entered the piggy bank of the songs "Sea Romance", such as "in the Cape Town Port", "ships came to our harbor."

And, in addition, the disputes about the authorship as poems and music still do not subscribe. The authors recorded Vertinsky, and even Vysotsky. The original text, written in the late 1920s, was changed and complemented by the performers endless number.

And who just did not sang her! They performed it: and Vadim Kozin, and the bards of the 60s, and Kira Smirnova, and Vladimir Vysotsky.


The lyrics of the "Girl from Nagasaki" was written in the late 20s by the poetess Vera Inbera, the music was composed by the young then composer Paul Marseille.

Yes, yes, that very faith Inbert, the well-known Soviet writer, winner of the Stalin Prize (for the Poolkovsky Meridian poem), and there is the author of the words of this song. In the years of his youth, she wrote romantic poems, and this is her poem "Girl from Nagasaki" in the pre-war years has become almost popular song, even in some way, thieves.

Inbera Vera Mikhailovna , (1890 - 1972). Born in Odessa. Printed there in the newspaper under the pseudonyms of Vera Litty (small), Vera Imbert.

Vera Inbers was a cousin of Lion Trotsky, one of the leaders of the October 1917 coup and the organizer of the Red Army. I survived the Leningrad blockade. For the relationship with Trotsky, she was not touched, but she took part in the etch of Boris Pasternak.

Her husband, a talented journalist Nathan Inbera, wrote about her: "A little woman who has the lips of Malina, Sin and Paris."

Vladimir Mayakovsky dedicated her a very ambiguous poem, who is perceived by hearing very rude (especially if reading "with an expression"), and is considered to be quite a feast of the epigram on Inbert.

Paul Marseille . Music for the song "Girl from Nagasaki" wrote a composer Paul Marseille Rusakov (1908 - 1973), he - Pavel Alexandrovich Rusakov. Born in French Marseille in the family Russian Jews emigrated from Russia because of the Jewish pogroms of the beginning of the 20th century. His father protested against military intervention in Russia of 1918-1920, and the family was sent to Petrograd.

So Pavel Rusakov was in Soviet Russia, Paul Marcel began to be called, wrote romances to verses of Yesenin, Blok and Pasternak. I did not escape repression and spent 10 years in the camps.

It he wrote music to the famous song "Friendship" (when a simple and gentle glance), which came to the repertoire and V.Kozina, and K.Shulzhenko, and L. Yutsov, although the disputes about his authorship still do not subside until now (authorship is attributed to . Sidor, accompanist V.Kozin).

Original text

The original lyrics of the song "The girl from Nagasaki" was repeatedly corrected and complemented as well-known and unknown "co-authors." In the original text there are only four quatrains (purchasing). But the main difference is at the beginning: "He is Jung ...". In this - the raisin, the point, because the young faith of Inbert wrote romantic virgin poems.

Already in our time, the CD "Anthology of one song - a girl from Nagasaki" (genre: chanson, format: mp3), where they are collected 21 performer of this song. Listen, and "the moment of truth" comes: many performers do not understand the "soul" of this song, they are trying to remake it "for themselves", and not to grow to the romantic heights of this song.

For example, the port romance, and the Fleur of dreamy sadness, and the unforgettable charm of the "courtyard" song (Alexander F. Sklyar, the Bullet group and others) disappear. This is the same as Lenin ballet in October - can Lenin imagine in a trico plowing on the armored person?

But there are performers, quite carefully related to the original.

Jemma Khalid.

Vladimir Vysotsky

This entry of "Girls from Nagasaki" Vladimir Vysotsky is made in the Paris Studio.

The text of the song "Girl from Nagasaki" performed by Vladimir Vysotsky:

He is the captain and his homeland - Marseille.
He adores disputes, noises, fights,
He smokes the tube, drinks the strongest el.
And loves the girl from Nagasaki.

She has traces of leprosy on hand,
It has tattooed signs
And evenings Jig in Kabak
Dance girl from Nagasaki.

It has such a small breasts,
And lips, scarlet lips like poppies.
The captain goes to the distant way
And loves the girl from Nagasaki.

Corals, scarlet like blood
And silk khaki blouse,
And dusty and passionate love
He is lucky to a girl from Nagasaki.

Returned captain from afar,
And he learned that the gentleman in Thrake,
Once smoking hashish,
Sketched a girl from Nagasaki.

It has such a small breasts,
And lips, scarlet lips like poppies.
The captain goes in the distant way
Not seeing a girl from Nagasaki.

