Biography Bunin briefly the most important presentation. Presentation on the topic I.A.

Biography Bunin briefly the most important presentation. Presentation on the topic I.A.
Biography Bunin briefly the most important presentation. Presentation on the topic I.A.
Summary of presentations

Ivan Bunin

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I am a very Russian man. House in Voronezh. Childhood writer. Museum of Bunin. Father. Mother. Buni children. Older brother. Literary fate. Start of exile. Vera Nikolaevna Muromtseva. Singer of autumn. Honoring. He never returned to his homeland. Paris. Ivan Bunin. Legal comment. - Ivan Bunin.PPT

Biography Ivan Bunin.

Slides: 53 words: 2647 Sounds: 5 Effects: 30

Bunin. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was born on October 22, 1870 in Voronezh. Father, Alexey Nikolaevich Bunin. 1874 - Bunin family moves to the family estate. He and sister Masha ate fighter bread. 1881 - Ivan Bunin enters the 1st class of Yeetsk Gymnasium. Four years spent in the village of Ozerki, where Rasp and Mat. In the newspaper "Motherland" for the first time a poem of the Bunin was published. Since the autumn of 1889, its paint began in the newspaper's pediac. In 1890, the Father has passed, the estate in lakes without manor. Julius and Ivan Bunins. In 1894 in Moscow met L. Tolstoy. In early 1901, a paught was released. - Biography Ivan Bunina.pptx

Biography Bunina Ivan Alekseevich

Slides: 27 Words: 2189 Sounds: 9 Effects: 60

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. Buunin house. Alexey Nikolaevich Bunin. Lyudmila Alexandrovna Bunin. Vanya from birth differed from other children. The gymnasium in which Bunin did not die. Bunin and Pashchenko. Petersburg. English. Odessa. Bunin visited Yalta. Time of hard work. Purse Bunin. Start of creativity. Family life Bunin. Biography Bunin Ivan Alekseevich. South of Russia. Emigrant period. Nobel Prize. Bunin became the first Russian laureate of the Nobel Prize. Travel to Germany. Biography Bunin Ivan Alekseevich. Rose Jericho. Dark alleys. - Biography Bunina Ivan Alekseevich.PPT

Brief biography Bunina

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Russian literature of the 20th century. My night will come, the night is long, dumb. I.A. Bunin. The genealogical tree and coat of arms of the bunin. Father, Alexey Nikolaevich, landowner. Senior Brother Bunina - Julius Alekseevich. 1887 - debut in print. Prestigious Pushkin Prize. Vera Nikolaevna Muromtseva. Russian writers and poets are the laureates of the Nobel Prize. Nobel Prizes - Annual International Prizes. Mogila I.A. Bunin in the Russian cemetery. Monument I.A. Bunin in Voronezh. Death for life. Fuchsin - red anilin paint. "Verbal counting". Illustration E.Abarekova to the story of I.A. Bunin "Lapti". - Brief Biography Bunina.PPT

Biography and Creativity Bunin

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Systematic education did not receive a future writer, which regretted the whole life. It was Julia that had a great influence on the formation of tastes and the views of the Bunin. Creative activity to write Bunin began early. Wrote essays, sketches, poems. Externally, the poems of the Bunin looked traditional both in shape and on topics. And yet, despite the imitation, there was some special intonation in the Buninsky verses. Ivan Alekseevich was buried in the Russian cemetery of Saint-Geneviev de Bois under Paris. - Biography and creativity Bunina.ppt

Life I.A. Bunina

Slides: 19 words: 1615 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. Childhood. Father. Mother. In 1874, Bunins moved from the city to the village. Parents took Vanya and younger sisters. Defense. Enrolled in 1881 in the gymnasium in Yelets, he studied there only five years. Literary debut. 1895 - a turning point in the fate of the writer. Climbing literary Olympus. Travels. Mature master. Nobel laureate. Life in emigration. Bunin has repeatedly expressed a desire to return to his homeland. Death. Life after death. Return Ivan Bunin. - Life I.A. Bunina.ppt.

