In order not to get drunk you need to. How to avoid getting drunk from alcohol

In order not to get drunk you need to.  How to avoid getting drunk from alcohol
In order not to get drunk you need to. How to avoid getting drunk from alcohol

When drinking alcohol at a corporate party, business dinner, your own wedding or other important events, you must maintain sobriety and self-control. For an inexperienced person, this is a difficult task that requires preliminary preparation. Thanks to this material, you will learn how to drink and not get drunk during a stormy feast. All current methods are collected here.

First, let's figure out why a person gets drunk. Fusel oils contained in alcoholic beverages are to blame. They negatively affect the functioning of the cerebral cortex. The consequences manifest themselves individually: in some people, the functions of the occipital part of the brain and the vestibular apparatus are disrupted, as a result of which they lose balance and (or) the ability to speak. For others, the “moral center” that controls behavior is switched off. In rare cases, memory temporarily disappears.

The situation when the next morning after drinking a large dose of alcohol a person does not remember anything does not occur as often as is commonly believed. Most of the “victims” only feign amnesia. They are simply ashamed of their behavior and want to find an excuse for their rash actions.

It’s interesting that men and women get drunk differently, depending on how the brain works. In men, psycho-emotional disorders first appear (slurred speech, mood swings), and only then motor skills fail (coordination of movements is impaired), in women it is the opposite. This means that, with the same degree of intoxication, most men find it difficult to talk and control their behavior, but they can move and even operate complex mechanisms (including a car), while women usually first of all “feel off” and only when severe intoxication, loss of speech.

Preparing for the feast

1. “Vaccination”. 4-5 hours before the event, drink 50-100 ml of vodka or an equivalent amount of other alcohol. The body will begin to produce alcohol dehydrogenases - enzymes responsible for processing alcohol in the body. As a result, the main dose of alcohol will be broken down immediately upon entering the blood, and not with some delay, which is required to activate the liver. If you know your limits in the amount of alcohol you drink, “vaccination” is the most effective way to combat intoxication. Disadvantage: even after a small dose of alcohol, a fume appears.

2. Fatty foods. 1-2 hours before the party, eat a sandwich with butter, lard, caviar or sturgeon. You can also drink 10-20 ml of olive oil (if you can).

Attention! Fatty foods do not block the absorption of alcohol, but only slow down its effects by 40-45 minutes. This means that a person will begin to get drunk about an hour after drinking alcohol, but the intoxication itself will be quick and strong. It is better to use this method only if the event does not last long and you have time to get home.

3. Medicines. 2-3 hours before drinking alcohol, drink 4-5 tablets of activated carbon, and immediately before the feast, another 1-2 tablets, crushed into powder. Make sure that the charcoal does not remain on your teeth; after taking the tablets, it is advisable to rinse your mouth or brush your teeth. Activated carbon absorbs some of the alcohol and fusel oils, as a result of which a person gets less drunk.

Another 40 minutes before the feast, you can take one tablet of a digestive enzyme agent, for example, Festal or Mezim, as well as a hepatoprotector based on herbal components (Karsil, Essentiale, etc.). These drugs will ensure normal functioning of the stomach and liver when overloaded.

4. Do not drink on an empty stomach. Under no circumstances should you drink alcohol on an empty stomach, otherwise all other methods will not give the desired effect.

Snack is our everything

How to get drunk less during a feast

1. Drink only high-quality alcoholic drinks. The better the alcohol, the less harmful substances it contains that cause intoxication and decreased self-control. Bad moonshine gets you drunk many times faster than high-quality vodka, cognac or wine.

2. Do not mix drinks. The body's reaction to mixing different alcoholic drinks is unpredictable and manifests itself individually. For example, some people should absolutely not combine red wine and vodka, while others should drink beer and cognac together. Champagne with any strong drink makes almost everyone drunk, since carbon dioxide promotes the rapid absorption of alcohol into the blood.

When mixing alcohol (if this cannot be avoided), I advise you to remember the “slide” rule - the degree of drink should increase. For example, you can drink vodka after beer, but not vice versa. Although this rule has not been scientifically proven, it works in most cases.

3. Give preference to hot snacks. Alcohol should be consumed generously with hot food. Meat dishes, fish, boiled potatoes with butter or lard, as well as parsley and lemon significantly reduce the degree of intoxication. It is important not to overeat, so as not to create additional stress on the digestive system. It is better to refuse exotic dishes that you have not tried before. Their combination with alcohol is fraught with unexpected consequences.

