Cams of ancient European surnames. The most ancient names of Europe & NBSP the most common surname in Europe

Cams of ancient European surnames. The most ancient names of Europe & NBSP the most common surname in Europe
Cams of ancient European surnames. The most ancient names of Europe & NBSP the most common surname in Europe

The pedigree of European aristocratic surnames has hundreds of years. Noble houses have actively influenced and affect the global policy. Their destinies are woven and in the history of Russia.

1. Medici (VIII century)

The famous oligarchic family of Medici is primarily associated with Florence, the rulers of which they became from the XIII to the XVIII century. However, Medici's influence was distributed to Tuscany. Moreover, four representatives of this kind were honored to wear the Pope Pope title.

In his activities, Medici often and very successfully played the confrontation of the interests of the people and nobility, thanks to which they were able to achieve political power. Kozimo Medici (1389-1464) and Lorenzo Medici (1394-1440) became, perhaps the most successful politicians of the family.

Another area where Medici left after themselves the memory is a patronage. Here is the modern head of the house of Ottaviano Medici, the President of the International Medici Association for the Protection of Art, Science and Literature, supports the glory of his noble ancestors.

2. Vets (IX century)

Netin Castle, which is located on the Zale River (Federal Land Saxony-Anhalt) has become a generic nest of one of the most influential houses of Europe - Wettins. Members of this kind, which originates in the Caroling era, wearing a variety of titles - the king of Saxony and Marcgraf Meissen, the Kurfürst of the Sacred Roman Empire and the Duke of Warsaw, Emperor India and Tsar Bulgaria.

Representatives of the houses of the winds have repeatedly influenced the geopolitical situation in Europe. So, the vets were the first in Germany in Germany, and 5 states under the Board of the members of the houses were among the founders of the German Empire.

3. Habsburgs (X century)

During the Middle Ages and the New Time, Habsburgs were without exaggeration were the most powerful monarch of the house. From the modest corners of the castles in the north of Switzerland and in Alsace Gabsburgs by the end of the XIII century turn into the rulers of Austria.

Thanks to skillful diplomacy, as well as the power of bribes and weapons, the effect of Habsburg is growing rapidly. At various times, they rule the Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia, Spain, Portugal, the Neapolitan kingdom and even Mexico. In the XVI century, the subjects, the provisions of the Habsburg crown rightly called the "empire, over which the sun never enters."

In 1799, Romanovs were reached with Habsburgs: the daughter of Paul I - Alexander Pavlovna became the wife of Ersgertzog Joseph.

Today, representatives of various branches of Habsburg live. So, in 2010, Ulrich Habsburg took part in the presidential election in Austria, but without taking a sufficient number of voter signatures, dropped out of the race.

4. Tseringen (XI century)

The foundation of the power of the ancient Swabian genus Tseringen laid Bertold I. Since his time, the genus quickly reached an influential position. For almost 10 centuries, the ceringen were the dukes, markers and duffes of various lands of Germany.

Of particular fame received a Badensky house, which represented the most extensive holdings of the ceringen. In the period of Napoleonic wars, Marcgraf Badensky, thanks to the loyalty, Bonaparte was able to increase his title to the Kuffer. A successful marriage of the grandson of the Kurfürst brought the Baden Princess of the title of Queen-Consort of Bavaria and Sweden. And Louise Maria Augustus, known in Russia under the name Elizabeth Alekseevna, became the wife of Emperor Alexander I.

5. Liechtensteins (XII century)

9. Radzivil (XIV century)

According to the legend, Radziwillov dates back to the Supreme Priest Liezdieke, who lived at the court of Lithuanian Prince Gedimin. However, it was known to be glorified by the family later - during the time when Prince Yagailo started the war with Poland. Then the young Lithuanian Radziville, clasping his horse behind the tail, swam with him across Vistula, filing an example with the rest of the army.

Radzyvilles were noticeable figures in the history of Europe. They were the princes of the Sacred Roman Empire, military leaders, owners of Manufactory, patterns. Interestingly, Sophia Radziville (1585-1612) - the wife of Janusa Radziwill and the descendant of the Grand Duke of Lithuanian Olgert was ranked in the face of Orthodox saints.