Life Ivan Bunin

Slides: 26 Words: 770 Sounds: 4 Effects: 44

1870 - 1953. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. Voronezh. Lyudmila Alexandrovna Bunin. The life of Ivan Bunin. Ivan Bunin and Barbara Pashchenko. Anna Tsakni per year of marriage with and and bunin. I.A. Bunin. Vera Muromtseva. Nikolai. Pushkin Prize. The life of Ivan Bunin. Paris. Second Pushkin Prize. Paris Cabinet I.A. Bunin. Bunins are leaving in Odessa. 1933. The literary merits of the writer. 1938. 1933 .. in Paris Ivan Alekseevich Bunin died. 1948. The poetic world of Bunin. And the wind, and the rain, and the blades over the cold desert water. History of creating a poem. Let's summarize the lesson. - life of Ivan Bunina.ppt

Themes of Creativity Bunin

Slides: 16 words: 447 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

About creativity I.A. Bunin. I.A. Bunin. Bunin and Shalamov. Bunin and Zhukovsky. Childhood. Bunin and Tolstoy. Wednesday. Magazine "Knowledge". Collection "List Falls". Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Traveled in Russia. Tale "Village". The art diary "The Okayan Days". The word exile. Nobel Prize. Bunin value. - Themes of Creativity Bunina.PPT

Lyrics Bunin.

Slides: 15 words: 615 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Lyrics I.A. Bunin as anticipation of his quest in prose. Project participants. The motifs of the poem "Portrait" anticipated creative quest. The meaning of the name. The name of the heroine. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. The main motifs, images, symbols. Scene at the station. "Portrait". "Portrait". "Easy breath". Nonsense. Psychological portrait of Oli Meshcherskaya. Art model of the story. Development of idea. - Lyrics Bunina.ppt.

Mr. San Francisco

Slides: 15 words: 634 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Reflection of tragedy and catastrophicity of being in the stories of I. Bunin "Easy breath", "Mr. from San Francisco." Such ease in everything, and in life, and in dying, and in death. I.A. Bunin. What is "light breathing" on Bunin I.A. Olya Meshcherskaya. The head of the gymnasium. Now I am one way out ... Mr. from San Francisco. Before the last way out. On the deck of "Atlantis". - Mr. from San Francisco.ppt

Gave the April bright evening

Slides: 11 Words: 383 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

I.A. Bunin. "Gave the April bright evening ..." (1892). The image of nature in the poem. I.I. Levitan. During the lesson, determine: I.A. Bunin is considered an unsurpassed Word Master. Gave the April bright evening, the meadows Cold Dusk lay down. Graci sleep; Fallen flow noise in the dark mysteriously stalled. Green - shoots. Elimination. The color of real objects is more saturated than the color of the paints. Sprinkle Spring: Sounds Smells King Keywords. In the morning, spring will enter their rights. Bunin handed out natural changes on the verge of light and shadow. From the Buninsky rows, itifies silence, peace, an unforgettable feeling of beauty of being. - Gave the April bright evening.ppt

Easy breath

Slides: 26 Words: 726 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Ivan Bunin. "Light breath" Author Gavrilova Valentina Nikolaevna Teacher of the Higher Category. I. Bunin. The problem of love is still not designed in my works. Analysis. Heroes. Olya Meshcherskaya. Olya Meshcherskaya -. Negotable light, the vigor of the spirit, cheerfulness, ease, caused envy of hostility. Portrait. "Photographic portrait of a gymnasics with joyful, strikingly alive eyes." "Clear eye shine." Behavior. Easiness, boiling, boiling energy joy, liveliness. Carelessness, courage, unrestrained happiness. Unable to resist society. Lives without fear to be incomprehensible. - Light breath.ppt.

Dark alleys

Slides: 15 Words: 601 Sounds: 0 Effects: 27

The mystery of love in the story of I.A. Bunin "Dark Alleys". Objectives lesson. I.A. Bunin about the book "Dark Alleys". Thirty eight stories. I.A. Bunin tragically perceived the world. Stylistic analysis of text (work in groups). Images of heroes. Nikolay Alekseevich. Hope. Ring composition (gloomy autumn landscape). At the heart of the story - antithesis. The meaning of the name of the story. What is the mystery of love on the Bunin. Homework. Thanks for the job. - Dark alleys.ppt.

"Dark alleys" Bunin

Slides: 26 Words: 996 Sounds: 0 Effects: 4

Everything passes, but not everything is forgotten. Tasks. Features of the genre. The originality of the interpretation of the subject of love. Landscape sketch. Scenery. Creates an emotional atmosphere. Dark, gloomy paints. Heroes Novella. Nikolay Alekseevich. Tired view. We have a tired man. Hope. Interior. Portrait of hope. Talking detail. Love in the life of heroes. Life results. Baba - the mind of the Chamber. From what was tired Nikolai Alekseevich. Nikolai Alekseevich is tired. Nikolay Alekseevich tired of life. New in the nature of Nikolai Alekseevich. Replica. Remark. Moral lessons I.A. Bunin. -

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Ivan Alekseevich Bunin "No, not a landscape entails me, I'm not going to notice, but the fact that in these ways is shining, - Love and Panship of Being." Russian writer and poet, the first laureate of the Nobel Prize in literature from Russia.