And, nevertheless, the interpretation of the song made in 2012 based on the film "Vasabi", something like "Girl from Nagasaki. 20 years later":

"The years have rushed, the captain became gray.
With the team again arrived in Nagasaki.
And, being in the old Kabaska,
He saw his love and the same signs "...

It's like a new "edition" of the song "Girl from Nagasaki", only with a happy ending.

Live memory of love from Nagasaki

Girl from Nagasaki

He Jung, His Motherland - Marseille,
He adores drunken, noise and fights.
He smokes the tube, drinking English El,

It has beautiful green eyes
And the silk khaki color skirt.
And fiery jig in kabak

Amber, corals, scarlet like blood,
And silk khaki silk skirt,
And ardent hot love

Arriving, he hurries to her, a little breathe
And finds out that Mr. Fraka,
Tonight, smoking hashish,

The last two lines are repeated

From the phonogram of Kira Smirnova, CD "The ships came to our harbor: Kira Smirnova," "Vostok", 2001.

Song based on the poem of faith inbert from the collection "Strain words" (1922):

Girl from Nagasaki

He Jung, his homeland - Marseille,
He adores quarrels, brand and fights,
He smokes the tube, drinks the strongest el.
And loves the girl from Nagasaki.

It has such a small breasts,
On her tattooed signs ...
But Jung goes to the far path,
Prayer with a girl from Nagasaki ...

He arrived. Hurry up, barely breathe,
And finds out that Mr. Frace
Once in the evening, having fun hashish,
Sketched a girl from Nagasaki.

The author of music is often called Marseilles (Pavel Alexandrovich Rusakova, 1908-1973), but without evidence. Paul Marseille was born in Marseille in the family of Emigrants-Jews from Rostov, then the family was sent to Russia as an unreliable element. In the USSR, he graduated from the conservatory in the class of piano and the theory of composition. Some sources call it the author of the song "Friendship". Arrested in 1937, received 10 years, sent to Vyatlag. It was released in January 1947, rehabilitated in 1956 he worked as a music director and conductor of the Leningrad Circus.

In the spring of 2011, the problem of authorship of the Marseille field was discussed at the Music Spark forum. April 4, the user Evgeniy933 placed such a post:

"... Authorship of the field of Marseille, as the composer can be removed. This is what the" Theatrical Journal "writes (No. 7 of December 22, 1918) for opening on November 3, 1918. The basement of the actors" Red Zucchini "in Kharkov (Sumskaya, 6 ): "The guitar rings from somewhere. Drunk, gentle guitar de Lazari." Scharaban, Sharaban. "This is Raisov. Rais Mikhailovna herself." He's Jung, his homeland, Marseille. "" Girl from Nagasaki "...... Taking the violin from Romanian, plays someone "Ageku." Music, wine, smiles. Of course, a volunteer. But if you care, so please feel joyful. "That is, it turns out that in 1918 the song has already been popular, and Marsel in 18- m was only 10 years old. "

Options (4)

1. Girl from Nagasaki

The song about a girl from Nagasaki does not really apply to the number of purely thoughts. The text was written in the late 20s by the poetess faith inbert (1) to the music of the Marseille field. The song was popular among criminals along with many other works of "marine romance" ("In the Cape Town Port", "Matrosians walk on the ship", "ships came to our harbor", etc.) in the Bosyatskaya environment there were many former sailors, significantly influence By the sailor of subculture on the criminal world (stories of tattoos, sea words in the thieves jargon, etc.)

But I turned on this particular song in the collection is not therefore. The case told by Valery Receptions played his role. The actor remembered how at the filming of one of the films it was necessary to fulfill some "classic" urganan song. The shooting group went to the Butyrs prison. Reception with comrades spent on a variety of cameras, where he talked with the arrestants. What was the surprise of the artist: almost none of the inhabitants of the cameras knew not a single real camp song! They sang mainly Vysotsky, Rosenbauma or some modern low test "blost." And only in one of the chambers of the old sloe "satherer" performed, destroying and knocking up, "Bloom Folklore" - "Girl from Nagasaki" ...

He is the captain, and his homeland is Marcel. (2)
He adores quarrels, noise and fights,
And loves the girl from Nagasaki.

And lips, scarlet lips like poppies,
And the evenings of Jigu (3) in the Kabaki (4)
Dance girl from Nagasaki.

On her tattooed signs ...

