How is santa claus different from. How and how does Santa differ from Santa Claus

How is santa claus different from.  How and how does Santa differ from Santa Claus
How is santa claus different from. How and how does Santa differ from Santa Claus

On New Year's Eve, everyone - both children and adults - is looking forward to miracles and gifts. Since ancient times in Russia, all winter magic has been associated with the image of Santa Claus - an ice lord, magician and entertainer - usually kind, but sometimes harsh.

Santa Claus: where is he from?

To fully understand the differences between Santa Claus and Santa Claus, you need to understand the origin of each of them. Let's start with Santa Claus.

The first belief

The story of the main winter wizard began during the time of the ancient Slavs, who worshiped deities - the spirits of nature. Among them were the prototypes of Ded Moroz: for example, the East Slavic spirit of cold Ded Treskun, aka Studenets and Frost. He sent cold to the ground, destroyed crops, did not spare people and animals.

Our ancestors tried to pay off the harsh winter spirit - they read conspiracies and brought bloodless sacrifices. The head of the family had to go out on the threshold or lean out the window and offer Frost a spoonful of jelly or porridge with the words: “Frost, Frost! Come eat jelly! " or “Frost, Frost! Don't hit our oats. "

In the spring, a second tribute to Frost was also paid - forty koloboks were baked in the villages and every morning they threw one of them out of the window as a token of gratitude for the saved future harvest.

Second belief

There was another belief that emphasized the difference between Santa Claus and Santa Claus, since it was characteristic of only one of them. It was with Santa Claus that they drew an analogy, speaking about another character.

Legends about Zimnik, a gray-haired, long-bearded old man of short stature, with an uncovered head, in warm white clothes and with an iron mace in his hands, were widespread everywhere. Passing, this voivode left a cruel cold behind him.

Third belief

Under the ground, grandfather Karachun commanded the cold, who also froze crops and turned springs and water in wells into ice. According to ancient belief, meeting with this spirit significantly shortened life.

These three "fierce frosts" became the main characters of the ancient Slavic legends.

Santa Claus is different from Santa Claus: literary evidence

Over time, ancient beliefs spilled over into folklore. The character Morozko appeared in the works, he is also Frost-Red Nose and Frost-Voyevoda. This master of the winter kingdom is very much reminiscent of modern Santa Claus in appearance and clothing. It was about him that Nekrasov wrote his famous poem "Frost, Red Nose", Bryusov dedicated the poem "The King of the North Pole" to him, and Ostrovsky added it to his play-fairy tale "The Snow Maiden".

But one of the first literary processing of the folklore and ritual image of Santa Claus was made by Odoevsky in his "Children's Tales of Grandfather Irenaeus". The winter wizard is shown here as "kind Moroz Ivanovich" - a "gray-haired" old man who, as if "shakes his head - frost falls from his hair"; he lives in an ice house, and sleeps on a feather bed made of fluffy snow ... Over time, he also had a granddaughter - a light-haired Snow Maiden, who grew up and became an indispensable helper for him in his New Year's magic.

When an anti-religious campaign began in the USSR in the mid-1920s, Santa Claus was briefly banned as a relic of the past. The disgrace was removed in 1935, and in 1937, Santa Claus and his Snow Maiden appeared on a Christmas tree in the Moscow House of Unions.

"Birth" of Santa Claus. And Santa Claus has nothing to do with it

The image of the foreign analogue of our Santa Claus - Santa Claus - was invented in 1823 by a seminary teacher Clement Clark Moore, who, at Christmas, read to his wife and children the poem "Christmas on the doorstep, or the Visit of Santa Claus." The teacher portrayed Santa as a kind elf who arrives on eight reindeer and enters the house through the chimney. The poem was published and the image of Santa "went to the people."

The first portrait of Klaus was created in 1862 by the American cartoonist Thomas Nast. The artist settled him at the North Pole and for 24 years painted the wizard for the covers of the popular Harper's Weekly magazines, which were incredibly popular, although they were black and white.

Image of Santa

The appearance also distinguishes Santa Claus from Santa Claus.

The bright red fur coat was presented to the fabulous grandfather in 1885 by the publisher Louis Prang - it was he who brought the Victorian tradition of Christmas greeting cards made in the technique of color lithography to America.

The formation of the image of Santa Claus was completed by the company for the production of "cola", which in 1930, so that their products would not be forgotten either in summer or in winter, came up with a clever publicity stunt. Chicago-based artist Haddon Sandblom depicted Santa in the drink's signature red and white colors. This is how the modern image of a foreign wizard was born, who ceased to be an elf of Clement Moore, but became a kind old man in a sleigh with a team of reindeer and a bag of gifts, which he lays in stockings hung on the fireplace.

Santa Claus and Archbishop Nicholas: What Unites Them?

The prototype of Santa Claus was the Greek Archbishop Nicholas, who lived in the city of Mira in the 4th century AD. According to legend, the priest once met three girls who wept bitterly because they could not get married due to the lack of a dowry. Father Nikolai took pity on his friends and told them to go home, and in the morning each of them found a sack of gold near the fireplace - so the priest tried to disinterestedly provide people with happiness.

There are many versions of this legend - the result is the same: for good deeds Nicholas was canonized, and his birthday, December 19, became a holiday. Nowadays, in the church tradition, Saint Nicholas is considered the patron saint of pilgrims, sailors and fishermen.

The similarities between Santa Claus and Santa Claus certainly have a place to be, but still they are completely different wizards.

So, if our winter patron wears a fur coat belted with a sash, then a foreign grandfather buttons it up. The red, and sometimes silver, blue or green robe of Santa Claus reaches to the toes. The coat of a foreign grandfather is short. Our Frost wears a traditional old Russian hat, but Santa's head is wearing a cap! Santa Claus wears felt boots as usual, while Santa Claus always appears in black boots. And, of course, Grandfather Frost speaks Russian, and the overseas old man does not know our language.

So these two wizards are definitely not related. Happy New Year!

The older generation understands how Santa Claus differs from Santa Claus. But not all modern children see differences in them. Many guys think that this is the same character, others think that the winter wizards are brothers. Not all parents are in a hurry to dispel such myths. Some do not consider it necessary to deprive the child of a fairy tale. They say: "Let him believe in whomever he wants, grow up, understand that all wizards are a figment of the imagination." But you can't do that to children. The guys should see the difference between a Russian magician and his Western counterpart. After all, if this is not taught to children, then in the future our country will lose its history. Today we will analyze in detail how Santa Claus differs from Santa Claus.

The origin of the Russian wizard

To understand the difference between Santa Claus and Santa Claus, you need to know the history of these two characters. It is believed that our wizard is the spirit of frost, which was worshiped by our pagan ancestors. People brought gifts to this mystical deity, trying to appease the severe temper of Frost. A fictional deity from folklore became the prototype for the fairy tale "Morozko". At first, this character had nothing to do with the New Year, such an association came much later. Indeed, in Russia, Christmas has always been considered the main holiday of winter. Only in the Soviet period did the New Year acquire an all-Union scale. And the good magician and his granddaughter became the symbol of this main holiday.

Many will be surprised, but there is also an American Santa Claus. Santa Claus is not the only hero in Western children's fairy tales. Jack Frost is an analogue of our Russian magician. But in America he is considered a negative hero, he spoils the holiday for children, and it is with him that Santa Claus always enters into confrontation. Of course, Jack Frost is not really our Santa Claus, he smokes, drinks, and looks very repulsive.

The history of the appearance of the western wizard

Well, now let's take a look at the difference between Santa Claus and Santa Claus. Saint Nicholas was taken as the prototype of the Western wizard. When the first settlers moved to live on a new American island, it was necessary to add their own folklore. This is how Sinterklaas came about. It was he who tossed gifts to children who behaved well through the fireplace. But why did Santa Claus give presents in such a strange way? And this fact has an explanation. They say that Saint Nicholas walked on the roofs and threw wallets with gold into the chimney of the poor. And since socks were dried on the fireplaces, they found wallets there.

Santa Claus gained wide popularity in 1931. It was this year that Coca-Cola released its commercial with the famous old man in a red sheepskin coat. Therefore, pondering who is older - Santa Claus or Santa Claus, we can safely say that our wizard is in the lead here.