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Ivan Alekseevich Bunin walked on October 23, 1870 (10 October for a hundred-styled style) in the morning, on the two-day street. Removed landowners of the riunins, printed as a reasonable way, make them foreheads - V.A. Zhukovsky and poetess Anna Bunin.

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There was from the nobleman, ascending to the Lithuanian chivalry of the XV century. Mother: Lyudmila Alexandrovna Bunin. Ivan Bunin's mother was the exact opposite of her husband: the meek, gentle and sensitive nature brought up on the lyrics of Pushkin and Zhukovsky and was engaged in the first place to raise children ...

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Bunin Julius Alekseevich, Senior Brother (1857-1921) In Ozers, Julius became the teacher and the educator of the younger brother Ivan, was the head of the journal of the Journal of Education. Bunin Evgeny Alekseevich, Brother (1858-1935) Childhood and youth spent with parents on the farms of the Orlovskaya and Tula province, did not finish the gymnasium. According to memories V. N. Muromsevaya-Bunina. E. Bunin "destroyed his non-free talent of a portrait artist." Maria Alekseevna Bunin on her husband Luskarzhevskaya, sister (1873-1930)

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Education absorbing from parents, from courtyard legends and songs, he early discovered artistic abilities and rare impressionability. Overall in 1881 in Yelets Gymnasium, Bunin was forced in 1886 to leave it: lacking money to pay for training. The course of the gymnasium, and the university was held at home under the leadership of the elder brother, Peacefully, Julia.

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The first poem Bunin wrote at eight years. In adolescence, his creativity was imitated: "M.Yu.Lermontov's most inflounted, partly A.S. Pushkin, who tried to imitate even the handwriting" (I.A. Bunin "Autobiographical note"). In May 1887, the work of a young writer first appeared in the press: St. Petersburg weekly magazine "Motherland" published one of his poems. In September 1888, his poems appeared in the "books of the week", where the works of L.N. Tolstoy, Shchedrin, Polonsky were printed.

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An independent life began with spring 1889: Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, after Brother, Yulia moved to Kharkov. Soon he visited the Crimea, and from the fall began to work with the "Oryol Bulletin". In 1891, his student book "Poems 1887-1891" was published in the Appendix to the newspaper "The Eaglement 1887-1891". At the same time, Ivan Bunin met Barbara Vladimirova Paschenko, who worked as the championship of the Oryol Vestnik newspaper. In 1891, they began to live one family, but Since the parents of Varvara Vladimirovna were against this marriage, the spouses lived the unbelievable.

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In 1892, they moved to Poltava. During the period of life in Poltava met with L.N. Tolstoy. At various times, he worked as a proofreader, statistical, librarian, newspaper reporter. In April 1894, the first prosaic work of the Bunin appeared in the press - the story "Rustic sketch" was printed in the "Russian wealth" (the name was chosen in the publishing house).

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In January 1895, after the treason of his wife, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin left the service and moved first to Petersburg, and then to Moscow. In 1898 he married Anna Nikolaevna Zakney - Grechanka, the daughter of the revolutionary and emigrant N.P. Tsakni. Family life was again unsuccessful and in 1900 the spouses divorced, and in 1905 their son Nicholas died.

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The literary fame to the Bunin came in 1900 after the release of the story "Antonovskaya apples in 1901 in the Publishing House of Summalists" Scorpio "came out a collection of poems" Listopad ". For this collection of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was awarded Pushkin Prize." .. in 1902 in the publishing house "Knowledge" the first volume of the writings I.A. Bunin. In 1905, Bunin, who lived in the hotel "National", witnessed the December armed uprising.

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In 1906, Moscow met the faith of Nikolaevna Muromseva (1881-1961), which became his wife and the right companion in 1907 to the end of his life. Later V.N. Muromtseva, gifted by literary abilities, wrote a series of book memories of his husband ("Life of Bunin" and "Memory Conversations").

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By the February and October Revolutions of 1917, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin reacted extremely hostile and perceived them as a catastrophe. On May 21, 1918, he left Moscow to Odessa, and in February 1920 he emigrated first to the Balkans, and then to France. In France, first time lived in Paris; Since the summer, 1923 moved to the seaside Alps and came to Paris only for some winter months. In the emigration of relations with prominent Russian emigrants, the riunins were hard, especially since the writer himself did not possess a communicable character ..