In the 20th century, the famous kind was sadly famous thanks to Ekaterina Radziville (1858-1941) - the writer and a chain, who was leaning in prison for fraud. One of the most famous modern Radziwilles is the Polish financier by Matsu Radzivill.

10. Orange (XVI century)

Princes Orange at one time were members of the influential oligarchic family of the United Kingdom of Luxembourg. One of them, the leader of the Netherlands Bourgeois Revolution, Wilhelm I (1533-1584), was destined to become the hencer of the dynasty.

By the middle of the XIX century, the welfare of the Orange house staggered so much that after the death of King Willem II his wife - the Russian great princess, Anna Pavlovna had to pay a husband's debts from their own funds. However, after the sale of a part of ownership in Luxembourg, Orange was able to support their fortune.

In 1890, with the death of Villem III, the Orange Dynasty on the men's line was faded. Currently, the Orange House is represented by descendants on the women's line: King of the Netherlands Willem-Alexander and his daughter Catharine-Amalia - Princess Orange.

Compiler of this miracle card czech linguist Yakub Marian Strongly surprised. For example, it turned out that in Russia (which kept the time of centuries held on Ivanov) most of the people in the name of Smirnov. Is there really a revolution, war and unsuccessful reforms broke up the ridge to the Russian people and did he accept his fate?

Commenting the situation Doctor of Philological Sciences Anatoly Zhuravlev, Head of the Etymology Department and Onomastics of the Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Onomastics This section of Linguistic Learning Names Own).

Mystery Ivan Susanina

I have this work of great confidence, "says Anatoly Fedorovich. - Marian takes information from the most distress sources. And it is completely incomprehensible how these results were obtained. I'm not at all sure that in Ukraine the surname Melnik in fact occupies a leading position, ahead of, say, Shevchenko, Kovalenko, Kravchenko, Tkachenko or Boyko. Different sources based on censuses give a significant discrepancy. For a four-language Switzerland, the author caught only the German and Italian names. At the same time, the surname of Bianchi in Switzerland "rings" at the occurrence with Muller, although the Italy Solvikarts in the country only 10%! Martina is clearly bad with mathematics ...

In Russia, Marian brought to Champions Smirnov. He relied on some Russian studies. But a number of domestic linguists give the palm of the championship yet Ivanov. Whose advantage of arguments more?

In favor of Ivanov. We constituted a list of 500 most common Russian surnames. Statistics were built on a relatively small material. They cheated telephone directories of some cities of Russia, library catalogs, lists of applicants of several Moscow universities, etc. According to our data, the first troika is Ivanov, Smirnov and Kuznetsov (see Top 20).

Why did Smirnov last name get such distribution? After all, this is derived from the quality, which seems to be not in the Russian character ...

The surname is derived from the nickname Smirny, who is most likely a non-slip infant. In the conditions of the village, the homemade nickname of the cat quickly went beyond the family and became the entrance to the environment. It should be added that the name of Smirnov is common in Russia uneven, prevailing in the North Volga region. There she is somewhat ahead of occurrence of the name of Ivanov.

- They say that the peasants in the old days did not have last names. But what about Ivan Susanin?

This, apparently, is not a surname, but a nickname, and from the maternal name of Susanna (the version arose that Ivan Susanin did not have a father, hence such a strange "surname" - avt..). I remember in Gurzuf, from where I come from, ten years old, Nikitina Street appeared. Natives could not understand the natives for a long time. And this is the merchant of Athanasius Nikitin, who went "for the three seas", to India (on the way back he was hidden from the storm in Gurzufsky Bay). But in fact, Nikitin is not a surname, but patronymic. Officials just did not know this. Followed by the "Street Athanasius Nikitin" (de facto "Afanasius Nikitich Profamile"). Also with sussanin. In the old days, our situation resembled Icelandic; There "surnames" can be assigned only to celebrities - writers, actors, and I'm not sure that they are transferred to children. Russian generic names converging with modern last names were, but only in born families (starting with Rurikovich). And it was more respectful tradition than direct legislation.

