Birthday February 5 who according to the horoscope.

Birthday February 5 who according to the horoscope.
Birthday February 5 who according to the horoscope.

People born on February 5th belong to the zodiac sign Aquarius according to the horoscope. It is believed that this is a sign of geniuses, since 70% of famous people are Aquarius. The planet Uranus endowed them with a desire for freedom, comprehension of the unknown and an endless craving for new knowledge. The element of air endowed them with ease, a passion for travel and making friends. The life of representatives of this sign is always full and in full swing: they strive to get a lot of impressions, visit distant countries and have thousands of ideas in their heads.

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    Men and women born on February 5 are endowed with great creative energy and intuition. They have a rich inner world. Aquarians are very sensitive and vulnerable, they have a fine mental organization. Prone to non-standard behavior and rash acts. Their personality is multifaceted.

    Their peculiarity lies in irrepressible curiosity, the desire to constantly learn something new. This often prevents them from focusing on one thing and not spraying on many things at the same time.

    Aquarius loves to analyze. In all cases, they prefer to include logic and a systematic approach. The work is carried out sequentially and slowly, moving from one stage to another. These representatives are able to find non-standard answers to simple questions.

    Those born on February 5 give the impression of reliable and confident people. Aquarians are independent and do not lose their heads under any circumstances. They do not like to explain twice, believing that they should be understood from the first word. Absolutely sure you are right.

    They may seem outwardly cold and indifferent, but this impression is erroneous. Their apparent arrogance often turns people off. Therefore, they have few friends. They do not like to open up even in front of their loved ones.

    Celebrities born on this day:

    • Cristiano Ronaldo- Portuguese footballer
    • Nikolai Dobrolyubov- Literary critic.
    • Matera Salvatore- American chess player
    • Jennifer Lee- movie actress
    • Ivan Schumacher- Russian scientist.
    • Zinovy ​​Sominsky- the architect who built Moscow.
    • Schott Caspar- German physicist and mathematician.

    Most scientists and researchers are born under the sign of Aquarius.

    Love and relationships

    For men and women born on February 5, it is difficult to find a life partner. With age, their views do not change, in adulthood they reason in exactly the same way as in their youth. Their sociability and openness attract members of the opposite sex.

    Aquarians tend to idealize their partner. They endow him with positive qualities and are ready to go to great lengths for their half. But when they begin to see the shortcomings of a loved one, they are very worried.

    They are looking for a husband or wife for a very long time and carefully. They don't like early marriages. In a relationship, communication and mutual understanding are important for them. Sex and passion will never be in their first place. They need a sincere, reliable and intelligent partner.

    They value their independence very much and do not accept restrictions. Husband or wife will not be able to lock them in four walls. In the first place, Aquarius will always have work and friendship. Home for them is just a place where you can return to rest and relax.

    The best compatibility in love and marriage with the following signs:

    • Scales;
    • Sagittarius;
    • Twins.

    Relationships will not work out with zodiac signs:

    • Virgo;
    • Scorpion.

    To create harmonious relationships, people born on February 5 should trust more and give in to their other halves.


    Men and women born on February 5 are very friendly and sociable. They know how to easily make acquaintances and easily enter into a conversation with a stranger. Aquarius is a friend to everyone. His phone book is always full of numbers, he constantly rushes to help someone. It is to him that you can turn with any request, because he will rush to help out in the middle of the night.

    Friendship with him can end abruptly if he notices that they are trying to limit his freedom or are playing a dishonest game with him. Those born under this sign will always claim leadership, and not every comrade likes this.

    Best Compatibility in Friendship:

    • Aries;
    • Twins;
    • Scales;
    • Sagittarius.

    Worst Compatibility:

    • Calf;
    • Scorpion.

    In friendship, Aquarians are universal and can be friends with anyone.

    Career and work

    Smart and reasonable Aquarius at work simply bombard the bosses with their ideas. Unfortunately, many of them do not find a response and understanding. Those who celebrate their birthday on February 5 do not recognize punctuality and everyday work is not suitable for them. Selflessly and with pleasure, these people can work only if they are given complete freedom.

    They are suitable for "free" professions - an inventor or a journalist. Aquarius will be able to open up in creative professions - an actor, musician, screenwriter or director. He does not have great willpower and is not prone to risk, which can slow down his career advancement.