Where does Santa Claus live

Everyone knows that the homeland of the Russian magician is Veliky Ustyug. There is the residence of Father Frost, in which he meets his guests all year round. Our wizard cannot stand the heat, which is why he settled in the North. He has his own residence, which is located 11 km from the city. But it is available for visiting for everyone. It is especially great to go there on New Year's holidays to get a dose of New Year's mood.

Where Santa Claus lives

The birthplace of Santa Claus is Lapland, and specifically the city of Rovaniemi. Here is his winter residence, in which the wizard meets guests and distributes gifts. Santa Claus has a beautiful palace with a wonderfully decorated facade. But what can we say, the wizard has his own town, where there is a post office and a bakery every day.

We understood where Santa Claus and Santa Claus live, and surprisingly, these wizards communicate with each other. In the early 2000s, their joint video message to the children of the planet was recorded.

Santa Claus character

As you know, the character of our wizard is not sugar. It is enough to remember the fairy tale "Frost" to understand how Santa Claus treats lazy and deceitful children. Of course, the wizard does not freeze all the guys. It is only the most notorious pranksters who get such a fate. And Santa Claus brings gifts to the rest of the children. Some of the guys, those who are especially distinguished for their good behavior and academic performance, the wizard gives gifts in person, at the governor's tree in Moscow. Santa Claus gives presents to other children at matinees in kindergartens and schools. Well, for those guys who do not study well and do not please their parents with good behavior, the magician does not bring anything.

Santa Claus character

The Western wizard is also distinguished by an obstinate character. Even if he is not as strong in witchcraft as his Russian prototype, he can still play a trick on children. Instead of gifts for kids who misbehaved for a year, New Year's Santa Claus puts ash in his sock.

Unlike the Russian magician, the Western does not have a healthy lifestyle. He loves to eat delicious food and smoke a pipe. As you know, people with a large belly are distinguished by their eccentric, but kind character.

Santa Claus clothes

Today, European and Russian fashion is no different, but this was not always the case. And since Santa Claus is not a hero of our generation, his clothes are already morally outdated and look a little outdated. But this does not mean that she does not suit her grandfather, on the contrary, in her he has a regal appearance. Santa Claus has a hat trimmed with white fur on his head. You can often see embroidery in the form of frosty patterns on it. Ded Moroz is dressed in a fur coat that reaches his toes. It is belted with a belt that is embroidered with gold or silver. And an interesting pattern can also be applied to a fur coat. On the feet of the Russian magician are boots. These are the most appropriate shoes for a person who lives in the North. The hands of Santa Claus protect the mittens from the wind and snow. And his face is adorned with a long white beard. And of course, the red nose. The nose, by the way, can be blue. Everything will depend on the color of the fur coat. Recently, Santa Claus is increasingly wearing red outerwear, paying tribute to Western fashion. But nevertheless, the Russian magician does not hesitate to wear both a blue and a white fur coat. Santa Claus carries a staff in his hands. He conjures them, and he relies on him. Still, the grandfather is in years, sometimes it is difficult for him to walk. Since the wizard leads a healthy lifestyle, he can often be seen on skis. But most often, Santa Claus uses eight white horses as a means of transportation, which he harnesses into a luxurious sleigh.

Western Wizard Clothes

The Santa Claus outfit is different from the Santa Claus outfit. The coat of the European wizard is short. In the long one it would be inconvenient to climb the smoke shafts. Santa Claus has red pants and black boots on his feet. His head is crowned with a nightcap with a pompom, and his face is adorned with a short white beard. Hands are protected from cold and wind by white gloves. The western wizard has a wide leather belt. The Santa Claus costume is red and he has one.

The Western wizard is not devoid of human weaknesses, so you can see a smoking pipe in his hands. Although since the anti-tobacco campaigns began in Europe, even Santa Claus has quit smoking. It is not surprising that in a few years the legend of the old man will change, and it turns out that he never was fond of smoking a pipe. Old age forces the Western wizard to wear glasses. But it is worth remembering that Santa Claus is not very human. He looks more like elves. Small stature and round tummy, which add charm to the old man, unite grandfather with sharp-eared creatures.