Where in the country of fools

Mushroom surnames Fools, Zlyudnev, Gadychkin, etc. Where did they come from? Done in punishment? Did anyone in their will be given such last name?

Surnames like fools do not necessarily refer to the actual properties of carriers (more precisely, their ancestors). The pre-Christian names of the fool, fear, toad, dislike (a), Nekras, Okold, the villain could be given as scaring evil spirits, guarding the child from the attention of unclean strength. The aesthetics of the name of its own such impartial naming allowed.

Among the leaders of our state a lot of people with the name Name. Lenin, Stalin, Yeltsin ... This is talking about something specialists?

I think this is an accident. Moreover, Lenin and Stalin are underground nicknames, not names in genuine quality. With Stalin and so everything is clear. Lenin - Surname Aktörskaya, rather a branovable pseudonym, from a female diminutive name, like Katin, Anin, Svetin, Lyalin. And not at all from the Great Siberian River and the more not in memory of Lensky execution. There were about the inverse examples: the squeak-in renamed to the hammer-rs. So there is no tendency here.

Top 20 Russian surnames

1. Ivanov 1.000 *

2. Smirnov 0,7421

3. Kuznetsov 0,7011

4. Popov 0.5334.

5. Vasiliev 0,4948.

6. Petrov 0,4885

7. Sokolov 0,4666.

8. Mikhailov 0,3955

9. Novikov 0,3743.

10. Fedorov 0.3662.

11. Frosts 0,3639

12. Wolves 0,3636.

13. Alekseev 0,3460

14. Lebedev 0,3431

15. Semenov 0,3345

16. Egorov 0,3229

17. Pavlov 0,3226.

18. Kozlov 0,3139

19. Stepanov 0,3016

20. Nikolaev 0,3005

* - Meeting coefficient. Conditionally speaking, 1000 Ivanov has 742 Smirnov, 701 Kuznetsov, etc.

(According to the Russian language of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

From the history of the question

Tsarist Mobyl-Cat Dynasty

The first in Russia acquired the names of citizens of the Great Novgorod. The earliest mention of Russian surnames belongs to 1240, when the chronicler among those killed in the Nevsky battle of warriors Alexander Yaroslavich calls the names of "Kostynantin Lugotinitz, the pineshiny". Then in the XIV-XV centuries appear in the Moscow specific princes and boyars. The names were formed either from the name of the lot (Vorotinsky, Obolensky, Vyazemsky) or from the nickname. But here everything was quite confusing. So the royal dynasty of the Romanovs only Miraculously at the last moment acquired a congestive "brand." And there was a great probability that representatives of the royal house of mare -kushkin would rule Russia. The founders of the genus Romanov were living in the XIV century Andrei Ivanovich Kobyl and Fedor Andreevich Cat Kobylin. Significantly later Romanovichi began to call Anastasia (the first wife of Ivan the Terrible) and her brother Nikita. Called, naturally in honor of their father of the novel. And already the descendants of Nikita found the surname of Romanov ...

The peasants before the XIX century did not have the names. With the exception of residents of Northern Russia, the former Novgorod lands. For example, Mikhailo Lomonosov arrived in Moscow already with the surname. Last names were acquiring in relatively independent Cossack settlements. And most of the peasants of Central Russia received surnames only after the cancellation of serfdom in 1861. However, most villagers have existed "street" nicknames. After all, it was necessary to somehow distinguish from each other of numerous Ivanov or Nikolaev? And often emphasising the name was reduced to the official recognition of the street nickname.

Czech linguist Yakub Marian explored the most common names in Europe and painted a special card. Thanks to her, curious details have revealed.

As the researcher writes in his blog, the ancient Scandinavian system is used in Iceland - as a surname, the child takes the first name of the Father. For example, a person named Peter's name of the child is Peterson. It can be traced in all Scandinavian countries and concerns the names ending on -son. Most often it was so before, now it is the usual surname, it is inherited, like all others.