4. Do not keep alcohol in your mouth. Alcohol is absorbed into the blood not only through the walls of the stomach, but also through the blood vessels in the mouth. In the second case, intoxication occurs almost instantly, since ethyl alcohol goes directly to the brain, bypassing the stomach and liver. Empty the glass in one quick sip. Also beware of cocktails that are drunk through a straw.

5. Wash down alcohol with non-carbonated drinks. Carbon dioxide promotes rapid intoxication, so alcohol and soda are incompatible. Alcohol can be washed down with juices, fruit drinks and compotes.

It is better to drink alcohol with juices and water, always without gas.

6. Move more. To monitor your condition, periodically leave the table (if possible) and go out for some fresh air.

You cannot change the temperature suddenly. For example, going outside from a warm room in winter. This will cause an intense heartbeat, resulting in intoxication coming faster.

7. Give up cigarettes. To a greater extent, this advice applies to people who smoke irregularly. Literally, just one smoked cigarette can knock them off their feet.

8. Replace alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic ones. There is no need to drink the entire contents of a glass or glass at once. If you feel like you're getting drunk, try to discreetly replace the alcohol with something non-alcoholic of the same color. For example, wine for cherry juice, vodka for non-carbonated mineral water. Also, alcoholic drinks can be discreetly diluted with juice or still water in the glass itself.

9. Induce vomiting. This is a radical, but at the same time the most effective method to remove alcohol from the body. In case of severe intoxication, vomiting is a justified remedy, since it will only get worse. The procedure can be repeated every hour.

For some, this question may seem surprising. Why drink if you don't want to get drunk? However, there are cases in which it is simply impossible not to drink. For example, in the company of old friends, refusing to drink alcohol may seem disrespectful and a separation from the team. A person drinks so as not to offend loved ones and not seem like a black sheep. It's not worth doing this. But this is another question, which we will talk about in the next article. If the body is weak and susceptible to the effects of alcohol, in this case a person is forced to look for ways to drink and not get drunk. We will tell you about the most effective techniques to avoid being drunk.

Alcohol intoxication

When alcohol enters the body, it begins to be absorbed into the walls of the stomach, gradually entering the blood. Alcohol has the property of breaking down the membrane of red blood cells. Because of this, blood cells accumulate and stick together. In the human body there are many narrow vessels and veins through which these accumulations cannot pass. This leads to some passages being blocked. And the organs are deprived of blood supply. This is most often observed with the brain. Some parts of the brain stop functioning - a person has poor spatial orientation, loses balance, and becomes tongue-tied.

Alcohol intoxication depends not only on the type of alcohol and the degree of alcohol. A person with low weight needs much less alcohol to become drunk. It has also been proven that women are much more susceptible to the effects of alcohol. Elderly people are also at risk - their intoxication occurs faster. But it happens that two people of similar build get drunk in different ways, the first from one glass, and for the second even a liter of vodka is not enough. It depends on the individual characteristics of the person. Each person’s body produces a special enzyme – alcohol dehydrogenase. If a lot of this enzyme is produced, the body can easily cope with even large portions of alcohol. If there is a deficiency of this enzyme, even a small amount of alcohol can lead to serious intoxication. In order to drink and not get drunk, you need to take serious measures. And there are some things that can be done before the scheduled banquet begins.

How to prepare for a feast

  1. Physical activity. 6-8 hours before the start of the event, exercise. This could be a little exercise, jogging or strength training. The most effective are cardio exercises, which make breathing quicken and the heart work several times faster. The blood accelerates throughout the body, alcohol will be processed much faster.
  2. Egg. 10 minutes before the start of the celebration, it is better to drink a raw egg. Subsequently, it combines with alcohol and forms a colloidal mass, which is absorbed into the walls of the stomach much more slowly.
  3. Alcohol. No matter how strange it may sound, in order not to get drunk, you need to drink. 4-5 hours before the feast, drink a glass of alcohol, but no more. This will trigger the formation of an enzyme that processes alcohol. That is, by the time of the feast, the amount of this enzyme will already be increased, and you will get drunk much more slowly. We get a vaccination effect - we drink a small dose of alcohol so that the body can resist a large amount of alcohol.
  4. Fat. You can drink or eat something viscous and enveloping so that the composition can coat the walls of the stomach. This will reduce the absorption of alcohol into the blood. It is very effective to eat a piece of butter or lard, drink a spoonful of vegetable oil. Oatmeal or oatmeal jelly helps very well. Its starch component not only envelops, but also lingers on the walls for some time.
  5. Food. Under no circumstances should you drink on an empty stomach, otherwise intoxication will occur instantly. To slow down the rate of absorption of alcohol into the blood, you need to have a little snack before the start of the banquet.
  6. Eleutherococcus. Eleutherococcus is a plant whose tincture is used for low blood pressure and against mental and physical fatigue. Eleutherococcus tincture is a powerful tonic composition that can resist the absorption of alcohol into the blood and significantly reduces the time of intoxication. Before your first glass of alcohol, you need to drink 50 drops of tincture 20-30 minutes before. If you drink the tincture during the evening, it will clear your mind clouded by alcohol.