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin (1870 - 1953)

Bunin Ivan Alekseevich (1870-1953)

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin (1870 - 1953)

"I escort from the old nobleman, who gave Russia a lot of prominent figures ... where two poet of the beginning of the last century are particularly known: Anna Bunin and Vasily Zhukovsky, one of the Korifeev of Russian literature ..."

Father Alexey Nikolaevich Bunin

Alexey Nikolayevich, the landowner of the Oryol and Tula province was hot-tempered, gambling, most of all loving hunting and singing under the guitar of old romances. In the end, he, because of the addiction to the guilt and cards, was distorted not only his own legacy, but also a state of his wife. But despite these vices, everyone loved him very much for a cheerful temper, generosity, artistic gifts. In his house never punished anyone.

Mother Lyudmila Alexandrovna Bunina nee Chubarova

Ivan Bunin's mother was the exact opposite of her husband: a meek, gentle and sensitive nature, brought up on the lyrics of Pushkin and Zhukovsky, and was engaged in the first place, the rapidity of children ...

Vera Nikolaevna Muromtseva, Bunin's wife, recalls: "His mother, Lyudmila Alexandrovna, always told me that" Vanya was different from the rest of the children, "that she always knew that he would be" special "," no one Thin soul, like him. "

Brother Julius

The elder brother Bunina - Julius Alekseevich - had a great influence on the formation of a writer. He was for his brother as if a home teacher. Ivan Alekseevich wrote about his brother: "He walked with me the whole gymnasium course, engaged in my tongues, I read the benefits of psychology, philosophy, public and natural sciences; In addition, we endlessly with him talk about literature."

In May 1887, the magazine "Motherland" published the poem "Beggar" of the sixteen-year-old Vanya Bunin . Since that time, his more or less permanent literary activities began, in which there was a place for poems, and for prose.

In 1901, a poetic collection "Listopad" was released, which was enthusiastically accepted by readers, and critics.

I.A. Bunin. 1893

By 30 years, Bunin has already become a famous writer familiar with Chekhov , Rachmaninov , Shalyapin . Stories "Tanka", "Antonovskaya apples", Sat Poems "Listopad" and the translation of the song about Gayavate "Longfello hit the artistically honed language, virtuosity and at the same time simplicity, energetic accuracy, sound as revelation.

In 1917, a revolution occurred, which radically changed the life in the country.

In 1920, Bunin, without adopting a revolution, emigrated from Russia "After drinking the unraded-hearted bowl of spiritual suffering," as he later wrote in his biography.

The bird has a nest, the beast has a nora.

How bitterly was a young heart,

When I left the father's courtyard.

To say "forgive" the native home.

On November 10, 1933, the newspapers in Paris came out with the huge headlines "Bunin - Nobel laureate". For the first time during the existence of this award, the literature award was awarded to the Russian writer. All-Russian fame of Bunin turned into global glory.

Each Russian in Paris, even one who did not read a single line of Bunin, took it as a personal holiday. Russian people experienced the sweetest feelings - noble feeling national pride.

Dark alleys

In 1937-1945 he lived in extreme poverty, but wrote stories united in the book "Dark Alleys", which Bunin considered "the most perfect on the skill."

At two o'clock in the morning, from 7 to 8 November 1953, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin died. The funeral was solemn - in the Russian church in the street I give in Paris with a large crossing of the people. All newspapers are Russians, and French - placed extensive necrologists.

And the funeral themselves took place much later, January 30, 1954. years (before that, the dust was in a temporary crypt). Ivan Alekseevich was buried in the Russian cemetery of Saint-Geneviev de Bois under Paris.

Thanks for attention!

Presentation prepared

russian language and literature teacher MKOU "Kudrinskaya Secondary School"




Self-education occupied important place in the life of the future writer. He was interested in foreign and domestic classics - the best samples of literary creativity.

At the age of 17, he writes the first poems - at this time there is a debut in print.

Soon it is set to work in the newspaper "Orlovsky Bulletin". Bunin meets the young employee - Barbarois Paschenko. With her, the young poet begins the novel - soon the couple moves to Poltava.

Ukraine, her culture and flavor, have a great influence on the work of the writer. He begins to actively write prose. Bunin visited Taras Shevchenko's grave - Ivan Alekseevich liked the poems of the Ukrainian poet. He also engaged in their translation.

Traveling through the Dnieper inspired to writing an essay "on the seagull".