All surnames on the map Yakub Morian marched with special colors depending on the value.

If the surname reflects any character of a person, for example, "small" or "unknown", then it is assigned red. Brown marked surnames related to the nature of the activity. If the surname is originated on behalf of the Father, it is marked in blue. If the surname is derived from the geographical name of the area, then it is assigned a turquoise color. Green marked those that occur from the name of natural objects.

Statistics showed that Horvat is the most common name in Croatia, which is consonant with the most common Slovak surname Horvath. Also, such a surname is known in Hungary. In Hungarian, it is literally translated as "Croat". In fact, real Croats in Slovenia are much smaller than carriers of this surname.

Do you think where the name of Ivanov is most common? In Bulgaria and Belarus, but not in Russia. In Serbia, the variation of the name Ivanov - Ivanovich (Jovanovic) is most popular. This surname indicates origin from one common ancestor, which, apparently, was called Ivan.

In Russia, the surname Smirnov is most popular. It indicates the properties of a person and determines it as a "peaceful", "benevolent", "calm".

By the way, Czech studies fully coincide with the data of the Russian genetics Elena Balanovskaya. She revealed 257 common Russian surnames. Her five most popular distributed like this:

  • Smirnov
  • Ivanov
  • Kuznetsov
  • Sokolov
  • Popov.

In Moldova, the surname Rusa is most popular. She points to place for her origin - Rus. This once again confirms that Moldavan is much more common with Slavs than with Romanians. Historians believe that it leads its origin from Red Rus, located in the territory of modern Ukrainian Galicia and existing from the 10th century. Poles of residents of this territory were called Russian.

The most popular surname in Romania - Pop. It leads its origin from the type of carriers - clergy.

The name Müller in Germany and Melnik in Ukraine occurred from the name of the profession. Both Melniks.

European surnames can boast pedigrees who have hundreds of years. The destinies of aristocrats are often intertwined with historical events. Many representatives of noble childbirth influenced the policies of states. The kings and emperors listened to their opinion.

1. Medici (VIII century)

One of the most famous families. The name of the oligarchic clan is associated with Florence, which his representatives ruled in the XIII -XVIII centuries. Later, the influence of the media spread to Tuscan. Four members of this family became carriers of the title of Pope Roman.
The clan often played at the junction of the interests of the masses and representatives of noble childbirth. This allowed him to achieve the political power and love of the people. The most successful carriers of the name are Kozimo Medici and Lorenzo Medici. Both were politicians.

The family also became famous for patronage. The current head of the house is the president of the International Medici Association, which is engaged in the protection of art, literature and science. Much attention to Ottaviano Medici pays to glorify their ancestors.

2. Vets (IX century)

Women's house, without exaggeration, is the most branched in Europe. Windsor and Saxen -Coburg -Ghoto branches of the family are represented by the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II and King of Belgium Philipp.

The birth of the Lentes Castle is located in the federal land of Saxony-Anhalt. Members of the genus wore high titles throughout the existence of the surname. Among them were kings and markers, the Kurfürst of the Roman Empire and the Duke of Warsaw, the emperor of India and the king of Bulgaria. Such a family could not affect political events in Europe.

3. Habsburgs (X century)

In the Middle Ages, there was no more powerful monarch at home than Habsburgs. His hedlemen were modest property owners in Alsace and Northern Switzerland. By the end of the XIII century, they rule Austria and are considered skillful diplomats. Members of this family at different times are rulers of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia, Spain, Portugal, the Neapolitan kingdom and even Mexico.

The territories subject to the family are so extensive that the Gabsboursk Crown is called rulers over which the sun never comes. At the end of the XVIII century, Habsburg came together with Romanov. Today, the genus is not so influential.

4. Tseringen (XI century)

The Swabian genus of Tseringen was laid by Bertold I. Rod occupied influential positions in Germany. Throughout the century, the ceringen was the Kurfürstees of German lands with Duke and Marcgrof. The most extensive possessions of the family are represented by the Baden's home. The favor of Napoleon allowed the genus to move. Since then, a series of successful marriages made them part of many royal and royal families. Our contemporaries from the genus Tseringen own castles in Rasthatte and Karlsruhe.