The birthplace of Santa Claus is Lapland. It takes a long time to get from it on foot, so the western wizard moves on a sled with reindeer. These animals even have their own names, and some of them can talk. Elves often hang bells on the antlers of deer.

Santa Claus helpers

The Russian magician does not work alone. He has an assistant - the granddaughter of the Snow Maiden. It is not entirely clear how this girl appeared, but by default it is generally accepted that she was left an orphan, and Santa Claus took her to live with him. It is surprising that no country in the world has analogues of the Snow Maiden. This girl accompanies her famous grandfather on all trips, helps him give gifts to children, and it is she who spends most of the matinees. Children love the Snow Maiden for her beautiful appearance and kind disposition. But not only the granddaughter helps the Russian magician. In addition to the horses that are harnessed to his team, in various illustrations you can see titmouses, bunnies and squirrels. These cute animals are companions and friends of Santa Claus.

Santa's helpers

The western wizard has a whole team that prepares gifts for children for Christmas. It consists of elves. These little people sew clothes and toys day and night. Also Santa Claus has a wife. Mrs. Klaus does not accompany her husband on trips, but she always waits for him at home and supports him in all his endeavors. Santa Claus travels with his reindeer. They are his friends. The Western wizard speaks with them, and it is they who help him to get out of the various troubles that the fat and clumsy old man gets into.

Why Russian children should know the differences

Naturally, everyone should know their history and the history of their country. It is thanks to her that we exist. Of course, history can be rewritten, but the past cannot be rewritten. And if you forget it, then you can make the same mistakes in the future. It seems, where does the comparison of Santa Claus and Santa Claus and the future of our country have to do with it? But it turns out that there is a connection. After all, every child should know the folklore of his country. It is thanks to folk tales that each nationality has its own unique flavor. For example, have you thought: in Germany, Santa Claus or Santa Claus wishes children a Happy New Year? It turns out that neither one nor the other. The Germans have their own wizard, and his name is St. Nikolaus. And this is the case in any country. Cheerful or formidable, but always fair old people, behind whom have more than one hundred years, congratulate children on the holidays. And if there weren't these wizards? All countries would celebrate the New Year and Christmas the same way, and it would not be interesting. After all, you see, it's nice to come to a foreign country and look at the strange and mysterious rituals that are performed in this foreign world. I would like to try the wonderful national cuisine and appreciate completely new entertainments. This is what makes a person travel. Perhaps this is due to the preservation of traditions and national heroes and symbols of the holiday. And for Russia, the main characters of the New Year are Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

There are many things that make Santa different from Santa Claus. First of all, these characters live in different parts of the world. In addition, they differ in appearance and habits.

Differences between Santa and Russian Santa Claus in appearance

The Santa Claus costume is always designed in red colors. Santa Claus dresses in a white or blue fur coat. Moreover, his outerwear looks more elegant, because it is embroidered with gold and silver threads. The costume of the Western New Year's grandfather is decorated with a fur trim. In addition, fur coats differ in shape. Klaus has a short sheepskin coat with a black belt. Frost is dressed in a heel-length fur coat, which is girded with an embroidered sash.

Santa differs from Santa Claus in the form of clothing.

Santa has a fur hat on his head that can protect against severe frost, and Santa calmly walks in a nightcap with a pompom. Their shoes also differ. The western fabulous grandfather has high black boots, while the Russian has white or gray felt boots. As a last resort, Frost can wear red boots with raised toes. Klaus wears black or white gloves, and Grandfather will not go out without fur mittens.

