What does the double line of life on the palms mean? Life line: values ​​and characteristics.

What does the double line of life on the palms mean?  Life line: values ​​and characteristics.
What does the double line of life on the palms mean? Life line: values ​​and characteristics.

She first appears in the palm of a person - even before his birth. She is one of the seven main signs for those who read from hand to hand. Life line. A diagram of a person's energy and his health, the threats he will face, and the amulets that will keep him.

The "sickle" in the palm, surrounding the bump, is the life line on the hand. At first, just below the index finger, it merges with the line of the mind (head) or intersects with it, then goes down in a semicircle and ends at the base of the palm. Only isolated pathologies are known when people did not have life lines on their hands.

Fortune-telling from hand drawings has accumulated not only many accurate observations, but also a lot of delusions. One of them: an extended line of life is a person's longevity, and a short line is a short life. Modern palmistry speaks of the erroneousness of this judgment: in fact, the longer the line, the better the owner of the palm is able to "disconnect" from problems and plan their time.

Vitality, health, vitality, vitality, endurance and vitality - this is what determines fortune telling by hand. And in order to predict whether a person's life will be long, you need to look at other main lines - fate, mind and heart.

A clear life line in the form of a well-read and continuous semicircle is an ideal and rare case. To understand the meaning of the different types of this drawing, let us turn to the explanations that palmistry gives today.

We read like a book - from left to right

On the image of the line: 1 - hearts, 2 - mind, 3 - lives, 4 - destinies.

The patterns on the right and left palms are usually different. On the left we see a "list" of what is given to us by fate. On the right - life "records" everything that has been done for us and corrects upcoming events.

The less a person makes wrong decisions, the more noticeable the difference becomes over the years. The pattern on the right palm becomes more favorable than on the left (for left-handers, the opposite is true). There are almost no differences, which means that a person is simply “going with the flow”.

Palmistry distinguishes between three options for the beginning of the life line: above the line of the mind, at the same point with it or below. If it starts right from under the index finger and then crosses the line of the mind, vanity, arrogance and perseverance in achieving goals may be characteristic of a person.

The joint beginning of the lines of life and mind says that the mind partly controls the vital (vita - life, lat.) energy. If then their paths diverge with a clearly visible fork, this indicates the practicality of the owner of the palm.

It is typical for impulsive and unrestrained people if the life line begins on the hand below. Fortune-telling advises them to first “measure seven times”, and then “cut”.

When at the beginning the lines of mind and life are connected and at the same time are not very well read, a person will often have to overcome natural shyness.

  • The broad pink life line on the hand indicates the even and calm energy of its owner. The life of such a person is measured and unhurried. Her way of life is not very active, but orderly.
  • If the feature we are interested in is narrow, but of good color, this means that life events are developing rapidly. In some situations, this can result in acute emotional reactions, especially if the line is defective.
  • If it is shallow, then, more often than not, the person is lethargic, weak or sickly, he spends the lion's share of his energy in vain, but he does not have enough strength to do the necessary things.
  • On the contrary, mobility and enthusiasm promises its wearer a deep line of life in the palm of his hand.
  • The meaning of a weak and pale line of life in the palm of your hand is the high sensitivity and excitability of a person.

A line that runs too close to (between the middle of the palm and the thumb) indicates a person's vital weaknesses, rapid fatigability and some self-doubt. If her drawing extends beyond the middle of the brush in the form of a wide arc, an exaggerated perception of his vitality is characteristic of a person.

The end of the life line closer to the outside of the hand, pointing to or crossing the hill of the moon, means high sensitivity. Such hand drawing can characterize a person as creative, but fickle. Their owner is constantly drawn to travel; under appropriate conditions, he can emigrate.

If the line ends in the middle of the base of the hand, palmistry considers that this is a sign of balance between the desires and capabilities of a person. But even in this case, in order to assess the situation as a whole, a complete analysis of the hand drawings is needed.

Backups and branches

Does your line bifurcate at the end, at the base of your palm? This means that you are one of those who are bypassed by ailments and diseases. If at the same time and at the beginning it is double and is in parallel with the line of the mind, this is a sign of very good health. The branches at the beginning of the "channel of vital energy" also often mean that a person is truthful and reliable.