5. Liechtensteins (XII century)

The owner of a small castle of Liechtenstein, located in the south of Vienna, is an attitude of a nominant family. By the XVI century, this Baronian rode is strengthened and received the possibility of influencing the territories of Moravia, Bohemia, Austria and Silesia. Even the Habsburg took for some time in Liechtenstein duty.

In 1719, the family bought two small feud from the bankrupt owners of Hoenem. They were located on the Swiss border. The Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire admitted that the head of the Anton Florian family is a prince. His sovereign dignity and was the cause of Liechtenstein on the European map. Today they are managed by the son of the head of the Liechtenstein House of Prince Hans - Adama II.

6. Grimaldi (XII century)

Consul Genoi Grimaldo Kanglala became the attorney of this family. Proppice policy helped the genus for several centuries to take a high position. But the dislike of people and enmity with the deaths became the fact that the clan was expelled twice from his hometown.

After that, Grimaldi was assieved in Monaco. Safety to them provided Spain. Recognizing vassal addiction, the family gained the second homeland here. Prince Monaco Albert II is the head of the house today. Grace Kelly became his wife and mother of a noble home.

7. Hohenzollers (XII century)

Borchard I is considered the poverty of the genus of gogyenzollers. The surname of the dynasty occurred from the name of the high cliff in the southwestern Swabia, on which the castle stood, became a generic society of the family. Translated from the South-Rogue language, the word "Hohenzoller" indicates a "high rock".

Gogenzollerns brought Germany into a number of colonial powers that had a powerful military-industrial potential. Emperor Wilhelm II, a representative of this notable kind, became the last monarch of Germany.

One of the heirs of the Russian throne Georgy Mikhailovich Romanov was recognized by many monarchists the heir to the head of the departure in the Russian imperial house. It belongs to one of Gaenzollernovsky branches, because it is the son of Prussian Prince Franz Wilhelm.

8. Bourbon (XIII century)

The monarch of Bourbon House is one of the most numerous clans of Europe. The branches of the Orgomal Genealogical Tree of this kind spread over the entire continent. The dynasty has different branches. Among them are Spanish, French, Parm, Sicilian, Seville and Orrugan generic branches.

Some noble branches stopped. The older line of Bourbon from France was a witness and survived the French revolution, like Louis XVI execution. Its existence ceased to death in 1883, Count de Shambor.

Spanish bourbons in power and today. Her chapter is the King of Spain Philip VI. Parm branch is crowned with the crown of the Great Duke of Luxembourg.

9. Radzivil (XIV century)

There is a legend, according to which the genus Radziwilov began from the Supreme Priest Lisdieka, who came across the court of Lithuanian Prince Gedimin. Later, when Prince Yagailo was unleashed with Poland, members of the glorious kind got the opportunity to become famous. Radzyvilles walked about the courage. One of the representatives of the family swam river, grabbed the tail of his horse. His courage inspired all the warriors to win. They followed the forefront and won.

Radzyvilles were the princes of the Sacred Roman Empire, patronage holders and manuff owners. They influenced the economy and policies of Europe. They were respected. Sophia Radziville for righteous acts after death was counted for the face of Orthodox saints. Today, one of the most prominent Radzyvilles is the financier of Matsu Radzivill.

But were in the family and fraudsters. So, Ekaterina Radziville, who lived in the XX century, was charged with fraud. She served in prison for several years, which became a black spot on the reputation of the genus.

10. Orange (XVI century)

Princes Orange were members of the oligarchic family, whose influence was spread to the territory of the United Kingdom of Luxembourg. Wilhelm I, the leader of the Netherlands bourgeois revolution, became a hence of this dynasty.

In the XIX century, the family experienced several unpleasant decades associated with financial losses. After the death of King Villem II of the Great Princess, Anna Pavlovna had to sell the property of the kind to pay off creditors. The men's line of dynasty was faded in 1890 after the death of Villem III. Now the house is represented by descendants on the female line.