Other differences

Clothes aren't the only thing that makes these two New Year characters different. External differences:

  • Satellites. Santa goes to the children alone, but elves and gnomes work for him. Frost himself creates gifts, but he comes to visit the kids in the company of the Snow Maiden.
  • Means of transport. Grandfather walks, but sometimes appears on a sleigh pulled by three horses. The western character travels on a cart pulled by 12 deer.
  • Beard. Our grandfather has a waist-length beard. The second New Year's hero wears a rather short beard.
  • Attributes. Frost holds in his hands a magic crystal staff, with which he freezes everything around. Santa has nothing in his hands. But on the other hand, he has glasses flaunting in front of his eyes, and a pipe smoking in his mouth. Although this attribute is currently not used due to the anti-smoking company.
  • Location. Our Moroz comes from Veliky Ustyug - a city in the Vologda region. Santa comes to the children from Lapland.
  • Growth. In fairy tales, Moroz has a heroic physique. He is slim and strong. The second grandfather is a short and rather plump old man.
  • Demeanor. A Slavic grandfather comes to the children and gives them gifts for recited rhymes or sung songs. Santa, on the other hand, sneaks through the chimney at night, and leaves toys under the tree or hides them in socks tied to the fireplace.

Despite the differences, Santa and Santa Claus have a lot in common. They both show up for the winter holidays and give gifts to obedient boys and girls.

You can often hear that Santa Claus and Santa Claus are one and the same. However, Santa Claus has several important differences from Santa Claus, due to historical, literary, and often geographical, as well as climatic factors. So, what are the external differences between Santa Claus and Santa!

1. The color of the clothes! - Santa Claus has a long blue sheepskin coat, belted with a sash, a hat on his head, boots on his legs, mittens on his hands, and a staff in his hands. - Santa has a red jacket and belt, a cap and boots, gloves, a pipe in his hands.

Santa Claus can also be in red, but at the same time he can wear other clothes - in general, it is desirable that it be white, blue, it can be yellow and green. Also, the attire of a real Santa Claus does not cover a solid color - it is diluted with patterns, embroidery, trim (white or blue), etc.

And in the clothes of Santa Claus, an aggressive solid red color (only this one!) Prevails, and only the edge of his jacket is sometimes white.

The color of the clothes is red: It is unlikely that this is a Russian Grandfather!

From history: The traditional clothes of the Russian Father Frost are white, embroidered with silver thread ("frosty" patterns). In late tsarist times (late 19th - early 20th centuries), "cold" blue clothes, embroidered with silver thread, and yellow ones, embroidered with "gold" thread, appeared.

After the proletarian revolution of 1917, red clothes appeared (matching the color of the international proletarian flag), embroidered with silver thread.

After the 1960s, the Muslim peoples of the USSR for Father Frost occasionally began to practice green clothes, also embroidered with patterns.

Modern traditions of Santa Claus robes: It is desirable that it be real silver - white, almost entirely embroidered with silver patterns. Santa Claus can be dressed in red or blue, embroidered with patterns. It is permissible that it be "gold" - yellow, embroidered with "gold" threads.

The robe of a real Santa Claus does not cover a solid color - it must be diluted with patterns, embroidery, trim (white or blue), etc.

Aggressive solid red color (exclusively this one!) Prevails in the clothes of the alien Santa Claus, and only the edge of his pathetic jacket is sometimes white.

The red robes of Santa Claus were introduced in Soviet times as ideologically consistent with the color of the international proletarian revolutionary red flag. This is ridiculous. Santa Claus is an ancient pagan god of our ancestors from very old "pre-proletarian" times.

2. Cap! The most typical feature! - A real Santa Claus can NEVER be in a cap - he is wearing a boyar hat. - And on Santa Claus - a buffoon's cap with a pompom, like a gnome-prankster, which immediately gives him a frivolity and parody that is atypical for Santa Claus.

As you will see the cap - Be sure: this is the enemy!

3. Outerwear. - Santa Claus is wearing a short jacket (sometimes just below the waist, sometimes even to the waist), intercepted by the belt. Below the katsaveiki are red pants. Remember that in such mocking clothes, the true Santa Claus will never endure our Russian winter. - Santa Claus should have a long fur coat to the ground, from under which no pants should be visible. The sight of pants sticking out from under a short fur coat destroys all solidity. That Santa Claus under a fur coat is sacred and is not subject to display!

If you saw pants on Ded - Know: this Grandfather is not from our country!

4. Shoes, mittens, belt. - Santa Claus is always wearing boots, often of a shortened type, which, again, is ridiculous for our climate. - Santa Claus should have only felt boots!