When the line of life ends and branches out at the base of the palm with a "whisk", it is a sign that a person scatters his energy: it dissipates in the same way as a picture of life branches out. Palmistry advises not to be scattered on failed deeds, but to concentrate on one thing, this will bring satisfaction - both moral and material.

A double line all over or in some area is an auspicious sign. Two life lines symbolize the presence of a guardian angel in a person's life. A person can feel the presence of such a guardian angel either throughout his life, or at some stage in his life, when such support is most necessary for him.

However, if the double line is present on only one hand, this is not the most auspicious sign of fate. Two lines only on the right palm (for left-handers - on the left) palm can mean not only the presence of a guardian angel, but also that a person has a double life.

If the life trait is double only on the left (for left-handers - on the right) hand, then, no matter how favorable the situation is, a person rarely knows how to use his advantages. And sometimes it would be worth the risk.

Many are interested in the position of the life line relative to the fate line. Let's turn to the sources for clarification.

  • If a short line in the middle of the palm "flows" into the line of fate, then good luck accompanies a person even in the most difficult situations, such a sign is often present on the palms of successful military men. The only risk is that your luck may end unexpectedly.
  • The life line forks, and one of the diverging strokes touches the line of fate - such a sign calls for caution. If the abutment is located in the middle of the hand, then the danger - illness or accident - will threaten in the middle of life, by the age of 35-40. If it is closer to the wrist - in old age (by the age of 60–70), medical recommendations should not be neglected.
  • The flow of life approaches the line of fate in the middle of the palm and then continues on - the owner of such a palm is not inclined to rely on his own strength. It is worth trusting yourself more and not missing out on opportunities.
  • These two lines intersect - a person is inclined to sacrifice for the sake of others. If the trait of fate is pronounced, this indicates a developed sense of duty.

Auxiliary signs

The life line bifurcates, and then converges again - such a pattern most often means an obstacle or shock. But it will end in the end without loss.

The island sign predicts periods when a person will be susceptible to disease attacks. An island repeating several times in the form of a chain can speak of exacerbations of a chronic disease: each island is an outbreak of the disease.

And if a person is prone to introspection, each island can be a period of emotional decline. The island at the very beginning of the life line, after which it continues smoothly, symbolizes some important information about the birth of a person, which he does not know about.

A nervous and restless disposition gives out a series of short strokes from which the life line is composed. For parents, such a “blueprint” can tell what ability fate has endowed their child with. He may be talented in art, but he is not endowed with very good health.

A star on the life line endows a person with patience, but not for the unknown and all sorts of omissions. A cross at the beginning of a life drawing - a person will have to "carry his own cross", several crosses - litigation is possible, a cross at the end - a person will die a natural death.

Often there is such a sign as a rupture of the life line. A gap in itself is not an unfavorable sign. To tell if the gap is positive or negative, you need to look for additional signs. On a well-read life line, the gap is less critical than on a pale and thin one.

Basically, a break symbolizes a big change in life. More often than not, where the break occurs, the line overlaps itself. If the gap is small - no more than 4 mm - the person adapts to the changes.

There is a gap of more than 5 mm on both palms - changes will affect both the inner world of a person and the outer side of life. A gap only on the passive hand portends a change in worldview, a gap on the active hand - a change in the circumstances of life.

The life line can carry other signs. Palmistry has been explaining them for centuries. One of the most auspicious signs is considered a square - in any part of the line of life.

This is a guardian sign. Protection from death and from disease is given by the square through which the life line passes. An island inside a square - misfortune will happen, but the person will remain alive and recover. The lifeline is interrupted and reappears inside the square - protection from accident.

The triangle has the same protective meaning. A small triangle can also mean serious material rewards for conscientious work. This can be the acquisition of a house, a land plot, a farm - that is, those objects where the owner of the hands can take them seriously.

Another triangle may also fold in the palm of your hand. With a favorable arrangement of the lines of life, mind and health, forming a geometric figure, it promises fame to a person.

The lines of life, mind and destiny can form the so-called. Its meaning will depend on the direction of the line of fate. If the triangle with its apex looks towards the thumb, towards Venus Hill, a person with such a sign on his hand will never be left without financial support, whether it be a prize for work or winning the lottery.

But if the money triangle looks with its apex away from the hill of Venus, you should not expect easy money. We'll have to learn to live within our means and appreciate what we have.

Prudence and prevention

You can see that by all the explanations of palmists, the life line is interpreted as the main indicator of a person's energy and health. Often, the pattern on the right hand is more favorable than on the left (recall that the opposite is true for left-handers). What should be done to improve nature-defined health and energy?

  • First of all, pay attention to the warning signs and do not risk your health where it can be dangerous.
  • If fate has not endowed you with great endurance, you need to learn how to properly distribute energy, not to "gush" and not be sprayed on those projects, the future of which is extremely vague.
  • Remember that a short life line in the palm of your hand is rarely a reflection of short years of life. This means that nature has not put in a person the ability to plan his time. But this can be learned and done much more.
  • A short line in the palm of a child is not a reason for parents to panic. Children grow and form, and their hands are with them.
  • Parents should pay attention to the palms of their children in order to understand how to better take care of the health of their sons and daughters, how to develop their natural talents.

Knowing our weaknesses gives us a tremendous opportunity to correct our weaknesses and improve our lives. Author: Olga Inozemtseva

In palmistry, the double life line is a special sign. Its owners are lucky ones who are lucky in life, some of them have patronage from above. But the meaning of this symbol is not always unambiguous. Additional marks and drawings on both hands affect the interpretation of the mark. Palmists are confident that a detailed study of the double line of life will allow you to learn a lot about a person and protect him from unpleasant situations in the future.

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      How does the double life line manifest?

      There is a double life line on both hands. One of the hands is considered active, and the other is passive. For a right-handed person, active means the right hand. All changes in life that a person made himself with the help of his own willpower and actions will be reflected in her. The left hand for a right-handed person is considered passive, so those signs of fate that were destined from birth will be visible here. If a right-handed person has signs on his right hand that are not on his left, then he is a strong-willed person, capable of changing his fate. For a left-handed person, the meaning of the hands is reversed.

      • Palmists are advised to compare the drawings on both palms, study them in detail and only then draw conclusions.

        The main line of life usually bends around the mound of Venus and the lower mound of Mars. The second line of life runs from the inner side of the hill of Venus and is parallel to the main one from beginning to end. In some cases, the life line bifurcates into two branches only in the lower part of the palm, closer to the hand.

        The outlines of the line can be:

        • clear and deep or superficial and barely noticeable;
        • intermittent or solid;
        • short or long;
        • with or without additional drawings;
        • with or without deformations.


        In most cases, a double lifeline is a good sign. For a man (right-handed), the location of such a sign on the left hand speaks of the duality of human nature, the presence of several views of the world. One look came from my mother, and the other from my father. If the sign manifests itself on the right hand, then the owner of such a palm is a persistent and strong-willed person who is able to overcome difficult trials and has great vitality.

        For a woman, the presence of a double line of life speaks of perseverance and perseverance in achieving what she wants. Such a woman goes to the goal despite all the difficulties, she is very sensual and emotional.

        For both sexes, the second line always means support in life - from the father, clan or higher powers (guardian angel). Perhaps the owner of this sign has a twin brother or sister, which is also considered support.

        The second line of life manifests itself in several cases:

        • when a person begins to follow the spiritual path of development, goes into any religious teaching;
        • when a person is able to influence his own destiny and change it for the better;
        • when the owner of the sign has another guardian angel.

        Another interesting option if the fork appears only in the lower part of the palm. The owner of such a sign at a certain moment in his life will engage in such a thing that he has not tried before.

        Deep or shallow line

        A clear and deep double life line shows that a person has good health and a stable life. An additional plus - if the line is long and reaches the brush. In this case, the person is a long-liver.

        In the opposite case, when the line is superficial and barely noticeable (dim), the person has health problems, lack of strength or some kind of life problems (personal, financial). It is advisable to take care of yourself and improve your health.

        The line of fate bifurcates and intersects with the line of life - what does this mean?

        Long and short lines

        Although some palmists talk about a direct relationship between life expectancy and the length of the life line, there is no exact pattern between these parameters. The line is an indicator indicating the amount of vital energy given to a person from birth. The more energy a person has, the more resilient and stronger he is, and the longer his life line. It can change over time. The nature of the changes depends on the personality of the owner, character, perseverance, willpower and decisions taken at certain stages of life.

        The longer the line, the larger it encircles the semicircle around the thumb (the hill of Venus) and the farther it is from it. This option indicates that the personality has a lot of vitality, it is distinguished by special enthusiasm, vitality and positiveness. A person with such a sign is capable of labor exploits, he quickly recovers after physical exertion, loves active rest.

        The smaller the line, the more tightly it adjoins the hill of Venus. The owner of such a sign has little energy, he is slow, weak, passive and gets tired quickly, needs frequent relaxation and rest. The way out in this case will be regular physical activity, exercise, healthy eating and medical procedures to strengthen the immune system.

        Discontinuous and solid

        A solid double line without breaks is a good sign that speaks of a normal healthy life. The value changes only if additional pictures are present.

        Deciphering a broken line is more complicated. This sign is peculiar, and its meaning changes depending on the length of the breaks and their location. There are 4 types of gaps:

    1. 1. A small gap (about 1 mm) indicates short-term problems or illnesses.
    2. 2. A large gap (more than 1 mm) indicates an illness or life difficulties that will take a longer period of time than in the first case.
    3. 3. A gap with the displacement of the lines to the hill of Venus is a very unfavorable sign, which speaks of a decrease in vitality due to a severe illness. More difficult is the case when the sign is manifested on both palms - you need to seriously think about your life, reconsider your worldview and take care of your health.
    4. 4. A gap with a shift of the line away from the hill of Venus is a good sign, it speaks of positive changes in life: moving to other countries, fateful events, meeting an important person.

    If the gaps are present only on the left hand, then some important events will not come true.

    Additional drawings on the double line of life

    Dashes crossing the double line indicate the difficulties that a person will face at a particular moment. It is not a dangerous symbol, but it is worth paying attention to.

    Islets (circles, ovals) are also an unfavorable sign, indicating loneliness, problems, depression and stress. The owner needs to reconsider his views and seek help from a psychologist.

    A square is a sign that carries several meanings for the owner. If it is located at the point where the line breaks and overlaps it, then this indicates a favorable completion of affairs - the person will cope with difficulties. If the square is just on the line, then this is a sign of a person's inner isolation at a certain moment in time, imprisonment, a secluded lifestyle or education are possible.

    The triangle is a good omen, indicating that a person has special talents, for example, persuading, thinking or creating brilliant things.

    The upward branches represent good luck in life and opportunities that await in the future. The dot is an omen of severe stressful situations, health problems. A fork is a good sign that indicates the honor and wealth awaiting its owner. The person will become a famous poet, writer, artist, or scientist.

    If there are different deformations on the double life line, then this is a sign of difficulties and trials at certain periods of time.

    In general cases, palmists interpret the double line as a sign of a person's support. In life, the owner of such a sign feels confident and protected, he has more energy and strength to accomplish his plans. Do not think that the absence of a branched line of life is a sign of failure or danger to life. Such people have enough strength and energy of their own for all accomplishments. The second line can appear in any personality when she deserves it or changes her destiny in the right direction.

It is believed that palmistry originated in India, but quickly spread to the countries of Asia Minor, the Mediterranean and China. Its name comes from the Greek "heir" - hand and "manteira" - prophecy. This art is closely related to astrology, since the ancient palmists believed that the fate of a person was strongly influenced by the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. And that each of them has its own "binding" on the arm. The most famous palmist was Avicenna. In modern times, the development of all kinds of fortune-telling and palmistry was associated with the Platonic Academy. Well, today there is even the International Academy of Astrology and Palmistry. The heyday of this magical art in Europe was the 16th century, and at the end of the 17th, they began to teach palmistry. Among the famous palmists were Pythagoras, Caesar, Sulla, Paracelsus. By the way, Christian palmists borrowed their skill from the pagans, but found its basis in the Bible. In the texts of the book of Job there are the following words: "He (the Lord) puts a seal on the hand of every person in order to enlighten all people created by Him."

The palms have a huge number of nerve receptors. They react sharply to the state of a person, keep the memory of what happened to him, carry a program of what may happen in the future. Much can be said already by the structure of the hand. The hand of a practical person - a master of his craft - is proportional, it has not very long fingers and a moderately wide palm. Anyone can have such fingers - an engineer, a teacher, a driver, but not a scientist or a person of art. On the fingers of people of science, there are usually two pronounced articular nodes. The performers have slender hands, with long, tapered fingers, which taper noticeably towards the nails.

The more the shape of the hand is closer to the cone, the faster the person acts in life - even earlier than he has time to think. If a person has flexible fingers, and he can lift them up, placing his palm on the surface of the table, then you are a favorite of companies, a good and cheerful type. In addition, by the length of only one thumb, you can already get an idea of ​​the mind of your interlocutor. If he does not have enough stars from the sky, but does not borrow anything from anyone, his thumb will reach the middle of the first phalanx of the index finger. A short thumb indicates insufficient human development. A very long one about the fact that we are dealing with an intellectual. The color of the nails makes it possible to judge the type of the nervous system of a person. White nails indicate his impulsive behavior and nervousness (this does not apply to people who have had jaundice - a slight yellowness remains on their nails forever). White spots on the nails indicate success in business. The closer such a speck is to the center, the more it means to fate.

The drawing on the left hand is given to a person by God, and he draws the "graphics" on the right one himself.

The drawing of lines and signs on the left hand is what the Lord gave us and what came from our ancestors (genetic inheritance). But the symbols on the right we "draw" ourselves - this is what we have acquired (from the left-hander, the opposite is true). Not a single line on the left hand changes during life. But on the right, sometimes amazing processes occur - the lines that were, may disappear, and the signs that were not there may appear. And in a day - two. There were no breaks in the life line, but in two or three days a tragedy should happen - they will appear. But it is believed that a person can change his fate by a good attitude towards his family, people in general towards his knowledge and health, his active spiritual growth, and the gap will heal right before our eyes.

The more small strokes a person has in the palm of his hand, the more emotional he is. Such people are easy to laugh and just as easy to bring to tears. They are sophisticated personalities. A smooth and shiny hand indicates that a person lives without unnecessary worries, is not inclined to empathy and most of all loves himself. Well, if his head line rises to the heart line, he also loves money very much. For people who live with emotions, the opposite is true - the line of the heart goes down to the line of the head.

By the way, you know what the hands of drivers look like when they create accidents on the roads. Their heart line at the beginning mates with the line of life and head. This is a bad sign. It indicates that a person has lost his sense of danger. And not only for your life.

You've probably already noticed that not all lines on people's hands are even and have no branches. So, an island in the center of the head line warns of the threat of brain disease. A person can suffer from cramps, inflammation, and even experience temporary insanity. The wavy line of the mind indicates the impermanence of thoughts. Such people are unpredictable. Breaks in it indicate the likelihood of a tragic event. The line of the head of a complete idiot - solid strokes - looks like a broom. And it happens that a very short line of mind on the right and left hand of an absolutely normal person does not indicate the level of his intellect, but that he will soon die due to a head injury or illness. The double line indicates the mind and the ability to influence the fate of other people. Usually managers have it, but such people have one drawback - greed.

Five fingers - five paths

A person has five main directions of development - five fingers. The thumb is love and family, the index is power, the middle is religion, the ring is art, the little finger is travel or work. There is a tubercle under each of them. They tell the palmist what you were born for, tell about inclinations and character. For example, the hill of Saturn "betrays" a mystic, as well as a bore Samoyed and at the same time a patient person inclined to a refined occupation. The pronounced mound of Jupiter is pride, the desire to dominate. The hillock of the moon is a hillock of fantasy. The "lunatics" have a weak will. In a crisis situation, having an artistic or, as it is also called, "epicurean" hand, they can commit suicide. Those who have a more developed active mound of Mars (under the index finger) are scandalous and pugnacious. And people who have a developed passive "Mars" are courageous, they know how to stand up for themselves, but they never climb forward. However, the mounds can move and they can be surrounded by different lines - this also says a lot. For example, the solid belt of Venus under the hills of Saturn and Apollo indicates that this is a very sensual person who loves novelty in sex.