And in those hours when the thunderstorm roars,
Il in a quiet clock on the semi
He remembers narrow eyes

Coral, rubies scarlet, like blood,
And silk khaki's sweatshirt
And wild and gentle love

He arrived, hurries to her, a little breathe,
But he learns that Mr. (6) in Thrake,
Once in the evening, having fun hashish, (7)
Sketched a girl from Nagasaki.

It has such a small breasts,
And lips, scarlet lips, like poppies ...
The captain goes in the distant path

(1) At that time, Inbert, who later became a providest poetess, was balung by "exotic" poems. By the way, in the notes of the 20s, publishers made a typo in the names of Inbert - "Imber". Although it is curious that the names of the poetess so far is pronounced the names of the poetess. The song about the girl from Nagasaki is dedicated to Alexander Mikhailov. Who is, I am unknown.
(2) In the original instead of the captain, Jung appears - "He is Jung, his homeland is Marseille." Later, unknown performers raised Yung in the rank.
(3) Folnation - temperamental English folk dance.
(4) In the notes of the 20s, a slightly different version of this line -
"And, removing with jig, in Kabak
Dancing a girl from Nagasaki. "

That is, it turns out that Jigu is the name of the jung. Most likely, the text is somewhat driving. What, however, is not surprising, if we consider that the publishers have been toured at the same name of the author of words.
(5) in the original - "But Jung goes to the long journey."
(6) In the later versions - "gentleman".
(7) in late versions - "Once, smoking hashish."
(8) In the original, everything is completed with the previous verse. The last couplement is the later addition.

Zhiganese F. Bloom Lyrics. Collection. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2001. P. 302-305.

2. Girl from Nagasaki

He is the captain, and his homeland - Marseille,

He smokes the phone, drinks the strongest el,
And loves the girl from Nagasaki.

She has traces of leprosy on hand,
On her tattooed signs.
And evenings Jig in Kabak
Dance girl from Nagasaki.

It has such a small breasts,
And lips, scarlet lips like poppies.
The captain goes in the distant way
Kisses a girl from Nagasaki.

He remembers brown eyes,
And I missed the girl from Nagasaki.

Corals thread red like blood,

And loyal and gentle love
He is lucky with a girl from Nagasaki.

The captain returned from far away,
And he learned that Mr. Frace,
Once smoking hashish,
Sketched a girl from Nagasaki.

It has such a small breasts,

Not seeing a girl from Nagasaki.

Unknown source

3. Captain from Marseille

He is the captain, and his homeland is Marcel.
He adores quarrels, brands and fights.
He loves the phone, drinks the strongest el.
And loves the girl from Nagasaki.

She has traces of leprosy on hand,
And on the back tattooed signs.
And evenings Jig in Kabak
Dance girl from Nagasaki.

It has such a small breasts,
And lips, lips scarlet, like poppies.
Captain goes to a dangerous path,
He loves a girl from Nagasaki.

When the cruel storm when roars the thunderstorm,
And in a quiet clock, sitting on the tank,
He remembers brown eyes
And remembers the girl from Nagasaki.

And silk khaki blouse
And loyal and gentle love
He is lucky with a girl from Nagasaki.

And finds out that Mr. in Frace
Once, smoking hashish,
Sketched a girl from Nagasaki.

It has such a small breasts,
And lips, lips scarlet, like poppies ...
Our captain went to the distant way,
Not seeing a girl from Nagasaki.

Songs of our yard / Avto-Sost. N. V. Belov. Minsk: Modern writer, 2003. (Golden Collection).

4. Girl from Nagasaki

He is the captain, and his homeland is Marcel.
He adores quarrels, brands and fights.
He smokes the tube, drinks the strongest el.
And loves the girl from Nagasaki.

She has traces of leprosy on hand,
On her tattooed signs.
And evenings Jig in Kabak
Dance girl from Nagasaki.

It has such a small breasts,
And her lips are scarlet, like poppies.
The captain goes in the distant path
Leaving a girl from Nagasaki.

When the storm rages when the thunderstorm roars,
And in a quiet clock, sitting on the tank,
He remembers brown eyes
And I missed the girl from Nagasaki.

Corals thread red, like blood,
And silk khaki blouses,
And loyal and gentle love
He is lucky to a girl from Nagasaki.

And now he returned, in a hurry, barely breathe,
And finds out that Mr. Frace,
Once smoking hashish,
Sketched a girl from Nagasaki.

It has such a small breasts,
And her lips are scarlet, like poppies ...
Our captain went to the distant path,
Not seeing a girl from Nagasaki.

Anthology of student, school and courtyard songs / Sost. Marina Baranova. M.: Eksmo, 2007.