If Dede is wearing boots - Know that enemies are wearing them!

Santa Claus has warm mittens on his hands, and Santa Claus has light gloves.

Mittens are good for fall, but in cold weather it is better to wear mittens. The classic image requires that the mittens be three-fingered white, embroidered with silver - a symbol of purity and holiness of everything that he gives from his hands. Three-finger is a symbol of belonging to the highest divine principle since the Neolithic.

Santa Claus has a white belt; or with a trim in the color of a fur coat. Santa Claus has a buckle belt. (Maybe demobilization? :-))

Again - the difference in climate. In the cold, the leather belt will just crack. And how can you fasten a buckle in mittens?

5. Beard. - Santa Claus's beard is trimmed short, like a civilian old man, and still curly, like a lamb from a children's postcard. Curly skipper beard! - All this is absolutely not typical for Santa Claus. Santa Claus's beard is wild, long, disheveled by the free wind, and in most cases there is no sugary curliness in it.

Is Grandfather's beard short? Trouble threatens the nation!

6. Growth and volume. From all the previous rantings, in general, it is clear that Santa Claus is indecently shallow in height. And Santa Claus is impressive in height, like the true lord of the New Year! In terms of volume, Santa Claus is pretty skinny. Well, his clothes are fig, so, for the sake of formality. But on Santa Claus, in accordance with the Russian winter, many warm clothes are worn, and all the clothes are real, fur, thick. So Santa Claus is impressive in terms of volume!

If Grandfather is both skinny and shallow - Drive such a boldly away!

Sometimes it happens that in terms of volume, Santa Claus, on the contrary, rushes to the opposite extreme and becomes fat and round. But remember that its thickness always looks unnatural and caricatured, while all the proportions of Santa Claus are always harmonious, and its thickness never conflicts with its height.

7. Points. Also, for Santa Claus, such a sign of culture as glasses is typical. Santa Claus does not possess this feature. Can this omnipotent spirit of Nature - Santa Claus - have such a disadvantage as myopia ?! Myopia is inherent only in those who are corrupted by a pernicious civilization, who are tamed and domesticated to the point of complete degeneration, as happened with Santa Claus.

8. Snow Maiden. Also a distinguishing feature. Santa Claus never had and never will have a granddaughter, because his prototype is St. Nicholas, almost like any saint, was chaste. And our natural Grandfather has a granddaughter, this is everyone's favorite Snow Maiden! So there are two of ours, and Santa Claus is just one! The Snow Maiden is the granddaughter of Santa Claus; she accompanies him everywhere. The image of the Snow Maiden is a symbol of frozen waters. This is a girl dressed only in white clothes (or colors that resemble frozen water). The headdress of the granddaughter of Santa Claus is an eight-pointed crown, embroidered with silver and pearls.

Santa Claus sometimes also has Mrs. Santa Claus, but she is almost invisible.

9. Staff. - Pay attention: Santa Claus's staff is a standard staff of a Catholic bishop (for it is not for nothing that Santa Claus comes from St. Nicholas, Bishop of Mirlikia): a stick with a curved top.

But Santa Claus does not have to St. Nicholas has nothing to do with it, so his staff should only be a straight stick, it can have a round knob (or, at least, in the form of a star; the staff should not be rounded at all).

10. Deer. - Only Santa Claus moves, as Americans teach us in their movies and cartoons, on deer across the sky.

Reindeer have never been Santa Claus's way of traveling. For our Grandfather, the deer is too small and weak. Santa Claus can ride on a Russian troika, not in the sky, but completely on the ground, or rather on the snow, - he is flesh from the flesh of this snow, this land, this nature, why should he break away from his native roots, from under the runners the snow soars dust, frosty wind hits the face, Santa Claus rolls with daring and bells! A dashing troika rushes across the Russian Land - then the owner of Winter, Grandfather Frost, travels around his endless possessions! And Santa Claus goes skiing !!! A real athlete!

But in general, as already mentioned, Santa Claus moves in a mystical way, and there is nothing to get into sacred matter.

11. Socks on the fireplace. - This applies only to Santa Claus, but not to Santa Claus. The socks on the fireplace are purely Western bells and whistles: supposedly Santa Claus goes down the chimney and puts a gift in a sock. However, what to explain - the fool understands that there have never been any fireplaces in Russia. Yes, and our Grandfather will not crawl into some narrow fireplace, why would he? In addition, Santa Claus would never have appeared with us in such a primitive and mundane way as theirs: "Penetrating into the house through pipes and vents, he puts gifts in stockings, most often hung on the fireplace, and tinkles with bells, as if announcing about the coming of the New Year. "

Santa Claus appears in our homes in some mystical way, truly as a spirit, no one really knows how he appears - we only know that he WAS ... And trying to explain this sacred secret in a rational way in a Western manner is blasphemy.

And further. Our Santa Claus is a real generous Russian soul, he is not so wretched and clingy to limit his gift to the size of an idiotic and most often striped sock!

12. Other accompanying paraphernalia - all sorts of wreaths, bells, etc., including the songs "Jingle Bells" and others. All this is purely Christmas paraphernalia and is associated only with Santa Claus, and all this Western consumer goods should not be attributed to the image of Santa Claus.

13. Another very important difference:

Santa Claus is much older than Santa Claus, whose modern image was created by the American writer Clement Clark Moore, who detailed his appearance and habits in his poem "Christmas Eve" in the early 19th century. - Santa Claus holds a pipe in his mouth - he smokes !!! (recently, this detail has become less and less common). Santa Claus leads a healthy lifestyle and does not smoke.

Marinka Picture

European Santa Claus has already taken root in Belarusian realities so much that few people think about how he differs from Santa Claus. Meanwhile, there are many differences!

1. Headwear

Santa Claus has a hat trimmed with fur. Santa Claus has a nightcap with a pompom.

2. Beard

Santa Claus has a long one, up to the waist. Santa Claus has a short beard with a shovel.

3. Outerwear

Santa Claus has a warm toe-length fur coat. Santa Claus has a short jacket.

4. Fur coat color

Santa Claus's fur coat can be red, blue and even white (colors associated with frost - Ed.). Santa Claus has only red.

5. Staff

Santa Claus is holding a staff in his hands. Santa Claus has a bag of gifts in his hands.

6. Belt

Santa Claus has a white belt. Santa Claus has a buckle belt.

7. Shoes

Santa Claus has white felt boots. Santa Claus has black boots.

8. Points

Santa Claus has weak eyesight and wears glasses. Santa Claus sees well, so he has no glasses.

9. Vehicle

Classic Santa Claus moves on foot. Modern - in a sleigh pulled by three horses. Santa Claus rides in a reindeer cart.

10. Helpers

Santa Claus is helped by his granddaughter Snegurochka. Elves work for Santa Claus.

By the way, the Christian Saint Nicholas is considered the prototype of Santa Claus and Santa Claus. He lived a long time ago in the Turkish city of Mira and was a good miracle worker and persecutor of evil, the patron saint of abducted and lost children. In Russia, Nicholas the Pleasant became one of the saints most beloved by the people. Ordinary peasants begged him for help if a cow fell ill, there was no rain for a long time, or some other misfortune happened. Gradually St. Nicholas in Western countries began to be called in English - Santa Claus. But in Russia, the translation of the name of the saint was given a very peculiar one. The thing is that in the Soviet years, religious symbols were actively supplanted and, according to the resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union of 1937, the saint was replaced by a character named Ded Moroz () NEW YEAR SHOPPING

By the way, the Christian Saint Nicholas is considered the prototype of Father Frost and Santa Claus. He lived a long time ago in the Turkish city of Mira and was a good miracle worker and persecutor of evil, the patron saint of abducted and lost children. In Russia, Nicholas the Pleasant became one of the saints most beloved by the people. Ordinary peasants begged him for help if a cow fell ill, there was no rain for a long time, or some other misfortune happened. Gradually St. Nicholas in Western countries began to be called in English - Santa Claus. But in Russia, the translation of the name of the saint was given a very peculiar one. The thing is that in the Soviet years, religious symbols were actively supplanted and, according to the resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union of 1937, the saint was replaced by a character named Ded Moroz ()

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