    Aquarius has the gift of persuasion and the talent to listen and reassure. Therefore, the work of a psychologist or consultant is well suited for him.

    Representatives of this sign are calm about money and do not consider it their goal. These people never think about how much money this or that work will bring them, it is more important for them what they will get from it in terms of revealing their spiritual potentials. They can be equally comfortable in both wealth and poverty.

    Health and disease

    Despite the fact that the planet Uranus gives Aquarius a good physical shape, they cannot boast of good health. Due to the unwillingness to lead a healthy lifestyle, the inability to properly distribute their life resources, they often bring themselves to overwork and nervous breakdowns. They suffer from diseases that doctors cannot diagnose for a long time. Their physical health is directly related to their psychological state.

    The most vulnerable in those born on February 5 are the calf muscles, lower legs and ankles, as well as the wrists. By old age, they suffer from circulatory disorders in the lower extremities, varicose veins, cramps in the calves. They have poor eyesight and eye diseases are common.

    Aquarians do not like to go to doctors and never follow their recommendations. Sports, proper nutrition, daily routine - all this only irritates them.

    The cause of their illness may be a disorderly lifestyle or alcoholism. People of this sign, due to their emotional instability, a tendency to tantrums and nervous breakdowns, are subject to various addictions.

    fate and fortune

    On this day, real lucky ones and minions of fate are born. Luck accompanies them everywhere thanks to their well-developed intuition.

    These people are always lucky in gambling. They sit down to play just like that, do not expect to win. Fortune loves such and accompanies in everything.

    The fate of Aquarius is not very simple. Being all the time in search of a new one, they constantly change their place of residence, work, friends and partners. They often have to experience the blows of fate and the betrayal of people, but the strength of the spirit helps them to endure and move on.

    The second half of their lives is calmer and happier than the first. This happens due to the fact that over the years, Aquarians begin to correctly prioritize. They need less freedom and there is a desire to settle down.

It is generally accepted that the character of a person depends on the constellation under which he was born. But astrologers know that it is not only the symbol that matters, but the exact date of birth. Any of the signs of the zodiac is divided into three decades, each of which makes the temperament of their pets special. Experienced this pattern and born on February 5th. The zodiac sign of these people is Aquarius of the second decade.

Aquarius is ruled by the element of Air. Like the element itself, its representatives are light and free. In its pets, the element displayed all the variability and instability of the Air.

Aquarius - an extraordinary and bright symbol. Under this sign, people are born who do not accept routine and rules. Just as the wind cannot be held in the palms, so the pets of the Air element rush through life in a whirlwind.

The air sign symbolizes all layers of the atmosphere at the same time. He is characterized by both earthly experiences and sublime feelings. He is dynamic and active. It cannot sit still by default.

Movement is the meaning of life for any Aquarius. He needs change like a breath of fresh air. His calling is to be in the center of events. And the more intense the incident, the stronger the qualities of his character will manifest themselves. Only in troubles like a tornado, you can see the true essence of the air symbol. In a closed, stuffy room, he withers like a flower in the heat.

Another outstanding feature of the sign is sociability.. He needs interaction, rarely works alone and always consults with others. At the same time, the symbol does not plan to change its point of view, but it is always glad to draw bright ideas. The sign cannot be called stubborn. He is always ready to compromise if the situation requires it. Knows how to maintain a delicate balance between the importance of his own opinion and the ability to listen to the needs of others.

The sign is ruled by Uranus and Saturn. In combination with the Air element, this cocktail gives birth to bright, emotional and impressionable natures. The range of interests of the symbol is unlimited. As the main activity, he chooses extraordinary, unusual and exciting work.

What was given to the sign of the planet:

  • Sharp intellect, insight;
  • Activity, dynamism;
  • Sociability;
  • Bright individuality, non-standard;
  • Rejection of patterns, frameworks and rules.

Uranus gives the sign the desire and desire to achieve goals. But Saturn often slows down this procession. He endows his ward with dreaminess and a tendency to hope for fate. Internal contradictions often lead to misunderstanding of others. His actions are always unpredictable. Often even for himself.