Double line of life

The fate line has an interesting phenomenon. There may be two, occasionally three, or maybe not at all. Two lines of fate are found in people with two completely different professions, or in a person with two paths of development - personal and the one that depends on the wife or husband. An island on such a line testifies: it is possible that, due to great curiosity and sexuality, a person will instruct his partner with horns.

The more kinks and branches on the line of fate, the more complex and interesting his life. If the line of fate shifts to the tubercle of Mercury, this indicates material problems. And what to do when there is none at all? This happens with calculating, cold people, with materialists. They may be sexy, but never truly love.

By the way, there can also be two life lines. If you have a second life line on your right hand, this means that with your high spirituality you have significantly improved your destiny, you will live a long time and achieve material well-being. The double lifeline is also a protection against danger. The further it moves away from the Venus hillock, the greater the supply of vital energy. All vertical small lines extending from it at the top are indicators of success, everything that extends downward are indicators of failure or weakening of health.

Look for children under the little finger

The hillock of Venus expresses a person's attitude to love and sex. If it is thickened from below, you are interested in earthly love, if from above, it is platonic. Whether a person likes to flirt or not can be determined by the number of "twigs" on the line of the heart. If the line of the heart runs through the entire palm, ending at the tubercle of Jupiter, then you are a very proud person, inclined to create a halo around your beloved or beloved and raise him or her to an unattainable height. The danger of such a relationship is that the dream object may not meet such high expectations. A noticeable groove in the middle of the Venus tubercle, directed to the life line or crossing it, speaks of true love experienced.

On the side, under the little finger, there are small horizontal lines - these are marriages. Short and inexpressive ones speak of falling in love or divorce, and long ones - about strong family relationships. Thin vertical stripes come out of them - children. More expressive - boys, thin - girls.

The practice of palmistry testifies to the fact that a person can change his destiny - improve or worsen, but never radically change!

Video - Shocking palmistry. Signs of Destiny

The life line is the most important on the hand. It starts between the thumb and forefinger. Its length and shape show the level of a person's vitality, his ability to withstand diseases and adversities that relentlessly accompany everyone's fateful path. Bends, line breaks indicate a change in life. The opinion that life expectancy directly depends on its length is considered erroneous. There is absolutely no connection here.

A short and weak life line indicates a lack of internal energy and bodily fragility.

Short and thick indicates that the human body is able to successfully resist diseases.

The upward branches indicate good health. If down, then this is a sign of poor health and financial difficulties.

If the life line begins on the hill of Jupiter, then this indicates excessive ambition and a desire for success.

If the life line starts from the head line, then its owner is a very rational and sane person. But if the beginning is significantly below the line of reason, then there is clearly a lack of self-control.

When the life line bifurcates at the end, and one of the branches breaks off on the hill of the Moon, this indicates numerous long journeys.

A small branch from the beginning of the life line to the head line indicates a rich inheritance.

The offshoot to the hill of Jupiter testifies to a life path full of struggle and opposition.

In the case when the life line is long, clear and encircles the thumb, then its owner has a very large supply of vitality and excellent physical health.

Wide lifeline (fig. 1)

Indicates a long and successful life. Its owner has excellent health, a large supply of internal energy and the confidence that he will succeed in whatever he undertakes. If such a line has a slight reddish tint, then it indicates a merciless person.

Medium thickness lifeline (fig. 2)

A person with such a line is noble, successful, energetic. He lives a long time, and it is not easy to piss off him. At the same time, such people are very secretive. They are in no hurry to open their souls to the first comer.

Pale life line (Fig. 3)

A pale, long and thin life line indicates poor health. Its owner is often sick for a long time, but lives to a ripe old age and dies in his own bed. If the line is very pale, and in some places is intermittent, then there is no doubt that its owner is melancholic in nature. He often falls into a state of deepest depression and is pathologically vindictive.

Short lifeline (fig. 4)

Such a line portends a long and easy life, as well as material well-being. At the same time, its owner is very arrogant and, accordingly, lonely.

Short lifeline with an island (fig. 5)

This line indicates the possibility of contracting a serious illness with a very long recovery time. She also says that her owner has a second secret life, which he carefully hides from others.

Life line of many strokes (fig. 6)

This is the line of a categorical, peremptory personality. Huge success awaits him in work and career, as he is hardworking and responsible. In his personal life, he makes very high demands on his partner, which can destroy the relationship.

Long lifeline (fig. 7)

If it is clear and not interrupted, then this is a sign of a long and interesting life. Its owner is a good worker and an excellent family man. At the same time, he is deprived of the flight of the soul, therefore, in communication, he is dull and boring. With him it is interesting only to personalities similar in character. Creative people have nothing to do next to such a person.

The life line reaches the middle of the palm (Fig. 8)

This line speaks of intelligence, discretion, sociability. Its owner is a gifted interlocutor. He can be a very successful businessman or a good politician.

The life line ends at the hill of Jupiter (Fig. 9)

A person with such a line has a striking appearance and has a huge sense of smell. Thanks to his manners and demeanor, he is popular with the opposite sex.

The life line is directed towards the hill of the moon (fig. 10)

This is a person subject to frequent mood swings. During his life, he can change his place of residence and work more than once.

The life line, near which a parallel line runs (Fig. 11)

Attractive and mysterious personality. She is dynamic, has a huge temperament and is so devoted to a loved one that sometimes she does not hear the arguments of reason.

Several parallel lines next to the life line (Fig. 12)

Such a person has a rich emotional life. Sexual relationships are stormy and passionate. As an ardent lover, he is able to go to extremes. She never forgives betrayal and treason, and vengefulness and hostility only intensify over time.

Concentric lines next to the life line (fig. 13)

Their owner can achieve great success in military service or diplomatic work. The number of lines is always equal to the number of love relationships.

Crescent-shaped life line (fig. 14)

The owner of such a line has a contradictory character. Others do not understand him and easily turn him into a victim of persecution and persecution. This makes his life feel like torture and forces him to defend himself. It all ends with mental illness and weakening of the body. Often such a person takes out evil on others and becomes socially dangerous.

Broken life line (fig. 15)

Such a line indicates poor health and the likelihood of serious illness.

A gap in the lifeline connected by a square or quadrangle (fig. 16)

The quadrilateral always warns of trouble in the future. Most often, it means that a person is in for a serious accident, which will end happily.

At the beginning of the line of life is the sign of the island (Fig. 17)

An island always means grief and obstacle. He points to the disease and warns that you need to take care of your health and not get hung up on problems.

At the beginning of the lifeline, two or more islands (Fig. 18)

This line suggests that a person in the future will face the authorities of justice. You may have to endure several trials. There can be only one advice here: try not to commit adventurous and rash acts.

Life line with a triangle at the end (fig. 19)

This is a sign of great intuition. Its owner is a philanthropist. He is able to cope with many difficult problems. He is fully committed to public affairs and charity.

Forking at the end of the lifeline (fig. 20)

This is a sign of distraction and striving for the unattainable. Almost all projects end in nothing. Very often it depends on the inability to concentrate and bring the matter to its logical conclusion. Bad luck also plays an important role. In any case, you need to learn to control yourself, develop composure, patience and perseverance.

The lifeline has a wide fork at the end (fig. 21)

The owner of this line is in need of constant communication. He is attracted to bright independent people. He loves to flirt and travel. It is the change of impressions that is the main thing for him in life.

The life line has a small fork at the base (fig. 22)

This man is a dreamer. He has a powerful intellect, great imagination, but he lacks the initiative and assertiveness to translate his ideas into reality. At the slightest opposition, he loses his composure and becomes discouraged. To be realized in life, he needs ideal conditions.