Medications can significantly reduce the effects of alcohol on the nervous system. However, in order not to get drunk, you need to take care of the medications in advance.

  1. An hour before the start of the banquet you need to drink activated charcoal. And not just one or two tablets - this is ineffective. For every 10 kilograms of weight you need to take at least one tablet. For example, if your weight is 80 kg, you need to take at least 8 tablets at once. Subsequently, it is necessary to repeat the dose every 2-3 hours throughout the entire period of drinking alcohol. Activated carbon is an excellent adsorbent that absorbs alcohol and does not allow it to be absorbed into the stomach.
  2. A few hours before the feast, you need to take a couple of tablets of drugs with pancreatic enzymes. They will help you process food and alcohol better. As an enzyme preparation, you can drink Mezim, Pancreatin, Festal, Creon. Every home medicine cabinet contains similar medications that are usually used to treat poisoning.
  3. Aspirin and Citramon will not help you slow down the effects of alcohol on your body, but they can improve blood circulation in the brain and counteract the hangover that will overtake you in the morning.
  4. Dimexide is a drug with a wide spectrum of actions that is used in various branches of medicine. It has an unpleasant and pungent odor that blocks the effect of alcohol and sobers up. Soak a cotton swab in Dimexide and place it in a small container with a tight-fitting lid. During the banquet, you need to open the jar every hour and sniff Dimexide so as not to get drunk. This is easy to do in the restroom or on the street when you go out to talk on the phone.
  5. Metaprot is a drug that increases the body's resistance to various external influences, including chemical ones. An hour before you start drinking alcohol, you need to drink two Metaprot capsules so as not to get drunk. The maximum effect of the drug will occur in three hours, which will be approximately at the height of the feast. Do not exceed the dose - it can be dangerous.
  6. In very serious cases, you can give IVs a couple of hours before drinking alcohol. Usually, in order not to get drunk, Pyrodoxin with Saline solution is administered. Mexidol has a more powerful effect. Remember that only a doctor can prescribe a dosage.
  7. Succinic acid is a popular remedy against various chemical poisonings, which helps the body process alcohol. The drug should be taken one hour before drinking alcohol.
  8. And, of course, various formulations that are directly designed to reduce the absorption of alcohol into the blood and relieve symptoms of intoxication. Antipohmelin, Alkoklin, Alkoseltzer, Alka-prim will help you not only get drunk more slowly, but also protect you from hangover syndrome.

These are the main medications that reduce the effects of alcohol on the body. But remember, you won’t be able to avoid getting drunk at all only if you give up alcohol altogether.

You are well prepared for the feast, but what to do while drinking alcohol to slow down the process of intoxication? First, you need to drink high-quality alcohol. Alcohol-containing drinks of dubious quality can have a much more powerful effect on the body, since they contain a lot of fusel oil. Everyone knows that it is more difficult to get drunk from high-quality vodka or cognac than from moonshine or burnt vodka.

Be sure to have a snack so that the alcohol is absorbed more slowly into the walls of the stomach. Hot liquid dishes will help reduce the degree of intoxication. Don't give up soup, broth, kharcho and solyanka. Parsley, fish, meat and potatoes reduce the amount of alcohol that enters the blood. Fatty foods – pork, lamb – will help slow down the process of intoxication. Citrus fruits will help you stay sober - they contain special acids that block the effects of alcohol. Choose cocktails that contain orange or grapefruit juice.

Never mix alcoholic products. Otherwise, intoxication will come much earlier than you expected. Also, do not lower the temperature. If you drank wine, you can drink vodka, but after vodka you should never drink beer or wine. Take breaks between toasts and drinking alcohol, do not drink beer non-stop. With a good snack and intimate conversations, it is quite difficult to control the amount you drink.

Some people advise holding the alcohol in your mouth before swallowing it. This should not be done, because the mucous membrane is the same open walls of the stomach. A lot of alcohol can be absorbed through the oral cavity, which will quickly lead you to a state of intoxication. It is better to drink alcoholic beverages in one gulp. For the same reason, you should not drink alcoholic cocktails through a straw. If you drink vodka and prefer to wash it down, it is better to choose tomato or any other juice. Never drink carbonated drinks with alcohol. Gas bubbles only intensify and accelerate the process of intoxication of the body.

During the event, move away from the table more often - dance, if appropriate, go out into the fresh air, wash your face with cold water. In winter, you should not go out into the cold air, because a sharp temperature change will lead to even more powerful intoxication. You must get up and not sit at the table. Sitting may make you feel sober and in control. And when you get up, the vestibular apparatus will show you your true state. Talk more, get to know each other, argue on various topics. Scientists have proven that active brain activity slows down the process of intoxication. You should also stop smoking. Nicotine enhances the effect of alcohol several times. Especially if you don't smoke regularly. You can also replace drinks with non-alcoholic ones. For example, non-alcoholic beer tastes no different from regular beer, so why drink alcohol if you don't want to get drunk?

In general, this is a rather difficult question. Most people drink alcoholic drinks to relax, feel euphoria, and lift their spirits. If you don't want to get drunk, why even raise a glass? In fact, this is a complex psychological factor. Don’t drive yourself into a dead end - admit to others that you don’t want to drink and you can have fun without alcohol. If the company “demands”, you can cheat a little and change the contents of the glass or glass. If you drink wine, swap it for cherry juice. No one will notice any difference in appearance. If the team actively relies on vodka, it can be replaced with still mineral water. If you feel that you are getting very drunk, you need to resort to radical measures. You need to go to the toilet and try to vomit by pressing your fingers on the back of your tongue. By emptying your stomach, you can get rid of alcohol, which continues to be absorbed into the blood.

To drink or not to drink - each person decides for himself. It is important to set psychological and quantitative limits for yourself, beyond which you should not go. Remember the negative consequences of past alcohol intoxication and tell yourself that this cannot be allowed to happen anymore. If drinking alcohol is unavoidable, our tips will help you stay sober longer and not suffer from a hangover the next day.

There is a feast coming up, and you want to keep yourself in shape, for this you need to figure out what you need to drink before drinking so as not to get too drunk. This is especially important if the celebration is of a business nature or you have to play the role of not only a participant, but also an organizer.

The speed at which the first signs of intoxication appear depends on the strength of the drink and the degree to which the stomach is filled with food.

Why does intoxication occur?

What happens in the body when alcohol enters it.

Alcohol, entering the body, is absorbed into the blood and enters the brain, where its destructive effect occurs. Brain cells stop receiving enough oxygen, resulting in hypoxia. This is what causes the state of euphoria that one strives for when drinking a certain dose of alcohol.

But this feeling is not at all safe, since a huge number of brain cells die. And when you want to sleep after drinking, it’s not just fatigue, but the body’s protective reaction to oxygen starvation.

Signs of intoxication

Symptoms of alcohol intoxication and intoxication depend on the degree of intoxication.

When drinking alcohol, methanol enters the brain. Fusel oils cause intoxication. As a result, a person's behavior and reactions change.

  • Coordination of movements is impaired;
  • Speech becomes incoherent and sluggish;
  • The perception of what is happening is changing.

In addition, behavioral changes occur. First comes increased excitability and elation. But if you drink too much alcohol, you may become irritable and even aggressive. Therefore, in order not to be ashamed of your behavior the next day, you need to control the amount of alcohol you drink.

What can you take to avoid getting drunk?

There are different ways to help prevent intoxication, of course, the most effective is not to drink. But sometimes this option is not acceptable, then you can use some recommendations.

Traditional methods

The main rule is not to drink too quickly or too much.

  1. Before the feast, eat a piece of bread with butter. Such a sandwich will not get rid of intoxication, but it will allow you to delay it for a while.
  2. Vegetable oil has enveloping properties, so a few spoons taken before the holiday will also allow you to delay the moment of intoxication by about an hour.
  3. Strange as it may sound, 100g can help in such a situation. vodka. You need to drink it 4-5 hours before the feast. Thus, the body begins to process toxins before large doses of alcohol enter. This is a kind of vaccination that allows you not to get drunk.

It is worth remembering that these methods will not work if you drink too much and for a long time.


Before the feast, you can also take medications.