Water lei - free sign. He does not tolerate boundaries: neither moral nor physical. The best place for this Air pet to live is open space. Excellent well-being is provided to him in a well-ventilated room. He hates cluttered space, stagnant air and boredom. His whole nature is permeated with dynamics and the desire for action.

The activity and fountain of energy hidden in the temperament of the sign does not allow him to focus on one thing. This person is always busy with everything and at once. Others can see in him a lazy person who miraculously manages to do all the work. The thing is that the vanity of the sign is always fruitful. He never wastes time.

The inner world of the sign is fully described by its element. He is sensitive and receptive. The winds of experience howl in his soul hourly. Most Aquarians hide a sad and depressive personality behind their hospitable shell. The sign reacts sharply to everything that happens around him. It is not always possible for a symbol to hide his feelings. Therefore, sometimes he looks irritable and prone to take offense over trifles.

Aquarius relationships with people are rarely stable. He does not like labels, so every act of a person corrects Aquarius' opinion about him. It is not surprising that such an insightful sign is often disappointed in others. He is characterized by a subtle and rational understanding of the essence of things. He was not used to romanticizing events.

Born February 5

Who according to the horoscope, without a doubt, is the most amazing Aquarius, so this is a person, born February 5. His horoscope sign is Aquarius, but the second decade of the sign introduced some features of another air symbol, Gemini, into this characteristic. They endowed Aquarius with flexibility and dynamism, a passion for adventure and risk. Rational thinking and a sharp mind allow them to get away dry from any water. These are avid travelers and funny jokers.

The sociability of the sign is enhanced under the influence of Gemini Mercury. The second decade of the sign begins on January 30th and lasts until February 8th. Aquarius of the second decade is the soul of any company. He knows how to speak beautifully, convince and shines with the most subtle and good-natured humor. Around the sign is always full of not only like-minded people, but also interested representatives of the opposite sex.

The abundance of ideas and plans often turns the well-rounded personality of Aquarius into a twitchy neurotic. He wants to be in time for everything and everywhere, but his plans are not destined to come true. Chasing two hares, it is unlikely that you will be able to catch at least one. Aquarius, on the other hand, prefers to chase a whole flock. These traits are especially pronounced in those born on February 5th. What sign of the zodiac can be compared with the wind is Aquarius of the second decade.

Aquarius man - an amazing personality. He is unusual and extravagant. Its purpose is self-expression. Possessing such an extraordinary thinking, this character simply cannot help but demonstrate his prominent nature to the public.

He easily accepts life. Aquarius is able to endure all the trials of fate with an unshakable smile on his face. This ease necessarily hides inner feelings, but Aquarius is not used to complaining and becoming limp. He is strong and resilient. Burrowing into his own experiences, he often drowns in excitement and uncertainty, but he always draws useful lessons from this self-digging.

The desire to delve into one's feelings is especially strong in the temperament of those born on February 5th. The zodiac sign of the male Aquarius of the second decade describes a languid philosopher who can talk for hours about the futility of being and the futility of any deeds.

Despite the ease that is inherent in the signs of Air, the Aquarius man never hangs around the world idly. His analytical skills are sharp enough to find a way to realize his unusual talents. This is exactly the person to whom luck literally sticks.

Briefly about a man under the air constellation:

  • Inventive;
  • Unusual;
  • Self-sufficient;
  • non-conflict;
  • Unstable.

Career and attitude to money

Career for Aquarius - it's a way to show off. He rarely pursues leadership positions and wealth. His calling is to shine. He is talented, and the world should know his personality in all its glory.

In work for Aquarius there is nothing more important than freedom. He does not tolerate rules and frameworks, and he completely perceives pressure with hostility. Monotony has a detrimental effect on the sign. The best activity for him is one where the new day is not like the previous one. Tasks must be varied.

However, even the most diverse and unusual work will not keep the Aquarius man in one place for a long time. His life is an eternal search for something new and better. But there are exceptions in astrology. If Aquarius manages to remain the best of the best for a long time, he may well settle down and improve in one single thing. An example of this is the famous Cristiano Ronaldo - the star of world football and purposeful Aquarius.

The inconstancy of most Aquarius men makes them eternal seekers and professional nomads. He does not succeed in his own business, because the routine quickly bothers him. For many years, this character has been looking for the best places and favorable angles for his defile. Staying put is like a death penalty for him.