At the beginning of the life line there are crosses (fig. 23)

Crosses indicate a refined aesthetic taste. Such a person is sincere in his affections, never betrays people who love him. He is persistent in carrying out his plans. Able to realistically assess their actions and the behavior of others.

Cross at the end of the life line (fig. 24)

This sign indicates that the person will die a natural death. It will become the logical conclusion of a long life. If the cross is located at the very beginning of the life line, then this indicates the difficulties that will fall on the lot of the person. Moreover, various troubles and adversities will accompany the owner of such a cross throughout the fateful path.

Branching on the lifeline under the index finger (Fig. 25)

This is a very good sign. He indicates wealth and honor. A person can make a great career and achieve a lot in life. Having achieved wealth, such a person becomes a patron of the arts.

There are several horizontal strokes at the end of the life line (Fig. 26)

This is a sign of pessimists. Such a person does not believe in people and himself. He constantly needs the encouragement of energetic and strong personalities. Such an attitude towards life is very harmful to health and can cause nervous diseases.

Traditionally, double lines are an indicator of luck, as enhance the importance of the main lines, increase their energy, can serve as protection in case of line breaks. However, you need to make sure that the line passing next to the main line is a sister line. True sister lines run parallel to the main line. On the hill of Venus, they can be confused with lines of influence, but the lines of influence move away from the line of life, passing from top to bottom along the hill. Lines of influence can also tend to the line of Fate from the hillock of the Moon, but they go at an angle to the line of Fate, often merge with it, much paler than it, almost in no part run parallel to it.

Double line of life

A very good sign. Something, someone always comes to the aid of a person along the entire path of her following. Can give the luxury of being. In case of breaks on the lifeline, it works as a reliable protection. It is also a reliable protective sign in case of breaks on other lines.

Double Heart Line

A rare sign. A very sincere person, capable of true love. The sign gives success in love.

Double line of Mind

There are many discrepancies in the interpretation of this sign by different authors. One of the most common among palmists is a person who thinks with both hemispheres at the same time. As a biologist, I consider this interpretation to be at least illiterate. Any person works with both hemispheres, one of them is the leading one (for right-handers - the left one). I have met this sign more than once, but among its owners I have not met ambidextrous - people who do not have a leading hand and, accordingly, a leading hemisphere, both work on equal terms (this is generally an extremely rare phenomenon)
I also sweep aside another interpretation of this sign - "the soul of the company", among the owners of this sign there are not so many outgoing ones, there are also just introverts who are in no way suitable for this role.
I believe that the interpretation of this sign is: a very happy sign, good mental abilities (although sometimes it is still a question of how they are used), a chance to receive an inheritance (I have met confirmation of this several times).

Double line of Fate

Here you still need to look at the quality of the lines themselves. If two winding thin lines of fate run parallel, it is a dangerous early decrepitude from an excess of material pleasures.
Usually, the second line of fate begins from the hillock of the moon, bringing the possibility of making dreams come true, increasing the influence on the fate of persons of the opposite sex (both positive and negative - the choice is very important here). Two lines of fate may not be parallel, but replace one another in time. If they are parallel in a sufficiently long section, then they have a favorable effect on fate, high working capacity, parallel earnings, success in work, the possibility of earning money through labor. There may be options here:
1. Shield of the hand (guardian angel) - two lines of Fate in the valley of Mars are crossed by two parallel short lines, forming a square. A strong guardian angel, such people come out unharmed from the most dangerous situations. But just these people often have something to keep from, the sign does not mean that nothing happens to them at all. They usually just get off with a slight fright (usually I still do not advise taking a rash risk, you do not need to overextend the guardian angel).
2. Jacob's Ladder. A long section of two parallel lines of Fate (one from the hillock of the Moon) is crossed by several parallel short lines, resulting in the appearance of a ladder. Such people grow spiritually, learn (self-taught sign). Push through everything that prevents them from living.

Double Luck Line

High, multifaceted creative possibilities. High chances of success in creativity and, in general, success in life. Happy sign.

Double Line of Health

With a beautiful, well-formed Health line, her sister (Milky Way), starting from a bracelet, is constant happiness in life.