  1. Activated carbon. This is the easiest way not to get drunk. It is recommended to take 5-6 tablets a couple of hours before the event, and 2 more before drinking alcohol. With the help of activated carbon, the removal of toxins occurs faster and the effect of alcohol is reduced.
  2. Mezim or festal. The enzymes contained in these preparations help the digestive organs cope with the incoming alcoholic beverages.
  3. Eleutherococcus. 20g is enough. remedies before drinking strong drinks.

Feast rules

To stay normal during the celebration, you need to follow some recommendations. Under no circumstances should you drink alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach, and you should also have a good snack.

Even if you had to drink a lot of alcohol, you need to move as much as possible. Go out into the fresh air if it is not frosty. A sudden change in temperature can negatively affect the condition.

  • To bring yourself back to normal, just get up from the table and chat with other guests. Take part in competitions or dances.
  • Try to smoke less, especially for people who use nicotine on rare occasions.
  • If you still had to drink a lot of alcohol, resulting in nausea and headache, you need to induce vomiting. This will help remove alcohol from the stomach and improve your well-being.
  • When you arrive home, you should take a shower if your condition allows. You need to go to bed in a well-ventilated room.

At almost every festive event there are various alcoholic drinks. They relax the body and temporarily distract a person from the worries of life. Sometimes, when drinking alcohol, it is necessary to remain sober to avoid bad consequences.

How to stay sober while drinking alcohol

It is impossible to remain completely sober while drinking alcohol, but it is possible to prevent severe alcohol intoxication. Some people drink a liter of vodka without eating and feel fine. Others lose their minds over one mug of weak beer. This directly depends on genetics. Therefore, the time during which a person can become very drunk depends not only on the number of drinks consumed, but also on the gender and age of the drinker.

Tips to help you avoid getting drunk quickly

1. Physical activity ten hours before the start of a special event helps to process alcoholic beverages faster.

2. You can drink a glass of vodka or one mug of beer before the holiday. The body begins to produce an enzyme responsible for neutralizing alcohol. This will allow you to stay sober for a long time.

3. Before drinking alcohol, you need to eat. Hunger contributes to rapid and severe intoxication.

4. Eat hot and light snacks. Heavy foods put additional strain on the liver. Food that can cause a feeling of satiety in small quantities is also undesirable for consumption; in this case, within sixty minutes from the moment of drinking alcoholic drinks, severe intoxication will occur. As a snack you can use fruits, vegetables, sausages and various cheeses.

5. It is contraindicated to increase the temperature and mix drinks.

6. You should not drink strong alcohol with soda, as carbon dioxide in combination with alcohol can quickly cause severe intoxication. It is better to give preference to freshly squeezed juice.

7. Alcohol dehydrates the body, resulting in severe headaches in the morning. To avoid this, you need to drink a glass of clean water without gases after each glass. It will be difficult to do this, but this method allows you to wake up in the morning without a hangover.

What's the best way to drink without getting drunk?

Sometimes it is worth stopping drinking drinks in order to avoid disastrous consequences, since alcohol affects each body differently.

2. Drinking alcohol is undesirable when you are depressed or emotionally excited.

4. Walking in the fresh air is good for the body and helps to avoid rapid intoxication. However, it is not advisable to experience sudden changes in temperature.

Anti-intoxication drugs

There are many medications that can help you drink alcohol and not get drunk. For example:

A drug " Dimexide"helps you sober up. It has a pungent and not very pleasant odor. The medicine must be diluted in ordinary filtered water, then moisten a cotton swab or small piece of cloth with this solution. The tampon should be stored in a container that does not allow air to pass through and should be inhaled while drinking alcohol. This helps prevent intoxication.

Eleutherococcus counteracts alcoholic beverages. Before drinking, thirty to forty drops of the drug are taken orally.

Two tablets of medicine Metaprot" will help the body not to get drunk.

Also, to avoid a hangover, you can resort to traditional medicine. A good remedy is kvass, which you can prepare yourself.

Twenty-four hours before the start of the event, a three-liter glass vessel is filled with four tablespoons of dry sourdough, which can be bought at any grocery store. Eight tablespoons of granulated sugar are also required. Next, the ingredients are poured with cold drinking water without gas and stirred until completely dissolved. Then five to six granules of dry nutritional yeast are added to the drink, after which the neck of the vessel is covered with a gauze rag consisting of several layers. Infuse in a warm room (preferably in the sun). After twenty-four hours, the kvass is filtered.

Methods of drinking alcohol according to the secret services method

Sometimes you have to drink at work and still stay sober. Secret service workers resort to the following methods to help avoid getting drunk too quickly.

All alcoholic drinks are drunk slowly and in small sips. This method is not used when drinking strong alcohol. The person with whom you drink alcohol drinks much more during this time.

Half an hour before drinking alcohol, it is advisable to eat until you are completely full.

Eating a good snack, drinking alcohol in moderation, taking specialized medications to prevent rapid intoxication and hangovers, as well as regular exercise will not prevent the negative effects of alcoholic beverages on a person.

Alcohol, even in small doses, will poison the body, which will lead to health problems in the future. Therefore, the best solution in this matter would be to completely abstain from alcohol. In the future, this will help maintain health and prevent the development of various diseases.

During a feast it is difficult to do without drinking alcoholic beverages. But sometimes there are situations when it is impossible to “relax”, and it is also undesirable to give up alcohol. Then you can use proven methods to help avoid intoxication. Legend has it that all of them were allegedly invented by the intelligence services.

Useful tips

It is best to eat a hearty meal before breastfeeding. A couple of hours before the feast, you can drink 100 grams of vodka or another strong drink. For what? Your body will begin to produce special substances that facilitate the absorption of alcohol. This will make you more resistant to further libations.

Another way is to take activated carbon or another absorbent. It will absorb some of the alcohol and fusel oils. You can also take Mezim or Festal an hour before the feast. The tablets will help normalize the functioning of the stomach, which means that alcohol will be absorbed normally. [ Vitamin C prevents intoxication. You can throw a slice of lemon or orange into a glass. But remember that any foods rich in vitamin C irritate the gastric mucosa.

During the feast, certain rules must be followed. For example, you cannot mix different drinks. Drink either vodka, or champagne, or, say, red wine... Otherwise, you will certainly get drunk. In addition, you should not drink weaker drinks after strong ones. For example, you can’t drink beer after vodka.

Move more. If you don't want to get drunk, periodically get up from the table and warm up. The best way to do this is to take part in dances. You can just go out into the fresh air. It will quickly clear the hops from your head. True, if it’s warm inside and cold outside, you can easily freeze.

"Anti-alcohol" myths

There are also several myths about drugs that claim to block the effects of alcohol.

In fact, a raw egg can actually somewhat slow down the process of intoxication, but at the same time it puts a significant strain on the stomach, and as a result, your condition may worsen. Yes, and don’t forget that you can get salmonella from raw eggs.

Myth two. Fatty food. Sometimes there is advice to eat a piece of butter or lard before a feast, or even drink a spoonful of vegetable oil. They say that fat envelops the walls of the stomach and prevents alcohol from being absorbed. But in reality this is of no use, since in order to “envelop” the entire stomach, you need to eat a huge amount of fat!

Myth three. Dairy products. Milk or kefir really help with a hangover, but if you don’t want to get drunk, they won’t solve your problem. In addition, consuming dairy products along with alcohol is harmful, as they activate the pancreas. As a result, severe alcohol poisoning and a severe hangover may occur.

Myth four. Special preparations. Once upon a time, the Western press wrote that KGB officers, during feasts “for work,” took the drug RU-21, which helped them stay sober by stopping the production of an enzyme in the body that converts alcohol into acetaldehyde.

“Such pills do not exist,” comments retired Major General, foreign intelligence veteran Yuri Kobaladze. “At least I haven’t used them in my practice.”

Recipes from intelligence

True, our intelligence officers have their own “proprietary” ways of getting drunk. For example, in London they prepare an “oyster” cocktail from sunflower oil, two tablespoons of tomato juice, a teaspoon of cognac and egg yolk. Before use, it is salted, peppered and shaken. An alternative option is oatmeal topped with something fermented milk.

In Germany, when our residents are hungover, they eat marinated fish, thickly sprinkled with onions, and wash it down with yogurt.

In Finland they go to the sauna. It should not be too hot: 80 degrees is enough. They say that it is at this temperature that toxins are most actively released through the skin. 2-3 sessions of 5-7 minutes are enough to completely remove alcohol from the body.

In China, our scouts drink vodka or whiskey with green tea. It is rich in antioxidants, and there is no hangover.

In Mexico, Russian intelligence officers use a thick, spicy soup made from veal legs, tripe, green chilies, cornmeal and various seasonings as a hangover cure. It contains a bunch of vitamins and glycine, so the effect on the body is appropriate.