Aquarius man is a free and windy character. He values ​​​​his freedom, so he prefers to avoid long-term relationships.

But he will not completely abandon romantic experiences. Being a sensitive nature, the sign needs love, but prefers short-term romances. A stable relationship is seen by this man as a real cage. He does not know how to combine his free nature with a constant love affair.

The abundance of intrigues and short novels exhausts Aquarius over time. A mysterious and unattainable goal, for which Aquarius will have to climb to new heights, will be able to settle down this Don Juan. The love of knowledge will soon take over. The sign will be interested in the one and only one, which it will leaf through like a fascinating book.

But Aquarius embodies the wind, so the partner will need dexterity and ingenuity in order to keep this adventurer. She must be active, like the man himself. At the same time, there must be trust in the union. Aquarius will not tolerate suspicion, but he himself will not test his girlfriend for loyalty. He is characterized by purity of thoughts, but he expects the same openness from his beloved.

It is important for the partner of Aquarius to understand that this man ripens late for family ties. It is quite possible that he will not dare to enter into official relations at all if the love union will infringe his airy soul even a little.

Aquarius Woman distinguished by an unusual appearance and fine mental organization. This is an elegant lady who loves attention, but quite legitimately deserves admiration. She knows how to stay in public, keep up the conversation and give good advice.

This is a subtle psychologist who knows how to listen, accepts someone else's point of view, but

and never back down from his opinion. She always knows what she wants. The change of her beliefs occurs only with careful introspection, but is never due to the influence of others. This lady is characterized by freedom of thoughts and actions.

Those who were born on February 5 are especially deftly able to win over people. A woman's zodiac sign provides for a love of communication and the ability to find like-minded people. Her enthusiasm is bright and infectious.

Characteristics of the woman of the sign of Air:

  • Bright;
  • Attractive;
  • Sociable;
  • Creative;
  • resolute;
  • Confident.

Self-realization, career and finance

A woman under the sign of Aquarius is a creative nature. Even the most boring figures she prefers to write with curls. Her fantasy is boundless, and her desire to create is unrestrained.

She chooses the appropriate activity. This lady does not seek to fly up the career ladder. She is ready to be content with little, if there is at least a drop of creativity in her position. The ability to act freely is more precious to her than any gold..

The rapid achievement of success will be disastrous for the profession of this woman. She instantly loses interest in the conquered peaks. Therefore, as a rule, the scope of its activities often change. Routine can also hurt your career. The girl does not know how to do monotonous work and does not want to.

The ease and ease inherent in the Aquarius woman is also projected onto personal relationships. She easily finds a common language with the opposite sex. With pleasure plunges into short-term novels, but does not want to enter into long-term relationships.

In love, she is not quick-tempered and knows how to control emotions.. Outbursts of jealousy and tantrums next to her can not be afraid. She trusts her partner, but requires the same trust in herself.

In a relationship, she needs freedom of action and the ability to make decisions on her own. Only under such circumstances will this lady agree to legitimize the love union. However, the marriages of Aquarius women often end in divorce, since household chores and the burden of household chores put pressure on the shoulders of this lady.

The characteristic of Aquarius takes on amazing colors in the temperament of those who celebrate their birthday on February 5th. What sign of the zodiac will dominate in this nature - astrologers know. This is Aquarius-Gemini, the most unpredictable and bright symbol of Air.

Attention, only TODAY!

Aquarius, the zodiac sign of those born on February 5, endows these people with the ability to find non-standard solutions to standard problems. They have a superbly developed sense of humor, they are excellent speakers, they are interested in almost all areas of activity. Most of all, they like to collect information about people, to compile a mental dossier on them, which, among other things, contains a lot of compromising evidence.

They analyze, structure and mentally place any experience on a certain shelf, that is, these people are logical and love a systematic approach to everything that somewhat distinguishes them from canonical Aquarius, and on February 5, the zodiac sign corresponds to this one.

Diseases born on February 5

Often those born on February 5 suffer from chronic diseases. However, they do not like to complain and whine. Most often, they are brought down by one, the most vulnerable system of the human body (everyone is different), and they can suffer from diseases of the organs of this system all their lives, remaining quite healthy in other respects. This disease once developed due to a violation of medical recommendations or systematic violations of the regimen.

As for the diet, those born on February 5 usually build it quite carefully and prudently. But they need to do away with bad habits (drinking alcohol, smoking, or, even more so, using drugs), as well as limiting their intake of sugar and fats. Regular sports will be useful, if there are no medical contraindications, then even semi-professional sports.

Work and career of those born on February 5

Looking at how those born on February 5 behave at work, one can involuntarily doubt what sign of the zodiac is on February 5. Usually Capricorns work so consistently, measuredly and so enthusiastically, and not Aquarius. Those born on February 5 make good businessmen. But here's who they definitely shouldn't work with, so it's teachers.

On the one hand, the aura of these people almost physically exudes reliability and confidence, behind them - like behind a stone wall, which is great for a leader. But they do not like to make compromises and concessions too much, they are too smug and self-confident - this angers many. In addition, they do not like to repeat twice and explain what has already been repeated, believing that if someone did not understand them, then this is the problem of the listener.

At the same time, they are insightful and attentive in their work, they perfectly use analysis as a thinking tool, but, as we see, it is better not to allow these people to teach, otherwise their students are unlikely to understand and learn anything with such a habit of not repeating explanations. Sometimes they are looked at simply as lovers of a red word, which, however, does not carry a special semantic load.

In other words, like a wasteland. In order to avoid this opinion about yourself, those born on February 5 should be more attentive to other people, listen to them, patiently explain something, admit that they themselves can be wrong, and most importantly, learn to find a compromise. They should listen to what other people say, otherwise there will soon be no one to listen to them either.

As real speakers, those born on February 5 willingly appeal to people's emotions. At the same time, they themselves always hide something, like real secular people. They make excellent regulars of parties and social gatherings. Almost always, those born on February 5 - which zodiac sign we remember, this is Aquarius - are very sensitive and emotional natures. Many people born in early February have a subtle and highly developed nervous system.

Their career and success directly depends on how much they can control their own feelings. However, where there is weakness, there is strength, because due to their deep emotionality, these people are so unusually and rarely developed spiritually. And their manner of secular dandy allows them to take a high position in society. True, these people should be wary of showing too much arrogance towards others, this can alienate people from them.

One way or another, those born on February 5 are always very complex and interesting personalities. Some qualities during their lives they fully develop, some do not. As for their attitude to personal life, they usually hide everything connected with it. In the course, as a rule, only direct participants.

And these people have very high requirements for a partner or life partner. Another cute quirk that these people have is the abundance of personal rituals that make them more confident and set them in a positive way. Those born on February 5 are strong people, always ready to protect a weaker friend, but at the same time they willingly resort to the protection of their stronger friends.

Those born on February 5 often devote too little time to family and loved ones, focusing on work, especially if they occupy a leadership position. However, from time to time creative people are born among them, choosing the path of a loner.

You are smart and inspired. Your inexhaustible interest in life and people is linked to your need for variety and change, which usually helps you develop your unique ideas. You have a quick reaction and the ability to make decisions instantly.

You were born on February 5th, Aquarius zodiac sign. You are objective, have intuition, a bright personality and originality. It would be wise, however, not to give free rein to the restlessness and indecision that are emotionally damaging to your wonderful potential.

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Receptive to new ideas, you are progressive and often ahead of your time. You strive to constantly learn, are sociable and have the gift of words. Despite the objectivity in your views, you need to avoid aloofness, which can be interpreted as coldness.

A humanitarian with an independent view of things, you are aware of the benefits of working together and, if you believe in a common cause, are able to be a good team member.

Aquarians born on February 5 are progressive, value freedom and knowledge, and are often partial to social reform. Your autonomous thinking can lead to confrontation, but channeling your love of debate into debating skills can really make you stand out.

Despite the inclination towards religion and spirituality, you will most likely have your own code of faith. You are not without flashes of genius, but you must avoid impatience, stubbornness or impulsiveness.

Physical activity has a healing effect on your nervous system and makes you more calm and docile.

In your youth, you are quick-witted and quick in your reactions. Between the ages of 15 and 44, you will become more emotionally sensitive and develop your imagination. It can inspire you to seek idealistic, creative, and spiritual goals.

After the age of 45, you will have a need to become more determined, active and directed in your daily activities and perhaps start a new one. At age 75, another turning point emphasizes the need for greater stability and reliability.

Personal qualities of those born on February 5

Multi-talented, you have a unique perspective on many areas of life. Despite your dislike for those who do not differ in your level of understanding, you should try to be tolerant.

You also need to increase self-discipline and faith in your abilities in order to reach your best potential.

Your inherent sanity helps you to be an excellent adviser on both psychological and material issues.

You are sensitive and need the opportunity for solitude to introspect and rejuvenate. These periods may inspire you to pursue art, music, or more mystical subjects.

By letting go of your money worries and the frustrations of living beyond your means, you can use the power of your dynamic emotions to win the hearts of others with your energy and generosity.

Work and vocation born on February 5

Good organizational skills will help you reach a high position. Intelligence and sociability will make you an excellent teacher, counselor, psychologist or social reformer.

Despite your keen business sense and ability to succeed in other people's financial affairs, you may be more interested in professions that require imagination and creativity, such as literature, theater or art.

On the one hand, the love of freedom and the need to test their intellect can encourage those born on February 5 to become independent workers or start their own business.

On the other hand, the humanitarian side of your nature can find application in public organizations.

Love and partnership born on February 5

With your charm, wit and ability to inspire others, you have many friends and are socially successful.

In romantic relationships, you are attracted to strong and intelligent personalities.

Because you strive for both love and interesting conversations, your relationship may be one of work or intellectually oriented social work.

However, you should avoid wanting to command your partners.

Ideal partner for those born on February 5

It will be easier for you to find love and friendship among those born on the following days.

  • Love and friendship : January 21, 28, 29, 31; February 19, 26, 29; March 17, 24, 27; 3, 15, 22, 25 April; May 13, 20, 23; 11, 18, 19, 21 June; July 9, 16, 19; August 7, 14, 17, 31; September 5, 12, 15, 29; 3, 10.11, 13, 27, 29, 31 October; November 1, 8, 11, 25, 27, 29; 6, 9, 23, 25, 27 December.
  • favorable contacts : January 9, 12, 18, 24, 29; February 7, 10, 16, 22, 27; 5, 8, 14, 20, 25 March; 3, 6, 12, 18, 23 April; May 1, 4, 10, 16, 21, 31; 1, 2, 8, 14, 19, 29 June; July 6, 12, 17, 27; August 4, 10, 15, 25; September 2, 8, 13, 23; October 6, 11, 21; November 4, 9, 19; December 2, 7, 17.
  • Kindred soul : 3, January 19; February 1, 17; March 15th; April 13; May 11; the 9th of June; July 7; 5th of August; September 3; October 1st.
  • fatal attraction : January 3; 1st of February; 7, 8, 9, 10 August.
  • Troubled Relationships : 7, 8, 19, 28 January; February 5, 6, 17, 26; March 3, 4, 15, 24; April 1, 2, 13, 22; May 11, 20; June 9, 18; July 7, 16; August 5, 14; 3, 12 September; October 1, 10; November 8; December 6.

36th day of the Gregorian calendar

National holidays

Constitution Day celebrated in Mexico

Catholic memorial days

Memorial Day of Agatha of Sicily and Adelaide, Abbess of Vilich;

Orthodox Christian memorial days

Memorial Day of Theodore Stephanit, Hieromartyr Clement, Bishop of Ancyra, and Martyr Agafangel;
- Memorial Day of the Martyr Seraphim, Martyrs Evdokia and Catherine and Martyr Militsa;
- Memorial Day of the Monk Mavsima the Syrian, Salaman the Silent, Eusebius and Gennady of Kostroma and Lyubimograd;
- Memorial Day of St. Bishop of Nolan Peacock the Merciful;
- transfer of the relics of the Archbishop of Novgorod St. Feoktist;
- Cathedral of the Kostroma Saints: John, Vladimir, John, Macarius and Joseph.

Astrologers about born

A serious attitude to life, inner peace and justified risk are the main character traits of such people. Their appearance and actions inspire confidence. They say little, but act effectively. In difficult times, such people are able to become a leader, adviser and support. Their speech is short and clear, they do not tolerate ambiguity in expressions. They are perfectly oriented in the current situation, quickly analyze it and react. The views of such people are characterized by exceptional adherence to principles, which causes indignation among some representatives of their environment. Such manifestations of integrity and militancy can cause a decrease in the number of friends and an increase in the number of enemies.

Business and finance: who was born on February 5

André Gustave Citroen (born February 5, 1878) is one of the most famous and successful French entrepreneurs in the automotive industry. He is the founder and chief designer of the famous Citroen automobile brand, which became the first mass-produced car manufacturer in countries other than the United States.

Cultural figures, and born on February 5

Michael Mann (born February 5, 1943) is one of America's most popular film directors. He was nominated for an Oscar for his work. Mann's most famous works are "Fight", "The Aviator" and "Hancock".

Michael Andrew Duff Rose McKagan (born February 5, 1964) is one of the most famous American rock musicians. McKagan gained his greatest popularity while working with the cult rock band Guns N' Roses, in which he played bass guitar for 13 years.

Tatyana Albertovna Abramova (born February 5, 1975) is one of the famous Russian theater and film actresses. She is best known to the audience for her role as Nadezhda Grozovskaya in Always Say Always.

Politicians, public figures and war heroes born on February 5

Alexander Matveevich Matrosov (Shakiryan Yunusovich Mukhamedyanov) (born February 5, 1924) is a soldier of the Red Army who gained wide popularity due to widespread information about his feat. According to the official version, he blocked the embrasure of the German bunker with his body during the offensive of his battalion and thereby ensured a pause in the shooting, allowing the main forces to pass.

Frederick William "Fredy" Pitcher (born February 5, 1967) is one of the presidents of the Pacific island nation of Nauru, which is one of the smallest in the world. Despite the fact that a little more than 11 thousand citizens live in the country, political intrigues are not inferior to large countries. Pitcher stayed in office for 5 days until he received a vote of no confidence from Parliament.

Scientists and inventors: who was born on February 5

Hiram Stephens Maxim (born 5 February 1840) is one of Britain's most talented weapons designers and inventors. He is the author of the ideas of many types of military weapons and several projects of flying machines. Maxim's most famous invention is the world-famous Maxim machine gun, one of the symbols of the 1917 revolution.

Gabriel Voisin (born February 5, 1880) is one of the pioneers of world aviation. He is the author of drawings of many airplanes, cars and other machines. On one of his first planes, he managed to fly a circle 1 kilometer long.

Sports: born on February 5

Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro (born February 5, 1985) is one of the best football players of our time. He currently plays for the Spanish FC Real Madrid. Has the status of the most expensive football player in the history of the world. His move from United to Real Madrid was paid £83m by the team's owners.

Carlos Alberto Tevez (born February 5, 1984) is one of the most talented and promising Argentine footballers. He currently plays for British club Manchester City. The recognized master of football, Diego Maradona, said that he considers Tevez a prophet of the 21st century.

Markus "Bosse" Grönholm (born February 5, 1968) is one of the most famous WRC rally drivers. His track record includes two gold medals in the World Rally Championship, four rally championships and one victory in the Race of Champions.

How popular is February 5 in Yandex

More than 219 thousand search queries for this day in 2012;
- 4 - 5 thousand requests daily.

Numerology about the date February 5

Most numerologists tend to consider those born on February 5 to be creative individuals. These people have a great interest in various studies and constantly feel a hunger for information. Due to their thoughtfulness and calmness, they may seem mysterious to others, and because of this, unique. At the same time, they have a hot temperament. A special sense of care and kindness accompanies such people, they always take the side of the defeated and offended. Inner kindness leads to the fact that they are ready to help even strangers. Those born on February 5 need someone to take care of. The most suitable areas of activity are education and which will reveal natural abilities. Despite this, success awaits them as an artist, designer and fashion designer. Do not be afraid if a new idea and a desire to work appear after retirement, there will also be enough energy for this.

The magically powerful number is 5;
- stone for successful relationships - emerald;
- lucky numbers - 5, 7, 14, 23;
- positive days - Wednesday and Saturday;
- favorable months of the year - April and August;
- the best days of the month - 4, 5, 23;
- Sexual horoscope: those born in June and August, as well as Aquarius, Libra and Gemini can become life partners.