Over the past decadeHih century - at the beginning of XX centuries are published by the "open-air", "poems", "leaf fall". Bunin meets Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

Saturated was the author's personal life. At first his wife became the daughter of the wealthy Odessa NikolaiTsakni. - Anna. Marriage lasted not long. Soon the writer met Vera Muromsev - she was also a writer, translator.

During the revolution of 1917 and the Civil War, lived in Odessa. Supported a white army. After the victory of the Bolshevik leaves from Russia to France. Abroad supports relationships withpromobly organizations.

In 1933 he became a laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature.

The most famous translations - "Cain" George Bairon and "Song aboutGaiyavat »Henry Longfello.

In France, lived in the days of World War II. Continues creativity in a classic manner. In those years, "dark alleys", "Sunny blow", "Mitin Love" were written.

The literary portrait of Anton Chekhov remained unfinished. It was his last work. Ivan Alekseevich died in Paris in 1953.

After death, in times of thaw, Bunin was one of the most published Writers of the USSR. But not all printed. Some works have become available to the reader only during the reign of Gorbachev.

The main topics is the essay of the life of the people, the relationship of people. The writer's prose is characterized by subtle lyrism and psychologism. His work closer to the Russian classics of Tolstoy, Turgenev, and not literature20 century. The author wrote about the life of the nobility, ordinary people, about love and morality.

Hapow NSO "Barabinsky Medical College"

Life and creativity of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin

Prepared: Teacher Chritankova N.Yu.

1870 - 1953

Parents writer

Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Bunina

Alexey Nikolaevich Bunin

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was born on October 23, 1870 (October 10 at the old style) in Voronezh, on the noble street. Recreation of the Bunin landowners, pricked up to a well-known way, make them foreheads - V. A. Zhukovsky and poetess Anna Bunin.

Since 1889, an independent life began - with a change of professions, with work both in the provincial and in the capital periodical. Collaborating with the editors of the newspaper "Orlovsky Bulletin", the young writer met the corrector of the newspaper Barbara Vladimirova Paschenko, who married him in 1891.

In 1900, the story of the Bunin "Antonovskaya apples" appeared, later entered into all the advantages of Russian prose. In the same period, wide literary fame comes: for the poetic collection "Listopad" (1901), for the transfer of the poet of the American poet Romance, Longfello "Song of Gayavate" (1896), Bunin was awarded to the Russian Academy of Sciences Pushkin Prize

In the works written after the first Russian revolution of 1905, the main theme of the drama of Russian historical fate (the story "Village", 1910, "Sukhodol", 1912) becomes the main thing. Both tenses had a huge success of readers.

In 1910, the journey was taken first to Europe, and then to Egypt and Ceylon. The echoes of this journey, the impression that Buddhist culture produced on the writer is noticeable, in particular, in the story "Brothers" (1914).

The February revolution perceived with pain, presenting upcoming tests. The October coup only strengthened his confidence in the approaching catastrophe. The diary of the life of the country and the reflection of the writer at this time was the book of journalism "The Published Days" (1918). Bunins leave Moscow to Odessa (1918), and then abroad, to France (1920). The gap from homeland, as it turned out later, forever, was painful for the writer.

In 1927-1930, Bunin appealed to the genre of a short story ("elephant", "calf head", "Roosters", etc.). This is the result of the search by the writer of the limit laconism, the maximum meaning saturation, the semantic "capacity" of prose.

With the beginning of World War II, in 1939, the Bunins settled in the south of France, in the Grass, at the Villa "Jeannet", where he spent the whole war. The writer intently followed the events in Russia, refusing any forms of cooperation with the Nazi occupation authorities.

Living in poverty, stopped publishing his works, a lot and seriously pain, he still wrote a book of memories in recent years, worked on the book "About Chekhov", released posthumously (1955) in New York.

At two o'clock in the morning, from 7 to 8 November 1953, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin died. He was buried in the Russian cemetery of Saint-Geneva de-boo, near Paris.

"Memory" I.A. Bunin.

You think you sleep. Through smoky mismelle Switching Czesta - Fastened Puffs. I listen to thoughtful fir - Sovchiy ringing ... All - only the thought and sounds! What lies in the grave, are you? Separation, sadness was marked Your tough path. The warmth is not. Czesta It is only ppach. Teply you thought. You are eternal.

Used sources

  • Bonfire / Biography Bunin // Access mode:\u003d51
  • Poems of the XIX-XX century / memory. Bunin // Access Mode:

3. Yandex. Pictures / Bunin // Access mode: